[5001a] +På is og snø [5001b] +On ice and snow [5001c] +On Ice and Snow [5001d] +On Snow and Ice [5002a] +Breføring [5002b] +Glacier guiding [5002c] +Glacier Hiking [5002d] +Glacier-Walking [5003a] Selv om du ikke har gått på brekurs eller er sammen med noen som har de nødvendige kunnskaper om sikker ferdsel på bre, kan du oppleve brevandring. [5003b] Even if you haven't taken a glacier course or don't hike with someone who has the relevant skills in safe glacier techniques, you can experience glacier hiking. [5003c] Even if you have not completed a glacier hiking course or are not with someone who has the necessary knowledge about movement on glacier ice, you can still experience glacier hiking. [5003d] Even if you have never attended a glacier course and are not traveling with someone who has the necessary knowledge of safe glacier-walking, you can give it a try if you join one of the guided trips that are offered on some Jotunheimen glaciers in the summer. [5004a] I sommersesongen går det førere over enkelte breer i Jotunheimen. [5004b] In the summer, guides go on some glaciers in the Jotunheimen. [5004c] During the summer season there are guided trips across certain glaciers in Jotunheimen. [5004d] Even if you have never attended a glacier course and are not traveling with someone who has the necessary knowledge of safe glacier-walking, you can give it a try if you join one of the guided trips that are offered on some Jotunheimen glaciers in the summer. [5005a] Innenfor den delen av Jotunheimen som dette heftet beskriver, er det føring i Svellnosbreen fra Spiterstulen og Veobreen fra Glitterheim. [5005b] Within the part of the Jotunheimen described in this brochure, there's guiding on Svellnosbreen from Spiterstulen and Veobreen from Glitterheim. [5005c] Inside the area of Jotunheimen that is described in this pamphlet, there are guided trips on the Svellnosbreen glacier from Spiterstulen and on the Veobreen out of Glitterheim. [5005d] Within the area covered by this booklet there are guides for Svellnosbreen from Spiterstulen and for Veobreen from Glitterheim, where DNT OA also offers courses every summer. [5006a] Der arrangerer forresten også DNT OA brekurs hver sommer, det bør du være med på om du får lyst til å lære mer om sikker ferdsel på bre. [5006b] Besides, DNT OA arranges a glacier course every summer; you should join it if you wish to learn more about safe glacier techniques. [5006c] Here DNT OA also arranges glacier hiking courses each summer; you should sign up for this if you want to learn more about safe movement on glacier ice. [5006d] These are recommended for learning more about traversing glaciers safely. [5007a] *+
[5007b] *+
[5007c] *+
[5007d] *+
[5008a] +Skiturer i Jotunheimen [5008b] +Ski tours in the Jotunheimen [5008c] +Skiing Trips in Jotunheimen [5008d] +Ski trips in Jotunheimen [5009a] Sommeren i Jotunheimen kan være et eventyr, men det er slett ikke noe dårlig sted å besøke om vinteren heller. [5009b] Summer in the Jotunheimen can be an adventure, but it's not a bad place to visit in winter either. [5009c] Summer in Jotunheimen can be fairy tale-like, but it is certainly not a bad place to visit in the winter, either. [5009d] The summer in Jotunheimen may be wonderful, but it is a pretty good place to visit in the winter, too. [5010a] Skiturer i høyfjellet krever større forberedelser og kunnskaper enn fotturer, men med riktig utstyr og fornuftig oppførsel er det ingen heksekunst å gå fra hytte til hytte i vinterfjellet. [5010b] Ski tours in the high mountains require more preparations and abilities than hikes, but with the right gear and common sense, it's easy to go from lodge to lodge in the winter mountains. [5010c] Skiing trips in the high mountains require greater preparations and skills than hiking trips, but with the correct equipment and sensible behavior, it is not difficult to go from lodge to lodge in the wintertime. [5010d] Ski trips in the mountains require more preparation and skills than hiking, but with the right kind of equipment and use of common sense it is perfectly possible to go hut to hut in the winter. [5011a] Det er selvfølgelig også mulig å bo på hyttene og gå dagsturer om vinteren også. [5011b] It's of course also possible to stay at lodges and take day trips in the wintertime. [5011c] It is of course possible to stay in the lodges and take day trips during winter, as well. [5011d] It is also possible to stay at a hut and make day trips in the winter. [5012a] I denne delen av Jotunheimen blir det merket følgende ruter i påskefjellet: [5012b] In this part of the Jotunheimen, the following routes are marked in the Easter mountains: [5012c] In this part of Jotunheimen, the following routes are marked in the mountains during Easter vacation: [5012d] In this part of Jotunheimen the following trails are marked at Easter time: [5013a] +Gjendesheim/Bessheim - Glitterheim, Glitterheim - Spiterstulen, Spiterstulen - Leirvassbu, Leirvassbu - Gjendebu, Gjendebu - Memurubu, Memurubu - Gjendesheim, Memurubu - Glitterheim, Bessheim - Sikkilsdalsseter, Gjendesheim - Oskampen. [5013b] +Gjendesheim/Bessheim - Glitterheim, Glitterheim - Spiterstulen, Spiterstulen - Leirvassbu, Leirvassbu - Gjendebu, Gjendebu - Memurubu, Memurubu - Gjendesheim, Memurubu - Glitterheim, Bessheim - Sikkilsdalsseter, Gjendesheim - Oskampen [5013c] +Gjendesheim/Bessheim - Glitterheim, Glitterheim - Spiterstulen, Spiterstulen - Leirvassbu, Leirvassbu - Gjendebu, Gjendebu - Memurubu, Memurubu - Gjendesheim, Memurubu - Glitterheim, Bessheim - Sikkilsdalsseter, Gjendesheim - Oskampen. [5013d] +Gjendesheim/Bessheim - Glitterheim, Glitterheim - Spiterstulen, Spiterstulen - Leirvassbu, Leirvassbu - Gjendebu, Gjendebu - Memurubu, Memurubu - Gjendesheim, Memurubu - Glitterheim, Bessheim - Sikkilsdalsseter, Gjendesheim - Oskampen. [5014a] For ytterligere detaljer vises det til informasjon fra DNT før hver vintersesong og boka «På ski i fjellet» utgitt av Turistforeningen i 1991. [5014b] For further details, see the information from DNT for each winter season and the book "På ski i fjellet", published by the Touring Association in 1991. [5014c] For further details, we invite you to consult information from DNT before each winter season, and the book «På ski i fjellet» published by the Tourist Association in 1991. [5014d] DNT has further information. [5015a] *+
[5015b] *+
[5015c] *+
[5015d] *+
[5016a] +Utstyr for fotturer [5016b] +Hiking gear [5016c] +Equipment for Hiking [5016d] +Hiking Equipment [5017a] Været i fjellet er lunefullt og skiftende, derfor handler det om å være forberedt på det meste. [5017b] Mountain weather is unpredictable and changing; consequently it's best to be prepared for the worst. [5017c] The weather in the mountains is capricious and changing, so it is a question of being prepared for most eventualities. [5017d] Mountain weather is subject to sudden change, so it is necessary to prepare for any eventuality. [5018a] Regnvær og vind må man «regne» med, og selv en sommerdag kan det snø. [5018b] You should expect rain and wind, and even of a summer day, it can snow. [5018c] Rain and wind are something one can «count on», and even on a summer day, it may snow. [5018d] Rain and wind should be expected, and even a summer day may bring snow. [5019a] Det er derfor alltid nødvendig å ha med et varmt skift og skikkelige vann- og vindtette plagg når du skal på lengre turer i høyfjellet. [5019b] So it's always necessary to take along warm clothes and good water-repellent and windproof garments whenever you intend to go on longer hikes in the high mountains. [5019c] Therefore it is always necessary to take along a change of warm clothing and potable water - as well as a windbreaker when you are planning to make a lengthy trip in the high mountains. [5019d] So you need to carry a dry change of clothes and adequately waterproof and windproof outerwear on your mountain hikes. [5020a] Og ikke minst noe skikkelig å ha på føttene. [5020b] And not least something decent to have on your feet. [5020c] And high quality footwear is a must. [5020d] You also need proper footwear. [5021a] Godt fottøy er halve turen. [5021b] Good footwear is half the hike. [5021c] Good footwear is half the trip. [5021d] Good boots are essential. [5022a] Sommerstid er sannsynligvis egnet fottøy det viktigste du har på deg i fjellet, og det er lurt å legge en del omtanke i valg av støvler. [5022b] In the summer, suitable footwear probably is the most important item you wear in the mountains, so it's sensible to carefully consider your choice of boots. [5022c] During the summertime, appropriate footwear is probably the single most important item you must take with you into the mountains, and it is advisable to consider carefully when choosing hiking boots. [5022d] In the summer they are probably your most important equipment, so choose them with care. [5023a] For de aller fleste er det fornuftig å satse på skikkelige lærstøvler, særlig i såpass krevende terreng som i Jotunheimen. [5023b] For most people, it's best to rely on decent leather boots, particularly in as demanding terrain as in the Jotunheimen. [5023c] For most people, it is wise to choose sturdy leather boots, especially in the kind of challenging terrain one finds in Jotunheimen. [5023d] For most of us sturdy leather boots will be the best choice, especially in the demanding terrain of Jotunheimen. [5024a] Gode støvler gir støtte for beina og god friksjon mot underlaget. [5024b] Good boots provide support for your legs and good grip on the ground. [5024c] Good boots provide support for the legs and good friction against the ground. [5024d] Good boots support your legs and provide the necessary traction. [5025a] De holder deg ganske tørr både for fuktighet utenfra og svette innenfra, og trenger ikke være spesielt tunge. [5025b] They keep your feet relatively dry, both from moisture from the outside and sweat from the inside, and need not be particularly heavy. [5025c] They will keep you dry, both from moisture from the outside and perspiration inside, and they do not have to be especially heavy. [5025d] They keep you reasonably dry from both outside moisture and inside perspiration, and they can be fairly lightweight. [5026a] Når du vet at turen stort sett kommer til å gå i svært vått terreng, kan gummistøvler være et naturlig valg av fottøy om du har sterke bein. [5026b] When you know that the tour will mostly go in very wet terrain, rubber boots can be a natural choice of footgear, provided you have strong legs. [5026c] If you know that the trip generally will run through very wet terrain, rubber boots may be the natural choice of footwear, providing you have strong legs. [5026d] If most of the hike will be in soggy terrain, rubber boots may be preferable for hikers with sturdy legs. [5027a] Det er også noen som bruker joggesko på fjellturen uansett vær. [5027b] There also are those who wear jogging shoes on mountain hikes, regardless of the weather. [5027c] There are also those who use running shoes on mountain hikes, regardless of weather. [5027d] Some people use jogging shoes for hiking under any conditions, even if the trail is wet and the footing tricky. [5028a] Selv om løypa de skal gå ikke er særlig tørr, eller terrenget spesielt lett å gå, velger de joggesko. [5028b] Even though the track they will walk isn't particularly dry or the terrain especially easy to walk, they choose jogging shoes. [5028c] Even though the course they plan to take is not especially dry, or the terrain is not particularly easy to hike, they choose sneakers. [5028d] This option may suit you if your legs are formidable and your feet thrive in dampness. [5029a] Har du styrke i beina og ikke er redd for å gå våt hele dagen, kan selvfølgelig dette være en løsning. [5029b] If you have strong legs and aren't reluctant to walk wet the whole day, of course that may be a solution. [5029c] If you have strong legs and are not afraid of hiking around with wet feet all day long, this of course is a choice you can make. [5029d] [5030a] Som med mye annet fjellutstyr handler også fottøyet om å finne fram til et kompromiss som passer deg og dine behov. [5030b] As with most other mountain equipment, with footwear you must find the compromise that suits you and your needs. [5030c] As with other mountain equipment, footwear also entails finding something that suits you and meets your needs. [5030d] As with any other mountain gear, the choice is yours when looking for something that is right and comfortable for you. [5031a] Hvis du må skaffe deg nye støvler før fjellturen, er det lurt å ha prøvd dem skikkelig på forhånd. [5031b] If you must buy new boots for a mountain tour, it's smart to have tried them out well in advance. [5031c] If you need to buy new boots before the trek, it is wise to have broken them in beforehand. [5031d] If you need a new pair of boots for your hike, it pays to break them in a bit before takeoff. [5032a] Bortsett fra støvler er det imidlertid ikke nødvendig å anskaffe seg dyrt spesialutstyr for å gå på tur i sommerfjellet. [5032b] Apart from boots, it is, however, not necessary to buy expensive, special equipment for summer hiking in the mountains. [5032c] Except for boots, it is not necessary to buy expensive special equipment to go hiking in the mountains during the summer. [5032d] Apart from boots it is unnecessary to invest in expensive equipment for your summer hike. [5033a] De fleste har gjerne ullundertøy, en solid skjorte, en turbukse og en varm genser fra før. [5033b] Most people already have wool underwear, a heavy shirt, hiking pants and a warm sweater. [5033c] Most people take along wool undergarments, a thick shirt, hiking trousers and a warm sweater that they already own. [5033d] Most people already have some wool underwear, a durable shirt, a pair of hiking pants and a warm sweater. [5034a] Regntøy og en turjakke er også noe som finnes i de fleste garderobeskap. [5034b] Rainwear and a weatherbreaker jacket are also found in most wardrobes. [5034c] Rain clothes and a hiking jacket are also things found in most wardrobe closets. [5034d] Raingear and a windbreaker are also pretty standard clothing. [5035a] Har du i tillegg med deg en varm lue og et par votter, er du godt forberedt på de fleste værtyper (se for øvrig utstyrslista). [5035b] If you also take along a warm cap and a pair of gloves, you are well prepared for most types of weather (moreover, see the equipment list). [5035c] If you bring along a warm cap and a pair of mittens in addition, then you are well prepared for most types of weather (see the list of equipment below). [5035d] If you add a warm cap and a pair of mittens, you are in good shape for most types of weather (see also the equipment list). [5036a] DNT har testet en rekke typer fjellutstyr og kan gi ytterligere råd hvis det er noe du lurer på. [5036b] DNT has tested several types of mountain gear and can give you further advice if there is anything you want to know. [5036c] DNT has tested a number of types of mountain gear and can offer additional advice if you need to inquire. [5036d] DNT has tested a lot of mountain gear and can provide additional advice if needed. [5037a] *+
[5037b] *+
[5037c] *+
[5037d] *+
[5038a] +Utstyrsliste for sommerturer med overnatting i hytter [5038b] +Equipment list for summer hikes with nights in lodges [5038c] +List of Equipment for Summer Hiking Including Overnight Stays in Lodges [5038d] +List of Equipment for Summer Hikes When Staying in Huts [5039a] Lista er laget av Turistforeningen ut fra lang erfaring med hva det generelt er fornuftig å ha på og med seg i fjellet en sommerdag. [5039b] The list has been compiled by the Touring Association on the basis of long experience on what's generally sensible to have on and with you in the mountains on a summer day. [5039c] This list has been compiled by the Tourist Association based on broad experience regarding what is sensible to take with you into the mountains on a summer day. [5039d] This list has been prepared by DNT based on long experience and knowledge of what is needed for a summer mountain hike. [5040a] Er det varmt i været, skal du ha mer i sekken, blir det kaldere, har du mer på deg. [5040b] If the weather's warm, you will have more in your pack; if it's colder, you'll wear more. [5040c] If the weather is warm, you'll carry more with you in your rucksack; if it is colder, you will wear more on your body. [5040d] In warm weather more of it will be in your pack; if it turns cold, more will be on you. [5041a] *+
[5041b] *+
[5041c] *+
[5041d] *+
[5042a] +Påkledning: [5042b] +Clothing [5042c] +Clothing: [5042d] +Clothing: [5043a] +Truse [5043b] +Underpants [5043c] +Underpants [5043d] +Panties/boxer shorts/briefs [5044a] +Undertrøye, kort- eller langermet (i ull eller annet materiale egnet for fjellet) [5044b] +Undershirt, short or long armed (of wool or another material suitable for the mountains) [5044c] +Undershirt, short-sleeved or long-sleeved (wool or other suitable fabric for the mountains) [5044d] +Wool or thermal undershirt, long or short sleeve [5045a] +Skjorte eller tynn genser [5045b] +Shirt or light sweater [5045c] +Shirt or thin sweater [5045d] +Shirt or thin sweater [5046a] +Bukse eller nikkers i bomull (eller tilsvarende) [5046b] +Pants or knickers of cotton (or similar material) [5046c] +Trousers or knickers (wool or equivalent) [5046d] +Pants or knickers, cotton or comparable material [5047a] +Ullsokker [5047b] +Wool socks [5047c] +Wool socks [5047d] +Wool socks, heavy and light [5048a] +Ullstrømper [5048b] +Long wool stockings [5048c] +Wool stockings [5048d] +Wool socks, heavy and light [5049a] +Støvler [5049b] +Boots [5049c] +Boots [5049d] +Boots [5050a] *+
[5050b] *+
[5050c] *+
[5050d] [5051a] +I sekk eller lommer: [5051b] +In your pack or pockets: [5051c] +In your rucksack or pockets: [5051d] +In Pack or Pockets: [5052a] +Anorakk/vindjakke [5052b] +Anorak/wind jacket [5052c] +Anorak/windbreaker [5052d] +Windbreaker [5053a] +Vindbukse [5053b] +Wind pants [5053c] +Windproof pants [5053d] +Windproof pants [5054a] +Lue [5054b] +Cap [5054c] +Cap [5054d] +Cap [5055a] +Skjerf [5055b] +Scarf [5055c] +Scarf [5055d] +Scarf [5056a] +Genser/jakke i ull eller fleece [5056b] +Sweater/jacket of wool or fleece [5056c] +Sweater/jacket, wool or fleece [5056d] +Wool or fleece sweater/jacket [5057a] +Regntøy (om ikke vindtøyet også er egnet som regntøy) [5057b] +Rainwear (if your windproof clothing also is suitable as rainwear) [5057c] +Rainwear (if your windbreaker is not waterproof) [5057d] +Raingear (unless windgear is adequate raingear) [5058a] +Reserve undertrøye, i ull eller annet materiale egnet for fjellbruk [5058b] +Spare undershirt, of wool or another material suitable for the mountains [5058c] +Reserve undershirt, wool or other suitable material suitable for use in the mountains) [5058d] +Extra wool or thermal undershirt [5059a] +Lang underbukse, i ull eller annet materiale egnet for fjellbruk [5059b] +Spare underpants, of wool or another material suitable for the mountains [5059c] +Long underpants, wool or other material suitable for use in the mountains) [5059d] +Wool or thermal long johns [5060a] +Lette innesko [5060b] +Light indoor shoes [5060c] +Light indoor shoes [5060d] +Light slippers [5061a] +Lette inneklær [5061b] +Light indoor clothing [5061c] +Light indoor clothing [5061d] +Light indoor clothing [5062a] +Votter/vanter [5062b] +Gloves/mittens [5062c] +Mittens/mitts [5062d] +Mittens/gloves [5063a] +Kort bukse [5063b] +Short pants [5063c] +Shorts [5063d] +Shorts [5064a] +Niste [5064b] +Lunch pack [5064c] +Packed lunch [5064d] +Lunch food [5065a] +Termos [5065b] +Thermos [5065c] +Thermos [5065d] +Thermos [5066a] +Kart og kompass [5066b] +Map and compass [5066c] +Map and compass [5066d] +Map and compass [5067a] +Kartmappe, gjerne med blyant og papir [5067b] +Map folder, preferably with pencil and paper [5067c] +Map case, including pencil and paper [5067d] +Map pocket, may include pencil and paper [5068a] +Myggolje [5068b] +Mosquito repellent [5068c] +Mosquito repellent [5068d] +Mosquito repellent [5069a] +Toalettsaker [5069b] +Toilet articles [5069c] +Toilet articles [5069d] +Toiletries [5070a] +Håndkle [5070b] +Towel [5070c] +Towel [5070d] +Towel [5071a] +Lakenpose eller sovepose [5071b] +Sheet sleeping sack or sleeping bag [5071c] +Sheet bag or sleeping bag [5071d] +Sheet sack/liner or sleeping bag [5072a] +Førstehjelpssaker [5072b] +First aid kit [5072c] +First aid kit [5072d] +First aid kit [5073a] +Støvelimpregnering [5073b] +Boot waterproofing [5073c] +Waterproofing for boots [5073d] +Boot conditioner [5074a] +Solbriller [5074b] +Sun glasses [5074c] +Sun glasses [5074d] +Sunglasses [5075a] +Solkrem [5075b] +Suntan cream [5075c] +Sunblock [5075d] +Sunblock [5076a] +Reserveproviant (f.eks. sjokolade) [5076b] +Emergency ration (such as chocolate) [5076c] +Reserve provisions (for example, chocolate) [5076d] +Emergency food (e.g. candy) [5077a] +Fyrstikker [5077b] +Matches [5077c] +Matches [5077d] +Matches [5078a] +Nøkler (til hytta, hjemmet, bilen) [5078b] +Keys (to lodges, home, car) [5078c] +Keys (to the cabin, your home, your car) [5078d] +Keys (to hut, home, car) [5079a] +Medlemskort i Turistforeningen [5079b] +Membership card, Touring Association [5079c] +Membership card for the Tourist Association [5079d] +DNT membership card [5080a] *+
[5080b] *+
[5080c] *+
[5080d] [5081a] En slik utrustning i en normal ryggsekk veier 7-10 kg. [5081b] This sort of equipment in an ordinary rucksack will weigh 7 - 10 kg. [5081c] This kind of equipment in a normal rucksack weighs 7-10 kg. [5081d] In an average backpack this will weigh 15-22 pounds. [5082a] *+
[5082b] *+
[5082c] *+
[5082d] *+
[5083a] På teltturer i sommerfjellet må du i tillegg ha med: [5083b] For tenting in the mountains in summer you should also have: [5083c] On a camping trip in the mountains during summer, you must also bring along: [5083d] When summer tenting in the mountains, you need to add: [5084a] +Sovepose [5084b] +Sleeping bag [5084c] +Sleeping bag [5084d] +Sleeping bag [5085a] +Liggeunderlag [5085b] +Sleeping pad [5085c] +Ground pad [5085d] +Sleeping pad [5086a] +Kokesett og brennstoff [5086b] +Cookset and fuel [5086c] +Cooking utensils and fuel [5086d] +Stove and fuel [5087a] +Tallerken og bestikk [5087b] +Plates and cutlery [5087c] +Plate and eating utensils [5087d] +Eating utensils [5088a] +Mat [5088b] +Food [5088c] +Food [5088d] +Food [5089a] +Telt [5089b] +Tent [5089c] +Tent [5089d] +Tent [5090a] *+
[5090b] *+
[5090c] *+
[5090d] *+
[5091a] +Ta med barna til fjells [5091b] +Take children to the mountains [5091c] +Take the Children Along to the Mountains [5091d] +Take the Children Along to the Mountains [5092a] Det er fint å ha med barna til fjells. [5092b] It's enjoyable to take children along to the mountains. [5092c] It is nice to take the children along to the mountains. [5092d] It is fun to bring children to the mountains. [5093a] Det blir en ny måte å oppleve naturen på for oss voksne også. [5093b] It's a new way to experience the outdoors for us adults also. [5093c] It provides a new way of enjoying nature for us grown-ups, too. [5093d] As adults we experience the mountains anew in their company. [5094a] I hvert fall i begynnelsen er det lurt å basere seg på å bo på en turisthytte og ta utflukter rundt hytta. [5094b] In any case, in the beginning it's sensible to base your venture on staying at a tourist lodge and going on outings around the lodge. [5094c] It is wise in the beginning, nevertheless, to plan to stay in a tourist lodge and make day outings around the lodge. [5094d] In the beginning you may prefer to stay at a hut and hike in the vicinity. [5095a] Vil du gå fra hytte til hytte med barn, bør du prøve deg forsiktig fram. [5095b] If you wish to go from lodge to lodge with children, you should try it gradually. [5095c] If you want to trek from lodge to lodge with the children, you should proceed cautiously. [5095d] Hut-to-hut trips may take a bit more preparation. [5096a] Noen barn kan gå fra hytte til hytte når de er fem år, andre er kanskje ikke interessert før de er åtte-ni. [5096b] Some children can go from lodge to lodge at age five; others probably aren't interested before they are eight or nine. [5096c] Some children are able to hike from lodge to lodge when they are five years old; others may not be very interested until they are eight or nine. [5096d] Some children will walk hut to hut at five, while others are ready for this at eight or nine, so parents are wise not to push children into trips they are not motivated to complete. [5097a] Dette varierer fra barn til barn, og det dummeste vi foreldre kan gjøre, er å presse barn til turer de ikke er motivert for. [5097b] It varies from child to child, and the most foolish thing we parents can do is to push children on tours for which they aren't motivated. [5097c] It varies from child to child, and the most thoughtless thing we parents can do is to force a child to take trips that they are unmotivated to do. [5097d] Some children will walk hut to hut at five, while others are ready for this at eight or nine, so parents are wise not to push children into trips they are not motivated to complete. [5098a] I begynnelsen kan turer på to til fire timer være passe. [5098b] In the beginning, hikes of up to four hours can be satisfactory. [5098c] In the beginning, trips of two to four hours might be enough. [5098d] In the beginning trips of two to four hours may suffice, allowing for the kids to spend twice the time indicated on the map in the back of the booklet. [5099a] Regn med at dere bruker det dobbelte av det timetallet som er angitt på kartet bak i heftet. [5099b] Count on taking twice the number of hours given on the map at the back of the brochure. [5099c] Count on using twice the number of hours that are indicated on the map in the back of the pamphlet. [5099d] In the beginning trips of two to four hours may suffice, allowing for the kids to spend twice the time indicated on the map in the back of the booklet. [5100a] Her må det være rom for hyppige og lange pauser og mye tid til undring og oppdagelsesferder. [5100b] Here you must allow time for frequent and long rests and lots of time for wonderment and exploration. [5100c] You will need to allow for frequent and lengthy rest breaks and ample time for admiring nature and making discoveries. [5100d] This should give room for frequent, lengthy breaks and plenty of time to wonder and discover things. [5101a] Barn kan spørre mer enn ti vise kan svare, så det er lurt å forberede seg litt, for eksempel med en liten fjellflora i brystlomma. [5101b] Children can ask more than ten wise men can explain, so it's best to be a little prepared, for example with a small mountain flora in your chest pocket. [5101c] Children can ask questions that ten wise men couldn't answer, so it may be a good idea to prepare oneself a little, for example by taking along a little mountain flora guide in your breast pocket. [5101d] Children can stump anyone, so a bit of preparation is called for, such as a pocket guide to plants. [5102a] Har du på forhånd tenkt litt på hvilke aktiviteter familien kan drive med underveis, er det lettere å motivere små bein til ny innsats. [5102b] If you've thought in advance about what sort of activities the family can engage in on the way, it's easier to motivate small legs to hike onwards. [5102c] If you have thought a little beforehand about the kinds of activities the family can enjoy along the trip, it will be easier to motivate small legs for renewed efforts. [5102d] Giving a bit of advance thought to activities along the way may help motivate young legs for one more stretch. [5103a] På flere av turisthyttene er det etter hvert godt tilrettelagt for barnefamilier. [5103b] Several tourist lodges have with time adapted well to families with children. [5103c] At several of the tourist lodges, conditions are adapted for families with children. [5103d] At several hikers' huts special thought has been given to families with children. [5104a] Det finnes gjerne både spill og barnebøker til utlån. [5104b] They often have both games and children's books to loan out. [5104c] Games and children's books are available to borrow. [5104d] Here you may borrow games and children's books. [5105a] *+
[5105b] *+
[5105c] *+
[5105d] *+
[5106a] +Kart og kompass [5106b] +Map and compass [5106c] +Map and compass [5106d] +Map and Compass [5107a] Kartene bak i denne boka er i målestokk 1:100 000. [5107b] The maps at the back of this book are in 1:100,000 scale. [5107c] The maps in the back of this book are on a scale of 1:100,000. [5107d] The maps at the back are on a scale of 1:100,000, meaning that 1 centimeter on the map equals 1 kilometer on the ground, 1 inch equals 1.6 miles. [5108a] Det betyr at hver cm på kartet er én kilometer i terrenget. [5108b] This means that a centimeter on the map is a kilometer in terrain. [5108c] This means that every centimeter on the map is equal to one kilometer in the terrain. [5108d] The maps at the back are on a scale of 1:100,000, meaning that 1 centimeter on the map equals 1 kilometer on the ground, 1 inch equals 1.6 miles. [5109a] Det er passende for å planlegge og gjennomføre turer langs merkede ruter. [5109b] They are suitable for planning and taking hikes along marked routes. [5109c] It is wise to plan and complete trips along marked routes. [5109d] This scale is suitable for planning and hiking on marked trails. [5110a] Skal du vandre utenfor stiene, anbefaler jeg at du også skaffer deg kart i målestokk 1: 50 000. [5110b] If you ramble away from the trails, I recommend that you also acquire maps in 1:50,000 scale. [5110c] If you are going to hike off the trails, I recommend that you obtain a map on a scale of 1: 50,000. [5110d] Off-trail it is recommended that you get a 1:50,000 scale map. [5111a] Hele Norge dekkes av slike kart. [5111b] All of Norway is covered by this type of map. [5111c] There are such maps covering all of Norway's terrain. [5111d] These are available for all parts of Norway. [5112a] Selv om rutene i denne boka er merket og beskrevet, er det ingen tvil om at kart og kompass alltid hører med på turen. [5112b] Even though the routes in this book are marked and described, there's no doubt that a map and compass belong on a trip. [5112c] Even though the routes in this book are marked and described, there is no doubt about the fact that a map and compass should always be taken along on a trip. [5112d] Even though all the trails in this booklet are marked and described, map and compass should still be standard gear. [5113a] Det er dessverre litt for mange som glemmer dette, og erfaringene viser også at mange som har med seg kart og kompass, ikke har lært seg å bruke disse hjelpemidlene. [5113b] Regrettably, there are a few too many who forget that, and experience has shown that many who have map and compass have not learned how to use these aids. [5113c] There are unfortunately too many people who forget this, and experience also shows that many who take a map and compass along haven't learned to use them. [5113d] Too many hikers forget this, and time and again we see that people who carry them fail to use them properly. [5114a] Skal du bli en sikker orienterer i fjell og skog, må du nemlig praktisere mye, og det er her mange turfolk svikter. [5114b] If you are to be confident at orienteering in mountains and woods, you must practice a lot, and that's where many hikers fall flat. [5114c] If you are to be a trustworthy guide in the mountains and woods, you will need to practice a lot, and it is here that many hikers are lacking. [5114d] In order to become good at orienteering, you need a lot of practice, which is where most hikers fall short. [5115a] De følger merkingen og tenker at den er så god at det er unødvendig å følge med på kartet. [5115b] They follow marking in the belief that it's so good that it isn't necessary to follow along on the map. [5115c] They follow the markings and think that it is marked so well that they don't need to follow along on the map. [5115d] They rely on the markers, not seeing the need to pay attention to the map. [5116a] Som regel går turen utmerket allikevel. [5116b] As a rule, the hike goes well anyway. [5116c] As a rule, the trip is successful anyway. [5116d] Usually the hike is wonderful anyway. [5117a] Men det kan i mange tilfeller føre riktig galt av sted dersom du ikke vet nøyaktig hvor du er, og hva du har rundt deg av natur. [5117b] But in many cases, you can be led astray if you don't know exactly where you are and what you have around you of the landscape. [5117c] But things can go seriously wrong if you do not know exactly where you are and what landmarks you have surrounding you. [5117d] But many situations may put you in serious danger if you don't know your location or the landscape around you. [5118a] Når du på godværsdager følger merkede løyper, bør du nå og da benytte anledningen til å trene deg opp, slik at du blir trygg på hvordan kart og kompass skal brukes. [5118b] When you're following a marked trail in good weather, you should take the opportunity to practice skills, so that you become confident in map and compass use. [5118c] As you follow marked trails on a fine sunny day, you should now and again benefit from the occasion to train yourself, so that you are sure you can properly use a map and compass. [5118d] It makes sense to practice your use of a map and compass as you are hiking marked trails on good days. [5119a] Når uværet kommer, er det for sent. [5119b] When bad weather comes, it's too late. [5119c] When a storm breaks, it is too late. [5119d] When the storm moves in, it will be too late. [5120a] Hvis du mister merkingen - og retningssansen - kan det være livsviktig å vite hvor du er på kartet, kunne ta ut en kurs med kompasset og finne tilbake til merkingen. [5120b] If you lose track of the marking and your sense of direction, it can be vital to know where you are on the map and to be able to find a bearing with the compass and find your way back to the marking. [5120c] If you lose track of the markings - and your sense of direction - it may be a matter of life and death to know where you are on the map, to be able to set a course with your compass and find your way back to the marked path. [5120d] If you lose sight of the markers - and your sense of direction - your life may depend on your ability to determine your location on the map, to stake a course using your compass, and to spot the markers again. [5121a] De som ikke bruker kart og kompass, får dessuten en fattigere fjellopplevelse. [5121b] Those who don't use map and compass, have moreover a lesser experience of the mountains. [5121c] TRANSLATION MISSING [5121d] Those who neglect the map and compass also miss out on the hiking enjoyment that comes from getting to know a new area, learning names of peaks and other features as you wander along. [5122a] Mye av gleden ved å gå fjelltur er jo nettopp å bli kjent i et nytt område, og å lære seg navn på fjell og formasjoner du vandrer forbi. [5122b] Much of the joy of a mountain trip is precisely to learn to know a new area and to learn the names of mountains and formations as you ramble by. [5122c] Much of the pleasure of hiking in the mountains is to become familiar with a new area, and to learn the names of mountains and formations you pass. [5122d] Those who neglect the map and compass also miss out on the hiking enjoyment that comes from getting to know a new area, learning names of peaks and other features as you wander along. [5123a] Du bør derfor gjøre det til en vane å følge med på kartet underveis, slik at du alltid vet hvor du er. [5123b] So you should make a habit of following along with the map on the way, so you always know where you are. [5123c] You should, therefore, make it a habit to follow along on the map, so that you always know where you are. [5123d] Keep an eye on the map, so that you always know where you are. [5124a] *+
[5124b] *+
[5124c] *+
[5124d] *+
[5125a] +Å ta ut en kurs [5125b] +Taking a bearing [5125c] +Setting a Course [5125d] +Setting a Course [5126a] Når du skal bestemme kursen videre, går du fram på følgende måte: [5126b] When you wish to take a bearing, do it this way: [5126c] When you want to plot a course, you proceed in the following manner: [5126d] When you want to set a course, do the following: [5127a] *+
[5127b] *+
[5127c] *+
[5127d] *+
[5128a] 1 Plasser kompasset oppå kartet. [5128b] 1. Place the compass on the map. [5128c] 1. Place the compass on top of the map. [5128d] 1. Place the compass on the map, leaving the edge of the compass and the marching arrow to trace your direction from where you are to your destination. [5129a] Legg kanten på kompasset, med marsjretningspilen fra det stedet der du er, til det punktet du skal. [5129b] Lay the long edge of the compass, with the direction of the travel arrow from where you are to your destination. [5129c] Lay the edge of the compass along your desired course, with the fixed directional arrow from the place where you are to the point you want to reach. [5129d] 1. Place the compass on the map, leaving the edge of the compass and the marching arrow to trace your direction from where you are to your destination. [5130a] *+
[5130b] *+
[5130c] *+
[5130d] *+
[5131a] 2 Drei kompasshuset slik at hjelpelinjene i bunnen av kompasshuset er parallelle med nord-sør linjene på kartet. [5131b] 2. Turn the movable housing so that the orienting arrow is parallel with the north-south lines on the map. [5131c] 2. Rotate the compass bowl until the lines at the bottom of the compass bowl are parallel with the North-South lines on the map. [5131d] 2. Turn the compass casing so that the guidelines at the bottom of it are parallel with the north-south lines on the map. [5132a] *+
[5132b] *+
[5132c] *+
[5132d] *+
[5133a] 3 Ta kompasset vekk fra kartet. [5133b] 3. Lift the compass from the map. [5133c] 3. Remove the compass from the map. [5133d] 3. Remove the compass from the map. [5134a] Hold kompasset vannrett og snu deg til den bevegelige nåla i kompasshuset ligger parallelt med nåla i bunnen. [5134b] Hold the compass flat and turn until the magnetic needle in the housing lies parallel over the orienting arrow. [5134c] Keep the compass horizontal and turn your body until the moveable arrow in the compass bowl is parallel with the directional arrow at the bottom of the bowl. [5134d] Keep the compass level and turn until the movable needle in the casing is parallel to the needle at the bottom. [5135a] *+
[5135b] *+
[5135c] *+
[5135d] *+
[5136a] 4 Målet ditt ligger i den retningen marsjretningspilen på kompasset peker. [5136b] 4. The direction of the travel arrow points toward your destination. [5136c] 4. Your target direction is toward the point at which the fixed course arrow on the compass is pointing. [5136d] 4. Your destination now lies in the direction of the marching arrow. [5137a] *+
[5137b] *+
[5137c] *+
[5137d] *+
[5138a] +Om ulykken er ute [5138b] +In case of accident [5138c] +In the Event of an Accident [5138d] +In Case of An Emergency [5139a] Selv om de aller fleste fjellturer foregår uten dramatikk, bør du ha forberedt deg på hva du skal gjøre om det motsatte skjer. [5139b] Even though most mountain tours go on without incident, you should be prepared to act should the opposite occur. [5139c] Even though most trips in the mountain conclude without drama, you should be prepared for what to do in case the opposite occurs. [5139d] Although most hikes include no unwanted excitement, you need to know what to do if yours does. [5140a] Uansett hvor godt organisert den norske redningstjenesten er, er det du selv som har ansvaret for ikke å havne i situasjoner hvor det skjer ulykker. [5140b] Regardless of how well organized the Norwegian rescue services are, you yourself are responsible for not getting into situations where accidents occur. [5140c] Regardless of how well organized the Norwegian Rescue Service is, it is you alone who have the responsibility for avoiding situations that lead to accidents. [5140d] No matter how well prepared the Norwegian rescue teams are, it is your responsibility to do what you can to avoid the need for assistance. [5141a] Det er lettere å handle riktig når naturkreftene slipper seg løs, hvis du har tenkt igjennom situasjonen på forhånd. [5141b] It's easier to act sensible when the forces of nature break loose if you have thought through situations in advance. [5141c] It is easier to act correctly, when the forces of nature are unleashed, if you have thought through the situation beforehand. [5141d] It is easier to act sensibly when nature puts you to the test if you are mentally prepared, and the best way to handle danger is to avoid it. [5142a] Den beste måten å takle farer på, er å lære seg å unngå dem. [5142b] The best way to tackle dangers is to learn to avoid them. [5142c] The best way to handle dangerous situations is to learn how to avoid them. [5142d] It is easier to act sensibly when nature puts you to the test if you are mentally prepared, and the best way to handle danger is to avoid it. [5143a] *+
[5143b] *+
[5143c] *+
[5143d] *+
[5144a] +Hovedreglene for førstehjelp [5144b] +Main rules for first aid [5144c] +Basic Rules of First Aid [5144d] +Important First Aid Rules [5145a] Det gjelder selvfølgelig de samme prinsipper for livreddende førstehjelp i fjellet som ellers: [5145b] Of course, the same rules for lifesaving first aid apply in the mountains as elsewhere. [5145c] Naturally the same principles for life-saving first aid apply in the mountains as anywhere else: [5145d] The same basic rules of life-saving first aid apply in the mountains as everywhere else: [5146a] *+
[5146b] *+
[5146c] *+
[5146d] [5147a] 1. Sikre frie luftveier. [5147b] 1. Ensure free airways. [5147c] 1. Free the air passages. [5147d] Ensure an open airway. [5148a] En bevisstløs person skal legges i stabilt sideleie. [5148b] An unconscious person should be laid in a stable lateral position. [5148c] An unconscious person must be placed on his side in a stable position. [5148d] If there is no danger of further injury, an unconscious person should be placed on the side in a stable position. [5149a] Hvis pasienten ikke puster, må du sette i gang med munn-til-munn metoden. [5149b] If the patient isn't breathing, you should start mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. [5149c] If the patient is not breathing, you must begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. [5149d] If the person is not breathing, however, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is called for; and if he has no pulse, CPR is needed. [5150a] Hvis pasienten ikke har puls må du i tillegg sette i gang med hjertekompresjon. [5150b] If the patient has no pulse, in addition you should start chest compression. [5150c] If the patient does not have a pulse, you must also begin cardiac resuscitation. [5150d] If the person is not breathing, however, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is called for; and if he has no pulse, CPR is needed. [5151a] 2. Stans store blødninger. [5151b] 2. Stop heavy bleeding. [5151c] 2. Stop profuse bleeding. [5151d] Control severe bleeding. [5152a] Store, livstruende blødninger må stanses så raskt som mulig. [5152b] Heavy, lethal bleeding must be stopped as fast as possible. [5152c] Profuse, life-threatening bleeding must be stopped as soon as possible. [5152d] Profuse, life-threatening bleeding must be halted as quickly as possible. [5153a] Bruk trykkbandasje eller enkeltmannspakke. [5153b] Use a pressure bandage or a bloodstopper. [5153c] Use a pressure bandage or a tourniquet. [5153d] Use a pressure bandage or compress. [5154a] 3. Forebygg sirkulasjonssvikt. [5154b] 3. Prevent circulation failure. [5154c] 3. Prevent loss of circulation. [5154d] Prevent shock. [5155a] Prøv å berolige pasienten. [5155b] Try to comfort the patient. [5155c] Try to keep the patient calm. [5155d] Try to calm the victim. [5156a] Legg ham eventuelt med beina høyt. [5156b] If needed, position him with elevated legs. [5156c] Place him with his feet elevated if need be. [5156d] It may help to elevate the feet. [5157a] Pakk pasienten godt inn i varme klær, sovepose eller tepper. [5157b] Wrap the patient well in warm clothing, a sleeping bag or blankets. [5157c] Wrap the patient in warm clothing, a sleeping bag or blankets. [5157d] Wrap the person in extra clothing, a sleeping bag, or blankets to prevent chilling. [5158a] 4. Hindre infeksjon. [5158b] 4. Prevent infection. [5158c] 4. Prevent infection. [5158d] Prevent infection. [5159a] Dekk åpne sår, helst med sterile kompresser. [5159b] Cover open wounds, preferably with sterile compresses. [5159c] Cover open wounds, preferably with sterile bandages. [5159d] Cover open wounds, preferably with sterile bandages. [5160a] Spjelk eller stabiliser brudd slik at transporten videre kan skje mest mulig skånsomt. [5160b] Splint or stabilize fractures such that onward transport can be as gentle as possible. [5160c] Splint or stabilize fractures so that transportation of the patient can be done as gently as possible. [5160d] Apply splints or otherwise stabilize fractures to avoid further injury during transportation. [5161a] +5. Transport. [5161b] +5. Transport. [5161c] +5. Transportation. [5161d] +Transfer. [5162a] Ring etter hjelp på tlf. 112 (politi, redningstjeneste) eller 113 (lege, ambulanse) for eksempel fra de betjente hyttene, og gjør klar for transport etter at pasientens tilstand er stabilisert. [5162b] Call for help, Tel: 112 (police, rescue services) or 113 (doctor, ambulance), for instance from a staffed lodge, and prepare for transport after the patient's condition has stabilized. [5162c] Call for help at Tel. 112 (police, emergency rescue services) or 113 (doctor, ambulance), using, for example, the staffed lodges, and get ready to evacuate the patient once his condition is stable. [5162d] Call for help: tel. 112 (police, rescue) or 113 (doctor, ambulance), e.g. from the staffed huts, and prepare for transportation once the victim's condition is stabilized. [5163a] Husk at du ikke kan stole på at mobiltelefoner når fram overalt i fjellet. [5163b] Remember that you cannot rely on mobile telephone coverage everywhere in the mountains. [5163c] Remember that you can't depend on cell phone coverage in all areas of the mountains. [5163d] Be aware that cell phones are not always dependable in the mountains. [5164a] *+
[5164b] *+
[5164c] *+
[5164d] *+
[5165a] +Gnagsår [5165b] +Blisters [5165c] +Blisters [5165d] +Blisters [5166a] Fjellfolkets vanligste plage er lettere å forebygge enn å reparere. [5166b] The hiker's most common affliction is easier to prevent than cure. [5166c] The mountain hikers' most common affliction is easier to prevent than cure. [5166d] This most common injury to hikers is easier to prevent than to cure. [5167a] Gnagsår oppstår som oftest der støvelen gnisser eller trykker mot foten, på hæl, vrist og yttersiden av tærne. [5167b] Blisters most often occur where a boot rubs or presses against the foot, at the heel, instep, or outer sides of the toes. [5167c] Blisters usually occur where the boot chafes against the foot, on the heel, arch and underside of the toes. [5167d] Blisters usually occur where the boot grinds or presses against the foot, on the heel, the instep, or the outside of the toes. [5168a] Steder som begynner å bli røde på grunn av gnisninger, bør dekkes med et bredt heftplaster, sportstape eller spesiallaget gnagsårplaster. [5168b] Places that redden due to rubbing should be covered with broad adhesive plaster bandages, athletic tape or blister block bandages. [5168c] Places that begin to become red because of chafing should be covered with a wide adhesive bandage, sports tape or specially made blister bandages. [5168d] Spots that turn red due to friction should be covered with a suitable tape or moleskin. [5169a] Steder som er utsatt for trykk, bør polstres slik at trykket blir fordelt. [5169b] Places exposed to pressure should be padded to distribute the pressure. [5169c] Places exposed to pressure should be padded so that the pressure is evenly distributed. [5169d] Spots that are continually under pressure should be padded to relieve the pressure. [5170a] Vet du at du har lett for å få gnagsår, eller har støvler som irriterer spesielle deler av foten, er det like godt å plastre utsatte områder før du begynner å gå. [5170b] If you know that you easily get blisters or if you have boots that irritate particular parts of your feet, it's just as good to plaster affected areas before you start walking. [5170c] If you know that you blister easily, or have boots that irritate certain parts of your feet, it is just as well to bandage exposed areas before you set out on the hike. [5170d] If you know that you are susceptible to blisters or have boots that irritate your feet in spots, you may as well bandage these spots before you start walking. [5171a] Har du nye støvler som ikke er skikkelig inngått, bør du være spesielt på vakt mot gnagsår. [5171b] If you have new boots that aren't decently broken in, you should be especially watchful to prevent blistering. [5171c] If you have new boots that have not been broken in well, you should be particularly watchful for signs of blisters. [5171d] If your boots are new, you need to be especially alert to blistering. [5172a] Har du allerede fått gnagsår med vannblemme, kan du stikke eller klippe hull på blemma med en sterilisert kniv, nål eller saks. [5172b] If a blister has developed to a water blister, you can puncture or clip a hole in the blister with a sterilized knife, needle or scissors. [5172c] If you already have a pus-filled blister, you can pierce it or cut a hole in the blister with a sterilized knife, needle or scissors. [5172d] Once you get a fluid-filled blister, you can drain it by puncturing it with a sterilized knife, needle, or scissors. [5173a] Deretter klipper du til en kompress eller skumgummibit slik at den ligger rundt såret og du ikke får noen direkte belastning som irriterer ytterligere når du skal gå videre. [5173b] Thereafter, cut a compress or bit of foam rubber so it lies around the wound and there's no direct pressure that irritates further when you walk onward. [5173c] Next you need to cut a bandage or piece of foam rubber and place it so that it covers the wound and you will not have any direct pressure that might further irritate it when you continue hiking. [5173d] Then you cut a compress or pad to fit around it, so you avoid additional pressure on it when you start walking again.