;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: TSDB -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 1996 -- 2000 Stephan Oepen (oe@coli.uni-sb.de) ;;; Copyright (c) 2001 -- 2006 Stephan Oepen (oe@csli.stanford.edu) ;;; Copyright (c) 2007 -- 2010 Stephan Oepen (oe@ifi.uio.no) ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ;;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ;;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License for more details. ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; file: ;;; module: ;;; version: ;;; written by: ;;; last update: ;;; updated by: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; author | date | modification ;;; ------------------|-------------|------------------------------------------ ;;; | | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package :tsdb) (defparameter *import-tsnlp-style-p* nil) (defparameter *import-phenomena-separator* ";;;") (defparameter *import-separator* ";;") (defparameter *import-punctuation* '(#\, #\. #\! #\? #\; #\: #\- #\" #\' #\` #\( #\))) (defparameter *import-origin* "unknown") (defparameter *import-register* "formal") (defparameter *import-difficulty* 1) (defparameter *import-category* "S") (defparameter *import-marks* '((#\* . :illformed) (#\+ . :incomplete) (#\^ . :mispeled) (#\# . :td))) (defparameter *import-email-headers* '("From " "From:" "To:" "Subject:" "MIME-Version:" "Content-Type:" "Content-Transfer-Encoding:" "Message-ID:")) (defparameter *import-result-hook* nil) (defparameter *import-normalize-p* t) (defparameter *import-ascii-delimiters* nil) (defun do-import-database (source target &key absolute purge meter except uncompress) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) (let* ((tpath (if absolute (namestring target) (find-tsdb-directory target))) (sstatus (verify-tsdb-directory source :absolute t)) (tstatus (verify-tsdb-directory tpath :absolute t))) (cond ((null sstatus) (format *tsdb-io* "import-database(): invalid source database `~a'.~%" source) -1) ((and tstatus (null purge)) (format *tsdb-io* "import-database(): target `~a' exists.~%" target -2)) (t (unless (purge-directory tpath) (when (probe-file tpath) (delete-file tpath)) (mkdir tpath)) (let* ((schema (read-database-schema source :absolute t)) (increment (when meter (/ (mduration meter) (length schema))))) (loop for (relation) in schema for compressed = (format nil "~a.gz" relation) do (let ((sfile (make-pathname :directory source :name relation)) (tfile (make-pathname :directory tpath :name relation))) (when (probe-file sfile) (if (member relation except :test #'equal) (touch tfile) (cp sfile tfile)))) (let ((sfile (make-pathname :directory source :name compressed)) (tfile (make-pathname :directory tpath :name compressed))) (when (probe-file sfile) (cond ((member relation except :test #'equal) (touch (make-pathname :directory tpath :name relation))) (t (cp sfile tfile) (when uncompress (run-process (format nil "~a '~a'" "gzip -d -f" (namestring tfile)) :wait t)))))) (when increment (meter-advance increment)) finally (let ((sfile (make-pathname :directory source :name "relations"))) (when (probe-file sfile) (cp sfile (make-pathname :directory tpath :name "relations"))))) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end meter))) schema))))) (defun do-import-items (file data &key (format :ascii) absolute target low high (create t) (overwrite t) (origin (or *import-origin* "unknown")) (register (or *import-register* "formal")) (difficulty (or *import-difficulty* 1)) (category (or *import-category* "")) comment shift (separator (or *import-separator* ";;")) (pseparator (or *import-phenomena-separator* ";;;")) encoding meter) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) (unless absolute (purge-profile-cache data)) (let* ((path (if absolute (namestring data) (find-tsdb-directory data))) (ifile (make-pathname :directory path :name "item")) (status (verify-tsdb-directory path :absolute t)) (rmeter (when meter (madjust * meter 0.4))) (imeter (when meter (madjust + (madjust * meter 0.3) (mduration rmeter)))) (ipmeter (when meter (madjust + (madjust * meter 0.3) (+ (mduration rmeter) (mduration imeter))))) (tpath (when target (if absolute (namestring target) (find-tsdb-directory target)))) (tifile (and tpath (make-pathname :directory tpath :name "item"))) (tisfile (and tpath (make-pathname :directory tpath :name "item-set"))) (tstatus (and tpath (verify-tsdb-directory tpath :absolute t)))) (cond ((null (probe-file file)) (format *tsdb-io* "import-items(): unable to open input file `~a'.~%" file) 1) ((and (null status) (null create)) (format *tsdb-io* "import-items(): invalid database `~a'.~%" data) 2) ((and (eq (get-field :status status) :ro) (not (eq create :purge))) (format *tsdb-io* "import-items(): read-only database `~a'.~%" data) 3) ((and (null tstatus) (null create)) (format *tsdb-io* "import-items(): invalid database `~a'.~%" target) 12) ((and (eq (get-field :status tstatus) :ro) (not (eq create :purge))) (format *tsdb-io* "import-items(): read-only database `~a'.~%" target) 13) (t (when (and create (or (null status) (eq create :purge) (not (find "item" (read-database-schema path :absolute t) :test #'string= :key #'first)))) (unless (purge-directory path) (when (probe-file path) (delete-file path)) (mkdir path :parentp t)) (let ((relations (make-pathname :directory (namestring *tsdb-skeleton-directory*) :name *tsdb-relations-skeleton*)) (target (make-pathname :directory path :name "relations"))) (unless (cp relations target) (format *tsdb-io* "import-items(): invalid skeleton root; check `~a'.~%" (namestring *tsdb-skeleton-directory*)) (return-from do-import-items 4))) (select "i-id" :integer "item" nil path :absolute t)) (when (and create tpath (or (null tstatus) (eq create :purge) (not (find "item" (read-database-schema tpath :absolute t) :test #'string= :key #'first)))) (unless (purge-directory tpath) (when (probe-file tpath) (delete-file tpath)) (mkdir tpath :parentp t)) (let ((relations (make-pathname :directory (namestring *tsdb-skeleton-directory*) :name *tsdb-relations-skeleton*)) (target (make-pathname :directory tpath :name "relations"))) (unless (cp relations target) (format *tsdb-io* "import-items(): invalid skeleton root; check `~a'.~%" (namestring *tsdb-skeleton-directory*)) (return-from do-import-items 14))) (select "i-id" :integer "item" nil tpath :absolute t)) (when overwrite (with-open-file (foo ifile :direction :output :if-does-not-exists :create :if-exists :supersede)) (when tifile (with-open-file (foo tifile :direction :output :if-does-not-exists :create :if-exists :supersede))) (when tisfile (with-open-file (foo tisfile :direction :output :if-does-not-exists :create :if-exists :supersede)))) (let* ((ids (select "i-id" :integer "item" nil path :absolute t)) (ids (map 'list #'(lambda (foo) (get-field :i-id foo)) ids)) (ids (remove nil ids)) (base (if ids (+ 1 (apply #'max ids)) 1))) (multiple-value-bind (item phenomenon item-phenomenon output parse result titem foo bar tis) (case format (:ascii (read-items-from-ascii-file file :base base :origin origin :register register :difficulty difficulty :category category :comment comment :shift shift :separator separator :pseparator pseparator :encoding encoding :meter rmeter)) (:bitext (read-items-from-bitext-file file :base base :origin origin :register register :difficulty difficulty :category category :comment comment :shift shift :separator separator :pseparator pseparator :encoding encoding :meter rmeter)) (:ptb (read-items-from-ptb-directory file :base base)) (:conll (read-items-from-conll-file file :shift shift)) (:rasp (read-items-from-rasp-file file :base base :origin origin :register register :difficulty difficulty :category category :comment comment :encoding encoding :meter rmeter))) (declare (ignore foo bar)) (cond (item (when (and (numberp low) (numberp high)) (setf item (loop for i from 0 for foo in item when (and (<= low i) (< i high)) collect foo))) (insert path "item" item :absolute t :normalize (and *import-normalize-p* (not (smember format '(:conll)))) :meter (if item-phenomenon imeter (when (and imeter ipmeter) (make-meter (get-field :start imeter) (get-field :end ipmeter))))) (when (and phenomenon item-phenomenon) (insert path "phenomenon" phenomenon :absolute t) (insert path "item-phenomenon" item-phenomenon :absolute t :meter ipmeter)) (when output (insert path "output" output :absolute t)) (when parse (insert path "parse" parse :absolute t)) (when result (insert path "result" result :absolute t)) (when (and titem tpath) (insert tpath "item" titem :absolute t)) (when (and tis tpath) (insert tpath "item-set" tis :absolute t)) item) (t 42)))))))) (defun read-items-from-ascii-file (file &key (base 1) (origin "unknown") (register "formal") (difficulty 1) (category "") comment shift (separator ";;") (pseparator ";;;") (p-id 1) encoding meter) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) (let* ((lines (and meter (get-field :lines (wc file)))) (increment (when (and lines (> lines 0)) (/ (mduration meter) lines))) (format "none") (author (current-user)) (date (current-time)) (index 0) (on (first *import-ascii-delimiters*)) (off (first *import-ascii-delimiters*)) stream pid foo item phenomenon item-phenomenon) (setf foo foo) (if (ppcre:scan "\\.gz$" (namestring file)) (let ((file (probe-file file))) (when file (multiple-value-setq (stream foo pid) (run-process (format nil "gzip -d -c '~a'" (namestring file)) :wait nil :output :stream :input "/dev/null" :error-output "/dev/null" :if-error-output-exists :append)))) (setf stream (open file :direction :input :if-does-not-exist :error))) (when stream #+:allegro (when encoding (setf (stream-external-format stream) encoding)) (decf p-id) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; i just added the *import-ascii-delimiters* code (in the hope of using ;; it on NANC, which i realized half-way into the experiment would still ;; require sentence segmentation) but have yet to test and debug. ;; (23-jul-14; oe) (loop with context = :newline with active = (not (and on off)) for i from 1 for line = (read-line stream nil nil) while line for string = (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Return) line) for commentp = (let ((n (position #\; string))) (and (numberp n) (zerop n))) for length = (if commentp 0 (length string)) for pseparation = (search pseparator string) when increment do (meter-advance increment) when (and on (ppcre:scan on string)) do (setf active t) (setf string "") (setf length 0) when (and off (ppcre:scan off string)) do (setf active nil) (setf string "") (setf length 0) when (and active pseparation (zerop pseparation)) do (let* ((string (subseq string (length pseparator))) (p-name (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab) string))) (unless (zerop (length p-name)) (incf p-id) (push (pairlis '(:p-id :p-name :p-author :p-date) (list p-id p-name author date)) phenomenon))) (setf context :phenomenon) else when (zerop length) do (setf context :newline) else unless (zerop length) do (multiple-value-bind (string id) (strip-identifier string) (multiple-value-bind (offset extras) (classify-item string) (when (and (eq (get-field :header extras) :envelope) (smember context '(:newline :phenomenon))) (incf index 1000) (setf base 1)) (unless (and (numberp id) (>= id (+ index base))) (setf id (+ index base))) (when (get-field :author extras) (setf author (get-field :author extras))) (when (get-field :date extras) (setf date (get-field :date extras))) (let ((foo (get-field :index extras))) (when (and (numberp foo) (not (= foo index))) (format t "read-items-from-ascii-file(): ~ [~d] index mismatch (~d vs. ~d).~%" i foo index))) (let* ((string (subseq string offset)) (break (when separator (search separator string :test #'string= :from-end t))) (comment (format nil "~@[~a~]~:[~; ~]~@[~a~]" comment comment (when break (normalize-string (subseq string (+ break (length separator))))))) (comment (let ((n (- (length comment) 1))) (or (when (and (< 0 n) (char= (schar comment 0) #\() (char= (schar comment n) #\))) (ignore-errors (read-from-string comment))) (unless (string= comment "") comment)))) (string (if break (subseq string 0 (max break 0)) string)) (input (if *import-normalize-p* (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab) string) string)) (oinput (when (find-attribute-reader :i-input) (funcall (find-attribute-reader :i-input) input)))) (multiple-value-bind (ninput length tokens) (if (get-field :header extras) (values input -1) (normalize-item (or oinput input))) (let ((n (get-field :i-length extras))) (when (integerp n) (setf length n))) (unless (or (get-field :paragraph extras) (zerop length)) (let* ((category (get-field+ :category extras category)) (wf (cond ((get-field :header extras) -1) ((get-field :illformed extras) 0) (t 1)))) (when (functionp shift) (setf id (funcall shift id))) (push (pairlis '(:i-id :i-origin :i-register :i-format :i-difficulty :i-category :i-input :i-wf :i-length :i-comment :i-tokens :i-author :i-date) (list id origin register format difficulty category (if oinput input ninput) wf length (if (stringp comment) comment (when comment (write-to-string comment :case :downcase))) (if (stringp tokens) tokens (when tokens (write-to-string tokens :case :downcase))) author date)) item) (when phenomenon (push (pairlis '(:ip-id :i-id :p-id :ip-author :ip-date) (list base id p-id author date)) item-phenomenon)) (incf base))))))) (setf context nil)) (close stream) #+:allegro (when (integerp pid) (sys:os-wait nil pid)) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end meter))) (values (nreverse item) (nreverse phenomenon) (nreverse item-phenomenon))))) (defun read-items-from-bitext-file (file &key (base 1) (origin "unknown") (register "formal") (difficulty 1) (category "") comment shift (separator ";;") (pseparator ";;;") (p-id 1) encoding meter) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) (let* ((lines (and meter (get-field :lines (wc file)))) (increment (when (and lines (> lines 0)) (/ (mduration meter) lines))) (format "none") (author (current-user)) (date (current-time)) (index 0) (delta 0) stream pid foo item phenomenon item-phenomenon output titem tis) (setf foo foo) (if (ppcre:scan "\\.gz$" (namestring file)) (let ((file (probe-file file))) (when file (multiple-value-setq (stream foo pid) (run-process (format nil "gzip -d -c '~a'" (namestring file)) :wait nil :output :stream :input "/dev/null" :error-output "/dev/null" :if-error-output-exists :append)))) (setf stream (open file :direction :input :if-does-not-exist :error))) (when stream #+:allegro (when encoding (setf (stream-external-format stream) encoding)) (decf p-id) (loop with context = :newline with rid with rinput with sid with last for i from 1 for line = (read-line stream nil nil) while line for string = (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Return) line) for commentp = (let ((n (position #\; string))) (and (numberp n) (zerop n))) for length = (length string) for pseparation = (search pseparator string) when increment do (meter-advance increment) when (and pseparation (zerop pseparation)) do (let* ((string (subseq string (length pseparator))) (p-name (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab) string))) (unless (zerop (length p-name)) (incf p-id) (push (pairlis '(:p-id :p-name :p-author :p-date) (list p-id p-name author date)) phenomenon))) (setf context :phenomenon) (setf delta 0) else when (zerop length) do (setf context :newline) (setf rid nil) (setf rinput nil) (setf delta 0) else unless commentp do (multiple-value-bind (string id) (strip-identifier string) (unless (numberp id) (setf id (if (eq context :item) (+ (* index 10) (incf delta)) (* (incf index) 10)))) (when (and (numberp last) (<= id last)) (setf id (+ last 1))) (setf last id) (when (smember context '(:newline :phenomenon)) (setf sid id) (setf rid id)) (multiple-value-bind (offset extras) (classify-item string) (when (get-field :paragraph extras) (setf rid nil)) (when rid (let* ((string (subseq string offset)) (break (when separator (search separator string :test #'string= :from-end t))) (comment (format nil "~@[~a~]~@[ ~a~]" comment (when break (normalize-string (subseq string (+ break (length separator))))))) (string (if break (subseq string 0 (max break 0)) string)) (input (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab) string)) (oinput (when (find-attribute-reader :i-input) (funcall (find-attribute-reader :i-input) input)))) (multiple-value-bind (ninput length) (normalize-item (or oinput input)) (unless (zerop length) (let* ((category (get-field+ :category extras category)) (wf (if (get-field :illformed extras) 0 1)) (targetp (not (zerop (mod id 10))))) (when (functionp shift) (setf id (funcall shift id))) (cond (targetp (push (pairlis '(:i-id :i-origin :i-register :i-format :i-difficulty :i-category :i-input :i-wf :i-length :i-comment :i-author :i-date) (list id origin register format difficulty category (if oinput input ninput) wf length (or rinput comment) author date)) titem) (push (pairlis '(:i-id :s-id :polarity) (list id sid -1)) tis) (push (pairlis '(:i-id :o-surface) (list rid (if oinput input ninput))) output)) (t (push (pairlis '(:i-id :i-origin :i-register :i-format :i-difficulty :i-category :i-input :i-wf :i-length :i-comment :i-author :i-date) (list id origin register format difficulty category (if oinput input ninput) wf length comment author date)) item) (setf rinput (if oinput input ninput))))) (when phenomenon (push (pairlis '(:ip-id :i-id :p-id :ip-author :ip-date) (list base id p-id author date)) item-phenomenon) (incf base)))))))) (setf context :item)) (close stream) #+:allegro (when (integerp pid) (sys:os-wait nil pid)) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end meter))) (values ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; until we keep track of phenomena data for the target too, no point in ;; returning the partial truth. (5-jun-05; oe) ;; (nreverse item) nil nil (nreverse output) nil nil (nreverse titem) nil nil (nreverse tis))))) (defun normalize-item (string) (flet ((punctuationp (char) (and *import-tsnlp-style-p* (member char *import-punctuation* :test #'char=))) (whitespacep (char) (member char '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline) :test #'char=))) (if *import-normalize-p* (let ((string (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline) string)) (result (make-array 4096 :element-type 'character :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)) (n 0) (previous :whitespace)) (loop for i from 0 to (- (length string) 1) by 1 for current = (char string i) do (cond ((and (whitespacep current) (eq previous :regular)) (vector-push-extend #\Space result 1024) (setf previous :whitespace) (incf n)) ((and (whitespacep current) (eq previous :whitespace))) ((and (punctuationp current) (eq previous :regular)) (vector-push-extend #\Space result 1024) (vector-push-extend current result 1024) (vector-push-extend #\Space result 1024) (setf previous :whitespace) (incf n)) ((and (punctuationp current) (eq previous :whitespace)) (vector-push-extend current result 1024) (vector-push-extend #\Space result 1024) (setf previous :whitespace)) (t (vector-push-extend current result 1024) (setf previous :regular)))) (when (eq previous :regular) (incf n)) (let ((result (string-right-trim '(#\Space) result)) tokens) (when *tsdb-preprocessing-hook* (multiple-value-setq (tokens n) (call-safe-hook *tsdb-preprocessing-hook* result)) (unless (numberp n) (setf n (length tokens)))) (values result (or n -1) tokens))) (let ((n (length (ppcre:split "[ \\t]+" string))) tokens) (when *tsdb-preprocessing-hook* (multiple-value-setq (tokens n) (call-safe-hook *tsdb-preprocessing-hook* string)) (unless (numberp n) (setf n (length tokens)))) (values string n tokens))))) (defun strip-identifier (string) (multiple-value-bind (start end) (ppcre:scan "^[0-9]+[a-z]\\. " string) (unless start (multiple-value-setq (start end) (ppcre:scan "^\\[[0-9]{4,5}[a-z]\\]( |$)" string)) (when (numberp start) (incf start))) (unless start (multiple-value-setq (start end) (ppcre:scan "^\\[[0-9]+\\]( |$)" string)) (when (numberp start) (incf start))) (if (numberp end) (let ((suffix (subseq string end)) (id (or (parse-integer string :start start :junk-allowed t) 0)) (offset (case (when (>= end 3) (char string (- end 3))) (#\a 0) (#\b 1) (#\c 2) (#\d 3) (#\e 4) (#\f 5) (#\g 6) (#\h 7) (#\i 8) (#\j 9)))) (values suffix (if offset (+ (* id 10) offset) id))) string))) (defun classify-item (string) (let ((result nil) (offset 0)) (unless (string= string "") (multiple-value-bind (start end starts ends) (ppcre:scan "^ *<([0-9]+)>[^|]*\\|" string) (when (and start end) (let ((n (ignore-errors (parse-integer string :start (svref starts 0) :end (svref ends 0))))) (when n (push (cons :i-length n) result)) (setf offset (+ (svref ends 0) 1))))) (loop for stablep = t when (char= (char string offset) #\space) do (incf offset) when (char= (char string offset) #\|) do (incf offset) (setf stablep t) else do (loop for (mark . key) in *import-marks* when (char= (char string offset) mark) do (push (cons key t) result) (incf offset) (setf stablep nil)) until stablep) (when (or (string-equal (subseq string offset) "
") (string-equal (subseq string offset) "