;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: TSDB -*- ;;; ;;; [incr tsdb()] --- Competence and Performance Profiling Environment ;;; Copyright (c) 1996 -- 2005 Stephan Oepen (oe@csli.stanford.edu) ;;; Copyright (c) 2006 -- 2013 Stephan Oepen (oe@ifi.uio.no) ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ;;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ;;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License for more details. ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; file: statistics.lisp ;;; module: basic report generation routines for tsdb(1) profiles ;;; version: 0.0 (experimental) ;;; written by: oe, coli saarbruecken ;;; last update: 17-dec-97 ;;; updated by: oe, coli saarbruecken ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; author | date | modification ;;; ------------------|-------------|------------------------------------------ ;;; | | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; an attempt to collect a number of routines for report generation and ;;; profile analysis. pretty hacky and incomplete at this point (17-dec-97). ;;; ;;; some examples of how i use some of the functions: ;;; ;;; - compute coverage summary of profile stored in ;;; `oct-97/english/25-nov-97' (relative to *tsdb-home*) and write latex(1) ;;; code to `bar.tex' (relative to the current working directory of lisp ;;; process; use `:cd' to change): ;;; ;;; (analyze-competence "oct-97/english/25-nov-97" :file "/tmp/bar.tex") ;;; ;;; - overgeneration summary for same profile (data is cached in the lisp ;;; universe; hence the first access to a database is _slow_ but things ;;; get much better once the data is cached): ;;; ;;; (analyze-competence "oct-97/english/25-nov-97" ;;; :wf 0 :file "/tmp/bar.tex") ;;; ;;; - performance profile for items that had at least one reading (use the ;;; optional :restrictor argument to specifiy a condition on items to ;;; exclude): ;;; ;;; (analyze-performance "oct-97/english/25-nov-97" ;;; :restrictor #'(lambda (foo) ;;; (< (get-field :readings foo) 1)) ;;; :file "/tmp/bar.tex") ;;; ;;; - aggregate data on the basis of some property other than the phenomena ;;; classification; e.g. by length: ;;; ;;; (aggregate "oct-97/english/25-nov-97" ;;; :dimension :i-length :aggregate 3 :upper 8) ;;; ;;; the output of aggregate() can then be passed to the analysis functions ;;; (see above) instead of the database (string) argument. ;;; ;;; - compare two profiles performance-wise; set labels for the three major ;;; columns: ;;; ;;; (compare-performance "oct-97/english/25-nov-97" ;;; "oct-97/english/l+pfilter.15-dec-97" ;;; :olabel "oct-97" :nlabel "oct-97 (filter)" ;;; :clabel "improvement" ;;; :file "/tmp/bar.tex") ;;; ;;; besides, i usually keep a matrix latex(1) file that contains a plain ;;; document header plus an \include for `bar.tex' and an xdvi(1) for the ;;; matrix file around; thus, it only takes two command (one in the lisp world, ;;; one from the shell) to view a new profile view. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package "TSDB") (defvar *tsdb-profile-cache* (make-hash-table :size 42 :test #'equal)) (defparameter *statistics-time-fields* '(:first :total :tcpu :tgc :treal :utcpu)) (defparameter *statistics-exclude-tgc-p* '(:tcpu)) (defparameter *statistics-exclude-illformed-items-p* t) (defparameter *statistics-aggregate-dimension* :i-length) (defparameter *statistics-aggregate-size* 5) (defparameter *statistics-aggregate-threshold* 1) (defparameter *statistics-aggregate-lower* nil) (defparameter *statistics-aggregate-upper* nil) (defparameter *statistics-compare-time* :total) (defparameter *statistics-detail-sloppy-alignment-p* nil) (defparameter *statistics-detail-alignment-bracket* 50) (defparameter *statistics-analogy-aggregation-p* nil) (defparameter *statistics-aggregate-maximum* (min 20000 array-total-size-limit)) (defparameter *statistics-all-rejections-p* nil) (defparameter *statistics-result-filter* #'result-filter) (defparameter *statistics-critical-line-threshold* 500) (defparameter *statistics-plot-width* 150) (defparameter *statistics-plot-height* 100) (defparameter *statistics-tcl-formats* "format title -font {helvetica 12 bold} -fill black -justify center~%~ format aggregate -font {helvetica 12 bold} -fill black -justify center~%~ format data -font {helvetica 12} -fill black -justify center~%~ format total -font {helvetica 12 bold} -fill black -justify center~%~%") (defparameter *phenomena* (list "S_Types" "C_Types" "C_Agreement" "C_Complementation" "C_Diathesis-Active" "C_Diathesis-Passive" "C_Tense-Aspect-Modality" "C_Negation" "C_Coordination" "C_Modification" "NP_Agreement" "NP_Modification" "NP_Coordination")) (defparameter *statistics-performance-summary* '(:first :total :tcpu :tgc :space :edges :pedges :aedges :rpedges :raedges :copies :unifications :p-ftasks :p-stasks :p-etasks)) (defparameter *statistics-extra* #+:oe '(:trees :utcpu :uspace :subsumptions :equivalence :proactive :retroactive :frozen :failures :hypotheses :ltcpu :ltgc :gtcpu :gtgc :atcpu :atgc) #-:oe nil) (defparameter *statistics-readers* (make-hash-table)) (defparameter *statistics-predicates* (make-hash-table)) (defparameter *statistics-browsers* (make-hash-table)) (defun per-cent (count base) (when (and (numberp count) (numberp base)) (if (zerop base) 0 (* 100 (/ count base))))) (defun latexify-string (string) (if (and (stringp string) (>= (length string) 1)) (let ((prefix (elt string 0))) (if (equal prefix #\_) (concatenate 'string "\\_" (latexify-string (subseq string 1))) (concatenate 'string (string prefix) (latexify-string (subseq string 1))))) string)) (defun find-attribute-reader (attribute) (let* ((name (if (stringp attribute) (string-upcase attribute) attribute)) (attribute (intern name :keyword))) (find-function (gethash attribute *statistics-readers*)))) (defun find-attribute-predicate (attribute) (let* ((name (if (stringp attribute) (string-upcase attribute) attribute)) (attribute (intern name :keyword)) (predicate (gethash attribute *statistics-predicates*)) (function (find-function predicate))) (or function #'(lambda (old new) (not (equal old new)))))) (defun find-attribute-browser (attribute) (let* ((name (if (stringp attribute) (string-upcase attribute) attribute)) (attribute (intern name :keyword))) (find-function (gethash attribute *statistics-browsers*)))) (defun find-attribute-label (attribute) (case attribute (:i-length "string length") (:readings "distinct analyses") (:first "first reading") (:total "all readings") (:tcpu "total cpu time") (:tgc "gc time") (:treal "total real time") (:words "lexical entries") (:l-stasks "lexical rule successes") (:p-ctasks "contemplated tasks") (:p-ftasks "filtered tasks") (:p-etasks "executed tasks") (:p-stasks "successful tasks") (:aedges "active edges") (:pedges "passive edges") (:raedges "active edges in result(s)") (:rpedges "passive edges in result(s)") (:space "total bytes allocated") (:gcs "global garbage collections") (t (format nil "`~(~a~)'" attribute)))) (defun find-attribute-symbol (attribute &optional index &key format) (let* ((symbols (case format (:tcl '("circle" "diamond" "square" "triangle" "plus" "cross" "scross")) (:latex '("$\\bullet$" "$\\diamond$" "$\\star$" "$\\circ$" "$\\ast$")))) (length (- (length symbols) 1))) (or (case format (:tcl (case attribute (:first "circle") (:total "diamond") (:p-ftasks "square") (:p-etasks "diamond") (:p-stasks "circle"))) (:latex (case attribute (:first "$\\bullet$") (:total "$\\diamond$") (:p-ftasks "$\\star$") (:p-etasks "$\\diamond$") (:p-stasks "$\\bullet$")))) (nth (if index (mod index length) (random length)) symbols)))) (defun find-attribute-colour (attribute &optional index) (declare (ignore index)) (or (case attribute (:first "green") (:total "blue") (:p-ftasks "red") (:p-etasks "orange") (:p-stasks "green")) "black")) (defun profile-granularity (data) (let* ((relations (read-database-schema data)) (run (and relations (find "run" relations :key #'first :test #'string=))) (parse (and relations (find "parse" relations :key #'first :test #'string=))) (result (and relations (find "result" relations :key #'first :test #'string=))) (edge (and relations (find "edge" relations :key #'first :test #'string=))) (update (and relations (find "update" relations :key #'first :test #'string=))) (score (and relations (find "score" relations :key #'first :test #'string=)))) (cond ((null run) -1) ((or (not (find "aedges" (rest parse) :key #'first :test #'string=)) (not (find "end" (rest run) :key #'first :test #'string=))) 0) ((not (find "environment" (rest run) :key #'first :test #'string=)) 199902) ((null update) 199903) ((and update (find "e-epsilons" (rest edge) :key #'first :test #'string=)) 200210) ((and update (not (find "e-parents" (rest edge) :key #'first :test #'string=))) 200305) ((and update (find "e-parents" (rest edge) :key #'first :test #'string=) (not (find "surface" (rest result) :key #'first :test #'string=))) 200306) ((and (find "surface" (rest result) :key #'first :test #'string=) (not (find "learner" (rest score) :key #'first :test #'string=))) 200509) ((and (find "learner" (rest score) :key #'first :test #'string=) (not (find "p-input" (rest parse) :key #'first :test #'string=))) 201002) ((and (find "p-input" (rest parse) :key #'first :test #'string=) (not (find "p-tokens" (rest parse) :key #'first :test #'string=))) 201011) ((and (find "p-tokens" (rest parse) :key #'first :test #'string=) (not (find "protocol" (rest run) :key #'first :test #'string=))) 201108) ((find "protocol" (rest run) :key #'first :test #'string=) *tsdb-current-granularity*) (t (error "profile-granularity(): invalid `~a'" data))))) (defun analyze (data &key condition meter message thorough trees extras (readerp t) siftp filter output score gold taggingp tokensp commentp inputp sloppyp scorep burst purge) (declare (ignore siftp) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0))) (let ((virtual (virtual-profile-p data))) (when virtual (return-from analyze (analyze-virtual virtual :condition condition :meter meter :message message :thorough thorough :trees trees :extras extras :readerp readerp :filter filter :output output :score score :gold gold :taggingp taggingp :tokensp tokensp :commentp commentp :inputp inputp :sloppyp sloppyp :scorep scorep :burst burst :purge purge)))) (let* ((message (when message (format nil "retrieving `~a' data ..." data))) (extras (and extras t)) (trees (and trees t)) (filter (when (and filter (functionp *statistics-result-filter*) *filter-test*) (format nil "~{~(~a~)~^+~}~@[+~a~]" *filter-test* *filter-mrs-relations-ratio*))) (key (format nil "~a~@[ @ ~a~]~@[ # ~a~]~@[~* : comment~]~@[~* : input~]~ ~@[~* : trees~]~@[ for ~a~]~@[~* : extras~]~@[~* : output~]~ ~@[ on ~a~@[ (scores)~]~]" data condition (if (listp thorough) (format nil "~{~(~a~)~^#~}" thorough) "t") commentp inputp trees filter extras output (cond ((stringp score) score) (score "itself") (gold (format nil "~a (gold)" gold))) scorep)) (relations (read-database-schema data)) (parse (rest (find "parse" relations :key #'first :test #'string=))) (tokensp (and tokensp (>= (profile-granularity data) 201011))) pfields ptypes result) #+:debug (format t "~&analyze(): `~a'~%" key) (when message (status :text message)) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; for this to actually be thread-safe, we would need to wrap all writing ;; to the profile cache with a process lock. (16-nov-10; oe) ;; (loop while (eq (setf result (gethash key *tsdb-profile-cache*)) :seized)) (unless result (setf (gethash key *tsdb-profile-cache*) :seized) (loop for field in (append '("i-id" "parse-id" "readings" "first" "total" "tcpu" "tgc" "p-etasks" "p-stasks" "p-ftasks" "unifications" "copies" "conses" "symbols" "others" "words" "l-stasks" "edges" "aedges" "pedges" "raedges" "rpedges" "gcs" "error") (and inputp '("p-input" "p-tokens"))) for match = (find field parse :key #'first :test #'string=) when match do (push (first match) pfields) (push (second match) ptypes)) (when extras (push "comment" pfields) (push :string ptypes)) (unwind-protect ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; projecting :string fields that contain the field separator (`@') of ;; tsdb(1) breaks when used in conjuction with a `report' format (as is ;; the case in our current select() implementation. hence, sort the ;; `error' field to the back where it happens not to break :-{. ;; (22-nov-99; oe) ;; i believe this has been fixed sometime in 2001? (20-jan-02; oe) ;; (let* ((pfields (nreverse pfields)) (ptypes (nreverse ptypes)) (pmeter (and meter (madjust * meter (if thorough 0.4 0.5)))) (imeter (when meter (madjust + (madjust * meter (if thorough 0.1 0.25)) (mduration pmeter)))) (rmeter (if thorough (madjust + (madjust * meter 0.4) (+ (mduration pmeter) (mduration imeter))) (and meter (make-meter 0 0)))) (ameter (when meter (madjust + (madjust * meter (if thorough 0.1 0.25)) (+ (mduration pmeter) (mduration rmeter) (mduration imeter))))) (parse (select pfields ptypes "parse" condition data :meter pmeter :sort :i-id)) (item (select (append '("i-id" "i-input" "i-length" "i-wf") (when tokensp '("i-tokens")) (when commentp '("i-comment"))) (append '(:integer :string :integer :integer) (when tokensp '(:string)) (when commentp '(:string))) "item" condition data :meter imeter :sort :i-id :sourcep t)) (item (if (or taggingp tokensp commentp) (loop for foo in item when taggingp do (let* ((i-input (get-field :i-input foo)) (tags (call-raw-hook *tsdb-tagging-hook* i-input))) (when tags (nconc foo (acons :tags tags nil)))) when tokensp do ;; ;; _hack_ ;; see whether the tokens string looks much like ;; an association list; if so, parse that list. ;; (let* ((tokens (get-field :i-tokens foo)) (n (when (stringp tokens) (- (length tokens) 1)))) (if (and n (< 3 n) (char= (schar tokens 0) #\() (char= (schar tokens 1) #\() (char= (schar tokens (- n 1)) #\)) (char= (schar tokens n) #\))) (let ((tokens (ignore-errors (read-from-string tokens)))) (when tokens (set-field :i-tokens tokens foo))) (when (equal tokens "") (set-field :i-tokens nil foo)))) when commentp do ;; ;; _hack_ ;; see whether the comment string looks much like ;; an association list; if so, parse that list. ;; (let* ((comment (get-field :i-comment foo)) (n (when (stringp comment) (- (length comment) 1)))) (when (and n (< 3 n) (char= (schar comment 0) #\() (char= (schar comment 1) #\() (char= (schar comment (- n 1)) #\)) (char= (schar comment n) #\))) (let ((comment (ignore-errors (read-from-string comment)))) (nconc foo comment)))) finally (return item)) item)) (output (when output (if (consp output) (if (member "i-id" output :test #'string-equal) output (cons "i-id" output)) '("i-id" "o-ignore" "o-surface" "o-wf" "o-gc" "o-edges")))) (outputs (when output (select output nil "output" condition data :unique nil :sort :i-id))) (results (when thorough ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; for rank-profile() and friends, .conditions. will ;; typically include `readings > 1', or similar; the ;; join of `parse' and `result' in tsdb(1) is really ;; very slow for large relations (because `parse' ;; has multiple keys, and we end up inserting out- ;; of-order :-{). it would probably pay off to do ;; more of the work on the Lisp side, e.g. select() ;; from `result' unconditionally (which may lead to ;; excessive memory usage), select() from `parse' ;; with .condition., and then njoin(). i should put ;; a little more thought into this! (29-feb-09; oe) ;; (if burst (let ((parses (select '("parse-id") nil "parse" condition data :sort :parse-id)) (results (select (append '("parse-id" "result-id") (loop for symbol in thorough collect (format nil "~(~a~)" symbol))) nil "result" nil data :meter rmeter :sort :parse-id))) (njoin parses results :parse-id)) (select (append '("parse-id" "result-id") (when (consp thorough) (loop for symbol in thorough collect (format nil "~(~a~)" symbol)))) nil "result" condition data :meter rmeter :sort :parse-id)))) (trees (when trees (select '("parse-id" "t-active" "t-version") nil "tree" condition data :sort :parse-id))) (all (if parse (njoin parse item :i-id :meter ameter) item)) sorted) ;; ;; for a subset of top-level fields, call an optional item reader ;; (loop for field in (and inputp '(:p-input :p-tokens)) for reader = (when (or (and (symbolp readerp) readerp) (smember field readerp)) (find-attribute-reader field)) when reader do (loop for item in all for value = (get-field field item) when value do (setf (get-field field item) (ignore-errors (funcall reader value))))) (setf result all) (when outputs (loop for item in result for iid = (get-field :i-id item) for output = (loop initially (loop for output = (first outputs) while (and output (< (get-field :i-id output) iid)) do (pop outputs)) for output = (first outputs) while (and output (= (get-field :i-id output) iid)) collect (pop outputs)) do (nconc item (acons :outputs output nil)))) (when extras (loop for tuple in result for comment = (get-field :comment tuple) for stream = (and comment (make-string-input-stream comment)) for extra = (when stream (loop for field = (read stream nil nil) while field collect field finally (close stream))) when extra do (nconc tuple extra))) (when results (when (consp thorough) (loop for field in thorough for reader = (when (or (and (symbolp readerp) readerp) (smember field readerp)) (find-attribute-reader field)) when reader do (loop for result in results for value = (get-field field result) when (and reader value) do (let ((foo (ignore-errors (funcall reader value)))) (when foo (setf (get-field field result) foo)))))) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; this is sort of hacky: since we fail to guarantee unique parse ;; ids, the corresponding run id would have to be included in the ;; `result' relation; as it stands, this is not the case |:-(. ;; until we get his fixed, it hard-wires the assumption that we ;; will not use the same profile to represent multiple test runs. ;; (10-mar-99 - oe) (unless sorted (setf sorted (sort (copy-list all) #'< :key #'(lambda (foo) (get-field :parse-id foo))))) (loop for item in sorted for key = (get-field :parse-id item) for matches = (when (eql key (get-field :parse-id (first results))) (loop for result = (first results) while (and result (eql key (get-field :parse-id result))) collect (pop results))) when matches do (nconc item (acons :results (sort matches #'< :key #'(lambda (foo) (get-field :result-id foo))) nil)))) (when trees (unless sorted (setf sorted (sort (copy-list all) #'< :key #'(lambda (foo) (get-field :parse-id foo))))) (loop for item in sorted for key = (get-field :parse-id item) for tree = (loop with result = nil for tree = (first trees) for parse-id = (get-field :parse-id tree) for version = (get-field :t-version tree) while (eql parse-id key) do (pop trees) (when (or (null result) (> version (get-field :t-version result))) (setf result tree)) finally (return result)) when tree do (nconc item tree))) (when (or score gold) (unless sorted (setf sorted (sort (copy-list all) #'< :key #'(lambda (foo) (get-field :parse-id foo))))) (rank-items sorted :gold gold :score score :condition condition :sloppyp sloppyp :scorep scorep)) (when filter (format *tsdb-io* "~%[~a] result-filter(): `~a' on <~{`~(~a~)'~^ ~}>:~%" (current-time :long :short) data *filter-test*) (setf result (loop with *tsdb-gc-message-p* = nil for item in result for foo = (funcall *statistics-result-filter* item) when foo collect foo)) (format *tsdb-io* "~%[~a] result-filter(): ~a item~p.~%~%" (current-time :long :short) (length result) (length result)))) (setf (gethash key *tsdb-profile-cache*) result))) (when (smember purge '(:cache :all)) (purge-profile-cache data :expiryp (eq purge :all))) (when (eq purge :db) (close-connections :data data)) (when message (status :text (format nil "~a done" message) :duration 2)) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end meter))) result)) (defun analyze-virtual (data &key condition meter message thorough trees extras (readerp t) filter output score gold taggingp tokensp commentp inputp sloppyp scorep burst purge) (when (probe-file data) (with-open-file (stream data :direction :input) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; analyze() is supposed to return items in sorted order; this ;; implementation assumes that the components in the `virtual' file are ;; listed in appropriate order. (6-dec-05; erik & oe) ;; (loop for name = (read stream nil nil) while name append (analyze name :condition condition :meter meter :message message :thorough thorough :trees trees :extras extras :readerp readerp :filter filter :output output :score score :gold gold :taggingp taggingp :tokensp tokensp :commentp commentp :inputp inputp :sloppyp sloppyp :scorep scorep :burst burst :purge purge) into result finally (return (sort result #'< :key #'(lambda (item) (get-field :i-id item)))))))) (defun rank-items (items &key gold score condition sloppyp scorep) (declare (ignore condition)) (loop with scores = (when (and (null gold) (stringp score)) (if scorep (select '("parse-id" "result-id" "rank" "score") '(:integer :integer :integer :string) "score" nil score :sort :parse-id) (select '("parse-id" "result-id" "rank") '(:integer :integer :integer) "score" nil score :sort :parse-id))) with golds = (when gold (select '("parse-id" "t-version" "result-id") '(:integer :integer :integer) "preference" nil gold :sort :parse-id)) for item in items for id = (get-field :parse-id item) for results = (get-field :results item) for matches = (when id (cond (golds (loop for gid = (get-field :parse-id (first golds)) while (and gid (< gid id)) do (pop golds)) (let* ((matches (loop for foo = (first golds) for gid = (get-field :parse-id foo) while (and gid (= gid id)) collect (pop golds))) (version (loop for foo in matches for bar = (get-field :t-version foo) maximize bar))) (loop for foo in matches when (= (get-field :t-version foo) version) collect (nconc (acons :rank 1 nil) foo)))) (scores (loop for sid = (get-field :parse-id (first scores)) while (and sid (< sid id)) do (pop scores)) (let ((matches (loop for score = (first scores) for sid = (get-field :parse-id score) while (and sid (= sid id)) collect (pop scores)))) (sort matches #'< :key (lambda (foo) (get-field :rank foo))))))) when matches do (loop for match in matches for id = (get-field :result-id match) for result = (loop for result in results for foo = (get-field :result-id result) thereis (when (= id foo) result)) when result do (nconc match result)) (nconc item (acons :ranks matches nil)) else do (nconc item (unless (and (null sloppyp) (or (stringp score) gold)) (let ((results (sort (copy-seq results) #'< :key #'(lambda (foo) (get-field :result-id foo))))) (acons :ranks (loop for result in results for i from 1 collect (acons :rank i result)) nil))))) #+:debug (setf %items% items)) (defun analyze-aggregates (language &key condition phenomena extras trees (dimension *statistics-aggregate-dimension*) (format :latex) meter message) (if (not (eq dimension :phenomena)) (aggregate language :condition condition :dimension dimension :trees trees :extras extras :format format :meter meter) (let* ((phenomena (or phenomena (loop for key being each hash-key in *tsdb-phenomena* when (and (stringp key) (search key language)) return (gethash key *tsdb-phenomena*)) *phenomena*)) (key (format nil "~a # phenomena" language)) (imeter (madjust * meter (if phenomena 0.3 0.5))) (pmeter (madjust + (madjust * meter 0.5) (mduration imeter))) (increment (when meter (* (mduration meter) (/ (if phenomena 0.2 0.5) (length phenomena))))) (message (when message (format nil "retrieving `~a' data ..." language))) pdata items) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) (when message (status :text message)) (let* ((idata (analyze language :condition condition :extras extras :trees trees :meter imeter))) (loop while (eq (setf pdata (gethash key *tsdb-profile-cache*)) :seized)) (unless pdata (setf (gethash key *tsdb-profile-cache*) :seized) (unwind-protect (setf pdata (select '("i-id" "p-name") '(:integer :string) '("item-phenomenon" "phenomenon") nil language :meter pmeter :sort :i-id)) (setf (gethash key *tsdb-profile-cache*) pdata))) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end pmeter))) (if (and phenomena pdata) (do* ((data (njoin idata pdata :i-id) data) (phenomena (reverse phenomena) (rest phenomena)) (phenomenon (first phenomena) (first phenomena))) ((null phenomena)) (let* ((plength (length phenomenon)) (pitems (remove-if-not #'(lambda (item) (let* ((p-name (get-field :p-name item))) (when p-name (string= phenomenon p-name :end2 (min (length p-name) plength))))) data))) (when pitems (push (cons (intern (string-upcase phenomenon) "KEYWORD") (cons phenomenon pitems)) items))) (when meter (meter-advance increment))) (push (cons :all (cons "All" idata)) items))) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end meter))) (when message (status :text (format nil "~a done" message :duration 2))) items))) (defun analyze-rules (language &key condition (format :tcl) meter) (let* ((key (format nil "~a ~@[~a ~]# rules" language condition)) (data (gethash key *tsdb-profile-cache*))) (unless data (setf (gethash key *tsdb-profile-cache*) :seized) (unwind-protect (let* ((rules (select '("parse-id" "rule" "filtered" "executed" "successes" "actives" "passives") '(:integer :string :integer :integer :integer :integer :integer) "rule" condition language :meter meter :status meter)) (counts (make-hash-table)) foo) (loop for rule in rules for name = (intern (string-upcase (get-field :rule rule))) for counter = (gethash name counts) when counter do (incf (get-field :filtered counter) (get-field :filtered rule)) (incf (get-field :executed counter) (get-field :executed rule)) (incf (get-field :successes counter) (get-field :successes rule)) (incf (get-field :actives counter) (get-field :actives rule)) (incf (get-field :passives counter) (get-field :passives rule)) else do (setf (gethash name counts) (list (find :filtered rule :key #'first) (find :executed rule :key #'first) (find :successes rule :key #'first) (find :actives rule :key #'first) (find :passives rule :key #'first)))) (maphash #'(lambda (key value) (let ((name (case format (:tcl (string key)) (:latex (latexify-string (string key))) (t (string key))))) (push (cons key (cons name value)) foo))) counts) (setf data foo)) (setf (gethash key *tsdb-profile-cache*) data))) data)) (defun load-cache (&key (home *tsdb-home*) name pattern trace meter background) (if #+allegro background #-allegro nil #+allegro (mp:process-run-function (list :name "tsdb(1) cache loader") #'load-cache :home home :name name :pattern pattern :trace trace :meter meter :background nil) (let ((dbs (sort (find-tsdb-directories home :name name :pattern pattern :trace trace :meter meter) #'string< :key #'(lambda (foo) (get-field :path foo))))) (dolist (db dbs) (let* ((name (get-field :database db))) (when trace (format *tsdb-io* "~&load-cache(): processing `~a';~%" name) (force-output *tsdb-io*)) (analyze name) (analyze-aggregates name)))))) (defun purge-profile-cache (data &key (expiryp t)) (when (virtual-profile-p data) (loop for component in (virtual-profile-components data) do (purge-profile-cache component :expiryp expiryp)) (return-from purge-profile-cache)) (when expiryp (close-connections :data (when (stringp data) data))) (loop for key being each hash-key in *tsdb-profile-cache* when (or (eq data :all) (search data key :end2 (length data))) do (remhash key *tsdb-profile-cache*))) (defun aggregate (&optional (language *tsdb-data*) &key (condition nil) (restrictor nil) (dimension *statistics-aggregate-dimension*) (aggregate (or *statistics-aggregate-size* 2)) (threshold (or *statistics-aggregate-threshold* 1)) (lower (or *statistics-aggregate-lower* 0)) (upper *statistics-aggregate-upper*) extras trees (format :latex) meter) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) (let* ((imeter (madjust * meter 0.9)) (items (if (stringp language) (analyze language :condition condition :extras extras :trees trees :meter imeter :message (and meter t)) language)) (items (if (eq dimension :space) (loop with format = (profile-granularity language) for item in items for conses = (get-field :conses item) for symbols = (get-field :symbols item) for others = (get-field :others item) for space = (when (and conses symbols others (>= conses 0) (>= symbols 0) (>= others 0)) (if (>= format 199903) (+ conses symbols others) (+ (* conses 8) (* symbols 24) others))) when (and space (>= space lower)) collect (cons (cons :space space) item)) (if (eq dimension :phenomena) items (remove-if #'(lambda (foo) (< (get-field dimension foo) lower)) items)))) (items (if (and upper (not (eq dimension :phenomena))) (remove-if #'(lambda (foo) (> (get-field dimension foo) upper)) items) items)) (restrictor (case restrictor ((:wf :well-formed :grammatical :positive) #'(lambda (foo) (not (equal (get-field :i-wf foo) 1)))) ((:if :ill-formed :ungrammatical :negative) #'(lambda (foo) (not (equal (get-field :i-wf foo) 0)))) ((:parses :accepts :analyses) #'(lambda (foo) (not (> (get-field :readings foo) 0)))) (:rejects #'(lambda (foo) (not (equal (get-field :readings foo) 0)))) (t restrictor))) (items (if (and restrictor (functionp restrictor)) (remove-if restrictor items) items)) (values (map 'list #'(lambda (foo) (get-field dimension foo)) items)) (message (format nil "aggregation [width: ~d; size ~d~ ~@[; lower ~d~]~@[; upper ~d~]] for `~(~a~)' ..." aggregate threshold lower upper dimension))) (when meter (status :text message)) (if (eq dimension :phenomena) (list (cons :all (cons "All" items))) (when values (let* ((minimum (apply #'min values)) (aminimum (floor (/ minimum aggregate))) (maximum (apply #'max values)) (amaximum (floor (/ maximum aggregate))) (width (+ (- amaximum aminimum) 1))) (when (> width *statistics-aggregate-maximum*) (let* ((base (/ width *statistics-aggregate-maximum*)) (precision (expt 10 (floor (log base 10)))) (base (* precision (ceiling base precision)))) (setf aggregate base aminimum (floor (/ minimum aggregate)) amaximum (floor (/ maximum aggregate)) width (+ (- amaximum aminimum) 1))) (when meter (beep) (status :text (format nil "invalid (too small) aggregate width; ~ using ~d instead" aggregate) :duration 10) (sleep 2))) (let ((storage (make-array width :initial-element nil)) result) (dolist (item items) (let* ((value (get-field dimension item)) (class (- (floor (/ value aggregate)) aminimum))) (push item (aref storage class)))) (dotimes (i (+ (- amaximum aminimum) 1) result) (let* ((data (aref storage i)) (class (* (+ i aminimum) aggregate)) (name (case format (:latex (if (= aggregate 1) (format nil "\\multicolumn{1}{|c|} {\\em ~(~a~)\\/ $=$ ~d}" dimension class) (format nil "\\multicolumn{1}{|c|}~ {~d $\\leq$ {\\em ~(~a~)\\/} $<$ ~d}" class dimension (+ class aggregate)))) (:tcl (if (= aggregate 1) (format nil "~(~a~) = ~d" dimension class) (format nil "~(~a~) in [~d .. ~d|" dimension class (+ class aggregate)))) (:html (if (= aggregate 1) (format nil "~(~a~) = ~d" dimension class) (format nil "~(~a~) ∈ ~ [~d – ~d|" dimension class (+ class aggregate))))))) (when (>= (length data) threshold) (push (cons class (cons name data)) result)))) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end meter)) (status :text (format nil "~a done" message) :duration 5)) result)))))) (defun aggregate-by-analogy (data analogon &key condition (key :i-id) loosep meter) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) (labels ((find! (value items key) (loop for item in items thereis (when (eq value (get-field key item)) item)))) (loop with data = (if (stringp data) (analyze data :condition condition :meter meter :message (and meter t)) data) for sample in analogon for items = (rest (rest sample)) for analogy = (loop for item in items for value = (get-field key item) for match = (find! value data key) when match collect match else unless loosep return nil) when analogy collect (list* (first sample) (second sample) analogy) finally (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end meter)))))) (defun aggregate-by-classes (items classes &key (dimension *statistics-aggregate-dimension*) (threshold (or *statistics-aggregate-threshold* 1)) (lower (or *statistics-aggregate-lower* 0)) (upper *statistics-aggregate-upper*) (format :latex)) (declare (ignore threshold lower upper)) (loop with result = nil with size = (+ (length classes) 1) with results = (make-array size) for item in items for value = (when dimension (get-field dimension item)) for index = (if (numberp value) (loop for i from 0 for class in classes thereis (and (> class value) i) finally (return i)) 0) do (push item (aref results index)) finally (loop for i from 1 for class on classes for this = (first class) for next = (second class) for name = (case format (:latex (if (and next (= next (+ this 1))) (format nil "\\multicolumn{1}{|c|} {\\em ~(~a~)\\/ $=$ ~d}" dimension this) (format nil "\\multicolumn{1}{|c|}~ {~d $\\leq$ {\\em ~(~a~)\\/}~@[ $<$ ~d}~]" this dimension next))) (:tcl (if (and next (= next (+ this 1))) (format nil "~(~a~) = ~d" dimension this) (format nil "~(~a~) in [~d .. ~@[~d~]|" dimension this next)))) for data = (aref results i) when data do (push (cons this (cons name data)) result)) (return (nreverse result)))) (defun intersect-items (left right &key (key :i-id) (equal #'=) (less #'<) sortp) (declare (ignore equal)) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; incomplete (originally for SDP data); untested. (25-mar-14; oe) ;; (when sortp (setf left (sort left less :key (lambda (item) (get-field key item)))) (setf right (sort right less :key (lambda (item) (get-field key item))))) (labels ((recurse () (let ((foo (get-field :key left)) (bar (get-field :key right))) (when (or foo bar) (if (or (null bar) (funcall less foo bar)) (pop left) (when (or (null foo) (funcall less bar foo)) (pop right))) (recurse))))) (recurse) (values left right))) (defun summarize-competence-parameters-by-division (items division &key restrictor) (loop with titems = 0 with trestricted = 0 with tilength = 0 with twords = 0 with tlstasks = 0 with treadings = 0 with tresults = 0 with tierrors = 0 with tderrors = 0 with result for iaggregate in items for idata = (rest (rest iaggregate)) for daggregate = (when (eql (first iaggregate) (first (first division))) (pop division)) for ddata = (rest (rest daggregate)) for ridata = (if restrictor (remove-if restrictor idata) idata) for rddata = (if restrictor (remove-if restrictor ddata) ddata) for items = (length idata) for restricted = (length ridata) for ilength = 0 for words = 0 for lstasks = 0 for readings = 0 for results = (length rddata) for ierrors = 0 for derrors = 0 do (loop for tuple in ridata do (incf ilength (get-field :i-length tuple)) when (minus-one-p (get-field :readings tuple)) do (incf ierrors) else do (incf words (get-field :words tuple)) (incf lstasks (get-field+ :l-stasks tuple 0))) (loop for tuple in rddata when (minus-one-p (get-field :readings tuple)) do (incf derrors) else do (incf readings (get-field :readings tuple))) (push (cons (first iaggregate) (pairlis '(:items :restricted :i-length :words :l-stasks :lambiguity :analyses :results :ierrors :derrors) (list items restricted (divide ilength restricted) (divide words (- restricted ierrors)) (divide lstasks (- restricted ierrors)) (divide words ilength) (divide readings (- results derrors)) results ierrors derrors))) result) (incf titems items) (incf trestricted restricted) (incf tilength ilength) (incf twords words) (incf tlstasks lstasks) (incf treadings readings) (incf tresults results) (incf tierrors ierrors) (incf tderrors derrors) finally (push (cons :total (pairlis '(:items :restricted :i-length :words :l-stasks :lambiguity :analyses :results :ierrors :derrors) (list titems trestricted (divide tilength trestricted) (divide twords (- trestricted tierrors)) (divide tlstasks (- trestricted tierrors)) (divide twords tilength) (divide treadings (- tresults tderrors)) tresults tierrors tderrors))) result) (return (delete :all result :key #'first)))) (defun summarize-competence-parameters (aggregates &key restrictor) (loop with titems = 0 with tritems = 0 with tlength = 0 with trlength = 0 with tulength = 0 with talength = 0 with tslength = 0 with twords = 0 with trwords = 0 with tuwords = 0 with tawords = 0 with tswords = 0 with tlstasks = 0 with treadings = 0 with tresults = 0 with trreadings = 0 with trresults = 0 with tureadings = 0 with turesults = 0 with tareadings = 0 with taresults = 0 with tsreadings = 0 with tsresults = 0 with result = nil for aggregate in aggregates for items = (rest (rest aggregate)) for nitems = (length items) for ritems = (if restrictor (remove-if restrictor items) items) for nritems = (length ritems) do (loop with alength = 0 with arlength = 0 with aulength = 0 with aalength = 0 with aslength = 0 with awords = 0 with arwords = 0 with auwords = 0 with aawords = 0 with aswords = 0 with alstasks = 0 with areadings = 0 with aresults = 0 with arreadings = 0 with arresults = 0 with aureadings = 0 with auresults = 0 with aareadings = 0 with aaresults = 0 with asreadings = 0 with asresults = 0 for item in ritems for ilength = (get-field :i-length item) for iwords = (get-field :words item) for ilstasks = (get-field+ :l-stasks item -1) for ireadings = (get-field :readings item) for active = (get-field :t-active item) do (incf alength ilength) (incf awords iwords) (incf alstasks ilstasks) (when (and (numberp ireadings) (>= ireadings 1)) (incf areadings ireadings) (incf aresults) (cond ((or (eql active 0) (and *statistics-all-rejections-p* (and (numberp active) (= active -1)))) (incf arlength ilength) (incf arreadings ireadings) (incf arwords iwords) (incf arresults)) ((eql active 1) (incf aulength ilength) (incf aureadings ireadings) (incf auwords iwords) (incf auresults)) ((and (numberp active) (> active 1)) (incf aalength ilength) (incf aareadings ireadings) (incf aawords iwords) (incf aaresults)) ((or (null active) (and (numberp active) (= active -1))) (incf aslength ilength) (incf asreadings ireadings) (incf aswords iwords) (incf asresults)))) finally (push (cons (first aggregate) (pairlis '(:items :restricted :i-length :rlength :ulength :alength :slength :words :rwords :uwords :awords :swords :l-stasks :lambiguity :analyses :results :ranalyses :rresults :uanalyses :uresults :aanalyses :aresults :sanalyses :sresults) (list nitems nritems (divide alength nritems) (divide arlength arresults) (divide aulength auresults) (divide aalength aaresults) (divide aslength asresults) (divide awords nritems) (divide arwords arresults) (divide auwords auresults) (divide aawords aaresults) (divide aswords asresults) (divide alstasks nritems) (divide awords alength) (divide areadings aresults) aresults (divide arreadings arresults) arresults (divide aureadings auresults) auresults (divide aareadings aaresults) aaresults (divide asreadings asresults) asresults))) result) (incf titems nitems) (incf tritems nritems) (incf tlength alength) (incf trlength arlength) (incf tulength aulength) (incf talength aalength) (incf tslength aslength) (incf twords awords) (incf trwords arwords) (incf tuwords auwords) (incf tawords aawords) (incf tswords aswords) (incf tlstasks alstasks) (incf treadings areadings) (incf tresults aresults) (incf trreadings arreadings) (incf trresults arresults) (incf tureadings aureadings) (incf turesults auresults) (incf tareadings aareadings) (incf taresults aaresults) (incf tsreadings asreadings) (incf tsresults asresults)) finally (push (cons :total (pairlis '(:items :restricted :i-length :rlength :ulength :alength :slength :words :l-stasks :rwords :uwords :awords :swords :lambiguity :analyses :results :ranalyses :rresults :uanalyses :uresults :aanalyses :aresults :sanalyses :sresults) (list titems tritems (divide tlength tritems) (divide trlength trresults) (divide tulength turesults) (divide talength taresults) (divide tslength tsresults) (divide twords tritems) (divide tlstasks tritems) (divide trwords trresults) (divide tuwords turesults) (divide tawords taresults) (divide tswords tsresults) (divide twords tlength) (divide treadings tresults) tresults (divide trreadings trresults) trresults (divide tureadings turesults) turesults (divide tareadings taresults) taresults (divide tsreadings tsresults) tsresults))) result) (return (delete :all result :key #'first)))) (defun analyze-competence (&optional (language *tsdb-data*) &key (condition *statistics-select-condition*) (wf 1) division file append (format :latex) restrictor meter) (declare (ignore restrictor)) (let* ((stream (create-output-stream file append)) (division (unless (or (null division) (equal division "")) (if (or (null condition) (equal condition "")) division (format nil "(~a) and (~a)" condition division)))) (imeter (if division (madjust * meter 0.5) meter)) (dmeter (when division (madjust + (madjust * meter 0.5) (mduration imeter)))) (items (if (stringp language) (analyze-aggregates language :condition condition :meter imeter :format format) language)) (ditems (when (and division (stringp language)) (analyze-aggregates language :condition division :meter dmeter :format format))) (averages (if ditems (summarize-competence-parameters-by-division items ditems :restrictor (when *statistics-exclude-illformed-items-p* #'(lambda (foo) (not (= (get-field :i-wf foo) wf))))) (summarize-competence-parameters items :restrictor (when *statistics-exclude-illformed-items-p* #'(lambda (foo) (not (= (get-field :i-wf foo) wf))))))) (naggregates (- (length averages) 1)) (ncolumns 8) (alabel (if (eq *statistics-aggregate-dimension* :phenomena) "Phenomenon" "Aggregate")) (caption (format nil "(generated by ~a at ~a)" *tsdb-name* (current-time :long :pretty)))) (case format (:latex (format stream "\\begin{tabular}{@{}|l|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|@{}}~% ~ \\hline~% ~ \\multicolumn{~d}{|c|}~% {\\bf `~a' ~a Profile}\\\\~% ~ \\hline\\hline~% ~ & {\\bf total} & {\\bf ~a} & {\\bf word} & {\\bf lexical}~% ~ & {\\bf distinct} & {\\bf total} & {\\bf overall}\\\\~% ~ {\\bf ~a} & {\\bf items} & {\\bf items} & {\\bf string}~% ~ & {\\bf items} & {\\bf analyses} & {\\bf results}~% ~ & {\\bf coverage}\\\\~% ~ & $\\sharp$ & $\\sharp$ & $\\phi$ & $\\phi$ & $\\phi$~% ~ & $\\sharp$ & $\\%$\\\\~% ~ \\hline~% ~ \\hline~%" ncolumns (if (stringp language) language "") (if (= wf 1) "Coverage" "Overgeneration") (if (= wf 1) "positive" "negative") alabel)) (:tcl (format stream *statistics-tcl-formats*) (format stream "flags 1~%~ layout col def -m1 5 -r 1 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout row def -m1 5 -r 0 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout col 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j left~%~ layout col 1 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j left~%~ layout col 8 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout row 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row 1 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~%" (+ naggregates 1) (+ naggregates 2)) (format stream "cell 1 1 -contents {~a} -format title~%~ cell 1 2 -contents \"total\\nitems\\n#\" -format title~%~ cell 1 3 -contents \"~a\\nitems\\n#\" -format title~%~ cell 1 4 -contents \"word\\nstring\\n\\330\" -format title~%~ cell 1 5 -contents \"lexical\\nitems\\n\\330\" -format title~%~ cell 1 6 -contents \"distinct\\nanalyses\\n\\330\" -format title~%~ cell 1 7 -contents \"total\\nresults\\n#\" -format title~%~ cell 1 8 -contents \"overall\\ncoverage\\n%\" -format title~%~%" alabel (if (= wf 1) "positive" "negative"))) (:ascii (format stream "`~a' ~a Summary~%" language (if (= wf 1) "Coverage" "Overgeneration")))) (loop for aggregate in items for i from 2 for data = (rest (assoc (first aggregate) averages)) when data do (let* ((name (if (equal format :latex) (latexify-string (second aggregate)) (second aggregate))) (items (get-field :items data)) (restricted (get-field :restricted data)) (length (get-field :i-length data)) (words (get-field :words data)) (analyses (get-field :analyses data)) (results (get-field :results data)) (coverage (if (zerop restricted) 0 (float (* 100 (/ results restricted)))))) (case format (:latex (format stream " ~a & ~d & ~d & ~,2f & ~,2f & ~,2f & ~d & ~,1f\\\\~%" name items restricted length words analyses results coverage)) (:tcl (format stream "cell ~d 1 -contents {~a} -format aggregate~%~ cell ~d 2 -contents ~d -format data~%~ cell ~d 3 -contents ~d -format data~%~ cell ~d 4 -contents ~,2f -format data~%~ cell ~d 5 -contents ~,2f -format data~%~ cell ~d 6 -contents ~,2f -format data~%~ cell ~d 7 -contents ~d -format data~%~ cell ~d 8 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~%" i name i items i restricted i length i words i analyses i results i coverage)) (:ascii (format stream " ~a item~p (~,2f length); ~a result~p; ~,1f coverage~%" name items items length results results coverage))))) (let* ((data (rest (assoc :total averages))) (name "Total") (items (get-field :items data)) (restricted (get-field :restricted data)) (length (get-field :i-length data)) (words (get-field :words data)) (analyses (get-field :analyses data)) (results (get-field :results data)) (coverage (if (zerop restricted) 100 (float (* 100 (/ results restricted)))))) (case format (:latex (format stream " \\hline~% \\hline~% ~ {\\bf ~a} & {\\bf ~d} & {\\bf ~d} & {\\bf ~,2f} & {\\bf ~,2f}~% ~ & {\\bf ~,2f} & {\\bf ~d} & {\\bf ~,1f}\\\\~% \\hline~%" name items restricted length words analyses results coverage) (format stream " \\multicolumn{~d}{r}{\\tiny ~% ~a}~%~ \\end{tabular}~%" ncolumns caption)) (:tcl (format stream "cell ~d 1 -contents {~a} -format total~%~ cell ~d 2 -contents ~d -format total~%~ cell ~d 3 -contents ~d -format total~%~ cell ~d 4 -contents ~,2f -format total~%~ cell ~d 5 -contents ~,2f -format total~%~ cell ~d 6 -contents ~,2f -format total~%~ cell ~d 7 -contents ~d -format total~%~ cell ~d 8 -contents ~,1f -format total~%~%" (+ naggregates 2) name (+ naggregates 2) items (+ naggregates 2) restricted (+ naggregates 2) length (+ naggregates 2) words (+ naggregates 2) analyses (+ naggregates 2) results (+ naggregates 2) coverage)) (:ascii (format stream " ~a: ~a item~p (~,2f length); ~a result~p; ~,1f coverage~%~%" name items items length results results coverage)))) (when (or (stringp file) (stringp append)) (close stream)))) (defun compare-competence (olanguage nlanguage &key (condition *statistics-select-condition*) (olabel "(g)old") (nlabel "new") (format :latex) file append meter) (let* ((ometer (madjust / meter 2)) (nmeter (madjust + ometer (mduration ometer))) (oitems (if (stringp olanguage) (analyze-aggregates olanguage :condition condition :meter ometer :format format) olanguage)) (nitems (if (stringp nlanguage) (if *statistics-analogy-aggregation-p* (aggregate-by-analogy nlanguage oitems :condition condition :meter nmeter) (analyze-aggregates nlanguage :condition condition :meter nmeter :format format)) nlanguage)) (ncolumns 9) (alabel (if (eq *statistics-aggregate-dimension* :phenomena) "Phenomenon" "Aggregate")) (caption (format nil "(generated by ~a at ~a)" *tsdb-name* (current-time :long :pretty)))) (cond ((or (null oitems) (null nitems)) 1) ((not (= (length oitems) (length nitems))) 2) (t (let* ((stream (create-output-stream file append)) (oaverages (summarize-competence-parameters oitems)) (naggregates (- (length oaverages) 1)) (owfaverages (summarize-competence-parameters oitems :restrictor (when *statistics-exclude-illformed-items-p* #'(lambda (foo) (not (= (get-field :i-wf foo) 1)))))) (oifaverages (summarize-competence-parameters oitems :restrictor (when *statistics-exclude-illformed-items-p* #'(lambda (foo) (not (= (get-field :i-wf foo) 0)))))) (naverages (summarize-competence-parameters nitems)) (nwfaverages (summarize-competence-parameters nitems :restrictor (when *statistics-exclude-illformed-items-p* #'(lambda (foo) (not (= (get-field :i-wf foo) 1)))))) (nifaverages (summarize-competence-parameters nitems :restrictor (when *statistics-exclude-illformed-items-p* #'(lambda (foo) (not (= (get-field :i-wf foo) 0)))))) (*print-circle* nil)) (case format (:latex (format stream "\\begin{tabular}{@{}|l|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|@{}}~% ~ \\hline~% ~ & \\multicolumn{4}{|c|}{\\bf ~a}~% ~ & \\multicolumn{4}{|c|}{\\bf ~a}\\\\~% ~ {\\bf ~a} ~ & {\\bf lexical} & {\\bf analyses} ~ & {\\bf in} & {\\bf out}~% ~ & {\\bf lexical} & {\\bf analyses} ~ & {\\bf in} & {\\bf out}\\\\~% ~ & $\\phi$ & $\\phi$ & \\% & \\%~% ~ & $\\phi$ & $\\phi$ & \\% & \\%\\\\~% ~ \\hline~% ~ \\hline~%" olabel nlabel alabel)) (:tcl (when *statistics-tcl-formats* (format stream *statistics-tcl-formats*)) (format stream "flags 1~%~ layout col def -m1 5 -r 1 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout row def -m1 5 -r 0 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout col 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout col 1 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j left~%~ layout col 5 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout col 9 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout col 10 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout row 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row 2 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~%" (+ naggregates 2) (+ naggregates 3)) (format stream "cell 1 1 -contents {~a} -format title~%~ region 1 1 2 1 -contents {~a} -format title ~ -hor_justify left -ver_justify center~%~ region 1 2 1 5 -contents {~a} -format title -hor_justify center~%~ region 1 6 1 9 -contents {~a} -format title -hor_justify center~%" alabel alabel olabel nlabel) (do ((labels '("lexical\\n\\330" "analyses\\n\\330" "in\\n\\330" "out\\n\\330" "lexical\\n\\330" "analyses\\n\\330" "in\\n\\330" "out\\n\\330") (rest labels)) (i 2 (+ i 1))) ((null labels)) (format stream "cell 2 ~d -contents \"~a\" -format title~%~ region 2 ~d 2 ~d -contents \"~a\" -format title ~ -hor_justify center~%" i (first labels) i i (first labels))))) (do* ((oitems (remove :all oitems :key #'first) (rest oitems)) (i 3 (+ i 1))) ((null oitems)) (let* ((phenomenon (first oitems)) (odata (rest (assoc (first phenomenon) oaverages))) (owfdata (rest (assoc (first phenomenon) owfaverages))) (oifdata (rest (assoc (first phenomenon) oifaverages))) (ndata (rest (assoc (first phenomenon) naverages))) (nwfdata (rest (assoc (first phenomenon) nwfaverages))) (nifdata (rest (assoc (first phenomenon) nifaverages))) (name (if (eq format :latex) (latexify-string (second phenomenon)) (second phenomenon))) (owords (get-field :lambiguity odata)) (oanalyses (get-field :analyses odata)) (owfrestricted (get-field :restricted owfdata)) (owfresults (get-field :results owfdata)) (owfcoverage (if (zerop owfrestricted) 100 (float (* 100 (/ owfresults owfrestricted))))) (oifrestricted (get-field :restricted oifdata)) (oifresults (get-field :results oifdata)) (oifcoverage (if (zerop oifrestricted) 100 (float (* 100 (/ oifresults oifrestricted))))) (nwords (get-field :lambiguity ndata)) (nanalyses (get-field :analyses ndata)) (nwfrestricted (get-field :restricted nwfdata)) (nwfresults (get-field :results nwfdata)) (nwfcoverage (if (zerop nwfrestricted) 100 (float (* 100 (/ nwfresults nwfrestricted))))) (nifrestricted (get-field :restricted nifdata)) (nifresults (get-field :results nifdata)) (nifcoverage (if (zerop nifrestricted) 100 (float (* 100 (/ nifresults nifrestricted)))))) (case format (:latex (format stream " ~a & ~,2f & ~,2f & ~,1f & ~,1f~% ~ & ~,2f & ~,2f & ~,1f & ~,1f\\\\~%" name owords oanalyses owfcoverage oifcoverage nwords nanalyses nwfcoverage nifcoverage)) (:tcl (format stream "cell ~d 1 -contents {~a} -format aggregate~%~ cell ~d 2 -contents ~,2f -format data~%~ cell ~d 3 -contents ~,2f -format data~%~ cell ~d 4 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 5 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 6 -contents ~,2f -format data~%~ cell ~d 7 -contents ~,2f -format data~%~ cell ~d 8 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 9 -contents ~,1f -format data~%" i name i owords i oanalyses i owfcoverage i oifcoverage i nwords i nanalyses i nwfcoverage i nifcoverage))))) (let* ((odata (rest (assoc :total oaverages))) (owfdata (rest (assoc :total owfaverages))) (oifdata (rest (assoc :total oifaverages))) (ndata (rest (assoc :total naverages))) (nwfdata (rest (assoc :total nwfaverages))) (nifdata (rest (assoc :total nifaverages))) (name "Total") (owords (get-field :lambiguity odata)) (oanalyses (get-field :analyses odata)) (owfrestricted (get-field :restricted owfdata)) (owfresults (get-field :results owfdata)) (owfcoverage (if (zerop owfrestricted) 100 (float (* 100 (/ owfresults owfrestricted))))) (oifrestricted (get-field :restricted oifdata)) (oifresults (get-field :results oifdata)) (oifcoverage (if (zerop oifrestricted) 100 (float (* 100 (/ oifresults oifrestricted))))) (nwords (get-field :lambiguity ndata)) (nanalyses (get-field :analyses ndata)) (nwfrestricted (get-field :restricted nwfdata)) (nwfresults (get-field :results nwfdata)) (nwfcoverage (if (zerop nwfrestricted) 100 (float (* 100 (/ nwfresults nwfrestricted))))) (nifrestricted (get-field :restricted nifdata)) (nifresults (get-field :results nifdata)) (nifcoverage (if (zerop nifrestricted) 100 (float (* 100 (/ nifresults nifrestricted)))))) (case format (:latex (format stream " \\hline~% \\hline~% ~ {\\bf ~a} & {\\bf ~,2f} & {\\bf ~,2f} ~ & {\\bf ~,1f} & {\\bf ~,1f}~% ~ & {\\bf ~,2f} & {\\bf ~,2f} ~ & {\\bf ~,1f} & {\\bf ~,1f}\\\\~% \\hline~%" name owords oanalyses owfcoverage oifcoverage nwords nanalyses nwfcoverage nifcoverage) (format stream " \\multicolumn{~d}{r}{\\tiny ~% ~a}~%~ \\end{tabular}~%" ncolumns caption)) (:tcl (format stream "cell ~d 1 -contents {~a} -format total~%~ cell ~d 2 -contents ~,2f -format total~%~ cell ~d 3 -contents ~,2f -format total~%~ cell ~d 4 -contents ~,1f -format total~%~ cell ~d 5 -contents ~,1f -format total~%~ cell ~d 6 -contents ~,2f -format total~%~ cell ~d 7 -contents ~,2f -format total~%~ cell ~d 8 -contents ~,1f -format total~%~ cell ~d 9 -contents ~,1f -format total~%" (+ naggregates 3) name (+ naggregates 3) owords (+ naggregates 3) oanalyses (+ naggregates 3) owfcoverage (+ naggregates 3) oifcoverage (+ naggregates 3) nwords (+ naggregates 3) nanalyses (+ naggregates 3) nwfcoverage (+ naggregates 3) nifcoverage)))) (when (or (stringp file) (stringp append)) (close stream)) 0))))) (defun intersect-results (oitem nitem fields subsetp bestp) (loop with item = '(:p-input :p-tokens) with oresults = (get-field :results oitem) with best = (when bestp (let ((ranks (get-field :ranks oitem))) (loop for rank in ranks for foo = (get-field :rank rank) thereis (when (eql foo 1) (get-field :result-id rank))))) with nresults = (get-field :results nitem) for field in fields for predicate = (find-attribute-predicate field) for ovalues = (if (smember field item) (get-field field oitem) (loop for result in oresults when (or (null bestp) (eql (get-field :result-id result) best)) collect (get-field field result))) for nvalues = (if (smember field item) (get-field field nitem) (loop for result in nresults collect (get-field field result))) for common = nil for oplus = (loop for ovalue in ovalues unless (member ovalue nvalues :test-not predicate) collect ovalue else do (push ovalue common) do (setf nvalues (delete ovalue nvalues :count 1 :test-not predicate))) collect (list oplus common (unless (and subsetp (null oplus)) nvalues)))) (defun compare-in-detail (olanguage nlanguage &key (condition *statistics-select-condition*) (show '(:i-input :i-wf)) (compare '(:words :readings)) decorate (sloppyp *statistics-detail-sloppy-alignment-p*) (format :tcl) (olabel "(g)old") (nlabel "new") subsetp bestp (analogyp *statistics-analogy-aggregation-p*) file append meter (prefix "")) (let* ((ometer (madjust / meter 2)) (nmeter (madjust + ometer (mduration ometer))) (show (delete :i-id (if (atom show) (list show) show))) (shows (+ (length show) (if sloppyp 2 1))) (compare (if (atom compare) (list compare) compare)) (thorough (nreverse (intersection '(:derivation :mrs :tree :surface) compare))) (input (nreverse (intersection '(:p-input :p-tokens) compare))) (compare (set-difference compare thorough :test #'equal)) (compare (set-difference compare input :test #'equal)) (decorate (set-difference decorate compare :test #'equal)) (predicates (loop for field in compare collect (find-attribute-predicate field))) (compares (length compare)) (ogranularity (if (stringp olanguage) (profile-granularity olanguage) *tsdb-current-granularity*)) (ngranularity (if (stringp nlanguage) (profile-granularity olanguage) *tsdb-current-granularity*)) (oitems (if (stringp olanguage) (analyze olanguage :condition condition :thorough thorough :gold (when bestp olanguage) :sloppyp bestp :inputp input :meter ometer :message meter) olanguage)) (oitems (sort (copy-seq oitems) #'< :key #'(lambda (foo) (get-field :i-id foo)))) (nitems (if (stringp nlanguage) (analyze nlanguage :condition condition :thorough thorough :inputp input :meter nmeter :message meter) nlanguage)) (thorough (append input thorough)) (stream (create-output-stream file append)) (nitems (sort (copy-seq nitems) #'< :key #'(lambda (foo) (get-field :i-id foo)))) (*tsdb-gc-message-p* (unless (eq format :ascii) *tsdb-gc-message-p*))) (case format (:tcl ;; ;; get the table header printed: number of columns, justification, ;; and labels depend on the attributes asked for. ;; (when *statistics-tcl-formats* (format stream *statistics-tcl-formats*)) (format stream "flags 0~%~ layout col def -m1 5 -r 1 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout row def -m1 5 -r 0 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout col 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout col ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout col ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout row 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row 2 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%" (if sloppyp 2 1) shows) (if sloppyp (format stream "cell 1 1 -contents {<} -format title~%~ region 1 1 1 2 -contents {i-id} ~ -format title -hor_justify center~%~ cell 2 1 -contents {<} -format title~%~ region 2 1 2 1 -contents {<} ~ -format title -hor_justify center~%~ cell 2 2 -contents {>} -format title~%~ region 2 2 2 2 -contents {>} ~ -format title -hor_justify center~%") (format stream "cell 1 1 -contents {i-id} -format title~%~ region 1 1 2 1 -contents {i-id} ~ -format title -hor_justify center~%")) (unless (zerop compares) (format stream "layout col ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout col ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ region 1 ~d 1 ~d -contents {~a} -format title ~ -hor_justify center~%~ region 1 ~d 1 ~d -contents {~a} -format title ~ -hor_justify center~%" (+ shows compares) (+ shows compares compares) (+ shows 1) (+ shows compares) olabel (+ shows compares 1) (+ shows compares compares) nlabel)) (do ((show show (rest show)) (i (if sloppyp 3 2) (+ i 1))) ((null show)) (let ((justification (case (first show) (:i-input "left") (:i-wf "center")))) (when justification (format stream "layout col ~d -m1 5 -r ~:[1~;2~] -m2 5 -c black -j ~a~%" i (null (rest show)) justification))) (format stream "cell 1 ~d -contents {~(~a~)} -format title~%~ region 1 ~d 2 ~d -contents {~(~a~)} -format title ~ -hor_justify center~%" i (first show) i i (first show))) (do ((compare (append compare compare) (rest compare)) (i (+ shows 1) (+ i 1))) ((null compare)) (let ((justification (case (first compare) (:tree "left")))) (when justification (format stream "layout col ~d -m1 5 -r ~:[1~;2~] -m2 5 -c black -j ~a~%" i (null (rest compare)) justification))) (format stream "cell 2 ~d -contents {~(~a~)} -format title~%~ region 2 ~d 2 ~d -contents {~(~a~)} -format title ~ -hor_justify center~%" i (first compare) i i (first compare))) (loop for field in thorough for i from (+ shows compares compares 1) by 3 do (format stream "region 1 ~d 1 ~d -contents {~(~a~)} -format title ~ -hor_justify center~%" i (+ i 2) field) (format stream "cell 2 ~d -contents {~(~a~)} -format title~%~ cell 2 ~d -contents {~(~a~)} -format title~%~ cell 2 ~d -contents {~(~a~)} -format title~%" i "<" (+ i 1) "=" (+ i 2) ">") (format stream "layout col ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%" (+ i 2)))) (:ascii (format stream "~%~a[~a] compare-in-detail():~%~ ~a `~a' vs. `~a'~%~ ~a on ~({~{`~a'~^ ~}}~) and <~{`~(~a~)'~^ ~}> ~ with ~([~{`~a'~^ ~}]~):~%~%" prefix (current-time :long :short) prefix olanguage nlanguage prefix compare thorough decorate))) ;; ;; my first loop() (if bernd knew |:-) (28-jul-98 - oe@csli) ;; (loop with ooffset = 0 with noffset = 0 with row = 3 with separator = 1 when (= (- row 2) (* separator 10)) do (case format (:tcl (format stream "layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%" row))) (incf separator) finally (case format (:tcl (unless (zerop (- row 3)) (format stream "cell ~d 1 -contents {~a} -format data~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%" row (- row 3) (- row 1)) (incf row)) (format stream "layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%" (- row 1))) (:ascii (let ((n (- row 3))) (format stream "~:[~;~%~]~a[~a] compare-in-detail(): ~a difference~p.~%" (> n 0) prefix (current-time :long :short) n n)))) while (or oitems nitems) do (let* ((oitem (first oitems)) (oi-id (get-field :i-id oitem)) (nitem (first nitems)) (ni-id (get-field :i-id nitem)) (oshow (map 'list #'(lambda (attribute) (or (when (eq attribute :i-input) (get-field :o-input oitem)) (get-field attribute oitem))) show)) (nshow (map 'list #'(lambda (attribute) (or (when (eq attribute :i-input) (get-field :o-input nitem)) (get-field attribute nitem))) show)) (ocompare (map 'list #'(lambda (attribute) (get-field attribute oitem)) compare)) (ncompare (map 'list #'(lambda (attribute) (get-field attribute nitem)) compare)) (odecoration (when oitem (loop for field in decorate if (smember field *statistics-time-fields*) collect (let* ((raw (get-field field oitem)) (time (convert-time raw ogranularity))) (if (or (null time) (minus-one-p time)) "" (format nil "~,2f" time))) else collect (get-field field oitem)))) (ndecoration (when nitem (loop for field in decorate if (smember field *statistics-time-fields*) collect (let* ((raw (get-field field nitem)) (time (convert-time raw ngranularity))) (if (or (null time) (minus-one-p time)) "" (format nil "~,2f" time))) else collect (get-field field nitem)))) clashes) #+:cdebug (format t "[~d ~d] (~d ~a) (~d ~a)" ooffset noffset oi-id (or (get-field :o-input oitem) (get-field :i-input oitem)) ni-id (or (get-field :o-input nitem) (get-field :i-input nitem))) ;; ;; in `align' mode: when necessary, determine distance to closest ;; alignment point (identical :i-input values); if there is none, ;; output all remaining items from `old' first, then `new'. ;; (when (and sloppyp (or (and (null ooffset) (null noffset)) (and ooffset (zerop ooffset) noffset (zerop noffset) (not (equal oshow nshow))))) (setf ooffset (loop with oi-input = (get-field :i-input oitem) for nitem in nitems for ni-input = (get-field :i-input nitem) for i from 0 to *statistics-detail-alignment-bracket* thereis (and (equal oi-input ni-input) i))) (setf noffset (loop with ni-input = (get-field :i-input nitem) for oitem in oitems for oi-input = (get-field :i-input oitem) for i from 0 to *statistics-detail-alignment-bracket* thereis (and (equal oi-input ni-input) i))) (if (and ooffset noffset) (if (< ooffset noffset) (setf noffset nil) (setf ooffset nil)) (when (and (null ooffset) (null noffset)) (setf ooffset 1) (setf noffset 1)))) #+:cdebug (format t " --- [~d ~d]~%" ooffset noffset) (cond ((if sloppyp (and ooffset (zerop ooffset) noffset (zerop noffset)) (and (eql oi-id ni-id) (equal oshow nshow))) ;; ;; two items of same identifier have equal values for all ;; .show. attributes (as they should |:-) ;; (setf clashes (intersect-results oitem nitem thorough subsetp bestp)) (when (or (loop for clash in clashes thereis (or (first clash) (third clash))) (loop for predicate in predicates for ovalue in ocompare for nvalue in ncompare when (funcall predicate ovalue nvalue) do (return t) finally (return nil))) (case format (:tcl (format stream "cell ~d 1 -contents {~:[{~a}~;~:d~]} -format data~%" row (integerp oi-id) oi-id) (when sloppyp (format stream "cell ~d 2 -contents {~:[{~a}~;~:d~]} -format data~%" row (integerp ni-id) ni-id)) (loop for j from (if sloppyp 3 2) for key in show for value in oshow when (and (eq key :i-input) (stringp olanguage)) do (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents {~a} ~ -format data -key ~d -source {~a}~%" row j (tcl-escape-braces value) oi-id olanguage) else do (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents {~a} -format data~%" row j (tcl-escape-braces value))) (loop for value in (append ocompare ncompare) for j from (+ shows 1) do (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents {~a} -format data~%" row j (tcl-escape-braces value))) (loop for j from (+ shows compares compares 1) by 3 for field in thorough for (oclash common nclash) in clashes for otag = (intern (gensym "") :keyword) for ctag = (intern (gensym "") :keyword) for ntag = (intern (gensym "") :keyword) do ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; this creates a potential memory leak: as soon as ;; the window for this table is destroyed, there ;; will be no further reference to the (tag) ;; symbols used to store data on the lisp side. ;; yet, the values associated with the symbol ;; properties will never become unbound. ;; (11-mar-99 - oe@csli) ;; (setf (get :source otag) olanguage) (setf (get :contrast otag) nlanguage) (setf (get :i-id otag) oi-id) (setf (get :i-input otag) (or (get-field :o-input oitem) (get-field :i-input oitem))) (setf (get :field otag) field) (setf (get :value otag) oclash) (setf (get :source ctag) nlanguage) (setf (get :contrast ctag) olanguage) (setf (get :i-id ctag) ni-id) (setf (get :i-input ctag) (or (get-field :o-input nitem) (get-field :i-input nitem))) (setf (get :field ctag) field) (setf (get :value ctag) common) (setf (get :source ntag) nlanguage) (setf (get :contrast ntag) olanguage) (setf (get :i-id ntag) ni-id) (setf (get :i-input ntag) (or (get-field :o-input nitem) (get-field :i-input nitem))) (setf (get :field ntag) field) (setf (get :value ntag) nclash) (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents ~d -format data ~ -action browse -tag ~a~%~ cell ~d ~d -contents ~d -format data ~ -action browse -tag ~a~%~ cell ~d ~d -contents ~d -format data ~ -action browse -tag ~a~%" row j (length oclash) otag row (+ j 1) (length common) ctag row (+ j 2) (length nclash) ntag))) (:ascii (format stream "~a [~a~@[:~a~]]" prefix oi-id (and sloppyp ni-id)) (loop for value in oshow do (format stream " |~a|" value)) (format stream " {~{~a~^ ~}} {~{~a~^ ~}}" ocompare ncompare) (loop for (oclash common nclash) in clashes do (format stream " <~a|~a|~a>" (length oclash) (length common) (length nclash))) (format stream " [~{~a~^ ~}] [~{~a~^ ~}]" odecoration ndecoration) (format stream "~%"))) (incf row)) (pop oitems) (pop nitems)) ((if sloppyp (or (null ni-id) (and noffset (> noffset 0))) (or (null ni-id) (and oi-id (<= oi-id ni-id)))) ;; ;; if .oi-id. is less or equal (which it should not be) to ;; .ni-id. output .compare. values for `old' item and continue ;; (unless analogyp (setf clashes (intersect-results oitem nil thorough nil bestp)) (case format (:tcl (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents {~:[{~a}~;~:d~]} -format data~%" row 1 (integerp oi-id) oi-id) (loop for j from (if sloppyp 3 2) for key in show for value in oshow do (if (and (eq key :i-input) (stringp olanguage)) (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents {~a} ~ -format data -key ~d -source {~a}~%" row j (tcl-escape-braces value) oi-id olanguage) (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents {~a} -format data~%" row j (tcl-escape-braces value)))) (loop for value in ocompare for j from (+ shows 1) do (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents {~a} -format data~%" row j (tcl-escape-braces value))) (loop for j from (+ shows compares compares 1) by 3 for field in thorough for (oclash common nclash) in clashes for otag = (intern (gensym "") :keyword) do (setf nclash nclash) (setf common common) (setf (get :source otag) olanguage) (setf (get :contrast otag) nlanguage) (setf (get :i-id otag) oi-id) (setf (get :i-input otag) (or (get-field :o-input oitem) (get-field :i-input oitem))) (setf (get :field otag) field) (setf (get :value otag) oclash) (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents ~d -format data ~ -action browse -tag ~a~%" row j (length oclash) otag))) (:ascii (format stream "~a [~a]" prefix oi-id) (loop for value in oshow do (format stream " |~a|" value)) (format stream " {~{~a~^ ~}} {}" ocompare) (loop for (oclash common nclash) in clashes do (format stream " <~a|~a|~a>" (length oclash) (length common) (length nclash))) (format stream " [~{~a~^ ~}] []" odecoration) (format stream "~%"))) (incf row)) (pop oitems) (when noffset (when (and (zerop (decf noffset)) (null ooffset)) (setf ooffset 0)))) (t ;; ;; otherwise (.ni-id. is less than .oi-id.) output .compare. ;; values for it and leave `old' item to next iteration ;; (unless analogyp (setf clashes (intersect-results nil nitem thorough nil nil)) (case format (:tcl (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents {~:[{~a}~;~:d~]} -format data~%" row (if sloppyp 2 1) (integerp ni-id) ni-id) (loop for j from (if sloppyp 3 2) for key in show for value in nshow do (if (and (eq key :i-input) (string nlanguage)) (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents {~a} ~ -format data -key ~d -source {~a}~%" row j (tcl-escape-braces value) ni-id nlanguage) (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents {~a} -format data~%" row j (tcl-escape-braces value)))) (loop for value in ncompare for j from (+ shows compares 1) do (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents {~a} -format data~%" row j (tcl-escape-braces value))) (loop for j from (+ shows compares compares 1) by 3 for field in thorough for (oclash common nclash) in clashes for ntag = (intern (gensym "") :keyword) do (setf oclash oclash) (setf common common) (setf (get :source ntag) nlanguage) (setf (get :contrast ntag) olanguage) (setf (get :i-id ntag) ni-id) (setf (get :i-input ntag) (or (get-field :o-input nitem) (get-field :i-input nitem))) (setf (get :field ntag) field) (setf (get :value ntag) nclash) (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents ~d -format data ~ -action browse -tag ~a~%" row (+ j 2) (length nclash) ntag))) (:ascii (format stream "~a [~@[~*:~]~a]" prefix sloppyp ni-id) (loop for value in nshow do (format stream " |~a|" value)) (format stream " {} {~{~a~^ ~}}" ncompare) (loop for field in thorough for (oclash common nclash) in clashes do (format stream " <~a|~a|~a>" (length oclash) (length common) (length nclash))) (format stream " [] [~{~a~^ ~}]" ndecoration) (format stream "~%"))) (incf row)) (pop nitems) (when ooffset (when (and (zerop (decf ooffset)) (null noffset)) (setf noffset 0))))))) (when (or (stringp file) (stringp append)) (close stream)))) (defun browse-results (data &key (condition *statistics-select-condition*) (format :tcl) file append meter) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; with large numbers of results, retrieval of all trees or MRSs can take ;; a long time, so maybe get user confirm first (28-oct-03; oe) ;; (let* ((thorough '(:derivation :mrs :tree :surface)) (condition (if condition (concatenate 'string "(readings >= 1) && " condition) "readings >= 1")) (items (if (stringp data) (analyze data :condition condition :thorough thorough :filter t :extras t :meter meter :message (and meter t)) data)) (message (format nil "generating `~a' result view ..." data)) (stream (create-output-stream file append)) (items (sort (copy-seq items) #'< :key #'(lambda (foo) (get-field :i-id foo))))) (when meter (when (> (length items) *statistics-critical-line-threshold*) (send-to-podium "tsdb_beep" :wait t) (let* ((prompt (format nil "yes-or-no-p {table generation may be slow ~ (~d items); continue}" (length items))) (result (send-to-podium prompt :wait t))) (when (and (eq (first result) :ok) (not (= (second result) 1))) (when (or (stringp file) (stringp append)) (close stream)) (return-from browse-results nil)))) (status :text message) (meter :value 0)) (case format (:tcl (when *statistics-tcl-formats* (format stream *statistics-tcl-formats*)) (format stream "flags 1~%~ layout col def -m1 5 -r 1 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row def -m1 5 -r 0 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout col 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout col 2 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j left~%~ layout col 6 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row 1 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ cell 1 1 -contents {i-id} -format title~%~ cell 1 2 -contents {i-input} -format title~%~ cell 1 3 -contents {readings} -format title~%~ cell 1 4 -contents {derivation} -format title~%~ cell 1 5 -contents {mrs} -format title~%~ cell 1 6 -contents {tree} -format title~%~ cell 1 7 -contents {surface} -format title~%" (+ (length items) 1)))) (loop with increment = (and meter (/ 1 (if items (length items) 1))) with separator = 1 with indices = (loop with indices for field in '(:i-id :i-input :o-input :readings :results :nfragments) for i from 0 do (setf (getf indices field) i) finally (return indices)) for row from 2 by 1 for item in items for values = (loop with values = (make-array 6) for pair in item for key = (first pair) for index = (getf indices key) when index do (setf (aref values index) (rest pair)) finally (return values)) for i-id = (aref values (getf indices :i-id)) for i-input = (aref values (getf indices :i-input)) for o-input = (aref values (getf indices :o-input)) for readings = (aref values (getf indices :readings)) for results = (aref values (getf indices :results)) for nfragments = (aref values (getf indices :nfragments)) for derivations = (loop for result in results for derivation = (get-field :derivation result) when derivation collect derivation) for mrss = (loop for result in results for mrs = (get-field :mrs result) when (and mrs (not (equal mrs ""))) collect mrs) for trees = (loop for result in results for tree = (get-field :tree result) when (and tree (not (equal tree ""))) collect tree) for surfaces = (loop for result in results for surface = (get-field :surface result) when (and surface (not (equal surface ""))) collect surface) for otag = (intern (gensym "") :keyword) for dtag = (intern (gensym "") :keyword) for mtag = (intern (gensym "") :keyword) for ttag = (intern (gensym "") :keyword) for stag = (intern (gensym "") :keyword) when (= (- row 1) (* separator 10)) do (case format (:tcl (format stream "layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%" row))) (incf separator) do (when increment (meter-advance increment)) ;; ;; _fix_me_ this creates a potential memory leak: as soon as the ;; window for this table is destroyed, there will be no further ;; reference to the (tag) symbols used to store data on the lisp ;; side. yet, the values associated with the symbol properties will ;; never become unbound. (11-apr-00) ;; (setf (get :source otag) data) (setf (get :i-id otag) i-id) (setf (get :i-input otag) (or o-input i-input)) (setf (get :field otag) :o-input) (setf (get :value otag) i-input) (setf (get :source dtag) data) (setf (get :i-id dtag) i-id) (setf (get :i-input dtag) (or o-input i-input)) (setf (get :field dtag) :derivation) (setf (get :value dtag) derivations) (setf (get :source mtag) data) (setf (get :i-id mtag) i-id) (setf (get :i-input mtag) (or o-input i-input)) (setf (get :field mtag) :mrs) (setf (get :value mtag) mrss) (setf (get :source ttag) data) (setf (get :i-id ttag) i-id) (setf (get :i-input ttag) (or o-input i-input)) (setf (get :field ttag) :tree) (setf (get :value ttag) trees) (setf (get :source stag) data) (setf (get :i-id stag) i-id) (setf (get :i-input stag) (or o-input i-input)) (setf (get :field stag) :surface) (setf (get :value stag) surfaces) (case format (:tcl (format stream "cell ~d 1 -contents {~:[{~a}~;~:d~]} -format data~%" row (integerp i-id) i-id) (if (stringp data) (format stream "cell ~d 2 -contents {~a} -format data -key ~d -source {~a}~ ~:[~*~; -action browse -stag ~a~]~%" row (tcl-escape-braces (or o-input i-input)) i-id data o-input otag) (format stream "cell ~d 2 -contents {~a} -format data~%" row (tcl-escape-braces (or o-input i-input)))) (format stream "cell ~d 3 -contents {~a}~:[~; -color blue~] -format data~%~ cell ~d 4 -contents {~a} -format data -action browse -tag ~a~%~ cell ~d 5 -contents {~a} -format data -action browse -tag ~a~%~ cell ~d 6 -contents {~a} -format data -action browse -tag ~a~%~ cell ~d 7 -contents {~a} -format data -action browse -tag ~a~%" row readings (and (numberp nfragments) (> nfragments 0)) row (length derivations) dtag row (length mrss) mtag row (length trees) ttag row (length surfaces) stag))) finally (case format (:tcl (format stream "layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%" (- row 1) row) (format stream "cell ~d 1 -contents {~a} -format total~%~ cell ~d 2 -contents {-} -format total~%~ cell ~d 3 -contents {-} -format total~%~ cell ~d 4 -contents {-} -format total~%~ cell ~d 5 -contents {-} -format total~%~ cell ~d 6 -contents {-} -format total~%~ cell ~d 7 -contents {-} -format total~%" row (- row 2) row row row row row row)))) (when meter (status :text (format nil "~a done" message) :duration 10) (meter :value 1)) (when (or (stringp file) (stringp append)) (close stream)) (length items))) (defun execute-tag (action tag &key (format :tcl) file append) (let* ((tag (intern tag :keyword))) (case action (:browse (let* ((clashes (get :value tag)) (field (get :field tag)) (i-input (get :i-input tag)) (browser (find-attribute-browser field)) (stream (and clashes (null browser) (create-output-stream file append)))) (when clashes (case format (:tcl (when stream (when *statistics-tcl-formats* (format stream *statistics-tcl-formats*)) (format stream "flags 0~%~ layout col def -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row def -m1 5 -r 1 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%")) (cond ((stringp clashes) (format stream "cell 1 1 -contents {~a} -format title~%~ layout row 2 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%" clashes)) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; we need a general way of distinguishing browsers that take a ;; set of results rather than one at a time. (30-oct-03; oe) ;; ((and (eq field :mrs) (string-equal (gethash :mrs *statistics-browsers*) "mt::browse-mrss")) (funcall browser clashes i-input)) (t (loop with *print-pretty* = nil with *print-case* = :downcase for clash in clashes for i from 1 for ntag = (unless browser (intern (gensym "") :keyword)) when browser do (funcall browser clash i-input) else do (setf (get :i-id ntag) (get :i-id tag)) (setf (get :i-input ntag) (get :i-input tag)) (setf (get :source ntag) (get :source tag)) (setf (get :value ntag) clash) (format stream "cell ~d 1 -contents {~a} -format title ~ -action reconstruct -tag ~a~%" i (tcl-escape-braces clash) ntag) finally (when stream (format stream "layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%" i))))))) (when (and stream (or (stringp file) (stringp append))) (close stream))))) (:inspect (labels ((read-score (rank) (let* ((score (get-field :score rank)) (score (cond ((numberp score) score) ((stringp score) (ignore-errors (read-from-string score)))))) (when score (setf (get-field :score rank) score)) rank))) (let* ((i-id (get :i-id tag)) (condition (format nil "i-id == ~a" i-id)) (source (get :source tag)) (match (get :match tag)) (match (when match (read-score match))) (errors (get :errors tag)) (errors (loop for error in errors collect (read-score error))) (others (get :others tag)) (others (loop for other in others collect (read-score other))) (inspect (list errors match others))) (browse-trees source :condition condition :interactive t :inspect inspect)))) (:reconstruct (let* ((i-id (get :i-id tag)) (i-input (get :i-input tag)) (derivation (get :value tag)) (derivation (if (stringp derivation) (read-from-string derivation) derivation))) (reconstruct-item i-id i-input derivation)))))) (defun summarize-performance-parameters (items &key (fields *statistics-performance-summary*) (extras *statistics-extra*) restrictor (format 199902)) (loop with fields = (append fields extras) with nfields = (length fields) with rank = (- nfields 1) with values = (make-array nfields :element-type 'integer) with totals = (make-array nfields :element-type 'integer :initial-element 0) with aitems = 0 with aanalyzed = 0 with result = nil for class in items for items = 0 for analyzed = 0 for data = (rest (rest class)) finally (let ((total (cons :total (nconc (pairlis '(:items :readings) (list aitems aanalyzed)) (pairlis fields (loop for field in fields for value across totals when (eq field :first) collect (divide value aanalyzed) else collect (divide value aitems))))))) (return (cons total (remove :all result :key #'first)))) do (loop for i from 0 to rank do (setf (aref values i) 0)) (loop for tuple in data for readings = (get-field :readings tuple) unless (or (minus-one-p readings) (and restrictor (funcall restrictor tuple))) do (incf items) (when (> readings 0) (incf analyzed)) (loop with tgc = (let ((tgc (get-field+ :tgc tuple -1))) (if (minus-one-p tgc) 0 tgc)) for i from 0 for field in fields for value = (get-field+ field tuple -1) when (and (not (minus-one-p value)) (member field *statistics-time-fields*)) do (setf value (if (member field *statistics-exclude-tgc-p*) (convert-time (- value tgc) format) (convert-time value format))) when (eq field :space) do (let* ((conses (get-field+ :conses tuple -1)) (symbols (get-field+ :symbols tuple -1)) (others (get-field+ :others tuple -1))) (if (and (minus-one-p conses) (minus-one-p symbols) (minus-one-p others)) (setf value -1) (setf value (if (>= format 199903) (+ (if (minus-one-p conses) 0 conses) (if (minus-one-p symbols) 0 symbols) (if (minus-one-p others) 0 others)) (+ (* (if (minus-one-p conses) 0 conses) 8) (* (if (minus-one-p symbols) 0 symbols) 24) (if (minus-one-p others) 0 others)))))) when (eq field :first) do (when (> readings 0) (incf (aref values i) value)) #| when (smember field extras) do (unless (<= 0 value) (incf (aref values i) value)) |# else do (incf (aref values i) value))) (incf aitems items) (incf aanalyzed analyzed) (push (cons (first class) (nconc (pairlis '(:items :readings) (list items analyzed)) (pairlis fields (loop for i from 0 for field in fields for value across values when (eq field :first) collect (divide value analyzed) and do (unless (zerop analyzed) (incf (aref totals i) value)) else do (incf (aref totals i) value) and collect (divide value items))))) result))) (defun analyze-performance (&optional (language *tsdb-data*) &key (condition *statistics-select-condition*) file append (extras *statistics-extra*) (format :latex) (view :parser) restrictor meter) (let* ((items (analyze-aggregates language :condition condition :extras extras :meter meter :format format)) (stream (create-output-stream file append)) (averages (summarize-performance-parameters items :extras extras :restrictor restrictor :format (profile-granularity language))) (naggregates (- (length averages) 1)) (ncolumns (+ 8 (if (eq format :tcl) (length extras) 0))) (alabel (if (eq *statistics-aggregate-dimension* :phenomena) "Phenomenon" "Aggregate")) (caption (format nil "(generated by ~a at ~a)" *tsdb-name* (current-time :long :pretty)))) (case format (:latex (format stream "\\begin{tabular}{@{}|l|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|@{}}~% ~ \\hline~% ~ \\multicolumn{8}{|c|}{~% {\\bf `~a'} Performance Profile}\\\\~% ~ \\hline~% \\hline~% ~ \\raisebox{-1.5ex}[0ex][0ex]{\\bf ~a}~% & {\\bf items} ~ & {\\bf etasks} & {\\bf filter} & {\\bf edges}~% ~ & {\\bf first} & {\\bf total} & {\\bf space}\\\\~% ~ & $\\sharp$ & $\\phi$ & \\% & $\\phi$~% ~ & $\\phi$ (s) & $\\phi$ (s) & $\\phi$ (kb)\\\\~% ~ \\hline~% ~ \\hline~%" (if (stringp language) language) alabel)) (:tcl (when *statistics-tcl-formats* (format stream *statistics-tcl-formats*)) (case view (:performance (format stream "flags 1~%~ layout col def -m1 5 -r 1 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout row def -m1 5 -r 0 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout col 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j left~%~ layout col 1 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j left~%~ layout col ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout row 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row 1 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~%" (+ (length extras) 10) (+ naggregates 1) (+ naggregates 2)) (format stream "cell 1 1 -contents ~a -format title~%~ cell 1 2 -contents \"items\\n#\" -format title~%~ cell 1 3 -contents \"etasks\\n\\330\" -format title~%~ cell 1 4 -contents \"filter\\n%\" -format title~%~ cell 1 5 -contents \"edges\\n\\330\" -format title~%~ cell 1 6 -contents \"first\\n\\330 (s)\" -format title~%~ cell 1 7 -contents \"total\\n\\330 (s)\" -format title~%~ cell 1 8 -contents \"tcpu\\n\\330 (s)\" -format title~%~ cell 1 9 -contents \"tgc\\n\\330 (s)\" -format title~%~ cell 1 10 -contents \"space\\n\\330 (kb)\" -format title~%~%" alabel) (loop for extra in extras for i from 11 do (format stream "cell 1 ~d -contents {~(~a~)} -format title~%" i extra))) (:parser (format stream "layout col def -m1 5 -r 1 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout row def -m1 5 -r 0 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout col 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j left~%~ layout col 1 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j left~%~ layout col 10 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout row 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row 1 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~%" (+ naggregates 1) (+ naggregates 2) (+ naggregates 3) (+ naggregates 4)) (format stream "cell 1 1 -contents ~a -format title~%~ cell 1 2 -contents \"items\\n#\" -format title~%~ cell 1 3 -contents \"ftasks\\n#\" -format title~%~ cell 1 4 -contents \"etasks\\n#\" -format title~%~ cell 1 5 -contents \"stasks\\n#\" -format title~%~ cell 1 6 -contents \"unifications\\n#\" -format title~%~ cell 1 7 -contents \"copies\\n#\" -format title~%~ cell 1 8 -contents \"aedges\\n#\" -format title~%~ cell 1 9 -contents \"pedges\\n#\" -format title~%~ cell 1 10 -contents \"rpedges\\n#\" -format title~%" alabel)))) (:ascii (format stream "`~a' Performance Summary~%" language))) (loop for phenomenon in items for i from 2 for data = (rest (assoc (first phenomenon) averages)) when data do (let* ((name (if (equal format :latex) (latexify-string (second phenomenon)) (second phenomenon))) (items (get-field :items data)) (stasks (round (get-field :p-stasks data))) (etasks (round (get-field :p-etasks data))) (ftasks (round (get-field :p-ftasks data))) (filter (unless (or (minus-one-p etasks) (minus-one-p ftasks)) (float (* 100 (divide ftasks (+ etasks ftasks)))))) (unifications (round (get-field :unifications data))) (copies (round (get-field :copies data))) (aedges (round (get-field :aedges data))) (pedges (round (get-field :pedges data))) (edges (round (get-field :edges data))) (edges (if (and edges (>= edges 0)) edges (if (>= pedges 0) pedges -1))) (rpedges (round (get-field :rpedges data))) (first (float (get-field :first data))) (total (float (get-field :total data))) (tcpu (float (get-field :tcpu data))) (tgc (float (get-field :tgc data))) (space (round (/ (get-field :space data) (expt 2 10))))) (case format (:latex (format stream " ~a~% & ~d & ~d & ~@[~,1f~] & ~d & ~,2f & ~,2f & ~d\\\\~%" name items etasks filter edges first total space)) (:tcl (case view (:performance (format stream "cell ~d 1 -contents {~a} -format aggregate~%~ cell ~d 2 -contents ~d -format data~%~ cell ~d 3 -contents ~d -format data~%~ cell ~d 4 -contents ~:[{-}~*~;~,1f~] -format data~%~ cell ~d 5 -contents ~d -format data~%~ cell ~d 6 -contents ~,2f -format data~%~ cell ~d 7 -contents ~,2f -format data~%~ cell ~d 8 -contents ~,2f -format data~%~ cell ~d 9 -contents ~,2f -format data~%~ cell ~d 10 -contents ~d -format data~%~%" i name i items i etasks i filter filter i edges i first i total i tcpu i tgc i space) (loop for extra in extras for j from 11 for foo = (get-field+ extra data -1) for value = (if (rationalp foo) (coerce foo 'float) foo) do (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents {~a} -format data~%" i j value))) (:parser (format stream "cell ~d 1 -contents {~a} -format aggregate~%~ cell ~d 2 -contents ~d -format data~%~ cell ~d 3 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 4 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 5 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 6 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 7 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 8 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 9 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 10 -contents ~,1f -format data~%" i name i items i ftasks i etasks i stasks i unifications i copies i aedges i pedges i rpedges)))) (:ascii (format stream " ~a: ~a item~p; ~,2f seconds (~,2f first; ~,2f tcpu)~%" name items items total first tcpu))))) (let* ((data (rest (assoc :total averages))) (name "Total") (items (get-field :items data)) (stasks (round (get-field :p-stasks data))) (etasks (round (get-field :p-etasks data))) (ftasks (round (get-field :p-ftasks data))) (filter (unless (or (minus-one-p etasks) (minus-one-p ftasks)) (float (* 100 (divide ftasks (+ etasks ftasks)))))) (unifications (round (get-field :unifications data))) (copies (round (get-field :copies data))) (aedges (round (get-field :aedges data))) (pedges (round (get-field :pedges data))) (edges (round (get-field :edges data))) (edges (if (and edges (>= edges 0)) edges (if (>= pedges 0) pedges -1))) (rpedges (round (get-field :rpedges data))) (first (float (get-field :first data))) (total (float (get-field :total data))) (tcpu (float (get-field :tcpu data))) (tgc (float (get-field :tgc data))) (space (round (/ (get-field :space data) (expt 2 10)))) (bytes (/ (get-field :space data) (expt 2 20)))) (case format (:latex (format stream " \\hline~% \\hline~%") (format stream " {\\bf ~a} & {\\bf ~d}~% ~ & {\\bf ~d} & ~@[{\\bf ~,1f}~] & {\\bf ~d} & {\\bf ~,2f}~% ~ & {\\bf ~,2f} & {\\bf ~d}\\\\~% \\hline~%" name items etasks filter edges first total space) (format stream " \\multicolumn{~d}{r}{\\tiny ~% ~a}~%~ \\end{tabular}~%" ncolumns caption)) (:tcl (case view (:performance (format stream "cell ~d 1 -contents {~a} -format total~%~ cell ~d 2 -contents ~d -format total~%~ cell ~d 3 -contents ~d -format total~%~ cell ~d 4 -contents ~:[{-}~*~;~,1f~] -format total~%~ cell ~d 5 -contents ~d -format total~%~ cell ~d 6 -contents ~,2f -format total~%~ cell ~d 7 -contents ~,2f -format total~%~ cell ~d 8 -contents ~,2f -format total~%~ cell ~d 9 -contents ~,2f -format total~%~ cell ~d 10 -contents ~d -format total~%~%" (+ naggregates 2) name (+ naggregates 2) items (+ naggregates 2) etasks (+ naggregates 2) filter filter (+ naggregates 2) edges (+ naggregates 2) first (+ naggregates 2) total (+ naggregates 2) tcpu (+ naggregates 2) tgc (+ naggregates 2) space) (loop for extra in extras for i from 11 for foo = (get-field+ extra data -1) for value = (if (rationalp foo) (coerce foo 'float) foo) do (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents {~a} -format total~%" (+ naggregates 2) i value))) (:parser (format stream "cell ~d 1 -contents {~a} -format aggregate~%~ cell ~d 2 -contents ~d -format data~%~ cell ~d 3 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 4 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 5 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 6 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 7 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 8 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 9 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 10 -contents ~,1f -format data~%" (+ naggregates 2) name (+ naggregates 2) items (+ naggregates 2) ftasks (+ naggregates 2) etasks (+ naggregates 2) stasks (+ naggregates 2) unifications (+ naggregates 2) copies (+ naggregates 2) aedges (+ naggregates 2) pedges (+ naggregates 2) rpedges) (format stream "cell ~d 1 -contents {~a} -format aggregate~%~ cell ~d 2 -contents ~d -format data~%~ cell ~d 3 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 4 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 5 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 6 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 7 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 8 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 9 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 10 -contents ~,1f -format data~%" (+ naggregates 3) "Per Second" (+ naggregates 3) items (+ naggregates 3) (divide ftasks tcpu) (+ naggregates 3) (divide etasks tcpu) (+ naggregates 3) (divide stasks tcpu) (+ naggregates 3) (divide unifications tcpu) (+ naggregates 3) (divide copies tcpu) (+ naggregates 3) (divide aedges tcpu) (+ naggregates 3) (divide pedges tcpu) (+ naggregates 3) (divide rpedges tcpu)) (format stream "cell ~d 1 -contents {~a} -format aggregate~%~ cell ~d 2 -contents ~d -format data~%~ cell ~d 3 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 4 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 5 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 6 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 7 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 8 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 9 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 10 -contents ~,1f -format data~%" (+ naggregates 4) "Per MByte" (+ naggregates 4) items (+ naggregates 4) (divide ftasks bytes) (+ naggregates 4) (divide etasks bytes) (+ naggregates 4) (divide stasks bytes) (+ naggregates 4) (divide unifications bytes) (+ naggregates 4) (divide copies bytes) (+ naggregates 4) (divide aedges bytes) (+ naggregates 4) (divide pedges bytes) (+ naggregates 4) (divide rpedges bytes))))) (:ascii (format stream " ~a: ~a ~item~p; ~,2f seconds (~,2f first; ~,2f tcpu)~%~%" name items items total first tcpu)))) (when (or (stringp file) (stringp append)) (close stream)))) (defun compare-performance (olanguage nlanguage &key (condition *statistics-select-condition*) (format :latex) (olabel "(g)old") (nlabel "new") (clabel "reduction") orestrictor nrestrictor restrictor file append meter (time *statistics-compare-time*)) (let* ((ometer (madjust / meter 2)) (nmeter (madjust + ometer (mduration ometer))) (oitems (if (stringp olanguage) (analyze-aggregates olanguage :condition condition :meter ometer :format format) olanguage)) (nitems (if (stringp nlanguage) (if *statistics-analogy-aggregation-p* (aggregate-by-analogy nlanguage oitems :condition nil :meter nmeter) (analyze-aggregates nlanguage :condition condition :meter nmeter :format format)) nlanguage)) (ncolumns 10) (caption (format nil "(generated by ~a at ~a)" *tsdb-name* (current-time :long :pretty)))) (cond ((or (null oitems) (null nitems)) 1) ((not (= (length oitems) (length nitems))) 2) (t (let* ((stream (create-output-stream file append)) (oaverages (summarize-performance-parameters oitems :restrictor (or orestrictor restrictor) :format (profile-granularity olanguage))) (naverages (summarize-performance-parameters nitems :restrictor (or nrestrictor restrictor) :format (profile-granularity nlanguage))) (naggregates (- (length oaverages) 1)) (*print-circle* nil) (alabel (if (eq *statistics-aggregate-dimension* :phenomena) "Phenomenon" "Aggregate"))) (case format (:latex (format stream "\\begin{tabular}{@{}|l|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|@{}}~% ~ \\hline~% ~ & \\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\\bf ~a}~% ~ & \\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\\bf ~a}~% ~ & \\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\\bf ~a}\\\\~% ~ {\\bf ~a} ~ & {\\bf tasks} & {\\bf time} & {\\bf space}~% ~ & {\\bf tasks} & {\\bf time} & {\\bf space}~% ~ & {\\bf tasks} & {\\bf time} & {\\bf space}\\\\~% ~ & $\\phi$ & $\\phi$ (s) & $\\phi$ (kb)~% ~ & $\\phi$ & $\\phi$ (s)& $\\phi$ (kb)~% ~ & $\\%$ & $\\%$ & $\\%$\\\\~% ~ \\hline~% ~ \\hline~%" olabel nlabel clabel alabel)) (:tcl (when *statistics-tcl-formats* (format stream *statistics-tcl-formats*)) (format stream "flags 1~%~ layout col def -m1 5 -r 1 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout row def -m1 5 -r 0 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout col 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout col 1 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j left~%~ layout col 4 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout col 7 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout col 10 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout col 11 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout row 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row 2 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~%" (+ naggregates 2) (+ naggregates 3)) (format stream "cell 1 1 -contents {~a} -format title~%~ region 1 1 2 1 -contents {~a} -format title ~ -hor_justify left -ver_justify center~%~ region 1 2 1 4 -contents {~a} -format title -hor_justify center~%~ region 1 5 1 7 -contents {~a} -format title -hor_justify center~%~ region 1 8 1 10 -contents {~a} -format title -hor_justify center~%" alabel alabel olabel nlabel clabel) (do ((labels '("tasks\\n\\330" "time\\n\\330" "space\\n\\330" "tasks\\n\\330" "time\\n\\330" "space\\n\\330" "tasks\\n%" "time\\n%" "space\\n%") (rest labels)) (i 2 (+ i 1))) ((null labels)) (format stream "cell 2 ~d -contents \"~a\" -format title~%~ region 2 ~d 2 ~d -contents \"~a\" -format title ~ -hor_justify center~%" i (first labels) i i (first labels))))) (do* ((oitems (remove :all oitems :key #'first) (rest oitems)) (i 3 (+ i 1))) ((null oitems)) (let* ((phenomenon (first oitems)) (odata (rest (assoc (first phenomenon) oaverages))) (ndata (rest (assoc (first phenomenon) naverages))) (name (if (eq format :latex) (latexify-string (second phenomenon)) (second phenomenon))) (oetasks (round (get-field+ :p-etasks odata -1))) (otime (float (get-field time odata))) (ospace (round (/ (get-field :space odata) (expt 2 10)))) (netasks (round (round (get-field :p-etasks ndata)))) (ntime (get-field+ time ndata -1)) (nspace (round (/ (get-field :space ndata) (expt 2 10)))) (taskreduction (if (or (minus-one-p oetasks) (minus-one-p netasks)) -1 (float (* 100 (divide (- oetasks netasks) oetasks))))) (timereduction (float (* 100 (divide (- otime ntime) otime)))) (spacereduction (float (* 100 (divide (- ospace nspace) ospace))))) (case format (:latex (format stream " ~a~% & ~d & ~,2f & ~d ~ & ~d & ~,2f & ~d ~ & ~,1f & ~,1f & ~,1f\\\\~%" name oetasks otime ospace netasks ntime nspace taskreduction timereduction spacereduction)) (:tcl (format stream "cell ~d 1 -contents {~a} -format aggregate~%~ cell ~d 2 -contents ~d -format data~%~ cell ~d 3 -contents ~,2f -format data~%~ cell ~d 4 -contents ~d -format data~%~ cell ~d 5 -contents ~d -format data~%~ cell ~d 6 -contents ~,2f -format data~%~ cell ~d 7 -contents ~d -format data~%~ cell ~d 8 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 9 -contents ~,1f -format data~%~ cell ~d 10 -contents ~,1f -format data~%" i name i oetasks i otime i ospace i netasks i ntime i nspace i taskreduction i timereduction i spacereduction))))) (let* ((odata (rest (assoc :total oaverages))) (ndata (rest (assoc :total naverages))) (name "Total") (oetasks (round (get-field+ :p-etasks odata -1))) (otime (float (get-field time odata))) (ospace (round (/ (get-field :space odata) (expt 2 10)))) (netasks (round (get-field+ :p-etasks ndata -1))) (ntime (float (get-field time ndata))) (nspace (round (/ (get-field :space ndata) (expt 2 10)))) (taskreduction (if (or (minus-one-p oetasks) (minus-one-p netasks)) -1 (float (* 100 (divide (- oetasks netasks) oetasks))))) (timereduction (float (* 100 (divide (- otime ntime) otime)))) (spacereduction (float (* 100 (divide (- ospace nspace) ospace))))) (case format (:latex (format stream " \\hline~% \\hline~% ~ {\\bf ~a} & {\\bf ~d} & {\\bf ~,2f} & {\\bf ~d}~% ~ & {\\bf ~d} & {\\bf ~,2f} & {\\bf ~d}~% ~ & {\\bf ~,1f} & {\\bf ~,1f} & {\\bf ~,1f}\\\\~% \\hline~%" name oetasks otime ospace netasks ntime nspace taskreduction timereduction spacereduction) (format stream " \\multicolumn{~d}{r}{\\tiny ~% ~a}~%~ \\end{tabular}~%" ncolumns caption)) (:tcl (format stream "cell ~d 1 -contents {~a} -format total~%~ cell ~d 2 -contents ~d -format total~%~ cell ~d 3 -contents ~,2f -format total~%~ cell ~d 4 -contents ~d -format total~%~ cell ~d 5 -contents ~d -format total~%~ cell ~d 6 -contents ~,2f -format total~%~ cell ~d 7 -contents ~d -format total~%~ cell ~d 8 -contents ~,1f -format total~%~ cell ~d 9 -contents ~,1f -format total~%~ cell ~d 10 -contents ~,1f -format total~%" (+ naggregates 3) name (+ naggregates 3) oetasks (+ naggregates 3) otime (+ naggregates 3) ospace (+ naggregates 3) netasks (+ naggregates 3) ntime (+ naggregates 3) nspace (+ naggregates 3) taskreduction (+ naggregates 3) timereduction (+ naggregates 3) spacereduction)))) (when (or (stringp file) (stringp append)) (close stream)) 0))))) (defmacro shift (value range offset) `(if (zerop ,offset) ,value (let* ((shift (* ,range ,offset 2)) (increment (if (zerop shift) 0 (random shift))) (delta (- (* ,range ,offset) increment))) (+ ,value delta)))) (defun graph (data &key (condition *statistics-select-condition*) division file (format :tcl) (dimension :words) (aggregate 1) (threshold 5) lower upper attributes labels symbols colours title xtitle logscale meter (extras *statistics-extra*) scatterp (offset 0.01)) (let* ((stream (if file (create-output-stream file nil) *tsdb-io*)) (granularity (profile-granularity data)) (nattributes (length attributes)) (scatterp (and scatterp (= nattributes 1))) (division (if (or (null condition) (null division)) (unless (equal division "") division) (format nil "(~a) and (~a)" condition division))) (ameter (if division (madjust / meter 2) meter)) (dmeter (if division (madjust + ameter (mduration ameter)) nil)) (aggregates (aggregate data :condition condition :dimension dimension :aggregate aggregate :threshold threshold :lower lower :upper upper :extras extras :restrictor #'(lambda (foo) (eql (get-field :readings foo) -1)) :format format :meter ameter)) (saggregates (when (and attributes aggregates) (summarize-performance-parameters aggregates :extras extras :format (profile-granularity data)))) (daggregates (when (and (null attributes) division) (let ((daggregates (aggregate data :condition division :dimension dimension :aggregate aggregate :threshold threshold :lower lower :upper upper :extras extras :restrictor #'(lambda (foo) (eql (get-field :readings foo) -1)) :format format :meter dmeter))) (loop for aggregate in aggregates for key = (first aggregate) for label = (second aggregate) for match = (find key daggregates :key #'first) collect (cons key (cons label (rest (rest match)))))))) (values (make-array (list nattributes))) (points (make-array (list nattributes))) (units (nreverse (map 'list #'first aggregates))) (frequencies (map 'list #'(lambda (foo) (length (rest (rest foo)))) aggregates)) (dfrequencies (loop for aggregate in daggregates collect (length (rest (rest aggregate))))) (xmin (if units (apply #'min units) 0)) (xmax (if units (apply #'max units) 42)) ymin ymax lsymbols llabels) (unless (or (null attributes) saggregates) (when file (close stream)) (when (probe-file file) (delete-file file)) (when meter (beep) (status :text "selection is empty; check the current TSQL condition" :duration 10)) (return-from graph nil)) (when meter (status :text "computing graph layout and geometry ...")) (if attributes (loop for aggregate in (rest saggregates) for x = (first aggregate) for summary = (rest aggregate) for data = (find x aggregates :key #'first) do (loop for attribute in attributes for i from 0 by 1 for key = (if (stringp attribute) (intern (string-upcase attribute) :keyword) (intern attribute :keyword)) for raw = (when scatterp (loop for tuple in (rest (rest data)) for i-id = (get-field :i-id tuple) for tgc = (let ((tgc (get-field+ :tgc tuple 0))) (if (minus-one-p tgc) 0 tgc)) for y = (get-field+ key tuple -1) unless (minus-one-p y) do (when (member key *statistics-time-fields*) (setf y (convert-time (if (member key *statistics-exclude-tgc-p*) (- y tgc) y) granularity))) (setf ymin (if ymin (min ymin y) y)) (setf ymax (if ymax (max ymax y) y)) and collect (list x y i-id))) for value = (get-field+ key summary -1) do (push value (aref values i)) (when scatterp (setf (aref points i) (nconc raw (aref points i)))) (setf ymin (if ymin (min ymin value) value)) (setf ymax (if ymax (max ymax value) value)))) (setf ymin 0 ymax (apply #'max frequencies))) (let* ((title (or title "Generic [incr tsdb()] Graph")) (xtitle (or xtitle (format nil "Item Dimension `~(~a~)'" dimension))) (width (if units (- xmax xmin) 0)) (height (- ymax ymin)) (intervals '(1 2 5)) (goal 10) (xdivision ;; ;; this somewhat awkwardly-looking loop() computes the number of ;; ticks (divisions) on the x axis; it aims for an interval size ;; (distance between two ticks) that is a member of .intervals. or ;; a 10 multiply of one of the members; the loop() chooses the x ;; axis layout that comes closest to .goal. ticks. ;; (loop with division = 1 for i from 1 by 1 for n = 1 then (if (zerop (mod i (length intervals))) (* n 10) n) for interval = (* (nth (mod i (length intervals)) intervals) n) for ticks = (round width division) for comparison = (round width interval) do (if (< (abs (- goal comparison)) (abs (- goal ticks))) (setf division interval) (return division)))) (ydivision ;; ;; similar computation for y axis ;; (loop with division = 1 for i from 1 by 1 for n = 1 then (if (zerop (mod i (length intervals))) (* n 10) n) for interval = (* (nth (mod i (length intervals)) intervals) n) for ticks = (round height division) for comparison = (round height interval) do (if (< (abs (- goal comparison)) (abs (- goal ticks))) (setf division interval) (return division))))) (case format (:tcl (if attributes (format stream "graph -font {Helvetica 10 bold} -plotbackground white \\~% ~ -width 15c -height 10c -rightmargin 10 \\~% ~ -title ~s~%" (tcl-escape-braces title)) (format stream "barchart -font {Helvetica 10 bold} -plotbackground white \\~% ~ -width 15c -height 10c -rightmargin 10 \\~% ~ -barmode normal -barwidth ~f -invertxy no\\~% ~ -title ~s~%" (* aggregate 0.7) (tcl-escape-braces title))) (format stream "data x ~a~%" (list2tcl units :format "~,4f")) (format stream "axis x -title ~s -stepsize ~d \\~% ~ -tickfont {Helvetica 9} -subdivisions 1~%" xtitle xdivision) (format stream "axis y -tickfont {Helvetica 9} -logscale ~:[no~;yes~]~%" logscale)) (:latex ;; ;; enlarge plot area (vertically) slightly to guarantee room for the ;; copyright caption ;; (let* ((pad (* (- ymax ymin) 0.04)) (ymin (- ymin pad)) (height (- ymax ymin)) (ytics (loop for tic = (* (ceiling ymin ydivision) ydivision) then (+ tic ydivision) while (<= tic ymax) collect tic)) (caption (format nil "(generated by ~a at ~a)" *tsdb-name* (current-time :long :pretty)))) (format stream "\\dimendef\\plotwidth=0~%\\dimendef\\plotheight=1~%~ \\plotwidth=~amm~%\\plotheight=~amm~%~ ~:[\\dimendef\\breadth=2\\breadth=\\plotwidth~%~;~]~ \\divide\\plotwidth by ~a~%\\divide\\plotheight by ~a~%~ ~:[\\divide\\breadth by ~a~%~;~*~]~ \\beginpicture~% ~ \\setplotsymbol({\\rule{.4pt}{.4pt}})~% ~ \\setlinear~% ~ \\setcoordinatesystem units <\\plotwidth,\\plotheight>~% ~ \\setplotarea x from ~,4f to ~,4f, y from ~,4f to ~,4f~% ~ \\axis label {\\sf ~a}~% ~ bottom ticks numbered from ~d to ~d by ~d /~% ~ \\axis left ticks numbered~% at ~{~a ~}/ /~% ~ \\plotheading {\\frame <1pt> {\\frame <5pt> {\\Large\\sf ~a}}}~%" *statistics-plot-width* *statistics-plot-height* attributes (round (if attributes width (+ width 2))) (round height) attributes (round (* (+ width 2) 1.1)) (if attributes xmin (- xmin 1)) (if attributes xmax (+ xmax 1)) ymin ymax xtitle (if attributes xmin (- xmin 1)) (if attributes xmax (+ xmax 1)) xdivision ytics title) (format stream " \\put {\\tiny\\sf ~a} [r] at ~,4f ~,4f~%" caption xmax (+ ymin (/ pad 2))))))) (if attributes (loop for attribute in attributes for key = (if (stringp attribute) (intern (string-upcase attribute) :keyword) (intern attribute :keyword)) for i from 0 by 1 for data = (nreverse (aref values i)) for raw = (nreverse (aref points i)) for rawx = (when scatterp (loop for point in raw collect (shift (first point) (- xmax xmin) offset))) for rawy = (when scatterp (loop for point in raw collect (shift (second point) (- ymax ymin) offset))) for i-ids = (when scatterp (loop for point in raw collect (third point))) for label = (or (nth i labels) (find-attribute-label key)) and symbol = (or (and rawx rawy (eq format :tcl) "none") (nth i symbols) (find-attribute-symbol key i :format format)) and colour = (or (nth i colours) (find-attribute-colour key i)) do (case format (:tcl (when (and rawx rawy) (format stream "data ids~a ~a~%" i (list2tcl i-ids :format "~d")) (format stream "data xx~a ~a~%" i (list2tcl rawx :format "~,4f")) (format stream "data yy~a ~a~%" i (list2tcl rawy :format "~,4f")) (format stream "element ee~a -xdata xx~a -ydata yy~a -label \"\" \\~% ~ -symbol ~a -pixel 2 -linewidth 0 \\~% ~ -color ~a -fill defcolor -outline defcolor~%" i i i "circle" colour)) (format stream "data y~a ~a~%" i (list2tcl data :format "~,8f")) (format stream "element e~a -xdata x -ydata y~a -label ~s \\~% ~ -symbol ~a -pixel 3 -linewidth 1\\~% ~ -color ~a -fill defcolor -outline defcolor~%" i i label symbol colour)) (:latex (unless scatterp (format stream " \\multiput{~a} at~%" symbol) (loop for x in units for y in data do (format stream " ~12,4f ~12,4f~%" x y)) (format stream " /~%")) (format stream " \\plot~%") (loop for x in units for y in data do (format stream " ~12,4f ~12,4f~%" x y)) (format stream " /~%") (when scatterp (format stream " \\multiput{~a} at~%" symbol) (loop for x in rawx for y in rawy do (format stream " ~12,4f ~12,4f~%" x y)) (format stream " /~%")))) (push symbol lsymbols) (push label llabels)) (case format (:tcl (format stream "data y ~a~%~ element e -xdata x -ydata y ~ -relief ~:[flat~;solid -bd 1 -fg white~]~%" (list2tcl (nreverse frequencies) :format "~d") dfrequencies) (when dfrequencies (format stream "data yy ~a~%~ element ee -xdata x -ydata yy -relief flat~%" (list2tcl (nreverse dfrequencies) :format "~d")))) (:latex (let ((breadth (/ *statistics-plot-width* (* (- xmax xmin) 1.2)))) (when dfrequencies (format stream " \\setbars breadth <0mm> baseline at y = 0~% ~ \\linethickness=~,4fmm~% \\plot~%" breadth) (loop for x in units for y in (nreverse dfrequencies) do (format stream "~10d ~8d~%" x y)) (format stream " /~%")) (format stream " \\setbars breadth <~:[0mm~*~;~,4fmm~]> baseline at y = 0~% ~ \\linethickness=~:[\\breadth~;0.25pt~]~% \\plot~%" dfrequencies breadth dfrequencies) (loop for x in units for y in (nreverse frequencies) do (format stream "~10d ~8d~%" x y)) (format stream " /~%"))))) (case format (:tcl (if attributes (format stream "legend -font {Helvetica 9} -position plotarea -anchor nw \\~% ~ -relief ridge~%") (format stream "legend -hide yes~%"))) (:latex (when attributes (let* ((x (+ xmin (* (- xmax xmin) 0.05))) (y (- ymax (* (- ymax ymin) 0.05)))) (format stream " \\put {\\frame <5pt> {\\lines [l] {~%") (loop for symbol in (nreverse lsymbols) and label in (nreverse llabels) do (format stream " {~a --- {\\sf ~a}}\\cr~%" symbol label)) (format stream " }}} [lt] at ~,4f ~,4f~%" x y))) (format stream "\\endpicture~%"))) (force-output stream) (when file (close stream)))) (defun rule-statistics (data &key condition (attributes '(:executed successes)) file (format :tcl) (view :graph) logscale meter) (when attributes (let* ((stream (if file (create-output-stream file nil) *tsdb-io*)) (rules (analyze-rules data :condition condition :format format :meter meter)) (rules (sort (copy-seq rules) #'string-greaterp :key #'second)) (indices (loop for i from 1 to (length rules) collect i)) (filtered (loop for rule in rules collect (get-field :filtered (rest (rest rule))))) (executed (loop for rule in rules collect (get-field :executed (rest (rest rule))))) (successes (loop for rule in rules collect (get-field :successes (rest (rest rule))))) (actives (loop for rule in rules collect (get-field :actives (rest (rest rule))))) (passives (loop for rule in rules collect (get-field :passives (rest (rest rule))))) (label (format nil "~(~a~)~{ # ~(~a~)~}" (first attributes) (rest attributes)))) (case view (:graph (format stream "barchart -font {Helvetica 10 bold} -plotbackground white \\~% ~ -width 16c -height 20c -barmode aligned -barwidth 0.75 \\~% ~ -title \"Rule Postulation and Success Distribution\" \\~% ~ -invertxy yes -rightmargin 10~%") (format stream "legend -hide yes~%") (format stream "axis x -stepsize 1 -tickfont {Helvetica 9} -subdivisions 1 \\~% ~ -labels ~a~%" (list2tcl (map 'list #'second rules))) (format stream "axis y -title {~a} \\~% ~ -logscale ~:[no~;yes~]~%" label logscale) (format stream "data x1 ~a~%" (list2tcl indices)) (when (member :filtered attributes :test #'eq) (format stream "data y1 ~a~%" (list2tcl filtered)) (format stream "element e1 -xdata x1 -ydata y1 -fg red -relief flat~%")) (when (member :executed attributes :test #'eq) (format stream "data y2 ~a~%" (list2tcl executed)) (format stream "element e2 -xdata x1 -ydata y2 -fg orange -relief flat~%")) (when (member :successes attributes :test #'eq) (format stream "data y3 ~a~%" (list2tcl successes)) (format stream "element e3 -xdata x1 -ydata y3 -fg yellow -relief flat~%")) (when (member :actives attributes :test #'eq) (format stream "data y4 ~a~%" (list2tcl actives)) (format stream "element e4 -xdata x1 -ydata y4 -fg blue -relief flat~%")) (when (member :passives attributes :test #'eq) (format stream "data y5 ~a~%" (list2tcl passives)) (format stream "element e5 -xdata x1 -ydata y5 -fg green -relief flat~%"))) (:table (when *statistics-tcl-formats* (format stream *statistics-tcl-formats*)) (format stream "flags 0~%~ layout col def -m1 5 -r 1 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout row def -m1 5 -r 0 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout col 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j left~%~ layout col 1 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j left~%~ layout row 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row 1 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout col ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%" (+ (length attributes) 1) (+ (length rules) 1) (+ (length rules) 2)) (format stream "cell 1 1 -contents \"Rule\" -format title~%") (loop for attribute in attributes for i from 2 do (format stream "cell 1 ~d -contents {~(~a~)} -format title~%" i attribute)) (loop for rule in rules for i from 2 with totals = (pairlis attributes (map 'list #'(lambda (foo) (declare (ignore foo)) 0) attributes)) do (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents {~a} -format data~%" i 1 (second rule)) (loop for attribute in attributes for value = (get-field attribute (rest (rest rule))) for j from 2 when (not (= value -1)) do (incf (get-field attribute totals) value) do (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents {~a} -format data~%" i j value)) finally (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents \"Total\" -format total~%" (+ i 1) 1) (loop for attribute in attributes for j from 2 do (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents {~a} -format total~%" (+ i 1) j (get-field attribute totals)))))) (force-output stream) (when file (close stream)) (pairlis '(:names :passives :actives :successes :executed :filtered) (list (map 'list #'first rules) passives actives successes executed filtered)))))