;;; Copyright (c) 1998--2002
;;; John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen;
;;; see `LICENSE' for conditions.
;;; Tools to help build a treebank
;;; ToDO
;;; - at least one-level of `Undo';
;;; - Shift and Ctrl accelerators on `Next' et al.;
;;; - define equivalence classes of discriminants (possibly based on equality
;;; of in and out sets), so that `yes' selections can propagate;
;;; - group equivalent discriminators somehow;
;;; - add info bar: show numbers of in and out trees per discriminant
;;; - bug fix: identify multiple applications of unary rule at same position;
;;; - investigate lack of edge for leafs in tree in interactive mode;
(in-package :lkb)
(def-lkb-parameter *tree-comparison-threshold* 10000)
(def-lkb-parameter *tree-display-threshold* 20)
(def-lkb-parameter *tree-display-view* :classic)
(def-lkb-parameter *tree-display-trees-width* 530)
(def-lkb-parameter *tree-display-discriminants-width* 430)
(def-lkb-parameter *tree-display-height* 630)
;;; a switch to control auto-advance in update mode: set to non-nil to enable
;;; auto-save in updates; set to a (positive) number to cause that many seconds
;;; delay before the auto-save and only auto-save (and -advance) on unambiguous
;;; items (i.e. where the recorded decisions completely disambiguate the new
;;; parses).
(def-lkb-parameter *tree-automatic-update-p* nil)
(def-lkb-parameter *tree-skeptical-update-p* nil)
(def-lkb-parameter *tree-update-match-hook* nil)
(def-lkb-parameter *tree-save-on-reject-p* t)
(def-lkb-parameter *tree-display-semantics-p* t)
(defparameter *tree-initialization-hook* nil)
(defparameter *tree-completion-hook* nil)
(defstruct ctree
(defun compare-parses (&optional (edges *parse-record*)
&key input mode view)
(when (eq edges *parse-record*)
;; fix up edges in chart: one fine day, we should really simplify the chart
;; set-up: there are way too many structures, for no apparent reason ...
;; _fix_me_
;; as of 5-aug-03, presumably, this should no longer be necessary: the edge
;; constructor should now always maintain .from. and .to. correctly.
;; (6-aug-03; oe)
for i from 1 to (- *chart-limit* 1)
for configurations = (aref *chart* i 0)
for configuration in configurations
for begin = (chart-configuration-begin configuration)
for end = (chart-configuration-end configuration)
for edge = (chart-configuration-edge configuration)
(setf (edge-from edge) begin)
(setf (edge-to edge) end))))
(when edges
(mp:run-function "Tree Comparison"
#'(lambda ()
(let ((*tree-discriminants-mode*
(or mode *tree-discriminants-mode*))
(or view *tree-display-view*)))
(compare edges :input input))))))
(defun compare (edges &key (runp t) input)
(let ((frame (if runp
(clim:make-application-frame 'compare-frame)
'compare-frame :frame-manager nil))))
(setf %frame% frame)
(setf (compare-frame-chart frame) *chart-generation-counter*)
(setf (compare-frame-runp frame) runp)
(set-up-compare-frame frame edges :input input)
(setf (clim:frame-pretty-name frame)
(or input (format nil "~a" (edge-leaves (first edges)))))
(when runp
(funcall #'clim:run-frame-top-level frame))
(defun run-compare-frame (frame)
(clim:run-frame-top-level frame))
(defun set-up-compare-frame (frame edges
&key (runp (compare-frame-runp frame))
(display (let ((foo (getenv "DISPLAY")))
(and (stringp foo)
(not (string= foo ""))
(setf *cached-category-abbs* nil)
(setf (compare-frame-runp frame) runp)
;; when called in error analysis mode, i.e. against the scoring results of
;; some stochastic parse selection model, throw out all edges that are not
;; part of the set of trees for closer inspection.
(when (compare-frame-inspect frame)
(setf (compare-frame-display frame) :inspect)
with result = nil
with inspect = (compare-frame-inspect frame)
with all = (append (first inspect)
(list (second inspect))
(third inspect))
for edge in edges
for id = (edge-foo edge)
for score = (find id all :key #'(lambda (foo)
(rest (assoc :result-id foo))))
when score do
(setf (edge-score edge) (rest (assoc :score score)))
(push edge result)
(setf edges (nreverse result))))
;; large sets of edges can take some time (and memory :-{) to display; query
;; for user confirmation before moving on.
(when (and runp display
(integerp *tree-comparison-threshold*)
(> (length edges) *tree-comparison-threshold*)
(or *tree-automatic-update-p*
(null (clim:notify-user
"Excessive Set of Trees (~a). Continue?"
(length edges))
:style :question
:title "Tree Comparison Safeguard"))))
(frame-cursor frame :horizontal-scroll)
(record-decision (make-decision :type :skip) frame)
(return-from set-up-compare-frame :skip))
(when (and runp display) (frame-cursor frame :vertical-scroll))
;; _fix_me_
;; probably, we should move this further down, until after extraction of
;; discriminants, so that start-up time is not reflected.
;; (6-jun-04; oe)
(setf (compare-frame-decisions frame) (list (make-decision :type :start)))
(when (null (compare-frame-input frame))
(setf (compare-frame-input frame)
(or input (format nil "~{~a~^ ~}" (edge-leaves (first edges))))))
;; wrap each edge into a `ctree' structure, so that we can record additional
;; information (associated parse tree symbol, CLIM output record, et al.).
(setf (compare-frame-trees frame)
with inspect = (compare-frame-inspect frame)
with gold = (rest (assoc :result-id (second inspect)))
for i from 0
for edge in edges
for id = (if (numberp (edge-foo edge))
(edge-foo edge)
for score = (edge-score edge)
for symbol = (when (and *tree-use-node-labels-p*
(eq (compare-frame-view frame) :classic))
(make-new-parse-tree edge 1 t))
for flags = (when (and gold (= id gold)) (list :gold))
for tree = (make-ctree :edge edge :id id
:score score :flags flags :symbol symbol)
collect tree
when (and runp *tree-use-node-labels-p* (zerop (mod i 50))) do
"~&[~a] set-up-compare-frame(): expanding tree # ~a~%"
(current-time :long :short) i)
(when (and runp *tree-use-node-labels-p*)
"~&[~a] set-up-compare-frame(): rebuilt ~a tree~p.~%"
(current-time :long :short) (length edges) (length edges)))
;; keep copy of original set of trees; needed for full resets
(setf (compare-frame-otrees frame) (copy-list (compare-frame-trees frame)))
;; extract (minimal) set of elementary properties to discriminate analyses
(unless (compare-frame-exact frame)
;; _fix_me_
;; there are different usages of the 'exact' mode, including picking out
;; derivations among realization results that can be aligned (in various
;; interpretations of that term) with the 'gold' parse that provided the
;; input semantics for generation. i dimly recall that discriminants in
;; that setup ended up ill-defined (presumably because one and the same
;; edge can occur in different surface positions), hence we disabled the
;; extraction of discriminants below. in another 'exact' use case, viz.
;; finding matching lexical sub-trees in a lexical-only profile, it would
;; seem possible to extract discriminants, which would then have their
;; values determined by an update-discriminants() call below. however, we
;; would need another flag or something, to communicate whether or not the
;; compare frame would actually extract discriminants. so far, at least,
;; there is no practical benefit to having available discriminants for the
;; above use cases, however. (12-aug-11; oe)
(setf (compare-frame-discriminants frame)
:mode (compare-frame-mode frame)
:tags (compare-frame-tags frame)))
(when runp
"~&[~a] set-up-compare-frame(): found ~a discriminant~p.~%"
(current-time :long :short)
(length (compare-frame-discriminants frame))
(length (compare-frame-discriminants frame)))))
;; preset discriminants from recorded decisions or gold decisions (during an
;; update); record `gold' discriminants that are no longer pertinent.
(unless (compare-frame-exact frame)
(setf (compare-frame-lead frame)
(compare-frame-discriminants frame)
(compare-frame-preset frame)
(compare-frame-gold frame)
(compute-discriminant-skew edges))))
(when runp
"~&~%[~@[~a~]] `~a'~%~%"
(compare-frame-item frame) (compare-frame-input frame))
for foo in (compare-frame-lead frame)
" [~2,'0d ~2,'0d] ~a ~a | ~a~@[ `~a'~]~%"
(discriminant-start foo) (discriminant-end foo)
(discriminant-state-as-string foo)
(discriminant-toggle-as-string foo)
(discriminant-key foo) (discriminant-value foo))
finally (when (compare-frame-lead frame)
(format excl:*initial-terminal-io* "~%"))))
(setf (compare-frame-edges frame) edges)
(unless (compare-frame-exact frame)
(recompute-in-and-out frame t))
;; when running in `exact match' update mode, adjust discriminants and most
;; everything else to zoom in on the matching derivation, if any
(when (compare-frame-exact frame)
(setf (compare-frame-lead frame) nil)
(when (compare-frame-discriminants frame)
(compare-frame-discriminants frame)
(compare-frame-exact frame) t)
(recompute-in-and-out frame))
(setf (compare-frame-in frame) nil)
(setf (compare-frame-out frame) nil)
for edge in (compare-frame-edges frame)
when (member edge (compare-frame-exact frame))
do (push edge (compare-frame-in frame))
else do (push edge (compare-frame-out frame))))
(when *tree-initialization-hook*
(let* ((hook *tree-initialization-hook*)
(extras (and (consp hook) (rest hook)))
(hook (if (consp hook) (first hook) hook))
(hook (typecase hook
(function hook)
(symbol (and (fboundp hook) (symbol-function hook)))
(string (ignore-errors
(symbol-function (read-from-string hook)))))))
(multiple-value-bind (result condition)
(when (functionp hook)
(ignore-errors (apply hook (cons frame extras))))
((= (length result) (length (compare-frame-discriminants frame)))
for discriminant in (compare-frame-discriminants frame)
for state in result
unless (eq state :unknown) do
(setf (discriminant-toggle discriminant) state)
(setf (discriminant-state discriminant) state)
finally (recompute-in-and-out frame)))
((null result))
#+:allegro excl:*initial-terminal-io* #-:allegro *terminal-io*
"tree-initialization-hook(): ~
discriminant count mismatch (~a vs. ~a).~%"
(length result) (length (compare-frame-discriminants frame)))))
(when condition
#+:allegro excl:*initial-terminal-io* #-:allegro *terminal-io*
"tree-initialization-hook(): error `~a'.~%"
(normalize-string (format nil "~a" condition)))))))
;; extract some quantitative summary measures on update procedure; entirely
;; for record keeping purposes.
(when (and runp (compare-frame-update frame))
(push (cons :u-matches
for foo in (compare-frame-discriminants frame)
count (discriminant-gold foo)))
(compare-frame-update frame))
(push (cons :u-mismatches (length (compare-frame-lead frame)))
(compare-frame-update frame))
(push (cons :u-pin (length (compare-frame-in frame)))
(compare-frame-update frame))
(push (cons :u-pout (length (compare-frame-out frame)))
(compare-frame-update frame)))
;; in case the preferred tree was selected directly from the tree display,
;; we may not have recorded active decisions, i.e. the choice was reflected
;; in the entailed discriminator states only.
(when (find :select (compare-frame-preset frame) :key #'discriminant-type)
for discriminant in (compare-frame-discriminants frame)
for preset = (discriminant-preset discriminant)
when preset do
(setf (discriminant-state discriminant)
(discriminant-state preset)))
(recompute-in-and-out frame))
(when (find :reject (compare-frame-preset frame) :key #'discriminant-type)
(setf (compare-frame-in frame) nil)
(setf (compare-frame-out frame) edges))
(when (and runp *tree-skeptical-update-p*)
(let ((gactive (compare-frame-gactive frame)))
(when (and (numberp gactive) (zerop gactive))
(setf (compare-frame-in frame) nil)
(setf (compare-frame-out frame) (compare-frame-edges frame)))))
;; always update tree and discriminant state here: this will cause the frame
;; to redraw both lower panes.
(when (and runp display)
(clim::redisplay-frame-pane frame 'top :force-p t)
(clim::redisplay-frame-pane frame 'comment :force-p t)
(clim::redisplay-frame-pane frame 'status :force-p t))
(when display (update-trees frame))
;; _fix_me_
;; need to disable input from frame for this to work reliably.
;; (14-oct-02 ; oe)
(when (and runp *tree-automatic-update-p*)
(when (numberp *tree-automatic-update-p*)
(sleep *tree-automatic-update-p*))
(make-decision :type (if (update-match-p frame) :save :flag))
(return-from set-up-compare-frame :skip))
(setf (compare-frame-gactive frame) nil)
(when (and runp display) (frame-cursor frame :default)))
(defun reset-or-reconsider-compare-frame (frame &optional mode)
(setf %frame frame)
(setf (compare-frame-trees frame) (compare-frame-otrees frame))
(setf (compare-frame-in frame) (compare-frame-edges frame))
(setf (compare-frame-out frame) nil)
for foo in (compare-frame-discriminants frame)
(setf (discriminant-time foo) (get-universal-time))
(setf (discriminant-gold foo) nil)
(setf (discriminant-preset foo) nil)
(setf (discriminant-state foo) :unknown)
(setf (discriminant-toggle foo) :unknown))
;; preset discriminants from recorded decisions or gold decisions (during an
;; update); record `gold' discriminants that are no longer pertinent.
(unless (compare-frame-exact frame)
(setf (compare-frame-lead frame)
(compare-frame-discriminants frame)
(compare-frame-preset frame)
(compare-frame-gold frame)
(compute-discriminant-skew (compare-frame-edges frame))
(unless (compare-frame-exact frame)
(recompute-in-and-out frame t))
(unless (eq mode :reconsider)
(when (find :reject (compare-frame-preset frame) :key #'discriminant-type)
(setf (compare-frame-in frame) nil)
(setf (compare-frame-out frame) (compare-frame-edges frame))))
;; always update tree and discriminant state here: this will cause the frame
;; to redraw both lower panes.
(clim::redisplay-frame-pane frame 'top :force-p t)
(clim::redisplay-frame-pane frame 'comment :force-p t)
(clim::redisplay-frame-pane frame 'status :force-p t)
(update-trees frame))
(defstruct decision
(time (get-universal-time)))
(defun record-decision (decision &optional frame)
(if frame
(let ((value (decision-value decision)))
(when (discriminant-p value)
(setf (discriminant-time value) (decision-time decision)))
(push decision (compare-frame-decisions frame)))
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(record-decision decision frame))))
(defun comparison-top-font ()
(list :sans-serif :roman 12))
(defun comparison-tree-font ()
(list :sans-serif :roman (or *comparison-tree-font-size* 7)))
(defun comparison-dependencies-font ()
(list :sans-serif :roman (or *comparison-dependencies-font-size* 10)))
(defun comparison-comment-font ()
(list :sans-serif :roman (or *comparison-discriminant-font-size* 10)))
(defun comparison-status-font ()
(list :sans-serif :roman (or *comparison-discriminant-font-size* 10)))
(defun comparison-discriminant-font ()
(list :sans-serif :roman (or *comparison-discriminant-font-size* 10)))
(clim:define-application-frame compare-frame ()
((runp :initform 0 :accessor compare-frame-runp)
(item :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-item)
(input :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-input)
(tags :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-tags)
(start :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-start)
(end :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-end)
(edges :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-edges)
(derivations :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-derivations)
(trees :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-trees)
(otrees :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-otrees)
(preset :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-preset)
(exact :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-exact)
(gold :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-gold)
(lead :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-lead)
(mode :initform *tree-discriminants-mode* :accessor compare-frame-mode)
(view :initform *tree-display-view* :accessor compare-frame-view)
(show :initform *tree-results-show* :accessor compare-frame-show)
(discriminants :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-discriminants)
(decisions :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-decisions)
(confidence :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-confidence)
(in :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-in)
(out :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-out)
(display :initform :concise :accessor compare-frame-display)
:initform *tree-display-threshold* :accessor compare-frame-threshold)
(tstream :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-tstream)
(chart :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-chart)
(comment :initform " " :accessor compare-frame-comment)
(version :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-version)
(gversion :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-gversion)
(gactive :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-gactive)
(gderivation :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-gderivation)
(inspect :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-inspect)
(update :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-update)
(ids :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-ids)
(controller :initform nil :accessor compare-frame-controller))
(clim:outlining (:thickness 1)
(clim:spacing (:thickness 2)
(clim:make-pane 'clim:application-pane
:display-function 'draw-top-window
:text-cursor nil
:text-style (comparison-top-font)
:height :compute
:end-of-line-action :allow
:end-of-page-action :allow
:borders nil
:incremental-redisplay nil
:display-time nil
:background clim:+white+
:foreground clim:+black+))))
(clim:spacing (:thickness 0)
(clim:spacing (:thickness 1)
(clim:scrolling (:scroll-bars :both)
(clim:make-pane 'clim:application-pane
:display-function 'draw-trees-window
:text-cursor nil
:width *tree-display-trees-width*
:text-style (comparison-tree-font)
:end-of-line-action :allow
:end-of-page-action :allow
:borders nil
:incremental-redisplay nil
:display-time nil
:background clim:+white+
:foreground clim:+black+)))))
(clim:outlining (:thickness 1)
(clim:spacing (:thickness 1)
(clim:make-pane 'clim:application-pane
:display-function 'draw-comment-window
:text-cursor nil
:text-style (comparison-comment-font)
:height :compute
:end-of-line-action :allow
:end-of-page-action :allow
:borders nil
:incremental-redisplay nil
:display-time nil
:background clim:+white+
:foreground clim:+black+))))
(clim:outlining (:thickness 1)
(clim:spacing (:thickness 1)
(clim:make-pane 'clim:application-pane
:display-function 'draw-status-window
:text-cursor nil
:text-style (comparison-status-font)
:height :compute
:end-of-line-action :allow
:end-of-page-action :allow
:borders nil
:incremental-redisplay nil
:display-time nil
:background clim:+white+
:foreground clim:+black+))))
(clim:spacing (:thickness 0)
(clim:spacing (:thickness 1)
(clim:scrolling (:scroll-bars :both)
(clim:make-pane 'clim:application-pane
:display-function 'draw-discriminants-window
:text-cursor nil
:width *tree-display-discriminants-width*
:height *tree-display-height*
:text-style (comparison-discriminant-font)
:end-of-line-action :allow
:end-of-page-action :allow
:borders nil
:incremental-redisplay t
:background clim:+white+
:foreground clim:+black+))))))
(:default (clim:vertically ()
(clim:horizontally ()
(clim:vertically () comment status discriminants))))))
(define-compare-frame-command (com-exit-compare-frame :menu "Close")
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(record-decision (make-decision :type :close) frame)
(setf *tree-display-threshold* (compare-frame-threshold frame))
(if (compare-frame-controller frame)
(mp:process-revoke-arrest-reason (compare-frame-controller frame) :wait)
(clim:frame-exit frame))))
(define-compare-frame-command (com-first-compare-frame :menu "First")
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(frame-cursor frame :horizontal-scroll)
(record-decision (make-decision :type :first) frame)
(when (compare-frame-controller frame)
(compare-frame-controller frame) :wait))))
(define-compare-frame-command (com-previous-compare-frame :menu "Previous")
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(frame-cursor frame :horizontal-scroll)
(record-decision (make-decision :type :previous) frame)
(when (compare-frame-controller frame)
(compare-frame-controller frame) :wait))))
(define-compare-frame-command (com-next-compare-frame :menu "Next")
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(frame-cursor frame :horizontal-scroll)
(record-decision (make-decision :type :next) frame)
(when (compare-frame-controller frame)
(compare-frame-controller frame) :wait))))
(define-compare-frame-command (com-last-compare-frame :menu "Last")
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(frame-cursor frame :horizontal-scroll)
(record-decision (make-decision :type :last) frame)
(when (compare-frame-controller frame)
(compare-frame-controller frame) :wait))))
(define-compare-frame-command (com-reject-compare-frame :menu "Reject")
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(record-decision (make-decision :type :reject) frame)
(setf (compare-frame-in frame) nil)
(setf (compare-frame-out frame) (compare-frame-edges frame))
(update-trees frame t :discriminant)
(when *tree-save-on-reject-p*
(record-decision (make-decision :type :save))
(when (compare-frame-controller frame)
(compare-frame-controller frame) :wait)))))
(define-compare-frame-command (com-clear-compare-frame :menu "Clear")
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(record-decision (make-decision :type :clear) frame)
(reset-discriminants frame)))
(define-compare-frame-command (com-reset-compare-frame :menu "Reset")
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(record-decision (make-decision :type :reset) frame)
(reset-or-reconsider-compare-frame frame)))
(define-compare-frame-command (com-reconsider-compare-frame :menu "Reconsider")
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(record-decision (make-decision :type :reset) frame)
(reset-or-reconsider-compare-frame frame :reconsider)))
(define-compare-frame-command (com-ordered-compare-frame :menu "Ordered")
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(setf (compare-frame-display frame) :ordered)
(update-trees frame)))
(define-compare-frame-command (com-concise-compare-frame :menu "Concise")
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(setf (compare-frame-display frame) :concise)
(update-trees frame)))
(define-compare-frame-command (com-full-compare-frame :menu "Full")
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(setf (compare-frame-display frame) nil)
(update-trees frame)))
(define-compare-frame-command (com-save-compare-frame :menu "Save")
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(frame-cursor frame :horizontal-scroll)
(record-decision (make-decision :type :save))
(when (compare-frame-controller frame)
(compare-frame-controller frame) :wait))))
(define-compare-frame-command (com-confidence-compare-frame :menu "Confidence")
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(let ((command (clim:menu-choose
'(("High (3)" :value 3 :active t)
("Fair (2)" :value 2 :active t)
("Low (1)" :value 1 :active t)
("Zero (0)" :value 0 :active t)))))
(when command
(setf (compare-frame-confidence frame) command)))
(clim::redisplay-frame-pane frame 'top :force-p t)))
(define-compare-frame-command (com-toggle-compare-frame :menu "Toggle")
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(if (and (integerp *tree-display-threshold*)
(= *tree-display-threshold* (compare-frame-threshold frame)))
(setf *tree-display-threshold* nil)
(setf *tree-display-threshold* (compare-frame-threshold frame)))
(update-trees frame)))
(defun draw-top-window (frame stream &rest rest)
(declare (ignore rest))
;; in case we were displaying the window with an uninitialized frame
(when (null (compare-frame-edges frame))
(clim:formatting-table (stream)
(clim:with-text-style (stream (comparison-top-font))
(clim:formatting-row (stream)
(let ((record
(clim:formatting-cell (stream :align-x :center :min-width 950)
"- analyzing the parse forest; please wait -"))))
(recolor-record record clim:+red+)
(clim:replay record stream)))))
(return-from draw-top-window))
(clim:formatting-table (stream)
(clim:with-text-style (stream (comparison-top-font))
(clim:formatting-row (stream)
(let ((record
(clim:formatting-cell (stream :align-x :center :min-width 950)
"~:[~*~;(~a) ~][~a : ~a~@[ @ ~a~]] ~a"
(compare-frame-item frame) (compare-frame-item frame)
(length (compare-frame-in frame))
(length (compare-frame-out frame))
(let ((foo (compare-frame-confidence frame)))
(when (and (integerp foo) (>= foo 0) (<= foo 3))
(aref #("zero" "low" "fair" "high") foo)))
(compare-frame-input frame)))))
(when (= (length (compare-frame-in frame)) 1)
(recolor-record record clim:+blue+)
(clim:replay record stream))
(when (update-match-p frame)
(recolor-record record clim:+magenta+)
(clim:replay record stream)))))))
(defun draw-trees-window (frame stream &rest rest)
(declare (ignore rest))
;; in case we were displaying the window with an uninitialized frame
(when (null (compare-frame-edges frame))
(return-from draw-trees-window))
(setf (compare-frame-tstream frame) stream)
(unless (and (integerp *tree-display-threshold*)
(> (length (compare-frame-trees frame))
(clim:formatting-table (stream :x-spacing "X")
for tree in (compare-frame-trees frame)
(setf (ctree-ink tree) clim:+foreground-ink+)
(setf (ctree-record tree)
(clim:with-new-output-record (stream)
(clim:with-text-style (stream (comparison-tree-font))
(clim:with-output-recording-options (stream :record t)
(clim:formatting-row (stream)
(stream :align-x :center :align-y :top)
(clim:parse-text-style '(:sans-serif :bold 12)))
(format stream "~%[~a]" (ctree-id tree))))
(stream :align-x :left :align-y :center)
(clim:formatting-row (stream)
(stream :align-x :left :align-y :top)
(format stream "~@[(~a)~]~%" (ctree-score tree)))
(stream :align-x :center :align-y :top)
(stream tree 'ctree :single-box t)
(if (eq (compare-frame-view frame) :classic)
(or (ctree-symbol tree)
(setf (ctree-symbol tree)
(ctree-edge tree) 1)))
#'(lambda (node stream)
(multiple-value-bind (s bold-p)
(get-string-for-edge node)
(stream (if bold-p :bold :roman))
(write-string s stream))))
#'(lambda (node) (get node 'daughters))
:graph-type :parse-tree
:stream stream
:merge-duplicates nil
:orientation :vertical
:generation-separation 7
:move-cursor t
:within-generation-separation 7
:center-nodes nil)
(let* ((edge (ctree-edge tree))
(mrs (or (edge-mrs edge)
(setf (edge-mrs edge)
(mrs::extract-mrs edge))))))
(when mrs
mrs :stream stream))))))))
(terpri stream)))))))
(when (and (compare-frame-trees frame)
(null (rest (compare-frame-trees frame))))
(draw-trees-window-completion frame stream)))
(update-tree-colours frame)))
(define-compare-frame-command (com-tree-popup)
((tree 'ctree :gesture :select))
(let* ((mrsp *mrs-loaded*)
(command (clim:menu-choose
'("Yes" :value yes :active t)
'("No" :value no :active t)
'("Enlarged Tree" :value show)
(list "MRS" :value 'mrs :active mrsp)
(list "RMRS" :value 'rmrs :active mrsp)
(list "Indexed MRS" :value 'indexed :active mrsp)
(list "Scoped MRS" :value 'scoped :active mrsp)
(list "UTool MRS" :value 'utool :active mrsp)
(list "Dependencies" :value 'dependencies :active mrsp)
(list "Rephrase" :value 'rephrase :active mrsp))))
(edge (ctree-edge tree)))
(when command
(ecase command
(make-decision :type :select :value edge))
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(compare-frame-discriminants frame) edge t)
(recompute-in-and-out frame)
(if (smember (compare-frame-display frame)
'(:concise :ordered :inspect))
(update-trees frame)
(update-tree-colours frame))))
;; _fix_me_
;; not sure what to do here: there may be no discriminant(s) to
;; exclusively rule out this single tree; we would presumably have
;; to create one and add it to the global list of discriminants;
;; not clear this is so desirable. (12-oct-02; oe)
(make-decision :type :drop :value edge))
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(compare-frame-discriminants frame) edge nil)
(if (smember (compare-frame-display frame)
'(:concise :ordered :inspect))
(update-trees frame)
(update-tree-colours frame))))
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
nil nil
:symbol (or (ctree-symbol tree)
(setf (ctree-symbol tree)
(make-new-parse-tree (ctree-edge tree) 1)))
:title (format nil "Parse Tree #~a" (ctree-id tree))
:counter (compare-frame-chart frame))))
(when edge
(ignore-errors (funcall 'show-mrs-window edge))))
(when edge
(ignore-errors (funcall 'show-mrs-rmrs-window edge))))
(when edge
(ignore-errors (funcall 'show-mrs-indexed-window edge))))
(when edge
(ignore-errors (funcall 'show-mrs-scoped-window edge))))
(when edge
(ignore-errors (funcall 'show-mrs-utool-window edge))))
(when edge
(ignore-errors (funcall 'show-mrs-dependencies-window edge))))
(let ((symbol (when (find-package :mt)
(find-symbol "REPHRASE" :mt))))
(when (and symbol (fboundp symbol))
(funcall symbol edge)))))
(storage-condition (condition)
(with-output-to-top ()
(format t "~%Memory allocation problem: ~A~%" condition)))
(error (condition)
(with-output-to-top ()
(format t "~%Error: ~A~%" condition)))
(serious-condition (condition)
(with-output-to-top ()
(format t "~%Something nasty: ~A~%" condition)))))))
(defun draw-trees-window-completion (frame stream)
(let* ((hook *tree-completion-hook*)
(hook (typecase hook
(null nil)
(function hook)
(symbol (and (fboundp hook) (symbol-function hook)))
(string (ignore-errors
(symbol-function (read-from-string hook))))))
(tree (first (compare-frame-trees frame)))
(edge (ctree-edge tree))
(mrs (or (edge-mrs edge)
(ignore-errors (mrs::extract-mrs edge))))
(eds (when mrs (ignore-errors (mrs::ed-convert-psoa mrs)))))
(multiple-value-bind (result condition)
(when (functionp hook) (ignore-errors (funcall hook edge mrs)))
(when condition
#+:allegro excl:*initial-terminal-io* #-:allegro *terminal-io*
"tree-completion-hook(): error `~a'.~%"
(normalize-string (format nil "~a" condition))))
(let* ((comment (if (stringp result)
(rest (assoc :comment result))))
(result (unless (stringp result) result))
(font (rest (assoc :font result)))
(face (rest (assoc :face result)))
(size (rest (assoc :size result)))
(style (when (or font face size)
(list font face size) '(:sans-serif :bold 12))))
(color (rest (assoc :color result)))
(color (ignore-errors (apply #'clim:make-rgb-color color)))
(bottomp (rest (assoc :bottom result)))
(align (or (rest (assoc :align result)) :center)))
(when (and comment (null bottomp))
(clim:formatting-row (stream)
(clim:formatting-cell (stream :align-x :center :align-y :top)
(format stream " ")))
(let ((record
(clim:with-new-output-record (stream)
(clim:formatting-row (stream)
(stream :align-x :center :align-y :top)
(format stream "" (ctree-id tree)))
(clim:formatting-cell (stream :align-x align)
(clim:with-text-style (stream style)
(format stream "~%~a" comment)))))))
(when color (recolor-record record color))
(clim:replay record stream)))
(when (and eds (not (eq (compare-frame-view frame) :modern)))
(clim:formatting-row (stream)
(clim:formatting-cell (stream :align-x :center :align-y :top)
(format stream " ")))
(let ((record
(clim:with-new-output-record (stream)
(clim:formatting-row (stream)
(stream :align-x :center :align-y :top)
(clim:parse-text-style '(:sans-serif :bold 12)))
(format stream "[~a]" (ctree-id tree))))
(clim:formatting-cell (stream :align-x :left)
(clim:formatting-column (stream)
(clim:formatting-cell (stream :align-x :left)
(format stream "~@[(~a)~]~%" (ctree-score tree)))
(clim:formatting-cell (stream :align-x :center)
(stream (comparison-dependencies-font))
(format stream "~a" eds)))))))))
(let ((status (mrs::ed-suspicious-p eds))
(orange (or (clim:find-named-color
"orange" (clim:frame-palette frame)
:errorp nil)
((member :cyclic status) clim:+red+)
((member :fragmented status) orange)
(t (if (update-match-p frame) clim:+magenta+ clim:+blue+)))))
(clim:replay record stream)))
(when (and comment bottomp)
(clim:formatting-row (stream)
(clim:formatting-cell (stream :align-x :center :align-y :top)
(format stream " ")))
(let ((record
(clim:with-new-output-record (stream)
(clim:formatting-row (stream)
(stream :align-x :center :align-y :top)
(format stream "" (ctree-id tree)))
(clim:formatting-cell (stream :align-x align)
(clim:with-text-style (stream style)
(format stream "~%~a" comment)))))))
(when color (recolor-record record color))
(clim:replay record stream)))))))
(defun draw-comment-window (frame stream &rest rest)
(declare (ignore rest))
(clim:with-text-style (stream (comparison-comment-font))
(clim:formatting-table (stream)
(clim:formatting-row (stream)
(clim:formatting-cell (stream :align-x :center :min-width 410)
(let* ((comment (compare-frame-comment frame))
(comment (if (or (null comment) (equal comment ""))
" "
(format stream "~a" comment)))))))
(defun draw-status-window (frame stream &rest rest)
(declare (ignore rest))
(clim:with-text-style (stream (comparison-status-font))
(clim:formatting-table (stream)
(clim:formatting-row (stream)
(clim:formatting-cell (stream :align-x :center :min-width 410)
(let ((version (compare-frame-version frame))
(gold (compare-frame-gversion frame)))
(if (and version (not (equal version "")))
"~a~:[ ~;~]"
version (or (null gold) (equal gold "")))
(format stream " "))
(when (and gold (not (equal gold "")))
(let ((record (clim:with-new-output-record (stream)
(format stream "~a" gold))))
(if (update-match-p frame) clim:+magenta+ clim:+blue+))
(clim:replay record stream)))))))))
(defun draw-discriminants-window (frame stream &rest rest)
(declare (ignore rest))
;; in case we are displaying the window with an uninitialized frame
(when (or (null (compare-frame-edges frame))
(null (compare-frame-discriminants frame)))
(return-from draw-discriminants-window))
(let ((discriminants (compare-frame-discriminants frame)))
(clim:with-text-style (stream (comparison-discriminant-font))
(clim:formatting-table (stream :x-spacing "X")
for item in discriminants
for record = (discriminant-record item)
when record do (clim:clear-output-record record)
unless (discriminant-hidep item) do
(clim:formatting-row (stream)
(setf (discriminant-record item)
(clim:with-new-output-record (stream)
(clim:with-output-recording-options (stream :record t)
(stream item 'discriminant)
(stream :cache-value (discriminant-state item))
(stream :align-x :center :min-width "+")
(discriminant-state-as-string item) stream)))
(stream :cache-value (discriminant-toggle item))
(stream :align-x :center :min-width "+")
(discriminant-toggle-as-string item) stream)))
(clim:formatting-cell (stream :align-x :left)
(format stream "~a" (discriminant-key item)))
(clim:formatting-cell (stream :align-x :left)
"~@[~a~]" (discriminant-value item))))))))
;; _fix_me_
;; there ought to be a way of drawing things in the intended
;; colour right from the start; apparently, neither rob nor i
;; could work that out quickly; CLIM isa bitch to work with :-(.
;; (9-oct-02; oe)
(let ((record (discriminant-record item)))
(when (discriminant-gold item)
(recolor-record record (if (update-match-p frame)
(clim:replay record stream))))))))
(define-compare-frame-command (com-discriminant-popup)
((discriminant 'discriminant :gesture :select))
(let ((command (clim:menu-choose
`(("Yes" :value yes)
("No" :value no)
("Unknown" :value unknown)
"In Parses (~a)"
(length (discriminant-in discriminant)))
:value in)
"Out Parses (~a)"
(length (discriminant-out discriminant)))
:value out)))))
(when command
(ecase command
(record-decision (make-decision :type :yes :value discriminant))
(setf (discriminant-state discriminant) t)
(setf (discriminant-toggle discriminant) t))
(record-decision (make-decision :type :no :value discriminant))
(setf (discriminant-state discriminant) nil)
(setf (discriminant-toggle discriminant) nil))
(make-decision :type :unknown :value discriminant))
(setf (discriminant-state discriminant) :unknown)
(setf (discriminant-toggle discriminant) :unknown))
;; _fix_me_
;; in concise mode, at least, make these only show trees that are
;; still available globally, i.e. ignore all trees that have become
;; out already. (20-jan-03; oe)
(in (show-parse-tree-frame (discriminant-in discriminant)))
(out (show-parse-tree-frame (discriminant-out discriminant))))
(error (condition)
(declare (ignore condition))
(clim:with-application-frame (frame)
(recompute-in-and-out frame)
(update-trees frame t :discriminant)))))
(defun update-trees (frame
&optional (redrawp t) (context nil)
&key (runp (compare-frame-runp frame)))
(when runp (frame-cursor frame :vertical-scroll))
(if (null redrawp)
(when runp (update-tree-colours frame))
(let ((in (compare-frame-in frame)))
(when runp
for tree in (compare-frame-trees frame)
when (ctree-record tree) do
(clim:clear-output-record (ctree-record tree))
(setf (ctree-record tree) nil))
for discriminant in (compare-frame-discriminants frame)
for record = (discriminant-record discriminant)
when record do
(clim:clear-output-record record)
(setf (discriminant-record discriminant) nil)))
(case (compare-frame-display frame)
(setf (compare-frame-trees frame)
(copy-list (compare-frame-otrees frame))
#'(lambda (foo bar)
(let ((foop (member (ctree-edge foo) in :test #'eq))
(barp (member (ctree-edge bar) in :test #'eq)))
(if (and foop (null barp))
(let ((foo (ctree-id foo))
(bar (ctree-id bar)))
(and (numberp foo) (numberp bar) (<= foo bar))))))))
for discriminant in (compare-frame-discriminants frame)
(setf (discriminant-hidep discriminant) nil)))
(setf (compare-frame-trees frame)
(copy-list (compare-frame-otrees frame))
#'(lambda (foo bar)
(let ((flags (ctree-flags foo))
(foo (ctree-score foo))
(bar (ctree-score bar)))
(when (and (numberp foo) (numberp bar))
(or (> foo bar)
(and (= foo bar) (smember :gold flags))))))))
for discriminant in (compare-frame-discriminants frame)
(setf (discriminant-hidep discriminant) nil)))
(setf (compare-frame-trees frame)
for tree in (compare-frame-otrees frame)
when (member (ctree-edge tree) in :test #'eq)
collect tree))
with trees = (compare-frame-trees frame)
with n = (length trees)
for discriminant in (compare-frame-discriminants frame)
for in = (discriminant-in discriminant)
(setf (discriminant-hidep discriminant)
(or (not (eq (discriminant-state discriminant) :unknown))
(and (<= n (length in))
(not (loop
for tree in trees
for edge = (ctree-edge tree)
for match = (find edge in :test #'eq)
thereis (null match))))))))
(setf (compare-frame-trees frame)
(copy-list (compare-frame-otrees frame)))
for discriminant in (compare-frame-discriminants frame)
(setf (discriminant-hidep discriminant) nil))))
(unless (or (null runp) (eq context :tree))
(clim::redisplay-frame-pane frame 'trees :force-p t))
;; _fix_me_
;; always force complete redraw: omitting this causes rather disturbing
;; glitches in the state and toggle displays in non-concise display mode
;; and the overlay of old ink with new ink in concise display; maybe our
;; drawing function needs improvement (maybe CLIM :-{). (15-oct-02; oe)
(when runp
(clim::redisplay-frame-pane frame 'discriminants :force-p t)
(clim::redisplay-frame-pane frame 'top :force-p t))))
(when runp (frame-cursor frame :default)))
(defun update-tree-colours (frame)
(let ((stream (compare-frame-tstream frame)))
with in = (compare-frame-in frame)
for tree in (compare-frame-trees frame)
for ink = (cond ((not (member (ctree-edge tree) in :test #'eq))
((and (not (rest in))
(eq (ctree-edge tree) (first in)))
(if (update-match-p frame)
(t clim:+foreground-ink+))
for record = (ctree-record tree)
unless (or (null record) (eq ink (ctree-ink tree)))
(setf (ctree-ink tree) ink)
(recolor-record record ink)
(clim:replay record stream))))
(defun recolor-record (record ink)
(labels ((recolor-node (node)
(when (clim:displayed-output-record-p node)
(setf (clim:displayed-output-record-ink node) ink))
(clim:map-over-output-records #'recolor-node node)))
(recolor-node record)))
(defun frame-cursor (frame &optional (cursor :default))
((clim:application-frame-p frame)
(let* ((sheet (clim:frame-top-level-sheet frame))
(port (clim:find-port))
(pointer (and port (clim:port-pointer port))))
(declare (ignore pointer))
(when (clim:sheetp sheet)
(frame-cursor sheet cursor))
(when pointer
(setf (clim:pointer-cursor pointer) cursor))))
((clim:sheetp frame)
(setf (clim:sheet-pointer-cursor frame) cursor)
#+(and :allegro (not :mswindows))
for child in (clim:sheet-children frame)
;; _fix_me_
;; although the CLIM 2.2 User Guide claims that all sheets (can) have
;; children, sheet-children() actually throws an exeption on some of
;; the native Motif widgets; this calls for a bug report to Franz.
;; (16-oct-02; oe)
unless (or (eq (class-of child)
(find-class 'tk-silica::motif-menu-bar))
(eq (class-of child)
(find-class 'tk-silica::motif-scroll-bar)))
do (frame-cursor child cursor)))))
(defun reset-discriminants (frame)
(setf (compare-frame-trees frame) (compare-frame-otrees frame))
(setf (compare-frame-in frame) (compare-frame-edges frame))
(setf (compare-frame-out frame) nil)
for foo in (compare-frame-discriminants frame)
(setf (discriminant-time foo) (get-universal-time))
(setf (discriminant-state foo) :unknown)
(setf (discriminant-toggle foo) :unknown)
;; loose all memory of preset values at this point; no way back.
(setf (discriminant-preset foo) nil)
(setf (discriminant-gold foo) nil))
(recompute-in-and-out frame t)
(update-trees frame))
(defun recompute-in-and-out (frame &optional resetp)
;; apply inference rules from [Carter, 1997] until a fixpoint is reached
;; _fix_me_
;; now that some of the other parts are reasonably efficient, we can look at
;; sets of a thousand or more discriminants; propagation of discriminants
;; becomes noticeably sluggish with more than a few hundred.
;; (5-nov-02; oe)
(let ((threshold *tree-display-threshold*)
(initial (length (compare-frame-in frame)))
(decision (first (compare-frame-decisions frame))))
((and (decision-p decision) (eq (decision-type decision) :reject))
(setf (compare-frame-in frame) nil)
(setf (compare-frame-out frame) (compare-frame-edges frame))
;; always needs tree redraw, unless active set was empty before.
(not (zerop initial)))
(let ((donep nil))
(setf (compare-frame-in frame) (compare-frame-edges frame))
(setf (compare-frame-out frame) nil)
(when resetp
;; we risk loosing preset (gold) assignments here; maybe check for a
;; preset value and restore that here? (12-oct-02; oe)
;; _fix_me_
;; give more thought to propagation of decisions through updates: a
;; hard decision (i.e. toggle) may be lost during an upddate and only
;; survive as a soft decision (i.e. entailed state). over time, this
;; could lead to primarily soft annotations, and the distinction from
;; the original annotation cycle will be completely washed out. one
;; option could be to promote entailments from `gold' to hard when
;; performing the update, but that appears to blur the distinction
;; between actual decisions and entailment just as much. maybe have
;; additional values for toggle (and presumably state): inherited on
;; or off, or even hard inherited vs. soft inherited?
;; (14-oct-02; oe)
for foo in (compare-frame-discriminants frame)
for preset = (discriminant-preset foo)
for gold = (discriminant-gold foo)
(setf (discriminant-state foo) (discriminant-toggle foo))
when gold do
(setf (discriminant-state foo) (discriminant-state gold))
when preset do
(setf (discriminant-state foo) (discriminant-state preset))))
until donep
(setf donep t)
for foo in (compare-frame-discriminants frame)
when (null (discriminant-state foo)) do
(mark-out (discriminant-in foo) frame)
when (eq (discriminant-state foo) t) do
(mark-out (discriminant-out foo) frame))
(setf (compare-frame-in frame)
(compare-frame-edges frame) (compare-frame-out frame)
:test #'eq))
for foo in (compare-frame-discriminants frame)
when (null (intersection
(discriminant-in foo) (compare-frame-in frame)
:test #'eq)) do
(when (discriminant-state foo)
(setf (discriminant-state foo) nil)
(setf donep nil))
else when (subsetp
(compare-frame-in frame) (discriminant-in foo)
:test #'eq) do
(when (not (discriminant-state foo))
(setf (discriminant-state foo) t)
(setf donep nil)))))
(and (integerp threshold)
(or (and (> initial threshold)
(<= (length (compare-frame-in frame)) threshold))
(and (<= initial threshold)
(> (length (compare-frame-in frame)) threshold))))))))
(defun mark-out (edges frame)
for edge in edges
(pushnew edge (compare-frame-out frame) :test #'eq)
(setf (compare-frame-in frame)
(remove edge (compare-frame-in frame)))))
(defun update-match-p (frame)
(when (and *tree-automatic-update-p* *tree-update-match-hook*)
(let ((hook (typecase *tree-update-match-hook*
(null nil)
(function *tree-update-match-hook*)
(symbol (and (fboundp *tree-update-match-hook*)
(symbol-function *tree-update-match-hook*)))
(string (ignore-errors
(read-from-string *tree-update-match-hook*)))))))
(when hook (ignore-errors (funcall hook frame))))))
;;; from here on, HTML output routines; this should probably be reorganized, so
;;; that the comparison class is generic, and only the CLIM-specific parts are
;;; in the segregated directory. (6-aug-03; oe)
(defun html-compare (frame &key (stream t) (indentation 0))
(setf %frame% frame)
(let ((treep (or (not (integerp *tree-display-threshold*))
(<= (length (compare-frame-trees frame))
~v,0t ~%~v,0t ~%~
~v,0t ~:[~*~;(~a) ~]~a [~a : ~a~@[ @ ~a~]] ~%~
~v,0t ~%"
indentation indentation
(compare-frame-item frame) (compare-frame-item frame)
(compare-frame-input frame)
(length (compare-frame-in frame))
(length (compare-frame-out frame))
(let ((foo (compare-frame-confidence frame)))
(when (and (integerp foo) (>= foo 0) (<= foo 3))
(aref #("zero" "low" "fair" "high") foo)))
(when treep
"~v,0t ~%"
(html-trees frame :stream stream :indentation (+ indentation 6))
(format stream "~%~v,0t ~%" indentation))
(let ((mrsp (when (and *tree-display-semantics-p*
(compare-frame-trees frame)
(null (rest (compare-frame-trees frame))))
(let ((edge (ctree-edge
(first (compare-frame-trees frame)))))
(or (edge-mrs edge)
(when (edge-dag edge) (mrs::extract-mrs edge)))))))
"~v,0t ~%"
indentation mrsp)
(if (not mrsp)
frame :stream stream :onlyp (not treep)
:indentation (+ indentation 6))
(mrs::output-mrs1 mrsp 'mrs::html stream))))
"~v,0t ~%~v,0t ~%~v,0t
indentation indentation indentation))
(defun html-trees (frame &key (stream t) (indentation 0))
(unless (and (integerp *tree-display-threshold*)
(> (length (compare-frame-trees frame))
"~v,0t~%" indentation)
(format stream "~v,0t
" indentation)
with in = (compare-frame-in frame)
for tree in (compare-frame-trees frame)
for color = (unless (member (ctree-edge tree) in :test #'eq) "red")
"~v,0t ~%~v,0t ~
~%~v,0t ~
~%~v,0t ~
[~a] ~%~v,0t ~
~:[~* ~;~a~] ~
~%~v,0t ~
indentation indentation
(ctree-id tree) indentation
(ctree-score tree) (ctree-score tree)
indentation indentation)
(ctree-edge tree) :tree (ctree-symbol tree)
:indentation (+ indentation 6) :color color :stream stream)
"~%~v,0t ~%" indentation))))
(defun html-discriminants (frame &key (stream t) onlyp (indentation 0))
(let ((discriminants (compare-frame-discriminants frame)))
indentation onlyp)
for i from 0
for item in discriminants
for state = (discriminant-state-as-string item)
for toggle = (discriminant-toggle item)
unless (discriminant-hidep item) do
"~v,0t ~%~v,0t ~
~:[~a ~%~v,0t ~;~2*~]~
~%~v,0t ~
~%~v,0t ~
? ~%~v,0t ~
+ ~%~v,0t ~
- ~%~v,0t ~
~%~v,0t ~
~a ~%~v,0t ~
~@[~a ~] ~%"
indentation indentation
(eq (compare-frame-display frame) :concise) state indentation
i indentation
(eq toggle :unknown) indentation
(eq toggle t) indentation
(null toggle) indentation
(discriminant-key item) indentation
(discriminant-value item) indentation))
(format stream "~v,0t
" indentation)))
(defun ptb-compare-hook (frame &key size)
(declare (ignore extras))
(let* ((input (compare-frame-input frame))
(input (if (stringp input)
(let ((symbol (find-symbol "READ-PTB-FROM-STRING" :tsdb)))
(when symbol (funcall (symbol-function symbol) input))
(comment (compare-frame-comment frame)))
(when (and (consp input) (stringp comment))
(setf (compare-frame-input frame) comment)
(lui-display-tree input comment :size size))
(setf lkb::*tree-initialization-hook* '("lkb::ptb-compare-hook" :size 8))