[9001a] +Turmuligheter fra Gjevilvasshytta [9001b] Hike choices from Gjevilvasshytta [9001c] +Excursion opportunities from Gjevilvasshytta [9001d] [9002a]
[9002d] [9003a] Gjevilvassdalen er et rikt kulturlandskap. [9003b] Gjevilvassdalen is a splendid cultural landscape. [9003c] Gjevilvassdalen is a rich cultural landscape. [9003d] [9004a] Denne delen av Trollheimen er særlig kjent for en spennende geologi og planteliv og her er mange fine turmuligheter til ulike turmål. [9004b] This part of Trollheimen is well known for its thrilling geology and plant life, and here there are many superb hike choices to various hike destinations. [9004c] This part of the Trollheimen mountain range is particularly well-known for its interesting geology and plant life, and here there are many fine opportunities for outings to various destinations. [9004d] [9005a] Turene til Blåhø, Gjevilvass-kamman og Okla er beskrevet i TTs håndbok, 1994, Sylene og Trollheimen. [9005b] Hikes to Blåhø, Gjevilvass-kamman and Okla are described in TT's Guide, 1994, Sylene and Trollheimen. [9005c] The trips to Blåhø, Gjevilvass-kamman and Okla are described in TT's handbook, 1994, Sylene and Trollheimen. [9005d] [9006a] I tillegg anbefales boka Harald Taagvold og Kjell Haugland Gjevilvassdalen, en innføring i naturen og kulturen, Oppdal videregående skole 1993. [9006b] Another recommended book is Harald Taagvold and Kjell Haugland, Gjevilvassdalen, an introduction to the scenery and culture, Oppdal Upper Secondary School, 1993. [9006c] In addition, we recommend the book by Harald Taagvold and Kjell Haugland, Gjevilvassdalen, an introduction to nature and culture, Oppdal Upper Secondary School 1993. [9006d] [9007a] Antall km angir turens lengde. [9007b] The number of km indicates the hike's length. [9007c] The number of km indicates the length of the trip. [9007d] [9008a]
[9008d] [9009a] 1. Topptur til Blåhø, vel 20 km, stor høgdeforskjell, delvis etter merka rute. [9009b] 1. Summit hike to Blåhø, at least 20 km, considerable elevation gain, partly along a marked trail. [9009c] 1. Trip to the summit of Blåhø, a little more than 20 km, great differences in altitude, partially on a marked trail. [9009d] [9010a] Følg merkinga mot Trollheimshytta til nedre Kamtjern. [9010b] Follow the marking toward Trollheimshytta to Nedre Kamtjern. [9010c] Follow the trail markers toward Trollheim Lodge to the lower Kam pond. [9010d] [9011a] Området Gjevilvasskamman - Blåhø har et rikt og spennende planteliv. [9011b] The Gjevilvasskamman - Blåhø area has a sumptuous, thrilling plant life. [9011c] The area of Gjevilvasskamman - Blåhø has rich and interesting plant life. [9011d] [9012a] I lia rett før nedre Kamtjern ligger en botanisk hage hvor det er satt navneskilt ved mange fjellplanter. [9012b] On the hillside just before Nedre Kamtjern lies a botanical garden with nameplates set on many mountain plants. [9012c] On the hillside just before the lower Kam pond, there is a botanical garden, where name plates have been posted next to many of the mountain plants. [9012d] [9013a] Ta bratt opp fra vatnet og følg et daldrag på innsida av kanten opp den bratte skråninga og videre til toppen. [9013b] Go directly up from the lake and follow a ravine on the inside of the rim and up the steep slope onward to the summit. [9013c] Climb the steep incline up from the lake and follow the gully on the inner side of the edge up the steep slope and on to the summit. [9013d] [9014a] Samme veg ned. [9014b] Same way down. [9014c] Same way down. [9014d] [9015a] Vinters tid tas turen opp til Svarthamran nord for Blåhø. [9015b] In wintertime the hike goes up to Svarthamran north of Blåhø. [9015c] In winter, the trip is done up to Svarthamran north of Blåhø. [9015d] [9016a] Ta bratt opp over "taket" av Speilsalen / Blåsalen og opp på nordryggen av Blåhø. [9016b] Go directly up over the "roof" of Speilsalen / Blåsalen and up the north ridge of Blåhø. [9016c] Climb the steep incline up over the "rooftop" of Speilsalen / Blåsalen and up to the northern ridge of Blåhø. [9016d] [9017a] Eller rund inn på "baksida" av Blåhø og bestig toppen derfra. [9017b] Or around, in on the "rear side" of Blåhø and climb the peak from there. [9017c] Or circle in from the "back side" of Blåhø and climb to the summit from there. [9017d] [9018a] Også vinters tid kan toppturen tas fra Kamtjernan, men da opp fra indre del av øvre Kamtjern. [9018b] Also in wintertime the summit hike may be made from Kamtjernan, but then up from the inner part of øvre Kamtjern. [9018c] The trip to the summit may also be done during the wintertime from Kam pond, but in this case, up from the inner area of Upper Kam pond. [9018d] [9019a] Det er fint å legge nedturen denne vegen. [9019b] It's smart to route the descent that way. [9019c] It is good to make the descent this way. [9019d] [9020a]
[9020d] [9021a] 2. Topptur til Okla og Høgsnydda, vel 15 km fra Langoddsetra, stort sett etter merka rute. [9021b] 2. Summit hikes to Okla and Høgsnydda, at least 15 km from Langoddsetra, mostly along marked trails. [9021c] 2. Trip to the summit of Okla and Høgsnydda, over 15 km from Lanoddsetra, largely along a marked trail. [9021d] [9022a] Få båt- eller bilskyss til Langodden på andre sida av vatnet. [9022b] Get a boat or car ride to Langodden on the other side of the lake. [9022c] Get boat or car transportation to Langodden on the other side of the lake. [9022d] [9023a] Følg merkinga mot Bårdsgarden til Okla og gå fram til Høgsnydda. [9023b] Follow the marking towards Bårdsgarden to Okla and go up to Høgsnydda. [9023c] Follow the marked trail toward Bårdsgarden to Okla and continue on to Høgsnydda. [9023d] [9024a] Vinters tid følges samme rute. [9024b] In wintertime, follow the same trail. [9024c] The same route is followed during wintertime. [9024d] [9025a] Selv om Gjevilvatnet er regulert, er det sjelden problemer med overvatn. [9025b] Even though Gjevilvatnet is watershed controlled, there's seldom any problem with surface water. [9025c] Even though Gjevil Lake is regulated, there is seldom a problem with surface water. [9025d] [9026a]
[9026d] [9027a] 3. Til Speilsalen / Blåsalen, ca 20 km, utenom merking. [9027b] 3. To Speilsalen / Blåsalen, about 20 km, away from marking. [9027c] 3. To Speilsalen / Blåsalen, approx. 20 km, off the marked trail. [9027d] [9028a] Følg merkinga mot Trollheimshytta fram til Gravbekken og ta langs Blåhøtjørna på østsida. [9028b] Follow the marking towards Trollheimshytta up to Gravbekken and go along Blåhøtjørna on its east side. [9028c] Follow the trail markers toward Trollheim Lodge as far as Gravbekken and walk along Blåhø Pond on the eastern side. [9028d] [9029a] Ved nordøst-enden av tjørna ligger 3 fangstgraver for rein ca 100 m fra vannkanten. [9029b] At the northeast end of the tarn there are 3 pitfalls for reindeer about 100 m from the waterside. [9029c] At the northeast end of the pond, there are 3 hunting pits for reindeer about 100 m from the water's edge. [9029d] [9030a] Følg vassdraget videre oppover til Svartjørnin. [9030b] Follow the watercourse further upward to Svartjørnin. [9030c] Follow the stream uphill to Svartjørnin. [9030d] [9031a] Hulrom som dannes der bekken renner under en solid snøfonn mellom de to sørligste av tjønnene, blir enkelte år store og utgjør Blåsalen i sør og Speilsalen i nord. [9031b] The cavern formed, where the stream runs under a solid snowfield between the two southernmost tarns, is large in some years and makes up Blåsalen in the south and Speilsalen in the north. [9031c] The cavities formed where the brook flows under a solid snowdrift between the southernmost of the two ponds are large in some years and comprise Blåsalen in the south and Speilsalen in the north. [9031d] [9032a]
[9032d] [9033a] 4. Til Trollkyrkja ved Langtjørna, ca 18 km, utenom merking. [9033b] 4. To Trollkyrkja at Langtjørna, about 18 km, away from marking. [9033c] 4. To Trollkyrkja at Langtjørna, approx. 18 km, off the marked trail. [9033d] [9034a] Skrå opp bak hytta, rund Svahøa på sørsida, ta inn på østsida av Svahøa og dra ned til sørenden av Langtjørna. [9034b] Traverse up in back of the lodge, around Svahøa on its south side, go in on the east side of Svahøa and descend to the south end of Langtjørna. [9034c] Cut diagonally up behind the lodge, round Svahøa on the southern side, walk in along the eastern side of Svahøa and descend to the southern end of Langtjørna. [9034d] [9035a] Trollkyrkja er ei hule i fjellet som er vel verdt et besøk.Den ligger i 1 000 meters høgde opp fra bekken fra Nonshø-tjønna, ca 500 meter rett øst for sørenden av Langtjørna. [9035b] Trollkyrkja is a rock cavern that is worth visiting. It lies 1,000 meters above the stream from Nonshø Tarn, about 500 meters directly east of the south end of Langtjørna. [9035c] Trollkyrkja is a cave in the mountainside and is well worth a visit. It lies at 1000 meters altitude up from the brook from Nonshø-tjønna, about 500 meters due east of the south end of Langtjørna. [9035d] [9036a] Det er ei bratt steinur det siste stykket opp mot hula, men ikke verre enn at det er greitt å komme seg opp. [9036b] There's a steep scree slope the last bit towards the cavern, but no worse than it can be easily ascended. [9036c] There is a steep talus on the last stretch up toward the hollow, but it is not so bad that one can't easily cross it. [9036d] [9037a] Tilbaketuren kan tas samme veg eller om Grøndalen på nordsida av Tyrikvamfjellet og etter merkaruta fra Jøldalshytta. [9037b] The return can go the same way or past Grøndalen on the north side of Tyrikvamfjellet and along the marked trail from Jøldalshytta. [9037c] The return trip can be done the same way, or else via Grøndal on the northern side of Tyrikvamfjellet and down the marked trail from Jøldal Lodge. [9037d] [9038a]
[9038d] [9039a] 5. Til Tyrikvamfjellet, ca 8 km, utenom merking. [9039b] 5. To Tyrikvamfjellet, about 8 km, away from marking. [9039c] 5. To Tyrikvamfjellet, approx. 8 km, off the marked trail. [9039d] [9040a] Tyrikvamfjellet har et rikt planteliv. [9040b] Tyrikvamfjellet has a profuse plant life. [9040c] Tyrikvamfjellet has rich plant life. [9040d] [9041a] Skrå opp fra hytta til dalen mellom Tyrikvamfjellet og Svahøa. [9041b] Traverse up from the lodge to the valley between Tyrikvamfjellet and Svahøa. [9041c] Cut diagonally up from the lodge to the valley between Tyrikvamfjellet and Svahøa. [9041d] [9042a] Ta etter småstier og «botaniser» deg opp til toppen. [9042b] Then follow small paths and "botanize" your way to the summit. [9042c] Take the smaller paths and "botanize" your way up to the summit. [9042d] [9043a] Fortsett plantestudiene ned vestlia av fjellet. [9043b] Continue your plant studies on the west slope of the mountain. [9043c] Continue your plant inspections down the western side of the mountain. [9043d] [9044a] Skrå mot nordvest ned fra toppen og ta merkaruta fra Jøldalen tilbake. [9044b] Traverse to the northwest down from the summit and take the marked trail from Jøldalen back. [9044c] Cut diagonally in a northwest direction down from the summit and follow the marked trail from Jøldalen back. [9044d] [9045a]
[9045d] [9046a] 6. Til Heimre Gjevilvasskamman , ca 15 km, delvis utenom merking. [9046b] 6. To Heimre Gjevilvasskamman, about 15 km, away from marking. [9046c] 6. To Heimre Gjevilvasskamman , approx. 15 km, partially off the marked trail. [9046d] [9047a] Følg merkinga mot Trollheimshytta opp langs Gravbekken til den svinger av nordover. [9047b] Follow the marking towards Trollheimshytta up along Gravbekken until it turns northwards. [9047c] Follow the trail markers toward Trollheimshytta up along Gravbekken until it curves off toward the north. [9047d] [9048a] Steingå eller vass over bekken på egnet sted. [9048b] Walk on stones or wade the stream at a suitable place. [9048c] Find a suitable place to cross the brook by stepping from stone to stone, or wade across. [9048d] [9049a] Ta opp på ryggen av heimrekammen. [9049b] Go up to the ridge of Heimrekammen. [9049c] Climb up to the ridge of the nearer of the two lakes. [9049d] [9050a] De siste hamrene før toppen må klives. [9050b] The last crags before the summit must be clambered. [9050c] The last bluffs before the summit must be climbed. [9050d] [9051a] Ta ut til venstre forbi den siste hammeren. [9051b] Go out to the left past the last crag. [9051c] Bear to the left past the last of the bluffs. [9051d] [9052a] De som ikke liker å klive i luftig fjell, bør stoppe på toppen før hamrene. [9052b] Those who don't like clambering on exposed rock should stop before the last crag. [9052c] Those who do not like to mountain-climb in wind should stop at the plateau before the bluffs. [9052d] [9053a] Den høgste toppen kan også nås ved å ta opp fra nedre Kamtjern. [9053b] The highest peak can also be reached by starting up from Nedre Kamtjern. [9053c] The tallest summit may also be reached by an approach from the lower mountain pond. [9053d] [9054a]
[9054d] [9055a] 7. Til Midtre og indre Gjevillvasskamman, ca 25 km fram og tilbake til midtre, delvis utenom merking. [9055b] 7. To Midtre and Indre Gjevillvasskamman, about 25 km to and from Midre, partly away from marking. [9055c] 7. To Middle and Inner Gjevillvasskamman, approx. 25 km to and from the middle pond, partially off the marked trail. [9055d] [9056a] Følg merkinga mot Trollheimshytta opp til Riaren. [9056b] Follow the marking towards Trollheimshytta up to Riaren. [9056c] Follow the trail markers toward Trollheim Lodge up to Riaren. [9056d] [9057a] Ta inn til bandet mellom heime og midtre kammen. [9057b] Go to the col between Heime and Midtre Kammen. [9057c] Cut across to the strip between the lower and middle pond. [9057d] [9058a] Ta bratt opp herfra og etterhvert på skrå opp snøen til toppen av midtre. [9058b] Go directly up from there and then traverse the snow to the summit of Midtre. [9058c] Ascend steeply from here and eventually cut diagonally across the snow and up to the summit of the middle ridge. [9058d] [9059a] Snøen oppleves bratt her både sommer og vinter. [9059b] The snow encountered here is steep, both in summer and in winter. [9059c] The snow is steep here both summer and winter. [9059d] [9060a] Selv om dette er en lite rasutsatt passasje, anbefales ikke å gå her i rasfarlige perioder på vinteren. [9060b] Even though this passage is seldom exposed to avalanches, it's inadvisable to go here during high avalanche risk periods in winter. [9060c] Even though this passage is relatively safe from avalanches, it is recommended not to go here during avalanche periods in the winter. [9060d] [9061a] Flott utsikt fra toppen. [9061b] Magnificent view from the summit. [9061c] Excellent view from the top. [9061d] [9062a] Turen bortom indretoppen anbefales på samme turen. [9062b] A hike around the innermost summit is recommendable on the same trip. [9062c] The trip to the summit of the middle ridge is recommended on the same excursion. [9062d] [9063a] I TT-boka Sylene og Trollheimen er beskrevet kliveturene fra Gjevilvatnet opp ryggen til begge toppene. [9063b] In the TT Guide, Sylene and Trollheimen, there's a description of a clambering tour from Gjevilvatnet up the ridge to both summits. [9063c] In the TT book Sylene and Trollheimen, a climbing trips from Gjevilvatnet up the ridge to both summits. [9063d] [9064a]
[9064d] [9065a] +Roar Nålsund / Erik Stabell [9065b] Roar Nålsund / Erik Stabell [9065c] +Roar Nålsund / Erik Stabell [9065d] [10001a] +Turmuligheter fra Storerikvollen [10001b] Hike choices from Storerikvollen [10001c] +Excursion opportunities from Storerikvollen [10001d] [10002a]
[10002d] [10003a] Det er godt å være på Storerikvollen. [10003b] It's fantastic to be on Storerikvollen. [10003c] Storerikvollen is a nice place to be. [10003d] [10004a] Her er mange dagsturmuligheter fra de helt korte til noen lange. [10004b] Here there are many day hike choices, from the very short to some long. [10004c] Here, there are many opportunities for day trips, from very short ones to longer ones. [10004d] [10005a] Antall km angir turens lengde. [10005b] The number of km indicates the hike's length. [10005c] The number of km indicates the length of the trip. [10005d] [10006a]
[10006d] [10007a] +1. Til Blåkkåkleppen, 3 km, etter stier. [10007b] 1. To Blåkkåkleppen, 3 km, on trails. [10007c] +1. To Blåkkåkleppen, 3 km, on paths. [10007d] [10008a] Kleppen er "nærfjellet" til hytta og et kjært turmål både som ettermiddagstur og heldagstur for barnefamilier. [10008b] Kleppen is the nearest mountain to the lodge and is a popular hike destination, both for afternoon hikes and for day hikes for families with children. [10008c] Kleppen is the "neighboring mountain" to the lodge and a nice trip for families with children, both in the afternoon or as a day-long outing. [10008d] [10009a] Ta ryggen opp til toppen. [10009b] Follow the ridge up to the summit. [10009c] Take the ridge up to the summit. [10009d] [10010a] Her er nok av stier og spor. [10010b] Here there are many paths and tracks. [10010c] There are plenty of paths and tracks here. [10010d] [10011a]
[10011d] [10012a] 2. Til Bustvalen-monumentet, 16 km, stort sett utenom merka rute. [10012b] 2. To Bustvalen Monument, 16 km, mostly away from marked trails. [10012c] 2. To the Bustvalen monument, 16 km, mainly off the marked trail. [10012d] [10013a] Følg merkinga mot Blåhammarstugan fram til Enan og følg denne nordover og etterhvert opp på Bustvalen med det høge monumentet. [10013b] Follow the marking towards Blåhammarstugan up to Enan; then follow it northwards and gradually up on Bustvalen with the tall monument. [10013c] Follow the trail markers toward Blåhammarstugan as far as Enan and follow this north and eventually up to Bustvalen and the tall monument. [10013d] [10014a] Dette er til minne om det tragiske Karolinernes tilbaketog i 1719. [10014b] It is in memory of the tragic Caroline retreat in 1719. [10014c] This commemorates the tragic retreat of King Charles' troops in 1719. [10014d] [10015a] Turen tilbake til hytta kan tas sørvestover på sørsida av kraftlinja fram til merkinga fra Bjørneggen. [10015b] The hike back to the lodge can go southwestward on the south side of the power line up to the marked trail from Bjørneggen. [10015c] The trip back to the lodge can be done going southwest on the southern side of the power line to the marked trail from Bjørneggen. [10015d] [10016a] Djupholma går djup fra et godt stykke nord for Esandsjøen og vil her ikke være mulig å krysse. [10016b] Djupholma runs deep from a ways north of Esandsjøen, so here it's not possible to cross. [10016c] Djupholma descends deeply beginning a good distance north of Esandsjøen, and it will not be able to be crossed here. [10016d] [10017a]
[10017d] [10018a] 3. Til Blåhåmmårkleppen og Sandtjønna, 19 (14 t/r til Sandtjønna) km, delvis etter merking. [10018b] 3. To Blåhåmmårkleppen and Sandtjønna, 19 (14 round trip to Sandtjønna) km, partly following marking. [10018c] 3. To Blåhåmmårkleppen and Sandtjønna, 19 km (14 round trip to Sandtjønna), partially on the marked trail. [10018d] [10019a] Ta merkinga mot Bjørneggen til ca 5 km nord for hytta. [10019b] Follow the marking towards Bjørneggen to about 5 km north of the lodge. [10019c] Follow the trail markers toward Bjørneggen as far as about 5 km north of the lodge. [10019d] [10020a] Ta herfra nordvestover og opp på Blåhåmmårkleppen. [10020b] From here, go northwestward and up on Blåhåmmårkleppen. [10020c] From here, hike northwest and up onto Blåhåmmårkleppen. [10020d] [10021a] Herfra er det vid utsikt til alle kanter. [10021b] Here there's a broad panorama in all directions. [10021c] From here, there is a wide panorama in all directions. [10021d] [10022a] Ta ned fra toppen samme veg og drei nord-østover til Sandtjønna. [10022b] Descend from the summit the same way and turn northeastward to Sandtjønna. [10022c] Take the same route down from the top and bear northeast to Sandtjønna. [10022d] [10023a] Dette er en flott og lun badetjønn med mektige løsmasse- avsetninger rundt. [10023b] It's a fine, sheltered bathing tarn surrounded by large sedimentary deposits. [10023c] This is a lovely, sheltered swimming pond with huge gravel deposits surrounding it. [10023d] [10024a] Vatnet fornyes fra en kilde i bunnen av tjønna. [10024b] Water is replenished from a spring at the bottom of the tarn. [10024c] The water is renewed from a spring in the bottom of the pond. [10024d] [10025a] Bekken ut fra løsmassene rundt tjønna går ofte åpen om vinteren og isen på tjønna er usikker. [10025b] The stream flowing out of the sediment around the tarn often is open in winter, so the ice on the tarn is unsafe. [10025c] The brook flowing out of the loose soil deposit around the pond is often unfrozen during the winter, and the ice on the pond is unsafe. [10025d] [10026a] Følg merkinga fra Bjørneggen tilbake til hytta. [10026b] Follow the marking from Bjørneggen back to the lodge. [10026c] Follow the trail markers from Bjørneggen back to the lodge. [10026d] [10027a]
[10027d] [10028a] 4. Til Haugvollen, 12 km, merka rute den ene vegen. [10028b] 4. To Haugvollen, 12 km, marked trail one way. [10028c] 4. To Haugvollen, 12 km, marked trail one way. [10028d] [10029a] Denne fine gamle setervollen ligger på ruta mot Ramsjøhytta (Heggvollen på gamle kart). [10029b] This beautiful, old summer dairy meadow lies on the route towards Ramsjøhytta (Heggvollen on old maps). [10029c] This beautiful, old mountain pasture is located on the route to Ramsjøhytta (Heggvollen, on older maps). [10029d] [10030a] Følg den trivelige merkaruta om Sjursvollen fram. [10030b] Follow the pleasant, marked trail past Sjursvollen onward. [10030c] Follow the pleasant marked trail via Sjursvollen to your destination. [10030d] [10031a] Det ligger en fin badekulp like før vollen. [10031b] There's a fine bathing pool just before the meadow. [10031c] There is a nice swimming hole just before the meadow. [10031d] [10032a] Ta turen gjennom åpen skog og myr på nordsida av Blåkkåkleppen tilbake til hytta. [10032b] Hike through the open woods and marshes on the north side of Blåkkåkleppen back to the lodge. [10032c] Take the trip through open forest and moors on the northern side of Blåkkåkleppen back to the lodge. [10032d] [10033a]
[10033d] [10034a] +5. Fram til Djupholma, 5 km, merka rute. [10034b] 5. Onward to Djupholma, 5 km, marked trail. [10034c] +5. As far as Djupholma, 5 km, marked trail. [10034d] [10035a] Elva Djupholma bærer sitt navn med rette. [10035b] The Djupholma river bears its name rightfully. [10035c] Djupholma River is appropriately named. [10035d] [10036a] Den renner sakte og djupt fra langt nord for Esandsjøen og er her vanskelig å krysse. [10036b] It runs slow and deep, from far north of Esandsjøen, and here is hard to cross. [10036c] It flows slow and deep from far north of Esandsjøen, and is hard to cross here. [10036d] [10037a] Da Esandsjøen ble demmet opp ble det bygget bru over elva. [10037b] When Esandsjøen was dammed up, a bridge was built over the river. [10037c] When Esandsjøen was dammed up, a bridge was built over the river. [10037d] [10038a] Brua er høg og luftig og litt "spennende". [10038b] The bridge is high, airy and slightly exciting. [10038c] The bridge is high and breezy and a little "exciting". [10038d] [10039a]
[10039d] [10040a] +6. Opp på Remskleppen, 9 km, merka rute. [10040b] 6. Up on Remskleppen, 9 km, marked trail. [10040c] +6. Up to Remskleppen, 9 km, marked trail. [10040d] [10041a] Ta ruta mot Blåhammarstugan over Djupholma og opp på Remskleppen. [10041b] Take the trail towards Blåhammarstugan via Djupholma and up on Remskleppen. [10041c] Take the route toward Blåhammarstugan over Djupholma and up onto Remskleppen. [10041d] [10042a] Flott utsikt fra en lavtopp som ligger fritt i terrenget med storslagen utsikt. [10042b] Fine view from a low summit that stands unobstructed in terrain with a magnificent view. [10042c] Gorgeous view from a hilltop that stands in open terrain and provides a magnificent view. [10042d] [10043a] Tilbake samme veg eller nordvestover gjennom myr og skog, over Djupholma og tilbake til hytta fra nordøst. [10043b] Back the same way or northwestward through marshes and woods, via Djupholma and back to the lodge from the northeast. [10043c] Return the same way or northwest through moors and woods, over Djupholma and back to the lodge from the northeast. [10043d] [10044a]
[10044c] [10044d] [10045a] +Roar Nålsund / Erik Stabell [10045b] Roar Nålsund / Erik Stabell [10045c] +Roar Nålsund / Erik Stabell [10045d] [11001a] +TUR T10 3 - 4 dager [11001b] Hike T10 3 - 4 days [11001c] +TRIP T10 3 - 4 days [11001d] [11002a]
[11002d] [11003a] +Trollheimen på tvers med «vårski» [11003b] Trollheimen crosswise on "spring skis" [11003c] +Across Trollheimen on «spring skis» [11003d] [11004a]
[11004d] [11005a] +Oppdal - Surnadal [11005b] Oppdal - Surnadal [11005c] +Oppdal - Surnadal [11005d] [11006a]
[11006d] [11007a] Dagene blir lengre og sola varmer. [11007b] The days grow longer and the sun warmer. [11007c] The days are getting longer and the sun warmer. [11007d] [11008a] Himmelen er blåere enn på lenge og solen holder grillfest med ansiktskottelettene. [11008b] The sky is bluer than before, and the sun has a grill party with cutlet faces. [11008c] The skies are bluer than they have been for a long time, and the sun is having a grill party with our faces. [11008d] [11009a] Det er vår. [11009b] It's spring. [11009c] It is spring. [11009d] [11010a] Det er da fjellet lokker mest. [11010b] It's when the mountains beckon most. [11010c] That's the time when the mountains beckon us most. [11010d] [11011a] Skiturene i påska og utover i mai er og blir de herligste. [11011b] Ski tours at Easter time and throughout May are and will be the most glorious. [11011c] Ski trips at Easter and into May are the best. [11011d] [11012a] Trollheimen er av de mest snøsikre områder vi har. [11012b] Trollheimen is one of our most reliable snow areas. [11012c] Trollheimen is one of the surest areas we have to find snow. [11012d] [11013a] Her kan skiføret være fint til slutten av mai. [11013b] Here, ski conditions can be good until the end of May. [11013c] Here, skiing conditions can be good until the end of May. [11013d] [11014a] På høgfjellet kan forholdene være gode til langt ut i juni. [11014b] In the high mountains, conditions can be good until late June. [11014c] In the alpine mountains, conditions may be good until far into June. [11014d] [11015a] Lange dager gir store muligheter til å gjennomføre skiturer som - Trollheimen på tvers fra Oppdal, om Trollheimshytta og helt fram mot Surnadalsøra (Skei). [11015b] Long days afford opportunities to carry out ski tours such as Trollheimen crossways from Oppdal past Trollheimshytta and all the way to Surnadalsøra (Skei). [11015c] Longer days provide greater opportunities to complete ski trips such as across Trollheimen from Oppdal, via Trollheimshytta and all the way to Surnadalsøra (Skei). [11015d] [11016a] Siste dagsetappe er for drøy til at turen egner seg for barn. [11016b] The last day's stretch is too tough for the tour to be suitable for children. [11016c] The last day's stretch is too far to be suitable for children. [11016d] [11017a]
[11017d] [11018a] Til Oppdal kommer du både med bil, buss og tog. [11018b] You can get to Oppdal by car, bus or train. [11018c] You can get to Oppdal by car, bus and train. [11018d] [11019a] Ta opp mot Hovden eller Vangslia. [11019b] Go up towards Hovden or Vangslia. [11019c] Take the route up toward Hovden or Vangslia. [11019d] [11020a] Dersom skiheis eller gondolbane går, kan du ta den. [11020b] If the ski lift or gondola is running, you can take it. [11020c] If the ski lift or cable lift is in operation, you can take that. [11020d] [11021a] Den 15 km lange turen går i et flott høgfjellsterreng over Blåøret og ned til hytta Viongen, ubetjent, TT, privat. [11021b] This 15 km long hike is in splendid high mountain terrain over Blåøret and down to the Viongen no-service cabin, TT, private. [11021c] The 15-km-long trip goes through beautiful alpine terrain over Blåøret and down to the Viongen lodge, unstaffed, TT, private. [11021d] [11022a] Viongen er en del av et sjarmerende hyttetun med i alt ni tømmerbygninger beliggende i Skuggelia, nord for Skaret. [11022b] Viongen is part of a charming cabin courtyard with in all nine log buildings standing at Skuggelia, north of the saddle. [11022c] Viongen is part of the charming cluster of lodges comprising altogether nine log buildings in the area of Skuggelia, north of Skaret. [11022d] [11023a]
[11023d] [11024a] Neste dag går turen vestover Grøndalen. [11024b] The next day the hike goes westwards in Grøndalen. [11024c] The next day, the trip goes west through Grøndalen. [11024d] [11025a] Her treffer man på vinterstakinga ved Svarthamran som følges over fjellet og ned gjennom Slettådalen. [11025b] Here you come in on the winter staked route at Svarthamran and follow it over the hill and down through Slettådalen. [11025c] Here, one comes upon winter markers at Svarthamran, and these are followed over the mountain and down through Slettådalen. [11025d] [11026a] Etter en dagsetappe på 18 km dukker Trollheimshytta, betjent i påska, ellers selvbetjent, TT, opp blandt tykkstammet furuskog og spenstige fjell- topper. [11026b] After a day's stretch of 18 km, Trollheimshytta, TT, staffed at Easter time but otherwise self-serve, emerges among thick-trunk pines and jutting mountain peaks. [11026c] After a day's trek of 18 km, the Trollheim Lodge appears, attended during the Easter season, otherwise unstaffed, TT, located among dense pine forests and powerful mountaintops. [11026d] [11027a] En avstikker opp til Blåhø fra Svarthamran anbefales undervegs. [11027b] A side trip up to Blåhø from Svarthamran is recommended on the way. [11027c] On the way, a detour up to Blåhø from Svarthamran is recommended. [11027d] [11028a] Se også etter om Blåsalen eller Speilsalen er åpen. [11028b] Also see whether Blåsalen or Speilsalen are open. [11028c] Check to see whether Blåsalen or Speilsalen are open. [11028d] [11029a]
[11029d] [11030a] Når du nå befinner deg midt i hjertet av Trollheimen, kan fristelsen bli stor for å søke audiens hos Snota. [11030b] When you are deep in the heart of Trollheimen, it can be very tempting to seek an audience with Snota. [11030c] Since you are now in the very heart of the Trollheim Mountains, you may feel a strong urge to seek an audience with Snota. [11030d] [11031a] Det anbefales to dager på Trollheimshytta for en dagstur til topps. [11031b] Two days are advisable at Trollheimshytta for a day hike to the summit. [11031c] Two days at the Trollheim Lodge are recommended for a day trip to the summit. [11031d] [11032a]
[11032d] [11033a] Turen framover mot Surnadal (Skei) er en lang tur på totalt ca 4 mil med en del høgdeforskjell. [11033b] The onward hike to Surnadal (Skei) is a long tour of in all about 40 km with some elevation differences. [11033c] The trip further on toward Surnadal (Skei) is a long trek totaling about 40 km, with a number of differences in altitude. [11033d] [11034a] Varianten over Knyken (Honnstadknyken) er bare aktuell å gå for folk i god form på gode og lette skiforhold. [11034b] The variant over Knyken (Honnstadknyken) is practicable skiing only for fit people on good, easy ski conditions. [11034c] The alternative over Knyken (Honnstadknyken) is suitable only for people in good physical shape and when skiing conditions are favorable and easy. [11034d] [11035a] Fra Trollheimshytta går turen over Bossvasshøgda og ned Breidskardet til Vindøldalen. [11035b] From Trollheimshytta the tour goes over Bossvasshøgda and down Breidskardet to Vindøldalen. [11035c] From Trollheim Lodge, the trip continues over Bossvasshøgda and down Breidskardet to Vindøldalen. [11035d] [11036a] Herfra er det to muligheter. [11036b] From here there are two choices. [11036c] From here, there are two alternatives. [11036d] [11037a] Den raskeste er å dra inn Fauskådalen, ta daldraget vestover fra store Fauskåvatnet og ned i Søyådalen. [11037b] The quickest is to go into Fauskådalen, take the ravine westwards from Store Fauskåvatnet and down into Søyådalen. [11037c] The quickest is to go into Fauskådalen, follow the gully west from Fauskå Lake and down into Søyådalen. [11037d] [11038a] Det er bratt ned til dalen. [11038b] It's steep down to the valley. [11038c] It is a steep descent down into the valley. [11038d] [11039a] Finn beste nedkjøring ut fra kartet. [11039b] Find the best way down on the map. [11039c] Find the best descent by checking a map. [11039d] [11040a] Traktor-veg tar sommers tid bratt opp skråninga fra utfartsparkeringsplass. [11040b] In summer, there's a tractor road directly up the hillside from the trail head parking lot. [11040c] The tractor road, during summertime, goes up the steep slope from the starting point at the parking area. [11040d] [11041a] Det er brøyta veg inn hit. [11041b] The road is plowed to here. [11041c] There is a snow-plowed road into here. [11041d] [11042a] Herfra er det ca 12 km ned til riksvegen. [11042b] From here, it's about 12 km down to the State highway. [11042c] From here, it is about 12 km down to the state highway. [11042d] [11043a] En kan gå ned dalen på ski eller ordne med skyss. [11043b] You can ski down the valley or get a lift. [11043c] One can get down to the valley either on skis or by arranging other transportation. [11043d] [11044a] Fra krysset med riksvegen nede i dalen er det ca 4 km over til Skei der busser passerer. [11044b] From the intersection with the State highway down in the valley, it's about 4 km over to Skei where buses run. [11044c] From the crossroads on the state highway down in the valley, it is about 4 km across to Skei, served by buses. [11044d] [11045a]
[11045d] [11046a] Det er langt flottere, men mye tyngre å ta turen framover Knyken. [11046b] It's more splendid but much tougher to take the tour along Knyken. [11046c] It is a much more beautiful, but strenuous, trip farther on to Knyken. [11046d] [11047a] Følg da Vindøldalen ned til Kudalen. [11047b] Follow the Vindøldalen down to Kudalen. [11047c] Follow the Vindøl valley down to Kudalen. [11047d] [11048a] Løypa legges inn Kudalen og opp til Knyken hvor man møter en praktfull utsikt i alle himmelretninger. [11048b] The ski track is set in Kudalen and up to Knyken where you get a majestic view in all directions. [11048c] The route is planned to go into Kudalen and up to Knyken, where one encounters a magnificent view in all directions. [11048d] [11049a] 1000 høgdemeter under deg ligger Surnadal, fjorden og havet langt ute. [11049b] 1000 meters elevation beneath you lie Surnadal, the fjord and the ocean far away. [11049c] 1000 meters below you lies Surnadal, the fjord and the sea in the distance. [11049d] [11050a] Denne lange dagsetappen belønnes med et flott nedrenn. [11050b] This long day's stretch is rewarded with a super downhill run. [11050c] This long day trip will be rewarded by a beautiful descent. [11050d] [11051a] Følg godt med på kartet for å finne ut hvor det er best å ta ned. [11051b] Follow the map carefully to find where it's best to descend. [11051c] Consult the map carefully to find the best way to get down. [11051d] [11052a] Ta på nordsida av Tågliknobben og ta seg ned mot nord før Svarrafjellet og vestover myrdraget på nord-sida. [11052b] Go on the north side of Tågliknobben and descend towards the north before Svarrafjellet and west over the stretch of marshes on the north side. [11052c] Take the northern side of Tågliknobben and work your way down northward before reaching Svarrafjellet, and then west over the expanse of moors on the north side. [11052d] [11053a] Eller ta dalsøkket på sørsida av toppen og mot nord fra et stykke frampå Svarrafjellet. [11053b] Or go through the hollow on the south side of the peak and northwards from a bit past Svarrafjellet. [11053c] Or follow the gully on the southern side of the peak and bear north from a distance out from Svarrafjellet. [11053d] [11054a] Her går sommermerking. [11054b] Here there's summer marking. [11054c] The summer trail markers are posted here. [11054d] [11055a] Renn nordvestover mot Ranesnebba, 520 m (Bjørnhaugen på gamle kart) og mot vest ned i skogen. [11055b] Run northwestwards towards Ranesnebba, 520 m (Bjørnhaugen on old maps) and towards the west down in the woods. [11055c] Ski northwest toward Ranesnebba, 520 m (Bjørnhaugen, on older maps) and west down through the forest. [11055d] [11056a] Det går sommermerking ned gjennom skogen først mot vest så mot nord ned til Skei. [11056b] There's summer marking down through the woods, first towards the west and then towards the north down to Skei. [11056c] There are summer trail markers down through the forest, first toward the west and then toward the north down to Skei. [11056d] [11057a] Her passerer bussen mellom Molde og Orkanger / Trondheim. [11057b] Here busses run between Molde and Orkanger / Trondheim. [11057c] The bus between Molde and Orkanger / Trondheim passes here. [11057d] [11058a]
[11058d] [11059a] Du kan korte inn denne turen noe ved å ta av mot nord etter Litlkudalen ned til Mausetsetra. [11059b] You can shorten the tour a bit by turning north after Litlkudalen and down to Mausetsetra. [11059c] You can shorten this trip somewhat by turning off to the north after Litlkudalen and then down to Mausetsetra. [11059d] [11060a] Den gamle kløvvegen til Vindøldalen gikk om setra og opp i dalen. [11060b] The old pack road to Vindøldalen went by the summer dairy and up into the valley. [11060c] The old cart road to vindøldalen went via the pastures and up into the valley. [11060d] [11061a] Herfra er ikke turen lang ned til Mauset langs skogsveg (ikke alltid brøytet). [11061b] From here, the tour isn't long to Mauset along the forest road (not always plowed). [11061c] From here, the trip along the forest road down to Mauset (not always snow-plowed) is not long. [11061d] [11062a] Turen kan også avsluttes i Vindøla-dalen. [11062b] The tour can also end at Vindøla Valley. [11062c] The trip may also be ended in the Vindøla valley. [11062d] [11063a] Her er det helårsbrøyta veg opp til parkeringsplassen. [11063b] Here the road is plowed year-round up to the parking lot. [11063c] From here, there is a road kept open year round up to the parking area. [11063d] [11064a]
[11064d] [11065a] Avslutningen på turen mot Skei er bare aktuell når det er fine forhold i fjellet og fortsatt bra med snø i skogen. [11065b] Ending the tour towards Skei is practicable only when there's good snow in the mountains and still plenty of snow in the woods. [11065c] To do the final stretch of the trip to Skei is only feasible when weather conditions are good and there is still a lot of snow in the woods. [11065d] [11066a] Avslutning direkte ned fra Vindøldalen mot Surnadalen er ikke så attraktiv. [11066b] Ending by direct descent from Vindøldalen towards Surnadalen is not very attractive. [11066c] The stretch directly down from vindøldalen to Surnadalen is not very attractive. [11066d] [11067a] Dalsida er bratt ned til dalen til vinterbrøyta veg. [11067b] The hillside is steep down to the valley to a road plowed in winter. [11067c] The hillsides are steep down to the valley and the snow-plowed road. [11067d] [11068a] Så alternativ lettere retur fra Trollheimshytta anbefales om Buluvatna og ned til Rindal. [11068b] Then the alternative, a recommended easier return from Trollheimshytta past Buluvatna and down to Rindal. [11068c] Therefore, a recommended, easier alternative for the return to Trollheim Lodge is via Buluvatna and down to Rindal. [11068d] [11069a] Her passerer bussen mellom Molde og Orkanger / Trondheim. [11069b] Here busses run between Molde and Orkanger / Trondheim. [11069c] The bus between Molde and Orkanger / Trondheim passes here. [11069d] [11070a] Denne turen er ca 30 km lang helt fram til der bussen passerer gjennom Rindal. [11070b] This tour is about 30 km long all the way to where busses run through Rindal. [11070c] This trip is approx. 30 km long all the way to the point where the bus passes through Rindal. [11070d] [11071a]
[11071d] [11072a] +Rutebeskrivelser: [11072b] Route descriptions: [11072c] +Route descriptions: [11072d] [11073a] +For detaljerte rutebeskrivelser for de vanlige rutene anbefales TTs bok Sylene og Trollheimen eller TTs nettsider: www.tt.no [11073b] For detailed route descriptions of the customary routes, see the TTs Guide, Sylene and Trollheimen or the TT website: www.tt.no [11073c] +for detailed descriptions of routes for the usual excursions, we recommend TT's book Sylene and Trollheimen, or TT's website: www.tt.no [11073d] [11074a]
[11074d] [11075a] Kart: 1:50 000 Oppdal, Trollhetta, Snota og Stangvik (og Løkken og Vinjeøra for returen mot Rindal). [11075b] Maps: 1:50,000 Oppdal, Trollhetta, Snota and Stangvik (and Løkken and Vinjeøra for the return to Rindal). [11075c] Map: 1:50,000 Oppdal, Trollhetta, Snota and Stangvik (plus Løkken and Vinjeøra for the return trip toward Rindal). [11075d] [11076a] Turkart 1:75 000 dekker turen unntatt den aller siste delen mot Skei. [11076b] Hiking and skiing map 1:75,000 covers the tour save for the last part to Skei. [11076c] Touring map 1:75,000 covers the tour except for the last leg toward Skei. [11076d] [11077a] Gammelt i 1:100.000 dekker heller ikke nedturen mot Rindal. [11077b] The old 1:100,000 map doesn't cover the descent to Rindal either. [11077c] The older map on a scale of 1:100,000 doesn't cover the descent to Rindal, either. [11077d] [11078a]
[11078d] [11079a] +Jonny Remmereit [11079b] Jonny Remmereit [11079c] +Jonny Remmereit [11079d] [12001a] +Turmuligheter fra Jøldalshytta [12001b] Hike choices from Jøldalshytta [12001c] +Excursion opportunities from Jøldalshytta [12001d] [12002a]
[12002d] [12003a] Jøldalen er et variert og spennende område med mange turmuligheter både i nærterrenget og til fjellterrenget rundt. [12003b] Jøldalen is a varied, thrilling area with many hike choices, both in the immediate surroundings and in the surrounding mountain terrain. [12003c] Jøldalen is a varied and interesting area with many opportunities for excursions both in nearby terrain and the mountains. [12003d] [12004a] Det står mer bl a om fiskemuligheter, planteliv og andre attraksjoner i brosjyren for Jøldalshytta. [12004b] There's more, among other things, on fishing, plant life and other attractions in the Jøldalshytta brochure. [12004c] More information about fishing spots, plant life and other attractions is included in the brochure for Jøldalshytta. [12004d] [12005a] Turene til Svarthetta og Trollhetta er beskrevet i TTs håndbok, 1994, Sylene og Trollheimen. [12005b] Hikes to Svarthetta and Trollhetta are described in TT's Guide, 1994, Sylene and Trollheimen. [12005c] Trips to Svarthetta and Trollhetta are described in TT's handbook, 1994, Sylene and Trollheimen. [12005d] [12006a] Antall km angir turens lengde. [12006b] The number of km indicates the hike's length. [12006c] The number of km indicates the length of the trip. [12006d] [12007a]
[12007d] [12008a] 1. Til Tovdalsberga og Grønlitjønna, 12 - 14 km, stort sett utenom merking. [12008b] 1. To Tovdalsberga and Grønlitjønna, 12 - 14 km, mostly away from marked trails. [12008c] 1. To Tovdalsberga and Grønlitjønna, 12 - 14 km, mainly along the marked trail. [12008d] [12009a] Følg merkastien mot Resvatnet. [12009b] Follow the marked trail towards Resvatnet. [12009c] Follow the marked trail toward Resvatnet. [12009d] [12010a] Ta av stien på Litjfjellet og ta opp på og nordover de knudrete og varierte Tovdalsberga. [12010b] Leave the trail at Litjfjellet and go up on and northwards over the rugged and varied Tovdalsberga. [12010c] Turn off the path at Litjfjellet and go north over the rugged and varied Tovdalsberga. [12010d] [12011a] Utsikten er flott innover mot Trollhetta, Rinnhatten og Snota. [12011b] The view is grand in towards Trollhetta, Rinnhatten, and Snota. [12011c] The view is marvelous out toward Trollhetta, Rinnhatten and Snota. [12011d] [12012a] Området østover er et innholdsrikt, små-kupert og trivelig fjellterreng med mange vatn og tjønner. [12012b] The area eastwards is sweeping, rolling and pleasant mountain terrain with many lakes and tarns. [12012c] The area to the east is a substantial, rich, undulating and pleasant mountain terrain with many lakes and ponds. [12012d] [12013a] Her er mange muligheter for dem som vil fiske. [12013b] Here there are many choices for those who wish to go fishing. [12013c] Here, there are abundant opportunities for those who like to fish. [12013d] [12014a] Ta østover til Grønlitjønna. [12014b] Go eastwards to Grønlitjønna. [12014c] Hike eastward to Grønlitjønna. [12014d] [12015a] Her ligger et gammelt klebersteinsbrudd ca 500 m nordøst for osen. [12015b] Here lies an old soapstone quarry about 500 m northeast of the outlet. [12015c] There is an old soapstone quarry here approx. 500 m northeast of the mouth of the stream. [12015d] [12016a] Ta videre sørøstover til myrområdet nord for Jølvatnet. [12016b] Go further southeastwards to the marsh area north of Jølvatnet. [12016c] Continue southeast to the moorland north of Jølvatnet. [12016d] [12017a] Dette er et rikt fugleområde. [12017b] This is an important bird area. [12017c] This is an area rich in bird life. [12017d] [12018a] Ta nord for Tullhaugan og tilbake til hytta. [12018b] Go north of Tullhaugan and back to the lodge. [12018c] Hike north of Tullhaugan and back to the lodge. [12018d] [12019a] 2. Til Svarthetta, ca 18 km, stort sett utenom merking. [12019b] 2. To Svarthetta, about 18 km, mostly away from marking. [12019c] 2. To Svarthetta, about 18 km, mainly off the marked trail. [12019d] [12020a] Følg stien mot Gjevilvass-hytta til Skrikhøa. [12020b] Follow the trail towards Gjevilvass-hytta to Skrikhøa. [12020c] Follow the path toward Gjevilvass Lodge to Skrikhøa. [12020d] [12021a] Ta over Kjølen og opp den sørligste av utløperne mot nordvest opp til topplatået. [12021b] Go over Kjølen and up the southernmost spur towards the northwest up to the summit plateau. [12021c] Cross Kjølen and go up the southernmost of the foothills in a northerly direction up to the summit plateau. [12021d] [12022a] Dette er også en vanlig vinter-oppgang, men uten ski. [12022b] This also is the usual winter ascent, but without skis. [12022c] This is also a normal winter approach, but without skis. [12022d] [12023a] Nordover til varden. [12023b] Northwards to the cairn. [12023c] Continue north to the cairn. [12023d] [12024a] Vid utsikt framover Nerskogen og vestover til de indre deler av Trollheimen. [12024b] Broad view forward over Nerskogen and westward to the interior of Trollheimen. [12024c] Wide panorama out over Nerskogen and west to the inner regions of Trollheimen. [12024d] [12025a] Vest for toppen mot stupet ligger et område med rikt planteliv. [12025b] West of the summit towards the cliff there's an area rich in plant life. [12025c] West of the summit, near the cliff, there is an area rich in plant life. [12025d] [12026a] Tilbaketuren går nordover ryggen, østover ned i Sandtjønndalen og utfor snøfonna langs bekken fra Sandtjønna. [12026b] The return trip goes north of the ridge, eastwards down in Sandtjønndalen and down a snowfield along the stream from Sandtjønna. [12026c] The return trip goes north over the ridge, east down to Santjønndalen and down the snow bank along the brook from Sand Pond. [12026d] [12027a] Skrå mot nordøst ned på ruta fra Trollheimshytta. [12027b] Traverse towards the northeast down to the route from Trollheimshytta. [12027c] Cut to the northeast, diagonally down to the trail from Trollheimshytta. [12027d] [12028a] Vinters tid bør tilbaketuren tas samme veg som turen opp. [12028b] In wintertime the return tour should go the same way as the tour up. [12028c] In the wintertime, the return trip is done the same way as the trip up. [12028d] [12029a]
[12029d] [12030a] 3. Trollhetta, ca 20 km fram og tilbake til østtoppen, merka rute. [12030b] 3. Trollhetta, about 20 km to and from the east summit, marked trail. [12030c] 3. Trollhetta, approx. 20 km round trip to the eastern peak, marked trail. [12030d] [12031a] Følg merkinga opp over Langfjellet og opp til østtoppen. [12031b] Follow the marking up over Langfjellet and up to the east summit. [12031c] Follow the trail markers up over Langfjellet and up to the eastern summit. [12031d] [12032a] Østtoppen er også vintertopp. [12032b] The east summit also is the winter summit. [12032c] The eastern summit is also the one to visit in the winter. [12032d] [12033a] Vinterturen bør tas om Åkerdalen og det slake daldraget derfra og opp til Langfjellet. [12033b] A winter tour should go through Åkerdalen and the gradual ravine from there up to Langfjellet. [12033c] The winter route should be done via Åkerdalen and the gradually sloping gully from there and on up to Langfjellet. [12033d] [12034a] Nedtur samme veg. [12034b] Same way down. [12034c] Trip back down the same way. [12034d] [12035a] Flott utsikt utover dalen på tilbaketuren langs Langfjellkanten. [12035b] Fine view of the valley on the return tour along Langfjellkanten. [12035c] A nice view out over the valley on the return trip along the edge of Langfjell. [12035d] [12036a] Vardinga mot Trollheims-hytta fortsetter bratt over de to andre og høgere toppene. [12036b] The cairned route towards Trollheims-hytta continues steeply over the two other, higher summits. [12036c] The stone markers leading toward Trollheim Lodge continue on the steep inclines over the two other, taller peaks. [12036d] [12037a]
[12037d] [12038a] 4. Bak og over Gråfjellet, ca 13 km, stort sett utenom merking. [12038b] 4. Back and over Gråfjellet, about 13 km, mostly away from marking. [12038c] 4. Behind and across Gråfjellet, approx. 13 km, mainly off the marked trail. [12038d] [12039a] Følg merkinga mot Nerskogen og Fjellheim på østsida av Gråfjellet. [12039b] Follow the marking towards Nerskogen and Fjellheim on the east side of Gråfjellet. [12039c] Follow the trail markers toward Nerskogen and Fjellheim on the eastern side of Gråfjellet. [12039d] [12040a] Ta opp sørøstryggen av Gråfjellet og opp til toppen. [12040b] Go up the southeast ridge of Gråfjellet and up to the summit. [12040c] Climb the southeast ridge of Gråfjellet and up to the summit. [12040d] [12041a] Ca 1 km sørøst for toppen passeres et rikt plantelivsområde. [12041b] About 1 km southeast of the summit, you pass a splendid plant life area. [12041c] About 1 km southeast of the top, you will pass an area rich in plant life. [12041d] [12042a] Flott utsikt fra fjellet utover Jøldalen og ned i Nerskogen. [12042b] Fine view from the mountain of Jøldalen and down into Nerskogen. [12042c] Beautiful view from the mountain out across Jøldalen and down on Nerskogen. [12042d] [12043a] Ta nordover fra fjellet og drei etterhvert vestover innom Vaultjønna. [12043b] Go northwards from the mountain and gradually veer off westward to Vaultjønna. [12043c] Hike north of the mountain and gradually bear westward to Vaultjønna. [12043d] [12044a] Her er det fint å fiske. [12044b] Here the fishing is fine. [12044c] This is a lovely fishing spot. [12044d] [12045a] Ta ned på stien fra Gjevil-vasshytta og følg denne tilbake til hytta. [12045b] Go down the trail from Gjevilvasshytta and follow it back to the lodge. [12045c] Take the path down from Gjevilvasshytta and follow it back to the lodge. [12045d] [12046a]
[12046d] [12047a] 5. Til fossen innenfor Øyasetra, 6 km, utenom merking. [12047b] 5. To the falls inside Øyasetra, 6 km, away from marking. [12047c] 5. To the waterfall inside Øyasetra, 6 km, off the marked trail. [12047d] [12048a] Følg gammel traktorveg fram til Svartåa og Øyasetra. [12048b] Follow the old tractor road all the way to Svartåa and Øyasetra. [12048c] Follow the old tractor road to Svartåa and Øyasetra. [12048d] [12049a] Følg elvekløfta en knapp halv km inn til det fine fossefallet. [12049b] Follow the river gorge just half a kilometer in to the fine waterfall. [12049c] Follow the river ravine about a half km in to the breathtaking waterfall. [12049d] [12050a] I vårflommen eller etter mye nedbør kan den være stor. [12050b] During spring flooding or with heavy precipitation it can be sizeable. [12050c] After the spring thaw or heavy rains, it may be gushing. [12050d] [12051a] Tilbaketuren kan tas nordøstover og inn på merkaruta fra Gjevilvasshytta. [12051b] The return tour can go northeastward and join the mared route from Gjevilvasshytta. [12051c] The return trip can be done northeast - across and in along the marked trail from Gjevilvasshytta. [12051d] [12052a]
[12052d] [12053a] +Roar Nålsund / Erik Stabell [12053b] Roar Nålsund / Erik Stabell [12053c] +Roar Nålsund / Erik Stabell [12053d] [13001a] +TUR T11 2-3 dager [13001b] Hike T11 2 - 3 days [13001c] +2-3 day trip [13001d] [13002a]
[13002d] [13003a] +Tre dager eller helg over Hornet og Storsalen [13003b] Three days or a weekend over Hornet and Storsalen [13003c] +Three days or a weekend across Hornet and Storsalen [13003d] [13004a]
[13004d] [13005a] +Vintertur fra Oppdal til Innerdalen [13005b] +Winter route from Oppdal to Innerdalen [13005c] +Winter trip from Oppdal to Innerdalen [13005d] [13006a]
[13006d] [13007a] Dette er en tur som egner seg som senvintertur for dem som liker å gå litt drøye turer over rygger og topper. [13007b] This is a tour suitable in late winter for those who like strenuous tours over ridges and peaks. [13007c] This is a trip that is suitable as a late winter excursion for those who enjoy somewhat lengthy trips over ridges and to summits. [13007d] [13008a] Den kan legges opp som er helgetur over fjellryggen mellom Oppdal og Storlidalen og videre over Storsalen med overnatting på Bårdsgarden. [13008b] It can be arranged as a weekend tour over ridges between Oppdal and Storlidalen and onward over Storsalen with a night at Bårdsgarden. [13008c] this one can be done as a weekend trip over the mountain ridge between Oppdal and Storlidalen and on across Storsalen, with a night spent at Bårdsgarden. [13008d] [13009a] Med overnatting på Renndølseter eller Innerdalshytta kan den utvides med en dag slik at også den flotte turen opp på Dronningkrona i Vinnufjell kan gås. [13009b] With an overnighting at Renndølseter or Innerdalshytta it can be extended by a day so that the magnificent tour up on Dronningkrona in Vinnufjell can be done. [13009c] With a night spent at Renndølseter or Innerdalshytta, it can be lengthened by one day, so that the pleasant trip up to Dronningkrona on Vinnu Mountain can also be done. [13009d] [13010a] Turen er så krevende, at den ikke passer for barn. [13010b] The tour is so demanding that it's unsuitable for children. [13010c] The trip is so challenging that it is unsuitable for children. [13010d] [13011a]
[13011d] [13012a] Til Festa kommer du lett med tog/buss eller bil. [13012b] You can get to Festa easily by train, bus or car. [13012c] You can easily reach Festa by train/bus or car. [13012d] [13013a] Det går tidlige tog og busser som gjør det mulig å komme i gang i rimelig tid. [13013b] There are early trains and busses that enable you to start reasonably early. [13013c] There are daily trains and buses that make it possible to get an early start. [13013d] [13014a] Fra Festa tar løypa opp ved Bree gård like vest for Festa bru. [13014b] From Festa, take the ski track up at Bree Gård just west of Festa bridge. [13014c] From Festa, the trail goes up by Bree Farm just west of Festa Bridge. [13014d] [13015a] Et lite stykke oppe i lia krysser den Breesbekken. [13015b] A little ways up the hillside, it crosses Breesbekken. [13015c] A short way up the hillside, you will cross Bree Brook. [13015d] [13016a] Deretter er det å ta kursen mot gryta øst for toppen. [13016b] Thereafter, head for the hollow east of the summit. [13016c] After that, you can set course toward the hollow east of the summit. [13016d] [13017a] Løypa til Hornet er staket store deler av vinteren. [13017b] The ski track to Hornet is staked for greater parts of the winter. [13017c] The trail to Hornet is marked during most of winter. [13017d] [13018a] Fra toppen ned til Sprengtverråtjønna, det er en fin rampe å følge ned vest for høyde 1419. [13018b] From the summit down to Sprengtverråtjønna, there's a fine incline to follow down west of elevation 1419. [13018c] From the summit down to Sprengtverråtjønna, there is a good ramp to follow westward down to elevation 1419. [13018d] [13019a] Derfra går turen over Nonsfjellet og inn på stien som går til Storlidalen. [13019b] From there, the tour goes over Nonsfjellet and in on the trail that goes to Storlidalen. [13019c] From there, the trip continues over Nosfjellet and in along the path that goes to Storlidalen. [13019d] [13020a] En kan følge nesten samme trase som om sommeren. [13020b] You can follow almost the same route as in summer. [13020c] One can follow almost the same route as the summer one. [13020d] [13021a] En sving om Høgsnydda på Okla gir et av de frieste og videste utsynene i denne delen av Trollheimen, selv om toppen ikke er av de høyeste. [13021b] A swing past Høgsnydda on Okla affords one of the most open and broadest vistas in this part of Trollheimen, even though the summit isn't among the highest. [13021c] A jaunt into Høgsnydda at Okla provides one of the most open, wide views in this part of Trollheimen, even though the summit is not the highest. [13021d] [13022a] Turen til Bårdsgarden, selvbetjent, TT, privat, tar ca 7 timer. [13022b] The tour to Bårdsgarden, self-service, TT, private, takes about 7 hours. [13022c] Trip to Bårdsgarden, self-serviced, TT, private, takes about 7 hours. [13022d] [13023a]
[13023d] [13024a] Fra Bårdsgarden er det store deler av vinteren staket løype langs myrene sør for vegen til Storli, opp langs Kjela og til Tovatna. [13024b] From Bårdsgarden the ski track is staked most of the winter, along the marshes south of the face of Storli, up along Kjela and to Tovatna. [13024c] From Bårdsgarden, during large periods of the winter, the trail is marked along the moors south of the road to Storli, up along Kjela and to Tovatna. [13024d] [13025a] Derfra går det også ofte løype på sørsida av Tovatna opp til Meskardet. [13025b] From there, there's often a ski track on the south side of Tovatna up to Meskardet. [13025c] From there, there is often an open trail up the southern side of Tovatna up to Meskardet. [13025d] [13026a] Ta derfra sørover og rund gryta sør og sørøst for Meskardvatnet slik at en kommer inn på nordsida av Østre Sommerungsnebba sør-øst for høyde 1210. [13026b] From there, go south and around the hollow south and southeast of Meskardvatnet so that you come to the north side of Østre Sommerungsnebba southeast of elevation 1210. [13026c] From there, go south and around the hollow south and southeast of Meskardvatnet so that you approach from the northern side of Østre Sommerungsnebba, located southeast of elevation 1210. [13026d] [13027a] Rund sørover igjen og ta opp i botnen slik at en kommer opp i skardet nordøst for Østre Sommerungsnebba, høyde ca 1370. [13027b] Turn southwards again and go up from the base so that you come up to the saddle northeast of Østre Sommerungsnebba, elevation about 1370. [13027c] Curve around south again and go uphill again in the glacier hollow so that you come up into the gorge northeast of Østre Sommerungsnebba, elevation approx. 1370. [13027d] [13028a] Derfra mot vest-nordvest opp langs ryggen mot toppen som kalles Pyramiden (høyde ca 1680). [13028b] From there, towards the north-northwest up along the ridge to the summit that is called Pyramiden (elevation about 1680). [13028c] From there, go west-northwest up along the ridge towards the summit that is called the Pyramid (elevation approx. 1680). [13028d] [13029a] Det meste av denne ryggen må gås på beina. [13029b] Most of this ridge must be traversed on foot. [13029c] Most of this ridge must be hiked on foot. [13029d] [13030a] Oppe på Pyramiden går turen, fortsatt på beina, rett vestover og så opp på toppen, vegen gir seg selv. [13030b] Up on Pyramiden the tour continues on foot, directly westwards and then to the summit; the route is obvious. [13030c] Once you have come up to the Pyramid, the trip continues, still on foot, due west, and then, when you have reached the summit, the route is easily visible. [13030d] [13031a] En alternativ rute, som også er bratt, men som kan gås på ski, er å holde høyden på ca 1400 meter ut fra skaret under Østre Sommerungsnebba og ca 800 meter mot vest-sørvest til under toppen. [13031b] An alternative route that also is steep but can be skied, is to maintain elevation at about 1400 meters from the saddle, under Østre Sommerungsnebba and then about 800 meters towards the west-southwest to below the summit. [13031c] An alternative route, which is also steep but can be done on skis, is to remain at an elevation of about 1400 meters from the gorge below Østre Sommerungsnebba and approx. 800 meters in a west-southwesterly direction to just beneath the summit. [13031d] [13032a] Fra innunder toppen går det en rampe opp mot ryggen vest for Pyramiden. [13032b] From in beneath the summit there's an incline up to the ridge west of Pyramiden. [13032c] From beneath the summit, there is a ramp up to the ridge west of the Pyramid. [13032d] [13033a] Ved begge disse rutene må en vurdere snøforholdene og de bør ikke gås i rasfarlige perioder. [13033b] You must judge snow conditions for both these routes, and they should not be skied in avalanche risk periods. [13033c] For both of these routes, you will need to consider the snow conditions, and they should not be used in periods when there is a danger of avalanches. [13033d] [13034a] En må også være oppmerksom på at hardt føre og is kan gjøre særlig de siste metrene opp mot toppen vanskelig. [13034b] You should also be aware that hard snow and ice can make particularly the last few meters to the summit difficult. [13034c] One must also be aware that hard surfaces and ice may make the last meters up to the summit especially difficult. [13034d] [13035a] Forøvrig er siste del av denne turen litt luftig og bratt. [13035b] Besides, the last part of this tour is slightly exposed and steep. [13035c] In addition, the last portion of this trip is a little breezy and steep. [13035d] [13036a]
[13036d] [13037a] Stortoppen er på 1798 m. [13037b] Stortoppen is at 1798 m. [13037c] The tall peak is 1798 m in elevation. [13037d] [13038a] Herfra kan hele Trollheimen og Dovre/Skrymtheimen beskues. [13038b] From here, all of Trollheimen and Dovre/Skrymtheimen can be seen. [13038c] From here, all of the Trollheimen and Dovre/Skrymtheimen ranges may be viewed. [13038d] [13039a] Langt mot sør kan man i klar sikt se både Galdhøpigg-massivet, Storjuvtinden og Skardstind i Jotunheimen. [13039b] Farther south, when the view is clear, you can see the Galdhøpigg massif, Storjuvtinden and Skardstind in Jotunheimen. [13039c] Far to the south, on a clear day, one can see the Galdhøpiggen massif, Storjuvtinden and Skardstind in the Jotunheimen mountains. [13039d] [13040a] I nordvest kan en se Tustnastabbene og havet. [13040b] To the northwest, you can see Tustnastabbene and the ocean. [13040c] In the northwest, one can see Tustnastabbene and the ocean. [13040d] [13041a] Utsiktsmessig stiller imidlertid Storsalens nordtopp (1720) i en egen klasse. [13041b] As a vantage point, however, Storsalen's north summit (1720) is in a class by itself. [13041c] In terms of a view, however, Storsalen's northern summit (1720) is in a class of its own. [13041d] [13042a] Utsikten herfra ned i Innerdalen overgår det meste. [13042b] The view from here down to Innerdalen surpasses most. [13042c] The view from here and down into Innerdal is superior to most others. [13042d] [13043a] Nordveggen av Storsalen er imponerende med ca 1000 m nesten loddrett fall ned i Innerdalen. [13043b] The north face of Storsalen is imposing with an impressive, nearly vertical fall of about 1000 m down to Innerdalen. [13043c] The north wall of Storsalen is impressive, with an almost 1000-meter vertical plunge down into Innerdalen. [13043d] [13044a] Ned fra toppen tar en først mot nordtoppen til søkket på 1593, deretter ned i Tverrådalen og så nordover igjen ned til Innerdalen til der Falesetra lå. [13044b] Down from the summit, you go first towards the north summit to the depression at 1593, then down in Tverrådalen and northwards again down to Innerdalen to where Falesetra was located. [13044c] To get down from the summit, one first heads toward the northern peak to the depression at 1593, and then down into Tverrådalen, and thereafter northward again down to Innerdalen, to the point where Falesetra was located. [13044d] [13045a] Denne lia ligger nordvendt og kan være hard og isete og er da litt vanskelig. [13045b] This hillside faces northwest and can be hard and icy and therefore a little difficult. [13045c] This hillside is located facing north and may be hard and icy, and it is therefore a little difficult. [13045d] [13046a] Det er best å kjøre mellom de to bekkene. [13046b] It's best to ski between the two streams. [13046c] It is best to ski between the two streams. [13046d] [13047a] Det er minst bratt her. [13047b] It's least steep here. [13047c] It is less steep here. [13047d] [13048a] Nede i dalbunnen går det lett nedover Innerdalen og videre ned til Nerdal for avslutning av turen. [13048b] Down on the valley floor, it's easy skiing down Innerdalen and onward to Nerdal to finish the tour. [13048c] Down on the valley floor, the trip downward through Innerdalen and farther on to the end of the excursion at Nerdal, is easy. [13048d] [13049a] Turen tar ca 8 - 9 timer. [13049b] The tour takes about 8 - 9 hours. [13049c] The trip takes 8 - 9 hours. [13049d] [13050a]
[13050d] [13051a] Fra Nerdal til Ålvundeid er det knapt 10 km. [13051b] From Nerdal to Ålvundeid it's barely 10 km. [13051c] From Nerdal to Ålvundeid, it is a little under 10 km. [13051d] [13052a] Herfra er det hyppige bussforbindelser mot Kristiansund, Molde og Oppdal / Trondheim. [13052b] From here, there's frequent bus service to Kristiansund, Molde, and Oppdal / Trondheim. [13052c] From here, there are frequent buses to Kristiansund, Molde and Oppdal / Trondheim. [13052d] [13053a] En kan også etter andre dag overnatte i Innerdalen for å få med seg Dronningkrona på Vinnnufjell på en tredje dag. [13053b] After the second day, you can also overnight in Innerdalen to take in Dronningkrona in Vinnnufjell on the third day. [13053c] One may also spend the night in Innerdalen after the second day, in order to be able to visit Dronningkrona at Vinnufjel on the third day. [13053d] [13054a] Det er overnatting på Innerdalen Turisthytte, privat, betjent, overnatting avtales utenom sesong, og på Renndølseter, selvbetjent om vinteren, privat. [13054b] There is lodging at Innerdalen Turisthytte, private, staffed, booked stays out of season, and at Renndølseter, self-serve in winter, private. [13054c] There are overnight accommodations at Innerdalen Tourist Lodge, private, attended, overnight by reservation during the off-season, and at Renndølseter, self-service during the winter, private. [13054d] [13055a] En tar ned dalen mot Dalsbøen, drøyt 4 km forbi Nerdal. [13055b] Go down the valley towards Dalsbøen, a good 4 km past Nerdal. [13055c] Make your way down the valley toward Dalsbøen, a little over 4 km past Nerdal. [13055d] [13056a] På østsida av Kvernåa går det en sti. [13056b] On the east side of Kvernåa there's a trail. [13056c] There is a path on the eastern side of Kvernåa. [13056d] [13057a] Med feller på skiene kan den følges opp gjennom skogen til Sandvikdalen. [13057b] With climbing skins on your skis, you can follow it up through the woods to Sandvikdalen. [13057c] With crampons on your skis, it can be followed up through the forest to Sandvikdalen. [13057d] [13058a] Da er det bare å ta kurs mot salen noen hundre meter sør for Sandvikhaugen. [13058b] Then, you just head toward the saddle a few hundred meters south of Sandvikhaugen. [13058c] Then all you need to do is set course for Storesalen a few hundred meters south of Sandvikhaugen. [13058d] [13059a] Langs ryggen går du så på verdens tak (!) fram til Dronningkrona. [13059b] Along the ridge you go on top of the world (!) onward to Dronningkrona. [13059c] Along the ridge, you are then walking across the world's rooftop! [13059d] [13060a]
[13060c] All the way to Dronningkrona. [13060d] [13061a] Høydeforskjellen fra dalen opp til Dronning-krona er solid, fra 200 til 1800 meter! [13061b] The elevation gain from the valley up to Dronning-krona is respectable, from 200 up to 1800 meters! [13061c] The difference in altitude from the valley up to Dronningkrona is substantial, from 200 up to 1800 meters! [13061d] [13062a] Så er også utsikten eventyrlig til Eikesdalsfjellene, Innerdalsfjellene, fjellene sør for Sunndalen, ned i fjordene og ut mot kysten! [13062b] So the view is incredible, to Eikesdalsfjellene, Innerdalsfjellene, the mountains south of Sunndalen, down to the fjords and out towards the coast! [13062c] And then the view is also fairytale-like towards the Eikesdal mountains, the Innerdal mountains, the mountains south of Sunndalen, down into the fjords and out toward the coast! [13062d] [13063a] Ta ned igjen samme veg. [13063b] Descend again the same way. [13063c] Go back down by the same route. [13063d] [13064a] For den som liker bratte nedrenn, kan det være moro! [13064b] For those who like steep downhill runs, it can be thrilling! [13064c] For those who like steep descents, this can be fun! [13064d] [13065a] Turen tar ca 8 timer. [13065b] The tour takes about 8 hours. [13065c] The trip takes about 8 hours. [13065d] [13066a]
[13066d] [13067a] +Kart: [13067b] Maps: [13067c] +Map: [13067d] [13068a] 1:50 000 Oppdal, Romfo og Sunndalsøra. [13068b] 1:50,000 Oppdal, Romfo, and Sunndalsøra. [13068c] 1:50,000 Oppdal, Romfo and Sunndalsøra. [13068d] [13069a] Turkart 1:75 000 Trollheimen dekker ikke tur til Vinnufjell. [13069b] Hiking and skiing map 1:75,000 Trollheimen doesn't cover the tour to Vinnufjell. [13069c] Trip map 1:75,000 Trollheimen does not cover the trip to Vinnufjell. [13069d] [13070a] Gammelt turkartet 1:100 000 er vanskelig å lese på denne typen toppturer og dekker ikke området mot Dronningkrona. [13070b] Old hiking and skiing maps, 1:100,000 are hard to read for this type of summit tour and don't cover the area towards Dronningkrona. [13070c] The old trip map 1:100,000 is difficult to read for these types of trips to summits and does not cover the area toward Dronningkrona. [13070d] [13071a]
[13071d] [13072a] +Reidar Dahl [13072b] Reidar Dahl [13072c] +Reidar Dahl [13072d] [14001a] +TUR T12 2-4 dager [14001b] Tour T12 2 - 3 days [14001c] +Trip T12 2-4 days [14001d] [14002a]
[14002d] [14003a] +Mellom Resvatnet og Trollheimshytta [14003b] Between Resvatnet and Trollheimshytta [14003c] +Between Resvatnet and Trollheimshytta [14003d] [14004a]
[14004d] [14005a] +Skihelg over topper nord i Trollheimen [14005b] Ski weekend over summits to the north in Trollheimen [14005c] +Skiing weekend across the summits in northern Trollheimen [14005d] [14006a] Turen går stort sett utenom merkete ruter. [14006b] The tour is mostly away from marked routes. [14006c] The trip goes mainly off the marked trails. [14006d] [14007a]
[14007d] [14008a] Har du opplevd å gå på ski framover den bølgende ryggen fra Svarthetta om Svarthamran og renne ned i Finnskaret mot Folldalen og Trollheimshytta. [14008b] Have you experienced skiing this rippling ridge from Svarthetta past Svarthamran and straight down in Finnskaret towards Folldalen and Trollheimshytta? [14008c] Have you ever experienced skiing forward across the rolling ridge from Svarthetta via Svarthamran and making your descent down into Finnskaret on the way to Folldalen and Trollheimshytta. [14008d] [14009a] Og har du stått ut nedrennet fra Troll-hetta om Skardet og ned til Resvatnet? [14009b] Or have you skied downhill from Troll-hetta past Skardet and down to Resvatnet? [14009c] And have you completed the descent from Trollhetta via Skardet and down to Resvatnet? [14009d] [14010a] Begge disse opplevelsene får vi med oss på denne helgeturen til Jøldalshytta og Trollheimshytta. [14010b] Both these experiences are ours in this weekend tour to Jøldalshytta and Trollheimshytta. [14010c] Both of these experiences are part of the weekend trip to Jøldalshytta and Trollheimshytta. [14010d] [14011a] Begge har fine selv- betjente kvarterer utenom betjent sesong. [14011b] Both have excellent self-service lodgings out of the staffed season. [14011c] Both have excellent self-service lodging during seasons when they are unstaffed. [14011d] [14012a] Turen passer for en seinvinterhelg med fine snøforhold i fjellet når en kan ta seg lett inn til Jøldalshytta i løpet ettermiddagen og en lys kveld. [14012b] The trip is suitable for a late winter weekend with fine snow conditions in the mountains when you can easily ski in to Jøldalshytta of an afternoon or a light evening. [14012c] The trip is suitable during weekends in late winter with good snow conditions in the mountains that permit you to get in to the Jøldalshytta in the period of an afternoon and a bright evening. [14012d] [14013a] Turen passer bare for dem som er i god form. [14013b] The tour is suitable only for fit people. [14013c] The trip is suitable only for those who are in good physical shape. [14013d] [14014a] Utenom toppene og ryggene er turen mye lettere. [14014b] Aside from the peaks and ridges, the tour is easy. [14014c] Outside of the summits and ridges, the trip is much easier. [14014d] [14015a]
[14015d] [14016a] Til Resvatnet kommer vi med Orkdalsbussen til Å i Meldal og drosje videre eller bil helt inn. [14016b] We get to Resvatnet on the Orkdal bus to Å in Meldal, and then by taxi or car all the way in. [14016c] We get to Resvatnet by the Orkdal bus to Å in Meldal, and then a taxi or car the rest of the way. [14016d] [14017a] Dette er et flott turutgangspunkt for turer over til Jøldalen og mot Trollhetta- og Rinnhattenområdet. [14017b] This is an excellent starting point for tours to Jøldalen and towards Trollhetta- and the Rinnhatten area. [14017c] This is an excellent starting point for trips over to Jøldalen and toward the Trollhetta and Rinnhatten area. [14017d] [14018a] For å komme raskt opp til lett føre på fjellet tar vi mot sørvest opp daldraget langs Raudbekken. [14018b] To come quickly up to easy skiing in the mountains, we go southwest up the ravine along Raudbekken. [14018c] In order to get quickly up to the good snow conditions in the mountains, we bear southwest up the gully and along Ruadbekken. [14018d] [14019a] Vi tar sørover Jølfjellet og forbi Grønlihammaren til Jølvatnet og Jøldalshytta, betjent (selvbetjent utenom betjent sesong), TT. [14019b] We go south over Jølfjellet and past Grønlihammaren to Jølvatnet and Jøldalshytta, staffed (self-serve out of staffed season), TT. [14019c] We head south over Jølfjellet and past Grønlihammaren to Jølvatnet and Jøldal Lodge, attended (self-service during the non-staffed season), TT. [14019d] [14020a] Turen er på ca 14 km. [14020b] The tour is about 14 km. [14020c] The trip is about 14 km. [14020d] [14021a] På godt føre kan turen ta ca 3 timer. [14021b] In good snow conditions, the tour takes about 3 hours. [14021c] With good skiing conditions, the trip may take approx. 3 hours. [14021d] [14022a]
[14022d] [14023a] På turen mot Trollheimshytta, betjent (selvbetjent utenom betjent sesong), TT, starter vi opp langs ruta mot Gjevilvasshytta til Skrikhøa. [14023b] For the tour to Trollheimshytta, staffed (self-service out of staffed season), TT, we start up along the route towards Gjevilvasshytta to Skrikhøa. [14023c] On the trip toward Trollheimshytta, attended (self-service during the non-staffed season), TT, we begin up along the route toward Gjevilvasshytta to Skrikhøa. [14023d] [14024a] Her er det kvista til påske. [14024b] Here it is marked with branches through Easter. [14024c] Here, branches are cleared for the Easter vacation. [14024d] [14025a] Vi skrår over Kjølen, tar inn til ryggen som tar ut fra den sørligste delen av Svarthetta og tar opp denne ryggen. [14025b] We traverse over Kjølen, go in to the ridge that juts out from the southernmost part of Svarthetta and go up that ridge. [14025c] We cut diagonally across Kjølen, merge in toward the ridge that runs out from the southern part of Svarthetta, and up onto this ridge. [14025d] [14026a] Etter hvert må skiene tas av. [14026b] After a while, you must take off your skis. [14026c] Eventually our skis have to be removed. [14026d] [14027a] Det er bratt, men fint å ta seg opp. [14027b] It's steep, but easy to ascend. [14027c] The ascent is steep going, but manageable. [14027d] [14028a] Ta bort til varden, 1548 m. [14028b] Go to the cairn, 1548 m. [14028c] Go to the stone marker, 1548 m. [14028d] [14029a] Det er steinete å renne ned mot sørvest fra toppen, men videre framover ryggen mot Svarthamran er det flott å gå. [14029b] The downhill southwest of the summit is stony, but further along the ridge towards Svarthamran it's fine skiing. [14029c] The surface is stony on the descent from the summit toward the southwest, but farther along the ridge toward Svarthamran, it is easy skiing. [14029d] [14030a] Det er også greitt å kutte ut turen oppom toppen og ta opp på ryggen sør for hetta. [14030b] It's also acceptable to drop the tour to the summit and go up the ridge south of the cap. [14030c] It is also all right to drop the trip to the summit and go up the ridge south of Svarthetta. [14030d] [14031a] Ta etter hvert ut vestover mot Finnskardet. [14031b] After a while, veer off westwards towards Finnskardet. [14031c] Gradually bear west toward Finnskardet. [14031d] [14032a] Ta rett på sørsida av den vestligste toppen på Svarthamran, 1383 m, og renn i fin, mjuk snø ned mot skardet. [14032b] Go straight to the south side of the westernmost peak of Svarthamran, 1383 m, and glide in fine, soft snow down to the saddle. [14032c] Bear right on the southern side of the westernmost peak of Svarthamran, 1383 m, and ski in the fine, soft snow down toward the gorge. [14032d] [14033a] Ta i litt kronglet terreng fram til det laveste partiet av skardet, skrå ned lia innunder Geithetta, ta på innsida av den lille kollen ved tjernet og ta ned til munninga av Slettådalen. [14033b] Go in slightly twisting terrain up to the lowest part of the saddle, traverse down the hillside beneath Geithetta, go to the inner side of the little hillock at the tarn and go down to the mouth of Slettådalen. [14033c] Cross the somewhat difficult terrain to the lowest part of the gorge, cut diagonally down the hillside beneath Geithetta, take the inner side of the small hill near the pond and continue down to the mouth of Slettådalen. [14033d] [14034a] Renn ned i storfuruskogen og finn Trollheimshytta. [14034b] Ski down through the big pine woods and find Trollheimshytta. [14034c] Make the descent down through the tall pine forest and find Trollheim Lodge. [14034d] [14035a] Lettere varianter er å gå Litjsvartådalen og ta opp i Finnskardet derfra eller å ta omtrent etter sommerruta over Geithetta og bratt ned til hytta. [14035b] An easier variant is to ski Litjsvartådalen and get up to Finnskardet from there or to almost follow the summer route over Geithetta and directly down to the lodge. [14035c] Easier alternatives are to take Litjsvartådalen and climb up into Finnskardet from there, or generally follow the summer route over Geithetta and steeply down to the lodge. [14035d] [14036a]
[14036d] [14037a] Her inne i hjertet av Trollheimen er det godt å være. [14037b] Here in the heart of Trollheimen there's well-being. [14037c] It is good to be here in the heart of the Trollheimen Mountains. [14037d] [14038a] Så det er verdt å ta en ekstra dag med dagstur til Snota. [14038b] So it's worthwhile to take an extra day for a day tour to Snota. [14038c] In addition, it is worth taking an extra day for a day trip to Snota. [14038d] [14039a]
[14039d] [14040a] For å komme opp på Trollhetta vinters tid, må vi gå den fra øst og det anbefales bare å gå på østtoppen, 1522 m. [14040b] To ascend Trollhetta in wintertime, we must ski it from the east, and skiing is advisable only on the east peak, 1522 m. [14040c] To get up to the summit of Trollhetta in the wintertime, we have to approach from the east, and it is recommended to go only to the eastern summit, 1522 m. [14040d] [14041a] Så vi tar etter den vanlige vinterruta mot Jøldalen ned om Gråsjøen og opp lia før Kvernbekken. [14041b] Then we follow the usual winter route towards Jøldalen down past Gråsjøen and up the hillside before Kvernbekken. [14041c] Then we follow the normal winter route toward Jøldalen down via Gråsjøen and up the hillside before Kvernbekken. [14041d] [14042a] Herfra er det kvistet til Jøldalshytta i påska. [14042b] From here it's marked with branches to Jøldalshytta at Easter time. [14042c] From here, branches are cleared down to the Jøldal Lodge at Easter. [14042d] [14043a] Vi kan legge turen over Rinnhatten, 1335 m. [14043b] We can ski over Rinnhatten, 1335 m. [14043c] We may plan the trip over Rinnhatten, 1335 m. [14043d] [14044a] Da tar vi opp ryggen til toppen fra vest. [14044b] Then we go up the ridge to the summit from the west. [14044c] To do that, we ascend the ridge to the summit from the west. [14044d] [14045a] Ned fra toppen kan vi ved gode og trygge snøforhold renne ned Dukfonna på sørsida. [14045b] Down from the summit, we can, with good and safe ski conditions, run down Dukfonna on the south side. [14045c] To get down from the summit, we can make our descent over Dukfonna on the south side, if snow conditions are good and safe. [14045d] [14046a] Eller vi kan ta det fine nedrennet på nordsida til Litjrinnvatnet og ta turen opp gjennom den fine furuskogen om Helgetunsetra fram til Raudfjellvatnet . [14046b] Or we can take the fine downhill run on the north side to Litjrinnvatnet and ski up through the fine pine woods past Helgetunsetra up to Raudfjellvatnet. [14046c] Or we can make the pleasant descent on the northern side to Litjrinnvatnet and ascend again through the beautiful pine forest, via Helgetunsetra and on to Raudfjellvatnet . [14046d] [14047a]
[14047d] [14048a] Men vi skal opp på Trollhetta, og den turen er tyngre. [14048b] But we're headed up to Trollhetta, and the tour is more strenuous. [14048c] But we are going up to Trollhetta, and that trip is more difficult. [14048d] [14049a] Vi følger vatna østover og tar etter hvert oppover i lia fra østre del av Bjørnaråvatnet (Langvatnet). [14049b] We follow the lake eastwards and after a while veer up on the hillside from the eastern part of Bjørnaråvatnet (Langvatnet). [14049c] We follow the lake east and eventually make our way up over the hillside from the eastern part of Bjørnaråvatnet (Langvatnet). [14049d] [14050a] Det er en drøy stigning opp til toppen. [14050b] It's a tough uphill to the summit. [14050c] It is a demanding climb to the summit. [14050d] [14051a] Men usikten og ikke minst nedrennet som venter, gjør at vi får mye igjen for turen oppom toppen. [14051b] But the view and not least the downhill run that awaits, give us much for our tour to the summit. [14051c] But the view, as well as the descent that awaits us, make this a rewarding trip for the effort to get to the top. [14051d] [14052a] Renn ned breen mot Piksteinhøa og ta slakt og fint ned langs Brebekken mot Storrinnvatnet. [14052b] Run down the glacier towards Piksteinhøa and then smoothly down along Brebekken towards Storrinnvatnet. [14052c] Ski down the glacier toward Piksteinhøa and take the gentle, fine slope down along Brebekken toward Storrinnvatnet. [14052d] [14053a] Ta flatt etter lia fram til Skaret og renn om Raudfjellvatnet og ned langs Raudbekken til Resvatnet. [14053b] Take the flat after the hillside up to Skaret and run past Raudfjellvatnet and down along Raudbekken to Resvatnet. [14053c] Ski on flat terrain along the hill to Skaret and then via Raudfjellvatnet and down along Raudbekken to Resvatnet. [14053d] [14054a]
[14054d] [14055a] Det er også en variant av denne turen å ta ned til Jøldalshytta og overnatte der etter turen på Trollhetta og ta en ekstra dag med en tur over Resfjellet til Storås i Meldal. [14055b] A variant of this tour is to go down to Jøldalshytta and overnight there after the tour to Trollhetta, and take an extra day with a tour over Resfjellet to Storås in Meldal. [14055c] There is also a variant for this trip by skiing down to Jøldalshytta and spending the night there after the trip up to Trollhetta, and then an extra day including a trip over Resfjellet to Storås in Meldal. [14055d] [14056a] Turen er lettest å gå om Resvatnet. [14056b] The tour is easiest to ski round Resvatnet. [14056c] The trip is easiest via Resvatnet. [14056d] [14057a] Herfra kan ruta legges inn vatnet, om det flotte gamle fredete seteranlegget Vålåskardet og opp "trappetrinn" og "ramper" til Resfjellet. [14057b] From here, the route can follow the lake, by the fine, old, protected Vålåskardet summer dairy and up "staircases" and "ramps" to Resfjellet. [14057c] From here the route may be planned to go via the lake, through the handsome, old protected mountain farm complex of Vålåskardet and up the "steps" and "ramps" to Resfjellet. [14057d] [14058a] Litt slakere er det å ta fra sørdelen av vatnet inn daldraget langs Krokbekken og opp mot toppen. [14058b] It's gentler if you go from the southern part of the lake in the ravine along Krokbekken and up towards the summit. [14058c] It is a little gentler to ski from the southern end of the lake and in through the gully along Krokbekken and up toward the summit. [14058d] [14059a] Men også her kommer en lett borti bratte partier og rotet terreng hvis en ikke følger godt med på kartet. [14059b] But also here you can easily come upon steep stretches and jumbled terrain if you don't follow the map carefully. [14059c] But here as well, one easily encounters steep areas and difficult terrain if one does not pay close attention to the map. [14059d] [14060a] Og et privathytteområde som dette er det slett ikke alle spor som fører mot Resfjellet. [14060b] And in a private cabin area such as this, by no means do all tracks lead towards Resfjellet. [14060c] And in a private cabin area such as this, not all tracks lead to Resfjellet. [14060d] [14061a] Dersom en velger å legge turen forbi Resfjellet anbefales å ta om Vålåskardet og over vestryggen av fjellet. [14061b] If you choose to ski past Resfjellet, it's advisable to go by Vålåskardet and over the west ridge of the mountain. [14061c] If one chooses to make the trip past Resfjellet, it is recommended to go via Vålåskardet and over the western ridge of the mountain. [14061d] [14062a] Eller turen kan legges helt utenom nordvestover fra Resvatnet parallelt med vegen, over vannskillet og ta nordover på vestsida av Romundhaugen fram til Bakkjølen. [14062b] Or the tour can go completely round, northwestwards from Resvatnet parallel with the face, over the drainage divide, and then northwards on the west side of Romundhaugen up to Bakkjølen. [14062c] Or the trip can be planned totally off-course northwest from Resvatnet and parallel with the road, over the water divide and then northward on the western side of Romundhaugen and on to Bakkjølen. [14062d] [14063a]
[14063d] [14064a] Nedrennet fra Resfjellet anbefales mot nordvest ned mot Bakkjølen. [14064b] The downhill run from Resfjellet is advisable towards the northwest down to Bakkjølen. [14064c] The descent from Resfjellet is recommended toward the northwest down in the direction of Bakkjølen. [14064d] [14065a] Herfra er det kilometervis med flotte myrområder nordover Høgkjølen. [14065b] From here, there are kilometers of fine marshes northwards over Høgkjølen. [14065c] From here there are kilometers and kilometers of beautiful moorlands north over Høgkjølen. [14065d] [14066a] Området er vernet mot inngrep som Høgkjølen / Bakkjølen naturreservat. [14066b] The area is protected against development as the Høgkjølen / Bakkjølen natural reserve. [14066c] The area is protected as the Høægkjølen / Bakkjølen Nature Preserve. [14066d] [14067a] Ta ned gjennom skogen til Storås med riksvegkrysset der det går busser mot Orkanger / Trondheim, Kristiansund / Molde og Berkåk. [14067b] Go down through the woods to Storås to the State highway intersection there where busses run to Orkanger / Trondheim, Kristiansund / Molde and Berkåk. [14067c] Descend through the forest to Storås to the state highway crossroads, where buses go to Orkanger / Trondheim, Trondheim, Kristiansund / Molde and Berkåk. [14067d] [14068a] +Sommer: [14068b] Summer: [14068c] +Summer: [14068d] [14069a] Denne turen passer fint som en litt utvidet helgetur sommers tid. [14069b] This hike is well suited for a long weekend tour in summer. [14069c] This trip is suitable as a somewhat expanded weekend outing during the summertime. [14069d] [14070a] Turen fra Resvatnet over til Jøldalen, 4 t, er en passe ettermiddagstur for spreke. [14070b] the hike from Resvatnet over to Jøldalen, 4 hrs, is a suitable afternoon tour for the hardy. [14070c] The trip from Resvatnet over to Jøldalen, 4 hrs, is a suitable afternoon outing for people in good physical shape. [14070d] [14071a] Turen over Svarthetta, Svarthamran og Finnskardet er en like flott sommertur. [14071b] The hike past Svarthetta, Svarthamran, and Finnskardet is an equally fine summer tour. [14071c] The trip over Svarthetta, Svarthamran and Finnskardet is just as nice a summer trip. [14071d] [14072a] Den vil omtrent tilsvare en 8 timers tur. [14072b] It's about the same as an 8 hour hike. [14072c] It corresponds to approximately an 8-hour trip. [14072d] [14073a] Turen over Trollhetta går sommers tid etter merka rute over alle tre toppene. [14073b] In the summertime, the hike over Trollhetta follows the marked route over all three peaks. [14073c] In the summertime, the trip over Trollhetta goes along marked trails over all three summits. [14073d] [14074a] Med turen helt fram til Resvatnet blir turen en god del lengre enn til Jøldalshytta. [14074b] Hiking all the way to Resvatnet makes the tour a good deal longer than to Jøldalshytta. [14074c] for the trip all the way to Resvatnet, the trip will be a good deal longer than to Jøldalshytta. [14074d] [14075a] Ta av merkinga fra Piksteinhøa, ta om Åkerdalen og ned på merkaruta fra Jøldalshytta. [14075b] Leave the marked route from Piksteinhøa, go through Åkerdalen and down to the marked route from Jøldalshytta. [14075c] Leave the marked trail from Piksteinhøa, go via Åkerdalen and down to the marked trail from Jøldalshytta. [14075d] [14076a] Turen vil omtrent tilsvare en 10 - 11 timers tur. [14076b] It's about the same as an 10 - 11 hour hike. [14076c] The trip will correspond to approximately a 10 - 11 hour outing. [14076d] [14077a]
[14077d] [14078a] +Rutebeskrivelser: [14078b] Route descriptions: [14078c] +Route descriptions: [14078d] [14079a] For detaljerte rutebeskrivelser for de merkete rutene mellom hyttene og noen av de vanligste turene utenom de merkete rutene anbefales TTs bok Sylene og Trollheimen og nettsidene: www.tt.no [14079b] For detailed route descriptions of the marked routes between lodges and some of the most common hikes away from the marked routes, see the TT Guide, Sylene and Trollheimen and the website: www.tt.no [14079c] For detailed route descriptions for the marked trails between the lodges and some of the most common trips off the marked trails, TT's book Sylene and Trollheimen and the websites: www.tt.no are recommended. [14079d] [14080a]
[14080d] [14081a] +Kart: [14081b] Maps: [14081c] +Map: [14081d] [14082a] 1: 50 000 Trollhetta (og Snota for tur til Snota og Løkken for tur fram til Storås) eller turkart 1:75 000 Trollheimen. [14082b] 1:50,000 Trollhetta (and Snota for the tour to Snota and Løkken for the tour up to Storås) or the hiking and skiing map 1:75,000 Trollheimen. [14082c] 1: 50,000 Trollhetta (and Snota, for the trip to Snota, and Løkken for the trip all the way to Storås) or trip map 1:75,000 Trollheimen. [14082d] [14083a]
[14083d] [14084a] +Erik Stabell [14084b] Erik Stabell [14084c] +Erik Stabell [14084d] [14085a]
[14085d] [14086a] +Transporten til Trollheimshytta [14086b] Transportation to Trollheimshytta [14086c] +Transportation to Trollheim Lodge [14086d] [14087a]
[14087d] [14088a] I dag fraktes mest mulig av proviant, varer, utstyr og drivstoff inn til Trollheimshytta på vinterføre før og etter påske. [14088b] Today, most provisions, goods, equipment, and fuel are transported in to Trollheimshytta on snow before or after Easter. [14088c] Today as many provisions, goods, equipment and fuel are driven in to Trollheim Lodge on winter roads before and after Easter. [14088d] [14089a] Det skjer med snøskuter eller bandvogn fra bilvegen ved Gråsjøen inn dalen. [14089b] It's done using snowmobiles or tracked vehicles from the road at Gråsjøen in the valley. [14089c] This is done with snowmobiles or tracked vehicles into the valley from the automobile road at Gråsjøen. [14089d] [14090a] Suppleringstransporter foregår med helikopter og med båt over Gråsjøen og bæring 4 km opp til hytta. [14090b] There's supplementary transport by helicopter and by boat on Gråsjøen and packboarding 4 km up to the lodge. [14090c] Additional supply transportation is done by helicopter and boat across Gråsjøen and manual carrying 4 km up to the lodge. [14090d] [14091a] Tidligere foregikk transportene til hytta med kløving fra Rindal. [14091b] In the past, transportation to the lodge was by pack animals from Rindal. [14091c] Earlier, transportation to the cabin was done by pack horses from Rindal. [14091d] [14092a] Dette er en nær 3 mil lang tur. [14092b] The trip is almost 30 km long. [14092c] This is a nearly 30-km-long trip. [14092d] [14093a] Men da kom også langt mer av bl a melkeprodukter fra nabosetrene, så transportbehovet var et annet. [14093b] But much more came, among other things dairy products from neighboring summer dairies, so, for which transportation needs were quite different. [14093c] But at the time, far more of the dairy products came from neighboring mountain farms, so the transportation needs were different. [14093d] [14094a] Motoriserte terrengkjøretøy ble brukt til transporter fra 1950 - 1960-tallet. [14094b] Motorized terrain vehicles were used for transportation starting in the 1950s - 1960s. [14094c] Motorized terrain vehicles were used for transporting from the 1950 - 1960's. [14094d] [14095a] Likevel foregikk det helt fram til kraftutbygginga i ca 1970 medførte veg til Gråhaugen og vatn i Gråsjøen, transporter ved kløving. [14095b] Nonetheless, until the hydroelectric power development about 1970 brought a road to Gråhaugen and water in Gråsjøen, pack animals were used for transportation. [14095c] Nevertheless, transportation by pack horse continued all the way until the construction of the power station, about 1970, included a road to Gråhaugen and the lake at Gråsjøen. [14095d] [14096a]
[14096d] [14097a] Det var drengen på hytta som hadde kløvejobben. [14097b] The hired hand at the lodge had the packing job. [14097c] It was the hired hand at the lodge who had the job of transporting by pack horse. [14097d] [14098a] Turen fram og tilbake tok to dager. [14098b] The round trip took two days. [14098c] The round trip took two days. [14098d] [14099a] Med stort besøk på hytta og stort behov for varer og proviant kunne det bli en rytme på kløving to dager, arbeid med ved og annet på hytta en dag, ny kløvtur på to dager osv. [14099b] With many guests at the lodge and a sizeable need for goods and provisions, there could be a routine of packing for two days, working with wood and other chores at the lodge for a day, then a new packing trip for two days, etc. [14099c] When there were many guests at the lodge and the need for supplies and provisions was great, the cycle for pack horse runs was often two days' supply transport, work cutting wood or other errands at the lodge one day, a new supply run of two days, etc. [14099d] [14100a]
[14100d] [14101a] +Fra Trondheim til Trollheimen i 1896 [14101b] From Trondheim to Trollheimen in 1896 [14101c] +From Trondheim to Trollheimen in 1896 [14101d] [14102a]
[14102d] [14103a] I dag kommer vi oss inn til Jøldalshytta og Gjevilvasshytta i løpet av en ettermiddag med bil eller en kombinasjon av tog, buss og drosje. [14103b] Today we can get to Jøldalshytta and Gjevilvasshytta in an afternoon by car or a combination of train, bus, and taxi. [14103c] Today we arrive at the Jøldal Lodge and Gjevilvass Lodge in the course of an afternoon, by car or a combination of train, bus and taxi. [14103d] [14104a] Med Dovrebanen som åpnet i 1923 ble adkomsten til Trollheimen betydelig lettere og Oppdal ble en hovedinngangsport til fjellet. [14104b] After the Dovre rail line was opened in 1923, access to Trollheimen was much easier and Oppdal became a major gateway to the mountains. [14104c] With the Dovre railway, which opened in 1923, access to Trollheimen was made significantly easier, and Oppdal became a primary gateway to the mountains. [14104d] [14105a] I TTs årbok for 1912 forteller E A Tønseth om en påsketur han og fem andre hadde fra Trondheim til Trollheimen i 1896. [14105b] In the TT Yearbook for 1912, E A Tønseth recounted an Easter tour that he and five others had from Trondheim to Trollheimen in 1896. [14105c] In TT's yearbook for 1912, E A Tønseth recalls an Easter trip he and five others had from Trondheim to Trollheimen in 1896. [14105d] [14106a] Turen startet med kveldstog til Hovin og første overnatting på Lauvåsen etter 12 km til fots. [14106b] The tour started with the evening train to Hovin and the first overnighting at Lauvåsen after 12 km on foot. [14106c] The trip started with the evening train to Hovin and a first night spent at Lauvåsen after 12 km done on foot. [14106d] [14107a] Herfra startet de i 4-tida om morgenen, passerte Grut i Meldal kl. 11, Jølvatnet i 6-tida på ettermiddagen og nådde Foldalshytten (Trollheims-hytta) 11 om kvelden. [14107b] From here they departed at 4 in the morning and passed Grut in Meldal at 11 am, Jølvatnet around 6 pm, and reached Foldalshytten (Trollheims-hytta) at 11 in the evening. [14107c] From here, they set out at about 4 a.m., passed Grut in Meldal at 11, Jølvatnet at about 6 in the afternoon and reached Foldalshytten (Trollheim Lodge) at 11 in the evening. [14107d] [14108a]
[14108d] [14109a] De hadde gått 7,5 mil på 19 timer. [14109b] They had traveled 75 km in 19 hours. [14109c] They had gone 75 km in 19 hours. [14109d] [14110a] Den gang var Foldalshytten 6 år gammel, det var ikke noe kvarter i Jøldalen og hyttene var ikke betjent i påska. [14110b] Then Foldalshytten was 6 years old, there were no lodgings in Jøldalen, and the lodges were unstaffed at Easter time. [14110c] At that time, Foldalshytten was 6 years old; there weren't any accommodations in Jøldalen and the cabins were not attended in the Easter season. [14110d] [14111a] De fortsatte neste dag over til Storli og dro dagen etter tilbake til Foldalshytten igjen. [14111b] The next day, they continued over to Storli and left the day after to return again to Foldalshytten. [14111c] They continued the next day over to Storli and went back the following day to Foldalshytten. [14111d] [14112a] Turen tilbake til byen gikk til Grut og overnatting der før dagsmarsjen over til Støren. [14112b] The trip back to the city went to Grut with overnighting there before a day's hike over to Støren. [14112c] The trip back to the city went to Grut and a night there, before a day-long trek over to Støren. [14112d] [14113a] Det var en imponerende tur. [14113b] It was an impressive tour. [14113c] This was an impressive trip. [14113d] [14114a] Historien vitner også om hvordan dagens kommunikasjoner har gitt lett adgang til fjellet, men også har «krympet landet». [14114b] The story shows how today's communications have provided easier access to the mountains and also have "shrunk the country." [14114c] The story also illustrates how today's communications have made access to the mountains easier, but how they have "shrunk" the country, as well. [14114d] [14115a]
[14115d] [14116a] Kilde: TTs årbok 1912, (gjengitt i DNTs årbok 1996). [14116b] Source: TT's Yearbook 1912, (cited in DNT Yearbook 1996). [14116c] source: TT's yearbook 1912, (reprinted in DNT's yearbook 1996). [14116d] [15001a] +TUR T13 2 dager [15001b] Tour T13 2 days [15001c] +TRIP T13 2 days [15001d] [15002a]
[15002d] [15003a] +Storlidalen rundt [15003b] Storlidalen round tour [15003c] +Around Storlidalen [15003d] [15004a]
[15004d] [15005a] +Helgetur over rygger og topper [15005b] Weekend tour over ridges and summits [15005c] +Weekend trip over ridges and summits [15005d] [15006a]
[15006d] [15007a] Turen over fjellene rundt Storlidalen er en flott og variert helgetur både sommer og vinter. [15007b] A hike over the mountains around Storlidalen is a fine, varied weekend tour, both summer and winter. [15007c] The trip over the mountains around Storlidalen is a pleasant and varied weekend outing both summer and winter. [15007d] [15008a] Den går over rygger og topper og er en tur med store høydeforskjeller og flotte utsikter hele veien. [15008b] It goes over ridges and peaks and is a tour with great elevation differences and magnificent views all the way. [15008c] It goes across ridges and summits and is a trip with large variations in elevation and wonderful views the entire way. [15008d] [15009a] Selv om turen er tung, er den så variert at den kan passe for barn fra ca 12 år som har vært litt i fjellet. [15009b] Though the tour is demanding, it is so varied that it can be suitable for children of about 12 or more, who have spent some time in the mountains. [15009c] Even though the trip is demanding, it is so varied that it is suitable for children 10 years and up who have been in the mountains before. [15009d] [15010a]
[15010d] [15011a] Til Lønset vest for Oppdal kommer du deg lett med buss eller du kan kjøre hit med bil. [15011b] You can get to Lønset west of Oppdal easily by bus, or you can drive here by car. [15011c] You get to Lønset west of Oppdal easily by bus or you can drive here by car. [15011d] [15012a] Fra Lønset ta mot Sliperhovden. [15012b] From Lønset, head towards Sliperhovden. [15012c] From Lønset, go toward Sliperhovden. [15012d] [15013a] Ta først et stykke på vei og følg senere en gammel setersti fra Dettlisætra. [15013b] First, go a ways on the road and then follow an old summer dairy path from Dettlisætra. [15013c] Hike the first portion on the road and later follow an old pasture road from Dettlisætra. [15013d] [15014a] Den går over Sliperhovden til Slipersetra. [15014b] It goes over Sliperhovden to Slipersetra. [15014c] It goes over Sliperhovden to Slipersetra. [15014d] [15015a] Den er ikke merket inn på kartet. [15015b] It's not marked on the map. [15015c] It is not marked on the map. [15015d] [15016a] Ved Sliperhovden må en forlate stien. [15016b] At Sliperhovden, you must leave the path. [15016c] [15016d] [15017a] Ivrige fiskere kan fortsette vestover på skrå opp sørsida av Sæthøa og inn Svorunddalen til Svorundtjønna. [15017b] Avid fishermen can continue westwards and traverse up the south side of Sæthøa and through Svorunddalen to Svorundtjønna. [15017c] Fisherman enthusiasts can continue west diagonally up the southern side of Sæthø and into Svorunddalen to Svorundt Pond. [15017d] [15018a] Fiskekort fåes kjøpt på Lønset Handel. [15018b] Fishing licenses are for sale at Lønset Handel. [15018c] Fishing licenses may be purchased at the Lønset Store. [15018d] [15019a] I godt vær anbefales andre å gå over Sæthøa og Gjerdhøa til bandet mellom Fagerlidalen og Svorunddalen. [15019b] In good weather, others are advised to go over Sæthøa and Gjerdhøa to the col between Fagerlidalen and Svorunddalen. [15019c] When the weather is good, others are recommended to hike over Sæthø and Gjerdhøa to the valley link between Fagerlidalen and Svorunddalen. [15019d] [15020a] Fra bandet ta vestover opp langs snø/is-breen til Sandåfjellet. [15020b] From the col, go westwards up along the snow/glacier to Sandåfjellet. [15020c] From the strip, bear west up along the snow/ glacier ice to Sandåfjellet. [15020d] [15021a] Ta helst ikke over breen. [15021b] It's best not to cross the glacier. [15021c] Avoid crossing the glacier. [15021d] [15022a] I somrer med lite snø kommer det fram sprekker på den. [15022b] In summers with little snow crevasses open up in it. [15022c] In summers with little snow, crevices appear on it. [15022d] [15023a] Ta evt. en avstikker til Svorundfjellet og fortsett vestover ned til bandet mot Kråkvasstind. [15023b] Maybe take a side trip to Svorundfjellet and continue westwards down to the col to Kråkvasstind. [15023c] If desired, take a detour to Svorundfjellet and continue west down to the valley link toward Kråkvass Peak. [15023d] [15024a] Kråkvasstind er høyeste toppen i området, og har du tid og er været bra, anbefales en tur dit. [15024b] Kråkvasstind is the highest peak in the area, so a tour there is advisable if you have time and the weather's good. [15024c] Kråkvass Peak is the tallest mountain in the area, and if you have the time and the weather is good, a trip here is recommended. [15024d] [15025a] Ta så ned langs vassdraget nord for Kråkvasstind til Sandåtjønna. [15025b] Then go down along the watercourse north of Kråkvasstind to Sandåtjønna. [15025c] Then hike down along the water course north of Kråkvass Peak to Sandåtjønna. [15025d] [15026a] Fra Sandåtjønna går det en trivelig sti vest for Sandåa ned til Sandøyan ved Ångardsvatnet. [15026b] From Sandåtjønna there's an enjoyable path west of Sandåa down to Sandøyan on Ångardsvatnet. [15026c] From Sandåtjønna, a pleasant path runs west of Sandåa down to Sandøyan at Åangard Lake. [15026d] [15027a] Herfra er det ikke til å unngå 5-6 kjedelige km på vei rundt østenden av Ångardsvatnet til Bårdsgarden, selvbetjent, TT, privat. [15027b] From here, you can't avoid 5-6 dull kilometers on a road around the east end of Ångardsvatnet to Bårdsgarden, self-service, TT, private. [15027c] From here, you will not be able to avoid 5-6 boring km on a road around the eastern side of Ångard Lake to Bårdsgarden, self-service, TT, private. [15027d] [15028a] En må regne med å bruke 7 - 8 timer på turen. [15028b] You must count on taking 7 - 8 hours for the tour. [15028c] One can expect to spend 7-8 hours for this trip. [15028d] [15029a]
[15029c] [15029d] [15030a] Neste dag følges merkaruta over Okla. [15030b] The next day, follow the marked route over Okla. [15030c] The next day, the marked trail is followed over Okla. [15030d] [15031a] Ta gjerne av fra ruta opp til den vestligste delen av topp-platået og følg kanten mot Gjevil-vatnet til Høgsnydda, høyeste og fremste toppen. [15031b] If you wish, leave the route and go up to the western part of the top plateau and follow the rim towards Gjevil-vatnet to Høgsnydda, the highest and closest summit. [15031c] If desired, go off the trail and up to the westernmost portion of the summit plateau and follow the edge toward Gjevilvatnet to Høgsnydda, the tallest and nearest summit. [15031d] [15032a] Fra Snydda er det mulig å følge ryggen østover ned til Mjølkskåla på fast og fint fjell. [15032b] From Snydda, you can follow the ridge eastwards down to Mjølkskåla, on firm, fine rock. [15032c] From Snydda, it is possible to follow the ridge eastward down to Mjølkskåla on firm, good mountain terrain. [15032d] [15033a] Den gamle TT-ruta til Gjevilvass-hytta gikk her. [15033b] The old TT route to Gjevilvass-hytta went here. [15033c] The old TT route to Gjevilvass Lodge ran here. [15033d] [15034a] Samme fiskekort som for Svorundtjønna og Sandåtjønna gjelder for Mjølkskåla og Korgtjønna. [15034b] The same fishing license as for Svorundtjønna and Sandåtjønna is valid for Mjølkskåla and Korgtjønna. [15034c] The same fishing license for Svorundtjønna and Sandåtjønna is also valid for Mjølkskåla and Korgtjønna. [15034d] [15035a] Fortsett videre østover på ny evt. gammel sti og ta av sørøstover før Engelsbekkhøa over Midtskarvens loddrette bergartslag hvor "Blåhødekket" er foldet ned i en synklinal (geologisk formasjon, skålform), til Nonsfjell. [15035b] Continue eastwards on the new, or perhaps the old trail, and turn southeastwards before Engelsbekkhøa over Midtskarvens vertical rock layers where "Blåhødekket" is folded down in a syncline (geological formation, saucer-shaped), to Nonsfjell. [15035c] Continue east on the new, or old path and bear south before Engelsbekkhøa over Midtskarven's vertical layer of stone, where the "surface" of Blåhø is folded down into a syncline (geological formation, bowl-shaped), to Nonsfjell. [15035d] [15036a] Videre forbi Sprengtverråtjønna og på skrå østover opp på Åmellomfjellet. [15036b] Onward past Sprengtverråtjønna and on a traverse eastwards up on Åmellomfjellet. [15036c] Continue past Sprengtverråtjønna and diagonally eastward up onto Åmellomfjellet. [15036d] [15037a] Herfra kan de som har parkert bil på Lønset spare noen høydemeter og holde høyden sørover til Elghøa. [15037b] From here, those who have parked a car at Lønset can save a few vertical meters by keeping elevation southward to Elghøa. [15037c] From here, those who have parked their car at Lønset save a few meters of climbing and maintain elevation southward to Elghøa. [15037d] [15038a] Men det anbefales å legge turen over Storhornet. [15038b] But it's advisable to go over Storhornet. [15038c] However, it is recommended to set your course via Storhornet. [15038d] [15039a] Fortsett videre over Vindalskammen og Oksfluren. [15039b] Continue onwards over Vindalskammen and Oksfluren. [15039c] Continue over Vindalskammen and Oksfluren. [15039d] [15040a] Før Håggåberget går det en sti vestover bratt ned til Lønset. [15040b] Before Håggåberget there's a trail westwards directly down to Lønset. [15040c] Before Håggåberget, there is a steep trail that goes west down to Lønset. [15040d] [15041a] De andre tar østover fra Åmellomfjellet opp på Storhornet og fortsetter sørøstover ned Hornlia til Festa. [15041b] The other goes westwards from Åmellomfjellet up on Storhornet and continues southeastwards down Hornlia to Festa. [15041c] The others go east from Åmellfjellet up to Storhornet and continue southward down Hornlia to Festa. [15041d] [15042a]
[15042d] [15043a] +Vinter: [15043b] Winter: [15043c] +Winter: [15043d] [15044a] Ta opp fra Lønset som beskrevet for sommerturen. [15044b] Go up from Lønset as described for the summer tour. [15044c] Ascend from Lønset as described for the summer route. [15044d] [15045a] Men om vinteren må en gå over Gjerdhøa for det kan være usikkert hvordan det er å komme opp fra innerst i Svorund- tjønna. [15045b] But in winter, you should go over Gjerdhøa, because it may be uncertain whether you can ascend from innermost in Svorund- tjønna. [15045c] However, during winter one has to ski over Gjerdhøa, because it may be uncertain how conditions are, coming up from the bottom of Svorundtjønna. [15045d] [15046a] Derfra tar en over til Sandåfjellet/ Svorundfjellet. [15046b] From there, go over to Sandåfjellet/ Svorundfjellet. [15046c] From there, one goes across to Sandåfjellet/ Svorundfjellet. [15046d] [15047a] Herfra har en flere muligheter. [15047b] From here, there are several choices. [15047c] From here, one has several alternatives. [15047d] [15048a] En kan følge den beskrevne sommerruta, men også holde høyden mot nordøst bort til Gråfjellet. [15048b] You can follow the description of the summer route, but also keep elevation towards the northeast from here to Gråfjellet. [15048c] You can follow the described summer route, but also keep your elevation northeast to Gråfjellet. [15048d] [15049a] Herfra er det 1000 herlige høydemeter ned til Ångardsvatnet. [15049b] From here, it's 1000 splendid vertical meters down to Ångardsvatnet. [15049c] From here, it is 1000 meters' pleasant descent down to Ångard Lake. [15049d] [15050a] Ta av nordvestover før Sandøyan og kryss Ångardsvatnet til Bårdsgarden. [15050b] Turn northwestward before Sandøyan and cross Ångardsvatnet to Bårdsgarden. [15050c] Bear northwest before Sandøyan and cross Ångard Lake to Bårdsgarden. [15050d] [15051a] Ved fint vær og lett føre bør en benytte seg av opparbeidet høyde på Sandåfjellet og ta vestover via Kråkvasstind, Svartdalskollen og evt. Indre Grynningshøa før en svinger først nordover ned Gruggu-skardet og senere østover til Bårdsgarden. [15051b] With good weather and easy ski conditions, you should take advantage of the elevation gained on Sandåfjellet and go westwards via Kråkvasstind, Svartdalskollen, and perhaps Indre Grynningshøa before you turn first northwards down Gruggu-skardet and then eastwards to Bårdsgarden. [15051c] In nice weather and easy snow conditions, one should take advantage of the gained elevation on Sandåfjellet and ski westward via Kråkvasstind, Svartdalskollen and perhaps Indre Grynningshøa before a jaunt first north down Grugguskardet and later eastward to Bårdsgarden. [15051d] [15052a]
[15052d] [15053a] De aller ivrigste kan ta med seg både Fremre Grynningshøa og Nonshøa på veien. [15053b] The most keen can take in both Fremre Grynningshøa and Nonshøa on the way. [15053c] The most eager skiers can visit both Fremre Grynningshøa and Nonshøa on the way. [15053d] [15054a] Vinterruta over Okla bør ikke legges ned ryggen østover fra Snydda. [15054b] The winter route over Okla shouldn't go down the ridge eastwards from Snydda. [15054c] The winter route over Okla should not include the ridge east from Snydda. [15054d] [15055a] Nedturen fra Håggåberget til Lønset bør også sjekkes nøye på forhånd. [15055b] The descent from Håggåberget to Lønset should also be carefully checked in advance. [15055c] The descent from Håggåberget to Lønset should also be carefully checked in advance. [15055d] [15056a] Det er vanligvis greitt å ta seg ned øst for Håggåberget mot riksvegen. [15056b] It's usually easy to get down east of Håggåberget towards the State highway. [15056c] It is normally all right to ski down eastward for Håggåberget towards the state highway. [15056d] [15057a] Ellers er jo det flotte nedrennet fra Storhornet mot Festa den beste måten å utnytte høyden på. [15057b] Otherwise, the fine downhill run from Storhornet to Festa certainly is the best way to exploit the vertical drop. [15057c] Otherwise, the nice descent from Storhornet toward Festa is the best way to take advantage of your elevation. [15057d] [15058a]
[15058d] [15059a] +Rutebeskrivelser: [15059b] Route descriptions: [15059c] +Description of the route: [15059d] [15060a] For detaljerte rutebeskrivelser for de merkete rutene mellom hyttene og noen av de vanligste turene utenom de merkete rutene anbefales TTs bok Sylene og Trollheimen og nettsidene: www.tt.no [15060b] For detailed route descriptions of the marked routes between lodges and some of the most common hikes away from the marked routs, see the TT Guide, Sylene and Trollheimen and the website: www.tt.no [15060c] for detailed route descriptions for the marked trails between the lodges, as well as some of the most common trips off the marked trails, TT's book Sylene and Trollheimen and the websites at www.tt.no are recommended. [15060d] [15061a]
[15061d] [15062a] +Kart: [15062b] Maps: [15062c] +Maps: [15062d] [15063a] 1:50 000 Oppdal og Romfo eller turkart 1:75 000 Trollheimen. [15063b] 1:50,000 Oppdal and Romfo or the hiking and skiing map 1:75,000 Trollheimen. [15063c] 1:50,000 Oppdal and Romfo or trip map 1:75,000 Trollheimen. [15063d] [15064a]
[15064d] [15065a] +Stig Bakke [15065b] Stig Bakke [15065c] +Stig Bakke [15065d] [16001a] +TUR T14 2-4 dager [16001b] Tour T14 2-4 days [16001c] +TRIP T14 2-4 days [16001d] [16002a]
[16002d] [16003a] +Jøldalshytta - Trollheimshytta [16003b] Jøldalshytta - Trollheimshytta [16003c] +Jøldalshytta - Trollheimshytta [16003d] [16004a]
[16004d] [16005a] +Helg i Trollheimen [16005b] Weekend in Trollheimen [16005c] +Weekend in Trollheimen [16005d] [16006a]
[16006d] [16007a] Fra Jøldalshytta er det flere turmuligheter inn til Trollheimshytta. [16007b] From Jøldalshytta there are several choices of tours in to Trollheimshytta. [16007c] From the Jøldal lodge, there are several possible routes in to the Trollheim lodge. [16007d] [16008a] Turen kan tas som topptur over Trollhetta og tilbake over Geithetta. [16008b] The tour can be taken as a summit trip over Trollhetta and back to Geithetta. [16008c] The trip can be taken as a trip across summits via Trollhetta and back across Geithetta. [16008d] [16009a] Eller den kan gås etter andre varianter. [16009b] Or it can be done in other varieties. [16009c] Or it can be done in other variations. [16009d] [16010a] Det kan også legges inn en ekstra dag på Trollheimshytta med dagstur til Snota. [16010b] An extra day also may be worked in at Trollheimshytta for a day tour to Snota. [16010c] An extra day at Trollheim Lodge can also be added, with a day trip to Snota. [16010d] [16011a] Tas turen over Geithetta og i Svartådalen kan den passe for barn fra 7 - 9 års alder, mens varianten Trollhetta / Geithetta passer fra 12 år. [16011b] Taking the tour over Geithetta and in Svartådalen can be suitable for children from 7 to 9 years old, but the variant Trollhetta / Geithetta is suitable from 12 years of age. [16011c] If the trip is made over Geithetta and inside Svartådalen, it may be suitable for children between 7 - 9 years of age, while the variant Trollhetta / Geithetta is suitable for children 12 years and up. [16011d] [16012a]
[16012d] [16013a] Til Jøldalshytta, betjent, TT, med kombinasjon av buss i Orkdalen og drosje / skyss til Jølhaugen, eller hit inn med bil. [16013b] To Jøldalshytta, staffed, TT, with a combination of bus in Orkdalen and taxi / lift to Jølhaugen, or all the way here by car. [16013c] To Jøldal Lodge, attended, TT, by a combination of bus from Orkadalen and taxi / private transportation to Jølhaugen, or in by car. [16013d] [16014a] Fire kilometer etter trivelig seterveg fra Jølhaugen til hytta. [16014b] Four kilometers along an enjoyable cattle track from Jølhaugen to the lodge. [16014c] Four kilometers on a nice pasture road from Jølhaugen to the lodge. [16014d] [16015a] Fra Jøldalshytta til Trollheimshytta, betjent, TT, merka ruter over Geithetta, 6 t, over de tre toppene på Trollhetta, 9 t, og ned Svartå-dalen, 5 t. [16015b] From Jøldalshytta to Trollheimshytta, staffed, TT, marked routes over Geithetta, 6 hours, over the three summits of Trollhetta, 9 hours, and down Svartådalen, 5 hours. [16015c] From Jøldal Lodge to Trollheim Lodge, attended, TT, marked trail over Geithetta, 6 hrs, across the three summits at Trollhetta, 9 hrs, and down Svartådalen, 5 hrs. [16015d] [16016a] Umerka varianter om Finnskardet og lengre om Svarthetta og Finnskardet. [16016b] Excellent variants past Finnskardet and longer past Svarthetta and Finnskardet. [16016c] Unmarked alternatives via Finnskardet and longer via Svarthetta and Finnskardet. [16016d] [16017a] Turen over Trollhetta er en lang og krevende tur, den mest alpine av de merka rutene i Trollheimen. [16017b] The hike over Trollhetta is a long and demanding tour, the most Alpine of the marked routes in Trollheimen. [16017c] The trip over Trollhetta is a long and strenuous trip, the most alpine of the marked routes in the Trollheimen Mountains. [16017d] [16018a]
[16018d] [16019a] Dagsturen fra Trollheimshytta til Snota, 8 t t/r, er en av de aller fineste og varierte toppturene du kan oppleve og anbefales hvis du kan bruke en ekstra dag i tillegg til helga. [16019b] A day hike from Trollheimshytta to Snota, 8 hours round trip, is one of the finest, varied summit tours you can experience and is recommended if you have an extra day in addition to the weekend. [16019c] A day trip from Trollheim Lodge to Snota, 8 hrs round trip, is one of the finest and most varied trips to the summits that you can experience, and it is recommended if you can spend an extra day in addition to the weekend. [16019d] [16020a]
[16020d] [16021a] +Vinter: [16021b] Winter: [16021c] +Winter: [16021d] [16022a] Til Jøldalshytta fra fylkesvegen over Nerskogen. [16022b] To Jøldalshytta from the county road over Nerskogen. [16022c] To Jøldal Lodge from the county road via Nerskogen. [16022d] [16023a] Brøyta både mot Jølhaugen og Heldalseter fra et stykke ut på vinteren. [16023b] Plowed to both Jølhaugen and Heldalseter from late winter on. [16023c] Snow-plowed to both Jølhaugen and Heldalseter from the mid-winter months on. [16023d] [16024a] I påska kvista langs Rinnvatna nord for Trollhetta. [16024b] At Easter time, marked with branches along Rinnvatna north of Trollhetta. [16024c] Cleared of branches during Easter along Rinnvatna north of Trollhetta. [16024d] [16025a] Avstikker kan tas til østtoppen. [16025b] A side trip can be taken to the east summit. [16025c] A detour can be made to the eastern summit. [16025d] [16026a] Vanlig å gå om Finnskardet eller over Geithetta. [16026b] Usual to go by Finnskardet or over Geithetta. [16026c] Usual to ski via Finnskardet or over Geithetta. [16026d] [16027a] Lengere og meget fin variant over Svarthetta, om Svarthamran og ned Slettådalen, evt ned om Finnskardet. [16027b] Longer and excellent variant over Svarthetta, by Svarthamran and down Slettådalen, possibly down on Finnskardet. [16027c] Longer and very fine alternative across Svarthetta, via Svarthamran and down Slettådalen, or down via Finnskardet. [16027d] [16028a] Svartådalen er ikke vinterrute. [16028b] Svartådalen is not a winter route. [16028c] Svartådalen is not a winter route. [16028d] [16029a] Snota er også flott vintertur. [16029b] Snota also is a fine winter tour. [16029c] Snota is also a fine winter trip. [16029d] [16030a]
[16030d] [16031a] +Kart: [16031b] Maps: [16031c] +Maps: [16031d] [16032a] 1:50 000 Trollhetta (og kartblad Snota for turer til Snota eller dagsturer i Folldalen), turkart 1:75 000 Trollheimen eller gammelt i 1:100 000. [16032b] 1:50,000 Trollhetta (and the Snota map sheet for tours to Snota or day tours in Folldalen), hiking and skiing map 1:75,000 Trollheimen or the old map in 1:100,000. [16032c] 1:50,000 Trollhetta (and Snota map sheet for trips to Snota or day trips in Folldalen), touring map 1:75,000 Trollheimen or the older in 1:100,000. [16032d] [16033a]
[16033d] [16034a] +Erik Stabell [16034b] Erik Stabell [16034c] +Erik Stabell [16034d] [16035a]
[16035d] [16036a] +Turmulighetene mellom Jøldalshytta og Trollheimshytta [16036b] Hike choices between Jøldalshytta and Trollheimshytta [16036c] +Trip alternatives between Jøldal Lodge and Trollheim Lodge [16036d] [16037a]
[16037d] [16038a] Det er tre merka ruter mellom disse to hyttene, langs Svartåa gjennom dalen, 5 t, over Geithetta, 6 t og over Trollhettas tre topper, 9 t. [16038b] There are three marked routes between these two lodges: along Svartåa through the valley, 5 hours; over Geithetta, 6 hours; and over Trollhetta's three summits, 9 hours. [16038c] there are three marked trails between these two lodges, along Svartåa through the valley, 5 hrs, over Geithetta, 6 hrs and across Trollhetta's three summits, 9 hrs. [16038d] [16039a] Alle er attraktive turer på hver sin måte. [16039b] All are attractive tours, each in its own way. [16039c] All are attractive excursions each in its own way. [16039d] [16040a] Turen gjennom Svartådalen går i frodig og variert skogsterreng. [16040b] The tour through Svartådalen is in lush, varied wooded terrain. [16040c] the trip through Svartådalen runs through lush and varied forest terrain. [16040d] [16041a] Området fra dalen og framover til Trollheimshytta er vernet som naturreservat både for å verne om Svartå-dalens rike og frodige planteliv og storfuruskogen i Folldalen. [16041b] The area from the valley up to Trollheimshytta is protected as a natural reserve, to protect both Svartådalen's rich, lush plant life and the large pine forest in Folldalen. [16041c] The area from the valley and onward to Trollheim Lodge is protected as a nature preserve to protect both Svartådalen's rich and lush plant life and its great pine forest in Folldalen. [16041d] [16042a] Det er mange vakre steder nedover langs elva. [16042b] There are many beautiful places down along the river. [16042c] There are many beautiful spots down along the river. [16042d] [16043a]
[16043d] [16044a] Turen over Geithetta går i jevn stigning opp på hetta og følger ryggen høgt og fritt før det går bratt ned til Folldalen. [16044b] The tour over Geithetta climbs steadily up on the cap and follows the ridge, high and free, before it goes directly down to Folldalen. [16044c] The trip over Geithetta runs an even ascent up to the mountaintop and follows the ridge high and in the open before descending steeply down to Folldalen. [16044d] [16045a] Utsikten er fin på store deler av ruta, ikke minst framover til Folldalen og inn i Trollhettamassivet med Trolløyet. [16045b] The view is fine for greater parts of the route, not least ahead to Folldalen and in to the Trollhetta massif with Trolløyet. [16045c] The view is nice for large portions of the route, especially down toward Folldalen and in to the Trollhetta massif with the Troll's Eye Pond. [16045d] [16046a]
[16046d] [16047a] Turen over Trollhetta er en lang tur med mye stein, og med store opplevelser. [16047b] The hike over Trollhetta is a long tour with lots of stones, but with great experiences. [16047c] The trip over Trollhetta is a long trek and very stony, and with wonderful experiences. [16047d] [16048a] Det flotteste partiet på turen er overgangen fra østtoppen til midttoppen. [16048b] The finest part of the tour is the passage from the east peak to the middle peak. [16048c] The nicest part of the trip is the run from the eastern summit to the middle summit. [16048d] [16049a] Stien går bratt og luftig ned til bandet mellom toppene. [16049b] The trail is steep and exposed, down to the col between the peaks. [16049c] The trail runs steeply and breezily down to the link between the summits. [16049d] [16050a] Langt nede ligger Trolløyet, den vesle tjønna langt nede i Trollhettabotnen. [16050b] Far below lies Trolløyet, the little tarn far down in Trollhettabotnen. [16050c] Far below lies Trolløyet, the little pond far down in the Trollhetta hollow. [16050d] [16051a] Så går det bratt opp i storsteinet ur til midttoppen. [16051b] Then it's directly up in large stone talus to the middle peak. [16051c] It then rises steeply through boulder scree to the middle summit. [16051d] [16052a] Det er en høgdeforskjell på vel 1000 m og mye stein i nedstigninga til Folldalen. [16052b] The vertical height difference is at least 1000 m, and there are lots of stones on the descent to Folldalen. [16052c] There is a difference in elevation of more than 1000 m and lots of stone during the descent to Folldalen. [16052d] [16053a] Mange foretrekker å gå turen mot Jøldalshytta for å spare knærne for denne nedstigninga. [16053b] Many prefer to hike towards Jøldalshytta to spare their knees that descent. [16053c] Many people prefer to make the trip toward Jøldal Lodge in order to save their knees for this descent. [16053d] [17001a] +TUR T15 2-4 dager [17001b] Tour T15 2-4 days [17001c] +TRIP T15 2-4 days [17001d] [17002a]
[17002d] [17003a] +Vårskitur til Trollheimshytta og Snota [17003b] Spring ski tour to Trollheimshytta and Snota [17003c] +Spring skiing trip to Trollheim Lodge and Snota [17003d] [17004a]
[17004d] [17005a] +Utvida seinvinterhelg fra Gjevilvasshytta [17005b] Long later-winter weekend from Gjevilvasshytta [17005c] +Extended late-winter weekend from Gjevilvass Lodge. [17005d] [17006a]
[17006d] [17007a] Trollheimen er et meget snørikt fjellområde. [17007b] Trollheimen is a range with extremely heavy snows. [17007c] Trollheimen is a very snowy mountain area. [17007d] [17008a] Særlig er det mye snø i de sentrale og vestlige områder, innover fra Jøldalshytta og Gjevilvasshytta og i Storlidalen og vestover. [17008b] In particular, there's lots of snow in the central and western areas, in from Jøldalshytta and Gjevilvasshytta and in Storlidalen and westwards. [17008c] There is especially much snow in the central and western areas, inward from Jøldal Lodge and Gjevilvass Lodge and in Storlidalen and westward. [17008d] [17009a] Her kan det normalt gås skiturer på fjellet til langt ut i juni. [17009b] Here you usually can go on long ski tours in the mountains until late June. [17009c] Here, skiing trips in the mountains are possible until far into June. [17009d] [17010a] Fra Gjevilvasshytta er det flere turmuligheter inn til Trollheimshytta. [17010b] From Gjevilvasshytta there are several choices of tours in to Trollheimshytta. [17010c] From the Gjevilvass Lodge, there are several trip alternatives in to Trollheim Lodge. [17010d] [17011a] I påska er det kvista /staka over Svarthamran. [17011b] At Easter time they're marked with branches / poles over Svarthamran. [17011c] At Easter, trails are cleared of branches / stakes over Svarthamran. [17011d] [17012a] Turen egner seg for barn fra 10 - 12 års alder som har vært litt i fjellet. [17012b] The tour is suitable for children from age 10 - 12 years who have spent some time in the mountains. [17012c] The trip is suitable for children from 10 - 12 years of age who have some experience in the mountains. [17012d] [17013a]
[17013d] [17014a] Til Gjevilvasshytta, ubetjent kvarter utenom sesonger, TT, kan du komme deg med kombinasjon av tog til Oppdal og buss til Festa. [17014b] You can get to Gjevilvasshytta, no-service lodging out of season, TT, with a combination of train to Oppdal and bus to Festa. [17014c] You can get to Gjevilvass Lodge, unstaffed accommodations off-season, TT, by a combination of train to Oppdal and bus to Festa. [17014d] [17015a] Det er brøyta veg til parkeringsplassene ved Osen eller Grøtsetra. [17015b] The road is plowed to the parking places at Osen or Grøtsetra. [17015c] There is a snow-plowed road to the parking area at Osen or Grøtsetra. [17015d] [17016a] Du kan ta drosje fra Oppdal. [17016b] You can take a taxi from Oppdal. [17016c] You can take a taxi from Oppdal. [17016d] [17017a] Eller du kan kjøre bil hit. [17017b] Or you can drive a car here. [17017c] Or you can drive your car here. [17017d] [17018a] Herfra er det preparert inn til Gjevilvasshytta. [17018b] From here, there are set tracks in to Gjevilvasshytta. [17018c] From here, the trail is kept clear to Gjevilvass Lodge. [17018d] [17019a] Det er flere turmuligheter og toppturavstikkere mellom Gjevilvasshytta og Trollheimshytta, selv-betjent kvarter utenom sesonger, TT. [17019b] There are several tour choices and summit side tours between Gjevilvasshytta and Trollheimshytta, self-service lodging out of season, TT. [17019c] There are several opportunities for excursions and detours to the summits between Gjevilvass Lodge and Trollheim Lodge, self-service accommodations off-season, TT. [17019d] [17020a] Kvista, dels staka rute går om Svarthamran og Slettådalen. [17020b] The route, marked with branches and partly with poles, goes by Svarthamran and Slettådalen. [17020c] A cleared, partially marked route goes via Svarthamran and Slettådalen. [17020d] [17021a] Avstikker til Blåhø kan tas fra denne ruta. [17021b] Side tours to Blåhø can be taken from this route. [17021c] A detour to Blåhø can be taken from this route. [17021d] [17022a] Eller sommerruta kan følges til indre Kamtjern, derfra opp til Blåhø og ned på merkinga på Svarthamran. [17022b] Or the summer route can be followed to Indre Kamtjern, and from there up to Blåhø and down to the marking at Svarthamran. [17022c] Or, the summer route can be followed to inner Kamtjern, and from there up to Blåhø and down on the marked trail at Svarthamran. [17022d] [17023a] Turen fra Trollheimshytta til Snota er en av de aller fineste og varierte toppturene du kan oppleve. [17023b] The tour from Trollheimshytta to Snota is one of the finest and most varied summit tours you can experience. [17023c] The trip from Trollheim Lodge to Snota is one of the very nicest and most varied trips to the summits that you can experience. [17023d] [17024a] Den er en vanlig, litt lang dagsmarsj uten spesielle vanskeligheter, like fin vinter som sommer. [17024b] It is an ordinary, slightly long day's tour of no special difficulty, equally fine winter and summer. [17024c] It is a normal, somewhat lengthy day-long trek that is not unusually difficult, and just as fine in winter as in summer. [17024d] [17025a]
[17025d] [17026a] Tilbaketuren kan f eks tas med avstikker til indre og midtre Gjevilvasskam ved å starte etter sommermerkinga bratt opp over Mellomfjell eller følge Slettådalen helt opp mot sommerruta. [17026b] The tour back can, for instance, be done with side tours to Indre and Midtre Gjevilvasskam by starting along the summer marking, directly up over Mellomfjell or by following Slettådalen all the way up to the summer route. [17026c] The return trip, for example, can be done with detours to inner and middle Gjevilvasskam by starting along the summer trail steeply up over Mellomfjell, or follow Slettådalen all the way up toward the summer trail. [17026d] [17027a] En annen variant er å ta opp i Finnskardet og ta opp på Svarthamran herfra. [17027b] Another variant is to get up to Finnskardet and go up on Svarthamran from there. [17027c] Another alternative is to make your way up into Finnskardet and ascend to Svarthamran from here. [17027d] [17028a]
[17028d] [17029a] +Variant fra Oppdal om Viongen [17029b] Variant from Oppdal via Viongen [17029c] +Alternative from Oppdal via Viongen [17029d] [17030a] Denne turen kan utvides en dag ved å starte turen fra Oppdal og gå over Blåøret til den nye ubetjente hytta Viongen første dag. [17030b] this tour can be extended by a day by starting the tour from Oppdal and going over Blåøret to the new no-service cabin the first day. [17030c] This trip can be extended by one day by starting the trip from Oppdal and going over Blåret to the new unstaffed Viongen cabin on the first day. [17030d] [17031a] Det går heis opp fra Oppdal mot Blåøret og er merka løype over Blåøret fram mot Skardet. [17031b] There's a ski lift up from Oppdal to Blåøret and a marked track over Blåøret up to Skardet. [17031c] A ski lift runs up from Oppdal toward Blåøret and a marked trail over Blåøret on toward Skardet. [17031d] [17032a] Viongen ligger rett nord for Skardet. [17032b] Viongen is located directly north of Skardet. [17032c] Viongen is located due north of Skardet. [17032d] [17033a] Turen til Trollheimshytta legges inn Grøndalen og etterhvert langs vinterstakinga over Svarthamran. [17033b] The tour to Trollheimshytta goes in Grøndalen and after a while along the winter staked route over Svarthamran. [17033c] The trip to Trollheim Lodge is done via Grøndalen and eventually along the winter trail over Svarthamran. [17033d] [17034a] +Sommer: [17034b] Summer: [17034c] +summer: [17034d] [17035a] Denne utvida helgeturen er også en fin sommertur. [17035b] This extended weekend tour also is a fine summer tour. [17035c] This extended weekend outing is also a pleasant summer trip. [17035d] [17036a] TTs håndbok Sylan og Trollheimen beskriver mange sommerturvarianter mellom Gjevilvasshytta og Trollheimshytta. [17036b] The TT Guide, Sylan and Trollheimen, describes many summer tour variants between Gjevilvasshytta and Trollheimshytta. [17036c] TT's handbook Sylan and Trollheimen describes many of the summer trip alternatives between Gjevilvass Lodge and Trollheim Lodge. [17036d] [17037a]
[17037d] [17038a] +Rutebeskrivelser: [17038b] Route descriptions: [17038c] +Description of the route: [17038d] [17039a] Både de merka rutene og mange av variantene er beskrevet i TTs håndbok Sylene og Trollheimen. [17039b] Both marked routes and many variants are described in the TT Guide, Sylene and Trollheimen. [17039c] Both of the marked routes and many of the alternatives are described in TT's handbook Sylene and Trollheimen. [17039d] [17040a] Turistinformasjonen på Oppdal for informasjon om brøytestatus for vegen i Gjevilvassdalen. [17040b] Tourist Information in Oppdal for information on the status of plowing of the road in Gjevilvassdalen. [17040c] The tourist information office at Oppdal for updates on whether the road is cleared of snow in Gjevilvassdalen. [17040d] [17041a]
[17041d] [17042a] +Kart: [17042b] Maps: [17042c] +Maps: [17042d] [17043a] 1:50 000 Trollhetta, Snota og Oppdal eller turkart 1:75 000 Trollheimen eller gammelt i 1:100.000. [17043b] 1:50,000 Trollhetta, Snota and Oppdal or hiking and skiing map 1:75,000 Trollheimen or the old 1:100,000. [17043c] 1:50,000 Trollhetta, Snota and Oppdal or trip map 1:75,000 Trollheimen or the older one 1:100,000. [17043d] [17044a]
[17044d] [17045a] +Erik Stabell [17045b] Erik Stabell [17045c] +Erik Stabell [17045d] [17046a]
[17046d] [17047a] +Sene vårskiturer i Trollheimen: [17047b] Late spring ski tours in Trollheimen [17047c] +Late spring skiing trips in Trollheimen: [17047d] [17048a]
[17048d] [17049a] Trollheimen er et praktfullt område for vårskiturer. [17049b] Trollheimen is a majestic area for spring ski touring. [17049c] Trollheimen is a gorgeous area for springtime ski trips. [17049d] [17050a] Vanligvis er det fine skiforhold også i dalene fram til midten av mai, mange år helt ut mai. [17050b] Usually, the skiing conditions are also fine in the valleys until mid may, and in many years, throughout May. [17050c] Usually, skiing conditions are also good in the valleys until mid-May, many years all the way until the end of May. [17050d] [17051a] Gjevilvassdalen er det aller beste utgangspunkt for slike turer. [17051b] Gjevilvassdalen is the absolute best starting point for such tours. [17051c] Gjevilvassdalen is the very best starting point for such trips. [17051d] [17052a] Starter du herfra, møter du ikke problemer med bekke- og elvekryssinger. [17052b] If you start from here, you'll have no problems with stream or river crossings. [17052c] If you start from here, you will not encounter any problems crossing streams and rivers. [17052d] [17053a] Det kan være fine snøforhold over skoggrensa etter snødragene og på toppene helt til midten av juni. [17053b] There can be fine snow conditions above timberline after snow flurries and on peaks until mid June. [17053c] Snow conditions may be good over the tree line along the snow-filled basins and on the summits all the way to mid-June. [17053d] [17054a] Det er normalt sammenhengende snø innover dalsøkket langs Gravbekken og Tverrbekken og på østsida innunder Falkfangerhøryggen mot Svarthamran. [17054b] Normally, there's continuous snow in the dip along Gravbekken and Tverrbekken and on the east side beneath Falkfangerhøryggen towards Svarthamran. [17054c] Normally, there is continuous snow cover in the gully along Gravbekken and Tverrbekken and on the eastern side between the Falkfangerhø ridge toward Svarthamran. [17054d] [17055a] Vegen i Gjevilvassdalen svartkalkes ofte midt i mai, brøytes litt etterpå og holdes stengt for bilkjøring en lengre periode etter dette. [17055b] The road in Gjevilvassdalen often is dolomite-spread in mid May, plowed shortly thereafter, and subsequently held closed for motor vehicles for a longer period. [17055c] Cinders are often spread on the road in Gjevilvassdalen in mid-May; it is snow-plowed a little afterwards and then kept closed to car traffic for a long period after that. [17055d] [17056a] Sykkel kan da nyttes. [17056b] Bicycles then can be used. [17056c] Bicycles may be used. [17056d] [17057a] Også Storlidalen og Bårdsgarden er et godt startalternativ i denne perioden. [17057b] Storlidalen and Bårdsgarden also are good starting point alternatives in this season. [17057c] Storlidalen and Bårdsgarden are also good alternative starting points during this period. [17057d] [17058a] I Jøldalen blir det tidligere dårlige snøforhold og her kan det bli problemer med overvatn i områdene innover fra hytta. [17058b] In Jøldalen snow conditions are poor earlier, so there can be problems with surface water in areas inwards from the lodge. [17058c] In Jøldalen snow conditions deteriorate earlier, and here there may be a problem with surface water in the areas in toward the lodge. [17058d] [18001a] +TUR T16 2 dager [18001b] Tour T16 2 days [18001c] +TRIP T16 2 days [18001d] [18002a]
[18002d] [18003a] +Gjevilvasshytta og Vassendsetra eller Bårdsgarden [18003b] Gjevilvasshytta and Vassendsetra or Bårdsgarden [18003c] +Gjevilvasshytta and Vassendsetra or Bårdsgarden [18003d] [18004a]
[18004d] [18005a] +Helgetur rundt vestenden av Gjevilvatnet [18005b] Weekend tour around the west end of Gjevilvatnet [18005c] +Weekend trip around the western end of Gjevil Lake. [18005d] [18006a] Turen går delvis utenom merkete ruter. [18006b] The tour is partly away from marked routes. [18006c] The trip runs partially off the marked trails. [18006d] [18007a]
[18007d] [18008a] Denne turen går langs horisonten i panoramaet som vises på Gjevilvasshyttas mest kjøpte postkort: innover Gjevilvatnet med Okla og Høgsnydda på den ene siden og kamman på den andre. [18008b] This tour goes along the horizon in the panorama depicted on Gjevilvasshytta's most sold postcard: towards Gjevilvatnet with Okla and Høgsnydda on one side and kamman on the other side. [18008c] This trip goes along the horizon in the panorama that is depicted on Gjevilvass Lodge's most often purchased postcard: in across Gjevil Lake, with Okla and Høgsnydda on the one side and the kamman peaks on the other. [18008d] [18009a] Turen legges over toppene på midtre og indre Gjevilvasskam til Vassendsetra eller Bårdsgarden og over Okla tilbake til Gjevilvasshytta. [18009b] The tour goes over the summits of Midtre and Indre Gjevilvasskam to Vassendsetra or Bårdsgarden and over Okla back to Gjevilvasshytta. [18009c] The trip is planned to go over the summits of middle and inner Gjevilvasskam to Vassendsetra or Bårdsgarden and over Okla back to Gjevilvass Lodge. [18009d] [18010a] Den foreslås primært som en ren topptur, men turens første dag kan også gås etter merket rute om Riaren og Hyttdalen. [18010b] It's recommended principally as a pure summit hike, but the first day of the tour can also follow the marked route via Riaren and Hyttdalen. [18010c] This is suggested as primarily a pure summit excursion, but the first day of the trip can also be done on the marked trail via Riaren and Hyttdalen. [18010d] [18011a] Turen kan også gås ved å ta en av eggene på kamman. [18011b] The tour can also go via one of the ridges on the spur. [18011c] The trip can also be done by visiting one of the crests of the kamman peaks. [18011d] [18012a] Turen passer for barn fra 12 til 14 års alder. [18012b] The hike is suitable for children from age 12 to 14. [18012c] The trip is suitable for children from 12 to 14 years of age. [18012d] [18013a] Ta inn til Gjevilvasshytta, betjent, TT, på ettermiddagen. [18013b] Go in to Gjevilvasshytta, staffed, TT, of an afternoon. [18013c] Go in to Gjevilvass Lodge, attended, TT, during the afternoon. [18013d] [18014a] Det er bilveg helt fram. [18014b] There's a road all the way. [18014c] There is an automobile road all the way in. [18014d] [18015a] Buss kan tas til Festa, drosje, skyss eller haik inn setervegen. [18015b] You can take a bus to Festa, a taxi, a lift or ride on the cattle track. [18015c] A bus can be taken to Festa, and taxi, private transportation or hitch-hiking in on the pasture road. [18015d] [18016a]
[18016d] [18017a] Følg merket rute mot Trollheimshytta fram til Riaren. [18017b] Follow the marked route towards Trollheimshytta up to Riaren. [18017c] Follow the marked route toward Trollheim Lodge all the way to Riaren. [18017d] [18018a] Ta av fra merket rute sørvestover inn dalen mellom heimre og midtre kammen. [18018b] Turn from the marked route southwestwards in the valley between Heimre and Midtre Kammen. [18018c] Turn off the marked trail toward the south into the valley between the nearest and the middle kammen peaks. [18018d] [18019a] Skrå opp den bratte snøbakken til toppen av midtre Gjevilvasskam. [18019b] Traverse up the steep snow slope to the top of Midtre Gjevilvasskam. [18019c] Cut diagonally up the steep snow-covered hill to the top of the middle Gjevilvasskam. [18019d] [18020a] Flott utsikt ned i botnene og Gjevilvatnet. [18020b] Fine view down to the bases and Gjevilvatnet. [18020c] A beautiful view down onto the valley floors and Gjevil Lake. [18020d] [18021a] Ta slakt over til varden på indre og ta rett vestover ned til vardet rute fra Mellomfjell mot Bårdsgarden. [18021b] Go gradually over to the cairn at Indre and then straight westwards down to the cairn route from Mellomfjell towards Bårdsgarden. [18021c] Take the gradual incline over to the stone marker on the inside and go due west down to the stone-marked route from Mellomfjell toward Bårdsgarden. [18021d] [18022a] Følg merket rute ned til Vassendsetra, selvbetjent (matservering på nabosetra, matservering bør avtales), TT, eller Bårdsgarden, selvbetjent, TT. [18022b] Follow the marked route down to Vassendsetra, self-service (food service at the neighboring summer dairies, meals should be ordered in advance), TT, or Bårdsgarden, self-service, TT. [18022c] Follow the marked route down to Vassendsetra, self-service (food served at the neighboring mountain farm, meals should be ordered ahead of time), TT, or Bårdsgarden, self-service, [18022d] [18023a] Det er mulig å klyve opp ryggene på alle kammene. [18023b] It's possible to climb up the ridges on all the spurs. [18023c] It is possible to climb the ridges on all of the peaks. [18023d] [18024a] Se beskrivelser i TTs bok Sylene og Trollheimen. [18024b] See the descriptions in the TT Guide, Sylene and Trollheimen. [18024c] See descriptions in TT's book Sylene and Trollheimen. [18024d] [18025a]
[18025d] [18026a] Turen over Okla og fram på Høgsnydda til Langodden og Gjevilvasshytta går etter merket rute om bandet mellom Gjevilvassdalen og Storlidalen. [18026b] The hike over Okla and further on Høgsnydda to Langodden and Gjevilvasshytta follows the marked route on the col between Gjevilvassdalen and Storlidalen. [18026c] The trip across Okla and via Høgsnydda to Langodden and Gjevilvassdalen and Storlidalen. [18026d] [18027a] Det er en flott variant å gå framover eggen på Høgsnydda og ta på framsida av Mjølkskåla og Korgtjønna bort til Engelsbekkhøa. [18027b] It's a fine variant and goes along the ridge on Høgsnydda and touches the front side of Mjølkskåla and Korgtjønna round to Engelsbekkhøa. [18027c] A good alternative is to go across the ridge at Høgsnydda and continue on the front side of Mjølkskåla and Korgtjønna over to Engelsbekkhøa. [18027d] [18028a] Båtskyss med båtruta Trollheimen II fra Langodden over til Raudøra må avtales på Vassendsetra. [18028b] A boat ride with the Trollheimen II boat route from Langodden over to Raudøra should be booked at Vassendsetra. [18028c] Boat transportation with the Trollheimen II boat route from Langodden over to Raudøra must be reserved at Vassendsetra. [18028d] [18029a]
[18029d] [18030a] +Vinter: [18030b] Winter: [18030c] +Winter: [18030d] [18031a] Samme ruter kan gås vinters tid. [18031b] The same route can be followed in wintertime. [18031c] The same route can be taken during the wintertime. [18031d] [18032a] Denne toppturen rundt Gjevilvatnet er et mål å gå på en dag for særlig spreke faste gjester på Gjevilvasshytta i vinterferien. [18032b] This summit tour around Gjevilvatnet is a goal to ski in a day for really fit guests at Gjevilvasshytta in the winter vacation. [18032c] This trip to the summits around Gjevil Lake can be done in one day for winter vacation guests at Gjevilvass Lodge who are in especially good physical condition. [18032d] [18033a] Da skal også Storhornet være med. [18033b] Then Storhornet also should be included. [18033c] Storhornet should also be included. [18033d] [18034a]
[18034d] [18035a] +Kart: [18035b] Maps: [18035c] +Maps: [18035d] [18036a] 1:50 000 Oppdal og Romfo eller turkart 1:75 000 Trollheimen. [18036b] 1:50,000 Oppdal and Romfo or the hiking and skiing map 1:75,000 Trollheimen. [18036c] 1:50,000 Oppdal and Romfo or trip map 1:75,000 Trollheimen. [18036d] [18037a]
[18037d] [18038a] +Øystein Nytrø [18038b] Øystein Nytrø [18038c] +Øystein Nytrø [18038d] [18039a]
[18039d] [18040a] +Vassendsetra [18040b] Vassendsetra [18040c] +Vassendsetra [18040d] [18041a]
[18041d] [18042a] Det har vært seterdrift på Vassendsetra fra ca 1850 til 1940. [18042b] There was summer dairy farming at Vassendsetra from around 1850 to 1940. [18042c] There was mountain dairy activity at Vassendsetra from about 1850 to 1940. [18042d] [18043a] Turistseterdrifta ble gjenopptatt i 1992. [18043b] Tourist summer dairy farming resumed in 1992. [18043c] Operation as a tourist facility was resumed in 1992. [18043d] [18044a] Den nederste setra utgjør nå et selvbetjent kvarter, tilgjengelig hele året. [18044b] The lowermost summer dairy now offers self-service lodgings accessible throughout the year. [18044c] The lowest lying facility is now a self-service accommodation available all year round. [18044d] [18045a] Mens den øverste setra driver servering av seterkost i sesongen med turistbåten Trollheimen II på sjøen. [18045b] While the uppermost summer dairy now offers country fare in season when the Trollheimen II tourist launch sails the lake. [18045c] While the facilities higher up offer traditional mountain foods in season, with the tourist boat Trollheimen II on the lake. [18045d] [18046a] Vanligvis er det flere typer dyr på setra, spesielt med tanke på besøkende barnefamilier. [18046b] Usually there are several species of animals at the farms, particularly appealing to visiting families with children. [18046c] Usually there are several types of animals on the pastureland, especially provided for visiting families with children. [18046d] [19001a] +TUR T17 2-3 dager [19001b] Tour T17 2-3 days [19001c] +TRIP T17 2-3 days [19001d] [19002a]
[19002d] [19003a] +Til topper og rygger rundt Storlidalen [19003b] To peaks and ridges around Storlidalen [19003c] +To the summits and ridges around Storlidalen [19003d] [19004a]
[19004d] [19005a] +Dagsturer fra Bårdsgarden [19005b] Day tours from Bårdsgarden [19005c] +Day trips from Bårdsgarden [19005d] [19006a]
[19006d] [19007a] Selvbetjeningskvarteret på Bårdsgarden i Storlidalen er et flott utgangspunkt for toppturer. [19007b] The self-service lodgings at Bårdsgarden in Storlidalen are an ideal starting point for summit tours. [19007c] The self-service accommodations at Bårdsgarden in Storlidalen are a good starting point for trips to the summits. [19007d] [19008a] Storlidalen ligger midt i smørøyet for topptur-entusiaster. [19008b] Storlidalen is located ideally for summit tour enthusiasts. [19008c] Storlidalen is very centrally located for enthusiasts who want to visit the summits. [19008d] [19009a] Av Trollheimens ca 30 topper over 1600 m ligger kun Trollhettas, Trollaryggens og Vinnufjells topper for langt unna til at de kan nåes i løpet av en lang dagstur. [19009b] Of Trollheimen's approximately 30 peaks over 1600 m, only the peaks of Trollhetta, Trollaryggen and Vinnufjell are too far away to be reachable in a long day tour. [19009c] Of Trollheimen's approximately 30 summits above 1600 meters, only Trollhetta's, Trollaryggen's and Vinnufjell's summits are too far way to make them accessible in one long day trip. [19009d] [19010a] Dalen med omgivelser har imidlertid svært variert natur og gir også glimrende muligheter for interessante kortere turer for småbarns-familier. [19010b] The valley and its surroundings have, however, widely ranging scenery and also offer superb choices of interesting, shorter tours for families with small children. [19010c] The valley and environs, however, offer extremely varied natural surroundings and provide excellent opportunities for interesting, shorter trips for families with small children. [19010d] [19011a] Området er svært snørikt, så skiturer kan nytes til langt utover sommeren, ofte helt til slutten av juni. [19011b] The area has heavy snows, so ski tours can be enjoyed long into summer, often up to the end of June. [19011c] The area is very snowy, so ski trips can be enjoyed until far into the summer, often all the way until the end of June. [19011d] [19012a] Her tar vi med oss beskrivelser av fem ulike toppturer på ski, til Neådalssnota, Tohatten og Høa i nord og til østre Somrungsnebba og Kråkvasstind i sør. [19012b] Here we include descriptions of five different summit tours on skis, to Neådalssnota, Tohatten, and Høa in the north, and to Østre Somrungsnebba and Kråkvasstind in the south. [19012c] We include here descriptions of five different ski trips to the summits, to Neådalssnota, Tohatten and Høa in the north and to Somrungsnebba and Kråkvasstind in the south. [19012d] [19013a] Det finnes en tur-beskrivelse med mange varierte turer på Bårdsgarden. [19013b] There's a tour description of many varied tours at Bårdsgarden. [19013c] A description of outings with many varied trips is available at Bårdsgarden. [19013d] [19014a] Folk på gården er meget godt kjent i området og kan gi gode råd om muligheter og snøforhold. [19014b] People at the farm know the area well and can give good advice on possibilities and snow conditions. [19014c] The people at the facility are very well acquainted with the area and can provide good advice about alternatives and snow conditions. [19014d] [19015a]
[19015d] [19016a] +Østre Somrungnebba, 1698 m [19016b] Østre Somrungnebba, 1698 m [19016c] +Eastern Somrungnebba, 1698 m [19016d] [19017a] Den høyeste toppen av toppene som kalles Somrungsnebba på kartet, er den som går under namnet Storsalen, 1798 m. [19017b] The highest summit of the peaks, called Somrungsnebba on the map, goes under the name Storsalen, 1798 m. [19017c] The tallest summit of the peaks that are called Somrungsnebba on the map is the one that goes under the name of Storsalen, 1798 m. [19017d] [19018a] Øst for denne er det en utløper som kalles "Pyramiden". [19018b] East of it there's a spur that is called "Pyramiden". [19018c] East of this, there is a foothill that is called the "Pyramid". [19018d] [19019a] Lille Somrungsnebba,1704 m, ligger sørvest for Storsalen. [19019b] Lille Somrungsnebba, 1704 m, lies southwest of Storsalen. [19019c] Small Somrungsnebba, 1704 m, lies southwest of Storsalen. [19019d] [19020a] Østre Somrungsnebba kalles gjerne bare Somrungsnebba og ligger med to topper for seg selv øst for Storsalen-massivet og den høyeste kalles karakteristisk nok "Sukkertoppen", 1698 m. [19020b] Østre Somrungsnebba is usually called just Somrungsnebba and lies with two summits alone, east of the Storsalen massif, and the highest is called, fittingly, "Sukkertoppen", 1698 m. [19020c] Eastern Somrungsnebba is usually just called Somrungsnebba and is located with two of its own peaks east of the Storsalen massif; the highest is appropriately named "Sugartop", 1698 m. [19020d] [19021a]
[19021d] [19022a] Turen til Østre Somrungsnebba er en forholdsvis lett tur, men med noen bratte partier. [19022b] The tour to Østre Somrungsnebba is a relatively easy tour, but with a few steep parts. [19022c] The trip to Eastern Somrungsnebba is a relatively easy trip, but with some steep portions. [19022d] [19023a] Ved bra snøforhold kan den ta 6 - 7 timer. [19023b] In good snow conditions, it can be done in 6 - 7 hours. [19023c] With good snow conditions, it may take 6 - 7 hours. [19023d] [19024a] Fra Bårdsgarden følg dalen vestover forbi Tovatna til Meskardet. [19024b] From Bårdsgarden, follow the valley westwards past Tovatna to Meskardet. [19024c] From Bårdsgarden, follow the valley west past Tovatna to Meskardet. [19024d] [19025a] Fra Meskardet ta sørvestover, hold høyden sør om Meskardvatnet og sving vestover slakt oppover innunder Østre Somrungnebba. [19025b] From Meskardet, go southwestwards, keep elevation south of Meskardvatnet, and turn westwards, slightly upwards beneath Østre Somrungnebba. [19025c] From Meskardet, bear southwest, hold your elevation southward via Meskardvatnet and curve westward gradually ascending to the foot of Eastern Somrungnebba. [19025d] [19026a] Sving videre sørover rundt vestsiden av Østre Somrungnebba og inn i botnen under "Sukkertoppen" og "Pyramiden". [19026b] Turn further southwards around the west side of Østre Somrungnebba and in to the base beneath "Sukkertoppen" and "Pyramiden". [19026c] Continue to curve south around the western side of Eastern Somrungnebba and in to the valley floor beneath "Sugartop" and the "Pyramid". [19026d] [19027a] Ta opp i retning sør-sørøst opp til og gjennom skardet mellom toppene på Østre Somrungsnebba. [19027b] Go up in the south-southeast direction to and through the saddle between the peaks of Østre Somrungsnebba. [19027c] Ascend in a south-southwesterly direction up to and through the gorge between the summits at Eastern Somrungsnebba. [19027d] [19028a] Ta sørøstryggen av "Sukkertoppen" til topps. [19028b] Take the southeast ridge of "Sukkertoppen" to its summit. [19028c] Take the southeastern ridge of "Sugartop" to the top. [19028d] [19029a] Utsikten er flott over til Storsalen-massivet, nordover i Trollheimen og til Sunndals-fjellene og Dovrefjell i sør. [19029b] The view is splendid towards the Storsalen massif, northwards in Trollheimen and to Sunndals-fjellene and Dovrefjell in the south. [19029c] The view is lovely across to the Storsalen massif, north across the Trollheimen mountains and to the Sunndal mountains and Dovrefjell in the south. [19029d] [19030a] Ta ned samme vei eller legg ruta mot sør og øst ned mot Kråkbotn og mot nord igjen over Kråk-skardet, bandet vest for Ottdalskammen. [19030b] Descend the same way or on a route south and east down towards Kråkbotn and towards north again over Kråk-skardet, the col west of Ottdalskammen. [19030c] Take the same route down, or set course toward south and east down toward Kråkbotn and toward the north again over Kråkskardet, the link west of Ottdalskammen. [19030d] [19031a]
[19031c] [19031d] [19032a] +Tohatten, 1444 m [19032b] Tohatten, 1444 m [19032c] +Tohatten, 1444 m [19032d] [19033a] Tohatten er det vestligste av fjellene på høydedraget mellom Storlidalen og Sprikletjørndalen / Neådalen. [19033b] Tohatten is the westernmost mountain of the range between Storlidalen and Sprikletjørndalen / Neådalen. [19033c] Tohatten is the westernmost of the mountains on the range between Storlidalen and Sprikletjørndalen / Neådalen. [19033d] [19034a] Toppen er ganske flat mens sidene er bratte. [19034b] The summit is quite flat, but the sides are steep. [19034c] The summit is quite flat, while the sides are steep. [19034d] [19035a] Fjellet er likevel lett tilgjengelig fra øst. [19035b] Nonetheless, the mountain is easily accessible from the east. [19035c] The mountain is nevertheless easily accessible from the east. [19035d] [19036a] Det er flott utsikt i alle retninger, også mot Todalsfjorden. [19036b] There's a fine view in all directions, also towards Todalsfjorden. [19036c] There is a nice view in all directions, including toward Todalsfjord. [19036d] [19037a] Turen kan på bra snøforhold ta ca 5 timer. [19037b] The tour can, in good snow conditions, take about 5 hours. [19037c] In good snow conditions, the trip may take about 5 hours. [19037d] [19038a]
[19038d] [19039a] Fra Bårdsgarden ta dalen inn til Storli og løype etter anleggsveien mot Tovatna. [19039b] From Bårdsgarden, take the valley in to Storli and the track along the haul road towards Tovatna. [19039c] From Bårdsgarden, go through the valley in to Storli and ski on the service road toward Tovatna. [19039d] [19040a] Ved Lonaplassen ta av nordvestover inn Londalen til Lontjønna. [19040b] At Lonaplassen, turn northwestwards into Londalen to Lontjønna. [19040c] At Lonaplassen, bear northwest into Londalen to Lontjønna. [19040d] [19041a] Fortsett nordvestover opp til østsiden av selve Tohatten. [19041b] Continue northwestwards up the east side of Tohatten itself. [19041c] Continue northwest up to the eastern side of Tohatten itself. [19041d] [19042a] Følg østryggen opp til toppen. [19042b] Follow the east ridge up to the summit. [19042c] Follow the eastern ridge up to the top. [19042d] [19043a] Den vestligste toppen bør også besøkes. [19043b] The westernmost summit is also worth a visit. [19043c] The westernmost summit should also be visited. [19043d] [19044a]
[19044d] [19045a] Alternativt kan du fra Bårdsgarden følge skiløypa nordover til Halsen (bandet mellom Storlidalen og Gjevilvassdalen) og skrå nord-over opp til Halsbekken. [19045b] Alternatively, from Bårdsgarden you can follow the ski track northwards to Halsen (the col between Storlidalen and Gjevilvassdalen) and traverse northwards up to Halsbekken. [19045c] As an alternative, you can follow the ski trail north from Bårdsgarden to Halsen (the link between Storlidalen and Gjevilvassdalen) and then cut diagonally northward up to Halsbekken. [19045d] [19046a] Følg bekken nordvestover inn Halsbekkdalen forbi Halsbekktjønna og videre over Storbekkdalen og opp på Storbekkhøas sørflanke. [19046b] Follow the stream northwestwards into Halsbekkdalen, past Halsbekktjønna and onwards over Storbekkdalen and up to Storbekkhøa's south face. [19046c] Follow the brook northwestward into Halsbekkdalen past Halsbekk Pond and on across Storbekkdalen and up the southern flank of Storbekkhøa. [19046d] [19047a] Fortsett videre på skrå mot nordvest til platået vest for Storbekkhøa. [19047b] Continue further traversing towards the northwest to the plateau west of Storbekkhøa. [19047c] Continue on diagonally toward the northwest to the plateau west of Storbekkhøa. [19047d] [19048a] Ta videre vestover noe kupert på den brede ryggen mellom Storbekkhøa og Tohatten og opp østryggen til toppen. [19048b] Go further westwards, slightly undulating on the broad ridge between Storbekkhøa and Tohatten and up the east ridge to the summit. [19048c] Bear west over somewhat broken terrain on the broad ridge between Storbekkhøa and Tohatten and up the eastern ridge to the top. [19048d] [19049a] Evt. kan turen tas som en rundtur opp Londalen til Tohatten og tilbake om Storbekkhøa og Halsbekkhøa eller over disse toppene. [19049b] Possibly, the tour can be taken as a round trip up Londalen to Tohatten and back via Storbekkhøa and Halsbekkhøa or over their summits. [19049c] As an alternative, the trip can be done as a round trip up Londalen to Tohatten and back via Storbekkhøa and Halsbekkhøa, or across these summits. [19049d] [19050a]
[19050d] [19051a] +Neådalssnota, 1621 m [19051b] Neådalssnota, 1621 m [19051c] +Neådalssnota, 1621 m [19051d] [19052a] Neådalssnota er det høyeste fjellet i området mellom Snota og Innerdalsfjella. [19052b] Neådalssnota is the highest mountain in the area between Snota and Innerdalsfjella. [19052c] Neådalssnota is the tallest mountain in the area between Snota and Innerdalsfjell. [19052d] [19053a] Fra nordøst og sørvest har fjellet et noe skjevt saltaksprofil, fra sørøst minner fjellet om ei gigantisk låvebru. [19053b] From the northwest and southwest, the mountain has a slightly skewed saddle roof profile, whilst from the southeast the mountain resembles a gigantic barn bridge. [19053c] From the northeast and southwest, the mountain has a somewhat crooked profile resembling a gable roof; from the southeast, the mountain resembles a huge barn ramp. [19053d] [19054a] Fjellet er lett tilgjengelig fra sørøst, alle andre sider består av bratte vegger, kvasse rygger og dype brebotner. [19054b] The mountain is easily accessible from the southeast; all other sides consist of steep walls, sharp ridges, and deep cirques. [19054c] The mountain is easily accessible from the southeast; all other sides consist of steep walls, sharp ridges and deep glacier hollows. [19054d] [19055a] Utsikten er flott i alle retninger. [19055b] The view is fine in all directions. [19055c] The view is good in all directions. [19055d] [19056a] Dette er en lang og tildels bratt tur. [19056b] This is a long, partly steep tour. [19056c] This is a long and partially steep trip. [19056d] [19057a] Turen opp og ned vil ved bra forhold ta 7 - 9 timer. [19057b] The tour up and down will, in good conditions, take 7 - 9 hours. [19057c] The trip up and down will take 7 - 9 hours under good conditions. [19057d] [19058a]
[19058d] [19059a] Fra Bårdsgarden ta opp til Halsen (bandet mellom Storlidalen og Gjevilvassdalen) og nordvestover til Halsbekktjønna. [19059b] From Bårdsgarden, go up to Halsen (col between Storlidalen and Gjevilvassdalen) and northwestwards to Halsbekktjønna. [19059c] From Bårdsgarden, make your way up to Halsen (the link between Storlidalen and Gjevilvassdalen) and northwest to Halsbekktjønna. [19059d] [19060a] Fortsett nord-over dalen. [19060b] Continue northwards in the valley. [19060c] Continue north through the valley. [19060d] [19061a] Nå dukker Neådalssnota etterhvert opp. [19061b] After a while, Neådalssnota appears. [19061c] Neådalssnota will come into view now. [19061d] [19062a] Renn mot nordvest ned til Sprikletjørnin. [19062b] Run towards the northwest down to Sprikletjørnin. [19062c] Make the descent to the northwest down to Sprikletjørnin. [19062d] [19063a] Ta inn dalen mot toppen. [19063b] Go in the valley, towards the summit. [19063c] Enter the valley toward the summit. [19063d] [19064a] Fortsett opp de slakeste partiene i dalen og ta opp botnene mot toppen. [19064b] Continue up the flattest part of the valley and go up from the base towards the summit. [19064c] Continue up the slackest slopes in the valley and ascend the hollows toward the summit. [19064d] [19065a] Ved mistanke om rasfare, hold godt unna de bratteste partiene vest for dalen. [19065b] If you suspect avalanche risk, stay well away from the steepest parts west of the valley. [19065c] If you sense a danger of avalanches, stay clear of the steepest parts of the valley. [19065d] [19066a] Ta til slutt mot nordvest opp den siste stigningen til toppen. [19066b] Finally, towards the northwest up the last incline to the summit. [19066c] Finally, make your way northwest up the last incline to the summit. [19066d] [19067a] Ta samme veg ned. [19067b] Take the same way down. [19067c] Take the same way down. [19067d] [19068a]
[19068d] [19069a] +Kråkvasstinden, 1700 m [19069b] Kråkvasstinden, 1700 m [19069c] +Kråkvass Peak, 1700 m [19069d] [19070a] Kråkvasstinden (Sandåhøa) ligger mellom Kråkvatnet i sør og Sandådalen i nord. [19070b] Kråkvasstinden (Sandåhøa) lies between Kråkvatnet in the south and Sandådalen in the north. [19070c] Kråkvass Peak (Sandåhøa) is located between Kråkvatnet in the south and Sandådalen in the north. [19070d] [19071a] Fjellet er langt fra en tind, snarere en såteformet topp med en bratt nordside forårsaket av gamle botnbreer. [19071b] The mount is far from a peak, rather a haystack-shaped summit with a steep north side brought about by old cirques. [19071c] The mountain is by no means a peak, but rather a haystack-shaped summit with a steep northern side caused by old glacial cirques. [19071d] [19072a] Fjellet ble muligens kalt en tind fordi det er det høyeste sør for Storlidalen mellom Lønset og Storsalen. [19072b] The mountain probably was called a peak because it's the highest south of Storlidalen between Lønset and Storsalen. [19072c] The mountain was possibly called a peak because it is the highest south of Storlidalen between Lønset and Storsalen. [19072d] [19073a] Navnet Kråkvasstinden kommer fra Sunndalen. [19073b] The name Kråkvasstinden comes from Sunndalen. [19073c] The name Kråkvass Peak comes from Sunndalen. [19073d] [19074a] Fra Storlidalssida ble fjellet opprinnelig kalt Sandåhøa. [19074b] On the Storlidal side, the mountain originally was called Sandåhøa. [19074c] From the Storlidal side, the mountain was originally called Sandåhøa. [19074d] [19075a] Kråkvasstinden er lett tilgjengelig fra øst og vest. [19075b] Kråkvasstinden is easily accessible from the east and the west. [19075c] Kråkvass Peak is easily accessible from east and west. [19075d] [19076a] Utsikten er vid og flott både mot sentrale deler av Trollheimen, Innerdalsfjella, Dovrefjell og Skrymtheimen. [19076b] The view is broad and fine, towards central parts of Trollheimen, Innerdalsfjella, Dovrefjell, and Skrymtheimen. [19076c] The view is wide and good toward central portions of Trollheimen, Innerdalsfjell, Dovrefjell and Skrymtheimen. [19076d] [19077a] Turen opp og ned på Kråkvasstind tar på bra føre 5 - 6 timer. [19077b] The tour up and down Kråkvasstind takes, with good conditions, 5 - 6 hours. [19077c] The trip up and down Kråkvass Peak takes 5 - 6 hours, with good snow conditions. [19077d] [19078a] Med turen videre om Grugguskardet kan den ta ca 7 timer. [19078b] With the tour onward past Grugguskardet, it can take about 7 hours. [19078c] With the continuing trek via Grugguskardet, it may take approximately 7 hours. [19078d] [19079a]
[19079d] [19080a] Fra Bårdsgarden ta mot sørøst over Ångardsvatnet og ta opp på ryggen nordvest for Sandåa. [19080b] From Bårdsgarden, head southwest over Ångardsvatnet and go up on the ridge northwest of Sandåa. [19080c] From Bårdsgarden, ski southeast over Angardsvatnet and ascend the ridge northwest of Sandåa. [19080d] [19081a] Sving sørvestover og fortsett på denne siden av Sandåa til tregrensa. [19081b] Turn southwestwards and continue on this side of Sandåa to timberline. [19081c] Curve southwest and continue on this side of Sandåa to the tree line. [19081d] [19082a] Kryss Sandåa og ta omtrent rett sørover opp til vannet rett nord for toppen av Kråkvasstind. [19082b] Cross Sandåa and head almost directly southwards up to the lake just north of the summit of Kråkvasstind. [19082c] Cross Sandåa and go approximately due south up to the lake just north of the top of Kråkvass Peak. [19082d] [19083a] Fortsett sørøstover opp til bandet mellom Kråkvasstind og Sandåfjellet. [19083b] Continue southeastwards up to the col between Kråkvasstind and Sandåfjellet. [19083c] Continue southwest up to the link between Kråkvass Peak and Sandåfjellet. [19083d] [19084a] Sving sørvestover og ta den stort sett brede og fine østryggen opp til den flate toppen av Kråkvasstind. [19084b] Turn southwestwards and take the largely broad, fine east ridge up to the flat top of Kråkvasstind. [19084c] Curve southwest and take the generally wide and even eastern ridge up to the flat summit of Kråkvasstind. [19084d] [19085a]
[19085d] [19086a] En tur til Kråkvasstind kombineres gjerne med en rundtur over Svartdalskollen og ned Grugguskaret (Gregorskaret på eldre kartutgaver). [19086b] A tour to Kråkvasstind usually is combined with a round trip over Svartdalskollen and down Grugguskaret (Gregorskaret on older map editions). [19086c] A trip to Kråkvasstind is often combined with a round trip over Svardalskollen and down Grugguskaret (Gregorskaret, on older editions of maps). [19086d] [19087a] Fra Kråkvasstind ta mot vest og så nordvestover ned på ryggen mellom Kråkvasstind og Svartdalskollen, følg denne videre vestover opp på toppen. [19087b] From Kråkvasstind, head towards the west and then northwestwards down on the ridge between Kråkvasstind and Svartdalskollen and follow it onwards westwards up to the summit. [19087c] From Kråkvasstind, make your way west and then northwest down the ridge between Kråkvasstind and Svartdalskollen; follow this further west up to the summit. [19087d] [19088a] Ta slakt ned mot nordvest til bandet og fortsett sørvest for liten topp og ta opp på den nordligste toppen på Inner Grynningshøa. [19088b] Go gradually down towards the northwest to the col and continue southwest of the little summit and go up the northernmost summit of Inner Grynningshøa. [19088c] Take the gentle slope northwestward down to the link and continue southwest of the smaller summit, and then ascend onto the northernmost summit at Inner Grynningshøa. [19088d] [19089a] Sving nordover ned på bandet mellom Inner Grynningshøa og Nonshøa. [19089b] Turn northwards down the col between Inner Grynningshøa and Nonshøa. [19089c] Curve north down to the link between Inner Grynningshøa and Nonshøa. [19089d] [19090a] Ta herfra først østover ned til øvre deler av Grugguskaret og fortsett videre nordover ned Grugguskaret. [19090b] From here, head first eastwards down to the upper part of Grugguskaret and continue onwards northwards down Grugguskaret. [19090c] From here, go first eastward down to the upper portions of Grugguskaret and continue north down Griggislaret. [19090d] [19091a] Ved Gråhaugen ta østover ned til Ångardsvatnet og videre tilbake til Bårdsgarden. [19091b] At Gråhaugen, head eastwards down to Ångardsvatnet and onward back to Bårdsgarden. [19091c] At Gråhaugen, bear east down to Angardsvatnet and on back to Bårdsgarden. [19091d] [19092a]
[19092d] [19093a] +Høa, 1188 m [19093b] Høa, 1188 m [19093c] +Høa, 1188 m [19093d] [19094a] Høa er et lett tilgjengelig fjell som ligger mellom Tovatna og Londalen. [19094b] Høa is an easily accessible mountain that lies between Tovatna and Londalen. [19094c] Høa is an easily accessible mountain that is located between Tovatna and Londalen. [19094d] [19095a] Det er flott utsikt utover Storlidalen og mot Innerdalsfjella. [19095b] There's a fine view of Storlidalen and towards Innerdalsfjella. [19095c] There is a nice view out across Storlidalen and toward Innerdalsfjell. [19095d] [19096a] Dette er en fin topptur hvor barn fra 8 - 9 års alder kan være med. [19096b] this is a fine summit that children from age 8 - 9 years can join. [19096c] This is a fine trip to the summits, where children from the age of 8 - 9 can go along. [19096d] [19097a] På bra føre vil en gruppe med barn bruke 5 - 6 timer fram og tilbake fra Bårdsgarden. [19097b] In good conditions, a group with children will take 5 - 6 hours up and back from Bårdsgarden. [19097c] With good skiing conditions, a group of children will spend 5 - 6 hours round-trip from Bårdsgarden. [19097d] [19098a] Men det kan fort gå mye tid til rast med lek og kjøring i de fine bakkene ned fra toppen. [19098b] But much time can easily be spent in rests and with games and downhill skiing on the fine hills down from the summit. [19098c] However, lots of time may be spent for rest stops, play and downhill skiing on the fine slopes on the way back from the summit. [19098d] [19099a] Fra Bårdsgarden ta dalen inn til Storli og løype etter anleggsveien mot Tovatna forbi brua over Lona. [19099b] From Bårdsgarden, take the valley in to Storli and the track along the haul road towards Tovatna past the bridge over Lona. [19099c] From Bårdsgarden, take the valley in to Storli and ski the service road toward Tovatna, past the bridge over Lona. [19099d] [19100a] Ta opp gjennom bjørke-skogen og følg Høgegga vestover opp til toppen. [19100b] Head up through the birch woods and follow Høgegga westwards to the summit. [19100c] Make your way up through the birch forest and follow Høgegga westward up to the summit. [19100d] [19101a] Alternativt kan en fra Lonaplassen ta av nordvestover inn Londalen forbi Kolla, krysse Lona og skrå mot sørvest opp til toppen. [19101b] Alternatively, from Lonaplassen you can turn northwestwards in Londalen past Kolla, cross Lona and traverse towards the southwest up to the summit. [19101c] As an alternative, one can go northwest from Lonaplassen into Londalen, past Kolla, cross Lona and ascend southwest diagonally up to the top. [19101d] [19102a]
[19102d] [19103a] +Sommer: [19103b] Summer: [19103c] +Summer: [19103d] [19104a] Også for sommerturer er Storlidalen et topptureldorado. [19104b] Also for summer hiking, Storlidalen is a summit tour Eldorado. [19104c] Storlidalen is also an Eldorado for summer trips to the summits. [19104d] [19105a] Men til fots er aksjonsradiusen langt mindre enn på godt skiføre. [19105b] But on foot, your range is far less than with good ski conditions. [19105c] But on foot, the radius of action is considerably less than on good skiing surfaces. [19105d] [19106a] De samme rutene anbefales også for sommerturer. [19106b] The same routes are also recommended for summer hikes. [19106c] The same routes are also recommended for summer trips. [19106d] [19107a] Om sommeren følges merket rute mot Innerdalen opp til Meskardet for turen mot østre Somrungsnebba. [19107b] In summer, follow the marked route towards Innerdalen up to Meskardet for the tour towards Østre Somrungsnebba. [19107c] During summer, the marked trail is followed toward Innderdalen up to Meskardet for the trip toward eastern Somrungsnebba. [19107d] [19108a] Mot Neådalssnota er det gammel merket rute fra Halsen og fram gjennom Halsbekkdalen. [19108b] Towards Neådalssnota there's an old marked route from Halsen and onwards through Halsbekkdalen. [19108c] In the direction of Neådalssnota, there is an old marked trail from Halsen and on through Halsbekkdalen. [19108d] [19109a] Varder er fortsatt synlige. [19109b] Its cairns can still be seen. [19109c] Stone markers are still visible. [19109d] [19110a] Fra nord i Halsbekkdalen tar den merkete ruta mot nordøst ned i Hyttdalen mens turen mot Neådalssnota tar av mot nordvest. [19110b] From the north in Halsbekkdalen, take the marked route towards the northwest down into Hyttdalen, while the tour towards Neådalssnota turns off towards the northwest. [19110c] From the north in Halsbekkdalen, take the marked trail toward the northeast down into Hyttdalen, whereas for the trip to Neådalsnota, you bear off to the northwest. [19110d] [19111a]
[19111d] [19112a] +Kart: [19112b] Maps: [19112c] +Maps: [19112d] [19113a] 1: 50 000 Romfo og Snota (for turen til Neådalssnota) eller turkart 1:75 000 Trollheimen. [19113b] 1:50,000 Romfo and Snota (for the hike to Neådalssnota) or the hiking and skiing map 1:75,000 Trollheimen. [19113c] 1: 50,000 Romfo and Snota (for the trip to Neådalssnota) or trip map 1:75,000 Trollheimen. [19113d] [19114a]
[19114d] [19115a] +Stig Bakke [19115b] Stig Bakke [19115c] +Stig Bakke [19115d] [19116a]
[19116d] [19117a] +Rovfugler i Trollheimen [19117b] Birds of prey in Trollheimen [19117c] +Birds of prey in Trollheimen [19117d] [19118a]
[19118d] [19119a] De skogkledde daler med frodige bjørkelier og høgfjell innen kort rekkevidde gjør at Trollheimen først og fremst er kongeørnens rike. [19119b] The wooded valleys with lush birch covered hillsides and high mountains close by make Trollheimen first and foremost the golden eagle's realm. [19119c] The forested valleys with lush, birch-clad hillsides and alpine mountains within easy reach make Trollheimen first and foremost the kingdom of the golden eagle. [19119d] [19120a] Her kan den jakte skogsfugl og hare, lirype og fjellrype gjennom hele året under varierende værforhold. [19120b] Here it can hunt woodland birds and hares, willow ptarmigan and rock ptarmigan throughout the year in varying weather conditions. [19120c] Here, it can prey on woodland birds and mountain hare, willow grouse and rock ptarmigan all year round in varied weather conditions. [19120d] [19121a] Ørneparene er jevnt fordelt i fjellområdet ofte med 10-12 km mellom reira. [19121b] Pairs of eagles are evenly distributed in the mountain area, often with 10-12 km between nests. [19121c] The eagle couples are evenly spread throughout the mountain area, often with 10-12 km between the nests. [19121d] [19122a] Gode rypebestander gjør at også jaktfalken ("rypefalk") er vanlig utbredt, men den er ikke så lett å oppdage. [19122b] Good stocks of ptarmigan also make the gyrfalcon ("ptarmigan falcon") usually widespread, though it's not so easy to catch sight of. [19122c] Good stocks of grouse also make hunting falcons ("grouse falcons") commonly widespread, but these are not so easy to spot. [19122d] [19123a] Et forholdsvis nytt fenomen er at havørna er i ferd med å etablerer seg i Trollheimens skogrike daler. [19123b] A relatively new phenomenon is that gray sea eagles are on the way to settling into Trollheimen's wooded valleys. [19123c] A relatively new phenomenon is that the white-tailed sea eagle is beginning to reestablish itself in Trollheimen's forested valleys. [19123d] [19124a] I gammel tid var den likeså mye en innlandsfugl som en kystfugl, men uforstandig forfølgelse førte til at arten ble utryddet for hundrevis av år siden. [19124b] In days gone by, it was as much an inland bird as a coast bird, but unwise pursuit resulted in the species being wiped out hundreds of years ago. [19124c] In earlier times, it was just as much an inland bird as a coastal bird, but foolish hunting led to near extinction hundreds of years ago. [19124d] [19125a] Heldigvis holder den på å finne tilbake til sine tapte jaktmarker. [19125b] Fortunately it's now finding the way back to its lost hunting grounds. [19125c] Fortunately, it is beginning to find its way back to its lost hunting grounds. [19125d] [19126a] Og den som er heldig kan nå få opplevelsen å se disse majestetiske fuglene seile mot en vårblå himmel med Snota i bakgrunnen. [19126b] And if you're lucky, you can experience seeing one of these majestic birds soaring against a spring blue sky with Snota in the background. [19126c] And if you are lucky, you will be able to experience seeing these majestic birds sailing against a clear blue sky with Snota in the background. [19126d] [19127a] Den mest tallrike rovfuglen i Trollheimen er dvergfalken. [19127b] The most numerous of birds of prey in Trollheimen is the pigeon hawk. [19127c] The most abundant bird of prey in Trollheimen is the merlin. [19127d] [19128a] Det er en kvikk og livlig mesterflyger som gjøre mye av seg. [19128b] It's a quick and lively master flyer that makes itself known. [19128c] It is a smart and lively master flyer who puts on quite a show. [19128d] [19129a] Oftest treffes den i åpen furuskog der den legger egga sine i gamle kråkereir. [19129b] Most often, it can be seen in open pine woods, where it lays eggs in old crow's nests. [19129c] It is most often encountered in the open pine forest, where it lays its eggs in abandoned crow's nests. [19129d] [19130a] I små-gnagerår er fjellvåken ("fjell-jø") vanlig å se. [19130b] In small rodent years, rough-legged hawks ("mountain skua") are often seen. [19130c] In years with abundant small rodents, the rough-legged hawk ("long-tailed jaeger") is a common sight. [19130d] [19131a] Det samme er den mindre tårnfalken ("sperr-hauk"). [19131b] Likewise for the smaller kestrel ("sparrow-hawk"). [19131c] The same is true of the smaller kestrel ("sperr-hauk"). [19131d] [19132a] Begge disse er lette å kjenne i flukt fordi de kan "stille" i lufta mens de speider etter mus på bakken. [19132b] Both of them are easily recognized in flight because they can "hover" in the air as they scout for mice on the ground. [19132c] Both of these are easy to recognize in flight because they can hover in the air while they scan the ground for mice. [19132d] [19133a]
[19133d] [19134a] +Nils Røv [19134b] Nils Røv [19134c] +Nils Røv [19134d] [20001a] +TUR T18 6 dager [20001b] Tour T18 6 days [20001c] +TRIP T18 6 days [20001d] [20002a]
[20002d] [20003a] +Rundtur med telt i sentrale Trollheimen [20003b] Round tour with a tent in central Trollheimen [20003c] +Round trip with a tent in Trollheimen [20003d] [20004a]
[20004d] [20005a] +Seks dagers tur i Trollheimen [20005b] Six day tour in Trollheimen [20005c] +six-day trip in Trollheimen [20005d] [20006a]
[20006d] [20007a] Vi følger rutene, men bruker som leirplasser fine steder mellom hyttene. [20007b] We follow routes, but use fine places as campsites between lodges. [20007c] We follow the routes, but use fine places between the lodges as campsites. [20007d] [20008a] Vi starter og ender på Gjevilvasshytta. [20008b] We start and finish at Gjevilvasshytta. [20008c] We start and end at Gjevilvass Lodge. [20008d] [20009a] Vi har god tid på denne turen og har tid til å fiske undervegs. [20009b] We have plenty of time on this tour and have time to go fishing on the way. [20009c] We have ample time on this trip and have time to fish along the way. [20009d] [20010a] Ved noen aktuelle leirsteder er det mulig å få fisk. [20010b] At some practicable campsites it's possible to catch fish. [20010c] At some of the chosen campsites, it is possible to catch fish. [20010d] [20011a] Turen egner seg for barn (med spreke foreldre) fra ca 12 års alder. [20011b] The tour is suitable for children (with hardy parents) from age 12 years. [20011c] The trip is suitable for children (with fit and active parents) from about 12 years of age. [20011d] [20012a]
[20012c] [20012d] [20013a] Vi kommer oss inn til Gjevilvasshytta fra Oppdal og tar merkaruta mot Jøldalshytta høgt over Gjørdøldalen og slår første leir ved vakre småtjønn i Høghødalen. [20013b] We come in to Gjevilvasshytta from Oppdal and follow the marked route towards Jøldalshytta high over Gjørdøldalen and camp first at a beautiful small tarn in Høghødalen. [20013c] We come in to Gjevilvass Lodge from Oppdal and take the marked trail toward Jøldal Lodge high above Gjørdøldalen and set up our first campsite by the beautiful small pond in Høghødalen. [20013d] [20014a] Er det kraftig vind, drar vi ned til Minilla og finner en plass der. [20014b] If the wind is strong, we go down to Minilla and find a site there. [20014c] If there is heavy wind, we go down to Minilla and find a spot there. [20014d] [20015a] Vi fortsetter framover Skrikhøa, passerer forbi Jøldalshytta og tar i godvær ruta mot Trollhetta. [20015b] We continue along Skrikhøa, go past Jøldalshytta, and in good weather take the route towards Trollhetta. [20015c] We continue across Skrikhøa, pass by Jøldal Lodge and, in good weather, take the trail toward Trollhetta. [20015d] [20016a] Merkaruta passerer på østsida av en av tjønnene på Langfjellet innunder Trollhetta. [20016b] The marked route passes the east side of the tarns at Langfjellet beneath Trollhetta. [20016c] The marked trail runs along the eastern side of one of the ponds at Langfjellet beneath Trollhetta. [20016d] [20017a] Dette er en fin leirplass. [20017b] This is a fine campsite. [20017c] This is a fine campsite. [20017d] [20018a] Er været eller værutsiktene dårligere, legger vi ruta mot Geithetta og slår leir nede ved samløpet mellom Litjsvartåa og Svartåa. [20018b] If the weather or the weather forecast is poor, we take the route towards Geithetta and camp at the confluence of Litjsvartåa and Svartåa. [20018c] If the weather or forecast is poor, we take the route toward Geithetta and make camp down at the confluence between Litjsvartåa and Svartåa. [20018d] [20019a] Vi tar over Trollhettas tre topper og når storfuruskogen på Svartåmoen etter den lange nedstigninga. [20019b] We go over Trollhetta's three summits and get to the big pine woods at Svartåmoen after the long descent. [20019c] We make our way over Trollhetta's three summits and reach the great pine forest at Svaråmoen after the long descent. [20019d] [20020a] Eller vi tar over Geithetta. [20020b] Or we go over Geithetta. [20020c] Or we go via Geithetta. [20020d] [20021a] Vi tar innom Trollheimshytta, fortsetter ruta mot Snota og slår leir ved Bossvatna. [20021b] We go in to Trollheimshytta, continue on the route towards Snota and camp at Bossvatna. [20021c] We pass the Trollheim Lodge, continue on the route toward Snota and make camp at Bossvatna. [20021d] [20022a] Vi bruker dagen til fiske i Bossvatnet og den korte turen herfra til Snota. [20022b] We spend the day fishing in Bossvatnet and for the short hike from here to Snota. [20022c] We spend the day fishing in Bossvatnet and making the short trip from here to Snota. [20022d] [20023a]
[20023d] [20024a] Vi tar ruta tilbake forbi Trollheimshytta og bratt opp på Mellomfjell og den fine fjellryggen innover. [20024b] We take the route back past Trollheimshytta and directly up on Mellomfjell and the fine ridge inwards. [20024c] We take the route back past Trollheim Lodge and steeply up onto Mellomfjell and in along the fine mountain ridge. [20024d] [20025a] Vi slår leir på en av de fine slettene på østsida av Fossådalsvatnet. [20025b] We camp on one of the fine flats on the east side of Fossådalsvatnet. [20025c] We make camp on one of the attractive flat stretches on the eastern side of Fossådal Lake. [20025d] [20026a] Vi tar opp merkaruta til Riaren og er været bra, tar vi bratt opp mot øst på Blåhømassivet og tar opp til Blåhø. [20026b] We take the marked route up to Riaren, and if it's good weather, we go directly up towards the east on Blåhømassivet and turn up to Blåhø. [20026c] We follow the marked trail to Riaren and if the weather is good, we ascend steeply up toward the east onto the Blåhø massif and on up to Blåhø. [20026d] [20027a] Her er det ikke merka, men lett å orientere. [20027b] Here there are no markings, but it's easy to find the way. [20027c] The route is not marked here, but it is easy to find one's bearings. [20027d] [20028a] Vi tar tilbake sørover fra toppen etter spredt varding, tar bratt ned og når merkaruta igjen ved nedre Kamtjern. [20028b] We return southwards from the summit following scattered cairns, go directly down and join the marked route again at Nedre Kamtjern. [20028c] We return southwards from the top, following widely spaced stone markers, make the steep descent and merge onto the marked trail again at lower Kamtjern. [20028d] [20029a] Vi fortsetter utover mot Gjevilvassdalen, har flott utsikt framover og er tilbake igjen på Gjevilvasshytta. [20029b] We continue onward towards Gjevilvassdalen, have a fine view ahead, and are back again at Gjevilvasshytta. [20029c] We continue toward Gjevilvassdalen, enjoy a wonderful view in front of us and are back again at Gjevilvass Lodge. [20029d] [20030a]
[20030d] [20031a] +Uten telt: [20031b] Without tent: [20031c] +Without a tent: [20031d] [20032a] Denne turen er også aktuell å gå uten telt med overnatting på hyttene. [20032b] This tour also is practicable hiking without a tent and with overnighting at lodges. [20032c] This trip is also suitable for hiking without a tent, by spending the night at lodges. [20032d] [20033a]
[20033d] [20034a] +Vinter: [20034b] Winter: [20034c] +Winter: [20034d] [20035a] Også vinters tid er dette en fin tur å gå med telt. [20035b] Also in wintertime, it's a fine tour to ski with a tent. [20035c] During wintertime, this is also a good trip to take, bringing along a tent. [20035d] [20036a] Det er ikke brøyta til Gjevilvasshytta. [20036b] There's no plowing to Gjevilvasshytta. [20036c] The road is not snow-plowed to Gjevilvass Lodge. [20036d] [20037a] Vi foreslår første leir oppe i Gjørdølsdalen. [20037b] We suggest that the first camp be up in Gjørdølsdalen. [20037c] We suggest making camp the first night up in Gjørdølsdalen. [20037d] [20038a] Vinters tid er det ikke aktuelt å gå over alle toppene på Trollhetta, mens østtoppen er fin å gå på. [20038b] In wintertime, it isn't practical to go over all the summits of Trollhetta, but the east summit is fine to ski to. [20038c] In wintertime it is not possible to go over all of the summits of Trollhetta, while the eastern summit is all right to ski across. [20038d] [20039a] Og det er fint å ta tilbake fra østtoppen mot nordøst og ned på nordsida av Trollhetta til Rinnvatna hvor den vanlige vinterruta mellom Jøldalshytta og Trollheimshytta går. [20039b] And it's easy to return from the east summit towards the northeast and down on the north side of Trollhetta to Rinnvatna where the usual winter route between Jøldalshytta and Trollheimshytta runs. [20039c] And it is all right to make the return from the eastern summit toward the northeast and down on the northern side of Trollhetta to Rinnvatna, where the normal winter route between Jøldal Lodge and Trollheim Lodge runs. [20039d] [20040a] Her er det kvista i påska. [20040b] Here it's marked with branches at Easter time. [20040c] Here branches are cleared during Easter. [20040d] [20041a] Vinterruta mellom Trollheimshytta og Gjevilvasshytta går opp Slettådalen og over Svarthamran. [20041b] The winter route between Trollheimshytta and Gjevilvasshytta goes up Slettådalen and over Svarthamran. [20041c] The winter route between Trollheim Lodge and Gjevilvass Lodge goes up Slettådalen and across Svarthamran. [20041d] [20042a] Så vinters tid anbefaler vi leirplass oppe på Svarthamran i godvær og nede i Slettådalen dersom været er dårligere. [20042b] So in wintertime, we recommend camping up on Svarthamran in good weather or down in Slettådalen if the weather is poor. [20042c] So in wintertime, we recommend making camp up on Svarthamran in good weather and down in Slettådalen if the weather is poor. [20042d] [20043a]
[20043d] [20044a] +Kart: [20044b] Maps: [20044c] +Maps: [20044d] [20045a] 1:50 000 Oppdal, Trollhetta og Snota, turkart 1:75 000 Trollheimen eller gammelt i 1:100 000. [20045b] 1:50,000 Trollhetta and Snota, hiking and skiing map 1:75,000 Trollheimen or the old 1:10,000. [20045c] 1:50,000 Oppdal, Trollhetta and Snota, trip map 1:75,000 Trollheimen or the older map 1:100,000. [20045d] [20046a]
[20046d] [20047a] +Erik Stabell [20047b] Erik Stabell [20047c] +Erik Stabell [20047d] [20048a]
[20048d] [20049a] +Utbygginger og vern i Trollheimen [20049b] Development and protection in Trollheimen [20049c] +Constructions and environmental protection in Trollheimen [20049d] [20050a]
[20050d] [20051a] Trollheimen ble vernet i 1987 som landskapsvernområde. [20051b] In 1987 Trollheimen was protected as a special landscape area. [20051c] Trollheimen was protected as a landscape preserve in 1987. [20051d] [20052a] Fra slutten av 1960-tallet og fram til begynnelsen av 1980-tallet var det gjennomført tre kraftutbygginger som gjorde store inngrep i det tidligere store urørte fjellområdet. [20052b] From the end of the 1960s up to the beginning of the 1980s, there were three hydroelectric power developments that intruded in the large and previously untouched mountain area. [20052c] From the end of the 1960's and up until the beginning of the 1980's, three power station constructions greatly affected the previously expansive, pristine mountain area. [20052d] [20053a] Det gjelder særlig Trollheim kraftverk med Gråsjøen, Follsjøen og veg inn i Vindøldalen, og Driva kraftverk med regulering av Gjevilvatnet og veger innover langs vatnet og inn til Tovatna i Storlidalen som ga inngrep helt inn til hjertet av Trollheimen. [20053b] Of principal concern are the Trollheim power station with Gråsjøen, Follsjøen and the road in Vindøldalen, and the Driva power station with the watershed control of Gjevilvatnet and the roads in along the lake and in to Tovatna in Storlidalen that intruded all the way to the heart of Trollheimen. [20053c] In particular, these were the Trollheim power station with Gråsjøen, Follsjøen and the road into Vindøldalen, and the Driva power station with regulation of Gjevil Lake and the roads in along the lake and on into the heart of the Trollheimen mountains. [20053d] [20054a] Så det ble "restene" av Trollheimen som ble vernet i 1987. [20054b] So it was the "rest" of Trollheimen that was protected in 1987. [20054c] So it was the "remainder" of the Trollheimen mountains that were protected by law in 1987. [20054d] [20055a] Da var det desto viktigere å ta vare på de gjenværende urørte områdene. [20055b] Then it was all the more important to preserve the remaining untouched areas. [20055c] At the time, it was all the more important to preserve the remaining untouched areas. [20055d] [20056a] Vernet bidrar først og fremst til å hindre vegbygging og andre tekniske inngrep. [20056b] Protection contributes first and foremost to preventing road building and other technical intervention. [20056c] Protection contributes first and foremost to the prevention of road construction and other technical encroachments. [20056d] [20057a] Tradisjonell bruk knytta til setring, sauebeite, reindrift, turfriluftsliv, fiske og jakt skal videreføres. [20057b] Traditional uses associated with summer dairy farming, sheep grazing, reindeer herding, outdoor life, fishing and hunting shall continue. [20057c] Traditional uses related to mountain farming, sheep grazing, reindeer herding, outdoor activities, fishing and hunting are to be continued. [20057d] [20058a] Like øst for landskapsvernområdet ligger Minilldalsmyrene naturreservat og innlemmet i det er Innerdalen som fikk sitt vern i 1967. [20058b] Just east of the special landscape area lies the Minilldalsmyrene natural reserve, and included in it is Innerdalen that attained protected status in 1967. [20058c] Just east of the preserved landscape area are the Minilldal moors natural preserve, and included in this is Innerdalen, which was protected by law in 1967. [20058d] [20059a] Svartåmoen naturreservat ble utvidet i 1999. [20059b] Svartåmoen natural reserve was expanded in 1999. [20059c] Svartåmoen nature preserve was expanded in 1999. [20059d] [20060a] Dette omfatter områdene rundt og nordover fra Trollheimshytta. [20060b] It includes the areas around and northwards from Trollheimshytta. [20060c] This includes the areas around and north of the Trollheim Lodge. [20060d] [20061a] Kort omtale både av vern og kraftutbygging finnes i TTs håndbok Sylene og Trollheimen fra 1994. [20061b] There's a brief description of both protection and hydroelectric development in the TT Guide Sylene and Trollheimen of 1994. [20061c] A short account of both the environmental protection measures and power station construction is found in TT's handbook Sylene and Trollheimen from 1994. [20061d] [20062a] Finn ellers opplysninger om bestemmelser for naturverneområder i Norge på: www.lovdata.no/for/lf/index-verne.html. [20062b] Otherwise, you can find information on regulations for nature preservation areas in Norway at: www.lovdata.no/for/lf/index-verne.html. [20062c] Find other information about stipulations for protected nature areas in Norway at www.lovdata.no/for/lf/index-verne.html. [20062d] [21001a] +TUR T19 5 dager [21001b] Tour T19 5 days [21001c] +TRIP T19 5 days [21001d] [21002a]
[21002d] [21003a] +På tvers av rutene i Trollheimen [21003b] Across the routes in Trollheimen [21003c] +Crossing routes in the Trollheimen mountains [21003d] [21004a]
[21004d] [21005a] +Fem dagers rundtur med telt [21005b] Five day round trip with a tent [21005c] +Five-day trip with a tent [21005d] [21006a]
[21006d] [21007a] På denne turen med telt i Trollheimen søker vi turmulighetene utenom rutene. [21007b] On this hike with a tent in Trollheimen, we seek hike choices away from the routes. [21007c] On this tenting trip in Trollheimen, we are looking for opportunities off the main trails. [21007d] [21008a] Vi tar ut fra Jøldalen over Svarthamran, tar over Storlifjellet og ned i Neådalen. [21008b] We start at Jøldalen over Svarthamran, go over Storlifjellet and down in Neådalen. [21008c] We start out from Jøldalen across Svarthamran, over Storlifjellet and down into Neådalen. [21008d] [21009a] Vi tar over til Folldalen og Snota og tilbake om Finnskardet og Svarthetta. [21009b] We go over to Folldalen and Snota and return via Finnskardet and Svarthetta. [21009c] We make our way over to Folldalen and Snota and back via Finnskardet and Svarthetta. [21009d] [21010a] Vi utnytter den frihet det gir å ha med seg på ryggen alt vi trenger. [21010b] We make the most of the freedom of having everything you need on your back. [21010c] We take advantage of the freedom provided by having everything we need on our back. [21010d] [21011a] Turen egner seg for spreke barn (med spreke foreldre) fra ca 13 - 14-års alder. [21011b] The tour is suitable for children (with hardy parents) from about 13 - 14 years of age. [21011c] The trip is suitable for active children (with fit parents) from about 13 - 14 years of age. [21011d] [21012a]
[21012d] [21013a] Vi starter opp fra Åssetra et par kilometer før Jølhaugen. [21013b] We start up from Åssetra a couple of kilometers before Jølhaugen. [21013c] We start from Åssetra a couple kilometers before Jølhaugen. [21013d] [21014a] Hit kommer vi med bil eller via buss i Orkdalen og drosje eller haik inn. [21014b] We get here by car or by bus in Orkdalen and a taxi or a lift in. [21014c] We can get here by car or by bus in Orkdalen and taxi, or hitch-hiking in. [21014d] [21015a] Vi tar over Ondusfjellet, på sørsida av Gråfjellet og opp på Kjølen øst for Svarthetta. [21015b] We go over Ondusfjellet, on the south side of Gråfjellet and up on Kjølen east of Svarthetta. [21015c] We go across Ondusfjellet, on the southern side of Gråfjellet and up onto Kjølen east of Svarthetta. [21015d] [21016a] Vi tar opp rampen på sørsida av hetta opp på fjellryggen. [21016b] We go up the incline on the south side of the cap up to the ridge. [21016c] We hike up the ramp on the southern side of Svarthetta up onto the crest of the mountain. [21016d] [21017a] En avstikker kan tas opp til Svarthetta eller vi legger turen med en gang sørover mot Svarthamran. [21017b] A side trip can be taken up to Svarthetta, or we immediately head southwards towards Svarthamran. [21017c] A detour can be taken up to Svarthetta, or we can set course right away south toward Svarthamran. [21017d] [21018a] Første leir legger vi på en av de fine grashyllene før den nordligste av Svarttjørnin på Svarthamran. [21018b] Our first campsite is on one of the fine grassy ledges before the northernmost Svarttjørnin at Svarthamran. [21018c] We make our first camp on one of the fine grassy ledges before the northernmost of the Svarttjørnin summits at Svarthamran. [21018d] [21019a] Vi tar vestover ned langs rampen med vinterstaking, tar opp igjen og passerer Fossådalsvatnet på nordsida. [21019b] We head westwards down along the incline with the winter staked route, go up again and pass Fossådalsvatnet on its north side. [21019c] We go westward down along the ramp with winter stake markers, up again and pass Fossådal Lake on the northern side. [21019d] [21020a] Er det flott vær kan turen legges over toppen av Blåhø og ned om Riaren. [21020b] If the weather is fine, the tour can go over the summit of Blåhø and down to Riaren. [21020c] If the weather is nice, the trip can be made over the top of Blåhø and down via Riaren. [21020d] [21021a] Vi tar bratt opp ryggen på den høgeste toppen på Storlifjellryggen, 1582 m, en ikke så mye besøkt topp. [21021b] We go directly up the ridge of the highest peak of Storlifjellryggen, 1582 m, a not often visited summit. [21021c] We climb steeply up the ridge to the crest of the highest summit of Storlifjell, 1582 m, a mountaintop that is not frequently visited. [21021d] [21022a] Vi skrår i ura ned til Sprikletjørnin, tar inn på sørsida av vatna og passerer Sprikletjønnbua. [21022b] We traverse in talus down to Sprikletjørnin, go in to the south side of the lake and pass Sprikletjønnbua. [21022c] We cut diagonally across the rocky talus and down to Sprikletjørnin, go in on the southern side of the lake and pass Sprikletjønn Lodge. [21022d] [21023a] En litt lettere, men lengre variant er ikke å ta over Storlifjell-ryggen, men å følge merkinga fra Mellom-fjell mot Bårdsgarden langs Fagerlitjønnene og over til Hyttdalen og herfra ta merkinga mot Trollheimshytta nordvestover. [21023b] A slightly easier but longer variant entails not crossing over the Storlifjell ridge but following the marking from Mellom-fjell towards Bårdsgarden along Fagerlitjønnene and over to Hyttdalen and from there folling the marking northwestwards towards Trollheimshytta. [21023c] A little easier, but longer alternative is not to go over the Storlifjell ridge, but rather follow the marked trail from Mellomfjell toward Bårdsgarden alongside the Fagerli ponds and over to Hyttdalen, and take from here the marked trail leading to Trollheim Lodge in a northwest direction. [21023d] [21024a] Beste passeringssted over Folla er i utløpet fra vatna i den flate Hyttdalen. [21024b] The best place to cross Folla is at the outlet from the lake in the flat Hyttdalen. [21024c] The best passage over Folla is at the mouth of the lake in flat Hyttdalen. [21024d] [21025a] Gammel merka sti tar her opp mot Halsbekkdalen. [21025b] An old marked trail goes from here up towards Halsbekkdalen. [21025c] The old marked path runs up from here toward Halsbekkdalen. [21025d] [21026a] Fra Sprikletjørnin kan vi ta toppturen inn dalen og opp til Neådalssnota. [21026b] From Sprikletjørnin we can take a summit hike in the valley and up to Neådalssnota. [21026c] From Sprikletjørnin, we can do the summits in the valley and up to Neådalssnota. [21026d] [21027a] Turen fortsetter over bandet til den vakre og skjermete Neådalen og følger dalen ned til leirplass midt i Neådalen. [21027b] The tour continues over the col to the beautiful, sheltered Neådalen and follows the valley down to the campsite in the middle of Neådalen. [21027c] The trip continues over the link to the beautiful, sheltered Neådalen and follows the valley down to our campsite in the middle of Neådalen. [21027d] [21028a] Er det mye vatn i fjellet, anbefales å ta på nordsida av vassdraget, så det ikke blir nødvendig å krysse elva. [21028b] If there's lots of water in the mountains, it's advisable to stay on the north side of the watercourse, so it won't be necessary to cross the river. [21028c] If there is much water in the mountains, it is recommended to take the northern side of the water course, so that it will not be necessary to cross the river. [21028d] [21029a]
[21029d] [21030a] Vi tar videre ned dalen, over på innsida av Knubban og ned i Naustådalen. [21030b] We go further down the valley, over on the inner side of Knubban and down into Naustådalen. [21030c] We continue down the valley, over onto the inner side of Knubban and down into Naustadalen. [21030d] [21031a] Vi følger merkaruta mot Trollheimshytta til vi er over i Folldalen. [21031b] We follow the marked route towards Trollheimshytta until we get to Folldalen. [21031c] We follow the marked route toward Trollheim Lodge until we are over in Folldalen. [21031d] [21032a] Før Fuglsøysetra tar vi nordover opp til Bossvatnet. [21032b] Before Fuglsøysetra, we head northwards up to Bossvatnet. [21032c] Before Fuglsøysetra, we hike northward up to Boss Lake. [21032d] [21033a] Her slår vi leir. [21033b] Here we camp. [21033c] Here we make camp. [21033d] [21034a] Vi tar en hviledag uten sekk og går på Snota. [21034b] We take a rest day without packs and hike up Snota. [21034c] We take a rest day without the backpack and climb Snota. [21034d] [21035a] Bossvatnet er et godt og vakkert vatn å fiske i. [21035b] Bossvatnet is a good, beautiful lake for fishing. [21035c] Bossvatnet is a good and beautiful lake for fishing. [21035d] [21036a] Også neste dag følger vi merka rute på en del av turen. [21036b] The next day, we also follow the marked route for part of the tour. [21036c] We follow the marked trail for a part of the trip the following day, as well. [21036d] [21037a] Vi tar merkinga ned om Trollheimshytta og tar ruta mot Jøldalshytta mot Trollhetta og følger denne til vi er oppe av skogen i oppstigninga av Trollhetta. [21037b] We follow the marking down to Trollheimshytta and take the route to Jøldalshytta towards Trollhetta and follow it until we are out of the woods on the ascent of Trollhetta. [21037c] We take the marked trail down via Trollheim Lodge and take the route toward Jøldal Lodge in the direction of Trollhetta and follow this until we are up out of the woods on our way up Trollhetta. [21037d] [21038a] Herfra tar vi rett nordover platået, Trollhett-telet, på vestsida av Trollhetta og dreier inn langs Rinnvatna på nordsida av Trollhetta. [21038b] From here, we go straight northwards over the plateau, Trollhett-telet, on the west side of Trollhetta and veer in along Rinnvatna on the north side of Trollhetta. [21038c] From here, we go directly north over the plateau, Trollhett-telet, on the western side of Trollhetta, and curve in along Rinnvatna on the northern side of Trollhetta. [21038d] [21039a] Vi finner oss en fin leirplass inne ved Storrinnvatnet. [21039b] We find a good campsite in by Storrinnvatnet. [21039c] We find a good campsite in by Storinn Lake. [21039d] [21040a] Siste dagen tar vi gjennom Åkerdalen, tar utover Grønli-hammaren og passerer Jøla. [21040b] On the last day, we go through Åkerdalen, go past Grønli-hammaren and pass Jøla. [21040c] On the last day, we go through Åkerdalen, hike out over Grønli-hammaren and pass Jøla. [21040d] [21041a] Er det mye vatn i fjellet, passer elva på bru over vanninntaket nordvest for Jølhaugen eller kryss elva nedstrøms vanninntaket. [21041b] If there's lots of water in the mountains, cross the river on a bridge over the intake northwest of Jølhaugen or cross the river downstream from the intake. [21041c] If there is much water in the mountains, cross the river by bridge over the water inflow northwest of Jølhaugen, or cross the river downstream from the inflow. [21041d] [21042a] Vi er tilbake til der vi starta. [21042b] We're back where we started. [21042c] We are back where we started. [21042d] [21043a]
[21043d] [21044a] +Vinter: [21044b] Winter: [21044c] +Winter: [21044d] [21045a] Også vinters tid er dette en fin tur å gå med telt. [21045b] Also in wintertime, it's a fine tour to ski with a tent. [21045c] This is a fine trip to take with a tent during winter, as well. [21045d] [21046a] Det anbefales da ikke å ta rett over Storlifjellryggen, men ta etter sommerruta om Hyttdalen. [21046b] It's advisable then not to go right over Storlifjellryggen, but to follow the summer route via Hyttdalen. [21046c] It is not recommended, however, to go directly over Storlifjell ridge, but rather to follow the summer route via Hyttdalen. [21046d] [21047a] På vinterføre tas turen fra Bossvatnet rett over indre del av Gråsjøen og opp til Rinnvatna derfra. [21047b] On snow, the tour goes from Bossvatnet right over the inner part of Gråsjøen and from there up to Rinnvatna. [21047c] In winter conditions, the trip is done from Boss Lake directly across the inner portion of Gråsjøen and up to Rinnvatna from there. [21047d] [21048a] Dersom føret er bra og formen er god, kan denne runden vinters tid gås på fire dager med overnattinger ved Fossådalsvatnet, i Naustådalen og ved Bossvatnet. [21048b] If the snow conditions are good and you're fit, the round trip can be done in winter in four days with nights at Fossådalsvatnet, in Naustådalen and at Bossvatnet. [21048c] If the snow conditions are good and you are in good shape, this round trip can be done in four days, spending nights at Fossådalsvatnet, in Naustådalen and at Bossvatnet. [21048d] [21049a] Snota gås samme dagen som turen fra Naustådalen. [21049b] Snota is skied on the day of the tour from Naustådalen. [21049c] Snota is climbed the same day as the trip from Naustådalen. [21049d] [21050a]
[21050d] [21051a] +Rutebeskrivelser: [21051b] Route descriptions: [21051c] +Descriptions of routes: [21051d] [21052a] De merka rutene og mange varianter og toppturer er beskrevet i TTs håndbok Sylene og Trollheimen og kan være til nytte også på en slik tur som denne utenom rutene. [21052b] The marked routes and many variants and summit tours are described in the TT Guide, Sylene and Trollheimen, which also can be useful on a tour such as this one away from the routes. [21052c] The marked routes and many alternatives and summit excursions are described in TT's handbook Sylene and Trollheimen and can be useful also on a trip like this off the trails. [21052d] [21053a]
[21053d] [21054a] +Kart: [21054b] Maps: [21054c] +Maps: [21054d] [21055a] 1:50 000 Trollhetta, Oppdal, Romfo og Snota eller turkart 1:75 000 Trollheimen. [21055b] 1:50,000 Trollhetta, Oppdal, Romfo and Snota, or the hiking and skiing map 1:75,000 Trollheimen. [21055c] 1:50,000 Trollhetta, Oppdal, Romfo and Snota or the trip map 1:75,000 Trollheimen. [21055d] [21056a] Gammelt turkart i målestokk 1:100 000 blir for vanskelig å lese når en skal ta seg fram utenom vanlige ruter i Trollheimen. [21056b] The old hiking and skiing map in scale 1:100,000 is too hard to read when you make your way outside the ordinary routes in Trollheimen. [21056c] The old maps with a scale of 1:100,000 are too difficult to read when one hikes off the usual routes in Trollheimen. [21056d] [21057a]
[21057d] [21058a] +Erik Stabell [21058b] Erik Stabell [21058c] +Erik Stabell [21058d] [21059a]
[21059d] [21060a] +Steinalderboplass ved Sprikletjørnin [21060b] Stone age settlement at Sprikletjørnin [21060c] +The Stone Age settlement at Sprikletjørnin [21060d] [21061a]
[21061d] [21062a] Der merkaruta mellom Trollheimshytta og Vassendsetra / Bårdsgarden passerer på østsida av Sprikletjørnin, ble det i 1980 funnet en steinalderboplass. [21062b] Where the marked route between Trollheimshytta and Vassendsetra / Bårdsgarden passes the east side of Sprikletjørnin, in 1980 a stone age settlement was found. [21062c] Where the marked trail between Trollheim Lodge and Vassendsetra / Bårdsgarden passes on the eastern side of Sprikletjørnin, the site of a Stone Age settlement was found in 1980. [21062d] [21063a] Ved utgravinger fant arkeologene redskaper av flint som vitner om bosettinga for ca 9000 år siden og fangsvirksomheten på rein som var formålet med å bosette seg i fjellet. [21063b] Upon digging, archeologists found implements of flint that attest to a settlement some 9000 years ago and hunting of reindeer that was the reason to settle in the mountains. [21063c] During the excavations, archeologists found flint tools that bear witness to settlement here 9000 years ago and reindeer trapping, which was the reason for living in the mountains. [21063d] [21064a]
[21064d] [21065a] Kilde: Lil Gustafson, Fangstfolk i fjellet, Spor 1, 1986 og Harald Egil Folden, Trollheimen I. [21065b] Source: Lil Gustafson, Hunters in the mountains, Track 1, 1986 and Harald Egil Folden, Trollheimen I. [21065c] Source: Lil Gustafson, Fangstfolk i fjellet, Track 1, 1986 and Harald Egil Folden, Trollheimen I. [21065d] [21066a] Folldalen og Vindøldalen, 1997. [21066b] Folldalen and Vindøldalen, 1997. [21066c] Folldalen and Vindøldalen, 1997. [21066d] [22001a] +TUR T1 3-4 dager [22001b] Tour T1 3-4 days [22001c] +TRIP T1 3-4 days [22001d] [22002a]
[22002d] [22003a] +«Trekanten» [22003b] "Triangle" [22003c] +«The Triangle» [22003d] [22004a]
[22004d] [22005a] +Selve klassikeren i Trollheimen [22005b] The classic itself in Trollheimen [22005c] +The true classic in Trollheimen [22005d] [22006a]
[22006d] [22007a] "Trekanten" i Trollheimen, turen innom Gjevilvasshytta, Jøldalshytta og Trollheimshytta, med eller uten toppturen fra Trollheimshytta til Snota, er en tur som mange "må ha med seg" hver sommer eller påske. [22007b] The "Triangle" in Trollheimen, the tour via Gjevilvasshytta, Jøldalshytta and Trollheimshytta, with or without summit tours from Trollheimshytta to Snota, is a tour that many "must take" every summer or Easter. [22007c] "The Triangle" in the Trollheimen mountains, the trip to Gjevilvasshytta, Jøldalshytta and Trollheimshytta, with or without the trip to Snota from Trollheimshytta, is a trip that many people consider a "must" each summer or Easter. [22007d] [22008a] Dette er en av de to klassikerne blant turene i Trollheimen. [22008b] This is one of the two classics among tours in Trollheimen. [22008c] This is one of the two classics among trips in the Trollheimen mountains. [22008d] [22009a] Turen egner seg for barn fra ca 10 - 12 års alder. [22009b] The hike is suitable for children from age 10 to 12. [22009c] the trip is suitable for children from 10 - 12 years of age. [22009d] [22010a]
[22010d] [22011a] "Trekanten" er fin å starte opp både fra Gjevilvasshytta og Jøldalshytta, men kan også startes fra Trollheimshytta. [22011b] The "Triangle" starts well both from Gjevilvasshytta and from Jøldalshytta, but it also may start from Trollheimshytta. [22011c] for "The Triangle", it's good to start from both Gjevilvasshytta and Jøldalshytta, but it can also have Trollheimshytta as a starting point. [22011d] [22012a] Fineste start på en slik tur får du ved å dra inn til første hytta om ettermiddagen og "være i fjellet" før første dagetappe. [22012b] The best start for such a tour that you can get is to go in to the first lodge in the afternoon and "be in the mountains" before the first day's stretch. [22012c] The best start for a trip like this is to go into the first lodge in the afternoon and enjoy "being in the mountains" for the first day's leg. [22012d] [22013a] Til Gjevilvasshytta er det sommers tid bilveg helt inn fra Oppdal. [22013b] To Gjevilvasshytta in summertime, there's a road all the way in from Oppdal. [22013c] In the summertime, there is an open automobile road all the way in from Oppdal. [22013d] [22014a] Til Jøldalshytta er det en trivelig times tur langs ikke trafikkert seterveg fra Jølhaugen. [22014b] To Jøldalshytta it's an enjoyable hour's hike along an untrafficked cattle track from Jølhaugen. [22014c] It is a pleasant hour-long trip along an untrafficked pasture road from Jølhaugen. [22014d] [22015a] Til Trollheimshytta fra Gråhaugen er turen lenger, 4 timer langs Gråsjøen eller 5 over Bossvasshøgda. [22015b] To Trollheimshytta from Gråhaugen the hike is longer, 4 hours along Gråsjøen or 5 hours over Bossvasshøgda. [22015c] To Trollheimshytta from Gråhaugen is a longer trip, 4 hours alongside Gråsjøen, or 5 over Bossvasshøgda. [22015d] [22016a] Vi beskriver turen med start på Gjevilvass-hytta, betjent, TT, første kvelden. [22016b] We describe the tour that starts at Gjevilvass-hytta, staffed, TT, first evening. [22016c] We describe the trip with the Gjevilvasshytta, unstaffed, TT, as the starting point on the first evening. [22016d] [22017a] Hit kan du komme deg med kombinasjon av tog til Oppdal og buss til Festa og etter setervegen fram til hytta. [22017b] You can get here with a combination of train to Oppdal and bus to Festa and along the cattle track up to the lodge. [22017c] You can get here by a combination of train to Oppdal and bus to Festa and along the pasture road to the lodge. [22017d] [22018a] Eller du kan kjøre bil helt inn til hytta. [22018b] Or you can drive a car all the way in to the lodge. [22018c] Or you may drive a car all the way in to the lodge. [22018d] [22019a] Turen over Mellomfjell til Trollheimshytta, betjent, TT, 8 t, er en av de mest varierte merkarutene i Trollheimen. [22019b] The hike over Mellomfjell to Trollheimshytta, staffed, TT, 8 hours, is one of the most varied marked routes in Trollheimen. [22019c] The trip over Mellomfjell to Trollheim Lodge, staffed, TT, 8 hrs, is one of the most varied marked trails in the Trollheimen mountains. [22019d] [22020a] Ruta tar inn mellom Gjevilvasskamman og Blåhø. [22020b] The route goes in between Gjevilvasskamman and Blåhø. [22020c] The route runs in between Gjevilvasskamman and Blåhø. [22020d] [22021a] Det er mulig å ta en avstikker til Blåhø fra nedre Kamtjern. [22021b] It's possible to take a side trip to Blåhø from Nedre Kamtjern. [22021c] It is possible to take a detour to Blåhø from the lower Kam pond. [22021d] [22022a] Fra Riaren, turens høgste punkt midtvegs på turen, åpner utsikten seg mot det indre av Trollheimen. [22022b] From Riaren, the hike's highest point midway on the tour, the view opens up towards the interior of Trollheimen. [22022c] From Riaren, the trip's highest point midway on the journey, there is an open panorama toward the inner Trollheimen mountains. [22022d] [22023a] Siste del av turen ned fra Skallen er bratt ned til hytta. [22023b] The last part of the tour from Skallen goes directly down to the lodge. [22023c] The last portion of the trip down from Skallen is steep down to the lodge. [22023d] [22024a]
[22024d] [22025a] Dagsturen til Snota fra Trollheimshytta, 8 t tur-retur, er en av landets fineste toppturer. [22025b] The day hike to Snota from Trollheimshytta, 8 hours round trip, is one of the country's finest summit tours. [22025c] The day trip to Snota from Trollheim Lodge, 8 hrs round trip, is one of the best summit excursions in the country. [22025d] [22026a] Storfuruskogen i Folldalen er eventyrlig å gå tur i. [22026b] The big pine woods in Folldalen are fantastic for hiking. [22026c] The great pine forest in Folldalen is a fairytale-like hike. [22026d] [22027a] Så på Trollheimshytta er det verdt å ta en ekstra dag. [22027b] So it's worthwhile to take an extra day at Trollheimshytta. [22027c] So it is worth spending an extra day at Trollheim Lodge. [22027d] [22028a] Det er fine fiskemuligheter både på turen over Mellomfjell og i Folldalen. [22028b] There's fine fishing, both on the hike over Mellomfjell and in Folldalen. [22028c] There are good fishing opportunities on the trip both over Mellomfjell and in Folldalen. [22028d] [22029a]
[22029d] [22030a] Over til Jøldalshytta, betjent, TT, er det tre merka ruter: "normalruta" over Geithetta, 6 t, turen langs Svartådalen, 5 t, og turen over Trollhettas tre topper, 9 t. [22030b] Over to Jøldalshytta, staffed, TT, there are three marked routes: "the normal route" over Geithetta, 6 hours, the hike through Svartådalen, 5 hours, and the hike over Trollhetta's three summits, 9 hours. [22030c] Over to Jøldalshytta, staffed, TT, there are three marked routes: "the normal route" across Geithetta, 6 hrs, the trip along Svartådalen, 5 hrs, and the trip over Trollhetta's three peaks, 9 hrs. [22030d] [22031a] Alle turene har sine store kvaliteter. [22031b] All the hikes have their great attractions. [22031c] All trips have their great attractions. [22031d] [22032a] La været, fysisk form og interesse avgjøre valget. [22032b] Let the weather, your physical fitness and interests decide. [22032c] Let the weather, your physical condition and interests decide. [22032d] [22033a]
[22033d] [22034a] Turen tilbake til Gjevilvasshytta, 6-7 t, er en fin dagstur gjennom de østlige, slakere delene av Trollheimen-terrenget. [22034b] The return hike to Gjevilvasshytta, 6-7 hours, is a fine day hike through the eastern, gentler parts of Trollheimen terrain. [22034c] The trip back to Gjevilvasshytta, 6-7 hrs, is a fine day trip through the eastern, more gradual portions of the Trollheimen terrain. [22034d] [22035a] Avslutninga på turen fra "galleriet" høgt og fritt over Gjevilvassdalen ned gjennom det frodige planteriket innunder Tyrikvamfjellet og fram til Gjevilvassdalens vakre kulturlandskap, er en flott avrunding av denne turen. [22035b] The end of the tour from "the gallery" high and free over Gjevilvassdalen down through the lush plant kingdom beneath Tyrikvamfjellet and up to Gjevilvassdalen's beautiful cultural landscape, is a splendid rounding off of this tour. [22035c] The final stretch of the trip from "galleriet" high and open above Gjevilvassdalen and down through the lush plant kingdom beneath Tyrikvamfjellet and into Gjevilvassdalen's beautiful cultural landscape, is a fine finale to this trip. [22035d] [22036a] Og gjerne også med en avsluttende middag på hytta og kaffe i ettermiddagssola eller i peisestua. [22036b] And if you wish, have a final dinner at the lodge and coffee in the afternoon sun or at the fireside. [22036c] And perhaps also with a final dinner at the lodge and coffee in the afternoon sun or in the lounge by the fireplace. [22036d] [22037a] De som vil ta denne turen som en topptur, kan legge ruta over Svarthetta og Svarthamran. [22037b] Those who wish to take this hike as a summit tour can route it over Svarthetta and Svarthamran. [22037c] Those who want to take this trip as a summit excursion may plan their route across Svarthetta and Svarthamran. [22037d] [22038a]
[22038d] [22039a] +Vinter: [22039b] Winter: [22039c] +Winter: [22039d] [22040a] "Trekanten" er like fin å gå vinters tid, mellom betjente hytter i påska, eller mellom selv- og ubetjente kvarterer på de betjente hyttene utenom påska. [22040b] The "Triangle" is equally fine to ski in wintertime, between staffed lodges at Easter time, or between self-service and no-service cabins out of the Easter season. [22040c] "The Pyramid" is just as nice to visit in the wintertime, between the staffed lodges at Easter, or between the self-service and staffed accommodations at the attended cabins outside of the Easter season. [22040d] [22041a] Vinterrutene er kvista over skoggrensa i påska. [22041b] The winter routes are marked with branches above timberline at Easter time. [22041c] The winter trails are cleared of branches above the tree line at Easter. [22041d] [22042a] Det er stort sett brøyta veg til Osen ved Gjevilvatnet, mot Jølhaugen og til Gråhaugen. [22042b] The road is by and large plowed to the outlet of Gjevilvatnet, towards Jølhaugen and to Gråhaugen. [22042c] The road is generally snow-plowed to Osen at Gjevil Lake, toward Jølhaugen and to Gråhaugen. [22042d] [22043a] Vinterruta til Trollheimshytta går om Svarthamran, til Jøldalshytta om Rinnvatna nord for Trollhetta, eller umerka om Finnskardet (Svartådalen er rasfarlig) og til Gjevilvasshytta omtrent etter sommerruta. [22043b] The winter route to Trollheimshytta goes via Svarthamran, to Jøldalshytta via Rinnvatna north of Trollhetta, or unmarked via Finnskardet (Svartådalen has avalanche risk) and to Gjevilvasshytta nearly along the summer route. [22043c] The winter route to Trollheim Lodge goes via Svarthamran, to Jøldal Loge via Rinnvatna north of Trollhetta, or unmarked via Finnskardet (Svartådalen has a danger of avalanches) and to Gjevilvass Lodge approximately along the summer route. [22043d] [22044a] Det er fint å bestige Blåhø fra Svarthamran. [22044b] It's a fine climb to Blåhø from Svarthamran. [22044c] It is suitable to climb Blåhø from Svarthamran. [22044d] [22045a] Turen til Snota er en flott vintertur. [22045b] The tour to Snota also is a fine winter tour. [22045c] The trip to Snota is a nice winter excursion. [22045d] [22046a]
[22046d] [22047a] +Kart: [22047b] Maps: [22047c] +Maps: [22047d] [22048a] 1:50 000 Oppdal og Trollhetta (og Snota for turer i Folldalen eller til Snota), turkart 1:75 000 Trollheimen eller gammelt 1:100 000. [22048b] 1:50,000 Oppdal and Trollhetta (and Snota for tours to Folldalen or to Snota), hiking and skiing map 1:75,000 Trollheimen or the old 1:100,000. [22048c] 1:50,000 Oppdal and Trollhetta (and Snota, for trips in Folldalen or to Snota), trip map 1:75,000 Trollheimen or the older map 1:100,000. [22048d] [22049a]
[22049d] [22050a] +Erik Stabell [22050b] Erik Stabell [22050c] +Erik Stabell [22050d] [23001a] +Turmuligheter fra Nedalshytta [23001b] Hike choices from Nedalshytta [23001c] +Trip alternatives from Nedalshytta [23001d] [23002a]
[23002d] [23003a] Fra Nedalshytta er det mange dagsturmuligheter, både lange og krevende til toppene i Sylmassivet og til nære turmål i dalen. [23003b] From Nedalshytta there are many day hike choices, both long and demanding to peaks in the Syl massif and to closer hike destinations in the valley. [23003c] From Nedalshytta, there are many day-trip opportunities, both long and challenging ones to the summits in the Syl massif and to closer destinations in the valley. [23003d] [23004a] Den lette adkomsten og nærheten til vann i mange retninger gjør at terrenget rundt Nedalshytta er godt egnet for turer med barn. [23004b] The easy access and proximity to lakes in many directions make the terrain around Nedalshytta well suited for hikes with children. [23004c] The easy access and proximity to lakes in many directions make the terrain around Nedalshytta very suitable for outings with children. [23004d] [23005a] Innenfor en radius på et par kilometer finnes flere «snille» turmål. [23005b] Within a radius of a couple of kilometers there are several "good-natured" hike destinations. [23005c] Within a radius of a couple of kilometers, there are several «easy» destinations. [23005d] [23006a] Kommer du hit i august måned, kan du dra hjem med både multer og røye i sekken. [23006b] Come here in the month of August, and you can return home with both cloudberries and char in your pack. [23006c] If you come here during the month of August, you can return home with both cloudberries and Arctic char in your rucksack. [23006d] [23007a]
[23007d] [23008a] +1. Kveldstur til Neklumpen, 1014 m [23008b] 1. Evening tour to Neklumpen, 1014 m [23008c] +1. Evening trip to Neklumpen, 1014 m. [23008d] [23009a] Et besøk til «nærfjellet» rett bak hytta, er innen rekkevidde for de fleste. [23009b] A jaunt to the "nearby mountains" right behind the lodge is within range for most. [23009c] A visit to the «neighboring mountain» just behind the lodge is feasible for most people. [23009d] [23010a] Turen er lett å gå for barn, og kan være en fin kveldstur med innlagt solnedgang og flott utsyn mot Nesjøen, Nordskardsfjellet og ikke minst opp mot Sylmassivet. [23010b] The tour is an easy walk for children, and can be a fine evening tour that includes a sunset and a fine vista towards Nesjøen, Nordskardsfjellet and not least up to the Syl massif. [23010c] The trip is an easy hike for children and can be a nice evening excursion, including a sunset and beautiful view out over Nesjøen, Nordskardsfjellet and of course up toward the Syl massif. [23010d] [23011a] Utsiktsmessig gir turen et stort utbytte mot beskjeden innsats. [23011b] In vantage points, the tour yields much for modest effort. [23011c] In terms of a view, the trip offers great rewards for modest effort. [23011d] [23012a] Lengde omkring 4 km tur/ retur. [23012b] Length about 4 km round trip. [23012c] Length approx. 4 km round trip. [23012d] [23013a]
[23013d] [23014a] +2. Tur til fossen i Ekorråa/Ikornåa [23014b] 2. Tour to the waterfall in Ekorråa/Ikornåa [23014c] +2. Trip to the waterfall at Ekorråa/Ikornåa [23014d] [23015a] Fossen er verdt et besøk, spesielt når vannføringen er stor. [23015b] The waterfall is worth a visit, particularly when the water flow is large. [23015c] The waterfall is worth a visit, especially when the rapids are strong. [23015d] [23016a] Følg stien mot Ekorrdörren (Sylstationen) ca 500 m før du tar av til høyre bortover mot elva. [23016b] Follow the trail towards Ekorrdörren (Sylstationen) about 500 m before you turn off to the right across to the river. [23016c] Follow the path toward Ekorrdörren (Sylstationen) approx. 500 m before you turn off to the right toward the river. [23016d] [23017a] Høyden på fossen er omkring 15 meter. [23017b] The height of the waterfall is about 15 meters. [23017c] The elevation of the waterfall is about 15 meters. [23017d] [23018a] I foten ligger en kulp som kan brukes til bading. [23018b] At its foot there's a pool that can be used for bathing. [23018c] At the base, there is a deep pool that can be used for swimming. [23018d] [23019a] Den er rundt 2 meter på det dypeste, men har ingen strand rundt slik at unger bør være i 8 - 10-årsalderen for å kunne bruke den. [23019b] It's about 2 meters at the deepest, but there's no surrounding shore, so children should be 8 - 10 years old to use it. [23019c] It is about 2 meters at its deepest point, but it has no surrounding beach, so that children should be between 8 - 10 years of age to swim here. [23019d] [23020a]
[23020d] [23021a] +3. Kulpturen til Nordskardsfjellet [23021b] 3. Pool tour to Nordskardsfjellet [23021c] +3. Pool trip to Nordskardsfjellet [23021d] [23022a] Dette er en fin familietur. [23022b] This is a fine family tour. [23022c] This is an excellent trip for families. [23022d] [23023a] Den starter fra Sylsjøveien og har en innmarsj på et par kilometer langs Geitbekken før du kommer fram til den første av en rekke med grunne og fine kulper i bekken. [23023b] It starts from Sylsjøveien and has a fine ingress of a couple of kilometers along Geitbekken before you come to the first of a series of shallow, fine pools in the stream. [23023c] It begins from the Sylsjø road and has an approach of a couple of kilometers along Geitbekken before you come to the first of a series of nice, shallow pools in the stream. [23023d] [23024a] Utflukten passer nok best en varm sommerdag. [23024b] The outing is most suitable for a warm summer day. [23024c] The outing is best on a warm summer day. [23024d] [23025a] Vannet kommer fra smeltende snøfonner under toppen og svabergene på begge sider er lette å gå på. [23025b] The water comes from melting snowfields under the summit and it's easy walking on the slopes of naked rock on both sides. [23025c] The water comes from melting snowdrifts beneath the summit, and the flat rocks on both sides are easy to walk on. [23025d] [23026a]
[23026d] [23027a] +Fisketurer [23027b] Fishing trips [23027c] +Fishing trips [23027d] [23028a] Barn under 16 år kan fiske uten å betale for fiskekort. [23028b] Children younger than 16 years can fish without buying a fishing license. [23028c] Children under 16 years of age may fish without paying for a fishing license. [23028d] [23029a] Fisking i Nesjøen er å anbefale. [23029b] Fishing in Nesjøen is to be recommended. [23029c] Fishing in Nesjøen is recommended. [23029d] [23030a] Det er tillatt med stangfiske fra land. [23030b] Rod fishing from land is permitted. [23030c] It is permitted to fish with a rod from land. [23030d] [23031a] Etter 15. august er det adgang for folk flest å bruke garn for den som vil bruke muligheten til matauk. [23031b] After 15 August people in general are allowed to use nets to exploit the opportunity for food supply. [23031c] After August 15, the general public is permitted to use nets, for those who want to stock up on food supplies. [23031d] [23032a] Vil du bruke båt, kan den lånes fra Nesjøen Båtutleie som holder til vel 2 km sør for turisthytta. [23032b] If you wish to use a boat, you can rent one from Nesjøen Båtutleie that's located about 2 km south of the lodge. [23032c] If you want to use a boat, one can be borrowed from Nesjøen Boat Rental, which is located a little more than 2 km south of the tourist lodge. [23032d] [23033a] Ellers er det en mengde store og små vatn innover fra hytta mot Sylsjøn. [23033b] Otherwise, there are many small lakes inwards from the lodge towards Sylsjøn. [23033c] Otherwise, there are a number of large and small lakes from the lodge in toward Sylsjøn. [23033d] [23034a]
[23034d] [23035a] +Småturing etter multer [23035b] Short tours for cloudberries [23035c] +Cloudberry outings [23035d] [23036a] Fra første halvdel av august er multa moden og det kan være mye av den inne i Nedalen. [23036b] From the first half of August on, cloudberries are ripe and there can be many of them in Nedalen. [23036c] From the first half of August on, the cloudberries are ripe and may be plentiful in Nedalen. [23036d] [23037a] Terrenget langs Nesjøen kan gi bra utbytte når det ligger tilrette for det fra naturens side enten man vil plukke i mage eller spann eller begge deler. [23037b] The terrain along Nesjøen may yield a lot, because of its naturally favorable conditions, whether you pick to eat, put them in buckets or both. [23037c] The terrain along Nesjøen may have a good yield if nature has been generous, whether one wants to fill one's stomach directly, or pails, or both. [23037d] [23038a]
[23038d] [23039a] +Vinter: [23039b] Winter: [23039c] +Winter: [23039d] [23040a] Nedalshytta er vanskeligere å komme inn til om vinteren, så da passer den ikke så godt for aktivitets- og turhelg med barn. [23040b] Nedalshytta is hard to get to in winter, so it's not so suitable for activities or tour weekends with children. [23040c] Nedal Lodge is more difficult to get to in the winter, so it is not so suitable for a weekend of activities and excursions with children. [23040d] [23041a] Men også da er det flotte aktivitets- og kortturmuligheter her inne. [23041b] But here too there are fine choices of activities and short tours. [23041c] But here, too, there are many nice opportunities for activities and short outings. [23041d] [23042a] Både terrenget ved hytta, innover mot Sylsjøen og opp daldraget mot Skardøra er lunt, variert og spennende både for turer og skibakkeleik. [23042b] The terrain around the lodge, in towards Sylsjøen, and up the ravine towards Skardøra is sheltered, varied and thrilling, both for tours and ski hill games. [23042c] The terrain both at the lodge, in toward Sysjøen and up the gully toward Skardøra is sheltered, varied and exciting for both hiking and skiing fun. [23042d] [23043a] Her finner vi også lune steder for rast og bål. [23043b] Here there also are sheltered places for resting and bonfires. [23043c] Here we also find sheltered spots for rest stops and campfires. [23043d] [23044a]
[23044d] [23045a] +Kart: [23045b] Maps: [23045c] +Maps: [23045d] [23046a] Turkart 1:100 000 Sylene eller 1:50 000 Stugusjø og evt Esandsjøen. [23046b] Hiking and skiing map 1:100,000 Sylene or 1:50,000 Stugusjø and possibly Esandsjøen. [23046c] Trip map 1:100,000 Sylene or 1:50,000 Stugusjø and Esandsjøen. [23046d] [23047a]
[23047d] [23048a] +Roar Nålsund [23048b] Roar Nålsund [23048c] +Roar Nålsund [23048d] [24001a] +TUR S10 4 dager [24001b] Tour S10 4 days [24001c] +TRIP S10 4 days [24001d] [24002a]
[24002d] [24003a] +Fra Tydal til Stjørdal [24003b] From Tydal to Stjørdal [24003c] +From Tydal to Stjørdal [24003d] [24004a]
[24004d] [24005a] +Fire dager vest i Sylene [24005b] Four days west in Sylene [24005c] +Four days in western Sylene [24005d] [24006a]
[24006d] [24007a] Dette er en tur gjennom områder som på ulike måter er natur- og kulturhistorisk interessante. [24007b] This is a tour through areas that in differing ways are of natural or cultural historic interest. [24007c] This is a trip through areas that are interesting for nature, culture and history in various ways. [24007d] [24008a] Her er spor etter kvernsteinsbrudd, gruver, bosettinger, seterdrift og mange generasjoners ferdsels- og transportveger. [24008b] Here there are traces of millstone quarries, mines, settlements, summer dairy farming, and many generations of travel and transport roads. [24008c] There are traces left here from millstone quarries, mines, settlements, mountain farming and many generations of communications and transportation roads. [24008d] [24009a] Roltdalen og Stråsjøen - Prestøyan - Kvernfjelldalen er sidedaler i Neavassdraget med meget store verneverdier og som er i behold uten moderne tekninske inngrep. [24009b] Roltdalen and Stråsjøen - Prestøyan - Kvernfjelldalen are branch valleys in Neavassdraget that are very deserving of preservation and that are unharmed by modern technical intervention. [24009c] Roltdalen and Stråsjøen - Prestøyan - Kvernfjelldalen are side valleys in the Nea water course with a large amount of cultural heritage that is still intact without modern technical measures. [24009d] [24010a] Turen gir mulighet for mange interessante avstikkere og fine toppturer. [24010b] The tour affords choices of many interesting side trips and fine summit tours. [24010c] The trip offers the opportunity for many interesting side trips and excursions to the summits. [24010d] [24011a] En slik gjennomgangstur legger opp til bruk av gode offentlige kommunikasjoner gjennom Selbu / Tydal og evt i Stjørdalen. [24011b] Such a through tour presupposes use of good public transportation through Selbu / Tydal and possibly in Stjørdalen. [24011c] A trip of this type through the area includes the use of good public communications through Selbu / Tydal and optionally, in Stjørdalen. [24011d] [24012a] Turen er fin for grupper med barn fra ca 10 - 12 års alder. [24012b] The hike is fine for groups with children from age 10 to 12. [24012c] The trip is suitable for groups with children from about 10 - 12 years of age. [24012d] [24013a]
[24013d] [24014a] Det går ettermiddagsbuss fra Trondheim om Selbu og gjennom Græsligrenda. [24014b] There's an afternoon bus from Trondheim via Selbu and through Græsligrenda. [24014c] There are buses in the afternoon from Trondheim via Selbu and through Græsligrenda. [24014d] [24015a] Fra Græsligrenda er det en fin ettermiddagstur langs veg og god sti bratt opp til Græslihytta, selvbetjent, TT, 1 t. [24015b] From Græsligrenda, there's a fine afternoon hike along a road and a good trail directly up to Græslihytta, self-service, TT, 1 hour. [24015c] From Græsligrenda, it is a fine afternoon trip along a road and good path steeply up to Græsli Lodge, self-service, TT, 1 hr. [24015d] [24016a] Ruta mot Schulzhytta, betjent, TT, 7 t, går i åpent fjellterreng over Græslivola og på østsiden av Melshogna til Vælskaret. [24016b] The route to Schulzhytta, staffed, TT, 7 hours, goes in open mountain terrain over Græslivola and on the east side of Melshogna to Vælskaret. [24016c] The route toward Schulz Lodge, staffed, TT, 7 hrs, runs in open mountain terrain over Græslivola and on the eastern side of Melshogna to Vælskaret. [24016d] [24017a] Her har Selbu fjellstyre ei bu som er åpen for allmenn bruk. [24017b] Here the Selbu Mountain Board has a hut that is open to the public. [24017c] Here, Selbu Mountain Resource Administration has a cabin that is available for use by the general public. [24017d] [24018a] Turen går videre langs Rotldalen til i myr-terreng og bjørkeskog. [24018b] The hike continues along Rotldalen to marshy terrain and birch woods. [24018c] The trip continues along Rotldalen to a moorland terrain and birch forest. [24018d] [24019a]
[24019d] [24020a] Følg stien vestover fra Schulzhytta mot Hoemskjølen (Blekåa) og opp mot Høgfjellet. [24020b] Follow the trail westwards from Schulzhytta towards Hoemskjølen (Blekåa) and up towards Høgfjellet. [24020c] Follow the path westward from Schulz Lodge toward Hoemskjølen (Blekåa) and up toward Høgfjellet. [24020d] [24021a] Ved Krokbekken tar stien mot Prestøyhytta, selvbetjent, NTT, 5 t, av nordover og går øst for Stortjernin, øst for Høystakktjenna og ned til bru over Øyelva ved Høystakken. [24021b] At Krokbekken, take the trail to Prestøyhytta, self-service, NTT, 5 hours, northwards and go east of Stortjernin, east of Høystakktjenna and down to the bridge over Øyelva at Høystakken. [24021c] At Krokbekken, the path goes toward Prestøyhytta, self-service, NTT, 5 hrs, off toward the north and eastward for Stortjernin, east of Høystakktjenna and down to a bridge over Øy River at Høystakken. [24021d] [24022a] Herfra bør du følge stien som går opp Kvittytlia til Prestøyhytta. [24022b] From here, you should follow the trail that goes up Kvittytlia to Prestøyhytta. [24022c] From here, you should follow the trail that goes up Svittytlia to Prestøyhytta. [24022d] [24023a] Turen er merket, men stien er ikke tydelig på hele ruta. [24023b] The tour is marked, but the trail is not distinct the whole way. [24023c] The trip is marked, but the trail is not clearly visible all of the way. [24023d] [24024a] Dette er en fin tur i et kulturhistorisk interessant område med mulighet for avstikkere til gamle kvernsteinsbrudd både i Høgfjellet og ved store Kvernfjellvatn. [24024b] This is a fine tour in a culturally and historically interesting area with choices of side tours to old millstone quarries both at Høgfjellet and by Store Kvernfjellvatn. [24024c] This is an excellent trip in a culturally and historically interesting area with opportunities for side trips to old millstone quarries both in Høgfjellet and at the large Kvernfjell Lake. [24024d] [24025a] Det er skilting til flere av bruddstedene. [24025b] There are signs to several of the quarry sites. [24025c] Several of the quarries are posted with signs. [24025d] [24026a]
[24026d] [24027a] Til Kvitfjellhytta, selvbetjent, NTT, 4 t, er det åpent fjellterreng langs vestsiden av Gråfjell og på østsiden av Grønfjellet. [24027b] To Kvitfjellhytta, self-service, NTT, 4 hours, the mountain terrain is open along the west side of Gråfjell and the east side of Grønfjellet. [24027c] There is open mountain terrain along the western side of Gråfjell and the eastern side of Grønfjellet to Kvitfjell Lodge, self-service, NTT, 4 hrs. [24027d] [24028a] Den siste delen av turen går gjennom et spennende småkupert landskap i åpen fjellskog og langs myrer først mot nord, så rett vestover. [24028b] Most of the tour goes through a thrilling, slightly rolling landscape in open mountain woods and along marshes, first towards the north and then directly westwards. [24028c] The last portion of the trip goes through an interesting, undulating landscape in open mountain forest and along moors first northward and then due west. [24028d] [24029a] Turen til Kvitfjellhytta er så kort, at spreke folk kan legge turen om toppen av Skarvan. [24029b] The tour to Kvitfjellhytta is so short that fit people can include a tour to the summit of Skarvan. [24029c] The trip to Kvitfjell Lodge is so short that people in good condition can take a trip along the way to the summit of Skarvan. [24029d] [24030a] Ta da opp over Litlskarven og over Skarvsalen fram til toppen, 1171 m. [24030b] Then go up over Litlskarven and over Skarvsalen up to the summit, 1171 m. [24030c] Hike up over Litlskarven and across Skarvsalen to the top, 1171 m. [24030d] [24031a] Turen tilbake til stien mot Kvitfjellhytta tas om bandet før Sunndals-høgda, sørvestover ned i daldraget og vestover etter fylkesgrensa. [24031b] The tour back to the trail towards Kvitfjellhytta goes on the col before Sunndals-høgda, southwestwards down the ravine and westwards along the county border. [24031c] The trip back to the path leading to Kvitfjell Lodge is done via the link before Sunndals-høgda, southwest down through the gully and west along the county border. [24031d] [24032a]
[24032d] [24033a] Fra Kvitfjellhytta til Hegra er det en lang tur i småkupert terreng, 8 t (23 km). [24033b] From Kvitfjellhytta to Hegra it's a long tour in rolling terrain, 8 hours (23 km). [24033c] The trip from Kvitfjell Lodge to Hegra is long, through rolling terrain, 8 hrs (23 km). [24033d] [24034a] Ruta går i åpent skogs- og myrterreng øst for Ytteråsen, forbi Flaksjøen og ned til Hegra festning. [24034b] The route goes through open wooded and marshy terrain east of Ytteråsen, past Flaksjøen and down to Hegra fort. [24034c] The route runs in open forest and moorland terrain east of Ytteråsen, past Flaksjøen and down to Hegra Fortress. [24034d] [24035a] Ta ned til bussen ved riksvegen gjennom Hegra. [24035b] Go down to the bus on the State highway through Hegra. [24035c] Make your way down to the bus on the state highway through Hegra. [24035d] [24036a] Er forholdene våte kan returen legges vestover til Vinsmyr ved riksvegen over Selbuskogen, 4 t. [24036b] In wet conditions, the return can be westwards to Vinsmyr on the State highway over Selbuskogen, 4 hours. [24036c] If the weather is wet, the return trip can be done westward to Vinsmyr at the state highway over Selbuskogen, 4 hrs. [24036d] [24037a] Med barn anbefales denne varianten. [24037b] With children, this variant is advisable. [24037c] With children, this alternative is recommended. [24037d] [24038a] Merkinga går over Ertsgardsfjellet, langs gammel sti sør for Litle Leksdammen og vestover forbi Elvervollen. [24038b] The marking goes over Ertsgardsfjellet, along an old trail south of Litle Leksdammen and westwards past Elvervollen. [24038c] The marked trail goes over Ertsgardsfjellet, along the old path south of Litle Leksdammen and west past Elvervollen. [24038d] [24039a] Selbubussene passerer Vindsmyr. [24039b] The Selbubu busses run by Vindsmyr. [24039c] Selbu buses pass Vindsmyr. [24039d] [24040a]
[24040d] [24041a] +Vinter: [24041b] Winter: [24041c] +Winter: [24041d] [24042a] Vinterstakinga mot Schulzhytta skiller seg fra sommerruta i Roltdalen. [24042b] The winter staked route towards Schulzhytta differs from the summer route in Roltdalen. [24042c] The marked winter route toward Schulz Lodge forks off from the summer route in Roltdalen. [24042d] [24043a] Under gode forhold er fint å ta en topptur over Melshogna eller for de spreke, over en eller flere av i toppene i Fongen-massivet (Ruten, Tronshatten, Fongskaftet og Fongen). [24043b] With good conditions, it's fine to take a summit tour over Melshogna, or, for the hardy, over several of the summits of the Fongen massif (Ruten, Tronshatten, Fongskaftet, and Fongen). [24043c] In good conditions, it's a good idea to include a summit excursion over Melshogna, or for people in good condition, across one or more of the summits in the Fongen massif (Ruten, Tronshatten, Fongskaftet and Fongen). [24043d] [24044a] Fra Schulzhytta og nordover er det ikke vintermerking. [24044b] From Schulzhytta and northwards there's no winter marking. [24044c] From the Schulz Lodge and north, the winter trail is not marked. [24044d] [24045a] Mot Kvitfjellhytta er det lettest å gå mer rett mot hytta etter myrdragene forbi Kjellstadvollen og Eidemsvollen, eller ned til Stråsjøen og over Storkjølen. [24045b] Towards Kvitfjellhytta, it's easiest to ski directly towards the lodge along the marsh stretches past Kjellstadvollen and Eidemsvollen, or down to Stråsjøen and over Storkjølen. [24045c] To get to the Kvitfjell Lodge, it is easiest to go straighter toward the lodge along the moorland stretches past Kjellstadvollen and Eidemsvollen, or down to Stråsjøen and across Storkjølen. [24045d] [24046a] Turen til Hegra er vanligvis veldig tung å gå om vinteren, så nedturen til Vindsmyr anbefales. [24046b] The tour to Hegra usually is tough to ski in winter, so the downhill to Vindsmyr is advisable. [24046c] The trip to Hegra is normally very strenuous during wintertime, so the descent to Vindsmyr is recommended. [24046d] [24047a] Løypa bør legges rett vestover Gråvatnet. [24047b] You should choose a track directly west over Gråvatnet. [24047c] Your course should be set due west over Gråvatnet. [24047d] [24048a]
[24048d] [24049a] +Rutebeskrivelser: [24049b] Route descriptions: [24049c] +Descriptions of the routes: [24049d] [24050a] De merka og umerka rutene og mange varianter og toppturer er beskrevet i TTs håndbok Sylene og Trollheimen. [24050b] Both marked and unmarked routes and many variants and summit tours are described in the TT Guide, Sylene and Trollheimen. [24050c] The marked and unmarked routes, as well as many alternatives and summit excursions are described in TT's handbook Sylene and Trollheimen. [24050d] [24051a]
[24051d] [24052a] +Kart [24052b] Maps: [24052c] +Maps [24052d] [24053a] +1:50 000 Tydal, Flornes og Stjørdal. [24053b] 1:50,000 Tydal, Flornes and Stjørdal. [24053c] +1:50,000 Tydal, Flornes and Stjørdal. [24053d] [24054a]
[24054d] [24055a] +Vigdis Heimly [24055b] Vigdis Heimly [24055c] +Vigdis Heimly [24055d] [25001a] +TUR T21 4 dager [25001b] Tour T21 4 days [25001c] [25001d] [25002a]
[25002c] [25002d] [25003a] +En rundtur i Barnas Naturverden [25003b] A round trip in Children's Nature World [25003c] [25003d] [25004a]
[25004c] [25004d] [25005a] «Nordenfor Dovrefjell og østenfor mektige Trollheimen» - i Jutulriket, ligger Barnas Naturverden - et spennende fjellområde hvor rutene mellom turisthyttene er til-passet barneføttene. [25005b] "North of Dovrefjell and east of the mighty Trollheimen" - in the Kingdom of Jutul, lies Children's Nature World - a thrilling mountain area in which routes between lodges suit children's feet. [25005c] [25005d] [25006a] Du finner denne nesten bortgjemte naturskatten i Rennebu kommune, 85 km sør for Trondheim. [25006b] You'll find this nigh hidden natural resource in Rennebu township, 85 km south of Trondheim. [25006c] [25006d] [25007a] Tar dere buss til Ulsberg kan dere følge merket tursti fra E6 like sør for Ulsberg ned over Orkla og så oppover langs Hevra og fram til Heverfallsetra (4 km). [25007b] If you take a bus to Ulsberg, you can follow the marked trail from E6 just south of Ulsberg, down over Orkla and then up along Hevra and up to Heverfallsetra (4 km). [25007c] [25007d] [25008a] Bruker dere privat bil kan dere parkere ved samme seter. [25008b] If you travel by private car, you can park at the same summer dairy. [25008c] [25008d] [25009a] I setersesongen er det all grunn til å sette av noe tid på Heverfallsetra. [25009b] In the summer dairying season, there's every reason to spend some time at Heverfallsetra. [25009c] [25009d] [25010a] Her er det seterdrift med vaskeekte budeie som serverer vafler og rømme av ypperste kvalitet. [25010b] Here there's summer dairy farming with real milkmaids who serve waffles and sour cream of the best quality. [25010c] [25010d] [25011a] Her finnes også ku, sau, gris og andre dyr som dere kan besøke før ferden går til fjells. [25011b] Here there also are cows, sheep, pigs and other animals to see before the trip goes to the mountains. [25011c] [25011d] [25012a]
[25012c] [25012d] [25013a] Det tar ikke lange stunden før stien leder dere over den frodige seterdalen og snau-fjellet åpner seg i all sin prakt. [25013b] In a short while, the trail takes you over the lush summery dairying valley, and bare mountains open up in all their majesty. [25013c] [25013d] [25014a] Etter 2 km langs delvis hellelagt sti dukker det første av i alt tre selehus frem. [25014b] After 2 km along a partly paved trail, the first of three pilgrim hostels appears. [25014c] [25014d] [25015a] Her ved Hevertjønna får dere det første møtet med en svunnen tid. [25015b] Here at Hevertjønna, you first meet bygone times. [25015c] [25015d] [25016a] Turisthytta er et Sælehus eller en rekonstruksjon av tømmerhusene pilegrimene overnattet i på vei til Nidaros. [25016b] The lodge is a Pilgrim Hostel or a reconstruction of a log cabin where pilgrims stayed on the way to Nidaros. [25016c] [25016d] [25017a] Denne og de to andre turisthyttene er like og er bygget med ljorehull i taket og benker rundt et åpent ildsted, - en atmosfære som absolutt kommer til å gjøre inntrykk på et åpent barnesinn. [25017b] It and the other two lodges are alike and are built with a smoke vent in the roof and benches around an open hearth - an atmosphere that absolutely will impress the open mind of a child. [25017c] [25017d] [25018a] Hevertjønna er et flott fiskevann som kan by på mang en overraskelse på kroken. [25018b] Hevertjønna is a fine fishing lake that can offer many a surprise catch. [25018c] [25018d] [25019a]
[25019c] [25019d] [25020a] Neste dag går turen nordover på østsiden av Ramshøpiken og på vestsiden av elva til dere kommer midtveis ut på myra. [25020b] The next day's tour goes northwards on the east side of Ramshøpiken and on the west side of the river until you are midway in the marsh. [25020c] [25020d] [25021a] Her tar dere av nordøst til Damtjønna, 4,5 km. [25021b] Here you turn northeast to Damtjønna, 4.5 km. [25021c] [25021d] [25022a]
[25022c] [25022d] [25023a] På tur til det siste «sælehuset» følges merkaløypa tilbake til stidelet på myra hvor man tar av østover og videre nordover mot Ramssjøen. [25023b] For the tour to the last Pilgrim Hostel, follow the marked track back to the fork on the marsh, where you go eastwards and further northwards towards Ramssjøen. [25023c] [25023d] [25024a] Ta av i vestlig retning ved stidelet like før du kommer til vannet. [25024b] Turn in a westward direction at the fork just before you get to the lake. [25024c] [25024d] [25025a] Hytta ligger vest for Ramssjøen. [25025b] The lodge lies west of Ramssjøen. [25025c] [25025d] [25026a] Turens siste etappe går gjennom skardet mellom Nørdsfjellet og Midtfjellet til Holmtjønna hvor man tar av østover mot Hevertjønna og ned til Heverfallsetra, 9 km. [25026b] The last stretch of the tour goes over the saddle between Nørdsfjellet and Midtfjellet to Holmtjønna, where you turn eastwards towards Hevertjønna and down to Heverfallsetra, 9 km. [25026c] [25026d] [25027a]
[25027c] [25027d] [25028a] +Vinter: [25028b] Winter: [25028c] [25028d] [25029a] Denne turen er like fin om vinteren. [25029b] This tour is just as fine in the winter. [25029c] [25029d] [25030a] Drar dere med bil parkerer du ved lunningsplassen ca. 1,5 km før Heverfallsetra. [25030b] If you travel by car, park at the log storage lot about 1.5 km before Heverfallsetra. [25030c] [25030d] [25031a]
[25031c] [25031d] [25032a]
[25032c] [25032d] [25033a] +Jonny Remmereit [25033b] Jonny Remmereit [25033c] [25033d] [25034a]
[25034c] [25034d] [25035a] +Barnas Naturverden [25035b] Children's Nature World [25035c] [25035d] [25036a]
[25036c] [25036d] [25037a] Trondhjems Turistforening har integrert sælehusene i Barnas Naturverden i sin virksomhet og de har status som ubetjente turisthytter. [25037b] Trondhjems Turistforening has integrated the Pilgrim Hostels in Children's Nature World in its activities, and they have the status of no-service cabins. [25037c] [25037d] [25038a] Rutene vil bli koblet mot foreningens rutenett mot Trollheimen. [25038b] The routes will be connected to the Association's route network towards Trollheimen. [25038c] [25038d] [25039a] Dette kommer til å utgjøre en sentral del av de barnevennlige turmulighetene i Midt-Norge. [25039b] This will be a central part of the child-friendly hike choices in mid Norway. [25039c] [25039d] [25040a] Her finner du 3 sælehus som gir ly for natta. [25040b] Here there are 3 pilgrim hostels that provide shelter for the night. [25040c] [25040d] [25041a] Overnatting her åpner for innlevelse i en spennende del av norsk historie. [25041b] Overnighting here opens up an insight to a fascinating period in Norwegian history. [25041c] [25041d] [25042a] Sælehusene er rekonstruksjoner av tømmerhus fra tidlig middelalder med mulig overnatting for 20 personer. [25042b] The Pilgrim Hostels have been reconstructed as log cabins of the early Middle Ages and afford overnighting for 20 people. [25042c] [25042d] [25043a] Pilegrimene overnattet ofte i slike hus på sin vei til Nidaros. [25043b] Pilgrims often stayed in such cabins on their way to Nidaros. [25043c] [25043d] [25044a] De ligger ved Damtjønna, Hevertjønna og Ramssjøen. [25044b] They're located at Damtjønna, Hevertjønna, and Ramssjøen. [25044c] They are located at Damtjønna, Hevertjønna and Ramssjøen. [25044d] [25045a] Dagsetappene mellom hyttene er tilpasset barneføttene og er 4-8 km. [25045b] Day stretches between the cabins suit children's feet and are 4-8 km. [25045c] The day's distances between the lodges are suitable for young hikers. [25045d] [25046a] Hvis du skal på tur, bør du ha med mat og liggeunderlag / sovepose. [25046b] If you're on a tour, you should carry food and a sleeping pad / sleeping bag. [25046c] If you are planning an outing, you should bring along food and a ground pad / sleeping bag. [25046d] [25047a] Det er kokekar, gassbluss og mulighet for å fyre på vedovn i sælehusene. [25047b] There are cooking utensils, a gas stove, and a chance for firing up a wood stove at the pilgrim hostels. [25047c] There are pans, propane burners and the possibility of firing up the wood stove in the sælehus accommodations. [25047d] [25048a] Sælehusene har ikke proviantlager, dyner eller madrasser og står ulåst. [25048b] The pilgrim hostels have no provisions, duvets or mattresses, and are not locked. [25048c] The sælehus does not have a stock of provisions, comforters or mattresses, and the doors remain unlocked. [25048d] [25049a]
[25049d] [25050a] Området har et mangfoldig planteliv og er attraktivt for bærplukkere på høsten. [25050b] The area has an extensive plant life and is attractive for berry pickers in the autumn. [25050c] The area has varied plant life and is attractive for berry pickers in the fall. [25050d] [25051a] Fugle- og dyrelivet er variert med gaupe, hjort, rovfugler mm i området. [25051b] Bird and animal life is varied, with lynx, deer, birds of prey, etc.in the area. [25051c] Bird and animal life is varied, with lynx, red deer, birds of prey, etc. in the area. [25051d] [25052a] Fiskemulighetene er mange og gode. [25052b] Fishing is commonplace and good. [25052c] Fishing opportunities are abundant and good. [25052d] [25053a] Det er mulig å kjøpe fiske-kort på hyttene. [25053b] Fishing licenses can be bought at the lodges. [25053c] It is possible to purchase fishing licenses at the lodges. [25053d] [25054a] Fjellområdet brukes i dag aktivt til skogsdrift og til beite for sau, storfe og rein. [25054b] The range today is actively used for logging and as pasture for sheep, cattle and reindeer. [25054c] The mountain area is used actively today for forestry and as grazing land for sheep, cattle and reindeer. [25054d] [25055a] I Barnas Naturverden kan familien ferdes sammen i et naturområde som er opplevelsesrikt for både barn og voksne. [25055b] In Children's Nature World families can wander together in a natural area that is eventful for children and adults. [25055c] At Children's Nature World, the family may travel together in a natural environment that is rich in adventures for both children and adults. [25055d] [25056a]
[25056d] [25057a] +Turkartet Barnas Naturverden 1:50 000 [25057b] Hiking map Barnas Naturverden 1:50,000 [25057c] +Trip map Children's Nature World 1:50,000 [25057d] [25058a] Kartet fås kjøpt på turistkontoret på Berkåk og hos Trondhjems Turistforening. [25058b] The map is for sale in the Tourist Office at Berkåk and by Trondhjems Turistforening. [25058c] The map may be purchased at the tourist information office at Berkåk and from the Trondhjem's Tourist Association. [25058d] [25059a] Også Turkart Trollheimen 1:75 000 kan brukes. [25059b] The Hiking and skiing map Trollheimen 1:75,000 can also be used. [25059c] The trip map Trollheimen 1:75,000 can also be used. [25059d] [26001a] +TUR T22 2-3 dager [26001b] Tour T22 2-3 days [26001c] +TRIP T22 2-3 days [26001d] [26002a]
[26002d] [26003a] +Telttur i Grytdalen [26003b] Tent tour in Grytdalen [26003c] +Tent trip in Grytdalen [26003d] [26004a]
[26004d] [26005a] +Helg i kystskog [26005b] Weekend in Krystskog [26005c] +Weekend in the coastal forest [26005d] [26006a]
[26006d] [26007a] Grytdalen ligger mellom Orkanger og Snillfjord. [26007b] Grytdalen lies between Orkanger and Snillfjord. [26007c] Grytdalen is located between Orkanger and Snillfjord. [26007d] [26008a] Her kan du rusle rundt ei vårhelg og nyte dyre- og fuglelivet, eller høre kronhjorten brøle en tidlig høst- morgen. [26008b] Here you can wander around a spring weekend and enjoy animal and bird life, or hear a stag bellow of an early autumn morning. [26008c] Here on a spring weekend, you may stroll around and enjoy the animal and bird life, or hear the call of the red deer stag in the early fall morning. [26008d] [26009a] Du bør ta med telt, det er ikke buer eller koier her som er tilgjengelige. [26009b] You should take a tent; there's neither huts nor cabins available. [26009c] you should bring along a tent; there are no lodges or cabins available here. [26009d] [26010a] Et stort område er vernet som natur-reservat. [26010b] A large area is preserved as a nature reserve. [26010c] A large portion of the area is protected as a nature reserve. [26010d] [26011a] Her er mange muligheter. [26011b] Here there are many choices. [26011c] Here opportunities abound. [26011d] [26012a] Vi anbefaler en gjennomgangstur gjennom området. [26012b] We recommend a through tour through the area. [26012c] We recommend a trip through the entire area. [26012d] [26013a] Det anbefales å legge turen til like etter at snøen har gått eller til sensommer / høst. [26013b] It's advisable to plan the tour after the snow has melted or in late summer / autumn. [26013c] It is recommended to plan the trip for just after the snow has melted or for late summer / fall. [26013d] [26014a] Da unngås perioden med mye knott. [26014b] Then you avoid periods with lots of black flies. [26014c] That way you avoid the period when there are lots of gnats. [26014d] [26015a]
[26015d] [26016a] Kommer du med bil er det mulig å parkere ved Songli eller ved Fjellkjøsvatnet (bomveg). [26016b] If you arrive by car, you can park at Songli or along Fjellkjøsvatnet (toll road). [26016c] If you come by car, it is possible to park at Songli or at Fjellkjøsvatnet (boom barrier). [26016d] [26017a] Det er også mulig å ta buss til Gjølme og gå inn via Fjellkjøsvatnet. [26017b] You can also take a bus to Gjølme and hike in via Fjellkjøsvatnet. [26017c] It is also possible to take a bus to Gjølme and enter via Fjellkjøsvatnet. [26017d] [26018a] En fin gjennomgangstur kan du få ved å ta buss mot Snillfjord fredag ettermiddag og ende opp på Gjølme ved Orkanger. [26018b] A fine through tour is to take a bus to Snillfjord Friday afternoon and end up at Gjølme near Orkanger. [26018c] A nice trip through the area can be done by taking the bus toward Snillfjord Friday afternoon and ending up at Gjølme in Orkanger. [26018d] [26019a] Gå av ved Djupdals-tjønna og følg sti opp mot Koksteinen. [26019b] Alight at Djupdals-tjønna and follow the trail up to Koksteinen. [26019c] Get off at Djupdals-tjønna and follow the path up toward Koksteinen. [26019d] [26020a] En tur over Koksteinen gir deg samtidig en flott utsikt over Grytdalen. [26020b] A hike over Koksteinen gives you at the same time a fine view of Grytdalen. [26020c] A trip across Koksteinen will give you a nice view down over Grytdalen at the same time. [26020d] [26021a]
[26021d] [26022a] Det er mulig å telte overalt. [26022b] You can put up a tent anywhere. [26022c] It is possible to put up tents anywhere. [26022d] [26023a] Melandsøya er mye benyttet som teltplass og kan være et godt utgangspunkt for turer i dalen. [26023b] Melandsøya is a much used campsite and can be a good starting point for hikes in the valley. [26023c] Melandsøya is often used as a tent site and is a good starting point for trips in the valley. [26023d] [26024a] Vi anbefaler dette området som teltplass de to nettene. [26024b] We recommend this area as a campsite the first two nights. [26024c] We recommend this area as a tent campsite for the two nights. [26024d] [26025a] Hit er det ca 5 km fra Songli og Fjellkjøsvatnet. [26025b] to here, it's about 5 km from Songli and Fjellkjøsvatnet. [26025c] It is about 5 km here from Songli and Fjellkjøsvatnet. [26025d] [26026a] Lørdag anbefaler vi å ta en rundtur i dalen. [26026b] On Saturday, we recommend a round tour in the valley. [26026c] We recommend a round trip in the valley on Saturday. [26026d] [26027a] Det er mange muligheter. [26027b] There are many choices. [26027c] There are plenty of opportunities. [26027d] [26028a] Du kan først ta ned langs Grytdalselva til Åsetra. [26028b] You can begin down along Grytdalselva to Åsetra. [26028c] You can first hike down along Grytdal River to Åsetra. [26028d] [26029a] Like nedenfor denne finner du fossen Kjerringspranget. [26029b] Just below it you'll come across the Kjerringspranget waterfall. [26029c] Just below this, you will find the Kjerringspranget waterfall. [26029d] [26030a] Herfra kan du følge stien opp til Svarttjørna og videre over mot Bjørndalen gjennom et småkupert og spennende terreng, før du igjen drar ned til Melandsøya. [26030b] From here, you can follow the trail up to Svarttjørna and onward through Bjørndalen through rolling, fascinating terrain, before you again go down to Melandsøya. [26030c] From here, you can follow the path up to Svarttjørna and further on toward Bjørndalen through rolling and interesting terrain, before you again descend to Melandsøya. [26030d] [26031a] Stiene i området kan være vanskelige å finne, så du må ha med og kunne bruke kart og kompass. [26031b] The trails in the area can be hard to find, so you should take along and know how to use a map and compass. [26031c] The trails in the area may be difficult to find, so you need to take along and be able to use a map and compass. [26031d] [26032a]
[26032d] [26033a] Hjemturen mot Orkanger anbefales over Bjørndalen og nord og øst for Fjellkjøsvatnet. [26033b] The homeward tour to Orkanger is advisable over Bjørndalen and to the north and east of Fjellkjøsvatnet. [26033c] The return trip toward Orkanger is recommended to go over Bjørndalen and north and east for Fjellkjøsvatnet. [26033d] [26034a] Turen over åsen til Orkanger anbefales etter stien om Våmyra og ned til Tunga og Gjølme. [26034b] The tour over the ridge to Orkanger is advisable along the trail via Våmyra and down to Tunga and Gjølme. [26034c] The trip over the hilltop to Orkanger is recommended to go along the path via Våmyra and down to Tunga and Gjølme. [26034d] [26035a] Her følger du trolig i sporene til kong Sverres menn på 1100-tallet. [26035b] Here you probably may follow the tracks of King Sverre's men of the 12th century. [26035c] Here you will probably be following in the footsteps of King Sverre's men in the 1100's. [26035d] [26036a] Til Gjølme er det ca 14 km. [26036b] To Gjølme it's about 14 km. [26036c] It is approximately 14 km to Gjølme. [26036d] [26037a] Fra Orkanger er det lett å komme seg med buss både mot Trondheim og andre steder. [26037b] From Orkanger it's easy to take a bus, both to Trondheim and to other destinations. [26037c] From Orkanger, it is easy to go by bus both to Trondheim and other destinations. [26037d] [26038a]
[26038d] [26039a] +Kart: [26039b] Maps: [26039c] +Maps: [26039d] [26040a] +1: 50 000 Orkanger og Snillfjord. [26040b] 1: 50,000 Orkanger and Snillfjord. [26040c] +1: 50,000 Orkanger and Snillfjord. [26040d] [26041a]
[26041d] [26042a] +Trond Gilde [26042b] Trond Gilde [26042c] +Trond Gilde [26042d] [26043a]
[26043d] [26044a] +Grytdalen, naturreservatet og Songli [26044b] Grytdalen, the nature reserve, and Songli [26044c] +Grytdalen, nature reserve and Songli [26044d] [26045a]
[26045d] [26046a] Grytdalen er en frodig dal med myrer og blandingsskog, omgitt av snaufjell. [26046b] Grytdalen is a lush valley with marshes and mixed forest, surrounded by bare mountains. [26046c] Grytdalen is a lush valley with moors and mixed forests, surrounded by bare mountains. [26046d] [26047a] I 1978 ble et område vernet som landskapsvernområde. [26047b] In 1978 the area was protected as a special landscape area. [26047c] In 1978, one area was protected as a landscape preserve. [26047d] [26048a] Fra 1992 ble verneområdet som ledd i barskogvernet utvidet og omgjort til naturreservat. [26048b] From 1992 on, as part of coniferous forest protection, the protected area was extended and made a natural reserve. [26048c] From 1992 on, the protected area was expanded and regulated as a nature reserve, as part of a coniferous forest conservation project. [26048d] [26049a] Dette er en strengere verneform. [26049b] This is a stricter level of protection. [26049c] This is a stricter form of protection. [26049d] [26050a] Formålet med vernet er å bevare et typisk barskogområde i denne delen av Trøndelag. [26050b] The goal of protection is to preserve a typical coniferous forest area in this part of Trøndelag. [26050c] The purpose of the conservation is to preserve a typical coniferous forest area in this part of Trøndelag. [26050d] [26051a] I følge vernebestemmelsene er alt dyre- og planteliv vernet. [26051b] According to the protection regulations, all animal and plant life is protected. [26051c] In accordance with conservation regulations, all animal and plant life is protected. [26051d] [26052a] Det forbudt å skade døde busker og trær, men du kan samle tørrkvist for å tenne bål på den tiden det er tillatt med båltenning. [26052b] Damaging dead bushes and trees is prohibited, but you can collect dry branches to make a fire in the season that bonfires are permitted. [26052c] It is forbidden to tamper with dead shrubs and trees, but you are permitted to gather dried loose dried branches to light a campfire during the period when open fires are allowed. [26052d] [26053a]
[26053d] [26054a] Tidligere lå det flere gårder i Grytdalen. [26054b] In the past, there were several farms in Grytdalen. [26054c] Earlier, there were several farms in Grytdalen. [26054d] [26055a] Den eldste av dem er Bjørndalen, som ligger ved den gamle ferdselsvegen mellom Orkanger og Snillfjord, og som er nevnt i Sverres saga. [26055b] The oldest of them is Bjørndalen, which lies on the old thoroughfare between Orkanger and Snillfjord and which is mentioned in Sverre's Saga. [26055c] The oldest of these is Bjørndalen, which is located at the old road between Orkanger and Snillfjord, and which is mentioned in Sverre's saga. [26055d] [26056a] Gården ligger høgt og fritt mellom Fjellkjøsvatnet og Grytdalen, og er det eneste stedet i dalen der den opprinnelige bebyggelsen er bevart der den ble bygget. [26056b] The farm lies high and free between Fjellkjøsvatnet and Grytdalen and is the only place in the valley where the original buildings stand where they were built. [26056c] The farm lies high and out in the open between Fjellkjøsvatnet and Grytdalen, and is the only place in the valley where the original buildings are preserved on the sites where they were built. [26056d] [26057a]
[26057d] [26058a] Utmarka i den frodige Grytdalen har vært flittig brukt både til setring og til utmarksslått. [26058b] Outlying fields in the lush Grytdalen have been diligently used both for summer dairy farming and for haymaking. [26058c] the outfields in fertile Grytdalen have been frequently used for both mountain grazing and outfield haying. [26058d] [26059a] Da Christian Thams på slutten av 1800-tallet kjøpte opp eiendommene i dalen for å bruke området til jakt og fiske, ble det slutt på dette. [26059b] But that came to an end when Christian Thams at the end of the 19th century bought up the properties in the valley to use the area for hunting and fishing. [26059c] Toward the end of the 1800's, when Christian Thams bought up the properties in the valley in order to use the area for hunting and fishing, it was the end of an era. [26059d] [26060a] Noen av de gamle høyløene ble samlet og ombygd til jakthytter (Hjortdalsbytta og Svarttjønnhytta). [26060b] Some of the old haylofts have been collected and rebuilt as hunting lodges (Hjortdalsbytta and Svarttjønnhytta). [26060c] Some of the old hay barns were collected and rebuilt as hunting cabins (Hjortdalsbytta and Svarttjønnhytta). [26060d] [26061a] Thams bygde et "jaktslott" på Songli, der bl.a. keiser Wilhelm har vært gjest. [26061b] Thams built a "hunting palace" at Songli, where among others, Kaiser Wilhelm was a guest. [26061c] Thams built a "hunting mansion" at Songli, where, among others, Kaiser Wilhelm was a guest. [26061d] [26062a] Etter krigen overtok staten Songlieiendommen med Grytdalen. [26062b] After World War II, the State took over the Songli properties with Grytdalen. [26062c] After the war, the government assumed ownership of the Songli property, including Grytdalen. [26062d] [27001a] +TUR T23 2-4 dager [27001b] Tour T23 2-4 days [27001c] +TRIP T23 2-4 days [27001d] [27002a]
[27002d] [27003a] +Telttur til «ny» topp og langs gamle stier [27003b] Tenting to a "new" summit and along old trails [27003c] +Tent trip to a «new» summit and along old trails [27003d] [27004a]
[27004d] [27005a] +Berkåk - Iglfjellet - Soknedal/Støren/Hølonda [27005b] Berkåk - Iglfjellet - Soknedal/Støren/Hølonda [27005c] +Berkåk - Iglfjellet - Soknedal/Støren/Hølonda [27005d] [27006a]
[27006d] [27007a] Iglfjellet ypper seg freidig mot de mer røslige nabotoppene i vest. [27007b] Iglfjellet sticks out freely against the bigger, stronger neighboring peaks to the west. [27007c] Iglfjellet boldly stands out against the heftier neighboring peaks to the west. [27007d] [27008a] Med snøflekker til langt utpå sommeren og et barskt, opprevet terreng ligner det et ekte høyfjell og har mer å by på enn fin utsikt mot Trollheimen. [27008b] With specks of snow far into summer, and rugged, torn terrain, it resembles a real high mountain and has more to offer than a fine view towards Trollheimen. [27008c] With patches of snow lying until far into the summertime and a rugged, craggy terrain, it resembles a true alpine mountain and has more to offer than just a good view of the Trollheimen mountains. [27008d] [27009a] Med til opplevelsen hører det også en tur langs eldgamle stier og far. [27009b] But the experience also includes a hike along ancient trails and tracks. [27009c] A trip along ancient paths and trails is also part of the experience. [27009d] [27010a] Et alternativ til start på Berkåk er Garli eller Halland, mens turen kan avsluttes så vel i Soknedal som på Hovin og Hølonda. [27010b] One alternative to starting at Berkåk is Garli or Halland, while the tour can finish in Soknedal or in Hovin and Hølonda. [27010c] An alternative to starting at Berkåk is Garli or Halland, while the trip can end at Soknedal or Hovin and Hølanda. [27010d] [27011a]
[27011d] [27012a] Til Berkåk går både busser og tog. [27012b] There are busses and trains to Berkåk. [27012c] There are buses and trains to Berkåk. [27012d] [27013a] Fra Berkåk stasjon/veikryss følges veien forbi idrettsanlegget og opp i Mjuklia, der skogsbilveien følges opp til vestsida av Vålåberget. [27013b] From Berkåk station/intersection, follow the road past the sports facility and up in Mjuklia, where you follow a forest road up to the west side of Vålåberget. [27013c] From Berkåk station/crossroads, the road is followed past the sports complex and up into Mjuklia, where the forestry vehicle road is followed up to the western side of Vålåberget. [27013d] [27014a] Videre langs den bratte bergsida forbi Bjørneberget til Jønnsjøen. [27014b] Onwards along the steep mountainside past Bjørneberget to Jønnsjøen. [27014c] Continue along the steep mountainside past Bjørneberget to Jønnsjøen. [27014d] [27015a] Fra utløpet følges bekken nord og siden elva Ila nord-østover til Hovsetra og Hostvatnet (590 m). [27015b] From the outlet, follow the stream north and then the Ila river northeastwards to Hovsetra and Hostvatnet (590 m). [27015c] From the outlet, follow the stream north and alongside the Ila River northeast to Hovsetra and Hostvatnet (590 m). [27015d] [27016a] Herfra til det østre løpet av Ljosåa, en bekk som kan følges til et lite vatn vel 1 km rett øst for Iglfjelltoppen. [27016b] From here to the eastern course of Ljosåa, a stream can be followed to a small lake about 1 km directly east of the Iglfjell summit. [27016c] From here to the eastern course of Ljosåa, a stream that can be followed to a small lake a little more than 1 km due east of Iglfjelltoppen. [27016d] [27017a] Toppunktet (1218 m) er ikke særlig markant, men er godt vardet og utstyrt med gjestebok. [27017b] The summit (1218 m) is not particularly pronounced, but has a good cairn with a visitor's register. [27017c] The highest point (1218 m) is not especially striking, but has impressive stone markers and a guest book. [27017d] [27018a] Herfra god utsikt til alle kanter. [27018b] Here there's a good view in all directions. [27018c] From here, there is a good view in all directions. [27018d] [27019a] Ned følges den bratte bekke-dalen rett mot nord til den store myrsletta ved Pikåhåmmåren og Fjellvollhøgda. [27019b] The descent follows the steep gully directly north to the large flat marsh at Pikåhåmmåren and Fjellvollhøgda. [27019c] The steep stream bed is followed down due north to the large moorland at Pikåhåmmåren and Fjellvollhøgda. [27019d] [27020a] Fra småtjønnene her, i østnordøstlig retning langs bekken til Gjøssåtjønna og videre gjennom bjørkeskog og gammelt seterlandskap til øvre og nedre Brekksetra. [27020b] From small tarns here, in an east-northeasterly direction along the stream to Gjøssåtjønna and onward through birch woods and old summer dairy farmland to øvre and Nedre Brekksetra. [27020c] From the small ponds here, in an east/northeasterly direction, go along the stream to Gjøssåtjønna and on through the birch forest and old mountain pasture landscape to upper and lower Brekksetra. [27020d] [27021a] Herfra på moderne setervei ned til Solemsetra, Sveumsetra og Aspeggsetra. [27021b] From here on a modern summer dairy farm road down to Solemsetra, Sveumsetra and Aspeggsetra. [27021c] From here, take the modern pasture road down to Solemsetra, Sveumsetra and Aspeggsetra. [27021d] [27022a] Fine teltplasser ved Butjønnan og Holsjøen. [27022b] Fine campsites at Butjønnan and Holsjøen. [27022c] Fine tent sites beside Butjønnan and Holsjøen. [27022d] [27023a]
[27023d] [27024a] Fra den vakre setergrenda er det veiforbindelse til Soknedal, ca. 9 km. [27024b] From the beautiful summer dairy hamlet there's a road connection to Soknedal, about 9 km. [27024c] From the handsome mountain pastures, there are road connections to Soknedal, approximately 9 km. [27024d] [27025a]
[27025d] [27026a] Til Støren følges veien vel 3 km til Bordalsetra, der det tas av til Estenstadsetra, så videre på setervei til Skjervollen, over Skjerlifjellet, forbi Nerøyvollen og den bratte veien ned til Soknes og Støren. [27026b] To Støren, you follow the road some 3 km to Bordalsetra, then turn off to Estenstadsetra, and then further on a cattle track to Skjervollen, over Skjerlifjellet, past Nerøyvollen and the steep road down to Soknes and Støren. [27026c] To get to Støren, follow the road a little more than 3 km to Bordalsetra, where you turn off to Estenstadsetra, and then on the pasture road to Skjervollen, across Skjerlifjellet, past Nerøyvollen and the steep road down to Soknes and Støren. [27026d] [27027a] En fin tur videre mot Hølonda (evt. Hovin) fra Aspeggsetra kan gå langs flere gamle seterstier og tråkk, eller den vanlige turstien over Skotterudkjølen. [27027b] A fine tour onward to Hølonda (or possibly Hovin) from Aspeggsetra can go along several old cattle paths and tracks, or the usual trail over Skotterudkjølen. [27027c] A fine trip further on toward Hølonda (alternative Hovin) from Aspeggsetra may be done along several old pasture trails and paths, or the usual hiking path over Skotterudkjølen. [27027d] [27028a]
[27028d] [27029a]
[27029d] [27030a] Forbi Soknedal, Støren og Hovin går region- og ekspressbusser eller tog. [27030b] Regional and express busses and trains serve Soknedal, Støren and Hovin. [27030c] The regional and express buses or trains run past Soknedal, Støren and Hovin. [27030d] [27031a] Fra Hølonda går lokalbusser mot Trondheim. [27031b] From Hølonda there are local busses to Trondheim. [27031c] Local buses to Trondheim go from Hølonda. [27031d] [27032a]
[27032d] [27033a] +Vinter: [27033b] Winter: [27033c] +Winter: [27033d] [27034a] Iglfjellområdet er også et flott område for skiturer. [27034b] The Iglfjell area is also fine for ski touring. [27034c] The Iglfjell area is also a nice area for skiing trips. [27034d] [27035a] På en tilsvarende telttur om vinteren kan spreke folk andre dag ta terrenget nordover om Svorksjøen, over Elsethøgda og Alvåsen, om Lisbetsetra, over Rundhaugen og ned til fjorden. [27035b] On the second day of a corresponding winter camping trip, hardy skiers can go in terrain northwards via Svorksjøen, over Elsethøgda and Alvåsen, via Lisbetsetra, over Rundhaugen, and down to the fjord. [27035c] On a corresponding tent trip during winter, active people may ski the terrain north via Svorksjøen on the second day, over Elsethøgda and Alvåsen, via Lisbetsetra, over Rundhaugen and down to the fjord. [27035d] [27036a] Fra Aspeggsetra til fjorden er avstanden ca 4 mil. [27036b] From Aspeggsetra to the fjord, the distance is about 40 km. [27036c] From Aspeggsetra to the fjord, the distance is about 40 km. [27036d] [27037a] Så det krever godt føre. [27037b] So it requires good ski conditions. [27037c] So good skiing conditions are a must. [27037d] [27038a] En en-dagsturmulighet senvinters på godt føre over Iglfjellet er beskrevet i TTs bok "Ut i marka" (og TT-årbok 1995), fra Berkåk over Iglfjellet om Gynnelvatnet til Støren, ca 4 mil (eller Soknedal, ca 3 mil). [27038b] A one-day tour choice in late winter on good conditions over Iglfjellet is described in TT's book "Ut i marka" (and the 1995 TT Yearbook), from Berkåk over Iglfjellet via Gynnelvatnet to Støren, about 40 km (or Soknedal, about 30 km). [27038c] A one-day excursion during late winter over Iglfjellet, with good snow conditions, is described in TT's book "Ut i marka" (and TT-yearbook 1995), from Berkåk over Iglfjellet, via Gynnel Lake to Støren, approximately 40 km (or Soknedal, about 30 km). [27038d] [27039a]
[27039d] [27040a] Kart: 1:50 000 Rennebu, Hølonda og Støren. [27040b] Maps: 1:50,000 Rennebu, Hølonda and Støren. [27040c] Map: 1:50,000 Rennebu, Hølonda and Støren. [27040d] [27041a]
[27041d] [27042a] +Per Christiansen [27042b] Per Christiansen [27042c] +Per Christiansen [27042d] [27043a]
[27043d] [27044a] +Iglfjellet [27044b] Iglfjellet [27044c] +Iglfjellet [27044d] [27045a]
[27045d] [27046a] Iglfjellet ligger synlig til fra mange kanter, bl.a. flere steder i marka rundt Trondheim og f.eks. fra Heimdal. [27046b] Iglfjellet lies visible from many aspects, including several places in the lands around Trondheim and, for instance, from Heimdal. [27046c] Iglfjellet is visible from most directions, including several places in the countryside around Trondheim and, for example, from Heimdal. [27046d] [27047a] Likevel er det et temmelig ukjent fjell for mange, i hvert fall for folk som ikke hører til i de nærmeste bygdene. [27047b] Nonetheless, it's a relatively unknown mountain for many, in any event, for people not of the closest villages. [27047c] Nevertheless, it is a fairly unfamiliar mountain for many people, at least for people who don't live in the neighboring communities. [27047d] [27048a] Fra Hølonda, Meldal, Soknedal og nordover fra Rennebu tråkkes det imidlertid faste skispor mot toppen, og økt hytte- bygging, særlig på Meldalssida, har ført til større sommertrafikk - men neppe så stor som den en gang var; dette fjellområdet har nemlig vært intensivt utnyttet til seterbruk fra alle bygdene omkring, også fra Hovin og Lundamo. [27048b] From Hølonda, Meldal, Soknedal, and northwards from Rennebu, however, firm tracks are skied in to the summit, and increased cabin building, particularly on the Meldal side, has resulted in greater summertime traffic - but hardly as much as it once was; this mountain area has namely been intensively used for summer dairy farming from all the surround villages as well as from Hovin and Lundamo. [27048c] However, permanent ski tracks are made to the summit from Hølonda, Meldal, Soknedal and north from Rennebu, and increased cabin construction, especially on the Meldal side, has led to greater summer traffic - but not as great as it once was; this area of the mountains was exploited intensively for mountain dairy farming by all of the surrounding communities, including from Hovin and Lundamo. [27048d] [27049a] Leting etter gamle voller og stier, f.eks. ved bruk av gamle rektangelkart, er en spennende tilleggsaktivitet på turene her. [27049b] Looking for old meadows and paths, such as by using old quadrangle map sheets, is a fascinating additional activity on tours here. [27049c] The search for old meadows and paths, for example, by using old rectangular maps, is an exciting additional activity on trips here. [27049d] [27050a]
[27050d] [27051a] +Ferdselsvei fra Soknedal til Hølonda [27051b] Thoroughfare from Soknedal to Hølonda [27051c] +The road from Soknedal to Hølonda [27051d] [27052a]
[27052d] [27053a] Den gamle ferdamannen trakk gjerne opp i terrenget før elva Ila tok fart ned mot Soknedal. [27053b] The old-time traveler usually tramped up in terrain before the Ila river gathered speed down toward Soknedal. [27053c] Wanderers in earlier times would usually climb up in the terrain before the Ila River began its rapid descent down toward Soknedal. [27053d] [27054a] I dag kan vi bruke den rake veien inn fra Halland til Herremsetra og Ilbogen og være på noenlunde samme lei. [27054b] Today we can take the direct road in from Halland to Herremsetra and Ilbogen and travel about the same way. [27054c] Today we can use the straight road in from Halland to Herremsetra and Ilbogen and still be on practically the same course. [27054d] [27055a] Et av de eldste Trøndelagskartene, trolig tegnet av Isaac van Geelkerck i 1651 (det såkalte Norge nr. 14) trekker en "vei", eller helst ei ferdselsrute her og videre nordover, øst for Holsjøen og fram til Krogstad/Hølonda kirke. [27055b] One of the oldest Trøndelag maps, probably drawn by Isaac van Geelkerck in 1651 (the so-called Norway no. 14) shows a "road", or rather travel route here and further northwards, east of Holsjøen and up to Krogstad/Hølonda church. [27055c] One of the oldest Trøndelag maps, probably drawn by Isaac van Geelkerck in 1651 (the so-called Norway No. 14) shows a "road", or rather a route here and farther northward, east of Holsjøen and on to Krogstad/Hølonda Church. [27055d] [27056a]
[27056d] [27057a] Trolig er vi på rett spor etter denne leia om vi går nordvestover fra Ilbogen, via Nybergsetra, forbi Gynnelvatnet og Vardtjønna, til Brekksetra. [27057b] Probably we are on the right track after that way if we go northwestwards from Ilbogen, via Nybergsetra, past Gynnelvatnet and Vardtjønna, to Brekksetra. [27057c] We are probably on the right track following this course if we go northwest from Ilbogen, via Nybergsetra, past Gynnelvatnet and Vardtjønna, to Brekksetra. [27057d] [27058a] Videre kan både terreng og gamle stier vise vei, samt forekomsten av den sjeldne planten mesterurt, mest kjent fra klosterhager, over Estenstadsetra, Solemvollen, (den nordligere) Brekksetra, Hovinsvollan, over Lauvåsen til Krogstad. [27058b] Further, both terrain and old paths can show the way, as well as occurrences of the rare plant, masterwort, most known from monastery gardens, over Estenstadsetra, Solemvollen, (the northernmost) Brekksetra, Hovinsvollan, over Lauvåsen to Krogstad. [27058c] The route further can be indicated by both the terrain and old paths, as well as the presence of the rare plant Masterwort, best known from the gardens of monasteries, across Estenstadsetra, Solemvollen, (the northern) Brekksetra, Hovinsvollan, over Lauvåsen to Krogstad. [27058d]