[1001a] +Gjendesheim [1001b] +Gjendesheim [1001c] +Gjendesheim [1001d] +Gjendesheim Besseggen and Other Attractions [1002a] +Besseggen og mange andre perler [1002b] +Besseggen and many other gems [1002c] +Besseggen and many other gems [1002d] +Gjendesheim Besseggen and Other Attractions [1003a] Ved siden av Vestfjorddalen ved Rjukan var Gjende, Norges vakreste fjellsjø, DNTs viktigste arbeidsområde de første årene. [1003b] Aside from Vestfjorddalen at Rjukan, Gjende, Norway's most beautiful mountain lake, was DNT's principal development area in the early years. [1003c] Besides Vestfjorddalen near Rjukan, Gjende - Norway's most beautiful mountain lake - was DNT's most important region of operation during the first years. [1003d] Apart from Vestfjorddalen near Rjukan, it was the area by Gjende, Norway's most beautiful mountain lake, where the fledgling DNT chose to put in its greatest efforts in the early years. [1004a] I rask rekkefølge kom det losjier på Gjendebu og Memurubu, og det gikk ikke mange årene før også en hytte i østenden av Gjende ble satt på dagsordenen. [1004b] In rapid order, lodges came at Gjendebu and Memurubu, and not many years passed before a lodge at the east end of Gjende also was put on the agenda. [1004c] In rapid succession, lodgings were established at Gjendebu and Memurubu, and not many years passed before a lodge at the eastern end of Gjende was added. [1004d] In quick succession hikers' huts were built at Gjendebu and Memurubu, and within a few years the plans also included a hut at the eastern end of Gjende. [1005a] Etter å ha luktet på tomt både ved Leirungen og på Maurvangen ble hytta plassert ved Gjendeoset. [1005b] After sniffing out sites both at Leirungen and at Maurvangen, the lodge was placed at Gjendeoset. [1005c] After looking at potential sites at both Leirungen and Maurvangen, the lodge was placed at Gjendeoset. [1005d] After considering sites at Leirungen and Maurvangen, the choice fell on Gjendeoset. [1006a] Det viste seg å være et heldig valg, besøket ble stort allerede fra starten i 1878, og det økte så mye etter hvert at hytta måtte bygges på flere ganger. [1006b] It turned out to be a good choice, as there were many visitors already from its start in 1878, and growth was so rapid that with time the lodge had to be extended several times. [1006c] This proved to be a fortunate choice; a great number of visitors came here already from the beginning in 1878, and the numbers increased so much that the lodge eventually had to be expanded several times. [1006d] This turned out to be a wise choice, for visitors flocked to it from its opening, in 1878, and the growing numbers led to several expansions. [1007a] I dag er Gjendesheim et av DNTs største og mest besøkte anlegg. [1007b] Today, Gjendesheim is one of DNT's largest and most visited facilities. [1007c] Today, Gjendesheim is one of DNT's largest and most frequented facilities. [1007d] Today Gjendesheim is one of DNT's largest and most frequented huts. [1008a] Æren for det siste har ikke minst en trofast skare bestyrere. [1008b] The honor for that not least goes to a loyal line of wardens. [1008c] The credit for this is due in no small measure to a line of faithful managers. [1008d] The credit for this no doubt belongs largely to a succession of dedicated managers. [1009a] Det er få navn vi snakker om, bestyrerjobben på en DNT-hytte har en tendens til å bli en livsoppgave, som dessuten ofte overlates til neste generasjon. [1009b] We mention few names; the warden's job at a DNT lodge tends to be a life-long task that moreover often is passed on to the next generation. [1009c] We are not talking about a lot of names; the job of manager at a DNT lodge has a tendency to become a lifelong duty, which is again often passed on to the next generation. [1009d] This includes a modest number of persons, for the manager's job at a DNT hut tends to be a life-time job, sometimes even a hereditary one. [1010a] Dagens bestyrer Olav Gaute Vole har holdt på siden 1974, etter hvert sammen med kona Bjørg. [1010b] Today's warden, Olav Gaute Vole, has been on the job since 1974, as time went by, together with his wife, Bjørg. [1010c] The manager today, Olav Gaute Vole, has held the position since 1974, eventually joined by his wife Bjørg. [1010d] Today's manager, Olav Gaute Vole, has worked here since 1974, later joined by his wife Bjørg. [1011a] De har utviklet Gjendesheim til en svært trivelig hytte og har klart å bevare roen og freden som særpreger en turisthytte. [1011b] They have developed Gjendesheim to an extremely comfortable lodge and have managed to retain the peace and quiet typical of a tourist lodge. [1011c] They have developed Gjendesheim into a wonderfully pleasant lodge and have managed to preserve the peace and quiet that is the hallmark of a tourist lodge. [1011d] They have made Gjendesheim into a very popular hut, still preserving the characteristic peace and quiet of a hikers' hut. [1012a] Mange gjester kommer igjen år etter år, og spesielt blant småbarnsfamilier er Gjendesheim sett på som et utmerket sted å tilbringe både påske- og sommerferie. [1012b] Many guests return year after year, and especially families with little children feel that Gjendesheim is an excellent place to spend both Easter and summer vacations. [1012c] Many guests return year after year, and especially among families with small children, Gjendesheim is regarded as an excellent place to spend both Easter and the summer vacation. [1012d] Many guests keep returning year after year, and especially families with children have found it a nice place to spend both Easter and summer vacations. [1013a] Det er flott å bo på Gjendesheim, men naturen rundt lokker ikke mindre. [1013b] It's splendid to stay at Gjendesheim, but the surrounding scenery attracts no less. [1013c] It is wonderful to stay at Gjendesheim, but the natural surroundings are no less attractive. [1013d] Being at Gjendesheim is a pleasure, but the surrounding landscape is every bit as inviting. [1014a] Besseggen er selvfølgelig turmål nr. 1, men her er mange andre turmål. [1014b] Besseggen is of course hiking destination number one, but here there are many other hiking destinations. [1014c] Besseggen is the natural number one destination. [1014d] Besseggen is, of course, the prime target, but there are many other trips, as well. [1015a] Jeg vil påstå at det er få turisthytter som kan oppvise maken til variasjon. [1015b] I claim that few tourist lodges can equal the variety. [1015c] I will maintain that there are few tourist lodges that can boast comparable diversity. [1015d] Few huts can match its variety. [1016a] Nesten uansett vær- og føreforhold er det mulig å gå på tur i disse traktene. [1016b] Almost regardless of weather and snow conditions, it's possible to go on a tour in these parts. [1016c] Almost in any weather and ground conditions, it is possible to go hiking in the environs. [1016d] Only extreme weather would keep you from enjoying some outdoor activity in this area. [1017a] Blåser det i fjellet, kan en finne mer skjermede forhold nede i Sjodalen, og ser det grått ut i nord, kan Valdresflya by på helt andre forhold. [1017b] If it's windy in the mountains, you can find more sheltered conditions down in Sjodalen, and if it's overcast up north, Valdresflya may offer completely different conditions. [1017c] If it is windy in the mountains, one can find a more sheltered area down in Sjodalen, and if it is overcast in the north, then Valdresflya will have completely different conditions. [1017d] If the peaks are windy, Sjodalen normally offers more sheltered conditions, and if it is cloudy up north, Valdresflya, to the south, may be clear. [1018a] Flere av totusenmetrene både på nord- og sørsiden av Gjende er innenfor rekkevidde i løpet av en dag, og vil man heller vandre i roligere formasjoner, begynner Gausdal Vestfjell på den andre siden av riksveien. [1018b] Several of the two-thousanders, both on the north and the south side of Gjende, are within reach in the course of a day, and if you would rather walk in easier terrain, Gausdal Vestfjell begins on the other side of the State highway. [1018c] Several of the two-thousand-meter peaks both to the northern and western sides of Gjende are within reach in the course of a day, and if one prefers to hike in more steady terrain, Gausdal Vestfjell starts just on the other side of the main road. [1018d] Several six-thousand-footers both to the north and to the south of Gjende can be done in a day; and if you prefer hiking in an easier terrain, Gausdal Vestfjell is right across the road. [1019a] *+
[1019b] *+
[1019c] *+
[1019d] *+
[1020a] +Adkomst [1020b] +Access [1020c] +Access [1020d] +Access [1021a] +Bilvei og bussforbindelse til hytta. [1021b] +Road and bus service to the lodge. [1021c] +Automobile road and bus connections to the lodge. [1021d] +Road, bus service. [1022a] +Merkede fotturruter til Bessheim, Glitterheim, Memurubu, Haugseter og Sikkilsdalsseter. [1022b] +Marked hiking trails to Bessheim, Glitterheim, Memurubu, Haugseter, and Sikkilsdalsseter. [1022c] +Marked hiking trails to Bessheim, Glitterheim, Memurubu, Haugseter and Sikkilsdalsseter. [1022d] +Marked trails to Bessheim, Glitterheim, Memurubu, Haugseter, and Sikkilsdalsseter. [1023a] *+
[1023b] *+
[1023c] *+
[1023d] *+
[1024a] +Fakta [1024b] +Facts [1024c] +Facts [1024d] +Facts [1025a] Gjendesheim ble åpnet i 1878. [1025b] Gjendesheim was opened in 1878. [1025c] Gjendesheim was opened in 1878. [1025d] Gjendesheim opened in 1878. [1026a] +Eier: DNT OA. [1026b] +Owner: DNT OA. [1026c] +Owner: DNT OA. [1026d] +Owner: DNT OA. [1027a] +Bestyrere: Bjørg Aaseng og Olav Gaute Vole. [1027b] +Wardens: Bjørg Aaseng and Olav Gaute Vole. [1027c] +Managers: Bjørg Aaseng and Olav Gaute Vole. [1027d] +Managers: Bjørg Aaseng and Olav Gaute Vole. [1028a] Hytta ligger i Vågå kommune i Oppland, 995 m o.h., og har 185 senger. [1028b] The lodge is located in Vågå Township in Oppland, 995 meters above sea level, and has 185 beds. [1028c] The lodge is located in Vågå municipality in Oppland, 995 meters above sea level, and has 185 beds. [1028d] +Located in Vågå, Oppland, at 3260 feet, 185 beds. [1029a] *+Tlf: 61 23 89 10. [1029b] *+Tel: 61 23 89 10. [1029c] *+Tel. : 61 23 89 10. [1029d] *+Tel. 61 23 89 10. [1030a] *+E-post: gjheim@online.no [1030b] *+E-Mail: gjheim@online.no [1030c] *+E-mail: gjheim@online.no [1030d] *+E-mail: gjheim@online.no [1031a] *+Web: www.dntoa.no [1031b] *+Web: www.dntoa.no [1031c] *+Web: www.dntoa.no [1031d] *+URL: www.dntoa.no [1032a] *+
[1032b] *+
[1032c] *+
[1032d] *+
[1033a] +Bessheim [1033b] +Bessheim [1033c] +Bessheim [1033d] +Bessheim [1034a] +Gammel seter [1034b] +Old summer dairy [1034c] +Old Mountain Farm [1034d] +An Old Summer Farm [1035a] De første fotturistene som kom til Sjodalen rundt midten av 1800-tallet, kom fra Sikkilsdalen. [1035b] The first hikers who came to Sjodalen in the mid 19th century came from Sikkilsdalen. [1035c] The first tourist hikers who came to Sjodalen around the mid-1800's came from Sikkilsdalen. [1035d] The first hikers who came to Sjodalen, around the mid-1800s, came from Sikkilsdalen. [1036a] De vandret gjennom skaret og ned mot Øvre Sjodalsvatn. [1036b] They walked through the gap and down toward Øvre Sjodalsvatn. [1036c] They hiked through the gorge and down toward Øvre Sjodalsvatn. [1036d] They walked through the gap down towards Øvre Sjodalsvatn. [1037a] På vestbredden lå det der tre setre nesten ved siden av hverandre. [1037b] On the west shore there were three summer dairies almost beside each other. [1037c] On its western bank there were three mountain farms lying almost next to one another. [1037d] On the west bank there were three summer farms close to one another. [1038a] Den av dem som har blitt til Bessheim turisthytte, har siden rundt 1865 tilhørt gården Storvik i Vågå og vært i samme families eie hele tiden. [1038b] One of them, that has become Bessheim tourist lodge, has since around 1865 belonged to the Storvik farm in Vågå and has been in the same family's ownership the whole time. [1038c] The one that has become Bessheim tourist lodge has belonged to the Storvik farm in Vågå since about 1865 and has been owned by the same family the entire time. [1038d] The one that became the Bessheim hut has since about 1865 belonged to the Storvik farm in Vågå and has remained in the same family the entire time. [1039a] Også i fotturismens barndom var traktene rundt Gjende blant Norges mest populære turområder, og det er ikke uten grunn at DNTs første varderute ble merket nettopp fra Bessheim og over Veslefjell og Besseggen til Memurubu i 1874. [1039b] Also in the early days of hiking, the parts around Gjende were among Norway's most popular hiking areas, and it was not without reason that DNT's first cairn-marked route ran from Bessheim and over Veslefjell and Besseggen til Memurubu in 1874. [1039c] Also during hiking tourism's infancy, the area around Gjende was among Norway's most popular hiking region, and it was not without cause that DNT's first marked route was laid out in 1874 from Bessheim and across Veslefjell and Besseggen to Memurubu. [1039d] From the early days of hiking the area around Gjende was among Norway's most popular hiking regions, so it is hardly accidental that DNT's first marked trail, from 1874, ran from Bessheim over Veslefjell and Besseggen to Memurubu. [1040a] Det var for øvrig Jens Tronhus på nabosetra som gjorde jobben. [1040b] It was, by the way, Jens Tronhus of the neighboring summer dairy who did the job. [1040c] Moreover, it was Jens Tronhus from the neighboring farm who completed the job. [1040d] And it was Jens Tronhus on the neighboring farm who did the job. [1041a] Fra 1948 til 1998 var det Kari og Knut Lund som drev Bessheim. [1041b] From 1948 to 1998, Kari and Knut Lund ran Bessheim. [1041c] From 1948 to 1998, Kari and Knut Lund operated Bessheim. [1041d] From 1948 to 1998 Kari and Knut Lund ran Bessheim. [1042a] De var riktige folk på rett plass. [1042b] They were the right people at the right place. [1042c] They were the right people in the right location. [1042d] They were perfect for the job, tackling each new challenge as it came along, getting electricity and a better road, continually expanding and modernizing the hut. [1043a] I tur og orden taklet de utfordringene, skaffet strøm og bedre vei, og utvidet og moderniserte turisthytta jevnt og trutt. [1043b] In due course, they tackled the challenges, brought in electricity and improved the road, and steadily expanded and modernized the tourist lodge. [1043c] They met all challenges, one after the other, arranged for establishment of electricity and a better road, and they steadily expanded and modernized the tourist lodge. [1043d] They were perfect for the job, tackling each new challenge as it came along, getting electricity and a better road, continually expanding and modernizing the hut. [1044a] Hytta var og er populær, og turmulighetene er gode. [1044b] The lodge was and is popular, and the hike choices are good. [1044c] The lodge was then, and is now, popular, and hiking opportunities are abundant. [1044d] The hut was and remains popular, with its good access to trails. [1045a] Her kan man komme seg på tur uansett vær. [1045b] Here you can go on a hike regardless of the weather. [1045c] Here one can go hiking in any weather conditions. [1045d] Here you can go walking no matter what the weather is like. [1046a] Blåser det i høyfjellet, er det nok av muligheter nedover Sjodalen, og smiler værgudene, ligger en rekke av Jotunheimens stortopper innen rekkevidde for en dagstur fra Bessheim. [1046b] If it's windy in the mountains, there are enough choices down Sjodalen, and if the weather is good, many of Jotunheimen's major peaks lie within range for a day hike from Bessheim. [1046c] If it is windy in the high mountains, there are ample opportunities down through Sjodalen, and if the weather gods are on one's side, there is a row of Jotunheimen's mountain peaks located within reach for day trips from Bessheim. [1046d] If the mountains are windy, you can hike down in Sjodalen, and in nice weather a number of the Jotunheimen high peaks are reachable on day hikes from Bessheim. [1047a] For eksempel er både Besshø og Nautgardstind naturlige turmål fra Bessheim, og på den andre siden av Sjodalen lokker Heimdalshø. [1047b] For instance, both Besshø and Nautgardstind are natural hike destinations from Bessheim, and on the other side of Sjodalen, Heimdalshø beckons. [1047c] For example, Besshø and Nautgardstind are both natural hiking goals out of Bessheim, and on the other side of Sjodalen, Heimdalshø beckons. [1047d] Both Besshø and Nautgardstind are natural destinations from Bessheim, and beyond Sjodalen Heimdalshø beckons. [1048a] Vil du ikke gå så langt, er Besstrondrundhø et utmerket alternativ. [1048b] If you will not walk that far, Besstrondrundhø is an excellent alternative. [1048c] If you don't want to go that far, Besstrondrundhø is an excellent alternative. [1048d] For a shorter hike Besstrondrundhø is an excellent alternative. [1049a] Den er ikke på mer enn 1421 meter, men byr på utmerket rundskue både mot Galdhøpiggen og Rondane. [1049b] It's not more than 1421 meters, but offers a superb panorama, toward both Galdhøpiggen and Rondane. [1049c] It is not higher than 1421 meters but offers a superb panorama toward both Galdhøpiggen and Rondane. [1049d] Its elevation is below 4700 feet, but it gives a panoramic view towards Galdhøpiggen and Rondane. [1050a] Ikke langt unna Bessheim ligger også Vågå kommunes utmerkede kultursti Huldrestigen. [1050b] Also not far from Bessheim is Vågå Township's fine culture trail. [1050c] Not far from Bessheim is Vågå municipality's excellent cultural trail, Huldrestigen. [1050d] Not far from Bessheim you also find Vågå's enchanting cultural path, Huldrestien. [1051a] Vil du heller fiske, er det muligheter både i Øvre Sjodalsvatn og Bessvatn. [1051b] If you prefer fishing, there are possibilities both in Øvre Sjodalsvatn and in Bessvatn. [1051c] If you would rather go fishing, there are opportunities in both Øvre Sjodalsvatn and Bessvatn. [1051d] If you prefer fishing, there are possibilities in both Øvre Sjodalsvatn and Bessvatn. [1052a] *+
[1052b] *+
[1052c] *+
[1052d] *+
[1053a] +Adkomst [1053b] +Access [1053c] +Access [1053d] +Access [1054a] +Bilvei og bussforbindelse forbi hytta. [1054b] +Road and bus service past the lodge. [1054c] +Automobile road and bus connections past the lodge. [1054d] +Road, bus service. [1055a] +Merkede fotturruter til Gjendesheim, Memurubu og Glitterheim. [1055b] +Marked hiking trails to Gjendesheim, Memurubu, and Glitterheim. [1055c] +Marked hiking trails to Gjendesheim, Memurubu and Glitterheim. [1055d] +Marked trails to Gjendesheim, Memurubu, and Glitterheim. [1056a] *+
[1056b] *+
[1056c] *+
[1056d] *+
[1057a] +Fakta [1057b] +Facts [1057c] +Facts [1057d] +Facts [1058a] Bessheim har tatt imot turister siden midten av 1800-tallet. [1058b] Bessheim has received tourists since the mid 19th century. [1058c] Bessheim has hosted tourists since the mid-1800's. [1058d] Bessheim has been open to travelers since the mid-1800s. [1059a] Hytta ligger i Vågå kommune i Oppland, 960 m o.h., og har 150 senger. [1059b] The lodge is located in Vågå Township in Oppland, 960 meters above sea level, and has 150 beds. [1059c] The lodge is located in Vågå municipality in Oppland, 960 meters above sea level, and has 150 beds. [1059d] +Located in Vågå, Oppland, at 3150 feet, 150 beds. [1060a] +Eiere: Kari og Knut Lund. [1060b] +Owners: Kari and Knut Lund. [1060c] +Owners: Kari and Knut Lund. [1060d] +Owners: Kari and Knut Lund. [1061a] +Bestyrere: Magni og Bernt Jo Vole. [1061b] +Wardens: Magni and Bernt Jo Vole. [1061c] +Managers: Magni and Bernt Jo Vole. [1061d] +Managers: Magni and Bernt Jo Vole. [1062a] *+Tlf: 61 23 89 13. [1062b] *+Tel: 61 23 89 13. [1062c] *+Tel. : 61 23 89 13. [1062d] *+Tel. 61 23 89 13. [1063a] *+E-post : post@bessheim.no [1063b] *+E-Mail: post@bessheim.no [1063c] *+E-mail : post@bessheim.no [1063d] *+E-mail: post@bessheim.no [1064a] *+
[1064b] *+
[1064c] *+
[1064d] *+
[1065a] +Glitterheim [1065b] +Glitterheim [1065c] +Glitterheim [1065d] +Glitterheim [1066a] +Jubilanten [1066b] +Centenarian [1066c] +A Centenary Institution [1066d] +The Celebrant [1067a] I 2001 rundet Glitterheim 100 år, men egentlig er den mye eldre. [1067b] In 2001, Glitterheim turned one hundred, but actually it's much older. [1067c] In 2001, Glitterheim rounded the hundred-year mark, but it is actually much older. [1067d] In 2001 Glitterheim celebrates its centennial, although it is actually much older. [1068a] Allerede under folkevandringstiden fant jegere seg et krypinn under noen kampesteiner på nedsiden av dagens turisthytte. [1068b] As early as during the Teutonic Migration, hunters found refuge under boulders on the down side of today's tourist lodge. [1068c] Already during the historical age of migration, hunters found shelter underneath boulders located below where the tourist lodge stands today. [1068d] Back at the time of the migrations hunters sought shelter under some rocks located below today's hut. [1069a] Med litt godvilje er det overnattingsplass for fire personer. [1069b] With a bit of goodwill, there's sleeping space for four people. [1069c] With a little cooperation, there is room for four persons to spend the night. [1069d] With a measure of good will the rock shelter accommodates four. [1070a] Det røyksvarte taket tyder på at mange har benyttet seg av helleren opp gjennom tidene (se bilde s. 2). [1070b] The smoke-blackened roof indicates that many have used this cave through the years (see picture, page 2). [1070c] The ceiling blackened by smoke is an indication that many people have used the overhanging rock up through the ages (see photo p. 2). [1070d] Its sooty ceiling testifies to an extensive use of the shelter through the ages. [1071a] Å dømme etter alle de fangstgravene for rein som er funnet i og rundt Veodalen, var disse traktene et viktig spiskammers. [1071b] Judging from the pitfalls for reindeer that have been found in and around Veodalen, these parts were a key larder. [1071c] Judging by all the reindeer hunting pits that have been found in and around Veodalen, this area was an important source of food. [1071d] Judging by the many reindeer pitfalls found in and around Veodalen, this area was an important pantry. [1072a] På 1800-tallet bestemte noen jegere seg for å skaffe seg et mer passende nattelosji. [1072b] In the 19th century, some hunters decided to arrange a more suitable place to spend the night. [1072c] In the 1800's hunters decided to provide better shelter for themselves. [1072d] In the 1800s some hunters decided to make a more suitable shelter, and around 1880 they had a stone hunter's cabin ready. [1073a] Rundt 1880 sto en jaktbu i stein klar, men til det formålet fikk den ingen lang levetid. [1073b] Around 1880, a hunting hut of stone was finished, but for that purpose it wasn't used long. [1073c] About 1880, a stone hunting lodge was built, but its use for this purpose was short-lived. [1073d] It soon lost its original function, however, for DNT bought it in 1898 for use as a hiker's hut, or, more accurately, as housing for those building the hut. [1074a] Allerede i 1898 kjøpte DNT bua for å bruke den som turisthytte, eller rettere sagt som losji for dem som skulle bygge turisthytte. [1074b] As early as 1898, DNT bought the hut for use as a tourist cabin, or more correctly, as lodging for those who who were to build a tourist lodge. [1074c] Already in 1898, DNT purchased the lodge for use as an accommodation for tourists, or more correctly, as shelter for builders of a tourist lodge. [1074d] It soon lost its original function, however, for DNT bought it in 1898 for use as a hiker's hut, or, more accurately, as housing for those building the hut. [1075a] Det manglet skikkelige overnattingsmuligheter mellom Sjodalen og Visdalen, og en hytte ved foten av Glittertind ville passe bra. [1075b] There were no decent overnight lodgings between Sjodalen and Visdalen, and a lodge at the foot of Glittertind was ideal. [1075c] Good overnight accommodations between Sjodalen and Visdalen were lacking, and a lodge at the foot of Glittertind was considered to be convenient. [1075d] There were no overnight accommodations between Sjodalen and Visdalen, so a hut at the foot of Glittertind was welcome. [1076a] Transporten av materialer og utstyr fra bygda og inn den lange Veodalen samt bygging av en turisthytte tok lang tid. [1076b] Transporting material and equipment from the village into the long Veodalen and building the tourist lodge took a long time. [1076c] Transportation of materials and equipment from the village and into the long Veodalen valley, as well as the construction of the tourist lodge itself, took a long time. [1076d] The transportation of materials and equipment from the village all along Veodalen, as well as the construction of the hut, took its time. [1077a] Først i 1901 sto den første Glitterheim klar til å ta imot turister. [1077b] In 1901, the first Glitterheim was ready to receive tourists. [1077c] It wasn't until 1901 that the first Glitterheim lodge was ready to house tourists. [1077d] Only in 1901 was the hut ready for visitors. [1078a] Helt fra 1910 har familien Vole vært bestyrere på hytta. [1078b] Since 1910, the Vole family has been the wardens of the lodge. [1078c] Ever since 1910, the Vole family has managed the lodge. [1078d] Ever since 1910 the Vole family has been in charge of the hut, and from 1973 on Ole and Solveig Vole have run the place. [1079a] Fra 1973 har det vært Ole og Solveig Vole som har holdt i roret. [1079b] From 1973 on, Ole and Solveig Vole have been at the helm. [1079c] Since 1973, Ole and Solveig Vole have been at the helm. [1079d] Ever since 1910 the Vole family has been in charge of the hut, and from 1973 on Ole and Solveig Vole have run the place. [1080a] Det er ikke minst deres fortjeneste at Glitterheim er kjent som et svært hyggelig sted å bo. [1080b] Not least because of them, Glitterheim is known as a very nice place to stay. [1080c] It is in no small measure due to their efforts that Glitterheim is known as a very pleasant place to stay. [1080d] Thanks to them the hut is known as a great place to stay. [1081a] Hytta har utviklet seg mye opp gjennom årene, men turfolkets valg i Veodalen er mye de samme som tidligere, turer til topps og på bre, med Glittertind som viktigste turmål. [1081b] The lodge has evolved through the years, but hikers choose Veodalen for the same reasons as before: hikes to peaks and on glaciers, with Glittertind as the principal hike destination. [1081c] The lodge has been greatly developed up through the years, but opportunities for hikers in Veodalen are much the same as earlier, with trips to the mountaintops and along glaciers, with Glittertind as the most important peak to reach. [1081d] The hut itself has changed considerably through the years, but the goal of the hikers in Veodalen has not changed much: hiking to the peaks and glaciers, with Glittertind being the prime destination. [1082a] Og vil du ikke på Tinden, så vrimler det av andre flotte turmål rundt Glitterheim. [1082b] And if you don't want to go to Tinden, there is a throng of other splendid hike destinations around Glitterheim. [1082c] And if you do not want to climb Glittertind, there are scores of other hiking possibilities around Glitterheim. [1082d] And should you decide to skip that, there are lots of other fine hikes in the vicinity of Glitterheim. [1083a] Nautgardstind og Stornubben på østsiden av dalen tar de litt spreke på en dag. [1083b] Nautgardstind and Stornubben on the east side of the valley are managed by the hardy in a day. [1083c] Hikers in reasonably good shape do Nautgardstind and Stornubben, on the eastern side of the valley, in a day. [1083d] Naustgardtind and Stornubben on the east side of the valley make a loop that spry folks can do in a day. [1084a] Ikke fullt så høyt, men kanskje vel så flott er turen på Styggehø og Hestlegerhø. [1084b] Not quite so high, but perhaps as splendid is the tour to Styggehø and Hestlegerhø. [1084c] Not quite as high, but perhaps just as impressive, is a trip up Styggehø or Hestlegerhø. [1084d] Lesser in elevation but perhaps greater in views is the trip to Styggehø and Hestlegerhø. [1085a] Har du kunnskaper i brevandring eller blir med hyttas fører, ligger breene og lokker på vestsiden med sin vrimmel av Veo- og Memurutinder. [1085b] If you are proficient in glacier hiking or follow the lodge's guide, the glaciers beckon on the west side with their throng of Veo- and Memurutinds. [1085c] If you have glacier hiking skills or follow the lodge's guide, the glaciers on the western side are tempting, with their abundant Veo and Memuru peaks. [1085d] If you are experienced in glacier-walking or team up with the hut's guide, the glaciers beckon to the west, with their multitude of Veo and Memuru peaks. [1086a] *+
[1086b] *+
[1086c] *+
[1086d] *+
[1087a] +Adkomst [1087b] +Access [1087c] +Access [1087d] +Access [1088a] Det er bilvei til døra, men fra nasjonalparkgrensen er den stengt for vanlig ferdsel. [1088b] There's a road to the door, but from the National Park border, it is closed for ordinary traffic. [1088c] There is a road right to the door, but from the border of the national park it is closed to normal traffic. [1088d] There is a road to the hut, but inside the national park boundary it is closed to ordinary traffic. [1089a] Det er merkede fotturruter til Gjendesheim, Bessheim, Memurubu og Spiterstulen. [1089b] +Marked hiking trails to Gjendesheim, Bessheim, Memuruby and Spiterstulen. [1089c] There are marked hiking trails to Gjendesheim, Bessheim, Memurubu and Spiterstulen. [1089d] +Marked trails to Gjendesheim, Bessheim, Memurubu, and Spiterstulen. [1090a] *+
[1090b] *+
[1090c] *+
[1090d] *+
[1091a] +Fakta
[1091b] +Facts
[1091c] +Facts
[1091d] +Facts
[1092a] Glitterheim ble innviet i 1901.
[1092b] Glitterheim was opened in 1901.
[1092c] Glitterheim was formally opened in 1901.
[1092d] Glitterheim opened in 1901.
[1093a] +Eier: DNT OA.
[1093b] +Owner: DNT OA.
[1093c] +Owner: DNT OA.
[1093d] +Owner: DNT OA.
[1094a] +Bestyrere: Solveig og Ole Vole.
[1094b] +Wardens: Solveig and Ole Vole.
[1094c] +Managers: Solveig and Ole Vole.
[1094d] +Managers: Solveig and Ole Vole.
[1095a] Hytta ligger i Lom kommune i Oppland, 1348 m o.h., og har 137 senger samt 8 i selvbetjeningslosjiet.
[1095b] The lodge is located in Lom township in Oppland, 1348 meters above sea level, and has 137 beds as well as eight in self-service lodgings.
[1095c] The lodge is located in Lom municipality in Oppland, 1348 meters above sea level, and has 137 beds, as well as 8 more in the self-service annex.
[1095d] +Located in Lom, Oppland, at 4420 feet, 137 beds, 8 in the self-service hut.
[1096a] *+Tlf: 61 23 18 33.
[1096b] *+Tel: 61 23 18 33.
[1096c] *+Tel. : 61 23 18 33.
[1096d] *+Tel. 61 23 18 33.
[1097a] *+E-post: glheim@online.no
[1097b] *+E-Mail: glheim@online.no
[1097c] *+E-mail: glheim@online.no
[1097d] *+E-mail: glheim@online.no
[1098a] *+Web:www.dntoa.no «hytter»
[1098b] *+Web: www.dntoa.no
[1099b] *+
[1099c] *+
[1099d] *+
[1100a] +Memurubu
[1100b] +Memurubu
[1100c] +Memurubu
[1100d] +Memurubu
[1101a] +Midt på Gjende
[1101b] +Midway on Gjende
[1101c] +Right on Gjende Lake
[1101d] +Midway at Gjende
[1102a] Memurubu-navnet betyr noe sånt som «bua ved elva som graver midt på», og det er en temmelig presis beskrivelse av omgivelsene rundt Memurubu midt på Gjende.
[1102b] The name Memurubu means something like "the hut by the river that gouges midway," and is a fairly accurate description of the surroundings of Memuruby midway on Gjende.
[1102c] The name Memurubu means something like "shelter by the river that delves through the middle", and this is a fairly precise description of the surroundings at Memurubu on Gjende Lake.
[1102d] The name Memurubu means roughly "the hut by the river that digs in the middle," which is a fairly precise description of the setting halfway along the lake.
[1103a] Alle som kommer over fjellet ned mot hytta, ser hvor mye sand og grus elva har fraktet utover Gjende i årenes løp.
[1103b] Everyone who comes over the mountains down toward the lodge can see how much sand and gravel the river has carried out into Gjende over the years.
[1103c] Anyone coming over the mountain down toward the lodge will see how much sand and gravel the river has carried with it across Gjende up through time.
[1103d] Anyone approaching the hut from above can see how much gravel and sand the river has carried out into Gjende through the years.
[1104a] Får den fortsette sitt arbeid noen årtusener til, deler den sannsynligvis Gjende i to.
[1104b] If it continues its work for a few more millennia, it probably will divide Gjende in two.
[1104c] If it continues its work for a few more millennia, it will undoubtedly divide Gjende in two.
[1104d] If left to continue its work for a few thousand years more, it will probably cut the lake in two.
[1105a] Kombinasjonen av elvas innsats og et gunstig klima har også gjort den ytterste delen av Memurudalen usedvanlig innbydende, grønn og fruktbar.
[1105b] The combination of the river's impact and a favorable climate also has made the outermost part of Memurudalen unusually inviting, green and fertile.
[1105c] The combination of the river's efforts and the favorable climate has also made the outermost portion of Memuru Valley unusually inviting, green and fertile.
[1105d] The combination of the river's efforts and the benevolent climate has made the outer part of Memurudalen remarkably inviting, green and fertile.
[1106a] Den første steinbua her ble reist på 1700-tallet og overtatt av DNT i 1870.
[1106b] The first stone hut was built here in the 18th century and taken over by DNT in 1870.
[1106c] The first stone lodge here was built in the 1700's and was taken over by DNT in 1870.
[1106d] The first stone cabin, built here in the 1700s, was taken over by DNT in 1870.
[1107a] Det var tre engelskmenn som for alvor satte Memurubu på kartet.
[1107b] It was three Englishmen who really put Memurubu on the map.
[1107c] Three Englishmen were responsible for putting Memurubu on the map.
[1107d] It was three Englishmen who put Memurubu on the map.
[1108a] I den morsomme boka «Tre i Norge ved to av dem» beskriver de i malende ordelag blant annet sine opplevelser som turister ved Gjende i 1880.
[1108b] In a humorous book, "Three in Norway by Two of Them," they vividly describe, among other things, their experiences as tourists at Gjende in 1880.
[1108c] In the humorous book «Three in Norway, by Two of Them», they describe graphically their experiences as tourists at Gjende in 1880.
[1108d] In their humorous tale Three in Norway by Two of Them they have a picturesque account of their experience as tourists by Gjende in 1880.
[1109a] De bodde ved Memurubu i flere uker mens de jaktet og fisket.
[1109b] They stayed at Memurubu for several weeks while they hunted and fished.
[1109c] They stayed at Memurubu for several weeks while they hunted and fished.
[1109d] They lived at Memurubu for several weeks of hunting and fishing.
[1110a] Restene etter engelskmennenes opphold kan en se i jordbakken nedenfor turisthytta, der står fremdeles steinovnen de bakte i.
[1110b] The remains of the Englishmen's stay can be seen on the incline below the tourist lodge; the stone oven they used for baking is still there.
[1110c] Vestiges from the Englishmen's stay may be seen on the grounds just below the tourist lodge; the stone oven they used for baking is still there.
[1110d] Traces of their stay can be seen in the ground below the hikers' hut, including their stone stove.
[1111a] Etter som turiststrømmen økte og DNT innviet større turisthytter i begge endene av Gjende, var ikke steinbuas ene rom med peis og to enkle senger lenger tilstrekkelig.
[1111b] After the throngs of hikers grew and DNT opened larger tourist lodges at both ends of Gjende, the stone cabin's single room with a fireplace and two simple bunks no longer was adequate.
[1111c] As the flow of tourists increased and DNT opened larger tourist lodges at both ends of Gjende Lake, the stone cabin's one room with a fireplace and two single beds were no longer adequate.
[1111d] As the influx of travelers increased and DNT opened larger huts at both ends of Gjende, the one-room stone hut with a fireplace and two single beds no longer sufficed.
[1112a] Mange pustet nok derfor lettet ut da Ole Sveine fra Lom tok på seg oppgaven med å bygge og drive turisthytte på denne plassen.
[1112b] So, many breathed a sign of relief when Ole Sveine from Lom took on the task of building and managing a tourist lodge at this place.
[1112c] Many breathed a sigh of relief then, when Ole Sveine from Lom undertook the task of building and operating a tourist lodge here.
[1112d] The relief was therefore great when Ole Sveine from Lom agreed to build and operate a hikers' hut here.
[1113a] I 1884 lå hans turiststasjon klar oppe i de frodige bakkene over elvedeltaet ved Gjende.
[1113b] In 1884, his tourist station was finished, up on the lush hills over the river delta at Gjende.
[1113c] In 1884, his tourist station opened for business on the fertile hillside above the river delta at Gjende.
[1113d] In 1884 his way-station for travelers stood on the green hillside above the delta by Gjende.
[1114a] I likhet med de andre turisthyttene rundt denne enestående fjellsjøen ble imidlertid også denne bygningen for liten, og hytta er utvidet flere ganger, senest i 1993 da et helt nytt hovedhus sto klart.
[1114b] Like the other tourist lodges around this unique mountain lake, however, also this building was too small; the lodge has been expanded several times, most recently in 1993, when a completely new main building was finished.
[1114c] Like other tourist lodges around this unrivaled mountain lake, this building also proved too small, and the lodge was expanded several times, most recently in 1993 when a completely new main building was constructed.
[1114d] However, as with the other huts along this special mountain lake, this structure also proved too small, so it has been expanded several times, most recently in 1993, when a new main building was ready.
[1115a] Om hytta er forandret, er det imidlertid den samme familien som har drevet den helt siden 1870, som ønsker velkommen.
[1115b] Though the lodge has changed, however, the same family that has managed it since 1870 welcomes guests.
[1115c] Although the lodge has changed, it is nonetheless the same family that has operated it since all the way back to 1870, and who still welcome guests.
[1115d] The hut may have been changed, but you are still greeted by the same family that has been running it since 1870.
[1116a] De fleste gjestene skal naturlig nok gå Besseggen eller Bukkelægeret, men Memurubu kan også by på mange andre turmål på breene, toppene og dalene i nærheten.
[1116b] Most guests quite naturally hike Besseggen or Bukkelægeret, but Memurubu also can offer many other hike destinations on glaciers, summits and valleys in the vicinity.
[1116c] Most guests naturally choose to hike to Besseggen or to Bukkelægeret, but Memurubu has many other places to visit, such as the nearby glaciers, mountaintops and valleys.
[1116d] Of course most visitors are here to hike the knife-edged Besseggen or the precipitous Bukkelægeret, but Memurubu is also the trailhead for many other hikes to nearby glaciers, peaks, and valleys.
[1117a] *+
[1117b] *+
[1117c] *+
[1117d] *+
[1118a] +Gjendebu
[1118b] +Gjendebu
[1118c] +Gjendebu
[1118d] +Gjendebu
[1119a] +DNTs eldste hytte
[1119b] +DNT's oldest lodge
[1119c] +DNT's Oldest Lodge
[1119d] +DNT's Oldest Hut
[1120a] Når de første av våre forfedre fant veien helt inn til vestenden av Gjende, vet vi ikke, men det er klart at de første setrene ble bygget der inne så tidlig som rundt begynnelsen av 1700-tallet.
[1120b] When the first of our ancestors found their way all the way to the west end of Gjende isn't known, but it's obvious that the first summer dairies were built there as early as the early 18th century.
[1120c] Exactly when the first of our ancestors found their way all the way into the western end of Gjende is unknown, but it is certain that the first mountain farms were built in here as early as around the beginning of the 1700's.
[1120d] We do not know when the first Norwegians found their way to the western end of Gjende, but it has been determined that the first summer farms came in the early 1700s.
[1121a] Helt nede fra Bøverdalen kom seterfolket.
[1121b] Summer dairy people came all the way down from Bøverdalen.
[1121c] Mountain farmers came down from as far as Bøverdalen.
[1121d] People came all the way from Bøverdalen, which made for quite a strenuous trek, but summering was important to the farmers, as it provided excellent pasturage.
[1122a] Det må ha vært litt av en setervei, men bøndene holdt fast på setrene sine allikevel, fordi beiteforholdene her inne var svært gode.
[1122b] That was quite a cattle track, but the farmers kept their summer dairies anyway, because the grazing conditions here were so favorable.
[1122c] The mountain road must have been primitive, but the farmers nonetheless insisted on keeping their mountain farms, because the grazing here was very fine.
[1122d] People came all the way from Bøverdalen, which made for quite a strenuous trek, but summering was important to the farmers, as it provided excellent pasturage.
[1123a] Da de første turistene begynte å komme til denne delen av Jotunheimen, en gang ut på 1800-tallet, var det derfor mulig å få seg tak over hodet i primitive seterbuer.
[1123b] When the first tourists began to visit this part of the Jotunheimen sometime in the 19th century, it was possible therefore to find shelter in primitive herder's huts.
[1123c] Because of this, when the first tourists began to come to this part of Jotunheimen sometime during the 1800's, it was possible to find shelter in the primitive mountain farm buildings.
[1123d] Thus, by the time the first tourists arrived in this part of Jotunheimen, some time in the 1800s, shelter was available in primitive farm huts.
[1124a] Datidens fotturister var selvfølgelig vant til adskillig i klassen «enkle krypinn i norske fjell», men Gjendesæteren ble allikevel for primitiv for mange.
[1124b] The hikers of the time were of course accustomed to quite a bit in the class "simple refuge in the Norwegian mountains," but Gjendesæteren was nonetheless too primitive for many of them.
[1124c] Hikers of that time were of course accustomed to the range of «simple accommodations in the Norwegian mountains», but Gjendesæteren was still too primitive for many.
[1124d] Hikers at the time naturally had some experience with "basic Norwegian mountain lodging," but even so, Gjendesæteren was often found too basic, prompting some to describe it as "a pile of rocks."
[1125a] Enkelte karakteriserte setra som «en stenrøis».
[1125b] Some called the summer dairy a "scree pile."
[1125c] Certain people characterized the mountain shelters as «a pile of stones».
[1125d] Hikers at the time naturally had some experience with "basic Norwegian mountain lodging," but even so, Gjendesæteren was often found too basic, prompting some to describe it as "a pile of rocks."
[1126a] På tross av dette var interessen for området så stor at nystartede DNT allerede på sin andre generalforsamling bestemte seg for å skaffe bedre losji for fotturistene i dette området.
[1126b] Nonetheless, the interest in the area was so great that the newly-founded DNT, as early as its second general meeting, decided to provide better lodgings for hikers in this area.
[1126c] Despite this, interest in the area was so keen that the newly established DNT decided already during its second annual meeting to provide better accommodations for tourist hikers in this area.
[1126d] Despite this, interest in the area was so great that the fledgling DNT at their second assembly meeting decided to arrange for better accommodations for hikers here.
[1127a] I østenden bød Bessheim på utmerkede overnattingsmuligheter, så DNT vedtok på generalforsamlingen i 1869 å bygge en hytte i vestenden.
[1127b] At the east end, Bessheim offered excellent lodgings, so DNT decided at its general meeting in 1869 to build a lodge at the west end.
[1127c] At the eastern end, Bessheim offered excellent overnight accommodations, so that DNT voted at its annual meeting in 1869 to build a lodge at the western end.
[1127d] In the east Bessheim offered excellent lodging, so in 1869 DNT voted to build a hut at the western lake end.
[1128a] Det var DNTs tredje hytteprosjekt.
[1128b] It was DNT's third lodge project.
[1128c] This was DNT's third lodge project.
[1128d] This was DNT's third hut project.
[1129a] De to andre er enten nedlagt eller solgt, mens Gjendebu i aller høyeste grad lever i beste velgående.
[1129b] The other two have been either shut down or sold, but Gjendebu is alive and in the best of health.
[1129c] The two others have been either abandoned or sold, while Gjendebu is definitely doing very well still today.
[1129d] The other two have either been closed or sold, while Gjendebu is still very much alive.
[1130a] Den nybygde Gjendebu var under tak høsten 1871, men den nye hytta ble snart for liten, så DNT kjøpte et steinsel av Erik Hansen Slaalien for 10 spesidaler.
[1130b] The newly-built Gjendebu was finished in the autumn of 1871, but the new lodge was soon too small, and DNT bought a stone cowshed from Erik Hansen Slaalien for 10 dollars.
[1130c] The new Gjendebu was completed in the fall of 1871, but the new lodge soon proved to be too small, so DNT bought a stone dwelling from Erik Hansen Slaalien for 10 dollars.
[1130d] The new Gjendebu was ready in the fall of 1871, but it was soon cramped, moving DNT to buy a stone structure from Erik Hansen Slaalien for ten dollars.
[1131a] Samme mann ble også ansatt som bestyrer, og det var hans datter som ble født i steinbua på Gjendebu og døpt Gjendine.
[1131b] The same man also was hired as the warden, and it was his daughter who was born in the stone hut at Gjendebu and named Gjendine.
[1131c] The same man was hired as manager, and his daughter was born in the stone building at Gjendebu and christened Gjendine.
[1131d] He was also made hut manager, and when his daughter was born in this stone hut, she was given the name Gjendine.
[1132a] Drøye 130 år senere har «stenrøisen» utviklet seg betydelig.
[1132b] Some 130 years later, the "scree pile" has evolved considerably.
[1132c] A little over 130 years later, the «pile of stones» has developed considerably.
[1132d] More than 130 years later what began as a "pile of rocks" shows great improvement.
[1133a] Etter en rekke ombygginger danner de tradisjonsrike bygningene et usedvanlig harmonisk hytteanlegg hvor de besøkende trives.
[1133b] After several alterations, the venerable building forms an unusually harmonious lodge enjoyed by visitors.
[1133c] After a number of renovations, the buildings so rich in tradition comprise an exceptionally harmonious complex of lodges that are pleasing to visitors.
[1133d] Following repeated rebuilding the fine old structures make a harmonious group of huts loved by visitors.
[1134a] Naturen rundt hytta er både voldsom og vennlig.
[1134b] The landscape around the lodge is both bleak and benign.
[1134c] The natural surroundings are impressively attractive and pleasurable.
[1134d] The surrounding scenery is both awesome and inviting.
[1135a] Mange har latt seg inspirere av slike omgivelser, og flere kunstnere har forsøkt å gjenskape naturen i ord, toner eller på lerret.
[1135b] Many have been inspired by such surroundings, and several artists have tried to replicate nature in words, in notes or on canvas.
[1135c] Many people have been inspired by this kind of environment, and several artists have tried to capture the natural beauty in words, tones and paint on canvas.
[1135d] It has led a number of artists to try their hand at depicting the landscape in words, music, or pictures.
[1136a] Få har klart det bedre enn Edvard Grieg, som besøkte Gjendebu en rekke ganger på slutten av forrige århundre.
[1136b] Few have done so better than Edvard Grieg, who stayed at Gjendebu several times at the end of the last century.
[1136c] Few have succeeded at it better than Edvard Grieg, who visited Gjendebu a number of times toward the end of the 19th century.
[1136d] Few of them have succeeded as well as Edvard Grieg, who made several visits to Gjendebu in the late 1800s, undoubtedly providing an important source of inspiration for his Peer Gynt music.
[1137a] I musikken til Peer Gynt må han ha hentet mye inspirasjon herfra.
[1137b] In the music for Peer Gynt he must have drawn inspiration from here.
[1137c] He must have found much inspiration here for his Peer Gynt music.
[1137d] Few of them have succeeded as well as Edvard Grieg, who made several visits to Gjendebu in the late 1800s, undoubtedly providing an important source of inspiration for his Peer Gynt music.
[1138a] *+
[1138b] *+
[1138c] *+
[1138d] *+
[1139a] +Adkomst
[1139b] +Access
[1139c] +Access
[1139d] +Access
[1140a] Det går rutebåt på Gjende hele sommeren, og det er merkede fotturruter til Memurubu, Leirvassbu, Spiterstulen, Olavsbu, Fondsbu og Torfinnsbu.
[1140b] There is scheduled boat service on Gjende throughout the summer, and there are marked hiking trails to Memurubu, Leirvassbu, Spiterstulen, Olavsbu, Fondsbu, and Torfinnsbu.
[1140c] A shuttle boat serves Gjende all summer long, and there are marked hiking trails to Memurubu, Leirvassbu, Spiterstulen, Olavsbu, Fondsbu and Torfinnsbu.
[1140d] +Boat service on Gjende all summer. Marked trails to Memurubu, Leirvassbu, Spiterstulen, Olavsbu, Fondsbu, and Torfinnsbu.
[1141a] *+
[1141b] *+
[1141c] *+
[1141d] *+
[1142a] +Fakta:
[1142b] +Facts
[1142c] +Facts:
[1142d] +Facts
[1143a] Gjendebu ble innviet i 1871.
[1143b] Gjendebu was opened in 1871.
[1143c] Gjendebu was formally opened in 1871.
[1143d] Gjendebu opened in 1871.
[1144a] +Eier: DNT OA.
[1144b] +Owner: DNT OA.
[1144c] +Owner: DNT OA.
[1144d] +Owner: DNT OA.
[1145a] +Bestyrere: Aase og Håkon Dalen.
[1145b] +Wardens: Aase and Håkon Dalen.
[1145c] +Managers: Aase and Håkon Dalen.
[1145d] +Managers: Aase and Håkon Dalen.
[1146a] Hytta ligger i Lom kommune i Oppland, 990 m o.h., og har 119 senger, inkludert 34 senger i selvbetjeningslosjiet.
[1146b] The lodge is located in Lom Township in Oppland, 990 meters above sea level, and has 119 beds, including 34 beds in self-service lodgings.
[1146c] The lodge is located in Lom municipality in Oppland, 990 meters above sea level, and has 119 beds, including 34 beds in the self-service annex.
[1146d] +Located in Lom, Oppland, at 3250 feet, 119 beds, including 34 in the self-service hut.
[1147a] *+Tlf: 61 23 89 44.
[1147b] *+Tel: 61 23 89 44.
[1147c] *+Tel. : 61 23 89 44.
[1147d] *+Tel. 61 23 89 44.
[1148a] *+Web: www.dntoa.no «hytter»
[1148b] *+Web: www.dntoa.no
[1149b] *+
[1149c] *+
[1149d] *+
[1150a] +Sikkilsdalsseter
[1150b] +Sikkilsdalsseter
[1150c] +Sikkilsdalsseter
[1150d] +Sikkilsdalsseter
[1151a] +Trivelig for hester og folk
[1151b] +Enjoyable for horses and people
[1151c] +A Pleasant Place for Horses and People
[1151d] +A Joy to Man and Horse Alike
[1152a] Sørveggen på Sikkilsdalshornet er både bratt og luftig, men den kneiser over en dal som er usedvanlig frodig og grønn.
[1152b] The south wall of Sikkilsdalshornet is both steep and exposed, but it towers over a valley that is unusually lush and green.
[1152c] The southern wall of Sikkilsdalshornet is steep and windblown, but it towers over a valley that is extraordinarily fertile and green.
[1152d] The south wall of Sikkilsdalshornet is both steep and exposed, but it towers over a valley that is exceptionally lush and green.
[1153a] I tillegg til frodigheten var dalen tidlig kjent for sitt rike ørretfiske og gode jaktmuligheter.
[1153b] In addition to its lushness, the valley was known early for its rich trout fishing and good hunting.
[1153c] In addition to its lushness, the valley has been long known for its plentiful trout and good hunting conditions.
[1153d] In addition to its lushness the valley had an early reputation for good trout fishing and hunting.
[1154a] Den ble derfor tatt i bruk som fjellbeite, og etter hvert også til setring.
[1154b] Consequently, it was put into use for mountain pasture, and with time also for summer dairying.
[1154c] It was for that reason that it was used for mountain grazing, and eventually also for summertime farming.
[1154d] Thus it was used for summer pasturage, and later a summer farm.
[1155a] Lenge var det gården Huseby i Stange på Hedmarken som hadde seter her, og det må ha vært et slit å føre hele dyreflokken i dagevis etter landeveien helt opp til Sikkilsdalen, nesten 1000 meter over havet!
[1155b] The Huseby farm at Stange in Hedmarken long had a summer dairy here, and it must have been drudgery to drive a whole herd for days along country roads all the way up to Sikkilsdalen, almost 1000 meters above sea level!
[1155c] For a long time, Huseby farm in Stange, Hedmark, had a summer farm here, and it must have been a chore to herd animals for days along the country road all the way up to Sikkilsdalen, located at almost 1000 meters above sea level!
[1155d] For a long time it was the Huseby farm in Stange, Hedmarken, that had its summer farm here, which must have meant a very strenuous trip, driving the herd along the country roads for days all the way to Sikkilsdalen, at more than 3200 feet.
[1156a] I 1803 forteller bygdebøkene at to gårder nede i Kvikne, midtveis mellom Skåbu og Vinstra, drev setra, så nå slapp dølene å se hedmarkingene bruke «sin» dal.
[1156b] In 1803, the village records relate that two farms down at Kvikne, midway between Skåvu and Vinstra, ran summer dairies, so the dalesmen no longer saw Hedemarkers using "their" valley.
[1156c] Local annals reveal that in 1803, two farms down at Kvikne, midway between Skåbu and Vinstra, operated mountain farms, so by that time the locals were probably relieved that Hedmark farmers had stopped using «their» valley.
[1156d] Local history sources report that in 1803 there were two farms at Kvikne, midway between Skåbu and Vinstra, that used the summer farm, so local valley folks no longer had to see people from Hedmark using "their" valley.
[1157a] I 1868 begynte staten å leie dalen til beite for hest, og like etterpå kjøpte engelskmannen Charles Bamford den for å drive med jakt og fiske.
[1157b] In 1868, the State began to lease the valley as pasture for horses, and soon thereafter Englishman Charles Bamford bought it for hunting and fishing.
[1157c] In 1868, the government began to rent the valley as pastureland for horses, and shortly thereafter, Englishman Charles Bamford bought it for the hunting and fishing rights.
[1157d] In 1868 the state began leasing the valley for horse pasture, and, soon after, the Englishman Charles Bamford bought it for fishing and hunting.
[1158a] Han hadde jaktet en årrekke i Jotunheimen, blant annet sammen med den legendariske reinskytteren Jo Gjende.
[1158b] He had hunted for years in Jotunheimen, among others with the legendary reindeer hunter Jo Gjende.
[1158c] He had hunted in Jotunheimen for a number of years, in the company, among others, of legendary reindeer hunter Jo Gjende.
[1158d] For years he had hunted in Jotunheimen, also with the legendary reindeer hunter Jo Gjende.
[1159a] Gjennom Jo Gjende kom Bamford i kontakt med Syver Sande, til daglig kalt Sjur, kjent jeger og fjellmann.
[1159b] Through Jo Gende, Bamford came in contact with Syver Sande, nicknamed Sjur, a well-known hunter and mountain man.
[1159c] Through Jo Gjende, Bamford came into contact with Syver Sande, a well-known hunter and mountaineer who normally went under the name of Sjur.
[1159d] Through him Bamford met Syver Sande, usually called Sjur, a well-known hunter and mountain man.
[1160a] Sjur Sande ble overtalt til å bli Bamfords representant i Sikkilsdalen og bo der hele året.
[1160b] Sjur Sande was persuaded to be Bamford's representative in Sikkilsdalen and to live there year-round.
[1160c] Sjur Sande was persuaded to be Bamford's representative in Sikkilsdalen and to live there year round.
[1160d] Sjur Sande was hired to be Bamford's man in Sikkilsdalen and live there year round.
[1161a] Sammen med kone og to barn flyttet han fra Vågå, og han og hans etterkommere ble boende i Sikkilsdalen i nesten hundre år.
[1161b] Together with his wife and two children, he moved from Vågå, and his descendants lived in Sikkilsdalen for almost a hundred years.
[1161c] He moved with his wife and two children from Vågå, and he and his descendants lived in Sikkilsdalen for almost one hundred years.
[1161d] Together with his wife and two children he moved from Vågå, and he and his descendants stayed in Sikkilsdalen for nearly a century.
[1162a] Den dag i dag er det Sande-familien som driver Sikkilsdalssetra.
[1162b] To this day, the Sande family operates Sikkilsdalssetra.
[1162c] Even today, it is the Sande family that operates Sikkilsdalssetra.
[1162d] Even today Sande family members run Sikkilsdalsseter.
[1163a] Kombinasjonen jaktterreng og hestebeite gikk imidlertid dårlig.
[1163b] However, the combination of hunting ground and horse pasture worked poorly.
[1163c] The combination of hunting grounds and pasture for horses did not fare well, however.
[1163d] Hunting territory and horse pastures turned out to be a poor combination.
[1164a] Allerede i 1874 solgte Bamford Sikkilsdalen videre til en gruppe Kristiania-borgere.
[1164b] By 1874, Bamford sold Sikkilsdalen further to a group of Kristiania citizens.
[1164c] Already in 1874, Bamford sold Sikkilsdalen to a group of Christiania citizens.
[1164d] Already in 1874 Bamford sold Sikkilsdalen, and in 1881 the state bought it for horse breeding. Sjur Sande and his family were part of the package.
[1165a] De prøvde i sin tur å selge videre til staten, men først i 1881 fikk de napp.
[1165b] They tried in turn to resell to the State, and in 1881 got the first bite.
[1165c] They in turn tried to sell the property to the government, but it wasn't until 1881 that they succeeded.
[1165d] Already in 1874 Bamford sold Sikkilsdalen, and in 1881 the state bought it for horse breeding. Sjur Sande and his family were part of the package.
[1166a] Staten kjøpte Sikkilsdalen for å drive hesteavlssenter, og Sjur Sande og familien hans fulgte med på lasset som forpaktere av Sikkilsdalsseter.
[1166b] The State bought Sikkilsdalen to operate a stud farm, and Sjur Sande and his family were included in the consignment as lessees of Sikkilsdalsseter.
[1166c] The government bought Sikkilsdalen in order to operate a horse-breeding center, and Sjur Sande and his family became part of the agreement, as tenants of Sikkilsdalsseter.
[1166d] Already in 1874 Bamford sold Sikkilsdalen, and in 1881 the state bought it for horse breeding. Sjur Sande and his family were part of the package.
[1167a] Det er usedvanlig gode beiteforhold for hest i Sikkilsdalen.
[1167b] There are unusually good grazing conditions for horses in Sikkilsdalen.
[1167c] Grazing conditions for horses are exceptionally good in Sikkilsdalen.
[1167d] The pasturage in Sikkilsdalen is exceptionally good for the horses.
[1168a] Grunnen er produktiv, dalen ligger lunt til, og sola får godt tak.
[1168b] The ground is fertile, the valley is sheltered, and the sun takes hold well.
[1168c] The soil is fertile; the valley is sheltered and well exposed to the rays of the sun.
[1168d] The soil is fertile, the valley is sheltered, and the sunlight abundant.
[1169a] Resultatet er saftig og næringsrikt gress, og derfor går det fremdeles flere hestefølger i Sikkilsdalen sommeren igjennom.
[1169b] The result is juicy, nutritious grass, so therefore they still are several herds of horses in Sikkilsdalen throughout the summer.
[1169c] The result is succulent, nutritious grass, and this is why there are still several herds of horses in Sikkilsdalen throughout the summer.
[1169d] The result is juicy grass, full of nutrition, so there are still horse herds moving through Sikkilsdalen in the summer.
[1170a] Det er en opplevelse å se på når de blir sluppet på beite ved sankthanstider.
[1170b] It's thrilling to watch as they are turned loose to pasture around Midsummer Day.
[1170c] It is an experience to see them turned loose to graze around the end of June.
[1170d] It is a special treat to see them released onto pasture at summer solstice.
[1171a] Turistene lærte også tidlig å sette pris på Sikkilsdalen, og allerede i 1870 ble familiens ene sel for lite, og Sjur bygde ett til med gjesterom.
[1171b] Tourists also learned early to appreciate Sikkilsdalen, and as early as 1870, the family's single cabin was too small, so Sjur added a guest room.
[1171c] Tourists began very early to appreciate Sikkilsdalen, and already in 1870, the family's one dwelling became insufficient and Sjur built an additional one with a guestroom.
[1171d] Tourists also soon learned to appreciate Sikkilsdalen, and when his family's house became too small in 1870, Sjur built another one, with a guest room.
[1172a] Siden gikk det slag i slag, turisme ble det viktigste, og familien Sande reiste dagens flotte hytte.
[1172b] Since then, it's been non-stop; tourism has become most important, and the Sande family built today's fine lodge.
[1172c] Since then, progress has continued, tourism became predominant, and the Sande family built the stylish lodge of the present day.
[1172d] Gradually tourism became the most important activity, leading to the construction of today's stately hut.
[1173a] *+
[1173b] *+
[1173c] *+
[1173d] *+
[1174a] +Adkomst
[1174b] +Access
[1174c] +Access
[1174d] +Access
[1175a] Det er bilvei til hytta fra Skåbu, og merkede fotturruter fra Oskampen og Gjendesheim.
[1175b] There's a road to the lodge from Skåbu, and marked hiking trails from Oskampen and Gjendesheim.
[1175c] There is an automobile road to the lodge from Skåbu, and marked hiking trails from Oskampen and Gjendesheim.
[1175d] +Road from Skåbu, and marked trails from Oskampen and Gjendesheim.
[1176a] *+
[1176b] *+
[1176c] *+
[1176d] *+
[1177a] +Fakta:
[1177b] +Facts
[1177c] +Facts:
[1177d] +Facts
[1178a] Sikkilsdalsseter har tatt imot turister siden 1868.
[1178b] Sikkilsdalsseter has received tourists since 1868.
[1178c] Sikkilsdalsseter has hosted tourists since 1868.
[1178d] Sikkilsdalsseter has welcomed visitors since 1868.
[1179a] Hytta ligger i Nord Fron kommune i Oppland, 1016 m o.h., og har 78 senger.
[1179b] The lodge is located in Nord Fron Township in Oppland, 1016 meters above sea level, and has 78 beds.
[1179c] The lodge is located in Nord Fron municipality in Oppland, 1016 meters above sea level, and has 78 beds.
[1179d] +Located in Nord Fron, Oppland, at 3330 feet, 78 beds.
[1180a] +Eier: Landbruksdepartementet.
[1180b] +Owner: Ministry of Agriculture.
[1180c] +Owner: The Ministry of Agriculture
[1180d] +Owner: The Department of Agriculture.
[1181a] +Bestyrer: Tordis Sande Varpestuen.
[1181b] +Warden: Tordis Sande Varpestuen.
[1181c] +Manager: Tordis Sande Varpestuen.
[1181d] +Manager: Tordis Sande Varpestuen.
[1182a] *+Tlf: 61 29 55 14.
[1182b] *+Tel: 61 29 55 14.
[1182c] *+Tel. : 61 29 55 14.
[1182d] *+Tel. 61 29 55 14.
[1183a] *+Web: www.skabu.com
[1183b] *+Web: www.skabu.com
[1183c] *+Web: www.skabu.com
[1183d] *+URL: www.skabu.com
[1184a] *+
[1184b] *+
[1184c] *+
[1184d] *+
[1185a] +Besstrond Sæter
[1185b] +Bestrond Sæter
[1185c] +Besstrond Sæter
[1185d] +Besstrond Sæter
[1186a] +Gammel seter i Sjodalen
[1186b] +Old summer dairy in Sjodalen
[1186c] +Old Mountain Farm in Sjodalen
[1186d] +An Old Summer Farm in Sjodalen
[1187a] *+
[1187b] *+
[1187c] *+
[1187d] *+
[1188a] +Adkomst
[1188b] +Access
[1188c] +Access
[1188d] +Access
[1189a] +Bilvei forbi hytta og bussforbindelse.
[1189b] +Road past the lodge and bus service.
[1189c] +Automobile road past the lodge and bus connections.
[1189d] +Road, bus service.
[1190a] *+
[1190b] *+
[1190c] *+
[1190d] *+
[1191a] +Fakta
[1191b] +Facts
[1191c] +Facts
[1191d] +Facts
[1192a] Besstrond Sæter har tatt imot turister siden 1976.
[1192b] Besstrond Sæter has received tourists since 1976.
[1192c] Besstrond Sæter has hosted tourists since 1976.
[1192d] Besstrond Sæter has welcomed tourists since 1976.
[1193a] +Eier: Magny Hilde og Bjørn Bjørgen.
[1193b] +Owners: Magny Hilde and Bjørn Bjørgen.
[1193c] +Owners: Magny Hilde and Bjørn Bjørgen.
[1193d] +Owner: Magny Hilde and Bjørn Bjørgen.
[1194a] +Bestyrer: Turid Berge.
[1194b] +Warden: Turid Berge.
[1194c] +Manager: Turid Berge.
[1194d] +Manager: Turid Berge.
[1195a] Hytta ligger i Vågå kommune i Oppland, 1000 m o.h., og har 48 senger.
[1195b] The lodge is located in Vågå Township in Oppland, 1000 meters above sea level, and has 48 beds.
[1195c] The lodge is located in Vågå municipality in Oppland, 1000 meters above sea level, and has 48 beds.
[1195d] The hut is located in Vågå, Oppland, at 3280 feet, and has 48 beds.
[1196a] *+Tlf: 61 23 89 23.
[1196b] *+Tel: 61 23 89 23.
[1196c] *+Tel. : 61 23 89 23.
[1196d] *+Tel. 61 23 89 23.
[1197a] *+
[1197b] *+
[1197c] *+
[1197d] *+
[1198a] +Spiterstulen
[1198b] +Spiterstulen
[1198c] +Spiterstulen
[1198d] +Spiterstulen
[1199a] Hytta er fyldig presentert i hefte 4
[1199b] The lodge is fully described in brochure 4.
[1199c] The lodge is amply described in pamphlet 4.
[1199d] The hut is fully presented in Booklet 4
[1200a] *+
[1200b] *+
[1200c] *+
[1200d] *+
[1201a] +Adkomst
[1201b] +Access
[1201c] +Access
[1201d] +Access
[1202a] +Bilvei til hytta og bussforbindelse.
[1202b] +Road and bus service to the lodge.
[1202c] +Automobile road to the lodge and bus connections.
[1202d] +Road, bus service.
[1203a] +Merkede fotturruter til Glitterheim, Juvasshytta, Leirvassbu og Gjendebu.
[1203b] +Marked hiking trails to Glitterheim, Juvasshytta, Leirvassbu and Gjendebu.
[1203c] +Marked hiking trails to Glitterheim, Juvasshytta, Leirvassbu and Gjendebu.
[1203d] +Marked trails to Glitterheim, Juvasshytta, Leirvassbu, and Gjendebu.
[1204a] *+
[1204b] *+
[1204c] *+
[1204d] *+
[1205a] +Fakta
[1205b] +Facts
[1205c] +Facts
[1205d] +Facts
[1206a] Spiterstulen har tatt imot turister siden 1830-tallet.
[1206b] Spiterstulen has received tourists since the 1830s.
[1206c] Spiterstulen has hosted tourists since the 1830's.
[1206d] Spiterstulen has been open to visitors since the 1830s.
[1207a] +Eiere: Charlotte og Eiliv Sulheim.
[1207b] +Owners: Charlotte and Eiliv Sulheim.
[1207c] +Owners: Charlotte and Eiliv Sulheim.
[1207d] +Owners: Charlotte and Eiliv Sulheim.
[1208a] Hytta ligger i Lom kommune i Oppland, 1100 m o.h., og har ca. 230 senger.
[1208b] The lodge is located in Lom Township in Oppland, 1100 meters above sea level, and has about 230 beds.
[1208c] The lodge is located in Lom municipality in Oppland, 1100 meters above sea level, and has approx. 230 beds.
[1208d] +Located in Lom, Oppland, at 3600 feet, some 230 beds.
[1209a] *+Tlf: 61 21 14 80.
[1209b] *+Tel: 61 21 14 80.
[1209c] *+Tel. : 61 21 14 80.
[1209d] *+Tel. 61 21 14 80.
[1210a] *+Web: www.spiterstulen.no
[1210b] *+Web: www.spiterstulen.no
[1210c] *+Web: www.spiterstulen.no
[1210d] *+URL: www.spiterstulen.no
[1211a] +Juvasshytta
[1211b] +Juvasshytta
[1211c] +Juvasshytta
[1211d] +Juvasshytta
[1212a] Hytta er fyldig presentert i hefte 4
[1212b] The lodge is fully described in brochure 4.
[1212c] The lodge is amply described in pamphlet 4.
[1212d] The hut is fully presented in Booklet 4
[1213a] +Adkomst.
[1213b] +Access
[1213c] +Access.
[1213d] +Access
[1214a] +Bilvei til hytta og bussforbindelse.
[1214b] +Road and bus service to the lodge.
[1214c] +Automobile road to the lodge and bus connections.
[1214d] +Road, bus service.
[1215a] +Merkede fotturruter til Spiterstulen, Raubergstulen/Røisheim og Elveseter.
[1215b] +Marked hiking trails to Spiterstulen, Raubergstulen/Røisheim, and Elveseter.
[1215c] +Marked hiking trails to Spiterstulen, Raubergstulen/Røisheim and Elveseter.
[1215d] +Marked trails to Spiterstulen, Raubergstulen/Røisheim, and Elveseter.
[1216a] *+
[1216b] *+
[1216c] *+
[1216d] *+
[1217a] +Fakta
[1217b] +Facts
[1217c] +Facts
[1217d] +Facts
[1218a] Juvasshytta har tatt imot turister siden 1884.
[1218b] Juvasshytta has received tourists since 1884.
[1218c] Juvasshytta has hosted tourists since 1884.
[1218d] Juvasshytta has housed hikers since 1884.
[1219a] +Eier: Ragnhild Vole.
[1219b] +Owner: Ragnhild Vole.
[1219c] +Owner: Ragnhild Vole.
[1219d] +Owner: Ragnhild Vole.
[1220a] Hytta ligger i Lom kommune i Oppland, 1840 m o.h., og har ca. 85 senger.
[1220b] The lodge is located in Lom Township in Oppland, 1840 meters above sea level, and has about 85 beds.
[1220c] The lodge is located in Lom municipality in Oppland, 1840 meters above sea level, and has approx. 85 beds.
[1220d] +Located in Lom, Oppland, at 6030 feet, some 85 beds.
[1221a] *+Tlf: 61 21 15 50.
[1221b] *+Tel: 61 21 15 50.
[1221c] *+Tel.: 61 21 15 50.
[1221d] *+Tel. 61 21 15 50.
[1222a] *+Web: http://ditt.net/juvasshytta
[1222b] *+Web: http://ditt.nett/juvasshytta
[1222c] *+Web: http://ditt.net/juvasshytta
[1222d] *+URL: http://ditt.net/juvasshytta
[1223a] *+
[1223b] *+
[1223c] *+
[1223d] *+
[1224a] +Hindsæter fjellstue
[1224b] +Hindsæter fjellstue
[1224c] +Hindsæter fjellstue
[1224d] +Hindsæter fjellstue
[1225a] +Seter fra 1600-tallet
[1225b] +17th century summer dairy.
[1225c] +Mountain Farm from the 1600's
[1225d] +Seventeenth-Century Summer Farm
[1226a] *+
[1226b] *+
[1226c] *+
[1226d] *+
[1227a] +Adkomst
[1227b] +Access
[1227c] +Access
[1227d] +Access
[1228a] +Bilvei forbi hytta og bussforbindelse.
[1228b] +Road past the lodge and bus service.
[1228c] +Automobile road past the lodge and bus connections.
[1228d] +Road, bus service.
[1229a] *+
[1229b] *+
[1229c] *+
[1229d] *+
[1230a] +Fakta
[1230b] +Facts
[1230c] +Facts
[1230d] +Facts
[1231a] Hindsæter fjellstue har tatt imot turister siden 1860-årene.
[1231b] Hindsæter fjellstue has received tourists since the 1860s.
[1231c] Hindsæter fjellstue has hosted tourists since the 1860's.
[1231d] The Hindsæter Hut has welcomed tourists since the 1860s.
[1232a] +Eier: Rolf Strøm.
[1232b] +Owner: Rolf Strøm.
[1232c] +Owner: Rolf Strøm.
[1232d] +Owner: Rolf Strøm.
[1233a] Hytta ligger i Vågå kommune i Oppland, 920 m o.h., og har 50 senger.
[1233b] The lodge is located in Vågå Township in Oppland, 920 meters above sea level, and has 50 beds.
[1233c] The lodge is located in Vågå municipality in Oppland, 920 meters above sea level, and has 50 beds.
[1233d] +Located in Vågå, Oppland, at 3020 feet, beds.
[1234a] *+Tlf: 61 23 89 16.
[1234b] *+Tel: 61 23 89 16.
[1234c] *+Tel. : 61 23 89 16.
[1234d] *+Tel. 61 23 89 16.
[1235a] *+
[1235b] *+
[1235c] *+
[1236a] +Maurvangen
[1236b] +Maurvangen
[1236c] +Maurvangen
[1236d] +Maurvangen
[1237a] +Camping og hytteutleie
[1237b] +Camping and rental cabins.
[1237c] +Camping and cabin rentals.
[1237d] +Camping and Cabins
[1238a] *+
[1238b] *+
[1238c] *+
[1238d] *+
[1239a] +Adkomst
[1239b] +Access
[1239c] +Access
[1239d] +Access
[1240a] +Bilvei forbi stedet og bussforbindelse.
[1240b] +Road past the place and bus service.
[1240c] +Automobile road past the campgrounds and bus connections.
[1240d] +Road, bus service.
[1241a] +Merkede fotturruter til Gjendesheim og Sikkilsdalsseter.
[1241b] +Marked hiking trails to Gjendesheim and Sikkilsdalsseter.
[1241c] +Marked hiking trails to Gjendesheim and Sikkilsdalsseter.
[1241d] +Marked trails to Gjendesheim and Sikkilsdalsseter.
[1242a] *+
[1242b] *+
[1242c] *+
[1242d] *+
[1243a] +Fakta
[1243b] +Facts
[1243c] +Facts
[1243d] +Facts
[1244a] Maurvangen Camping har tatt imot turister siden 1976.
[1244b] Maurvangen Camping has received tourists since 1976.
[1244c] Maurvangen Camping has hosted tourists since 1976.
[1244d] Maurvangen Camping has been in operation since 1976.
[1245a] +Eier: Else Reiremo.
[1245b] +Owner: Else Reiremo.
[1245c] +Owner: Else Reiremo.
[1245d] +Owner: Else Reiremo.
[1246a] Stedet ligger i Vågå kommune i Oppland, 1000 m o.h., og har 26 utleiehytter.
[1246b] The place is located in Vågå township in Oppland, 1000 meters above sea level, and has 26 rental cabins.
[1246c] The place is located in Vågå municipality in Oppland, 1000 meters above sea level, and has 26 rental cabins.
[1246d] The campground is in Vågå, Oppland, at 3280 feet, 26 cabins.
[1247a] *+Tlf: 61 23 89 22.
[1247b] *+Tel: 61 23 89 22.
[1247c] *+Tel. : 61 23 89 22.
[1247d] *+Tel. 61 23 89 22.
[1248a] *+
[1248b] *+
[1248c] *+
[1248d] *+
[1249a] +Klassiker langs Gjende
[1249b] +Classics along Gjende
[1249c] +Classic Trip Along Gjende
[1249d] +A Classic Hike Along Gjende
[1250a] *+Tur 1a - 2 dager - gg
[1250b] *+Hike 1 a - 2 days - gg
[1250c] *+Trip 1a - 2 days - gg
[1250d] *+Trip 1a - 2 days - gg
[1251a] *+
[1251b] *+
[1251c] *+
[1252a] +1. Gjendesheim/Bessheim til Memurubu
[1252b] +1. Gjendesheim/Bessheim to Memurubu
[1252c] +1. Gjendesheim/Bessheim to Memurubu
[1252d] +1. Gjendesheim/Bessheim - Memurubu
[1253a] Har du sett den Gjendineggen noen gang?
[1253b] Have you ever seen that Gjende Ridge?
[1253c] Have you ever seen Gjendineggen?
[1253d] Have you ever seen the Gjendineggen knife-edge?
[1254a] Før 1867 var det nok ikke så mange som hadde gjort det.
[1254b] Before 1867, not so many had.
[1254c] Before 1867, there were not many people who had.
[1254d] Before 1867 very few had.
[1255a] Da kom imidlertid Henrik Ibsens mesterverk Peer Gynt, og med det ble Gjende-området og Besseggen kjent i vide kretser.
[1255b] However, then Henrik Ibsen's masterpiece Peer Gynt came out, and the Gjende region with Besseggen became known in wider circles.
[1255c] But then came Henrik Ibsen's masterpiece Peer Gynt, and the Gjende area, with Besseggen, became widely known.
[1255d] But that was the year when Ibsen's masterpiece Peer Gynt appeared, and the play made the Gjende area and Besseggen widely famous.
[1256a] Da DNT merket sin første varderute i begynnelsen av 1870-årene, gikk den da også fra Bessheim til Memurubu over Veslefjellet og ned Besseggen.
[1256b] When DNT marked the first cairn route in the early 1870s, it ran also from Bessheim to Memurubu over Veslefjellet and down Besseggen.
[1256c] When DNT laid out its first marked route in the beginning of the 1870's, it went from Bessheim to Memurubu across Veslefjellet and down to Besseggen.
[1256d] So when DNT marked its first trail in the early 1870s, it was natural that it go from Bessheim to Memurubu over Veslefjellet down Besseggen.
[1257a] I våre dager tar rundt 30 000 mennesker turen over Besseggen i løpet av en vanlig sommer.
[1257b] In our day, around 30,000 people hike over Besseggen in the course of an average summer.
[1257c] In our time, about 30,000 people make the trip over Besseggen during a normal summer.
[1257d] Nowadays some 30,000 make their way over Besseggen in an average summer.
[1258a] Turen regnes som en relativt lett dagsmarsj.
[1258b] The hike is reckoned to be a relatively easy day's march.
[1258c] The trip is considered to be a relatively light one-day outing.
[1258d] The hike is considered a relatively easy day hike.
[1259a] Selve eggen, som er omtrent 20 meter bred, utgjør bare en knapp kilometer av ruta.
[1259b] The ridge itself, which is about 20 meters wide, accounts for hardly a kilometer of the route.
[1259c] The ridge itself, which is about 20 meters wide, comprises only a little less than one kilometer of the route.
[1259d] The knife-edge, which is some sixty feet wide, is only about a half mile long.
[1260a] Den er noe luftig, men ufarlig.
[1260b] It is slightly exposed, but not dangerous.
[1260c] It is breezy, but not dangerous.
[1260d] It is somewhat exposed, but not dangerous.
[1261a] Det har faktisk blitt arrangert terrengløp fra Memurubu til Gjendesheim over eggen tidlig på 1960-tallet, men løpet ble stoppet etter et par år.
[1261b] In fact, cross-country runs were held from Memurubu to Gjendesheim over the ridge in the early 1960s, but were stopped after a couple of years.
[1261c] Cross-country races have actually been arranged from Memurubu to Gjendeshiem across the ridge as early as the 1960's, but the race was discontinued after a couple of years.
[1261d] In fact cross-country races were held here in the 1960s, from Memurubu to Gjendesheim along the edge, but this was stopped after a couple of years.
[1262a] Hvis du er redd for høyder, kan det være lurt å gå turen fra Memurubu, men den er flottest fra Gjendesheim eller Bessheim.
[1262b] If you fear heights, it's best to do the hike from Memurubu, but it is most splendid from Gjendesheim or Bessheim.
[1262c] If you are afraid of heights, it may be wise to make the trip from Memurubu, but it is most spectacular from Gjendesheim or Bessheim.
[1262d] If you suffer from vertigo, you may prefer starting at Memurubu, although the hike is more spectacular coming from Gjendesheim or Bessheim.
[1263a] Jeg beskriver turen fra Gjendesheim, det er der de fleste starter:
[1263b] I'll describe the hike from Gjendesheim, where most hikers start.
[1263c] I will describe the trip from Gjendesheim, since it is here that most people start out.
[1263d] My description runs from Gjendesheim, the most popular starting point:
[1264a] Høydeforskjellen fra turisthytta og til toppen av Veslefjellet er på 750 meter, men stien er bred og god, og stigningen ganske jevn.
[1264b] The elevation gain from the tourist lodge to the top of Veslefjellet is 750 metres, but the trail is broad and firm, and the incline is quite gradual.
[1264c] The difference in elevation from the tourist lodge to the top of Veslefjellet is 750 meters, but the path is good and wide, and the ascent is quite even.
[1264d] The ascent from the hut to the top of Veslefjellet is 2460 feet, but the trail is wide and good, on a fairly even slope.
[1265a] Dalsidene rundt Gjende er svært frodige og det er mye å glede seg over hvis man er interessert i blomster.
[1265b] The hillsides around Gjende are extremely fertile and there is much to enjoy if you are interested in flowers.
[1265c] The hillsides around Gjende are very fertile, and there is much to be enjoyed if one is interested in flowers.
[1265d] The valleys around Gjende are very lush, providing much of interest to plant-lovers.
[1266a] Her går bjørka over 1200 meter, det er høyest i landet.
[1266b] Here birches grow over 1200 meters, the highest in the country.
[1266c] Here, the birch tree line goes above 1200 meters; this is the highest in the country.
[1266d] The birch reaches to almost four thousand feet, higher than anywhere else in Norway.
[1267a] Etter en kilometer tar ruta mot Glitterheim av mot høyre, men vi fortsetter opp Veslløyfti og Veslefjellet.
[1267b] After one kilometer, the route to Glitterheim branches off to the right, but we continue up Veslløyfti and Veslefjellet.
[1267c] After one kilometer, the route toward Glitterheim bears to the right, but we continue up Veslløyfti and Veslefjellet.
[1267d] In about a half mile the trail to Glitterheim branches right, but we continue up Veslløyfti and Veslefjellet.
[1268a] I årenes løp har farene etter titusener av fotturstøvler laget et bredt, grått bånd over Veslefjellet, men du skal ikke gå mange meter ut av stien før du ser at det også finnes planter i 1700 meters høyde.
[1268b] With time, the tracks after tens of thousands of hiking boots have made a broad, grey band over Veslefjellet, but you need not go many meters away from the trail to find that plants also grow at 1700 meters elevation.
[1268c] Over the years, the tracks from tens of thousands of hiker's boots have dug a wide, gray strip across Veslefjellet, but you don't need to go very many meters off the beaten track to discover that there are also plants at 1700 meters elevation.
[1268d] Over time the tracks of tens of thousands of hikers have worn a wide, gray band across Veslefjellet, but straying slightly off the trail, you will see that there are still plants at 5500 feet, for the creeping azalea and glacier crowfoot are much less demanding than their kinsmen down below.
[1269a] Det er bare det at greplyng og issoleie ikke gjør så mye av seg som sine slektninger lenger nede i lia.
[1269b] It's just that Alpine azaleas and glacier buttercups are not as profuse as their relatives farther down the hillside.
[1269c] It is true, of course, that Alpine Azaleas and Glacier Buttercups are not as profuse here as their relatives farther down the hillside.
[1269d] Over time the tracks of tens of thousands of hikers have worn a wide, gray band across Veslefjellet, but straying slightly off the trail, you will see that there are still plants at 5500 feet, for the creeping azalea and glacier crowfoot are much less demanding than their kinsmen down below.
[1270a] Oppe på toppen møter den merkede ruta fra Bessheim den fra Gjendesheim.
[1270b] Up on top, the marked route from Bessheim meets that from Gjendesheim.
[1270c] Up at the summit, the marked route from Bessheim meets the one from Gjendesheim.
[1270d] On the summit the trail from Bessheim comes in from the right.
[1271a] Turen fra Bessheim tar ca. en time mer, og er merket via oset i Bessvatnet.
[1271b] The hike from Bessheim takes about an hour more, and is marked via the outlet of Bessvatnet.
[1271c] The trip from Bessheim takes approx. one hour longer, and it is marked via the mouth of Bessvatn Lake.
[1271d] That hike takes an hour longer and is marked via the outlet of Bessvatn, where there is a bridge.
[1272a] Der er det lagt ut bro.
[1272b] There's a bridge.
[1272c] A bridge has been placed here.
[1272d] That hike takes an hour longer and is marked via the outlet of Bessvatn, where there is a bridge.
[1273a] Rundskuet fra Veslefjell er formidabelt.
[1273b] The panorama from Veslefjell is formidable.
[1273c] The panorama from Veslefjell is breathtaking.
[1273d] The panorama from Veslefjellet is impressive.
[1274a] Herfra kan du se mange av Jotunheimens stortopper og store deler av Valdresflya og Gausdal Vestfjell.
[1274b] From here you can see many of Jotunheimen's major peaks and greater parts of Valdresflya and Gausdal Vestfjell.
[1274c] From here you can see many of Jotunheimen's great peaks and large portions of Valdresflya and Gausdal Vestfjell.
[1274d] From here you can spot many of the Jotunheimen high peaks and large parts of Valdresflya and Gausdal Vestfjell.
[1275a] Utsikten fra toppen av Besseggen er også overveldende, med det blå Bessvatnet og den grønne Gjende dypt under deg.
[1275b] The view from the top of Besseggen also is overwhelming, with the blue Bessvatnet and the green Gjende far below.
[1275c] The view from the top of Besseggen is also overwhelming, with the lakes, blue Bessvatn and green Gjende , deep below.
[1275d] The view from the top of Besseggen is also magnificent, with the blue Bessvatn and the green Gjende far below.
[1276a] Når du begynner på nedturen, bør du imidlertid se hvor du setter føttene.
[1276b] When you start the descent, however, you should watch your step.
[1276c] When you begin your descent, you should, however, pay attention to where you put your feet down.
[1276d] As you start your descent, however, you had better watch your steps.
[1277a] Det er et par smale passasjer som mange synes er luftige.
[1277b] There are a couple of narrow passages that many find exposed.
[1277c] There are a couple of narrow passages that many find a little breezy.
[1277d] There are a couple of spots that can feel rather exposed.
[1278a] Høydeforskjellen ned til Bessvatn er på nesten 400 meter.
[1278b] The elevation difference down to Bessvatn is nearly 400 meters.
[1278c] The difference in elevation down to Bessvatn is almost 400 meters.
[1278d] The drop down to Bessvatn is 1300 feet.
[1279a] Vel nede vandrer du over et ganske smalt fjellparti som skiller Bessvatnet fra stupene ned mot Gjende.
[1279b] Safely down, you walk over a narrow saddle that separates Bessvatnet from the cliff down toward Gjende.
[1279c] Once down, you hike across a very narrow mountain ridge that divides Bessvatn from the cliffs down toward Gjende.
[1279d] Once down there, you walk along a rather narrow ridge that separates that lake from the dropoff towards Gjende.
[1280a] Hadde isbreen som en gang i tiden skapte Bessvatnet fått gnage litt til på fjellet her, hadde det vært en imponerende foss ned i Gjende.
[1280b] Had the glacier that once created Bessvatnet ground a bit more on the rock here, there would have been an impressive waterfall down to Gjende.
[1280c] If the glacier that once created Bessvatnet had time to gnaw away a little more of the mountain here, there would have been an impressive waterfall down into Gjende.
[1280d] Had the glacier that created Bessvatn had time to scour the mountain any longer, this would now make an impressive waterfall into Gjende, but instead the water flows eastward.
[1281a] Isteden renner nå vannet østover.
[1281b] Instead, now the water runs eastwards.
[1281c] Instead, the water now runs eastward.
[1281d] Had the glacier that created Bessvatn had time to scour the mountain any longer, this would now make an impressive waterfall into Gjende, but instead the water flows eastward.
[1282a] Fra bredden av Bessvatnet går stien oppover igjen et par hundre høydemeter, før det bærer utfor igjen.
[1282b] From the shore of Bessvatnet, the trail climbs again a couple hundred meters, before it bears downward again.
[1282c] From the shores of Bessvatnet, the path goes up again a couple hundred meters in elevation, and then downhill again.
[1282d] From the shores of Bessvatn the trail once again ascends about 650 feet before you begin a new descent, first past Bjørnbøltjørna, then gradually towards Memurubu.
[1283a] Først forbi Bjørnbøltjørna og så etter hvert nedover mot Memurubu.
[1283b] First past Bjørnbøltjørna and thereafter down towards Memurubu.
[1283c] First past Bjømbøltjørna and then eventually downward toward Memurubu.
[1283d] From the shores of Bessvatn the trail once again ascends about 650 feet before you begin a new descent, first past Bjørnbøltjørna, then gradually towards Memurubu.
[1284a] Der kan du enten overnatte, ta båten tilbake til Gjendesheim eller videre til Gjendebu, eller også vandre tilbake til Gjendesheim langs Gjende.
[1284b] You can spend the night, take the boat back to Gjendesheim or onward to Gjendebu, or walk back to Gjendesheim along Gjende.
[1284c] There you may either spend the night, take the boat back to Gjendesheim or on to Gjendebu or you may also hike back to Gjendesheim along the Gjende.
[1284d] Here you may either spend the night or take the boat back to Gjendesheim or onward towards Gjendebu, or you may wander back to Gjendesheim along the shore.
[1285a] Turen går gjennom mye frodig natur langs en gammel stølsvei, og er forbløffende variert.
[1285b] The tour goes through much lush growth along an old cattle track and is surprisingly varied.
[1285c] The trip goes through much lush nature along an old farm road and is surprisingly varied.
[1285d] This surprisingly varied trail rambles through a lush landscape along an old tote road.
[1286a] *+
[1286b] *+
[1286c] *+
[1287a] +2. Memurubu til Gjendebu
[1287b] +2. Memurubu to Gjendebu
[1287c] +2. Memurubu to Gjendebu
[1287d] +2. Memurubu - Gjendebu
[1288a] Også denne turen er en klassiker.
[1288b] This hike also is a classic.
[1288c] This trip is also a classic.
[1288d] This hike is also a classic.
[1289a] Turen ned Bukkelægeret er en av Jotunheimens bratteste merkede ruter, men den er godt sikret og ufarlig bare du er forsiktig.
[1289b] The hike down Bukkelægeret is one of the Jotunheimen's steepest routes, but it is well secured and not dangerous if you are careful.
[1289c] The trip down Bukkelægeret is one of Jotunheimen's steepest marked routes, but it is well secured and not dangerous as long as you are cautious.
[1289d] Bukkelægeret is one of Jotunheimen's steepest marked trails, but there are supports, so with caution you will be perfectly safe.
[1290a] Like etter at du har startet fra Memurubu, krysser ruta Muru på solid bro.
[1290b] Just after you start from Memurubu, the route crosses Muru on a solid bridge.
[1290c] Just after you have started out from Memurubu, the route crosses Muru via a solid bridge.
[1290d] Leaving Memurubu, you cross Muru on a sturdy bridge.
[1291a] Stien fortsetter bratt opp mot Sjugurdtind og så litt slakere oppover mot Lågtunga.
[1291b] The trail continues steeply up towards Sjugurdtind and then more gently upward towards Lågtunga.
[1291c] The path continues steeply upward toward Sjugurdtind and then a little more gradually up toward Lågtunga.
[1291d] The trail climbs steeply up towards Sjugurdtind and less steeply towards Lågtunga.
[1292a] Underveis passerer den først Sjugurtindtjørna og så Grunnevatnet.
[1292b] On the way, it first passes Sjugurtindtjørna and then Grunnevatnet.
[1292c] Along the way it first passes Sjugurtind Pond and then Grunnevatnet.
[1292d] Along the way it bypasses first Sjugurtindtjørna and then Grunnevatnet.
[1293a] En varm sommerdag vil du nok sette pris på det.
[1293b] On a warm summer day, you certainly will enjoy that.
[1293c] On a warm summer day, you will undoubtedly appreciate this.
[1293d] On a hot summer day these lakes are welcome.
[1294a] Ruta videre går høyt og fritt og byr på utmerket utsikt, særlig Surtningssua i nord og tindene på sørsiden av Gjende gjør mye av seg.
[1294b] The trail continues, high and open and offers splendid views, particularly Surtningssua to the north and the peaks on the southern side of Gjende are prominent.
[1294c] The route continues through high and open ground and offers an excellent view; Surtningssua to the north and the peaks on the southern side of Gjende are especially impressive.
[1294d] The lofty path continues, offering splendid views, especially of Surtningssua to the north and of the peaks south of Gjende.
[1295a] Stien fortsetter et par kilometer fram til en stor varde hvor ruta deler seg.
[1295b] The trail continues a couple kilometers to a large cairn where the route forks.
[1295c] The trail continues on a couple of kilometers to a large stonepile marking, where the route forks.
[1295d] Three miles farther on the trail forks by a large cairn.
[1296a] Mot høyre fortsetter ruta vestover og ned i Storådalen, hvor den kommer inn på ruta mellom Leirvassbu og Gjendebu.
[1296b] To the right, the route continues westwards and down in Storådalen, where it joins the route between Leirvassbu and Gjendebu.
[1296c] To the right, the route continues west and down into Storådalen, where it joins the route between Leirvassbu and Gjendebu.
[1296d] The right fork continues to the west and down into Storådalen, where it joins the trail between Leirvassbu and Gjendebu.
[1297a] Denne turen fra Memurubu til Gjendebu tar ca. 6 timer, og kan være et alternativ for dem som synes Bukkelægeret blir for bratt.
[1297b] This hike from Memurubu to Gjendebu takes about six hours, and can be an alternative for those who find Bukkelægeret too steep.
[1297c] This trip from Memurubu to Gjendebu takes approximately 6 hours and may be an alternative for those who find bukkelægeret too steep.
[1297d] That route from Memurubu to Gjendebu takes about 6 hours, and may be an alternative for those who find Bukkelægeret too steep.
[1298a] Vi fortsetter imidlertid langs stien til venstre og ned Bukkelægeret.
[1298b] However, we continue along the trail to the left and down Bukkelægeret.
[1298c] We continue, however, along the trail to the left and down Bukkelægeret.
[1298d] However, we follow the left fork down Bukkelægeret.
[1299a] Her går det nedover i bratte slyng, og det er lagt ut wire på de mest utsatte stedene.
[1299b] Here it goes downward in steep switchbacks, and cables are fixed at the most exposed places.
[1299c] Here it descends in steep loops, and there are cable wires laid out at the most exposed points.
[1299d] The trail winds down steep switchbacks, with cable supports in the most exposed parts.
[1300a] Som for Besseggen kan det også her være lurt å gå turen i motsatt retning om du er plaget av høydeskrekk.
[1300b] As for Besseggen, here it also may be wise to hike the opposite direction if you suffer acrophobia.
[1300c] As for Besseggen, it may be wise to do this trip in the opposite direction if you are bothered by fear of heights.
[1300d] As with Besseggen, it may be a good idea to reverse the route if you dislike heights.
[1301a] Dalsiden er bratt, men kan by på et enestående blomsterflor.
[1301b] The hillside is steep but can offer unique flora.
[1301c] The hillside is steep, but it offers an excellent floral environment.
[1301d] The valley is precipitous but may still have an outstanding floral display.
[1302a] Etter sigende skal det være funnet ca. 700 forskjellige planter i dette området.
[1302b] They say that there have been found some 700 species of plants in this area.
[1302c] According to reports, approximately 700 different plant species have been found in this area.
[1302d] The area is said to have some seven hundred different plants.
[1303a] Her finnes hele spekteret fra isranunkel, mogop og fjelldronning, til nyperose, hegg og liljekonvall.
[1303b] Here is the entire spectrum from glacier crowfoot, anemone, and pyramidal saxifrage to dog rose, chokecherry and lily of the valley.
[1303c] The entire spectrum is found here, from Glacier buttercups, Spring Pasque and Maiden Saxifrage, to Dog Rose, Bird Cherry and Lily of the Valley.
[1303d] They range from glacier crowfoot, spring anemone, pyramidal saxifrage, to roses, hawthorn, and lily of the valley.
[1304a] Vel nede av Bukkelægeret er stien fram til Gjendebu lett og fin å gå langs bredden av Gjende.
[1304b] Well down from Bukkelægeret, the trail goes ahead to Gjendebu, easily and fine along the shore of Gjende.
[1304c] Once you are down from Bukkelægeret, the path to Gjendebu is easy and pleasant to hike, along the shoreline of Gjende.
[1304d] Safely past Bukkelægeret the trail becomes nice and easy along the lake shore to Gjendebu.
[1305a] *+
[1305b] *+
[1305c] *+
[1305d] *+
[1306a] +Dagstur fra Memurubu
[1306b] +Day hikes from Memurubu
[1306c] +Day Trip from Memurubu
[1306d] +Day Trip from Memurubu
[1307a] Turen på Surtningssua bør du absolutt unne deg om du bor på Memurubu.
[1307b] The hike to Surtningssua is one you should absolutely do if you stay at Memurubu.
[1307c] The trip to Surtningssua is an absolute must if you are spending time at Memurubu.
[1307d] A hike to Surtningssua is a must when staying at Memurubu.
[1308a] Dens 2368 meter gjør den til Norges 7. høyeste fjell.
[1308b] Its 2368 meters makes it Norway's seventh highest mountain.
[1308c] Its 2368-meter altitude makes it Norway's seventh highest mountain.
[1308d] Its 7767 feet make it Norway's seventh highest mountain.
[1309a] Den ble besteget første gang omkring 1840 av Johan Sverdrup, senere stortingspresident.
[1309b] It was first climbed around 1840 by Johan Sverdrup, later President of Parliament.
[1309c] It was first climbed about 1840 by Johan Sverdrup, who would later be president of parliament.
[1309d] It was first climbed around 1840 by Johan Sverdrup, the later Storting President.
[1310a] Jotunologen Emanuel Mohn, som var på toppen 40 år senere, mente at utsikten fra toppen er den mest storslagne i Jotunheimen.
[1310b] Jotunologist Emanuel Mohn, who was on the summit 40 years thereafter, felt that the view from the summit was the grandest in the Jotunheimen.
[1310c] Jotunologist Emanuel Mohn, who reached the summit 40 years later, found that the view from the peak is the grandest in all of Jotunheimen.
[1310d] Emanuel Mohr, a Jotunheimen enthusiast, made it to the top forty years later and declared the view to be the most magnificent in all of Jotunheimen.
[1311a] Slik gradering er tvilsom, men at rundskuet fra toppen er storslagent, er det ingen tvil om.
[1311b] Such ranking is doubtful, but that the panorama from the summit is impressive is without doubt.
[1311c] Such a classification is dubious, but there is no doubt that the panorama from the top is magnificent.
[1311d] Such ratings may be debatable, but the panorama is certainly grand.
[1312a] Det er merket to ruter opp til toppen, og du bør i hvert fall regne 8 timer opp og ned.
[1312b] Two routes are marked to the summit, and you had best reckon eight hours up and down.
[1312c] There are two marked trails to the top, and you should allow for at least eight hours to go up and down again.
[1312d] Two marked trails lead to the summit; on either you should calculate 8 hours round trip.
[1313a] *+
[1313b] *+
[1313c] *+
[1313d] *+
[1314a] +MS Gjende
[1314b] +MS Gjende
[1314c] +MS Gjende
[1314d] +MS Gjende
[1315a] Helt siden 1906 har det vært motorbåtruter på Gjende.
[1315b] Since 1906, there has been a motor boat service on Gjende.
[1315c] Ever since 1906, there have been motorized boat routes on Gjende Lake.
[1315d] Since 1906 there has been a boat service along Gjende.
[1316a] I våre dager er tilstrømningen av passasjerer så stor de mest hektiske dagene om sommeren at det må to passasjerbåter til for å transportere alle som vil fraktes mellom Gjendesheim, Memurubu og Gjendebu.
[1316b] Today, the influx of passengers is so great that on the most hectic days in summer, two passenger launches are in service to carry all who wish to travel by water between Gjendesheim, Memurubu and Gjedebu.
[1316c] In our time, the stream of passengers is so great during the most hectic of summer days that it takes two passenger boats to transport everyone traveling between Gjendesheim, Memurubu and Gjendebu.
[1316d] Today the number of passengers on busy summer days calls for the use of two ferries to carry everyone wishing to travel between Gjendesheim, Memurubu, and Gjendebu.
[1317a] Her er den største av båtene på tur en vakker sommerdag.
[1317b] Here is the largest launch on the lake on a fine summer day.
[1317c] Here, the largest of the boats are in service during fine summer days.
[1317d] This is the larger of the boats on a beautiful summer day.
[1318a] Ikke alltid er forholdene slik - Gjende er kjent for å være lumsk, med sterke kastevinder og brå væromslag.
[1318b] It's not always like this - Gjende is known for being insidious, with strong, sudden gusts and rapid changes of weather.
[1318c] The weather conditions are not always favorable - Gjende is known for being sly, with strong gales and sudden changes in the weather.
[1318d] Conditions are not always like this - Gjende is known to be treacherous, with strong, gusty winds and swift weather changes.
[1319a] *+
[1319b] *+
[1319c] *+
[1319d] *+
[1320a] +Lengder
[1320b] +Lengths
[1320c] +Lengths
[1320d] +Distances
[1321a] *+Gjendesheim - Memurubu, 6 t.
[1321b] *+Gjendesheim - Memurubu, 6 hours.
[1321c] *+Gjendesheim - Memurubu, 6 hrs.
[1321d] *+Gjendesheim - Memurubu, 6 h.
[1322a] *+Bessheim - Memurubu, 7 t.
[1322b] *+Gjendesheim - Memurubu, 7 hours.
[1322c] *+Bessheim - Memurubu, 7 hrs.
[1322d] *+Bessheim - Memurubu, 7 h.
[1323a] *+Memurubu - Gjendesheim (langs Gjende), 3,5 t.
[1323b] *+Memurubu - Gjendesheim (along Gjende), 3.5 hours.
[1323c] *+Memurubu - Gjendesheim (along Gjende), 3 ½ hrs.
[1323d] *+Memurubu - Gjendesheim (along Gjende), 3.5 h.
[1324a] *+Memurubu - Gjendebu (om Bukkelægeret), 5 t.
[1324b] *+Memurubu - Gjendebu (via Bukkelægeret), 5 hours.
[1324c] *+Memurubu - Gjendebu (via Bukkelægeret), 5 hrs.
[1324d] *+Memurubu - Gjendebu (via Bukkelægeret), 5 h.
[1325a] *+Memurubu - Gjendebu (om Storådalen), 6 t.
[1325b] *+Memurubu - Gjendebu (via Storådalen), 6 hours.
[1325c] *+Memurubu - Gjendebu (via Storådalen), 6 hrs.
[1325d] *+Memurubu - Gjendebu (via Storådalen), 6 h.
[1326a] *+
[1326b] *+
[1326c] *+
[1326d] *+
[1327a] +Overnattingssteder
[1327b] +Lodgings
[1327c] +Overnight Accommodations
[1327d] +Lodging
[1328a] +Bessheim, Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, Memurubu, Gjendebu.
[1328b] +Bessheim, Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, Memurubu, Gjendebu.
[1328c] +Bessheim, Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, Memurubu, Gjendebu.
[1328d] +Bessheim, Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, Memurubu, Gjendebu.
[1329a] +Offentlige kommunikasjoner
[1329b] +Public transportation
[1329c] +Public Transportation
[1329d] +Transportation
[1330a] +Bussruter til Gjendesheim og Bessheim.
[1330b] +Bus service to Gjendesheim and Bessheim.
[1330c] +Bus routes to Gjendesheim and Bessheim.
[1330d] +Bus service to Gjendesheim and Bessheim.
[1331a] +Båtrute på Gjende.
[1331b] +Boat service on Gjende.
[1331c] +Shuttle boat service on Gjende Lake.
[1331d] +Boat service on Gjende stopping at Gjendebu, Memurubu, and Gjendesheim.
[1332a] Den stopper både på Gjendebu, Memurubu og Gjendesheim.
[1332b] Stops at Gjendebu, Memurubu and Gjendesheim.
[1332c] It calls at Gjendebu, Memurubu and Gjendesheim.
[1332d] +Boat service on Gjende stopping at Gjendebu, Memurubu, and Gjendesheim.
[1333a] +Dagsturer fra Gjendesheim
[1333b] +Day hikes from Gjendesheim
[1333c] +Day Trips from Gjendesheim
[1333d] +Day Trips from Gjendesheim
[1334a] *+Tur 1b - Nok å velge i - g - ggg
[1334b] *+Hike 1b - Many choices - g - ggg
[1334c] *+Trip 1b - Ample choices - g - ggg
[1334d] *+Trip 1b - Options Galore - g - ggg
[1335a] Det er en rekke fristende dagsturmål rundt Gjendesheim.
[1335b] There are several tempting day hike destinations around Gjendesheim.
[1335c] There are a number of tempting day outings around Gjendesheim.
[1335d] There are several tempting day hikes around Gjendesheim.
[1336a] På nordsiden av Gjende burde både Veslefjellet og Besshø lokke dem som vil ha utsyn og oversikt.
[1336b] On the north side of Gjende, both Veslefjellet and Besshø should draw those who seek vistas and overviews.
[1336c] On the northern side of Gjende, both Veslefjellet and Besshø are inviting for those who are looking for vistas and panoramas.
[1336d] North of Gjende both Veslefjellet and Besshø tempt those looking for a panorama.
[1337a] Turen på Veslefjellet er kort og grei og kan gjerne kombineres med en avstikker om Bessvatn.
[1337b] The hike to Veslefjellet is short and easy and can well be combined with a side trip via Bessvastn.
[1337c] The trip to Veslefjellet is short and feasible and can be combined with detours around Bessvatn.
[1337d] The hike up Veslefjellet is short and easy and can readily be combined with a side trip to Bessvatn.
[1338a] Turen til topps på Besshø er adskillig lengre, men ikke spesielt vanskelig.
[1338b] The hike to the summit of Besshø is considerably longer but not particularly difficult.
[1338c] The trip to the summit of Besshø is considerably longer, but not particularly difficult.
[1338d] The trip to Besshø is considerably longer but not particularly difficult.
[1339a] Vanligst er det å gå opp fjellsiden fra oset i Bessvatnet, gå over Bukkehø og følge fjellryggen på sørsiden av breen til topps.
[1339b] It's most usual to go up the mountainside from the outlet of Bessvatnet, go over Bukkehø and follow the ridge on the south side of the glacier to the summit.
[1339c] It is most usual to hike up the mountainside from the mouth of Bessvatnet, go across Bukkehø and follow the mountain ridge on the southern side of the glacier to the summit.
[1339d] The normal route is uphill from the outlet of Bessvatn, across Bukkehø, and along the ridge south of the glacier to the summit.
[1340a] Sør for Gjende er det også mange valgmuligheter.
[1340b] South of Gjende there also are many choices.
[1340c] South of Gjende, there are also plenty of choices.
[1340d] To the south of Gjende there are also many options.
[1341a] Verken Høgebrotet eller Tjørnholstind ligger lenger unna Gjendesheim enn at toppene kan nås i løpet av en dag.
[1341b] Neither Høgebrotet nor Tjørnholstind are so far from Gjendesheim that their summits cannot be reached in the course of a day.
[1341c] Neither Høgebrotet nor Tjørnholstind lie farther away from Gjendesheim than that these summits can be reached within one day.
[1341d] Both Høgebrotet and Tjørnholstind are close enough to make the summits in a day.
[1342a] Er du ikke blant dem som absolutt må på topper, kan det være en god idé å ta turen rundt Knutshø.
[1342b] If you are among those who decidedly seek summits, it's a good idea to hike around Knutshø.
[1342c] If you are among those who absolutely have to climb peaks, it may be a good idea to take a trip around Knutshø.
[1342d] If you are not committed to peak-bagging, it may be an idea to walk around Knutshø.
[1343a] Be dem som jobber på Gjendesheim skysse deg over Sjoa, og følg så stien vestover langs bredden av Gjende.
[1343b] Ask the staff at Gjendesheim to ferry you over Sjoa, and follow the trail westwards along the shore of Gjende.
[1343c] Ask the people who work in Gjendesheim to take you across Sjoa, and then follow the path west along the shore of Gjende.
[1343d] Ask the staff at Gjendesheim to ferry you across Sjoa. Follow the trail westward along the shore of Gjende.
[1344a] Den er ikke merket, men ruta gir seg selv.
[1344b] It's not marked, but the route is obvious.
[1344c] It is unmarked, but the route is easily seen.
[1344d] It is unmarked, but you cannot miss it.
[1345a] På den lille fjellryggen mellom øvre Leirungen og Gjende ligger det en restaurert steinbu, den ble opprinnelig bygget av engelskmannen Theodore Rathbone på midten av 1800-tallet.
[1345b] On the little ridge between Øvre Leirungen and Gjende there's a restored stone hut that originally was built by Englishman Theodore Rathbone in the mid 19th century.
[1345c] On the little mountain ridge between Upper Leirungen and Gjende, there is a restored stone cabin; the original was built by Englishman Theodore Rathbone in the mid-1800's.
[1345d] On the tiny shoulder between upper Leirungen and Gjende there is a restored stone hut originally built by the Englishman Theodore Rathbone in the mid-1800s.
[1346a] Han var god venn med den legendariske reinjegeren Jo Gjende.
[1346b] He was a close friend of the legendary reindeer hunter Jo Gjende.
[1346c] He was a close friend of the legendary reindeer hunter, Jo Gjende.
[1346d] He was a good friend of the legendary Jo Gjende's.
[1347a] Fra bua kan du enten fortsette langs øvre Leirungen eller ta turen over den flotte eggen på Knutshø.
[1347b] From the hut you can either continue along Øvre Leirungen or hike over to the splendid ridge on Knutshø.
[1347c] From the cabin, you can either continue along Upper Leirungen or take the trip across the lovely ridge at Knutshø.
[1347d] From the hut you can either continue along upper Leirungen or make the hike along the splendid edge of Knutshø.
[1348a] Enkelte mener at det er den eggen Peer Gynt og reinsbukken fór over, og ikke Besseggen.
[1348b] Some are of the opinion that it was this ridge from which Peer Gynt and the reindeer buck leapt, and not Besseggen.
[1348c] Some maintain that this is the ridge that Peer Gynt and the reindeer buck crossed, and not Besseggen.
[1348d] It has been suggested that this was the edge Peer Gynt went over on his reindeer, and not Besseggen.
[1349a] Den diskusjonen skal vi la ligge, men fastslå at Knutshø også er verdt en dagstur fra Gjendesheim, det er en «luftig», men helt ufarlig tur.
[1349b] We'll let that discussion rest, but contend that Knutshø also is worth a day hike from Gjendesheim; it's an exposed but completely safe hike.
[1349c] We will leave that discussion alone, and instead contend that Knutshø is also worth a day trip from Gjendesheim; it is a «breezy», but totally safe trip.
[1349d] Be that as it may, but Knutshø is well worth a day trip from Gjendesheim, being an "exposed" but perfectly safe hike.
[1350a] Tilbake til Gjendesheim kan du vandre på østsiden av nedre Leirungen og Gjendeshø.
[1350b] On the return to Gjendesheim you can ramble along the east side of Nedre Leirungen and Gjendeshø.
[1350c] You can hike back to Gjendesheim on the eastern side of Lower Leirungen and Gjendeshø.
[1350d] You can walk back to Gjendesheim by way of the east side of the lower Leirungen and Gjendeshø, completing the hike along the marked trail from Haugseter (see Booklet 2).
[1351a] Den siste biten til hytta kommer du inn på den merkede ruta fra Haugseter (se hefte 2).
[1351b] On the last stretch to the lodge you come in on the marked route from Haugseter (see brochure 2).
[1351c] During the last leg approaching the lodge, you will merge with the marked trail from Haugseter (see pamphlet 2).
[1351d] You can walk back to Gjendesheim by way of the east side of the lower Leirungen and Gjendeshø, completing the hike along the marked trail from Haugseter (see Booklet 2).
[1352a] *+
[1352b] *+
[1352c] *+
[1352d] *+
[1353a] +Fiske
[1353b] +Fishing
[1353c] +Fishing
[1353d] +Fishing
[1354a] Fisket er heller ikke noen dårlig grunn til å besøke disse traktene.
[1354b] Neither is fishing a poor reason to visit these parts.
[1354c] Fishing is not a bad reason to visit this area, either.
[1354d] An interest in fishing is another good reason to visit the area.
[1355a] Raden av gamle fiskebuer like ved Gjendesheim forteller at særlig Sjoa og Gjendeoset er gode ørretplasser.
[1355b] The row of old fisherman's shelters just at Gjendesheim shows that particularly Sjoa and Gjendeoset are good trout spots.
[1355c] The row of old fisherman cabins near Gjendesheim are proof that Sjoa and Gjendeoset are particularly good places for trout.
[1355d] The row of old fishing shelters close to Gjendesheim indicate that especially Sjoa and the outlet at Gjende are good trout spots.
[1356a] Det samme gjør gjendeflua, som en varm sensommerdag kan sveve i myriader over vannflata.
[1356b] The same can be seen in the Gjende Blackflies that hover in swarms over the water on warm summer days.
[1356c] A similar sign is the presence of the Gjende flies that hover in swarms over the surface of the water during late summer days.
[1356d] Another indication is the Gjende fly, which may swarm in quantities over the water on hot late summer days.
[1357a] Før den blir klekket, sitter knottlarvene på steiner på bunnen av elva, utsatt til for beitende fisk.
[1357b] Before they hatch, the blackfly larvae lie on stones in the bottom of the river, vulnerable to feeding fish.
[1357c] Before they hatch, the larvae lie on the surface of sunken rocks at the bottom of the river, exposed to feeding fish.
[1357d] Before being hatched, the larvae sit on rocks at the bottom of the river, providing food for the fish.
[1358a] I Gjende finnes det også godt med marflo, et lite krepsdyr som er snaddermat for ørret.
[1358b] In Gjende there are abundant amphipods, small crustaceans that are goodies for trout.
[1358c] In Gjende, there are also plenty of gammarids, a little crustacean that is a tasty snack for trout.
[1358d] Gjende also has a lot of crayfish that the trout feed on.
[1359a] Fiskekort får du kjøpt på turisthyttene.
[1359b] Fishing licences are for sale at the tourist lodges.
[1359c] You can buy a fishing license at the tourist lodges.
[1359d] Fishing licenses can be bought at the hikers' huts.
[1360a] *+
[1360b] *+
[1360c] *+
[1360d] *+
[1361a] +Den store rundturen
[1361b] +The big hike round
[1361c] +The Grand Round Trip
[1361d] +The Great Loop
[1362a] *+Tur 1c - 4-6 dager - gg - ggg
[1362b] *+Hike 1c - 4-6 days - gg - ggg
[1362c] *+Trip 1c - 4-6 days - gg - ggg
[1362d] *+Trip 1c - 4-6 days - gg - ggg
[1363a] +1. Gjendesheim/Bessheim til Glitterheim
[1363b] +1. Gjendesheim/Bessheim to Glitterheim
[1363c] +1. Gjendesheim/Bessheim to Glitterheim
[1363d] +1. Gjendesheim/Bessheim - Glitterheim
[1364a] Det er flere turer enn Besseggen som har fått status som klassikere i Jotunheimen.
[1364b] More hikes than Besseggen have acquired the status of classics in the Jotunheimen.
[1364c] There are other trips besides Besseggen that have gained the status of classics in Jotunheimen.
[1364d] Besseggen is not the only classic hike in Jotunheimen.
[1365a] Med utgangspunkt Gjendesheim kan du også ta en ukes rundtur som bringer deg gjennom mye av det flotteste Jotunheimen har å by på, og som har mange mulige avstikkere, blant annet til de to høyeste toppene i hele landet.
[1365b] With a starting point at Gjendesheim, you can go on a week's hike round that takes you through much of the most magnificent that the Jotunheimen offers and has many possible side trips, among them the two highest peaks in the entire country.
[1365c] With Gjendesheim as your starting point, you can also make a week-long round trip that will take you through much of the finest that Jotunheimen has to offer, and that provides many possible side trips, including to the two tallest peaks in the entire country.
[1365d] Using Gjendesheim as a base, you can also make a week-long circuit that takes you through much of the grandest Jotunheimen can offer, with many potential side trips, a couple of them including the country's two highest peaks.
[1366a] Hovedruta går via Glitterheim, Spiterstulen, Gjendebu og Memurubu, men det er flere muligheter for kortere veivalg underveis, om du synes noen av etappene jeg foreslår blir for lange.
[1366b] The main route goes via Glitterheim, Spiterstulen, Gjendebu and Memurubu, but there are many options for shorter route choices on the way, should you feel that some of the legs I suggest are too long.
[1366c] The main route goes via Glitterheim, Spiterstulen, Gjendebu and Memurubu, but there are several possibilities for choosing shorter routes along the way, if you should find that some of the legs I propose are too long.
[1366d] The main route runs by way of Glitterheim, Spiterstulen, Gjendebu, and Memurubu, but there are possible shortcuts along the way if you find some of the legs suggested a bit too long.
[1367a] Ruta har også den fordelen at du kan starte eller slutte turen på alle hyttene, unntatt Glitterheim, og ta et offentlig kommunikasjonsmiddel eller bil videre.
[1367b] The route has the advantage that you can start or finish at all the lodges, save Glitterheim, and take public transportation or drive onwards.
[1367c] The route also has the advantage of allowing you to start or end your trip at any of the lodges, except Glitterheim, and to take public transportation or your car to continue on.
[1367d] The route also has the advantage that you may start and finish in any one of the huts, except Glitterheim, and travel on by boat, bus, or car.
[1368a] Jeg foreslår allikevel at du starter på Gjendesheim.
[1368b] Nonetheless, I suggest that you start at Gjendesheim.
[1368c] At any rate, I suggest that you begin at Gjendesheim.
[1368d] My suggestion is, however, that you start at Gjendesheim.
[1369a] Den første kilometeren opp lia mot Gjendehalsen vandrer du sammen med dem som skal over Besseggen, men ved stiskillet tar du til høyre.
[1369b] For the first kilometer up the hillside toward Gjendehalsen, you walk together with those who aim to go over Besseggen, but at the fork, you go to the right.
[1369c] You will hike the first kilometer up the hillside toward Gjendehalsen together with those who are headed across Besseggen, but at the fork in the trail, you will go to the right.
[1369d] The first half mile up to Gjendehalsen you join those doing Besseggen, but at the first junction you turn right.
[1370a] Stien er bred og god, her er det mange som har vandret før deg.
[1370b] The trail is broad and firm; here there have been many before you.
[1370c] The trail is good and wide; there have been many hikers who have walked here before you.
[1370d] The trail is nice and wide, having been trodden by many wanderers before you.
[1371a] De første menneskene kan forresten ha vært her temmelig tidlig.
[1371b] The first people, by the way, might have been here long ago.
[1371c] The first of these, incidentally, may have come very early.
[1371d] The first of them may have walked here a very long time ago.
[1372a] Naturgrunnlaget var i hvert fall i orden.
[1372b] The environment was in any case conducive.
[1372c] The natural environment was favorable, at least.
[1372d] Nature certainly cooperated, for we know that the timberline 8000 years ago was considerably higher than today.
[1373a] Vi vet for eksempel at skogen for 8000 år siden gikk adskillig høyere enn i dag.
[1373b] We know, for example, that some 8000 years ago, the forests reached higher than they do today.
[1373c] We know, for example, that the wood line 8000 years ago was considerably higher than today.
[1373d] Nature certainly cooperated, for we know that the timberline 8000 years ago was considerably higher than today.
[1374a] Det er funnet rester etter så gamle furustokker i myrer helt opp mot 1200 meter over havet i dette området, og hvem vet om ikke enkelte jegere også streifet rundt her.
[1374b] The remains of ancient pine logs have been found in marshes as high as 1200 meters above sea level in this area, and who knows if not hunters also wandered hereabouts.
[1374c] Remains of old pine logs have been found in the swamps as high up as 1200 meters above sea level in this area, and who can know if there weren't hunters roaming around here.
[1374d] Old pines have been found in bogs as high as 4000 feet, so who knows how high the hunters may have ventured.
[1375a] Stien svinger bortom det blå Bessvatnet som strekker seg i en bue innover mot foten av Besshø.
[1375b] The trail swings around the blue Bessvatnet that extends in an arc inwards towards the foot of Besshø.
[1375c] The path swings in toward blue Bessvatn Lake that arches in toward the foot of Besshø.
[1375d] The trail swings by the blue Bessvatn, which curves toward the foot of Besshø, a peak that makes a nice destination if you are staying at Bessheim or Gjendesheim.
[1376a] Den toppen er et fint turmål om du bor på Bessheim eller Gjendesheim.
[1376b] The summit is a fine hike destination if you're staying at Bessheim or Gjendesheim.
[1376c] The summit is a good place to hike to if you are staying at Bessheim or Gjendesheim.
[1376d] The trail swings by the blue Bessvatn, which curves toward the foot of Besshø, a peak that makes a nice destination if you are staying at Bessheim or Gjendesheim.
[1377a] Ruta mot Glitterheim krysser elva i oset på bro, og møter etter hvert også den merkede ruta fra Bessheim.
[1377b] The route to Glitterheim crosses the river on a bridge at its outlet and after a while also meets the marked route from Bessheim.
[1377c] The route toward Glitterheim crosses the river via a bridge at the mouth, and it eventually also merges with the marked route from Bessheim.
[1377d] The trail to Glitterheim crosses the outlet on a bridge, and is soon also joined by the trail from Bessheim.
[1378a] Går du litt fram på kanten, ser du ned på Bessheim og får god oversikt over Sjodalen.
[1378b] Go a little farther out towards the edge, and you see down to Bessheim and get a good overview over Sjodalen.
[1378c] If you walk a little out onto the ledge, you can look down on Bessheim and enjoy a good panorama of Sjodalen.
[1378d] If you approach the edge, you can look down on Bessheim and have a good view of Sjodalen.
[1379a] Den merkede ruta fortsetter slakt utover mot Russvatnet.
[1379b] The marked route continues gently onward towards Russvatnet.
[1379c] The marked route continues evenly out toward Russvatnet.
[1379d] The marked trail descends gently towards Russvatnet.
[1380a] Det er også et langt, smalt vann som strekker seg i en bue innover i fjellheimen.
[1380b] It also is a long, narrow lake that extends in an arch inward in the mountains.
[1380c] This is also a long, narrow lake that stretches in an arch in through the mountains.
[1380d] This is also a long, narrow lake that curves into the mountains.
[1381a] Du får imidlertid bedre oversikt over vannet når du kommer på den andre siden.
[1381b] You get, however, a better overview of the lake when you're on the other side.
[1381c] You will have a better overview of the lake, however, when you reach the other side.
[1381d] Your view of the lake is better from the other side, however, after you have crossed the eastern outlet on a bridge, where there is also a tote road along the river down into Sjodalen.
[1382a] Det gjør du etter å ha krysset oset i østenden på bro.
[1382b] That you do after having crossed the outlet on a bridge at the east end.
[1382c] You do this after having crossed the bridge on the outlet at the eastern end.
[1382d] Your view of the lake is better from the other side, however, after you have crossed the eastern outlet on a bridge, where there is also a tote road along the river down into Sjodalen.
[1383a] Derfra går det forresten kjerrevei langs elva og ned i Sjodalen.
[1383b] Moreover, from there a cart road runs along the river down into Sjodalen.
[1383c] From here, there is a cart road along the river and down into Sjodalen.
[1383d] Your view of the lake is better from the other side, however, after you have crossed the eastern outlet on a bridge, where there is also a tote road along the river down into Sjodalen.
[1384a] Den merkede ruta fortsetter langs bredden av Russvatnet et par kilometer, før det igjen bærer oppover langs Tjørnholåa.
[1384b] The marked route continues along the shore of Russvatnet a couple of kilometers before it again bears uphill along Tjørnholåa.
[1384c] The marked route continues along the shore of Russvatnet for a couple of kilometers, before it again runs uphill along Tjørnholåa.
[1384d] The marked trail goes along the shore of Russvatnet for a mile and a half before ascending along Tjørnholåa.
[1385a] Du passerer en mengde bekker på strekningen langs vannet, og det kan jo passe bra om du synes det passer med en rast.
[1385b] You pass many streams on the stretch along the lake, and that's fine if you think you need a rest.
[1385c] You will pass a number of brooks on the stretch along the lake, and these might be suitable stopping points if you need a rest.
[1385d] You cross several streams along the bank, which may be welcome if you need a break.
[1386a] Tjørnholåa krysses på bro i et gjel.
[1386b] Tjørnholåa is crossed on a bridge over a ravine.
[1386c] Tjørnholåa is crossed by bridge in a canyon.
[1386d] Tjørnholåa is crossed on a bridge over a ravine, an airy crossing, but safe enough (I personally took part in the building! ).
[1387a] Broa er forresten blant de mer luftige, men trygg nok (jeg har selv vært med på å bygge den!).
[1387b] The bridge, by the way, is among the more airy, but safe enough (I was among those who built it!).
[1387c] The bridge, by the way, is among the more windy ones, but it is safe enough (I helped build it myself!).
[1387d] Tjørnholåa is crossed on a bridge over a ravine, an airy crossing, but safe enough (I personally took part in the building! ).
[1388a] På den andre siden deler ruta seg i to, begge fører til Glitterheim, og lengden kan bli hipp som happ.
[1388b] On the other side, the route divides in two; both lead to glitterheim, and the length can be six of one and half a dozen of the other.
[1388c] On the other side, the route forks, and both branches lead to Glitterheim, both of basically equal length.
[1388d] On the other side the trail forks, but either trail will take you to Glitterheim, in about the same time.
[1389a] Ruta til høyre går gjennom det trolske og storslagne Tjørnholet.
[1389b] The route to the right goes through the enchanting, grand Tjørnholet.
[1389c] The route to the right goes through the magical and splendid Tjørnholet.
[1389d] The right fork takes you through the enchanting and magnificent Tjørnholet and is considered a bit more demanding.
[1390a] Den ansees nok som litt mer krevende enn den andre.
[1390b] It's considered to be a bit more demanding than the other.
[1390c] This is considered a little more challenging than the other one.
[1390d] The right fork takes you through the enchanting and magnificent Tjørnholet and is considered a bit more demanding.
[1391a] Her er det mye stein og ikke alltid så lett å finne vardene, men det gjør ikke så mye, for ruta gir seg selv.
[1391b] Here there are lots of stones, and it's not always easy to find the cairns, but that doesn't matter, as the route is obvious.
[1391c] Here the going is very rocky and not always so easy to find the stone markers, but that is not really relevant, because the route is easily seen.
[1391d] It is quite rocky, at times making it hard to see the cairns, but you still cannot lose your way.
[1392a] Øverst i holet ligger det vanligvis en snøfonn, vær forsiktig hvis denne er hard og glatt.
[1392b] Uppermost in the cirque there usually is a snowfield; be careful if it is hard and slippery.
[1392c] At the highest point in the hollow, there is usually snow cover; be careful if it is hard and slippery.
[1392d] At the top of the hollow there is usually a snowdrift, so watch your step if it is hard and slippery.
[1393a] Fra toppen av skaret er det en fin avstikker til austre Hestlægerhø.
[1393b] From the top of the gap there's a fine side trip to Austre Hestlægerhø.
[1393c] From the top of the gorge, there is a fine side trip to eastern Hestlægerhø.
[1393d] From the top of the gap a side trail leads to eastern Hestlægerhø.
[1394a] Den merkede ruta fortsetter ned i Veodalen og krysser Veo på solid bro.
[1394b] The marked route continues down in Veodalen and crosses Veo on a solid bridge.
[1394c] The marked trail continues down into Veodalen and crosses Veo via a solid bridge.
[1394d] The marked trail continues down into Veodalen, crossing Veo on a sturdy bridge.
[1395a] Den andre ruta fra broa over Tjørnholåa er mest brukt.
[1395b] The other route from the bridge over Tjørnholåa is the most used.
[1395c] The other route from the bridge across Tjørnholåa is the one most commonly used.
[1395d] The left fork from the Tjønholåa bridge is the most popular.
[1396a] Den går i en slak stigning, først vestover og så nordover til skaret mellom vestre og austre Hestlægerhø.
[1396b] It runs gently uphill, first westwards and then northwards to the gap between Vestre and Austre Hestlægerhø.
[1396c] It ascends evenly, first west and then north to the gorge between eastern and western Hestlægerhø.
[1396d] It climbs gently, first westward, then to the north to the gap between the western and the eastern Hestlægerhø.
[1397a] Derfra går det slakt utover langs Hestbekken til den møter ruta fra Tjørnholet på broa over Veo.
[1397b] From there it runs gently onward along Hestbekken until it meets the route from Tjørnholet at the bridge over Veo.
[1397c] From there, it continues evenly along Hestbekken until it merges with the route from Tjørnholet via a bridge over Veo.
[1397d] From there it flattens out along Hestbekken until it joins the trail from Tjørnholet by the bridge across Veo.
[1398a] *+
[1398b] *+
[1398c] *+
[1398d] *+
[1399a] +2. Glitterheim til Spiterstulen
[1399b] +2. Glitterheim to Spiterstulen
[1399c] +2. Glitterheim to Spiterstulen
[1399d] +2. Glitterheim - Spiterstulen
[1400a] Det går bilvei til Glitterheim, men den er stengt for vanlig biltrafikk ved nasjonalparkgrensa, så her er det bare fotturister.
[1400b] There's a road to Glitterheim, but it is closed for ordinary vehicular traffic at the National Park Border, so here there are only hikers.
[1400c] There is an automobile road to Glitterheim, but it is closed to normal car traffic from the border to the national park, so here only hikers are allowed.
[1400d] There is a road all the way to Glitterheim, but inside the national park boundary it is closed to ordinary traffic, so visitors are walkers.
[1401a] Det merkes på den hyggelige praten i peisestua om kvelden.
[1401b] That's noticeable in the cheerful chat at the fireside of an evening.
[1401c] This is noticeable by the fireside banter in the lounge during the evenings.
[1401d] This colors the conversation by the fireplace at night.
[1402a] Her snakkes det helst om neste dags tur.
[1402b] Here the talk usually is of the next day's hike.
[1402c] The subject is usually the following day's trek.
[1402d] It usually revolves around the next day's hike.
[1403a] For svært mange dreier det seg da om Glittertind.
[1403b] For many it's a question of Glittertind.
[1403c] For many, the subject is Glittertind.
[1403d] For many hikers this means Glittertind.
[1404a] Norges nest høyeste topp er et flott turmål.
[1404b] Norway's next highest summit is a fine hike destination.
[1404c] Norway's next tallest summit is the perfect destination.
[1404d] Norway's second highest peak makes a great target, and its ascent can be combined with the onward trip to Spiterstulen.
[1405a] Det fine er at du kan kombinere turen videre mot Spiterstulen med en tur på toppen.
[1405b] What's fine is that you can combine the hike onward towards Spiterstulen with a tour to the summit.
[1405c] The great thing is that you can combine the trip to Spiterstulen with a trek to the summit.
[1405d] Norway's second highest peak makes a great target, and its ascent can be combined with the onward trip to Spiterstulen.
[1406a] Er det fint vær, bør du absolutt gjøre det.
[1406b] If the weather is good, you certainly should do it.
[1406c] If the weather is nice, you should definitely do this.
[1406d] In good weather this is recommended.
[1407a] Er været dårlig, er det et bedre alternativ å vandre over Skautflya til Spiterstulen (se nedenfor).
[1407b] If the weather is bad, the better alternative is to ramble over Skautflya to Spiterstulen (see below).
[1407c] In inclement weather, it is better to hike over Skautflya to Spiterstulen (see below).
[1407d] In bad weather the route to Spiterstulen across Skautflya is better (see below).
[1408a] Turen over Glittertind er ikke lengre enn at folk i vanlig form klarer den med bra margin.
[1408b] The hike over Glittertind is not so long that people in average physical condition manage it with a good margin.
[1408c] The distance of the trip over Glittertind is feasible for people in fairly good shape to complete without exerting themselves too much.
[1408d] The hike over Glittertind can be done with time to spare by persons in reasonably good shape.
[1409a] Den går stort sett på godt merket sti, og den er vardet helt opp til brekanten.
[1409b] It runs mostly on a well-marked trail, and there are cairns all the way up to the edge of the glacier.
[1409c] The course is generally well marked, and it has stone markers all the way to the edge of the glacier.
[1409d] The trail is mostly well marked, with cairns to the glacier.
[1410a] Stien går først opp mot Nedre Steinbuvatnet og så opp fjellryggen til brekanten.
[1410b] The trail runs first up towards Nedre Steinbuvatnet and then up to the ridge to the edge of the glacier.
[1410c] The trail first goes up toward Lower Steinbuvatnet and then up the mountain ridge to the edge of the glacier.
[1410d] You climb towards Nedre Steinbuvatnet and follow along the ridge to the glacier's edge.
[1411a] Toppbreen er uten sprekker, men det kan være glatt, særlig sent på sommeren, så det lønner seg å ha med brodder.
[1411b] The summit glacier has no crevasses, but it can be slippery, particularly in late summer, so it's wise to carry crampons.
[1411c] The upper glacier does not have chasms, but it may be slippery, especially during late summer, so it pays to wear crampons.
[1411d] The glacier cap has no crevasses but may be slippery, especially in late summer, so it pays to bring crampons.
[1412a] Brekammen følges vestover, gå ikke for nær kanten av den høye, stupbratte nordveggen.
[1412b] Follow the lip of the glacier westwards; don't go too close to the edge of the high, sheer north wall.
[1412c] One follows the crest of the glacier westward; don't go too near the edge of the high, sheer northern wall.
[1412d] Follow the glacier ridge westward and stay away from the dropoff down the precipitous north wall.
[1413a] Etter som du nærmer deg toppen, møter du et stadig mektigere panorama.
[1413b] As you approach the summit, you come upon an increasingly magnificent panorama.
[1413c] As you approach the top, you will encounter an increasingly impressive panorama.
[1413d] The panorama gains grandeur as you approach the summit.
[1414a] Tidligere var det mulig å søke ly i en hytte på toppen og nyte panoramaet.
[1414b] Previously it was possible to seek shelter in a cabin at the summit and enjoy the panorama.
[1414c] Earlier, it was possible to find shelter in a cabin at the summit and enjoy the vista.
[1414d] It used to be possible to seek shelter in a hut at the top to enjoy the view.
[1415a] Hytta ble dessverre ødelagt av snø og vind, så i dag er det været som bestemmer hvor lenge du blir på toppen.
[1415b] The cabin regrettably was destroyed by snow and wind, so today the weather determines how long you stay on the summit.
[1415c] The cabin was unfortunately destroyed by snow and wind, so that today only the weather dictates how long you can remain on the summit.
[1415d] Unfortunately wind and snow wrecked the hut, so your summit time is now dependent on the weather.
[1416a] Er det vindstille og god sikt, er dette en fantastisk plass å tilbringe noen timer, mens du prøver å finne navnet på toppene og breene som ligger horisonten rundt.
[1416b] If it's calm and the visibility is good, it's a fantastic place to spend a few hours, as you try to find the names of the peaks and glaciers that lie on the surrounding horizon.
[1416c] If the winds are calm and skies are clear, this is a fantastic place to spend a few hours while you try to identify the peaks and glaciers that stretch out on the surrounding horizon.
[1416d] On a still, clear day it is a great place to spend a few hours, with time enough to identify peaks and glaciers all along the horizon.
[1417a] Skal du til Spiterstulen, bør du imidlertid ikke vente for lenge.
[1417b] If you're headed for Spiterstulen, you should, however, not wait too long.
[1417c] If your destination is Spiterstulen, you should not wait too long, however.
[1417d] However, if you are headed for Spiterstulen, you had better move on.
[1418a] Selv om den hardeste delen av turen er tilbakelagt, er det langt igjen.
[1418b] Even though the toughest part of the hike is behind you, there's still a long way to go.
[1418c] Even though the major portion of the trip is behind you, there is still far to go.
[1418d] Although the toughest part of your hike is done, you have a long way to go.
[1419a] Over selve toppen er det ingen merket rute, så les kartet nøye.
[1419b] Over the summit itself there's no marked route, so read the map carefully.
[1419c] There is no marked route over the summit itself, so read the map carefully.
[1419d] The summit trail is not marked, so consult your map.
[1420a] Først går du over to mindre topper, og så i slakt fall ned på breen på vestsiden.
[1420b] First, you go over two lesser summits, and then gently down onto the glacier on the west side.
[1420c] First you cross two lesser peaks, and then you descend evenly to the glacier on the western side.
[1420d] First you cross two lesser summits, then drop gently down to the glacier to the west.
[1421a] Ruta er vardet videre fra sørkanten av fonna.
[1421b] The route is marked onward from the southern edge of the snowfield.
[1421c] The route is marked by stone piles from the southern edge of the snow cover.
[1421d] The trail is marked onwards from the southern edge of the glacier, first steeply down to Skautflya, where you either cross on dry rocks or wade Steindalselva and Skauta, depending on the water level.
[1422a] Først bratt ned til Skautflya der Steindalselva og Skauta enten steingås eller vasses, avhengig av vannstanden.
[1422b] First steeply down to Skautflya where Steindalselva and Skauta are crossed by walking on stones or wading, depending on the water level.
[1422c] First steeply down to Skautflya, where you cross Steindalselva and Skauta either by stepping from stone to stone, or wading over, depending on the depth of the water.
[1422d] The trail is marked onwards from the southern edge of the glacier, first steeply down to Skautflya, where you either cross on dry rocks or wade Steindalselva and Skauta, depending on the water level.
[1423a] Videre går ruta til veiskille for ruta over Skautflya og så over Skautkampen og ned i Visdalen og videre langs veien fram til Spiterstulen.
[1423b] The route goes onward to the fork to the route over Skautflya and then over Skautkampen, down in Visdalen and further along the road to Spiterstulen.
[1423c] The route continues to the fork in the trail for the route across Skautflya and on across Skautkampen and down into Visdalen, and further along the road until you come to Spiterstulen.
[1423d] The trail continues to a junction with the trail over Skautflya, then across Skautkampen, down into Visdalen, and along the road to Spiterstulen.
[1424a] Som nevnt er turen over Skautflya et alternativ til turen over Glittertind.
[1424b] As mentioned, the hike over Skautflya is an alternative to the hike over Glittertind.
[1424c] As mentioned, the trip across Skautflya is an alternative to the trek over Glittertind.
[1424d] As already mentioned, the trip over Skautflya is an alternative to climbing Glittertind.
[1425a] Ruta går først på klopp over Steinbuelva, og deretter i retning Skautflya gjennom Vesleglupen.
[1425b] The route goes first over a footbridge over Steinbuelva, and thereafter in the direction of Skautflya through Vesleglupen.
[1425c] The route first runs across a footbridge across Steinbuelva, and after that towards Skautflya through Vesleglupen.
[1425d] The trail starts on a log bridge across Steinbuelva, heads towards Skautflya through Vesleglupen, and before Skautkampen it joins the trail from Glittertind.
[1426a] Før Skautkampen møter denne ruta den over Glittertind, og de går felles videre.
[1426b] Before Skautkampen, this route meets the one over Glittertind, and they go onward together.
[1426c] Before Skautkampen, this route merges with the one over Glittertind, and they become one the rest of the way.
[1426d] The trail starts on a log bridge across Steinbuelva, heads towards Skautflya through Vesleglupen, and before Skautkampen it joins the trail from Glittertind.
[1427a] *+
[1427b] *+
[1427c] *+
[1427d] *+
[1428a] +3. Spiterstulen til Gjendebu
[1428b] +3. Spiterstulen to Gjendebu
[1428c] +3. Spiterstulen to Gjendebu
[1428d] +3. Spiterstulen - Gjendebu
[1429a] Neste etappe går helt til Gjendebu.
[1429b] The next leg goes all the way to Gjendebu.
[1429c] The next leg goes all the way to Gjendebu.
[1429d] The next leg goes all the way to Gjendebu.
[1430a] Det er en drøy tur, men den kan deles i to ved å gå via Leirvassbu.
[1430b] It's a tough hike, but it can be divided in two by going via Leirvassbu.
[1430c] It is a long trek, but it can be split in two by going via Leirvassbu.
[1430d] This makes it a long one, which can be broken in two by going via Leirvassbu (for details, see Booklet 4 in this series).
[1431a] +(For detaljer, se hefte nr. 4 i denne serien.)
[1431b] +(For details, see brochure no. 4 in this series.)
[1431c] +(For details, see pamphlet no. 4 in this series.)
[1431d] This makes it a long one, which can be broken in two by going via Leirvassbu (for details, see Booklet 4 in this series).
[1432a] Er du i brukbar form og tar dagen til hjelp, er det imidlertid ingen heksekunst å vandre til Gjendebu via Uradalen på dagen.
[1432b] If you're in decent physical condition and have the whole day, it is, however, easy to walk to Gjendebu via Uradalen in one day.
[1432c] If you are in reasonably good shape and take your time, it won't be difficult to hike to Gjendebu via Uradalen in a day.
[1432d] But getting to Gjendebu via Uradalen is no problem if you are in reasonably good shape and have a full day at your disposal.
[1433a] Den første delen av turen fra Spiterstulen går i den brede og frodige Visdalen.
[1433b] The first part of the hike from Spiterstulen goes in the broad and lush Visdalen.
[1433c] The first portion of the trip from Spiterstulen runs through the wide and fertile Visdalen valley.
[1433d] Leaving Spiterstulen the trail takes you through the wide, green Visdalen.
[1434a] Etter en kilometers vei kan du se restene av den første Spiterstulen under Styggehø, på den andre siden av elva.
[1434b] After a couple of kilometers, you can see the remains of the first Spiterstulen, under Styggehø on the other side of the river.
[1434c] After hiking one kilometer, you can see the remains of the first Spiterstulen at the foot of Styggehø, on the other side of the river.
[1434d] After a good half mile you will see the remains of the first Spiterstulen hut, below Styggehø, across the river.
[1435a] Over Hellstuguåa er det bro, og etter et par kilometer skiller stien fra Leirvassbu lag med den mot Gjendebu.
[1435b] There's a bridge over Hellstuguåa, and after a couple of kilometers, the trail from Leirvassbu splits off from the one towards Gjendebu.
[1435c] There is a bridge across Hellstuguåa, and after a couple of kilometers, the path divides between the one from Leirvassbu and the one to Gjendebu.
[1435d] A bridge takes you across Hellstuguåa, and a mile later the trails to Leirvassbu and to Gjendebu diverge.
[1436a] Sistnevnte fortsetter gjennom den trange Uradalen, som sant å si bærer sitt navn med rette.
[1436b] The latter continues through the narrow Uradalen, which is justifiably named.
[1436c] The latter continues through narrow Uradalen, which is appropriately named.
[1436d] The latter proceeds through the narrow Uradalen, whose name ("Scree Valley") reflects its rocky content.
[1437a] Her er det lurt både med solid fottøy og å se hvor du setter føttene.
[1437b] Here it's smart to have solid boots and to watch your step.
[1437c] Here it is wise to use sturdy footwear and to look where you place your feet.
[1437d] You are best off with sturdy boots and an eye on the trail.
[1438a] Glem allikevel ikke å løfte blikket av og til.
[1438b] Even so, don't forget to glance up now and then.
[1438c] Still, you mustn't forget to look up once in a while.
[1438d] Remember to look up, though.
[1439a] I nabolaget rundt dalen ligger det 12 imponerende topper som rager til over 2000 meters høyde.
[1439b] Around the valley there are 12 imposing peaks that rise to over 2000 meters elevation.
[1439c] In the area surrounding the valley, there are 12 impressive peaks towering up to more than 2000 meters in height.
[1439d] The valley is flanked by twelve grand peaks above 6500 feet.
[1440a] Den største er store Hellstugutind på 2345 meter.
[1440b] The highest is Store Hellstugutind at 2345 meters.
[1440c] The largest is Hellstugutind, at 2345 meters.
[1440d] The tallest is Hellstugutind at 7690. The trail reaches a high point in the valley at Uradalsbandet, at nearly 5500 feet, but from here it is mostly downhill.
[1441a] Høyeste punkt i selve dalen er Uradalsbandet på 1663 meter, men derfra går det stort sett nedover.
[1441b] The highest point in the valley itself is Uradalsbandet at 1663 meters, and from there it's mostly downhill.
[1441c] The highest point in the valley itself is Uradalsbandet, at 1663 meters, but from this point, the course goes basically downhill.
[1441d] The tallest is Hellstugutind at 7690. The trail reaches a high point in the valley at Uradalsbandet, at nearly 5500 feet, but from here it is mostly downhill.
[1442a] Litt nord for Hellertjørna kommer du inn på ruta fra Leirvassbu.
[1442b] A bit north of Hellertjørna you come onto the route from Leirvassbu.
[1442c] A little north of Hellertjørna, you will join the route from Leirvassbu.
[1442d] A bit to the north of Hellertjørna you enter the trail from Leirvassbu.
[1443a] Semmelåa vades eller steingås.
[1443b] Semmelåa can be waded or crossed on stones.
[1443c] Semmelåa may be crossed either by wading or stepping from stone to stone.
[1443d] Semmelåa is waded if the rocks are submerged.
[1444a] Ved stor vannføring kan det være vanskelig å komme over, da må du gå lenger opp i dalsiden.
[1444b] With high water flow, crossing can be difficult, so you must go further up the hillside.
[1444c] At high water levels, it may be difficult to cross; in this case, you will have to go farther up the hillside.
[1444d] If the water is high, wading may be tricky, forcing you upstream to cross.
[1445a] Snart passerer stien også den flotte Hellerfossen og etter hvert også stedet der den merkede ruta til Memurubu går opp fra Storådalen.
[1445b] Soon the trail also passes the splendid Hellerfossen and after a while also the place where the marked route to Memurubu goes up from Storådalen.
[1445c] Soon the trail will pass the splendid Hellerfossen waterfall and eventually also the place where the marked route to Memurubu ascends from Storådalen.
[1445d] Soon the trail also passes the scenic Hellerfossen and gets to where the marked trail to Memurubu comes up from Storådalen.
[1446a] De siste kilometerne til Gjendebu går gjennom et terreng som blir stadig mer frodig og grønt, og særlig tidlig på sommeren er blomsterprakten stor.
[1446b] The last kilometers to Gjendebu go through terrain that is increasingly lush and green, and especially in early summer, there's a great profusion of flowers.
[1446c] The final kilometers to Gjendebu go through terrain that becomes increasingly more fertile and green, and especially during the summertime, the flora is resplendent.
[1446d] The last couple of miles to Gjendebu go through ever richer vegetation, and especially in early summer the floral display is magnificent.
[1447a] *+
[1447b] *+
[1447c] *+
[1447d] *+
[1448a] +4. Gjendebu til Memurubu
[1448b] +4. Gjendebu to Memurubu
[1448c] +4. Gjendebu to Memurubu
[1448d] +4. Gjendebu - Memurubu
[1449a] Se beskrivelse i Tur 1a.
[1449b] See the description in Hike 1a.
[1449c] See description in Trip 1a.
[1449d] See description of Trip 1a.
[1450a] Her er det også mulig å ta båt.
[1450b] Here it's also possible to take the boat.
[1450c] Here you may also take a boat.
[1450d] You can also go by boat.
[1451a] +5. Memurubu til Gjendesheim
[1451b] +5. Memurubu to Gjendesheim
[1451c] +5. Memurubu to Gjendesheim
[1451d] +5. Memurubu - Gjendesheim
[1452a] Se beskrivelse i Tur 1a.
[1452b] See the description in Hike 1a.
[1452c] See description in 1a.
[1452d] See description of Trip 1a.
[1453a] Her er det også mulig å ta båt.
[1453b] Here it's also possible to take the boat.
[1453c] Here you may also take a boat.
[1453d] You can also go by boat.
[1454a] +Nautgardstind
[1454b] +Nautgardstind
[1454c] +Nautgardstind
[1454d] +Nautgardstind
[1455a] Er du sprek nok og været bra, kan du få med deg den flotte Nautgardstinden underveis mellom Gjendesheim og Glitterheim.
[1455b] If you're sufficiently hardy and the weather is good, you can take in the splendid Nautgardstind on the way between Gjendesheim and Glitterheim.
[1455c] If you are in good physical shape and the weather is nice, you can enjoy beautiful Nautgardstinden on your way between Gjendesheim and Glitterheim.
[1455d] If both you and the weather are up to it, you may add the splendid Nautgardstind between Gjendesheim and Glitterheim.
[1456a] Start gjerne fra broa over Tjørnholåa og fortsett rett til topps.
[1456b] Start usually from the bridge over Tjørnholåa and continue right to the summit.
[1456c] Begin at the bridge across Tjørnholåa and continue right to the summit.
[1456d] Go from the bridge across Tjørnholåa straight to the top.
[1457a] Nautgardstinds 2258 meter byr på flott utsikt hele sirkelen rundt.
[1457b] Nautgardstind's 2258 metres offer a sweeping view all the way round.
[1457c] Nautgardstind's 2258 meters offer a marvelous view 360 degrees around.
[1457d] Nautgardstind's 7400 feet give you a great panorama all around.
[1458a] Fra toppen fortsetter du langs ryggen nordvestover, og ut Nautgardsoksla ned mot ruta til Glitterheim.
[1458b] From the summit, you continue northwestwards along the ridge and out Nautgardsoksla down towards the route to Glitterheim.
[1458c] From the summit you continue along the ridge toward the northeast and out through Nautgardsoksla down to the route to Glitterheim.
[1458d] From the summit you continue along the ridge to the northwest, along Nautgardsoksla to the Glitterheim trail.
[1459a] *+
[1459b] *+
[1459c] *+
[1459d] *+
[1460a] +Glittertind
[1460b] +Glittertind
[1460c] +Glittertind
[1460d] +Glittertind
[1461a] Glittertinds 2465 meter er uten tvil viktigste turmål fra Glitterheim.
[1461b] Glittertind's 2465 metres doubtlessly are the prime hiking destination from Glitterheim.
[1461c] Glittertind's 2465 meters are without a doubt the most important destination from Glitterheim.
[1461d] Glittertind's 8085 feet represents the preferred hike from Glitterheim.
[1462a] Storjegeren Jo Gjende trodde lenge han hadde vært førstemann på «Tinden», etter at han allerede i 1842 forfulgte en reinsbukk helt til topps.
[1462b] The great hunter Jo Gjende long believed that he had been the first man on "Tinden" after as early as 1842 having followed a reindeer buck all the way to the summit.
[1462c] Hunter Jo Gjende believed for a long time that he had been the first man to reach the summit of «Tinden», when in 1842 he had tracked a reindeer buck all the way to the top.
[1462d] The famed hunter Jo Gjende thought for years that he had been first on top, since he had pursued a reindeer all the way to the top in 1842.
[1463a] Men det viser seg at det var en bykar som var først ute på denne toppen også.
[1463b] But evidently it was a city fellow who also was the first on this summit.
[1463c] But history reveals that it was an urbanite who first reached the summit.
[1463d] But once again it turned out that a city slicker had bagged this one first, too.
[1464a] Fetter av Henrik Wergeland, landmåleren Harald Nicolai Storm Wergeland, tok skalpen på Norges nest høyeste topp sammen med Hans Sletten fra Lom året før.
[1464b] The cousin of Henrik Wergeland, landscape painter Harald Nicolai Storm Wergeland, scaled Norway's next highest summit the year before, together with Hans Sletten from Lom.
[1464c] Henrik Wergeland's cousin, land surveyor Harald Nicolai Storm Wergeland, conquered Norway's second tallest peak in the company of Hans Sletten from Lom the year before.
[1464d] The cousin of the author Henrik Wergeland, the surveyor Harald Nicolai Storm Wergeland, climbed Norway's second highest peak a year earlier, in the company of Hans Sletten from Lom.
[1465a] Nest høyeste kan for øvrig diskuteres - da førstebestigerne var på Glittertind, var sannsynligvis toppskavlen adskillig høyere enn i våre dager, og det er godt mulig at toppen den gang faktisk var høyere enn Galdhøpiggen, selv om datidens Galdhøpigg også hadde en bre på toppen.
[1465b] Besides, next highest can be debated - when the first ascenders were on Glittertind, the summit snow dome was considerably higher than in our day, so it's entirely possible that the summit was then higher than Galdhøpiggen, even though at that time Galdhøpigg also had a summit glacier.
[1465c] The term next tallest might be open to debate, however - when the first climbers conquered Glittertind, the crown of snow was considerably higher than in modern times, and it is very possible that the peak at that time was actually taller than Galdhøpiggen, even though Galdhøpiggen in those days also had a glacier crown.
[1465d] "Second highest" is debatable, however. Since the ice cap was considerably thicker back then, it is rather likely that the summit was higher than Galdhøpiggen, even if the latter also had a glacier at the time.
[1466a] *+
[1466b] *+
[1466c] *+
[1466d] *+
[1467a] +Hellstugubreen
[1467b] +Hellstugubreen
[1467c] +Hellstugubreen
[1467d] +Hellstugubreen
[1468a] Et godt alternativ til denne turen mellom Spiterstulen og Gjendebu er å vandre langs den klassiske breruta over Hellstugubreen.
[1468b] A good alternative to the hike between Spiterstulen and Gjendebu is to ramble along the classic glacier route over Hellstugubreen.
[1468c] A good alternative to this trip between Spiterstulen and Gjendebu is to hike along the classic glacier route over Hellstugubreen.
[1468d] A nice alternative to doing the stretch between Spiterstulen and Gjendebu is to walk the traditional glacier route over Hellstugubreen.
[1469a] Turen forutsetter kunnskap om brevandring, den krever breutstyr og tar lengre tid enn alternativet i dalen.
[1469b] The hike presupposes proficiency in glacier hiking; it requires glacier gear and takes longer than the alternative in the valley.
[1469c] The trip requires glacier hiking skills; it demands glacier hiking equipment and takes longer than the alternative in the valley.
[1469d] The trip demands experience in glacier-walking and calls for special equipment. It also takes longer than the valley route.
[1470a] Fra Gjendebu går ruta opp Storådalen til Hellerfossen, herfra opp langs østsiden av Semmelåa, inn gjennom Semelholet og opp i senkningen mellom Hinnotefjellet og den Søre Hellstugutinden.
[1470b] From Gjendebu, the route goes up Storådalen to Hellerfossen, and from there along the east side of Semmelåa, through Semelholet and up in the saddle between Hinnotefjellet and Søre Hellstugutinden.
[1470c] From Gjendebu, the route goes up Storådalen to Hellerfossen waterfall, from there up along the eastern side of Semmelåa, in through Semelholet and up into the hollow between Hinnotefjellet and Søre Hellstugutinden.
[1470d] Leaving Gjendebu the trail follows Storådalen to Hellerfossen, then the east side of Semmelåa, in through Semelholet and up in the saddle between Hinnotefjellet and Søre Hellstugutinden.
[1471a] Derfra er det brevandring nordover vestre Memurubre og utover Hellstugubreen til Visdalen og Spiterstulen.
[1471b] From there, it's glacier hiking northwards over Vestre Memurubre and out over Hellstugubreen to Visdalen and Spiterstulen.
[1471c] From there, glacier hiking northward over West Memurubre and across Hellstugubreen to Visdalen and Spiterstulen.
[1471d] From there it is glacier-walking north across the western Memurubre and out along Hellstugubreen to Visdalen and Spiterstulen.
[1472a] *+
[1472b] *+
[1472c] *+
[1472d] *+
[1473a] +Lengder
[1473b] +Lengths
[1473c] +Length
[1473d] +Distances
[1474a] *+Gjendesheim/Bessheim - Glitterheim, 7 t.
[1474b] *+Gjendesheim/Bessheim - Glitterheim, 7 hours.
[1474c] *+Gjendesheim/Bessheim - Glitterheim, 7 hrs.
[1474d] *+Gjendesheim/Bessheim - Glitterheim, 7 h.
[1475a] *+Glitterheim - Spiterstulen, 5 eller 7 t.
[1475b] *+Glitterheim - Spiterstulen, 5 or 7 hours.
[1475c] *+Glitterheim - Spiterstulen, 5 or 7 hrs.
[1475d] *+Glitterheim - Spiterstulen, 5 or 7 h.
[1476a] *+Spiterstulen - Gjendebu, 8 t.
[1476b] *+Spiterstulen - Gjendebu, 8 hours.
[1476c] *+Spiterstulen - Gjendebu, 8 hrs.
[1476d] *+Spiterstulen - Gjendebu, 8 h.
[1477a] *+Gjendebu - Memurubu, 5 eller 6 t., se s. 19
[1477b] *+Gjendebu - Memurubu, 5 or 6 hours, see p. 19
[1477c] *+Gjendebu - Memurubu, 5 or 6 hrs., see p. 19
[1477d] *+Gjendebu - Memurubu, 5 or 6 h. See p. 19
[1478a] *+Memurubu - Gjendesheim, 3,5 eller 6 t, se s. 19
[1478b] *+Memurubu - Gjendesheim, 3, 5 or 6 hours, see p. 19
[1478c] *+Memurubu - Gjendesheim, 3 ½ hrs. or 6 hrs., see p. 19
[1478d] *+Memurubu - Gjendesheim, 3.5 or 6 h. See p. 19
[1479a] *+
[1479b] *+
[1479c] *+
[1479d] *+
[1480a] +Overnattingssteder
[1480b] +Lodgings
[1480c] +Overnight Accommodations
[1480d] +Lodging
[1481a] +Bessheim, Gjendesheim, Glitterheim, Spiterstulen, Gjendebu, Memurubu.
[1481b] +Bessheim, Gjendesheim, Glitterheim, Spiterstulen, Gjendebu, Memurubu.
[1481c] +Bessheim, Gjendesheim, Glitterheim, Spiterstulen, Gjendebu, Memurubu.
[1481d] +Bessheim, Gjendesheim, Glitterheim, Spiterstulen, Gjendebu, Memurubu.
[1482a] *+
[1482b] *+
[1482c] *+
[1482d] *+
[1483a] +Offentlige kommunikasjoner
[1483b] +Public transportation
[1483c] +Public Transportation
[1483d] +Transportation.
[1484a] +Bussruter til Gjendesheim, Bessheim og Spiterstulen.
[1484b] +Bus service to Gjendesheim, Bessheim and Spiterstulen.
[1484c] +Bus routes to Gjendesheim, Bessheim and Spiterstulen.
[1484d] +Bus to Gjendesheim, Bessheim, and Spiterstulen.
[1485a] +Båtrute på Gjende.
[1485b] +Boat service on Gjende.
[1485c] +Shuttle boat route on Gjende Lake.
[1485d] +Boat on Gjende, stopping at Gjendebu, Memurubu, and Gjendesheim.
[1486a] Den stopper både på Gjendebu, Memurubu og Gjendesheim.
[1486b] +Stops at Gjendebu, Memurubu and Gjendesheim.
[1486c] It calls at Gjendebu, Memurubu and Gjendesheim.
[1486d] +Boat on Gjende, stopping at Gjendebu, Memurubu, and Gjendesheim.
[1487a] *+
[1487b] *+
[1487c] *+
[1487d] *+
[1488a] +Den lille rundturen
[1488b] +The little hike round
[1488c] +The Minor Round-trip
[1488d] +The Shorter Loop
[1489a] *+Tur 1d - 2-3 dager - gg
[1489b] *+Hike 1d - 2-3 days - gg
[1489c] *+Trip 1d - 2-3 days- gg
[1489d] *+Trip 1d - 2-3 days - gg
[1490a] *+
[1490b] *+
[1490c] *+
[1491a] En populær rundtur i Jotunheimen er den fra Gjendesheim eller Bessheim via Glitterheim og tilbake via Memurubu.
[1491b] A popular hike round in Jotunheim is from Gjendesheim or Bessheim via Glitterheim and back via Memurubu.
[1491c] A popular round trip in the Jotunheimen mountains is the one that goes from Gjendesheim or Bessheim via Glitterheim and back via Memurubu.
[1491d] This popular loop trip in Jotunheimen runs from Gjendesheim or Bessheim to Glitterheim and back via Memurubu.
[1492a] I likhet med den store rundturen kan den gås i begge retninger, og det finnes flere alternative ruter underveis.
[1492b] As for the big hike round, it can be done in both directions, and there are several alternative routes on the way.
[1492c] Like the Grand Round Trip, this one can be done in either direction, and there are several alternative routes along the way.
[1492d] Just like the great loop you may go in either direction, and there are optional side trips along the way.
[1493a] *+
[1493b] *+
[1493c] *+
[1493d] *+
[1494a] +1. Bessheim/Gjendesheim til Glitterheim
[1494b] +1. Gjendesheim/Bessheim to Glitterheim
[1494c] +1. Bessheim/Gjendesheim to Glitterheim
[1494d] +1. Bessheim/Gjendesheim - Glitterheim
[1495a] Se beskrivelse i Tur 1c.
[1495b] See the description in Hike 1c.
[1495c] See description, Trip 1c.
[1495d] See description of Trip 1c.
[1496a] *+
[1496b] *+
[1496c] *+
[1496d] *+
[1497a] +2. Glitterheim til Memurubu
[1497b] +2. Glitterheim to Memurubu
[1497c] +2. Glitterheim to Memurubu
[1497d] +2. Glitterheim - Memurubu
[1498a] Første del av turen går langs ruta til Gjendesheim gjennom skaret mellom austre og vestre Hestlægerhø.
[1498b] The first part of the hike goes along the route to Gjendesheim through the pass between Austre and Vestre Hestlægerhø.
[1498c] The first portion of the trip goes along the route to Gjendesheim through the gorge between eastern and western Hestlægerhø.
[1498d] The start of the hike follows the trail to Gjendesheim through the saddle between eastern and western Hestlægerhø.
[1499a] Videre nedover til veiskille for ruta til Gjendesheim og ned til Russvatnet.
[1499b] Further downhill to the fork of the route to Gjendesheim and down to Russvatnet.
[1499c] Further down to the junction for the route to Gjendesheim and down to Russvatnet.
[1499d] It then descends to the splitoff to Gjendesheim and down to Russvatnet.
[1500a] Det er bro over Blåtjørnåa.
[1500b] There's a bridge over Blåtjørnåa.
[1500c] There is a bridge across Blåtjørnåa.
[1500d] A bridge crosses Blåtjørnåa.