;;; ;;; this file should be `Index.lisp' and reside in the directory containing the ;;; tsdb(1) test suite skeleton databases (typically a subdirectory `skeletons' ;;; in the tsdb(1) database root directory `*tsdb-home*'). ;;; ;;; the file should contain a single un-quote()d Common-Lisp list enumerating ;;; the available skeletons, e.g. ;;; ;;; (((:path . "english") (:content . "English TSNLP test suite")) ;;; ((:path . "csli") (:content . "CSLI (ERGO) test suite")) ;;; ((:path . "vm") (:content . "English VerbMobil data"))) ;;; ;;; where the individual entries are assoc() lists with at least two elements: ;;; ;;; - :path --- the (relative) directory name containing the skeleton; ;;; - :content --- a descriptive comment. ;;; ;;; the order of entries is irrelevant as the `tsdb :skeletons' command sorts ;;; the list lexicographically before output. ;;; ;;; ;;; to make MaxEnt experimentation across data sets (and generally reference) a ;;; little easier, item identifiers need to be globally unique. to accomodate ;;; existing data sets in this scheme, dan and i came up with a break-down of ;;; identifiers as follows ;;; ;;; [ 1 -- 1,999] --- various test suites ;;; [ 2,000 -- 9,999] --- The Cathedral and the Bazaar ;;; [ 10,000 -- 29,999] --- Conan Doyle Corpus (CDC) ;;; [ 102,000 -- 116,000] --- Le Petit Prince (LPP) ;;; [ 1,000,000 -- 1,999,999] --- VerbMobil ;;; [ 2,000,000 -- 2,999,999] --- ecommerce ;;; [ 3,000,000 -- 3,999,999] --- LOGON ;;; [ 4,000,000 -- 4,999,999] --- SciBorg ;;; [ 5,000,000 -- 5,099,999] --- BioScope ;;; [ 10,000,000 -- 19,999,999] --- WeScience ;;; [ 20,000,000 -- 29,999,999] --- PTB WSJ ;;; [ 30,000,000 -- 30,999,999] --- Hinoki ;;; [ 40,000,000 -- 49,999,999] --- Brown Corpus ;;; [ 120,000,000 -- 1,099,999,999] --- GENIA ;;; [ 100,000,000,000 -- 299,999,999,999] --- WeSearch Data Collection ;;; [1,000,010,000,000 -- 1,128,928,700,510] --- WikiWoods ;;; ;;; _fix_me_ ;;; some of the old skeletons (and existing treebanks, where applicable) still ;;; need to be converted. this will require a re-numbering script and close ;;; synchronization with dan. (8-nov-08; oe) ;;; (((:path . "verbmobil") (:content . "Scheduling Dialogues (VerbMobil)")) ((:path . "yy") (:content . "ECommerce Email (YY)")) ((:path . "logon") (:content . "Tourism Brochures (LOGON)")) #+:null ((:path . "handon") (:content . "Tourism Web Sites (HandOn)")) ((:path . "wescience") (:content . "Scholarly Literature (WeScience)")) ((:path . "wdc") (:content . "WeSearch Data Collection")) ((:path . "wsj") (:content . "Wall Street Journal")) ((:path . "ptb") (:content . "Penn Treebank (WSJ)")) ((:path . "semcor") (:content . "SemCor Sampler (via Melbourne)")) ((:path . "genia") (:content . "GENIA Treebank")) ((:path . "bioscope") (:content . "Bio-Medical Texts (BioScope)")) ((:path . "starsem") (:content . "2012 *SEM Shared Task on Negation")) ((:path . "english") (:content . "TSNLP English Test Suite")) ((:path . "csli") (:content . "CSLI (HP) Test Suite")) ((:path . "mrs") (:content . "DELPH-IN MRS Test Suite")) ((:path . "esd") (:content . "ERG Semantic Documentation Test Suite")) ((:path . "cb") (:content . "The Cathedral and the Bazaar")) ((:path . "trec") (:content . "TREC QA Questions (Ninth Conference)")) ((:path . "fracas") (:content . "FraCaS Semantics Test Suite")) ((:path . "peted") (:content . "Evaluation By Textual Entailment (Development)")) ((:path . "petet") (:content . "Evaluation By Textual Entailment (Test)")) #+:null ((:path . "tanaka") (:content . "Tanaka Corpus (English Translations)")) ((:path . "lpp") (:content . "Le Petit Prince")) ((:path . "redwoods") (:content . "Core Redwoods (JHPSTG & WeScience)")))