4	8	does	do	VBZ
9	12	not	not	RB
13	22	replicate	replicate	VB
23	25	in	in	IN
26	31	naive	naive	JJ
32	35	CD4	cd4	NN
36	37	T	t	NN
38	43	cells	cell	NNS
44	54	stimulated	stimulate	VBN
55	59	with	with	IN
60	68	CD3/CD28	cd3/cd28	NN
68	69	.	.	.

71	73	In	in	IN
74	78	this	this	DT
79	85	report	report	NN
85	86	,	,	,
87	89	we	we	PRP
90	101	demonstrate	demonstrate	VBP
102	106	that	that	IN
107	110	the	the	DT
111	112	T	t	NN
113	117	cell	cell	NN
118	124	tropic	tropic	JJ
125	131	strain	strain	NN
132	134	of	of	IN
135	138	HIV	HIV	NNP
138	139	,	,	,
140	143	LAI	LAI	NNP
143	144	,	,	,
145	149	does	do	VBZ
150	153	not	not	RB
154	163	replicate	replicate	VB
164	166	in	in	IN
167	172	naive	naive	JJ
173	176	CD4	cd4	NN
177	178	T	t	NN
179	184	cells	cell	NNS
185	195	stimulated	stimulate	VBN
196	198	by	by	IN
199	212	cross-linking	cross-linking	JJ
213	216	CD3	cd3	NN
217	220	and	and	CC
221	225	CD28	cd28	NN
225	226	.	.	.

227	229	In	in	IN
230	238	contrast	contrast	NN
238	239	,	,	,
240	243	LAI	LAI	NNP
244	254	replicates	replicate	VBZ
255	259	well	well	RB
260	262	in	in	IN
263	269	memory	memory	NN
270	273	CD4	cd4	NN
274	275	T	t	NN
276	281	cells	cell	NNS
282	292	stimulated	stimulate	VBN
293	295	in	in	IN
296	299	the	the	DT
300	304	same	same	JJ
305	308	way	way	NN
308	309	.	.	.

310	316	Unlike	unlike	IN
317	321	this	this	DT
322	337	physiologically	physiologically	RB
338	346	relevant	relevant	JJ
347	358	stimulation	stimulation	NN
358	359	,	,	,
360	363	PHA	PHA	NNP
364	374	stimulates	stimulate	VBZ
375	385	productive	productive	JJ
386	389	LAI	LAI	NNP
390	401	replication	replication	NN
402	404	in	in	IN
405	409	both	both	CC
410	415	naive	naive	JJ
416	419	and	and	CC
420	426	memory	memory	NN
427	428	T	t	NN
429	434	cells	cell	NNS
434	435	.	.	.

436	441	These	these	DT
442	449	studies	study	NNS
450	454	were	be	VBD
455	464	conducted	conduct	VBN
465	469	with	with	IN
470	476	highly	highly	RB
477	485	purified	purify	VBN
486	487	(	(	(
487	500	FACS-isolated	facs-isolated	JJ
500	501	)	)	)
502	509	subsets	subset	NNS
510	512	of	of	IN
513	516	CD4	cd4	NN
517	518	T	t	NN
519	524	cells	cell	NNS
525	535	identified	identify	VBN
536	538	by	by	IN
539	549	expression	expression	NN
550	552	of	of	IN
553	557	both	both	CC
558	564	CD45RA	CD45RA	NNP
565	568	and	and	CC
569	575	CD62L.	CD62L.	NNP
576	584	Remixing	Remixing	NNP
585	587	of	of	IN
588	596	purified	purify	VBN
597	598	T	t	NN
599	604	cells	cell	NNS
605	611	showed	show	VBD
612	616	that	that	IN
617	622	naive	naive	JJ
623	624	T	t	NN
625	630	cells	cell	NNS
631	633	do	do	VBP
634	637	not	not	RB
638	646	suppress	suppress	VB
647	650	LAI	LAI	NNP
651	662	replication	replication	NN
663	665	in	in	IN
666	672	memory	memory	NN
673	674	T	t	NN
675	680	cells	cell	NNS
681	684	and	and	CC
685	689	that	that	IN
690	696	memory	memory	NN
697	698	T	t	NN
699	704	cells	cell	NNS
705	707	do	do	VBP
708	711	not	not	RB
712	719	restore	restore	VB
720	723	LAI	LAI	NNP
724	734	expression	expression	NN
735	737	in	in	IN
738	743	naive	naive	JJ
744	745	T	t	NN
746	751	cells	cell	NNS
751	752	.	.	.

753	756	The	the	DT
757	768	suppression	suppression	NN
769	771	of	of	IN
772	782	productive	productive	JJ
783	786	LAI	LAI	NNP
787	798	replication	replication	NN
799	801	in	in	IN
802	807	naive	naive	JJ
808	809	T	t	NN
810	815	cells	cell	NNS
816	818	is	be	VBZ
819	822	not	not	RB
823	826	due	due	JJ
827	829	to	to	TO
830	842	differential	differential	JJ
843	853	expression	expression	NN
854	856	of	of	IN
857	862	viral	viral	JJ
863	874	coreceptors	coreceptor	NNS
874	875	,	,	,
876	879	nor	nor	CC
880	882	is	be	VBZ
883	885	it	it	PRP
886	889	due	due	JJ
890	892	to	to	TO
893	903	inhibition	inhibition	NN
904	906	of	of	IN
907	917	activation	activation	NN
918	920	of	of	IN
921	924	the	the	DT
925	934	important	important	JJ
935	938	HIV	HIV	NNP
939	952	transcription	transcription	NN
953	960	factors	factor	NNS
960	961	,	,	,
962	969	nuclear	nuclear	JJ
970	983	factor-kappaB	factor-kappab	NN
984	987	and	and	CC
988	997	activator	activator	NN
998	1007	protein-1	protein-1	NN
1007	1008	.	.	.

1009	1012	The	the	DT
1013	1021	inherent	inherent	JJ
1022	1032	resistance	resistance	NN
1033	1035	of	of	IN
1036	1041	naive	naive	JJ
1042	1043	T	t	NN
1044	1049	cells	cell	NNS
1050	1052	to	to	TO
1053	1063	productive	productive	JJ
1064	1067	HIV	HIV	NNP
1068	1077	infection	infection	NN
1077	1078	,	,	,
1079	1086	coupled	couple	VBN
1087	1091	with	with	IN
1092	1097	their	their	PRP$
1098	1111	proliferative	proliferative	JJ
1112	1121	advantage	advantage	NN
1122	1124	as	as	IN
1125	1137	demonstrated	demonstrate	VBN
1138	1142	here	here	RB
1142	1143	,	,	,
1144	1152	provides	provide	VBZ
1153	1154	a	a	DT
1155	1160	sound	sound	JJ
1161	1166	basis	basis	NN
1167	1170	for	for	IN
1171	1179	proposed	propose	VBN
1180	1188	clinical	clinical	JJ
1189	1198	therapies	therapy	NNS
1199	1204	using	use	VBG
1205	1207	ex	ex	FW
1208	1212	vivo	vivo	FW
1213	1222	expansion	expansion	NN
1223	1226	and	and	CC
1227	1237	reinfusion	reinfusion	NN
1238	1240	of	of	IN
1241	1244	CD4	cd4	NN
1245	1246	T	t	NN
1247	1252	cells	cell	NNS
1253	1257	from	from	IN
1258	1270	HIV-infected	hiv-infected	JJ
1271	1277	adults	adult	NNS
1277	1278	.	.	.