README: GG (Oct 2008)

This is a public release of GG, an HPSG for German developed
at the DFKI Language Technology Lab, Saarbrücken, Germany and, 
since autumn 2007, at Bonn University. 

Development was funded by the German Ministry for Education, Science,
Research and Technology ("Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
(BMBF)"), as part of the projects DISCO (ITW 9002 0), Verbmobil (01
701 V0), Whiteboard (01 IW 002), Quetal (01 IW C02), Collate (01
IN A01 B), and by the European Union (DeepThopught, QALL-ME & Checkpoint).

The grammar is released under the LGPLLR, a version of the LGPL adapted to
linguistic resources. See LICENSE for details. 

The grammar is intended to be used with systems that can run TDL-style
grammars, such as the LKB (Copestake 2001), Pet (Callmeier 2000), or LOGON 
and can be used for parsing (LKB & Pet) and generation (LKB).

There is support for error detection and correction (set :MAL feature
prior to loading the grammar). Also, there is a German-English
transfer grammar fragment compatible with this version of
GG. Currently, you still need an ERG with message relations to use
this grammar.

Documentation for the grammar can be found in the scientific
literature. Publications particularly relevant to this version of the
grammar are:

Müller & Kasper (2000)
Crysmann (2003)
Crysmann (2005)
Crysmann (2007)
Crysmann (2008a,b)

The grammar uses revised German spelling conventions, at least as far
as the ss/ß rules are concerned. Support for the old spelling
conventions has been partially added by means of orthographemic
rules. The grammar and the lexicon are encoded in UTF-8.

In the LKB, you can load the grammar via the script file lkb/script.
We encourage the use of the lexical database (lexdb) by Benjamin
Waldron, which is distributed as part of the LKB. See the DELPH-IN
Wiki for installation instructions. I recommend the following settings
for *lexdb-params*: ((:dbname "gg")).

The grammar files come with a Makefile to facilitate installation:

Run `make' to compile .grm files for the Pet runtime parser cheap(1).
Make sure the `flop(1)' preprocessor is in your PATH. 

	binary grammar file with unfilling (no packing) 
	suitable for HoG

	packing, no unfilling
	suitable for HoG 
	For selective unpacking, use -nsolutions > 0


See TODO for grammar related known issues. 

Berthold Crysmann, Bonn, 24 October 2008


  author =       {Stefan Müller and Walter Kasper},
  title =        {{HPSG} Analysis of {German} },
  booktitle =    {Verbmobil: Foundations of Speech-to-Speech Translation},
  pages =        {238--253},
  publisher =    {Springer},
  year =         2000,
  editor =       {Wolfgang Wahlster},
  address =      {Berlin}
  author =       {Berthold Crysmann},
  title =        {Relative Clause Extraposition in {German}: An Efficient and Portable Implementation},
  journal =      {Research on Language and Computation},
  volume = {3},
  number = {1},
  pages = {61--82},
  year =         {2005}

  author =       {Berthold Crysmann},
  title =        {On the Efficient Implementation of {German} Verb Placement in
  booktitle = {Proceedings of RANLP 2003},
  address = {Borovets, Bulgaria},
  pages = {112--116},
  year =         2003