;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2004 -- 2007 Stephan Oepen (oe@ifi.uio.no) ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ;;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ;;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License for more details. ;;; (in-package :mt) ;;; ;;; ToDO ;;; ;;; + detect `null' MRS resulting from making the input TDFS well-formed; ;;; - work out what exactly to do about ambiguity: do we risk spurious parallel ;;; analyses in cases where the same rule can be unified onto an input MRS in ;;; more than one way; what about analyses that differ only in the order of ;;; rule applications (if that was allowed) ... some kind of normal form? ;;; + add `Scope' and `Generate' buttons to transfer MRS browser. ;;; - provide `negation' switch on result filter. ;;; - investiage `filter' processing further: is it actually correct? ;;; - think of a nice, declarative way to delete properties from indices. ;;; (defparameter *transfer-edge-limit* 1000) (defparameter *transfer-ignore* nil) (defparameter *transfer-debug-p* nil) (defparameter *transfer-debug-stream* (or #+:allegro excl:*initial-terminal-io* t)) (defparameter *transfer-filter-p* t) (defparameter *transfer-block-p* t) (defparameter *transfer-interlingua-predicates* nil) (defparameter *transfer-preemptive-filter-p* nil) (defparameter *transfer-tm* nil) (defparameter *transfer-postprocess-p* t) (defparameter *transfer-skolemize-p* nil) (defparameter *transfer-maximum-rank* nil) (defparameter %transfer-generation% 0) (defparameter %transfer-edge-id% 100) (defparameter %transfer-rule-id% 0) (defparameter %transfer-copy-eps% nil) (defparameter %transfer-special-elements% nil) (defparameter %transfer-optional-rules% 0) (defparameter %transfer-variable-features% nil) (defparameter %transfer-variable-id% 100) (defparameter %transfer-raw-output-p% nil) (defparameter %transfer-recursive-output-p% t) (defparameter %transfer-edges% nil) (defparameter %transfer-chart% nil) (defparameter %transfer-original-variables% nil) (defparameter %transfer-variable-cache% (make-hash-table :test #'eq)) (defparameter %transfer-solutions% nil) (defstruct mtrs id mtrs before after in out pre post flags) (defstruct mtr id context filter input output defaults variables vector avoids requires consumes provides flags special rank file) (defmethod print-object ((object mtr) stream) (if %transfer-raw-output-p% (call-next-method) (format stream "~@[~a : ~]~@[~a ~]~@[! ~a ~]-> ~a~@[ / ~a~]" (mtr-context object) (mtr-input object) (mtr-filter object) (mtr-output object) (mtr-defaults object)))) (defmacro mtrs-filter-p (mtrs) `(getf (mtrs-flags ,mtrs) :filter)) (defmacro mtrs-recurse-p (mtrs) `(getf (mtrs-flags ,mtrs) :recurse)) (defmacro mtrs-subsume-p (mtrs) `(getf (mtrs-flags ,mtrs) :subsume)) (defmacro mtrs-task (mtrs) `(getf (mtrs-flags ,mtrs) :task)) (defmacro mtrs-edges (mtrs) `(getf (mtrs-flags ,mtrs) :edges)) (defmacro mtr-optional-p (mtr) `(member :optional (mtr-flags ,mtr) :test #'eq)) (defmacro mtr-fail-p (mtr) `(member :fail (mtr-flags ,mtr) :test #'eq)) (defmacro mtr-permute-p (mtr) `(member :permute (mtr-flags ,mtr) :test #'eq)) (defmacro mtr-exhaustive-p (mtr) `(member :exhaustive (mtr-flags ,mtr) :test #'eq)) (defun mtr-warn (mtr &optional special) (loop for (value . key) in (or special (and (mtr-p mtr) (mtr-special mtr))) when (eq key :warn) return value)) (defun mtr-block (mtr &optional special) (loop for (value . key) in (or special (and (mtr-p mtr) (mtr-special mtr))) when (eq key :block) return value)) (defun mtr-trigger (mtr) (when (mtr-p mtr) (loop for (value . key) in (mtr-special mtr) when (eq key :trigger) return value))) (defstruct tl (id 0) (all (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) (reverse (make-hash-table :test #'eql)) (filter (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) (context (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) (input (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) (output (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) (defun interlingua-predicate-p (pred) (member pred *transfer-interlingua-predicates* :test #'equal)) (defun string-predicate-p (pred) (and (stringp pred) (not (zerop (length pred))) (not (member (char pred 0) '(#\~ #\@) :test #'char=)))) (defun common-predicate-p (pred) (or (string-predicate-p pred) (and pred (symbolp pred) (not (lkb::subtype-or-equal (lkb::minimal-type-for (first (last mrs::*rel-name-path*))) pred))))) (defun transfer-rule-sets (&optional task) (loop for mtrs in *transfer-rule-sets* for foo = (mtrs-task mtrs) when (or (null task) (null foo) (eq task foo)) collect mtrs)) (defstruct (edge (:constructor make-edge-x)) (id (let ((n %transfer-edge-id%)) (incf %transfer-edge-id%) n)) rule mrs daughter solution n (vector 0) preds source (depth 0) semi warn score) (defun make-edge (&rest rest) (let* ((edge (apply #'make-edge-x rest)) (daughter (edge-daughter edge))) (setf (edge-vector edge) (cond ((and (edge-p daughter) (mtr-p (edge-rule edge))) (logior (edge-vector daughter) (mtr-vector (edge-rule edge)))) ((edge-p daughter) (edge-vector daughter)) ((mtr-p (edge-rule edge)) (mtr-vector (edge-rule edge))) (t (edge-vector edge)))) (setf (edge-depth edge) (if (edge-p daughter) (+ 1 (edge-depth daughter)) 1)) (when (edge-p daughter) (setf (edge-source edge) (edge-source daughter))) (setf (edge-warn edge) (if (mtr-p (edge-rule edge)) (cons (mtr-warn (edge-rule edge)) (and daughter (edge-warn daughter))) (and daughter (edge-warn daughter)))) (push edge %transfer-edges%) (cond ((and (numberp *transfer-edge-limit*) (> (edge-id edge) *transfer-edge-limit*)) (when (member :chart *transfer-debug-p* :test #'eq) (print-edges)) (error "make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (~a)" *transfer-edge-limit*)) (t edge)))) (defmethod print-object ((object edge) stream) (if %transfer-raw-output-p% (call-next-method) (let ((recursep (or (not (numberp %transfer-recursive-output-p%)) (> %transfer-recursive-output-p% 0))) (daughterp (and (mtr-p (edge-rule object)) (edge-p (edge-daughter object))))) (when (numberp %transfer-recursive-output-p%) (decf %transfer-recursive-output-p%)) (if daughterp (format stream "~<#D[~;~a {~,2f}~@[ ~(~a~)~]~:[~* ...~; ~_~a~]~;]~:>" (list ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; there must be a better way of doing this, but the seven or so that ;; i tried (using ~@[] and such), i could not make to work within the ;; pretty printer environment; strange! (20-dec-06; oe) ;; (if (mtr-block (edge-rule object)) (format nil "~a!" (edge-id object)) (edge-id object)) (if (numberp (edge-score object)) (edge-score object) 0) (mtr-id (edge-rule object)) recursep (edge-daughter object))) (format stream "~<#D[~;~a]~:>" (list (edge-id object))))))) (defun print-edges () (loop for edge in %transfer-edges% for %transfer-recursive-output-p% = 10 do (format *transfer-debug-stream* "~a~%" edge))) (defstruct (solution (:copier x-copy-solution)) variables eps hconss matches) (defun copy-solution (&optional solution) (if solution (let ((result (x-copy-solution solution))) (setf (solution-variables result) (copy-list (solution-variables solution))) (setf (solution-eps result) (copy-list (solution-eps solution))) (setf (solution-matches result) (copy-list (solution-matches solution))) (when (member :solutions *transfer-debug-p* :test #'eq) (push result %transfer-solutions%)) result) (let ((new (make-solution))) (when (member :solutions *transfer-debug-p* :test #'eq) (push new %transfer-solutions%)) new))) (defun solution<= (solution1 solution2) (let ((eps1 (length (solution-eps solution1))) (eps2 (length (solution-eps solution2)))) (or (< eps1 eps2) (when (= eps1 eps2) (let ((variables1 (length (solution-variables solution1))) (variables2 (length (solution-variables solution2)))) (or (< variables1 variables2) (when (= variables1 variables2) (< (length (solution-hconss solution1)) (length (solution-hconss solution2)))))))))) (defmacro scratch (scratch) `(let ((generation (first ,scratch))) (when (and (integerp generation) (= generation %transfer-generation%)) (rest ,scratch)))) (defsetf scratch (scratch) (value) `(let ((generation (first ,scratch))) (unless (and (integerp generation) (= generation %transfer-generation%)) (setf (first ,scratch) %transfer-generation%)) (setf (rest ,scratch) ,value))) (defun forward-variable (old new solution) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; most likely, it will never happen that we attempt to forward a variable ;; that is itself forwarded, since all code below should have derefenced it, ;; first thing in the morning. confirm! (22-jan-04; oe) ;; (let ((foo (getf (solution-variables solution) old))) (if foo (forward-variable foo new solution) (setf (getf (solution-variables solution) old) new)))) (defun retrieve-variable (variable solution) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; transfer/24 appears to be caused by variable lookup failure, even though ;; h8 == h53 (for item # 2 from the `mrs' test suite) appears to be in the ;; set of variable equations, but somehow they are not eq()! for now, try a ;; more robust comparison, not assuming that variables be eq() --- it is not ;; that much more expensive, after all. (9-jan-04; oe) ;; ;; we believe that moving postprocess-mrs() (which produces copies) out until ;; after all unifcation and `expansion' is complete probably has resolved our ;; non-eq()ness issues. (19-jan-04; oe) ;; (if (mrs::var-p variable) (let ((new (getf (solution-variables solution) variable))) (if (and new (not (eq new variable))) (retrieve-variable new solution) variable)) variable)) (defun align-eps (old new solution) (push (cons old new) (solution-eps solution))) (defun retrieve-ep (ep solution) (loop for (old . new) in (solution-eps solution) when (eq ep old) return new when (eq ep new) return old)) (defun align-hconss (old new solution) (push (cons old new) (solution-hconss solution))) (defun retrieve-hcons (hcons solution) (loop for (old . new) in (solution-hconss solution) when (eq hcons old) return new when (eq hcons new) return old)) ;;; ;;; construction of transfer rules from MTR descriptions in TDL ;;; (defun read-transfer-types (files &optional settings) (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable))) (lkb::read-tdl-type-files-aux files settings))) (defun read-transfer-rules (files &optional name &key (filter nil filterp) before after in out pre post reset task optional (recurse t) subsume edges) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; make top variable type (`u') customizable, one day. (22-jan-04; oe) ;; (when (lkb::is-valid-type (mrs::vsym *semi-u-type*)) (loop for type in (lkb::retrieve-descendants (mrs::vsym *semi-u-type*)) for name = (lkb::ltype-name type) do (loop for feature in (lkb::appropriate-features-of name) do (pushnew feature %transfer-variable-features%)))) (when reset (initialize-transfer)) ;; ;; protect general MRS code from ending up using our variable generator, as ;; construct-mrs() makes a global assignment :-(. (27-jan-04; oe) ;; (let* ((mrs::*variable-generator* mrs::*variable-generator*) (mrs::*mrs-record-all-nodes-p* t) (files (if (listp files) files (list files))) (id (if (stringp name) name (let ((file (pathname (first files)))) (format nil "~a~@[.~a~]" (pathname-name file) (pathname-type file)))))) (loop with rules = nil for foo in files for file = (pathname foo) unless (probe-file file) do (format t "~&read-transfer-rules(): ignoring invalid file `~a~@[.~a~]'.~%" (pathname-name file) (pathname-type file)) else do (format t "~&read-transfer-rules(): reading file `~a~@[.~a~]'.~%" (pathname-name file) (pathname-type file)) (with-open-file (stream file :direction :input) (loop with *readtable* = (lkb::make-tdl-break-table) for c = (peek-char t stream nil nil) while c do (cond ((char= c #\;) (read-line stream)) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; this should do full detection of `#|' comments instead. ;; (8-oct-03; oe) ((char= c #\#) (lkb::read-tdl-comment stream)) (t (let* ((id (read stream nil nil)) (c (peek-char t stream nil nil)) (c (when (and c (char= c #\:)) (read-char stream) (peek-char t stream nil nil)))) (unless (or (null c) (char= c #\=)) (error "read-transfer-rules(): ~ syntax error following rule id `~(~a~)'." id)) (read-char stream) (let ((unifications (lkb::read-expanded-avm-def stream id)) lhs constants copies rhs) (when (lkb::check-for #\. stream id) (multiple-value-setq (lhs constants copies rhs) (discriminate-mtr-unifications unifications)) (setf lhs (lkb::process-unifications lhs)) (unless lhs (error "read-transfer-rules(): ~ `~(~a~)' is incoherent.~%" id)) (setf lhs (lkb::create-wffs lhs)) (unless lhs (error "read-transfer-rules(): ~ `~(~a~)' is not wellformed.~%" id)) (when rhs (setf rhs (lkb::process-unifications rhs)) (unless rhs (error "read-transfer-rules(): ~ `~(~a~)' is incoherent.~%" id)) (setf rhs (lkb::create-wffs rhs)) (unless rhs (error "read-transfer-rules(): ~ `~(~a~)' is not wellformed.~%" id))) (let ((rule (convert-dag-to-mtr lhs constants copies rhs id :optional optional :task task :file file))) (when rule (record-mtr (compile-mtr rule)) (push rule rules)))))))))) finally (let* ((*package* (find-package :mt)) (before (ignore-errors (typecase before (null nil) (string (symbol-function (read-from-string before))) (symbol (symbol-function before)) (function before)))) (after (ignore-errors (typecase after (null nil) (string (symbol-function (read-from-string after))) (symbol (symbol-function after)) (function after)))) (mtrs (make-mtrs :id id :mtrs (nreverse rules) :before before :after after :pre pre :post post :in in :out out))) (setf (getf (mtrs-flags mtrs) :recurse) recurse) (setf (getf (mtrs-flags mtrs) :filter) (if filterp filter t)) (when task (setf (mtrs-task mtrs) task)) (when edges (setf (mtrs-edges mtrs) edges)) (when subsume (setf (getf (mtrs-flags mtrs) :subsume) subsume)) (setf *transfer-rule-sets* (append *transfer-rule-sets* (list mtrs))))))) (defun discriminate-mtr-unifications (unifications) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; give a little more thought to built-in assumptions about surface order, ;; e.g. confirm that .outputp. below would also work if an MTR had OUTPUT as ;; its first component. (27-jan-04; oe) ;; #+:debug (setf %unifications unifications) (labels ((prefixp (prefix list n) (and (>= (length list) n) (null (mismatch prefix list :end2 n))))) (loop with lhss with constants with copies with rhss with n = (length *mtr-output-path*) for unification in unifications for lhs = (lkb::unification-lhs unification) for path = (and (lkb::path-p lhs) (lkb::path-typed-feature-list lhs)) for outputp = (prefixp *mtr-output-path* path n) for rhs = (lkb::unification-rhs unification) when (and path (lkb::u-value-p rhs) (eq (lkb::u-value-type rhs) *mtr-copy-operator*)) do (push path copies) (push (lkb::make-unification :lhs lhs :rhs lhs) lhss) else when (and outputp (lkb::u-value-p rhs)) do #+:debug (format t "rhs: ~a~%" unification) (push unification rhss) (push (lkb::make-unification :lhs lhs :rhs lhs) lhss) else do #+:debug (format t "lhs: ~a~%" unification) (push unification lhss) ;; ;; for coreferences on constant MRS elements (PRED, CARG, et al., and ;; properties inside of variables, circumvent construct-mrs() default ;; behavior; maybe we should not use construct-mrs(), at some point. ;; (when (and path (lkb::path-p rhs) (let ((feature (first (last path)))) (or (eq feature (first (last mrs::*rel-name-path*))) (member feature mrs::*value-feats*) (member feature %transfer-variable-features%)))) (push unification constants)) (let ((rhsp (and (lkb::path-p rhs) (prefixp *mtr-output-path* (lkb::path-typed-feature-list rhs) n)))) (cond ((and outputp rhsp) (push unification rhss)) (rhsp (push (lkb::make-unification :lhs rhs :rhs rhs) rhss)) (outputp (push (lkb::make-unification :lhs lhs :rhs lhs) rhss)))) finally #+:debug (setf %lhss lhss %rhss rhss) (return (values lhss constants copies rhss))))) (defun convert-dag-to-mtr (lhs constants copies rhs id &key optional task file) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; give some thought to variable types: authors of transfer rules might well ;; expect that variable names contribute type information in the MRS spirit. ;; we would have to go through .dag. at some point (soon enough to still have ;; access to the original tag names) and add :type information to each node. ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; i finally worked out, why ann introduced the `^c42' notation: for PRED and ;; roles in *value-feats*, construct-mrs() will always create a constant, ;; even where variables were called for (by means of coreferences, say). we ;; will need to specialize construct-mrs() relatively soon, it seems, also to ;; treat special operators like :exact. (24-jan-04; oe) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; the method implemented above (finding .constants. among the unifications ;; of the MTR specification will only work for coreferences in the instance; ;; to generally deal with inherited coreferences too, we will need to walk ;; through the dag and identify coreferences ... not that hard, but we will ;; have to do a little more work (also worry about coreferences on constant ;; nodes more, e.g. handle an additional type appropriately, since constants ;; cannot have sub-structures, at least :-). (27-jan-04; oe) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; i now more or less believe we should stop using construct-mrs(), and build ;; our own MRS-like data structure instead ... later. (15-feb-04; oe) ;; #+:debug (setf %lhs lhs %constants constants %copies copies %rhs rhs) (let ((generator (let ((n 0)) #'(lambda () (decf n)))) (mrs::*named-nodes* nil) (mrs::*all-nodes* nil)) ;; ;; to allow use of `standard' MRS variables as (meta-level) variables on ;; `constant' MRS elements (like PRED, CARG, and extras), work around the ;; default construct-mrs() behaviour; maybe we should move to doing all MRS ;; construction ourselves, or maybe not use MRS variables for meta-level ;; variables. ;; (when constants (convert-constants-to-variables lhs constants generator)) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; for now, construct MRS components in transfer rules _without_ using the ;; SEM-I variable property mapping; however, we surely could, and it would ;; probably make transfer rules look cleaner, but (for example) disconnect ;; the generator-internal trigger rules further from the type hierarchy. ;; think this over more asap. (23-jun-06; oe) ;; ;; well, as of january 2009, the SEM-I VPM also comprises the variable type ;; mappings (e.g. `event' <-> `e'). and we need those, as we always want ;; MRSs and MTRs to operate in the pure, external (aka SEM-I) namespace. ;; a grammar may have many different intermediate variable types, and for ;; MTR unifcation or MRS comparison, we must never have to consider these. ;; MRS variable type operations using the SEM-I namespace are possible, ;; even though we do not yet `import' the SEM-I into its own hierarchy, ;; because all grammars include the `u', `h', `i', `e', `x', et al. types. ;; (22-jan-09; oe) ;; _fix_me_ ;; the problem in this approach is that map-vpm() creates a copy, hence the ;; correspondences from FS elements to MRS sub-structures no longer holds, ;; which breaks the FLAGS :equal and :subsume mechanisms. (10-feb-09; oe) ;; (let* ((vpms *vpms*) (*vpms* nil) (filter (mrs::path-value lhs *mtr-filter-path*)) (filter (and filter (not (vacuous-constraint-p *mtr-filter-path* filter)) (mrs::construct-mrs filter generator))) (context (mrs::path-value lhs *mtr-context-path*)) (context (and context (not (vacuous-constraint-p *mtr-context-path* context)) (mrs::construct-mrs context generator))) (input (mrs::path-value lhs *mtr-input-path*)) (input (and input (not (vacuous-constraint-p *mtr-input-path* input)) (mrs::construct-mrs input generator))) (output (mrs::path-value lhs *mtr-output-path*)) (output (and output (not (vacuous-constraint-p *mtr-output-path* output)) (mrs::construct-mrs output generator))) (defaults (and rhs (mrs::path-value rhs *mtr-output-path*))) (defaults (and defaults (not (vacuous-constraint-p *mtr-output-path* defaults)) (mrs::construct-mrs defaults generator)))) ;; ;; now that all MRSs are constructed, without any use of the VPM, apply ;; variable type mappings, if needed. this is our attempt at avoiding ;; the creation of copies when applying the VPM; not really pretty! ;; (when mrs::*variable-type-mapping* (let ((vpm (find mrs::*variable-type-mapping* vpms :key #'vpm-id))) (when vpm (loop for pair in mrs::*all-nodes* for mrs = (rest pair) when (mrs:var-p mrs) do (setf (mrs:var-type mrs) (map-type (mrs:var-type mrs) vpm :forward)))))) (let* ((dag (and lhs (mrs::path-value lhs *mtr-flags-path*))) (flags (and dag (not (vacuous-constraint-p *mtr-flags-path* dag)) (convert-dag-to-flags dag))) (flags (if (and optional (not (member :obligatory flags))) (adjoin :optional flags) (remove :obligatory flags))) (rank (convert-dag-to-rank dag)) (special (and dag (not (vacuous-constraint-p *mtr-flags-path* dag)) (convert-dag-to-special dag :id id)))) ;; ;; for later postprocessing, look up relations that were requested for ;; OUTPUT copy, and record them in their MTR. ;; (loop for path in copies for dag = (mrs::path-value lhs path) for ep = (rest (assoc dag mrs::*all-nodes* :test #'eq)) unless ep do (format t "~&convert-dag-to-mtr(): ~ no EP for +copy+ path `~{~(~a~)~^ ~}'.~%" path) else do (push ep %transfer-copy-eps%)) (unless (or output rhs (eq task :trigger) (mtr-block nil special) (mtr-warn nil special)) ;; ;; warn: rule with no output specification ;; (format t "~&convert-dag-to-mtr(): ~ `~(~a~)' has empty output specification.~%" id)) (let* ((vector (ash 1 %transfer-rule-id%)) (mtr (make-mtr :id id :filter filter :context context :input input :output output :defaults defaults :variables (nreverse mrs::*named-nodes*) :flags flags :special special :rank rank :vector vector :file file))) (incf %transfer-rule-id%) (when (member :optional (mtr-flags mtr)) (setf vector (logior vector %transfer-optional-rules%))) mtr))))) (defun convert-constants-to-variables (dag constants generator) (loop for constant in constants for path = (lkb::path-typed-feature-list (lkb::unification-lhs constant)) for node = (mrs::path-value dag path) when node do (mrs::create-variable node generator))) (defun convert-dag-to-flags (dag) #+:debug (setf %dag dag) (let* ((optional (mrs::path-value dag *mtr-optional-path*)) (fail (mrs::path-value dag *mtr-fail-path*)) (permute (mrs::path-value dag *mtr-permute-path*)) (exhaustive (mrs::path-value dag *mtr-exhaustive-path*)) flags) (when (lkb::bool-value-true optional) (pushnew :optional flags)) (when (lkb::bool-value-false optional) (pushnew :obligatory flags)) (when (lkb::bool-value-true fail) (pushnew :fail flags)) (unless (lkb::bool-value-false permute) (pushnew :permute flags)) (when (lkb::bool-value-true exhaustive) (pushnew :exhaustive flags)) flags)) (defun convert-dag-to-rank (dag) #+:debug (setf %dag dag) (when dag (let ((rank (mrs::path-value dag *mtr-rank-path*))) (when rank (ignore-errors (mrs::extract-integer-from-fs-type rank)))))) (defun convert-dag-to-special (dag &key id) (let ((equal (lkb::existing-dag-at-end-of dag *mtr-equal-path*)) (subsume (lkb::existing-dag-at-end-of dag *mtr-subsume-path*)) (block (mrs::path-value dag *mtr-block-path*)) (warn (mrs::path-value dag *mtr-warn-path*)) (trigger (mrs::path-value dag *mtr-trigger-path*)) special) (when (lkb::dag-p equal) (loop for i from 0 for list = equal then (lkb::existing-dag-at-end-of list lkb::*list-tail*) for first = (when list (lkb::existing-dag-at-end-of list lkb::*list-head*)) while (and first (lkb::dag-p first)) do (let ((match (rest (assoc first mrs::*all-nodes* :test #'eq)))) (if match (push (cons match :equal) special) (format t "~&convert-dag-to-special(): `~(~a~)' ~ no match for EQUAL element # ~a.~%" id i))))) (when (lkb::dag-p subsume) (loop for i from 0 for list = subsume then (lkb::existing-dag-at-end-of list lkb::*list-tail*) for first = (when list (lkb::existing-dag-at-end-of list lkb::*list-head*)) while (and first (lkb::dag-p first)) do (let ((match (rest (assoc first mrs::*all-nodes* :test #'eq)))) (if match (push (cons match :subsume) special) (format t "~&convert-dag-to-special(): `~(~a~)' ~ no match for SUBSUME element # ~a.~%" id i))))) (when (mrs::is-valid-fs block) (let ((block (mrs::fs-type block))) (when (stringp block) (push (cons block :block) special)))) (when (mrs::is-valid-fs warn) (let ((warn (mrs::fs-type warn))) (when (stringp warn) (push (cons warn :warn) special)))) (when (mrs::is-valid-fs trigger) (let ((le (mrs::vsym (mrs::fs-type trigger)))) (push id (gethash le *transfer-triggers*)) (push (cons le :trigger) special))) special)) (defun vacuous-constraint-p (path dag) (let* ((feature (if (consp path) (first (last path)) path)) (dag (if (lkb::dag-p dag) dag (lkb::create-typed-dag dag))) (type (lkb::minimal-type-for feature)) (constraint (and type (lkb::constraint-of type)))) (lkb::dag-subsumes-p dag constraint))) (defun compile-mtr (mtr) #-:ppcre mtr #+:ppcre (labels ((compile (mrs) (when mrs (loop for ep in (mrs:psoa-liszt mrs) for pred = (mrs:rel-pred ep) when (and (stringp pred) (eq (char pred 0) #\~)) do (setf (mrs:rel-pred ep) (ppcre::create-scanner (subseq pred 1))) when (and (stringp pred) (eq (char pred 0) #\@)) do (let* ((id (string-upcase (subseq pred 1))) (id (intern id :keyword)) (semi (find id *semis* :key #'semi-name))) (if semi (setf (mrs:rel-pred ep) semi) (error "~&compile-mtr(): ~ invalid SEM-I reference `~(~a~)' in MTR `~(~a~)'." id (mtr-id mtr)))) do (loop for role in (mrs:rel-flist ep) for value = (mrs:fvpair-value role) when (and (stringp value) (eq (char value 0) #\~)) do (setf (mrs:fvpair-value role) (ppcre::create-scanner (subseq value 1))) when (mrs::var-p value) do (loop for extra in (mrs:var-extra value) for value = (mrs::extrapair-value extra) when (and (stringp value) (eq (char value 0) #\~)) do (setf (mrs::extrapair-value extra) (ppcre::create-scanner (subseq value 1))))))) mrs) (unfill (mrs) (when mrs (loop for ep in (mrs:psoa-liszt mrs) for pred = (mrs:rel-pred ep) when (eq pred mrs::*top-semantics-type*) do (setf (mrs:rel-pred ep) nil))) mrs)) (compile (mtr-filter mtr)) (compile (mtr-input mtr)) (compile (mtr-context mtr)) (unfill (mtr-defaults mtr)) mtr)) (defun record-mtr (mtr) (labels ((id (pred) (or (gethash pred (tl-all *transfer-lexicon*)) (let ((id (tl-id *transfer-lexicon*))) (setf (gethash pred (tl-all *transfer-lexicon*)) id) (setf (gethash id (tl-reverse *transfer-lexicon*)) pred) (incf (tl-id *transfer-lexicon*)) id)))) (loop for ep in (and (mtr-filter mtr) (mrs:psoa-liszt (mtr-filter mtr))) for pred = (mrs:rel-pred ep) when (common-predicate-p pred) do (push mtr (gethash pred (tl-filter *transfer-lexicon*))) (when (string-predicate-p pred) (push (id pred) (mtr-avoids mtr)))) (loop for ep in (and (mtr-context mtr) (mrs:psoa-liszt (mtr-context mtr))) for pred = (mrs:rel-pred ep) when (common-predicate-p pred) do (push mtr (gethash pred (tl-context *transfer-lexicon*))) (when (string-predicate-p pred) (push (id pred) (mtr-requires mtr)))) (loop for ep in (and (mtr-input mtr) (mrs:psoa-liszt (mtr-input mtr))) for pred = (mrs:rel-pred ep) when (common-predicate-p pred) do (push mtr (gethash pred (tl-input *transfer-lexicon*))) (when (string-predicate-p pred) (push (id pred) (mtr-consumes mtr)))) (loop with deps = (and (mtr-defaults mtr) (mrs:psoa-liszt (mtr-defaults mtr))) for oep in (and (mtr-output mtr) (mrs:psoa-liszt (mtr-output mtr))) for dep = (pop deps) for pred = (or (let ((pred (and dep (mrs:rel-pred dep)))) (and (common-predicate-p pred) pred)) (mrs:rel-pred oep)) when (common-predicate-p pred) do (push mtr (gethash pred (tl-output *transfer-lexicon*))) (when (string-predicate-p pred) (push (id pred) (mtr-provides mtr))) else do ;; ;; some rules compute their output predicates in terms of the input, ;; e.g. using the +copy+ operator or a PRED variable; in such cases, ;; pretend this rule does not consume anything. ;; (setf (mtr-consumes mtr) nil)))) ;;; ;;; top-level drivers for application of transfer rules; use `edge' structure ;;; to keep track of something reminiscent of a derivation tree. ;;; (defun initialize-transfer () (setf *vpms* nil) (setf *semis* nil) (setf *transfer-rule-sets* nil) (setf *transfer-triggers* (make-hash-table)) (setf *transfer-lexicon* (make-tl)) (setf %transfer-rule-id% 0) (setf %transfer-generation% 0) (setf %transfer-copy-eps% nil) (setf %transfer-special-elements% nil) (setf %transfer-variable-features% nil)) (defun activate-transfer ()) (defun transfer-mrs (mrs &key (filter *transfer-filter-p*) (block *transfer-block-p*) (preemptive *transfer-preemptive-filter-p*) (debug '(:chart)) task (tm *transfer-tm*)) #-:lm (declare (ignore tm)) #+:debug (setf %mrs% mrs) (setf %transfer-edges% nil) (setf %transfer-chart% nil) (let* ((*transfer-filter-p* filter) (*transfer-block-p* block) (*transfer-preemptive-filter-p* preemptive) (*transfer-debug-p* (when (consp debug) debug)) (*transfer-skolemize-p* t) (%transfer-edge-id% 0) (%mrs-copy-cache% nil) (%transfer-original-variables% nil) (mrs (clone-mrs mrs :skolemizep t)) (n (loop for variable in %mrs-copy-cache% maximize (or (mrs:var-id (first variable)) 0) do (push (rest variable) %transfer-original-variables%))) (edge (make-edge :mrs mrs :n n))) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; possibly the initial quick-check vector should always be computed afresh ;; in apply-mtrs(); see comments there. (31-dec-06; oe) ;; (when *transfer-lexicon* (loop for ep in (mrs:psoa-liszt mrs) for pred = (mrs:rel-pred ep) for id = (when (string-predicate-p pred) (gethash pred (tl-all *transfer-lexicon*))) when id do (push id (edge-preds edge))) (setf (edge-preds edge) (sort (edge-preds edge) #'<))) (multiple-value-bind (result condition) (#-:debug ignore-errors #+:debug progn (transfer-mrs2 (list edge) (loop for mtrs in *transfer-rule-sets* for foo = (mtrs-task mtrs) when (or (null task) (null foo) (eq task foo)) collect mtrs))) (when condition (unless debug (error condition)) #+:clim (clim:beep) (format *transfer-debug-stream* "~&transfer-mrs(): `~a'~%" condition)) #+:lm (when tm (let* ((mrss (loop for edge in result collect (edge-mrs edge))) (scores (ignore-errors (tm-score-mrss mrss :model tm)))) (loop for edge in result for score in scores when (numberp (rest score)) do (setf (edge-score edge) (- (rest score)))) (setf result (sort result #'> :key #'edge-score)))) (when *transfer-postprocess-p* (setf result (loop for edge in result for clone = (copy-edge edge) do (setf (edge-mrs clone) (postprocess-mrs (edge-mrs edge))) collect clone))) result))) (defun transfer-mrs2 (edges mtrss) (if (null mtrss) edges (transfer-mrs2 (let* ((mtrs (first mtrss)) (edges (loop for edge in edges append (apply-mtrs edge mtrs)))) ;; ;; as we advance from one MTR set to the next, apply the output VPM and ;; after hook, if any; ditch intermediate solutions for which there are ;; problems in VPM- or post-processing. ;; ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; in the same spirit, do something about the `post' SEM-I test. ;; (17-oct-06; oe) (when (mtrs-post mtrs) (loop with semi = (mtrs-post mtrs) for i from 0 for edge in edges do (setf (edge-semi edge) (test-semi-compliance (edge-mrs edge) semi)) #+:debug (when (edge-semi edge) (format excl:*initial-terminal-io* "~&~a~%" (edge-semi edge))))) (when (mtrs-out mtrs) (loop for i from 0 for edge in edges do (handler-case (setf (edge-mrs edge) (map-mrs (edge-mrs edge) (mtrs-out mtrs) :forward :skolemizep t :preserve (list *mtr-ditch-property*))) (condition (condition) (format *transfer-debug-stream* "~&transfer-mrs2(): [~a] `~a'.~%" i condition) (setf (edge-mrs edge) nil))))) (when (mtrs-after mtrs) (loop for i from 0 for edge in edges when (edge-mrs edge) do (handler-case (setf (edge-mrs edge) (funcall (mtrs-after mtrs) (edge-mrs edge))) (condition (condition) (format *transfer-debug-stream* "~&transfer-mrs2(): [~a] `~a'.~%" i condition) (setf (edge-mrs edge) nil))))) (loop for edge in edges when (edge-mrs edge) collect edge)) (rest mtrss)))) (defun equivalentp (edge1 edge2) (let* ((mask (lognot %transfer-optional-rules%)) (vector1 (logand (edge-vector edge1) mask)) (vector2 (logand (edge-vector edge2) mask)) (mrs1 (edge-mrs edge1)) (mrs2 (edge-mrs edge2))) (and (= (edge-depth edge1) (edge-depth edge2)) (= (logior vector2 vector1) vector2) (mrs= mrs1 mrs2 :properties (list *mtr-skolem-property*))))) (defun packed-edge-p (edge) (loop for old in %transfer-chart% thereis (unless (eq edge old) (equivalentp edge old)))) (defun apply-mtrs (edge mtrs &key filter) (when (or (null edge) (null mtrs)) (return-from apply-mtrs)) (push edge %transfer-chart%) (when (mtrs-before mtrs) (handler-case (setf (edge-mrs edge) (funcall (mtrs-before mtrs) (edge-mrs edge))) (condition (condition) (format *transfer-debug-stream* "~&apply-mtrs(): `~a'.~%" condition) (return-from apply-mtrs))) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; the `before' hook may change the input MRS destructively, e.g. prefix ;; predicates with a language code (as is used in DeEn at least). hence we ;; need to re-compute the quick-check vector here, but maybe we should just ;; always compute it afresh as we start a new .mtrs.? (31-dec-06; oe) ;; (loop for ep in (mrs:psoa-liszt (edge-mrs edge)) for pred = (mrs:rel-pred ep) for id = (when (string-predicate-p pred) (gethash pred (tl-all *transfer-lexicon*))) when id do (push id (edge-preds edge))) (setf (edge-preds edge) (sort (edge-preds edge) #'<))) (when (mtrs-in mtrs) (handler-case (setf (edge-mrs edge) (map-mrs (edge-mrs edge) (mtrs-in mtrs) :forward :skolemizep t :preserve (list *mtr-ditch-property*))) (condition (condition) (format *transfer-debug-stream* "~&apply-mtrs(): `~a'.~%" condition) (return-from apply-mtrs)))) (loop with result with *transfer-edge-limit* = (or (mtrs-edges mtrs) *transfer-edge-limit*) with filter = (or filter (mtrs-filter-p mtrs)) with recurse = (mtrs-recurse-p mtrs) with subsume = (mtrs-subsume-p mtrs) with agenda = (list edge) with all = (loop for mtr in (mtrs-mtrs mtrs) for rank = (mtr-rank mtr) when (and (not (member (mtr-id mtr) *transfer-ignore*)) (or (null *transfer-maximum-rank*) (null rank) (not (member :optional (mtr-flags mtr))) (<= rank *transfer-maximum-rank*))) collect mtr) initially (when (and filter *transfer-preemptive-filter-p*) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; some entries in *transfer-lexicon* might be regular expressions, ;; which we should (a) compile at the time the `lexicon' is built and ;; (b) match properly at this point. (16-nov-08; oe) ;; (loop with unknown with source = (tl-input *transfer-lexicon*) for ep in (mrs:psoa-liszt (edge-mrs edge)) for pred = (mrs:rel-pred ep) unless (or (gethash pred source) (interlingua-predicate-p pred)) do (push ep unknown) finally (when unknown (error "unknown transfer predicates: ~{|~a|~^, ~}" (loop for ep in unknown collect (mrs::ep-shorthand ep)))))) for task = (pop agenda) for rule = (and task (edge-rule task)) for mtrs = (if (or (eq task edge) (null rule)) ;; ;; when we advance from one MTRS to another, the top .edge. ;; may have a non-empty rule, but taken from the other set. ;; all (member rule all)) while task when (null (mtr-block (edge-rule task))) do #+:debug (format *transfer-debug-stream* "apply-mtrs(): << ~a~%" task) ;; ;; each rule in the current set can be obligatory (the new default) or ;; optional; if one of the non-optional rules fires, then the current ;; derivation (i.e. .task.) is consumed and does not become a result. ;; (loop with resultp = t for mtr in mtrs for optionalp = (member :optional (mtr-flags mtr)) while resultp for edges = (apply-mtr task mtr :subsumesp subsume) when (and edges (not optionalp) recurse) do (setf resultp nil) do (loop for edge in edges unless (and recurse (packed-edge-p edge)) do #+:debug (format *transfer-debug-stream* "apply-mtrs(): >> ~a~%" edge) (push edge %transfer-chart%) (if recurse (push edge agenda) (push edge result))) finally (when (and resultp recurse) #+:debug (format *transfer-debug-stream* "apply-mtrs(): == ~a~%" task) (push task result))) else unless *transfer-block-p* do (push task result) finally (if filter (return (stable-sort (loop with eps = (loop for ep in (mrs:psoa-liszt (edge-mrs edge)) unless (interlingua-predicate-p (mrs::rel-pred ep)) collect ep) for edge in result for source = (intersection (mrs:psoa-liszt (edge-mrs edge)) eps :key #'mrs::rel-pred :test #'equal) do (loop for foo in source do (pushnew foo (edge-source edge))) unless (and source *transfer-filter-p*) collect edge) #'(lambda (foo bar) (if (or (and (null (edge-source foo)) (null (edge-source bar))) (and (edge-source foo) (edge-source bar))) (> (edge-depth foo) (edge-depth bar)) (null (edge-source foo)))))) ;; ;; sort resulting derivations by `edit distance' to the original MRS, ;; measured in terms of the number of MTRs that we have applied. ;; (return (stable-sort result #'> :key #'edge-depth))))) (defun apply-mtr (edge mtr &key subsumesp) ;; ;; first, evaluate the pre-unification `quick-check' of predicates ;; (unless (and ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; the mere presence of a PRED is not enough to demonstrate that ;; the FILTER will actually be true. (16-oct-06; oe) ;; #+:null (loop for pred in (mtr-avoids mtr) never (member pred (edge-preds edge) :test #'=)) (loop for pred in (mtr-requires mtr) always (member pred (edge-preds edge) :test #'=)) (loop for pred in (mtr-consumes mtr) always (member pred (edge-preds edge) :test #'=))) (return-from apply-mtr)) (loop with %transfer-variable-id% = (+ (edge-n edge) 1) for solution in (unify-mtr (edge-mrs edge) mtr :subsumesp subsumesp) for mrs = (expand-solution (edge-mrs edge) mtr solution) for new = (when mrs (make-edge :rule mtr :mrs mrs :daughter edge :solution solution :n %transfer-variable-id%)) when new do ;; ;; finally, determine the `quick-check' vector of predicates on the ;; new edge, ditching everything that was consumed and adjoining output ;; predicates from the rule we just applied. ;; (setf (edge-preds new) (loop with consumes = (copy-list (mtr-consumes mtr)) with preds = (copy-list (edge-preds edge)) for pred = (first preds) for consume = (first consumes) while pred when (null consume) collect (pop preds) else when (= pred consume) do (pop preds) (pop consumes) else when (< pred consume) collect (pop preds) else when (> pred consume) do (pop consumes))) (loop for provide in (mtr-provides mtr) do (push provide (edge-preds new))) (setf (edge-preds new) (sort (edge-preds new) #'<)) and collect new)) (defparameter %transfer-trace-p% nil) (defparameter %transfer-trace-context% nil) (defparameter %transfer-trace-failure% nil) (defmacro transfer-trace (type value) `(setf (getf %transfer-trace-context% ,type) ,value)) (defmacro current-mtr () `(getf %transfer-trace-context% :mtr)) (defmacro current-component () `(getf %transfer-trace-context% :component)) ;;; ;;; for debugging purposes, record failure condition during unification; there ;;; could be a number of distinct failure types: ;;; ;;; - :top or :index, variable type or extra; ;;; - unifying two EPs, ;;; PRED or role, variable vs. constant; variable type or extra; and ;;; - HCONS, it seems impossible to fail on HCONS, right now. ;;; ;;; _fix_me_ ;;; complete tracing { and | or } failure accumulation. (22-jan-04; oe) ;;; ;;; to simplify the treatment of constants, where the rule may use a variable ;;; to bind a constant, all of the following assume that the second parameter ;;; to each unification corresponds to the rule, i.e. can be a variable even if ;;; the first is constant. ;;; ;;; _fix_me_ ;;; not sure that this is still relevant, at least not in interesting ways, as ;;; we are reasonably close to a notion of unification now (24-oct-03; oe) ;;; (defun unify-mtr (mrs mtr &key subsumesp) #+:debug (format *transfer-debug-stream* "unify-mtr(): `~(~a~)' @ ~a~%" (mtr-id mtr) mrs) (transfer-trace :mtr mtr) (clrhash %transfer-variable-cache%) (incf %transfer-generation%) (let* ((filter (mtr-filter mtr)) (context (mtr-context mtr)) (input (mtr-input mtr)) solutions) (transfer-trace :component :context) (setf solutions (unify-mtr-component mrs context nil :subsumesp subsumesp)) (unless solutions ;; ;; trace ;; (return-from unify-mtr)) #+:debug (format t "unify-mtr(): ~a solution~p for CONTEXT component.~%" (length solutions) (length solutions)) (when input (transfer-trace :component :input) (setf solutions (loop for solution in solutions append (unify-mtr-component mrs input solution :subsumesp subsumesp))) #+:debug (format t "unify-mtr(): ~a solution~p for INPUT component.~%" (length solutions) (length solutions)) (unless solutions ;; ;; trace ;; (return-from unify-mtr))) (when context (setf solutions (loop with hcons1 = (mrs:psoa-h-cons mrs) with hcons2 = (mrs:psoa-h-cons context) for solution in solutions nconc (unify-hconss hcons1 hcons2 solution :subsumesp subsumesp))) #+:debug (format t "unify-mtr(): ~a solution~p for CONTEXT component HCONS.~%" (length solutions) (length solutions)) (unless solutions ;; ;; trace ;; (return-from unify-mtr))) (when input (setf solutions (loop with hcons1 = (mrs:psoa-h-cons mrs) with hcons2 = (mrs:psoa-h-cons input) for solution in solutions nconc (unify-hconss hcons1 hcons2 solution :subsumesp subsumesp))) #+:debug (format t "unify-mtr(): ~a solution~p for INPUT component HCONS.~%" (length solutions) (length solutions)) (unless solutions ;; ;; trace ;; (return-from unify-mtr))) (when filter (transfer-trace :component :filter) (setf solutions (loop for solution in solutions unless (unify-mtr-component mrs filter solution :subsumesp subsumesp) collect solution)) #+:debug (format t "unify-mtr(): ~a solution~p for FILTER component HCONS.~%" (length solutions) (length solutions))) #+:null solutions (if (mtr-permute-p mtr) solutions (and solutions (list (first solutions)))))) (defun unify-mtr-component (mrs1 mrs2 &optional solution &key (disjointp t) subsumesp) (if (null mrs2) (list solution) (let* ((solution (copy-solution solution)) (top1 (mrs:psoa-top-h mrs1)) (top2 (mrs:psoa-top-h mrs2))) (transfer-trace :part :top) (unless (or (null mrs::*rel-handel-path*) (unify-values top1 top2 solution :subsumesp subsumesp)) ;; ;; trace ;; (return-from unify-mtr-component)) (let* ((index1 (mrs:psoa-index mrs1)) (index2 (mrs:psoa-index mrs2))) (transfer-trace :part :index) (unless (unify-values index1 index2 solution :subsumesp subsumesp) ;; ;; trace ;; (return-from unify-mtr-component))) (let* ((eps1 (mrs:psoa-liszt mrs1)) (eps2 (mrs:psoa-liszt mrs2)) (solutions (unify-epss eps1 eps2 solution :disjointp disjointp :subsumesp subsumesp))) (unless solutions ;; ;; trace ;; (return-from unify-mtr-component)) ;; ;; re-order computation for better efficiency (and while there is no ;; good way of rejecting false results based on a cycle check). ;; solutions #+:null (let* ((hcons1 (mrs:psoa-h-cons mrs1)) (hcons2 (mrs:psoa-h-cons mrs2)) (solutions (loop for solution in solutions append (unify-hconss hcons1 hcons2 solution :subsumesp subsumesp)))) (unless solutions ;; ;; trace ;; (return-from unify-mtr-component)) solutions))))) (defun unify-epss (eps1 eps2 solution &key (disjointp t) subsumesp) ;; ;; we must not destructively modify .solution. --- assume that unify-eps() ;; will always copy its input parameter first. require that all elements of ;; .eps2. get bound successfully, i.e. only return solutions that account for ;; all of the CONTEXT or INPUT elements from an MTR. ;; (when eps1 (if (null eps2) (list solution) (let* ((ep2 (first eps2)) (solutions (loop for ep1 in eps1 for result = (unify-eps ep1 ep2 solution :disjointp disjointp :subsumesp subsumesp) when result collect result))) (when solutions (loop for solution in solutions nconc (unify-epss eps1 (rest eps2) solution :disjointp disjointp :subsumesp subsumesp))))))) ;;; ;;; in unifying two sets of EPs, i believe we are assuming that no EP can be ;;; unified with more than one counterpart (which intuitively seems to make a ;;; lot of sense); it means there cannot be `overlap' between the CONTEXT and ;;; INPUT parts of a rule, which is fine since bindings are accumulated from ;;; both, so there should be no need to have a duplicate EP (targetting just ;;; one EP in the input MRS) spread out over those two. (23-oct-03; oe) ;;; (defun unify-eps (ep1 ep2 solution &key (disjointp t) subsumesp) (transfer-trace :part (cons ep1 ep2)) (unless (when disjointp (or (retrieve-ep ep1 solution) (retrieve-ep ep2 solution))) (let* ((solution (copy-solution solution)) (special (loop for special in (mtr-special (current-mtr)) when (eq ep2 (first special)) return (rest special))) (subsumesp (or subsumesp (eq special :subsume))) (pred (unify-preds (mrs::rel-pred ep1) (mrs::rel-pred ep2) solution :subsumesp subsumesp)) (label (when (and pred (not (sps-p pred))) (unify-values (mrs:rel-handel ep1) (mrs:rel-handel ep2) solution :subsumesp subsumesp))) matched) (when (sps-p pred) (return-from unify-eps (loop with id = (loop for variable in (mtr-variables (current-mtr)) for id = (mrs::var-id (rest variable)) when id minimize id) for synopsis in (sps-synopses pred) for generator = (let ((id id)) #'(lambda () (decf id))) for %mrs-construction-cache% = nil for ep2 = (export-ep synopsis :ids generator) thereis (unify-eps ep1 ep2 solution :disjointp disjointp :subsumesp subsumesp)))) (when (and pred (or (null mrs::*rel-handel-path*) label)) (loop with flist1 = (mrs:rel-flist ep1) with flist2 = (mrs:rel-flist ep2) with intersection = (let ((foo (intersect flist1 flist2 :key #'mrs:fvpair-feature))) ;; ;; in subsumption mode, make sure all roles from the second EP ;; (originally part of an MTR) are present in the target EP. ;; (when subsumesp (loop for role in flist2 for feature = (mrs:fvpair-feature role) unless (find feature flist1 :key #'mrs:fvpair-feature) do (return-from unify-eps))) foo) for role in intersection for feature = (mrs:fvpair-feature role) for role1 = (find feature flist1 :key #'mrs:fvpair-feature) for role2 = (find feature flist2 :key #'mrs:fvpair-feature) for value2 = (mrs:fvpair-value role2) for special = (when (mrs::var-p value2) (loop for (value . key) in (mtr-special (current-mtr)) when (and (eq value2 value) (member key '(:equal :subsume))) return key)) when (unify-values (mrs:fvpair-value role1) value2 solution :subsumesp subsumesp) do (when special (push value2 matched)) else do (return-from unify-eps)) ;; ;; now also check to make sure all MTR variables that require `special' ;; treatment (matching against a specific value from the input MRS) got ;; bound, as in the above we only processed the intersection of roles. ;; (loop with special = (mtr-special (current-mtr)) for role in (mrs:rel-flist ep2) for value = (mrs:fvpair-value role) when (and (mrs::var-p value) (not (member value matched :test #'eq))) do (loop for (variable . key) in special when (and (eq value variable) (member key '(:equal :subsume) :test #'eq)) do (return-from unify-eps))) (align-eps ep1 ep2 solution) solution)))) (defun unify-hconss (hconss1 hconss2 solution &key subsumesp) ;; ;; we must not destructively modify .solution. --- assume that unify-hcons() ;; will always copy its input parameter first. ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; what exactly does it mean to unify on handle constraints? say we computed ;; all possible alignments of .hcons1. and .hcons2., that would potentially ;; blow up the number of solutions if the CONTEXT or FILTER parts of an MTR ;; contain handle constraints that are unconnected to the rest of the MTR, ;; i.e. do not share any of its variables. assuming that we rejected that in ;; constructing the transfer rules, then we may be left with an interesting ;; ordering problem: doing regular unification on a CONTEXT part when some ;; of the variable bindings are only established in the INPUT part, may still ;; give rise to large combinatorics of solutions. ... this obviously needs ;; a little more thinking. (24-oct-03; oe) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; consider moving HCONS unification out of unify-mtr-component() and defer ;; it until after the CONTEXT and INPUT components have been unified; that ;; should potentially reduce combinatorics quite a bit. (21-jan-04; oe) ;; (if hconss1 (if (null hconss2) (list solution) (let* ((hcons2 (first hconss2)) (solutions (loop for hcons1 in hconss1 for result = (unify-hcons hcons1 hcons2 solution :subsumesp subsumesp) when result collect result))) (when solutions (loop for solution in solutions nconc (unify-hconss hconss1 (rest hconss2) solution :subsumesp subsumesp))))) (unless hconss2 (list solution)))) (defun unify-hcons (hcons1 hcons2 solution &key subsumesp) ;; ;; okay, here is the current (22-jan-04) rationale about HCONS unification; ;; all handles in HCONS must occur somewhere else in the input MRS (this is ;; enforced by the MRS reader); in the MTR, HCONS elements that do not link ;; up with other parts of the rule, could only be used to unconditionally ;; ditch all HCONS elements, maybe of a certain type, from the input MRS. ;; when unifying HCONSs, we disallow the creation of additional equations for ;; handles that are bound already, i.e. :strictp to unify-values() will cause ;; failure where a variable that is forwarded already would end up being ;; equated with yet another variable (while, ordinarily, we do allow chains ;; of transitive equalities). (22-jan-04; oe) ;; ;; --- i no longer believe the optimization sketched above is sound: we have ;; rules that use a CONTEXT QEQ to find the handle outscoping some relation, ;; call it R, so as to insert a new relation right above R. hence, no longer ;; force :strictp below; i wonder what the cost is in terms of efficiency. ;; (19-oct-07; oe) ;; (let* ((solution (copy-solution solution)) (harg (unify-values (mrs:hcons-scarg hcons1) (mrs:hcons-scarg hcons2) solution :subsumesp subsumesp)) (larg (when harg (unify-values (mrs:hcons-outscpd hcons1) (mrs:hcons-outscpd hcons2) solution :subsumesp subsumesp)))) (when larg (align-hconss hcons1 hcons2 solution) solution))) (defun unify-values (variable1 variable2 solution &key strictp subsumesp) (let* ((value1 (if (mrs::var-p variable1) (retrieve-variable variable1 solution) variable1)) (forwardp1 (not (eq variable1 value1))) (value2 (if (mrs::var-p variable2) (retrieve-variable variable2 solution) variable2)) (forwardp2 (not (eq variable2 value2))) (special (loop for special in (mtr-special (current-mtr)) when (eq variable2 (first special)) return (rest special)))) (cond ((or (eq value1 value2) (null value2)) value1) ((and (numberp value1) (numberp value2)) (= value1 value2)) #+:ppcre ((functionp variable2) (let ((string (if (symbolp value1) (format nil "~(~a~)" value1) value1))) (multiple-value-bind (start end starts ends) (ppcre::scan variable2 string) (when (and start end) (loop for start across starts for end across ends for match = (and start end (subseq string start end)) when match do (if (solution-matches solution) (nconc (solution-matches solution) (list match)) (setf (solution-matches solution) (list match))) finally (return value1)))))) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; why this special case? should be subsumed by unify-types(), i suppose. ;; (24-jan-04; oe) ((and (stringp value1) (stringp value2)) (string-equal value1 value2)) ((and (or (stringp value1) (symbolp value1)) (or (stringp value2) (symbolp value2))) (unify-types value1 value2 :special special :subsumesp subsumesp)) ((and (null value1) (not subsumesp) (member special '(:equal :subsume) :test #'eq)) value2) ((and (not (mrs::var-p value1)) (mrs::var-p value2)) (forward-variable value2 value1 solution) value1) ((and strictp (or forwardp1 forwardp2)) nil) (t (let* ((match (loop for match in (gethash value1 %transfer-variable-cache%) when (eq (first match) value2) return (rest match))) (type (unless match (unify-types (mrs::var-type value1) (mrs::var-type value2) :internp t :special special :subsumesp subsumesp))) (extras (unless match (unify-extras (mrs:var-extra value1) (mrs:var-extra value2) :subsumesp subsumesp))) (new (if match (clone-variable match :skolemizep t :cachep nil) (when (and type (listp extras)) (new-variable type extras))))) #+:debug (when match (format t "unify-values(): ~a [~a] & ~a [~a] << ~a.~%" variable1 value1 variable2 value2 new)) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; maybe we could re-use one of the input variables if they contained ;; all the information of .new. already; that would be reminiscent of ;; what we call `subgraph sharing' in unification? (24-oct-03; oe) ;; (when new #+:debug (format t "unify-values(): ~a [~a] & ~a [~a] == ~a.~%" variable1 value1 variable2 value2 new) (forward-variable value1 new solution) (forward-variable value2 new solution) (when (null match) (push (cons value2 new) (gethash value1 %transfer-variable-cache%))) new)))))) (defun unify-types (type1 type2 &key internp special subsumesp) (let* ((type1 (if internp (intern (string-upcase type1) :lkb) type1)) (type2 (if internp (intern (string-upcase type2) :lkb) type2)) (glb (cond ((eq special :equal) (and (eq type1 type2) type1)) ((or (eq special :subsume) subsumesp) (when (ignore-errors (lkb::subtype-or-equal type1 type2)) type1)) ((and (numberp type1) (eq type2 lkb::*string-type*)) type1) (t (ignore-errors (lkb::greatest-common-subtype type1 type2)))))) (when glb (if internp (string-downcase (string glb)) glb)))) (defun unify-extras (extras1 extras2 &key subsumesp) (when subsumesp (loop for extra in extras2 for feature = (mrs::extrapair-feature extra) unless (find feature extras1 :key #'mrs::extrapair-feature :test #'eq) do (return-from unify-extras :fail))) (let* ((common (intersect extras1 extras2 :key #'mrs::extrapair-feature :test #'eq)) (result (loop for extra1 in common for feature = (mrs::extrapair-feature extra1) for value1 = (mrs::extrapair-value extra1) for extra2 = (find feature extras2 :key #'mrs::extrapair-feature) for value2 = (mrs::extrapair-value extra2) for special = (loop for special in (mtr-special (current-mtr)) when (eq extra2 (first special)) return (rest special)) for value = (if (and (stringp value1) (stringp value2)) (when (string-equal value1 value2) value1) (unify-types value1 value2 :subsumesp subsumesp)) unless value do (return-from unify-extras :fail) when (and (member special '(:equal :subsume) :test #'eq) (not (unify-types value1 value2 :internp t :special special))) do (return-from unify-extras :fail) else collect (mrs::make-extrapair :feature feature :value value)))) (loop for extra in extras1 for feature = (mrs::extrapair-feature extra) unless (member feature common :key #'mrs::extrapair-feature :test #'eq) do (push extra result)) (loop for extra in extras2 for feature = (mrs::extrapair-feature extra) for special = (loop for special in (mtr-special (current-mtr)) when (eq extra (first special)) return (rest special)) unless (member feature common :key #'mrs::extrapair-feature :test #'eq) do (if (member special '(:equal :subsume) :test #'eq) (return-from unify-extras :fail) (push extra result))) result)) (defun unify-preds (pred1 pred2 solution &key subsumesp) (declare (ignore subsumesp)) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; what about PREDs that stand in a subsumption relation? presumably, we ;; also need to record the result somewhere, or return it? (8-jan-04; oe) ;; (let ((pred2 (if (mrs::var-p pred2) (retrieve-variable pred2 solution) pred2))) (cond #+:ppcre ((functionp pred2) (let ((string (if (symbolp pred1) (format nil "~(~a~)" pred1) pred1))) (multiple-value-bind (start end starts ends) (ppcre::scan pred2 string) (when (and start end) (loop for start across starts for end across ends for match = (and start end (subseq string start end)) when match do (if (solution-matches solution) (nconc (solution-matches solution) (list match)) (setf (solution-matches solution) (list match))) finally (return pred1)))))) ((semi-p pred2) (lookup-predicate pred1 pred2)) ((mrs::var-p pred2) (forward-variable pred2 pred1 solution) pred1) ((and (stringp pred1) (stringp pred2)) (string-equal pred1 pred2)) ((or (eq pred1 pred2) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; half of the solution to the concern expressed above, picked up ;; from dan; make sure the caller records the new value. ;; (4-apr-04; oe) (unify-types pred1 pred2) (null pred2)))))) (defun expand-solution (mrs mtr solution) ;; ;; go through EPs from .mrs., ditching those that were aligned with one from ;; .mtr. during unification; then, through in EPs from .mtr. OUTPUT part and ;; unify in all applicable information from .solution. eventually, do more ;; or less the same for HCONS. ;; ;; ;; `exhaustive' rules, it would seem, are expected to match the complete set ;; of input EPs, and otherwise fail. i wonder were such rules get used? in ;; transfer rule auto-generation, it turns out :-). see the TRAG grammar. ;; (when (mtr-exhaustive-p mtr) (loop for ep in (mrs:psoa-liszt mrs) unless (retrieve-ep ep solution) do (return-from expand-solution))) (let* ((output (mtr-output mtr)) (top (or (and output (mrs:psoa-top-h output) (expand-value (mrs:psoa-top-h output) solution)) (when (mrs:psoa-top-h mrs) (expand-value (mrs:psoa-top-h mrs) solution)))) (index (or (and output (mrs:psoa-index output) (expand-value (mrs:psoa-index output) solution)) (when (mrs:psoa-index mrs) (expand-value (mrs:psoa-index mrs) solution)))) (result (mrs::make-psoa :top-h top :index index)) lnk) (setf (mrs:psoa-liszt result) (nconc ;; ;; the loop() will make sure that we have a full copy of :liszt in the ;; `output' MRS .result., hence will not modify the input destructively. ;; (loop with input = (and (mtr-input mtr) (mrs:psoa-liszt (mtr-input mtr))) for ep1 in (mrs:psoa-liszt mrs) for ep2 = (retrieve-ep ep1 solution) unless (and ep2 (find ep2 input)) collect (expand-ep ep1 solution) else do (setf lnk (mrs::combine-lnks lnk (mrs::rel-lnk ep1)))) (loop with input = (and (mtr-input mtr) (mrs:psoa-liszt (mtr-input mtr))) with defaults = (when (mrs::psoa-p (mtr-defaults mtr)) (mrs:psoa-liszt (mtr-defaults mtr))) for ep in (when (mtr-output mtr) (mrs:psoa-liszt (mtr-output mtr))) for i from 0 for copyp = (member ep %transfer-copy-eps% :test #'eq) for original = (when copyp (let ((ep1 (nth i input))) (and ep1 (retrieve-ep ep1 solution)))) for default = (pop defaults) when (and copyp (null original)) do (format t "expand-solution(): unmatched +copy+ EP # ~a in `~(~a~)'.~%" i (mtr-id mtr)) else when copyp collect ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; for the time being, we disallow variable bindings in +copy+ ;; OUTPUT EPs, so that we can assert that all information is in ;; the DEFAULTS component. (15-feb-04; oe) ;; (merge-eps (expand-ep original solution lnk) default solution) else collect (merge-eps (expand-ep ep solution lnk) default solution)))) (setf (mrs:psoa-h-cons result) (nconc ;; ;; do the same thing, give or take, for the handle contraints ;; (loop with input = (and (mtr-input mtr) (mrs:psoa-h-cons (mtr-input mtr))) for hcons1 in (mrs:psoa-h-cons mrs) for hcons2 = (retrieve-hcons hcons1 solution) unless (and hcons2 (find hcons2 input)) collect (mrs::make-hcons :relation (mrs:hcons-relation hcons1) :scarg (retrieve-variable (mrs:hcons-scarg hcons1) solution) :outscpd (retrieve-variable (mrs:hcons-outscpd hcons1) solution))) (loop for hcons in (and (mtr-output mtr) (mrs:psoa-h-cons (mtr-output mtr))) collect (mrs::make-hcons :relation (mrs:hcons-relation hcons) :scarg (expand-value (mrs:hcons-scarg hcons) solution) :outscpd (expand-value (mrs:hcons-outscpd hcons) solution))))) (eliminate-scratch result))) (defun expand-ep (ep solution &optional (lnk (mrs::rel-lnk ep))) ;; ;; at this stage, we expand variable bindings and should make sure to _not_ ;; share any structure with either the input MRS or MTR used. ;; (let* ((label (expand-value (mrs:rel-handel ep) solution)) (pred (let ((pred (mrs:rel-pred ep))) (if (mrs::var-p pred) (retrieve-variable pred solution) pred))) (result (mrs::make-rel :handel label :pred pred :lnk lnk))) (setf (mrs:rel-flist result) (loop for role in (mrs:rel-flist ep) for feature = (mrs:fvpair-feature role) for value = (expand-value (mrs:fvpair-value role) solution) when value collect (mrs::make-fvpair :feature feature :value value))) result)) (defun expand-value (value solution) (if (mrs::var-p value) (let ((foo (retrieve-variable value solution))) (unless (variable-delete-p foo) (if (and (mrs::var-p foo) (or (member foo %transfer-original-variables% :test #'eq) (< (mrs::var-id foo) 0))) (let ((new (new-variable (mrs::var-type foo) (mrs::var-extra foo)))) (forward-variable foo new solution) new) foo))) value)) (defun expand-string (string solution) (with-output-to-string (stream) (loop with n = (length string) with i = 0 for c = (when (< i n) (schar string i)) while c when (and (char= c #\$) (< i (- n 1))) do (incf i) (let ((bracep (char= (schar string i) #\{))) (when bracep (incf i)) (multiple-value-bind (id offset) (parse-integer string :junk-allowed t :start i) (cond ((and (numberp id) (> id 0)) (let ((match (and solution (>= (length (solution-matches solution)) id) (first (last (solution-matches solution) id))))) (unless match (format t "expand-string(): no match for reference # ~a in `~a'.~%" id string) (return-from expand-string string)) (format stream "~a" match)) (setf i offset) (when bracep (incf i))) (t (format stream "$~:[~;$~]" bracep))))) else do (write-char c stream) (incf i)))) (defun merge-eps (ep default &optional solution) ;; ;; apparently, we assume we can destructively modify .ep. at this point. we ;; better make sure it not share any variables with the original ... ;; #+:debug (setf %ep ep %default default) (unless default (return-from merge-eps ep)) (when (mrs::rel-pred default) (setf (mrs::rel-pred ep) (mrs::rel-pred default))) (loop with defaults = (mrs:rel-flist default) with used for role in (mrs:rel-flist ep) for feature = (mrs:fvpair-feature role) for value = (mrs:fvpair-value role) for default = (find feature defaults :key #'mrs:fvpair-feature) when (and value default) do ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; this is not quite right: as long as we well-type the DEFAULTS part, ;; there could be non-variable defaults that are more general than the ;; actual value, for CARGs, say. (8-jan-04; oe) ;; (push default used) (let ((default (mrs:fvpair-value default))) (if (and (mrs::var-p value) (mrs::var-p default)) (merge-values value default solution) (setf (mrs:fvpair-value role) (if (or (mtr-operator-p default) (and (stringp default) (char= (schar default 0) #\~))) (merge-values value default solution) (if (or (eq default lkb:*toptype*) (eq default lkb::*string-type*)) value default))))) else when default do ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; this seems wrong: just copy in the actual `value' part from the MTR; ;; i suspect we should (a) copy and (b) ensure variable uniqueness. ;; (19-feb-04; oe) (push default used) (push (mrs::copy-fvpair default) (mrs:rel-flist ep)) finally (loop for default in defaults for value = (let ((foo (mrs:fvpair-value default))) (if (mrs::var-p foo) (new-variable (mrs::var-type foo) (mrs::var-extra foo)) foo)) unless (member default used :test #'eq) do (push (mrs::make-fvpair :feature (mrs:fvpair-feature default) :value value) (mrs:rel-flist ep)))) ep) (defun mtr-operator-p (value) (or (eq value *mtr-upcase-operator*) (eq value *mtr-downcase-operator*))) (defun role-delete-p (role value) (declare (ignore value)) (member role mrs::*ignored-sem-features* :test #'eq)) (defun variable-delete-p (variable) (when (mrs::var-p variable) (let ((properties (mrs:var-extra variable))) (loop for property in properties thereis (and (eq (mrs::extrapair-feature property) *mtr-ditch-property*) (eq (mrs::extrapair-value property) *mtr-true-type*)))))) (defun merge-values (variable default &optional solution) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; apparently, we assume we can frob the input .value., presumably we know ;; it to be a copy at this point. better confirm this ... (8-jan-04; oe) ;; ;; ;; merge in properties from .default. but keep .variable. identity. also, ;; take care to not overwrite using `vacuous' constraints, i.e. ones that ;; were introduced by well-typing only. ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; a little unsure about variable types too: is it possible for the default ;; part to have a less specific type than the variable already? ;; (22-jan-04; oe) ;; --- and, indeed, now that we are attempting to process `internal' MRSs, ;; i.e. ones using grammar-internal types, well-typing on generator fix-up ;; and trigger rules causes all sorts of variables types to get in the way. ;; as we expect to revise output overwriting from scratch, we might as well ;; decide that current overwriting is limited to variable properties. i.e. ;; always leave variable types unchanged. (7-aug-08; oe) ;; (when (null default) (return-from merge-values variable)) (when (mtr-operator-p default) (return-from merge-values (cond ((and (stringp variable) (eq default *mtr-upcase-operator*)) (string-upcase variable)) ((and (stringp variable) (eq default *mtr-downcase-operator*)) (string-downcase variable)) (t variable)))) (when (and (stringp default) (char= (schar default 0) #\~)) (return-from merge-values (expand-string (subseq default 1) solution))) #+:null (when (and (mrs::var-type default) (or (null (mrs::var-type variable)) (not (member (mrs::var-type default) (list *semi-u-type* *semi-i-type*) :test #'string-equal)))) (setf (mrs::var-type variable) (mrs::var-type default))) (setf (mrs:var-extra variable) (if (null (mrs:var-extra variable)) (loop for extra in (mrs:var-extra default) for feature = (mrs::extrapair-feature extra) for value = (mrs::extrapair-value extra) collect (mrs::make-extrapair :feature feature :value value)) (loop with defaults = (mrs:var-extra default) with used for extra in (mrs:var-extra variable) for feature = (mrs::extrapair-feature extra) for default = (let ((default (find feature defaults :key #'mrs::extrapair-feature))) (when default (push default used) (mrs::extrapair-value default))) when (or (null default) (vacuous-constraint-p feature default)) collect (mrs::make-extrapair :feature feature :value (mrs::extrapair-value extra)) into result else collect (mrs::make-extrapair :feature feature :value default) into result finally (loop for default in defaults unless (member default used :test #'eq) do (push (mrs::copy-extrapair default) result)) (return result)))) variable) (defun new-variable (type &optional extras) (let* ((extras (remove *mtr-skolem-property* extras :key #'mrs::extrapair-feature)) (id %transfer-variable-id%) (variable (mrs::make-var :id id :type type :extra extras))) (incf %transfer-variable-id%) (when *transfer-skolemize-p* (push (mrs::make-extrapair :feature *mtr-skolem-property* :value id) (mrs:var-extra variable))) variable)) (defun constant-role-p (role) (member role mrs::*value-feats* :test #'eq)) (defun eliminate-scratch (mrs) (labels ((process-variable (variable) (when (mrs::var-p variable) (setf (mrs:var-extra variable) (loop for extra in (mrs:var-extra variable) for feature = (mrs::extrapair-feature extra) unless (eq feature *mtr-scratch-property*) collect extra))) variable)) (process-variable (mrs:psoa-top-h mrs)) (process-variable (mrs:psoa-index mrs)) (loop for ep in (mrs:psoa-liszt mrs) do (process-variable (mrs:rel-handel ep)) (loop for role in (mrs:rel-flist ep) for value = (mrs:fvpair-value role) do (process-variable value))) mrs)) ;;; ;;; _fix_me_ ;;; as it stands, the unification ends up sharing variables with the original ;;; input MRS, hence postprocess-mrs() is required to create copies at this ;;; stage, to avoid frobbing the original. (3-nov-03; oe) ;;; (defun postprocess-mrs (mrs) (let ((mrs (mrs::copy-psoa mrs)) copies) (labels ((postprocess-variable (variable) (when variable (or (rest (assoc variable copies)) (let ((copy (mrs::copy-var variable))) (setf (mrs:var-extra copy) (loop for extra in (mrs:var-extra variable) for feature = (mrs::extrapair-feature extra) unless (or (eq feature *mtr-skolem-property*) (eq feature *mtr-mark-property*) (eq feature *mtr-scratch-property*) (eq feature *mtr-ditch-property*)) collect extra)) (push (cons variable copy) copies) copy))))) (setf (mrs:psoa-top-h mrs) (postprocess-variable (mrs:psoa-top-h mrs))) (setf (mrs:psoa-index mrs) (postprocess-variable (mrs:psoa-index mrs))) (setf (mrs:psoa-liszt mrs) (loop for ep in (mrs:psoa-liszt mrs) for copy = (mrs::copy-rel ep) do (setf (mrs:rel-handel copy) (postprocess-variable (mrs:rel-handel ep))) (setf (mrs::rel-flist copy) (loop for role in (mrs:rel-flist ep) for value = (mrs:fvpair-value role) unless (or (role-delete-p (mrs:fvpair-feature role) value) (and (mrs::var-p value) (variable-delete-p value))) collect (mrs::make-fvpair :feature (mrs:fvpair-feature role) :value (if (mrs::var-p value) (postprocess-variable value) value)))) collect copy)) (setf (mrs:psoa-h-cons mrs) (loop for hcons in (mrs:psoa-h-cons mrs) for copy = (mrs::make-hcons :relation (mrs:hcons-relation hcons)) do (setf (mrs:hcons-scarg copy) (postprocess-variable (mrs:hcons-scarg hcons))) (setf (mrs:hcons-outscpd copy) (postprocess-variable (mrs:hcons-outscpd hcons))) collect copy)) mrs))) (defun merge-and-copy-mrss (mrs1 mrs2) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; this function is a little overly eager in making copies, thus breaking ;; eq-ness() of variables in the result; for now, we only use it for display ;; purposes (to overlay the OUTPUT and DEFAULT parts of MTRs), hence no need ;; to lose sleep yet. (9-jan-04; oe) ;; (let* ((top (when (mrs:psoa-top-h mrs1) (merge-values (mrs::copy-var (mrs:psoa-top-h mrs1)) (and mrs2 (mrs:psoa-top-h mrs2))))) (index (when (mrs:psoa-index mrs1) (merge-values (mrs::copy-var (mrs:psoa-index mrs1)) (and mrs2 (mrs:psoa-index mrs2))))) (result (mrs::make-psoa :top-h top :index index))) (setf (mrs:psoa-liszt result) (loop with defaults = (and mrs2 (mrs:psoa-liszt mrs2)) for ep in (mrs:psoa-liszt mrs1) for default = (pop defaults) collect (merge-eps ep default))) (setf (mrs:psoa-h-cons result) (loop for hcons in (mrs:psoa-h-cons mrs1) collect (mrs::make-hcons :relation (mrs:hcons-relation hcons) :scarg (mrs::copy-var (mrs:hcons-scarg hcons)) :outscpd (mrs::copy-var (mrs:hcons-outscpd hcons))))) result)) (defun intersect (set1 set2 &key (key #'identity) (test #'eql)) ;; ;; much like intersection(), except guarantee that all elements returned are ;; taken from .set1. ;; (loop for foo in set1 when (member (funcall key foo) set2 :key key :test test) collect foo)) (defun read-derivation-from-string (string) (with-input-from-string (stream string) (read-derivation stream))) (defun read-derivation (stream) (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)) (*package* (find-package :lkb))) (set-syntax-from-char #\] #\space *readtable*) (set-syntax-from-char #\! #\space *readtable*) (set-syntax-from-char #\} #\space *readtable*) (let* ((c (peek-char t stream nil nil)) (c (when (and c (char= c #\#)) (read-char stream) (peek-char t stream nil nil))) (c (when (and c (char= c #\D)) (read-char stream) (peek-char t stream nil nil))) (id (when (and c (char= c #\[)) (read-char stream) (read stream nil nil))) (score (let ((c (peek-char t stream nil nil))) (when (and c (char= c #\{)) (read-char stream) (read stream nil nil)))) (mtr (when (numberp id) (read stream nil nil))) (daughter (when (and mtr (symbolp mtr)) (read-derivation stream)))) (when id (make-edge :id id :score score :rule mtr :daughter daughter))))) (defun browse (object) (typecase object (edge (mrs::browse-mrs (edge-mrs object))) (mrs::psoa (mrs::browse-mrs object)))) #+:null (labels ((normalize (pred) (let* ((start (if (char= (schar pred 0) #\_) 1 0)) (end (position #\_ pred :start start))) (subseq pred start end)))) (let (mass count plural) (loop for key being each hash-key in (tl-output *transfer-lexicon*) for sps = (lookup-predicate key (find :erg *semis* :key #'semi-name)) when sps do (when (and (stringp key) (search "_n_" key)) (cond ((loop with akey = (mrs:vsym "ARG0") with ikey = (mrs:vsym "IND") for minus = (mrs:vsym "-") for ep in (sps-synopses sps) for arg0 = (loop for role in (ep-roles ep) when (eq (role-name role) akey) return (role-value role)) for ind = (when (and arg0 (variable-p arg0)) (loop for property in (variable-properties arg0) for name = (property-name property) when (eq name ikey) return (property-value property))) always (eq ind minus)) (push key mass)) ((loop with akey = (mrs:vsym "ARG0") with ikey = (mrs:vsym "IND") for plus = (mrs:vsym "+") for ep in (sps-synopses sps) for arg0 = (loop for role in (ep-roles ep) when (eq (role-name role) akey) return (role-value role)) for ind = (when (and arg0 (variable-p arg0)) (loop for property in (variable-properties arg0) for name = (property-name property) when (eq name ikey) return (property-value property))) always (eq ind plus)) (push key count))) (when (loop with akey = (mrs:vsym "ARG0") with ikey = (mrs:vsym "NUM") for pl = (mrs:vsym "pl") for ep in (sps-synopses sps) for arg0 = (loop for role in (ep-roles ep) when (eq (role-name role) akey) return (role-value role)) for num = (when (and arg0 (variable-p arg0)) (loop for property in (variable-properties arg0) for name = (property-name property) when (eq name ikey) return (property-value property))) always (eq num pl)) (push key plural)))) (setf count (sort count #'string<)) (setf mass (sort mass #'string<)) (setf plural (sort plural #'string<)) (loop for pred in count do (format t "count_mark_~a_ef := count_mark_amtr &~%~ [ CONTEXT.RELS < [ PRED ~s ] > ].~%~%" (normalize pred) pred)) (loop for pred in mass do (format t "mass_mark_~a_ef := mass_mark_amtr &~%~ [ CONTEXT.RELS < [ PRED ~s ] > ].~%~%" (normalize pred) pred)) (loop for pred in plural do (format t "plural_mark_~a_ef := plural_mark_amtr &~%~ [ CONTEXT.RELS < [ PRED ~s ] > ].~%~%" (normalize pred) pred))))