;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: TSDB -*- ;;; ;;; [incr tsdb()] --- Competence and Performance Profiling Environment ;;; Copyright (c) 1996 -- 2006 Stephan Oepen (oe@csli.stanford.edu) ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ;;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ;;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License for more details. ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; file: ;;; module: ;;; version: ;;; written by: ;;; last update: ;;; updated by: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; author | date | modification ;;; ------------------|-------------|------------------------------------------ ;;; | | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package "TSDB") (defparameter *tsdb-cache-connections-p* t) (defparameter *tsdb-connection-expiry* 200) (defparameter *tsdb-maximal-number-of-connections* 20) (defparameter %tsdb-connection-cache% nil) (defstruct connection data absolute path unique ro stream pid (count 0)) (defun cache-connection (data &key absolute unique ro verbose) (declare (ignore verbose)) (loop with path = (if absolute (namestring data) (find-tsdb-directory data)) for connection in (copy-list %tsdb-connection-cache%) when (and (equal (connection-path connection) path) #+:null (equal (connection-data connection) data) #+:null (equal (connection-absolute connection) absolute) (equal (connection-unique connection) unique) (equal (connection-ro connection) ro)) do (incf (connection-count connection)) (if (and (numberp *tsdb-connection-expiry*) (>= (connection-count connection) *tsdb-connection-expiry*)) (close-connection connection :verbose t) (return connection)) finally (let ((command (format nil "~a -home='~a' -uniquely-project=~:[off~;on~] ~ -quiet~:[~; -read-only~] -eof=\":eof\" ~ -string-escape=lisp -pager=null -max-results=0" *tsdb-application* path unique ro))) (multiple-value-bind (stream foo pid) (run-process command :wait nil :output :stream :input :stream :error-output nil) (declare (ignore foo)) #+:allegro (when *tsdb-encoding* (setf (stream-external-format stream) *tsdb-encoding*)) (push (make-connection :data data :absolute absolute :path path :unique unique :ro ro :stream stream :pid pid) %tsdb-connection-cache%))) (return (first %tsdb-connection-cache%)))) (defun close-connections (&key data absolute (verbose t)) (loop with path = (when data (if absolute (namestring data) (find-tsdb-directory data))) for connection in %tsdb-connection-cache% when (or (null path) (equal path (connection-path connection))) do (close-connection connection :deletep nil :verbose verbose) else collect connection into result finally (setf %tsdb-connection-cache% result))) (defun close-connection (connection &key (deletep t) (verbose t)) (ignore-errors (close (connection-stream connection)) #+:allegro (sys:os-wait nil (connection-pid connection))) (when deletep (setf %tsdb-connection-cache% (delete connection %tsdb-connection-cache%))) (when verbose (format *tsdb-io* "close-connection(): `~a' expiry.~%" (connection-data connection)))) (defun data-hook (old new) (when *tsdb-data-hook* (call-hook *tsdb-data-hook* old new))) (defun gold-hook (old new) (when *tsdb-gold-hook* (call-hook *tsdb-gold-hook* old new))) (defun initialize-tsdb (&optional cache &key rc action background name pattern) (declare (special *tsdb-podium-home* *tsdb-podium* *tsdb-wish-application* *string-similarity-binaries* *statistics-readers* *statistics-browsers* *statistics-predicates* *mmt-root* *chasen-application*)) (unless (and *tsdb-initialized-p* (null action) (null rc)) (let* ((*tsdb-initialized-p* t) (tsdbrc (or rc (dir-and-name (user-homedir-pathname) ".tsdbrc")))) (when (and (or (null action) (member action '(:paths :all)))) (setf *tsdb-application* (format nil "exec ~a" (namestring (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory make::bin-dir) :name "tsdb")))) (setf *tsdb-home* (namestring (dir-append (get-sources-dir "tsdb") '(:relative "tsdb" "home")))) (setf *tsdb-skeleton-directory* (namestring (dir-append (get-sources-dir "tsdb") '(:relative "tsdb" "skeletons" "english")))) (setf *tsdb-podium-home* (namestring (dir-append (get-sources-dir "tsdb") '(:relative "tsdb" "tcl")))) (setf *tsdb-podium* (namestring (make-pathname :directory *tsdb-podium-home* :name "podium.tcl"))) (setf *tsdb-wish-application* (format nil "exec ~a" (namestring (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory make::bin-dir) :name "swish++")))) #+:logon (let* ((root (system:getenv "LOGONROOT")) (root (and root (namestring (parse-namestring root))))) (setf *mmt-root* root) (when root (setf *string-similarity-binaries* (list (cons :torbjoern (format nil "~a/ntnu/bleu/bleu.pl" root)) (cons :wa (format nil "~a/ntnu/bleu/wa.pl" root)) (cons :waft (format nil "~a/ntnu/bleu/wa.pl -t" root)))) (setf *chasen-application* (format nil "~a/bin/chasen" root))))) (when (and (or (null action) (member action '(:tsdbrc :all)))) #+:logon (let* ((home (getenv "LOGONROOT")) (home (when home (namestring (parse-namestring home)))) (home (make-pathname :directory home)) (tsdbrc (when home (dir-and-name home "dot.tsdbrc")))) (when (and tsdbrc (probe-file tsdbrc)) (let ((*package* (find-package :tsdb))) (load tsdbrc)))) (when (probe-file tsdbrc) (let ((*package* (find-package :tsdb))) (load tsdbrc)))) (let* ((home (if (stringp *tsdb-home*) (make-pathname :directory *tsdb-home*) *tsdb-home*)) (index (make-pathname :directory *tsdb-skeleton-directory* :name *tsdb-skeleton-index*))) (setf *tsdb-home* (when home (namestring home))) (when (and (or (null action) (member action '(:skeletons :all))) (probe-file index)) (setf *tsdb-skeletons* (with-open-file (stream index :direction :input) (read stream nil nil))))) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; `derivations.lisp' establishes a reader that forces the package to be ;; our own (:tsdb), presumably the code can also be run without the LKB. ;; just now, however, the setting below overrides that reader, hence we ;; end up reading into whatever package was active. i wonder whether i ;; will break something downstream, somewhere, by making sure we always ;; read derivations into the :tsdb package? (4-apr-09; oe) ;; #+:null (setf (gethash :derivation *statistics-readers*) "read-from-string") (setf (gethash :flags *statistics-readers*) "read-from-string") (when (find-package :lkb) (when (null *tsdb-trees-hook*) (setf *tsdb-trees-hook* "lkb::parse-tree-structure"))) (when (find-package :mrs) (when (null *tsdb-semantix-hook*) (setf *tsdb-semantix-hook* "mrs::get-mrs-string")) (when (null (gethash :mrs *statistics-readers*)) (setf (gethash :mrs *statistics-readers*) "mrs::read-mrs-from-string")) (when (null (gethash :mrs *statistics-browsers*)) (setf (gethash :mrs *statistics-browsers*) (if (and (find-package :mt) (find-symbol "BROWSE-MRSS" :mt)) "mt::browse-mrss" "mrs::browse-mrs"))) (setf (gethash :mrs *statistics-predicates*) "tsdb::safe-mrs-unequal-p")) (when (and (or (null action) (member action '(:cache :all))) cache) (load-cache :background background :name name :pattern pattern)))) (unless action (setf *tsdb-initialized-p* t))) (defun call-tsdb (query language &key (format :string) cache absolute unique quiet ro) (if *tsdb-server-mode-p* #+:server (call-tsdbd query language) #-:server nil (if cache (cache-query query language cache) (let* ((user (current-user)) (file (format nil "~a/.tsdb.io.~a.~a.~a" (tmp :tsdb) user (current-pid) (string-downcase (string (gensym ""))))) (data (if absolute (namestring language) (find-tsdb-directory language))) (command (format nil "~a -home='~a' -uniquely-project=~:[off~;on~]~ ~:[~; -quiet~]~:[~; -read-only~] -eof=\":eof\" ~ -string-escape=lisp -pager=null -max-results=0" *tsdb-application* data unique quiet ro)) (command (format nil "~a -query='do \"~a\"'" command file)) (query (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline) query)) (query (if (equal (elt query (- (length query) 1)) #\.) (subseq query 0 (- (length query) 1)) query)) (output (when (eq format :file) (format nil "~a/.tsdb.data.~a.~a.~a" (tmp :tsdb) user (current-pid) (string-downcase (string (gensym "")))))) (redirection (if output (concatenate 'string " > \"" output "\"") "")) (query (concatenate 'string query redirection ".")) (connection (when (and *tsdb-cache-connections-p* (eq format :lisp)) (cache-connection language :absolute absolute :unique unique :ro ro)))) (when (and output (probe-file output)) (delete-file output)) (with-open-file (stream file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create) (format stream "~a~%" query) (force-output stream)) (multiple-value-bind (stream foo pid) (if connection (let* ((command (format nil "do \"~a\".~%" file)) (stream (connection-stream connection))) (format stream command) (force-output stream) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; after a fair amount of tinkering, it seems reading over this ;; line is required on Linux at least to skip the echo of what we ;; just wrote to the stream; although we are running in --quiet ;; mode, the termios magic apparently fails to have the desired ;; effect. but it does on MacOS X, as it should. i should take ;; the time to look into the Linux behavior one day soon. ;; (4-nov-05; oe) ;; hmm, after recompiling the tsdb(1) binary on `mt' (RHEL3), i ;; now get the same effect on Linux hosts (as i should); disable ;; the mysterious read-line() globally then. (12-dec-05; oe) ;; #+:null (read-line stream) (values stream nil nil)) (run-process command :wait nil :output (if output "/dev/null" :stream) :if-output-exists :append :input "/dev/null" :error-output nil)) (declare (ignore foo #-:allegro pid)) #+:allegro (when (and (not connection) *tsdb-encoding*) (setf (stream-external-format stream) *tsdb-encoding*)) (if output ;; ;; we are in a rather intricate situation here: possibly the child ;; has not yet been created (os-wait() returns nil nil) or is still ;; running (os-wait() returns nil .pid.); then, in turn, something ;; may have gone wrong in the process creation; in this case we ;; better not block eternally. without os-specific functions (like ;; os-wait in Allegro CL) there is no way to handle this situation. ;; #+:allegro (multiple-value-bind (status epid) (sys:os-wait t pid) (when (null status) (loop with i = 0 do (sleep 0.5) (multiple-value-setq (status epid) (sys:os-wait t pid)) (when (null epid) (incf i)) while (and (< i 42) (not status)) finally (when (>= i 42) (format *tsdb-io* "call-tsdb(): failed to salvage tsdb(1) child ~d~%" pid)))) (when (probe-file output) (unless *tsdb-debug-mode-p* (delete-file file)) output)) #-:allegro (error "call-tsdb(): cannot process :file output format; ~ see `tsdb.lisp'.") (case format (:string (let ((result (make-array 32768 :element-type 'character :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))) (loop for c = (read-char stream nil :eof) until (eq c :eof) do (vector-push-extend c result 32768)) (close stream) #+:allegro (sys:os-wait nil pid) (unless *tsdb-debug-mode-p* (delete-file file)) result)) (:lisp (let ((result (loop for form = (read stream nil :eof) until (eq form :eof) collect form))) (when pid (close stream) #+:allegro (loop until (sys:os-wait nil pid))) (unless *tsdb-debug-mode-p* (delete-file file)) result))))))))) (defun create-cache (data &key (protocol :cooked) (verbose t) schema allp) (let ((status (verify-tsdb-directory data))) (when (eq (get-field :status status) :ro) (when verbose (format *tsdb-io* "~&create-cache(): `~a' is read-only.~%" data)) (return-from create-cache (pairlis '(:database :count :protocol :granularity) (list data 0 :ro (profile-granularity data)))))) (case protocol (:raw (loop with cache = (pairlis '(:database :count :protocol :granularity) (list data 0 protocol (profile-granularity data))) with path = (find-tsdb-directory data) with schema = (or schema (read-database-schema data)) initially (when verbose (format *tsdb-io* "~&create-cache(): write-through mode for `~a'.~%" data) (force-output *tsdb-io*)) for file in (if allp (loop for relation in schema collect (first relation)) *tsdb-profile-files*) for key = (intern (string-upcase file) :keyword) when (assoc file schema :test #'string=) do (let ((stream (open (make-pathname :directory path :name file) :direction :output :if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :create))) #+:allegro (when *tsdb-encoding* (setf (stream-external-format stream) *tsdb-encoding*)) (push (cons key stream) cache)) finally (return cache))) (:cooked (let* ((user (current-user)) (file (format nil "~a/.tsdb.cache.~a.~a.~a" (tmp :tsdb) user (current-pid) (string-downcase (string (gensym ""))))) (stream (open file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create))) (when stream #+:allegro (when *tsdb-encoding* (setf (stream-external-format stream) *tsdb-encoding*)) (format stream "set implicit-commit \"exit\".~%") (when verbose (format *tsdb-io* "~&create-cache(): tsdb(1) write cache in `~a'.~%" file) (force-output *tsdb-io*))) (pairlis '(:database :file :stream :count :protocol :granularity) (list data file stream 0 protocol (profile-granularity data))))))) (defun cache-query (query data cache) (let* ((database (get-field :database cache)) (stream (get-field :stream cache)) (query (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline) query)) (query (if (equal (elt query (- (length query) 1)) #\.) query (concatenate 'string query ".")))) (if (string-equal data database) (when stream (format stream "~a~%" query) (force-output stream) (incf (get-field :count cache)) (when (>= (get-field :count cache) *tsdb-flush-cache-threshold*) (flush-cache cache :verbose *tsdb-verbose-cache-flush-p*) (setf (get-field :count cache) 0) (let ((stream (open (get-field :file cache) :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create))) (format stream "set implicit-commit \"exit\".~%") (setf (get-field :stream cache) stream)))) (format *tsdb-io* "~&cache-query() ignoring query to `~a' (on `~a' cache).~%" data database)))) (defun flush-cache (cache &key sort (verbose t) relations exceptions) (let ((database (get-field :database cache)) (protocol (get-field :protocol cache))) (when verbose (format *tsdb-io* "~&flush-cache(): flushing `~a' cache ..." database) (force-output *tsdb-io*)) (case protocol (:raw (loop for file in *tsdb-profile-files* for key = (intern (string-upcase file) :keyword) for stream = (get-field key cache) when (and stream (or (null relations) (member key relations)) (or (null exceptions) (not (member key exceptions)))) do (force-output stream) (close stream))) (:cooked (let ((file (get-field :file cache)) (stream (get-field :stream cache))) (format stream "~&commit.~%") (force-output stream) (close stream) (let* ((query (format nil "do \"~a\"" file))) (call-tsdb query database)) (unless *tsdb-debug-mode-p* (delete-file file))))) (when (and sort (not (eq protocol :ro))) ;; ;; for improved tsdb(1) efficiency, make an attempt at sorting the files. ;; (loop with path = (find-tsdb-directory database) for file in '("parse" "result" "score") for source = (namestring (make-pathname :directory path :name file)) for target = (format nil "~a-" source) when (probe-file source) do (when (probe-file target) (delete-file target)) (run-process (format nil "exec mv -f '~a' '~a'" source target) :output "/dev/null" :if-output-exists :append :input "/dev/null" :error-output "/dev/null" :if-error-output-exists :append) (run-process (format nil "exec sort -n -T '~a' '~a'" (tmp) target) :output source :if-output-exists :supersede :input "/dev/null" :error-output nil) (when (probe-file target) (delete-file target)))) (when verbose (format *tsdb-io* " done.~%") (force-output *tsdb-io*)))) (defun largest-result-key (&optional (data *tsdb-data*) &key (verbose t)) (let* ((query "select c-id from csli") (result (call-tsdb query data))) (with-input-from-string (stream result) (do ((c-ids nil c-ids) (c-id (read stream nil :eof) (read stream nil :eof))) ((equal c-id :eof) (let ((c-id (if c-ids (apply #'max c-ids) 0))) (when verbose (format *tsdb-io* "~&largest-result-key(): largest `c-id' is ~a.~%" c-id) (force-output *tsdb-io*)) c-id)) (when (integerp c-id) (push c-id c-ids)))))) (defun largest-i-id (&optional (data *tsdb-data*) &key (verbose t)) (let* ((query "select i-id from item") (result (call-tsdb query data)) (i-id (with-input-from-string (stream result) (loop for i-id = (read stream nil :eof) until (equal i-id :eof) maximize i-id)))) (when verbose (format *tsdb-io* "~&largest-i-id(): largest `i-id' is ~a.~%" i-id)) i-id)) (defun largest-run-id (&optional (data *tsdb-data*) &key (verbose t)) (let* ((query "select run-id from run") (result (call-tsdb query data))) (with-input-from-string (stream result) (do ((run-ids nil run-ids) (run-id (read stream nil :eof) (read stream nil :eof))) ((equal run-id :eof) (let ((run-id (if run-ids (apply #'max run-ids) 0))) (when verbose (format *tsdb-io* "~&largest-run-id(): largest `run-id' is ~a.~%" run-id)) run-id)) (when (integerp run-id) (push run-id run-ids)))))) (defun largest-parse-id (run-id &optional (language *tsdb-data*) &key (verbose t)) (let* ((data (select "parse-id" :integer "parse" (format nil "run-id = ~d" run-id) language)) (parse-ids (map 'list #'(lambda (foo) (get-field :parse-id foo)) data)) (parse-id (if parse-ids (apply #'max parse-ids) 0))) (when verbose (format *tsdb-io* "~&largest-parse-id(): largest `parse-id' (for `run' ~d) is ~a.~%" run-id parse-id)) parse-id)) (defun largest-tree-id (&optional (language *tsdb-data*) &key (verbose t)) (let* ((data (select "tree-id" :integer "tree" nil language)) (tree-id (loop for record in data maximize (get-field+ :tree-id record 0)))) (when verbose (format *tsdb-io* "~&largest-tree-id(): largest `tree-id' is ~a.~%" tree-id)) tree-id)) (defun select-derivations (language &key item) (let* ((condition (when item (format nil "i-id = ~d" item))) (derivations (select "derivation" :string "result" condition language)) (derivations (and derivations (map 'list #'(lambda (tuple) (get-field :derivation tuple)) derivations)))) (and derivations (map 'list (lambda (string) (read-from-string string nil)) derivations)))) (defun select-phenomena (data &key (format :tcl) (stream *tsdb-io*)) (declare (ignore format stream)) (let* ((phenomena (select '("p-id" "p-name") '(:integer :string) "phenomenon" nil data))) (sort phenomena #'string< :key #'(lambda (tuple) (get-field :p-name tuple))))) (defun analyze-phenomena (phenomena &optional prefix) (loop with result for tuple = (pop phenomena) for name = (get-field :p-name tuple) for next = (get-field :p-name (first phenomena)) for common = (and next (mismatch name next)) do (cond ((and common (null prefix)) (multiple-value-bind (analysis residuum) (analyze-phenomena phenomena common) (push (cons common analysis) result) (setf phenomena residuum))) ((and common prefix (< (mismatch common prefix) (length prefix)))) (t (push tuple result))) finally (return (nreverse result)))) (defun select-item-sets (data) (let ((sets (select '("i-id" "s-id") '(:integer :integer) "item-set" nil data :sort :s-id))) (when sets (loop with current with group for set in sets for i-id = (get-field :i-id set) for s-id = (get-field :s-id set) when (or (null i-id) (null s-id)) return nil unless (or (null current) (= current s-id)) collect (sort group #'<) into groups and do (setf group nil) do (push i-id group) (setf current s-id) finally (return (nconc groups (list (sort group #'<)))))))) (defun read-database-schema (data &key absolute) (declare (special *tsdb-profile-cache*)) (let* ((key (format nil "~a schema" data))) (or (gethash key *tsdb-profile-cache*) (setf (gethash key *tsdb-profile-cache*) (let ((relations (call-tsdb "info relations" data :ro t :absolute absolute)) schema) (with-input-from-string (stream relations) (do* ((line (read-line stream nil nil) (read-line stream nil nil))) ((null line) schema) (let* ((line (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab) line)) (colon (position #\: line))) (unless (or (string= line "") (null colon)) (let ((relation (subseq line 0 colon)) fields) (do* ((line (read-line stream nil nil) (read-line stream nil nil))) ((or (null line) (string= (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline) line) ""))) (let* ((line (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab) line)) (space (or (position #\Space line) (length line)))) (unless (or (string= line "") (null space)) (let* ((name (subseq line 0 space)) (flags (subseq line space)) (type (cond ((search "integer" flags) :integer) ((search "string" flags) :string) ((search "date" flags) :date) ((search "position" flags) :position))) (field (append (list name type) (and (search "key" flags) '(:key)) (and (search "unique" flags) '(:unique))))) (push field fields))))) (push (cons relation (nreverse fields)) schema))))))))))) (defun concatenate-profiles (profiles target &key (condition *statistics-select-condition*)) (declare (special *statistics-select-condition*)) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; make an attempt to sort source profiles into ascending order, such that ;; the output has a chance of coming out in ascending sorted order (assuming ;; each input profile was properly sorted); our poor little tsdb(1) engine ;; is so much more efficient with sorted input files. (15-feb-03; oe) ;; (when (loop with base = (profile-granularity (first profiles)) for profile in (rest profiles) for granularity = (profile-granularity profile) thereis (not (= base granularity))) (return-from concatenate-profiles)) (let ((target (find-tsdb-directory target))) #+:allegro (when (probe-file target) (excl:delete-directory-and-files target)) (ignore-errors (mkdir target)) (let ((source (find-tsdb-directory (first profiles)))) (cp (make-pathname :directory source :name "relations") (make-pathname :directory target :name "relations")))) (loop with *print-circle* = nil with *print-level* = nil with *print-length* = nil with ofs = *tsdb-ofs* with gc = (install-gc-strategy nil :tenure *tsdb-tenure-p* :burst t :verbose t) with schema = (read-database-schema (first profiles)) with cache = (create-cache target :protocol :raw :verbose t :schema schema :allp t) with special = '(:i-id :run-id :parse-id) for profile in profiles for i from 1000000 by 10000 for offset = (cond ((search "vm6" profile) 60000) ((search "vm13" profile) 130000) ((search "vm31" profile) 310000) ((search "vm32" profile) 320000) (t i)) for schema = (read-database-schema profile) do (loop for (relation . structure) in schema for key = (first (find :key structure :key #'third)) for fields = (loop for foo in structure collect (first foo)) for types = (loop for foo in structure collect (second foo)) for data = (select fields types relation condition profile :sort (and key (intern (string-upcase key) :keyword))) do (loop with foo = (intern (string-upcase relation) :keyword) with stream = (get-field foo cache) for tuple in data do (loop with firstp = t for field in fields for type in types for key = (intern (string-upcase field) :keyword) for value = (if (smember key special) (+ (get-field key tuple) offset) (get-field key tuple)) when firstp do (setf firstp nil) else do (write-char ofs stream) when (smember type '(:string :date)) do (let ((value (normalize-string value :escape t :normalize nil))) (write-string value stream)) else do (write value :stream stream)) (terpri stream) (force-output stream) (incf (get-field :count cache)))) (purge-profile-cache profile) finally (flush-cache cache :verbose t) (restore-gc-strategy gc))) (defun write-run (result language &key cache) (when (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :ro)) (error "write-run(): write attempt on read-only cache; see `tsdb.lisp'")) (when *tsdb-write-run-p* (let* ((*print-circle* nil) (*print-level* nil) (*print-length* nil) (*print-escape* t) (rawp (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :raw))) (run-id (get-field+ :run-id result -1)) (comment (normalize-string (get-field :comment result) :escape rawp)) (platform (normalize-string (get-field :platform result) :escape rawp)) (protocol (get-field+ :protocol result 1)) (tsdb (normalize-string (get-field :tsdb result) :escape rawp)) (application (normalize-string (get-field :application result) :escape rawp)) (environment (normalize-string (get-field :environment result) :escape rawp)) (grammar (normalize-string (get-field :grammar result) :escape rawp)) (avms (get-field+ :avms result -1)) (sorts (get-field+ :sorts result -1)) (templates (get-field+ :templates result -1)) (lexicon (get-field+ :lexicon result -1)) (lrules (get-field+ :lrules result -1)) (rules (get-field+ :rules result -1)) (user (normalize-string (get-field+ :user result "") :escape rawp)) (host (normalize-string (get-field+ :host result "") :escape rawp)) (os (normalize-string (get-field+ :os result "") :escape rawp)) (start (get-field :start result)) (end (get-field :end result)) (items (get-field+ :items result -1)) (status (normalize-string (get-field+ :status result "") :escape rawp))) (if rawp (let ((stream (get-field :run cache)) (ofs *tsdb-ofs*)) (write run-id :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string comment stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string platform stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write protocol :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string tsdb stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string application stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string environment stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string grammar stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write avms :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write sorts :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write templates :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write lexicon :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write lrules :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write rules :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string user stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string host stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string os stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string start stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string end stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write items :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string status stream) (terpri stream) (force-output stream) (incf (get-field :count cache))) (let* ((query (format nil "insert into run values ~ ~d ~s ~ ~s ~d ~s ~s ~s ~s ~ ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~ ~s ~s ~s ~a ~a ~d ~s" run-id comment platform protocol tsdb application environment grammar avms sorts templates lexicon lrules rules user host os start end items status))) (call-tsdb query language :cache cache)))))) (defun write-parse (result language &key cache) (when (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :ro)) (error "write-parse(): write attempt on read-only cache; see `tsdb.lisp'")) (when *tsdb-write-parse-p* (let* ((*print-circle* nil) (*print-level* nil) (*print-length* nil) (*print-escape* t) (rawp (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :raw))) (parse-id (get-field+ :parse-id result -1)) (run-id (get-field+ :run-id result -1)) (i-id (get-field+ :i-id result -1)) (ninputs (get-field+ :ninputs result -1)) (p-input (normalize-string (get-field+ :p-input result "") :escape rawp)) (ntokens (get-field+ :ntokens result -1)) (p-tokens (normalize-string (get-field+ :p-tokens result "") :escape rawp)) (readings (get-field+ :readings result -1)) (first (round (get-field+ :first result -1))) (total (round (get-field+ :total result -1))) (tcpu (round (get-field+ :tcpu result -1))) (tgc (round (get-field+ :tgc result -1))) (treal (round (get-field+ :treal result -1))) (words (get-field+ :words result -1)) (l-stasks (get-field+ :l-stasks result -1)) (p-ctasks (get-field+ :p-ctasks result -1)) (p-ftasks (get-field+ :p-ftasks result -1)) (p-etasks (get-field+ :p-etasks result -1)) (p-stasks (get-field+ :p-stasks result -1)) (aedges (get-field+ :aedges result -1)) (pedges (get-field+ :pedges result -1)) (raedges (get-field+ :raedges result -1)) (rpedges (get-field+ :rpedges result -1)) (tedges (get-field+ :tedges result -1)) (eedges (get-field+ :eedges result -1)) (ledges (get-field+ :ledges result -1)) (sedges (get-field+ :sedges result -1)) (redges (get-field+ :redges result -1)) (unifications (get-field+ :unifications result -1)) (copies (get-field+ :copies result -1)) (conses (get-field+ :conses result -1)) (symbols (get-field+ :symbols result -1)) (others (get-field+ :others result -1)) (gcs (get-field+ :gcs result -1)) (i-load (get-field :i-load result)) (i-load (typecase i-load (float (round (* 100 i-load))) (integer i-load) (t -1))) (a-load (get-field :a-load result)) (a-load (typecase a-load (float (round (* 100 a-load))) (integer a-load) (t -1))) (date (current-time :long t)) (error (normalize-string (get-field+ :error result "") :escape rawp)) (comment (normalize-string (get-field+ :comment result "") :escape rawp))) (if rawp (let ((stream (get-field :parse cache)) (ofs *tsdb-ofs*)) (write parse-id :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write run-id :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write i-id :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write ninputs :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string p-input stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write ntokens :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string p-tokens stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write readings :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write first :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write total :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write tcpu :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write tgc :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write treal :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write words :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write l-stasks :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write p-ctasks :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write p-ftasks :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write p-etasks :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write p-stasks :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write aedges :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write pedges :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write raedges :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write rpedges :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write tedges :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write eedges :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write ledges :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write sedges :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write redges :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write unifications :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write copies :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write conses :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write symbols :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write others :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write gcs :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write i-load :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write a-load :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string date stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string error stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string comment stream) (terpri stream) (force-output stream) (incf (get-field :count cache))) (let* ((query "insert into parse values") (query (format nil "~a ~d ~d ~d ~d ~s ~d ~s ~ ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~ ~d ~d ~ ~d ~d ~d ~d ~ ~d ~d ~d ~d ~ ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~ ~d ~d ~d ~ ~d ~d ~d ~ ~a ~s ~s" query parse-id run-id i-id ninputs p-input ntokens p-tokens readings first total tcpu tgc treal words l-stasks p-ctasks p-ftasks p-etasks p-stasks aedges pedges raedges rpedges tedges eedges ledges sedges redges unifications copies conses symbols others gcs i-load a-load date error comment))) (call-tsdb query language :cache cache)))))) (defun write-results (parse-id results &optional (language *tsdb-data*) &key cache) (when (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :ro)) (error "write-results(): write attempt on read-only cache; see `tsdb.lisp'")) (when *tsdb-write-result-p* (loop with *print-circle* = nil with *print-level* = nil with *print-length* = nil with rawp = (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :raw)) for result in results for id from 0 for result-id = (or (get-field :result-id result) id) for time = (round (get-field+ :time result -1)) for r-ctasks = (get-field+ :r-ctasks result -1) for r-ftasks = (get-field+ :r-ftasks result -1) for r-etasks = (get-field+ :r-etasks result -1) for r-stasks = (get-field+ :r-stasks result -1) for size = (get-field+ :size result -1) for r-aedges = (get-field+ :r-aedges result -1) for r-pedges = (get-field+ :r-pedges result -1) for derivation = (normalize-string (get-field :derivation result) :escape rawp) for surface = (normalize-string (get-field :surface result) :escape rawp) for tree = (normalize-string (get-field :tree result) :escape rawp) for mrs = (normalize-string (get-field :mrs result) :escape rawp) for flags = (normalize-string (get-field :flags result) :escape rawp) do (if rawp (let ((stream (get-field :result cache)) (ofs *tsdb-ofs*)) (write parse-id :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write result-id :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write time :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write r-ctasks :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write r-ftasks :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write r-etasks :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write r-stasks :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write size :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write r-aedges :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write r-pedges :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string derivation stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string surface stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string tree stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string mrs stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string flags stream) (terpri stream) (force-output stream) (incf (get-field :count cache))) (let* ((query (format nil "insert into result values ~ ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~s ~s ~s ~s ~s" parse-id result-id time r-ctasks r-ftasks r-etasks r-stasks size r-aedges r-pedges derivation surface tree mrs flags))) (call-tsdb query language :cache cache)))))) (defun write-edges (parse-id edges &optional (language *tsdb-data*) &key cache) (when (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :ro)) (error "write-edges(): write attempt on read-only cache; see `tsdb.lisp'")) (when *tsdb-write-edge-p* (loop with *print-circle* = nil with *print-level* = nil with *print-length* = nil with rawp = (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :raw)) for edge in edges for e-id = (get-field+ :e-id edge -1) for e-label = (normalize-string (get-field+ :e-label edge "") :escape rawp) for e-type = (get-field+ :e-type edge -1) for e-status = (get-field+ :e-status edge -1) for e-start = (get-field+ :e-start edge -1) for e-end = (get-field+ :e-end edge -1) for e-score = (let ((foo (get-field+ :e-score edge ""))) (typecase foo (string foo) (number (format nil "~f" foo)) (t ""))) for e-daughters = (normalize-string (get-field+ :e-daughters edge "") :escape rawp) for e-parents = (normalize-string (get-field+ :e-parents edge "") :escape rawp) for e-alternates = (normalize-string (get-field+ :e-alternates edge "") :escape rawp) do (if rawp (let ((stream (get-field :edge cache)) (ofs *tsdb-ofs*)) (write e-id :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write parse-id :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string e-label stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write e-type :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write e-status :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write e-start :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write e-end :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string e-score stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string e-daughters stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string e-parents stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string e-alternates stream) (terpri stream) (force-output stream) (incf (get-field :count cache))) (let* ((query (format nil "insert into edge values ~ ~d ~d ~s ~ ~d ~d ~d ~d ~s ~ ~s ~s ~s" e-id parse-id e-label e-type e-status e-start e-end e-score e-daughters e-daughters e-alternates))) (call-tsdb query language :cache cache)))))) (defun write-rules (parse-id statistics &optional (language *tsdb-data*) &key cache) (when (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :ro)) (error "write-rules(): write attempt on read-only cache; see `tsdb.lisp'")) (when *tsdb-rule-statistics-p* (loop with *print-circle* = nil with *print-level* = nil with *print-length* = nil with rawp = (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :raw)) for rule in statistics for name = (normalize-string (get-field+ :rule rule "") :escape rawp) for filtered = (get-field+ :filtered rule -1) for executed = (get-field+ :executed rule -1) for successful = (get-field+ :successful rule -1) for actives = (get-field+ :actives rule -1) for passives = (get-field+ :passives rule -1) do (if rawp (let ((stream (get-field :rule cache)) (ofs *tsdb-ofs*)) (write parse-id :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string name stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write filtered :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write executed :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write successful :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write actives :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write passives :stream stream) (terpri stream) (force-output stream) (incf (get-field :count cache))) (let ((query (format nil "insert into rule values ~d ~s ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d" parse-id name filtered executed successful actives passives))) (call-tsdb query language :cache cache)))))) (defun write-output (i-id application tree mrs tasks user date language &key cache) (when (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :ro)) (error "write-output(): write attempt on read-only cache; see `tsdb.lisp'")) (when *tsdb-write-output-p* (when (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :raw)) (error "write-output(): unable to write to raw cache; see `tsdb.lisp'")) (let* ((*print-circle* nil) (*print-level* nil) (*print-length* nil) (rawp nil) (tree (normalize-string tree :escape rawp)) (mrs (normalize-string mrs :escape rawp)) (query (format nil "insert into output values ~a ~d ~s ~s ~s ~d ~s ~a" i-id application tree mrs tasks user date))) (call-tsdb query language :cache cache)))) (defun write-tree (data record &key cache) (when (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :ro)) (error "write-tree(): write attempt on read-only cache; see `tsdb.lisp'")) (let* ((*print-circle* nil) (*print-level* nil) (*print-length* nil) (rawp (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :raw))) (parse-id (get-field :parse-id record)) (version (get-field :t-version record)) (active (get-field :t-active record)) (confidence (get-field :t-confidence record)) (t-author (get-field :t-author record)) (t-start (get-field :t-start record)) (t-end (get-field :t-end record)) (t-comment (get-field :t-comment record))) (if rawp (let ((stream (get-field :tree cache)) (ofs *tsdb-ofs*)) (write parse-id :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write version :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write active :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write confidence :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string t-author stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string t-start stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string t-end stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string t-comment stream) (terpri stream) (force-output stream) (incf (get-field :count cache))) (let ((query (format nil "insert into tree values ~d ~d ~d ~d ~s ~a ~a ~s" parse-id version active confidence t-author t-start t-end t-comment))) (call-tsdb query data :cache cache))))) (defun write-decision (data record &key cache) (when (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :ro)) (error "write-decision(): write attempt on read-only cache; see `tsdb.lisp'")) (let* ((*print-circle* nil) (*print-level* nil) (*print-length* nil) (rawp (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :raw))) (parse-id (get-field :parse-id record)) (t-version (get-field :t-version record)) (d-state (get-field :d-state record)) (d-type (get-field :d-type record)) (d-key (normalize-string (or (get-field :d-key record) "") :escape rawp)) (d-value (normalize-string (or (get-field :d-value record) "") :escape rawp)) (d-start (get-field :d-start record)) (d-end (get-field :d-end record)) (d-date (get-field :d-date record))) (if rawp (let ((stream (get-field :decision cache)) (ofs *tsdb-ofs*)) (write parse-id :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write t-version :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write d-state :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write d-type :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string (or d-key "") stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string (or d-value "") stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write d-start :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write d-end :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string (or d-date "") stream) (terpri stream) (force-output stream) (incf (get-field :count cache))) (let ((query (format nil "insert into decision values ~d ~d ~d ~s ~s ~d ~d ~a" parse-id t-version d-type (or d-key "") (or d-value "") d-start d-end (or d-date "")))) (call-tsdb query data :cache cache))))) (defun write-preference (data record &key cache) (when (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :ro)) (error "write-preference(): write attempt on read-only cache; see `tsdb.lisp'")) (let* ((*print-circle* nil) (*print-level* nil) (*print-length* nil) (rawp (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :raw))) (parse-id (get-field :parse-id record)) (t-version (get-field :t-version record)) (result-id (get-field :result-id record))) (if rawp (let ((stream (get-field :preference cache)) (ofs *tsdb-ofs*)) (write parse-id :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write t-version :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write result-id :stream stream) (terpri stream) (force-output stream) (incf (get-field :count cache))) (let ((query (format nil "insert into preference values ~d ~d ~d" parse-id t-version result-id))) (call-tsdb query data :cache cache))))) (defun write-update (data record &key cache) (when (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :ro)) (error "write-update(): write attempt on read-only cache; see `tsdb.lisp'")) (let* ((*print-circle* nil) (*print-level* nil) (*print-length* nil) (rawp (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :raw))) (parse-id (get-field :parse-id record)) (t-version (get-field :t-version record)) (u-matches (get-field+ :u-matches record -1)) (u-mismatches (get-field+ :u-mismatches record -1)) (u-new (get-field+ :u-new record -1)) (u-gin (get-field+ :u-gin record -1)) (u-gout (get-field+ :u-gout record -1)) (u-pin (get-field+ :u-pin record -1)) (u-pout (get-field+ :u-pout record -1)) (u-in (get-field+ :u-in record -1)) (u-out (get-field+ :u-out record -1))) (if rawp (let ((stream (get-field :update cache)) (ofs *tsdb-ofs*)) (write parse-id :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write t-version :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write u-matches :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write u-mismatches :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write u-new :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write u-gin :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write u-gout :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write u-pin :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write u-pout :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write u-in :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write u-out :stream stream) (terpri stream) (force-output stream) (incf (get-field :count cache))) (let ((query (format nil "insert into update values ~ ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d" parse-id t-version u-matches u-mismatches u-new u-gin u-gout u-pin u-pout u-in u-out))) (call-tsdb query data :cache cache))))) (defun write-fold (data record &key cache) (when (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :ro)) (error "write-fold(): write attempt on read-only cache; see `tsdb.lisp'")) (let* ((*print-circle* nil) (*print-level* nil) (*print-length* nil) (rawp (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :raw))) (f-id (get-field+ :f-id record -1)) (f-train (get-field+ :f-train record -1)) (f-trains (get-field+ :f-trains record "")) (f-test (get-field+ :f-test record -1)) (f-tests (get-field+ :f-tests record "")) (f-events (get-field+ :f-events record -1)) (f-features (get-field+ :f-features record -1)) (f-environment (normalize-string (get-field+ :f-environment record "") :escape rawp)) (f-iterations (get-field+ :f-iterations record -1)) (f-etime (get-field+ :f-etime record -1)) (f-estimation (normalize-string (get-field+ :f-estimation record "") :escape rawp)) (f-accuracy (let ((foo (get-field+ :f-accuracy record ""))) (if (stringp foo) foo (format nil "~f" foo)))) (f-extras (normalize-string (get-field+ :f-extras record ""))) (f-user (get-field+ :f-user record "")) (f-host (get-field+ :f-host record "")) (f-start (get-field+ :f-start record "")) (f-end (get-field+ :f-end record "")) (f-comment (normalize-string (get-field+ :f-comment record "")))) (if rawp (let ((stream (get-field :fold cache)) (ofs *tsdb-ofs*)) (write f-id :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write f-train :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string f-trains stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write f-test :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string f-tests stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write f-events :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write f-features :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string f-environment stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write f-iterations :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write f-etime :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string f-estimation stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string f-accuracy stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string f-extras stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string f-user stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string f-host stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string f-start stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string f-end stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string f-comment stream) (terpri stream) (force-output stream) (incf (get-field :count cache))) (let ((query (format nil "insert into score values ~ ~d ~d ~s ~d ~s ~d ~d ~s ~d ~d ~s ~s ~s ~s ~s ~s ~s ~s" f-id f-train f-trains f-test f-tests f-events f-features f-environment f-iterations f-etime f-estimation f-accuracy f-extras f-user f-host f-start f-end f-comment))) (call-tsdb query data :cache cache))))) (defun write-score (data record &key cache) (when (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :ro)) (error "write-score(): write attempt on read-only cache; see `tsdb.lisp'")) (let* ((*print-circle* nil) (*print-level* nil) (*print-length* nil) (rawp (and cache (eq (get-field :protocol cache) :raw))) (granularity (or (get-field :granularity cache) (profile-granularity data))) (parse-id (get-field :parse-id record)) (result-id (get-field :result-id record)) (start (get-field+ :score-start record -1)) (end (get-field+ :score-end record -1)) (score-id (get-field+ :score-id record -1)) (learner (get-field+ :learner record "")) (rank (get-field+ :rank record -1)) (score (get-field+ :score record "")) (score (if (stringp score) score (format nil "~a" score)))) (if rawp (let ((stream (get-field :score cache)) (ofs *tsdb-ofs*)) (write parse-id :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write result-id :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (when (>= granularity 201002) (write start :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write end :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write score-id :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string learner stream) (write-char ofs stream)) (write rank :stream stream) (write-char ofs stream) (write-string score stream) (terpri stream) (force-output stream) (incf (get-field :count cache))) (let ((query (format nil "insert into score values ~ ~d ~d ~d ~s" parse-id result-id rank score))) (call-tsdb query data :cache cache)))))