;;; -*- Mode: COMMON-LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: TSDB -*- ;;; ;;; [incr tsdb()] --- Competence and Performance Profiling Environment ;;; Copyright (c) 1996 -- 2006 Stephan Oepen (oe@csli.stanford.edu) ;;; Copyright (c) 2005 -- 2006 Erik Velldal (erikve@ifi.uio.no) ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ;;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ;;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License for more details. ;;; ;;; ;;; some notes on the encoding of features: to make sure we operate in separate ;;; namespaces for the various feature templates, each feature is prefixed with ;;; an integer identifying the feature type (aka template), viz. ;;; ;;; 1: local derivational configuration; a subtree of depth one taken from ;;; the derivation; e.g. [1 (0) hspec det_poss_my_le noptcomp]; the second ;;; integer indicates the amount of grandparenting used, where parent ;;; labels will precede the root of the local configuration. ;;; 2: `active' local derivational configuration; similar to type 1, but with ;;; only one of the daughters in each feature; thus, for a ternary rule, ;;; feature type 2 will add three extra features, ;;; e.g. [2 (0) hspec noptcomp]. ;;; 3: lexicalized local derivational configuration; much like type 1, but ;;; the first symbol is the lexical head of the root of the configuration; ;;; if we decided to lexicalize _all_ nodes in the feature, that would be ;;; either a different template or additional parameter then. ;;; 4: lexicalized `active' local derivational configuration; one parameter, ;;; viz. degree of grand-parenting. ;;; 10: n-gram features; e.g. [10 (3 1) "saw" ^ n_proper_le v_np_trans_le]; ;;; the first parameter is the n-gram size, the second an integer coding ;;; as to what is used in the n-grams: 0 -- lexical identifier, 1 -- le ;;; type. ;;; 11: preterminal-only n-gram features; like type 10, but without a surface ;;; form; e.g. [11 (3 1) ^ n_proper_le v_np_trans_le]. ;;; 42: language model score; the second integer is the number of bins used ;;; (if any), and the third the divisor used in scaling (*maxent-lm-p*), ;;; if any, e.g. [42 (0) -12.34]. ;;; 43: experimental features in combining LOGON scores across components. ;;; ;;; also, we are using some pseudo-features to record additional information in ;;; the feature cache, viz. ;;; ;;; -1: event frequencies; takes one parameter encoding the frequency ;;; assignment function: 0 -- binary, i.e. 0 or 1 according to what comes ;;; out of the annotations in the treebank; 1 and upwards -- various ;;; weighted frequency functions, according to the global value of ;;; *maxent-preference-weightings*. ;;; (in-package :tsdb) (defparameter *feature-grandparenting* 4) (defparameter *feature-use-preterminal-types-p* t) (defparameter *feature-lexicalization-p* t) (defparameter *feature-constituent-weight* 2) (defparameter *feature-active-edges-p* t) (defparameter *feature-ngram-size* 4) (defparameter *feature-ngram-tag* :type) (defparameter *feature-ngram-back-off-p* t) (defparameter *feature-lm-p* #-:logon nil #+:logon 10) #+:null (defparameter *feature-lm-normalize* '(:minmax 0 2)) (defparameter *feature-dependencies* nil) (defparameter *feature-flags* (nconc #+:null '((0 :ascore) (1 :tscore) (2 :rscore)) #+:null '((3 :lm) (4 :perplexity) (5 :lfn) (6 :lnf)) #+:null '((10 :distortion) (11 :distance)) #+:null '((12 :nmtrs) (13 :tratio) (14 :ratio)))) #+:onet (defparameter *feature-custom* nil) (defparameter *feature-preference-weightings* '((0 :binary) (1 :bleu) (2 :wa) (3 :waft))) (defparameter *feature-frequency-threshold* nil) (defparameter *feature-random-sample-size* nil) (defparameter *feature-item-enhancers* (list 'lm-item-enhancer)) (defstruct counts (absolute 0) (contexts 0) (events 0) (relevant 0)) (defmethod print-object ((object counts) stream) (format stream "{~d ~d ~d ~d}" (counts-absolute object) (counts-contexts object) (counts-events object) (counts-relevant object))) (defmacro counts>= (counts1 counts2) `(and (>= (counts-absolute ,counts1) (counts-absolute ,counts2)) (>= (counts-contexts ,counts1) (counts-contexts ,counts2)) (>= (counts-events ,counts1) (counts-events ,counts2)) (>= (counts-relevant ,counts1) (counts-relevant ,counts2)))) (defmacro counts= (counts1 counts2) `(and (= (counts-absolute ,counts1) (counts-absolute ,counts2)) (= (counts-contexts ,counts1) (counts-contexts ,counts2)) (= (counts-events ,counts1) (counts-events ,counts2)) (= (counts-relevant ,counts1) (counts-relevant ,counts2)))) (defparameter *feature-options* '(*feature-grandparenting* *feature-use-preterminal-types-p* *feature-lexicalization-p* *feature-constituent-weight* *feature-active-edges-p* *feature-ngram-size* *feature-ngram-tag* *feature-ngram-back-off-p* *feature-lm-p* *feature-frequency-threshold* *feature-random-sample-size* #+:onet *feature-custom*)) (defparameter *feature-float-valued-tids* '(42 43 -1)) (defconstant %feature-frequency-tid% -1) (defstruct (model) (table (make-symbol-table :test #'equal)) (map (make-symbol-table :test #'eql)) contexts (ncontexts 0) (counts (make-array 512)) (weights (make-array 512)) (count 0) (size 512) parameters stream id task (minmax (make-array 512))) (defmethod print-object ((object model) stream) (format stream "#[MODEL (~d context~p; ~d weight~p)]" (model-ncontexts object) (model-ncontexts object) (model-count object) (model-count object))) ;;; ;;; the `counts' vector in the model is a quadruple, containing per feature: ;;; ;;; - the absolute frequency of occurence for this feature ;;; - the total number of contexts that exhibit this feature ;;; - the total number of events that exhibit this feature ;;; - the number of times the feature is `relevant' in a context, i.e. there ;;; are (at least) two events for which the count (aka `frequency' or value, ;;; even) of this feature differs; see (van Noord & Malouf, 2004). ;;; (defstruct (feature) code mapped tid parameters symbol (count 1)) (defstruct (event) id frequency features (size 0)) (defstruct (context) id (size 0) events tail) (defun print-context (context &key (stream t) (format :rpm) model sample) (declare (ignore model)) (case format ((:mem :rpm) (format stream "~d~%" (if sample (length sample) (context-size context))))) (case format ((:mem :svm :perf :rpm) (loop with iid = (context-id context) for event in (context-events context) when (or (not sample) (member (event-id event) sample :test #'=)) do (print-event event :stream stream :format format :iid iid))))) (defun print-event (event &key (stream t) (format :rpm) iid) (macrolet ((fwrite (object stream) `(typecase ,object #+:allegro (fixnum (if (minusp ,object) (excl::print-negative-fixnum ,stream 10 ,object) (excl::print-fixnum ,stream 10 ,object))) (t (write ,object :stream ,stream))))) (case format ((:mem :rpm) (fwrite (event-frequency event) stream) (write-char #\Space stream) (fwrite (event-size event) stream) (loop for feature in (event-features event) for code = (or (feature-mapped feature) (feature-code feature)) do (write-char #\Space stream) (fwrite code stream) (write-char #\Space stream) (fwrite (feature-count feature) stream))) ((:svm :perf) (format stream "~,1f qid:~a" (cond ((eq format :svm) (event-frequency event)) ((and (eq format :perf) (zerop (event-frequency event))) -1) (t 1)) iid) (loop for feature in (event-features event) ;;;feature numbers run from 1 in svm_light (from 0 in tadm) for code = (+ 1 (or (feature-mapped feature) (feature-code feature))) do (write-char #\Space stream) (fwrite code stream) (write-char #\Colon stream) (fwrite (feature-count feature) stream) finally (format stream " # ~a" (event-id event))))) (terpri stream))) (defun print-feature (feature &key (stream t) (format :compact)) (case format (:compact (format stream "[~a ~a {~{~a~^ ~}} ~a]" (feature-code feature) (feature-tid feature) (feature-parameters feature) (feature-count feature))))) (defun read-feature (stream &key (format :compact)) (case format (:compact (let* ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)) (c (read-char stream nil nil))) (set-syntax-from-char #\[ #\( *readtable*) (set-syntax-from-char #\] #\) *readtable*) (set-syntax-from-char #\{ #\( *readtable*) (set-syntax-from-char #\} #\) *readtable*) (when (and c (char= c #\[)) (let* ((code (read stream nil nil)) (tid (and code (read stream nil nil))) (c (peek-char #\{ stream nil nil))) (when (and tid c) (read-char stream nil nil) (let ((parameters (read-delimited-list #\} stream)) (count (read stream nil nil)) (c (peek-char #\] stream nil nil))) (when (and count c) (read-char stream nil nil) (make-feature :code code :tid tid :parameters parameters :count count)))))))))) (declaim (inline record-feature)) (defun record-feature (feature event &optional model &key rop) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0))) ;; ;; there are two distinct contexts in which record-feature() gets called: ;; (a) when building the feature cache, features have not yet been assigned ;; a unique code, and we want to determine their usage counts. conversely, ;; (b) when filling the context cache, features have been encoded (i.e. have ;; their unique code) but for increased efficiency, we want to map the codes ;; of features that actually get used (i.e. the active sub-set of features ;; from the complete feature cache) into a consecutive integer range. for ;; the latter, the model provides a `map'ping symbol table. ;; ;; ;; for features that are encoded already and have a frequency count below the ;; current cut-off threshhold, return immediately, i.e. ignore this .feature. ;; (let ((code (feature-code feature))) (unless (or (null model) (null code) (null *feature-frequency-threshold*) (counts>= (aref (model-counts model) code) *feature-frequency-threshold*)) (return-from record-feature))) ;; ;; for features that are encoded already, map their code into a new range ;; (when (and model (not rop) (symbol-table-p (model-map model)) (feature-code feature)) (setf (feature-mapped feature) (symbol-to-code (feature-code feature) (model-map model)))) ;; ;; encode this feature, unless it has been assigned a unique identifier (with ;; respect to .model. already). ;; (unless (or (null model) (feature-code feature)) (setf (feature-code feature) (symbol-to-code (list* (feature-tid feature) (feature-parameters feature) (feature-symbol feature)) (model-table model))) ;; ;; at this point, ditch the symbolic representation of .feature. (which is ;; now recoverable from the symbol table in the .model.) ;; (setf (feature-symbol feature) nil) ;; ;; also, make sure the vectors in .model. indexed by codes grow in size as ;; we add features. ;; (when (and (not rop) (>= (feature-code feature) (model-size model))) (let ((n (setf (model-size model) (max (+ (feature-code feature) 1) (* (model-size model) 2))))) (#+:allegro excl:tenuring #-:allegro progn (setf (model-minmax model) (adjust-array (model-minmax model) n)) (setf (model-counts model) (adjust-array (model-counts model) n)) (setf (model-weights model) (adjust-array (model-weights model) n)))))) ;; ;; from here on, use either the original .code. or the .mapped. value as the ;; identifier for inserting .feature. into .event. ;; (let* ((id (if (feature-mapped feature) #'feature-mapped #'feature-code)) (code (funcall id feature))) ;; ;; the .features. storage in events, naturally, is organized as a simple, ;; ordered list, sorted by feature codes. thus, the code below searches ;; linearly through the list and either increments the counter for ;; features that are present already, or inserts appropriately. ;; (cond ((or (zerop (event-size event)) (< code (funcall id (first (event-features event))))) (push feature (event-features event)) (incf (event-size event))) (t (loop for features on (event-features event) for this = (first features) for next = (first (rest features)) when (= (funcall id this) code) do (incf (feature-count this) (feature-count feature)) (return) else when (or (null next) (< code (funcall id next))) do (setf (rest features) (cons feature (rest features))) (incf (event-size event)) (return)))))) (defun record-features (features event &optional model) (loop for feature in features do (record-feature feature event model))) (defun record-context (context model &key (format :rpm)) (incf (model-ncontexts model)) (if (open-stream-p (model-stream model)) (print-context context :stream (model-stream model) :model model :format format) (push context (model-contexts model)))) (defun normalize-features-n (event &key model (type :minmax)) (case type ((:euclidean :length) (loop with sum = (loop for feature in (event-features event) sum (expt (feature-count feature) 2)) for feature in (event-features event) do (setf (feature-count feature) (sqrt (/ (expt (feature-count feature) 2) sum))))) (:minmax (loop for feature in (event-features event) for code = (feature-code feature) for minmax = (and (< code (model-size model)) (aref (model-minmax model) code)) for min = (first minmax) for max = (second minmax) for normalized = (and minmax (/ (- (feature-count feature) min) (- max min))) when normalized do (setf (feature-count feature) (if (typep normalized 'ratio) (float normalized) normalized))))) event) (defun euclidean-length-features (event) (sqrt (loop with features = (event-features event) for feature in features sum (expt (feature-count feature) 2)))) (defun record-event (event context &key model normalizep) (when normalizep (normalize-features-n event :type normalizep :model model)) (let ((cons (cons event nil))) (if (null (context-events context)) (setf (context-events context) cons) (setf (rest (context-tail context)) cons)) (setf (context-tail context) cons)) (incf (context-size context))) ;;; ;;; an extension to the original model: populate a feature cache per profile to ;;; later be able to retrieve features without having to handle the original ;;; (heavy-duty) data. ;;; (defun cache-features (items model &key (stream *tsdb-io*) verbose createp) #+:debug (setf %items items %model model) (unless items (return-from cache-features)) (loop with *feature-frequency-threshold* = nil with source = (get-field :source (first items)) with cache = (profile-find-feature-cache source :write :createp createp) for item in items for counts = (make-hash-table :test #'eql) for db = (let ((foo (get-field :source item))) (cond ((string= source foo) cache) (t (setf source foo) (close-fc cache) (setf cache (profile-find-feature-cache source :write :createp createp))))) for iid = (get-field :i-id item) for readings = (get-field :readings item) when (and (integerp readings) (> readings 0)) do (when *feature-dependencies* ;; ;; when MRS-derived features are active, then reconstruct() needs to ;; actually re-build complete AVMs, in which case a lot of garbage ;; is generated, so we need to deliberately release quasi-destructive ;; intermediate structures; this was hard to debug. (21-nov-07; oe) ;; (lkb::release-temporary-storage)) (loop with i = 0 with *reconstruct-cache* = (make-hash-table :test #'eql) for result in (get-field :results item) for rid = (get-field :result-id result) for event = (result-to-event result model) unless event do (format stream "~&[~a] cache-features(): ~ ignoring item # ~d (no features for ~d)~%" (current-time :long :short) iid rid) (return) else do (loop for feature in (event-features event) for code = (feature-code feature) for count = (or (gethash code counts) (setf (gethash code counts) (list 0 0))) do (incf (first count) (feature-count feature)) (incf (second count)) (pushnew (feature-count feature) (rest (rest count)))) (loop for (i . type) in *feature-preference-weightings* for count = (float (weigh-result item result type)) for feature = (make-feature :tid %feature-frequency-tid% :parameters (list i) :symbol type :count count) do (record-feature feature event model)) (loop for feature in (event-features event) do (store-feature db iid rid feature)) (incf i) ;; ;; keep track of min/max feature values for later normalization. ;; (loop with minmaxes = (model-minmax model) for feature in (event-features event) for code = (feature-code feature) for count = (feature-count feature) for minmax = (aref minmaxes code) when (null minmax) do (setf minmax (setf (aref minmaxes code) (list 0 0))) when (< count (first minmax)) do (setf (first (aref minmaxes code)) count) when (> count (second minmax)) do (setf (second (aref minmaxes code)) count)) finally (loop for code being each hash-key using (hash-value count) in counts for match = (or (aref (model-counts model) code) (setf (aref (model-counts model) code) (make-counts))) do (incf (counts-absolute match) (abs (first count))) (incf (counts-contexts match)) (incf (counts-events match) (second count)) ;; ;; we call a feature `relevant' in this context, when there ;; are at least two events for which either (a) the feature ;; has different values or (b) only one of the two events ;; actually has the feature. ;; (when (or (rest (rest (rest count))) (< (second count) i)) (incf (counts-relevant match)))) (incf (model-ncontexts model)) (when verbose (format stream "~&[~a] cache-features(): item # ~d: ~d event~p;~%" (current-time :long :short) iid i i))) finally (close-fc db))) (defun cache-contexts (items model &optional (identity -1) &key (format :rpm) (stream *tsdb-io*) normalizep) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; most of the record-xyz() functions used to assume we had a model; maybe ;; rethink that part, or always carry around a model here too? ;; (5-jul-05; erik & oe) (loop with source = (get-field :source (first items)) with fcs = (list source) with fc = (profile-find-feature-cache source :read) with cc = (profile-find-context-cache source identity :createp t) for item in items for iid = (get-field :i-id item) for readings = (get-field :readings item) when (and (integerp readings) (> readings 1)) do (let ((foo (get-field :source item))) (unless (string= source foo) (setf source foo) (close-fc fc) (let ((createp (not (member source fcs :test #'string=)))) (setf fc (profile-find-feature-cache source :read)) (pushnew source fcs :test #'string=) (setf cc (profile-find-context-cache source identity :createp createp))))) (loop with results = (get-field :results item) with n = (length results) with low = (when *feature-random-sample-size* ;; ;; determine whether result ids are 0- or 1-based. ;; (loop for result in (get-field :results item) minimize (get-field :result-id result))) with active = (when *feature-random-sample-size* ;; ;; find active (aka preferred) results, in order to ;; make sure all of them are in the random sample. ;; (loop for result in results for rid = (get-field :result-id result) for feature = (first (retrieve-features fc iid rid %feature-frequency-tid% (list 0))) when (and feature (= (feature-count feature) 1)) collect rid)) with sample = (when (and *feature-random-sample-size* (< *feature-random-sample-size* (- n (length active)))) ;; ;; when random sampling is requested, and the total ;; number of results (minus active ones) exceeds the ;; requested sample size, make a random selection. ;; (random-sample low (if (zerop low) (- n 1) n) (min (- n (length active)) *feature-random-sample-size*) active)) with context = (make-context :id iid) for result in results for rid = (get-field :result-id result) for event = (result-to-event-from-cache iid rid model fc) when event do (record-event event context :normalizep normalizep :model model) finally (let ((n (context-size context))) (when (> n 0) (let* ((file (merge-pathnames cc (make-pathname :name (format nil "~a" iid))))) (with-open-file (stream file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-not-exists :create) (print-context context :stream stream :format format)) (when sample (let ((file (merge-pathnames cc (make-pathname :name (format nil "~a.~a" iid *feature-random-sample-size*))))) (with-open-file (stream file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-not-exists :create) (print-context context :stream stream :format format :sample sample)))) (format stream "~&[~a] cache-contexts(): ~ item # ~d: ~a~@[ [~a]~] event~p;~%" (current-time :long :short) iid n (when sample (length sample)) n))))) finally (close-fc fc))) (defun result-to-event (result model &key rop (fcp t)) (let* ((derivationp (unless *feature-flags* (or (>= *feature-grandparenting* 0) (> *feature-ngram-size* 0) *feature-dependencies*))) (derivation (and derivationp (get-field :derivation result))) (edge (or (get-field :edge result) (when derivation ;; ;; when MRS-derived features are requested, we need to ;; actually re-build complete feature structures, i.e. ;; ask reconstruct() to perform all the unifications. ;; (reconstruct derivation *feature-dependencies*)))) (mrs (and *feature-dependencies* edge (mrs::extract-mrs edge))) (event (make-event))) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; why abort here? we could still score the LM feature, say for fragmented ;; realizations in the LOGON pipeline. (13-may-07; oe) ;; #+:null (when (and derivationp (null edge)) (return-from result-to-event)) ;; ;; for experimentation with the Google 1T n-gram data, we need to define a ;; `generic' interface for user-defined features. ;; #+:onet (loop for feature in (get-field :features result) do (record-feature feature event model :rop rop)) ;; ;; in the LOGON universe, at least, .edge. can correspond to a fragmented ;; generator output, where there is no internal structure available besides ;; the concatenated surface string of the component fragments. ;; (when (and edge (lkb::edge-children edge)) ;; ;; first, extract the configurational features. ;; (loop for feature in (edge-to-configurations edge) do (record-feature feature event model :rop rop)) ;; ;; then the n-gram features over leaves of this edge. ;; (loop for feature in (edge-to-ngrams edge) do (record-feature feature event model :rop rop)) ;; ;; semantic features extracted off the MRS of this edge. ;; (when mrs (loop for feature in (mrs-to-dependencies mrs) do (record-feature feature event model :rop rop)))) ;; ;; often in a different universe, use whatever :flags properties off each ;; result. ;; (loop for feature in (result-to-flags result) do (record-feature feature event model :rop rop)) ;; ;; finally, the feature(s) corresponding to LM score(s); for now, we record ;; the raw LM score in the feature cache. however, when creating an actual ;; model, we want the scaling factor being part of the feature definition, ;; as its second parameter, so as to make sure that a serialized model can ;; be applied exactly the way it was trained. ;; (let ((lm (get-field :lm result))) (when (and (numberp lm) (numberp *feature-lm-p*) (not (= *feature-lm-p* 0))) (record-feature (make-feature :tid 42 :symbol (list 42) :parameters (if fcp (list 0) (list 0 *feature-lm-p*)) :count lm) event model :rop rop))) event)) (defun edge-to-configurations (edge &key (parents '(lkb::^))) ;; ;; in order to support head lexicalization, perform feature extraction in a ;; pre-order tree transform: call ourselves recursively on all children (and ;; adjusting the .parents. list appropriately, i.e. inserting ourself as the ;; last parent on each recursive call); each recursive call will eventually ;; invoke edge-to-configurations() and accumulate the new features. ;; (unless (< *feature-grandparenting* 0) (nconc (loop with parents = (when (> *feature-grandparenting* 0) (append (last parents (- *feature-grandparenting* 1)) (list edge))) for edge in (lkb::edge-children edge) nconc (edge-to-configurations edge :parents parents)) ;; ;; finally, operate on the local .edge. ;; (edge-to-configurations1 edge parents)))) (defun edge-to-configurations1 (edge parents) (let* ((root (edge-root edge)) (parents (loop for parent in parents collect (if (lkb::edge-p parent) (edge-root parent) parent))) (daughters (lkb::edge-children edge))) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; generator edges, sadly, do not show their morphological history in the ;; `children' slot, hence (much like compute-derivation-tree()), we would ;; have to interpret the idiosyncratic `found-lex-rule-list' here too :-{. ;; (13-may-07; oe) (cond ;; ;; at the terminal yield of a derivation, things are relatively simple: ;; create one feature for the local configuration at the yield, plus as ;; many as are possible to derive from grandparenting, i.e. prefixing the ;; tuple corresponding to the local feature with all suffixes of .parents. ;; ((null daughters) (let* ((symbol (cons root (lkb::edge-leaves edge))) (features (list (make-feature :tid 1 :parameters '(0) :symbol symbol)))) (loop for i from 1 to (min (length parents) *feature-grandparenting*) for iparents = (last parents i) for feature = (make-feature :tid 1 :parameters (list i) :symbol (append iparents symbol)) do (push feature features)) (when *feature-lexicalization-p* (setf (lkb::edge-head edge) root)) features)) (t (when *feature-lexicalization-p* ;; ;; decorate local edge with head lexicalization information: find the ;; head (or key) daughter in the local rule and project its head up ;; to the current edge. this is the reason edge-to-configurations() ;; does a pre-order transform, i.e. makes sure it has been called ;; recursively on each edge _prior_ to actual feature extraction. ;; (let* ((rule (lkb::edge-rule edge)) (key (lkb::rule-head rule))) (setf (lkb::edge-head edge) (lkb::edge-head (nth key daughters))))) (let* ((roots (loop for edge in daughters collect (edge-root edge))) (weights (loop for edge in daughters for from = (lkb::edge-from edge) for to = (lkb::edge-to edge) when (and (numberp from) (numberp to)) collect (- to from) else return nil)) (skew (when (rest weights) (loop with n = (length weights) with average = (/ (sum weights) n) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; i suspect that should be (rest weights) below, to ;; compute the degree of (im)balance among daughters. ;; (26-may-10; oe) for foo in weights sum (expt (- foo average) 2) into bar finally (return (let ((bar (sqrt bar))) (cond ((= bar 0) 0) ((< bar 2) 1) ((>= 2) 2))))))) (weights (loop for weight in weights collect (cond ((= weight 1) 1) ((and (> weight 1) (<= weight 4)) 2) ((and (> weight 4) (<= weight 8)) 3) ((> weight 8) 4)))) (head (lkb::edge-head edge)) (symbol (cons root roots)) (lsymbol (cons head symbol)) (features (loop with weightp = (and (numberp *feature-constituent-weight*) (> *feature-constituent-weight* 0) *feature-constituent-weight*) for i from 0 to (min (length parents) *feature-grandparenting*) for iparents = (last parents i) collect (make-feature :tid 1 :parameters (list i) :symbol (append iparents symbol)) when *feature-lexicalization-p* collect (make-feature :tid 3 :parameters (list i) :symbol (append iparents lsymbol)) when (and skew weightp) collect (make-feature :tid 5 :parameters (list 1 i) :symbol (append iparents symbol (list skew))) when (and weights weightp (> weightp 1)) collect (make-feature :tid 5 :parameters (list 2 i) :symbol (append iparents symbol weights))))) ;; ;; include (back-off, in a sense) features for partially instantiated ;; constituents (corresponding to active edges in the parser): for ;; each daughter, perform head lexicalization if necessary, and add ;; the resulting features to .codes. ;; (when (and *feature-active-edges-p* (rest daughters)) (loop for edge in daughters for label = (edge-root edge) for symbol = (list root label) for lsymbol = (cons head symbol) do (loop for i from 0 to (min (length parents) *feature-grandparenting*) for iparents = (last parents i) do (push (make-feature :tid 2 :parameters (list i) :symbol (append iparents symbol)) features) when *feature-lexicalization-p* do (push (make-feature :tid 4 :parameters (list i) :symbol (append iparents lsymbol)) features)))) features))))) (defun edge-to-ngrams (edge) (loop with features = nil with forms = (lkb::edge-leaves edge) with ids = (lkb::edge-lex-ids edge) with type = (if (eq *feature-ngram-tag* :type) 1 0) with tags = (if (zerop type) ids (loop for id in ids collect (type-of-lexical-entry id))) initially (when (or (zerop *feature-ngram-size*) (not (= (length forms) (length tags)))) (return)) for forms on (append (cons 'lkb::^ forms) '(lkb::$)) for tags on (append (cons 'lkb::^ tags) '(lkb::$)) while (first forms) do (loop for i from (if *feature-ngram-back-off-p* 1 *feature-ngram-size*) to *feature-ngram-size* for form = (nth (- i 1) forms) for itags = (ith-n tags 1 i) when (and form (not (and (= i 1) (smember form '(lkb::^ lkb::$))))) do (push (make-feature :tid 10 :parameters (list i type) :symbol (cons form itags)) features) (push (make-feature :tid 11 :parameters (list i type) :symbol itags) features)) finally (return features))) (defun mrs-to-dependencies (mrs) (let* ((eds (mrs::ed-convert-psoa mrs)) (relations (and eds (mrs::eds-relations eds)))) (loop for rel in relations for pred = (intern (mrs::ed-predicate rel) 'lkb) for args = (mrs::ed-arguments rel) for arg-list = (loop for arg in args collect (list (intern (car arg) 'lkb) (intern (if (stringp (cdr arg)) (cdr arg) (mrs::ed-predicate (cdr arg))) 'lkb))) collect (make-feature :tid 20 :parameters (list 0) :symbol `(0 ,pred ,@(loop for arg in arg-list append (list (first arg) (second arg))))) append (loop for arg in arg-list collect (make-feature :tid 21 :parameters (list 0) :symbol `(0 ,pred ,(first arg) ,(second arg)))) collect (make-feature :tid 22 :parameters (list 0) :symbol `(0 ,pred ,@(loop for arg in arg-list collect (second arg)))) append (loop for arg in arg-list collect (make-feature :tid 23 :parameters (list 0) :symbol `(0 ,pred ,(second arg))))))) (defun result-to-flags (result) (loop with flags = (let ((flags (get-field :flags result))) (if (stringp flags) (setf (get-field :flags result) (ignore-errors (read-from-string flags))) flags)) for (i key) in *feature-flags* for value = (get-field key flags) for count = (and (numberp value) (coerce value 'single-float)) for features = (cond (count (list (make-feature :tid 43 :symbol (list key) :parameters (list i) :count count))) ((eq key :mtrs) (loop with map = (make-hash-table) for key in value when (gethash key map) do (incf (gethash key map)) else do (setf (gethash key map) 1) finally (return (loop for key being each hash-key using (hash-value count) in map collect (make-feature :tid 43 :symbol (list key) :parameters (list i) :count count)))))) nconc features)) (defun result-to-event-from-cache (iid rid model fc) (let* ((type (first *feature-preference-weightings*)) (features (retrieve-features fc iid rid %feature-frequency-tid% (list (first type)))) (frequency (and features (feature-count (first features)))) (event (and frequency (make-event :id rid :frequency frequency)))) (unless event (return-from result-to-event-from-cache)) ;; ;; at this point, we need to do something similiar to what happens during ;; construction of the feature cache, viz. interpret the various global ;; variables that determine which range of features to use. alas. ;; (loop for i from 0 to *feature-grandparenting* for features = (retrieve-features fc iid rid 1 (list i)) do (record-features features event model)) (when *feature-active-edges-p* (loop for i from 0 to *feature-grandparenting* for features = (retrieve-features fc iid rid 2 (list i)) do (record-features features event model))) (when (and (numberp *feature-constituent-weight*) (> *feature-constituent-weight* 0)) (loop for i from 0 to *feature-grandparenting* do (loop for j from 1 to *feature-constituent-weight* for features = (retrieve-features fc iid rid 5 (list j i)) do (record-features features event model)))) (when *feature-lexicalization-p* (loop for i from 0 to *feature-grandparenting* for features = (retrieve-features fc iid rid 3 (list i)) do (record-features features event model)) (when *feature-active-edges-p* (loop for i from 0 to *feature-grandparenting* for features = (retrieve-features fc iid rid 4 (list i)) do (record-features features event model)))) (loop with type = (if (eq *feature-ngram-tag* :type) 1 0) for i from (if *feature-ngram-back-off-p* 1 *feature-ngram-size*) to *feature-ngram-size* for lfeatures = (retrieve-features fc iid rid 10 (list i type)) for features = (retrieve-features fc iid rid 11 (list i type)) do (record-features lfeatures event model) (record-features features event model)) (when *feature-dependencies* (loop for tid from 20 to 23 for features = (retrieve-features fc iid rid tid (list 0)) do (record-features features event model))) (when (numberp *feature-lm-p*) ;; ;; the feature cache does /not/ record the scaling factor as a parameter ;; to the LM feature template (currently, template #42). ;; (let ((features (retrieve-features fc iid rid 42 (list 0)))) #+:null (when *feature-lm-normalize* ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; incomplete code for normalization of LM values into a fixed range. ;; (loop for feature in features for minmax = (aref (model-minmax model) (feature-code feature)))) ;; ;; at this point, apply the LM scaling factor and record the actual ;; value used as part of the LM feature(s), so as to ensure that the ;; final model preserves this bit of information. ;; (loop for feature in features for count = (feature-count feature) do (setf (feature-count feature) (divide count *feature-lm-p*)) (nconc (feature-parameters feature) (list *feature-lm-p*))) (record-features features event model))) (when *feature-flags* (loop for foo in *feature-flags* for features = (retrieve-features fc iid rid 43 (list (first foo))) do (record-features features event model))) #+onet (loop for (tid . parameters) in *feature-custom* for features = (retrieve-features fc iid rid tid parameters) do (record-features features event model)) event)) (defun edge-root (edge &optional (preterminals *feature-use-preterminal-types-p*)) (typecase (lkb::edge-rule edge) (lkb::rule (lkb::rule-id (lkb::edge-rule edge))) (string (let ((instance (first (lkb::edge-lex-ids edge)))) (if preterminals (type-of-lexical-entry instance) instance))) (t (error "edge-root(): unknown rule in edge ~a~%" edge)))) (defun pos-of-lexical-entry (identifier) (let* ((type (type-of-lexical-entry identifier)) (name (symbol-name type)) (separator (and type (position #\_ name :test #'char=)))) (when separator (intern (subseq name 0 separator) :keyword)))) (defun lm-item-enhancer (item) #+:logon (when (and (numberp *feature-lm-p*) (not (= *feature-lm-p* 0))) (loop with foo with results = (get-field :results item) with strings = (loop for result in results for string = (get-field :surface result) when string collect string and do (push result foo)) with scores = #+:lm (mt::lm-score-strings strings :measure :logprob) #-:lm 0 for result in (nreverse foo) for score = (rest (pop scores)) do (nconc result (acons :lm score nil)))) item) (defparameter %flags-ignore-fragments-p% t) (defun flags-item-enhancer (item &key (key :neva)) (nconc item (loop with *package* = (find-package :lkb) with length = (get-field :i-length item) with ranks for result in (get-field :results item) for olength = (let ((surface (get-field :surface result))) (and surface (+ 1 (count #\space surface)))) for flags = (let ((flags (get-field :flags result))) (if (stringp flags) (setf (get-field :flags result) (ignore-errors (read-from-string flags))) flags)) for fragmentp = (let ((fragments (get-field :fragments flags))) (and (numberp fragments) (> fragments 0))) for value = (get-field key flags) unless (numberp value) do (format t "flags-item-enhancer(): no ~a score on item # ~a (result # ~a).~%" key (get-field :i-id item) (get-field :result-id result)) and return nil else do ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; it appears that the :ratio computation in translate-item() was not ;; correct, hence the final HandOn profiles (and likely also the ones ;; we used for the 2007 TMI paper) always have zero :ratio values. ;; not hard to (re-)compute at this point, so possibly we should even ;; ditch the corresponding (and flawed) code in translate-item(). ;; (30-jun-08; oe) (when olength (let ((ratio (divide olength length))) (if (get-field :ratio flags) (setf (get-field :ratio flags) ratio) (nconc flags (acons :ratio ratio nil))))) (push (acons key value result) ranks) finally (return (if (and fragmentp %flags-ignore-fragments-p%) (acons :ranks (loop for rank in ranks collect (acons :rank 1 rank)) nil) (let ((ranks (sort ranks #'> :key #'(lambda (result) (get-field key result))))) (acons :ranks (loop with top = (get-field key (first ranks)) for rank in ranks while (= (get-field key rank) top) collect (acons :rank 1 rank)) nil))))))) (defun weigh-result (item result type) (let* ((active (loop for rank in (get-field :ranks item) for n = (get-field :rank rank) for id = (get-field :result-id rank) when (= n 1) collect id)) (rid (get-field :result-id result)) (frequency (if (member rid active :test #'=) 1 0))) (case (first type) (:binary frequency) ((:bleu :wa :waft) (let ((gold (get-field :i-input item)) (surface (get-field :surface result))) (if surface (first (score-strings (list surface) (list gold) :type (first type))) 0))) (:conll (let* ((id (get-field :result-id result)) (score (item-to-conll item :result-id id :stream nil)) (total (get-field :total score)) (head (get-field :head score)) (power (or (second type) 1)) (factor (or (third type) 1))) (if (and total head) (* (expt (divide head total) power) factor) 0))) (:flags (let* ((flags (get-field :flags result)) (flags (if (stringp flags) (setf (get-field :flags result) (ignore-errors (read-from-string flags))) flags))) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; maybe this should really be NEVA, nowadays? (5-apr-08; oe) ;; (or (get-field :bleu flags) 0))) (t 0)))) (defun random-sample (low high size &optional sample) ;; ;; returns a set of .size. unique random integers from [.low. -- .high.], not ;; including elements of the initial .sample., when supplied. ;; (loop with n = (+ (- high low) 1) for i = (+ low (random n)) unless (smember i sample) do (push i sample) (decf size) while (> size 0) finally (return sample))) (defun profile-find-feature-cache (profile &optional mode &key createp) (let ((file (make-pathname :directory (find-tsdb-directory profile) :name "fc"))) (if mode (open-fc file mode :createp createp) file))) (defun profile-find-model (profile &key testp) (let ((file (make-pathname :directory (find-tsdb-directory profile) :name "fc" :type "mlm"))) (if testp (probe-file file) file))) (defun profile-find-context-cache (profile &optional (identity -1) &key createp) (let ((path (dir-append (find-tsdb-directory profile) (list :relative (format nil "cc.~a" identity))))) (when createp #+:fad (ignore-errors (fad:delete-directory-and-files path :if-does-not-exist :ignore) (mkdir path))) path)) ;;; ;;; from here on, functions to score various types of structures (full results ;;; or intermediate constituents) according to a model. ;;; (defmacro score-feature (code model) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; unless exported and read back in once, it is quite possible for models to ;; have meaningful feature codes beyond the `count' value (which appears to ;; be the number of actual weights read after training); possibly we could ;; simply use the model `size' as the boundary instead, but then we would ;; have had to make sure that unpopulated indices are initialized to zeros. ;; (7-apr-06; oe & erik) `(or (when (< ,code (model-count ,model)) (aref (model-weights ,model) ,code)) 0.0)) (defun score-event (event model) (loop for feature in (event-features event) for count = (let ((count (or (feature-count feature) 0))) ;; ;; because the feature cache does /not/ include the scaling ;; of LM scores, we need to apply the scaling factor every ;; time we compute the contribution of the LM feature. ;; (if (= (feature-tid feature) 42) (divide count *feature-lm-p*) count)) for score = (score-feature (feature-code feature) model) sum (* count score))) (defun mem-score-result (result &optional (model %model%) &key normalizep) (unless (model-p model) (setf model (rest (assoc model *models*)))) (if model (let ((event (result-to-event result model :rop t :fcp nil))) (when normalizep (normalize-features-n event :type normalizep :model model)) (score-event event model)) 0.0)) (defun mem-score-configuration (edge daughters &optional (model %model%)) (unless (model-p model) (setf model (rest (assoc model *models*)))) (if (model-p model) (let* ((event (make-event)) (roots (if daughters (loop for edge in daughters collect (edge-root edge)) (lkb::edge-leaves edge))) (feature (make-feature :tid 1 :parameters (list 0) :symbol (cons (edge-root edge) roots)))) (record-feature feature event model :rop t) (score-event event model)) 0.0))