[2001a] +Eidsbugarden [2001b] +Eidsbugarden [2001c] +Eidsbugarden [2001d] +Eidsbugarden [2002a] +I Vinjes ånd [2002b] +In the spirit of Vinje [2002c] +In the spirit of Vinje [2002d] +In the Spirit of Vinje [2003a] Mer enn noen annen er det dikteren Aasmund Olavsson Vinje som har fått navnet sitt knyttet til Eidsbugarden, som ligger ved vestbredden av Jotunheimens største innsjø, Bygdin. [2003b] More than anyone else, poet Aasmund Olavsson Vinje's name is associated with Eidsbugarden, which is on the west shore of Jotunheimen's largest lake, Bygdin. [2003c] More than anyone else, it is poet Aasmund Olavsson Vinje whose name is most associated with Eidsbugarden, located on the western shore of Jotunheimen's largest lake, Bygdin. [2003d] No other name is as closely associated with Eidsbugarden on the west bank of Jotunheimen's largest lake, Bygdin, as that of the poet A. O. Vinje. [2004a] Han har fått æren for navnet Jotunheimen, og hans diktning betydde mye for fremveksten av lengselen etter norske fjell på slutten av 1800-tallet. [2004b] He is credited with the name Jotunheimen, and his poetry betokened much for the growth of longing for Norwegian mountains at the end of the 19th century. [2004c] The name Jotunheimen has been attributed to him, and his poetry has been significantly responsible for the growth of interest in the Norwegian mountains toward the end of the 1880's. [2004d] He is credited with naming this mountain massif Home of the Giants - Jotunheimen, and his poetry played a key role in the growing interest in Norwegian mountains at the end of the 1800s. [2005a] Fra 1863 til han døde var gjerne Vinje og vennene hans i fjellet flere uker hver sommer, blant annet i vestenden av Bygdin. [2005b] From 1863 until he died, Vinje and his friends usually were in the mountains several weeks each summer, for one at the west end of Bygdin. [2005c] From 1863 until he died, Vinje and his friends were usually in the mountains several weeks each summer, among other places at the western end of Bygdin. [2005d] From 1863 until his death Vinje and his friends spent several weeks in the mountains every summer, some of these at the west end of Bygdin. [2006a] Sommeren 1868 innviet Vinje og tre kamerater sin lille hytte med det staselige navnet Eidsbugarden. [2006b] In the summer of 1868, Vinje and three friends inaugurated his small cabin with the stately name Eidsbugarden. [2006c] During the summer of 1868, Vinje and three of his comrades dubbed his little cabin with the elegant name Eidsbugarden. [2006d] The summer of 1868 Vinje and three of his friends inaugurated their cabin with the fitting name Eidsbugarden. [2007a] Den ofte pengelense Vinje hadde problemer med å finansiere sin del av bygget og måtte låne av DNTs stifter, konsul Thomas Heftye. [2007b] The frequently penniless Vinje had difficulty in financing his part of the building and had to borrow from DNT's founder, Consul Thomas Heftye. [2007c] Vinje, often penniless, had problems financing his portion of the building and had to borrow from Consul Thomas Heftye, DNT's founder. [2007d] The often penniless Vinje had trouble financing his part of the project and had to borrow from DNT-founder Consul Thomas Heftye. [2008a] Etter at Vinje døde, kom så Heftye inn som medeier, og etter hvert kjøpte han også de andres parter. [2008b] After Vinje died, Hefte came in as co-owner, and later he also bought the others' shares. [2008c] After Vinje died, Heftye came in as co-owner, and eventually he bought out the other partners. [2008d] When Vinje died, Heftye thus became a part owner, and by and by he bought out the rest. [2009a] Den driftige Heftye ansatte den kjente fjellføreren Ole Røisheim fra Bøverdalen som forpakter og etter hvert bestyrer av en turisthytte. [2009b] The enterprising Heftye hired the well-known mountain guide Ole Røisheim from Bøverdalen as tenant and later as warden of the tourist lodge. [2009c] Enterprising Heftye hired the renowned mountain guide Ole Røisheim from Bøverdalen as resident tenant and eventually as manager of the tourist lodge. [2009d] The enterprising Heftye hired the well-known mountain guide Ole Røisheim from Bøverdalen to look after and then run a tourist hut. [2010a] Han utvidet og drev Eidsbugarden, først for Heftye - og senere for sønnen - på en framifrå måte helt fram til 1906, da var han 79 år gammel! [2010b] He enlarged and ran Eidsbugarden, first for Heftye - and later for his son - exceptionally well, up to 1906, when he was 79 years old. [2010c] The latter expanded and operated Eidsbugarden, first for Heftye - and later for his son - in an exemplary manner all the way until 1906, at which time he was 79 years old! [2010d] Røisheim built on to and managed Eidsbugarden very competently, first for Heftye - and then for his son - until 1906, when he turned 79! [2011a] I 1905 ble det satt i gang motorbåtrute over Bygdin, og året etter kjøpte Kristoffer Kvame, reineier og fjellmann fra Valdres, og den rike Oslo-borgeren Einar Andersen, Eidsbugarden. [2011b] In 1905, motor boat service started on Bygdin, and the year after, Eidsbugarden was bought by Kristoffer Kvame, reindeer keeper and mountain man from Valdres, and the wealthy Osloite, Einar Andersen. [2011c] In 1905, a motorized shuttle boat route over Bygin was established, and the year after, Kristoffer Kvame, a reindeer owner and mountain man from Valdres, and the wealthy Oslo citizen Einar Andersen, bought Eidsbugarden. [2011d] In 1905 a motorboat service was started on Bygdin, and a year later Kristoffer Kvame, reindeer owner and mountain man from Valdres, and the wealthy Einar Andersen from Oslo bought Eidsbugarden. [2012a] Kvame ble eneeier i 1909, og også i hans tid utviklet Eidsbugarden seg voldsomt. [2012b] Kvame became sole owner in 1909, and in his time enlarged Eidsbugarden considerably. [2012c] Kvame became the sole owner in 1909, and during his time Eidsbugarden developed dramatically. [2012d] Kvame became sole owner in 1909, and during his time Eidsbugarden also expanded considerably. [2013a] Allerede i 1909, i forbindelse med besøk av Norges nye kongefamilie, ble den store rødmalte bygningen Eidsbugarden beskrevet som «uten sammenligning det mest komfortable hotel i Jotunheimen». [2013b] Already in 1909, in connection with a visit by Norway's new Royal Family, the large, red-painted building Eidsburagden was described as "incomparably the most comfortable hotel in the Jotunheimen." [2013c] Already in 1909, on the occasion of a visit by Norway's new royal family, the large red residence of Eidsbugarden was described as «by far the most comfortable hotel in Jotunheimen». [2013d] When Norway's new royal family visited in 1909, the large, red Eidsbugarden building was described as "indisputably the most comfortable hotel in Jotunheimen." [2014a] Bygningene ble ytterligere utvidet først på 1920-tallet og så senere ved flere anledninger. [2014b] The Building was further enlarged, first in the 1920s and later on several occasions. [2014c] The buildings were further expanded in the early 1920's and then later at several intervals. [2014d] The buildings were further expanded in the 1920s and several times later. [2015a] Familien Kvame drev hotellet helt fram til 1974, da det ble solgt til Eidsbugarden Turistsenter. [2015b] The Kvame family operated the hotel up to 1974, when it was sold to Eidsbugarden Turistsenter. [2015c] The Kvame family operated the hotel all the way until 1974, when it was sold to Eidsbugarden Tourist Center. [2015d] The Kvame family ran the hotel until 1974, when it was sold to Eidsbugarden Turistsenter. [2016a] I lange perioder både på 1980- og 90-tallet har det ikke vært mulig å holde hotellet åpent, men nå har det tradisjonsrike hotellet igjen kommet i drift. [2016b] For longer periods, both in the 1980s and the 1990s, it wasn't possible to keep the hotel open, but now the long-established hotel again is in operation. [2016c] For long periods of time in both the 1980's and 90's, it was not possible to keep the hotel open, but now the hotel so rich in tradition is once again in operation. [2016d] For longer periods during the 1980s and 1990s it was not possible to keep the place going, but now the historic old hotel is again up and running. [2017a] *+
[2017b] *+
[2017c] *+
[2017d] *+
[2018a] +Adkomst [2018b] +Access [2018c] +Access [2018d] +Access [2019a] Det er bilvei til hotellet og båtrute over Bygdin. [2019b] There's a road to the hotel and boat service on Bygdin. [2019c] There is an automobile road to the hotel and a shuttle boat route over Bygdin. [2019d] +Road to the hotel and boat service on Bygdin. [2020a] Det er merkede fotturruter til Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, Olavsbu, Skogadalsbøen og Yksendalsbu. [2020b] There are marked hiking trails to Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, Olavsbu, Skogadalsbøen and Yksendalsbu. [2020c] There are marked hiking trails to Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, Olavsbu, Skogadalsbøen and Yksendalsbu. [2020d] +Marked trails to Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, Olavsbu, Skogadalsbøen, and Yksendalsbu. [2021a] *+
[2021b] *+
[2021c] *+
[2021d] *+
[2022a] +Fakta [2022b] +Facts [2022c] +Facts [2022d] +Facts [2023a] Vinjestova, forløperen for Eidsbugarden hotell, ble åpnet i 1868. [2023b] Vinjestova, the predecessor of Eidsbugarden hotel, was opened in 1868. [2023c] Vinjestova, the forerunner of Eisbugarden hotel, was opened in 1868. [2023d] Eidsbugarden Hotell's predecessor, the Vinje cabin, was built in 1868. [2024a] +Eier: Hans Martin Skagen. [2024b] +Owner: Hans Martin Skagen. [2024c] +Owner: Hans Martin Skagen. [2024d] +Owner: Hans Martin Skagen. [2025a] +Bestyrer: Leif Skagen. [2025b] +Warden: Leif Skagen. [2025c] +Manager: Leif Skagen. [2025d] +Manager: Leif Skagen. [2026a] Hotellet ligger i Vang kommune i Oppland, 1060 m o.h., og har 50 senger. [2026b] The lodge is located in Vang township in Oppland, 1060 meters above sea level, and has 50 beds. [2026c] The hotel is located in Vang municipality in Oppland, 1060 meters above sea level, and has 50 beds. [2026d] +Located in Vang, Oppland, at 3500 feet, 50 beds. [2027a] *+Tlf: 61 36 77 14. [2027b] *+Tel: 61 36 77 14. [2027c] *+Tel.: 61 36 77 14. [2027d] *+Tel. 61 36 77 14. [2028a] *+E-post: ocdahl@online.no [2028b] *+E-Mail: ocdahl@online.no [2028c] *+E-mail: ocdahl@online.no [2028d] *+E-mail: ocdahl@online.no [2029a] +Fondsbu [2029b] +Fondsbu [2029c] +Fondsbu [2029d] +Fondsbu [2030a] +Ny hytte ved gammel innfallsport [2030b] +New lodge at an old gateway [2030c] +New lodge at the old gateway [2030d] +New Hut by the Old Gateway [2031a] *+
[2031b] *+
[2031c] *+
[2031d] *+
[2032a] I 1992 kjøpte Fondsfinans AS annekset på Eidsbugarden, «Den glade vandrer», og leide det videre til DNT OA. [2032b] In 1992, Fondsfinans AS bought the annex at Eidsbugarden, "The happy rambler," and leased it to DNT OA. [2032c] In 1992, Fondfinans AS bought the annex at Eidsbugarden, «The Happy Wanderer», and leased it to DNT OA. [2032d] In 1992 Fondsfinans AS bought the annex at Eidsbugarden, "The Happy Hiker," and rented it to DNT OA. [2033a] Året etter, da DNT fylte 125 år, ble så turisthytta Fondsbu åpnet. [2033b] The year after, DNT's 125th anniversary, the Fondsbu tourist lodge was opened. [2033c] The year after, when DNT celebrated its 125th anniversary, the tourist lodge of Fondsbu was opened. [2033d] A year later, at DNT's 125th anniversary, the Fondsbu hikers' hut opened. [2034a] For DNT har dette nesten vært som å komme tilbake dit hvor fotturismen startet. [2034b] For DNT, it was almost like returning to where hiking started. [2034c] For DNT, this has almost been like returning to where foot tourism began. [2034d] To DNT this has been almost like a return to the cradle of Jotunheimen hiking. [2035a] De 26 sengene som var i turisthytta ble raskt for få, og det ble nødvendig å bygge et anneks. [2035b] The 26 bunks that were in the tourist lodge were soon too few, and it was necessary to build an annex. [2035c] The 26 beds that were in the tourist lodge soon proved insufficient, and it became necessary to build an annex. [2035d] The hut's 26 beds were soon filled, requiring an addition. [2036a] At det etter hvert blir stadig flere gjester, skyldes ikke minst det nye vertskapet som med krum hals har gått på for å gjøre stedet kjent. [2036b] With time, there were more and more guests, a trend due not least to the new hosts, who made an all-out effort to make the place known. [2036c] The fact that there are an ever increasing number of guests is due in no small degree to the new hosts, who have made every effort to make the lodge well-known. [2036d] The increase in visitors is largely thanks to the hut managers, who have done their utmost to market the place. [2037a] De har lykkes med å markere Fondsbu som et av de beste matstedene i Jotunheimen. [2037b] They've been successful in profiling Fondsbu as one of the best eating places in the Jotunheimen. [2037c] They have succeeded in distinguishing Fondsbu as one of the best places to eat in all of Jotunheimen. [2037d] They have succeeded in making Fondsbu known as one of the best eateries in Jotunheimen. [2038a] Organiserte dagsturer med fører til utvalgte turmål er også tiltak som gjør at mange gjester velger å bli noen dager ekstra på Fondsbu. [2038b] Organized day hikes with guides to selected hike destinations is also an offering that persuades many guests to stay a few more days at Fondsbu. [2038c] Organized day outings with guides to selected destinations are also an initiative that causes many guests to choose to stay over a few extra days at Fondsbu. [2038d] Guided day trips to some local attractions keep many guests at Fondsbu a few extra days. [2039a] Er en glad i vill og variert natur, trenger en imidlertid hverken god mat eller fører som unnskyldning for å stoppe over på Fondsbu. [2039b] If you like wild and varied scenery, you need, however, neither good food or a guide as an excuse to stop over at Fondsbu. [2039c] If one enjoys wild and varied natural surroundings, it is not even necessary to use fine cuisine or mountain guides as a justification for staying over at Fondsbu. [2039d] Lovers of a wild and varied landscape do not really need the incentive of delicious food or a guide to linger at Fondsbu. [2040a] En trenger heller ikke være en så følsom sjel som Vinje for å føle dragning mot toppen når en ser Falketinds imponerende fasade mot Koldedalen. [2040b] Neither must you be as sensitive a soul as Vinje to feel the attraction of the summits when you see Falketind's imposing facade toward Koldedalen. [2040c] Nor does one have to be as sensitive a soul as Vinje to feel the attraction of the peaks when gazing at Falketind's impressive facade toward Koldedalen. [2040d] You also do not need the sensitivity of the poet to feel the pull of the summit when you see the stunning facade Falketind turns to Koldedalen. [2041a] Hvert år er det mange som tar turen etter Keilhau, Boeck og Urden, som var de første på toppen i 1820. [2041b] Each year, many hike as did Keilhau, Boeck and Urden, who were first on the summit in 1820. [2041c] Each year, there are many who make the trip made by Keilhau, Boeck and Urden, who were the first to reach the top in 1820. [2041d] Every year many people retrace the steps of Keilhau, Boeck, and Urden, who first climbed it, in 1820. [2042a] Den vanligste ruta går fra Andrevatnet i Morka, Koldedalen og over breen til topps. [2042b] The customary route goes from Andrevatnet i Morka, Koldedalen and over the glacier to the summit. [2042c] The most common route goes from Andrevatnet in Morka, Koldedalen and across the glacier to the summit. [2042d] The usual route runs from Andrevatnet in Morka-Koldedalen and across the glacier to the top. [2043a] Behersker du brevandring, er turen ganske enkel, og de fleste kombinerer besøket på Falketind med en tur oppom nabotoppen Stølsnostind. [2043b] If you are proficient in glacier hiking, the hike is relatively easy, and most combine a stop on Falketind with a hike up the neighboring summit, Stølsnostind. [2043c] If you master glacier hiking, the trip is quite easy, and most people combine the visit to Falketind with a trip up to neighboring Stølsnostind. [2043d] If you are used to glaciers, the going will be easy; and most hikers combine this peak with a visit to neighboring Stølsnostind. [2044a] Om utsikten fra Falketind er imponerende østover, er den fra Stølsnostind minst like flott vestover, blant annet mot de forrevne Hurrungane på den andre siden av Utladalen. [2044b] If the view eastwards from Falketind impresses, that westwards from Stølsnostind is equally grand, for one toward the jagged Hurrungane on the other side of Utladalen. [2044c] If the view from Falketind is impressive toward the east, the one from Stølsnostind is at least as breathtaking toward the west, among other things toward the craggy Hurrungane on the other side of Utladalen. [2044d] And the westward view from the latter, which includes the jagged Hurrungane across Utladalen, is a fine match for the spectacular eastward view from Falketind. [2045a] Når du først er i dette området, er også Uranostind et flott turmål. [2045b] If you happen to be in the area, Uranostind also is a splendid hike destination. [2045c] Since you are in the area, Uranostind is also an excellent hiking destination. [2045d] Once you are in the area, Uranostind also makes a fine trip. [2046a] Også den toppen krever brevandring. [2046b] The summit also entails glacier hiking. [2046c] This peak also requires glacier hiking. [2046d] Glacier-walking is needed here, as well. [2047a] Men du trenger ikke dra så langt for å få utsikt. [2047b] But you need not go so far to get a view. [2047c] But you will not have to go far to enjoy the view. [2047d] You do not need to go that far for a view, however. [2048a] Skinnegga på 1518 meter ligger bare noen små kilometer syd for Fondsbu og Eidsbugarden, og nås lett på en liten ettermiddagstur, men du verden for en utsikt! [2048b] Skinnegga at 1518 meters is located just a few short kilometers south of Fondsbu and Eidsbugarden, and can easily be reached on a little afternoon hike, but good heavens, what a fine view! [2048c] Skinnegga, at 1518 meters, is just a few short kilometers south of Fondsbu and Eidsbugarden and can easily be reached during an afternoon outing, and the view is breathtaking! [2048d] Skinnegga, at less than 5000 feet, is just a few short miles south of Fondsbu and Eidsbugarden, within easy reach on an afternoon hike, and what a view! [2049a] *+
[2049b] *+
[2049c] *+
[2049d] *+
[2050a] +Adkomst [2050b] +Access [2050c] +Access [2050d] +Access [2051a] Det er bilvei til Fondsbu og båtrute over Bygdin. [2051b] There's a road to Fondsbu and boat service on Bygdin. [2051c] There is an automobile road to Fonsbu and a shuttle boat over Bygdin. [2051d] +Road to Fondsbu, boat service on Bygdin. [2052a] Det er merkede fotturruter til Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, Olavsbu, Skogadalsbøen og Yksendalsbu. [2052b] There are marked hiking routes to Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, Olavsbu, Skogadalsbøen and Yksendalsbu. [2052c] There are marked hiking trails to Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, Olavsbu, Skogadalsbøen and Yksendalsbu. [2052d] +Marked trails to Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, Olavsbu, Skogadalsbøen, and Yksendalsbu. [2053a] *+
[2053b] *+
[2053c] *+
[2053d] *+
[2054a] +Fakta
[2054b] +Facts
[2054c] +Facts
[2054d] +Facts
[2055a] Fondsbu turisthytte ble åpnet i 1993.
[2055b] Fondsbu tourist lodge was opened in 1993.
[2055c] Fondsbu turisthytte was opened in 1993.
[2055d] Fondsbu opened in 1993.
[2056a] +Eier: Fondsfinans AS.
[2056b] +Owner: Fondsfinans AS.
[2056c] +Owner: Fondsfinans AS.
[2056d] +Owner: Fondsfinans AS.
[2057a] DNT OA leier hytta.
[2057b] DNT OA leases the lodge.
[2057c] DNT OA rents the lodge.
[2057d] +Renter: DNT OA
[2058a] +Bestyrere: Nina Schreiber og Helge Lindstad.
[2058b] +Wardens: Nina Schreiber and Helge Lindstad.
[2058c] +Managers: Nina Schreiber and Helge Lindstad.
[2058d] +Managers: Nina Schreiber and Helge Lindstad.
[2059a] Hytta ligger i Vang kommune i Oppland, 1065 m o.h., og har 90 senger.
[2059b] The lodge is located in Vang Township in Oppland, 1065 meters above sea level, and has 90 beds.
[2059c] The lodge is located in Vang municipality in Oppland, 1065 meters above sea level, and has 90 beds.
[2059d] +Located in Vang, Oppland, at 3500 feet, 90 beds.
[2060a] *+Tlf: 970 74 218.
[2060b] *+Tel: 970 74 218.
[2060c] *+Tel. : 970 74 218.
[2060d] *+Tel. 970 74 218.
[2061a] *+Web: www.dntoa.no «hytter»
[2061b] *+Web:
[2062b] *+
[2062c] *+
[2062d] *+
[2063a] +Olavsbu
[2063b] +Olavsbu
[2063c] +Olavsbu
[2063d] +Olavsbu
[2064a] +Selvbetjent smørøye
[2064b] +Self-service centerpiece
[2064c] +Self-service idyll
[2064d] +Well-Placed Self-Service Hut
[2065a] Allerede lenge før krigen ønsket DNT å bygge en hytte i Raudalen for å spre trafikken i Jotunheimen.
[2065b] Even before World War II, DNT wanted to build a lodge in Raudalen to spread traffic in the Jotunheimen.
[2065c] Already long before the war, DNT wanted to build a lodge in Raudalen in order to disperse traffic in Jotunheimen.
[2065d] Long before the war DNT began hoping for a hut in Raudalen, in order to spread the traffic in Jotunheimen.
[2066a] Rutene mellom Gjendebu og Skogadalsbøen, og Leirvassbu og Eidsbugarden, var så lange at mange kviet seg for å gå i dette området.
[2066b] The routes between Gjendebu and Skogadalsbøen and between Leirvassbu and Eidsbugarden were so long that many were reluctant to hike in the area.
[2066c] The routes between Gjendebu and Skogadalsbøen, and Leirvassbu and Eidsbugarden, were so lengthy that many were reluctant to hike in this area.
[2066d] The trails from Gjendebu to Skogadalsbøen, and from Leirvassbu to Eidsbugarden were so long that many people avoided the area.
[2067a] En hytte i krysningspunktet mellom disse to løypene øverst i Raudalen ville derfor både dele opp dagsetappene og skape flere muligheter for hytte-til-hytte-turistene.
[2067b] A lodge at the junction between the two routes, uppermost in Raudalen, would consequently both divide the day legs and create further options for lodge-to-lodge tourists.
[2067c] A lodge at the intersection between these two routes uppermost in Raudalen would therefore serve to divide up the daily hiking legs and to create more opportunities for tourists going from lodge to lodge.
[2067d] A hut at the junction of these two trails at the upper end of Raudalen would thus give hut-to-hut hikers more options and cut the day's hike in half.
[2068a] Da DNT fikk en større pengegave fra skipsreder Olav Ringdal og frue for å reise en hytte til minne om sønnen Olav som falt under den annen verdenskrig, var det derfor liten tvil om hvor man skulle plassere en slik hytte for at den skulle gjøre størst mulig nytte.
[2068b] When DNT received a large gift of money from ship-owner Olav Ringdal and his wife to build a cabin in memory of their son Olav, who had fallen in World War II, there therefore was little doubt where such a cabin should be located to be most useful.
[2068c] When DNT received a large endowment from ship owner Olav Ringdal and his wife to build a lodge in memory of their son Olav, who had fallen during World War II, there was therefore little doubt as to where such a lodge should be placed and where it would be the most beneficial.
[2068d] When DNT received a generous donation from the shipowner Olav Ringdal and his wife to build a hut in memory of their son Olav, who had died in the war, it was soon decided where to place the hut to best advantage.
[2069a] Og for en plassering - ikke bare har hytta krysningspunktet for to viktige vandreruter omtrent på trappa, Olavsbu ligger også ved foten av noen av de flotteste toppene Jotunheimen har å by på.
[2069b] And what a location - not only does the cabin have the junction of two key hiking routes almost at its doorstep, but Olavsbu lies also at the feet of some of the grandest peaks of the Jotunheim.
[2069c] And what an exquisite location - not only does the lodge have the crossing of two important hiking routes practically on its doorstep, Olavsbu itself is located at the base of some of the finest peaks Jotunheimen has to offer.
[2069d] And what advantage - not only do these two major trails cross practically on the hut's front steps, but Olavsbu sits at the base of some of finest peaks in Jotunheimen.
[2070a] Rett foran ligger den grasiøse Mjølkedalstinden på hele 2137 meter (turbeskrivelse, se hefte 3).
[2070b] Right in front lies the grandiose Mjølkedalstinden of fully 2137 meters (hike description, see brochure 3).
[2070c] Right in front of it towers the gracious Mjølkedalstinden, all of 2137 meters (trip description, see pamphlet 3).
[2070d] Right in front the elegant Mjølkedalstind towers at 7009 feet (trip description, see Booklet 3).
[2071a] I ryggen har Olavsbu den langstrakte Raudalseggi på 2168 meter.
[2071b] In back of Olavsbu is the slender Raudalseggi of 2168 meters.
[2071c] To its rear, Olavsbu has lofty Raudalseggi, at 2168 meters.
[2071d] At its back Olavsbu has the long, curved Raudalsegga at 7111.
[2072a] Den ble besteget første gang i 1906 av Ferdinand Schelderup og Agnes Jakhelln.
[2072b] It was first ascended in 1906 by Ferdinand Schelderup and Agnes Jakhelln.
[2072c] It was first climbed in 1906 by Ferdinand Schelderup and Agnes Jakhelln.
[2072d] It was first climbed in 1906, by Ferdinand Schelderup and Agnes Jakhelln.
[2073a] Turen rett til topps bak hytta krever klatring og sikringsutstyr, men det er mulig å komme seg til topps uten å klatre ved å starte fra Storådalen.
[2073b] The route to the summit in back of the cabin requires climbing and safety equipment, but it's possible to reach the summit without climbing by starting from Storådalen.
[2073c] The ascent directly to the top behind the lodge requires climbing skills and safety equipment, but it is possible to reach the summit without climbing by starting from Storådalen.
[2073d] The direct route behind the hut calls for climbing with ropes, but it is possible to get to the top walking from Storådalen.
[2074a] Noe mindre storslagne er heller ikke Sjogholstind, Skardalstind og Raudalstindan, som alle ligger innenfor en makelig dagstur fra Olavsbu.
[2074b] No less splendid are neither Sjogholstind, Skardalstind, and Raudalstindan, all of which lie within a manageable day hike from Olavsbu.
[2074c] No the less grand are Sjogholstind, Skardalstind and Raudalstindan, all of which lie inside a feasible day trip from Olavsbu.
[2074d] Every bit as striking are Sjogholstind, Skardalstind, and Raudalstindane, which are all within an easy day hike from Olavsbu.
[2075a] Olavsbu sto klar i 1952, og ble raskt så populær at det var nødvendig å utvide hytta allerede i 1960.
[2075b] Olavsbu was finished in 1952, and quickly became so popular that it was necessary to expand the cabin as early as 1960.
[2075c] Olavsbu was completed in 1952 and rapidly became so popular that the lodge had to be expanded already by 1960.
[2075d] Olavsbu opened in 1952 and gained popularity so rapidly that it had to be expanded already in 1960.
[2076a] Senere er Olavsbu bygget på flere ganger, slik at den er blant DNTs største selvbetjeningshytter med sine over 40 senger.
[2076b] Later, Olavsbu has been built onto several times, so that it is among DNT's largest self-service cabins, with more than 40 beds.
[2076c] Later, it was expanded even more at several intervals, so that it is today among DNT's largest self-service lodges, boasting more than 40 beds.
[2076d] Later Olavsbu has been built on to several times, turning it into one of DNT's biggest self-service huts, with 40 beds.
[2077a] Såpass er nødvendig når vi vet at overnattingsrekorden er over 3000 personer i løpet av ett år.
[2077b] That many are necessary in view of its overnight record of more than 3000 people in the course of a year.
[2077c] The capacity is necessary when we know that the record for overnight stays is more than 3000 persons per year.
[2077d] These are all needed, with a yearly record of more than 3000 overnight stays.
[2078a] *+
[2078b] *+
[2078c] *+
[2078d] *+
[2079a] +Adkomst
[2079b] +Access
[2079c] +Access
[2079d] +Access
[2080a] Det er merkede fotturruter til Gjendebu, Leirvassbu, Skogadalsbøen, Eidsbugarden og Fondsbu.
[2080b] There are marked hiking routes to Gjendebu, Leirvassbu, Skogadalsbøen, Eidsbugarden and Fondsbu.
[2080c] There are marked hiking trails to Gjendebu, Leirvassbu, Skogadalsbøen, Eidsbugarden and Fondsbu.
[2080d] +Marked trails to Gjendebu, Leirvassbu, Skogadalsbøen, Eidsbugarden, and Fondsbu.
[2081a] *+
[2081b] *+
[2081c] *+
[2081d] *+
[2082a] +Fakta
[2082b] +Facts
[2082c] +Facts
[2082d] +Facts
[2083a] Olavsbu selvbetjeningshytte ble innviet i 1952.
[2083b] Olavsbu self-service cabin was opened in 1952.
[2083c] Olavsbu self-service lodge was formally opened in 1952.
[2083d] Olavsbu opened in 1952.
[2084a] +Eier: DNT OA.
[2084b] +Owner: DNT OA.
[2084c] +Owner: DNT OA.
[2084d] +Owner: DNT OA.
[2085a] Hytta ligger i Luster kommune i Sogn og Fjordane, 1440 m o.h., og har 40 senger.
[2085b] The lodge is located in Luster Township in Sogn and Fjordane, 1440 meters above sea level, and has 40 beds.
[2085c] The lodge is located in Luster municipality in Sogn and Fjordane, 1440 meters above sea level, and has 40 beds.
[2085d] +Located in Luster, Sogn and Fjordane, at 4700 feet, 40 beds.
[2086a] *+Tlf: Nei.
[2086b] *+Tel: None.
[2086c] *+Tel. : None.
[2086d] +No telephone.
[2087a] *+Web: www.dntoa.no «hytter»
[2087b] *+Web:
[2088b] *+
[2088c] *+
[2088d] *+
[2089a] +Haugseter fjellstue
[2089b] +Haugseter fjellstue
[2089c] +Haugseter fjellstue
[2089d] +Haugseter fjellstue
[2090a] +Tradisjoner ved Vinstri
[2090b] +Tradition on Lake Vinstri
[2090c] +Old Traditions at Vinstri
[2090d] +Traditions by Lake Vinstri
[2091a] *+
[2091b] *+
[2091c] *+
[2091d] *+
[2092a] Ved Mørstadstølen, nesten i østenden av den store innsjøen Vinstri, har arkeologene funnet rester etter en steinalderboplass.
[2092b] At Mørstadstølen, almost at the east end of the large lake Vinstri, archeologists have found remains of a stone-age settlement.
[2092c] At Mørstadstølen, almost at the east end of the great lake, Vinstri, archeologists have found the remains of a Stone Age settlement.
[2092d] At Mørstadstølen, near the eastern end of the big lake Vinstri, archaeologists have uncovered the remains of a stone-age settlement.
[2093a] Pilspissene som lå like i nærheten, forteller litt om hvilke ærender våre skinnkledde forfedre hadde i høyfjellet.
[2093b] Arrowheads scattered around indicate the sort of errand that our fur-clad ancestors had in the high mountains.
[2093c] The arrowheads that were found nearby bear witness to the activities of our fur-clad forefathers in the high mountains.
[2093d] Arrowheads found nearby reveal our fur-clad ancestors' purpose for being in the mountains.
[2094a] Sannsynligvis har mennesker brukt dette området mer eller mindre sammenhengende siden den gang, både til jakt og fiske.
[2094b] Most likely, people have used the area more or less continuously since then, both for hunting and for fishing.
[2094c] It is probable that humans have made use of this area more or less continuously ever since that time, for both hunting and fishing.
[2094d] Humans have probably used this area fairly regularly ever since, both for hunting and fishing.
[2095a] Det ble også tidlig populært å ha seter ved Vinstri.
[2095b] Vinstri was, in fact, early sought after for summer dairies.
[2095c] It also became popular to have summer farms at Vinstri.
[2095d] Summering by Vinstri was also an early favorite.
[2096a] Før krigen var det i hvert fall femti melkestøler i drift langs breddene, og fremdeles drives det støling på flere av dem.
[2096b] Before World War II, there were at least fifty dairies in operation along its shores, and dairying still goes on at some of them.
[2096c] Before the war, there were at least fifty summer dairy farms operating along the shores, and still today several of them are in operation.
[2096d] Before the war there were at least fifty summer dairies along the banks; some of them are still in use.
[2097a] Like ved Mørstadstølen ligger Haugseter.
[2097b] Haugseter is close to Mørstadstølen.
[2097c] Nearby Mørstadstølen is Haugseter.
[2097d] Close by Mørstadstølen lies Haugseter.
[2098a] Den fikk allerede på 1860-tallet ry på seg for å være en god plass å overnatte for fotturister.
[2098b] As early as the 1860s, it gained the reputation of being a good place for hikers to spend the night.
[2098c] Already in the 1860's, it had gained the reputation among hiking tourists of being a good place to spend the night.
[2098d] Its reputation as a hikers' lodge goes back to the 1860s.
[2099a] Etter som stadig flere la ruta mot Jotunheimen gjennom de vestre deler av Gausdal Vestfjell, ble dette et naturlig sted å ta inn.
[2099b] As increasing numbers of hikers took the route to the Jotunheimen through the western part of Gausdal Vestfjell, it became a natural place to stay.
[2099c] When increasingly more hikers began choosing the route toward Jotunheimen through the lower portions of Gausdal Vestfjell, this was the natural place to find accommodations.
[2099d] As it became ever more common to enter Jotunheimen from the western part of Gausdal Vestfjell, this was a natural stopover.
[2100a] I begynnelsen måtte turistene bo sammen med seterfolket, men i 1876 bygget Øystein Rudi og kona hans Ingrid egen turisthytte like ved stølen.
[2100b] In the beginning, tourists had to live together with the farm people, but in 1876, Øystein Rudi and his wife, Ingrid, built a separate tourist lodge next to the summer dairy.
[2100c] In the beginning, the tourists had to share quarters with the farm people, but in 1876, Øystein Rudi and his wife Ingrid built a separate tourist lodge near the farmstead.
[2100d] The tourists were at first part of the household, but in 1876 Øystein Rudi and his wife, Ingrid, built a separate hikers' hut right next-door.
[2101a] De drev fram til 1910, da overtok datteren Marit og hennes mann Tollef Haavi.
[2101b] They ran it until 1910, when their daughter Marit and her husband, Tollef Haavi took it over.
[2101c] They ran it up until 1910, when their daughter Marit and her husband, Tollef Haavi, took over.
[2101d] They ran it until 1910, when their daughter Marit and her husband Tollef Haavi took over.
[2102a] I 1919 ble stedet bygget om nok en gang, nå så mye at det i noen år hadde det mer storslåtte navnet Haugseter hotell.
[2102b] In 1919, the place was again rebuilt, so much so that for a few years it had the more pretentious name Haugseter Hotel.
[2102c] In 1919, the facilities were renovated again, so much so this time that for a few years the place bore the elegant name of Haugseter Hotel.
[2102d] In 1919 the rebuilding was so extensive that the name was changed to Haugseter Hotell for a few years.
[2103a] Mange turister ble også fraktet inn i robåt.
[2103b] Many tourists were also ferried in by rowboat.
[2103c] Many tourists were also brought here by rowboat.
[2103d] Many visitors were also brought by rowboat.
[2104a] De som kom til bredden tvers overfor Haugseter, heiste hvitt signalflagg om at de hadde behov for skyss.
[2104b] Those who came to the bank across from Haugseter raised a white signal flag to indicate their need of a ferryboat.
[2104c] Those arriving at the shoreline across from Haugseter would raise a white flag signaling that they needed transportation.
[2104d] Hikers arriving at the shore opposite Haugseter raised a white banner to signal their need for a boat.
[2105a] I 1911 kom det også motorbåtrute på Vinstri som på de store innsjøene i Jotunheimen.
[2105b] In 1911, motor boat service also began on Vinstri, as on the other large lakes in Jotunheimen.
[2105c] In 1911, a motorized shuttle boat was put in service at Vinstri, just as on the other large lakes in Jotunheimen.
[2105d] In 1911 a motorboat service started on Vinstri, as it had on the large lakes in Jotunheimen.
[2106a] Båten trafikkerte vannet fram til 1954, da Jotunheimveien mellom Bygdin og Skåbu ble fullført, men vannet var ikke bare viktig som ferdselsåre - de gode fiskemulighetene trakk mange, både bygdefolk og turister.
[2106b] The boat sailed the lake until 1954, when Jotunheimveien between Bygdin and Skåbu was completed, but the lake was not just significant as a traffic artery - the fishing attracted many, both locals and tourists.
[2106c] The boat served the lake until 1954, when the Jotunheim road between Bygdin and Skåbu was completed, but the lake was not only important for boat traffic - the excellent fishing here attracted many people, both locals and tourists.
[2106d] The boat ran until 1954, when the Jotunheimen Road between Bygdin and Skåbu was finished. However, the water was not simply for travel - fishing tempted locals and visitors alike.
[2107a] I 1989 brant dessverre Haugseter fjellstue ned til grunnen.
[2107b] In 1989, regrettably, Haugseter Fjellstue burned to the ground.
[2107c] In 1989, regrettably, Haugseter Mountain Lodge burned to the ground.
[2107d] Sadly, Haugseter burnt to the ground in 1989.
[2108a] Heldigvis er den nå bygget opp igjen i trivelig, gammel stil.
[2108b] Fortunately, it has now been built up again in comfortable, old style.
[2108c] Fortunately it has been rebuilt in the same pleasant, old style.
[2108d] Fortunately it has been rebuilt in the old style, which should please travelers arriving either on foot or by car.
[2109a] Det burde glede både fotturister og veifarende langs Jotunheimveien.
[2109b] That should please both hikers and motorists along Jotunheimveien.
[2109c] It is there for the enjoyment of both hiking tourists and travelers along the Jotunheimen road.
[2109d] Fortunately it has been rebuilt in the old style, which should please travelers arriving either on foot or by car.
[2110a] *+
[2110b] *+
[2110c] *+
[2110d] *+
[2111a] +Adkomst
[2111b] +Access
[2111c] +Access
[2111d] +Access
[2112a] Jotunheimveien mellom Bygdin og Skåbu passerer hytta.
[2112b] Jotunheimveien between Bygdin and Skåbu goes by the lodge.
[2112c] The Jotunheimen road between Bygdin and Skåbu passes the lodge.
[2112d] The Jotunheimen Road from Bygdin to Skåbu passes the lodge.
[2113a] Det er merkede fotturruter til Gjendesheim, Oskampen og Storeskag.
[2113b] +Marked hiking trails to Gjendesheim, Oskampen and Storeskag.
[2113c] There are marked hiking trails to Gjendesheim, Oskampen and Storeskag.
[2113d] +Marked trails to Gjendesheim, Oskampen, and Storeskag.
[2114a] *+
[2114b] *+
[2114c] *+
[2114d] *+
[2115a] +Fakta
[2115b] +Facts
[2115c] +Facts
[2115d] +Facts
[2116a] Haugseter fjellstue har tatt imot turister siden 1860-tallet.
[2116b] Hindsæter fjellstue has received tourists since the 1860s.
[2116c] Haugseter fjellstue has hosted tourists since the 1860's.
[2116d] Haugseter Fjellstue has had visitors since the 1860s.
[2117a] +Eiere: Rønjus Nordtorp og Kari Hauge.
[2117b] +Owners: Rønjus Nordtorp and Kari Hauge.
[2117c] +Owners: Rønjus Nordtorp and Kari Hauge.
[2117d] +Owners: Rønjus Nordtorp and Kari Hauge.
[2118a] Hytta ligger i Øystre Slidre kommune i Oppland, 1040 m o.h., og har totalt 64 senger.
[2118b] The lodge is located in Øystre Slidre Township in Oppland, 1040 meters above sea level, and has a total of 64 beds.
[2118c] The lodge is located in Øystre Slidre municipality in Oppland, 1040 meters above sea level, and has a total of 64 beds.
[2118d] +Located in Øystre Slidre, Oppland, at 3400 feet, 64 beds.
[2119a] *+Tlf: 61 34 15 10.
[2119b] *+Tel: 61 34 15 10.
[2119c] *+Tel.: 61 34 15 10.
[2119d] *+Tel. 61 34 15 10
[2120a] *+
[2120b] *+
[2120c] *+
[2120d] *+
[2121a] +Torfinnsbu
[2121b] +Torfinnsbu
[2121c] +Torfinnsbu
[2121d] +Torfinnsbu
[2122a] +Hytta som flyttet på seg
[2122b] +The lodge that moved
[2122c] +The Lodge that Moved Away
[2122d] +The Hut that Moved
[2123a] *+
[2123b] *+
[2123c] *+
[2123d] *+
[2124a] I 1867 ble det satt opp en tømmerbu ved siden av en gammel steinbu ved Nybua, omtrent midt på nordbredden av den 28 km lange Bygdin, Jotunheimens største innsjø.
[2124b] In 1867, a log cabin was set up alongside the old stone hut at Nybua, about midway on the north shore of the 28 kilometer long Bygdin, Jotunheimen's largest lake.
[2124c] In 1867, a cabin was built beside one of the old stone sheds at Nybua, about midway on the northern shore of 28-kilometer long Bygdin, Jotunheimen's largest lake.
[2124d] In 1867 a log cabin was put up next to an old stone hut at Nybua, about halfway down the 17.5-mile-long Bygdin, the biggest lake in Jotunheimen.
[2125a] Bua var ment som overnattingsplass for fegjeterne som holdt til med buskapen i dette området store deler av sommeren, men allerede i 1870 begynte også fotturistene å ta inn der.
[2125b] The cabin was intended to provide lodging for the cowherds who lived with the livestock in the area for the greater part of summer, but as early as 1870, hikers also began to stay there.
[2125c] The cabin was meant to be quarters for the cattle herders who brought livestock to this area for longer periods during the summertime, but already in 1870, hiking tourists began to spend the night here.
[2125d] The cabin was meant to house the herdsmen who spent much of the summer here with their animals, but already in 1870 hikers began to stay.
[2126a] I 1876 var William C. Slingsby, Emanuel Mohn og Knut Lykken på besøk, de var på vei vestover for å bestige store Skagastølstind.
[2126b] In 1876, William C. Slingsby, Emanuel Mohn and Knut Lykken dropped in on their way westward to climb Store Skagastølstind.
[2126c] In 1876, William C. Slingsby, Amanuel Mohn and Knut Lykken came to visit; they were on their way west to climb the great Skagastølstind.
[2126d] In 1876 William C. Slingsby, Emanuel Mohn, and Knut Lykken visited on their way west to climb Store Skagastølstind.
[2127a] DNT fikk tilbud om å kjøpe bua i 1888, men slo til først i 1901.
[2127b] In 1888, DNT received an offer to buy the cabin, but accepted first in 1901.
[2127c] DNT was given the option to buy the cabin in 1888, but didn't do so until 1901.
[2127d] In 1888 DNT received an offer to buy the hut, but they only did so in 1901.
[2128a] Da la foreningen ned sin hytte Tvindehaugen ved Bygdin, rev bygningen og fraktet tømmeret østover.
[2128b] The Association then abandoned its cabin at Tvindehaugen on Bygdin, dismantled the building and transported the logs eastwards.
[2128c] The association then closed its lodge, Tvindehaugen, on Bygdin Lake, dismantled the building and transported the lumber east.
[2128d] Then the club closed their Tvindehaugen hut by Bygdin, dismantled the building and carried the timber east.
[2129a] Omtrent én kilometer øst for Nybua, der Torfinnsdøla møter Bygdin, fant DNT en flott tomt, og i 1905 sto hytta klar.
[2129b] About one kilometer east of Nybua, where Torfinnsdøla flows into Bygdin, DNT found a fine site, and in 1905 the cabin was finished.
[2129c] About one kilometer east of Nybua, where Torfinnsdøla meets Bygdin, DNT found a lovely spot, and in 1905, the lodge was completely rebuilt.
[2129d] About half a mile east of Nybua, where Torfinnsdøla enters Bygdin, DNT found a prime site, and in 1905 the hut was up.
[2130a] Etter få år ble imidlertid også denne for liten, så i 1909 ble hytta utvidet og omdøpt til det noe staseligere Torfinnsbu, etter elva og de storslagne toppene hytta ligger ved foten av.
[2130b] However, after a few years it also was too small, so in 1909 the cabin was expanded given the more stately name of Torfinnsbu, after the river and the splendid peaks, at the feet of which the lodge lies.
[2130c] After a few years, however, it proved to be too small, so that in 1909, it was expanded and renamed with the somewhat more elegant Torfinnsbu, after the river and the magnificent mountains beneath which the lodge is located.
[2130d] It took only a few years, however, for this one to grow too small, so in 1909 it was expanded and given the more appropriate name of Torfinnsbu, after the river and the adjacent peaks.
[2131a] I 1913 ble hytta overtatt av grunneierne, som hadde innløsningsrett etter ti år.
[2131b] In 1913, the lodge was taken over by the landowners, who had the right of redemption after ten years.
[2131c] In 1913, the lodge was taken over by the landowners, who had right of purchase after ten years.
[2131d] In 1913 it was taken over by the landowners, who had an option to buy after ten years.
[2132a] De forskjellige driverne av Torfinnsbu har ved sin innsats opp gjennom årene skapt et sted som fjellturistene vet å sette pris på, og det er tross alt det viktigste.
[2132b] The various hard workers at Torfinnsbu have by their efforts over the years created a place that mountain tourists value, which, after all, is most important.
[2132c] The various managers of Torfinnsbu, through their efforts over the years, have created a place that mountain tourists have come to appreciate, and that is what counts above all.
[2132d] Torfinnsbu's hutmasters through the years have by their efforts created a place well-loved by hikers, which is what really counts.
[2133a] I de senere årene er det også foretatt en omfattende modernisering av Torfinnsbu, som dermed burde være godt rustet til å ta imot flere turister.
[2133b] In recent years, Torfinnsbu has also been extensively modernized, and therefore should be well equipped to receive more tourists.
[2133c] In recent years, Torfinnsbu has undergone a comprehensive modernization, and as a result is well-suited to host more tourists.
[2133d] In more recent years the hut has also been extensively modernized, making it fit for welcoming even more travelers.
[2134a] Fjellklatrerne viste tidlig interesse for Torfinnsbu og gjør det fortsatt.
[2134b] Mountaineers early showed interest in Torfinnsbu and still do.
[2134c] Mountain climbers showed early interest in Torfinnsbu, and do so still today.
[2134d] Climbers early showed an interest in Torfinnsbu and still do.
[2135a] Spesielt gjør Torfinnstindane et imponerende inntrykk nedenfra Bygdin.
[2135b] Especially the Torfinnstindane make a striking impression from down below on Bygdin.
[2135c] Torfinnstindane, especially, makes a striking impression seen from Bygdin below.
[2135d] Torfinnstindane are especially impressive seen from Bygdin.
[2136a] Ved sitt besøk kunne Slingsby og hans følge innlemme Østre Torfinnstind på 2119 meter i sin store samling førstebestigninger.
[2136b] During his stop, Slingsby and his party could include Østre Torfinnstind at 2119 meters in his large collection of first ascents.
[2136c] During Slingsby's visit, he and his companions were able to add Østre Torfinnstind, at 2119 meters, to their long list of first ascents.
[2136d] On their visit Slingsby and his party were able to add Østre Torfinnstind at 6950 feet to their long list of first ascents.
[2137a] Turen nede fra Torfinnsbu og opp på den høyeste av de tre Torfinnstindane er luftig enkelte steder, men ikke spesielt vanskelig, og krever ikke klatreerfaring.
[2137b] The hike down from Torfinnsbu and up to the highest of the three Torfinnstindane is exposed in places, but is not particularly difficult and doesn't require climbing skills.
[2137c] The trip down from Torfinnsbu and up to the highest of the three Torfinnstindane is breezy in places, but not particularly difficult, and does not require climbing experience.
[2137d] The route from Torfinnsbu to the highest peak in Torfinnstindane is quite open and exposed in spots, although not particularly difficult or requiring climbing skills.
[2138a] Det samme kan sies om de aller fleste totusenmeter-toppene rundt Torfinnsbu.
[2138b] The same can be said of most two thousand meter peaks around Torfinnsbu.
[2138c] The same can be said of most of the two-thousand-meter peaks around Torfinnsbu.
[2138d] The same may be said of most of the high peaks around Torfinnsbu.
[2139a] Unntakene er den midtre av Torfinnstindane og Søre nål på Knutseggi på den andre siden av Svartdalen.
[2139b] The exceptions are the middle Torfinnstindane and Søre Nål on Knutseggi on the other side of Svartdalen.
[2139c] Exceptions are the middle peak of the Torfinnstindane, and Søre nål at Knutsegg on the other side of Svartdalen.
[2139d] The exceptions are the middle Torfinnstindane summit and the southern needle on Knutseggi across Svartdalen.
[2140a] Det er utarbeidet en god turguide for toppene i dette området, hvis man trenger flere opplysninger.
[2140b] A good hike guide has been compiled for peaks in this area, if you need more information.
[2140c] A good trip guide has been published for this area, in the event further information is needed.
[2140d] If needed, a good guidebook to the peaks in the area is available.
[2141a] Sommerstid er det også en god idé å kombinere dagsturen fra Torfinnsbu med en båttur på Bygdin.
[2141b] In the summer it also is a good idea to combine a day hike from Torfinnsbu with a boat trip on Bygdin.
[2141c] During the summertime, it is also a good idea to combine the day trip from Torfinnsbu with a boat outing on Bygdin.
[2141d] In the summer it is also a good idea to combine the day trip from Torfinnsbu with a boat trip on Bygdin.
[2142a] Da er det muligheter for enda flere spennende turmål rundt Jotunheimens største innsjø.
[2142b] There are opportunities for several more exciting hike destinations around Jotunheimen's largest lake.
[2142c] This opens for even more exciting trips off the shores of Jotunheimen's largest lake.
[2142d] It opens up more possibilities for enticing hikes in the vicinity of Jotunheimen's largest lake.
[2143a] +Adkomst
[2143b] +Access
[2143c] +Access
[2143d] +Access
[2144a] Det går rutebåt på Bygdin hele sommeren, og det er merkede fotturruter til Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Gjendebu, Valdresflya vandrerhjem og Bygdin høyfjellshotell.
[2144b] There is scheduled boat service on Bygdin throughout the summer, and there are marked trails to Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Gjendebu, Valdresflya Youth Hostel, and Bygdin Høyfjellshotel.
[2144c] There is a shuttle boat at Bygdin all summer long, and there are marked hiking trails to Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Gjendebu, Valdresflya hostel and Bygdin høyfjellshotell.
[2144d] +Boat service on Bygdin all summer. Marked trails to Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Gjendebu, Valdresflya VH (hostel), and Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2145a] *+
[2145b] *+
[2145c] *+
[2145d] *+
[2146a] +Fakta
[2146b] +Facts
[2146c] +Facts
[2146d] +Facts
[2147a] Torfinnsbu har tatt imot turister siden 1905, forløperen Nybod fra 1870.
[2147b] Torfinnsbu has received tourists since 1905, its predecessor Nybod from 1870.
[2147c] Torfinnsbu has hosted tourists since 1905; its forerunner, Nybod, since 1870.
[2147d] Torfinnsbu opened in 1905, its predecessor Nybod in 1870.
[2148a] +Eier: Arvid Skredbergene.
[2148b] +Owner: Arvid Skredbergene.
[2148c] +Owner: Arvid Skredbergene.
[2148d] +Owner: Arvid Skredbergene.
[2149a] Hytta ligger i Vang kommune i Oppland, 1060 m o.h., og har 36 senger.
[2149b] The lodge is located in Vang Township in Oppland, 1060 meters above sea level, and has 36 beds.
[2149c] The lodge is located in Vang municipality in Oppland, 1060 meters above sea level, and has 36 beds.
[2149d] +Located in Vang, Oppland, at 3500 feet, 36 beds.
[2150a] *+Tlf: 958 83 398.
[2150b] *+Tel: 958 83 398.
[2150c] *+Tel. : 958 83 398.
[2150d] *+Tel. 958 83 398.
[2151a] *+
[2151b] *+
[2151c] *+
[2151d] *+
[2152a] +Yksendalsbu
[2152b] +Yksendalsbu.
[2152c] +Yksendalsbu
[2152d] +Yksendalsbu
[2153a] +Ny hytte, men gammel rute
[2153b] +New lodge, old route
[2153c] +New lodge, But Old Route
[2153d] +New Hut, Old Route
[2154a] *+
[2154b] *+
[2154c] *+
[2154d] *+
[2155a] Yksendalen er grønn og vakker og strekker seg fra Olefjorden sør for Bygdin en mils vei vestover mot Steinbusjøen.
[2155b] Yksendalen is green and beautiful and extends from Oldefjorden south of Bygdin about 10 kilometers westward toward Steinbusjøen.
[2155c] Yksendalen is green and beautiful, stretching from Olefjorden south of Bygdin and ten kilometers west toward Steinbusjøen.
[2155d] Yksendalen is green and gorgeous, stretching west for six miles from Olefjorden south of Bygdin toward Steinbusjøen.
[2156a] Ikke rart at dalen var brukt som innfallsport til Jotunheimen allerede i fotturismens barndom.
[2156b] Not odd, then, that the valley was used as a gateway to the Jotunheimen even in the early days of hiking.
[2156c] It is no wonder that the valley was used as a gateway to Jotunheimen already in hiking tourism's infancy.
[2156d] No wonder the valley was used as a gateway to Jotunheimen from the very start of hiking in these mountains.
[2157a] De fleste som besøkte frodigheten i Yksendalen, hadde imidlertid ikke to, men fire bein.
[2157b] Most who visited the succulence of Yksendalen had, however, not two, but four legs.
[2157c] Most visitors to the lushness of Yksendalen, however, were not two-legged, but rather four-legged.
[2157d] But most of those who enjoyed the greenery in Yksendalen were not bipeds but quadrupeds.
[2158a] Som navnet antyder, var det beite for okser her inne.
[2158b] As the name implies, there was pasture for bulls here.
[2158c] As the name suggests, this was pastureland for cattle.
[2158d] As the name indicates, oxen grazed in the valley, which may have been used for cattle as early as 1800, with up to 100 well-fed bulls at the busiest time.
[2159a] Sannsynligvis ble dalen tatt i bruk til dette formålet allerede ved forrige århundreskifte.
[2159b] The valley most likely was used for that purpose as early as the turn of the last century.
[2159c] It is probable that the valley was used for grazing already at the turn of the previous century.
[2159d] As the name indicates, oxen grazed in the valley, which may have been used for cattle as early as 1800, with up to 100 well-fed bulls at the busiest time.
[2160a] Flere flokker beitet i dalen, og på det meste kunne det være oppimot 100 velvoksne okser der.
[2160b] Several herds grazed in the valley, and at the most, there could be nearly 100 fully-grown bulls there.
[2160c] Several herds grazed in the valley, and at most, there may have been as many as 100 full-grown bulls here.
[2160d] As the name indicates, oxen grazed in the valley, which may have been used for cattle as early as 1800, with up to 100 well-fed bulls at the busiest time.
[2161a] Yksendalsbua ga i mange år husly for gjeterne til Oppland Landbruksselskap som passet på avlsokser fra Valdres og Vestoppland.
[2161b] For many years, Yksendalsbua provided shelter for the herders of Oppland Landbruksselskap who minded the breeder bulls from Valdres and Vestoppland.
[2161c] Yksendalsbua provided shelter for the herders of Oppland Agricultural Coop who tended the breeding bulls from Valdres and Vestoppland.
[2161d] For years the hut in Yksendalen housed the herdsmen of the Oppland farmers' cooperative, who looked after breeders from Valdres and Vestoppland.
[2162a] De var sendt til fjells for å bli fete og klare for ny innsats utover høsten og vinteren.
[2162b] They were sent to the mountains to fatten and be ready for new achievements in autumn and winter.
[2162c] They were sent to pasture for fattening and to prepare for new tasks that lay ahead during the fall and winter.
[2162d] The bulls were sent to the mountains to gain weight and strength for a new breeding season.
[2163a] Men med nye tider kom nye behov.
[2163b] But new times brought new needs.
[2163c] But modern times brought new needs.
[2163d] In a different age, when vets, test tubes, and artificial insemination took over the job of the amorous bull, the need for mountain pasturage disappeared.
[2164a] Veterinær, reagensglass og kunstig inseminasjon overtok gradvis for lystne okser, og behovet for fjellbeiter forsvant.
[2164b] Veterinarians, test tubes, and artificial insemination gradually took over from lustful bulls, and the need for mountain pastures disappeared.
[2164c] Veterinaries, test tubes and artificial insemination gradually superseded lusty bulls, and the need for mountain pasture wilted away.
[2164d] In a different age, when vets, test tubes, and artificial insemination took over the job of the amorous bull, the need for mountain pasturage disappeared.
[2165a] En stund etter krigen var det slutt på det kapittelet i Yksendalen.
[2165b] Shortly after World War II that chapter ended in Yksendalen.
[2165c] Sometime after the war, grazing in Yksendalen was a thing of the past.
[2165d] A few years after the war this era had come to an end in the valley.
[2166a] Behovene til de tobente forandret seg også etter som kommunikasjonene utviklet seg.
[2166b] The needs of the bipeds also changed as communications developed.
[2166c] The needs of two-legged wanderers also changed as communications developed.
[2166d] The needs of the bipeds also changed as other forms of travel gained ground.
[2167a] Seterlosjiene ble lagt ned og rutene grodde igjen.
[2167b] Mountain farm lodgings were closed down and routes overgrown.
[2167c] The mountain farm quarters were abandoned and the trails became overgrown.
[2167d] The summer shelters were closed up and the trails grew over.
[2168a] Utover 1980-tallet ble det lansert flere forslag om å få åpnet denne flotte innfallsporten til Jotunheimen på ny, men for å få det til trengtes et nytt overnattingssted.
[2168b] Throughout the 1980s, several proposals were made to open this fine gateway to Jotunheimen anew, but the realization of that required a new overnight lodging.
[2168c] During the 1980's, proposals were made to reopen this excellent gateway to Jotunheimen, but to accomplish this, new overnight accommodations would be needed.
[2168d] In the 1980s there were several proposals to reopen this splendid gateway to Jotunheimen, but this called for a new hut.
[2169a] Først da den kjente eiendomskongen Olav Thon meldte seg med en generøs donasjon til DNT, ble det fart i sakene.
[2169b] First, when the well-known real estate king Olav Thon came up with a generous donation to DNT, was headway made.
[2169c] It wasn't until real estate magnate Olav Thon made a generous donation to DNT that things got started.
[2169d] Only when the famous real-estate king Olav Thon chipped in with a generous donation did plans move ahead.
[2170a] DNT var så heldig å få leie den gamle gjeterbua i Yksendalen.
[2170b] DNT was so fortunate as to lease the old herder cabin in Yksendalen.
[2170c] DNT was lucky enough to be able to lease the old cattle herders' quarters in Yksendalen.
[2170d] DNT was lucky enough to rent the old herdsmen's cabin in Yksendalen.
[2171a] Det var en ideell plass for en turisthytte, fordi den lå omtrent midtveis mellom Beitostølen og Fondsbu.
[2171b] It was an ideal place for a tourist lodge, because it lay about midway between Beitostølen and Fondsbu.
[2171c] It was an ideal place for a tourist lodge, because it was located about midway between Beitostølen and Fondsbu.
[2171d] It was the perfect place for a hikers' hut, sitting roughly midway between Beitostølen and Fondsbu.
[2172a] Den ble pusset opp etter alle kunstens regler, og det ble bygget et høvelig anneks like bortenfor.
[2172b] It was renovated according to all rules of the game, and a suitable annex was built nearby.
[2172c] It was thoroughly renovated, and a convenient annex was built nearby.
[2172d] It was thoroughly renovated, and an annex was built nearby.
[2173a] I februar 1994 sto hytta så klar til å ta imot de første gjestene.
[2173b] In February 1994, the lodge was ready to receive its first guests.
[2173c] In February 1994, the lodge was ready to begin hosting its first guests.
[2173d] In February 1994 the hut was ready for guests, and that first winter well over a hundred visitors found their way to Yksendalen.
[2174a] Allerede den første vinteren var det godt over hundre personer som fant veien inn Yksendalen.
[2174b] Even in the first winter, more than a hundred people found their way into Yksendalen.
[2174c] Already the first winter, there were well over a hundred persons who found their way to Yksendalen.
[2174d] In February 1994 the hut was ready for guests, and that first winter well over a hundred visitors found their way to Yksendalen.
[2175a] De siste årene har enda flere fått øynene opp for turen inn til Fondsbu denne veien.
[2175b] In recent years, even more have become aware of hiking in to Fondsbu this way.
[2175c] During recent years, even more have become aware of the route to Fondsbu via this approach.
[2175d] In subsequent years more people have discovered this route to Fondsbu.
[2176a] Deler av ruta er en ren perle, spesielt fra Yksendalsbua og over til Vennistøldalen.
[2176b] Parts of the route are real gems, particularly from Yksendalsbua and over to Vennistøldalen.
[2176c] Parts of the route are pure paradise, especially from Yksendalsbua and across to Vennistøldalen.
[2176d] Parts of the trip are spectacular, especially from Yksendalsbu over to Vennisstøldalen.
[2177a] Flott er det også langs den nymerkede ruta til Bygdin høyfjellshotell på ryggen mellom Olefjorden og Bygdin.
[2177b] The newly-marked route to Bygdin Høyfjellshotel, on the ridge between Olefjorden and Bygdin, is also fine.
[2177c] It is also beautiful along the newly marked route to Bygdin Mountain Hotel on the ridge between Olefjorden and Bygdin.
[2177d] Another fine hike is the newly marked trail to Bygdin Fjellhotell along the ridge between Olefjorden and Bygdin.
[2178a] *+
[2178b] *+
[2178c] *+
[2178d] *+
[2179a] +Beitostølen
[2179b] +Beitostølen
[2179c] +Beitostølen
[2179d] +Beitostølen
[2180a] Beitostølen som turiststed er av forholdsvis ny dato.
[2180b] As a tourist destination, Beitostølen is relatively new.
[2180c] Beitostølen as a tourist site is a relatively recent development.
[2180d] It is only in recent years that Beitostølen has turned into a tourist haunt.
[2181a] Fra gammelt av var her en vanlig stølsgrend med liv og røre om sommeren og stillhet om vinteren.
[2181b] In days gone by, there was a traditional cluster of mountain dairies here, with life and commotion in summer and stillness in winter.
[2181c] For many years this was a regular mountain farm settlement, active during the summer and quiet during the winter.
[2181d] In earlier times it was a busy summer farm that grew silent in the winter.
[2182a] Bare en sjelden gang ble stillheten brutt av en enslig rypejeger eller en bonde som måtte på setra for å hente et høylass.
[2182b] Only infrequently was the stillness broken by a lone ptarmigan hunter or a farmer going to a mountain dairy to fetch a load of hay.
[2182c] Only occasionally the silence was broken by a lonesome grouse hunter or a farmer who needed to come to the summer farm to get a load of hay.
[2182d] Only rarely was that silence broken by a lone ptarmigan hunter or a farmer who needed to make the trip up to fetch some stored hay.
[2183a] Veien fra dalen opp til Beitostølen ble først vinterbrøytet i 1934, og det skulle gå enda 30 år før den første skiheisen ble bygget.
[2183b] The road from the valley up to Beitostølen was first plowed in the winter of 1934, and 30 more years passed before the first ski lift was built.
[2183c] The road from the valley up to Beitostølen was snow plowed for the first time in 1934, and it would be another 30 years before the first ski lift would be built.
[2183d] Winter plowing of the road to Beitostølen only began in 1934, and it took another thirty years for the first ski lift to be built.
[2184a] I dag er det et yrende liv på Beitostølen nesten hele året.
[2184b] Today, life teems at Beitostølen almost year round.
[2184c] Today there is teeming activity at Beitostølen almost year round.
[2184d] Today Beitostølen is busy most of the year.
[2185a] Her er det et utall private hytter, og i området fins det høyfjellshoteller, fjellstuer og utleiehytter med til sammen mer enn 2000 senger.
[2185b] Here there are innumerable private cabins, and in the area there are high mountain hotels, mountain hostels, and rental cabins, together having more than 2000 beds.
[2185c] There are countless private cabins here, and in the area one finds high mountain hotels, mountain lodges and rental cabins with a total of more than 2000 beds.
[2185d] There are lots of private cabins, and the area has alpine hotels, lodges, and rental cabins with a total of some two thousand beds.
[2186a] Her er seks skiheiser og mer enn 100 kilometer med merkede skiløyper.
[2186b] Here there are six ski lifts and more than 100 kilometers of marked ski trails.
[2186c] There are six ski lifts and more than 100 kilometers of marked skiing trails.
[2186d] There are six ski lifts and some sixty miles of ski trails.
[2187a] Sommerstid er også Beitostølen et fint utgangspunkt for turer innover i Jotunheimen.
[2187b] In the summer, Beitostølen also is a fine gateway for hikes into the Jotunheimen.
[2187c] During the summer, Beitostølen is also a good starting point for trips in through Jotunheimen.
[2187d] In the summer Beitostølen is also a good starting point for trips into Jotunheimen.
[2188a] Ingen av de merkede fotturrutene er ført helt fram til stedet, men du skal ikke dra lenger enn til Bygdin eller Gjende for å kunne vandre på T-merkede stier.
[2188b] None of the marked hiking routes go all the way to the place, but you need not go farther than to Bygdin or Gjende to be able to walk on T-marked trails.
[2188c] None of the marked trails has been completed all the way to the destination, but you don't need to go any farther than to Bygdin or Gjende to be able to hike along T-marked trails.
[2188d] None of the marked trails lead all the way to Beitostølen, but you only need to get to Bygdin or Gjende to start hiking the T-marked trails.
[2189a] *+
[2189b] *+
[2189c] *+
[2189d] *+
[2190a] +Fakta
[2190b] +Facts
[2190c] +Facts
[2190d] +Facts
[2191a] Beitostølen turistkontor kan gi ytterligere opplysninger.
[2191b] Beitostølen Tourist Office can provide further information.
[2191c] Beitostølen Tourist Office can provide further information.
[2191d] +Beitostølen Tourist Information.
[2192a] *+Tlf: 61 34 10 06.
[2192b] *+Tel: 61 34 10 06.
[2192c] *+Tel.: 61 34 10 06.
[2192d] *+Tel. 61 34 10 06.
[2193a] *+E-post: turistko@online.no
[2193b] *+E-Mail: turistko@online.no
[2193c] *+E-mail: turistko@online.no
[2193d] *+E-mail: turistko@online.no
[2194a] Følgende steder byr på overnatting på og rundt Beitostølen:
[2194b] The following places offer lodgings in and around Beitostølen:
[2194c] The following places offer overnight accommodations at Beitostølen and environs.
[2194d] Lodging is available in and around Beitostølen at the following places:
[2195a] *+
[2195b] *+
[2195c] *+
[2195d] *+
[2196a] *+Beitostølen Høyfjellshotell, ca 200 senger, 9 utleiehytter, tlf. 61 34 13 00, e-post: booking@beito.no
[2196b] *+Beitostølen Høyfjellshotell, about 200 beds, 9 rental cabins, Tel: 61 34 13 00, E-Mail: booking@beito.no
[2196c] *+Beitostølen Høyfjellshotell, approx. 200 beds, 9 rental cabins, Tel. 61 34 13 00, E-mail: booking@beito.no
[2196d] *+Beitostølen Høyfjellshotell, ca 200 beds, 9 cabins, tel: 61 34 13 00, e-mail: booking@beito.no
[2197a] *+Beitostølen Camping, utleiehytter, tlf.: 61 34 11 00, e-post: info@beitocamp.no
[2197b] *+Beitostølen Camping, rental cabins, Tel: 61 34 11 00, E-Mail: info@beitocamp.no
[2197c] *+Beitostølen Camping, rental cabins, Tel.: 61 34 11 00, E-mail: info@beitocamp.no
[2197d] *+Beitostølen Camping, cabins, tel: 61 34 11 00, e-mail: info@beitocamp.no
[2198a] *+Bergo Hotell, 66 senger, 12 utleiehytter og 35 apartementsleiligheter, tlf.: 61 34 10 45, e-post: booking@bergo.no
[2198b] *+Bergo Hotell, 66 beds, 12 rental cabins, and 35 apartment suites, Tel: 61 34 10 45, E-Mail: booking@beito.no
[2198c] *+Bergo Hotell, 66 beds, 12 rental cabins and 35 apartments, Tel. : 61 34 10 45, E-mail: booking@bergo.no
[2198d] *+Bergo Hotell, 66 beds, 12 cabins and 35 apartments, tel: 61 34 10 45, e-mail: booking@bergo.no
[2199a] *+Bitigrenda hytter, 15 hytter og 4 leiligheter, tlf.: 61 34 14 40, e-post: bitihyt@online.no
[2199b] *+Bitigrenda Hytter, 15 cabins and 4 apartments, Tel: 61 34 14 40, E-Mail: bitihyt@online.no
[2199c] *+Bitigrenda hytter, 15 cabins and 4 apartments, Tel. : 61 34 14 40, E-mail: bitihyt@online.no
[2199d] *+Bitigrenda Hytter, 15 cabin and 4 apartments, tel: 61 34 14 40, e-mail: bitihyt@online.no
[2200a] *+Gjeste gården resort, 30 leiligheter, tlf.: 61 34 12 72, e-post: konferansehuset@ol.telia.no
[2200b] *+Gjeste Gården resort, 30 apartments, Tel: 61 34 12 72, E-Mail: konferansehuset@ol.telia.no
[2200c] *+Gjeste gården resort, 30 apartments, Tel. : 61 34 12 72, E-mail: konferansehuset@ol.telia.no
[2200d] *+Gjestegaarden Resort, 30 apartments, tel: 61 34 12 72, e-mail: konferansehuset@ol.telia.no
[2201a] *+Kveto fjellgard, 4 hytter, tlf.: 61 34 15 52/905 46 826.
[2201b] *+Kveto Fjellgard, 4 cabins, Tel: 61 34 15 52/905 46 826.
[2201c] *+Kveto fjellgard, 4 cabins, Tel. : 61 34 15 52/905 46 826.
[2201d] *+Kveto Fjellgard, 4 cabins, tel: 61 34 15 52/905 46 826
[2202a] *+Liahaugen hytter, tlf.: 61 34 12 69.
[2202b] *+Liahaugen Hytter, Tel: 61 34 12 69.
[2202c] *+Liahaugen cabins, Tel. : 61 34 12 69.
[2202d] *+Liahaugen Cabins, tel: 61 34 12 69.
[2203a] *+Norlandia Bitihorn hotell, ca. 100 senger, tlf.: 61 34 10 43 service@bitihorn.norlandia.no
[2203b] *+Norlandia Bitihorn Hotel, about 100 beds, Tel: 61 34 10 43 service@bitihorn.norlandia.no
[2203c] *+Norlandia Bitihorn hotell, approx. 100 beds, Tel. : 61 34 10 43 service@bitihorn.norlandia.no
[2203d] *+Norlandia Bitihorn Hotell, ca. 100 beds, tel: 61 34 10 43, e-mail: service@bitihorn.norlandia.no
[2204a] *+Feriehyttene, 19 hytter, tlf.: 61 34 10 44.
[2204b] *+Feriehyttene, 19 cabins, Tel: 61 34 10 44.
[2204c] *+Feriehyttene, 19 cabins, Tel. : 61 34 10 44.
[2204d] *+Feriehyttene, 19 cabins, tel: 61 34 10 44.
[2205a] *+Fjellvang hyttegrend, Beito, 4 hytter, tlf.: 61 34 10 14, e-post: kolykken@online.no
[2205b] *+Fjellvang Hyttegrend, Beito, 4 cabins, Tel: 61 34 10 14, E-Mail: kolykken@online.no
[2205c] *+Fjellvang hyttegrend, Beito, 4 cabins, Tel. : 61 34 10 14, E-mail: kolykken@online.no
[2205d] *+Fjellvang Hyttegrend, Beito, 4 cabins, tel: 61 34 10 14, e-mail: kolykken@online.no
[2206a] *+Grønolen fjellgård, Beito, 50 senger, 8 leiligheter, tlf.: 61 35 29 90, e-post: gronolen@gronolen.no
[2206b] *+Grønolen Fjellgård, Beito, 50 beds, 8 apartments, Tel: 61 35 29 90, E-Mail: gronolen@gronolen.no
[2206c] *+Grønolen fjellgård, Beito, 50 beds, 8 apartments, Tel. : 61 35 29 90, E-mail: gronolen@gronolen.no
[2206d] *+Grønolen Fjellgård, Beito, 50 beds, 8 apartments, tel: 61 35 29 90, e-mail: gronolen@gronolen.no
[2207a] *+Hegge leiligheter, 32 leiligheter, 16 hytter, tlf.: 61 35 21 00, e-post: marogne@online.no
[2207b] *+Hegge Leiligheter, 32 apartments, 16 cabins, Tel: 61 35 21 00, E-Mail: marogne@online.no
[2207c] *+Hegge leiligheter, 32 apartments, 16 cabins, Tel. : 61 35 21 00, E-mail: marogne@online.no
[2207d] *+Hegge Leiligheter, 32 apartments, 16 cabins, tel: 61 35 21 00, e-mail: marogne@online.no
[2208a] *+Knuts hyttegrend, 22 hytter og leiligeheter, tlf.: 61 34 10 09, e-post: knutshyt@online.no
[2208b] *+Knuts Hyttegrend, 22 cabins and apartments, Tel: 61 34 10 09, E-Mail: turistko@online.no
[2208c] *+Knuts hyttegrend, 22 cabins and apartments, Tel. : 61 34 10 09, E-mail: knutshyt@online.no
[2208d] *+Knuts Hyttegrend, 22 cabins and apartments, tel: 61 34 10 09, e-mail: knutshyt@online.no
[2209a] *+Radisson SAS Resort, ca. 300 senger, 6 utleiehytter, tlf.: 6135 20 00, e-post: info@resort-beito.com
[2209b] *+Radisson SAS Resort, about 300 beds, 6 rental cabins, Tel: 61 34 13 00, E-Mail: info@resort-beito.com
[2209c] *+Radisson SAS Resort, approx. 300 beds, 6 rental cabins, Tel. : 6135 20 00, E-mail: info@resort-beito.com
[2209d] *+Radisson SAS Resort, ca 300 beds, 6 cabins, tel. 61 35 20 00, e-mail: info@resort-beito.com
[2210a] *+Øyang turisthotell, Beito, ca 120 senger, tlf.: 61 34 11 21, e-post: beito@online.no
[2210b] *+Øyang Turisthotell, Beito, about 120 beds, Tel: 61 34 11 21, E-Mail: beito@online.no
[2210c] *+Øyang turisthotell, Beito, ca 120 beds, Tel. : 61 34 11 21, E-mail: beito@online.no
[2210d] *+Øyang Turisthotell, Beito, ca 120 beds, tel: 61 34 11 21, e-mail: beito@online.no
[2211a] *+
[2211b] *+
[2211c] *+
[2211d] *+
[2212a] +Tyinholmen høyfjellstuer
[2212b] +Tyinholmen Høyfjellstuer
[2212c] +Tyinholmen høyfjellstuer
[2212d] +Tyinholmen høyfjellstuer
[2213a] *+
[2213b] *+
[2213c] *+
[2213d] *+
[2214a] +Adkomst
[2214b] +Access
[2214c] +Access
[2214d] +Access
[2215a] +Bilvei forbi stedet.
[2215b] +Road past the place.
[2215c] +Automobile road past the lodge.
[2215d] +Road, marked trails to Skogadalsbøen, Vettismorki, and Slettningsbu.
[2216a] +Merkede fotturruter til Skogadalsbøen, Vettismorki og Slettningsbu.
[2216b] +Marked hiking trails to Skogadalsbøen, Vettismorki and Slettningsbu.
[2216c] +Marked hiking trails to Skogadalsbøen, Vettismorki and Slettningsbu.
[2216d] +Road, marked trails to Skogadalsbøen, Vettismorki, and Slettningsbu.
[2217a] *+
[2217b] *+
[2217c] *+
[2217d] *+
[2218a] +Fakta
[2218b] +Facts
[2218c] +Facts
[2218d] +Facts
[2219a] Tyinholmen høyfjellstuer har tatt imot turister siden 1893.
[2219b] Tyinholmen Høyfjellstuer has received tourists since 1893.
[2219c] Tyinholmen høyfjellstuer has hosted tourists since 1893.
[2219d] Tyinholmen has welcomed guests since 1893.
[2220a] +Eiere: Inger Sagstuen og Erling Olsen.
[2220b] +Owners: Inger Sagstuen and Erling Olsen.
[2220c] +Owners: Inger Sagstuen and Erling Olsen.
[2220d] +Owners: Inger Sagstuen and Erling Olsen.
[2221a] Stedet ligger i Vang kommune i Oppland, 1080 m o.h., og har 65 senger i utleiehytter.
[2221b] The facility is located in Vang township in Oppland, 1080 meters above sea level, and has 65 beds in rental cabins.
[2221c] The lodge is located in Vang municipality in Oppland, 1080 meters above sea level, and has 65 beds in rental cabins.
[2221d] +Located in Vang, Oppland, at 3500 feet, 65 beds in rental cabins.
[2222a] *+Tlf.: 61 36 78 88.
[2222b] *+Tel: 61 36 78 88.
[2222c] *+Tel. : 61 36 78 88.
[2222d] *+Tel: 61 36 78 88.
[2223a] *+
[2223b] *+
[2223c] *+
[2223d] *+
[2224a] +Bygdin Fjellhotell
[2224b] +Bygdin Fjellhotell
[2224c] +Bygdin Fjellhotell
[2224d] +Bygdin fjellhotell
[2225a] +Adkomst
[2225b] +Access
[2225c] +Access
[2225d] +Access
[2226a] Riksvei 55 over Valdresflya passerer hotellet.
[2226b] State highway 55 over Valdresflya goes by the hotel.
[2226c] State Highway 55 over Valdresflya passes the hotel.
[2226d] +Rte 51 across Valdresflya.
[2227a] Det er båtrute på Bygdin, og det går merkede fotturruter til Torfinnsbu og Yksendalsbu.
[2227b] There is scheduled boat service on Bygdin, and there are marked hiking routes to Torfinnsbu and Yksendalsbu.
[2227c] There is a shuttle boat route at Bygdin and there are marked hiking trails to Torfinnsbu and Yksendalsbu.
[2227d] +Boat service on Bygdin. Marked trails to Torfinnsbu and Yksendalsbu.
[2228a] Den til Yksendalsbu starter fra veien et par kilometer sør for hotellet.
[2228b] The route to Yksendalsbu starts from the road a couple of kilometers south of the hotel.
[2228c] The one to Yksendalsbu starts from the road a couple of kilometers south of the hotel.
[2228d] The latter trailhead lies 1.2 miles south of the hotel along the road.
[2229a] *+
[2229b] *+
[2229c] *+
[2229d] *+
[2230a] +Fakta
[2230b] +Facts
[2230c] +Facts
[2230d] +Facts
[2231a] Bygdin Fjellhotell ble innviet ca. 1900.
[2231b] Bygdin Fjellhotell was opened about 1900.
[2231c] Bygdin Fjellhotell was formally opened approx. 1900.
[2231d] Bygdin Fjellhotell opened around 1900.
[2232a] +Eier og bestyrer: Per Otterness.
[2232b] +Owner and warden: Per Otterness.
[2232c] +Owner and manager: Per Otterness.
[2232d] +Owner and manager: Per Otterness.
[2233a] Hotellet ligger i Vang kommune, 1060 m o.h., og har 90 senger.
[2233b] The lodge is located in Vang Township, 1060 meters above sea level, and has 90 beds.
[2233c] The hotel is located in Vang municipality, 1060 meters above sea level, and has 90 beds.
[2233d] +Located in Vang, Oppland, at 3500 feet, 90 beds.
[2234a] *+Tlf: 61 34 14 00.
[2234b] *+Tel: 61 34 14 00.
[2234c] *+Tel. : 61 34 14 00.
[2234d] *+Tel: 61 34 14 00.
[2235a] +Maurvangen Camping
[2235b] +Maurvangen Camping
[2235c] +Maurvangen Camping
[2235d] +Maurvangen Camping
[2236a] +Adkomst
[2236b] +Access
[2236c] +Access
[2236d] +Access
[2237a] +Bilvei forbi stedet og bussforbindelse.
[2237b] +Road past the place and bus service.
[2237c] +Automobile road past the campgrounds and bus connections.
[2237d] +Road, bus service.
[2238a] +Merkede fotturruter til Gjendesheim og Sikkilsdalsseter.
[2238b] +Marked hiking trails to Gjendesheim and Sikkilsdalsseter.
[2238c] +Marked hiking trails to Gjendesheim and Sikkilsdalsseter.
[2238d] +Marked trails to Gjendesheim and Sikkilsdalsseter.
[2239a] *+
[2239b] *+
[2239c] *+
[2239d] *+
[2240a] +Fakta
[2240b] +Facts
[2240c] +Facts
[2240d] +Facts
[2241a] Maurvangen Camping har tatt imot turister siden 1976.
[2241b] Maurvangen Camping has received tourists since 1976.
[2241c] Maurvangen Camping has hosted guests since 1976.
[2241d] Maurvangen Camping has been in operation since 1976.
[2242a] +Eier: Else Reiremo.
[2242b] +Owner: Else Reiremo.
[2242c] +Owner: Else Reiremo.
[2242d] +Owner: Else Reiremo.
[2243a] Stedet ligger i Vågå kommune i Oppland, 1000 m o.h., og har 26 utleiehytter.
[2243b] The lodge is located in Vågå Township in Oppland, 1000 meters above sea level, and has 26 rental cabins.
[2243c] The camping grounds are located in Vågå municipality in Oppland, 1000 meters above sea level, and has 26 rental cabins.
[2243d] The campground is in Vågå, Oppland, at 3280 feet, 26 cabins.
[2244a] *+Tlf: 61 23 89 22.
[2244b] *+Tel: 61 23 89 22.
[2244c] *+Tel. : 61 23 89 22.
[2244d] *+Tel: 61 23 89 22.
[2245a] +Valdresflya vandrerhjem
[2245b] +Valdresflya Youth Hostel
[2245c] +Valdresflya vandrerhjem
[2245d] +Valdresflya vandrerhjem
[2246a] +Adkomst
[2246b] +Access
[2246c] +Access
[2246d] +Access
[2247a] Riksvei 51 over Valdresflya passerer hytta.
[2247b] State highway 51 over Valdresflya goes by the hotel.
[2247c] State Highway 51 over Valdresflya passes the hostel.
[2247d] Rte 51 across Valdresflya.
[2248a] Det er merket fotturrute til Torfinnsbu og delvis merket til Gjendesheim.
[2248b] There is a marked hiking trail to Torfinnsbu and a partly marked trail to Gjendesheim.
[2248c] There are marked hiking trails to Torfinnsbu and partially marked to Gjendesheim.
[2248d] +Marked trail to Torfinnsbu, and partially marked to Gjendesheim.
[2249a] *+
[2249b] *+
[2249c] *+
[2249d] *+
[2250a] +Fakta
[2250b] +Facts
[2250c] +Facts
[2250d] +Facts
[2251a] Valdresflya vandrerhjem ble innviet i 1952.
[2251b] Valdresflya Youth Hostel was opened in 1952.
[2251c] Valdresflya hostel was formally opened in 1952.
[2251d] Valdresflya VH (hostel) opened in 1952.
[2252a] +Eier: Norske Vandrerhjem, region øst.
[2252b] +Owner: Norwegian Youth Hostels, Region East.
[2252c] +Owner: Norwegian Family and Youth Hostels, eastern region
[2252d] +Owners: Norske Vandrerhjem, region east.
[2253a] Hytta ligger i Øystre Slidre kommune i Oppland, 1390 m o.h., og har 46 senger.
[2253b] The hostel is located in Øystre Slidre Township in Oppland, 1390 meters above sea level, and has 46 beds.
[2253c] The hostel is located in Øystre Slidre municipality Oppland, 1390 meters above sea level, and has 46 beds.
[2253d] +Located in Øystre Slidre, Oppland, at 4560 feet, 46 beds.
[2254a] *+Tlf: Norske Vandrerhjem, region øst: 22 15 21 85, E-post: vhregost@os.enitel.no
[2254b] *+Tel: Norwegian Youth Hostels, Region East. 22 15 21 85, E-Mail: vhregost@os.enitel.no
[2254c] *+Tel.: Norwegian Family and Youth Hostels, eastern region: 22 15 21 85, E-mail: vhregost@os.enitel.no
[2254d] *+Tel: 22 15 21 85 (Oslo office). E-mail: vhregost@os.enitel.no
[2255a] *+Tlf hytta i sesongen: 941 07 021.
[2255b] *+Tel hostel in season: 941 07 021.
[2255c] *+Tel. hostel, in season: 941 07 021.
[2255d] *+Tel: 941 07 021 (during the season).
[2256a] *+
[2256b] *+
[2256c] *+
[2256d] *+
[2257a] +Variert tur sør for Bygdin
[2257b] +Various hikes south of Bygdin
[2257c] +Varied Trip South of Bygdin
[2257d] +Varied Hike South of Bygdin
[2258a] *+Tur 2a - 2 dager - gg
[2258b] *+Hike 2a - 2 days - gg
[2258c] *+Trip 2a - 2 days - gg
[2258d] *+Trip 2a - 2 days - gg
[2259a] I fotturismens barndom var det mange som tok turen inn i Jotunheimen fra Beitostølen, gjennom naturskjønne Yksendalen og forbi Skinneggin til Eidsbugarden.
[2259b] In the early days of hiking, many hiked into Jotunheimen from Beitostølen, through the scenic Yksendalen past Skinneggin to Eidsbugarden.
[2259c] In hiking tourism's infancy, many made the trip into Jotunheimen from Beitostølen, through the lovely natural surroundings of Yksendalen and past Skinneggin to Eidsbugarden.
[2259d] When hikers first came to Jotunheimen, many of them used Beitostølen as their point of entry, walking along the scenic Yksendalen, past Skinnegga to Eidsbugarden.
[2260a] Å gå ruta i motsatt retning er imidlertid vel så flott.
[2260b] To walk the route in the opposite direction is, however, equally as magnificent.
[2260c] Taking this route in the opposite direction is just as breathtaking, however.
[2260d] Reversing the route is even better, however.
[2261a] Mange steder er det fantastisk utsikt mot fjellene i Jotunheimen.
[2261b] Many places offer fantastic views towards the mountains in the Jotunheimen.
[2261c] In many places, there is a fantastic view toward the mountains of Jotunheimen.
[2261d] In many spots there are wonderful vistas of the Jotunheimen massif.
[2262a] Ruta er nymerket og går til Bygdin hotell.
[2262b] The route is newly marked and goes to the Bygdin hotel.
[2262c] The route is newly marked and goes to Bygdin Hotel.
[2262d] The route is newly marked and leads to Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2263a] Med vei til Eidsbugarden og båtrute på Bygdin kan dette derfor bli en fin liten rundtur.
[2263b] With a road to Eidsbugarden and boat service on Bygdin, this therefore can be a fine, little round tour.
[2263c] With the road to Eidsbugarden and the shuttle boat on Bygdin Lake, this can be an excellent little round trip.
[2263d] Using the road to Eidsbugarden and the boat on Bygdin turns this into a nice little loop.
[2264a] Har du flere dager, kan det være en god idé å fortsette Bygdin rundt via Torfinnsbu.
[2264b] If you have several days available, it may be a good idea to continue round Bygdin via Torfinnsbu.
[2264c] If you have several days, it may be a good idea to continue around Bygdin via Torfinnsbu.
[2264d] If you have more days to spend, consider a trip around Bygdin by way of Torfinnsbu.
[2265a] Se Tur 2c.
[2265b] See Hike 2c.
[2265c] See Trip 2c.
[2265d] See Trip 2c.
[2266a] +1. Fondsbu til Yksendalsbu
[2266b] +1. Fondsbu to Yksendalsbu
[2266c] +1. Fondsbu to Yksendalsbu
[2266d] +Fondsbu - Yksendalsbu.
[2267a] Turen starter med en jevn og fin motbakke på bred og god sti oppover mot Vennestølsdalen.
[2267b] The hike starts with a gradual, fine uphill on a broad, solid trail upwards towards Vennestølsdalen.
[2267c] The trip starts with an even and pleasant uphill climb along a wide, good path up toward Vennestølsdalen.
[2267d] The hike starts at a steep, steady grade on a good, wide trail up to Vennisstøldalen.
[2268a] Etter en drøy kilometer deler den seg, og den bredeste stien fortsetter mot Utsikten på Skinnegga (se ramme).
[2268b] After a good kilometer, it forks, and the broadest trail continues towards Utsikten on Skinegga (see box).
[2268c] After a little more than a kilometer, the trail forks, and the widest path continues toward Utsikten at Skinnegga (see box).
[2268d] After nearly a mile it forks, the wider fork continuing to Utsikten on Skinnegga (see box).
[2269a] Det er tydelig at turen opp dit er populær, og avstikkeren er ikke lengre enn at du også kan få den med deg.
[2269b] Clearly, the hike up there is popular, and the side trip isn't longer than you also can fit in.
[2269c] It is obvious that the trip up here is popular, and the side trip is short enough that you can take it, as well.
[2269d] It is obviously a popular choice, and you can afford the detour.
[2270a] Turen gjenom Vennistølsdalen går i begynnelsen over noen fine grasbakker og etter hvert gjennom småkupert terreng og en del blokkmark og ur.
[2270b] The hike through Vennistølsdalen goes in the beginning over a few fine grassy slopes and after a bit through rolling terrain and some boulder fields and talus.
[2270c] The trip through Vennistølsdalen begins over some nice grassy slopes and eventually through some hilly terrain and some boulders and rocky scree.
[2270d] The trail through Vennisstøldalen runs first across some grassy areas, and then on more uneven and rocky terrain.
[2271a] Heldigvis er det gode siktevarder langs ruta.
[2271b] Fortunately, there are clearly visible cairns along the route.
[2271c] Fortunately, there are good rock pile markers along the way.
[2271d] Fortunately there are good cairns along the way.
[2272a] Merkingen fortsetter langs sørsiden av Dryllin og bratt ned i Vølodalen.
[2272b] The marking continues along the south side of Dryllin and steeply down into Vølodalen.
[2272c] The course continues along the south side of Dryllin and steeply down into Vølodalen.
[2272d] The blazes continue along the south side of Dryllin, turning steeply down into Vølodalen.
[2273a] Du må gjennom en del vierkratt i dalbunnen, og stien kan være litt vanskelig å finne, så følg nøye med på merkingen.
[2273b] You must go through some willow thickets on the valley floor, and the trail can be difficult to find, so follow the marking carefully.
[2273c] You will have to cross some willow thickets on the valley floor, and the path may be a little difficult to find, so follow the markings carefully.
[2273d] At the bottom you have to make your way through the willow thicket, so watch the markers.
[2274a] Elva Vøloa kan normalt steingås.
[2274b] The Vøloa river normally can be crossed on stones.
[2274c] The river Vøloa can normally be crossed by stepping from stone to stone.
[2274d] You can normally walk on dry rocks across the Vøloa river.
[2275a] Ruta fortsetter langs bredden av vannet sør for Vølohornet, også her er det en del ur.
[2275b] The route continues along the shore of the lake south of Vølohornet, and here there's some talus.
[2275c] The route continues along the shoreline of the lake south of Vølohornet, and here there is also some rocky scree.
[2275d] The trail continues along the lake to the south of Vølohornet, also here it turns rocky in parts.
[2276a] Deretter må du oppover igjen over Vareggene, men så går det bratt utfor og ned i den grønne Yksendalen.
[2276b] Thereafter, you have to go up again over Vareggene, but then it's a steep downhill and down into the green Yksendalen.
[2276c] After that, you will have to go uphill again over Vareggene, but then the route goes steeply downhill into the green Yksendalen valley.
[2276d] An uphill to Vareggene is next, before a sharp drop down into the lush Yksendalen.
[2277a] Når en ser hvilken frodighet dalen har å by på, er det lett å forstå at dette tidligere var et paradis for beitende okser.
[2277b] When you see the lushness of the valley, it's easy to see why it earlier was a paradise for grazing bulls.
[2277c] When one sees the lushness this valley has to offer, it is easy to see why this was a former paradise for grazing bulls.
[2277d] When you see how green the valley is, you can understand its former role as a haven for grazing oxen.
[2278a] Det er imidlertid lenge siden slike dyr skremte turistene, og i dag er den gamle gjeterbua overtatt av DNT som losji for fotturistene.
[2278b] However, it's been a long time since such animals scared tourists, and today the old herder's hut has been taken over by DNT as lodging for hikers.
[2278c] It has been a long time, however, since tourists were frightened by such beasts, and today the old cattle herders' quarters have been taken over by DNT as lodging for hikers.
[2278d] It has been a long time since these beasts terrified hikers, however, and today the old herdsmen's cabin has been taken over by DNT as a hikers' hut.
[2279a] Merkingen av den siste biten fram til hytta er forresten litt spesiell.
[2279b] The marking of the last part to the lodge is, by the way, a little unusual.
[2279c] The trail markings for the last segment up to the lodge are a little peculiar.
[2279d] The trail-markers close to the hut are a bit unusual.
[2280a] Det er lite stein i området og mye kratt, så stien er merket med rødmerkede påler.
[2280b] There are few stones and many willow thickets in the area, so the trail is marked with red painted poles.
[2280c] There is little stone in the area, but lots of underbrush, so the path is marked with stakes marked with red.
[2280d] Due to the local dearth of rock and profusion of brush, red poles have been used.
[2281a] +2. Yksendalsbu til Bygdin
[2281b] +2. Yksendalsbu to Bygdin
[2281c] +2. Yksendalsbu to Bygdin
[2281d] +Yksendalsbu - Bygdin
[2282a] I motsetning til i gamle dager trenger ikke fotturistene lenger frykte oksene i Yksendalen, så neste dag kan du konsentrere deg om utsikten og om å følge ruta.
[2282b] As opposed to days gone by, hikers no longer need fear bulls in Yksendalen, so the next day, you can focus on the view and on following the route.
[2282c] In contrast to the old days, tourist hikers no longer need to fear the bulls of Yksendalen, so on your next day, you will be able to concentrate on the view and on keeping on course.
[2282d] Today's hikers no longer need to fear the bulls in Yksendalen, so you can devote your attention to the view and the trail.
[2283a] Siden merkingen er relativt ny mange steder, har det ikke blitt så tydelig sti hele veien og det lønner seg å følge nøye med både på kartet og merkingen.
[2283b] As the marking is relatively new in many places, the trail isn't so obvious all the way, so it's wise to follow carefully, both on the map and after the marking.
[2283c] Since the trail is relatively new in many places, the pathway is not as clearly worn all the way, and it pays to carefully follow the map and the trail markers.
[2283d] Since the marking is fairly recent, the path is not always obvious, so it pays to keep an eye on the map and the markers.
[2284a] Den går først vestover og over mot Skamdalen, hvor det er stiskille.
[2284b] First, it goes westwards and out over toward Skamdalen, where there's a fork.
[2284c] The route goes first west and toward Skamdalen, where there is a fork in the trail.
[2284d] The trail starts by going west toward Skamdalen to a junction.
[2285a] Stien til høyre er den gamle som ikke kan brukes lenger etter at Olefjorden ble demmet opp.
[2285b] The trail to the right is the old one that no longer can be used after Olefjorden was dammed up.
[2285c] The path to the right is the old one that is no longer used after Olefjorden was dammed up.
[2285d] The right-hand branch can no longer be used due to the damming of Olefjorden.
[2286a] Du fortsetter nordøstover mot Systerbottjernet og så sør for dette østover mot Skjeldrehornet, over Oleberga, og nord om Bergaåntjern til Marabotthornet.
[2286b] You continue northeastwards toward Systerbottjernet and then south of it eastwards towards Skjeldrehornet, over Oleberga, and north of Bergaåntjern to Marabotthornet.
[2286c] You must continue northeast toward Systerbottjernet and then, a little south of this, toward the east to Skjeldrehornet, across Oleberga and north around Bergaåntjern to Marabotthornet.
[2286d] You go in a northeasterly direction to Systerbottjernet, along its southern shore to the east toward Skjeldrehornet, over Oleberga, and to the north of Bergaåntjørn to Marabotthornet.
[2287a] Underveis passerer du forresten en fin liten egg med god utsikt både sørover og nordover, det er en utmerket rasteplass.
[2287b] Besides, on the way you pass a fine, little ridge with a good view both southwards and northwards; it's a fine rest stop.
[2287c] Along the way, you will pass a nice little ridge with a good view to both the south and north; it is an excellent spot to stop for a rest.
[2287d] Along the way you pass a nice little crest with a fine view north and south, suitable for a stop.
[2288a] Fra toppen av Marabotthornet går det jevnt nedover mot Seksin, og så på sørsiden av denne og østover i lia med god utsikt mot Raudfjorden.
[2288b] From the summit of Marabotthornet, the trail goes steadily down towards Seksin, and then on its south side and eastwards on a hillside with a good view of Raudfjorden.
[2288c] From the top of Marabotthornet, the course runs evenly downward toward Seksin, and then along the southern side of this and east along the mountain side, with a good view of Raudfjorden.
[2288d] A steady descent leads from the top of Marabotthornet toward Seksin, then south of the lake, following the hill eastward with a nice view of Raufjorden.
[2289a] Bitihorn, 1607 m o.h. (den toppen bør du besøke en gang!) rundes på nordsiden, og snart er du nede på riksveien du må følge en drøy kilometer nordover til Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2289b] Bitihorn, 1607 meters over sea level (you should go to this summit sometime!) is skirted on its north side, and soon you're down at the State highway, which you must follow for a good kilometer northwards to Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2289c] Bitihorn, 1607 meters above sea level (you really must visit this peak once!), is passed on the northern side, and soon you are down on the state highway, which you follow a little over a kilometer north to Bygdin Mountain Hotel.
[2289d] Bitihorn, at 5270 feet (a summit you should plan to visit!), is skirted to the north, and soon you get to the main road, which must be walked a short mile to Bygdin Fjellhotel.
[2290a] *+
[2290b] *+
[2290c] *+
[2290d] *+
[2291a] +Skinnegga
[2291b] +Skinnegga
[2291c] +Skinnegga
[2291d] +Skinnegga
[2292a] *- Kann du minnast Utsynet fraa Skineggen den morgonen du?
[2292b] - "Do you recall the view from Skineggen that morning?
[2292c] - Can you recall the View from Skineggen that morning?
[2292d] - Do you remember the view from Skinnegga that morning?
[2293a] *Daa den kvite Skodda dreiv bort millom Skagastølstindane, og Kaldedalsbræerne lyste som Gull i Solglansen!
[2293b] When the white mist drifted between Skagastølstindane, and Kaldedalsbrærne glittered like gold in the sun!
[2293c] When the white Mist drifted away between Skagastølstindane, and the Kaldedal glaciers glittered like Gold in the radiance of the sun!
[2293d] With the white fog lifting off the Skagastøl peaks, and the Koldedalen glacier gleaming like gold in the sun!
[2294a] *- Aajei, aajei, at eg inkje skal koma dit i Sumar! sukket Aasmund Olavsson Vinje til vennen Sars da han lå dødssyk på Rikshospitalet i 1870, og tilføyde:
[2294b] - Oh, oh, that I won't get there this summer!" sighed Aasmund Olavsson Vinje to his friend Sars as he lay mortally ill at Rikshospitalet in 1870, and added:
[2294c] Woe is me in the thought that I will not go there in the summertime!, sighed Aasmund Olavsson Vinje to his friend Sars as he lay deathly ill at the National Hospital in 1870, and he added:
[2294d] - Alas, I cannot go there this summer, sighed Aasmund Olavsson Vinje to his friend Sars as he lay dying at an Oslo hospital in 1870, then adding:
[2295a] *- Men naar eg no er lagd i Kista, so vil mi Aand slaa upp sin Heim deruppe millom Fjelli, og so vil eg sitja paa Falketind og sjaa utyver Norig, og Fjellradirne skal stiga fram.
[2295b] - "But when I'm laid in my coffin, my spirit shall seek its home up in the mountains, and I will sit on Falketind and gaze out over Norway, and the mountain chains shall come forth."
[2295c] But when I am laid in the Coffin, my Soul will revisit its Home up yonder between the Mountains, and I will sit atop Falketind and gaze out over Norway, and the range of Mountains will emerge into view.
[2295d] - But once I have been laid in my coffin, my spirit will take residence up there among the mountains, so I will sit up on Falketind, looking out over Norway and watching the ranges rise.
[2296a] Skinnegga er et godt eksempel på at det ikke alltid er høyden som teller i Jotunheimen.
[2296b] Skinnegga is a good example of height not meaning everything in the Jotunheimen.
[2296c] Skinnegga is a good example of the fact that height is not always what counts in Jotunheimen.
[2296d] Skinnegga is proof that elevation is not always paramount in Jotunheimen.
[2297a] Fortoppen Utsikten er bare 1518 meter, og ligger bare noen få kilometer sør for Fondsbu.
[2297b] The Utsikten promontory is just 1518 meters, and lies only a few kilometers south of Fondsbu.
[2297c] Utsikten, below the peak, is only 1518 meters in altitude and is located only a few kilometers south of Fondsbu.
[2297d] Its lesser summit, Utsikten, at 4980 feet, lies a few miles south of Fondsbu, easily reached in an afternoon hike or as a detour on the trip to Yksendalsbu.
[2298a] Den nås lett på en liten ettermiddagstur eller avstikker fra ruta over mot Yksendalsbu.
[2298b] It's easy to get to on a little afternoon hike or on a side trip from the route towards Yksendalsbu.
[2298c] It is easily reached on an afternoon outing or side trip from the route over to Yksendalsbu.
[2298d] Its lesser summit, Utsikten, at 4980 feet, lies a few miles south of Fondsbu, easily reached in an afternoon hike or as a detour on the trip to Yksendalsbu.
[2299a] +Lengder
[2299b] +Lengths
[2299c] +Length
[2299d] +Distances
[2300a] *+Fondsbu - Yksendalsbu, 6 t.
[2300b] *+Fondsbu - Yksendalsbu, 6 hours
[2300c] *+Fondsbu - Yksendalsbu, 6 hrs.
[2300d] *+Fondsbu - Yksendalsbu, 6 h.
[2301a] *+Yksendalsbu - Bygdin, 7 t.
[2301b] *+Yksendalsbu - Bygdin, 7 hours
[2301c] *+Yksendalsbu - Bygdin, 7 hrs.
[2301d] *+Yksendalsbu - Bygdin, 7 h.
[2302a] *+
[2302b] *+
[2302c] *+
[2302d] *+
[2303a] +Overnattingssteder
[2303b] +Lodgings
[2303c] +Overnight Accommodations
[2303d] +Lodging
[2304a] +Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Bygdin Fjellhotell, flere steder på Beitostølen.
[2304b] +Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Bygdin Fjellhotell, several places at Beitostølen.
[2304c] +Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Bygdin Fjellhotell, several other places at Beitostølen.
[2304d] +Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Bygdin Fjellhotell, and various places at Beitostølen.
[2305a] *+
[2305b] *+
[2305c] *+
[2305d] *+
[2306a] +Kommunikasjoner
[2306b] +Public transportation
[2306c] +Communications
[2306d] +Transportation
[2307a] +Bilvei og bussrute til Fondsbu, det samme forbi Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2307b] +Road and bus service to Fondsbu, likewise past Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2307c] +Automobile route and bus route to Fondsbu; likewise past Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2307d] +Road and bus service to Fondsbu, also to Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2308a] +Båtrute på Bygdin.
[2308b] +Boat service on Bygdin.
[2308c] +Shuttle boat route at Bygdin.
[2308d] +Boat service on Bygdin.
[2309a] *+
[2309b] *+
[2309c] *+
[2309d] *+
[2310a] +Populær rundtur mellom store topper
[2310b] +Popular round tour between major peaks
[2310c] +Popular round trip between great mountain peaks
[2310d] +Popular High Peaks Loop
[2311a] *+Tur 2b - 3 dager - gg
[2311b] *+Hike 2b - 3 days - gg
[2311c] *+Trip 2b - 3 days - gg
[2311d] *+Trip 2b - 3 days - gg
[2312a] Fondsbu er DNTs yngste betjente hytte i Jotunheimen, Gjendebu den eldste og Olavsbu den største selvbetjeningshytta.
[2312b] Fondsbu is DNT's newest staffed lodge in the Jotunheimen, Gjendebu the oldest, and Olavsbu the largest self-service cabin.
[2312c] Fondsbu is DNT's most recent staffed lodge in Jotunheimen, Gjendebu the oldest self-service lodge.
[2312d] Fondsbu is DNT's newest staffed hut in Jotunheimen, Gjendebu the oldest, and Olavsbu the largest self-service hut.
[2313a] En rundtur til disse i forholdsvis lett terreng med en rekke muligheter for avstikkere til stortopper, er populært.
[2313b] A round tour between them in relatively easy terrain with several options for side trips to major peaks, is popular.
[2313c] A round trip to these through relatively easy terrain with a number of opportunities for side trips to the great peaks, is popular.
[2313d] A loop that includes these, in fairly easy terrain, with optional side trips, is a favorite.
[2314a] +1. Fondsbu til Olavsbu
[2314b] +1. Fondsbu to Olavsbu
[2314c] +1. Fondsbu to Olavsbu
[2314d] +Fondsbu - Olavsbu
[2315a] Den første halve kilometeren går ruta på grusvei.
[2315b] For the first half kilometer, the route goes along a dirt road.
[2315c] The first half kilometer goes along a gravel road.
[2315d] The first quarter-mile runs along a gravel road past the Vinje cabin and then crosses Mjølkedøla on a bridge before the trail turns off up along the river.
[2316a] Den passerer den restaurerte Vinjebua og krysser Mjølkedøla på bro før stien tar av oppover langs elva.
[2316b] It passes the restored Vinjebua and crosses Mjølkedøla on a bridge before the trail goes up along the river.
[2316c] It passes the restored Vinjebua and crosses Mjølkedøla bridge before the path bears upward along the river.
[2316d] The first quarter-mile runs along a gravel road past the Vinje cabin and then crosses Mjølkedøla on a bridge before the trail turns off up along the river.
[2317a] Når du følger den, skjønner du snart hvorfor Mjølkedøla har fått navnet sitt.
[2317b] As you follow it, you soon see why Mjølkedøla was so named.
[2317c] As you follow it, you will soon discover how Mjølkedøla got its name.
[2317d] Hiking alongside the river, you will see how it got "milky" as part of its name.
[2318a] Om den ikke er helt hvit, er den i hvert fall bortimot gråhvit i perioder når avsmeltningen fra breen er på sitt høyeste.
[2318b] Though it's not pure white, it is in any case close to grey-white in periods when melt water runoff from the glaciers peaks.
[2318c] If not completely white, it is practically grayish white during periods when the melting ice from the glacier is most profuse.
[2318d] At least it is grayish-white when the ice melt is at its height.
[2319a] Oppe på bakkekammen før store Mjølkedalsvatn kommer du inn i Jotunheimen nasjonalpark samtidig som du har et flott rundskue.
[2319b] Up on the hillcrest before Store Mjølkedalsvatn, you come into Jotunheimen National Park just as you have a magnificent panorama.
[2319c] Up on the crest of the hill before the large Mjølkedal Lake, you will enter Jotunheimen National Park and experience a breathtaking panorama.
[2319d] Up on the ridge before getting to the large Mjølkedalsvatn you enter Jotunheimen National Park, just as you are treated to a grand panorama.
[2320a] Ruta fortsetter på østsiden av vannet, inn i en liten dal og opp i skaret mellom Høgbrothøgda og Mjølkedalstind.
[2320b] The route continues on the east side of the lake, into a small valley and up in the saddle between Høgbrothøgda and Mjølkedalstind.
[2320c] The route continues on the eastern side of the lake, into a small valley and up into the gorge between Høgbrothøgda and Mjølkedalstind.
[2320d] The trail runs along the east side of the lake, into a small valley, and up to the gap between Høgbrothøgda and Mjølkedalstind.
[2321a] Før skaret passerer du to stideler: først er det ruta til Skogadalsbøen som tar av til venstre, og etter noen hundre meter kommer ruta fra Gjendebu inn fra høyre og fortsetter ned bakken, der den løper sammen med ruta mot Skogadalsbøen.
[2321b] Before the saddle, you pass two forks: first, the route to Skogadalsbøen branches off to the left, and after a few hundred meters, the route from Gjendebu comes in from the right and continues downhill, where it runs together with the route towards Skogadalsbøen.
[2321c] Before the gorge, you will pass two intersections to the trail: first is the route to Skogadalsbøen bearing off to the left, and after a few hundred meters, the route from Gjendebu merges in from the right and continues down the mountainside, where it joins the trail toward Skogadalsbøen.
[2321d] Two side trails are crossed before the gap, first the trail to Skogadalsbøen leaving to the left, then, a few hundred yards on, the Gjendebu trail enters from the right and continues down the hill, where it joins the one to Skogadalsbøen.
[2322a] Du fortsetter imidlertid over skaret, ned mot øvre Sjogholsvatnet, og gjennom ur til skaret mellom Mjølkedalstind og Sjogholstind.
[2322b] However, you continue over the saddle, down towards Øvre Sjogholsvatnet, and through talus to the saddle between Mjølkedalstind and Sjogholstind.
[2322c] You, however, will continue over the gorge, down toward upper Sjogholsvatnet, and go through some rocky scree between Mjølkedalstind and Sjogholstind.
[2322d] But you go on through the gap, down toward upper Sjogholsvatnet, across a rockslide to the saddle between Mjølkedalstind and Sjogholstind.
[2323a] Derfra er det mer ur fram til Olavsbu, men utsikten er flott, og hytta ligger usedvanlig storslagent til.
[2323b] From there, there's more talus all the way to Olavsbu, but the view is splendid, and the cabin is splendidly located.
[2323c] From there, there is still more scree all the way to Olavsbu, but the view is wonderful, and the lodge is situated in an extraordinarily splendid location.
[2323d] From here there is more rock before getting to Olavsbu, but the view is fine, and the hut is strikingly situated.
[2324a] +2. Olavsbu til Gjendebu
[2324b] +2. Olavsbu to Gjendebu
[2324c] +2. Olavsbu to Gjendebu
[2324d] +Olavsbu - Gjendebu
[2325a] Ruta til Gjendebu er ganske lett og fin.
[2325b] The route to Gjendebu is relatively easy and fine.
[2325c] The route to Gjendebu is very easy and pleasant.
[2325d] The trail to Gjendebu is fairly nice and easy.
[2326a] Bortsett fra noen partier med ur og gammel snø som ofte ligger lenge utover sommeren såpass høyt til fjells, er det god sti og bra merket gjennom hele Raudalen til Grisletjørnene.
[2326b] Aside from a few stretches with talus and old snow that often lies late in the summer so high in the mountains, the trail is good and well marked through the entire Raudalen to Grisletjørnene.
[2326c] Except for some rocky portions and old snow that often lingers over the summer at this mountain altitude, it is a good path that is well marked throughout all of Raudalen to Grisletjørnene.
[2326d] Apart from a few spots of scree and old snow, which tends to stay far into the summer at this elevation, the trail is good and well marked all along Raudalen to Grisletjørnene.
[2327a] Ruta runder det søndre av tjernene og møter først ruta fra Skogadalsbøen, og etter en drøy kilometers vei også ruta fra Fondsbu.
[2327b] The route goes around the southernmost of the tarns and first meets the route from Skogadalsbøen, and then a good kilometer afterwards, also the route from Fondsbu.
[2327c] The route goes around the southern pond and meets the first route from Skogadalsbøen, and after a little more than a kilometer, the second route from Fondsbu, as well.
[2327d] It skirts the southernmost of the tarns, meeting first the trail from Skogadalsbøen and, in another short mile, the one from Fondsbu.
[2328a] Oppe i Raudalen er det heller sparsomt med vegetasjon, men etter hvert som du kommer nedover i Vesleådalen, tar naturen igjen i rikt monn.
[2328b] Up in Raudalen there's rather little vegetation, but as you come down in Vesleådalen, mother nature takes over again in full measure.
[2328c] Up in Raudalen, vegetation is rather sparse, but as you come down into Vesleådalen, nature makes up for this abundantly.
[2328d] High up in Raudalen vegetation is sparse, but as you descend into Vesleådalen, nature recovers nicely.
[2329a] Bjørkeskogen står tett rundt stien, og botanisk interesserte vil finne til og med ganske varmekjære planter i dette området, selv om høyden er godt over 1000 meter over havet.
[2329b] Birch woods surround the trail, and the botanically interested will find even warmth-loving plants in this area, even though the elevation is well over 1000 meters above sea level.
[2329c] The birch woods are dense along the path, and people interested in botany will even find thermophilic plants in this area, even though the altitude is well over 100 meters above sea level.
[2329d] The birch forest crowds the trail, and in this area plant-lovers may spot species that prefer a fair amount of heat, even though we are at more than 3300 feet above sea level.
[2330a] Det forteller sitt om de gode vekstvilkårene rundt Gjende.
[2330b] That says something about the arability around Gjende.
[2330c] This says a lot about the growing conditions around Gjende.
[2330d] This says something about the fertile soil around Gjende.
[2331a] Særlig på forsommeren er fargeprakten stor.
[2331b] Particularly in early summer there's a glorious show of colors.
[2331c] Especially during the pre-summer season.
[2331d] The flowers are particularly profuse in early summer.
[2332a] Da er også fuglelivet på sitt mest intense, en rekke arter hekker i dette området.
[2332b] That's when the bird life also peaks, as several species nest in this area.
[2332c] At this time of year, bird life is at its most intense period; a number of species nest in this area.
[2332d] This is also the busiest season for the birds, a number of whom nest in the area.
[2333a] Den siste kilometeren fram til hytta går over et flatt delta som er bygget opp av slam fra Storåa og Vesleåa.
[2333b] The last kilometer up to the lodge runs over a flat delta built up of alluvial deposit from Storåa and Vensleåa.
[2333c] The last kilometer as far as the lodge goes over a flat delta that has been built up with deposits from the Storåa and Vesleåa rivers.
[2333d] The final half mile to the hut runs across a flat delta created by deposits from Storåa and Vesleåa.
[2334a] Fronten på deltaet bygges utover år for år, og det vil ikke gå mange år før det ikke lenger er mulig å legge til med småbåt ved Gjendebu.
[2334b] The front of the delta edges out year by year, and not so many years will pass before it's no longer possible to dock a rowboat at Gjendebu.
[2334c] The delta's front expands forward year by year, and it won't be many years before it will no longer be possible to tie up row boats at Gjendebu.
[2334d] The delta front advances every year, and in a few years it will not be possible to land even small boats by Gjendebu.
[2335a] Brygga for rutebåten på Gjende er flyttet utover for mange år siden.
[2335b] The dock for the scheduled boat on Gjende was moved outward several years ago.
[2335c] The pier for the shuttle boat at Gjende was long ago moved further out.
[2335d] The quay for the ferryboat has long since been moved farther out.
[2336a] Rett før hytta krysses Storåa på solid bro.
[2336b] Just before the lodge, Storåa is crossed on a solid bridge.
[2336c] Just before the lodge, Storåa river is crossed via a solid bridge.
[2336d] Just before the hut Storåa is crossed on a sturdy bridge.
[2337a] Se på strømmen, så vil du forstå at elva har krefter til å frakte med seg mye løsmasse fra fjellene ovenfor.
[2337b] Look at the torrent and you will understand that the river has the power to carry lots of soil from the mountains above.
[2337c] Take a look at the rapids, and you will understand why the river has the power to carry with it so much silt and loose stone from the mountains above.
[2337d] Notice the current and you will understand the forces that bring masses of sediment from the mountains.
[2338a] *+
[2338b] *+
[2338c] *+
[2338d] *+
[2339a] +3. Gjendebu til Fondsbu
[2339b] +3. Gjendebu to Fondsbu
[2339c] +3. Gjendebu to Fondsbu
[2339d] +Gjendebu - Fondsbu
[2340a] Hvis du vil fullføre rundturen tilbake til Fondsbu, er det flere alternativer å velge mellom.
[2340b] If you wish to complete the round tour back to Fondsbu, there are several alternatives to choose among.
[2340c] If you want to complete a round trip returning to Fondsbu, there are several alternatives from which to choose.
[2340d] Should you decide to complete the loop back to Fondsbu, you have several options.
[2341a] Det er merket ruter til Torfinnsbu og videre til Fondsbu, og det er mulig å ta båten på Bygdin.
[2341b] There are marked routes to Torfinnsbu and onward to Fondsbu, and you can take the boat on Bygdin.
[2341c] There are marked trails to Torfinnsbu and on to Fondsbu, and it is possible to take the boat on Bygdin Lake.
[2341d] There are marked trails to Torfinnsbu and on to Fondsbu, or you can take the boat on Bygdin.
[2342a] Den korteste ruta går imidlertid tilbake der du kom, altså opp Veslådalen.
[2342b] However, the shortest route is back the way you came, that is, up Veslådalen.
[2342c] The shortest route, however, runs back the way you came, i.e. up Veslådalen.
[2342d] But the shortest route is retracing your steps through Vesleådalen.
[2343a] Øverst i dalen, nord for kollen med det betegnende navnet Rundtom, deler stien seg.
[2343b] Uppermost in the valley, north of the knoll aptly named Rundtom, the trail forks.
[2343c] Uppermost in the valley, north of the hillcrest that bears the appropriate name Rundtom, the path divides.
[2343d] At the head of the valley, north of the hillock Rundtom, the trail forks.
[2344a] Rutene mot Olavsbu og Skogadalsbøen går mot høyre, den til Fondsbu går rett fram.
[2344b] The route towards Olavsbu and Skogadalsbøen goes to the right, while the one to Fondsbu goes straight ahead.
[2344c] The routes toward Olavsbu and Skogadalsbøen bear to the right; the one to Fondsbu continues straight ahead.
[2344d] The trail to Olavsbu and Skogadalsbøen veers right, while the one to Fondsbu goes straight ahead.
[2345a] Vil du følge en alternativ rute til Fondsbu som til og med er kortere, må du forresten ta til høyre.
[2345b] If you wish to follow an alternative route to Fondsbu that in addition is shorter, you should however go to the right.
[2345c] If you want to follow an alternative route to Fondsbu, one that is even shorter, you have to go to the right.
[2345d] An even shorter route can be found turning right and then following the post road north of Geithø, holding a steady course for Fondsbu.
[2346a] Den gamle postveien over til Fondsbu går på nordsiden av Geithø og holder stø kurs mot Fondsbu.
[2346b] The old post road over to Fondsbu runs on the north side of Geithø and keeps a steady course towards Fondsbu.
[2346c] The old postal route over to Fondsbu passes Geithø on the northern side and heads directly toward Fondsbu.
[2346d] An even shorter route can be found turning right and then following the post road north of Geithø, holding a steady course for Fondsbu.
[2347a] Postveien er avmerket på kartet, men ikke lenger merket i terrenget, så du må kunne lese kartet for å følge denne ruta.
[2347b] The post road is shown on the map but no longer marked in terrain, so you must read the map to follow the route.
[2347c] The postal road is marked on the map, but no longer in the terrain itself, so you will need to be able read a map in order to follow this route.
[2347d] The road is marked on the map, but not in the terrain, so you need to read the map if this is your choice.
[2348a] Den er ganske bratt på slutten ned mot Fondsbu.
[2348b] It's quite steep toward the end down towards Fondsbu.
[2348c] It is quite steep toward the end, down toward Fondsbu.
[2348d] There is also a steep approach to Fondsbu.
[2349a] Den T-merkede ruta fortsetter på sørsiden av Geithø mot Høystakktjernet.
[2349b] The T-marked route continues on the south side of Geithø towards Høystakktjernet.
[2349c] The T-marked route continues along the southern side of Geithø toward Høystakktjernet.
[2349d] The T-marked trail skirts Geithø to the south toward Høystakktjørnet.
[2350a] Elva fra tjernet krysses på bro nedenfor oset, deretter går det også her bratt ned til Bygdin.
[2350b] The river from the tarn is crossed on a bridge downstream from the outlet; thereafter, here it's also steep downhill to Bygdin.
[2350c] The stream from the pond is crossed via a bridge below the outlet; from there the trail descends steeply down to Bygdin.
[2350d] The river from the tarn is crossed on a bridge below the outlet, before the trail drops steeply down to Bygdin.
[2351a] De siste kilometerne fram til Fondsbu går ruta langs bredden av Bygdin.
[2351b] In the last kilometers to Fondsbu, the route runs along the shore of Bygdin.
[2351c] For the last kilometers to Fondsbu, the route runs along the shoreline of Bygdin Lake.
[2351d] The last few miles toward Fondsbu it follows the lake shore.
[2352a] *+
[2352b] *+
[2352c] *+
[2352d] *+
[2353a] +Toppturer rundt Olavsbu
[2353b] +Summit tours around Olavsbu
[2353c] +Trips to the Summits Around Olavsbu
[2353d] +Summits around Olavsbu
[2354a] Stopp gjerne over en dag eller tre på Olavsbu.
[2354b] Stop over if you wish, a day or three at Olavsbu.
[2354c] Stop over a day or three at Olavsby.
[2354d] Feel free to linger a day or two at Olavsbu.
[2355a] Vil du på Mjølkedalstind, Sjogholstind, Skardalstind eller Raudalstindane, kan du knapt ha noe bedre utgangspunkt.
[2355b] If you aim for Mjølkedalstind, Sjogholstind, Skardalstind or Raudalstindane, you could hardly have a better starting point.
[2355c] If you plan to go to Mjølkedalstind, Sjogholstind, Skardalstind or Raudalstindane, you can hardly find a better starting point.
[2355d] It gives you an excellent start on Mjølkedalstind, Sjogholstind, Skardalstind, and Raudalstindane, and even at self-service huts you may stay several days if you show consideration for the other guests.
[2356a] Selv på en selvbetjent hytte er det mulig å bo i flere dager bare du tar hensyn til de andre gjestene.
[2356b] Even at a self-service cabin, it's possible to stay several days, provided you show consideration for the other guests.
[2356c] Even at a self-service lodge, it is possible to stay several days, providing you show common courtesy to other guests.
[2356d] It gives you an excellent start on Mjølkedalstind, Sjogholstind, Skardalstind, and Raudalstindane, and even at self-service huts you may stay several days if you show consideration for the other guests.
[2357a] På Olavsbu er det forresten hyttevakt mesteparten av sommeren som forteller deg hvordan du skal innrette deg.
[2357b] However, at Olavsbu for most of the summer, there is a cabin warden who tells you how to fit in.
[2357c] At Olavsbu, by the way, there is a host most of the summer who can provide you with practical information.
[2357d] And at Olavsbu there is a caretaker to advise you most of the summer.
[2358a] Turene på Mjølkedalstind er beskrevet i hefte 3, og Raudalsegga er beskrevet i hytteomtalen av Olavsbu på side 9.
[2358b] The hikes on Mjølkedalstind are described in brochure 3, and Raudalsegga is described in the cabin capsule on Olavsbu on page 9.
[2358c] The trip to Mjølkedalstind is described in pamphlet 3, and Raudalsegga is presented in the description of the Olavsbu Lodge on page 9.
[2358d] The hike to Mjølkedalstind is described in Booklet 3, and Raudalsegga is covered in the presentation of Olavsbu on page 9.
[2359a] Bestigningen av Sjogholstind er også mulig for normalt fjellvante folk.
[2359b] The ascent of Sjogholstind is also possible for moderately experienced mountain hikers.
[2359c] Reaching the top of Sjogholstind is also possible for all who are normally accustomed to mountain hiking.
[2359d] Climbing Sjogholstind is also an option for those accustomed to alpine hiking.
[2360a] Den starter fra fotturruta gjennom skaret på nordvestsiden og følger eggen til topps.
[2360b] It starts from the hiking route through the gap on the northwest side and follows the ridge to the summit.
[2360c] It starts from the foot trail through the gorge on the northwestern side and follows the ridge to the summit.
[2360d] You take off from the trail through the gap on the northwest side and follow the ridge to the summit.
[2361a] Skardalstind er også en nydelig topp.
[2361b] Skardalstind is also a magnificent peak.
[2361c] Skardalstind is also a nice mountaintop.
[2361d] Skardalstind is also a fine peak.
[2362a] Utgangspunktet for bestigning av den er Raudalsbandet på ruta over mot Leirvassbu.
[2362b] The starting point for ascending it is Raudalsbandet on the route over towards Leirvassbu.
[2362c] The starting point for ascending it is Raudalsbandet on the route over toward Leirvassbu.
[2362d] The starting point is Raudalsbandet on the route to Leirvassbu.
[2363a] Derfra er det å ta sikte på toppen og klyve opp fjellsiden.
[2363b] From there, aim for the summit and climb up the mountainside.
[2363c] From there, you simply set your sights on reaching the top and scale up the mountainside.
[2363d] From here you stake your course to the top and stick to it as you climb.
[2364a] Vil du på austre Raudalstind, er det også lurt å starte fra Raudalsbandet, men for å gjennomføre turen trenger du kartet i hefte 3.
[2364b] If you wish to go to Raudalstind, it's wise to start from Raudalsbandet, but to complete the tour, you need the map in brochure 3.
[2364c] If you want to go to eastern Raudalstind, it is smart to begin from Raudalsbandet, but to complete the trip, you will need the map in pamphlet 3.
[2364d] Raudalsbandet is also the takeoff for Austre Raudalstind, but for this you need the map in Booklet 3.
[2365a] *+
[2365b] *+
[2365c] *+
[2365d] *+
[2366a] +Turer rundt Fondsbu
[2366b] +Hikes around Fondsbu
[2366c] +Trips Around Fondsbu
[2366d] +Hikes around Olavsbu
[2367a] Ved siden av Skinnegga (se Tur 2a) er Galdeberget på den andre siden av Bygdin, det vanligste turmålet for dem som bor på Fondsbu eller Eidsbugarden.
[2367b] Aside from Skinegga (see Hike 2a) Galdeberget on the other side of Bygdin is the most usual hike destination for those who stay at Fondsbu or Eidsbugarden.
[2367c] Besides Skinnegga (see Trip 2a), Galdeberget on the other side of Bygdin Lake, is the most usual destination for people who stay at Fondsbu or Eidsbugarden.
[2367d] Along with Skinnegga (see Trip 2a) Galdeberget, on the other side of Bygdin, is the most popular destination for those staying at Fondsbu or Eidsbugarden.
[2368a] Turen starter langs sjøen og DNTs varder over mot Gjendebu.
[2368b] The hike starts along the lake and DNT's cairns over towards Gjendebu.
[2368c] The trip starts along the lake and DNT's rock pile markers over toward Gjendebu.
[2368d] The trip starts along the lake, following DNT cairns toward Gjendebu.
[2369a] Etter å ha krysset broa ved Høystakktjernet, er det bare å holde rett mot toppen på 2075 meter.
[2369b] After crossing the bridge at Høystakktjerne, you need only head straight toward the summit at 2075 meters.
[2369c] After crossing the bridge at Høystakktjernet, you simply keep your course right up to the top at 2075 meters.
[2369d] After crossing the bridge by Høystakktjernet, you head straight for the summit, at 6800 feet.
[2370a] De fleste foretrekker imidlertid først å gå bortom fortoppen på 1950 meter.
[2370b] However, most prefer to first go around the promontory at 1950 meters.
[2370c] Most people, however, prefer first to go up to the underlying ridge at 1950 meters.
[2370d] But most people prefer to stop by its nubble, at 6400 feet.
[2371a] Den kneiser styggbratt over Bygdin, og byr på minst like fin utsikt som selve toppen.
[2371b] It towers precipitously over Bygdin, and offers at least as fine a view as from the summit.
[2371c] It towers steeply over Bygdin and provides a view at least as wonderful as from the summit itself.
[2371d] It hovers precipitously above Bygdin, yielding a view at least as grand as that from the summit.
[2372a] Hjemturen fra Galdeberget kan godt gå langs varderuta gjennom Oksedalen.
[2372b] The return trip from Galdeberget can well be along the cairn route through Oksedalen.
[2372c] The return trip from Galdeberget can be done along the stone marked route through Oksedalen.
[2372d] The return trip may follow the cairned trail through Oksedalen.
[2373a] Men istedenfor å følge Gjendebuløypa tilbake, er det en flott tur å gå rundt Grønebergtjernet, og følge traseen for den gamle postruta over Gravafjellet ned til hytta.
[2373b] But instead of following the Gjendebu trail back, there's a splendid tour around Grønnebergtjernet, following the route of the old post road over Gravafjellet down to the lodge.
[2373c] But rather than follow the Gjendeby trail back, a nice trip is to go around Grønebergtjernet and follow the old postal route over Gravafjellet and down to the lodge.
[2373d] But instead of following the Gjendebu route back, you may prefer the nice swing around Grønebergtjernet, along the route of the old post road over Gravafjellet to the hut.
[2374a] Postruta er for øvrig også fin å bruke om du vil gå på det 1630 meter høye Høgebrotet.
[2374b] Besides, the post road is also good to use if you wish to hike over the 1630 meter high Høgebrotet.
[2374c] The postal route, by the way, is also good to follow if you want to visit the 1630-meter tall Høgebrotet.
[2374d] The post road is also nice for climbing the 5350-foot Høgebrotet.
[2375a] Den toppen er så vidt jeg vet det eneste stedet i Jotunheimen som har utsikt til både Bygdin, Tyin og Gjende på en gang, om man er heldig med været.
[2375b] As far as I know, this summit is the only place in the Jotunheimen that has a view to Bygdin, Tyin and Gjende, if the weather is good.
[2375c] As far as I know, this peak is the only place in Jotunheimen that has a panorama of Bygdin, Tyin and Gjende at the same time, in clear weather conditions.
[2375d] To my knowledge this is the only vantage point in all of Jotunheimen to take in Bygdin, Tyin and Gjende, weather permitting.
[2376a] Området rundt Fondsbu inneholder selvfølgelig mye mer enn disse spredte glimtene.
[2376b] The area around Fondsbu of course has more than these few glimpses.
[2376c] The area around Fondsbu of course contains much more than these few suggestions.
[2376d] The area around Fondsbu has a lot more to offer, of course.
[2377a] I hefte 3 får du flere forslag, men ellers er det bare snakk om å bruke kart og fantasi, og ikke legge lista for høyt.
[2377b] In brochure 3, you'll find several suggestions, but otherwise it's only a question of using the map and your imagination, and not overstepping the mark.
[2377c] In pamphlet 3, you will find more suggestions: otherwise, it's merely a question of using your map and imagination, and of not overestimating your abilities.
[2377d] Booklet 3 includes more suggestions, but you are also free to use your map, your imagination, and your common sense.
[2378a] *+
[2378b] *+
[2378c] *+
[2378d] *+
[2379a] +Dagsturer fra Gjendebu
[2379b] +Day hikes from Gjendebu
[2379c] +Day Trips from Gjendebu
[2379d] +Day Trips from Gjendebu
[2380a] En naturentusiast vil elske alle de fantastiske turmulighetene som finnes rundt Gjendebu.
[2380b] An outdoorsman will love all the fantastic hike choices there are around Gjendebu.
[2380c] A nature enthusiast will love all of the fantastic opportunities for trips that are available around Gjendebu.
[2380d] A nature lover will revel in all the great hiking options around Gjendebu.
[2381a] En favoritt hos mange er turen på Gjendestunga.
[2381b] The favorite of many is the hike to Gjendestunga.
[2381c] A favorite of many is the trip up Gjendestunga.
[2381d] A favorite is the jaunt up Gjendestunga.
[2382a] Toppen ligger mellom Vesleådalen og Storådalen og er bare 1516 meter, men for en utsikt - en ser tinder og breer i hele den sydlige del av Jotunheimen.
[2382b] The summit is between Vesleådalen and Storådalen and is only 1516 meters, but what a view - you see peaks and glaciers in all of the southern part of the Jotunheimen.
[2382c] The summit is located between Vesleådalen and Storådalen and is just 1516 meters high, but with quite a view - one sees peaks and glaciers in the entire southern portion of Jotunheimen.
[2382d] +Located between Vesleådalen and Storådalen, this peak only reaches 4970 feet, but what a view - of peaks and glaciers in the entire southern Jotunheimen.
[2383a] Utsikten fra Svartdalspiggens 2137 meter er om mulig enda bedre, men så er da også turen minst dobbelt så lang som den på Gjendestunga.
[2383b] The view from Svartdalspiggene's 2137 meters is possibly better yet, but then the hike also is twice as long as that to Gjendestunga.
[2383c] The view from Svardalspiggen's 2137-meter summit is even better, if that is possible, but then the trip up is at least twice as long as the one up Gjendestunga.
[2383d] The view from Svartdalspiggen's 7000 feet is, if possible, even more splendid, but then the trip is twice as long as the one to Gjendestunga, though not particularly difficult.
[2384a] Turen er imidlertid ikke spesielt vanskelig.
[2384b] However, the hike isn't especially difficult.
[2384c] The trip is not especially difficult, however.
[2384d] The view from Svartdalspiggen's 7000 feet is, if possible, even more splendid, but then the trip is twice as long as the one to Gjendestunga, though not particularly difficult.
[2385a] Følg ruta mot Torfinnsbu opp i Svartdalen.
[2385b] Follow the route towards Torfinnsbu up in Svartdalen.
[2385c] Follow the route toward Torfinnsbu up in Svartdalen.
[2385d] Follow the trail toward Torfinnsbu up into Svartdalen.
[2386a] Der dalen begynner å flate seg ut, går man skrått oppover til høyre og opp på ryggen.
[2386b] When the valley begins to level off, go diagonally upward to the right and up on the ridge.
[2386c] Where the valley begins to flatten out, one goes diagonally up to the right and up onto the ridge.
[2386d] Where it levels out you keep right up onto the shoulder.
[2387a] Det er noe løs ur og noe glatt, men ellers greit.
[2387b] There's some loose talus and it's a bit slippery, but otherwise easy.
[2387c] There is some loose scree and it is somewhat slippery, but otherwise all right.
[2387d] There is some loose scree, and it may be slippery, but it is otherwise safe.
[2388a] Ryggen følges oppover, over en fonn, og videre til toppvarden.
[2388b] Follow the ridge upward, over a snowfield and onward to the summit cairn.
[2388c] Follow the ridge up, across a snowdrift, and farther on to the stone pile marker at the top.
[2388d] Follow the ridge, across a snowfield, to the summit.
[2389a] «Jotunologen» Emanuel Mohn mente at utsikten fra Svartdalspiggen var den fagreste han hadde sett i Jotunheimen.
[2389b] "Jotunologist" Emanuel Mohn felt that the view from Svartdalspiggen was the fairest that he had seen in the Jotunheimen.
[2389c] «Jotunologist» Emanuel Mohn thought that the view from Svartdalspiggen was the most beautiful he had seen in Jotunheimen.
[2389d] The old Jotunheimen enthusiast Emanuel Mohn held the view from Svartdalspiggen to be the best in all of Jotunheimen.
[2390a] *+«... Det er vel ingen andre udsiktspunkter hvor man på en så kort strækning ser en sådan myldrende vrimmel av skarpe nåle ?»
[2390b] There's certainly no other vantage point where in so short a stretch you can see such a myriad of pointed needles.
[2390c] «There is surely no other lookout point from which one can view over such a short stretch a comparable teeming throng of sharp needle points?»
[2390d] "No other vantage point offers such a profusion of jagged peaks at so short a distance."
[2391a] På den andre siden av dalen ligger Store Knutsholstind på 2343 meter.
[2391b] On the other side of the valley lies Store Knutsholstind at 2343 meters.
[2391c] On the other side of the valley lies Store Knutsholstind at 2343 meters.
[2391d] On the opposite side of the valley lies Store Knutsholstind at 7685 feet.
[2392a] Før førstebestigningen som ble utført av Johannes Th. Heftye i 1875, ble toppen regnet for å være ubestigelig, men i dag regnes den som en fottur, om enn bratt og luftig.
[2392b] Before the first ascent by Johannes Th. Heftye in 1875, the summit was reckoned to be unclimbable, but today it is considered to be a hike, though steep and exposed.
[2392c] Before it was conquered for the first time by Johannes Th. Heftye in 1875, the peak was considered to be insurmountable, but today it is considered a hiking trip, although steep and breezy.
[2392d] Before the first ascent, by Johannes Th. Heftye, in 1875, it was considered unclimbable, but today it is seen as a regular hike, however open and exposed.
[2393a] Prøv deg gjerne, men vær forsiktig.
[2393b] Try it gladly, but be careful.
[2393c] Try it yourself, but be careful.
[2393d] Feel free to give it a try, but be careful.
[2394a] Vil du istedenfor høye fjell kikke nærmere på Jo Gjendes gamle bu på den andre siden av Gjende eller studere plantelivet rundt Gjendebu, ja, så er heller ikke det dårlige alternativer.
[2394b] If, instead of high mountains, you would rather take a closer look at Jo Gjende's old hut on the other side of Gjende or study plant life around Gjendebu, indeed they're not lesser alternatives.
[2394c] If you would rather take a closer look at Jo Gjende's old lodging on the other side of Gjende, or study plant life around Gjendebu, instead of the high mountains, then neither of these would be a bad alternative.
[2394d] If you prefer to avoid precipices and want to have a look at Jo Gjende's old cabin on the other side of Gjende or study the flora around Gjendebu, these are respectable alternatives.
[2395a] *+
[2395b] *+
[2395c] *+
[2395d] *+
[2396a] +Lengder
[2396b] +Lengths
[2396c] +Length
[2396d] +Distances
[2397a] *+Fondsbu - Olavsbu, 5 t.
[2397b] *+Fondsbu - Olavsbu, 5 hours
[2397c] *+Fondsbu - Olavsbu, 5 hrs.
[2397d] *+Fondsbu - Olavsbu, 5 h.
[2398a] *+Gjendebu - Olavsbu, 5 t.
[2398b] *+Gjendebu - Olavsbu, 5 hours
[2398c] Gjendebu - Olavsbu, 5 hrs.
[2398d] *+Gjendebu - Olavsbu, 5 h.
[2399a] *+Gjendebu - Fondsbu, 5 t.
[2399b] *+Gjendebu - Fondsbu, 5 hours
[2399c] Gjendebu - Fondsbu, 5 hrs.
[2399d] *+Gjendebu - Fondsbu, 5 h.
[2400a] *+
[2400b] *+
[2400c] *+
[2400d] *+
[2401a] +Overnattingssteder
[2401b] +Lodgings
[2401c] +Overnight Accommodations
[2401d] +Lodging
[2402a] +Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Olavsbu og Gjendebu.
[2402b] +Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Olavsbu, and Gjendebu.
[2402c] +Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Olavsbu and Gjendebu.
[2402d] +Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Olavsbu, and Gjendebu.
[2403a] *+
[2403b] *+
[2403c] *+
[2403d] *+
[2404a] +Kommunikasjoner
[2404b] +Public transportation
[2404c] +Communications
[2404d] +Transportation
[2405a] Til Fondsbu og Eidsbugarden er det bilvei og bussrute, samt rutebåt på Bygdin.
[2405b] To Fondsbu and Eidsbugarden there's a road and bus service, as well as boat service on Bygdin.
[2405c] To Fondsbu and Eidsbugarden, there is an automobile road and a bus route, as well as a shuttle boat on Bygdin Lake.
[2405d] +Road and bus service to Fondsbu and Eidsbugarden, also boat service on Bygdin.
[2406a] Til Gjendebu er det rutebåt på Gjende.
[2406b] To Gjendebu there's boat service on Gjende.
[2406c] To Gjendebu, there is a shuttle boat on Gjende.
[2406d] +Boat on Gjende to Gjendebu.
[2407a] *+
[2407b] *+
[2407c] *+
[2407d] *+
[2408a] +Bygdin på langs
[2408b] +Bygdin lengthwise
[2408c] +Bygdin Lengthwise
[2408d] +All Along Bygdin
[2409a] *+Tur 2c - 3 dager - g-gg
[2409b] *+Hike 2c - 3 days - g - gg
[2409c] *+Trip 2c - 3 days - g-gg
[2409d] *+Trip 2c - 3 days - g-gg
[2410a] *+
[2410b] *+
[2410c] *+
[2410d] *+
[2411a] Dette er en variert og fin tur som både går langs bredden av Bygdin og opp mot 1700 meter mellom stortoppene nord for innsjøen.
[2411b] This is a varied and fine hike that both goes along the shore of Bygdin and up to 1700 meters between the major peaks north of the lake.
[2411c] This is a varied and pleasant trip that runs both along the shoreline of Bygdin and up to 1700 meters between the great peaks north of the lake.
[2411d] This is a nicely varied hike both along the Bygdin shore and up to 5500 feet in among the high peaks to the north of the lake.
[2412a] Turen kan godt kombineres med Tur 2a til en vandring rundt hele Bygdin.
[2412b] The hike can easily be combined with Hike 2a into a walk around Bygdin.
[2412c] The trip may be combined with Trip 2a as an excursion around all of Bygdin.
[2412d] The trip may be combined with Trip 2a for a complete circuit of the lake.
[2413a] Et godt alternativ er også å fortsette langs den delvis merkede ruta fra Valdresflya VH til Gjendesheim, eller også å ta bussen over Valdresflya.
[2413b] Another good alternative is to continue along the partly marked route from Valdresflya Youth Hostel to Gjendesheim, or additionally take a bus over Valdresflya.
[2413c] A good alternative is also to continue along the partially marked route from Valdresflya VH to Gjendesheim, or also to take the bus across Valdresflya.
[2413d] It may also be a nice alternative to continue along the partly marked trail from Valdresflya VH (hostel) to Gjendesheim, or to take the bus over Valdresflya.
[2414a] Fra Gjendesheim vandrer du tilbake til Fondsbu langs Gjende, og får dermed med deg begge de flotte fjellsjøene.
[2414b] From Gjendesheim, you walk back to Fondsbu along Gjende, and therefore take in both these magnificent mountain lakes.
[2414c] From Gjendesheim, you can hike back to Fondsbu along Gjende, and thereby be able to see both of these beautiful mountain lakes.
[2414d] From Gjendesheim you walk back to Fondsbu along Gjende, getting the best of both lakes.
[2415a] *+
[2415b] *+
[2415c] *+
[2415d] *+
[2416a] +1. Fondsbu til Torfinnsbu
[2416b] +1. Fondsbu to Torfinnsbu
[2416c] +1. Fondsbu to Torfinnsbu
[2416d] +Fondsbu - Torfinnsbu
[2417a] Turen starter lett med drøye fire kilometers vandring langs Bygdins vestende på hovedruta mot Gjendebu.
[2417b] The hike starts easily with a good four kilometer walk along Bygdin's west end on the main route towards Gjendebu.
[2417c] The trip starts easily with a little more than four kilometers of hiking along Bygdin's west end on the main route toward Gjendebu.
[2417d] The hike starts gently on the main trail to Gjendebu along the shore for about 2.5 miles by Bygdin's western end.
[2418a] Deretter går det bratt opp mot Høystakka og bro over tjernet.
[2418b] Thereafter, it goes steeply up towards Høystakka and on a bridge over the tarn.
[2418c] After that it goes steeply up toward Høystakka and over the pond by bridge.
[2418d] It then climbs steeply to Høystakka to a bridge below the tarn.
[2419a] Etter nok et par kilometer svinger denne ruta til høyre inn i Oksedalen.
[2419b] After another two kilometers, the route swings to the right into Oksedalen.
[2419c] After another couple of kilometers, the route curves to the right into Oksedalen.
[2419d] After another mile or so it turns right into Oksedalen.
[2420a] Dalen kan neppe ha fått navnet sitt etter frodige beiter for okser, til det er det for mye ur og stein.
[2420b] The valley could hardly have been named after lush pasture for bulls, as here there's too much talus and stone.
[2420c] The valley could not possibly have gotten its name for lush pastures for cattle; there is too much scree and stone here for that.
[2420d] This valley can hardly have been named for having lush pastures for oxen; it has entirely too much scree and boulders.
[2421a] Ruta stiger jevnt og fint opp mot tjernet innerst i dalen, og så er det brattere over skaret og ned til Galdebergstjern.
[2421b] The route climbs easily and fine up towards the tarn innermost in the valley, and then more steeply over the saddle and down to Galdebergstjern.
[2421c] The route ascends evenly and nicely up toward the pond innermost in the valley, and then it gets steeper over the gorge and down to Galdebergstjern.
[2421d] The trail climbs steadily to the tarn at the head of the valley, steepening through the gap and down to Galdebergstjern.
[2422a] Det ligger ofte en snøfonn i skaret, så vær forsiktig.
[2422b] Often, a snowfield lies in the gap, so be careful.
[2422c] There is often a large snowdrift in the gorge, so be careful.
[2422d] There is often a snowfield in the gap, so take care.
[2423a] Bekken i oset av Galdebergstjern vades eller steingås avhengig av vannstand.
[2423b] The stream at the outlet of Galdebergstjern can be waded or crossed on stones, depending on the water level.
[2423c] The brook at the outlet from Galdebergstjern can be waded across or crossed by stepping from stone to stone, depending on how high the water is.
[2423d] The brook at the outlet of Galdebergstjern is waded or rock-hopped depending on the water level.
[2424a] Ruta fortsetter slakt utover mot Langedalen og nedover langs elva gjennom dalen.
[2424b] The route continues gently out over towards Langedalen and downwards along the river in the valley.
[2424c] The route continues slackly out towards Langedalen and down along the river through the valley.
[2424d] The trail proceeds gently to Langedalen and along the river through the valley.
[2425a] Langedalsåna krysses på klopp, og etter en knapp kilometer kommer du ned til Torfinnsbus forgjenger Nybua.
[2425b] Cross Langedalsåna on a footbridge, and then after a short kilometer, you come to Torfinnsbu's predecessor, Nybua.
[2425c] Langedalsåna is crossed via a footbridge, and after a little less than a kilometer, you will arrive down at Nybua, the forerunner of Torfinnsbua.
[2425d] Langedalsåna is crossed on a wooden bridge, and half a mile farther on you get to Torfinnsbu's predecessor, Nybua.
[2426a] Derfra er det lett og fin vandring langs bredden av Bygdin fram til Torfinnsbu.
[2426b] From there, it's easy and fine walking along the shore of Bygdin to Torfinnsbu.
[2426c] From there it is an easy and pleasant hike along the shoreline of Bygdin to Torfinnsbu.
[2426d] From here the walking is easy along the shore of Bygdin to Torfinnsbu.
[2427a] *+
[2427b] *+
[2427c] *+
[2427d] *+
[2428a] +2. Torfinnsbu til Valdresflya VH eller Bygdin Fjellhotell
[2428b] +2.Torfinnsbu to Valdresflya Youth Hostel or Bygdin Fjellhotell
[2428c] +2. Torfinnsbu to Valdresflya VH or Bygdin Fjellhotell
[2428d] +Torfinnsbu - Valdresflya VH or Bygdin Fjellhotell
[2429a] Det er i hvert fall to alternativer for turen neste dag, enten til Valdresflya vandrerhjem (VH) eller til Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2429b] There are, at any rate, two alternatives for the next day's hike, either to Valdresflya Youth Hostel (YH) or to Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2429c] There are at least two alternatives for the trip the next day, either to Valdresflya vandrerhjem (VH) or to Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2429d] These are two possible destinations for the next day's hike, the latter being about an hour shorter.
[2430a] Den siste turen er omtrent en time kortere.
[2430b] The latter hike is about an hour shorter.
[2430c] The latter trip is about one hour shorter.
[2430d] These are two possible destinations for the next day's hike, the latter being about an hour shorter.
[2431a] De første fem-seks kilometerne er felles.
[2431b] The first five-six kilometers are common.
[2431c] The first five kilometers or so are in common.
[2432a] Etter å ha krysset Torfinnsdøla på bro, går stien stort sett langs vannkanten på Bygdin hele veien.
[2432b] After crossing Torfinnsdøla on a bridge, the trail goes mostly along the shoreline of Bygdin the whole way.
[2432c] After crossing Torfinnsdøla by bridge, the path goes generally along the edge of the water at Bygdin the entire way.
[2432d] After crossing Torfinnsdøla on a bridge, the trail stays fairly close to the waters of Bygdin the entire time.
[2433a] Den krysser en del bekker, noen av dem på bro, en av de større er ved Hestevollen.
[2433b] It crosses some streams, most on bridges; one of the largest is at Hestevollen.
[2433c] It does cross a number of brooks, some of them by bridge; one of the larger ones is at Hestevollen.
[2433d] It crosses a number of streams, some on bridges, a large one at Hestevollen.
[2434a] Når du kommer dit, ser du raskt at dette må ha vært et sted hestene trivdes, og den egner seg utmerket for en liten rast for oss mennesker også.
[2434b] When you get there, you'll see that this must have been a place that horses enjoyed, and it's fine for a short rest for we people, too.
[2434c] When you arrive here, you will quickly see that this must have been a place that horses enjoyed, and it is an excellent spot to stop for a rest for us humans, as well.
[2434d] Once you get there, you can easily see that this was a place fit for horses, and it serves quite well as a rest stop for humans, as well.
[2435a] Litt før Dyrnesodden deler stien seg.
[2435b] Just before Dyrnesodden, the trail forks.
[2435c] A little bit before Dymesodden, the path divides.
[2435d] A bit before Dyrnesodden the trail forks.
[2436a] Den til venstre går i jevn stigning og stort sett strak kurs mot Valdresflya VH.
[2436b] The one to the left goes evenly uphill and mostly directly towards Valdresflya Youth Hostel.
[2436c] The branch to the left goes up in an even and steady ascent toward Valdresflya VH.
[2436d] The left branch climbs steadily and in a fairly straight line to Valdresflya VH, while the right one hugs the shore as far as Bygdisheim, which unfortunately is closed to hikers.
[2437a] Høyre alternativ fortsetter å følge Bygdins bredd fram til Bygdisheim, som dessverre er nedlagt som overnattingssted.
[2437b] The right alternative continues to follow Bygdin's shore to Bygdisheim, which regrettably has been shut down as a lodging.
[2437c] The right alternative continues to follow Bygdin's shoreline to Bygdisheim, which is unfortunately abandoned as a place to spend the night.
[2437d] The left branch climbs steadily and in a fairly straight line to Valdresflya VH, while the right one hugs the shore as far as Bygdisheim, which unfortunately is closed to hikers.
[2438a] Der slutter også den egentlige Bygdin, men på grunn av reguleringen fortsetter nå innsjøen helt inn til Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2438b] Here the natural Bygdin ends, but because of watershed control, the lake continues all the way to Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2438c] This is the end of the line for Bygdin proper also, but because of regulation, the lake continues all the way to Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2438d] This spot also marks the end of the real Bygdin, but thanks to damming the lake now runs all the way to Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2439a] De siste kilometerne til hotellet må du vandre langs en vei, men den er heldigvis stengt for motorisert ferdsel.
[2439b] For the last few kilometers to the hotel, you must walk along a road, but fortunately it's closed for motor vehicle traffic.
[2439c] The last few kilometers to the hotel will have to be hiked along a road, but it is fortunately closed to motorized traffic.
[2439d] The last few miles you have to walk along a road, which, fortunately, is closed to motor vehicles.
[2440a] *+
[2440b] *+
[2440c] *+
[2440d] *+
[2441a] +Bygdin
[2441b] +Bygdin
[2441c] +Bygdin
[2441d] +Bygdin
[2442a] Bygdin dekker totalt 46 km2, er 28 km lang og opptil 2 km bred.
[2442b] Bygdin covers a total of 46 km2, is 28 km long and up to 2 km wide.
[2442c] Bygdin covers a total of 46 km2, is 28 km long and up to 2 km wide.
[2442d] Bygdin covers 18 square miles, is 17.5 miles long, up to 1.3 miles wide, making it the largest lake in Jotunheimen.
[2443a] Den er dermed Jotunheimens største innsjø.
[2443b] It is, therefore, Jotunheimen's largest lake.
[2443c] Thus, it is Jotunheimen's largest lake.
[2443d] Bygdin covers 18 square miles, is 17.5 miles long, up to 1.3 miles wide, making it the largest lake in Jotunheimen.
[2444a] Navnet har den fått etter sin langstrakte, bøyde form.
[2444b] It's named after its long, curved shape.
[2444c] It was named for its elongated, curved shape.
[2444d] Its name derives from its curved shape.
[2445a] *+
[2445b] *+
[2445c] *+
[2445d] *+
[2446a] +M/B Bitihorn
[2446b] +M/B Bitihorn
[2446c] +M/B Bitihorn
[2446d] +M/B Bitihorn
[2447a] I 1905, samme år som Nybod ble innviet, kom det passasjerbåt på Bygdin.
[2447b] In 1905, the same year that Nybod was opened, a passenger launch came on Bygdin.
[2447c] In 1905, the same year that Nybod was formally opened, a passenger boat came to Bygdin.
[2447d] In 1905, the year Nybod opened, a boat service was started at Bygdin.
[2448a] Båten var egentlig innkjøpt for å brukes på Tyin, og meningen var å transportere båten først til Bygdin og så over eidet fra Eidsbugarden til Tyin, men det hele tok for lang tid og kostet for mye.
[2448b] The launch originally was bought for use on Tyin, and the intent was to transport it first to Bygdin and from there over the isthmus from Eidsbugarden to Tyin, but the task took too much time and cost too much.
[2448c] The boat was actually purchased for use on Tyin, and the idea was to transport the boat first to Bygdin and then over the eddy from Eidsbugarden to Tyin, but the process took too long a time and was too expensive.
[2448d] The boat had actually been bought for Tyin, the plan being to transport it to Bygdin and then across the isthmus from Eidsbugarden to Tyin. The transfer became too cumbersome, so the boat was put into service on Bygdin, leaving Tyin to get one the following year.
[2449a] Isteden ombestemte man seg og satte båten i trafikk på Bygdin.
[2449b] Instead, there was a change of mind and the launch was put in service on Bygdin.
[2449c] Instead, it was decided to put the boat in traffic on Bygdin Lake.
[2449d] The boat had actually been bought for Tyin, the plan being to transport it to Bygdin and then across the isthmus from Eidsbugarden to Tyin. The transfer became too cumbersome, so the boat was put into service on Bygdin, leaving Tyin to get one the following year.
[2450a] Tyin fikk først motorbåt i 1906.
[2450b] Tyin got its first motorboat in 1906.
[2450c] Tyin got its first motor boat in 1906.
[2450d] The boat had actually been bought for Tyin, the plan being to transport it to Bygdin and then across the isthmus from Eidsbugarden to Tyin. The transfer became too cumbersome, so the boat was put into service on Bygdin, leaving Tyin to get one the following year.
[2451a] Før passasjerbåttrafikken startet, var alternativet å leie robåt og roere for de turistene som ville langs Bygdin uten å måtte gå.
[2451b] Before passenger boat service started, the alternative was to rent a rowboat and rowers for the tourists who wished to travel along Bygdin without walking.
[2451c] Before passenger boat service began, the alternative was to rent a row boat and rowers for the tourists who wanted to travel the length of Bygdin without having to walk.
[2451d] Before these boats the only option for travelers who did not want to walk along Bygdin was to rent a rowboat with rowers.
[2452a] I 1912 ble dagens båt M/B Bitihorn satt i drift, og etter noen år var den enerådende på Bygdin.
[2452b] In 1912, today's launch, M/B Bitihorn, began operation, and after a few years, it was dominant on Bygdin.
[2452c] In 1912, the modern-day craft M/B Bitihorn was put in service, and after a few years, it was unsurpassed at Bygdin.
[2452d] In 1912 today's boat, M/B Bitihorn, started, and a few years later it had the lake to itself.
[2453a] Hele sommeren går den fram og tilbake på innsjøen.
[2453b] Throughout the summer, it goes back and forth on the lake.
[2453c] All summer long, it makes the round trip on the lake.
[2453d] All summer it chugs back and forth along the lake, and thanks to this service the hiker's radius in the area is considerably widened.
[2454a] Takket være båtruta er det mulig å utvide aksjonsradiusen ganske betraktelig når du går i dette området.
[2454b] Thanks to the boat service, it's been possible to considerably expand the radius of action when you walk in this area.
[2454c] Thanks to the boat route, it is possible to expand the activity radius significantly when you hike in this area.
[2454d] All summer it chugs back and forth along the lake, and thanks to this service the hiker's radius in the area is considerably widened.
[2455a] Båtturen i seg selv er også en flott opplevelse.
[2455b] The boat trip itself is also a magnificent experience.
[2455c] The boat trip in itself is a nice experience.
[2455d] And the ride itself is a pleasant experience.
[2456a] Spesielt Torfinnstindane gjør et imponerende inntrykk nede fra Bygdin.
[2456b] Particularly Torfinnstindane are imposing when seen from down on Bygdin.
[2456c] Especially Torfinnstindane make a great impression seen from down at Bygdin.
[2456d] Especially Torfinnstindane look impressive from the lake.
[2457a] *+
[2457b] *+
[2457c] *+
[2457d] *+
[2458a] +Lengder
[2458b] +Lengths
[2458c] +Length
[2458d] +Distances
[2459a] *+Torfinnsbu - Fondsbu, 7 t.
[2459b] *+Torfinnsbu - Fondsbu, 7 hours
[2459c] *+Torfinnsbu - Fondsbu, 7 hrs.
[2459d] *+Torfinnsbu - Fondsbu, 7 h.
[2460a] *+Torfinnsbu - Valdresflya VH, 4 t.
[2460b] *+Torfinnsbu - Valdresflya Youth Hostel, 4 hours
[2460c] Torfinnsbu - Valdresflya VH, 4 hrs.
[2460d] *+Torfinnsbu - Valdresflya VH, 4 h.
[2461a] *+Torfinnsbu - Bygdin Fjellhotell, 3 t.
[2461b] *+Torfinnsbu - Bygdin Fjellhotell, 3 hours
[2461c] *+Torfinnsbu - Bygdin Fjellhotell, 3 hrs.
[2461d] *+Torfinnsbu - Bygdin Fjellhotell, 3 h.
[2462a] *+
[2462b] *+
[2462c] *+
[2462d] *+
[2463a] +Overnattingssteder
[2463b] +Lodgings
[2463c] +Overnight Accommodations
[2463d] +Lodging
[2464a] +Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Torfinnsbu, Bygdin Fjellhotell og Valdresflya vandrerhjem (VH).
[2464b] +Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Torfinnsbu, Bygdin Fjellhotell, and Valdresflya Youth Hostel (YH).
[2464c] +Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Torfinnsbu, Bygdin Fjellhotell and Valdresflya vandrerhjem (VH).
[2464d] +Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Torfinnsbu, Bygdin Fjellhotell, and Valdresflya Vandrerhjem (VH).
[2465a] *+
[2465b] *+
[2465c] *+
[2465d] *+
[2466a] +Kommunikasjoner
[2466b] +Public transportation
[2466c] +Communications
[2466d] +Transportation
[2467a] Det er bilvei og bussruter til Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Valdresflya VH og Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2467b] +Road and bus service to Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Valdresflya YH, and Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2467c] There is an automobile road and bus routes to Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Valdresflya VH and Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2467d] +Road and bus service to Fondsbu, Eidsbugarden, Valdresflya VH, and Bygdin Fjellhotell.
[2468a] Det er båtrute på Bygdin.
[2468b] There's boat service on Bygdin.
[2468c] There is a shuttle boat on Bygdin Lake.
[2468d] +Boat service on Bygdin.
[2469a] *+
[2469b] *+
[2469c] *+
[2469d] *+
[2470a] +Villmarkstur i Leirungsdalen
[2470b] +Wilderness hike in Leirungsdalen
[2470c] +Wilderness Trip in Leirungsdalen
[2470d] +Wilderness Trip in Leirungsdalen
[2471a] *+1 eller flere dager - Tur 2d - gg-ggg
[2471b] *+One or more days - Hike 2 d - gg - ggg
[2471c] *+1 or more days - Trip 2d - gg-ggg
[2471d] *+1 or more days. - Trip 2d - gg-ggg
[2472a] *+
[2472b] *+
[2472c] *+
[2472d] *+
[2473a] Den merkede ruta gjennom den praktfulle Leirungsdalen sør for Gjende er dessverre nedlagt.
[2473b] The marked route through the magnificent Leirungsdalen south of Gjende regrettably has been obliterated.
[2473c] The marked route through spectacular Leirungsdalen south of Gjende is unfortunately no longer in use.
[2473d] The marked trail through the magnificent Leirungsdalen to the south of Gjende is unfortunately no longer maintained.
[2474a] I Jotunheimen nasjonalpark har den innerste delen av denne dalen fått status som område uten tilrettelegging, og da måtte den gamle merkingen fjernes.
[2474b] In the Jotunheimen National Park, the innermost part of this valley has the status of an area without amenities, so the old marking was removed.
[2474c] In Jotunheimen National Park, the innermost portion of the valley has been assigned status as an untamed wilderness, and because of that, the markings on the trail had to be removed.
[2474d] Within Jotunheimen National Park the inner part of the valley has gotten a "forever-wild" status.
[2475a] Dette innebærer intet ferdselsforbud, men bare at her må fotturistene bruke kart og kompass for å finne fram.
[2475b] This entails no barring of access, but just that here hikers must use map and compass to find their way.
[2475c] This does not entail a ban on hiking in the area, but means that here hikers must use a map and compass to find their bearings.
[2475d] This does not prohibit travel, but hikers have to rely on a map and compass.
[2476a] Turen fra Gjendesheim gjennom dalen og så ned til Torfinnsbu eller Gjendebu gjennom Svartdalen er lang.
[2476b] The hike from Gjendeshim through the valley and then down to Torfinnsbu or Gjendebu through Svasrtdalen is long.
[2476c] The trip from Gjendesheim through the valley and then down to Torfinnsbu or Gjendebu through Svardalen is a long one.
[2476d] The hike from Gjendesheim along the valley, down to Torfinnsbu or Gjendebu through Svartdalen is very long.
[2477a] Du må regne med å bruke 8-9 timer, men er du i brukbar form, er ikke det noen heksekunst.
[2477b] You should count on using 8-9 hours, but if you're in good condition, it's easy.
[2477c] You should expect to spend 8-9 hours, but if you are in reasonably good physical shape, this is not difficult to accomplish.
[2477d] You have to allow 8 or 9 hours; but if you are fit, it is no problem.
[2478a] Her er det imidlertid dumt å forhaste seg.
[2478b] However, here it's foolish to be too hasty.
[2478c] It is unwise, however, to hurry.
[2478d] It is too bad to rush through here, though, so you are better off bringing a tent, staying in Leirungsdalen, and doing a couple of hikes along the string of peaks on either side of the valley.
[2479a] Ta heller med deg telt, overnatt i Leirungsdalen og ta deg en tur eller tre på perleraden av topper som ligger på begge sider av dalen.
[2479b] Take rather a tent, spend the night in Leirungsdalen and take a hike or three on the gems of peaks that lie on both sides of the valley.
[2479c] Instead, bring a tent, spend the night in Leirungsdalen and take a trip or three to the summits that rise like a string of pearls on both sides of the valley.
[2479d] It is too bad to rush through here, though, so you are better off bringing a tent, staying in Leirungsdalen, and doing a couple of hikes along the string of peaks on either side of the valley.
[2480a] Første del av ruta fra Gjendesheim er beskrevet i forbindelse med tur 2-e.
[2480b] The first part of the route from Gjendesheim is described in connection with Hike 2-e.
[2480c] The first part of the route from Gjendesheim is described in Tour 2e.
[2480d] The first part of the hike is described in connection with Trip 2e, and the old trail still shows on the map.
[2481a] For øvrig er den gamle stien tegnet inn på kartet.
[2481b] Besides, the old trail is shown on the map.
[2481c] In addition, the old trail is marked on the map.
[2481d] The first part of the hike is described in connection with Trip 2e, and the old trail still shows on the map.
[2482a] Den går forbi Leirungene, tvers over nedre del av Leirungsdalen (det er forresten bro over elva), forbi Svarthammarbua og langs nordsiden av Leirungsåa hele veien opp mot skaret mot Svartdalen.
[2482b] It goes past Leirungene, straight across the lower part of Leirungsdalen (besides, there's a bridge over the river), past Svarthammarbua and along the north side of Leirungsåa all the way to the gap to Svasrtdalen.
[2482c] It goes past Leirungene, straight across the lower portion of Leirungsdalen (and there is a bridge over the river), past Svarthammarbua and along the northern side of Leirungsåa all the way up toward the gorge in the direction of Svartdalen.
[2482d] It goes past Nedre Leirungen, across the lower part of Leirungsdalen (there is a bridge across the river), past Svarthammarbua, and along the north side of Leirungsåa all the way up toward the gap to Svartdalen.
[2483a] Et mye brukt alternativ for dem som besøker dalen, er også å parkere på veien over Valdresflya, omtrent ved tallet 51, og så vandre over skaret sør for Rauhamrane og inn i Leirungsdalen.
[2483b] A much-used alternative for those who go to the valley is also to park on the road over Valdresflya, around numeral 51, and then walk over the gap south of Rauhamrane and into Leirungsdalen.
[2483c] A much used alternative for those who visit the valley is also to park on the road over Valdresflya, at about the area marked with number 51, and then hike over the ravine south of Rauhamrane and into Leirungsdalen.
[2483d] A popular alternative for visitors to the valley is to park along the Valdresflya road, near the 51-marker, and then walk through the gap south of Rauhamrane into Leirungsdalen.
[2484a] En utmerket teltplass ligger forresten i utløpet av Steindalen.
[2484b] By the way, there's an excellent camping place at the mouth of Steindalen.
[2484c] There is an excellent tenting site, by the way, in the Steindalen canyon.
[2484d] There is an excellent tent site at the end of Steindalen.
[2485a] Under krigen lå tyske alpejegere i leir her inne, og du kan fremdeles se ringmurene etter teltene deres.
[2485b] During World War II, German Alpine Chasseurs camped here, and you still can see the circular footings built for their tents.
[2485c] During the war, German alpine troops camped here, and you can still see the circular foundations where their tents stood.
[2485d] During the war there were German alpine forces here; you can still see the foundations for their tents.
[2486a] Samme Steindalen er også et utmerket utgangspunkt for turen opp eggen på Munken og videre innover Kalvåhøgda.
[2486b] The same Steindalen also is an excellent starting point for a hike up the ridge on Munken and further in over Kalvåhøgda.
[2486c] Steindalen is also an excellent starting point for the trip up Munken ridge and on through Kalvåhøgda.
[2486d] Steindalen is also a good starting point for the trip up Munken and on along Kalvåhøgda.