;;; Copyright (c) 2006--2007 Stephan Oepen; see `LICENSE' for conditions. (in-package :mrs) ;;; ;;; an attempt at generalizing over various ways of linking to the underlying ;;; input to the parser, be it by character or vertex ranges (as used at times ;;; in HoG et al.) or token identifiers (originally at YY and now in LOGON). ;;; currently, there are four distinct value formats: ;;; ;;; <0:4> character range (i.e. a sub-string of an assumed flat input); ;;; <0#2> chart vertex range (traditional in PET to some degree); ;;; <0 1 3> token identifiers, i.e. links to basic input units; ;;; <@42> edge identifier (used internally in generation) ;;; ;;; of these, the first is maybe most widely supported across DELPH-IN tools, ;;; while the second (in my view) should be deprecated. the third resembles ;;; what was used in VerbMobil, YY, and now LOGON; given that the input to a ;;; `deep' parser can always be viewed as a token lattice, this is probably the ;;; most general mode, and we should aim to establish it over time: first, the ;;; underlying input may not have been string-shaped (but come from the lattice ;;; of a speech recognizer), and second even with one underlying string there ;;; could be token-level ambiguity, so identifying the actual token used in an ;;; analysis preserves more information. properties like the sub-string range, ;;; prosodic information (VerbMobil), or pointers to KB nodes (YY) can all be ;;; associated with the individual tokens sent into the parser. finally, the ;;; fourth mode is used in generation, where surface linking actually is a two- ;;; stage process (see comments in `generate.lsp'). (4-dec-06; oe) ;;; (defun valid-lnk-p (lnk) (case (first lnk) (:characters (let ((start (second lnk)) (end (third lnk))) (and (numberp start) (numberp end) (>= start 0) (>= end start)))) (:vertices (and (second lnk) (third lnk))) (:tokens (rest lnk)) (:id (let ((id (second lnk))) (and (numberp id) (>= id 0) (null (rest (rest lnk)))))))) (defun output-lnk (lnk &key (stream t) format) (if stream (when (and *show-lnk-p* (consp lnk)) (if (eq format :latex) (case (first lnk) (:characters (format stream "\\slnkc{~a}{~a}" (second lnk) (third lnk)))) (labels ((open-lnk () (case format (:html (format stream "⟨")) (t (format stream "<")))) (close-lnk () (case format (:html (format stream "⟩")) (t (format stream ">"))))) (case (first lnk) (:characters (let ((start (second lnk)) (end (third lnk))) (when (and (numberp start) (numberp end) (>= start 0) (>= end 0)) (open-lnk) (format stream "~a:~a" (second lnk) (third lnk)) (close-lnk)))) (:vertices (open-lnk) (format stream "~a#~a" (second lnk) (third lnk)) (close-lnk)) (:tokens (open-lnk) (format stream "~{~a~^ ~}" (rest lnk)) (close-lnk)) (:id (open-lnk) (format stream "@~a" (second lnk)) (close-lnk)))))) (with-output-to-string (stream) (output-lnk lnk :stream stream :format format)))) (defun read-lnk (&optional (stream t)) (ignore-errors (when (and (streamp stream) (open-stream-p stream)) (let ((c (peek-char t stream nil nil)) (*readtable* (copy-readtable)) type) (set-syntax-from-char #\: #\" *readtable*) (set-syntax-from-char #\# #\" *readtable*) (set-syntax-from-char #\, #\" *readtable*) (set-syntax-from-char #\> #\" *readtable*) (when (and c (char= c #\<)) (read-char stream nil nil) (let ((c (peek-char t stream nil nil))) (when (and c (member c '(#\@) :test #'char=)) (read-char stream nil nil) (setf type :id))) (let ((start (read stream nil nil))) (when (numberp start) (let ((c (peek-char t stream nil nil))) (cond ((null c) (return-from read-lnk)) ((member c '(#\: #\#) :test #'char=) (read-char stream nil nil) (let ((end (read stream nil nil))) (when (numberp end) (let ((foo (read-char stream nil nil))) (when (and foo (char= foo #\>)) (list (if (char= c #\:) :characters :vertices) start end)))))) (t (loop with ids = (list start) for c = (peek-char t stream nil nil) for id = (unless (and c (char= c #\>)) (read stream nil nil)) when (and c (char= c #\>)) do (read-char stream nil nil) and return (cons (or type :tokens) (nreverse ids)) unless (numberp id) do (return-from read-lnk) do (push id ids)))))))))))) (defun combine-lnks (lnk1 lnk2) (cond ((null lnk1) lnk2) ((null lnk2) lnk1) ((eq (first lnk1) (first lnk2)) (case (first lnk1) ((:characters :vertices) (list (first lnk1) (min (second lnk1) (second lnk2)) (max (third lnk1) (third lnk2)))) (:tokens (list :tokens (union (rest lnk1) (rest lnk2)))))))) (defun compute-lnk-distortion (pairs &key tags) (declare (ignore tags)) ;; ;; when pair-wise comparing EPs from the same MRS, we distinguish as follows: ;; 0: identical span ;; 1 or -1: inclusion or backward inclusion ;; 2 or -2: adjacent precedence (or inverse) ;; 3 or -3: non-adjacent precedence ;; (labels ((adjacentp (i j) (<= (abs (- i j)) 1)) (compare-lnks (lnk1 lnk2) (when (and (eq :characters (first lnk1)) (eq :characters (first lnk2))) (let ((start1 (second lnk1)) (end1 (third lnk1)) (start2 (second lnk2)) (end2 (third lnk2))) (cond ((and (adjacentp start1 start2) (adjacentp end1 end2)) 0) ((and (adjacentp start1 start2) (> end1 end2)) 1) ((and (< start1 start2) (adjacentp end1 end2)) 1) ((and (adjacentp start1 start2) (< end1 end2) -1)) ((and (> start1 start2) (adjacentp end1 end2)) -1) ((adjacentp end1 start2) 2) ((adjacentp start1 end2) -2) ((< end1 start2) 3) ((> start1 end2) -3) (t 0)))))) (loop with n = (length pairs) with distortion = 0 with eps1 = (loop for foo in pairs collect (first foo)) with eps2 = (loop for foo in pairs collect (rest foo)) for key in eps1 for klnk = (rel-lnk key) for match in eps2 for mlnk = (rel-lnk match) do (loop for ep1 in eps1 for ep2 in eps2 unless (and (eq key ep1) (eq match ep2)) do (let* ((key (compare-lnks klnk (rel-lnk ep1))) (match (compare-lnks mlnk (rel-lnk ep2)))) (when (and key match) (incf distortion (abs (- key match)))))) finally (return (if (zerop n) 0 (float (/ distortion n))))))) (in-package :lkb) #+:lkb (defun lnk-tdfs (tdfs lnks) (unless (consp mrs::*rel-lnk-path*) (format t "lnk-tdfs(): invalid value for *rel-lnk-path* (~a)." mrs::*rel-lnk-path*) (return-from lnk-tdfs tdfs)) (if *within-unification-context-p* (let* ((lnks (if (consp lnks) lnks (list lnks))) (unifications (loop for lnk in lnks for value = (if (stringp lnk) lnk (write-to-string lnk)) for path = *list-head* then (append *list-tail* path) collect (make-unification :lhs (create-path-from-feature-list path) :rhs (make-u-value :type value)) into unifications finally (let ((path (nconc (butlast path) *list-tail*))) (return (cons (make-unification :lhs (create-path-from-feature-list path) :rhs (make-u-value :type *empty-list-type*)) unifications))))) (overlay (process-unifications unifications nil)) (overlay (and overlay (create-wffs overlay nil))) (path (append mrs::*initial-semantics-path* mrs::*psoa-liszt-path*)) (rels (unify-existing-dag-at-end-of (tdfs-indef tdfs) path))) (when (and overlay rels) (loop with visited with *unify-wffs* = t for path = *list-head* then (append *list-tail* path) for lnk = (unify-existing-dag-at-end-of rels (append path mrs::*rel-lnk-path*)) ;; ;; protect ourselves against cyclic RELS feature structures (which ;; might have cropped up during unification but have yet to be ;; found by the copier. ;; while (and lnk (not (member lnk visited :test #'eq))) do (push lnk visited) when (eq (unify-get-type lnk) *list-type*) do (unify-dags lnk overlay))) tdfs) (with-unification-context (null) (let ((result (lnk-tdfs tdfs lnks))) (copy-tdfs-elements result)))))