;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: TSDB -*- ;;; ;;; [incr tsdb()] --- Competence and Performance Profiling Environment ;;; Copyright (c) 1996 -- 2005 Stephan Oepen (oe@csli.stanford.edu) ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ;;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ;;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License for more details. ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; file: ;;; module: ;;; version: ;;; written by: ;;; last update: ;;; updated by: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; author | date | modification ;;; ------------------|-------------|------------------------------------------ ;;; | | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package "TSDB") (defparameter %process-run-id% -1) (defparameter %accumulated-mt-statistics% nil) (defparameter %graft-aligned-generation-hack% nil) (defun tsdb-do-process (data &key condition run-id comment (verbose *tsdb-verbose-processing-p*) output vocabulary (cache *tsdb-cache-database-writes-p*) (gc *tsdb-gc-p*) (stream *tsdb-io*) (type *process-default-task*) gold overwrite interactive meter podium interrupt (fan *process-fan-out-log*) (xml *process-fan-out-xml*)) (declare (ignore podium)) (initialize-tsdb) (when (< (profile-granularity data) *tsdb-current-granularity*) (format stream "~%tsdb-do-process(): out-of-date profile `~a'.~%" data) (return-from tsdb-do-process)) (unless (or (null vocabulary) (smember type '(:transfer :generate :translate)) interactive (and (find :pvm *features*) (find-symbol "*PVM-CLIENTS*" :tsdb) (symbol-value (find-symbol "*PVM-CLIENTS*" :tsdb)))) (unless (tsdb-do-vocabulary data :condition condition :load :quiet :meter (make-meter 0 1) :interrupt interrupt) (return-from tsdb-do-process))) (purge-profile-cache data) (when (and overwrite (not interactive)) (purge-test-run data :action :purge)) (let* ((stream (cond (output (create-output-stream output)) (interactive (make-string-output-stream)) (t stream))) (fan (or fan (when (eq type :translate) (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory (log-directory)) (make-pathname :name (directory2file data) :type "fan"))))) (fstream (and fan (create-output-stream fan))) (xml (or xml #+:null (when (eq type :translate) (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory (log-directory)) (make-pathname :name (directory2file data) :type "xml"))))) (xstream (and xml (create-output-stream xml))) (*tsdb-gc-message-p* nil) (condition (if (equal condition "") nil condition)) (imessage (format nil "preparing `~a' test run ..." data)) (pmessage (format nil "processing `~a' test run ..." data)) (imeter (when meter (madjust * meter 0.02))) (pmeter (when meter (madjust + (madjust * meter 0.98) (mduration imeter)))) items abort %accumulated-rule-statistics%) (declare (special %accumulated-rule-statistics%)) (when (eq type :translate) (setf %accumulated-mt-statistics% (pairlis '(:total :pcount :pfcount :tcount :tfcount :rcount :rfcount :tfbleu :tbbleu) (list 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)))) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start imeter)) (status :text imessage)) (when (setf items (retrieve condition data :mrs (when (smember type '(:transfer :generate)) gold) :verbose verbose)) (let* ((schema (read-database-schema data)) (cache (when (and cache (not interactive)) (create-cache data :schema schema :verbose verbose :protocol cache))) (%process-run-id% (or run-id (if interactive 0 (+ (largest-run-id data :verbose verbose) 1)))) (parse-id (unless interactive (+ (largest-parse-id %process-run-id% data :verbose verbose) 1))) (clients (when (find-symbol "*PVM-CLIENTS*" :tsdb) (symbol-value (find-symbol "*PVM-CLIENTS*" :tsdb)))) (runs (create-runs data :type type :comment comment :gc gc :clients clients :interactive interactive :verbose verbose :stream stream :interrupt interrupt)) (burst (and (not interactive) (find :pvm *features*) (every #'(lambda (run) (get-field :client run)) runs))) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; for right now, hard-wire exhaustive input processing when doing ;; transfer. (4-mar-04; oe) ;; (*process-exhaustive-inputs-p* (if (eq type :transfer) 200 *process-exhaustive-inputs-p*)) (*tsdb-trees-hook* (unless interactive (if burst *tsdb-trees-hook* (ignore-errors (typecase *tsdb-trees-hook* (null nil) (string (symbol-function (read-from-string *tsdb-trees-hook*))) (symbol (symbol-function *tsdb-trees-hook*)) (function *tsdb-trees-hook*)))))) (*tsdb-semantix-hook* (unless interactive (if burst *tsdb-semantix-hook* (ignore-errors (typecase *tsdb-semantix-hook* (null nil) (string (symbol-function (read-from-string *tsdb-semantix-hook*))) (symbol (symbol-function *tsdb-semantix-hook*)) (function *tsdb-semantix-hook*)))))) (*tsdb-result-hook* (unless interactive (ignore-errors (typecase *tsdb-result-hook* (null nil) (string (symbol-function (read-from-string *tsdb-result-hook*))) (symbol (symbol-function *tsdb-result-hook*)) (function *tsdb-result-hook*))))) (increment (when meter (/ (mduration pmeter) (length items))))) (when meter (status :text (format nil "~a done" imessage))) (sleep 0.5) (when meter (status :text pmessage) (meter :value (get-field :start pmeter))) (when (and burst runs) (install-gc-strategy nil :tenure nil :burst t :verbose verbose)) (when fstream (format fstream ";;;~%;;; `~a'~%;;; fan-out batch (~a@~a; ~a).~%;;;~%~%" data (current-user) (current-host) (current-time :long :pretty))) (when xstream (xmlify-run :stream xstream)) (unwind-protect (#-:debug ignore-errors #+:debug progn (catch :break (loop with result = nil with item = nil for busy = (loop for run in runs when (consp (run-status run)) collect run) for idle = (loop for run in runs when (eq (run-status run) :ready) collect run) until (or (and (not burst) (null items)) (and burst (null busy) (null idle)) (and (null items) (null busy))) for i = (or parse-id 1) then (+ i 1) for run = (if burst (first idle) (first runs)) do (when (interrupt-p interrupt) (format stream "do-process(): ~ external interrupt signal~ ~:[~*~; (~d active client~:p)~].~%" busy (length busy)) (force-output stream) (loop for run in runs do (nconc run (acons :status :interrupt nil))) (setf items nil) (setf abort t)) (pre-process :burstp burst) (when (and burst busy (or (null run) (null items))) (let* ((status (process-queue runs :stream stream :interrupt interrupt)) (pending (get-field :pending status)) (ready (get-field :ready status)) (item (get-field :item status)) (result (get-field :result status)) (interrupt (get-field :interrupt status))) (when result (setf result (enrich-result result item :verbose verbose))) (when (and item result) (when verbose (print-item item :stream stream :result result :interactive interactive) (print-result result :stream stream :log fstream)) (when xstream (xmlify-item result :stream xstream)) (unless interactive (store-result data result :cache cache)) (when ready (incf (get-field :items ready))) (when increment (meter-advance increment))) (when (and pending (null abort) (null interrupt)) (setf items (append pending items))) (cond ((and interrupt abort) (loop with end = (current-time :long :tsdb) for run in runs when (get-field :status run) do (setf (get-field :status run) :abort) else do (nconc run (acons :status :abort nil)) do (nconc run (acons :end end nil))) (throw :break nil)) (interrupt (loop for run in runs do (nconc run (acons :status :interrupt nil))) (setf items nil) (setf abort t)) ((null ready) (throw :break nil)) (ready (pushnew ready runs) (setf run ready))))) (setf item (when run (enrich-item run (pop items) :type type :parse-id i :verbose verbose :stream stream))) (when item (when (and verbose (not burst)) (print-item item :stream stream :interactive interactive)) (setf result (process-item item :type type :trees-hook *tsdb-trees-hook* :semantix-hook *tsdb-semantix-hook* :stream stream :client (get-field :client run) :interactive interactive)) (cond ((eq result :ok)) ((eq result :error) (let ((client (get-field :client run)) (end (current-time :long :tsdb))) (when client (setf (client-status client) :error)) (nconc run `((:end . ,end))))) ((consp result) (setf result (enrich-result result item :verbose verbose)) (when verbose (print-result result :stream stream :log fstream)) (when xstream (xmlify-item result :stream xstream)) (unless interactive (store-result data result :cache cache)) (incf (get-field :items run)) (when increment (meter-advance increment))))) (post-process :burstp burst)))) (when interactive (format *tsdb-io* "~&~a" (get-output-stream-string stream))) (complete-runs data runs :cache cache :interactive interactive :stream stream :interrupt interrupt) (when cache (flush-cache cache :verbose verbose :sort *process-sort-profile-p*)) (purge-profile-cache data) (unless interactive (format stream "~&")) (when (and (stringp output) (open-stream-p stream)) (close stream)) (when (and (stringp fan) (open-stream-p fstream)) (close fstream)) (when (and (stringp xml) (open-stream-p xstream)) (close xstream)) (when meter (if abort (status :text (format nil "~a interrupt" pmessage) :duration 5) (status :text (format nil "~a done" pmessage) :duration 5)) (meter :value (get-field :end meter)))))))) #+:pvm (defun tsdb-do-listen (data &key comment overwrite (verbose *tsdb-verbose-processing-p*) (reset t) output (cache *tsdb-cache-database-writes-p*) (stream *tsdb-io*) (file (format nil "~a/pvm.debug.~a" (tmp :pvm) (current-user))) status interrupt) (initialize-tsdb) (when reset (pvm_quit) (pvm_start :user (current-user)) (sleep 2) (setf *pvm-master* (pvm_register file *pvm-debug-p*)) (setf *pvm-clients* nil)) (purge-profile-cache data) (when overwrite (purge-test-run data :action :empty)) (let* ((stream (if output (create-output-stream output) stream)) (*tsdb-gc-message-p* nil) (schema (read-database-schema data)) (cache (when cache (create-cache data :schema schema :verbose verbose :protocol cache))) (*tsdb-trees-hook* (ignore-errors (typecase *tsdb-trees-hook* (null nil) (string (symbol-function (read-from-string *tsdb-trees-hook*))) (symbol (symbol-function *tsdb-trees-hook*)) (function *tsdb-trees-hook*)))) (*tsdb-semantix-hook* (ignore-errors (typecase *tsdb-semantix-hook* (null nil) (string (symbol-function (read-from-string *tsdb-semantix-hook*))) (symbol (symbol-function *tsdb-semantix-hook*)) (function *tsdb-semantix-hook*)))) (*tsdb-result-hook* (typecase *tsdb-result-hook* (null nil) (string (symbol-function (read-from-string *tsdb-result-hook*))) (symbol (symbol-function *tsdb-result-hook*)) (function *tsdb-result-hook*))) (i-id (largest-i-id data :verbose verbose)) (%process-run-id% (+ (largest-run-id data :verbose verbose) 1)) (parse-id (largest-parse-id %process-run-id% data :verbose verbose)) (run (pairlis (list :data :run-id :comment :user :host :os :start) (list data %process-run-id% comment nil nil nil (current-time :long :tsdb)))) (run (enrich-run run)) (mode "passive mode ( to abort)") (nitems 0) (%accumulated-rule-statistics% nil)) (declare (special %accumulated-rule-statistics%)) (when status (status :text (format nil "entering ~a: listening for incoming data" mode))) (unwind-protect (ignore-errors (pvm::pvm_announce "itsdb" (current-tsdb) (current-user)) (loop for message = (receive-item nitems :interrupt interrupt :stream stream :verbose verbose) while (and message (get-field :data message)) do (incf nitems) (incf i-id) (incf parse-id) (let* ((content (get-field :data message)) (user (get-field :user content)) (host (get-field :host content)) (os (get-field :os content)) (environment (get-field :run content)) (status (format nil "passive mode ( to abort): ~ captured ~d item~:p from `~a@~a'" nitems user host)) (i-input (get-field :i-input content)) (o-input (when (find-attribute-reader :i-input) (funcall (find-attribute-reader :i-input) i-input))) (i-length (get-field :i-length content)) (item (pairlis '(:i-id :i-input :o-input :i-wf :i-length :i-origin) (list i-id i-input o-input 1 i-length "captured"))) (item (enrich-item run item :parse-id parse-id :verbose verbose :stream stream)) (result (append (pairlis '(:run-id :parse-id :i-id) (list (get-field :run-id run) (get-field :parse-id item) i-id)) content)) (result (enrich-result result item))) (when status (status :text status)) (setf (get-field :items run) nitems) (setf (get-field :user run) user) (setf (get-field :host run) host) (setf (get-field :os run) os) (when (= nitems 1) (nconc run environment)) (print-item item :stream stream :result result) (print-result result :stream stream) ;; ;; _fix_me_ create store-item() to go through the write .cache. ;; (insert data "item" (list item)) (store-result data result :cache cache) (when (get-field :interrupt message) (format stream "tsdb-do-listen(): external interrupt signal ~ (captured ~d item~:p).~%" nitems) (return nil))))) (let* ((user (get-field :user run)) (host (get-field :host run)) (status (format nil "leaving passive mode ~ (captured ~d item~:p ~:[~2*~;from `~a@~a'~]) ..." nitems (and user host) user host)) pending abort) (pvm::pvm_retract "itsdb") (when status (status :text status :duration 10) (meter :value 0)) (loop for message = (receive-item nitems :wait 2 :interrupt interrupt :stream stream :verbose verbose) while message when (get-field :interrupt message) do (setf abort t) else do (push (get-field :data message) pending)) (if abort (when status (beep) (status :text (format nil "leaving passive mode: ~ ignoring ~d item~:p ~:[~2*~;from `~a@~a'~]" nitems (and user host) user host) :duration 10) (meter :value 1) (sleep 0.5)) (loop with npending = (length pending) with increment = (unless (zerop npending) (/ 1 npending)) initially (setf status (format nil "leaving passive mode ~ (~d item~:p pending ~ ~:[~2*~;from `~a@~a'~]) ..." npending (and user host) user host)) (when status (status :text status) (meter :value 0)) finally (when status (status :text (format nil "~a done" status)) (meter :value 1) (sleep 0.5)) for content in pending for i-input = (get-field :i-input content) for o-input = (when (find-attribute-reader :i-input) (funcall (find-attribute-reader :i-input) i-input)) for i-length = (get-field :i-length content) for foo = (pairlis '(:i-id :i-input :o-input :i-wf :i-length :i-origin) (list i-id i-input o-input 1 i-length "captured")) for item = (enrich-item run foo :parse-id parse-id :verbose verbose :stream stream) for bar = (append (pairlis '(:run-id :parse-id :i-id) (list (get-field :run-id run) (get-field :parse-id item) i-id)) content) for result = (enrich-result bar item) do (incf nitems) (incf i-id) (incf parse-id) (when increment (meter-advance increment)) (setf (get-field :items run) nitems) (print-item item :stream stream :result result) (print-result result :stream stream) (insert data "item" (list item)) (store-result data result :cache cache)))) (let* ((run (append (pairlis '(:end :status) (list (current-time :long :tsdb) :capture)) run))) (complete-runs data (list run) :cache cache :stream stream :interrupt interrupt) (when cache (flush-cache cache :verbose verbose)) (format stream "~&~%"))))) (defun create-runs (data &key comment type gc (tenure *tsdb-tenure-p*) clients interactive verbose (protocol *pvm-protocol*) stream interrupt) (let ((clients (unless interactive (loop for client in clients for cpu = (client-cpu client) when (and cpu (client-idle-p client) (or (null type) (null (cpu-task cpu)) (eq (cpu-task cpu) type) (smember type (cpu-task cpu)))) collect client))) tids) (if clients (let (runs) (loop for client in clients for tid = (client-tid client) for cpu = (client-cpu client) for custom = (and (cpu-p cpu) (cpu-create cpu)) for status = (if (eq (client-protocol client) :lisp) (revaluate tid `(create-run ,data ,%process-run-id% :comment ,comment :gc ,gc :tenure ,tenure :interactive nil :verbose ,verbose :protocol ,protocol :custom ,custom) nil :key :create-run) (create_run tid data %process-run-id% comment interactive protocol custom)) when (eq status :ok) do (setf (client-status client) :create) (push (enrich-run (list (cons :client client))) runs) (push tid tids) (incf %process-run-id%) else do (setf (client-status client) :error) (setf clients (delete client clients)) (when *pvm-debug-p* (format t "~&create-runs(): ~ transmission error; disabling <~x>.~%" tid) (force-output))) (loop while (and clients (not (find :ready clients :key #'client-status))) finally (return runs) for message = (loop for tid in tids thereis (pvm_poll tid -1 1)) when (message-p message) do (when *pvm-debug-p* (format t "~&create-runs(): got message:~% `~s'~%" message) (force-output)) (let* ((tag (message-tag message)) (load (message-load message)) (remote (if (eql tag %pvm_task_fail%) (message-corpse message) (message-remote message))) (content (message-content message)) (client (find remote clients :key #'client-tid))) (cond ((eql tag %pvm_task_fail%) (when client (setf (client-status client) :exit) (setf clients (delete client clients)) (when (and (client-p client) (cpu-p (client-cpu client))) (format *tsdb-io* "~&create-runs(): client exit on `~a' <~x>.~%" (client-host client) remote) (force-output *tsdb-io*)))) ((null client) (when *pvm-debug-p* (format t "~&create-runs(): ~ ignoring message from alien <~x>.~%" remote) (force-output))) ((eql tag %pvm_lisp_message%) (if (and (eq (first content) :return) (eq (second content) :create-run)) (let* ((stub (find client runs :key #'(lambda (run) (get-field :client run)))) (run (third content))) (when (and stub (consp run)) (nconc stub run) (setf (client-status client) :ready) (setf (client-load client) load))) (when *pvm-debug-p* (format t "~&create-runs(): ~ ignoring unexpected message from <~x>.~%" remote) (force-output)))) (t (when *pvm-debug-p* (format t "~&create-runs(): ~ ignoring dubious message from <~x>.~%" remote) (force-output))))) else when (interrupt-p interrupt) do (format stream "create-runs(): ~ external interrupt signal.~%") (force-output stream) (return-from create-runs runs))) (let ((run-id %process-run-id%)) (incf %process-run-id%) (list (enrich-run (create-run data run-id :comment comment :gc gc :interactive interactive :verbose verbose :protocol protocol))))))) (defun create-run (data run-id &key comment gc (tenure *tsdb-tenure-p*) (exhaustive *tsdb-exhaustive-p*) (nanalyses *tsdb-maximal-number-of-analyses*) interactive (protocol *pvm-protocol*) custom verbose) (let* ((run (initialize-run :interactive interactive :exhaustive exhaustive :nanalyses nanalyses :protocol protocol :custom custom)) (start (current-time :long :tsdb)) (gc-strategy (unless interactive (install-gc-strategy gc :tenure tenure :verbose verbose))) (gc (get-field :gc gc-strategy)) (user (current-user)) (comment (or comment "null")) (platform (current-platform)) (grammar (current-grammar)) (host (current-host)) (os (current-os))) (gc-statistics-reset :all) (nconc (pairlis (list :data :run-id :comment :platform :grammar :user :host :os :protocol :start :gc-strategy :gc) (list data run-id comment platform grammar user host os protocol start gc-strategy gc)) run))) (defun enrich-run (run) (let ((tsdb (current-tsdb))) (append (pairlis '(:items :tsdb) (list 0 tsdb)) run))) (defun enrich-item (run item &key (parse-id 0) type verbose stream) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; over the years, we have accumulated multiple fields to record variants of ;; the :i-input field. from what i can re-construct, :o-input was part of ;; the YY days, where (in passive mode) we captured strings in YY format; to ;; convert these into `plain' strings, yy-read-input() was (globally) set as ;; the reader for :i-input. quite similarly, using a profile with inputs in ;; YY format (which should be passed to the parser as is), a per-cpu reader ;; can be provided to have the same effect. ;; ;; another relevant field is :p-input, which holds the pre-processor output, ;; i.e. what is actually sent to the parser. this is independent from what ;; is used for logging (i.e. the print-out while processing), but there are ;; various parameters in print-item() that determine which variant to use. ;; ;; it used to be that the `reader' was always applied to the original string, ;; but to make it possible to pretty-print the results of a pre-processor, i ;; am now re-ordering things, so that a pre-processor and reader can cascade. ;; so far, we had /either/ a reader /or/ a pre-processor, hence this change ;; should not have effects on existing users. (24-sep-08; oe) ;; ;; when looking more at the `statistics attribute reader' machinery, it turns ;; out :o-input pre-dates the YY days: it is the field where the result of ;; applying an :i-input reader (if defined) is recorded for display purposes, ;; i.e. for everyone calling select() with a non-nil :readerp argument (this ;; includes the ubiquitous analyze(), which calls select() internally). not ;; that i see reason to worry here, as the above comments apply to the batch ;; processing universe, but the latter only applies to profile analysis; for ;; all i know the two universes are clearly separated, so some overloading of ;; the :o-input field should do us no harm. (13-nov-08; oe) ;; (when item (let* ((run-id (get-field :run-id run)) (i-id (get-field :i-id item)) (i-input (get-field :i-input item)) (i-wf (get-field :i-wf item)) (parse-id (if (>= parse-id i-id) parse-id i-id)) (client (get-field :client run)) (cpu (and client (client-cpu client))) (tagger (when (cpu-p cpu) (cpu-tagger cpu))) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; for full generality, the preprocessing hook should be given the ;; full item, for example to extract the `i-tokens' field. we may ;; have to invent an `input' slot in the cpus and then gradually ;; convert existing code to item-based preprocessing. ;; (25-feb-12; oe) (p-input (cond ((and (cpu-p cpu) (cpu-preprocessor cpu)) (call-hook (cpu-preprocessor cpu) i-input (when (consp tagger) tagger))) (*tsdb-preprocessing-hook* (call-hook *tsdb-preprocessing-hook* i-input (when (consp tagger) tagger))))) (p-input (when (and (stringp p-input) (not (string= p-input ""))) p-input)) (tags (cond ((and (cpu-p cpu) (cpu-tagger cpu) (not (consp (cpu-tagger cpu)))) (call-hook (cpu-tagger cpu) i-input)) (*tsdb-tagging-hook* (call-hook *tsdb-tagging-hook* i-input)))) (o-input (or (get-field :o-input item) (when (and (cpu-p cpu) (cpu-reader cpu)) (call-hook (cpu-reader cpu) (or p-input i-input))))) (o-input (when (and (stringp o-input) (not (string= o-input ""))) o-input)) (strikes (get-field+ :strikes item 0))) (loop for output in (get-field :outputs item) for ignore = (get-field :o-ignore output) when (and ignore (tsdb-ignore-p ignore)) do (when verbose (format stream "~&(~a) `~:[*~;~]~a' --- skip (`o-ignore' is `~a').~%" i-id (= i-wf 1) i-input ignore) (force-output stream)) (return-from enrich-item)) (let* ((o-gc (get-field :o-gc item)) (o-gc (cond ((eql o-gc 0) nil) ((eql o-gc 1) :local) ((eql o-gc 2) :global))) (gc (or (get-field :gc item) o-gc (get-field :gc run))) (o-edges (get-field :o-edges item)) (edges (or (get-field :edges item) (if (and o-edges (not (= o-edges -1))) (floor (* *tsdb-edge-factor* o-edges)) *tsdb-maximal-number-of-edges*)))) (append (pairlis '(:run-id :parse-id :type :strikes :gc :edges :o-input :p-input :tags) (list run-id parse-id type strikes gc edges o-input p-input tags)) item))))) (defun print-item (item &key (stream *tsdb-io*) result interactive) (declare (ignore interactive)) (let* ((i-id (get-field :i-id item)) (i-input (or (when *process-pretty-print-trace-p* (get-field :o-input item)) (when *process-raw-print-trace-p* (get-field :i-input item)) (get-field :p-input item) (get-field :i-input item))) (i-wf (get-field+ :i-wf item 1)) (gc (get-field :gc item)) (edges (get-field :edges item)) (type (get-field :type item)) (inputs (when (smember type '(:transfer :generate)) (get-field :results item))) (host (get-field :host result)) (host (if (and host (stringp host)) (subseq host 0 (position #\. host)) host)) (load (get-field :a-load result)) (strikes (let ((foo (get-field :strikes item))) (and (numberp foo) (> foo 0) foo)))) (if (or host load) (format stream "~&[~@[~a~]~@[ ~,1f~]] " host load) (format stream "~&")) (format stream "(~a) `~:[*~;~]~a' ~:[~;:~]~:[~;=~][~@[~a~]]" i-id (= i-wf 1) i-input (eq gc :local) (eq gc :global) edges) (when inputs (format stream " {~a}" (length inputs))) (when strikes (format stream " <~a>" strikes)) (force-output stream))) (defun process-item (item &key trees-hook semantix-hook (type :parse) (stream *tsdb-io*) (verbose t) client (exhaustive *tsdb-exhaustive-p*) (nanalyses *tsdb-maximal-number-of-analyses*) (nresults (if *tsdb-write-passive-edges-p* -1 *tsdb-maximal-number-of-results*)) (filter *process-suppress-duplicates*) result-id interactive burst) (let ((strikes (get-field :strikes item))) (when (and (numberp strikes) (numberp *process-client-retries*) (> strikes *process-client-retries*)) (when (and verbose client (client-p client) (smember type '(:parse :generate :translate))) (print-item item :stream stream :interactive interactive)) (return-from process-item (pairlis '(:readings :error) (list -1 (format nil "maximum number of strikes exhausted (~a)" strikes)))))) (cond ((and client (smember type '(:parse :transfer :generate :translate)) (client-p client)) ;; ;; adjust resource limits recorded in .item. according to cpu definition ;; (let* ((cpu (client-cpu client)) (edges (cpu-edges cpu))) (when (numberp edges) (if (get-field :edges item) (setf (get-field :edges item) edges) (nconc item (acons :edges edges nil))))) (let* ((nanalyses (if exhaustive 0 (if (or (and (integerp nanalyses) (>= nanalyses 0)) (and (eq type :translate) (stringp nanalyses))) nanalyses 1))) (trees-hook (and *tsdb-write-tree-p* trees-hook)) (semantix-hook (and *tsdb-write-mrs-p* semantix-hook)) (tid (client-tid client)) (reader (find-attribute-reader :mrs)) (mrs (when (smember type '(:transfer :generate)) (let* ((id (if (numberp result-id) result-id (unless *process-exhaustive-inputs-p* (loop for rank in (get-field :ranks item) when (eql (get-field :rank rank) 1) return (get-field :result-id rank))))) (result (when id (loop for result in (get-field :results item) when (eql (get-field :result-id result) id) return result))) (mrs (get-field :mrs result))) (if (and reader (stringp mrs)) (funcall reader mrs) mrs)))) (mrs (when mrs (typecase mrs (string mrs) #+:lkb (mrs::psoa (with-output-to-string (stream) (mrs::output-mrs1 mrs 'mrs::simple stream)))))) (custom (rest (assoc type *process-custom*))) (status (if (eq (client-protocol client) :lisp) (revaluate tid `(process-item (quote ,item) :type ,type :trees-hook ,trees-hook :semantix-hook ,semantix-hook :exhaustive ,exhaustive :nanalyses ,nanalyses :nresults ,nresults :filter (quote ,filter) :verbose nil :interactive nil :burst t) nil :key :process-item :verbose nil) (process_item tid (nconc item (acons :mrs mrs nil)) nanalyses nresults interactive custom)))) (case status (:ok (setf (client-status client) (cons (get-universal-time) item)) :ok) (:error (setf (client-status client) :error) :error)))) ((null client) (let* ((trees-hook (if (eq trees-hook :local) *tsdb-trees-hook* trees-hook)) (semantix-hook (if (eq semantix-hook :local) *tsdb-semantix-hook* semantix-hook)) (run-id (get-field :run-id item)) (parse-id (get-field :parse-id item)) (i-id (get-field :i-id item)) (i-wf (get-field :i-wf item)) (i-length (get-field :i-length item)) (i-input (or (and interactive (get-field :o-input item)) (get-field :p-input item) (get-field :i-input item))) (reader (find-attribute-reader :mrs)) (mrs (when (smember type '(:transfer :generate)) (let* ((id (if (numberp result-id) result-id (unless *process-exhaustive-inputs-p* (loop for rank in (get-field :ranks item) when (eql (get-field :rank rank) 1) return (get-field :result-id rank))))) (result (when id (loop for result in (get-field :results item) when (eql (get-field :result-id result) id) return result))) (mrs (get-field :mrs result)) (derivation (get-field :derivation result)) (edge (and derivation (ignore-errors (reconstruct derivation))))) (when edge (setf %graft-aligned-generation-hack% edge)) (if (and reader (stringp mrs)) (funcall reader mrs) mrs)))) (targets (when (smember type '(:translate)) (loop for output in (get-field :outputs item) for surface = (get-field :o-surface output) when (and (stringp surface) (not (string= surface ""))) collect surface))) (gc (get-field :gc item)) (edges (get-field :edges item)) result i-load) (case gc (:local #+:allegro (excl:gc)) (:global #+:allegro (excl:gc t))) (gc-statistics-reset) (setf i-load (unless interactive #+:pvm (load_average) #-:pvm nil)) (setf result (if (and (smember type '(:transfer :generate)) (null mrs)) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; there appears to be some duplication of the MRS determination code ;; a little up, and of some of the processing calls further down; try ;; to clean this up one day. (18-sep-05; oe) ;; (loop for inputs in (get-field :results item) for i from 1 to (if (numberp *process-exhaustive-inputs-p*) *process-exhaustive-inputs-p* (length inputs)) for mrs = (let ((mrs (get-field :mrs inputs))) (if (and reader (stringp mrs)) (funcall reader mrs) mrs)) for result = (case type (:transfer (transfer-item mrs :string i-input :edges edges :trace interactive :exhaustive exhaustive :nanalyses nanalyses :trees-hook trees-hook :semantix-hook semantix-hook :nresults nresults :filter filter :burst burst)) (:generate (generate-item mrs :string i-input :edges edges :trace interactive :exhaustive exhaustive :nanalyses nanalyses :trees-hook trees-hook :semantix-hook semantix-hook :nresults nresults :filter filter :burst burst))) when (let ((readings (get-field :readings result))) (and (numberp readings) (> readings 0))) return result else collect result into results finally (return (first results))) (case type (:parse (parse-item i-input :edges edges :trace interactive :exhaustive exhaustive :nanalyses nanalyses :trees-hook trees-hook :semantix-hook semantix-hook :nresults nresults :filter filter :burst burst)) (:transfer (transfer-item mrs :string i-input :edges edges :trace interactive :exhaustive exhaustive :nanalyses nanalyses :trees-hook trees-hook :semantix-hook semantix-hook :nresults nresults :filter filter :burst burst)) (:generate (generate-item mrs :string i-input :edges edges :trace interactive :exhaustive exhaustive :nanalyses nanalyses :trees-hook trees-hook :semantix-hook semantix-hook :nresults nresults :filter filter :burst burst)) (:translate (translate-item i-input :id i-id :wf i-wf :length i-length :edges edges :trace interactive :exhaustive exhaustive :nanalyses nanalyses :trees-hook trees-hook :semantix-hook semantix-hook :nresults nresults :filter filter :burst burst :targets targets))))) ;; ;; this is a bit archaic: when between one or three global gc()s occured ;; during processing, redo it (unless we were told not to). this goes ;; back to the days, where post-gc() cpu time (rehashing) would show as ;; a significant skewing fact and inhibit reliable timing measures. ;; (when (and (not *tsdb-minimize-gcs-p*) (not (eq gc :global)) (not interactive) (>= (gc-statistics :global) 1) (<= (gc-statistics :global) 3)) (when verbose (format stream " (~d gc~:p);~%" (gc-statistics :global)) (force-output stream)) (setf (get-field :gc item) :global) #+:allegro (excl:gc t) (when verbose (print-item item :stream stream :interactive interactive)) (gc-statistics-reset) (setf i-load #+:pvm (load_average) #-:pvm nil) (setf result (case type (:parse (parse-item i-input :edges edges :trace interactive :exhaustive exhaustive :nanalyses nanalyses :trees-hook trees-hook :semantix-hook semantix-hook :nresults nresults :filter filter :burst burst)) (:transfer (transfer-item mrs :string i-input :edges edges :trace interactive :exhaustive exhaustive :nanalyses nanalyses :trees-hook trees-hook :semantix-hook semantix-hook :nresults nresults :filter filter :burst burst)) (:generate (generate-item mrs :string i-input :edges edges :trace interactive :exhaustive exhaustive :nanalyses nanalyses :trees-hook trees-hook :semantix-hook semantix-hook :nresults nresults :filter filter :burst burst)) (:translate (translate-item i-input :id i-id :wf i-wf :edges edges :trace interactive :exhaustive exhaustive :nanalyses nanalyses :trees-hook trees-hook :semantix-hook semantix-hook :nresults nresults :filter filter :burst burst :targets targets))))) #+:allegro (when (and (= (get-field+ :readings result -1) -1) (equal (class-of (get-field :condition result)) (find-class 'excl:interrupt-signal))) (when verbose (format stream "~&do-process(): abort on keyboard interrupt signal.~%") (force-output stream)) (throw :break nil)) (let* ((readings (get-field :readings result)) (others (get-field :others result)) (timeup (get-field :timeup result)) (comment (get-field+ :comment result "")) (global (gc-statistics :global)) (scavenge (gc-statistics :scavenge)) (new (gc-statistics :new)) (old (gc-statistics :old)) (total (length (gc-statistics :efficiency))) (efficiency (round (average (gc-statistics :efficiency)))) ;; ;; no point doing the gc() statistics in :translation mode, as it ;; will always dispatch all of the work to further PVM clients ;; (comment (if (eq type :translate) comment (format nil "~a (:global . ~d) (:scavenge . ~d) ~ (:new . ~d) (:old . ~d) ~ (:efficiency . ~d) (:total . ~d)" comment global scavenge new old efficiency total))) (a-load #+:pvm (load_average) #-:pvm nil)) (when (and (integerp others) (< others -1)) (push (cons :others (+ (expt 2 32) others)) result)) (push (cons :i-load i-load) result) (push (cons :a-load a-load) result) (push (cons :parse-id parse-id) result) (push (cons :run-id run-id) result) (push (cons :i-id i-id) result) (push (cons :gc gc) result) (push (cons :gcs (+ global scavenge)) result) (push (cons :comment comment) result) (when (and timeup (not (= readings -1))) (push (cons :error (if (stringp timeup) timeup "timeup")) result))) result)))) (defun process-queue (runs &key client (verbose t) (stream *tsdb-io*) interrupt) #+:debug (setf %runs runs) (loop with tid = (if client (client-tid client) -1) while (or (find-if #'consp runs :key #'run-status) (and client (consp (client-status client)))) with pending = nil for message = (or (pvm_poll tid -1 1) (unless (= tid -1) (pvm_poll -1 %pvm_task_fail% 1))) finally (return (pairlis '(:pending :ready) (list pending (find :ready runs :key #'run-status)))) do (expire-clients (if client (list client) *pvm-clients*)) when (message-p message) do (when *pvm-debug-p* (with-standard-io-syntax (format t "~&process-queue(): got message:~% `~s'~%" message)) (force-output)) (let* ((tag (message-tag message)) (remote (if (eql tag %pvm_task_fail%) (message-corpse message) (message-remote message))) (load (message-load message)) (content (message-content message)) (run (find remote runs :key #'run-tid)) (client (or client (get-field :client run))) (item (and client (consp (client-status client)) (rest (client-status client)))) (host (and (client-p client) (client-host client)))) (cond ((eql tag %pvm_task_fail%) (when (consp item) (let* ((fail (pairlis '(:host :corpse) (list host remote)))) (when (get-field :strikes item) (incf (get-field :strikes item))) (push item pending) (when verbose (print-item item :stream stream :result fail) (print-result fail :stream stream)))) (when run (nconc run `((:end . ,(current-time :long :tsdb))))) (when (client-p client) (when (cpu-p (client-cpu client)) (format stream "~&[~a] process-queue(): client exit on `~a' <~x>~%" (current-time :long :short) (client-host client) remote)) (setf (client-status client) :exit) (when (and *process-client-retries* client) (let* ((cpu (client-cpu client)) (clients (initialize-cpus :cpus (list cpu) :reset nil :block t))) (when run (nconc runs (create-runs (get-field :data run) :comment (get-field :comment run) :gc (get-field :gc run) :protocol (get-field :protocol run) :clients clients))))))) ((null client) (when verbose (format stream "~&process-queue(): ignoring message from alien <~x>.~%" remote) (force-output stream)) (push message *pvm-pending-events*)) ((eql tag %pvm_lisp_message%) (when client (setf (client-load client) load)) (if (eq (first content) :return) (case (second content) (:process-item (let* ((run-id (get-field+ :run-id run -1)) (result (nconc (pairlis '(:host :run-id) (list host run-id)) (third content)))) (setf (client-status client) :ready) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; PET, for the time being, returns :score but not :flags. ;; patch this up, for a transition period. (20-nov-08; oe) ;; (let ((cpu (when (cpu-p (client-cpu client)) (client-cpu client)))) (when (and cpu (or (null (cpu-task cpu)) (eq (first (cpu-task cpu)) :parse))) (loop for result in (get-field :results result) for score = (get-field :score result) for flags = (get-field :flags result) when (and score (null flags)) do (let ((flags (acons :ascore score nil))) (nconc result (acons :flags flags nil)))))) (return-from process-queue (pairlis '(:pending :ready :item :result) (list pending run item result))))) (:create-run (let ((ready (third content))) (when (consp ready) (setf (client-status client) :ready) (return-from process-queue (pairlis '(:pending :ready) (list pending (nconc run ready))))))) (t (when verbose (format stream "~&process-queue(): ~ ignoring unexpected message from <~x>.~%" remote) (force-output stream)))) (when verbose (format stream "~&process-queue(): ~ ignoring dubious message from <~x>.~%" remote message) (force-output stream)))) (t (when verbose (format stream "~&process-queue(): ~ ignoring dubious message from <~x>.~%" remote message))))) else when (interrupt-p interrupt) do (let ((busy (loop for run in runs when (consp (run-status run)) collect run))) (format stream "~&[~a] process-queue(): ~ external interrupt signal~ ~:[~*~; (~d active client~:p)~].~%" (current-time :long :short) busy (length busy)) (force-output stream)) (return-from process-queue (pairlis '(:pending :interrupt) (list pending t))))) (defun receive-item (nitems &key wait stream verbose interrupt) (declare (ignore nitems)) (loop for message = (pvm_poll -1 -1 1) for i from 1 when (and (integerp wait) (>= i wait)) do (return nil) when (message-p message) do (when *pvm-debug-p* (format t "~&receive-item(): got message:~% `~s'~%" message) (force-output)) (let* ((tag (message-tag message)) (remote (message-remote message)) (content (message-content message))) (cond ((and (eql tag %pvm_lisp_message%) (eq (first content) :account) (eq (second content) :item-summary)) (return-from receive-item (pairlis '(:data :interrupt) (list (third content) (interrupt-p interrupt))))) (t (when verbose (format stream "~&receive-item(): ~ ignoring unexpected message from <~x>.~%" remote) (force-output stream))))) when (interrupt-p interrupt) do (return (acons :interrupt t nil)))) (defun enrich-result (result item &key verbose) (declare (ignore verbose)) ;; ;; in case the result returned from a client is defective (e.g. in case the ;; PVM buffer could not be read because of array size limitations :-{), fix ;; up .result. with information from .item. ;; ;; as we moved to 64-bit integers in tsdb(1) (`long long') to accomodate the ;; Wikipedia identifier space, we cannot trust values transmitted via PVM (in ;; the integer range exceeding 2,147,483,647). however, i see no reason why ;; :i-id and :parse-id should be passed to clients in the first place. they ;; should be purged from the [incr tsdb()] C API eventually; in the meantime, ;; always propagate these values from .item. into .result. (9-oct-09; oe) ;; (let ((i-id (get-field :i-id item)) (parse-id (get-field :parse-id item)) (run-id (get-field :run-id item)) (p-input (get-field :p-input item))) (when i-id (set-field :i-id i-id result)) (when parse-id (set-field :parse-id parse-id result)) (when run-id (set-field :run-id run-id result)) (when p-input (set-field :p-input p-input result))) (let* ((readings (get-field :readings result)) (results (get-field :results result))) (nconc result (acons :unique (length results) nil)) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; find a reasonably efficient way of constructing a `score' relation when ;; we have scores on the results; maybe extract scored results first, sort, ;; and rank. parsers are free to not return scores at all or for a subset ;; of results only. (4-feb-03) ;; #+:null (loop with i = 1 with last = (get-field :score (first results)) for j from 1 for result in results for result-id = (get-field :result-id result) for score = (get-field :score result)) (when (and *tsdb-result-hook* (integerp readings) (> readings 0)) (multiple-value-bind (wealth condition) (ignore-errors (funcall *tsdb-result-hook* result)) (when (or wealth condition) (setf result (or wealth (acons :error (format nil "~a" condition) result)))))) (when (get-field :fan result) (accumulate-mt-statistics result)) result)) (defun print-result (result &key (stream *tsdb-io*) format index log) (let* ((readings (get-field :readings result)) (unique (or (get-field :unique result) (get-field :nresults result))) (words (get-field :words result)) (tcpu (/ (get-field+ :tcpu result 0) 1000)) (tgc (/ (get-field+ :tgc result 0) 1000)) (first (/ (get-field+ :first result 0) 1000)) (total (/ (get-field+ :total result 0) 1000)) (aedges (get-field :aedges result)) (pedges (get-field :pedges result)) (edges (if (and (integerp pedges) (not (= pedges -1))) (if (and (integerp aedges) (not (= aedges -1))) (+ aedges pedges) pedges) (and (integerp aedges) (not (= aedges -1)) aedges))) (timeup (get-field :timeup result)) (unifications (get-field+ :unifications result 0)) (copies (get-field+ :copies result 0)) (nfragments (get-field :nfragments result)) (gc (get-field :gc result)) (gcs (get-field :gcs result)) (error (get-field :error result)) (corpse (get-field :corpse result))) (cond ((eql readings 0) (format stream " ~:[---~;—~]~:[~; time up:~] ~ ~@[~]~ (~,2f~:[~*~;:~,2f~]|~,2f s) ~ <~@[~d~]:~@[~d~]>~ ~:[ {~d:~d}~;~2*~] ~ (~a)~ ~:[~*~*~; [~:[~;=~]~d]~]~@[~].~%" (eq format :html) timeup index tcpu (>= tgc 0.1) tgc total words edges (or (= unifications copies 0) (= unifications copies -1)) unifications copies (pprint-memory-usage result) gcs gc gcs index)) ((or (and error (null readings)) (and error (numberp unique) (zerop unique)) (eql readings -1)) (format stream " ~:[---~;—~] ~@[~]~ error: ~a~@[~].~%" (eq format :html) index (normalize-string (get-field :error result)) index)) ((and (integerp readings) (> readings 0)) (format stream " ~:[---~;—~]~:[~; time up:~] ~ ~@[~]~ ~:[~;^~]~:[~*~a~;~a [~a]~] ~ (~,2f~:[~*~;:~,2f~]|~,2f:~,2f s) ~ <~@[~d~]:~@[~d~]>~ ~:[ {~d:~d}~;~2*~] ~ (~a)~ ~:[~*~*~; [~:[~;=~]~d]~]~@[~].~%" (eq format :html) timeup index (and (integerp nfragments) (> nfragments 0)) (and unique (not (eql unique readings))) unique readings tcpu (>= tgc 0.1) tgc first total words edges (or (= unifications copies 0) (= unifications copies -1)) unifications copies (pprint-memory-usage result) gcs gc gcs index)) (corpse (format stream " ~:[---~;—~] client exit <~x>.~%" (eq format :html) corpse)) ((null readings) (format stream ".~%")) (t (format stream ".~%"))) (force-output stream) (when log (let ((trace (get-field :trace result))) (when trace (format log "~a" trace)) (when %accumulated-mt-statistics% (let ((pcount (get-field :pcount %accumulated-mt-statistics%)) (pfcount (get-field :pfcount %accumulated-mt-statistics%)) (tcount (get-field :tcount %accumulated-mt-statistics%)) (tfcount (get-field :tfcount %accumulated-mt-statistics%)) (rcount (get-field :rcount %accumulated-mt-statistics%)) (rfcount (get-field :rfcount %accumulated-mt-statistics%)) (total (get-field :total %accumulated-mt-statistics%)) (tfbleu (get-field :tfbleu %accumulated-mt-statistics%)) (tbbleu (get-field :tbbleu %accumulated-mt-statistics%))) (format log "|= ~a:~a of ~a {~,1f+~,1f}; ~ ~a:~a of ~a:~a {~,1f ~,1f}; ~ ~a:~a of ~a:~a {~,1f ~,1f} @ ~a of ~a {~,1f} ~ <~,2f ~,2f|~,2f ~,2f>.~%" pcount pfcount total (per-cent pcount total) (per-cent pfcount total) tcount tfcount pcount pfcount (per-cent tcount pcount) (per-cent tfcount pfcount) rcount rfcount tcount tfcount (per-cent rcount tcount) (per-cent rfcount tfcount) (+ rcount rfcount) total (per-cent (+ rcount rfcount) total) (divide tfbleu total) (divide tfbleu (+ rcount rfcount)) (divide tbbleu total) (divide tbbleu (+ rcount rfcount))))) (format log "~%")) (force-output log)))) (defun store-result (data result &key cache) (let* ((parse-id (get-field :parse-id result)) (readings (get-field :readings result)) (statistics (get-field :statistics result))) (write-parse result data :cache cache) (unless (or (null readings) (= readings -1)) (write-results parse-id (get-field :results result) data :cache cache) (write-edges parse-id (get-field :chart result) data :cache cache) (when (and *tsdb-rule-statistics-p* statistics) (if (eq *tsdb-rule-statistics-p* :raw) (write-rules parse-id statistics data :cache cache) (accumulate-rules statistics)))))) (defun pre-process (&key burstp) (declare (ignore burstp))) (defun post-process (&key burstp) (declare (ignore burstp)) #+:gcdebug (let ((*terminal-io* excl:*initial-terminal-io*) (*standard-output* excl:*initial-terminal-io*)) (sys:gsgc-parameters) (room) (excl:gc) (room))) (defun complete-runs (data runs &key cache interactive stream interrupt) (declare (special %accumulated-rule-statistics%)) (setf %graft-aligned-generation-hack% nil) (loop for run in runs for completion = (unless (get-field :end run) (complete-run run :stream stream :interrupt interrupt)) for status = (or (get-field :status run) (run-status run) :complete) when (get-field :run-id run) do (push (cons :status (format nil "~(~a~)" (if (eq status :ready) :complete status))) completion) (unless interactive (write-run (append completion run) data :cache cache))) (when (and (null interactive) %accumulated-rule-statistics%) (write-rules -1 %accumulated-rule-statistics% data :cache cache))) (defun complete-run (run &key stream interrupt custom) (when (get-field :run-id run) (let ((id (get-field :run-id run)) (context (get-field :context run)) (gc-strategy (get-field :gc-strategy run)) (client (get-field :client run))) (cond ((and client (client-p client)) (let* ((tid (client-tid client)) (cpu (client-cpu client)) (custom (or custom (and (cpu-p cpu) (cpu-complete cpu)))) (status (if (eq (client-protocol client) :lisp) (revaluate tid `(complete-run (quote ,(pairlis '(:run-id :context :gc-strategy) (list id context gc-strategy))) :custom ,custom) 1 :key :complete-run :verbose nil :interrupt interrupt) (complete_run tid (get-field :run-id run) custom 1 interrupt)))) (cond ((and (consp status) (get-field :end status)) (setf (client-status client) :ready) status) ((eq status :interrupt) (format stream "complete-run(): ~ external interrupt signal.~%") (force-output stream) (setf (client-status client) :interrupt) (acons :end (current-time :long :tsdb) nil)) (t (setf (client-status client) :error) (acons :end (current-time :long :tsdb) nil))))) (t (let ((finalization (finalize-run context :custom custom))) (when gc-strategy (restore-gc-strategy gc-strategy)) (cons (cons :end (current-time :long :tsdb)) finalization))))))) (defun tsdb-ignore-p (o-ignore) (unless (or (null o-ignore) (equal o-ignore "")) o-ignore)) (defun call-hook (hook &rest arguments) (when hook (let ((result (apply #'call-raw-hook hook arguments))) (typecase result (null nil) (string result) (t (write-to-string result :escape t)))))) (defun call-raw-hook (hook &rest arguments) (when hook (let* ((extra (and (consp hook) (rest hook))) (hook (if (consp hook) (first hook) hook)) (hook (typecase hook (null nil) (function hook) (symbol (and (fboundp hook) (symbol-function hook))) (string (ignore-errors (symbol-function (read-from-string hook)))))) (arguments (append arguments extra))) (when hook (ignore-errors (apply hook arguments)))))) (defun call-safe-hook (hook &rest arguments) (when hook (let* ((hook (typecase hook (null nil) (function hook) (symbol (and (fboundp hook) (symbol-function hook))) (string (ignore-errors (symbol-function (read-from-string hook))))))) (apply hook arguments)))) (defun result-hook (result) (when (and (null *tsdb-write-mrs-p*) (null *tsdb-write-tree-p*)) (return-from result-hook)) (loop with *reconstruct-cache* = (make-hash-table :test #'eql) for parse in (or (get-field :results result) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; not sure why this function appears to be overloaded ;; to either operate on a `complete' result or just the ;; :results value; consider dropping this branch. ;; (31-aug-05; oe) (and (consp (first (first result))) result)) for derivation = (get-field :derivation parse) for tree = (get-field :tree parse) for mrs = (get-field :mrs parse) for edge = (when (and derivation (or (and *tsdb-trees-hook* (null tree)) (and *tsdb-semantix-hook* (null mrs)))) (reconstruct derivation)) when edge do (let ((tree (call-hook *tsdb-trees-hook* edge)) (mrs (call-hook *tsdb-semantix-hook* edge))) (when tree (setf (rest parse) (cons (cons :tree tree) (rest parse)))) (when mrs (setf (rest parse) (cons (cons :mrs mrs) (rest parse)))))) result) (defun interrupt-p (interrupt) (when (and interrupt (probe-file interrupt)) (delete-file interrupt) t)) (defun run-status (run) (let ((client (get-field :client run))) (and client (client-status client)))) (defun run-tid (run) (let ((client (get-field :client run))) (and client (client-tid client)))) (defun accumulate-results (results item &key type) (declare (ignore item type)) (loop for result in results for readings = (get-field :readings result) when (and (numberp readings) (> readings 0)) return result finally (return (first results))) #+:null (let (successes errors) (loop for result in results for readings = (get-field :readings result) when (or (not (numberp readings)) (<= readings 0)) do (push result errors) else do (push result successes)) (setf successes (nreverse successes)) (setf errors (nreverse errors)) (if successes (loop with result for success in successes do (adjoin-result success result) finally (return result)) (first results)))) (defun adjoin-result (result results) (when (null results) (return-from adjoin-result (let ((n (loop for foo in (get-field :results result) for id = (get-field :result-id foo) when id maximize id))) (acons :n n result)))) (loop for key in '(:others :symbols :conses :treal :tcpu :tgc :readings :pedges) for value = (get-field key result) when (numberp value) do (let ((match (get-field :key results))) (if (numberp match) (incf (get-field :key results) value) (nconc results (acons key value nil))))) (let ((n (get-field :n results)) (match (get-field :results results))) (if match (nconc match (loop with baz = n with foo = (get-field :results result) for bar in foo do (setf baz (max baz (incf (get-field :result-id bar) n))) finally (setf (get-field :n results) baz) (return results))) (let ((foo (get-field :results result))) (nconc results foo) (setf (get-field :n results) (loop for foo in (get-field :results result) for id = (get-field :result-id foo) when id maximize id)))))) (defun accumulate-rules (statistics) (declare (special %accumulated-rule-statistics%)) (if %accumulated-rule-statistics% (loop for rule in statistics for name = (get-field+ :rule rule "") for filtered = (get-field :filtered rule) for executed = (get-field :executed rule) for successful = (get-field :successful rule) for actives = (get-field :actives rule) for passives = (get-field :passives rule) for arule = (loop for arule in %accumulated-rule-statistics% for aname = (get-field+ :rule arule "") thereis (when (equal name aname) arule)) for afiltered = (get-field :filtered arule) for aexecuted = (get-field :executed arule) for asuccessful = (get-field :successful arule) for aactives = (get-field :actives arule) for apassives = (get-field :passives arule) do (when (and filtered afiltered) (incf (get-field :filtered arule) filtered)) (when (and executed aexecuted) (incf (get-field :executed arule) executed)) (when (and successful asuccessful) (incf (get-field :successful arule) successful)) (when (and actives aactives) (incf (get-field :actives arule) actives)) (when (and passives apassives) (incf (get-field :passives arule) passives))) (setf %accumulated-rule-statistics% statistics))) (defun accumulate-mt-statistics (result) (when %accumulated-mt-statistics% (incf (get-field :total %accumulated-mt-statistics%)) (let* ((fragmentp (let ((foo (get-field :nfragments result))) (and (numberp foo) (> foo 0)))) (fan (get-field :fan result)) (nanalyses (first fan)) (ntransfers (second fan)) (nrealizations (third fan)) (fbleu (get-field :fbleu result)) (bbleu (get-field :bbleu result))) (when (numberp fbleu) (incf (get-field :tfbleu %accumulated-mt-statistics%) fbleu)) (when (numberp bbleu) (incf (get-field :tbbleu %accumulated-mt-statistics%) bbleu)) (when (and (numberp nanalyses) (numberp ntransfers) (numberp nrealizations)) (when (> nanalyses 0) (incf (get-field (if fragmentp :pfcount :pcount) %accumulated-mt-statistics%)) (when (> ntransfers 0) (incf (get-field (if fragmentp :tfcount :tcount) %accumulated-mt-statistics%)) (when (> nrealizations 0) (incf (get-field (if fragmentp :rfcount :rcount) %accumulated-mt-statistics%)))))))))