0	9	NF-kappaB	NF-kappaB	NNP
10	14	only	only	RB
15	24	partially	partially	RB
25	33	mediates	mediate	VBZ
34	46	Epstein-Barr	epstein-barr	JJ
47	52	virus	virus	NN
53	59	latent	latent	JJ
60	68	membrane	membrane	NN
69	76	protein	protein	NN
77	78	1	1	CD
79	89	activation	activation	NN
90	92	of	of	IN
93	94	B	B	NNP
95	100	cells	cell	NNS
100	101	.	.	.

103	106	The	the	DT
107	113	latent	latent	JJ
114	122	membrane	membrane	NN
123	130	protein	protein	NN
131	132	1	1	CD
133	134	(	(	(
134	138	LMP1	lmp1	NN
138	139	)	)	)
140	142	of	of	IN
143	155	Epstein-Barr	epstein-barr	JJ
156	161	virus	virus	NN
162	163	(	(	(
163	166	EBV	EBV	NNP
166	167	)	)	)
168	170	is	be	VBZ
171	179	required	require	VBN
180	183	for	for	IN
184	195	EBV-induced	ebv-induced	JJ
196	211	immortalization	immortalization	NN
212	214	of	of	IN
215	220	human	human	JJ
221	222	B	B	NNP
223	228	cells	cell	NNS
229	232	and	and	CC
233	239	causes	cause	VBZ
240	251	tumorigenic	tumorigenic	JJ
252	266	transformation	transformation	NN
267	269	of	of	IN
270	274	cell	cell	NN
275	280	lines	line	NNS
280	281	.	.	.

282	286	LMP1	lmp1	NN
287	297	expression	expression	NN
298	305	induces	induce	VBZ
306	316	phenotypic	phenotypic	JJ
317	324	changes	change	NNS
325	335	resembling	resemble	VBG
336	337	B	B	NNP
338	342	cell	cell	NN
343	353	activation	activation	NN
353	354	,	,	,
355	359	such	such	JJ
360	362	as	as	IN
363	367	cell	cell	NN
368	372	size	size	NN
373	381	increase	increase	NN
382	385	and	and	CC
386	399	up-regulation	up-regulation	NN
400	402	of	of	IN
403	407	cell	cell	NN
408	415	surface	surface	NN
416	426	activation	activation	NN
427	434	markers	marker	NNS
434	435	.	.	.

436	440	LMP1	LMP1	NNP
441	449	contains	contain	VBZ
450	453	two	two	CD
454	461	domains	domain	NNS
462	466	that	that	WDT
467	475	activate	activate	VBP
476	479	the	the	DT
480	493	transcription	transcription	NN
494	500	factor	factor	NN
501	510	NF-kappaB	NF-kappaB	NNP
510	511	,	,	,
512	515	one	one	CD
516	523	through	through	IN
524	536	interactions	interaction	NNS
537	541	with	with	IN
547	555	proteins	protein	NNS
556	559	and	and	CC
560	563	the	the	DT
564	569	other	other	JJ
570	574	with	with	IN
575	578	the	the	DT
585	592	protein	protein	NN
592	593	.	.	.

594	597	The	the	DT
598	605	purpose	purpose	NN
606	608	of	of	IN
609	612	the	the	DT
613	620	present	present	JJ
621	626	study	study	NN
627	630	was	be	VBD
631	633	to	to	TO
634	645	investigate	investigate	VB
646	649	the	the	DT
650	660	importance	importance	NN
661	663	of	of	IN
664	673	NF-kappaB	NF-kappaB	NNP
674	683	induction	induction	NN
684	686	in	in	IN
687	690	the	the	DT
691	704	up-regulation	up-regulation	NN
705	707	of	of	IN
708	711	the	the	DT
712	713	B	B	NNP
714	718	cell	cell	NN
719	729	activation	activation	NN
730	737	markers	marker	NNS
738	744	ICAM-1	icam-1	NN
745	748	and	and	CC
749	753	CD71	CD71	NNP
754	756	by	by	IN
757	761	LMP1	LMP1	NNP
761	762	.	.	.

763	767	This	this	DT
768	773	study	study	NN
774	779	shows	show	VBZ
780	784	that	that	IN
785	795	expression	expression	NN
796	798	of	of	IN
799	803	LMP1	LMP1	NNP
804	813	activates	activate	VBZ
814	827	transcription	transcription	NN
828	832	from	from	IN
833	841	p50/p65-	p50/p65-	NN
842	845	and	and	CC
846	852	c-Rel-	c-rel-	NN
853	863	responsive	responsive	JJ
864	873	promoters	promoter	NNS
873	874	,	,	,
875	878	and	and	CC
879	883	that	that	IN
884	888	this	this	DT
889	897	activity	activity	NN
898	901	can	can	MD
902	904	be	be	VB
905	915	completely	completely	RB
916	925	inhibited	inhibit	VBN
926	928	by	by	IN
929	939	expression	expression	NN
940	942	of	of	IN
943	944	a	a	DT
945	953	dominant	dominant	JJ
954	964	inhibitory	inhibitory	JJ
965	972	IkappaB	ikappab	NN
973	979	mutant	mutant	NN
979	980	.	.	.

981	987	ICAM-1	ICAM-1	NNP
988	991	and	and	CC
992	996	CD71	CD71	NNP
997	1000	are	be	VBP
1001	1013	nevertheless	nevertheless	RB
1014	1026	up-regulated	up-regulate	VBN
1027	1029	by	by	IN
1030	1034	LMP1	lmp1	NN
1035	1037	in	in	IN
1038	1045	primary	primary	JJ
1046	1047	B	B	NNP
1048	1053	cells	cell	NNS
1054	1057	and	and	CC
1058	1062	cell	cell	NN
1063	1068	lines	line	NNS
1069	1079	expressing	express	VBG
1080	1083	the	the	DT
1084	1092	dominant	dominant	JJ
1093	1100	IkappaB	ikappab	NN
1100	1101	.	.	.

1102	1113	Furthermore	furthermore	RB
1113	1114	,	,	,
1115	1127	LMP1-induced	lmp1-induced	JJ
1128	1132	cell	cell	NN
1133	1137	size	size	NN
1138	1146	increase	increase	NN
1147	1149	of	of	IN
1150	1157	primary	primary	JJ
1158	1159	B	B	NNP
1160	1165	cells	cell	NNS
1166	1169	was	be	VBD
1170	1180	unaffected	unaffected	JJ
1181	1183	by	by	IN
1184	1191	IkappaB	IkappaB	NNP
1192	1202	expression	expression	NN
1202	1203	.	.	.

1204	1206	It	it	PRP
1207	1210	was	be	VBD
1211	1220	concluded	conclude	VBN
1221	1225	that	that	IN
1226	1230	even	even	RB
1231	1235	when	when	WRB
1236	1240	LMP1	lmp1	NN
1241	1243	is	be	VBZ
1244	1250	unable	unable	JJ
1251	1253	to	to	TO
1254	1262	activate	activate	VB
1263	1272	NF-kappaB	NF-kappaB	NNP
1272	1273	,	,	,
1274	1276	it	it	PRP
1277	1279	is	be	VBZ
1280	1285	still	still	RB
1286	1293	capable	capable	JJ
1294	1296	of	of	IN
1297	1305	inducing	induce	VBG
1306	1313	certain	certain	JJ
1314	1329	characteristics	characteristic	NNS
1330	1332	of	of	IN
1333	1342	activated	activate	VBN
1343	1344	B	b	NN
1345	1350	cells	cell	NNS
1350	1351	,	,	,
1352	1360	strongly	strongly	RB
1361	1371	suggesting	suggest	VBG
1372	1376	that	that	IN
1377	1381	LMP1	lmp1	NN
1382	1385	can	can	MD
1386	1390	also	also	RB
1391	1399	activate	activate	VB
1400	1405	cells	cell	NNS
1406	1419	independently	independently	RB
1420	1422	of	of	IN
1423	1432	NF-kappaB	NF-kappaB	NNP
1432	1433	.	.	.