0	1	A	a	DT
2	12	regulatory	regulatory	JJ
13	20	element	element	NN
21	23	in	in	IN
24	27	the	the	DT
28	33	human	human	JJ
34	45	interleukin	interleukin	NN
46	47	2	2	CD
48	52	gene	gene	NN
53	61	promoter	promoter	NN
62	64	is	be	VBZ
65	66	a	a	DT
67	74	binding	bind	VBG
75	79	site	site	NN
80	83	for	for	IN
84	87	the	the	DT
88	92	zinc	zinc	NN
93	99	finger	finger	NN
100	108	proteins	protein	NNS
109	112	Sp1	sp1	NN
113	116	and	and	CC
117	122	EGR-1	egr-1	NN
122	123	.	.	.

125	135	Activation	Activation	NNP
136	138	of	of	IN
139	142	the	the	DT
143	154	interleukin	interleukin	NN
155	156	2	2	CD
157	158	(	(	(
158	162	IL-2	il-2	NN
162	163	)	)	)
164	168	gene	gene	NN
169	174	after	after	IN
175	182	antigen	antigen	NN
183	194	recognition	recognition	NN
195	197	is	be	VBZ
198	199	a	a	DT
200	208	critical	critical	JJ
209	214	event	event	NN
215	218	for	for	IN
219	220	T	t	NN
221	225	cell	cell	NN
226	239	proliferation	proliferation	NN
240	243	and	and	CC
244	252	effector	effector	NN
253	261	function	function	NN
261	262	.	.	.

263	268	Prior	prior	JJ
269	276	studies	study	NNS
277	281	have	have	VBP
282	292	identified	identify	VBN
293	300	several	several	JJ
301	314	transcription	transcription	NN
315	322	factors	factor	NNS
323	327	that	that	WDT
328	338	contribute	contribute	VBP
339	341	to	to	TO
342	345	the	the	DT
346	354	activity	activity	NN
355	357	of	of	IN
358	361	the	the	DT
362	366	IL-2	il-2	NN
367	375	promoter	promoter	NN
376	378	in	in	IN
379	389	stimulated	stimulate	VBN
390	391	T	t	NN
392	403	lymphocytes	lymphocyte	NNS
403	404	.	.	.

405	409	Here	here	RB
410	412	we	we	PRP
413	421	describe	describe	VBP
422	423	a	a	DT
424	429	novel	novel	JJ
430	440	regulatory	regulatory	JJ
441	448	element	element	NN
449	455	within	within	IN
456	459	the	the	DT
460	464	IL-2	il-2	NN
465	473	promoter	promoter	NN
474	481	located	located	JJ
482	493	immediately	immediately	RB
494	502	upstream	upstream	RB
503	505	of	of	IN
506	509	the	the	DT
510	517	nuclear	nuclear	JJ
518	524	factor	factor	NN
525	527	of	of	IN
528	537	activated	activate	VBN
538	539	T	t	NN
540	544	cell	cell	NN
545	546	(	(	(
550	551	)	)	)
552	558	domain	domain	NN
558	559	.	.	.

560	564	This	this	DT
565	571	region	region	NN
572	573	(	(	(
573	579	termed	term	VBN
580	583	the	the	DT
584	588	zinc	zinc	NN
589	595	finger	finger	NN
596	603	protein	protein	NN
604	611	binding	binding	NN
612	618	region	region	NN
619	620	(	(	(
620	623	ZIP	ZIP	NNP
623	624	)	)	)
624	625	)	)	)
626	632	serves	serve	VBZ
633	635	as	as	IN
636	643	binding	bind	VBG
644	648	site	site	NN
649	652	for	for	IN
653	656	two	two	CD
657	668	differently	differently	RB
669	678	regulated	regulate	VBN
679	683	zinc	zinc	NN
684	690	finger	finger	NN
691	699	proteins	protein	NNS
699	700	:	:	:
701	704	the	the	DT
705	719	constitutively	constitutively	RB
720	729	expressed	express	VBN
730	743	transcription	transcription	NN
744	750	factor	factor	NN
751	754	Sp1	sp1	NN
755	758	and	and	CC
759	762	the	the	DT
763	772	inducible	inducible	JJ
773	778	early	early	JJ
779	785	growth	growth	NN
786	794	response	response	NN
795	802	protein	protein	NN
803	808	EGR-1	egr-1	NN
808	809	.	.	.

810	812	In	in	IN
813	825	unstimulated	unstimulated	JJ
826	831	cells	cell	NNS
832	837	which	which	WDT
838	840	do	do	VBP
841	844	not	not	RB
845	852	secrete	secrete	VB
853	857	IL-2	il-2	NN
857	858	,	,	,
859	863	only	only	RB
864	867	Sp1	sp1	NN
868	873	binds	bind	VBZ
874	876	to	to	TO
877	881	this	this	DT
882	888	region	region	NN
888	889	,	,	,
890	895	while	while	IN
896	898	in	in	IN
899	909	stimulated	stimulate	VBN
910	914	IL-2	il-2	NN
915	924	secreting	secrete	VBG
925	930	cells	cell	NNS
931	934	the	the	DT
935	944	inducible	inducible	JJ
945	950	EGR-1	egr-1	NN
951	958	protein	protein	NN
959	969	recognizes	recognize	VBZ
970	974	this	this	DT
975	982	element	element	NN
982	983	.	.	.

984	986	In	in	IN
987	993	Jurkat	Jurkat	NNP
994	995	T	t	NN
996	1001	cells	cell	NNS
1001	1002	,	,	,
1003	1006	the	the	DT
1007	1010	ZIP	ZIP	NNP
1011	1015	site	site	NN
1016	1022	serves	serve	VBZ
1023	1025	as	as	IN
1026	1028	an	an	DT
1029	1038	activator	activator	NN
1039	1042	for	for	IN
1043	1047	IL-2	il-2	NN
1048	1052	gene	gene	NN
1053	1063	expression	expression	NN
1063	1064	,	,	,
1065	1068	and	and	CC
1069	1070	a	a	DT
1071	1082	combination	combination	NN
1083	1085	of	of	IN
1086	1089	ZIP	ZIP	NNP
1090	1093	and	and	CC
1094	1098	NFAT	NFAT	NNP
1099	1106	binding	binding	NN
1107	1112	sites	site	NNS
1113	1115	is	be	VBZ
1116	1124	required	require	VBN
1125	1128	for	for	IN
1129	1136	maximal	maximal	JJ
1137	1141	IL-2	il-2	NN
1142	1150	promoter	promoter	NN
1151	1159	activity	activity	NN
1159	1160	.	.	.

1161	1166	These	these	DT
1167	1174	results	result	NNS
1175	1182	suggest	suggest	VBP
1183	1184	a	a	DT
1185	1193	critical	critical	JJ
1194	1198	role	role	NN
1199	1201	of	of	IN
1202	1205	the	the	DT
1206	1209	ZIP	ZIP	NNP
1210	1214	site	site	NN
1215	1218	for	for	IN
1219	1223	IL-2	il-2	NN
1224	1232	promoter	promoter	NN
1233	1241	activity	activity	NN
1241	1242	.	.	.