;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: TSDB -*- ;;; ;;; [incr tsdb()] --- Competence and Performance Profiling Environment ;;; Copyright (c) 1996 -- 2005 Stephan Oepen (oe@csli.stanford.edu) ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ;;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ;;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License for more details. ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; file: ;;; module: ;;; version: ;;; written by: ;;; last update: ;;; updated by: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; author | date | modification ;;; ------------------|-------------|------------------------------------------ ;;; | | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package "TSDB") (defparameter *yy-k2y-ra-threshold* nil) (defparameter *yy-rts-ra-threshold* nil) (defparameter *yy-k2y-rts-ra-ratio* nil) (defparameter *yy-token-compare* '(:from :to :form :inflection)) (defun yy-read-input (string &key (format :string) (sort :id)) (let* ((i 0) (length (length string)) (whitespace '(#\space #\tab #\newline))) (labels ((skip (characters) (loop while (member (schar string i) characters :test #'char=) do (incf i))) (skip-to (character) (loop with escape = nil with quote = nil while (< i length) when (and (char= (schar string i) #\") (not escape)) do (setf quote (not quote)) else when (and (char= (schar string i) #\\) (not escape)) do (setf escape t) else when (and (char= (schar string i) character) (not quote)) return i else do (setf escape nil) do (incf i))) (seek-character (character) (when (< i length) (skip whitespace) (char= (schar string i) character))) (read-character (character) (when (seek-character character) (incf i))) (read-form () (when (< i length) (multiple-value-bind (form rest) (let ((*package* (find-package :tsdb))) (read-from-string string nil nil :start i :preserve-whitespace t)) (when form (setf i rest) form)))) (read-characterization () (when (seek-character #\<) (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)) from to) (set-syntax-from-char #\: #\" *readtable*) (set-syntax-from-char #\, #\" *readtable*) (set-syntax-from-char #\> #\" *readtable*) (read-character #\<) (setf from (read-form)) (when (numberp from) (read-character #\:) (setf to (read-form)) (read-character #\>) (read-character #\,) (and (numberp to) (values from to)))))) (read-token () (ignore-errors (let (id start end from to form surface inflection tags) (when (read-character #\() (setf id (read-form)) (read-character #\,) (setf start (read-form)) (read-character #\,) (setf end (read-form)) (read-character #\,) (multiple-value-setq (from to) (read-characterization)) ;; ;; skip over the path(s) this token is a member of; we are ;; assuming everything is connected with everything. ;; (skip-to #\,) (read-character #\,) (setf form (read-form)) (when (seek-character #\") (setf surface (read-form))) (read-character #\,) ;; ;; skip over the inflection position ;; (skip-to #\,) (read-character #\,) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; i guess inflection information can be a list, separating ;; elements by whitespace ;; (setf inflection (read-form)) (when (seek-character #\,) (read-character #\,) (setf tags (loop while (and (< i length) (not (seek-character #\)))) collect (read-form)))) (skip-to #\)) (when (read-character #\)) (pairlis '(:id :start :end :from :to :form :surface :inflection :tags) (list id start end from to form surface inflection tags)))))))) (let ((tokens (loop for token = (read-token) while token collect token))) (setf tokens (case sort (:id (sort tokens #'< :key #'(lambda (token) (get-field :id token)))) (t (sort tokens #'(lambda (token1 token2) (let ((start1 (get-field :start token1)) (end1 (get-field :end token1)) (start2 (get-field :start token2)) (end2 (get-field :end token2))) (when (and (numberp start1) (numberp end1) (numberp start2) (numberp end2)) (or (< start1 start2) (and (= start1 start2) (< end1 end2)) (and (= start1 start2) (= end1 end2) (string< (get-field :form token1) (get-field :form token2))))))))))) (case format (:raw tokens) (:string (loop with result = (make-array length :element-type 'character :adjustable nil :fill-pointer 0) with positions = nil with ntokens = 0 for token in tokens for start = (get-field :start token) for word = (get-field :form token) unless (member start positions :test #'=) do (push start positions) (unless (zerop ntokens) (vector-push #\space result)) (loop for c across word do (vector-push c result)) (incf ntokens) finally (return (unless (equal result "") result))))))))) (defun yy-token-equal (foo bar) (and (eql (get-field :start foo) (get-field :start bar)) (eql (get-field :end foo) (get-field :end bar)) (or (not (smember :from *yy-token-compare*)) (eql (get-field :from foo) (get-field :from bar))) (or (not (smember :to *yy-token-compare*)) (eql (get-field :to foo) (get-field :to bar))) (or (not (smember :form *yy-token-compare*)) (equal (get-field :form foo) (get-field :form bar))) (or (not (smember :surface *yy-token-compare*)) (equal (get-field :surface foo) (get-field :surface bar))) (or (not (smember :inflection *yy-token-compare*)) (equal (get-field :inflection foo) (get-field :inflection bar))) (or (not (smember :tags *yy-token-compare*)) (equal (get-field :tags foo) (get-field :tags bar))))) (defun yy-print-token (token &key (prefix "") (stream *tsdb-io*)) (let* ((from (get-field :from token)) (to (get-field :to token)) (characterization (and (numberp from) (numberp to) (<= 0 from to) (format nil "<~a:~a>" from to)))) (format stream "~a(~a, ~a, ~a~@[, ~a~], 1, ~s~@[ ~s~], 0, ~s~@[,~{ ~s~}~])" prefix (get-field :id token) (get-field :start token) (get-field :end token) characterization (get-field :form token) (get-field :surface token) (get-field :inflection token) (get-field :tags token)))) (labels ((|[|-reader (stream char) (declare (ignore char)) (read-delimited-list #\] stream t)) (|{|-reader (stream char) (declare (ignore char)) (read-delimited-list #\} stream t)) (|<|-reader (stream char) (declare (ignore char)) (read-delimited-list #\> stream t))) (defun yy-read-k2y (string) (unless (or (null string) (equal string "")) (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)) (*package* (find-package :tsdb))) (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :preserve) (set-macro-character #\[ #'|[|-reader nil *readtable*) (set-macro-character #\] (get-macro-character #\)) nil *readtable*) (set-macro-character #\{ #'|{|-reader nil *readtable*) (set-macro-character #\} (get-macro-character #\)) nil *readtable*) (set-macro-character #\< #'|<|-reader nil *readtable*) (set-macro-character #\> (get-macro-character #\)) nil *readtable*) (set-syntax-from-char #\; #\space *readtable*) (set-syntax-from-char #\, #\space *readtable*) (with-input-from-string (stream string) (loop with k2y = (ignore-errors (read stream nil nil)) with span = (let* ((span (first k2y))) (when span (substitute #\space #\- (symbol-name span) :test #'char=))) with start = (if span (read-from-string span) -1) with end = (if span (with-input-from-string (stream span) (read stream nil nil) (read stream nil -1)) -1) with size = (let ((size (fifth k2y))) (if (listp size) (list (first size) (third size)) size)) with header = (pairlis '(:span :reading :parse :size) (list (cons start end) (second k2y) (fourth k2y) size)) with body = (nthcdr (if (listp size) 5 6) k2y) for predicate = (pop body) for arguments = (pop body) while (and predicate arguments) collect (cons predicate arguments) into relations finally (return (acons :relations relations header)))))))) (defun yy-k2y-size (k2y) (loop with raw-atoms with relations = (get-field :relations k2y) for relation in relations do (loop for field = (pop relation) while field thereis (when (and (symbolp field) (member (symbol-name field) '("RA" "IDS") :test #'string=)) (loop for ra in (pop relation) do (pushnew ra raw-atoms)))) finally (return (sort raw-atoms #'<)))) (defun yy-browse-k2y (k2y i-input &key (format :tcl) file) (when k2y (let* ((user (current-user)) (file (or file (format nil "/tmp/.tsdb.podium.~a.~a.~a" user (current-pid) (string-downcase (string (gensym "")))))) (title (format nil "K2Y view for `~a'" i-input))) (loop with stream = (if (stringp file) (open file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create) file) with span = (get-field :span k2y) with reading = (get-field :reading k2y) with parse = (get-field :parse k2y) with size = (get-field :size k2y) with relations = (get-field :relations k2y) initially (case format (:tcl (format stream "header {~a--~a; ~a of ~a; ~a relations}~%" (first span) (rest span) reading parse size)) (:html (format stream "~%
~%~ ~%"))) for i from 1 for relation in relations for predicate = (first relation) for arguments = (rest relation) do (case format (:tcl (format stream "relation ~a {~a} { " i predicate)) (:html (format stream "~%~ ~%~ ~%~%"))) finally (case format (:html (format stream "
~a ~% [ ~%" predicate))) (loop for attribute = (pop arguments) for value = (pop arguments) while (and attribute value) when (member (symbol-name attribute) '("RA" "IDS") :test #'string=) do (case format (:tcl (format stream "~a {~{~a~^ ~}} " (symbol-name attribute) value)) (:html (format stream " ~a <~{~a~^ ~}>; ~%" (symbol-name attribute) value))) else when (string= (symbol-name attribute) "CVALUE") do (case format (:tcl (format stream "~a ~a " (symbol-name attribute) value)) (:html (format stream " ~a ~a; ~%" (symbol-name attribute) value))) else do (case format (:tcl (format stream "~a ~:[~a~;{{~{~a~^, ~}}}~] " (symbol-name attribute) (listp value) (if (not (listp value)) (symbol-name value) (loop for foo in value collect (symbol-name foo))))) (:html (format stream " ~a ~ ~:[~a~;<~{~a~^, ~}>~]; ~%" (symbol-name attribute) (listp value) (if (not (listp value)) (symbol-name value) (loop for foo in value collect (symbol-name foo))))))) (case format (:tcl (format stream "}~%")) (:html (format stream " ]~%
~%"))) (when (stringp file) (close stream)) (case format (:tcl (let ((return (send-to-podium (format nil "showk2y ~s \".~(~a~)\" {~a}" file (gensym "") title) :wait t))) (when (and (equal (first return) :ok) (equal (first (second return)) :k2y)) (push (append (second return) (pairlis '(:file) (list file))) *tsdb-podium-windows*))) (when (and file (probe-file file) (null *tsdb-debug-mode-p*)) (delete-file file)))))))) (labels ((|[|-reader (stream char) (declare (ignore char)) (read-delimited-list #\] stream t)) (|{|-reader (stream char) (declare (ignore char)) (read-delimited-list #\} stream t)) (|;|-reader (stream char) (declare (ignore stream char)) #\page) (transform (intermediate) (loop with foo = nil while intermediate for token = (pop intermediate) when (equal token #\page) collect (nreverse foo) and do (setf foo nil) else do (push token foo)))) (defun yy-read-rts (string) (unless (or (null string) (equal string "")) (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)) (*package* (find-package :tsdb))) (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :preserve) (set-macro-character #\[ #'|[|-reader nil *readtable*) (set-macro-character #\] (get-macro-character #\)) nil *readtable*) (set-macro-character #\{ #'|{|-reader nil *readtable*) (set-macro-character #\} (get-macro-character #\)) nil *readtable*) (set-macro-character #\; #'|;|-reader nil *readtable*) (set-syntax-from-char #\# #\- *readtable*) (set-syntax-from-char #\: #\- *readtable*) (with-input-from-string (stream string) (loop for intermediate = (ignore-errors (read stream nil nil)) for table = (transform intermediate) while table collect table)))))) (defun yy-rts-size (rts) (labels ((strip-raw-atom (string) (when (stringp string) (let* ((colon (position #\: string :from-end t)) (suffix (when colon (subseq string (+ colon 1)))) (raw-atom (when suffix (ignore-errors (read-from-string suffix))))) (when (integerp raw-atom) raw-atom))))) (loop with raw-atoms for rt in rts do (loop for role in rt for marker = (first role) for modifiers = (second role) for head = (third role) do (pushnew (strip-raw-atom marker) raw-atoms) (loop for modifier in modifiers do (pushnew (strip-raw-atom modifier) raw-atoms)) (pushnew (strip-raw-atom head) raw-atoms)) finally (return (sort (remove nil raw-atoms) #'<))))) (defun yy-browse-rts (rts i-input &key (format :tcl) file) (when rts (let* ((user (current-user)) (file (or file (format nil "/tmp/.tsdb.podium.~a.~a.~a" user (current-pid) (string-downcase (string (gensym "")))))) (title (format nil "Role Table view for `~a'" i-input))) (loop with stream = (if (stringp file) (open file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create) file) initially (case format (:html (format stream "~%"))) for i from 1 for rt in rts do (loop initially (case format (:tcl (format stream "table ~d~%" i)) (:html (format stream "~%"))) for j from 1 for (role modifiers value) in rt do (case format (:tcl (format stream "role ~d {~s {~{~s~^ ~}} ~@[~s~]}~%" j (string role) (loop for modifier in modifiers collect (string modifier)) (and value (string value)))) (:html (format stream "~%~ ~%~ ~%~%" (and value (string value)))))) finally (case format (:tcl (when (stringp file) (close stream)) (let ((return (send-to-podium (format nil "showrt ~s \".~(~a~)\" {~a}" file (gensym "") title) :wait t))) (when (and (equal (first return) :ok) (equal (first (second return)) :rt)) (push (append (second return) (pairlis '(:file) (list file))) *tsdb-podium-windows*))) (when (and file (probe-file file) (null *tsdb-debug-mode-p*)) (delete-file file))) (:html (format stream "~%
~ ~%"))) finally (case format (:html (format stream "
~a ~% [" (string role)) (loop for modifier in modifiers do (format stream " ~a" (string modifier))) (format stream " ] ~% ~@[~a~]
~%") (when (stringp file) (close stream)))))))) (defun yy-result-filter (item) (if (and (or (null *yy-k2y-ra-threshold*) (zerop *yy-k2y-ra-threshold*)) (or (null *yy-rts-ra-threshold*) (zerop *yy-rts-ra-threshold*)) (or (null *yy-k2y-rts-ra-ratio*) (zerop *yy-k2y-rts-ra-ratio*))) item (let* ((i-length (get-field :i-length item)) (readings (get-field :readings item)) (results (get-field :results item)) (result (or (when readings (loop for result in results for id = (get-field :result-id result) thereis (when (equal id readings) result))) (first results))) (k2y (get-field :mrs result)) (k2y (unless (equal k2y "") k2y)) (k2y-size (length (yy-k2y-size k2y))) (rts (get-field :tree result)) (rts (unless (equal rts "") rts)) (rts-size (length (yy-rts-size rts))) (return (or (when (and (integerp i-length) (numberp *yy-k2y-ra-threshold*) (not (zerop *yy-k2y-ra-threshold*)) (< k2y-size (* i-length *yy-k2y-ra-threshold* 0.01))) item) (when (and (integerp i-length) (numberp *yy-rts-ra-threshold*) (not (zerop *yy-rts-ra-threshold*)) (< rts-size (* i-length *yy-rts-ra-threshold* 0.01))) item) (when (and (numberp *yy-k2y-rts-ra-ratio*) (not (zerop *yy-k2y-rts-ra-ratio*))) (when (or (> rts-size k2y-size) (and (not (zerop k2y-size)) (< (* (/ rts-size k2y-size) 100) *yy-k2y-rts-ra-ratio*))) item))))) (when return #+:fdebug (format t "yy-result-filter(): [~d] ~d tokens; ~d K2Y RAs; ~d RT RAs~%" (get-field :i-id item) i-length k2y-size rts-size) return)))) (defun yy-k2y-equal (old new) (let* ((symbols (make-hash-table))) (labels ((sort-key (relation) (let* ((name (first relation)) (name (if (symbolp name) (string-downcase (symbol-name name)) (format nil "~(~a~)" name))) (relation (rest relation)) clause ras) (loop for key = (pop relation) while key when (eq key 'clause) do (let ((clause (first relation))) (setf clause (if (stringp clause) clause (format nil "~(~a~)" clause)))) when (eq key 'ra) do (let ((ras (first relation))) (setf ras (format nil "~{~a~^_~}" ras)))) (concatenate 'string name "_" clause "_" ras))) (lookup (symbol) (let ((symbol (typecase symbol (symbol symbol) (string (intern symbol :tsdb)) (t (intern (format nil "~a" symbol) :tsdb))))) (or (gethash symbol symbols) (setf (gethash symbol symbols) (gensym ""))))) (ssort (list) (sort (copy-seq list) #'string< :key #'symbol-name)) (nsort (list) (sort (copy-seq list) #'<)) (normalize-relation (relation) (cons (symbol-name (first relation)) (loop with relation = (rest relation) with result for key = (pop relation) for value = (pop relation) while key do (push key result) (case key ((id clause arg argof objof var) (push (lookup value) result)) (conjuncts (let ((conjuncts (loop for foo in value collect (lookup foo)))) (push (ssort conjuncts) result))) (ra (push (nsort value) result)) (t (push value result))) finally (return (nreverse result))))) (normalize-k2y (k2y) (let* ((*gensym-counter* 0) (relations (get-field :relations k2y)) (sorted (sort (copy-seq relations) #'string< :key #'sort-key))) (loop for relation in sorted collect (normalize-relation relation))))) (let ((osize (get-field :size old)) (nsize (get-field :size new))) (if (listp osize) (if (listp nsize) (unless (equal osize nsize) (return-from yy-k2y-equal nil)) (unless (equal (first osize) nsize) (return-from yy-k2y-equal nil))) (if (listp nsize) (unless (equal osize (first nsize)) (return-from yy-k2y-equal nil)) (unless (equal osize nsize) (return-from yy-k2y-equal nil)))) (let ((old (normalize-k2y old)) (new (normalize-k2y new))) (equal old new)))))) (defun yy-export-results (data &key (condition *statistics-select-condition*) (directory "/var/www/html/rte/lib") meter) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) (let* ((thorough '(:mrs :tree)) (condition (if condition (concatenate 'string "(readings >= 1) && " condition) "readings >= 1")) (items (when (stringp data) (analyze data))) (items (sort (copy-seq items) #'< :key #'(lambda (foo) (get-field :i-id foo)))) (ritems (if (stringp data) (analyze data :condition condition :thorough thorough) data)) (ritems (sort (copy-seq ritems) #'< :key #'(lambda (foo) (get-field :i-id foo)))) (pattern (make-pathname :directory directory :name :wild)) (contents (directory pattern))) (loop for file in contents do (delete-file file)) (when (functionp *statistics-result-filter*) (setf ritems (loop for item in ritems for result = (funcall *statistics-result-filter* item) when result collect result))) (loop with index = (create-output-stream (make-pathname :directory directory :name "Index")) with increment = (when (and meter items) (/ (mduration meter) (length items))) for item in items for i-id = (get-field :i-id item) for i-input = (or (get-field :o-input item) (get-field :i-input item)) for ritem = (when (equal i-id (get-field :i-id (first ritems))) (pop ritems)) for results = (when ritem (get-field :results ritem)) for result = (loop for result in results thereis (when (and (get-field :mrs result) (get-field :tree result)) result)) for k2y = (get-field :mrs result) for rt = (get-field :tree result) for i from 1 do (when increment (meter-advance increment)) (format index "~d@@@@@~%" i) (with-open-file (stream (make-pathname :directory directory :name (format nil "~d.item" i)) :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format stream "~d@-1@~a~%" i-id i-input)) (when k2y (yy-browse-k2y k2y i-input :file (namestring (make-pathname :directory directory :name (format nil "~d.k2y" i))) :format :html)) (when rt (yy-browse-rts rt i-input :file (namestring (make-pathname :directory directory :name (format nil "~d.rt" i))) :format :html)) finally (close index))) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end meter)))) (eval-when #+:ansi-eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute) #-:ansi-eval-when (load eval) (let ((reader #'(lambda (string) (let ((*package* (find-package :tsdb))) (yy-read-input string :format :raw :sort t))))) (setf (gethash :p-input *statistics-readers*) reader) (setf (gethash :p-input *statistics-predicates*) #'(lambda (gold blue) (not (yy-token-equal gold blue)))) (setf (gethash :p-tokens *statistics-readers*) reader) (setf (gethash :p-tokens *statistics-predicates*) #'(lambda (gold blue) (not (yy-token-equal gold blue)))))) #+:null (eval-when #+:ansi-eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute) #-:ansi-eval-when (load eval) (setf (gethash :i-input *statistics-readers*) #'(lambda (string) (let ((*package* (find-package :tsdb))) (yy-read-input string)))) (setf (gethash :mrs *statistics-readers*) #'(lambda (string) (let ((*package* (find-package :tsdb))) (yy-read-k2y string)))) (setf (gethash :mrs *statistics-browsers*) #'yy-browse-k2y) (setf (gethash :tree *statistics-readers*) #'(lambda (string) (let ((*package* (find-package :tsdb))) (yy-read-rts string)))) (setf (gethash :tree *statistics-browsers*) #'yy-browse-rts) (setf (gethash :mrs *statistics-predicates*) #'(lambda (gold blue) (not (yy-k2y-equal gold blue)))) (setf *statistics-result-filter* #'yy-result-filter))