[131060620010] |
) for the second process to read, decode and output to the sound card using OSS.
[131060620040] |I've been trying to debug the decoding part (separate issue) and I've come across a situation where the pipe has a file descriptor of 0 when I print it out.
[131060620050] |As far as I can tell this means stdin.
[131060620060] |Is this a known problem with pipe, that it can accidentally open one of the standard file descriptors?
[131060620070] |If so, how do I get around it?
[131060620080] |My pipe/fork code is below.
[131060620090] |There is quite a bit of other code, that I hope is irrelevant.
[131060620100] |This loop is so that I can go through a list of radio stations.
[131060620110] |When 'n' is pressed it sends a command to the two child processes which shut them down cleanly, and then closes all the pipes and loops back around, opening all them up again and forking the two processes again.
[131060620120] |The first time it goes through the loop it seems like this works, but on the second time around I get the following output.
[131060620130] |So basically I would like to know how to stop pipe from opening up the std file descriptors.
[131060630010] |A new file descriptor always occupies the lowest integer not already in use.
[131060630020] |The system doesn't care about "standard file descriptors" or anything like that.
[131060630030] |If file descriptor 0 is closed, then a new file descriptor will be assigned at 0.
[131060630040] |Is there any place in your program or in how you're launching it that may be causing close(0)
[131060640010] |strace can give you a picture of what your executable is doing with file descriptors:
[131060650010] |ip
commands shown here use a Linux-specific tool called iproute2.
[131060660050] |Many of the tasks can likely be done with ifconfig
and route
, but the syntax depends on the system.
[131060660060] |You can start looking for the correct command for your system on the Rosetta Stone for Unix (thanks @Gilles).
[131060660070] |ping -c 2 yahoo.com
; if this doesn't work, the problem is likely to be DNS.
[131060660160] |As a quick fix, you can try opening /etc/resolv.conf
and adding nameserver
after the last line (note, you may need root privileges to edit the file).
[131060660170] |That address happens to be a DNS server, and adding it to resolv.conf will tell your system to use it.
[131060660180] |If that doesn't work, you should submit another question with more details.
[131060660190] |default [via address] dev [dev]...
where you may or may not have the 'via' part, and '[dev]' may be something like 'eth0' or 'wlan0' that represents which network interface the network is on.
[131060660300] |Previously I said that there should usually be an entry there.
[131060660310] |If you had other tables setup and a rule pointing to them to look at the entries in other tables by using the following, replacing '[table name]' with one of the names you noted in the previous (ip rule) step.
[131060660320] |If you do not have a route to the target network, you need to add one (or modify your network setup so it automatically adds the correct one for you).
[131060660330] |If you don't know how, ask a more specific question here, armed with this knowledge.
[131060660340] |-P
flag to run again.
[131060670040] |Is this prone to corrupt the current file transfer?
[131060670050] |Second time I simply put MacOS to sleep (by closing the lid).
[131060670060] |Looking at the running process I can see 2 (not sure why) with a status of 'S'.
[131060670070] |Tried using
[131060670080] |to resume the process, but it has no effect.
[131060680010] |Ctrl + Z to suspend, and:
[131060680020] |to continue, use
[131060680030] |to see suspended jobs; bg [number] to background them; fg [number] to foreground it.
[131060680040] |can also be used to suspend; then Ctrl + q to continue it.
[131060690010] |You can pause any program by sending it a TSTP
(polite) or STOP
(forcible) signal.
[131060690020] |On the terminal you've run rsync
in, pressing Ctrl+Z sends TSTP
[131060690030] |Resume with the fg
or bg
command in the terminal or a CONT
[131060690040] |It is safe to kill an rsync process and run the whole thing again; it will continue where it left off.
[131060690050] |It may be a little inefficient, particularly if you haven't passed --partial
(included in -P
), because rsync
will check all files again and process the file it was interrupted on from scratch.
[131060690060] |There may be unusual combinations of options that will lead to some files not being synchronized properly, maybe --inplace
with something else, but I think no single option will cause this.
[131060690070] |If you disconnect your laptop and reconnect it somewhere else, it may get a different IP address.
[131060690080] |Then the TCP connection used by rsync would be severed, so you'd have to kill it and start again.
[131060690090] |This can also happen if you suspend your laptop and the TCP connection times out.
[131060690100] |The timeout will eventually filter out to the application level, but it can take a while.
[131060690110] |It's safe to press Ctrl+C and run rsync again.
[131060700010] |Run rsync
with the --partial
[131060700020] |It will then keep partial transfers and resume partial files when started.
[131060710010] |zypper
[131060740050] |As an example, the following commands will disable the original oss repository, add a new one from a mirror and finally refresh it.
[131060740060] |And so forth for other repositories.
[131060750010] |If your system time/date has reverted to January 1, 1970 or something ancient like that then your computers entire SSL infrastructure will temporarily be broken.
[131060750020] |Connecting to software repositories usually is done over an SSL connection these days to prevent someone from doing a man-in-the-middle intercept attack.
[131060750030] |Simply set your system date to be correct and downloading and updating software will magically resume working.
[131060760010] |en_US
and en_GB
would be sufficient.
[131060870070] |So my questions are:
[131060870080] |en_*
variants really installed on my machine?
[131060870090] |How to check that?en_*
locales actually take up space on your system really depends on the packages you have installed.
[131060880020] |In general, locale data is stored in /usr/lib/locale
[131060880030] |The last time I checked, changing the locales that are generated was a bit Distro specific.
[131060880040] |In Debian:
[131060880050] |In Ubuntu:
[131060880060] |/var/lib/locales/supported.d/en
and /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local
to only include those locales you want.# dpkg-reconfigure locales
package in Debian or Ubuntu; however, as the man page warns, it can sometimes cause problems.
[131060890010] |myscript
with contents:
[131060910050] |and make it executable (chmod a+x
), and put it into usr/bin.
[131060910060] |I am not able to call e from the commandline (when I try, it says the command wasn't found).
[131060910070] |What am I doing wrong?
[131060920010] |Such commands should be placed in ~/.bashrc
[131060930010] |The alias you have defined will only take effect once the alias
command is actually called.
[131060930020] |Thus if you were to do this:
[131060930030] |It should work.
[131060930040] |However, this is clearly not ideal since you want e
to be available whenever you start bash.
[131060930050] |Luckily, bash provides a number of ways to automatically run commands when the shell is started.
[131060930060] |For the full details of how bash starts up, see the manual page.
[131060930070] |For our purposes, it is enough to know that ~/.bashrc
(that is, a file named ".bashrc" in your home directory) is run as your shell starts up.
[131060930080] |One way to make your alias available at startup would be to add this line at the end of ~/.bashrc
[131060930090] |However, if you were to do this for every alias you wanted, your /usr/bin
folder would likely become a mess.
[131060930100] |And, if you are on a multi-user system, filling /usr/bin/
with scripts like this may cause other users problems as well.
[131060930110] |Thus, it is better to place your aliases right inside .bashrc
and forgo the separate script all together.
[131060930120] |Since you are using Ubuntu, inside your .bashrc
file you probably have something that looks like this:
[131060930130] |This code looks for a file call .bash_aliases
in your home directory and runs anything it finds in that file as well.
[131060930140] |If you have this, or if you add this code to your .bashrc
, you could also put your alias in ~/.bash_aliases
[131060930150] |This provides an easy way to keep all your aliases in one place and keep your .bashrc
file uncluttered.
[131060940010] |sudoers
such that each member of a group is able to kill the process owned by another member of the group?
[131060960030] |Scenario: I have two users -- bill
and dev-cron
-- who are members of the group tech
[131060960040] |I'd like bill
to be able to kill processes started by dev-cron
[131060970010] |Where you can put a user name in sudoers
, you can also put %
followed by a group name, +
followed by a netgroup name, or an alias for a list of users (defined with the User_Alias
[131060970020] |Though considering your use case, I wonder why you don't just use
[131060980010] |tmux
from screen
, and have hit a bump while configuring the (highly configurable!) tmux
key bindings.
[131060980040] |Problem is, in my .screenrc
i have
[131060980050] |and the bindings work (they originally came from rxvt-tabbedex
[131060980060] |But in tmux
there's apparently no way to bind commands to shift+arrow combinations.
[131060980070] |Please prove me wrong. :)
[131060990010] |xdotool
[131061010020] |Then you can do:
[131061010030] |xdotool search --name "window name" windowsize 300 400
[131061010040] |replace "window name" with a name or reg ex appearing in the window title (you can also search by window class and a variety of other things), and the two numbers appearing after windowsize are the width and height, respectively.
[131061010050] |(You can also use percents, etc.)
[131061010060] |See man xdotool
once it's installed.
[131061010070] |If you're on Lucid or earlier, I recommend going to the xdotool website to get a newer version, however.
[131061020010] |s
[131061040010] |Not sure if this counts as a "trick", but people seem very unaware of the standard readline hotkeys.
[131061040020] |Of particular use in shells:
[131061040030] |CDPATH
to set up the directory equivalent of PATH
; if you try to cd foo
and there is no foo
in the current directory, the shell will check each of the directories in CDPATH
looking for foo
in them, and switch to the first one it finds:
[131061070010] |For when you don't know where something lives, and you don't care either.
[131061080010] |CTRL+R in BASH for searching/activating previously executed commands (the contents of ~/.bash_history).
[131061080020] |This is often extremely helpful.
[131061080030] |Running this alias will serve the PWD up over HTTP (indexed) on port 8000:
[131061080040] |And because I run make all the time, and spaz out and type too quickly, these aliases are probably my most used (seriously):
[131061080050] |And probably my most frequently used piece of BASH is a simple script I call upload.
[131061080060] |I use it to blit any kind of content to my Linode, and it copies the resulting HTTP URL to my clipboard (middle click).
[131061080070] |Very useful for pasting stuff to people in IRC:
[131061080080] |Just a couple.
[131061080090] |I can post much more later, must get back to work!
[131061090010] |This expands somewhat on the !!
trick mentioned in this answer.
[131061090020] |There are actually a bunch of history-related commands that tend to get forgotten about (people tend to stab Up 100 times instead looking for a command they know they typed).
[131061090030] |history
command will show a list of recently run commands with an event designator to the left!N
will substitute the command associated with event designator N
will substitute the N
th most recent command; e.g. !-1
will substitute the most recent command, !-2
the second most recent, etc.!!
is shorthand for !-1
, to quickly substitute the last command!string
will substitute the most recent command that begins with string
will substitute the most recent command that contains string
history command to modify the results.
[131061090100] |A colon separates the event and word designators, e.g. !!:0
[131061090110] |The event designator !!
can be abbreviated to just !
when using a word designator, so !!:0
is equivalent to !:0
[131061090120] |!:0
will get the command that was executed!:1
will get the first argument (and !:2
the second, etc.)!:2-3
will get the second and third arguments!:^
is another way to get the first argument. !:$
will get the last!:*
will get all arguments (but not the command)!
history command, each prefixed by a colon.
[131061090180] |Any number can be stacked on (e.g. !:t:r:p
[131061090190] |h
-- Line up to the base filenamet
-- Only the base filenamer
-- Line up to the filename extensione
-- Only the filename extensions/search/replacement
-- Replace the first occurrence of search
with replacement
-- Replace all occurrences of search
with replacement
[131061100060] |I'm bad at examples, but that should give you the idea.
[131061100070] |Try it out, it can really save you fingers from typing.
[131061110010] |bash -- insert preceding line's final parameter
[131061110020] |alt-. the most useful key combination ever, try it and see, for some reason no one knows about this one.
[131061110030] |press it again and again to select older last parameters.
[131061110040] |great when you want to do something more to the argument/file you used just a moment ago.
[131061120010] |If a command takes stdin input, you can read the input from a file with .
[131061120020] |This can appear anywhere in the command, so these lines are equivalent:
[131061120030] |This is particularly useful for grep, as it allows you to place the expression at the end of the line, so you can quickly modify a grep command it by hitting Up, without needing to scroll left to get past the filename:
[131061130010] |Since I'm usually halfway into a command line before wanting to search (CTRL-R in bash) I have the following in my .bashrc
[131061130020] |This means that if I type cd then press up/down I can see all the options that I have cd'd to.
[131061130030] |Basically I use this for often used dirs.
[131061130040] |Like "cd w" and I'm ending up going through all the workspaces I use lots.
[131061140010] |Two bash functions which save me many key strokes.
[131061140020] |Do automatically an ls after every successfull cd:
[131061140030] |Go up n levels:
[131061150010] |One thing that saves me a lot of time is the pushd/popd commands.
[131061150020] |These guys let you create a stack of directories and reduce typing a lot:
[131061160010] |I love chucking as much stuff as I can into my PS1.
[131061160020] |Some useful things to remember:
[131061160030] |\e[s
and \e[u
save and unsave the cursor position respectively.
[131061160040] |I use this to create an 'info-bar' at the top of the screen, a couple of lines long, which can fit more stuff.
[131061160050] |Example:
[131061160060] |Combine with alias clear='echo -e "\e[2J\n"'
[131061160070] |Try it out!
[131061160080] |Also, the PROMPT_COMMAND
variable defines a command to execute before the PS1 every time.
[131061160090] |Another one is the bg
[131061160100] |If you forget to put &
at the end of a command, just press ^Z and type bg
, and it runs in the background.
[131061170010] |Display Git branch and status in the prompt
[131061180010] |this is usually in my startup script (.bashrc, .profile, whatever)
[131061180020] |shopt goodness, check the comments:
[131061180030] |an alias that save keystrokes, mkdir and cd into it:
[131061180040] |and last but not least, I've given up on memorizing tar syntax, so:
[131061180050] |}
[131061190010] |my favorite feature is NO COLORS! =)
[131061190020] |TERM=xterm-mono or TERM=linux-m depends on OS...
[131061190030] |I really like black and white IRSSI, mc and any other "Text user interface" tool
[131061200010] |Execute last command as root:
[131061210010] |Another useful ZSH trick:
[131061210020] |Treat the output of a command as a file:
[131061210030] |This opens an old version of a Mercurial-tracked file in emacs for syntax-highlighted viewing.
[131061210040] |Without that, I would have to mess around with hg revert
, hg archive
, or explicitly send hg cat
output to a temporary file.
[131061210050] |Of course, this works with any program that opens files, and any program that prints to standard output.
[131061220010] |ZSH has global aliases.
[131061220020] |It expands the alias anywhere in the command line.
[131061220030] |I've found this useful for hostnames:
[131061220040] |E.g.:
[131061220050] |Then, I can do e.g.:
[131061220060] |etc.
[131061230010] |diff
the output of two commands without creating a temporary file manually (bash):
[131061240010] |A ZSH-specific feature is suffix aliases, set by giving alias
the -s
[131061240020] |If a given extension has a suffix alias, you can execute a file with that extention directly, and ZSH will launch the given program and pass the filename as an argument.
[131061240030] |So if the above alias is in effect, these lines are equivalent:
[131061250010] |One of my all-time favorite ZSH features is named directories.
[131061250020] |You can export a variable with a given name, with a value that points to a certain path:
[131061250030] |Now you can use ~foo
in a command to refer to /usr/bin
[131061260010] |My favorite is
[131061260020] |Simple and so very useful.
[131061260030] |Have a look at this website commandlinefu.com.
[131061260040] |You can also have a look at these four articles by Peteris Krumins on his blog
[131061260050] |Top Ten One-Liners from CommandLineFu Explained
[131061260060] |The Next Ten One-Liners from CommandLineFu Explained
[131061260070] |Another Ten One-Liners from CommandLineFu Explained
[131061260080] |Yet Another Ten One-Liners from CommandLineFu Explained
[131061270010] |If you are a fast typist, these come in handy:
[131061270020] |This macro helps you compute totals of a column of output: file sizes, bytes, packets, all you have to do is specify the column that you want to add:
[131061270030] |You use it like this for example, with no arguments, it adds the total of the first column:
[131061270040] |If you provide the argument, it will sum that column, for example, this gives you the total number of bytes used by all the C# files in /tmp:
[131061270050] |Sometimes your console gets messed up because you accidentally viewed a binary file (cat /bin/ls for example), you can restore the terminal with this shell function:
[131061270060] |I like my ls to use characters to distinguish the class of files, and also to hide the backup files generated by my editor (backup files end with the ~ character):
[131061280010] |The ampersand.
[131061280020] |It puts your command in the background, so you can continue typing.
[131061280030] |Working along, and after a while you see:
[131061280040] |And your process is done!
[131061280050] |Great for things where you don't need to wait for them to terminate.
[131061290010] |The screen
[131061290020] |It basically saves your command line session for when you come back.
[131061290030] |It's sort of a terminal manager, like a window manager.
[131061290040] |That way, in a single terminal session, you can have multiple virtual terminals going on.
[131061290050] |It's very cool.
[131061300010] |Tab completion.
[131061300020] |How bad would it suck if you had to type out all the characters of every path?
[131061310010] |I have folders named in my home folder as Document, Downloads, Temp, etc with the first letter in uppercase.
[131061310020] |When I work on the terminal it's annoying to shift press the first key when you are cd'ing into a directory.
[131061310030] |Just key in the following in your terminal and bash would auto-correct the case for you.
[131061320010] |My personal favorite is
[131061320020] |What the above command does is find a file of name x and then searches said file for whatever pattern you are looking for.
[131061320030] |Incredibly useful if you are looking for a particular bit of code in a file that's somewhere in your subdirectories.
[131061330010] |If you need to edit a particularly long command line in bash
[131061330020] |will open it in the editor ($EDITOR).
[131061330030] |In zsh you can get the same behaviour by adding this to .zshrc:
[131061340010] |None of the following 'tricks' is technically challenging or impressive, but they have some impact on the other person.
[131061340020] |If we can't use our jobs to make our lives happier, then we should think again about some things.
[131061340030] |I like alias
[131061340040] |My favorite trick is to edit the ~/.bash_aliases on the computer of my gf as she is missing and add a line like:
[131061340050] |or another romantic quotation.
[131061340060] |Another "trick" I especially like is:
[131061340070] |where 123 is the of the person to whom I would like to wish happy birthday and mails.txt contains the message that I would like to write as the body of the email.
[131061340080] |Sleep 1; is sometimes necessary as there is a limit on fork().
[131061340090] |You could also use command line arguments $1
[131061350010] |Pretty basic, but people don't seem to know, returns you to the previous dir:
[131061360010] |Umount last mounted device:
[131061360020] |!mo
expands to the last command that started with mo
(at least in bash).
[131061360030] |Sometimes one does mv
in the middle, so u!m
won't work as often.
[131061370010] |I can't live without
[131061370020] |in my ~/.inputrc.
[131061370030] |Activates them in every readline enabled application.
[131061370040] |Only activating vi command line editing in the shell works via:
[131061370050] |Thus, hitting ESC or CTRL+[ gets you the well known vi-command mode.
[131061370060] |And you can use powerful vi commands everywhere!
[131061380010] |Sometimes bash settings are such that rm
is aliased to rm -i
and thus requires confirmation for each file being deleted.
[131061380020] |When I work occasionally on such an account, I use \rm
to retrieve the original behaviour of rm
without changing user configuration.
[131061390010] |See this question.
[131061390020] |When you run ps ax | grep string
[131061390030] |the last line containing grep
is somethings a bit anoying
[131061390040] |You can rid yourself of this by running ps ax | grep '[s]tring'
[131061390050] |update: or just run pgrep string
[131061400010] |sync;sync;sync;reboot
[131061400020] |can be really useful sometimes.
[131061400030] |Be careful !
[131061410010] |I have this in my .bashrc
[131061410020] |And when I have html source code in clipboard and want to find all links I use
[131061410030] |And I have all urls in clipboard
[131061410040] |I also have this function
[131061410050] |which display size (human readable) and filename.
[131061410060] |this alias is for show temerature
[131061410070] |with this function I can calculate product or sum of arguments.
[131061410080] |This is usefull function which split standard input separated by regex and then join the result.
[131061410090] |factorial function
[131061410100] |This function display wiki text over DNS
[131061410110] |I also have three color funcions
[131061410120] |This function validate file md5 hash.
[131061410130] |this will show error message for a given code
[131061410140] |You can print all messages with
[131061420010] |Use pgrep foo
instead of ps aux | grep foo
if you want to find how many instances of foo are running and their pids:
[131061420020] |e.g. instead of ps aux | grep firefox
, use pgrep firefox
[131061430010] |Brace Expansion:
[131061430020] |Brace expansion is a mechanism by which arbitrary strings may be generated.
[131061430030] |It allows you to replace tedious lines like:
[131061430040] |with a shorter instance
[131061430050] |some other uses
[131061430060] |Arithmetic Expansion:
[131061430070] |Arithmetic expansion allows the evaluation of an arithmetic expression and the substitution of the result.
[131061430080] |The format for arithmetic expansion is:
[131061430090] |The expression is treated as if it were within double quotes, but a double quote inside the parentheses is not treated specially.
[131061430100] |All tokens in the expression undergo parameter expansion, string expansion, command substitution, and quote removal.
[131061430110] |Arithmetic expansions may be nested.
[131061440010] |See command output updated every n seconds
[131061440020] |Show statistics about network device wlan0
[131061440030] |Show routing table for device eth1
[131061440040] |Display statistics for all routers packet travels through to reach HOST
[131061440050] |Consult reverse DNS records for host names on NETWORK
[131061440060] |Benchmark a website
[131061440070] |Get all links from a web page
[131061440080] |Show default gateway
[131061440090] |Write standard error to a file
[131061440100] |Redirect stderr to stdout
[131061440110] |Redirect both stderr and stdout to the same file.
[131061450010] |Displays a nice ascii art of the current proccess tree, with the most cpu intensive proccess higlighted.
[131061450020] |Kill it with Ctrl + C
[131061470010] |dc is a RPN calculator; this function enables me to type the expression as the command arguments:
[131061480010] |There is a great site for this at: http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/browse
[131061490010] |Once so often when you've typed a long command and before finishing it you've realized it won't work right away, because you need to run something else before (e.g. entered git commit -m "long commit message here"
), you can hit ^A^K
to go to the start of the line and kill it (saving into a buffer), next run a command to fix things, and finally ^Y
to paste the killed command, and continue.
[131061490020] |Saves a lot of re-typing.
[131061490030] |All this, of course is when readline
is in Emacs mode.
[131061490040] |Another time-saver: mkdir -p some/nested/dirs/to/be/created
creates all the dirs in a path if they're missing.
[131061500010] |I found the following useful when constantly switching between Windows and Unix/Linux:
[131061510010] |My favourite command is 'find', I use it everywhere... examples:
[131061510020] |Just display heaviest files in ls -l (long) format.
[131061510030] |Then, if you need your code with 0640 permissions, just search:
[131061510040] |or replace:
[131061510050] |Then, do you need a symbol and don't know where is it??
[131061510060] |Newer files than XFILE??
[131061510070] |Yeah, "find" rulez!
[131061520010] |Not really a one-liner but I think it's useful.
[131061520020] |Convert many files to uppercase, for example file_to_upper *php *c
[131061520030] |There are many similar cases like converting to lower, renaming all files by suffix/prefix, etc.
[131061530010] |The do-nothing command :
as in
[131061530020] | Brace expansion in combination with for loops:
[131061530030] | !
operator and short circuiting operators ||
and &&
[131061530040] |using sub shells instead of pop/push (comes in handy in scripts)
[131061530050] | the kind-of what-is command type
[131061530060] | also very nice: here-strings
[131061530070] | and my favorite: redirection on a list of commands
[131061540010] |What are pros/cons of dselect and apt-get?
[131061540020] |I hardly ever hear anyone mention dselect
, a deprecated package management front-end for Debian.
[131061540030] |Considering that it still exists as part of dpkg source, it must still have its uses.
[131061540040] |What are those?
[131061540050] |How does it compare with apt-get
[131061550010] |Dselect is an interactive dpkg front-end that resolves dependencies and conflicts.
[131061550020] |It lacks most of apt's advanced features: no differenciation between Suggests/Recommends/Depends, less good dependency and conflict resolution, no support for multiple sources of packages, no apt pinning/preferences, no automatically-installed package mark, …
[131061550030] |(This is from memory.
[131061550040] |Actually dselect can now use apt backends for some functions, at least it can download from apt's sources.list
[131061550050] |Dselect got a lot of hate simply from having unusual key bindings.
[131061550060] |I think your question will bring out unfond memories in some people.
[131061550070] |I suppose dselect can still be useful if you want an interactive package selector with smaller memory consumption than apt.
[131061560010] |Deselect doesn't have any of the wonderful dependency resolution, but you can kind of think of deselect as a curses based "synaptic".
[131061560020] |However, you only want to make selections with deselect; don't actually do the installation.
[131061560030] |After making selections run this:
[131061560040] |Best of both worlds.
[131061570010] |Ploblem making a virtual host with apache
[131061570020] |Once i tried to make a virtual host, and the problem was that if i make another file in /etc/apache2/sites-available/
that says
[131061570030] |Then save it, restart apache, and appending /etc/hosts
like this:
[131061570040] |I get the page that corresponds the DocumentRoot from /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
[131061570050] |That time i left it unsolved.
[131061570060] |Now i want to do it once again and i get the same problem.
[131061570070] |Despite the fact that i use different version of linux distro.
[131061570080] |I feel like i'm doomed.
[131061570090] |Any help would be very appreciated
[131061580010] |did you enable the site using the a2ensite command?
[131061580020] |The /etc/apache2/sites-available directory lists those that you have setup but it needs to be in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled to be picked up when you next reload the apache2 configuration.
[131061590010] |A tool for checking broken web links
[131061590020] |Please recommend a tool that checks for broken links on a web site.
[131061590030] |not required, but would be nice to have:
[131061590040] | checks standards-compliance of the HTML, CSS, Javascript, ...
[131061590050] |displays permanent redirects
[131061600010] |LinkChecker.
[131061600020] |LinkChecker is a free, GPL licensed URL validator.
[131061600030] |Features
[131061600040] |recursive and multithreaded checking
[131061600050] |output in colored or normal text, HTML, SQL, CSV, XML or a sitemap graph in different formats
[131061600060] |HTTP/1.1, HTTPS, FTP, mailto:, news:, nntp:, Telnet and local file links support
[131061600070] |restriction of link checking with regular expression filters for URLs
[131061600080] |proxy support
[131061600090] |username/password authorization for HTTP and FTP and Telnet
[131061600100] |honors robots.txt exclusion protocol
[131061600110] |Cookie support
[131061600120] |HTML and CSS syntax check
[131061600130] |Antivirus check
[131061600140] |Different interfaces: command line, GUI and web interface
[131061600150] |It's also in Debian Lenny: aptitude install linkchecker
and in the FreeBSD ports: /usr/ports/www/linkchecker
[131061610010] |Linux: Interface/control 3.5 mm Headphone or Microphone port?
[131061610020] |This might sound crazy, but bear with me ;)
[131061610030] |I am making a DIY camera trigger, and I would like to see if I can trigger it remotely by plugging it into my Microphone or Headphone ports.
[131061610040] |It's a basic 2.5 mm --> 3.5 mm
plug, and all I need to do is short the first and last, first and second, and all three to focus, trigger, and focus and trigger.
[131061610050] |It's a bit hard to explain, but is it possible to send electrical signals directly through those ports?
[131061610060] |I'm up to some C++ or Python (heh) if I have to...
[131061620010] |You can use the audio port to create a time-varied differential voltage signal.
[131061620020] |You can't short the contacts together, though.
[131061620030] |In fact, you might even damage the dac in your computer if you connected it since doing that would force the dac outputs to whatever voltage level the hotshoe is.
[131061620040] |If you really want to do this, you might want to use a USB gpio board (like this one) and make a circuit that shorts your contacts.
[131061620050] |The folks at Chiphacker (aka Electronics &Robotics) would be able to help you with any questions about that.
[131061630010] |Get the free space available in current directory in Bash.
[131061630020] |I know df -h
and pwd
, but it seems a little complex for the regex matching part.
[131061630030] |Any ideas?
[131061640010] |The output can be made a bit easier to parse by using the -P
option which will ensure that:
[131061640020] |The information about each file system is always printed on exactly one line; a mount device is never put on a line by itself.
[131061640030] |This means that if the mount device name is more than 20 characters long (e.g., for some network mounts), the columns are misaligned.
[131061640040] |This makes it much easier to get just the free space available:
[131061640050] |(-h
uses megabytes, gigabytes and so on.
[131061640060] |If your system doesn't have it, use -k
for kilobytes only.)
[131061640070] |If we pass df
a path, it is only going to return 2 rows: a header row and then the data about the file system that contains the path.
[131061640080] |We can use tail to grab just the second row.
[131061640090] |We know that the space available is in the 4th column, so we grab that with awk
[131061640100] |This all could be done with awk
[131061640110] |or many other sets of filters.
[131061650010] |How about doing df -h .
[131061650020] |This will give you the available free space of the partition your current working directory is in.
[131061650030] |A small example:
[131061660010] |How to install Python 3.x on Debian?
[131061660020] |First of all, I am new to all things Linux.
[131061660030] |I chose Debian for my Linode because it seemed stable and secure.
[131061660040] |Now I want to write some sysadmin-type scripts in Python to teach myself the language.
[131061660050] |Based on this SO question I've decided to go with Python 3.
[131061660060] |At very least, I'd like my Linode to have 2.6 or 2.7 because that's what's installed on my home machines.
[131061660070] |But the default for Debian is still 2.5.
[131061660080] |That's fine, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to get the python3.1 package!!
[131061660090] |It's driving me nuts!
[131061660100] |Here's a sample of what I've tried (after running apt-get update
to make sure my package index was up to date):
[131061660110] |I know that this package is available because I can see it right there on debian.org.
[131061660120] |How do I find it and install it?
[131061660130] |And after I finally figure out how to install the latest Python, am I still going to have trouble from my package manager when installing things that depend on Python?
[131061660140] |Are they going to point to the default python instead of the one I want?
[131061660150] |I'd much rather use the native package manager than use easy_install (see the reason I care about packages here).
[131061660160] |Oh, and I am looking for a command-line-only answer.
[131061670010] |I'm going to assume you've got Debian lenny and have your sourcelist geared towards the stable release which by default only has python2.5 (someone correct me?)
[131061670020] |From a brief scan of their package tree, python3.1 exists in the Debian Sid (unstable) and Debian Squeeze (testing) tree.
[131061670030] |See Here
[131061670040] |You can w-get
directly from the links provided, but that's often messy as you'll need to resolve any dependencies yourself through a game of what don't I have? with the CLI.
[131061670050] |If you're apt for switching your package tree to squeeze, you can change your /etc/apt/sources.list
to match that of the squeeze tree.
[131061670060] |From there, you can aptitude update
then aptitude install python
and you should have python3.1 and all its dependencies in tow.
[131061680010] |I wrote elsewhere that if you are mainly interested in stability, Squeeze (soon to be declared stable) is your best bet at the moment.
[131061680020] |The easier solution is to do a fresh install of it (download page).
[131061680030] |Another option is to upgrade.
[131061680040] |If you choose this option:
[131061680050] |in "/etc/apt/sources.list", replace all occurences of lenny (sometimes stable) with squeeze
[131061680060] |proceed to the usual apt-get update &&apt-get upgrade
[131061680070] |monitor what will be installed (to ensure that you wont screw your precious installation)
[131061680080] |[note] The default Python version in Squeeze is 2.6, and is planned to be made 2.7 after release.
[131061690010] |Colored man pages not working on gentoo
[131061690020] |I have a problem using these methods to get colors in my man pages in gentoo.
[131061690030] |I've asked already in the gentoo forums but it still doesn't work, and the comments in a bug report (Bug 184604) don't work either.
[131061690040] |Can someone help me to get colours in my man pages?
[131061690050] |EDIT: Yes, I'm using less as pager and urxvt-unicode as terminal emulator
[131061690060] |EDIT2:
[131061690070] |I already asked in the gentoo forums but it didn't help, this is the link I couln't post before (because of my reputation) http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-819833-start-0.html.
[131061700010] |Could be a number of problems.
[131061700020] |Seeing as you're using zsh
, try putting this in your ~/.zshrc
[131061700030] |Then open a new terminal window and try running
[131061700040] |if it's not working, run each of the following to find out where the problem is:
[131061700050] |Number 1
[131061700060] |should print
[131061700070] |and
[131061700080] |should print
[131061700090] |if not, you put the export LESS
stuff in the wrong file.
[131061700100] |Number 2
[131061700110] |should print
[131061700120] |in a red color.
[131061700130] |If it doesn't there is something wrong with your terminal settings.
[131061700140] |Check your terminal settings (e.g. ~/.Xresources
) or try running gnome-terminal
or xterm
and see if that works.
[131061700150] |Number 3
[131061700160] |(^H
must be entered by pressing Ctrl+V then Ctrl+H)
[131061700170] |should print
[131061700180] |in red.
[131061700190] |If it doesn't, please run these
[131061700200] |and paste the output back in your question.
[131061700210] |Number 4
[131061700220] |should print
[131061700230] |(note the ^H
like in step number 3)
[131061700240] |if it's printing something like:
[131061700250] |instead, you will need to find a way to disable "sgr escape sequences".
[131061700260] |The easiest thing to try is adding export GROFF_NO_SGR=1
to .zshrc
, but there are other ways of fixing this.
[131061700270] |Number 5
[131061700280] |should display the ls
man page with colors.
[131061700290] |should now be working!
[131061710010] |Having read Mikels answer, its very comprehensive, and will hopefully work on all systems, but its probably overkill for myself ( also on a gentoo system. )
[131061710020] |So here is a result for people who are very "Do long, didn't read" with all that shenanigans.
[131061710030] |The Bare minimum I could do to get Coloured Man pages is as follows:
[131061710040] |This renders text that was previously only in bold, in bold and red. ( The red characterised by the '31' in LESS_TERMCAP_md
[131061710050] |These 2 rules control the formatting of the current line number display, and coerce it to rendering in Green.
[131061710060] |These 2 rules move everything that was previously underlined, to being underlined and yellow. ( 04 is 'underlined', 33 is "yellow" )
[131061720010] |Flash question, big screen
[131061720020] |The question is: I have a laptop, and I extend my desktop on external display, so I get a wide desktop (3200px).
[131061720030] |When I make the videos on flash fullscreen, don't know why, but the fullscreen appears on my little part of desktop (the laptop display).
[131061720040] |Is there any way to tell flash to play fullscreen on my bigger part?
[131061730010] |Flash will enter full screen mode on your primary display.
[131061730020] |In the configuration for your dual monitor set up there should be the option to set the external as the primary display.
[131061740010] |You can change your primary display temporarily with xrandr.
[131061740020] |I.e. open a terminal and run:
[131061740030] |xrandr --output HDMI1 --primary
[131061740040] |Where HDMI1 is the RandR output name for your external display.
[131061740050] |You can determine the name by listing all the outputs with xrandr -q
[131061740060] |E.g. in my case, my notebook screen is DP1
and my external LCD (hooked up via DVI) is HDMI1
[131061740070] |Note: If this messes up the relative position of your monitors, you can fix it with something like:
[131061740080] |xrandr --output HDMI1 --auto --pos 0x0 --output DP1 --auto --right-of HDMI1
[131061740090] |This puts my notebook screen to the right of my external monitor.
[131061740100] |If your notebook is to the left of your external monitor, change --right-of
to --left-of
[131061740110] |To make it permanent, you can run xrandr from a script and stick it somewhere that gets launched automatically (e.g. Startup Applications on Ubuntu).
[131061750010] |ssh problems only when connecting from remote IP
[131061750020] |When I try to connect from a remote computer that is not in the local network via ssh I get into trouble...
[131061750030] |When I try to execute a TUI application it hangs and I cant do anything...
[131061750040] |I type ./menu
and then nothing happens.
[131061750050] |However this program runs with no problem when connecting with ssh with a local IP (another computer in the local network).
[131061750060] |But this 100% same program is installed also on another computer.
[131061750070] |When connecting via ssh to the other computer with a remote IP I get no problem!
[131061750080] |SOLUTION I increased the MTU value of my router
[131061760010] |Seems like broken PMTUD.
[131061760020] |Check MTU an all involved computers and use ping -D
to determine which maximum packet size can be transmitted over path to remote host.
[131061770010] |Track [sh] for debug purposes ?
[131061770020] |Hi all,
[131061770030] |I have a big application (in C++) which generates time by time defunct process.
[131061770040] |I know the application uses intensively linux commands inside.
[131061770050] |I would need to know which linux commands were called by those sh defunct process, is it possible to find out.
[131061770060] |Or, is it possible to set up linux and get a sort of log when my application calls linux commands?
[131061770070] |Thx.
[131061770080] |Luke
[131061780010] |From Wikipedia:
[131061780020] |A defunct process is a process that has completed execution but still has an entry in the process table.
[131061780030] |This entry is still needed to allow the process that started the (now zombie) process to read its exit status.
[131061780040] |Is your C++ code calling wait()
[131061780050] |If you get the exit status by calling wait()
the defunct process should disappear.
[131061790010] |This big application is issuing external commands via a shell, using popen
or similar library functions.
[131061790020] |The intermediate shells remain as zombies (“defunct processes”) because the application isn't calling wait
to “reap” its children.
[131061790030] |Note that zombie processes are totally harmless (no matter what B-movies might lead you to believe); the only resource they consume is an entry in the process table.
[131061790040] |You can trace what commands the application executes by running
[131061790050] |This may slow down your program somewhat.
[131061790060] |You can switch tracing on and off during the lifetime of a process: to start tracing, run
[131061790070] |where 12345 is the process ID you want to trace.
[131061790080] |Kill the strace
process (e.g. by pressing Ctrl+C) to stop tracing.
[131061800010] |Usage of inb, inl, inw to access kernel space from user space
[131061800020] |What are some user space examples of using inb
, inl
, and inw
to access kernel space in Linux?
[131061810010] |When do you use brace expansion?
[131061810020] |I understand what brace expansion is, but I don't know how best to use it.
[131061810030] |When do you use it?
[131061810040] |Please teach me some convenient and remarkable examples if you have your own tip.
[131061820010] |Brace expansion is very useful if you have long path names.
[131061820020] |I use it as a quick way to backup a file:
[131061820030] |will copy /a/really/long/path/to/some/file.txt
to /a/really/long/path/to/some/file.txt.bak
[131061820040] |You can also use it in a sequence.
[131061820050] |I once did so to download lots of pages from the web:
[131061820060] |or
[131061830010] |I use it when I want to reduce typing:
[131061830020] |Another example:
[131061840010] |I use it to compare actual test output to desired test output during development.
[131061840020] |If test #41 fails, it's easy to see what the difference between the test output (in file tests.output/041) and the desired output (in file tests.out/041):
[131061850010] |Brace expansion is a bashism.
[131061850020] |As such it should not be used because it breaks the compatibility model.
[131061860010] |Brace expansion comes very handy when creating large directory structures:
[131061860020] |This will give you
[131061860030] |You could even go one step further and put brace expansion into brace expansion:
[131061860040] |This will give you the same directory structure as the example above.
[131061870010] |Some frequent cases for me are:
[131061870020] |For renaming:
[131061870030] |or
[131061870040] |or
[131061870050] |(Although it's less messy to use version control for the last 2 tasks.)
[131061870060] |For comparing (already mentioned):
[131061880010] |Isn't less just more?
[131061880020] |When I do more filename
and less filename
, it would seem that the resulting terminals are quite similar.
[131061880030] |I can navigate and search through my files identically (j, Space, /pattern
, etc.).
[131061880040] |I find it hard to believe that less
is more
and vice versa.
[131061880050] |Are there any differences between the two?
[131061890010] |The difference is mostly historical at this point, I believe some systems even have "more" and "less" hardlinked to the same binary.
[131061890020] |Originally, "more" pretty much only allowed you to move forward in a file, but was pretty decent for buffering output.
[131061890030] |"less" was written as an improved "more" that allowed you to scroll around the displayed text
[131061890040] |The first line of my "man less" pretty much sums it up:
[131061900010] |Ubuntu still has distinct less/more bins.
[131061900020] |At least mine does, or the 'more' command is sending different arguments to less.
[131061900030] |In any case, to see the difference, find a file that has more rows than you can see at one time in your terminal.
[131061900040] |Type 'cat', then the file name.
[131061900050] |It will just dump the whole file.
[131061900060] |Type 'more', then the file name.
[131061900070] |If on ubuntu, or at least my version (9.10), you'll see the first screen, then '--More--(27%)', which means there's more to the file, and you've seen 27% so far.
[131061900080] |Press space to see the next page. 'less' allows moving line by line, back and forth, plus searching and a whole bunch of other stuff.
[131061900090] |Basically, use less.
[131061900100] |You'll probably never need more for anything.
[131061900110] |I've used less on huge files and it seems OK.
[131061900120] |I don't think it does crazy things like load the whole thing into memory (cough Notepad).
[131061900130] |Showing line numbers could take a while, though, with huge files.
[131061910010] |There are a couple of things that I do all the time in less
, that doesn't work in more
(at least the versions on the systems I use.
[131061910020] |One is using G to go to the end of the file, and g to go to the beginning.
[131061910030] |This is useful for log files, when you are looking for recent entries at the end of the file.
[131061910040] |The other is search, where less
highlights the match, while more
just brings you to the section of the file where the match occurs, but doesn't indicate where it is.
[131061920010] |less is a lot more than more, for instance you have a lot more functionality,
[131061920020] |And I don't remember more ;-)
[131061930010] |In addition to the extra features already mentioned in less, it also has a 'v' command which opens the current file in 'vi' at the same position.
[131061930020] |When you exit 'vi', you will be back in less with the (possibly updated) file shown.
[131061940010] |Less has a lot more functionality.
[131061940020] |You can use v
to jump into the current $EDITOR.
[131061940030] |You can convert to tail -f mode with f
as well as all the other tips others offered.
[131061950010] |At least on systems I've used, more exits automatically when you reach the end of the file; less requires you to exit explicitly.
[131061960010] |Upstart on Debian?
[131061960020] |I created an upstart script in Ubuntu, thinking it would be the same for Debian.
[131061960030] |But Debian doesnt have a /etc/init
folder that Ubuntu has.
[131061960040] |I went to the upstart download page and seeing that they have packages, did a apt-get install upstart
, but it asks to remove sysvinit, which I know will/might screw up my system.
[131061960050] |So how do I make my Ubuntu script work on Debian?
[131061960060] |Thanks.
[131061970010] |The reason it's going to remove sysvinit
is because these two are conflicts (IE: incompatible).
[131061970020] |Also, note that sysvinit
in considered essential (IE: not to be removed, unless you know what you are doing).
[131061970030] |Part of the output from 'aptitude show upstart`:
[131061970040] |Assuming you can afford to hose your system (IE: this is a personal machine, and you have a proper backup), go ahead and install it.
[131061980010] |It's not directly about Debian vs Ubuntu, it's about SysVinit vs Upstart.
[131061980020] |Debian defaults to SysVinit; you can install Upstart, but you need to know what you're doing, and you should be familiar with it before you even think of installing it on a production server.
[131061980030] |Although it's theoretically possible to install both, with only one of them running as process number 1, Debian doesn't support this out the box.
[131061980040] |Upstart is younger than SysVinit and has more capabilities, which explains why you can't just take an Upstart service description and feed it to SysVinit.
[131061980050] |You'll have to write a script for /etc/init.d
[131061980060] |Basically that script needs to look at its first argument ($1
) and start
, stop
or restart
the service as directed.
[131061980070] |If you were using Upstart events to determine when to start the script, you'll have to use some other methods.
[131061980080] |Upstart gathers events from many different sources; you can get the trigger from wherever Upstart gets it, Upstart in this respect is just a convenient way of not having to look for triggers in many different places and protocols.
[131061990010] |What distro for an old HP (Celeron/384MB).
[131061990020] |An old HP desktop just came my way for service.
[131061990030] |Was running XP, but the install is trashed.
[131061990040] |User would like to switch to Linux, but the box it's only a 950mhz Celeron with 384MB RAM.
[131061990050] |It does have a decent sized hard drive though (40GB), so something should fit.
[131061990060] |I tried OpenSuSE 11.3, but it just goes to a black screen part way through the installer.
[131061990070] |What's the fullest featured distro I can squeeze onto this box?
[131062000010] |I'd have a look at Archlinux for 686, you could install enlightenment 16 or 17, fluxbox or LXDE as a lightweight windows manager and it should run OK on that configuration.
[131062000020] |If you can squeeze some more RAM in it it will help greatly, 1Go would be great IMHO.
[131062010010] |I'd try Slackware.
[131062010020] |I've put Slackware 13.1 on a very used laptop and had it work pretty well, but I've also backed off to Slackware 11.0 on a circa 2002 Compaq "EVO".
[131062010030] |The "EVO" has that ugly, ill-supported "Brookdale" graphics chipset, and the latest and greatest X11 doesn't do Brookdale hardly at all.
[131062020010] |Your question reminded me of a distro chooser mentioned in chat a few weeks back.
[131062020020] |Seems accurate enough, based on a small and completely unscientific trial I ran with friends.
[131062020030] |Anyways, according to that widget, you might want to take another crack at OpenSuSE.
[131062020040] |Of course, I had to guess on some of the questions; your results may differ.
[131062030010] |you can also try Ubuntu LTS 10.04 for this box :)
[131062030020] |I have heard about the Fedora 14 LXDE/xfce Spins they are good for low power cpu's
[131062040010] |I would say that something with XFCE will probably be your best bet.
[131062040020] |I had great success with a custom Debian install running XFCE instead of Gnome on a Pentium3 500MHz with 512MB ram; nowadays I would probably use Arch though.
[131062050010] |The Debian installer is text-based and is included in the *Ubuntu distriubtion as the "Alternate" CD.
[131062050020] |There are many lightweight distributions available, such as Puppy Linux, Damn Small Linux and Tiny Core.
[131062050030] |More mainstream distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Fedora have lightweight "spins" available, which include either XFCE, LXDE or Fluxbox.
[131062050040] |Coincidentally I was testing out Lubuntu today (an "unofficial" Ubuntu variant which uses LXDE) and Linux Mint Fluxbox.
[131062050050] |It is also worth remembering that the applications which are installed with the distribution or which you install should also be lightweight if possible.
[131062050060] |It would be counter-productive to install a lightweight distribution on your hardware and then expect it to run Firefox with two dozen tabs open as well as OpenOffice.
[131062060010] |Well, unfortunately, I ended up giving up.
[131062060020] |I did some testing under VirtualBox on my machine and had no problem installing and working with several distros with 256-384MB of RAM, yet I was unable to get any to install on that Celeron.
[131062060030] |It's heading out for recycling.
[131062060040] |The newer Linux kernels really don't seem to be tolerant of older hardware.
[131062060050] |I had to recycle a couple of my own boxes recently as they just wouldn't take newer Linux versions (despite older ones working fine, and having plenty of hardware).
[131062060060] |I guess the kernel team must have had to start dumping support for older hardware in order to move forward. :-(
[131062070010] |Where can I find a log file that logs ports error messages in FreeBSD?
[131062070020] |I looked in /var/log/ but there isn't any log files that records ports log, and I just found this person asking the same thing in other forum and get an answer which stating there is no such file.
[131062070030] |If that's the case how should I read error messages? with more?
[131062080010] |There's script(1)
command which makes typescript of terminal session:
[131062080020] |Then you can read the log:
[131062080030] |If you omit the argument file
, then script
saves all dialogue in the file typescript
[131062080040] |Hope that helps.
[131062090010] |Is it possible to stop a shutdown command?
[131062090020] |Assuming you've just entered the command shutdown -h now
(or something equivalent), is there realistically anything you can do (if you're quick enough) to prevent the machine shutting down?
[131062100010] |You can run shutdown -c
to cancel an already running shutdown.
[131062110010] |If you are fast enough you can issue an init 2
(or whatever runlevel you want) and that will likely stop the shutdown.
[131062110020] |Anything involving killing the shutdown command will fail as the command runs too quickly
[131062110030] |I tried this with the script below and and even it's not fast enough to stop the shutdown
[131062110040] |Where as interactively
[131062110050] |the system stays up.
[131062120010] |Rsync protocol name full path,not a module
[131062120020] |Is it possible to name the full path to source directory in rsync command instead of the name of the module.
[131062120030] |For example:
[131062120040] |instead of :
[131062120050] |(ftp is a module from /etc/rstncd.conf)
[131062120060] |When trying the first version I get '@ERROR: Unknown module 'home''
[131062130010] |No, you can't do that using the rsync protocol ; it relies on modules to define access rights.
[131062130020] |You could do it through SSH though :
[131062140010] |How can I turn the behavior of `gedit sOmEtHiNg & disown` into the default behavior when calling gedit from the command line?
[131062140020] |When I gedit
files from the command line, it's always locking the terminal, and I'm tired of explicitly commanding a detached process for it.
[131062140030] |I tried to alias gedit
as something like gedit $* &disown
, but either that's not the right syntax or you're not allowed to overload executable binary commands with aliases (tried using that in a .bash_aliases function,
[131062140040] |), but it doesn't take.
[131062140050] |So how do I make the command gedit test.txt
not lock the originating terminal window?
[131062150010] |Make sure, that the function editorz()
is defined before the alias.
[131062150020] |I've tried your approach and it worked without a problem.
[131062160010] |That should work: are you sure your .bash_aliases
is read?
[131062160020] |(It's not a standard file, but it might be sourced by your ~/.bashrc
[131062160030] |If you're confused about .bashrc
and .bash_profile
, see Difference between .bashrc and .bash_profile.)
[131062160040] |There's a bug in your function: it should be
[131062160050] |Your version doesn't work on file names containing spaces or shell wildcards.
[131062160060] |The function
keyword is optional.
[131062160070] |You can call the function gedit
(and dispense with the alias altogether), but then you need to tell the shell that the call inside the function is to the command and not to the function:
[131062160080] |Note that if you've accidentally started gedit in the foreground (i.e. locking your terminal), you can put it in the background by pressing Ctrl+Z in the terminal, and entering the command bg
[131062170010] |GNU Screen: new window name change
[131062170020] |I can change the name of a window with Ctrl-a Shift-a.
[131062170030] |Instead of editing several window names by hand, is there a way to have them automatically named after the current directory?
[131062180010] |Make your shell change the window title every time it changes directory, or every time it displays a prompt.
[131062180020] |For your ~/.bashrc
[131062180030] |Or for your ~/.zshrc
(for zsh users):
[131062180040] |For more information, look up under Dynamic titles in the Screen manual, or under “Titles (naming windows)” in the man page.
[131062190010] |Selecting files that start with $LETTER, or a letter later than $LETTER in the alphabet
[131062190020] |Suppose a directory contains the following files:
[131062190030] |afile1
[131062190040] |afile2
[131062190050] |bfile
[131062190060] |cfile
[131062190070] |ffile
[131062190080] |ffile2
[131062190090] |qfile
[131062190100] |zfile
[131062190110] |I am looking for an easy way of selecting all the files which start with $LETTER, or start with a letter later than $LETTER in the alphabet.
[131062190120] |A solution that could be easily modified to find files that start with $LETTER or files which start with a letter earlier than $LETTER in the alphabet would be useful.
[131062190130] |E.g.
[131062190140] |In the above list, with LETTER=c, I want to select "cfile, ffile, ffile2, qfile, zfile"
[131062190150] |The above is a simplified example.
[131062190160] |In the real world the directory will contain several thousand files.
[131062190170] |In the end I used ls | tail -n${FUDGE_FACTOR}
, where fudge factor was discovered manually, but am looking for a way to do this automatically.
[131062190180] |I'm looking for a shell based solution to this (I use BASH, but solutions in other shells are welcome).
[131062190190] |I'm aware that shell scripts probably aren't the best tool for this task, but am asking purely out of interest (to learn more about shell scripts), so please don't reply with answers in python/perl/lua/$FAVE_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE
[131062190200] |General comments on the limitations of shell scripts for this kind of task, and the best way to work around these limitations in reality (i.e. without my "must be a shell based solution" stipulation), would be most welcome.
[131062190210] |Thanks
[131062200010] |You could use a script like this:
[131062200020] |this would select all files that start with c through q.
[131062200030] |sample output:
[131062200040] |it could also be expanded to limit the grep, in just about any way you can adjust a regex to do.
[131062210010] |How about using the shell's built in globbing?
[131062210020] |That worked in bash and ksh for me.
[131062220010] |It's actually very simple:
[131062220020] |If you want case-sensitivity:
[131062220030] |This works because the shell performs parameter expansion before pathname expansion (i.e. globbing).
[131062230010] |Is it possible to find out what program or script created a given file?
[131062230020] |Three files have suddenly appeared in my home directory, called "client_state.xml", "lockfile", and "time_stats_log".
[131062230030] |The last two are empty.
[131062230040] |I'm wondering how they got there.
[131062230050] |It's not the first time it has happened, but the last time was weeks ago; I deleted the files and nothing broke or complained.
[131062230060] |I haven't been able to think of what I was doing at the time reported by stat $filename
[131062230070] |Is there any way I can find out where they came from?
[131062230080] |Alternatively, is there a way to monitor the home directory (but not sub-directories) for the creation of files?
[131062240010] |I don't believe there is a way to determine which program created a file once it exists.
[131062240020] |You can watch for the file to be recreated, though, using inotify
. inotifywait
is a command-line interface for the inotify
subsystem; you can tell it to look for create
events in your home directory:
[131062240030] |You probably want to run it with -m
(monitor), which tells it not to exit after it sees the first event
[131062250010] |You haven't got inotify
so you can write a script that checks for the file in a loop:
[131062260010] |You can watch everything that happens on a filesystem by accessing it over LoggedFS.
[131062260020] |This is a stacked filesystem that logs every access in a directory tree.
[131062260030] |Logging your whole home directory might slow your system down though.
[131062260040] |You'll at least want to write a configuration file with stringent filters.
[131062270010] |Good distro for a VM?
[131062270020] |I want a lightweight Linux VM that I can run with VirtualBox on Windows so I can test how to deploy PHP apps, Mono apps, etc.
[131062270030] |I don't need the UI and was thinking of going with the Ubuntu server ISO.
[131062270040] |Is that a good choice?
[131062270050] |I know I can also download a ready-made VM and it's tempting.
[131062270060] |What does the community think?
[131062280010] |Highly recommend ubuntu server.
[131062280020] |The server mode will not put much that you don't really need, if anything.
[131062280030] |I run ubuntu on several servers and have always been happy with it.
[131062280040] |You'll also find tons of online support that is relevant to your distro.
[131062280050] |Linux advice generally translates from one distro to the next, but directory paths are often different.
[131062280060] |Ubuntu has a huge user base, which generally means an easier time figuring out what's wrong.
[131062290010] |Go to the SuseGallery and do a quick search for Mono and you will find JEOS Mono ASP.net which is already setup for most of what you want.
[131062290020] |It is already a VM, just download and go.
[131062290030] |It is what I have just started using for some ASP.net migration trials on Windows with VirtualBox.
[131062290040] |You will need to start Apache.
[131062290050] |You will want to set up port forwarding, I used the following commands to open SSH and HTTP traffic:
[131062300010] |I'd recommend using VMWare server and any distro (I happen to use CentOS).
[131062300020] |The reason is that there are hundreds of pre-built VM images available on the VMware appliances website.
[131062300030] |VMware's a good virtualisation platform and is free.
[131062300040] |for example: Ubuntu LAMP stacks in various flavours.
[131062310010] |Automatically mount encrypted home folder on login
[131062310020] |I'm looking into encrypting my home folder with Truecrypt, and mounting it after I've logged in, which should be pretty straightforward.
[131062310030] |However, it occurred to me that it should be theoretically possible to mount it as I'm logging in, as long as my account password is the same as my Truecrypt password.
[131062310040] |Is there a way to get PAM to run a command on login and pass the command my password as an argument?
[131062310050] |Or is there some other way to accomplish the same effect, without me needing to provide the password multiple times?
[131062320010] |Here is a tutorial for PAM and truecrypt combination: http://blog.littleimpact.de/index.php/2008/08/19/automatic-encryption-of-home-directories-using-truecrypt-60a/
[131062330010] |Simple terminal emulator that supports cut/paste with other programs?
[131062330020] |Coming from Mac OS X, I've enjoyed being able to cut/copy/paste text to and from its built in Terminal application.
[131062330030] |Now, I am planning to migrate to a tiling window manager like scrotwm, xmonad, etc., but all I've got right now is xTerm.
[131062330040] |I can't get it to accept cut/paste.
[131062330050] |Is there another terminal emulator that accepts cut and paste from other programs' windows?
[131062330060] |(by the way, I hope the encoding will support UTF-8)
[131062340010] |Xfce Terminal Emulator, Konsole, and Gnome Terminal are good terminal emulators, and all are going to have tabs and keyboard shortcuts.
[131062340020] |The decision is mainly going to come down to which toolkit you like and which dependencies you can live with.
[131062340030] |Xfce Terminal is a personal favorite of mine.
[131062340040] |It's simpler then the other two, but it's mainly missing profiles, which the other two have, which I don't use.
[131062340050] |It uses the GTK+ widget toolkit, and it has some dependencies to Xfce.
[131062340060] |Konsole is from the KDE project, and like all things KDE, it has tons of knobs to tweak.
[131062340070] |At one time it had the distinction of being the fastest terminal emulator due to some intelligence code which cut down on the amount of text written to the screen while scrolling.
[131062340080] |It relies on the QT widget toolkit, and has dependencies to KDE.
[131062340090] |Gnome Terminal served as the basis for Xfce Terminal, so the preferences look the similar to Xfce Terminal.
[131062340100] |The biggest difference is the inclusion of profiles.
[131062340110] |I'm not sure what difference they would make, since I don't use them.
[131062340120] |It's based on GTK+, and it has dependencies to Gnome.
[131062340130] |I'm sure there are more term emulators out there that are lighter weight, but these are just the ones I'm most familiar with and the ones most Terminal.app like.
[131062350010] |How do idiomatic Unix programs detect what prefix they are installed under?
[131062350020] |If I install a binary with non-standard prefix, e.g. /opt/bin/foo
, which needs some static files from /opt/share/foo
, how does it find them?
[131062350030] |Using back references relative to the executable (../share/foo
[131062350040] |Hardcoded at compile time?
[131062350050] |What's the idiomatic way for an application to handle variable installation prefix?
[131062350060] |Should all directories be prefixed? (what about /var
[131062360010] |Unded Unix, there is no portable way to detect from which location the binary was started, i.e. a variable installation prefix is compiled in.
[131062370010] |I would say that the most common is detecting path provided by --prefix
[131062370020] |Different paths can be provided by different prefixes and there are separate for system config ("/etc
"), library directory ("/usr/lib
") etc. in autotools
[131062380010] |It's common to hard-code such references at compile time, and perhaps provide a command line option or environment variable to override the compile-time default.
[131062380020] |Often the program just remembers the location of one configuration file (typically under /etc
) where any compile-time defaults can be overridden.
[131062380030] |This approach makes most sense for open source software that is compiled by the same people that make the operating system, as part of a Linux distribution or BSD ports.
[131062380040] |For applications distributed in a binary form, the usual approach is to locate the application binary from its zeroth argument.
[131062380050] |By convention, the zeroth argument to execve
(i.e. argv[0]
) is the path to the binary (it's up to the caller, often a shell, to respect the convention).
[131062380060] |If argv[0]
doesn't contain any /
, the application should perform $PATH
lookup on it.
[131062390010] |Tools used to compile the program such as GNU Autotools can take the value of the --prefix
option given and put it into a header file as a define.
[131062390020] |And in your code you'd just use PREFIX
as part of your path names.
[131062400010] |How to combine bash command grouping and pipe status
[131062400020] |How do I combine bash command grouping and pipe status?
[131062400030] |This is an example command group:
[131062400040] |This is an example pipe status readout to go with the above:
[131062400050] |In this example, the command group keeps mail spool free of warnings about "Removing leading /" from tar, being delivered via cron because they land on stderr (Unices lack a stdwarn and tar lacks a quiet option), while letting real errors pass through.
[131062400060] |The pipe status readout makes sure that corrupt backup files are immediately removed, to prevent a later cleanup using a standard FIFO algorithm from removing older valid files.
[131062400070] |But this example does not work.
[131062400080] |In the above, the pipe status contains [1 0], that is, the exit code of grep and gzip, but not tar.
[131062400090] |One attempt I tried was this:
[131062400100] |But GROUPSTATUS is empty upon leaving the group.
[131062400110] |(Note that by setting GROUPSTATUS to anything other than the pipe's status, eg. a literal of some sort, it can be verified that the variable does in fact escape the command grouping scope under normal circumstances.)
[131062400120] |I've also tried if return
from within the group can deliver the first pipe component's exit code to the outside, but return inside a command group just yields an error message from bash.
[131062410010] |A simple way is to bypass the problem, is to put my_folder in a shell variable and remove the leading slash from it:
[131062410020] |Otherwise, you can check ${PIPESTATUS[0]} inside the block and use false if it is not zero to signal the error to the outer process:
[131062420010] |When you execute a pipeline, each pipe-separated element is executed in its own process.
[131062420020] |Variable assignments only take effect in their own process.
[131062420030] |Under ksh and zsh, the last element of the pipeline is executed in the original shell; under other shells such as bash, each pipeline element is executed in its own subshell and the original shell just waits for them all to end.
[131062420040] |In your case, since you only care about all the commands succeeding, you can make the status code flow up.
[131062420050] |If you want to get more than 8 bits of information out of the left side of a pipe, you can write to yet another file descriptor.
[131062420060] |Here's a proof-of-principle example:
[131062420070] |Once you get data on standard output, you can feed it into a shell variable using command substitution, i.e. $(…)
[131062420080] |Command substitution reads from the command's standard output, so if you also meant to print things to script's standard output, they need to temporarily go through another file descriptor.
[131062420090] |The following snippet uses fd 3 for things that eventually go to the script's stdout and fd 4 for things that are captured into $statuses
[131062420100] |If you need to capture the output from different commands into different variables, I think there is no direct way even in “advanced” shells such as bash, ksh or zsh.
[131062420110] |Here are some workarounds:
[131062420120] |Use temporary files.
[131062420130] |Use a single output stream, with e.g. a prefix on each line to indicate its origin, and filter at the top level.
[131062420140] |Use a more advanced language such as Perl or Python.