1@Newman, Paul. The Hausa Language An Encyclopedic Reference Grammar. New Haven:Yale University Press, 2000@@@1@{WordOrder}@mùtûm yaa-ginà gidaa@1@3@'the man built a house.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 2@author@@@1@{Wordorder}@yaa-ginà mùtûm gidaa@0@3@'the man built a house.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 3@author@@@1@{WordOrder}@yaa-ginà gidaa mùtûm.@0@3@'the man built a house.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 4@author@@@1@{WordOrder}@mùtûm ginà gidaa.@0@3@'the man built a house.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 5@author@@@1@{WordOrder}@gidaa yaa-ginà mùtûm.@0@3@'the house built a man.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 6@author@@@1@{WordOrder}@mùtûm gidaa yaa-ginà.@0@3@'the man built a house.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 7@author@@@1@{WordOrder}@gidaa mùtûm yaa-ginà.@0@3@'the house built a man.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 8@author@@@1@{WordOrder}@gidaa nee mùtûm yaa-ginà@1@4@'it was a house the man built.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 9@author@@@1@{WordOrder}@yaaròo yaa-kooyàa manà lìssaafìi.@1@4@'the boy taught us math'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 10@author@@@1@{WordOrder}@yaaròo manà yaa-kooyàa lìssaafìi.@0@4@'the boy taught us math'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 11@author@@@1@{WordOrder}@yaaròo lìssaafìi manà yaa-kooyàa @0@4@'the boy taught us math'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 12@Newman, Paul. The Hausa Language An Encyclopedic Reference Grammar. New Haven:Yale University Press, 2000@@@1@{Pronouns}@yaarinyàa taa-dafà miyàa.@1@3@'The girl cooked soup'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 13@author@@@1@{Pronouns,ArgumentOptionality}@ita taa-dafà miyàa.@0@3@'She cooked soup'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 14@author@@@1@{Pronouns}@taa-dafà miyàa@1@2@'She cooked soup.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 15@author@@@1@{Pronouns,ArgumentOptionality}@muu mun-`booyè zoobèe-`n.@0@3@'we hid the ring'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 16@author@@@1@{Pronouns,ArgumentOptionality}@mun-`booyè zoobèe-`n.@1@2@'we hid the ring'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 17@author@@@1@{Pronouns,ArgumentOptionality}@nii naa-san su.@0@3@'I knew/know them.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 18@author@@@1@{Pronouns,ArgumentOptionality}@naa-san su.@1@2@'I knew/know them.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 19@author@@@1@{ArgumentOptionality}@kin-tàimàkee@0@1@'You helped her'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 20@Newman, Paul. The Hausa Language An Encyclopedic Reference Grammar. New Haven:Yale University Press, 2000@@@1@{Determiners}@tùuluu-`n yaa-fashèe.@1@2@'the waterpot broke.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 21@Newman, Paul. The Hausa Language An Encyclopedic Reference Grammar. New Haven:Yale University Press, 2000@@@1@{Determiners}@tùuluu yaa-fashèe.@1@2@'the/a waterpot broke.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 22@Newman, Paul. The Hausa Language An Encyclopedic Reference Grammar. New Haven:Yale University Press, 2000@@@1@{Determiners}@wata tsoohuwaa taa-zoo.@1@3@'Some old woman came.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 23@Newman, Paul. The Hausa Language An Encyclopedic Reference Grammar. New Haven:Yale University Press, 2000@@@1@{Agreement}@wani tsoohuwaa taa-zoo.@0@3@'Some old woman came.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 24@author@@@1@{Determiners}@tsoohuwaa wata taa-zoo.@0@3@'Some old woman came.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 25@Newman, Paul. The Hausa Language An Encyclopedic Reference Grammar. New Haven:Yale University Press, 2000@@@1@{Negation}@bàa àkwai làabaar~ìi ba nèe.@1@5@'It's not that there is no news.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 26@author@@@1@{Negation}@àkwai làabaar~ìi ba nèe.@0@4@'It's not that there is no news.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 27@author@@@1@{Negation}@bàa yaaròo yaa-kaamàa `bàraawòo ba.@1@5@'It's not that the boy caught a thief.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 28@author@@@1@{Negation}@yaaròo yaa-kaamàa `bàraawòo ba.@0@4@'the boy caught a thief.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 29@author@@@1@{Coordination}@tsoohuwaa dà yaaròo sun-jee kàasuwaa@1@5@'the old woman and the boy went to market.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 30@author@@@1@{Case,Coordination}@nii dà yaaròo mun-jee kàasuwaa@1@5@'I and the boy went to market.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 31@author@@@1@{Case,Coordination}@ni dà yaaròo mun-jee kàasuwaa@0@5@'I and the boy went to market.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 32@author@@@1@{Case,Coordination}@minì dà yaaròo mun-jee kàasuwaa@0@5@'I and the boy went to market.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 33@Newman, Paul. The Hausa Language An Encyclopedic Reference Grammar. New Haven:Yale University Press, 2000:478@@@1@{Case}@yaarinyàa taa-kar~àntàa su@1@3@'the girl read them'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 34@author@@@1@{Case}@yaarinyàa taa-kar~àntàa suu@0@3@'the girl read them (all)'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 35@author@@@1@{Case}@yaarinyàa taa-kar~àntàa musù@0@3@'we read them (all)'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 36@author@@@1@{Case,Coordination}@shii dà d`àalìbai sun-fad`àa matà ita@1@6@'he and the students told it(f.) to her'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 37@author@@@1@{Case,Coordination}@shi dà d`àalìbai sun-fad`àa matà ita@0@6@'he and students told it(f.) to her'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 38@author@@@1@{Case,Coordination}@masà dà d`àalìbai sun-fad`àa matà ita@0@6@'he and students told it(f.) to her'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 39@author@@@1@{Case,Coordination}@shii dà d`àalìbai sun-fad`àa ta ita@0@6@'he and the students told it(f.) to her'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 40@author@@@1@{Case,Coordination}@shii dà d`àalìbai sun-fad`àa matà ta@0@6@'he and the students told it(f.) to her'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 41@author@@@1@{Case,Coordination}@shii dà d`àalìbai sun-fad`àa matà matà@0@6@'he and students told it(f.) to her'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 42@Newman, Paul. The Hausa Language An Encyclopedic Reference Grammar. New Haven:Yale University Press, 2000@@@1@{Agreement}@d`àalìbai sun-fad`àa wà maalàminsù làabaar~ìi @1@5@'the students told the teacher the news'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 43@author@@@1@{Agreement}@d`àalìbai taa-fad`àa wà maalàminsù làabaar~ìi @0@5@'the students told the teacher the news'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 44@author@@@1@{Agreement}@d`àalìbai sun-fad`àa wà maalàminsù làabaar~ìi @0@5@'the students told the teacher the news'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 45@author@@@1@{Agreement}@yaaròo k`àramii yaa-sàyaa faraa-r~ mootàa@1@5@'a small boy bought a white car.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 46@author@@@1@{Agreement}@yaaròo k`àramii yaa-sàyaa mootàa faraa@1@5@'a small boy bought a white car.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 47@author@@@1@{Agreement}@k`àrami-n yaaròo yaa-sàyaa fara-r~ mootàa@1@5@'a small boy bought a white car.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 48@author@@@1@{Agreement}@yaaròo k`àramii-n yaa-sàyaa faraa-r~ mootàa@0@5@'a small boy bought a white car.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 49@author@@@1@{Agreement}@yaaròo k`àramii yaa-sàyaa mootàa farii@0@5@'a small boy bought a white car.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 50@author@@@1@{Agreement}@yaaròo k`àramaa yaa-sàyaa mootàa faraa@0@5@'a small boy bought a white car.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 51@author@@@1@{Agreement}@wani yaaròo-`n yaa-sàyaa mootàa faraa@1@5@'another boy bought a white car.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 52@author@@@1@{Agreement}@wata yaaròo-`n yaa-sàyaa mootàa faraa@0@5@'another boy bought a white car.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 53@author@@@1@{Agreement}@wani yaaròo-r~ yaa-sàyaa mootàa faraa@0@5@'another boy bought a white car.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 54@Newman, Paul. The Hausa Language An Encyclopedic Reference Grammar. New Haven:Yale University Press, 2000@@@1@{Coordination}@mun-ròokee shii àmmaa yaa-k`i@1@4@'we begged him but he refused'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 55@author@@@1@{Coordination}@mun-ròokee shii yaa-k`i àmmaa@0@4@'we begged him but he refused'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 56@author@@@1@{Coordination}@yaaròo yaa-sàyaa gidaa dà mootàa@1@5@'the boy bought a house and a car'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 57@author@@@1@{Coordination}@yaaròo yaa-sàyaa gidaa dà mootàa dà @0@6@'the boy bought a house and a car'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 58@author@@@1@{Coordination}@yaaròo yaa-sàyaa gidaa mootàa dà @0@5@'the boy bought a house and a car'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 59@author@@@1@{Coordination}@yaaròo yaa-sàyaa dà gidaa mootàa @0@5@'the boy bought a house and a car'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 60@author@@@1@{Coordination}@yaaròo yaa-sàyaa gidaa koo mootàa@1@5@'the boy bought a house or a car'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 61@author@@@1@{Coordination}@yaaròo yaa-sàyaa koo gidaa koo mootàa@1@6@'the boy bought either a house or a car'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 62@author@@@1@{Coordination}@yaaròo yaa-sàyaa koo gidaa mootàa@0@5@'the boy bought a house or a car'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 63@author@@@1@{Coordination}@yaaròo yaa-sàyaa gidaa mootàa koo@0@5@'the boy bought either a house or a car'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 64@Newman, Paul. The Hausa Language An Encyclopedic Reference Grammar. New Haven:Yale University Press, 2000@@@1@{q,neg}@bàa taa-zoo ba@1@3@'did she not come?'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 65@author@@@1@{q}@kaa-sàyaa mootàa koo?@1@3@'Did you buy a car (or. . .)?'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 66@author@@@1@{q}@kaa-sàyaa koo mootàa?@0@3@'Did you buy a car?'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 67@author@@@1@{q}@koo kaa-sàyaa mootàa?@1@3@'(Or) did you buy a car?'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 68@author@@@1@{m}@yaarinyàa tà-iyà dafà miyàa@1@4@'the girl is able to cook soup.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 69@author@@@1@{m,neg}@bàa tà-iyà dafà miyàa ba@1@5@'it is not that she is able to cook soup.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 70@author@@@1@{rel}@tùuluu-`n dà yaarinyàa taa-sàyaa yaa-fashèe@1@5@'the waterpot that the girl bought, broke'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 71@author@@@1@{rel}@tùuluu-`n dà yaarinyàa taa-sàyaa yaa-fashèe@0@5@'the waterpot that the girl bought, broke'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 72@author@@@1@{rel}@mùtûm wândà na-ganii yaa-ginà gidaa@1@5@'the man whom I saw built a house.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 73@author@@@1@{rel}@mùtûm wândà na-ganii yaa-ginà gidaa@0@5@'the man whom I saw built a house.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 74@author@@@1@{rel}@yaarinyàa taa-sàyaa wândà na-ganii@1@4@'the girl bought the one I saw.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 75@author@@@1@{rel}@yaarinyàa taa-sàyaa dà na-ganii@0@4@'the girl bought the one I saw.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 76@author@@@1@{rel}@yaarinyàa taa-sàyaa wândà naa-ganii@0@4@'He bought the one I saw.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 77@author@@@1@{adv}@tùuluu-`n yaa-fashèe jiyà.@1@3@'the waterpot broke yesterday.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 78@author@@@1@{adv}@tùuluu-`n jiyà yaa-fashèe @0@3@'the waterpot broke yesterday.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 79@author@@@1@{adv}@taa-dafà miyàa jiyà sòosai.@1@4@'she cooked soup yesterday perfectly.'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 80@author@@@1@{adv}@taa-dafà miyàa sòosai jiyà@1@4@'she cooked soup perfectly yesterday'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 81@author@@@1@{emb-d}@mùtûm yaa-gayàa manà cêwaa yaa-sàyaa mootàa@1@6@'he told us that he bought a car'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 82@author@@@1@{emb-d}@mùtûm yaa-gayàa manà yaa-sàyaa mootàa@1@5@'he told us that he bought a car'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 83@Newman, Paul. The Hausa Language An Encyclopedic Reference Grammar. New Haven:Yale University Press, 2000@@@1@{imp}@kàawoo ruwaa!@1@2@'bring water!'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 84@Newman, Paul. The Hausa Language An Encyclopedic Reference Grammar. New Haven:Yale University Press, 2000@@@1@{imp}@kì-kaawoo ruwaa!@1@2@'you(f.) bring water!'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 85@author@@@1@{imp}@kì-kàawoo ruwaa!@0@2@'bring water!'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 86@Newman, Paul. The Hausa Language An Encyclopedic Reference Grammar. New Haven:Yale University Press, 2000@@@1@{neg,imp}@kadà kì-kaawoo ruwaa!@1@3@'don't you bring water!'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 87@author@@@1@{neg,imp}@kadà kì-kàawoo ruwaa!@0@3@'don't you bring water!'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 88@author@@@1@{emb-q}@naa-tàmbayàa koo yaaròo yaa-kaamàa `bàraawòo@1@5@'I asked whether the boy caught a thief'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007 89@author@@@1@{emb-q}@naa-tàmbayàa yaaròo yaa-kaamàa `bàraawòo@0@4@'I asked whether the boy caught a thief'@Kelsey Hutchins@January 14, 2007