0	11	Association	Association	NNP
12	14	of	of	IN
15	26	alterations	alteration	NNS
27	29	in	in	IN
30	38	NF-kappa	NF-kappa	NNP
39	40	B	B	NNP
41	49	moieties	moiety	NNS
50	54	with	with	IN
59	63	type	type	NN
64	65	1	1	CD
66	74	proviral	proviral	JJ
75	82	latency	latency	NN
83	85	in	in	IN
86	93	certain	certain	JJ
94	103	monocytic	monocytic	JJ
104	109	cells	cell	NNS
109	110	.	.	.

112	117	Human	human	JJ
118	134	immunodeficiency	immunodeficiency	NN
135	140	virus	virus	NN
141	145	type	type	NN
146	147	1	1	CD
148	149	(	(	(
149	154	HIV-1	HIV-1	NNP
154	155	)	)	)
156	167	replication	replication	NN
168	170	is	be	VBZ
171	181	controlled	control	VBN
182	184	by	by	IN
185	186	a	a	DT
187	194	complex	complex	JJ
195	200	array	array	NN
201	203	of	of	IN
204	211	virally	virally	RB
212	219	encoded	encode	VBN
220	223	and	and	CC
224	232	cellular	cellular	JJ
233	241	proteins	protein	NNS
241	242	.	.	.

243	244	A	a	DT
245	249	wide	wide	JJ
250	258	spectrum	spectrum	NN
259	261	of	of	IN
262	268	levels	level	NNS
269	271	of	of	IN
272	277	HIV-1	HIV-1	NNP
278	288	expression	expression	NN
289	293	have	have	VBP
294	298	been	be	VBN
299	311	demonstrated	demonstrate	VBN
312	314	in	in	IN
315	322	various	various	JJ
323	328	cells	cell	NNS
328	329	,	,	,
330	334	both	both	CC
335	337	in	in	IN
338	342	cell	cell	NN
343	350	culture	culture	NN
351	354	and	and	CC
355	357	in	in	FW
358	362	vivo	vivo	FW
362	363	.	.	.

364	373	Molecular	molecular	JJ
374	384	mechanisms	mechanism	NNS
385	392	leading	lead	VBG
393	395	to	to	TO
396	406	restricted	restricted	JJ
407	412	HIV-1	HIV-1	NNP
413	424	replication	replication	NN
425	428	may	may	MD
429	435	differ	differ	VB
436	443	between	between	IN
444	451	certain	certain	JJ
452	456	cell	cell	NN
457	462	types	type	NNS
462	463	.	.	.

464	466	It	it	PRP
467	469	is	be	VBZ
470	473	now	now	RB
474	486	demonstrated	demonstrate	VBN
487	491	that	that	IN
492	497	HIV-1	HIV-1	NNP
498	506	proviral	proviral	JJ
507	514	latency	latency	NN
515	517	in	in	IN
518	521	the	the	DT
522	531	monocytic	monocytic	JJ
532	536	cell	cell	NN
537	541	line	line	NN
542	544	U1	u1	NN
544	545	,	,	,
546	548	in	in	IN
549	554	which	which	WDT
555	559	only	only	RB
560	569	extremely	extremely	RB
570	573	low	low	JJ
574	580	levels	level	NNS
581	583	of	of	IN
584	589	HIV-1	HIV-1	NNP
590	600	expression	expression	NN
601	604	are	be	VBP
605	613	detected	detect	VBN
614	616	in	in	IN
617	620	the	the	DT
621	629	baseline	baseline	NN
630	642	unstimulated	unstimulated	JJ
643	648	state	state	NN
648	649	,	,	,
650	652	is	be	VBZ
653	663	associated	associate	VBN
664	668	with	with	IN
669	680	alterations	alteration	NNS
681	683	in	in	IN
684	691	nuclear	nuclear	JJ
692	704	factor-kappa	factor-kappa	NN
705	706	B	B	NNP
707	708	(	(	(
708	716	NF-kappa	NF-kappa	NNP
717	718	B	B	NNP
718	719	)	)	)
720	728	moieties	moiety	NNS
729	741	demonstrated	demonstrate	VBD
742	744	in	in	IN
745	750	these	these	DT
751	756	cells	cell	NNS
757	759	by	by	IN
760	775	electrophoretic	electrophoretic	JJ
776	784	mobility	mobility	NN
785	790	shift	shift	NN
791	797	assays	assay	NNS
798	799	(	(	(
799	804	EMSAs	EMSA	NNP
804	805	)	)	)
806	809	and	and	CC
810	812	in	in	FW
813	817	situ	situ	FW
818	820	UV	UV	NNP
821	834	cross-linking	cross-linking	JJ
835	842	studies	study	NNS
842	843	.	.	.

844	845	A	a	DT
846	858	predominance	predominance	NN
859	861	of	of	IN
862	865	p50	p50	NN
866	874	NF-kappa	NF-kappa	NNP
875	876	B	B	NNP
877	885	moieties	moiety	NNS
886	889	and	and	CC
890	898	possibly	possibly	RB
899	902	p50	p50	NN
903	913	homodimers	homodimer	NNS
914	916	or	or	CC
917	924	closely	closely	RB
925	932	related	related	JJ
933	940	species	specie	NNS
940	941	,	,	,
942	948	rather	rather	RB
949	953	than	than	IN
954	957	the	the	DT
958	965	p50-p56	p50-p56	NN
966	977	heterodimer	heterodimer	NN
978	980	of	of	IN
981	989	NF-kappa	NF-kappa	NNP
990	991	B	B	NNP
992	996	that	that	WDT
997	999	is	be	VBZ
1000	1003	the	the	DT
1004	1015	predominant	predominant	JJ
1016	1024	NF-kappa	NF-kappa	NNP
1025	1026	B	B	NNP
1027	1034	species	specie	NNS
1035	1037	in	in	IN
1038	1042	most	most	JJS
1043	1044	T	t	NN
1045	1056	lymphocytic	lymphocytic	JJ
1057	1060	and	and	CC
1061	1070	monocytic	monocytic	JJ
1071	1076	cells	cell	NNS
1076	1077	,	,	,
1078	1080	is	be	VBZ
1081	1093	demonstrated	demonstrate	VBN
1094	1096	in	in	IN
1097	1100	the	the	DT
1101	1107	nuclei	nucleus	NNS
1108	1110	of	of	IN
1111	1113	U1	u1	NN
1114	1119	cells	cell	NNS
1119	1120	.	.	.

1121	1125	This	this	DT
1126	1133	pattern	pattern	NN
1134	1136	of	of	IN
1137	1145	NF-kappa	NF-kappa	NNP
1146	1155	B-related	b-related	JJ
1156	1164	moieties	moiety	NNS
1165	1172	differs	differ	VBZ
1173	1177	from	from	IN
1178	1181	the	the	DT
1182	1190	latently	latently	RB
1191	1199	infected	infected	JJ
1200	1201	T	t	NN
1202	1213	lymphocytic	lymphocytic	JJ
1214	1218	cell	cell	NN
1219	1223	line	line	NN
1224	1229	ACH-2	ach-2	NN
1229	1230	,	,	,
1231	1234	and	and	CC
1235	1239	from	from	IN
1240	1243	the	the	DT
1244	1248	U937	u937	NN
1249	1258	monocytic	monocytic	JJ
1259	1263	line	line	NN
1263	1264	,	,	,
1265	1268	the	the	DT
1269	1277	parental	parental	JJ
1278	1282	cell	cell	NN
1283	1287	line	line	NN
1288	1290	of	of	IN
1291	1294	the	the	DT
1295	1297	U1	u1	NN
1298	1306	cellular	cellular	JJ
1307	1312	clone	clone	NN
1312	1313	.	.	.

1314	1316	As	as	IN
1317	1321	such	such	JJ
1321	1322	,	,	,
1323	1328	these	these	DT
1329	1333	data	datum	NNS
1334	1341	suggest	suggest	VBP
1342	1346	that	that	IN
1347	1356	different	different	JJ
1357	1365	proximal	proximal	JJ
1366	1376	mechanisms	mechanism	NNS
1377	1380	may	may	MD
1381	1385	lead	lead	VB
1386	1388	to	to	TO
1389	1399	restricted	restricted	JJ
1400	1405	HIV-1	HIV-1	NNP
1406	1417	replication	replication	NN
1418	1420	in	in	IN
1421	1428	various	various	JJ
1429	1433	cell	cell	NN
1434	1439	types	type	NNS
1439	1440	.	.	.