;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: TSDB -*- ;;; ;;; [incr tsdb()] --- Competence and Performance Profiling Environment ;;; Copyright (c) 1996 -- 2005 Stephan Oepen (oe@csli.stanford.edu) ;;; Copyright (c) 2006 -- 2009 Stephan Oepen (oe@ifi.uio.no) ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ;;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ;;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License for more details. ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; file: ;;; module: ;;; version: ;;; written by: ;;; last update: ;;; updated by: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; author | date | modification ;;; ------------------|-------------|------------------------------------------ ;;; | | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package "TSDB") (defun reset-tsdb-paths () (setf *tsdb-application* (format nil "exec ~a" (namestring (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory make::bin-dir) :name "tsdb")))) (setf *tsdb-home* (namestring (dir-append (get-sources-dir "tsdb") '(:relative "tsdb"))))) (defun install-gc-strategy (gc &key (verbosity *tsdb-gc-verbosity*) (tenure *tsdb-tenure-p*) burst verbose) #+:allegro (let ((environment (pairlis '(:print :stats :verbose :auto-step) (list (sys:gsgc-switch :print) (sys:gsgc-switch :stats) (sys:gsgc-switch :verbose) (sys:gsgc-parameter :auto-step)))) (statsp (smember :stats verbosity)) (verbosep (smember :verbose verbosity)) (*tsdb-tenured-bytes-limit* nil)) (setf (system:gsgc-switch :dump-on-error) t) (setf (sys:gsgc-switch :print) (or verbosep statsp)) (setf (sys:gsgc-switch :verbose) verbosep) (setf (sys:gsgc-switch :stats) statsp) (setf (sys:gsgc-parameter :auto-step) tenure) (setf (sys:gsgc-parameter :generation-spread) *tsdb-generation-spread*) (unless tenure (setf (system:gsgc-switch :gc-old-before-expand) t) (when verbose (format *tsdb-io* "install-gc-strategy(): ~ disabling tenure; global garbage collection ...")) #-(version>= 5 0) (busy :gc :start) (excl:gc (if burst :mark-for-tenure :tenure)) #-(version>= 5 0) (busy :gc :end) (setf *tsdb-tenured-bytes* 0) (when verbose (format *tsdb-io* " done.~%"))) (when (and (null tenure) (eq gc :global) verbose) (format *tsdb-io* "install-gc-strategy(): ~ tenure disabled; supressing preliminary gc()s.~%")) (acons :gc (if (and (null tenure) (eq gc :global)) nil gc) environment))) (defun restore-gc-strategy (strategy) (when strategy #+:allegro (setf (sys:gsgc-switch :print) (get-field :print strategy)) #+:allegro (setf (sys:gsgc-switch :stats) (get-field :stats strategy)) #+:allegro (setf (sys:gsgc-switch :verbose) (get-field :verbose strategy)) #+:allegro (setf (sys:gsgc-parameter :auto-step) (get-field :auto-step strategy)))) (defun gc-statistics-reset (&optional code) (unless (arrayp *tsdb-gc-statistics*) (setf *tsdb-gc-statistics* (make-array 5))) (loop for key in '(:global :scavenge :new :old) do (setf (gc-statistics key) 0)) (when (eq code :all) (setf (gc-statistics :efficiency) nil)) *tsdb-gc-statistics*) (defun find-function (description) (ignore-errors (typecase description (null nil) (string (find-function (read-from-string description))) (symbol (symbol-function description)) (function description)))) (defun remove-and-insert-punctuation (string) (let* ((string (remove #\, string)) (string (remove #\; string)) (string (remove #\: string)) (string (remove #\. string)) (string (remove #\? string)) (string (remove #\! string)) (string (string-right-trim (list #\space #\tab) string))) (concatenate 'string string "."))) (defun normalize-string (string &key escape (normalize t)) (if string (loop with string = (if (stringp string) string (with-standard-io-syntax (let ((*package* (find-package :tsdb))) (write-to-string string)))) with padding = 128 with length = (+ (length string) padding) with result = (make-array length :element-type 'character :adjustable nil :fill-pointer 0) with space = t for c across string ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; as it stands, normalize-string() gets only called on strings that ;; we are about to insert into tsdb(1); in case we write the data ;; files directly, we have to obey tsdb(1) escape conventions; thus, ;; the `@' --> `\s' translation should usually be deactivated. ;; (26-aug-99 - oe) when (and escape (not normalize) (char= c #\Newline)) do (vector-push #\\ result) (vector-push #\n result) (when (zerop (decf padding)) (setf padding 42) (incf length padding) (setf result (adjust-array result length))) (setf space t) else when (and escape (or (char= c *tsdb-ofs*) (char= c #\\))) do (vector-push #\\ result) (vector-push (if (char= c *tsdb-ofs*) #\s #\\) result) (when (zerop (decf padding)) (setf padding 42) (incf length padding) (setf result (adjust-array result length))) (setf space nil) else when (and normalize (member c '(#\Space #\Newline #\Tab))) do (when space (incf padding)) (unless space (vector-push #\Space result) (setf space :space)) else do (vector-push c result) (setf space nil) finally (when (and (eq space :space) (not (zerop (fill-pointer result)))) (decf (fill-pointer result))) (return result)) "")) (defun string-strip (prefix string) (if (search prefix string) (subseq string (length prefix)) string)) (defun shell-escape-quotes (string) (if (and (stringp string) (>= (length string) 1)) (let ((prefix (elt string 0))) (if (equal prefix #\') (concatenate 'string "'\\''" (shell-escape-quotes (subseq string 1))) (concatenate 'string (string prefix) (shell-escape-quotes (subseq string 1))))) string)) (defun tsdb-escape-quotes (string) (if (and (stringp string) (>= (length string) 1)) (let ((prefix (elt string 0))) (if (equal prefix #\") (concatenate 'string "\\\"" (tsdb-escape-quotes (subseq string 1))) (concatenate 'string (string prefix) (tsdb-escape-quotes (subseq string 1))))) string)) (defun tcl-escape-braces (string) (if (and string (stringp string)) (loop with padding = 128 with length = (+ (length string) padding) with result = (make-array length :element-type 'character :adjustable nil :fill-pointer 0) for c across string when (or (char= c #\{) (char= c #\})) do (vector-push #\\ result) (vector-push c result) (when (zerop (decf padding)) (setf padding 42) (incf length padding) (setf result (adjust-array result length))) else when (char= c #\Newline) do (vector-push #\Space result) else do (vector-push c result) finally (return result)) string)) (defun latex-escape-string (string &key escape) (if (and string (or (stringp string) (symbolp string))) (loop with string = (string string) with padding = 128 with length = (+ (length string) padding) with result = (make-array length :element-type 'character :adjustable nil :fill-pointer 0) for c across string when (or (member c '(#\$ #\_ #\% #\# #\{ #\}) :test #'char=) (member c escape :test #'char=)) do (vector-push #\\ result) (vector-push c result) (when (zerop (decf padding)) (setf padding 42) (incf length padding) (setf result (adjust-array result length))) else do (vector-push c result) finally (return result)) string)) (defun xml-escape-string (string) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (space 0) (debug 0))) (if (and string (stringp string)) (loop with padding = (loop for c across string when (char= c #\&) sum 4 else when (or (char= c #\<) (char= c #\>)) sum 3 else when (or (char= c #\') (char= c #\")) sum 5) with result = (make-string (+ (length string) padding)) with i = -1 for c of-type character across (the string string) when (char= c #\&) do (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\&) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\a) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\m) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\p) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\;) else when (char= c #\<) do (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\&) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\l) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\t) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\;) else when (char= c #\>) do (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\&) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\g) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\t) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\;) else when (char= c #\') do (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\&) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\a) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\p) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\o) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\s) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\;) else when (char= c #\") do (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\&) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\q) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\u) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\o) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\t) (setf (schar result (incf i)) #\;) else do (setf (schar result (incf i)) c) finally (return result)) string)) #+:null (defun ith-nth (list ith nth) (loop with i = 1 with n = (floor (length list) (if (zerop nth) 1 nth)) for j from 1 for foo in list when (or (zerop nth) (and (not (zerop n)) (= i ith))) collect foo into result else collect foo into complement when (and (not (zerop n)) (zerop (mod j n)) (not (and (= ith nth) (= i ith)))) do (incf i) finally (return (values result complement)))) (defun ith-nth (list ith nth) (if (zerop ith) (values nil (copy-list list)) (loop for i from 1 for foo in list for mod = (mod i nth) when (or (and (= ith nth) (zerop mod)) (= mod ith)) collect foo into result else collect foo into complement finally (return (values result complement))))) (defun i-jth-nth (list ith jth nth) (when (or (= ith 0) (= jth 0) (= 0 nth) (> ith jth) (> jth nth)) (error "i-jth-nth(): ~ indicies are out of scope: ~a ~a ~a " ith jth nth)) (if (= ith jth) (ith-nth list ith nth) (loop with result with list = (copy-list list) with i = 1 for mod = (mod i nth) when (or (and (= ith nth) (zerop mod)) (= mod ith)) do (setq result (nconc result (loop repeat (1+ (- jth ith)) when (car list) do (incf i) and collect (pop list)))) else do (incf i) and collect (pop list) into complement when (null list) do (return (values result complement))))) (defun ith-n (list ith n) (when (> ith 0) (loop with list = (loop for foo on list for i from 1 to (* n (- ith 1)) finally (return foo)) for foo in list while (> n 0) collect foo do (decf n)))) (defun percentage (list n) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; find the right name for this function and see whether there is an even ;; more efficient way of computing it :-). (31-mar-06; oe & erik) ;; (loop for i from 1 to n nconc (ith-nth list i 100))) (defun complement! (fn) #'(lambda (&rest args) (not (apply fn args)))) (defun find! (item sequence &key (test #'eql) key) (funcall #'remove item sequence :test #'(lambda (&rest items) (not (apply test items))) :key key)) (defun clients-grammar () (let* ((grammars (loop for client in *pvm-clients* for cpu = (client-cpu client) for grammar = (cpu-grammar cpu) when grammar collect grammar)) (grammars (remove-duplicates grammars :test #'string-equal))) (when (null (rest grammars)) (first grammars)))) (defun log-directory (&optional context) (declare (ignore context)) (case context (t (let* ((log #+:logon (getenv "LOGONLOG") #-:logon nil) (log (and log (namestring (parse-namestring log))))) (or log (namestring (user-homedir-pathname))))))) (defun tmp (&optional context) (case context (:redwoods (let* ((tmp (or (getenv "REDWOODSTMP") #+:logon (getenv "LOGONTMP"))) (tmp (and tmp (namestring (parse-namestring tmp))))) (or tmp "/tmp"))) (t (let* ((tmp #+:logon (getenv "LOGONTMP") #-:logon nil) (tmp (and tmp (namestring (parse-namestring tmp))))) (or tmp "/tmp"))))) (defun current-application () (cond ((and *pvm-clients* (let* ((names (loop for client in *pvm-clients* for cpu = (client-cpu client) for name = (cpu-name cpu) when name collect name)) (names (remove-duplicates names :test #'string-equal))) (when (null (rest names)) (first names))))) ((and (member :page *features* :test #'eq) (not (member :lkb *features* :test #'eq))) "PAGE") ((and (member :lkb *features* :test #'eq) (not (member :page *features* :test #'eq))) "LKB") ((and (member :lkb *features* :test #'eq) (member :page *features* :test #'eq)) "JANUS") ((member :chic *features* :test #'eq) "CHIC") ((member :anlt *features* :test #'eq) "A(N)NLT") ((member :babel *features* :test #'eq) "BABEL") (t "standalone"))) (defun current-tsdb () *tsdb-version*) #-:pvm (defun current-user () (or #+(and :allegro-version>= (version>= 5 0)) (sys:user-name) #+(and :allegro (not (and :allegro-version>= (version>= 5 0)))) (system:getenv "USER") #+(and :mcl :powerpc) (ccl:process-name ccl:*current-process*) #+:lucid (lcl:environment-variable "USER") "nobody")) (defun current-platform () (format nil "~a (~a)" (lisp-implementation-type) (lisp-implementation-version))) (defun current-os () (software-version)) (defun current-host () (short-site-name)) #+(and (not :pvm) :allegro-version>= (version>= 5 0)) (def-foreign-call (current-pid "getpid") (:void) :returning :int) #+(and (not :pvm) :allegro-version>= (not (version>= 5 0))) (defforeign 'current-pid :entry-point "getpid" :arguments nil :return-type :integer) #+(and (not :pvm) (not :allegro-version>=)) (defun current-pid () (random (expt 2 15))) (defun current-time (&key long treal tcpu) (case long (:since (let ((ncpu (get-internal-run-time)) (nreal (get-internal-real-time))) (format nil "~@[~,2f:~]~,2f" (when tcpu (/ (- ncpu tcpu) internal-time-units-per-second)) (/ (- nreal treal) internal-time-units-per-second)))) (t (decode-time (get-universal-time) :long long)))) (defun decode-time (time &key long) (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour day month year foo bar baz) (decode-universal-time time) (declare (ignore foo bar baz)) (let ((months '("jan" "feb" "mar" "apr" "may" "jun" "jul" "aug" "sep" "oct" "nov" "dec"))) (cond ((null long) (format nil "~a-~a-~a" day month year)) ((member long '(:usa :us :reverse)) (format nil "~2,'0d-~2,'0d-~2,'0d" (mod year 100) month day)) ((member long '(:tsdb)) (format nil "~a-~a-~a ~2,'0d:~2,'0d:~2,'0d" day (nth (- month 1) months) year hour minute second)) ((member long '(:pretty :readable)) (format nil "~a-~a-~a (~2,'0d:~2,'0d h)" day (nth (- month 1) months) year hour minute)) ((eq long :short) (format nil "~2,'0d:~2,'0d:~2,'0d" hour minute second)) (t (format nil "~a-~a-~a (~2,'0d:~2,'0d:~2,'0d)" day month year hour minute second)))))) (defun parse-date (date) (multiple-value-bind (day offset) (parse-integer date :junk-allowed t) (let* ((month (subseq date (+ offset 1) (+ offset 4))) (month (cond ((string-equal month "jan") 1) ((string-equal month "feb") 2) ((string-equal month "mar") 3) ((string-equal month "apr") 4) ((string-equal month "may") 5) ((string-equal month "jun") 6) ((string-equal month "jul") 7) ((string-equal month "aug") 8) ((string-equal month "sep") 9) ((string-equal month "oct") 10) ((string-equal month "nov") 11) ((string-equal month "dec") 12)))) (multiple-value-bind (year offset) (parse-integer date :start (+ offset 5) :junk-allowed t) (multiple-value-bind (hour offset) (parse-integer date :start (+ offset 1) :junk-allowed t) (multiple-value-bind (minutes offset) (parse-integer date :start (+ offset 1) :junk-allowed t) (multiple-value-bind (seconds) (parse-integer date :start (+ offset 1) :junk-allowed t) (encode-universal-time (or seconds 0) (or minutes 0) (or hour 0) day month year)))))))) (defun pprint-memory-usage (result &optional (separator #\Space)) (let* ((conses (get-field+ :conses result 0)) (symbols (get-field+ :symbols result 0)) (others (get-field+ :others result 0)) total) (when (or (not (numberp conses)) (= conses -1)) (setf conses 0)) (when (or (not (numberp symbols)) (= symbols -1)) (setf symbols 0)) (when (or (not (numberp others)) (= others -1)) (setf others 0)) (setf total (+ conses symbols others)) (if (and (zerop conses) (zerop symbols)) (pprint-potentially-large-integer total) (concatenate 'string (pprint-potentially-large-integer conses) (string separator) (pprint-potentially-large-integer symbols) (string separator) (pprint-potentially-large-integer others) (string separator) "=" (string separator) (pprint-potentially-large-integer total))))) (defun pprint-potentially-large-integer (n) (cond ((not (numberp n)) "") ((>= n (* (expt 2 30) 10)) (format nil "~dG" (round n (expt 2 30)))) ((>= n (expt 2 30)) (format nil "~,1fG" (/ n (expt 2 30)))) ((>= n (* (expt 2 20) 10)) (format nil "~dM" (round n (expt 2 20)))) ((>= n (expt 2 20)) (format nil "~,1fM" (/ n (expt 2 20)))) ((>= n (* (expt 2 10) 10)) (format nil "~dK" (round n (expt 2 10)))) ((>= n (expt 2 10)) (format nil "~,1fK" (/ n (expt 2 10)))) (t (format nil "~d" n)))) (defun create-output-stream (file &optional append &key (encoding :utf-8) format) #-(and :allegro-version>= (version>= 6 0)) (declare (ignore encoding)) (let ((stream (cond ((or (stringp file) (pathnamep file)) (open file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create)) ((or (stringp append) (pathnamep append)) (open append :direction :output :if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :create)) ((or file append) (or file append)) (t *tsdb-io*)))) #+(and :allegro-version>= (version>= 6 0)) (unless (or (eq stream file) (eq stream append) (eq stream *tsdb-io*)) (setf (stream-external-format stream) (excl:find-external-format encoding))) (when (eq format :xml) (format stream "~%" encoding)) stream)) (defun verify-tsdb-directory (language &key absolute skeletonp) (let ((data (if absolute (namestring language) (find-tsdb-directory language)))) (when (and data (probe-file (make-pathname :directory data :name "relations"))) (let* ((command (format nil "~a -home='~a' -verify -quiet -pager=null" *tsdb-application* data)) #+:null (application (subseq *tsdb-application* 5)) #+:null (command (vector application "tsdb" (format nil "-home=~a" data) "-verify" "-quiet" "-pager=null")) (status (if skeletonp 0 (run-process command :wait t)))) (when (zerop status) (let* ((status (cond (skeletonp :skeleton) ((probe-file (make-pathname :directory data :name "item.gz")) :ro) (t :rw))) (result (unless skeletonp (or (file-size (make-pathname :directory data :name "result")) (file-size (make-pathname :directory data :name "result.gz"))))) (resultp (and (not skeletonp) (numberp result) (> result 0))) (edge (unless skeletonp (or (file-size (make-pathname :directory data :name "edge")) (file-size (make-pathname :directory data :name "edge.gz"))))) (edgep (and (not skeletonp) (numberp edge) (> edge 0))) (rule (unless skeletonp (or (file-size (make-pathname :directory data :name "rule")) (file-size (make-pathname :directory data :name "rule.gz"))))) (rulep (and (not skeletonp) (numberp rule) (> rule 0))) (tree (unless skeletonp (or (file-size (make-pathname :directory data :name "tree")) (file-size (make-pathname :directory data :name "tree.gz"))))) (treep (and (not skeletonp) (numberp tree) (> tree 0))) (score (unless skeletonp (or (file-size (make-pathname :directory data :name "score")) (file-size (make-pathname :directory data :name "score.gz"))))) (scorep (and (not skeletonp) (numberp score) (> score 0))) (fcp (and (not skeletonp) (let ((size (file-size (make-pathname :directory data :name (or #+:acache "fc.abt" "fc.bdb"))))) (and (numberp size) (> size 0))))) (items (tcount data "item" :absolute t :quiet skeletonp)) (parses (unless skeletonp (tcount data "parse" :absolute t)))) (pairlis (list :database :path :status :items :parses :resultp :edgep :rulep :treep :scorep :fcp) (list (namestring language) data status items parses resultp edgep rulep treep scorep fcp)))))))) (defun virtual-profile-p (data &key absolute) (let ((data (if absolute (namestring data) (find-tsdb-directory data)))) (probe-file (make-pathname :directory data :name "virtual")))) (defun virtual-profile-components (data &key absolute test (verbose t)) (let ((virtual (virtual-profile-p data :absolute absolute))) (when virtual (with-open-file (stream virtual :direction :input) (loop for source = (read stream nil nil) while source when (or (null test) (find-tsdb-directory source :test t)) collect source else when verbose do (format *tsdb-io* "virtual-profile-components(): invalid `~a'.~%" source)))))) (defun read-file (name) (when (probe-file name) (with-open-file (stream name :direction :input) (loop with result = (make-array (file-length stream) :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 0) for c = (read-char stream nil nil) while c do (vector-push c result) finally (return result))))) (defun file-size (path) (let* ((path (if (stringp path) path (namestring path))) (stream (open path :direction :input :if-does-not-exist nil)) (size (and stream (file-length stream)))) (when stream (close stream) size))) (defun directoryp (path) #+(and :allegro-version>= (version>= 6 0)) (excl:probe-directory path) #-(and :allegro-version>= (version>= 6 0)) (probe-file (make-pathname :directory path :name "."))) (defun subdirectories (path) (let* ((path (if (stringp path) path (namestring path))) (pattern (make-pathname :directory path :name :wild)) (contents (directory pattern))) (when contents (cons path (mapcan #'subdirectories contents))))) (defun cp (source target &key (mode :supersede)) (when (probe-file source) (with-open-file (in source :direction :input :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (let ((out (if (and (streamp target) (open-stream-p target)) target (open target :direction :output :if-does-not-exist :create :if-exists mode :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))) (loop for c = (read-byte in nil nil) while c do (write-byte c out)) (unless (and (streamp target) (open-stream-p target)) (close out)))) target)) (defun wc (file) (when (probe-file file) (with-open-file (stream file :direction :input) (loop with characters = 0 with lines = 0 for c = (read-char stream nil nil) while c when (char= c #\newline) do (incf lines) do (incf characters) finally (return (pairlis '(:characters :lines) (list characters lines))))))) (defun touch (file &key (if-exists :supersede)) (with-open-file (foo file :direction :output :if-exists if-exists :if-does-not-exist :create))) (defun purge-directory (path) (let* ((path (if (stringp path) path (namestring path))) (pattern (make-pathname :directory path :name :wild)) (contents (directory pattern))) (if contents (loop for file in contents do (delete-file file) finally (return path)) (and (directoryp path) path)))) (defun mkdir (path &key parentp) (if parentp (loop with path = (if (pathnamep path) path (make-pathname :directory path)) with directories = (pathname-directory path) for i from (- (length directories) 2) downto 0 for directory = (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory (butlast directories i)) path) unless (probe-file directory) do (mkdir directory) finally (return (probe-file path))) (or #+(and :allegro-version>= (version>= 5 0) :excl) (return-from mkdir (excl:make-directory path)) #+:unix (return-from mkdir (run-process (format nil "/bin/mkdir ~a" (namestring path)) :wait t)) (error "mkdir(): ~ unable to create directories on this platform; ~ see `utilities.lisp'.")))) (defun directory2file (path) (if (pathnamep path) (directory2file (namestring path)) (substitute #\. *tsdb-slash* path :test #'char=))) (defun remove-key-argument (key arguments &optional result) (cond ((null arguments) (nreverse result)) ((null (rest arguments)) (nreverse (cons (first arguments) result))) ((eq key (first arguments)) (remove-key-argument key (rest (rest arguments)) result)) (t (remove-key-argument key (rest (rest arguments)) (append (list (second arguments) (first arguments)) result))))) (defun find-key-argument (key arguments) (let ((position (position key arguments))) (when position (nth (+ position 1) arguments)))) (defun purge-test-run (data &key (action :forget)) (purge-profile-cache data) (unless (eq data :all) (let* ((directory (find-tsdb-directory data))) (case action ((:purge :tree :score) (loop for file in (case action (:score '("score" "fold")) (:tree *tsdb-redwoods-files*) (:purge *tsdb-profile-files*)) for name = (concatenate 'string directory file) for compressed = (concatenate 'string name ".gz") when (probe-file name) do (delete-file name) when (probe-file compressed) do (delete-file compressed) do (with-open-file (foo name :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)))) (:empty (loop with pattern = (make-pathname :directory directory :name :wild) with files = (directory pattern) for file in files for name = (pathname-name file) unless (equal name "relations") do (with-open-file (foo file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)))))))) (defun suggest-test-run-directory (skeleton &key (absolute t)) (let* ((grammar (current-grammar)) (grammar (when (stringp grammar) grammar)) (open (when (stringp grammar) (position #\( grammar))) (close (when (stringp grammar) (position #\) grammar :from-end t))) (version (when (and open close) (subseq grammar (+ open 1) close))) (grammar (if version (subseq grammar 0 open) grammar)) (grammar (string-downcase (string-trim '(#\Space) grammar))) (date (current-time :long :usa)) (system (current-application)) (template (or (let* ((templates (loop for client in *pvm-clients* for cpu = (client-cpu client) for template = (cpu-template cpu) when template collect template)) (templates (remove-duplicates templates :test #'string-equal))) (when (= (length templates) 1) (first templates))) *tsdb-instance-template*)) (result (make-array 256 :element-type 'character :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))) (if (stringp template) (loop initially (when absolute (loop for c across *tsdb-home* do (vector-push-extend c result 42))) with skip = 0 for c across template for special = (if control (case c (#\g grammar) (#\v version) (#\t skeleton) (#\d date) (#\s system) (#\% "%") (t "")) :null) for control = (unless control (char= c #\%)) do (cond ((null special) (incf skip)) ((stringp special) (loop for c across (string-downcase special) do (vector-push-extend c result 42))) ((> skip 0) (decf skip)) ((null control) (vector-push-extend c result 42))) finally (return result)) (format nil "~:[~*~;~a~]~a/~@[~a/~]~a/~a/~a" absolute *tsdb-home* grammar version skeleton date system)))) (defun list2tcl (list &key format) (let ((format (format nil "{~~{~a ~~}}" (or format "~s")))) (format nil format list))) (let ((id 0) #+:allegro (lock (make-process-lock)) processes) (labels ((expire () #+:allegro (with-process-lock (lock) (let ((now (get-internal-real-time)) (pension (* 1800 internal-time-units-per-second))) (setf processes (loop for process in processes for properties = (process-property-list process) for start = (getf properties :start) when (or (not (integerp start)) (< now start) (> (- now start) pension)) do (ignore-errors (process-kill process)) else collect process)))))) (defun background (function &rest arguments) (expire) #+:allegro (let* ((name (format nil "background # ~a" id)) (start (get-internal-real-time)) (closure #'(lambda () (multiple-value-bind (result condition) (ignore-errors (apply function arguments)) (let ((stop (get-internal-real-time)) (properties (process-property-list *current-process*))) (setf (getf properties :result) result) (setf (getf properties :condition) condition) (setf (getf properties :stop) stop) (setf (process-property-list *current-process*) properties))))) (process (run-function name closure))) (setf (getf (mp:process-property-list process) :id) id) (incf id) (setf (getf (mp:process-property-list process) :start) start) (with-process-lock (lock) (push process processes)) process)) (defun background-status (process &key kill wait) (expire) #+:allegro (when (process-p process) (let ((properties (process-property-list process))) (when kill (ignore-errors (process-kill process :wait wait)) (with-process-lock (lock) (setf processes (delete process processes)))) (values (getf properties :result) (getf properties :condition)))))))