;;; -*- Mode: tdl; Coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-

;;; Copyright (c) 2009 -- 2013 Stephan Oepen (oe@ifi.uio.no);
;;; copyright (c) 2009 -- 2013 Dan Flickinger (danf@stanford.edu);
;;; see `LICENSE' for conditions.

;;; upon completion of `lexical parsing' (i.e. application of lexical rules
;;; until a fix-point is reached), we can now filter lexical entries.  there is
;;; little point attempting to do that earlier (as PET used to in its original
;;; `-default-les' mode, where generics were only activated where there seemed
;;; to be `gaps' in the _initial_ lexical chart, i.e. after lexical lookup).
;;; the main problem in this approach is the interaction with orthographemics:
;;; in the initial lexical chart, there will be an edge analysing |UPS| as the
;;; plural or 3sg present tense form of the preposition |up|.  it is only once
;;; lexical rules have been processed that we know such hypotheses have turned
;;; out invalid.  thus, lexical filtering rules below operate on lexical edges,
;;; lexical entries that have gone through any number of lexical rules, i.e.
;;; everything that would ordinarily feed into syntactic rules.
;;; initially, our strategy is conservative: whenever there is a native entry,
;;; purge all generic entries in the same chart cell, unless there is a good
;;; reason to keep some.  for now, only capitalization is considered a reason,
;;; and even there (i.e. for generic names), certain types of native entries
;;; will filter.
;;; both on tokens and signs, the `native' vs. `generic' distinction is made in
;;; ONSET values: `con_or_voc' vs. `unk_onset'.

;; throw out generic whenever a native entry is available, unless the token is
;; a named entity (which now includes names activated because of mixed case or
;; non-sentence-initial capitalization).
generic_non_ne+native_lfr := lexical_filtering_rule &
[ +CONTEXT < [ SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET con_or_voc ] >,
  +INPUT < [ SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET unk_onset, ORTH.CLASS non_ne ] >,
  +OUTPUT < >,
  +POSITION "I1@C1" ].

;; a native name, however, should suppress generic names, even NE ones.  this
;; is restricted to singular native names, since otherwise we get unwanted 
;; blocking for acronyms like |EDS|, given the native name |Ed|.
;; DPF 04-sept-09 - But we do want blocking for inherent plural proper names
;; like |Giants|.  So on balance, it seems better to try manually listing
;; the |EDS| instances, and make the blocking more aggressive.
;; DPF 2012-09-18 - Hmm, this aggressive blocking also prevents e.g. 
;; |the Four Roses bourbon| since there is already the proper name |Rose|.
;; We can of course continue down the road of reducing the inventory of 
;; manually listed proper names in the lexicon, which helps, but maybe there
;; is a more robust solution.
proper_ne+name_lfr := lexical_filtering_rule &
[ +CONTEXT < [ SYNSEM [ PHON.ONSET con_or_voc,
                        LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD noun,
                                CONJ cnil ],
                        LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED abstr_named_rel ] ] >,
  +INPUT < [ SYNSEM [ PHON.ONSET unk_onset,
                      LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED named_rel ] ] >,
  +OUTPUT  < >,
  +POSITION "I1@C1" ].

;; mass nouns (both native and generic) also suppress generic names, even 
;; NE ones.  this reflects what dan calls the `tyranny of mass nouns', i.e. 
;; the assumptions that there are no syntactic contexts where a proper name 
;; would be needed for coverage (thus glossing over differences in the 
;; associated semantics, for improved parsing efficiency).
;; DPF 2011-10-23 - Unfortunately, this assumption is false, for example 
;; with titles, as in |Ms. Rice disappeared.|  So let's try doing without
;; this filtering rule, and see if we can cope with the increased but
;; genuine ambiguity.
mass_noun+name_lfr := lexical_filtering_rule &
                                AGR [ PNG.PN 3s,
                                      IND - ] ] ] ] >,
  +INPUT < [ SYNSEM [ PHON.ONSET unk_onset,
                      LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED named_rel ] ] >,
  +OUTPUT  < >,
  +POSITION "I1@C1" ].

;; avoid analyzing currency symbols (like |US$|), which appear capitalized, as
;; generic names
;; DPF 2012-04-17 - The tokenizer is now separating the symbol from the
;; preceding upper-case in e.g. |US$|, so this rule is no longer needed, and
;; anyway it was misfiring on e.g. |Oprah Network| unless the +TRAIT constraint
;; was added.  So comment out.
;; _fix_me_
;; we are currently getting duplicate analyses for |the USD arrived|, so maybe
;; try to refine this rule appropriately and reenable it?      (31-oct-12; oe)
currency+name_lfr := lexical_filtering_rule &
[ +CONTEXT < [ SYNSEM [ PHON.ONSET con_or_voc,
                        LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun & 
                                       [ MINORS.MIN mnp_symb_rel ] ],
               TOKENS.FIRST.+TRAIT native_trait ] >,
  +INPUT < [ SYNSEM [ PHON.ONSET unk_onset,
                      LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED named_rel ] ] >,
  +OUTPUT  < >,
  +POSITION "I1@C1" ].

;; discard generic names (even NE ones) for |I|, a pronoun that is standardly
;; capitalized.
proper_ne+pronoun_lfr := lexical_filtering_rule &
[ +CONTEXT < [ SYNSEM [ PHON.ONSET con_or_voc,
                        LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD noun & [ CASE nom ],
                                AGR.PNG.PN 1s,
                                CONJ cnil ],
                        LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED pron_rel ] ] >,
  +INPUT < [ SYNSEM [ PHON.ONSET unk_onset,
                      LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED named_rel ] ] >,
  +OUTPUT  < >,
  +POSITION "I1@C1" ].

;; a named entity corresponding to a name kills a PoS-activated generic name
;; (singular only, to avoid discarding a plural name given the presence of a 
;; singular named entity), unless that is a named entity itself.
;; DPF 2012-03-09 - Changed this from stamping singular on input to instead
;; requiring a match of PN value, since we still want to filter a plural
;; POS-activated proper given a plural named-entity proper.
generic_name+ne_name_lfr := lexical_filtering_rule &
[ +CONTEXT < [ SYNSEM [ PHON.ONSET unk_onset,
                        LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN #pn ],
               ORTH.CLASS named_entity ] >,
  +INPUT < [ SYNSEM [ PHON.ONSET unk_onset,
                      LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN #pn,
                      LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED named_rel ],
             ORTH.CLASS non_ne ] >,
  +OUTPUT < >,
  +POSITION "I1@C1" ].

;; generic entries followed by punctuation will typically admit two readings,
;; one of them including the punctuation marks as part of the generic, as e.g.
;; in (sentence-final) |oe@yy.com.|  these are rarely (if ever) desirable, so
;; delete edges whose tokens bear final punctuation if they have not undergone
;; punctuation affixation rule(s).  and likewise for prefixing punctuation.
;; DPF 2010-11-08 - Excluded forms such as |C.J.| from being stripped of
;; the final period, since we want |C.J. Crupp| while still avoiding
;; generation of |Kim. Abrams|.
generic_right_punct_lfr := lexical_filtering_rule &
[ +CONTEXT < >,
  +INPUT < [ ORTH [ CLASS regular_class, FORM ^[^.]+[^.][])}”",;.!?-]$ ],
             SYNSEM [ PHON.ONSET unk_onset,
                      PUNCT.RPUNCT no_punct ] ] >,
  +OUTPUT < > ].

generic_left_punct_lfr := lexical_filtering_rule &
[ +CONTEXT < >,
  +INPUT < [ ORTH [ CLASS regular_class, FORM ^[[({“‘].+$ ],
             SYNSEM [ PHON.ONSET unk_onset,
                      PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] ] >,
  +OUTPUT < > ].