;; DPF 2013-06-21 (with oe) - The feature --DT is the bundle of properties ;; related to DT dependency annotation, passed in from the +HD attribute on ;; tokens, and passed up through constructions from one distinguished daughter ;; (treated in such annotations as the sometimes arbitrarily assigned ;; 'dependency head' of each phrase) to the mother. cat_min1 :+ [ --DT token_head ]. basic_word :+ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT #dt, TOKENS.+LAST.+TRAIT.+HD #dt ]. basic_root_synsem :+ [ LOCAL.CAT.--DT.+LL.-CTYPE- "ROOT" ]. ;; The following constraints determine which daughter in a ;; construction will be treated as the `head' for the purposes of ;; projecting bilexical dependencies in a derivation tree. Unary ;; syntactic constructions and all lexical rules trivially point to ;; the single daughter. Binary headed phrases point to the head ;; daughter, and other binary phrases record a sometimes arbitrary ;; decision. ;; Unary phrases basic_unary_phrase :+ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT #dt, ARGS.FIRST.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT #dt ]. ;; Lexical rules lex_rule_supermost :+ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT #dt, ARGS.FIRST.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT #dt ]. ;;; Binary headed phrases basic_binary_headed_phrase :+ [ HD-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT.+TI #ti, NH-DTR sign & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT [ +LL #ctype, +TG #ti ] ], RNAME #ctype ]. dt_head_first_phrase := phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT #dt, ARGS < [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT #dt & [ +TI #ti ] ], [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT [ +LL #ctype, +TG #ti ] ] >, RNAME #ctype ]. dt_head_final_phrase := phrase & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT #dt, ARGS < [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT [ +LL #ctype, +TG #ti ] ], [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT #dt & [ +TI #ti ] ] >, RNAME #ctype ]. basic_head_initial :+ dt_head_first_phrase. basic_head_marker_phrase :+ dt_head_first_phrase. head_final :+ dt_head_final_phrase. adj_head_inv_phrase :+ dt_head_final_phrase. ;; Non-headed phrase types np_pred_phr :+ dt_head_final_phrase. basic_n_v-or-adj_cmpnd_phr :+ dt_head_final_phrase. measure_np_phrase :+ dt_head_final_phrase. measure_np_symbol_phrase :+ dt_head_first_phrase. num_noun_sequence_phrase :+ dt_head_first_phrase. fw_sequence_left_phrase :+ dt_head_first_phrase. fw_sequence_right_phrase :+ dt_head_first_phrase. basic_coord_phr :+ dt_head_first_phrase. adj_noun_coord_rule :+ dt_head_first_phrase. noun_adj_coord_rule :+ dt_head_final_phrase. filler_head_rule_rel :+ dt_head_final_phrase. basic_run_on_np_rule :+ dt_head_first_phrase. np_s_phrase :+ dt_head_final_phrase. binary_left_frag_rule :+ dt_head_first_phrase. frag_l_mod_np_rule :+ dt_head_final_phrase. frag_l_mod_pp_rule :+ dt_head_final_phrase. basic_frag_r_mod_np_rule :+ dt_head_first_phrase. frag_r_mod_nbar_rule :+ dt_head_first_phrase. frag_r_mod_scop_pp_rule :+ dt_head_first_phrase. frag_r_mod_ap_rule :+ dt_head_first_phrase. basic_conj_red_c_c_rule :+ dt_head_first_phrase. basic_conj_red_x_m_rule :+ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT #dt, ARGS < [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT #dt & [ +TI #ti ] ], [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT [ +LL #ctype, +TG #ti ] ], [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT [ +LL #ctype, +TG #ti ] ], [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT [ +LL #ctype, +TG #ti ] ] >, RNAME #ctype ]. basic_conj_nov_subj_rule :+ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT #dt, ARGS < [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT #dt & [ +TI #ti ] ], [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT [ +LL #ctype, +TG #ti ] ], [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT [ +LL #ctype, +TG #ti ] ], [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.--DT [ +LL #ctype, +TG #ti ] ] >, RNAME #ctype ].