;;; Copyright (c) 2008 ;;; Ann Copestake ;;; see `LICENSE' for conditions. (in-package :mrs) ;;; DMRS structure #| A DMRS is a connected acyclic graph. All nodes are RMRS predicate symbols with the exception that there is exactly one node labelled LTOP with one or more arcs which link it to other node(s). Arcs may be directed or non-directed. The LTOP arc(s) are unlabelled, all other directed arcs have labels of the form ARG, ARG/h, ARG/= or ARG/neq, where ARG is taken from the RMRS inventory of arguments. There may also be undirected /= arcs. |# (defstruct (dmrs) nodes links cfrom cto surface ident) (defstruct dmrs-node ;;; the LTOP node is always id 0, others may be anything - but ;;; code for conversion from RMRS uses the anchors. ;;; cfrom and cto as in (R)MRS ;;; charvar and label are for convenience in processing ;;; char var is the variable characteristic of the RMRS predication ;;; (always the ARG0, but not all ARG0s are charvars) ;;; label is the label of the RMRS predication id pred cfrom cto carg ;; constant arguments cvtype cvextra charvar ;; for RMRS to DMRS only label ;; for RMRS to DMRS only ) (defstruct dmrs-link ;;; from and to are DMRS node ids, pre and post make up the arc ;;; label from to pre post) (defstruct dmrs-ngroup ;;; this is only used when constructing a DMRS - a group of ;;; nodes (the elements) which share a label. The targets are ;;; distinguished by having no outgoing arcs. label elements targets) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; Utilities for conversion ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #| (rmrs-to-dmrs-directory "/home/aac10/andy-m/9989503.rmrx/" "/home/aac10/andy-m/dmrs/") |# (defun rmrs-to-dmrs-directory (idir odir) ;;; input and output directories should both exist ;;; file names are kept the same (let ((*package* (find-package :mrs))) (let* ((ifiles (directory idir))) (loop for ifile in ifiles do (let* ((namestring (file-namestring ifile)) (ofile (concatenate 'string odir namestring))) (with-open-file (istream ifile :direction :input) (with-open-file (ostream ofile :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (let ((rmrs (parse-xml-removing-junk istream))) (when (and rmrs (not (xml-whitespace-string-p rmrs))) (let ((dmrs (rmrs-to-dmrs (read-rmrs rmrs nil)))) (when dmrs (output-dmrs1 dmrs 'dxml ostream)))))))))))) #+:allegro (defun rmrs-to-dmrs-fine-system-dir (idir odir &optional dirstr) ;;; this assumes a directory which has rmrs files as output by the ;;; fine system - each file contains a list of rmrss corresponding ;;; to a single parse, with additional `junk' in between - ;;; all files are gzipped ;;; ;;; input and output directories should both exist ;;; file names are kept the same (let ((*package* (find-package :mrs))) (let* ((ifiles (directory idir))) (loop for ifile in ifiles do (let* ((namestring (file-namestring ifile)) (non-gzipped (if (equal (subseq namestring (- (length namestring) 2)) "gz") (subseq namestring 0 (- (length namestring) 3)))) (ofile-nongz (concatenate 'string odir non-gzipped)) (ifile-nongz (concatenate 'string idir non-gzipped))) (excl::shell (concatenate 'string "gunzip " idir namestring)) (when (probe-file ifile-nongz) (rmrs-to-dmrs-fine-system-file ifile-nongz ofile-nongz dirstr) (excl::shell (concatenate 'string "gzip " idir non-gzipped)) (excl::shell (concatenate 'string "gzip " odir non-gzipped)))))))) #| (rmrs-to-dmrs-fine-system-dir "/usr/groups/mphil/project-data/final/erg.0909.hike.10-04-20.pet.rmrs/" "/usr/groups/mphil/project-data/final/erg.0909.hike.10-04-20.pet.dmrs/" "erg.0909.hike.10-04-20.pet.rmrs") (rmrs-to-dmrs-fine-system-dir "~/ilongot-tmp-back/" "~/ilongot-tmp-back-dmrs/") (with-open-file (istream "~/erg.trunk.goo.10-04-19.pet-dmrs/1" :direction :input) (parse-xml-removing-junk istream)) |# ;;; assume that the file name is of the following format ;;; grammar.version.corpus.date.parser.whatever ;;; eg erg.1004.hike.10-04-20.pet ;;; (defun rmrs-to-dmrs-fine-system-file (ifile ofile &optional str) (with-open-file (istream ifile :direction :input) (with-open-file (ostream ofile :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (let ((grammar nil) (version nil) (corpus nil) (date nil) (parser nil)) (when str (let ((dot1 (position #\. str))) (when dot1 (setf grammar (subseq str 0 dot1)) (setf str (subseq str (+ 1 dot1))) (let ((dot2 (position #\. str))) (when dot2 (setf version (subseq str 0 dot2)) (setf str (subseq str (+ 1 dot2))) (let ((dot3 (position #\. str))) (when dot3 (setf corpus (subseq str 0 dot3)) (setf str (subseq str (+ 1 dot3))) (let ((dot4 (position #\. str))) (when dot4 (setf date (subseq str 0 dot4)) (setf str (subseq str (+ 1 dot4))) (let ((dot5 (position #\. str))) (when dot5 (setf parser (subseq str 0 dot5))))))))))))) (format ostream "~%") (loop ;;; this is pretty horrible, but I can't currently think of a better ;;; approach I can quickly implement ;;; For each RMRS structure, we create a temporary file containing ;;; just that XML and read that in to the standard code ;;; ;;; assume first < corresponds to an rmrs (loop for c = (peek-char t istream nil nil) while (and c (not (char= c #\<))) do (read-line istream)) (unless (peek-char t istream nil nil) (return)) (with-open-file (tmpstream "/tmp/rmrs-to-dmrs-fine-system-file" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (loop for c = (peek-char t istream nil nil) while (and c (char= c #\<)) do (let ((line (read-line istream))) (write-line line tmpstream))) (finish-output tmpstream)) (with-open-file (tmpistream "/tmp/rmrs-to-dmrs-fine-system-file" :direction :input) (let ((rmrs (parse-xml-removing-junk tmpistream))) (when (and rmrs (not (xml-whitespace-string-p rmrs))) (let ((dmrs (rmrs-to-dmrs (read-rmrs rmrs nil)))) (when dmrs (output-dmrs1 dmrs 'dxml ostream))))))) (write-line "" ostream) (finish-output ostream))))) ;;; Convert an RMRS file in XML to a DMRS in XML (defun rmrs-to-dmrs-file (ifile ofile) (let ((*package* (find-package :mrs))) (with-open-file (istream ifile :direction :input) (with-open-file (ostream ofile :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (let ((rmrs (parse-xml-removing-junk istream))) (when (and rmrs (not (xml-whitespace-string-p rmrs))) (let ((dmrs (rmrs-to-dmrs (read-rmrs rmrs nil)))) (when dmrs (output-dmrs1 dmrs 'dxml ostream))))))))) ;;; (dmrs-to-svg-directory "~/andy-m/variants-testvar-xml/" "~/andy-m/variants-testvar-svg/") (defun dmrs-to-svg-directory (idir odir) ;;; takes an input directory of DMRSs in XML and converts ;;; to a directory of SVG files (let ((*package* (find-package :mrs))) (let* ((ifiles (directory idir))) (loop for ifile in ifiles do (let* ((namestring (file-namestring ifile)) (ofile (concatenate 'string odir namestring ".svg"))) (with-open-file (istream ifile :direction :input) (let ((dmrs-xml (parse-xml-removing-junk istream))) (when (and dmrs-xml (not (xml-whitespace-string-p dmrs-xml))) (let ((dmrs (read-dmrs dmrs-xml))) (when dmrs (with-open-file (ostream ofile :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create) (mrs::layout-dmrs dmrs :svg ostream)))))))))))) (defun dmrs-list-to-svg-directory (idir odir) ;;; takes an input directory of dmrs-lists in XML and converts ;;; to a directory of SVG files, one file per element of the dmrs-list, ;;; numbered in sequence (let ((*package* (find-package :mrs))) (let* ((ifiles (directory idir))) (loop for ifile in ifiles do (let* ((namestring (file-namestring ifile))) (with-open-file (istream ifile :direction :input) (let ((dmrs-xml (parse-xml-removing-junk istream))) (when (and dmrs-xml (not (xml-whitespace-string-p dmrs-xml))) (let ((dmrs-list (read-dmrs-list dmrs-xml))) (when dmrs-list (let ((count 0)) (dolist (dmrs dmrs-list) (let ((ofile (concatenate 'string odir namestring (format nil ".~S" count) ".svg"))) (setf count (+ 1 count)) (with-open-file (ostream ofile :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create) (mrs::layout-dmrs dmrs :svg ostream))))))))))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; Crossing links ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #| (let ((*package* (find-package :mrs))) (with-open-file (istream "~/lingo/erg/data/cross.rmrs" :direction :input) (let ((rmrs (parse-xml-removing-junk istream))) (when (and rmrs (not (xml-whitespace-string-p rmrs))) (let* ((dmrs (rmrs-to-dmrs (read-rmrs rmrs nil))) (crossing-links (dmrs-crossing-links dmrs))) (simple-output-dmrs dmrs) (when crossing-links (format t "~%Crossing links ~A" crossing-links))))))) |# (defun dmrs-crossing-links (dmrs) (let ((node-vec (loop for node in (dmrs-nodes dmrs) and count from 0 collect (cons (dmrs-node-id node) count)))) (loop for link in (dmrs-links dmrs) unless (eql (dmrs-link-from link) 0) when (let* ((from (cdr (assoc (dmrs-link-from link) node-vec))) (to (cdr (assoc (dmrs-link-to link) node-vec))) (left (if (< from to) from to)) (right (if (< from to) to from))) (loop for link2 in (dmrs-links dmrs) thereis (let* ((from2 (cdr (assoc (dmrs-link-from link2) node-vec))) (to2 (cdr (assoc (dmrs-link-to link2) node-vec))) (left2 (if (< from2 to2) from2 to2)) (right2 (if (< from2 to2) to2 from2))) (and (< left left2) (< left2 right) (> right2 right))))) collect link))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; RMRS to DMRS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #| (let ((*package* (find-package :mrs))) (with-open-file (istream "~/lingo/lkb/src/rmrs/eg.rmrs" :direction :input) (let ((rmrs (parse-xml-removing-junk istream))) (when (and rmrs (not (xml-whitespace-string-p rmrs))) (let ((dmrs (rmrs-to-dmrs (read-rmrs rmrs nil)))) (when dmrs (simple-output-dmrs dmrs))))))) |# #| To transform an RMRS into a DMRS: 1. Each predicate in the RMRS becomes a node in the DMRS graph. 2. Each variable y in the RMRS is associated with a unique predicate which owns it (call this predicate charp(y)). steps 1 and 2 - extract-rmrs-nodes (checked by check-char-vars) anchors are used as ids. 3. For every non-characteristic argument A (except BV arguments) in the RMRS which is anchored to a predicate P and has a variable value y, such that \charp(y) is P', an arc exists in the DMRS from P to P'. The arcs will be referred to as `variable arcs'. The preslash label on that arc is equal to the argument type of A (e.g., ARG1). done by extract-rmrs-var-links If the labels of P and P' are equated, then the post-slash label is =. If P has a hole argument which is qeq the label of P', then the post-slash label is h. If the hole argument is eq the label of P', then heq. If P and P' have labels which are unrelated in the RMRS, the post-slash label is neq. 4. For every case where a set S of predicates in the RMRS have equal labels and the linkages are not fully represented by equalities on variable arcs (taking transitive connections into account), we define an ordering P0 to PN on S by character position of the predicates. There is a non-directional /= link between P0 and each other predicate in P1 to PN considered successively which is not linked by previous operations. the second part of 3 and step 4 are done by determine-label-equality-sets (which sets up the sets, and also finds the `targets' (5)) and make-dmrs-eq-links, which adds labels to existing variable arcs and creates /eq arcs if no arcs exist. 5. If a label lb labels a set of predicates, then the head predicates in that set are defined as those which have no outgoing variable arcs to other elements in the set. done by determine-label-equality-sets 6. If the RMRS LTOP has value lb labelling a set of predicates, then the LTOP node in the DMRS is linked to each head predicate in that set. make-dmrs-ltop-links 7. For every argument A which is anchored to a predicate P and has a hole value h, such that h is qeq (or =) a label lb which labels a set of predicates S: a) If P has exactly one argument A' with a value y such that P' = \charp(y) is a member of S, then there is an ARG/h (or ARG/heq) arc from P to P', where ARG is the argument type of A. (Note that this covers the RSTR case because there will be a BV argument.) this condition is checked by char-var-selects b) Otherwise, there are ARG/h (or ARG/heq) arcs from P to each of the head predicates in S. make-dmrs-handel-links 8 If the preslash label on the arc uniquely determines the postslash label, the slash and the postslash label may be omitted. (e.g., we write RSTR, rather than RSTR/h).FIX - not done (output only) |# (defparameter *robust-dmrs-p* t) (defun rmrs-to-dmrs (rmrs) ;;; convert an RMRS to a DMRS (let* ((nodes (extract-rmrs-nodes rmrs)) (dup-errors (check-char-vars nodes))) (if dup-errors (progn (unless *robust-dmrs-p* (format t "~A~%" dup-errors)) nil) (let* ((var-links (extract-rmrs-var-links rmrs nodes)) (unlinked-errors (check-char-vars2 var-links nodes))) (if unlinked-errors ;; if *robust-dmrs-p* is set there won't be any (progn (format t "~A~%" unlinked-errors) nil) (let* ((dgroups (determine-label-equality-sets nodes var-links)) ;; nodes which share a label (eqlinks (make-dmrs-eq-links var-links dgroups)) (hlinks (make-dmrs-handel-links rmrs dgroups nodes)) (ltoplinks (make-dmrs-ltop-links rmrs dgroups)) ;;; link types are distinguished for convenience (dmrs (make-dmrs :surface (rmrs-surface rmrs) :ident (rmrs-ident rmrs) :nodes nodes :links (append ltoplinks (loop for var-link in var-links collect (let ((post (dmrs-link-post var-link))) (unless post (setf (dmrs-link-post var-link) :neq)) var-link)) eqlinks hlinks)))) dmrs)))))) ;;; (pprint dgroups) ;;; (simple-output-dmrs dmrs) ;;; (layout-dmrs dmrs)))) (defparameter *exclude-discourse-rels-p* t) (defun extract-rmrs-nodes (rmrs) ;;; FIX - the char var test is whether there's an ARG0 class variable ;;; and the predicate is not a quantifier. This is probably too generous. (let ((nodes (loop for rel in (rmrs-liszt rmrs) unless (and *exclude-discourse-rels-p* (discourse-rel-p rel)) collect (let* ((pred (rel-pred rel)) (charvar (if (if (realpred-p pred) (not (equal (realpred-pos pred) "q")) (not (pred-type-p #\q (rel-pred rel)))) (car (rel-flist rel))))) (make-dmrs-node :id (var-id (rel-anchor rel)) :pred pred :cfrom (rel-cfrom rel) :cto (rel-cto rel) :cvtype (if charvar (var-type charvar)) :cvextra (if charvar (var-extra charvar)) :charvar (if charvar (var-id charvar)) :label (var-id (rel-handel rel))))))) (dolist (rmrs-arg (rmrs-rmrs-args rmrs)) (when (and (stringp (rmrs-arg-val rmrs-arg)) (equal (rmrs-arg-arg-type rmrs-arg) "CARG")) (let* ((node (node-from-anchor rmrs-arg nodes))) (setf (dmrs-node-carg node) (rmrs-arg-val rmrs-arg))))) nodes)) (defun node-from-anchor (rmrs-arg nodes) (let ((node (car (member (var-id (rmrs-arg-label rmrs-arg)) nodes :key #'dmrs-node-id)))) (if (and node (dmrs-node-p node)) node))) (defun pred-type-p (char pred) (let ((qpos (position char pred))) (and qpos (> qpos 0) (< qpos (- (length pred) 1)) (char= (elt pred (- qpos 1)) #\_) (char= (elt pred (+ qpos 1)) #\_)))) (defun discourse-rel-p (rel) (let* ((pred (rel-pred rel))) (if (realpred-p pred) (equal (realpred-pos pred) "d") (pred-type-p #\d pred)))) (defun check-char-vars (nodes) (let ((vars nil) (duplicates nil)) (dolist (node nodes) (let ((char-var (dmrs-node-charvar node))) (if (and char-var (member char-var vars)) (if *robust-dmrs-p* (setf (dmrs-node-charvar node) (+ 10000 char-var)) (pushnew char-var duplicates)) (push char-var vars)))) (if duplicates (format nil "~%Duplicate char vars ~A in ~A" duplicates nodes)))) (defun extract-rmrs-var-links (rmrs nodes) (loop for rmrs-arg in (rmrs-rmrs-args rmrs) unless (or (not (var-p (rmrs-arg-val rmrs-arg))) (equal (var-type (rmrs-arg-val rmrs-arg)) "h") (equal (var-type (rmrs-arg-val rmrs-arg)) "u") (not (node-from-anchor rmrs-arg nodes))) ;; FIX - rewrite to avoid append append (let* ((var (rmrs-arg-val rmrs-arg)) (var-id (var-id var)) (from-node-id (var-id (rmrs-arg-label rmrs-arg))) (to-node (car (member var-id nodes :key #'dmrs-node-charvar)))) (if (and *robust-dmrs-p* (not to-node)) nil (list (make-dmrs-link :from from-node-id :to (if to-node (dmrs-node-id to-node)) :pre (rmrs-arg-arg-type rmrs-arg))))))) (defun check-char-vars2 (links nodes) (let ((unlinked nil)) (dolist (link links) (unless (dmrs-link-to link) (push (cons (dmrs-link-from link) (dmrs-link-pre link)) unlinked))) (if unlinked (format nil "~%Unlinked vars ~A in ~A" unlinked nodes)))) (defparameter *dmrs-warnings* nil) (defun determine-label-equality-sets (nodes links) ;;; returns nodes grouped by equality of labels, ;;; with the target nodes identified ;;; (let ((ngroups nil)) (dolist (node (reverse nodes)) ;;; end up with textual order! (let* ((label (dmrs-node-label node)) (node-id (dmrs-node-id node)) (ngroup (car (member label ngroups :key #'dmrs-ngroup-label)))) (if ngroup (push node-id (dmrs-ngroup-elements ngroup)) (push (make-dmrs-ngroup :label label :elements (list node-id)) ngroups)))) (dolist (ngroup ngroups) (let* ((elements (dmrs-ngroup-elements ngroup))) (setf (dmrs-ngroup-targets ngroup) (loop for element in elements unless (dolist (link links) (when (and (eql (dmrs-link-from link) element) (member (dmrs-link-to link) elements)) (return t))) collect element)) (when (and *dmrs-warnings* (cdr (dmrs-ngroup-targets ngroup))) (pprint "Multiple targets")))) ngroups)) (defun make-dmrs-eq-links (var-links dgroups) ;;; go through the dgroups, adding equalities post slash to the ;;; var-links. If at the end there are unlinked elements in the ;;; dgroup, create-eqlinks from the textually first element to other ;;; elements until all are linked. ;;; textually first is interpreted here by order from RMRS - FIX by using ;;; CFROM order (loop for dgroup in dgroups append (let ((linked (dmrs-ngroup-elements dgroup)) (done-pairs nil)) (dolist (var-link var-links) (let ((from (dmrs-link-from var-link)) (to (dmrs-link-to var-link))) (when (and (member from linked) (member to linked)) (setf (dmrs-link-post var-link) :eq) (push (cons from to) done-pairs)))) (let* ((complete-groups (link-transitive-closure done-pairs)) (lead (car linked))) ;;; (format t "~% LINKED ~A" linked) ;;; (format t "~% GROUPS ~A" complete-groups) (loop for other in (cdr linked) unless (member-if #'(lambda (group) (and (member lead group) (member other group))) complete-groups) collect (progn (setf complete-groups (combine-groups lead other complete-groups)) (make-dmrs-link :from lead :to other :pre nil :post :eq))))))) #| (defun test-dmrs-linking (linked done-pairs) ;;; this tests the code above ;;; linked is a list of elements corresponding to ;;; all the elements which should be linked, ;;; in textual order. done-pairs is a list of pairs which ;;; are already linked. This should return a set of extra links ;;; as necessary to make everything linked ;;; all of which should have as the first element, the first ;;; element of linked. (let* ((complete-groups (link-transitive-closure done-pairs)) (lead (car linked))) (loop for other in (cdr linked) unless (member-if #'(lambda (group) (and (member lead group) (member other group))) complete-groups) collect (progn (setf complete-groups (combine-groups lead other complete-groups)) (cons lead other))))) (test-dmrs-linking '(a b c d e f) '((b . c) (e . f))) ((A . B) (A . D) (A . E)) (test-dmrs-linking '(a b c d e f) '((a . b) (e . f))) ((A . C) (A . D) (A . E)) (test-dmrs-linking '(a b c d e f) '((a . b) (b . c) (e . f))) ((A . D) (A . E)) (test-dmrs-linking '(a b c d e f) nil) ((A . B) (A . C) (A . D) (A . E) (A . F)) |# (defun link-transitive-closure (links) (let ((merged-groups nil)) (dolist (link links) (let* ((a (car link)) (b (cdr link))) (setf merged-groups (combine-groups a b merged-groups)))) merged-groups)) (defun combine-groups (a b groups) (let ((a-group nil) (b-group nil) (others nil)) (dolist (group groups) (cond ((member a group) (setf a-group group) (if (member b group) (setf b-group group))) ((member b group) (setf b-group group)) (t (push group others)))) (cond ((and a-group b-group (eq a-group b-group)) groups) ((and a-group b-group) (cons (append a-group b-group) others)) (a-group (cons (cons b a-group) others)) (b-group (cons (cons a b-group) others)) (t (cons (list a b) others))))) (defun make-dmrs-handel-links (rmrs ngroups nodes) (loop for rmrs-arg in (rmrs-rmrs-args rmrs) when (and (var-p (rmrs-arg-val rmrs-arg)) (node-from-anchor rmrs-arg nodes) (equal (var-type (rmrs-arg-val rmrs-arg)) "h")) append ;; BODY args won't have a qeq, so the code ;;; has to allow for this (let* ((hole (rmrs-arg-val rmrs-arg)) (hole-id (var-id hole)) (from-node-id (var-id (rmrs-arg-label rmrs-arg))) (qeq (car (member hole-id (rmrs-h-cons rmrs) :key #'(lambda (x) (var-id (hcons-scarg x)))))) (target-label (if qeq (var-id (hcons-outscpd qeq)) hole-id)) (ngroup (car (member target-label ngroups :key #'dmrs-ngroup-label))) (elements (if ngroup (dmrs-ngroup-elements ngroup))) (targets (if ngroup (dmrs-ngroup-targets ngroup))) (to-node-ids (if (cdr elements) (or (char-var-selects from-node-id elements rmrs nodes) targets) elements))) (loop for to-node-id in to-node-ids collect (make-dmrs-link :from from-node-id :to to-node-id :pre (rmrs-arg-arg-type rmrs-arg) :post (if qeq :h :heq)))))) (defun char-var-selects (from-node-id elements rmrs nodes) (let* ((main-args (loop for rmrs-arg in (rmrs-rmrs-args rmrs) when (and (eql (var-id (rmrs-arg-label rmrs-arg)) from-node-id) (var-p (rmrs-arg-val rmrs-arg)) (node-from-anchor rmrs-arg nodes) (not (equal (var-type (rmrs-arg-val rmrs-arg)) "h"))) append (let* ((var (rmrs-arg-val rmrs-arg)) (var-id (var-id var)) (to-node (car (member var-id nodes :key #'dmrs-node-charvar)))) (if to-node (list (dmrs-node-id to-node)))))) (inherent-args (loop for rmrs-rel in (rmrs-liszt rmrs) when (eql (var-id (rel-anchor rmrs-rel)) from-node-id) append (let* ((var (car (rel-flist rmrs-rel))) (var-id (var-id var)) (to-node (car (member var-id nodes :key #'dmrs-node-charvar)))) (if to-node (list (dmrs-node-id to-node)))))) (non-char-args (loop for arg in inherent-args unless (eql arg from-node-id) collect arg)) (to-nodes (append non-char-args main-args))) ;;; (format t "~%char-var to nodes ~A" to-nodes) (let ((targets (intersection to-nodes elements))) ;;; (format t "~%char-var ~A" targets) (if (and targets (not (cdr targets))) targets)))) (defun make-dmrs-ltop-links (rmrs ngroups) (let* ((ltop-label (var-id (rmrs-top-h rmrs))) (ngroup (car (member ltop-label ngroups :key #'dmrs-ngroup-label)))) (when ngroup (loop for target in (dmrs-ngroup-targets ngroup) collect (make-dmrs-link :from 0 :to target))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; DMRS to RMRS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #| 1. Label each DMRS predicate with a distinct label and anchor. 2. Associate each predicate with all possible arguments given by SEM-I lookup (including the characteristic variables and the BVs of quantifiers), keeping all argument names unique. 3. For each ARG/= link between two predicates P and P': a) add an equality between the labels of the predicates P and P' b) add an equality between the ARG variable of P and the characteristic variable of P' (the ARG variable is the value of the argument labelled ARG). (If there is no ARG variable associated with P, or if it is a different type from the characteristic variable of P', the DMRS is ill-formed according to the SEM-I.) 4. For ARG/h link between predicates P and P' add a qeq between the ARG hole of P and the label of P'. (If there is no ARG hole associated with P, the DMRS is ill-formed according to the SEM-I.) 5. For /= link between predicates P and P', add an equality between the labels of the predicates P and P' 6. For each ARG/neq link between predicates P and P', add an equality between the ARG variable of P and the characteristic variable of P'. (If there is no ARG variable associated with P, or if it is a different type from the characteristic variable of P', the DMRS is ill-formed according to the SEM-I.) 7. For each RSTR link between P and P', add an equality between the BV argument of P and the characteristic variable of P'. 8. Make the LTOP of the RMRS the label of the predicate linked to LTOP in the DMRS. FIX - the SEM-I doesn't quite support this, unfortunately, so for now, go for a variant without the SEM-I 1. Label each DMRS node P with a distinct label and anchor to create an RMRS relation rel(P). The anchor value is taken from the node id (which means if the DMRS was created from an RMRS in the first place, this should remain the same). For each P which has a CARG value V, create an RMRS arg anchor(rel(P)) CARG V (This is assuming that CARG is the only feature name used.for constants) For each P which is in a link P'->P (i.e., is the to of a link) with the label ARG/eq or ARG/neq, create an ARG0 variable of type i (it must be x or e or i, but we don't know for sure which it is, though we could guess via the predicate name for the open class preds at least.) 2. For each DMRS link (other than ltop and /eq links), with label PRE/POST from node P to P', create an rmrs-arg, with label anchor(rel(P)), arg label PRE, and value according to POST: if POST is eq or neq: arg0(rel(P')) if heq: label(rel(P')) if h - new hole variable, h. Also add h qeq label(rel(P')) 3. For each DMRS link with from id 0 (i.e., LTOP) and with to node P1 ... Pn set RMRS LTOP to label(rel(P1)) and set label(rel(P2)) ... label(rel(Pn)) equal to label(rel(P1)) 4. For each DMRS PRE/eq or /eq link from P to P', label(rel(P)) = label(rel(P')) 5. For each DMRS link of type RSTR from P to P', ARG0(rel(P))=ARG0(rel(P')) (For well-formedness requirements, set any unset ARG0s of other rels to a new variable) 6. Create an RMRS with liszt consisting of rel(P)s, args the append of the CARGs and step 3, ltop and h-cons as above and equalities from step 4. 7. Remove the equalities by converting the RMRS into a canonical form. |# (defun dmrs-to-rmrs (dmrs) ;;; version without SEM-I and with no explicit ;;; equalities (let* ((links (dmrs-links dmrs)) (ltop nil) ;;; create as a side effect (qeqs nil) ;; ditto (cargs nil) ;; ditto (label-eqs nil) ;;; partially ditto (pred-plus (loop for node in (dmrs-nodes dmrs) collect (let* ((pred (dmrs-node-pred node)) (carg (dmrs-node-carg node)) (id (dmrs-node-id node)) (cfrom (dmrs-node-cfrom node)) (cto (dmrs-node-cto node)) (cvtype (dmrs-node-cvtype node)) (cvextra (dmrs-node-cvextra node)) (label (create-new-rmrs-var "h" *variable-generator* nil)) (anchor (make-var :type "h" :id id))) (when carg (push (make-rmrs-arg :arg-type "CARG" :label anchor :val carg) cargs)) (list (make-rel :pred pred :anchor anchor :handel label :cfrom cfrom :cto cto :flist (construct-rmrs-flist id links cvtype cvextra)) cvtype cvextra)))) (preds (mapcar #'car pred-plus)) (args (loop for link in links unless ;; ltop (or (let ((from (dmrs-link-from link)) (to (dmrs-link-to link))) (if (eql from 0) (let ((to-label (retrieve-node-label to preds))) (if ltop (push (list ltop to-label) label-eqs) (setf ltop to-label)) t) nil)) (not (dmrs-link-pre link)) ;; eq labels with no arg (equal (dmrs-link-pre link) "NIL")) collect (let* ((from (dmrs-link-from link)) (from-pred (find from preds :key #'(lambda (pred) (var-id (rel-anchor pred))))) (from-anchor (if from-pred (rel-anchor from-pred))) (to (dmrs-link-to link)) (arg (dmrs-link-pre link)) (handel-relationship (dmrs-link-post link)) (val (create-rmrs-arg-val handel-relationship to preds))) (when (eql handel-relationship :h) (push (make-hcons :relation "qeq" :scarg val :outscpd (retrieve-node-label to preds)) qeqs)) (make-rmrs-arg :arg-type arg :label from-anchor :val val))))) (dolist (link links) (when (eql (dmrs-link-post link) :eq) (push (list (retrieve-node-label (dmrs-link-to link) preds) (retrieve-node-label (dmrs-link-from link) preds)) label-eqs))) (dolist (pred pred-plus) (let ((pred1 (car pred))) (unless (rel-flist pred1) (let* ((rstr-to-id (find-rstr-from pred1 links)) (rstr-node (if rstr-to-id (find rstr-to-id preds :key #'(lambda (pred) (var-id (rel-anchor pred))))))) (setf (rel-flist pred1) (if (and rstr-node (rel-p rstr-node)) (copy-list (rel-flist rstr-node)) (make-new-flist (second pred) (third pred)))))))) (let ((rmrs (make-rmrs :top-h (or ltop (create-new-rmrs-var "h" *variable-generator* nil)) :liszt preds :h-cons qeqs :rmrs-args (append args cargs) :bindings (close-bindings label-eqs)))) (canonicalise-rmrs rmrs) ;; close-bindings and canonicalise-rmrs ;; are in rmrs/comp.lisp rmrs))) (defun retrieve-node-label (id preds) (let ((pred (find id preds :key #'(lambda (pred) (var-id (rel-anchor pred)))))) (if pred (rel-handel pred)))) (defun construct-rmrs-flist (id links cvtype cvextra) ;;; we are interested in cases where the id is a to on the links ;;; and the link type is something/:eq or something/:neq ;;; ;;; RSTR/BV case is done after these are set up (dolist (link links) (when (and (eql (dmrs-link-to link) id) (dmrs-link-pre link) (or (eql (dmrs-link-post link) :eq) (eql (dmrs-link-post link) :neq))) (return (make-new-flist cvtype cvextra))))) (defun make-new-flist (cvtype cvextra) (list (make-var :type (or cvtype "i") :id (funcall *variable-generator*) :extra cvextra))) (defun find-rstr-from (pred links) ;;; this is looking for cases where the pred has a rstr ;;; link leading from it - we return the pred that the link goes ;;; to so that its flist can be copied (let* ((from (var-id (rel-anchor pred))) (to-id (dolist (link links) (when (and (eql (dmrs-link-from link) from) (equal (dmrs-link-pre link) "RSTR")) (return (dmrs-link-to link)))))) to-id)) (defun create-rmrs-arg-val (handel-relationship to preds) (let ((to-node (find to preds :key #'(lambda (pred) (var-id (rel-anchor pred)))))) ;; for :eq or :neq, we want the characteristic variable ;; for :h we want a new hole, which will then be set qeq ;; to the to-node ;; for :heq we want the label (ecase handel-relationship (:eq (car (rel-flist to-node))) (:neq (car (rel-flist to-node))) (:h (create-new-rmrs-var "h" *variable-generator* nil)) (:heq (rel-handel to-node))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; OUTPUT ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun simple-output-dmrs (dmrs &optional (stream t)) (format stream "~%") (dolist (node (dmrs-nodes dmrs)) (let ((pred (dmrs-node-pred node)) (id (dmrs-node-id node)) (carg (dmrs-node-carg node))) (format stream "~A:~A~A~%" id (if (realpred-p pred) (convert-realpred-to-string (realpred-lemma pred) (realpred-pos pred) (realpred-sense pred)) pred) (if carg (format nil "/~A" carg) "")))) (format stream "~%") (dolist (link (sort-dmrs-links-by-from (dmrs-links dmrs) (dmrs-nodes dmrs))) (let ((from (dmrs-link-from link)) (pre (dmrs-link-pre link)) (post (dmrs-link-post link))) (format stream "~A ~A ~A~%" (if (eql from 0) "LTOP" from) (cond ((and pre post) (format nil "~A/~A" pre post)) (pre (format nil "~A" pre)) (post (format nil "/~A" post)) (t "")) (dmrs-link-to link)))) (format stream "~%")) (defun sort-dmrs-links-by-from (links nodes) (let ((ltop-links nil) (non-ltop-links nil)) (dolist (link links) (if (eql (dmrs-link-from link) 0) (push link ltop-links) (push link non-ltop-links))) (append ltop-links (sort non-ltop-links #'(lambda (link1 link2) (member (dmrs-link-from link2) (member (dmrs-link-from link1) nodes :key #'dmrs-node-id) :key #'dmrs-node-id)))))) ;;; LaTeX output etc #| Draw the nodes across the top, and create arcs as straight lines Fill the first line with links, trying shortest first, avoiding overlaps. Then next line etc till all done. NODE1 NODE2 NODE3 NODE4* ---------------> <----------- ARC ARC ---------------------------------> ARC LTOPs indicated by * layout provides for x distances as starting at 0, calculated on basis of characters first node x (x1) is at half its width in characters x2 is at half node1 width, plus half node2 width, plus x increment y layout starts at 0 and increments by 1 - intention is that this is converted into appropriate factor for the actual drawing program (and recalculated so origin is bottom left in some cases) |# (defstruct dmrs-layout-node id label ltop start-x mid-x) (defstruct dmrs-layout-link label left-x right-x direction ;; :l :r or nil y) (defun layout-dmrs (dmrs layout-type stream) (let* ((x-increment 10) ;; constant - should be at least the length of the longest link label ;; in characters - e.g. ARG1/neq (node-x 0) ;; tmp variable - centre of node (start-x 0) ;; tmp variable - start of node (next-x 0) ;; tmp variable - start of next node (tmp-links nil) ;; list organised by length (final-links nil) (layout-nodes (loop for node in (sort (copy-list (dmrs-nodes dmrs)) #'sort-dmrs-pred) collect (let* ((pred (dmrs-node-pred node)) (id (dmrs-node-id node)) (predstring (format nil "~A~A~A" (if (realpred-p pred) (convert-realpred-to-string (realpred-lemma pred) (realpred-pos pred) (realpred-sense pred)) (let ((l (length pred))) (if (equal (subseq pred (- l 4)) "_rel") (subseq pred 0 (- l 4)) pred))) (if (dmrs-node-carg node) "/" "") (or (dmrs-node-carg node) ""))) (node-width (length predstring))) (setf start-x next-x) (setf node-x (+ next-x (truncate node-width 2))) (setf next-x (+ next-x node-width x-increment)) (make-dmrs-layout-node :id id :label predstring :start-x start-x :mid-x node-x))))) (dolist (link (dmrs-links dmrs)) (let* ((from (dmrs-link-from link)) (to (dmrs-link-to link))) (if (eql from 0) ;; LTOP (mark-ltop-node to layout-nodes) (let* ((pre (dmrs-link-pre link)) (post (dmrs-link-post link)) (link-label (cond ((and pre post) (format nil "~A/~A" pre post)) (pre (format nil "~A" pre)) (post (format nil "/~A" post)) (t ""))) (from-x (find-dmrs-node-x from layout-nodes)) (to-x (find-dmrs-node-x to layout-nodes)) (left-x (if (< from-x to-x) from-x to-x)) (right-x (if (< from-x to-x) to-x from-x)) (new-link (make-dmrs-layout-link :label link-label :left-x left-x :right-x right-x :direction (if pre (if (< from-x to-x) :r :l) nil))) (length (- right-x left-x)) (length-set (assoc length tmp-links))) (if length-set (push new-link (cdr length-set)) (push (cons length (list new-link)) tmp-links)))))) (dolist (length-set tmp-links) (setf (cdr length-set) (sort (cdr length-set) #'< :key #'dmrs-layout-link-left-x))) (setf tmp-links (sort tmp-links #'< :key #'car)) (let ((current-y 0)) (when tmp-links (loop (multiple-value-bind (done-links new-tmp) (fit-all-links tmp-links current-y) (setf final-links (append final-links done-links)) (unless new-tmp (return)) (setf tmp-links new-tmp) (setf current-y (+ current-y 1)))))) (ecase layout-type #+:lkb (:clim (lkb::construct-dmrs-clim-diagram layout-nodes final-links stream)) (:latex (construct-dmrs-latex-diagram layout-nodes final-links stream)) (:svg (construct-dmrs-svg-diagram layout-nodes final-links stream))))) (defun sort-dmrs-pred (node1 node2) ;;; sortal order - < cfrom, then cto, then real ;;; before construction, then (assume both construction) ;;; quantifier before non-quantifier, then alphabetic ;;; ;;; not entirely optimal (let ((cfrom1 (dmrs-node-cfrom node1)) (cfrom2 (dmrs-node-cfrom node2))) (if (or (null cfrom1) (null cfrom2) (eql cfrom1 cfrom2)) (let ((cto1 (dmrs-node-cto node1)) (cto2 (dmrs-node-cto node2))) (if (or (null cto1) (null cto2) (eql cto1 cto2)) (let* ((pred1 (dmrs-node-pred node1)) (pred2 (dmrs-node-pred node2))) (if (and (realpred-p pred1) (realpred-p pred2)) (string-lessp (realpred-lemma pred1) (realpred-lemma pred2)) (if (and (not (realpred-p pred1)) (not (realpred-p pred2))) (let ((qp1 (pred-type-p #\q pred1)) (qp2 (pred-type-p #\q pred2))) (if (or qp1 qp2 (not (and qp1 qp2))) qp1 (string-lessp pred1 pred2))) (realpred-p pred1)))) (< cto1 cto2))) (< cfrom1 cfrom2)))) (defun mark-ltop-node (node-id nodes) (let ((node (find node-id nodes :key #'dmrs-layout-node-id))) (when node (setf (dmrs-layout-node-ltop node) t)))) (defun find-dmrs-node-x (node-id nodes) (let ((node (find node-id nodes :key #'dmrs-layout-node-id))) (if node (dmrs-layout-node-mid-x node)))) (defun fit-all-links (to-fit y) ;;; fits all the links we can on one y, returns a list of fitted links ;;; with the y set, and a list of ones that don't fit (let ((y-set nil) (unfitted nil)) (dolist (length-set to-fit) ;; if speed were an issue, we would return when we'd ;; got to a point where we knew there could be no space ;; in the y-set for links of a certain length, but ignore for ;; now (let ((unfitted-length nil)) (dolist (link (cdr length-set)) (if (link-fits link y-set) (progn (setf (dmrs-layout-link-y link) y) (push link y-set)) (if unfitted-length (push link (cdr unfitted-length)) (setf unfitted-length (cons (car length-set) (list link)))))) (when unfitted-length (setf (cdr unfitted-length) (nreverse (cdr unfitted-length))) (push unfitted-length unfitted)))) (values y-set (nreverse unfitted)))) (defun link-fits (link fitted-set) (let ((link-left (dmrs-layout-link-left-x link)) (link-right (dmrs-layout-link-right-x link))) (every #'(lambda (fitted-link) (or (<= link-right (dmrs-layout-link-left-x fitted-link)) (>= link-left (dmrs-layout-link-right-x fitted-link)))) fitted-set))) #| we now have something like: (#S(DMRS-LAYOUT-NODE :ID 10001 :LABEL "_the_q" :LTOP NIL :START-X 0 :MID-X 3) #S(DMRS-LAYOUT-NODE :ID 10002 :LABEL "_cat_n_1" :LTOP NIL :START-X 16 :MID-X 20) #S(DMRS-LAYOUT-NODE :ID 10003 :LABEL "_bark_v_1" :LTOP NIL :START-X 34 :MID-X 38) #S(DMRS-LAYOUT-NODE :ID 10004 :LABEL "_sleep_v_1" :LTOP T :START-X 53 :MID-X 58)) (#S(DMRS-LAYOUT-LINK :LABEL "ARG1/EQ" :LEFT-X 20 :RIGHT-X 38 :DIRECTION :L :Y 0) #S(DMRS-LAYOUT-LINK :LABEL "RSTR/H" :LEFT-X 3 :RIGHT-X 20 :DIRECTION :R :Y 0) #S(DMRS-LAYOUT-LINK :LABEL "ARG1/NEQ" :LEFT-X 20 :RIGHT-X 58 :DIRECTION :L :Y 1)) and we need to render it in our system of choice - and also in CLIM, though this is never the system of choice ... CLIM rendering is in lkb-acl-rmrs.lisp |# (defun construct-dmrs-latex-diagram (nodes links stream) ;;; this produces a picture to be included in a LaTeX document (let* ((y-factor 5) (y-start 4) (text-height 3) (offset 2) (picture-height (+ text-height y-start (* y-factor (+ 1 (loop for link in links maximize (dmrs-layout-link-y link)))))) (picture-width (+ 10 ; fudge factor - should really calculate width (loop for node in nodes maximize (dmrs-layout-node-mid-x node)))) (text-y (- picture-height text-height))) (format stream "\\setlength{\\unitlength}{0.3em}~%") (format stream "\\begin{picture}(~A,~A)~%" picture-width picture-height) (format stream "\\thicklines~%") (dolist (node nodes) (let ((x (dmrs-layout-node-mid-x node)) (label (dmrs-layout-node-label node))) (format stream "\\put(~A,~A){\\makebox(0,0){~A~A}}~%" x text-y (latex-escape-string label) (if (dmrs-layout-node-ltop node) "*" "")))) (dolist (link links) (let* ((left-x (+ offset (dmrs-layout-link-left-x link))) (link-length (- (- (dmrs-layout-link-right-x link) (dmrs-layout-link-left-x link)) (* 2 offset))) (link-y (- text-y (+ y-start (* y-factor (dmrs-layout-link-y link))))) (label-y (- link-y 2)) (label-x (+ left-x (truncate link-length 2))) (direction (dmrs-layout-link-direction link))) (format stream "\\put(~A,~A){\\~A(~A,0){~A}}~%" (if (eql direction :l) (+ left-x link-length) left-x) link-y (if direction "vector" "line") (if (eql direction :l) -1 1) link-length) (format stream "\\put(~A,~A){\\makebox(0,0){{\\small ~A}}}~%" label-x label-y (latex-escape-string (dmrs-layout-link-label link))))) (format stream "\\end{picture}~%"))) #| \setlength{\unitlength}{0.3em} \begin{picture}(78,17) \thicklines \put(3,14){\makebox(0,0){\_the\_q}} \put(20,14){\makebox(0,0){\_cat\_n\_1}} \put(38,14){\makebox(0,0){\_purr\_v\_1}} \put(58,14){\makebox(0,0){\_sleep\_v\_1}} \put(5,10){\vector(1,0){13}} \put(12,8){\makebox(0,0){{\small RSTR}}} \put(36,10){\vector(-1,0){14}} \put(29,8){\makebox(0,0){{\small ARG1/eq}}} \put(56,5){\vector(-1,0){34}} \put(39,3){\makebox(0,0){{\small ARG1/neq}}} \end{picture} |# (defun dmrs-svg-preamble (stream width height) ;;; in a separate fn to avoid clutter below (format stream "") (format stream "~%") (format stream "~%~%" width height) ;;; definition of an arrow head (format stream "~% " )) #| NODE1 NODE2 NODE3 NODE4* ---------------> <----------- ARCLABEL ARCLABEL ---------------------------------> <--------------------- ARCLABEL generic output has top line of arcs with y=0, next with y=1, etc SVG arcs start at start-y, next at (+ start-y (* scale y-incr)) and so on |# (defun construct-dmrs-svg-diagram (nodes links stream) ;; appearance can be adjusted by changing the following parameters (let* ((y-incr 5) ;; multiplier for y units (scale 10) ;; multiplier for the abstract units (text-y 50) ;; y coordinate for the node labels (NODE1 etc above) (start-y 80) ;; y coordinate for the topmost link (y-to-text 20) ;; distance between link and link label (start-x 20) ;; beginning x position (0 tends to be too close to edge) (offset 10) ;; offset from centre position of node for link start/end ;; so if two links go to/from the same node, the link ends ;; are (* 2 offset) apart (picture-height (+ start-y (* y-incr (* scale (+ 1 (loop for link in links maximize (dmrs-layout-link-y link))))))) (picture-width (* scale (+ 10 ;;; fudge factor - should really calculate width (loop for node in nodes maximize (dmrs-layout-node-mid-x node)))) )) (dmrs-svg-preamble stream picture-width picture-height) (dolist (node nodes) (let ((x (+ (* scale (dmrs-layout-node-start-x node)) start-x)) (label (dmrs-layout-node-label node))) (format stream "~%~A~A" x text-y label (if (dmrs-layout-node-ltop node) "*" "")))) (dolist (link links) (let* ((left-x (+ start-x offset (* scale (dmrs-layout-link-left-x link)))) (link-length (- (* scale (- (dmrs-layout-link-right-x link) (dmrs-layout-link-left-x link))) (* 2 offset))) (right-x (+ left-x link-length)) (link-y (+ start-y (* scale (* y-incr (dmrs-layout-link-y link))))) (label-y (+ link-y y-to-text)) (label-x (- (+ left-x (truncate link-length 2)) (truncate (* scale (length (dmrs-layout-link-label link))) 2))) (direction (dmrs-layout-link-direction link))) (format stream "~%" (if (eql direction :l) right-x left-x) link-y (if (eql direction :l) left-x right-x) link-y) (format stream "~%~A" label-x label-y (dmrs-layout-link-label link)))) (format stream "~%~%"))) ;;;; OUTPUT - parallel to rmrs/output.lisp ;;; inherits from rmrs-output-type xml so can use code for preds etc ;;; test the dxml output by starting file with ;;; ;;; and then calling xmlnorm -Vs stream) (terpri stream))) (defmethod dmrs-output-end-fn ((dmrsout dxml)) (with-slots (stream) dmrsout (write-string "" stream) (terpri stream))) (defmethod dmrs-output-start-node ((dmrsout dxml) id cfrom cto surface base carg) (with-slots (stream) dmrsout (write-string " stream))) (defmethod dmrs-output-sort-info ((dmrsout dxml) type) (with-slots (stream) dmrsout (if type (format stream "" stream) (terpri stream))) ;;; links (defmethod dmrs-output-link ((dmrsout dxml) from to pre post) (with-slots (stream) dmrsout (write-string "" stream) (write-string "" stream) (princ pre stream) (write-string "" stream) (princ post stream) (write-string "" stream) (write-string "" stream) (terpri stream))) ;;; Actual printing function for dmrs (defun output-dmrs (dmrs-instance device &optional file-name) (if file-name (with-open-file (stream file-name :direction :output :if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :create) (output-dmrs1 dmrs-instance device stream)) (output-dmrs1 dmrs-instance device t))) (defun output-dmrs1 (dmrs-instance device stream) (let ((dmrs-display-structure (def-rmrs-print-operations device 0 stream))) (if (dmrs-p dmrs-instance) (print-dmrs dmrs-instance dmrs-display-structure) (format stream "~%::: ~A is not an dmrs structure~%" dmrs-instance)))) (defun print-dmrs (dmrs dmrs-display-structure) (dmrs-output-start-fn dmrs-display-structure (or (dmrs-cfrom dmrs) -1) (or (dmrs-cto dmrs) -1) (dmrs-surface dmrs) (dmrs-ident dmrs)) (let* ((nodes (dmrs-nodes dmrs)) (links (sort-dmrs-links-by-from (dmrs-links dmrs) nodes))) (dolist (node nodes) (print-dmrs-node node dmrs-display-structure)) (dolist (link links) (print-dmrs-link link dmrs-display-structure))) (dmrs-output-end-fn dmrs-display-structure)) (defun print-dmrs-node (node dmrs-display-structure) (let ((pred (dmrs-node-pred node)) (id (dmrs-node-id node)) (carg (dmrs-node-carg node))) (dmrs-output-start-node dmrs-display-structure id (or (dmrs-node-cfrom node) -1) (or (dmrs-node-cto node) -1) nil nil carg) (if (realpred-p pred) (rmrs-output-realpred dmrs-display-structure (realpred-lemma pred) (realpred-pos pred) (realpred-sense pred)) (rmrs-output-gpred dmrs-display-structure pred)) (dmrs-output-sort-info dmrs-display-structure (dmrs-node-cvtype node)) (when (dmrs-node-cvtype node) (loop for extrapair in (dmrs-node-cvextra node) do (rmrs-output-extra-feat-val dmrs-display-structure (extrapair-feature extrapair) (extrapair-value extrapair)))) (dmrs-output-end-node dmrs-display-structure))) (defun print-dmrs-link (link dmrs-display-structure) (let ((from (dmrs-link-from link)) (to (dmrs-link-to link)) (pre (dmrs-link-pre link)) (post (dmrs-link-post link))) (dmrs-output-link dmrs-display-structure from to pre post))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;; Input ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; FIX - incomplete (defun read-single-dmrs-from-string (str) (let ((*package* (find-package :mrs))) (with-input-from-string (istream str) (let ((dmrs (parse-xml-removing-junk istream))) (unless (xml-whitespace-string-p dmrs) (read-dmrs dmrs)))))) (defun read-dmrs-list (content) ;;; for now, ignores the meta data and just returns a list ;;; of DMRSs. FIX (let ((dmrss nil) (tag (car content))) (unless (and (listp tag) (eql (car tag) '|dmrs-list|)) (error "~A is not an dmrs list" content)) (setf content (cdr content)) (when content (loop for next-el in content do (unless (xml-whitespace-string-p next-el) (push (read-dmrs next-el) dmrss)))) (nreverse dmrss))) (defun read-dmrs (content) ;;; (pprint content lkb::*lkb-background-stream*) ;;; (let ((nodes nil) (links nil) (tag (car content))) (unless (and (listp tag) (eql (car tag) '|dmrs|)) (error "~A is not an dmrs" content)) (setf content (cdr content)) (when content (loop for next-el in content do (unless (xml-whitespace-string-p next-el) (cond ((eql (caar next-el) '|node|) (push (read-dmrs-node next-el) nodes)) ((eql (caar next-el) '|link|) (push (read-dmrs-link next-el) links)) (t (error "Unexpected element ~A" next-el))))) ;;; (pprint nodes) ;;; (pprint links) (make-dmrs :nodes nodes :links links)))) (defun read-dmrs-node (content) ;;; ;;; (let ((tag (car content)) (body (cdr content))) (setf tag (loop for x in tag unless (xml-whitespace-string-p x) collect x)) (setf body (loop for x in body unless (xml-whitespace-string-p x) collect x)) (unless (eql (first tag) '|node|) (error "Malformed node ~A" content)) (let ((attlist (parse-xml-attlist (rest tag) '(|nodeid| |cfrom| |cto|) '(|surface| |base| |carg|) nil))) (setf body (loop for x in body unless (xml-whitespace-string-p x) collect x)) (let* ((sortinfo-list (if (listp (car (second body))) (car (second body)))) (varattlist (if (and sortinfo-list (eql (first sortinfo-list) '|sortinfo|)) (parse-xml-attlist (rest sortinfo-list) '(|cvarsort|) '(|num| |pers| |gend| |sf| |tense| |mood| |prontype| |prog| |perf| |ind|) nil)))) (make-dmrs-node :id (parse-integer (cdr (assoc '|nodeid| attlist))) :pred (read-rmrs-pred (first body)) :cfrom (parse-integer (cdr (assoc '|cfrom| attlist))) :cto (parse-integer (cdr (assoc '|cto| attlist))) :carg (cdr (assoc '|carg| attlist)) :cvtype (parse-dmrs-cvtype varattlist) :cvextra (parse-dmrs-cvextra varattlist)))))) (defun parse-dmrs-cvtype (sort-info-list) (cdr (assoc '|cvarsort| sort-info-list))) (defun parse-dmrs-cvextra (sort-info-list) (let ((cvextra nil)) (loop for feat in '(|num| |pers| |gend| |sf| |tense| |mood| |prontype| |prog| |perf| |ind|) do (let ((featval (assoc feat sort-info-list))) (when featval (push (make-extrapair :feature (make-mrs-atom (string-upcase (string feat))) :value (convert-mrs-extra-val (cdr featval))) cvextra)))) cvextra)) (defun parse-xml-attlist (attlist required-lst optional-lst result) ;;; e.g. required-lst (nodeid cfrom cto) optional-lst (surface base carg)) ;;; attlist is a list which should correspond to expected ;;; of attribute value pairs (cond ((null attlist) (when required-lst (error "~A expected and not found" required-lst)) result) ((member (first attlist) required-lst) (push (cons (first attlist) (second attlist)) result) (parse-xml-attlist (cddr attlist) (remove (first attlist) required-lst) optional-lst result)) ((member (first attlist) optional-lst) (push (cons (first attlist) (second attlist)) result) (parse-xml-attlist (cddr attlist) required-lst (remove (first attlist) optional-lst) result)) (t (error "Unexpected element ~A" (first attlist))))) (defun read-dmrs-link (content) (setf content (loop for x in content unless (xml-whitespace-string-p x) collect x)) (let* ((tag (car content)) (from (parse-integer (third tag))) (to (parse-integer (fifth tag))) (arg (second content)) (post (third content))) (make-dmrs-link :from from :to to :pre (second arg) :post (check-and-convert-post (second post))))) (defun check-and-convert-post (post-type) (cond ((or (equal post-type "H") (equal post-type :H)) :H) ((or (equal post-type "EQ") (equal post-type :EQ)) :EQ) ((or (equal post-type "NEQ") (equal post-type :NEQ)) :NEQ) ((or (equal post-type "HEQ") (equal post-type :HEQ)) :HEQ) (t (error "Unexpected post type ~A" post-type)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;; Testing ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #+:lkb (defun batch-output-dmrs nil (let ((sentence lkb::*sentence*) (sentence-number lkb::*sentence-number*) (ostream (if (and lkb::*ostream* (streamp lkb::*ostream*) (output-stream-p lkb::*ostream*)) lkb::*ostream* t))) (format ostream "~%" sentence-number) (format ostream "~%~%~S~%" sentence) (loop for parse in *parse-record* do (let* ((mrs-struct (extract-mrs parse)) (rmrs-struct (mrs-to-rmrs mrs-struct)) (dmrs-struct (rmrs-to-dmrs rmrs-struct))) ;; (crossing-links ;; (dmrs-crossing-links dmrs-struct))) (output-dmrs1 dmrs-struct 'dxml ostream) ;; (when crossing-links ;; (format t "~%Crossing links ~A" crossing-links)))) )) (format ostream "~%") (finish-output ostream))) #| xmlnorm -Vs 156605.v000.xml |# ;;; (generate-from-dmrs-file "~/andy-m/variants-testvar/156610.orig.xml") ;;; (generate-from-dmrs-file "~/andy-m/variants-testvar/1226279.orig.xml") ;;; (generate-from-dmrs-file "~/andy-m/variants-testvar/1226279.v000.xml") ;;; (generate-from-dmrs-file "~/andy-m/variants-testvar/156613.orig.xml") ;;; (generate-from-dmrs-file "~/andy-m/test1.xml") #+:lkb (defun generate-from-dmrs-file (ifile) ;;; this requires a SEM-I at the RMRS to MRS conversion stage ;;; (mt:read-semi "~/delph-in/erg/trunk/erg.smi") ;;; ;;; may want to set lkb::*gen-first-only-p* (let ((rmrs (dmrs-file-to-rmrs ifile))) (when rmrs (let ((mrs (convert-rmrs-to-mrs rmrs))) (when mrs (output-mrs1 mrs 'simple t) (lkb::generate-from-mrs mrs)))))) #+:lkb (defun generate-from-dmrs-directory (idir) ;;; (generate-from-dmrs-directory "~/andy-m/testdir/") (let ((*package* (find-package :mrs))) (loop for ifile in (directory idir) do (format t "~%Processing file ~A" ifile) (handler-case (let ((rmrs (dmrs-file-to-rmrs ifile))) (when rmrs (let ((mrs (convert-rmrs-to-mrs rmrs))) (when mrs (let ((strings (lkb::generate-from-mrs mrs))) (if strings (pprint strings) (format t " - nothing generated"))))))) (storage-condition (condition) (format t "~%Memory allocation problem: ~A~%" condition)) (error (condition) (format t "~%Error: ~A~%" condition)) (serious-condition (condition) (format t "~%Something nasty: ~A~%" condition)))))) ;;; (dmrs-to-rmrs-directory "~/andy-m/variants-testvar-xml/" "~/andy-m/variants-testvar-rmrs/") (defun dmrs-file-to-rmrs (ifile) (let ((*package* (find-package :mrs))) (with-open-file (istream ifile :direction :input) (let ((dmrs-xml (parse-xml-removing-junk istream))) (when (and dmrs-xml (not (xml-whitespace-string-p dmrs-xml))) (let ((dmrs (read-dmrs dmrs-xml))) (when dmrs (dmrs-to-rmrs dmrs)))))))) (defun dmrs-to-rmrs-directory (idir odir) ;;; takes an input directory of DMRSs in XML and converts ;;; to a directory of RMRS files (let ((*package* (find-package :mrs))) (loop for ifile in (directory idir) do (let* ((namestring (file-namestring ifile)) (ofile (concatenate 'string odir namestring ".rmrs")) (rmrs (dmrs-file-to-rmrs ifile))) (when rmrs (with-open-file (ostream ofile :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create) (output-rmrs1 rmrs 'xml ostream))))))) #+:lkb (defun dmrs-to-mrs-directory (idir odir) ;;; takes an input directory of DMRSs in XML and converts ;;; to a directory of MRS files (let ((*package* (find-package :mrs))) (loop for ifile in (directory idir) do (let* ((namestring (file-namestring ifile)) (ofile (concatenate 'string odir namestring ".mrs")) (rmrs (dmrs-file-to-rmrs ifile))) (when rmrs (let ((mrs (convert-rmrs-to-mrs rmrs))) (when mrs (with-open-file (ostream ofile :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create) (output-mrs1 mrs 'xml ostream)))))))))