;;; Copyright Ann Copestake 1991-1999 All Rights Reserved. ;;; No use or redistribution without permission. ;;; ;;; course grammar specific globals file ;;; parameters only - grammar specific functions ;;; should go in user-fns.lsp ;;; Types (defparameter *toptype* '*top*) (defparameter *string-type* 'string "a special type name - any lisp strings are subtypes of it") (defparameter *orth-path* '(stem)) (defparameter *list-type* 'list) (defparameter *empty-list-type* 'null) (defparameter *list-tail* '(rest)) (defparameter *list-head* '(first)) (defparameter *diff-list-type* 'diff-list) (defparameter *diff-list-list* 'list) (defparameter *diff-list-last* 'last) (defparameter *display-type-hierarchy-on-load* nil) (defparameter *simple-tree-display* t) (defparameter *feature-ordering* '(SYNSEM LOCAL CAT HEAD AGR MOD MODABLE APP FORM-PART FORM-ADP DEGREE VAL COMPS SUBJ SPR XCOMP INCOH VOICE BRANCHING V-POS LINEAR-V LINEAR-N LINEAR-O LINEAR-C CONT HOOK LTOP INDEX XARG RELS HCONS PLACE-V PLACE-N PLACE-O NONLOCAL SLASH RSLASH REL QUE ANC C-CONT ARGS HD-DTR NH-DTR LR-PHASE INFL ORTH )) ;;; Parsing (defparameter *lex-rule-suffix* "" "creates the inflectional rule name from the information in irregs.tab - for PAGE compatability") ;(defparameter *irregular-forms-only-p* t) (defparameter *mother-feature* NIL "The feature giving the mother in a grammar rule") (defparameter *start-symbol* '(root-sent root-wh-question root-inf-final root-psp-final root-np root-pp root-ds) "specifying valid parses") (defparameter *maximum-number-of-edges* 4000) ;;; ;;; as we move into the chart mapping universe, lexical entries behave similar ;;; to rules: the list of input tokens that license a lexical entry are unified ;;; into *lexicon-tokens-path* (when set). furthermore, to give the grammarian ;;; easier access to the token in the right periphery, the last element of the ;;; tokens list is made re-entrant with *lexicon-last-token-path*. ;;; (setf *lexicon-tokens-path* '(TOKENS +LIST)) (setf *lexicon-last-token-path* '(TOKENS +LAST)) ;;; ;;; for use in the LOGON tree, make TnT use the German model trained on NeGra ;;; #+:logon (setf *taggers* '((:tnt "tnt -z100 ${LOGONROOT}/coli/tnt/models/negra -" 2)))