;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Package: MORPH-SERVER; BASE: 10; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Readtable: augmented-readtable -*-
(in-package :morph-server)
(cl-user::mk :oci)
(use-package :sql)
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
(defparameter *usdprod*
(connect "usdprod.inger.uio.no"
:user-id "paulm" :password "muXluX314"
:db-type :oci :if-exists :warn-old)))
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
(defparameter *decorcl*
(connect "decentius.aksis.uio.no"
:user-id "system" :password "gvprckvnis"
:db-type :oci :if-exists :warn-old)))
(defun print-fullforms (word &optional (stream *standard-output*) webp)
(do-query ((lemma lemma-id tag) [select [grunnform] [lemma lemma-id] [tag]
:from '([usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm lemma])
:distinct t
:where [and [= [oppslag] ?word]
[= [lemma lemma-id] [fullformsliste lemma-id]]]])
(if webp
(format stream "~&~d ~a ~a
(utf-8-encode lemma)
(u::subst-substrings (utf-8-encode tag) '("<" "<" ">" ">")))
(format stream "~&~d ~a ~a" lemma-id lemma tag))))
(defun print-fullforms (word &optional (stream *standard-output*) webp)
(do-query ((lemma lemma-id tag) (print [select [grunnform] [lemma lemma-id] [usd-leks-bmordbok.ortoklump klump-id] [tag]
:from '([usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm lemma]
[usd-leks-bmordbok ortoklump])
:distinct t
:where [and [= [oppslag] ?word]
[= [lemma kjelde-element] [usd-leks-bmordbok.ortoklump artikkel-id]]
[= [lemma lemma-id] [fullformsliste lemma-id]]]]))
(if webp
(format stream "~&~d ~a ~a
(utf-8-encode lemma)
(u::subst-substrings (utf-8-encode tag) '("<" "<" ">" ">")))
(format stream "~&~d ~a ~a" lemma-id lemma tag))))
(defun print-fullforms (word &optional (stream *standard-output*) webp)
(do-query ((lemma lemma-id klump-id tag)
[select [lemma grunnform] [lemma lemma-id] [klump-id] [fullformsliste tag]
:from '([usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm lemma]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm v-logon-tagger-fullform])
:distinct t
:where [and [= [fullformsliste oppslag] ?word]
[= [lemma kjelde-element] [v-logon-tagger-fullform kjelde-element]]
[= [lemma lemma-id] [fullformsliste lemma-id]]]
:order-by '([klump-id])])
(if webp
(format stream "~&~d ~a ~a ~a
(utf-8-encode lemma)
(u::subst-substrings (utf-8-encode tag) '("<" "<" ">" ">")))
(format stream "~&~d ~a ~d ~a" lemma-id lemma klump-id tag))))
(print-fullforms "anker")
(select [count [*]] :from [usd-leks-bmordbok ortoklump]
:distinct t)
;; calculate tag list
(defparameter *tag-table*
(let ((tag-list (dat::make-string-tree))
(count 0))
(do-query ((tag) [select [tag] :from [usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste] ;; :where [< [rownum] 10]
(when (zerop (mod (incf count) 10000)) (print count))
(dolist (tag (split tag #\space))
(incf (dat::string-tree-get tag-list tag 0))
(pushnew tag tag-list :test #'string=)))
(print (car *tag-table*))
;; frequency list
(let ((tag-list ()))
(dat::do-string-tree (tag count *tag-table*)
(push (cons count tag) tag-list))
(setf tag-list (sort tag-list #'< :key #'car))
(dolist (pair tag-list)
(format t "~&~d ~a" (car pair) (cdr pair))))
(print-fullforms "katten")
;; examples having given ordklasse
(defun ordklasse-examples (ordklasse &optional (count 1))
[grunnform] :from [usd-leks-tagger-bm lemma]
:flatp t
:where [in [lemma-id]
[select [lemma-id] :from [usd-leks-tagger-bm lemma-paradigme]
:where [and [in [lemma-paradigme paradigme-id]
[select [paradigme-id] :from [usd-leks-tagger-bm paradigme]
:where [and ;;[<= [rownum] 1]
[= [ordklasse] ?ordklasse]]]]
(when count [<= [rownum] ?count])]]]))
;; ordklasse
(do-query ((ordklasse boy-gruppe) [select [ordklasse] [boy-gruppe]
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm paradigme]
:distinct t])
(let ((example (ordklasse-examples ordklasse))
(inflections (select [boy-tekst] :from [usd-leks-tagger-bm boying]
:flatp t
:where [like [boy-gruppe] ?boy-gruppe])))
(format t "~&~a ~a [~a: ~{(~a)~^ ~}]" ordklasse (car example) boy-gruppe inflections)))
(do-query ((&rest rest) [select [boy-tekst]
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm boying]
:distinct t])
(format t "~&~{~a ~}" rest))
;; Inflectional features
(do-query ((infl-features) [select [boy-tekst]
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm boying]
:distinct t])
(format t "~& (~s (\"+\" \"+\" \"+\" \"+\" \"+\" \"+\"))" infl-features))
(let ((infl-features ()))
(dolist (fs (select [boy-tekst]
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm boying]
:flatp t
:distinct t))
(dolist (f (split fs #\Space))
(unless (find f infl-features :test #'string=)
(push f infl-features)
(format t "~& (~s \"+\")" f)))))
(let ((feature-sets (select [ordklasse] [boy-gruppe]
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm paradigme]
:distinct t)))
(dolist (features feature-sets)
(let ((example (ordklasse-examples (car features)))
(inflections (select [boy-tekst]
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm boying]
:flatp t
:where [= [boy-gruppe] (cadr features)])))
(setf (car features) (split (car features) #\Space))
(push inflections (cddr features))
(push (car example) (cddr features))))
(setf feature-sets (sort feature-sets #'> :key (lambda (set) (length (car set)))))
(dolist (features feature-sets)
(destructuring-bind (ordklasse boy-gruppe example inflections) features
(format t "~& ;; ~a [~a: ~{~a~^ | ~}]~% ((~{~s~^ ~}) (\"+\" \"+\" \"+\" \"+\" \"+\" \"+\"))"
example boy-gruppe inflections ordklasse))))
;; feature mapping from Norsk ordbank to Norgram
(print (length (ordklasse-examples "subst mask prop" nil)))
(print (length *lemma-features-mapping-table*))
(defun norgram-morphology-sql (word &key lemma-numbers-p clump-numbers-p genitive-p)
(cond ((find word '("." "!" "?") :test #'string=)
(list (list 0 word "+Punct" "+Sent")))
((find word '(",") :test #'string=)
(list (list 0 word "+Punct" "+Comma")))
((find word '(":" ";" "_") :test #'string=)
(list (list 0 word "+Punct")))
((find word '("(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}") :test #'string=)
(list (list 0 word "+Punct" "+Paren")))
((find word '("-") :test #'string=)
(list (list 0 word "+Punct" "+Hyphen")))
((find word '("#" "&" "=" "+" "*" "@" "§") :test #'string=)
(list (list 0 word "+Punct" "+Symbol")))
((find word '("/") :test #'string=)
(list (list 0 word "+Punct" "+Symbol")
(list 0 word "+Punct" "+Slash")))
((find word '("$") :test #'string=)
(list (list 0 word "+Punct" "+Money")))
(let ((readings
(append (select [ordklasse] [boy-tekst] [lemma grunnform]
(if lemma-numbers-p [lemma lemma-id] "-")
(if clump-numbers-p [klump-id] "-")
:distinct t
:from '([usd-leks-tagger-bm paradigme] [usd-leks-tagger-bm boying]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste] [usd-leks-tagger-bm lemma]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm v-logon-tagger-fullform])
:where [and [= [fullformsliste oppslag] ?word]
[= [lemma "kjelde-element"] ;; outer join syntax
[v-logon-tagger-fullform "kjelde-element(+)"]]
(when genitive-p [or [like [ordklasse] "subst%"]
[like [ordklasse] "adj%"]
[like [boy-tekst] "adj%"]
#+test[like [boy-tekst] "%%"]
#+test[like [boy-tekst] "%%"]])
[= [paradigme paradigme-id] [fullformsliste paradigme-id]]
[= [fullformsliste lemma-id] [lemma lemma-id]]
[= [boying boy-nummer] [fullformsliste boy-nummer]]
[= [boying boy-gruppe] [paradigme boy-gruppe]]])
(select [ordklasse] "-" [lemma grunnform]
(if lemma-numbers-p [lemma lemma-id] "-")
(if clump-numbers-p [klump-id] "-")
:distinct t
:from '([usd-leks-tagger-bm paradigme] [usd-leks-tagger-bm boying]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste] [usd-leks-tagger-bm lemma]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm v-logon-tagger-fullform])
:where [and [= [fullformsliste oppslag] ?word]
[= [lemma "kjelde-element"] [v-logon-tagger-fullform "kjelde-element(+)"]]
(when genitive-p [or [like [ordklasse] "subst%"]
[like [ordklasse] "adj%"]
[like [boy-tekst] "adj%"]
#+test[like [boy-tekst] "%%"]
#+test[like [boy-tekst] "%%"]])
[= [paradigme paradigme-id] [fullformsliste paradigme-id]]
[= [fullformsliste lemma-id] [lemma lemma-id]]
[= 0 [fullformsliste boy-nummer]]]))))
#+debug(print (list :readings readings))
(readings-norgram-features word readings :genitive-p genitive-p
:lemma-numbers-p lemma-numbers-p :clump-numbers-p clump-numbers-p
:sql-p t)))))
(defparameter *lemma-id-table* (make-hash-table))
(do-query ((lemma-id klump-id grunnform)
[select [lemma lemma-id] [klump-id] [lemma grunnform]
:from '([usd-leks-tagger-bm lemma]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm v-logon-tagger-fullform])
:distinct t
:where [= [lemma kjelde-element] ;; outer join syntax
[v-logon-tagger-fullform "kjelde-element(+)"]]
:order-by '(grunnform)])
(when klump-id
(setf (gethash klump-id *lemma-id-table*) (cons lemma-id grunnform)))
(when (and (null klump-id)
(gethash lemma-id *lemma-id-table*))
(print (list :lemma grunnform :id lemma-id :klump (gethash lemma-id *lemma-id-table*))))
(print (select [*]
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm v-logon-tagger-fullform]
:where [like [grunnform] "rundkjerke%"]))
;; extract tables
(let ((excl::*locale* (excl::find-locale "C")))
(with-open-file (stream "projects:xle;morph;norsk-ordbank;lemma.tab" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(do-query ((&rest rest)
[select [lemma lemma-id] [klump-id] [lemma grunnform]
:from '([usd-leks-tagger-bm lemma]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm v-logon-tagger-fullform])
:distinct t
:where [= [lemma kjelde-element] ;; outer join syntax
[v-logon-tagger-fullform "kjelde-element(+)"]]
:order-by '(grunnform)])
(format stream "~{~a~^|~}~%" (mapcar (lambda (val) (or val "")) rest))))
(with-open-file (stream "projects:xle;morph;norsk-ordbank;paradigm.tab" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(do-query ((&rest rest)
[select [paradigme-id] [boy-gruppe]
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm paradigme]
:distinct t])
(format stream "~{~a~^|~}~%" (mapcar (lambda (val) (or val "")) rest))))
(with-open-file (stream "projects:xle;morph;norsk-ordbank;boying.tab" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(do-query ((&rest rest)
[select [boy-nummer] [boy-gruppe]
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm boying]
:distinct t])
(format stream "~{~a~^|~}~%" (mapcar (lambda (val) (or val "")) rest))))
(with-open-file (stream "projects:xle;morph;norsk-ordbank;fullformsliste.tab" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(do-query ((&rest rest)
[select [lemma-id] [oppslag] [boy-nummer] [paradigme-id]
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste]
:distinct t])
(format stream "~{~a~^|~}~%" (mapcar (lambda (val) (or val "")) rest)))))
(defun norgram-morphology-sql (word &key lemma-numbers-p clump-numbers-p genitive-p)
(cond ((find word '("." "!" "?") :test #'string=)
(list (list 0 word "+Punct" "+Sent")))
((find word '(",") :test #'string=)
(list (list 0 word "+Punct" "+Comma")))
((find word '(":" ";" "_") :test #'string=)
(list (list 0 word "+Punct")))
((find word '("(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}") :test #'string=)
(list (list 0 word "+Punct" "+Paren")))
((find word '("-") :test #'string=)
(list (list 0 word "+Punct" "+Hyphen")))
((find word '("#" "&" "=" "+" "*" "@" "§") :test #'string=)
(list (list 0 word "+Punct" "+Symbol")))
((find word '("/") :test #'string=)
(list (list 0 word "+Punct" "+Symbol")
(list 0 word "+Punct" "+Slash")))
((find word '("$") :test #'string=)
(list (list 0 word "+Punct" "+Money")))
(let ((readings
(select-union [select [ordklasse] [boy-tekst] [lemma grunnform]
(if lemma-numbers-p [lemma lemma-id] "-")
(if clump-numbers-p [klump-id] "-")
:distinct t
:from '([usd-leks-tagger-bm paradigme] [usd-leks-tagger-bm boying]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste] [usd-leks-tagger-bm lemma]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm v-logon-tagger-fullform])
:where [and [= [fullformsliste oppslag] ?word]
[= [lemma "kjelde-element"] ;; outer join syntax
[v-logon-tagger-fullform "kjelde-element(+)"]]
(when genitive-p [or [like [ordklasse] "subst%"]
[like [ordklasse] "adj%"]
[like [boy-tekst] "adj%"]
#+test[like [boy-tekst] "%%"]
#+test[like [boy-tekst] "%%"]])
[= [paradigme paradigme-id] [fullformsliste paradigme-id]]
[= [fullformsliste lemma-id] [lemma lemma-id]]
[= [boying boy-nummer] [fullformsliste boy-nummer]]
[= [boying boy-gruppe] [paradigme boy-gruppe]]]]
[select [ordklasse] "-" [lemma grunnform]
(if lemma-numbers-p [lemma lemma-id] "-")
(if clump-numbers-p [klump-id] "-")
:distinct t
:from '([usd-leks-tagger-bm paradigme] [usd-leks-tagger-bm boying]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste] [usd-leks-tagger-bm lemma]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm v-logon-tagger-fullform])
:where [and [= [fullformsliste oppslag] ?word]
[= [lemma "kjelde-element"] [v-logon-tagger-fullform "kjelde-element(+)"]]
(when genitive-p [or [like [ordklasse] "subst%"]
[like [ordklasse] "adj%"]
[like [boy-tekst] "adj%"]
#+test[like [boy-tekst] "%%"]
#+test[like [boy-tekst] "%%"]])
[= [paradigme paradigme-id] [fullformsliste paradigme-id]]
[= [fullformsliste lemma-id] [lemma lemma-id]]
[= 0 [fullformsliste boy-nummer]]]])))
#+debug(print (list :readings readings))
(readings-norgram-features word readings :genitive-p genitive-p
:lemma-numbers-p lemma-numbers-p :clump-numbers-p clump-numbers-p
:sql-p t)))))
(create-view [usd-leks-tagger-bm logon-klump-fullformliste]
[union [select [fullformsliste oppslag] [ordklasse] [boy-tekst] [lemma grunnform] [klump-id]
:distinct t
:from '([usd-leks-tagger-bm paradigme] [usd-leks-tagger-bm boying]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste] [usd-leks-tagger-bm lemma]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm v-logon-tagger-fullform])
:where [and ;;[= [fullformsliste oppslag] ?word]
[= [lemma "kjelde-element"] ;; outer join syntax
[v-logon-tagger-fullform "kjelde-element(+)"]]
(when genitive-p [or [like [ordklasse] "subst%"]
[like [ordklasse] "adj%"]
[like [boy-tekst] "adj%"]
#+test[like [boy-tekst] "%%"]
#+test[like [boy-tekst] "%%"]])
[= [paradigme paradigme-id] [fullformsliste paradigme-id]]
[= [fullformsliste lemma-id] [lemma lemma-id]]
[= [boying boy-nummer] [fullformsliste boy-nummer]]
[= [boying boy-gruppe] [paradigme boy-gruppe]]]]
[select [fullformsliste oppslag] [ordklasse] "-" [lemma grunnform] [klump-id]
:distinct t
:from '([usd-leks-tagger-bm paradigme] [usd-leks-tagger-bm boying]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste] [usd-leks-tagger-bm lemma]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm v-logon-tagger-fullform])
:where [and ;;[= [fullformsliste oppslag] ?word]
[= [lemma "kjelde-element"] [v-logon-tagger-fullform "kjelde-element(+)"]]
(when genitive-p [or [like [ordklasse] "subst%"]
[like [ordklasse] "adj%"]
[like [boy-tekst] "adj%"]
#+test[like [boy-tekst] "%%"]
#+test[like [boy-tekst] "%%"]])
[= [paradigme paradigme-id] [fullformsliste paradigme-id]]
[= [fullformsliste lemma-id] [lemma lemma-id]]
[= 0 [fullformsliste boy-nummer]]]]])
(print (select [*]
:distinct t
:from '([usd-leks-tagger-bm lemma]
:where [= [grunnform] "flyve"]))
(print (select [lemma-id] [paradigme-id]
:distinct t
:from '([usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste]
:where [= [oppslag] "flyve"]))
(print (select [*]
:distinct t
:from '([usd-leks-tagger-bm paradigme]
:where [= [paradigme-id] "000"]))
(print (select [*] :from [usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste]
:where [= [paradigme-id] "000"]))
(print (select [ordklasse] [boy-tekst] [grunnform] [lemma lemma-id]
:distinct t
:from '([usd-leks-tagger-bm paradigme] [usd-leks-tagger-bm boying]
[usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste] [usd-leks-tagger-bm lemma]
:where [and [= [fullformsliste oppslag] "u-"]
[= [paradigme paradigme-id] [fullformsliste paradigme-id]]
[= [fullformsliste lemma-id] [lemma lemma-id]]
[= [boying boy-nummer] [fullformsliste boy-nummer]]
[= [boying boy-gruppe] [paradigme boy-gruppe]]]))
;; *****************************
(print (norgram-morphology-sql "u-"))
(morph-server::print-norgram-morphology "spiste")
(let* ((cgp::*cg* cgp::*nbo-cg*)
(cgp::*tagger* (cgp::multi-tagger cgp::*cg*))
(*package* (find-package :cgp))
(*print-case* :downcase))
(print (cgp::lemma-and-features "spiste" :features-as-list-p t)))
(print (select "-" [lemma-id] :flatp nil :from [usd-leks-tagger-bm lemma] :where [< [lemma-id] 3]))
(print (compare-analyzers "el"))
(print (norgram-morphology-sql "u-"))
(do-query ((word) [select [oppslag]
:distinct t
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste]
:flatp t
:where [or [like [oppslag] "-xx%"]
[like [oppslag] "%-"]]])
(print word))
(do-query ((word) [select [oppslag]
:distinct t
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste]
:flatp t
:where [or [like [oppslag] "-%"]
[like [oppslag] "%flyve%"]]])
(print word))
;; write morphology to disk
(let ((count 0))
(stream "projects:xle;morph;bm-morph.txt" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(do-query ((word) [select [oppslag]
:distinct t
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste]
:flatp t
:where [not [like [oppslag] "-%"]]])
(dolist (reading (norgram-morphology-sql word))
(when (zerop (mod (incf count) 1000)) (print (cons count word)))
(format stream "~a:~a:~{~a~}~%" word (cadr reading) (cddr reading))
(when (and (intersection (cddr reading) (list "+Noun" "+Adj" "+PastPart" "+PresPart" "+Prop")
:test #'string=)
(not (find "+Gen" (cddr reading) :test #'string=)))
;; add genitive
(format stream "~a~c:~a:~{~a~}+Gen~%" word
(if (char= (char word (1- (length word))) #\s) #\' #\s)
(cadr reading) (cddr reading)))))))
;; with clumps
(let ((count 0)
(excl::*locale* (excl::find-locale "C")))
(stream "projects:xle;morph;bm-morph-clumps.txt" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(do-query ((word) [select [oppslag]
:distinct t
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste]
:flatp t
:where [not [like [oppslag] "-%"]]
;;[like [oppslag] "A-men%"]
:order-by '([oppslag])])
(print word)
(let ((readings (norgram-morphology-sql word :lemma-numbers-p nil :clump-numbers-p t)))
(if readings
(dolist (reading readings)
(print (list :reading reading))
(when (zerop (mod (incf count) 100)) (print (list count word reading)))
(format stream "~a:~a:~a:~{~a~}~%" word (cadr reading) (car reading) (cddr reading))
(when (and (intersection (cddr reading) (list "+Noun" "+Adj" "+PastPart" "+PresPart" "+Prop")
:test #'string=)
(not (find "+Gen" (cddr reading) :test #'string=)))
;; add genitive
(format stream "~a~c:~a:~a:~{~a~}+Gen~%" word
(if (char= (char word (1- (length word))) #\s) #\' #\s)
(cadr reading) (car reading) (cddr reading))))
(print (list :no-reading word)))))))
(print (norgram-morphology-sql "A-aksje" :lemma-numbers-p nil :clump-numbers-p t))
(print (select [count [oppslag]]
:distinct t
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste]
:flatp t
:where [not [like [oppslag] "-%"]]))
(print (select [oppslag]
:distinct t
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste]
:flatp t
:where [like [oppslag] "A-menn%"]))
;; OBS: use compress-morphology() in compress-morphology.lisp!
;; read in and build string-net
(let ((string-net (make-instance 'string-net::list-string-net))
(count 0))
(u::with-file-lines (line "projects:xle;morph;bm-morph.txt")
(string-net::add-string string-net line)
(when (zerop (mod (incf count) 1000)) (print (cons count line))))
;; missing in lexicon
(dolist (line '(".:.:+Punct+Sent"
(string-net::add-string string-net line))
(string-net::minimize-net string-net)
(setf *string-net* string-net)
(print (string-net::count-strings string-net))
(string-net::write-string-net string-net "projects:xle;morph;bm-morph.net"))
(let ((string-net (make-instance 'string-net::list-string-net))
(count 0))
(do-query ((word) [select [oppslag]
:distinct t
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm fullformsliste]
:flatp t
:where [not [like [oppslag] "-%"]]])
(dolist (reading (norgram-morphology-sql word))
(when (zerop (mod (incf count) 1000)) (print (cons count word)))
(format nil "~a:~a:~{~a~}" word (cadr reading) (cddr reading)))
(when (and (intersection (cddr reading) (list "+Noun" "+Adj" "+PastPart" "+PresPart") :test #'string=)
(not (find "+Gen" (cddr reading) :test #'string=)))
(format nil "~a~c:~a:~{~a~}+Gen" word (cadr reading)
(if (char= (char word (1- (length word))) #\s) #\' #\s) (cddr reading))))))
(string-net::minimize-net string-net)
(setf *string-net* string-net)
(print (string-net::count-strings string-net))
(string-net::write-string-net string-net "projects:xle;bm-morph.net"))
;;;;; orthoclumps
(defparameter *klump-tree* nil)
(let ((count 0)
(k-id 0)
(l-id nil)
(clump ())
(forms-tree (dat::make-string-tree)))
(do-query ((klump-id lemma-id grunnform tag)
[select [klump-id] [lemma-id] [grunnform] [tag]
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm v-logon-tagger-fullform]
;;:where [in [klump-id] '(1 123 2952 4444 20703 11)]
:order-by '([klump-id] [lemma-id])])
(unless (= k-id klump-id)
(when (cdr clump)
(incf count)
(print (cons k-id clump)))
(setf clump () k-id klump-id))
(let* ((pos-end (position #\space tag))
(pos (subseq tag 0 pos-end))
(pos (if (and (equal pos "adj")
(or (search "" tag)
(search "" tag)))
(pushnew (list grunnform lemma-id pos) clump :test #'equal)
(when (zerop (mod (incf count) 100))
(print (list klump-id lemma-id grunnform pos)))))
(when (cdr clump)
(incf count)
(print (cons k-id clump)))
(print count))
(with-open-file (stream "lisp:projects;xle;morph;orthoclumps.txt" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(let ((k-id 0)
(l-id 0)
#+ignore(stream *standard-output*))
(dat::do-tree-set (string *klump-tree*)
(destructuring-bind (clump-id lemma lemma-id pos) (split string #\:)
(let ((clump-id (parse-integer clump-id))
(lemma-id (parse-integer lemma-id)))
(if (eq k-id clump-id)
(format stream " ~a~32t" lemma)
(format stream "~6d ~a~32t" clump-id lemma))
(if (eq l-id lemma-id)
(format stream " ~a~%" pos)
(format stream "~6d ~a~%" lemma-id pos))
(setf k-id clump-id l-id lemma-id))))))
(defun scarrie-style (word &key (net cgp::*scarrie-net*))
(let ((res ())
(cgp::*tagger* (cgp::multi-tagger (gethash "nbo" cgp::*cg-table*)))
(restored-word (cgp::restore-string (copy-seq word))))
(dolist (val (string-net::string-values net restored-word))
(destructuring-bind (compressed-lemma style replacement feature-vector)
(split val #\: 4)
(declare (ignore replacement))
(let ((lemma-list (find-if (lambda (list)
(and (string= (car list) compressed-lemma)
(string= (cadr list) feature-vector)))
(if lemma-list
(push style (cddr lemma-list))
(push (list* compressed-lemma feature-vector (list style))
(mapcar (lambda (lemma-list)
(destructuring-bind (compressed-lemma feature-vector . styles-comp) lemma-list
;;(print (cons word lemma-list))
;; check if this works on Linux
(let ((bv (cgp::string-to-bit-vector (map 'array #'string-net::translate-char feature-vector))))
(when styles-comp (cgp::set-feature bv 'cgp::scarrie))
(cgp::set-scarrie-style bv styles-comp)
(cons (cgp::translate-string (decompress-string compressed-lemma restored-word))
#-bit-vectors(code-features bv)
#+bit-vectors bv))))
(defun find-scarrie-normal-form (clump)
(let ((cgp::*tagger* (cgp::multi-tagger (gethash "nbo" cgp::*cg-table*)))
(cn nil)
(c1 nil)
(c2 nil)
(all-found-p t))
(dolist (lemma-list clump)
(destructuring-bind (lemma id pos) lemma-list
(dolist (l+fs (scarrie-style lemma))
(when (and (string= (car l+fs) lemma)
(cgp::has-features-p (cdr l+fs) (list (intern (string-upcase pos) :cgp)))
(cond ((not (cgp::has-feature-p (cdr l+fs) 'cgp::scarrie))
(setf all-found-p nil))
((cgp::has-feature-p (cdr l+fs) 'cgp::cn)
(push lemma-list cn))
((cgp::has-feature-p (cdr l+fs) 'cgp::c1)
(push lemma-list c1))
((cgp::has-feature-p (cdr l+fs) 'cgp::c2)
(push lemma-list c2)))))))
(print (list :cn cn :c1 c1 :c2 c2))
(cond ((not all-found-p) nil)
(cn (and (null (cdr cn)) (cons "N" (car cn))))
(c1 (and (null (cdr c1)) (cons "C1" (car c1))))
(c2 (and (null (cdr c2)) (cons "C2" (car c2)))))))
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
(defparameter *declatin*
(connect "declatin"
:user-id "system" :password "gvprckvnis"
:db-type :oci :if-exists :warn-old)))
(with-database (*declatin*)
;;(execute :drop-user [logon] :cascade)
(create-user [logon] :password "muxluxi")
(execute :grant '(connect resource) :to [logon])
(create-table [logon clump-ids]
`((id integer :primary-key)))
(create-table [logon clumps]
`((id integer)
(lemma (varchar 32))
(lemma-id integer)
(pos (varchar 8))
(norm (varchar 4))
(:foreign-key [id] :references [logon clump-ids] [id])
(:primary-key ([id] [lemma] [lemma-id] [pos])))))
(defun store-clump (id lemmas)
(with-database (*declatin*)
(with-transaction ()
(insert-records :into [logon clump-ids] :values (list id))
(dolist (lemma-list lemmas)
(if (cdddr lemma-list)
(destructuring-bind (lemma norm lemma-id pos) lemma-list
(insert-records :into [logon clumps]
:values (list id lemma lemma-id pos norm)))
(destructuring-bind (lemma lemma-id pos) lemma-list
(insert-records :into [logon clumps]
:values (list id lemma lemma-id pos nil))))))))
(let ((count 0)
(k-id 0)
(l-id nil)
(clump ())
(forms-tree (dat::make-string-tree)))
(with-database (*usdprod*)
(do-query ((klump-id lemma-id grunnform tag)
[select [klump-id] [lemma-id] [grunnform] [tag]
:from [usd-leks-tagger-bm v-logon-tagger-fullform]
;;:where [in [klump-id] '(1 123 2952 4444 20703 11)]
:order-by '([klump-id] [lemma-id])])
(unless (= k-id klump-id)
(when (cdr clump)
(incf count)
(print (cons k-id clump)))
(when (cdr clump)
(let ((normal-form (find-scarrie-normal-form clump)))
(when normal-form
(push (car normal-form) (cddr normal-form))
(incf count)
(when (zerop (mod count 100))
(print (cons k-id clump))))
(store-clump k-id clump)))
(setf clump () k-id klump-id))
(let* ((pos-end (position #\space tag))
(pos (subseq tag 0 pos-end))
(pos (if (and (equal pos "adj")
(or (search "" tag)
(search "" tag)))
(pushnew (list grunnform lemma-id pos) clump :test #'equal)
(when (zerop (mod (incf count) 100))
(print (list klump-id lemma-id grunnform pos)))))
(when (cdr clump)
(let ((normal-form (find-scarrie-normal-form clump)))
(when normal-form
(push (car normal-form) (cddr normal-form))
(incf count))
(store-clump k-id clump))))
(print count))
(print (select [*] :from [logon clumps] :where [= [id] 3221]))
(let ((clump-ids (select [*] :from [logon clump-ids] :flatp t)))
(print (length clump-ids)))