;;; Copyright (c) 1998--2003 ;;; John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen; ;;; see `LICENSE' for conditions. (in-package "MRS") ;;; LKB specific #| (mrs::output-mrs-after-parse *parse-record*) |# (defvar *mrs-scoping-output-p* nil) ;; interface control - causes scoping code to be run when set (defvar *mrs-base-output-p* nil) ;; interface control - set via mrstoplevel (defvar *rmrs-xml-output-p* nil) ;; interface control - set via mrstoplevel (defvar *rmrs-compact-output-p* nil) ;; interface control - set via mrstoplevel (defvar *mrs-discourse* nil) ;; interface control (defvar *mrs-fol-output-p* nil) (defvar *mrs-debug* nil) ;;; for debugging - set to latest mrs structure #+:lkb (defun output-mrs-after-parse (&optional edges stream) ;;; for ACL this is most likely to be useful in an emacs window ;;; the need to use *lkb-background-stream* is because ;;; of the complexity with background streams in ACL ;;; it's set in topmenu.lsp (when (or *mrs-scoping-output-p* *mrs-base-output-p* *rmrs-xml-output-p* *rmrs-compact-output-p* *mrs-discourse*) (unless stream (setf stream lkb::*lkb-background-stream*)) (unless edges (setf edges *parse-record*)) (let ((*print-circle* nil)) (loop for edge in edges do (let ((mrs (extract-mrs edge))) (format stream "~%Edge number ~A" (lkb::edge-id edge)) (format stream "~%~A~%" (lkb::parse-tree-structure edge)) (treat-mrs mrs t stream)))))) #+:lkb (defun treat-mrs (mrs-struct simplep stream) (format stream "~%~A " lkb::*sentence*) (setf *mrs-debug* mrs-struct) (when *mrs-base-output-p* (output-mrs1 mrs-struct 'simple stream)) (when *mrs-scoping-output-p* (process-mrs-struct mrs-struct nil 10 simplep stream)) (when *mrs-fol-output-p* (output-fol-approximation mrs-struct stream)) (when *rmrs-xml-output-p* (output-rmrs1 (mrs-to-rmrs mrs-struct) 'xml stream)) (when *rmrs-compact-output-p* (output-rmrs1 (mrs-to-rmrs mrs-struct) 'compact stream t)) (when *mrs-discourse* (output-mrs1 mrs-struct 'simple stream) (output-mrs1 mrs-struct 'prolog stream) (with-open-file (pro-out "~/tmp/prologformat" :direction :output :if-does-not-exist :create :if-exists :append) (output-mrs1 mrs-struct 'prolog pro-out)))) (defun process-mrs-struct (mrs-psoa sentence maximum simplep stream) (when mrs-psoa (when sentence (format stream "~%~A~%" sentence)) (when simplep (output-mrs1 mrs-psoa 'simple stream)) (when (and (boundp '*ordered-mrs-rule-list*) *ordered-mrs-rule-list*) (format stream "~%Premunged form") (output-mrs1 mrs-psoa 'indexed stream)) (let ((mrsstruct (if (and (boundp '*ordered-mrs-rule-list*) *ordered-mrs-rule-list*) (munge-mrs-struct mrs-psoa *ordered-mrs-rule-list*) mrs-psoa))) (format stream "~%Unscoped form") (output-mrs1 mrsstruct 'indexed stream) (setf *canonical-bindings* nil) (let ((disj-structs (disj-test-mrs mrsstruct))) (loop for disj-struct in disj-structs do (let ((binding-sets (make-scoped-mrs disj-struct))) (show-some-scoped-structures disj-struct binding-sets stream maximum))))))) (defun output-fol-approximation (mrs stream) (let ((fol-exp (make-fol-approximation mrs))) (if fol-exp (dolist (exp fol-exp) (if exp (format stream "~%~A" exp) (format stream "~%Expression cannot be converted")))))) (defun make-fol-approximation (mrs) (if mrs (let ((disj-structs (disj-test-mrs mrs))) (loop for disj-struct in disj-structs collect (let ((binding-sets (make-scoped-mrs disj-struct))) (loop for binding in binding-sets collect (progn (setf *canonical-bindings* (canonical-bindings binding)) (let ((gq-exp (output-gq-mrs mrs))) (convert-gq-to-fol-top gq-exp))))))))) ;;; #| (defparameter lkb::*do-something-with-parse* 'mrs::batch-output-mrs) |# #+:lkb (defun batch-output-mrs nil ;;; to be called from LKB batch processing (let ((sentence lkb::*sentence*) (ostream (if (and lkb::*ostream* (streamp lkb::*ostream*) (output-stream-p lkb::*ostream*)) lkb::*ostream* t))) (if *parse-record* (progn (format ostream "~%;;; MRS for: ~A " sentence) (loop for parse in *parse-record* do (let* ((mrs-struct (extract-mrs parse))) (output-mrs1 mrs-struct 'simple ostream)))) (format ostream "~%;;; Parse failure: ~A " sentence)) (finish-output ostream))) #| (defparameter lkb::*do-something-with-parse* 'mrs::batch-output-mrs-xml) |# #+:lkb (defun batch-output-mrs-xml nil ;;; to be called from LKB batch processing (let ((ostream (if (and lkb::*ostream* (streamp lkb::*ostream*) (output-stream-p lkb::*ostream*)) lkb::*ostream* t))) (loop for parse in *parse-record* do (let* ((mrs-struct (extract-mrs parse))) (output-mrs1 mrs-struct 'mrs-xml ostream))) (finish-output ostream))) #| (defparameter lkb::*do-something-with-parse* 'mrs::batch-output-rmrs-only) ;;; see convert.lisp |# #| (defparameter lkb::*do-something-with-parse* 'mrs::batch-output-dmrs) ;;; see dmrs.lisp |# #| (defparameter lkb::*do-something-with-parse* 'mrs::batch-output-scoped-mrs) |# #+:lkb (defun batch-output-scoped-mrs nil ;;; to be called from LKB batch processing (let ((sentence lkb::*sentence*) (ostream (if (and lkb::*ostream* (streamp lkb::*ostream*) (output-stream-p lkb::*ostream*)) lkb::*ostream* t))) (format ostream "~%;;; Sentence: ~A " sentence) (if *parse-record* (loop for parse in *parse-record* do (let* ((mrs-struct (extract-mrs parse))) (if mrs-struct (progn (setf *canonical-bindings* nil) (let ((disj-structs (disj-test-mrs mrs-struct))) (loop for disj-struct in disj-structs do (let ((binding-sets (make-scoped-mrs disj-struct))) (if binding-sets (show-some-scoped-structures disj-struct binding-sets ostream (length binding-sets)) (format ostream "~%;;; Failure to scope")))))) (format ostream "~%;;; Failure to extract mrs")))) (format ostream "~%;;; Parse failure")) (finish-output ostream))) #| (defparameter lkb::*do-something-with-parse* 'mrs::batch-test-mrs-io) |# #+:lkb (defun batch-test-mrs-io nil ;;; to be called from LKB batch processing (let ((sentence lkb::*sentence*) (analysis-no 0) (ostream (if (and lkb::*ostream* (streamp lkb::*ostream*) (output-stream-p lkb::*ostream*)) lkb::*ostream* t))) (loop for parse in *parse-record* do (let* ((mrs-struct (extract-mrs parse))) (incf analysis-no) (if mrs-struct (progn (with-open-file (ostream1 "/tmp/foo5mrstest" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (output-mrs1 mrs-struct 'mrs-xml ostream1) (finish-output ostream1)) (let ((read-mrs (read-single-mrs-xml-file "/tmp/foo5mrstest"))) (unless (mrs-equalp read-mrs mrs-struct t) (format ostream "~%MRS difference for ~A structure ~A" sentence analysis-no)))) (format ostream "~%;;; Failure to extract mrs")) (finish-output ostream))))) #| For attempting to learn null semantics (defparameter lkb::*do-something-with-parse* 'mrs::batch-null-semantics) |# #| |# #+:lkb (defun batch-null-semantics nil ;;; to be called from LKB batch processing (let ((sentence lkb::*sentence*) (ostream (if (and lkb::*ostream* (streamp lkb::*ostream*) (output-stream-p lkb::*ostream*)) lkb::*ostream* t))) (format ostream "~%") (format ostream "~%~A" sentence) (loop for parse in *parse-record* do (let* ((mrs-struct (extract-mrs parse)) (lex-ids (lkb::edge-lex-ids parse)) (null-sem-lex-ids (loop for id in lex-ids when (null-semantics-entry-p id) collect id))) (when mrs-struct (progn (format ostream "~%") (output-mrs1 mrs-struct 'mrs-xml ostream) (dolist (id null-sem-lex-ids) (format ostream "~%~A" id)) (format ostream "") (finish-output ostream))))) (format ostream "~%"))) #| (defparameter lkb::*do-something-with-parse* 'mrs::batch-trigger-check) |# #+:lkb (defun batch-trigger-check nil ;;; to be called from LKB batch processing ;;; test-gen-predict-on-parse is in genpredict.lisp (let ((sentence lkb::*sentence*) (ostream (if (and lkb::*ostream* (streamp lkb::*ostream*) (output-stream-p lkb::*ostream*)) lkb::*ostream* t))) (test-gen-predict-on-parse *parse-record* sentence ostream))) ;;; The following are primarily for the TSDB machinery ;;; - they all take an edge and return a string related ;;; to the MRS in some way ;;; Functions are from mrsfns.lisp (defun get-mrs-string (parse) (return-mrs-info-string parse :simple)) (defun get-mrs-indexed-string (parse) (return-mrs-info-string parse :indexed)) (defun get-eds-string (parse) (return-mrs-info-string parse :eds)) (defun get-mrs-resolved-string (parse) (return-mrs-info-string parse :first-scoped)) (defun count-scopes (parse) (return-mrs-info-string parse :count-scopes)) (defun return-mrs-info-string (parse info-type) (let* ((*package* (find-package :lkb)) (mrs-struct (extract-mrs parse))) (string-trim '(#\space #\newline) (with-output-to-string (stream) (ecase info-type (:simple (output-mrs1 mrs-struct 'simple stream)) (:indexed (output-mrs1 mrs-struct 'indexed stream)) (:eds (ed-output-psoa mrs-struct :stream stream)) (:first-scoped (let ((binding-sets (make-scoped-mrs mrs-struct))) (when binding-sets (with-output-to-string (stream) (setf *canonical-bindings* (canonical-bindings (first binding-sets))) (output-scoped-mrs mrs-struct :stream stream))))) (:count-scopes (format stream "~A" (length (make-scoped-mrs mrs-struct))))))))) (defun read-mrs-from-string (string) (if (psoa-p string) string (let ((*package* (find-package :lkb)) (mrs (ignore-errors (with-input-from-string (stream string) (read-mrs stream))))) (when (psoa-p mrs) mrs)))) (defun read-and-scope-mrs-from-string (string) (let ((*package* (find-package :lkb)) (mrs (#+:debug progn #-:debug ignore-errors (with-input-from-string (stream string) (read-mrs stream))))) (when (and (psoa-p mrs) (ignore-errors (make-scoped-mrs mrs))) mrs))) (defun read-mrs-from-file (file &key #+:allegro (external-format (excl:locale-external-format excl:*locale*))) ;;; called by oe (when (probe-file file) (#+:debug progn #-:debug ignore-errors (with-open-file (istream file :direction :input #+:allegro :external-format #+:allegro external-format) (let ((*package* (find-package :lkb))) (read-mrs istream)))))) (defun read-mrss-from-file (file) (when (probe-file file) (#+:debug progn #-:debug ignore-errors (with-open-file (istream file :direction :input) (let ((*package* (find-package :lkb))) (read-mrs-stream istream)))))) (defun read-indexed-mrss-from-file (file) (when (probe-file file) (with-open-file (istream file :direction :input) (let ((*package* (find-package :lkb))) (read-mrs-stream istream :indexed))))) (defun read-indexed-mrs-from-string (string) (let ((*package* (find-package :mrs))) (with-input-from-string (stream string) (read-indexed-mrs stream)))) (defun safe-mrs-unequalp (mrs1 mrs2 &rest options) (declare (ignore options)) (not (if (and (psoa-p mrs1) (psoa-p mrs2)) #+:mt (ignore-errors (mt::mrs= mrs1 mrs2)) #-:mt nil (equal mrs1 mrs2)))) (defun display-mrs (edge &optional mrs title (format :simple)) (if #+:lui (lkb::lui-status-p :mrs format) #-:lui nil (let ((mrs (or mrs (lkb::edge-mrs edge) (extract-mrs edge)))) (when (psoa-p mrs) (lkb::lui-display-mrs mrs title format))) (case format (:simple (lkb::show-mrs-window edge mrs title)) (:indexed (lkb::show-mrs-indexed-window edge mrs title)) (:prolog (lkb::show-mrs-prolog-window edge mrs title)) (:scoped (lkb::show-mrs-scoped-window edge mrs title)) (:robust (lkb::show-mrs-rmrs-window edge :mrs mrs :title title)) (t (lkb::show-mrs-dependencies-window edge mrs title))))) (defparameter *mrs-default-display* :simple) (defun browse-mrs (mrs &optional title &key (display *mrs-default-display*)) (ignore-errors (let ((browser (fboundp (case display (:simple (find-symbol "SHOW-MRS-WINDOW" :lkb)) (:indexed (find-symbol "SHOW-MRS-INDEXED-WINDOW" :lkb)) (:scoped (find-symbol "SHOW-MRS-SCOPED-WINDOW" :lkb)) (:eds (find-symbol "SHOW-MRS-DEPENDENCIES-WINDOW" :lkb)))))) (if (functionp browser) (apply browser (list nil mrs title)) (output-mrs mrs 'simple))))) ;;; ;;; initially mostly for HTML output, though maybe of general utility? LOGON ;;; with its liberal use of the MRS framework has various `types' of EP, e.g. ;;; :fragment relations used to sew together connected pieces of semantics in ;;; robust mode, :token EPs (the low end of robustness: a piece of unanalyzed ;;; source langguage), and punctuation EPs (which maybe could be :token EPs). ;;; the following is intended as a user function, i.e. a way of adding colour ;;; to the HTML output. (3-nov-04; oe) ;;; --- function definitions here are no-op placeholders, the actual versions ;;; used in LOGON are in `lkb/src/mt/patches.lisp'. ;;; (defun determine-ep-class (ep) (declare (ignore ep)) nil) ;;; ;;; for similar reasons, do roughly the same thing for the MRS as a whole. ;;; (defun determine-mrs-class (mrs) (declare (ignore mrs)) nil) ;;; ;;; a couple of RMRS interface functions (mostly) for [incr tsdb()]; we started ;;; this collection in `rmrs/interface.lisp', but the ECL -- PET linking would ;;; be unhappy about duplicate file names, for a silly reason. ;;; ;;; FIX - so change the file name? ;;; this should be in rmrs directory (AAC 12 Oct 2003) (defun rasp-semantix-hook (derivation) (let* ((*package* (find-package :mrs)) (derivation (read-from-string derivation nil nil))) (ignore-errors (with-output-to-string (stream) (construct-sem-for-tree derivation :rasp stream))))) #| #+:xml (defun read-rmrs-from-string (string) (let ((*package* (find-package :mrs))) (ignore-errors (read-rmrs (first (xml:parse-xml string)))))) ;;; FIX - now need a second argument to read-rmrs, indicating origin |# (defun browse-rmrs (rmrs &optional title) (ignore-errors (let ((browser (fboundp (find-symbol "SHOW-MRS-RMRS-WINDOW" :lkb)))) (if (functionp browser) (apply browser (list nil :rmrs rmrs :title title)) (output-rmrs rmrs 'compact))))) #| (defun time-scope nil (setf *scoping-call-limit* 1000000) (loop for sentence in #|'("Kim sleeps in Berlin in Berlin in Berlin in Berlin in Berlin in Berlin") |# '("every daughter sees most daughters" "every daughter sees most daughters of a daughter" "every daughter sees most daughters of a daughter of a daughter" "every daughter sees most daughters of a daughter of a daughter of a daughter" "every daughter of a daughter sees most daughters of a daughter" "every daughter of a daughter sees most daughters of a daughter of a daughter" "every daughter of a daughter sees most daughters of a daughter of a daughter of a daughter" "every daughter of a daughter of a daughter sees most daughters of a daughter" "every daughter of a daughter of a daughter sees most daughters of a daughter of a daughter" "every daughter of a daughter of a daughter sees most daughters of a daughter of a daughter of a daughter" "every daughter of a daughter of a daughter of a daughter sees most daughters of a daughter" "every daughter of a daughter of a daughter of a daughter sees most daughters of a daughter of a daughter" "every daughter of a daughter of a daughter of a daughter sees most daughters of a daughter of a daughter of a daughter") do (let ((user-input (lkb::split-into-words sentence))) (lkb::parse user-input nil) (when *parse-record* (let* ((edges *parse-record*) (mrs (extract-mrs (car edges)))) (setf *canonical-bindings* nil) (let* ((start-time (get-internal-run-time)) (binding-sets (make-scoped-mrs mrs))) (format t "~%~A ~A ~A ~A" sentence (length binding-sets) mrs::*scoping-calls* (- (get-internal-run-time) start-time)))))))) |#