;;; Hey, emacs (1), this is -*- mode:tdl; Coding: utf-8; -*-
;;;  Montserrat Marimon
;;;  IULA - UPF
;;;  fundamentals.tdl: Top-level feature geometry based of the Grammar Matrix

sort := *top*.
predsort := sort.
atom := predsort.
integer := atom.
; strings should be enclosed in double quotes, e.g. PRED "named_rel"
string := atom.

avm := *top*.

; --- Three-valued sort evoking Polish logician Jan Lukasiewicz

luk := sort.

; These types allow the statement of constraints (e.g., in 
; subcategorization) of the form:  If you care, you must have the 
; value + (-), but you don't have to care.  Useful for keeping
; down the number of constructions and subcategorization types.

na-or-+ := luk.
na-or-- := luk.
+-or-- := luk.
na := na-or-+ & na-or--.
bool := luk.
+ := bool & na-or-+ & +-or--.
- := bool & na-or-- & +-or--.

; --- list

list := avm.

cons := list &
  [ FIRST *top*,
    REST *top* ].

0-1-list := list.

1-list := 0-1-list & cons &
  [ REST null ].

null := 0-1-list.

1-plus-list := cons &
  [ REST cons ].

; --- diff list

diff-list := avm &
  [ LIST list,
    LAST list ].

0-1-dlist := diff-list &
  [ LIST 0-1-list ].

0-dlist := 0-1-dlist &
  [ LIST #list,
    LAST #list ].

; ADD DOC -- don't use for lists which are constructive.
; might be good now -- circular structure check?
; dpf will look into it. -- remove null?
1-dlist := 0-1-dlist &
  [ LIST 1-list &
         [ REST #rest ],
    LAST #rest ].

; This type shows the basic form for diff-list appends.
; It is not meant to be used as a supertype.  Actual instances
; of diff-list append will involve different features in different
; relationships to each other & the feature geometry.
dl-append := avm & [ APPARG1 [ LIST #first,       
                               LAST #between],
                     APPARG2 [ LIST #between,
                               LAST #last],
                     RESULT  [ LIST #first,
                               LAST #last]].

; --- Some useful kinds of lists

; A list of optional arguments.

olist := list.

ocons := olist & cons &
  [ FIRST unexpressed & [ OPT + ],
    REST  olist ].

onull := olist & null.

; The LinGO grammar also makes use of a prolist -- or list
; of synsems of type pro-ss. 

; --- Types for Sign, Word, Phrase, and Lex-Entry

sign-min := avm &
  [ STEM list ].

basic-sign := sign-min &
  [ KEY-ARG bool ].

sign := basic-sign &
  [ SYNSEM synsem,
    ARGS list,
    INFLECTED bool ].

; C-CONT encodes the semantic contribution of the rule (phrasal or lexical).
;  [ SYNSEM canonical-synsem &

phrase-or-lexrule := sign &
  [ SYNSEM synsem &
           [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK #hook ], 
    C-CONT mrs-min & [ HOOK #hook ] ].

word-or-lexrule-min := sign-min.

; ALTS allow lexical entries to block lexical rule application
; ARG-ST is the argument structure list. It appears only on
; lexical items (words or lexical rules), not on phrases.

word-or-lexrule := word-or-lexrule-min & sign &
  [ ALTS alts-min,
    ARG-ST list ].

word-or-lexrule :+
  [ TOKENS [ +LIST < [  ] > ] ].

alts-min := avm.

alts := alts-min &
  [ PASS bool,
    RCP bool,
    RFX bool,
    IMPERS bool,
    CAUS bool,
    VCALT bool ].

no-alts := alts-min.

; Not all words have lex-synsem - e.g. lexical PPs like "tomorrow" 
; are phr-synsem since they can be post-nominal modifiers.

word := word-or-lexrule.

lex-item := word-or-lexrule.

punctuation_mark := lex-item.

; Not all phrases have SYNSEM phr-synsem, since we need to allow the
; head-comp rules to build signs which are still [SYNSEM lex-synsem]
; for constructions like "twenty-two" and "five fifteen p.m.". So
; most phrases will assign the type phr-synsem to the value of
; SYNSEM, but not all.

phrase := phrase-or-lexrule.

; Affixation

non-affix-bearing := word-or-lexrule &

; Rule

rule := sign &
  [ RNAME string ].

; LABEL-NAME and META used for labeling nodes in parse trees

tree-node-label := *top* &
  [ NODE sign ].

label := sign &
  [ LABEL-NAME string ].

; For complex node labels, like S/NP
meta := sign &
  [ META-PREFIX string,
    META-SUFFIX string ]. 

; SYNSEM values

; DEF-OPT and OPT are used in the analysis of optional complements 
; (null instantiation). DEF-OPT allows words to lexically specify 
; how their arguments will be interpreted in case of null 
; instantiation. This solution may be superceded by a Sem-I based 
; alternative.

synsem-min := avm &
  [ OPT bool,
    SLSHD bool,
    CLTCZD bool,
    DEF-OPT bool,
    PUNCT punctuation,
    LOCAL mod-local,
    NON-LOCAL non-local-min ].

; The feature LIGHT is used to model phenomena which distinguish
; shorter words from longer ones, or constituents which are lexical
; or nearly so from larger phrases.  It is inspired by the work 
; of Abeille and Godard (e.g., 2003).

lex-or-phrase-synsem := synsem-min &
  [ LIGHT luk ].

synsem := synsem-min.

expressed-synsem := synsem.

canonical-synsem := expressed-synsem &
  [ MODIFIED xmod ].

; Three-valued sort for distinguishing unmodified signs from both
; left-modified and right-modified signs PERIPH indicates whether this
; modifier is left- or right-peripheral in its phrase - e.g., "the IBM
; temporary employees" but "*the IBM five employees"

xmod := sort &
  [ PERIPH luk ].
notmod-or-rmod := xmod.
notmod-or-lmod := xmod.
notmod := notmod-or-rmod & notmod-or-lmod.
hasmod := xmod.
lmod := hasmod & notmod-or-lmod.
rmod := hasmod & notmod-or-rmod.

lex-synsem := canonical-synsem & lex-or-phrase-synsem &
  [ LOCAL local-min,
    LIGHT +,
    LKEYS lexkeys ].

; LKEYS attributes, providing pointers to semantic relations and 
; complement predsorts in lexical types:
; KEYREL relation      ; Pointer to main relation in RELS
; ALTKEYREL relation   ; Pointer to an alternate relation in RELS
; ALT2KEYREL relation  ; Pointer to a second alternate relation in RELS
; --COMPKEY predsort   ; Pointer to the first compl's KEY predsort
; --OCOMPKEY predsort  ; Pointer to the oblique compl's KEY predsort
; --OCOMP2KEY predsort  ; Pointer to the second oblique compl's KEY predsort

lexkeys := avm &
  [ KEYREL relation ].

lexkeys_norm := lexkeys &
  [ ALTKEYREL relation ].

lexkeys_full := lexkeys_norm &
  [ ALT2KEYREL relation,
    --COMPKEY predsort,
    --OCOMPKEY predsort ].

lexkeys_compl := lexkeys_full &
  [ --OCOMP2KEY predsort ].

phr-synsem := canonical-synsem & lex-or-phrase-synsem &
  [ LOCAL local-min,
    LIGHT - ].

non-canonical := synsem &
  [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX event-or-ref-index ].

expressed-non-canonical := non-canonical & expressed-synsem.

gap := expressed-non-canonical &
  [ LOCAL #local,
    NON-LOCAL [ QUE 0-dlist,
                SLASH 1-dlist &
                      [ LIST < #local > ] ] ].

unexpressed := synsem-min &
  [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist,
                REL 0-dlist,
                QUE 0-dlist ] ].

unexpressed-reg := unexpressed & non-canonical.

anti-synsem := unexpressed.

; NON-LOCAL values
; SLASH is for `topicalization' style long distance dependencies. REL 
; and QUE are used in the analysis of pied piping in relative clauses 
; and questions respectively, and also to signal the presence of a 
; question element in in-situ questions so that clausal constructions 
; with question semantics can require the presence of a question word

non-local-min := avm.

non-local := non-local-min &
  [ SLASH 0-1-dlist, 
    QUE 0-1-dlist,
    REL 0-1-dlist ].

non-local-none := non-local &
  [ SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ],
    QUE 0-dlist,
    REL 0-dlist ].

; LOCAL values

mod-local := avm.

local-min := mod-local &
  [ AGR individual,
    STR str,
    CAT cat-min,
    CONT mrs-min,
    COORD bool,
    COORD-REL coordination-relation,
    COORD-STRAT coord-strat ].

str := avm &
  [ HEADING heading,
    HEADED heading ].

heading := sort.
solely := heading.
left := heading.
right := heading.
no := heading.
right_or_no := right & no.
left_or_no := left & no.
left_or_right := left & right.
not_left := solely & right_or_no.
not_right := solely & left_or_no.
only_solely := solely.

coord-strat := sort.
two := coord-strat.
zero_or_one := coord-strat.
zero := zero_or_one.
one := zero_or_one.

local := local-min &
  [ CTXT ctxt-min ].

; Types for distinguishing scopal v. intersective modifiers.
; (These types are used in the MOD value of modifiers, and 
; referenced by the scopal/intersective head-adjunct rules.)

scopal-mod := local.
intersective-mod := local.

; --- CTXT values 

ctxt-min := avm.

ctxt := ctxt-min &
  [ ACTIVATED bool,
    PRESUP diff-list ].

;  CAT values

; MC stands for 'Main clause', and is used to distinguish phenomena
; which can only occur in main (+) or subordinate clauses (-). The
; value of MC is luk, allowing for a third possibility of na, for
; not applicable.
; HC-LIGHT indicates whether a head-comp phrase projected from a head 
; is treated as light or heavy. That is, whether or not a phrase 
; consisting of heads and complements is light or heavy is taken to 
; be a lexical property of the head.
; POSTHEAD attr, stipulates the relative position of the modifier with
; respect to the head, it should stay with MOD, since only relevant 
; when MOD is non-empty.

cat-min := avm.

cat := cat-min &
  [ MC luk,
    HC-LIGHT luk,
    HS-LIGHT luk,
    POSTHEAD bool,
    LASTNMOD bool,
    HEAD head-min,
    VAL valence-min ].

; HEAD values

head-min := avm.

head-punct := head-min &
  [ PUNCT-MK basic_punct_mark ].
head := head-min &
  [ MOD list,
    PRD predicative,
    TAM tam, 
    KEYS keys_min ].

; - for integrated tags which have no entry
no-head := head.

predicative :< sort.
non-prd :< predicative.
prd := predicative &
  [ COPV copv ].

copv :< sort.
ser := copv.
estar := copv. 

keys_min := avm.

keys := keys_min &
  [ KEY predsort ].

keys_norm := keys &
  [ ALTKEY predsort ].

keys_full := keys_norm &
  [ ALT2KEY predsort ].

; (ERB 2004-08-19) We had previously shied away from defining head
; types because even head types that are expected to occur across
; all languages are probably grouped differently in the head 
; subhierarchy for different languages. There are plenty of things 
; which we think will be the same across languages, however. Thus 
; the current strategy is to allow for all possible groupings of 
; head types, and expect most of the disjunctive types to be 
; ignored in most languages. Perhaps one day the LKB will be 
; modified so that users can declare certain types to suppress in 
; the hierarchy displays.

; One recent LKB addition which will be helpful here is the
; type addendum statements (':+').  Head types often bear
; features, but none are declared for any of these Matrix head
; types, since we don't yet know of any universal ones.  With
; the new ':+' notation, you can add constraints (including feature
; declarations) to existing types.  We encourage you to use this
; when adding information to Matrix types, but not to types defined
; solely within your grammar.  For example: CASE on nouns, 
; VFORM on verbs and complementizers. 

; We expect that particular grammars will need to add new head
; types, and may find that the new types should inherit from
; existing disjunctions.  If you do this, we encourage you to 
; make use of type addendum statements (':+') to add a comment
; to the existing disjunction, e.g.:

; co-verb := +jv.
; +jv :+
; "Adjectives, verbs, and co-verbs.".

; Anticipated future developments include Lisp commands for
; generating the appropriate type addenda and/or additional
; types when you want to add a new head type.

; Our basic inventory of head types will consist of verb (v), 
; noun (n), adjective (j), adverb (r), adposition (p), 
; complementizer (c), determiner (d), number-name (m), and 
; conjunction (o). The letters in parentheses indicate the 
; abbreviation for each part of speech used in the disjunctive
; types. Each disjunctive type is also associated with a 
; documentation string explaining the disjuncts.  

; With all the disjuntive types, we need 510 types to encode this.
; The parent types are in a separate file called head-types.tdl, 
; with just the leaves here.

interj := head.
conj := +mo & +do & +co & +po & +ro & +jo & +vo & +no.
num := +mo & +dm & +cm & +pm & +rm & +jm & +vm & +nm.
det := +do & +dm & +cd & +pd & +rd & +jd & +vd & +nd.
verb := +vo & +vm & +vd & +vc & +vr & +nv & +vj.
comp := +co & +cm & +cd & +pc & +rc & +jc & +vc & +nc.
noun := +no & +nm & +nd & +nc & +np & +nr & +nj & +nv.
adj := +jo & +jm & +jd & +jc & +jr & +nj & +vj & +jp.
adv := +ro & +rm & +rd & +rc & +rp & +jr & +vr & +nr.
adp := +po & +pm & +pd & +pc & +rp & +vjp & +jp & +np & prep_or_modnp.

+jp := +jpo & +jpm & +jpd & +jpc & +jrp & +njp.
+vp := +vpo & +vpm & +vpd & +vpc & +vrp & +vjp.
+vjp := +vjpo & +vjpm & +vjpd & +vjpc & +vjrp.

+np := +npo & +npm & +npd & +npc & +nrp & +njp & +nvp.
+np :+
  [ CASE case ].

prep_or_modnp := head.
;modnp := +np & prep_or_modnp & adv.
modnp := +np & prep_or_modnp & +vjrd.
modnp_adv := modnp & adv.

+vc := +vco & +vcm & +vcd & +vpc & +vrc & +vjc & +nvc.
+vpc := +vpco & +vpcm & +vpcd & +vrpc & +vjpc & +nvpc.
+vpc :+
  [ INV bool,
    AUX bool,
    IMP bool,
    VOICE voice,
    VFORM vform ].
vform := sort.
  nonfin := vform.
  non-inf := vform.
  fin_or_inf := vform.
  fin_or_part := non-inf.
  part := fin_or_part.
  fin := fin_or_inf & fin_or_part.
  inf := fin_or_inf & inf_or_ger. 
  inf_or_ger := vform.
  ger := nonfin & inf_or_ger. 

tam := avm &
  [ TENSE basic_tense,
    ASPECT aspect,
    MOOD mood ]. 

basic_tense := sort.
untensed := basic_tense.
nontense := untensed.
tense := basic_tense.
pres_or_ppast := tense.
pres := pres_or_ppast.
ppast := pres_or_ppast.
ipast := tense.
fut := tense.
cond := tense.

mood := sort.
ind_or_sub_mood := mood.
ind := ind_or_sub_mood.
sub := ind_or_sub_mood.
imp := mood.

aspect := sort.
perf := aspect.
imperf := aspect.
no-aspect := aspect.

verb :+
  [ CLIT case,
    LSYNSEM synsem-min,
    LPRED predsort ]. 

voice :< sort.
active :< voice.
passive :< voice.

partn := noun.

case := sort.
  ethic_dat := case. 
  real_case := case. 
  none :=  not-nom.
  not-nom := case.
  rflx := real_case.
  rcp := real_case.
  dat := real_case & not-nom.
  nom_or_obl := real_case.
  acc_or_obl := real_case.
  acc_or_dat := real_case.
  nom := nom_or_obl. 
  obl := nom_or_obl & acc_or_obl & not-nom. 
  acc := acc_or_obl & acc_or_dat & not-nom.
  acc_or_rflx_or_dat := acc_or_dat & dat & rflx.
  acc_or_rflx_or_rcp_or_dat := acc_or_rflx_or_dat & rcp. 
  rflx_or_rcp_or_dat := dat & rflx & rcp.
  only_dat := real_case.
  le := only_dat & dat & acc_or_dat.
;  se := rflx & none.

+pc := +pco & +pcm & +pcd & +rpc & +jpc & +vpc & +npc.

interjection_hd := head-min.

conj :+
  [ LEFT list,
    CSYNSEM synsem-min ].

; -- punctuation marks
;sg_punct_hd := punct_hd.
;fc_punct_hd := sg_punct_hd.
;punct_pair_hd := func.
;quote_punct_hd := punct_pair_hd.
;dq_punct_hd := quote_punct_hd.
;sq_punct_hd := quote_punct_hd.
;lq_punct_hd := sq_punct_hd.
;lp_punct_hd := punct_pair_hd.
;rp_punct_hd := punct_pair_hd.

;affix := head.

; --- VAL values

valence-min := avm.

valence := valence-min &
  [ SUBJ list,
    COMPS list,
    SPR list,
    SPEC list,
    CLTS list,
    --KEYCOMP avm ].

; CONT values
;   HOOK                    : Externally visible attributes of a sign
;   RELS  diff-list         ; List of semantic relations
;   HCONS diff-list         ; Scope constraints: list of qeq's

mrs-min := avm.

mrs := mrs-min &
  [ HOOK hook,
    RELS diff-list,
    HCONS diff-list ].

; HOOK values include
;   LTOP           ; Local top handle
;   INDEX          ; The salient nominal instance or event
;   XARG           ; The external (controlled) argument of a phrase

hook := avm &
  [ LTOP handle,
    INDEX semarg,
    XARG *top* ].

; MRSs are divided into psoas (with a distinguished event) and
; nom-objs (with a distinguished index).  We use a polymorphic
; attribute name INDEX for both of these, to simplify manipulation of
; these objects; for example, modifying PPs assign as their ARG's
; value the INDEX of the phrase they modify, whether it's an N-bar
; (with a ref-ind value) or a VP (with an event value).  Similarly
; useful for coordination.

psoa := mrs &
  [ HOOK.INDEX event ].

nom-obj := mrs &
  [ HOOK.INDEX index ].

; qeq 

; Constrains handle of scopable argument HARG relative to one 
; outscoped LARG handle (the "H" is mnemonic for either "higher" or
; "hole" argument, while the "L" is mnemonic for either "lower" or 
; "label" argument.

qeq := avm &
  [ HARG handle,
    LARG handle ]. 

; basic_message types

; The message represents the semantic type of a clause (cf. 
; Ginzburg & Sag 2000). All clauses have messages. Elements that 
; take clauses as semantic arguments should end up with the LBL of 
; the clause as the value of ARGn, L/R-HNDL, etc. The MARG (message 
; argument) of a message is a handle that qeqs the LBL of the main 
; verb in the clause. This leaves room for quantifiers to scope at 
; each clause without allowing scope ambiguity between quanitifers 
; and messages, as it is not clear what that would mean.

; ERG: Values in the feature QUE and in PARAMS, used to distinguish ordinary
; WH-questions from in-situ WH.
param :< sort.

; semarg types    

semarg := avm &
  [ SORT semsort,
    INSTLOC string ].

handle := semarg.
individual := semarg.

; One of a grammatically salient inventory of semantic sorts, such as
; 'animate' or 'time' 
semsort := sort.
; The INDEX value of a nom-obj is an index (expletive or referential).
; ERB 2004-05-10 Add a feature DEF which encodes definiteness
; for (in)definite null instantiation, and possibly other uses.
; The null instantiation use might get superceded by a Sem-I based
; solution. Moved to event-or-ref-index

index := individual &
  [ PNG png,
    PRONTYPE prontype,
    DEF bool ].

prontype :< sort.
real_pron :< prontype.
demon :< real_pron.
std_pron :< real_pron.
recip :< real_pron.
refl :< real_pron.
std_or_refl_pron := std_pron & refl.
std_or_recip_or_refl_pron := std_or_refl_pron & recip.
impers :< real_pron.
zero_pron :< real_pron.
not_pron :< prontype.

; This is the type of the index of the phrase modified by predicative
; PPs, which can either modify a ref-ind nominal or an event VP.

event-or-ref-index := individual.

; Expletives get distinguished index type so they can be
; selected semantically.  In English, this type has subtypes
; for it and there.  Most languages have at most one expletive,
; so those aren't included here.

expl-ind := index.
; DIVISIBLE distinguishes singular count nouns from plural and mass nouns,
; for determiners like "some", and for bare-plural NPs -- borrowed from erg 
ref-ind := index & event-or-ref-index &
  [ DIVISIBLE bool ].

; nom_event-ind := ref-ind & event.

; Types encoding agreement information, analyzed as a part of the
; index, following Pollard & Sag 1994.  Which subtypes and features
; are appropriate seems highly language dependent.  The agreement
; system of English doesn't justify a full cross-classification of
; number and gender, so the features of png are PN and GENDER in the
; English grammar.  (See Flickinger 2000.) Sag & Wasow 1999 declare
; GENDER as a feature of the png type 3sg.

png := avm & 
  [ PN pernum,
    GEN gender ].

pernum :< sort.
  sing :< pernum.
  non-2sg :< pernum.
  2sg := sing & 2per.
  1or3sg := non-2sg & sing.
  non-1sg :< non-2sg.
  3per :< non-1sg & non-1per & non-2per.
  1per :< non-2per & non-3per.
  2per :< non-1per & non-3per.
  plur :< non-1sg.
  1sg := 1or3sg & 1per. 
  3sg := 1or3sg & 3per.
  ;3pl := plur & 3per. 
  ;1pl := plur & 1per.
  ;2pl := plur & 2per.  
  1or3pl :< pernum.
  2or3pl :< pernum.
  3pl := plur & 1or3pl & 2or3pl & 3per. 
  1pl := plur & 1or3pl & 1per.
  2pl := plur & 2or3pl & 2per.  
  non-1per := pernum.
  non-2per := pernum.
  non-3per := pernum.

gender := sort.
  masc_or_fem := gender.
  masc := masc_or_fem.
  fem := masc_or_fem.
  neut := gender.

event := event-or-ref-index &
  [ E tam,
    SF iforce ].

iforce := predsort.
prop-or-ques := iforce.
prop := prop-or-ques.
ques := prop-or-ques.
comm := iforce.

; Coordinated phrases have conjoined indices as their INDEX
; values.  These are meant to be interpreted as pointers to 
; the set of indices the conjunction conjoins.

coord-index := event-or-ref-index.
coord-event := coord-index & event.
coord-ref-ind := coord-index & ref-ind.

; Basic relation types

; Relations are classified according to the types of arguments they 
; take. All relations have a handle. In addition, quantifier 
; relations have a bound variable and a restriction, nominal 
; relations have an instance, and event relations have an event. 
; Furthermore, nominal relations and event relations can have 
; additional roles, depending on their meaning.

; WLINK links semantic relation to input string elements, more or 
; less. This becomes useful whenever a grammar is used in some 
; application.

relation := avm &
  [ LBL handle,
    PRED predsort,
    WLINK list, CFROM *top*, CTO *top* ].

; Abstract relation subtypes.  We recommend not positing a type
; for each lexical relation, but rather using the feature PRED
; to distinguish different lexical relations of the same type.
; Relation types are modified in one of two circumstances:
; (i) A feature needs to be introduced that is relevant for some
; relations and not others, or
; (ii) Something in the grammar needs to make reference to a family; of relations that are not otherwise distinguished by a type.

arg0-relation := relation &
  [ ARG0 individual ].

;aff-relation := arg0-relation &
;  [ AFFIX semarg ].

arg1-relation := arg0-relation &
  [ ARG1 semarg ].

arg2-relation := arg0-relation &
  [ ARG2 semarg ].

arg3-relation := relation &
  [ ARG3 semarg ].

arg12-relation := arg1-relation & arg2-relation. 

arg123-relation := arg12-relation & arg3-relation. 

arg23-relation := arg2-relation &  arg3-relation. 

arg1234-relation := arg123-relation &
  [ ARG4 semarg ].

event-relation := arg0-relation &
  [ ARG0 event ].

arg1-ev-relation := arg1-relation & event-relation.
arg2-ev-relation := arg2-relation & event-relation.
arg12-ev-relation := arg1-ev-relation & arg12-relation.
arg23-ev-relation := arg2-ev-relation & arg3-relation.
arg123-ev-relation := arg12-ev-relation & arg3-relation.
arg1234-ev-relation := arg123-ev-relation & arg1234-relation.

;arg1-affx-relation := arg1-ev-relation & aff-relation. 
;arg2-affx-relation := arg2-ev-relation & aff-relation. 
;arg12-affx-relation := arg12-ev-relation & aff-relation. 
;arg23-affx-relation := arg23-ev-relation & aff-relation. 
;arg123-affx-relation := arg123-ev-relation & aff-relation. 
;arg1234-affx-relation := arg1234-ev-relation & aff-relation. 

; Preposition relations

pp-relation := arg1-relation &
  [ PRED prep_rel ].	

prep-relation := arg12-relation &
  [ PRED prep_rel,
    ARG2 semarg ].	 

prep-123-relation := prep-relation & arg3-relation.   

; Adjective relations

basic-adj-relation := event-relation.

norm-adj-relation := basic-adj-relation & arg1-relation.
adj-relation := norm-adj-relation &
  [ ARG1 semarg ].

adj-arg1-relation := adj-relation.
adj-arg12-relation := adj-arg1-relation & arg2-relation.

; Adverb relations

basic-adv-relation := event-relation.

adv-relation := arg1-relation &
  [ ARG0.E tam ].

adv12-relation := adv-relation & arg2-relation.

; Degree relations

degree-relation := arg1-relation &
  [ ARG0 semarg ].

; Noun relations

; Relational nouns e.g. picture or claim take an additional semantic argument

nominalize-relation := arg1-relation &
  [ ARG1 handle,
    ARG0.SORT pro,
    PRED nominalization_rel ].

noun-relation := arg0-relation &
  [ ARG0 ref-ind ].

noun-arg0-relation := noun-relation.

noun-arg1-relation := noun-relation & arg1-relation.
noun-arg2-relation := noun-relation & arg2-relation.
noun-arg12-relation := noun-relation & arg12-relation.
noun-arg123-relation := noun-relation & arg123-relation.

; proper names

carg-relation := relation &
  [ CARG string ].

named-relation := noun-arg1-relation & carg-relation &
  [ PRED named_rel ].

date-relation := noun-arg1-relation & carg-relation &
  [ PRED time_n_rel ].

; pronouns

pron_relation := noun-relation &
  [ PRED pron_rel,
    ARG0 ref-ind & [ SORT entity ] ].

; coordinating and subordinating conjunctions

;subord-or-coord-relation := relation &
;  [ L-HNDL handle,
;    R-HNDL handle ].

;subord-relation := subord-or-coord-relation & event-relation.

;coordination-relation := subord-or-coord-relation &
;  [ C-ARG coord-index,
;    L-INDEX individual,
;    R-INDEX individual ].

subord-relation := arg12-relation &
  [ ARG1 handle,
    ARG2 handle ].

basic-coord-relation := arg0-relation &
  [ C-ARG coord-index,
    L-INDEX individual,
    R-INDEX individual ].

coordination-relation := basic-coord-relation &
  [ L-HNDL semarg,
    R-HNDL semarg ].

; Two relations used in coordination:
; - implicit-coord-rel: used when there's no overt conjunction (or morpheme) providing the coordination relation.
; - null-coord-rel: used when a conjunction contributes *no* relation.

implicit-coord-rel := coordination-relation &
  [ PRED implicit_coord_rel ].

null-coord-rel := coordination-relation &
  [ PRED null_coord_rel ].

; quantifier relation
quant-relation := arg0-relation &
  [ PRED quant_or_wh_rel,
    ARG0 ref-ind,
    RSTR handle,
    BODY handle ].

; predsorts

prag_d_rel := predsort.
focus_d_rel := prag_d_rel.
topic_d_rel := prag_d_rel.
parg_d_rel := prag_d_rel.

no_rel := predsort.
norm_rel := predsort. 
;non_coord_rel := predsort.
non_implicit_coord_rel := predsort.
non_coord_rel := non_implicit_coord_rel.
unspec_rel := predsort.
norm_non_coord_rel := non_coord_rel & norm_rel.
non_event_rel := norm_non_coord_rel.
norm_dim_rel := norm_non_coord_rel.
non_event_dim_rel := non_event_rel & norm_dim_rel.
event_or_degree_rel := norm_non_coord_rel.
event_rel := event_or_degree_rel.
selected_rel := event_rel.
aux_event_rel := event_rel & noncop_id_rel.
haber_aux_rel := aux_event_rel.
estar_aux_rel := aux_event_rel.
ser_aux_rel := aux_event_rel.
basic_event_dim_rel := norm_dim_rel & event_rel.
nonaux_event_rel := noncop_id_rel.
noncop_id_rel := predsort.
event_dim_rel := basic_event_dim_rel & nonaux_event_rel.
event_or_mod_rel := predsort.
mod_rel := event_or_mod_rel.
event_mod_rel := event_rel & mod_rel.
event_arg_dim_rel := event_mod_rel & basic_event_dim_rel.
nontemp_or_coord_rel := norm_rel.
temp_rel := norm_rel.
nontemp_rel := nontemp_or_coord_rel.
selected_or_independent_rel := predsort.
a_sel_or_indp_rel := selected_or_independent_rel.
de_sel_or_indp_rel := selected_or_independent_rel.
con_or_en_sel_or_indp_rel := selected_or_independent_rel.
en_sel_or_indp_rel := con_or_en_sel_or_indp_rel.
con_sel_or_indp_rel := con_or_en_sel_or_indp_rel.
para_sel_or_indp_rel := selected_or_independent_rel.
por_sel_or_indp_rel := selected_or_independent_rel.
independent_rel := a_sel_or_indp_rel & de_sel_or_indp_rel & con_or_en_sel_or_indp_rel & para_sel_or_indp_rel & por_sel_or_indp_rel.
instance_rel := independent_rel. 
independent_mod_rel := mod_rel & independent_rel. 
dir_state_modable_rel := predsort.
modable_rel := basic_nom_rel & dir_state_modable_rel.
basic_prep_mod_rel := prep_rel & event_arg_dim_rel & independent_rel.
; marking preps
prep_rel := event_dim_rel. 
selected_prep_rel := selected_rel & prep_rel.
que_or_a_p_comp_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
a_or_con_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
a_or_con_or_contra_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
a_or_contra_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
a_or_de_or_en_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
a_or_de_p_sel_rel :< a_or_de_or_en_p_sel_rel. 
a_or_en_p_sel_rel :< a_or_de_or_en_p_sel_rel. 
a_or_hacia_p_sel_rel  :< selected_prep_rel.
a_or_hasta_p_sel_rel  :< selected_prep_rel.
a_or_para_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
a_or_por_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
como_or_de_or_para_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
como_or_de_p_sel_rel :< como_or_de_or_para_p_sel_rel.
como_or_por_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
con_or_contra_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
con_or_de_or_en_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
con_or_de_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
con_or_en_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
con_or_por_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
contra_or_de_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
de_or_en_or_sobre_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
de_or_en_p_sel_rel :< a_or_de_or_en_p_sel_rel & de_or_en_or_sobre_p_sel_rel.
de_or_materia_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
de_or_para_p_sel_rel :< como_or_de_or_para_p_sel_rel. 
de_or_por_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
en_or_entre_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
en_or_para_or_por_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
en_or_por_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
en_or_sobre_p_sel_rel :< de_or_en_or_sobre_p_sel_rel.
en_or_materia_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
para_or_por_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
contra_or_para_or_por_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
por_or_materia_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
por_or_a_favor_de_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
por_or_sin_p_sel_rel :< selected_prep_rel.
materia_p_sel_rel := de_or_materia_p_sel_rel & en_or_materia_p_sel_rel & por_or_materia_p_sel_rel.
; modifying preps
prep_mod_rel := basic_prep_mod_rel.
nontemp_prep_rel := prep_mod_rel & nontemp_rel & non_free_relative_nom_rel.
miscprep_rel := nontemp_prep_rel.
basic_poss_rel := basic_prep_mod_rel.
poss_rel := basic_poss_rel & prep_mod_rel.
loc_abstr_rel := prep_mod_rel.
generic_loc_rel := loc_abstr_rel.
temp_loc_abstr_rel := loc_abstr_rel.
temp_loc_rel := temp_loc_abstr_rel & independent_mod_rel.
dir_or_state_rel := loc_abstr_rel & dir_state_modable_rel.
dir_or_state_nontemp_rel := dir_or_state_rel & nontemp_prep_rel.
dir_rel := dir_or_state_nontemp_rel.
period_rel := dir_rel.
orig_rel := dir_rel.
state_loc_rel := dir_or_state_nontemp_rel & modable_rel.
loc_rel := dir_or_state_rel.
dir_or_unsp_loc_rel :< prep_mod_rel.
unspec_loc_rel := loc_rel & dir_or_unsp_loc_rel.
unspec_loc_temp_rel := unspec_loc_rel & temp_loc_abstr_rel.
unspec_loc_nontemp_rel := unspec_loc_rel & nontemp_rel.
unspec_manner_rel := miscprep_rel & unspec_rel.
; quants
quant_or_deg_rel := non_event_dim_rel. 
pre_indef_art_rel := quant_or_deg_rel.
i_or_e_quant_or_deg_rel := quant_or_deg_rel.
impl_or_expl_q_rel := i_or_e_quant_or_deg_rel.
impl_nondiv_q_rel := predsort.
explicit_q_rel := impl_or_expl_q_rel.
quant_or_wh_rel := quant_or_deg_rel.
quant_rel := quant_or_wh_rel.
post_todo_q_rel := quant_rel.
def_num_q_rel := number_q_rel & def_quant_q_rel.
impl_or_proper_q_rel := quant_rel.
implicit_q_rel := impl_or_expl_q_rel & impl_or_proper_q_rel.
impl_undef_q_rel := implicit_q_rel.
abstr_def_or_udef_q_rel := quant_rel.
def_or_udef_q_rel := abstr_def_or_udef_q_rel & appos-able_rel.
udef_q_rel := impl_undef_q_rel & def_or_udef_q_rel.
;udef_q_rel := implicit_q_rel & def_or_udef_q_rel.
def_or_proper_q_rel := abstr_def_or_udef_q_rel.
semi-free_relative_q_rel := def_or_proper_q_rel.
non_semi-free_relative_q_rel := def_or_proper_q_rel.
free_relative_q_rel := non_semi-free_relative_q_rel.
pronoun_q_rel := def_quant_q_rel.
non_free_relative_q_rel := non_semi-free_relative_q_rel.
def_explicit_q_rel := def_or_udef_q_rel & non_free_relative_q_rel & explicit_q_rel.
def_quant_q_rel := def_explicit_q_rel.
part_q_rel := def_explicit_q_rel.
tal_q_rel := def_quant_q_rel & part_q_rel.
semejante_q_rel := def_quant_q_rel & part_q_rel.
def_q_rel := def_quant_q_rel & pre_otro_q_rel & pre_much_or_poc_q_rel & post_todo_q_rel.
art_def_q_rel := def_q_rel.
univ_quant_q_rel := def_quant_q_rel & part_q_rel.
cada_q_rel := univ_quant_q_rel.
ambos_q_rel := univ_quant_q_rel.
sendos_q_rel := univ_quant_q_rel.
cualquiera_q_rel := univ_quant_q_rel & undef_quant_q_rel.
quienquiera_q_rel := univ_quant_q_rel & undef_quant_q_rel.
todo_or_dem_q_rel := def_quant_q_rel & part_q_rel. 
dem_q_rel := todo_or_dem_q_rel & def_q_rel.
todo_def_q_rel := todo_or_dem_q_rel & univ_quant_q_rel & pre_indef_art_rel.
poss_or_card_or_undef_q_rel := def_explicit_q_rel.
poss_q_rel := def_q_rel & poss_or_card_or_undef_q_rel & part_q_rel & impl_or_proper_q_rel.
card_or_undef_q_rel := poss_or_card_or_undef_q_rel & undef_quant_q_rel.
que_q_rel := def_explicit_q_rel.
excl_q_rel := def_explicit_q_rel.
_que_q_rel := excl_q_rel.
_cuanto_q_rel := excl_q_rel.
_cual_q_rel := excl_q_rel.
pre_otro_q_rel := def_explicit_q_rel.
undef_quant_q_rel := pre_otro_q_rel & part_q_rel & implicit_q_rel.
card_q_rel := card_or_undef_q_rel.
eval_quant_q_rel := card_or_undef_q_rel.
otro_q_rel := eval_quant_q_rel & pre_much_or_poc_q_rel.
mucho_or_poco_q_rel := eval_quant_q_rel.
mucho_q_rel := mucho_or_poco_q_rel.
poco_q_rel := mucho_or_poco_q_rel.
undef_q_rel := eval_quant_q_rel.
exis_quant_q_rel := undef_quant_q_rel.
distr_numb_q_rel := undef_quant_q_rel.
alguno_q_rel := exis_quant_q_rel.
ninguno_q_rel := exis_quant_q_rel.
cuantos_q_rel := exis_quant_q_rel.
todo_undef_q_rel := exis_quant_q_rel.
pre_poc_q_rel := def_explicit_q_rel.
pre_card_q_rel := def_explicit_q_rel.
art_indef_q_rel := pre_card_q_rel & undef_quant_q_rel & post_todo_q_rel.
pre_much_or_poc_q_rel := pre_card_q_rel.
; For appositives
appos-able_rel := predsort.
num_or_proper_q_rel := non_free_relative_q_rel & appos-able_rel.
proper_q_rel := num_or_proper_q_rel & impl_or_proper_q_rel.
proper_expl_q_rel := proper_q_rel & explicit_q_rel.
number_q_rel := num_or_proper_q_rel.
; adjectives
basic_adj_rel := event_dim_rel & nontemp_rel.
abstr_adj_rel := basic_adj_rel & event_arg_dim_rel.
adj_rel := abstr_adj_rel & independent_mod_rel.
compar_adj_rel := abstr_adj_rel & independent_rel & non_modable_rel.
norm_adj_rel :< adj_rel.
poss_adj_rel :< norm_adj_rel.
dem_adj_rel :< norm_adj_rel.
cualq_adj_rel :< norm_adj_rel.
ord_rel :< adj_rel.
_doble_a_rel := norm_adj_rel.
_triple_a_rel := norm_adj_rel.
; verbs
verb_aspect_rel := event_rel & independent_rel.
elliptical_v_rel := verb_aspect_rel.
prog_rel := verb_aspect_rel.
v_event_rel := verb_aspect_rel & event_arg_dim_rel.
nonaux_v_rel := v_event_rel & nonaux_event_rel.
aux_arg1_rel := v_event_rel & aux_event_rel.
_be_v_prd_rel := v_event_rel & aux_event_rel.
be_v_prd_rel := v_event_rel & aux_event_rel.
cop_id_rel := v_event_rel.
_be_v_id_rel := cop_id_rel.
expected_event_v_rel := v_event_rel.
; adverbs
degree_rel := quant_or_deg_rel.
comp_degree_rel := degree_rel. 
non-quant_degree_rel := degree_rel. 
basic_quant_degree_rel := degree_rel & quant_or_wh_rel. 
quant_degree_rel := basic_quant_degree_rel & non_modable_rel.
_muy_x_deg_rel := quant_degree_rel.
_casi_x_deg_rel := quant_degree_rel & pre_indef_art_rel. 
_mucho_x_deg_rel := quant_degree_rel. 
poco_degree_rel := degree_rel. 
tanto_degree_rel := degree_rel. 
;poco_degree_rel := basic_quant_degree_rel. 
basic_adv_rel := non_event_rel & nontemp_rel & event_or_degree_rel.
abstr_adv_rel := basic_adv_rel & independent_mod_rel.
abstr_adv_dim_rel := abstr_adv_rel & non_event_dim_rel.
adv_rel :< abstr_adv_dim_rel.
neg_rel :< abstr_adv_rel.
; nouns
impers_pron_rel := predsort.
free_relative_nom_rel := predsort.
non_free_relative_nom_rel := predsort.
basic_nom_rel := non_event_rel & instance_rel. 
nom_rel := basic_nom_rel. 
addressee_rel := basic_nom_rel.
nominalization_rel := all_common_nom_rel & nom_rel.
non_temp_nom_rel := nom_rel & nontemp_rel & non_free_relative_nom_rel.
nonpro_rel := nom_rel & non_free_relative_nom_rel.
temp_nonpro_rel := nonpro_rel & temp_rel & modable_rel.
;time_n_rel := temp_nonpro_rel.
;non_temp_nonpro_rel := nonpro_rel & non_temp_nom_rel.
all_common_nom_rel := predsort.
time_n_rel := temp_nonpro_rel & non_elliptical_n_rel.
non_temp_nonpro_rel := all_common_nom_rel & nonpro_rel & non_temp_nom_rel.
named_non_temp_nonpro_rel := nom_rel & nontemp_rel. 
;basic_non_modable_rel := nom_rel & nontemp_rel.
;non_modable_rel := non_temp_nonpro_rel.
non_modable_rel := predsort.
non_named_non_modable_rel := non_modable_rel.
; elliptical_n_rel := non_temp_nonpro_rel & non_modable_rel.
common_nom_rel := non_temp_nonpro_rel & non_named_non_modable_rel.
elliptical_n_rel := common_nom_rel.
non_elliptical_n_rel := common_nom_rel.
generic_entity_rel := non_temp_nonpro_rel & non_named_non_modable_rel.
;que_pron_rel :=  all_common_nom_rel & nonpro_rel & non_named_non_modable_rel.
que_pron_rel := non_temp_nonpro_rel & non_named_non_modable_rel.
non_que_pron_rel := non_temp_nonpro_rel & non_named_non_modable_rel.
thing_rel := non_temp_nonpro_rel & non_named_non_modable_rel.
person_rel := non_temp_nonpro_rel & non_named_non_modable_rel.
place_n_rel := non_temp_nonpro_rel & modable_rel.
manner_n_rel := non_temp_nonpro_rel & modable_rel.
cause_n_rel := non_temp_nonpro_rel & modable_rel.
quant_n_rel := non_temp_nonpro_rel & modable_rel.
basic_pron_rel := non_temp_nom_rel.
reg_nom_rel := non_temp_nonpro_rel.
pron_rel := basic_pron_rel.
_le_pron_rel := pron_rel.
part_nom_rel := non_elliptical_n_rel.
part_of_rel := part_nom_rel.
_mucho_part_of_rel := part_of_rel.
_poco_part_of_rel := part_of_rel.
_un_poco_part_of_rel := part_of_rel.
_otro_part_of_rel := part_of_rel.
group_nom_rel := part_of_rel.
pseudo-part_nom_rel := part_of_rel.
free_relative_n_rel := free_relative_nom_rel & nom_rel.
free_que_pron_rel := free_relative_n_rel. 
; proper names
named_rel := named_non_temp_nonpro_rel & non_modable_rel.
compound_rel := non_modable_rel.
card_rel := part_of_rel.
appos_rel := prep_rel.
; subordinating conj
subord_rel := independent_rel & event_or_degree_rel.
; coordination
basic_coord_rel := norm_rel.
coord_rel := basic_coord_rel.
non_advers_coord_rel := basic_coord_rel.
null_coord_rel := basic_coord_rel & non_implicit_coord_rel.
implicit_coord_rel := coord_rel & non_advers_coord_rel.
mult_coord_rel := coord_rel & non_advers_coord_rel & non_implicit_coord_rel.
_comma_c_rel :< mult_coord_rel.
_semi-cln_c_rel :< mult_coord_rel.
_full-stop_c_rel :< mult_coord_rel.
_y_c_rel :< mult_coord_rel.
_o_c_rel :< mult_coord_rel.
_ni_c_rel :< mult_coord_rel.
_sea_c_rel :< mult_coord_rel.
_o_sea_c_rel :< mult_coord_rel.
_bien_c_rel :< mult_coord_rel.
_o_bien_c_rel :< mult_coord_rel.
_tanto_c_rel :< mult_coord_rel.
_como_c_rel :< mult_coord_rel.
_no_sólo_c_rel :< mult_coord_rel.
_así_como_c_rel :< mult_coord_rel.
_sino_c_rel := coord_rel & non_advers_coord_rel.
_sino_que_c_rel := coord_rel & non_advers_coord_rel.
advers_coord_rel := coord_rel & non_implicit_coord_rel.
_aunque_c_rel :< advers_coord_rel.
_con_todo_c_rel :< advers_coord_rel.
_mas_c_rel :< advers_coord_rel.
_pero_c_rel :< advers_coord_rel.
_empero_c_rel :< advers_coord_rel.
_ora_c_rel :< mult_coord_rel.
_siquier_c_rel :<  advers_coord_rel.
_siquiera_c_rel :< advers_coord_rel.
_sin_embargo_c_rel :< advers_coord_rel.
_eso_que_c_rel :< advers_coord_rel.

; marking prepositions
_que_p_comp_rel := que_or_a_p_comp_rel.
;_que_p_sel_rel :< que_or_a_p_comp_rel..
_que_p_sel_rel :< _que_p_comp_rel. 
_como_p_comp_rel := selected_prep_rel.
_como_p_sel_rel := como_or_de_p_sel_rel & como_or_por_p_sel_rel.
_a_p_sel_rel := non_modable_rel & a_sel_or_indp_rel & que_or_a_p_comp_rel & a_or_con_p_sel_rel & a_or_con_or_contra_p_sel_rel & a_or_contra_p_sel_rel & a_or_de_p_sel_rel & a_or_en_p_sel_rel & a_or_hacia_p_sel_rel & a_or_hasta_p_sel_rel & a_or_para_p_sel_rel & a_or_por_p_sel_rel.
_con_p_sel_rel := con_sel_or_indp_rel & a_or_con_p_sel_rel & a_or_con_or_contra_p_sel_rel & con_or_contra_p_sel_rel & con_or_de_p_sel_rel & con_or_de_or_en_p_sel_rel & con_or_en_p_sel_rel & con_or_por_p_sel_rel.
_contra_p_sel_rel := a_or_con_or_contra_p_sel_rel & a_or_contra_p_sel_rel & contra_or_de_p_sel_rel & contra_or_para_or_por_p_sel_rel.
_en_p_sel_rel := en_sel_or_indp_rel & a_or_en_p_sel_rel & de_or_en_p_sel_rel & con_or_en_p_sel_rel & con_or_de_or_en_p_sel_rel & en_or_entre_p_sel_rel & en_or_para_or_por_p_sel_rel & en_or_por_p_sel_rel & en_or_materia_p_sel_rel & en_or_sobre_p_sel_rel.
_entre_p_sel_rel := en_or_entre_p_sel_rel.
_de_p_sel_rel := de_sel_or_indp_rel & a_or_de_p_sel_rel & como_or_de_p_sel_rel & de_or_en_p_sel_rel & de_or_para_p_sel_rel & con_or_de_p_sel_rel & con_or_de_or_en_p_sel_rel & contra_or_de_p_sel_rel & de_or_por_p_sel_rel & de_or_materia_p_sel_rel.
_hacia_p_sel_rel := a_or_hacia_p_sel_rel.
_hasta_p_sel_rel := a_or_hasta_p_sel_rel.
_para_p_sel_rel := para_sel_or_indp_rel & a_or_para_p_sel_rel & de_or_para_p_sel_rel & contra_or_para_or_por_p_sel_rel & en_or_para_or_por_p_sel_rel & para_or_por_p_sel_rel.
_por_p_sel_rel :=  por_sel_or_indp_rel & como_or_por_p_sel_rel & contra_or_para_or_por_p_sel_rel & en_or_para_or_por_p_sel_rel & en_or_por_p_sel_rel & con_or_por_p_sel_rel & para_or_por_p_sel_rel & por_or_materia_p_sel_rel & por_or_a_favor_de_p_sel_rel & por_or_sin_p_sel_rel & de_or_por_p_sel_rel.
_sin_p_sel_rel :=  por_or_sin_p_sel_rel.
_sobre_p_sel_rel := materia_p_sel_rel & en_or_sobre_p_sel_rel.
_acerca+de_p_sel_rel := materia_p_sel_rel.
_en+torno+a_p_sel_rel := materia_p_sel_rel.
_a_favor_de_p_sel_rel:= por_or_a_favor_de_p_sel_rel.
; modifying prepositions
comp_or_superl_rel := miscprep_rel.
compar := comp_or_superl_rel.
superl := comp_or_superl_rel.
comp_equal_rel := miscprep_rel.
_a_p_rel :< dir_state_modable_rel.
_a_p_dir_rel := _a_p_rel & period_rel.
_a_p_state_rel := _a_p_rel & state_loc_rel.
_a_p_temp_rel := temp_loc_rel.
_ante_p_rel :< state_loc_rel.
_antes_p_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_así_p_rel :< miscprep_rel.
_bajo_p_rel :< state_loc_rel.
_cabe_p_rel :< state_loc_rel.
_como_p_rel :< miscprep_rel.
_con_p_temp_rel := temp_loc_rel.
_con_p_rel :< miscprep_rel.
_conmigo_p_rel :< miscprep_rel.
_contigo_p_rel :< miscprep_rel.
_consigo_p_rel :< miscprep_rel.
_contra_p_rel :< state_loc_rel.
_de_p_rel :< orig_rel.
_de_p_temp_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_desde_p_rel :< orig_rel.
_desde_p_temp_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_después_p_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_después_de_p_temp_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_durante_p_temp_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_en_p_rel := state_loc_rel.
_en_p_temp_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_en_menos_de_p_temp_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_entre_p_rel := state_loc_rel.
_entre_p_temp_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_excepto_p_rel :< miscprep_rel.
_fuera_de_p_rel :< state_loc_rel.
_hacia_p_rel :< period_rel.
_hacia_p_temp_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_hasta_p_rel :< period_rel.
_hasta_p_temp_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_mediante_p_rel :< miscprep_rel.
_más_p_rel :< miscprep_rel.
_menos_p_rel :< miscprep_rel.
_para_p_rel :< period_rel.
_para_p_temp_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_por_p_rel :< state_loc_rel.
_por_p_temp_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_pro_p_rel :< miscprep_rel.
_salvo_p_rel :< miscprep_rel.
_según_p_rel :< miscprep_rel.
_sin_p_rel :< miscprep_rel.
_so_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_sobre_p_rel :< state_loc_rel.
_sobre_p_temp_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_tras_p_rel :< state_loc_rel.
_tras_p_temp_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_vía_p_rel :< miscprep_rel.
_versus_p_rel :< miscprep_rel.
_a_base_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_bordo_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_cambio_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_cargo_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_causa_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_cerca_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_acerca_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_consecuencia_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_continuación_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_cuenta_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_además_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_despecho_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_diferencia_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_distinción_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_dos_dedos_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_efecto_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_efectos_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_eso_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_espaldas_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_excepción_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_expensas_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_favor_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_fin_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_fines_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_finales_de_p_temp_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_a_fuerza_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_guisa_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_juzgar_por_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_abrigo_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_la_busca_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_la_espera_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_la_manera_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_la_mitad_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_la_siga_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_la_usanza_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_la_vuelta_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_la_zona_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_cabo_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_calor_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_cargo_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_centro_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_compás_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_conjuro_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_decir_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_derredor_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_filo_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_frente_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_gusto_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_interior_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_allende_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_modo_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_lo_ancho_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_objeto_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_lo_largo_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_lo_largo_y_ancho_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_olor_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_socaire_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_tanto_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_al_tenor_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_manera_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_mediados_de_p_temp_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_a_mitad_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_modo_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_nombre_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_todo_lo_largo_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_aparte_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_partir_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_partir_de_p_temp_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_a_pesar_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_petición_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_primeros_de_p_temp_rel :<  temp_loc_rel.
_a_principios_de_p_temp_rel :<  temp_loc_rel.
_a_propósito_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_prueba_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_punto_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_raíz_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_ras_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_razón_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_reserva_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_retaguardia_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_riesgo_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_semejanza_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_suplicación_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_súplica_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_tenor_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_título_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_través_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_trueco_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_usanza_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_a_vuelta_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_con_carácter_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_con_efecto_desde_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_con_excepción_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_conforme_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_con_honores_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_con_la_condición_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_con_lo_que_respecta_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_con_miras_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_con_objeto_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_con_ocasión_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_con_relación_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_con_respecto_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_con_respecto_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_con_tal_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_con_valor_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_con_vistas_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_de_acuerdo_con_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_de_al_lado_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_debajo_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_debido_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_de_cara_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_de_la_mano_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_delante_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_detrás_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_dirección_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_aras_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_atención_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_base_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_busca_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_calidad_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_cambio_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_caso_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_encima_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_compañía_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_compensación_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_concepto_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_contra_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_cuanto_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_cuestión_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_cuestión_de_p_temp_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_en_defecto_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_demanda_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_derredor_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_dirección_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_el_centro_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_el_entorno_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_el_interior_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_el_otro_lado_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_el_plazo_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_el_puesto_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_espera_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_evitación_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_favor_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_función_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_enfrente_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_gracia_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_guisa_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_la_línea_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_las_cercanías_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_las_proximidades_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_la_temporada_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_la_zona_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_lo_concerniente_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_lugar_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_manos_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_materia_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_medio_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_memoria_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_menos_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_mitad_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_obligación_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_obsequio_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_obsequio_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_oposición_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_orden_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_parte_por_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_plan_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_pos_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_pro_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_prueba_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_razón_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_recuerdo_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_representación_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_señal_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_tiempo_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_torno_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_torno_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_vez_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_vías_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_virtud_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_en_vista_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_gracias_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_hacia_mediados_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_junto_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_junto_con_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_lejos_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_más_allá_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
;_más_allá_de_p_rel :<  period_rel.
_pese_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_por_al_lado_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_por_causa_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_por_cuenta_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_por_el_centro_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_por_el_otro_lado_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_por_este_lado_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_por_medio_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_por_motivo_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_por_obra_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_por_obra_y_gracia_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_por_razón_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_por_virtud_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_respecto_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_respecto_a_p_temp_rel :<  temp_loc_rel.
_respecto_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_según_el_decir_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_sin_contar_con_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_sin_necesidad_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_si_no_es_por_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_sin_perjuicio_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_so_pena_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_frente_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_frente_al_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_alrededor_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_anteriormente_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_antes_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_arriba_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_cerca_de_p_rel :<  state_loc_rel. 
_dentro_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_dentro_de_p_temp_rel :< temp_loc_rel.
_después_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_por_encima_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_por_debajo_de_p_rel :<  state_loc_rel.
_por_delante_de_p_rel :<  state_loc_rel.
_por_parte_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_luego_de_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_posteriormente_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
_precedentemente_a_p_rel :<  miscprep_rel.
; determiners & pronouns
_el_q_rel := art_def_q_rel.
_un_q_rel := art_indef_q_rel.
_tal_q_rel := dem_q_rel & tal_q_rel.
_este_q_rel := dem_q_rel.
_estotro_q_rel := dem_q_rel.
_ese_q_rel := dem_q_rel.
_esotro_q_rel := dem_q_rel.
_aquel_q_rel := dem_q_rel.
_ello_q_rel := dem_q_rel.
_semejante_q_rel := semejante_q_rel.
_mi_q_rel := poss_q_rel.
_tu_q_rel := poss_q_rel.
_su_q_rel := poss_q_rel.
_nuestro_q_rel := poss_q_rel.
_vuestro_q_rel := poss_q_rel.
_todo_q_rel := todo_def_q_rel & todo_undef_q_rel.
_cada_q_rel := cada_q_rel.
_ambos_q_rel := ambos_q_rel.
_sendos_q_rel := sendos_q_rel.
_cualquiera_q_rel := cualquiera_q_rel.
_quienquiera_q_rel := quienquiera_q_rel.
_alguno_q_rel := alguno_q_rel.
_ninguno_q_rel := ninguno_q_rel.
_cuantos_q_rel := cuantos_q_rel.
_otro_q_rel := otro_q_rel.
_mucho_q_rel := mucho_q_rel.
_poco_q_rel := poco_q_rel.
_bastante_q_rel := undef_q_rel.
_demasiado_q_rel := undef_q_rel.
_numeroso_q_rel := undef_q_rel.
_escaso_q_rel := undef_q_rel.
_varios_q_rel := undef_q_rel.
_multiples_q_rel := undef_q_rel.
_demás_q_rel := undef_q_rel.
; _cuanto_q_rel := undef_q_rel.
_cierto_q_rel := undef_q_rel.
_determinado_q_rel := undef_q_rel.
_diferente_q_rel := undef_q_rel.
_distinto_q_rel := undef_q_rel.
_diverso_q_rel := undef_q_rel.
_raro_q_rel := undef_q_rel.
_más_q_rel := undef_q_rel.
_menos_q_rel := undef_q_rel.
_tanto_q_rel := comp_degree_rel.

_día_n_rel := temp_nonpro_rel.
_hora_partn_rel := part_of_rel.
_día_partn_rel := part_of_rel.
_semana_partn_rel := part_of_rel.
_año_partn_rel := part_of_rel.
_mes_partn_rel := part_of_rel.
_siglo_partn_rel := part_of_rel.

; Punctuation marks

punctuation_min :< avm.

punctuation := punctuation_min &
 [ LPUNCT basic_punct_mark,
   RPUNCT basic_punct_mark ].

lpunct := basic_punct_mark.
excl_op_punct := lpunct.
ques_op_punct := lpunct.
bracket_op_punct := lpunct.
fra_punct := lpunct.
quotes_punct := comma_or_no_punct & lpunct.

basic_punct_mark := punctuation_min.
rpunct := punctuation_min.
comma_or_clause_or_no_punct := basic_punct_mark & rpunct.
comma_or_no_punct := comma_or_clause_or_no_punct.
3dots_or_clause_or_no_punct := basic_punct_mark & rpunct.
clause_or_no_punct := comma_or_clause_or_no_punct & 3dots_or_clause_or_no_punct. 
comma_or_clause := comma_punct & clause_punct.
comma_punct := comma_or_no_punct.
cln_punct := basic_punct_mark & rpunct.
clause_punct := clause_or_no_punct.
;semicol_punct := clause_punct.
3dots_punct := 3dots_or_clause_or_no_punct.
excl_cl_punct := 3dots_or_clause_or_no_punct.
ques_cl_punct := 3dots_or_clause_or_no_punct.
bracket_cl_punct := comma_or_no_punct.
frc_punct := comma_or_no_punct.
no_punct := comma_or_no_punct & 3dots_or_clause_or_no_punct.
hyphen_punct := comma_or_no_punct.

;;; semsorts

nominal-sort := semsort. 
mod := nominal-sort.
loc-mod := mod & non-temp.
manner-mod := mod & non-temp.
cause-mod := mod & non-temp.
non-mod := nominal-sort. 
location := nominal-sort.
non-temp := nominal-sort.
non-hum := nominal-sort.
non-hum_non-temp := non-hum & non-temp.
non-loc := nominal-sort.
entity := nominal-sort.
abs_ani_hum_pot_pro_sem_soc := nominal-sort.
abs_ani_hum_pot_sem_soc := abs_ani_hum_pot_pro_sem_soc.
abs_hum_pot_pro_sem_soc := abs_ani_hum_pot_pro_sem_soc.
ani_cnc_hum_plant_pot_soc := non-loc.
ani_hum_plant_pot_soc := ani_cnc_hum_plant_pot_soc. 
abs_ani_cnc_hum_soc := non-loc.
abs_ani_hum_pro_sem := abs_ani_hum_pot_pro_sem_soc.
abs_cnc_hum_mat_pro := non-loc.
abs_cnc_hum_mat_soc := non-loc.
abs_cnc_hum_pro_soc := non-loc.
abs_cnc_loc_pro_sem := location.
abs_cnc_loc_pro_soc := location.
abs_hum_mat_pro_soc := non-loc.
abs_hum_pot_pro_soc := abs_hum_pot_pro_sem_soc.
abs_hum_pot_sem_soc := abs_ani_hum_pot_sem_soc & abs_hum_pot_pro_sem_soc.
abs_hum_pro_sem_soc := abs_hum_pot_pro_sem_soc.
ani_cnc_hum_mat_plant := non-loc.
ani_cnc_hum_mat_soc := non-loc.
hum_pot_pro_sem_soc := abs_hum_pot_pro_sem_soc.
abs_ani_cnc_hum := abs_ani_cnc_hum_soc.
abs_ani_cnc_mat := non-loc.
abs_ani_cnc_plant := non-loc.
abs_ani_hum_mat := non-loc.
abs_ani_hum_soc := abs_ani_hum_pot_sem_soc & abs_ani_cnc_hum_soc.
abs_ani_pro_sem := abs_ani_hum_pro_sem.
abs_bpart_cnc_hum := non-loc.
abs_cnc_hum_plant := non-loc.
abs_cnc_hum_pot := non-loc.
abs_cnc_hum_pro := abs_cnc_hum_mat_pro & abs_cnc_hum_pro_soc.
abs_cnc_hum_soc := abs_ani_cnc_hum_soc & abs_cnc_hum_pro_soc & abs_cnc_hum_mat_soc.
abs_cnc_loc_plant := location.
abs_cnc_loc_pro := abs_cnc_loc_pro_sem & abs_cnc_loc_pro_soc.
abs_cnc_loc_soc := abs_cnc_loc_pro_soc.
abs_cnc_loc_tmp := location.
abs_cnc_mat_pro := abs_cnc_hum_mat_pro.
abs_cnc_pot_pro := non-loc.
abs_cnc_pro_sem := abs_cnc_loc_pro_sem.
abs_hum_loc_soc := location.
abs_hum_pot_pro := abs_hum_pot_pro_soc.
abs_hum_pot_soc := abs_hum_pot_pro_soc & abs_hum_pot_sem_soc.
abs_hum_pro_sem := abs_hum_pro_sem_soc & abs_ani_hum_pro_sem.
abs_hum_pro_soc := abs_hum_pot_pro_soc.
abs_hum_sem_soc := abs_hum_pro_sem_soc & abs_hum_pot_sem_soc. 
abs_loc_pro_soc := abs_cnc_loc_pro_soc.
abs_loc_sem_soc := location.
abs_plant_pro_sem := non-loc.
ani_bpart_cnc_hum := non-loc.
ani_bpart_hum_soc := non-loc.
ani_cnc_hum_pot := non-loc.
ani_cnc_hum_plant := ani_cnc_hum_mat_plant & ani_cnc_hum_plant_pot_soc.
ani_cnc_loc_soc := location.
ani_cnc_pro_sem := non-loc.
ani_cnc_pro_soc := non-loc.
ani_hum_plant_soc := non-loc.
ani_hum_pot_soc := abs_ani_hum_pot_sem_soc & ani_hum_plant_pot_soc.
bpart_cnc_hum_plant := non-loc.
bpart_cnc_hum_soc := non-loc.
bpart_cnc_loc_mat := location.
bpart_hum_pot_soc := non-loc.
cnc_hum_loc_pot_soc := location.
cnc_hum_loc_soc := cnc_hum_loc_pot_soc.
cnc_hum_mat_pot := non-loc.
cnc_hum_mat_soc := abs_cnc_hum_mat_soc & ani_cnc_hum_mat_soc.
cnc_hum_pot_soc := ani_cnc_hum_plant_pot_soc.
cnc_hum_sem_soc := non-loc.
cnc_loc_mat_plant := location.
cnc_loc_mat_pot := location.
cnc_loc_sem_soc := location.
hum_pot_pro_sem := hum_pot_pro_sem_soc.
hum_pot_pro_soc := abs_hum_pot_pro_soc & hum_pot_pro_sem_soc.
hum_pot_sem_soc := abs_hum_pot_sem_soc & hum_pot_pro_sem_soc.
hum_pro_sem_soc := abs_hum_pro_sem_soc & hum_pot_pro_sem_soc.
pot_pro_sem_soc := hum_pot_pro_sem_soc.
abs_ani_hum := abs_ani_hum_soc & abs_ani_hum_mat & abs_ani_cnc_hum.
abs_ani_plant := abs_ani_cnc_plant.
abs_ani_soc := abs_ani_hum_soc.
abs_bpart_cnc := abs_bpart_cnc_hum.
abs_cnc_hum := abs_ani_cnc_hum & abs_cnc_hum_pot & abs_cnc_hum_plant & abs_cnc_hum_pro & abs_cnc_hum_soc.
abs_cnc_loc := abs_cnc_loc_plant & abs_cnc_loc_pro & abs_cnc_loc_soc & abs_cnc_loc_tmp .
abs_cnc_mat := abs_ani_cnc_mat & abs_cnc_mat_pro.
abs_cnc_mea := non-loc.
abs_cnc_plant := abs_ani_cnc_plant & abs_cnc_hum_plant.
abs_cnc_pot := abs_cnc_hum_pot & abs_cnc_pot_pro.
abs_cnc_pro := abs_cnc_loc_pro & abs_cnc_mat_pro & abs_cnc_pot_pro & abs_cnc_pro_sem & abs_cnc_hum_pro_soc.
abs_cnc_sem := abs_cnc_pro_sem.
abs_cnc_soc := abs_cnc_hum_soc & abs_cnc_loc_soc.
abs_cnc_tmp := abs_cnc_loc_tmp.
abs_cnc_unit := non-loc.
abs_hum_loc := abs_hum_loc_soc.
abs_hum_mea := non-loc.
abs_hum_pot := abs_cnc_hum_pot & abs_hum_pot_pro & abs_hum_pot_sem_soc.
abs_hum_pro := abs_hum_pot_pro & abs_hum_pro_sem & abs_hum_pro_soc & abs_cnc_hum_pro.
abs_hum_sem := abs_hum_sem_soc & abs_hum_pro_sem.
abs_hum_soc := abs_ani_hum_soc & abs_cnc_hum_soc & abs_hum_loc_soc & abs_hum_pot_soc & abs_hum_pro_soc & abs_hum_sem_soc & abs_hum_mat_pro_soc.
abs_loc_soc := abs_cnc_loc_soc & abs_hum_loc_soc & abs_loc_pro_soc & abs_loc_sem_soc.
abs_mat_pro := abs_hum_mat_pro_soc & abs_cnc_mat_pro.
abs_mea_tmp := non-loc.
abs_pro_sem := abs_ani_pro_sem & abs_cnc_pro_sem & abs_hum_pro_sem & abs_plant_pro_sem.
abs_pro_tmp := non-loc.
abs_pot_sem := abs_hum_pot_sem_soc.
abs_sem_soc := abs_hum_sem_soc & abs_loc_sem_soc.
ani_bpart_hum := ani_bpart_cnc_hum & ani_bpart_hum_soc.
ani_bpart_plant := non-loc.
ani_cnc_hum := abs_ani_cnc_hum & ani_bpart_cnc_hum & ani_cnc_hum_pot & ani_cnc_hum_plant & ani_cnc_hum_mat_soc.
ani_cnc_loc := ani_cnc_loc_soc.
ani_cnc_pot := ani_cnc_hum_pot. 
ani_hum_loc := location.
ani_hum_pot := ani_cnc_hum_pot & ani_hum_pot_soc.
ani_hum_pro := abs_ani_hum_pro_sem.
ani_hum_soc := abs_ani_hum_soc & ani_bpart_hum_soc & ani_hum_plant_soc & ani_hum_pot_soc & ani_cnc_hum_mat_soc.
bpart_cnc_hum := ani_bpart_cnc_hum & bpart_cnc_hum_plant & bpart_cnc_hum_soc.
bpart_cnc_loc := location.
bpart_cnc_mat := bpart_cnc_loc_mat.
cnc_hum_loc := cnc_hum_loc_soc.
cnc_hum_mat := cnc_hum_mat_soc & abs_cnc_hum_mat_pro & ani_cnc_hum_mat_plant.
cnc_hum_pot := abs_cnc_hum_pot & ani_cnc_hum_pot & cnc_hum_pot_soc.
cnc_hum_pro := abs_cnc_hum_pro.
cnc_hum_sem := cnc_hum_sem_soc.
cnc_hum_soc := abs_cnc_hum_soc & bpart_cnc_hum_soc & cnc_hum_loc_soc & cnc_hum_mat_soc & cnc_hum_pot_soc & cnc_hum_sem_soc.
cnc_loc_mat := bpart_cnc_loc_mat& cnc_loc_mat_plant & cnc_loc_mat_pot.
cnc_loc_plant := abs_cnc_loc_plant & cnc_loc_mat_plant.
cnc_loc_pot := cnc_loc_mat_pot.
cnc_loc_soc := abs_cnc_loc_soc & ani_cnc_loc_soc & cnc_hum_loc_soc & cnc_loc_sem_soc.
cnc_mat_plant := ani_cnc_hum_mat_plant & cnc_loc_mat_plant.
cnc_mat_pro := abs_cnc_mat_pro.
cnc_pot_sem := non-loc.
hum_loc_soc := abs_hum_loc_soc & cnc_hum_loc_soc. 
hum_mat_pot := cnc_hum_mat_pot.
hum_pot_pro := abs_hum_pot_pro & hum_pot_pro_soc.
hum_pot_soc := abs_hum_pot_soc & ani_hum_pot_soc & bpart_hum_pot_soc & cnc_hum_pot_soc & hum_pot_pro_soc.
hum_sem_soc := abs_hum_sem_soc & cnc_hum_sem_soc & hum_pot_sem_soc & hum_pro_sem_soc.
loc_mea_unit := non-temp.
abs_ani := abs_ani_hum & abs_ani_plant & abs_ani_soc & abs_ani_cnc_mat & abs_ani_pro_sem.
abs_cnc := abs_cnc_hum & abs_cnc_loc & abs_cnc_mat & abs_cnc_mea & abs_cnc_pot & abs_cnc_plant & abs_cnc_pro & abs_cnc_sem & abs_cnc_soc & abs_cnc_tmp & abs_cnc_unit.
abs_hum := abs_ani_hum & abs_cnc_hum & abs_hum_loc & abs_hum_mea & abs_hum_pot & abs_hum_pro & abs_hum_sem & abs_hum_soc.
abs_loc := abs_cnc_loc & abs_hum_loc & abs_loc_soc.
abs_mea := abs_mea_tmp & abs_cnc_mea & abs_hum_mea.
abs_pot := abs_cnc_pot & abs_hum_pot & abs_pot_sem.
abs_pro := abs_cnc_pro & abs_hum_pro & abs_mat_pro & abs_pro_sem & abs_pro_tmp & abs_loc_pro_soc .
abs_sem := abs_cnc_sem & abs_hum_sem & abs_sem_soc & abs_pro_sem & abs_pot_sem.
abs_soc := abs_ani_soc & abs_cnc_soc & abs_sem_soc & abs_hum_soc & abs_loc_soc.
abs_tmp := abs_cnc_tmp & abs_mea_tmp & abs_pro_tmp.
ani_cnc := ani_cnc_hum & ani_cnc_loc & ani_cnc_pot & ani_cnc_pro_soc & ani_cnc_pro_sem & abs_ani_cnc_plant & abs_ani_cnc_mat.
ani_hum := abs_ani_hum & ani_bpart_hum & ani_cnc_hum & ani_hum_loc & ani_hum_pot & ani_hum_pro & ani_hum_soc & entity.
ani_loc :=  ani_cnc_loc & ani_hum_loc.
ani_mat := abs_ani_cnc_hum & abs_ani_cnc_mat & abs_ani_hum_mat & ani_cnc_hum_mat_plant & ani_cnc_hum_mat_soc.
ani_plant := abs_ani_plant & ani_cnc_hum_plant & ani_hum_plant_soc & ani_bpart_plant.
ani_soc := abs_ani_soc & ani_hum_soc & ani_cnc_loc_soc & ani_cnc_pro_soc.
bpart_cnc := abs_bpart_cnc & bpart_cnc_hum & bpart_cnc_loc & bpart_cnc_mat.
bpart_hum := ani_bpart_hum & bpart_cnc_hum & bpart_hum_pot_soc.
cnc_hum := abs_cnc_hum & ani_cnc_hum & bpart_cnc_hum & cnc_hum_loc & cnc_hum_mat & cnc_hum_pot & cnc_hum_sem & cnc_hum_soc.
cnc_loc :=  ani_cnc_loc & ani_cnc_loc & bpart_cnc_loc & cnc_hum_loc & cnc_loc_mat & cnc_loc_plant & cnc_loc_pot & cnc_loc_soc & abs_cnc_loc_pro & abs_cnc_loc_tmp.
cnc_mat := abs_cnc_mat & bpart_cnc_mat & cnc_hum_mat & cnc_loc_mat & cnc_mat_plant & cnc_mat_pro.
cnc_mea := abs_cnc_mea.
cnc_plant := abs_cnc_plant & cnc_loc_plant & cnc_mat_plant & ani_cnc_hum_plant & bpart_cnc_hum_plant .
cnc_pot := abs_cnc_pot & ani_cnc_pot & cnc_hum_pot & cnc_loc_pot & cnc_pot_sem.
cnc_sem := cnc_loc_sem_soc & abs_cnc_sem & cnc_hum_sem & cnc_pot_sem .
cnc_soc :=  ani_cnc_pro_soc & abs_cnc_soc & cnc_hum_soc & cnc_loc_soc.
cnc_tmp := abs_cnc_tmp. 
cnc_unit := abs_cnc_unit.
hum_loc := abs_hum_loc & ani_hum_loc & cnc_hum_loc & hum_loc_soc.
hum_mat := abs_hum_mat_pro_soc & abs_ani_hum_mat & cnc_hum_mat & hum_mat_pot.
hum_plant := abs_cnc_hum_plant & ani_cnc_hum_plant & ani_hum_plant_soc & bpart_cnc_hum_plant.
hum_pot := abs_hum_pot & ani_hum_pot & cnc_hum_pot & hum_mat_pot & hum_pot_pro & hum_pot_soc & hum_pot_pro_sem.
hum_soc := abs_hum_soc & ani_hum_soc & cnc_hum_soc & hum_loc_soc & hum_pot_soc & hum_sem_soc.
hum_sem := hum_sem_soc. 
loc_mat := cnc_loc_mat.
loc_plant := cnc_loc_plant.
loc_sem := abs_cnc_loc_pro_sem & cnc_loc_sem_soc.
loc_soc := abs_loc_soc & cnc_loc_soc & hum_loc_soc.
loc_unit := loc_mea_unit.
mat_plant := cnc_mat_plant.
tmp_unit := non-loc.
abs := abs_ani & abs_cnc & abs_hum & abs_loc & abs_mea & abs_pot & abs_pro & abs_sem & abs_soc & abs_tmp & non-temp & non-mod.
ani := ani_cnc & ani_hum & ani_loc & ani_mat & ani_plant & ani_soc & abs_ani & non-temp & non-mod.
bpart :=  ani_bpart_plant& bpart_cnc & bpart_hum & non-temp & non-mod.
cnc := cnc_hum & cnc_loc & cnc_mat & cnc_mea & cnc_plant & cnc_pot & cnc_sem & cnc_soc & cnc_tmp & cnc_unit & abs_cnc & ani_cnc & non-temp & non-mod.
hum := hum_loc & hum_mat & hum_plant & hum_pot & hum_sem & hum_soc & abs_hum & ani_hum & bpart_hum & cnc_hum & non-temp & non-mod.
loc := loc_mat & loc_plant & loc_sem & loc_soc & loc_unit & abs_loc & ani_loc & cnc_loc & hum_loc & non-mod.
mat := ani_mat & cnc_mat & hum_mat & loc_mat & mat_plant & non-temp & non-mod.
mea := abs_mea & cnc_mea & non-hum & loc_mea_unit & non-mod.
plant := ani_plant & cnc_plant & hum_plant & loc_plant & mat_plant & non-temp & non-mod.
pot := abs_pot & cnc_pot & hum_pot & non-temp & non-mod.
pro := abs_pro & non-hum & non-temp & non-mod.
sem := abs_sem & cnc_sem & loc_sem & hum_sem & non-hum & non-temp & non-mod.
soc := abs_soc & ani_soc & cnc_soc & hum_soc & loc_soc & non-temp & non-mod.
tmp := abs_tmp & cnc_tmp & tmp_unit & non-hum & mod.
unit := cnc_unit & loc_unit & tmp_unit & mea.