the cat ⌊↔¦sb-hd¦25⌋ saw runs.

they re-hired her.

2 1/2 chairs arrive.
The 2 1/2-year chair arrived.
My 2–3 1/2 chairs arrived.

The $20-a-share chairs arrived.
2–3 billion chairs arrived.

The over-the-counter chair arrived.
The year-ago chair arrived.
The over-the-counter chair arrived.
The get-out-the-vote chair arrived.
The Dow Jones arrived.
The Dow Jones arrived.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose.
⌊(⌋ ⌊(⌋ the chairs ⌊)⌋ arrived. ⌊)⌋
She met the ⌊(⌋cat in the hotel.⌊)⌋
She met the ⌊(⌋cat in the hotel⌊)⌋.
She met ⌊(⌋the cat in the hotel.⌊)⌋
She ⌊(⌋met the cat in the hotel.⌊)⌋
⌊(⌋She met the cat in the hotel.⌊)⌋

the ⌊↔¦sb-hd¦21⌋ cat saw runs.
the cat ⌊↔¦sb-hd¦25⌋ saw runs.
the cat ⌊↔¦sb-hd¦21⌋ saw runs.

snow-covered cats jumped.
⌊(⌋ rice children ⌊)⌋ eat.
rice children eat.
⌊(⌋ rice children ⌊)⌋ eat.
⌊(⌋ ⌊(⌋ the chairs ⌊)⌋ arrived. ⌊)⌋
the chairs arrived.
the ⌊(⌋ chairs arrived. ⌊)⌋
The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose.