;;; -*- Mode: TDL; Coding: utf-8 -*- 

;;; Author: 
;;; 2009 Berthold Crysmann

encoding := utf-8.

:include "global".
:include "mrs".

;; name of type containing quick check structure
qc-structure-unif := $qc_unif_set_pack.
qc-structure-subs := $qc_subs_set_pack.

;spanning-only-rules := $head-filler-get-rpunct-msgpred-rule $imp-get-rpunct-msgpred $coord-get-rpunct-msgpred-rule.

packing := true.

packing-restrictor :=  RELS HCONS.  

;; Tokenizer settings

case-sensitive.               ; be case sensitive in string and yy tokenizer
trivial-tokenizer.            ; for Lingo-style tokenizer "string"

sm := "hag.mem".

;preprocessor := "preprocessor.fsr".

vpm := "semi".

;ersatz-carg-path := "SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYTAG".

;; name of type to get info about grammar into (if at all)
;grammar-info := grammar_info.

;; MRS 
postload-lisp-files := "lkb/mrsglobals.lisp".

;; type of a valid parse
;start-symbols := $root.
start-symbols := $root $root_spelling_supra_robust $root_spelling_robust $root_supra_robust.

;;; start-symbols := $root $root_robust.

;; names of attributes not to pass from daughter to mother in parsing
deleted-daughters := ARGS HEAD-DTR NON-HEAD-DTR DTR.

;; prefix of list-valued path where to unify the affix
;affixation-path := "ARGS.FIRST".

;; path into the MRS semantics
;mrs-path := "SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT".

;:include "mrs".

;; (BK 2004-04-06) path into the MRSs CFROM, CTO, and CARG
;mrs-cto-path   := "SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST.CTO".
;mrs-carg-path  := "SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.CARG".

;; path to LABEL for relation-to-word mapping, absolute and within a relation
;label-path-tail := "WLINK".

;; list of characters for the tokenizer to ignore, default is
;; "\t?!.:;,()-+*$\n"

;; removed `-' because of `I-C-E' and `Berlin-Zehlendorf'
punctuation-characters := ".,;!?".

;; allow creation of lexical entries to fail

orthographemics-maximum-chain-depth := 10.
orthographemics-minimum-stem-length := 1.

;;; following are a number of settings for the new (as of late 2008) token
;;; mapping and lexical filtering support in PET.

;; first, the general format of chart mapping rules, much like MRS transfer.
chart-mapping-context-path  := "+CONTEXT".
chart-mapping-input-path    := "+INPUT".
chart-mapping-output-path   := "+OUTPUT".
chart-mapping-position-path := "+POSITION".
;; in lexical instatiation, the list of tokens activating a lexical entry (be
;; it native or generic) are unified into the lexical entry under this path.
lexicon-tokens-path := "TOKENS.+LIST".
lexicon-last-token-path := "TOKENS.+LAST".
;; furthermore, for the various input formats, we need to declare how parts of
;; input descriptions correspond to the grammar-internal feature geometry; in
;; the YY input format, for example, token feature structures (aka input items
;; PET-internally) are created from various parts of the token description.
token-form-path     := "+FORM".       ; [required] string for lexical lookup
token-id-path       := "+ID".         ; [optional] list of external ids
token-from-path     := "+FROM".       ; [optional] surface start position
token-to-path       := "+TO".         ; [optional] surface end position
token-postags-path  := "+TNT.+TAGS".  ; [optional] list of POS tags
token-posprobs-path := "+TNT.+PRBS".  ; [optional] list of POS probabilities
;; finally, declare TDL status values for the various new entity types
;generic-lexentry-status-values := generic-lex-entry.
token-mapping-rule-status-values := token-mapping-rule.
;lexical-filtering-rule-status-values := lexical-filtering-rule.