Ryan Mattson Ling 567 5/27/05 Lab 8 writeup Coordination in Finnish (testsuite: lab8.items) Finnish has very similar coordination to English--what Scott has termed monopolysyndeton. An example of the monosyndeton structure is: 1) opiskelija syO lasi-a, tomaatti-a ja auto-a student+Nom eat+3p+Sg glass+Part tomato+Part and car+Part The student eats glass, tomatoes, and cars The polysyndeton structure of Finnish coordination looks like: 2) opiskelija syO lasi-a ja tomaatti-a ja auto-a student+Nom eat+3p+Sg glass+Part and tomato+Part and car+Part The student eats glass and tomatoes and cars While polysyndeton structure tends to make one sound overly-exuberant in English, it is perfectly acceptable in Finnish and will tend to be used to separate coordinated phrases that are larger because of multiple adjectives, etc.: 3) opiskelija syO iso-a punainen-ta tomaatti-a ja pien-ta sininen-ta auto-a ja lasi-a student+Nom eat+3p+Sg big+Part red+Part tomato+Part and small+Part blue+Part car+Part and glass+Part The student eats big red tomatoes and small blue cars and glass VP coordination acts in the same way: 4a) minA kAvele-n ja nuku-n ja tanssi-n i+Nom walk+1p+Sg and sleep+1p+Sg and dance+1p+Sg I walk and sleep and dance 4b) minA kAvele-n, nuku-n ja tanssi-n i+Nom walk+1p+Sg sleep+1p+Sg and dance+1p+Sg I walk, sleep and dance As does AdjP coordiation: 5a) syO-vAt-kO opiskelija-t hyvA-A ja iso-a ja punainen-ta tomaatti-a? eat+3p+Pl+Ques student+Pl+Nom good+Part and big+Part and red+Part tomato+Part Do students eat good and big and red tomatoes? 5b) syO-vAt-kO opiskelija-t hyvA-A, iso-a ja punainen-ta tomaati-a? eat+3p+Pl+Ques student+Pl+Nom good+Part big+Part and red+Part tomato+Part Do students eat good big and red tomatoes? Further: 6) syO-vAt-ko opiskelijat iso-a auto-a ja tomaatti-a? eat+3p+Sg+Ques student+Pl+Nom big+Part car+Part and tomato+Part Do students eat big cars and tomatoes? Example (6) should give two parses: 7a) syOvAtko opiskelijat [isoa autoa] ja [tomaattia] [big cars] and [tomatoes] 7b) syOvAtko opiskelijat [isoa [autoa ja tomaattia]] [big [cars and tomatoes]] Implementing Coordination, and Current Coverage Implementing coordination was straightforward given the rules that Scott included in coord.tdl. Because Finnish operates like English, I chose the monopolysyndeton rules. The following rules are instantiations of Scott's coordination framework for the NP-based coordination. np-top-coord-rule := basic-np-top-coord-rule & monopoly-top-coord-rule & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE #case, NBR-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE #case, BR-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE #case ]. np-mid-coord-rule := basic-np-mid-coord-rule & monopoly-mid-coord-rule. np-bottom-coord-rule := binary-bottom-coord-rule & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun, ARGS.REST.FIRST.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ]. The top rule requires the daughters to identify their (matching) case (which, for the current implementation of the grammar, is usually nominative) with the case of the node licensed by the top rule. Subject NP coordination doesn't say anything about the PER matching, however, and the strategy to fix this involves creating rules for each of the PER combinations possible, such as: second-non-first-coord := per-coord & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.COORD-REL [ C-ARG.PNG.PER second, L-INDEX.PNG.PER second, R-INDEX.PNG.PER non-first ]]. A current problem with this is that C-ARG.PNG.PER feature doesn't seem to be identified with SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG.PER where the VP is constraining the PNG.PER value at. This results in a large number of parses, as each rule is being allowed to parse a coordinated subject phrase. There is a problem in the semantics of NP coordination, however. When NP objects are coordinated, only one relation gets mentioned in the Indexed MRS report. Take the following sentence for example: 8) minA syO-n lasi-a ja tomaatti-a i+Nom eat+1p+Sg glass+Part and tomato+Part I eat glass and tomatoes The Indexed MRS ends up looking like: 9)