[4001a] +Juvasshytta [4001b] +Juvasshytta [4001c] +Jusvasshytta [4001d] +Juvasshytta [4002a] +Naboen til Galdhøpiggen [4002b] +Neighbor of Galdhøpiggen [4002c] +Galdhøpiggen's Neighbor [4002d] +Neighbour to Galdhøpiggen [4003a] *+
[4003b] *+
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[4003d] *+
[4004a] I 1874, 24 år etter førstebestigningen, begynte Knud O. Vole, husmann under Røisheim, som fører på Galdhøpiggen. [4004b] In 1874, 24 years after the first ascent, Knud O. Vole, a cotter under Røisheim, started guiding on Galdhøpiggen. [4004c] In 1874, 24 years after the first ascent, Knud O. Vole, a smallholder from Røisheim, started as a mountain guide at Galdhøpiggen. [4004d] In 1874, 24 years after the first ascent of Norway's highest mountain, Knud O. Vole, a tenant farmer under Røisheim, became a Galdhøpiggen guide, soon gaining a reputation as both friendly and dependable. [4005a] Han vant seg raskt et navn som en hyggelig og dyktig følgesvenn. [4005b] He quickly gained a reputation as a friendly and capable companion. [4005c] He quickly made a name for himself as a congenial and skillful escort. [4005d] In 1874, 24 years after the first ascent of Norway's highest mountain, Knud O. Vole, a tenant farmer under Røisheim, became a Galdhøpiggen guide, soon gaining a reputation as both friendly and dependable. [4006a] For å rekke toppen på dagstur fra Røisheim i Bøverdalen var det gjerne nødvendig med start kl. 4 om morgenen, og tilbakekomsten ble ofte tilsvarende sen. [4006b] To attain the summit in a day hike from Røisheim in Bøverdalen, it usually was necessary to start at 4 a.m., and the return often was correspondingly late. [4006c] In order to reach the summit in the course of a day's outing from Røisheim in Bøverdalen, it was normally necessary to start out at 4 a.m., and the return home was often correspondingly as late. [4006d] Getting to the top on a day trip from Røisheim in Bøverdalen usually called for a 4 a.m. start and a correspondingly late return. [4007a] På sine lange, tunge turer opp på Galdhøpiggen savnet nok Knud mange ganger et overnattingssted underveis, og i september 1884 begynte han og sønnen Ole å bygge ei steinbu ved Juvvatnet. [4007b] On his long, arduous tours up Galdhøpiggen, Knud most certainly often longed for lodgings on the way, and in September 1884 he and his son Ole began to build a stone hut at Juvvatnet. [4007c] On his long, arduous trips to the top of Galdhøpiggen, Knud many times undoubtedly missed a place to spend the night along the way, and in September, 1884, he and his son Ole began construction of a stone shelter at Juvvatnet. [4007d] No doubt Knud had many an occasion on his long, strenuous climbs of Galdhøpiggen to wish for shelter along the way; and in September 1884 he and his son Ole began building a stone hut by Juvvatnet. [4008a] Byggingen på en av Jotunheimens mest værutsatte tomter 1840 m o.h. må ha vært en tøff opplevelse. [4008b] Building at one of Jotunheimen's most weather-beaten sites at 1840 meters above sea level must have been a tough job. [4008c] The construction on one of Jotunheimen's most exposed building sites 1840 meters above sea level must have been a rough experience. [4008d] Building above 6000 feet, on one of the most exposed sites in all of Jotunheimen, must have been quite a chore. [4009a] Hver kveld måtte for eksempel Knud og Ole gå helt ned til Raubergstulen på ca. 1000 m o.h. for å overnatte! [4009b] For instance, every evening Knud and Ole had to go all the way down to Raubergstulen at about 1000 meters above sea level to spend the night. [4009c] Each evening, for example, Knud and Ole had to go all the way down to Raubergstulen at approximately 1000 meters above sea level in order to spend the night! [4009d] Every day Knud and Ole had to return to Raubergstulen, at about 3000 feet, for the night! [4010a] Resultatet ble imidlertid bra, og steinhytta ved Juvvatnet ble raskt populær. [4010b] The result, however, was good, and the stone cabin at Juvvatnet rapidly became popular. [4010c] The result, however, was satisfactory, and the stone shelter at Juvvatnet rapidly became popular. [4010d] But their work was a success, and the stone hut by Juvvatnet soon became popular. [4011a] Sommeren 1885 var det 80 personer som besøkte hytta, og trafikken til hytta økte jevnt og trutt. [4011b] In the summer of 1885, some 80 people stayed at the cabin, and traffic increased steadily. [4011c] During the summer of 1885, 80 people visited the shelter, and traffic to the hut steadily increased. [4011d] In the summer of 1885 eighty people visited it, and the traffic increased steadily. [4012a] De fem sengene i den første hytta ble for få, og Knud bygget på flere ganger. [4012b] The five bunks in the first cabin were too few, and Knud built out several times. [4012c] The five beds in the first hut proved insufficient, and Knud expanded the shelter several times. [4012d] The five beds in the original hut became inadequate, and Knud built on several times, as did his son Knut K. and his wife Rønnaug after taking over in 1914. [4013a] Sønnen Knut K. og hans kone Rønnaug fortsatte å bygge da de i 1914 overtok ansvaret. [4013b] His son, Knut K., and his wife Rønnaug continued to build when in 1914 they took over the responsibility. [4013c] A son, Knut K., and his wife Rønnhaug continued expansion when they took over responsibility in 1914. [4013d] The five beds in the original hut became inadequate, and Knud built on several times, as did his son Knut K. and his wife Rønnaug after taking over in 1914. [4014a] De utvidet Juvasshytta flere ganger, bygget vei til Juvvatnet, og skaffet strøm og telefon. [4014b] They expanded Juvassytta several times, built a road to Juvvatnet and put in electricity and a telephone. [4014c] They expanded Juvasshytta several times, built a path to Juvvatnet, and installed electricity and a telephone. [4014d] They also built a road to Juvvatnet and got electricity and telephone service. [4015a] I 1956 overtok døtrene Ragnhild og Tora roret. [4015b] In 1956, their daughters Ragnhild and Tore took over the helm. [4015c] In 1956, their daughters Ragnhild and Tora took the helm. [4015d] In 1956 their daughters Ragnhild and Tora took over, continuing the additions to Juvasshytta, the latest in 1994. [4016a] I deres tid har det også blitt bygget mye på Juvasshytta, senest i 1994. [4016b] In their time there also has been much building at Juvasshytta, last in 1994. [4016c] During their time, much was built at Juvasshytta, most recently in 1994. [4016d] In 1956 their daughters Ragnhild and Tora took over, continuing the additions to Juvasshytta, the latest in 1994. [4017a] På grunn av alle utvidelsene opp gjennom årene er det blitt en ganske langstrakt og rar bygning å se på utenfra, men innendørs glir de forskjellige epokene over i hverandre på en utmerket måte. [4017b] All the expansions through the years have resulted in a long and oddly shaped building seen from the outside, but indoors the various stages merge into each other in a pleasing manner. [4017c] Because of all of the expansions up through the years, the building has become rather elongated and strange in appearance from the outside, but on the inside, the various periods blend perfectly into one another. [4017d] All the additions made during the years have turned this into a long, strange-looking structure seen from the outside, but indoors the styles from different periods blend together nicely. [4018a] Og at turfolket trives her, er det ikke vanskelig å forstå. [4018b] And it's not difficult to see that hikers enjoy the place. [4018c] The fact that hikers enjoy themselves here is not hard to understand. [4018d] It is very understandable that hikers enjoy it here. [4019a] Det har blitt en folkesport å besøke Galdhøpiggen, ofte loser Juvasshyttas breførere 200-300 personer til topps på en god dag i høysesongen, og svært mange av dem vil gjerne overnatte på Juvasshytta. [4019b] Going to Galdhøpiggen has become recreation; often Juvasshytta's glacier guides lead 200-300 people to the summit on a good day in high season, and many of them preferably stay at Juvasshytta. [4019c] It has become a popular sport to visit Galdhøpiggen; the Juvasshytta's glacier guides often escort from 200-300 people to the summit on a good day during peak season, and very many of them want to spend the night at Juvasshytta. [4019d] Climbing Galdhøpiggen has become a popular activity, so on a busy day Juvasshytta guides may take two or three hundred people to the top, and many of them spend the night at the hut. [4020a] Men Galdhøpiggen er langtfra eneste grunn til å besøke hytta ved Juvvatnet. [4020b] But Galdhøpiggen is far from the only reason for staying at the lodge at Juvvatnet. [4020c] But Galdhøpiggen is far from the only reason to visit the lodge at Juvvatnet. [4020d] But Galdhøpiggen is by no means the only reason to visit the hut by Juvvatnet. [4021a] Om sommeren tar mange turen opp fra dalen for å prøve skiene på Veslegjuvbreen en drøy kilometer fra Juvasshytta. [4021b] In summer, many hike up from the valley to try the skiing on Veslegjuvbreen a good kilometer from Juvasshytta. [4021c] During the summertime, many take the trip up from the valley in order to try out their skis on the Veslegjuv glacier a little over one kilometer from Juvasshytta. [4021d] In the summer many people come from the valley to ski on Veslejuvbreen about a mile from Juvasshytta. [4022a] *+
[4022b] *+
[4022c] *+
[4022d] *+
[4023a] +Adkomst [4023b] +Access [4023c] +Access [4023d] +Access [4024a] +Bilvei til hytta og bussforbindelse. [4024b] +Road to the lodge and bus service. [4024c] +Car road to the lodge and bus connections. [4024d] +Road, bus service. [4025a] +Merkede fotturruter til Spiterstulen, Raubergstulen/Røisheim og Elveseter. [4025b] +Marked hiking trails to Spiterstulen, Raubergstulen/Røisheim, and Elveseter. [4025c] +Marked hiking routes to Spiterstulen, Raubergstulen/Roisheim and Elveseter. [4025d] +Marked trails to Spiterstulen, Raubergstulen/Røisheim, and Elveseter. [4026a] *+
[4026b] *+
[4026c] *+
[4026d] *+
[4027a] +Fakta [4027b] +Facts [4027c] +Facts [4027d] +Facts [4028a] Juvasshytta har tatt imot turister siden 1884. [4028b] Juvasshytta has received tourists since 1884. [4028c] Juvasshytta has been host to tourists since 1884. [4028d] Juvasshytta has welcomed visitors since 1884. [4029a] +Eier: Ragnhild Vole. [4029b] +Owner: Ragnhild Vole. [4029c] +Owner: Ragnhild Vole. [4029d] +Owner: Ragnhild Vole. [4030a] Hytta ligger i Lom kommune i Oppland, 1840 m o.h., og har 85 senger. [4030b] The lodge is located in Lom Township in Oppland, 1840 meters above sea level, and has 85 beds. [4030c] The Lodge is located in Lom municipality in Oppland, 1840 meters above sea level, and has 85 beds. [4030d] +Located in Lom, Oppland, at 6035 feet, 85 beds. [4031a] *+Tlf: 61 21 15 50. [4031b] *+Tel: 61 21 15 50. [4031c] *+Tel: 61 21 15 50. [4031d] *+Tel: 61 21 15 50. [4032a] *+Web: http://ditt.net/juvasshytta [4032b] *+Web: http://ditt.nett/juvasshytta [4032c] *+Web: http://ditt.net/juvasshytta [4032d] *+URL: www.juvasshytta.no [4033a] *+
[4033b] *+
[4033c] *+
[4033d] *+
[4034a] +Spiterstulen [4034b] +Spiterstulen [4034c] +Spiterstulen [4034d] +Spiterstulen [4035a] +Den største turisthytta [4035b] +The largest tourist lodge [4035c] +The largest tourist lodge [4035d] +The Largest Hikers' Hut [4036a] En hytte mellom majestetene Galdhøpiggen og Glittertind må nødvendigvis bli preget av omgivelsene. [4036b] A lodge between the majestic Galdhøpiggen and Glittertind inevitably reflects its surroundings. [4036c] A lodge between majestic Galdhøpiggen and Glittertind is necessarily influenced by its surroundings. [4036d] A hut placed between the giants Galdhøpiggen and Glittertind will feel the impact of its neighbors, as indeed Spiterstulen has. [4037a] Det har da også skjedd med Spiterstulen. [4037b] That too has happened at Spiterstulen. [4037c] The same is true of Spiterstulen. [4037d] What was once a modest summer farm has grown into Jotunheimen's largest and most popular hut. [4038a] Det som en gang var en enkel liten seter, har i dag vokst til Jotunheimens største og mest populære turisthytte. [4038b] That which once was a simple, small summer dairy has now grown to Jotunheimen's largest and most popular tourist lodge. [4038c] What was once a simple, small mountain pasture has today grown to become Jotunheimen's largest and most popular tourist lodge. [4038d] What was once a modest summer farm has grown into Jotunheimen's largest and most popular hut. [4039a] I løpet av ett år huser de vel 230 sengene på Spiterstulen over 25 000 gjester. [4039b] In the course of a year, the 230 some beds at Spiterstulen put up more than 25,000 guests. [4039c] During the period of one year, the 230 beds at Spiterstulen accommodate more than 25,000 guests. [4039d] Its 230 beds give rest to 25,000 guests a year. [4040a] Og trafikken har pågått lenge, allerede før Jotunheimen ble «oppdaget» av studentene Keilhau og Boeck i 1820, var det ferdsel gjennom Visdalen av folk på farten mellom Gudbrandsdalen og Valdres, og det var nok naturlig for mange av dem som skulle gjennom Jotunheimen å be om nattelosji på Spiterstulen. [4040b] And the traffic has gone on for a long time; well before Jotunheimen was "discovered" by students Keilhau and Boeck in 1820, there were travelers on their way between Gudbrandsdalen and Valdres, and naturally many of them who went through Jotunheimen sought to stay the night at Spiterstulen. [4040c] And traffic here has existed for a long time; already before Jotunheimen was «discovered» by students Keilhau and Boeck in 1820, there was travel through Visdalen by people on their way between Gudbrandsdalen and Valdres, and it was quite normal for many of those making the trek through Jotunheimen to ask for overnight accommodations at Spiterstulen. [4040d] Visitors to the area came early. Well before the students Keilhau and Bock "discovered" Jotunheimen in 1820 people traveled between Gudbrandsdalen and Valdres through Visdalen, many of them finding it convenient to spend the night at Spiterstulen. [4041a] Men etter hvert kom det også folk forbi som reiste mer for sin fornøyelses skyld enn fordi de måtte. [4041b] But as time went by, there came also people who traveled more for pleasure than because they had to. [4041c] Eventually, however, people came by who were traveling more for their own pleasure than because they had to. [4041d] However, gradually visitors also included those traveling for pleasure rather than necessity. [4042a] Den første turisten som rapporterte fra Visdalen i 1823, skrev at han «på denne sæteren fikk godt stell». [4042b] The first tourist who gave an account from Visdalen in 1823 wrote that "at this summer dairy I was well cared for." [4042c] The first tourist who reported from Visdalen in 1823 wrote that he «was well cared for at this mountain pasture». [4042d] The first tourist reporting from Visdalen, in 1823, "was well received at this summer farm." [4043a] Steinar Sulheim, datidens eier, så nok mulighetene, og i 1836 satte han opp et tilbygg på setra for å huse reisende og jegere. [4043b] Steinar Sulheim, the owner at the time, saw the potential, and in 1836 he built an addition to the summer dairy to house travelers and hunters. [4043c] Steinar Sulheim, the owner at the time, saw the opportunities, and in 1836 he erected an extension to accommodate travelers and hunters. [4043d] Steinar Sulheim, the owner at the time, saw the potential, and in 1836 he added an annex to accommodate tourists and hunters. [4044a] Heldigvis har denne veksten skjedd med vett. [4044b] Fortunately, the growth has been sensible. [4044c] Fortunately, expansion has been done sensibly. [4044d] Fortunately the growth has been prudent. [4045a] Det er dessverre lett å bygge stort på en måte som gjør at hytteanlegg bryter med terrenget. [4045b] Regrettably, it's all too easy to build large in a way that a lodge facility clashes with the terrain. [4045c] It is regrettably easy to build on a grand scale in a manner that results in the buildings' appearing out of harmony with the terrain. [4045d] Building huts on a large scale often makes them jar with their surroundings, but at Spiterstulen they have managed to keep the original style. [4046a] På Spiterstulen har de som har bygget, maktet å bevare seterstilen. [4046b] At Spiterstulen, those who have built have managed to retain the summer dairy style. [4046c] At Spiterstulen, builders have managed to preserve the mountain farm style. [4046d] Building huts on a large scale often makes them jar with their surroundings, but at Spiterstulen they have managed to keep the original style. [4047a] Den samme Sulheim var blant de tre førstebestigerne av Galdhøpiggen, og interessen for Norges høyeste fjell kom til å bety mye for tilstrømningen til Spiterstulen. [4047b] The same Sulheim was among the three first ascenders of Galdhøpiggen, and the interest in Norway's highest peak came to be of great importance in the influx to Spiterstulen. [4047c] The aforementioned Sulheim was among the three who were first to climb Galdhøpiggen, and the interest in Norway's highest peak came to mean a great deal for the influx of people to Spiterstulen. [4047d] Sulheim was also one of the three who first climbed Galdhøpiggen; and the interest in Norway's highest mountain did a lot for Spiterstulen's popularity. [4048a] Men det vil være feil å gi bare Galdhøpiggen æren for Spiterstulens suksess. [4048b] But it's wrong to credit Galdhøpiggen alone for Spiterstulen's success. [4048c] However, it would be wrong to attribute the honor for Spiterstulen's success only to Galdhøpiggen. [4048d] Galdhøpiggen does not alone account for its success, however. [4049a] Beliggenheten er unik på andre måter også. [4049b] The location is unique in other ways as well. [4049c] The location is unique in other ways, as well. [4049d] Its location is fortuitous in other ways, as well. [4050a] Glittertind på 2464 meter ligger også fristende nær, og 16 andre av Norges 26 topper over 2300 meter nås på dagstur fra Spiterstulen. [4050b] Glittertind at 2464 meters lies temptingly close by, and 16 other of Norway's 26 peaks over 2300 meters can be attained on day hikes from Spiterstulen. [4050c] Glittertind, at 2464 meters, lies temptingly nearby, and 16 of Norway's other peaks over 2300 meters may be reached on day trips from Spiterstulen. [4050d] Glittertind, at 8082 feet, is also conveniently close, and sixteen of Norway's twenty-six peaks above 7500 feet can be done on day hikes from Spiterstulen, a plethora of challenges for peak-baggers. [4051a] Her er det nok av utfordringer for den som er sugen på høydemetre. [4051b] Here there are challenges aplenty for those who hunger for heights. [4051c] Here, there are sufficient challenges for those who crave heights. [4051d] Glittertind, at 8082 feet, is also conveniently close, and sixteen of Norway's twenty-six peaks above 7500 feet can be done on day hikes from Spiterstulen, a plethora of challenges for peak-baggers. [4052a] For utviklingen av bresporten her til lands har også Spiterstulen betydd mye. [4052b] Spiterstulen has meant much to the evolution of glacier sports here in Norway. [4052c] Spiterstulen has also been important for the development of glacier climbing in this country. [4052d] Spiterstulen has also been important to the sport of glacier-crossing. [4053a] Mange vordende brevandrere har fått sin første breerfaring på Svellnosbreen, den store breen under sørveggen av Galdhøpiggen. [4053b] Many aspiring glacier hikers acquired their first glacier skills on Svellnosbreen, the large glacier under the south wall of Galdhøpiggen. [4053c] Many prospective glacier wanderers have received their initial experience on Svellnosbreen, the large glacier beneath Galdhøpiggen's southern wall. [4053d] Many aspiring glacier-walkers have had their first try at Svellnosbreen, the large glacier on the south wall of Galdhøpiggen. [4054a] Fra 1949 har førere fra Spiterstulen hatt med seg tusenvis av turister i det oppsprukne brefallet. [4054b] From 1949 on, guides from Spiterstulen have taken thousands of hikers onto the jumbled icefall. [4054c] Since 1949, guides from Spiterstulen have accompanied thousands of tourists into the craggy glacial crevices. [4054d] Since 1949 Spiterstulen guides have taken thousands of tourists up into the icefall. [4055a] Men du behøver ikke være alpint interessert for å trives på Spiterstulen. [4055b] But you need not have Alpine interests to enjoy a stay at Spiterstulen. [4055c] But you do not need to be interested in alpine adventures in order to enjoy Spiterstulen. [4055d] But you do not need to be a mountaineering enthusiast to enjoy Spiterstulen. [4056a] Er du interessert i å se hvordan våre forfedre utnyttet fjellet, finnes det dyregraver og fangstanlegg både like ved ruta over til Glitterheim og innunder Spiterhø. [4056b] If you would like to see how our ancestors used the mountains, there are pitfalls and hunting facilities along side the route over to Glitterheim and just under Spiterhø. [4056c] If you are interested in seeing how our forefathers made use of the mountain resources, there are pits and hunting facilities both next to the trail over to Glitterheim and underneath Spiterhø. [4056d] If you want to see what our ancestors got out of the mountains, you can see animal pitfalls and trapping structures both along the trail to Glitterheim and below Spiterhø. [4057a] Lenger inne i dalen ved Hellstuguåa er det tufter fra 1100-tallet, sannsynligvis med rester etter «sælehus», losjihus for datidens reisende. [4057b] Further in the valley at Hellstuguåa there are tofts dating from the 12th century, probably with the remains of "charity houses", the lodgings of the time for travelers. [4057c] Farther inside the valley, at Hellstuguåa, there are building sites from the 1100's, probably with the remains of «sælehus», accommodations for travelers of the time. [4057d] Farther into the valley, by Hellstuguåa, there are sites from the 1100s, with remains of what may have been shelters for travelers at that time. [4058a] *+
[4058b] *+
[4058c] *+
[4058d] *+
[4059a] +Adkomst [4059b] +Access [4059c] +Access [4059d] +Access [4060a] +Bilvei til hytta og bussforbindelse. [4060b] +Road to the lodge and bus service. [4060c] +Car road to the lodge and bus connections. [4060d] +Road, bus service. [4061a] +Merkede fotturruter til Glitterheim, Juvasshytta, Leirvassbu og Gjendebu. [4061b] +Marked hiking trails to Glitterheim, Juvasshytta, Leirvassbu and Gjendebu. [4061c] +Marked hiking routes to Glitterheim, Juvasshytta, Leirvassbu and Gjendebu. [4061d] +Marked trails to Glitterheim, Juvasshytta, Leirvassbu, and Gjendebu. [4062a] *+
[4062b] *+
[4062c] *+
[4062d] *+
[4063a] +Fakta [4063b] +Facts [4063c] +Facts [4063d] +Facts [4064a] Spiterstulen har tatt imot turister siden 1830-tallet. [4064b] Spiterstulen has received tourists since the 1830s. [4064c] Spiterstulen has hosted tourists since the 1830's. [4064d] Spiterstulen has welcomed tourists since the 1830s. [4065a] +Eiere: Charlotte og Eiliv Sulheim. [4065b] +Owners: Charlotte and Eiliv Sulheim. [4065c] +Owners: Charlotte and Eiliv Sulheim. [4065d] +Owners: Charlotte and Eiliv Sulheim. [4066a] Hytta ligger i Lom kommune i Oppland, 1100 m o.h., og har ca. 230 senger. [4066b] The lodge is located in Lom Township in Oppland, 1100 meters above sea level, and has about 230 beds. [4066c] The lodge is located in Lom municipality in Oppland, 1100 meters above sea level and has approx. 230 beds. [4066d] +Located in Lom, Oppland, at 3600 feet, 230 beds. [4067a] *+Tlf: 61 21 14 80. [4067b] *+Tel: 61 21 14 80. [4067c] *+Tel. : 61 21 14 80. [4067d] *+Tel: 61 21 14 80. [4068a] *+Web: www.spiterstulen.no [4068b] *+Web: www.spiterstulen.no [4068c] *+Web: www.spiterstulen.no [4068d] *+URL: www.spiterstulen.no [4069a] *+
[4069b] *+
[4069c] *+
[4069d] *+
[4070a] +Sognefjellhytta [4070b] +Sognefjellhytta [4070c] +Sognefjellhytta [4070d] +Sognefjellhytta [4071a] +Sommerskiløping og breturer [4071b] +Summer skiing and glacier hiking [4071c] +Summer skiing and Glacier Excursions [4071d] +Summer Skiing and Glacier Trips [4072a] *+
[4072b] *+
[4072c] *+
[4072d] *+
[4073a] Opp gjennom tidene har turen over Sognefjellet kostet mange veifarendes liv. [4073b] Through the years, the journey over Sognefjell has cost many a wayfarer's life. [4073c] Throughout the ages, the trip over Sognefjellet has cost many wayfarers their lives. [4073d] In times past many travelers lost their lives trying to cross Sognefjellet. [4074a] Under nødsårene 1812 til 1813 frøs blant annet seks døler i hjel på vei over til Sogn for å hente korn. [4074b] During the drought of 1812 to 1813, among others, six dalesmen froze to death on their way over to Sogn to fetch grain. [4074c] During the years of hardship from 1812 to 1813, six dalesmen were among those who froze to death on the road over to Sogn while on their way to get grain. [4074d] In the hardship years of 1812-1813 six people froze to death on their way to Sogn to get grain. [4075a] I dag minner det samme antallet steinvarder om tragedien. [4075b] Today, the tragedy is commemorated by as many stone markers. [4075c] Today a like number of stone markers commemorate the tragedy. [4075d] Today the tragedy is recalled in six cairns. [4076a] Henrik Wergeland var nok også rystet over denne ferdselsveien, for etter å ha gått over fjellet i 1832, karakteriserte han Sognefjellet slik: [4076b] Henrik Wergeland certainly also was shaken by this thoroughfare, as after having gone over the mountains in 1832, he so characterized Sognefjellet: [4076c] Henrik Wergeland was undoubtedly also appalled by this road, because after having traversed the mountain in 1832, he characterized Sognefjell in these terms: [4076d] The poet Henrik Wergeland must have found this route appalling, since he describes it, after having crossed it in 1832, thus: [4077a] «Her går Lombværingers og Sogningers frygtelige vei til hinanden over Sognefjeldets Alpeørken.» [4077b] "Here runs the Lombværinger's and the Sogninger's fearful way between each other over Sognefjeldet's Alpine desert." [4077c] «Here stretches the Lom and Sogn residents' ghastly road to the beyond across the alpine desert of Sognefjell.» [4077d] "This alpine wasteland of Sognefjellet is the frightful link between the residents of Lom and Sogn." [4078a] Det er derfor ikke vanskelig å forstå at det både fra Lom og Skjolden var et sterkt ønske om å få en bedre vei over fjellet, men det manglet lenge penger for å gjennomføre et såpass betydelig veiprosjekt. [4078b] It's consequently understandable that people in Lom and Skjolden yearned long for a better road over the mountains, but funds long were unavailable for conducting so sizeable a road project. [4078c] It is not difficult to understand, therefore, that there was a strong desire in both Lom and Skjolden for a better road across the mountain, but money for a road project of this magnitude was lacking for a long time. [4078d] Thus it is easy to understand the fervent hopes of Lom and Skjolden residents for a better road over the mountain, but for a long time money was just not available for such an ambitious project. [4079a] Som rent nødsarbeid ble det derfor satt i gang på midten av 1930-tallet. [4079b] Hence, in the mid 1930s, construction started as pure relief work. [4079c] As a pure relief project, it was begun, then, in the mid-1930s. [4079d] So in the mid-1930s a works project was started. [4080a] 200 ungdommer med spade, spett, hakke og trillebår slet og jobbet fra hver side i noen lange sommermåneder. [4080b] Some 200 young men, with shovels, pinch bars, pickaxes and wheelbarrows, worked from each side in some long summer months. [4080c] 200 young people with shovels, prying levers, hoes and wheelbarrows toiled and labored during long summer months. [4080d] Two hundred young people struggled from either end with their spades, crowbars, picks, and wheelbarrows through long summer months. [4081a] I løpet av bare et par år var de 20 kilometrene med høyfjellsvei fullført på en imponerende måte. [4081b] In the course of just a couple of years, the 20 kilometers of high-mountain road were finished in an impressive manner. [4081c] In the course of only a couple of years, the 20-kilometer long mountain road was completed in an impressive manner. [4081d] In a mere couple of years the twelve and a half miles of mountain road had been successfully completed. [4082a] To av tømmerhyttene som ble brukt under anlegget, ble først tatt i bruk som kafé like etter krigen. [4082b] Two of the log cabins used during the constructions were later used as cafes just after World War II. [4082c] Two of the log cabins that were used during the project were first put to use as a cafe just after the war. [4082d] Two log cabins used in the construction first served as a restaurant after the war, and in 1947 Torkjell Bakkeberg opened his hut at Sognefjellet to accommodate motorists and hikers alike. [4083a] I 1947 kunne så Torkjell Bakkeberg åpne sin turisthytte på Sognefjellet som overnattingssted for veifarende og fjellfolk på tur. [4083b] In 1947, Torkjell Bakkeberg then could open a tourist lodge in Sognefjellet as a lodging for wayfarers and mountaineers on hikes. [4083c] In 1947, Torkjell Bakkeberg was able to open his tourist lodge at Sognefjellet as an overnight accommodation for travelers and mountain trekkers. [4083d] Two log cabins used in the construction first served as a restaurant after the war, and in 1947 Torkjell Bakkeberg opened his hut at Sognefjellet to accommodate motorists and hikers alike. [4084a] Vinterstid blir vanligvis ikke Sognefjellsveien brøytet lenger enn til Jotunheimen Fjellstue på østsiden og til Turtagrø på vestsiden, men i april/mai blir veien åpnet for bilkjøring. [4084b] In winter, Sognefjellsveien usually is not plowed farther than to Jotunheimen Fjellstue on the east side and Turtagrø on the west side, but in April/May the road is opened for vehicular traffic. [4084c] During the wintertime, the Sognefjell road is usually not plowed farther than to the Jotunheimen Fjellstue on the eastern side and to Turtagrø on the western side, but in April/May, the road is open for automobile traffic. [4084d] In winter the road is normally only cleared to Jotunheimen Fjellstue in the east and to Turtagrø in the west, but in April/May it opens for through traffic. [4085a] Da er det neppe bedre utgangspunkt i Norge for dem som vil høyt til fjells på en enkel måte, og vanligvis er det mulig å gå på ski i området rundt turisthytta hele sommeren. [4085b] There's hardly a better starting point in Norway for those who want to go high up in the mountains in an easy way, and usually there's skiing in the area around the tourist lodge throughout summer. [4085c] There are scarcely better conditions in Norway for those who want to reach high mountain altitudes in a simple way, and usually it is possible to ski in the area around the tourist lodge all summer long. [4085d] Then this becomes perhaps Norway's most convenient base for those who want an easy access to high peaks, and it is normally possible to ski in the vicinity of the hut all summer. [4086a] Mange skilandslag og idrettslag har oppdaget dette og legger sommersamlinger til Sognefjellet. [4086b] Many national ski teams and athletic teams have discovered that and arrange summer training camps in Sognefjellet. [4086c] Many national ski teams and sports clubs have discovered this and locate their summer meets at Sognefjellet. [4086d] Many national ski teams and sports clubs have realized this, choosing Sognefjellet for their summer training camp. [4087a] Har du tenkt deg på fottur eller opp på en bre, er heller ikke Sognefjellhytta noen dårlig plass å besøke. [4087b] If you contemplate a hike or a glacier hike, Sognefjellhytta is not a bad place to stay. [4087c] If you have considered a hike or a walk on top of a glacier, Sognefjellhytta is not a bad place to visit, either. [4087d] Sognefjellhytta is also a good place for hikes and glacier walks. [4088a] Både Smørstabbtinder og Fannaråken er naturlige turmål herfra. [4088b] Both Smørstabbtinder and Fannaråken are natural hike destinations from here. [4088c] Both Smørstabbtinder and Fannaråken are natural destinations from here for hikers. [4088d] Both Smørstabbtindane and Fannaråken are natural destinations, with daily guided trips across their glaciers. [4089a] Det går daglig fører over Fannaråkbreen og Smørstabbreen. [4089b] Guides go daily over Fannaråkbreen and Smørstabbreen. [4089c] There are daily guided excursions across Fannaråk glacier and Smørstabb glacier. [4089d] Both Smørstabbtindane and Fannaråken are natural destinations, with daily guided trips across their glaciers. [4090a] *+
[4090b] *+
[4090c] *+
[4090d] *+
[4091a] +Adkomst [4091b] +Access [4091c] +Access [4091d] +Access [4092a] Sognefjellsveien går forbi hytta, der er det bussruter. [4092b] Sognefjellsveien goes by the lodge, and there is bus service. [4092c] The Sognefjell road goes past the lodge, with scheduled bus stops. [4092d] The Sognefjell Road runs past the hut; bus service. [4093a] Det er merkede fotturruter til Nørdstedalseter, Bøvertun, Leirvassbu (m/breføring), Skogadalsbøen og Fannaråken (m/breføring). [4093b] There are marked hiking routes to Nørdstedalseter, Bøvertun, Leirvassbu (with glacier guiding), Skogadalsbøen and Fannaråken (with glacier guiding). [4093c] There are marked hiking trails to Nørstedalseter, Bøvertun, Leirvassbu (w/glacier guiding), Skogadalsbøen and Fannaråken (w/glacier guiding). [4093d] +Marked trails to Nørdstedalseter, Bøvertun, Leirvassbu (glacier guide), Skogadalsbøen, and Fannaråken (glacier guide). [4094a] *+
[4094b] *+
[4094c] *+
[4094d] *+
[4095a] +Fakta: [4095b] +Facts [4095c] +Facts: [4095d] +Facts [4096a] Sognefjellhytta ble åpnet i 1947. [4096b] Sognefjellhytta was opened in 1947. [4096c] Sognefjellhytta was opened in 1947. [4096d] Sognefjellhytta opened in 1947. [4097a] +Eier: Råmund Mundhjeld. [4097b] +Owner: Råmund Mundhjeld. [4097c] +Owner: Råmund Mundhjeld. [4097d] +Owner: Råmund Mundhjeld. [4098a] Hytta ligger i Lom kommune i Oppland, 1415 m o.h., og har 90 senger. [4098b] The lodge is located in Lom Township in Oppland, 1415 meters above sea level, and has 90 beds. [4098c] The lodge is located in Lom municipality in Oppland, 1415 meters above sea level, and has 90 beds. [4098d] +Located in Lom, Oppland, at 4640 feet, 90 beds. [4099a] *+Tlf: 61 21 29 34. [4099b] *+Tel: 61 21 29 34. [4099c] *+Tel: 61 21 29 34. [4099d] *+Tel: 61 21 29 34. [4100a] *+E-post: sognefjellet@sensewave.com [4100b] *+E-Mail: sognefjellet@sensewave.com [4100c] *+E-mail: sognefjellet@sensewave.com [4100d] *+E-mail: sognefjellet@sensewave.com [4101a] *+Web: www.sognefjellet.com [4101b] *+Web: www.sognefjellet.com [4101c] *+Web: www.sognefjellet.com [4101d] *+URL: www.sognefjellet.com [4102a] *+
[4102b] *+
[4102c] *+
[4102d] *+
[4103a] +Krossbu turiststasjon [4103b] +Krossbu tourist station [4103c] +Krossbu Tourist Facility [4103d] +Krossbu turiststasjon [4104a] +Fra skysstasjon til bresenter [4104b] +From post house to glacier center [4104c] +From Wayside Inn to Glacier Center [4104d] +From Inn to Glacier Center [4105a] *+
[4105b] *+
[4105c] *+
[4105d] *+
[4106a] Sognefjellsveien mellom de øverste gårdene i Bøverdalen og Fortun på den andre siden av fjellet er drøye tre mil lang. [4106b] Sognefjellsveien between the highest farms in Bøverdalen and Fortun on the other side of the mountains is a good 30 km long. [4106c] The Sognefjell road between the farms uppermost in Bøverdalen and Fortun on the other side of the mountain is a little over 30 kilometers long. [4106d] The Sognefjell Road between the uppermost farms in Bøverdalen and Fortun on the other side of the mountain is about nineteen miles long. [4107a] Det kunne bli i lengste laget for mange å gå på én dag, særlig om været slo seg vrangt. [4107b] That could be a bit on the long side for many to walk in one day, particularly if the weather turned bad. [4107c] This was sometimes a bit too far for many to walk in one day, especially in inclement weather. [4107d] This distance was a bit too much of a day's hike for many people, especially in bad weather, so when Krossboden, or Krosshø Hotel, as it was also referred to in contemporary guidebooks, opened in 1902, it was a relief to many travelers. [4108a] Da Krossboden eller Krosshø Hotel, som det også blir kalt i samtidige reisehånd-bøker, sto klart i 1902, var dette svært kjærkomment for de veifarende. [4108b] When Krossoboden, or Krosshø Hotel, as it also was called in contemporary travel books, was finished in 1902, it was heartily welcomed by wayfarers. [4108c] When Krossboden, or Krosshø Hotel, as it was called in the tourist handbooks of the time, was finished in 1902, it was a welcome opportunity for wayfarers. [4108d] This distance was a bit too much of a day's hike for many people, especially in bad weather, so when Krossboden, or Krosshø Hotel, as it was also referred to in contemporary guidebooks, opened in 1902, it was a relief to many travelers. [4109a] Det lar seg bekrefte bare ved å lese i den første fremmedboka, som inneholder mange lovord om godt stell og hyggelig opphold. [4109b] That can be confirmed by reading the first hotel register, which contains many words of praise and good care in pleasing stays. [4109c] This can be confirmed simply by perusing the first guest book, which contains many words of praise for good service and a pleasant stay. [4109d] This is readily seen in the first guest register, which is full of praise for the good care and pleasant stay. [4110a] Det var Nils T. Bakkeberg som var mester for byggverket. [4110b] It was Nils T. Bakkeberg who was responsible for the building. [4110c] It was Nils T. Bakkeberg who was responsible for the construction. [4110d] It was Nils T. Bakkeberg who was responsible for the building. [4111a] Han ble senere kjent som fjellfører og patentfører for DNT i tillegg til jobben som turistvert. [4111b] He later became known as a mountain guide and concessionaire for DNT, in addition to his job as a lodge host. [4111c] He later became renowned as a certified mountain guide for DNT in addition to his job as a host for tourists. [4111d] He later gained a reputation as a mountain guide, also licensed by DNT, in addition to his role as inn-keeper. [4112a] I likhet med mange andre turistverter i denne perioden fikk også han oppleve at hytta ble for liten. [4112b] As with many other lodge hosts of the time, he also found that the lodge soon was too small. [4112c] Like many other tourist hosts of the time, he found that his lodge was too small. [4112d] Like so many of his contemporaries in the business, he soon found his hut to be too small. [4113a] I 1914 sto derfor et anneks klart. [4113b] In 1914, a new annex was finished. [4113c] In 1914, therefore, an annex was added. [4113d] In 1914 an annex was ready, later known as Nilsestugu, today used as a self-service hut when the main hut is closed. [4114a] Det har senere fått navnet Nilsestugu, og huser i dag blant annet et selvbetjeningslosji som kan brukes når hovedhytta er stengt. [4114b] It was later named Nilsestugu, and now houses, among other things, self-service lodgings that can be used when the main lodge is closed. [4114c] It was later dubbed Nilsestugu and today houses, among other things, a self-service facility that can be used when the main lodge is closed. [4114d] In 1914 an annex was ready, later known as Nilsestugu, today used as a self-service hut when the main hut is closed. [4115a] I forbindelse med at Sognefjellsveien åpnet for biltrafikk i 1938, kom enda et nytt bygg på plass, og i 1974 fikk dagens hovedbygning sin form. [4115b] In connection with the opening of Sognefjellsveien for vehicular traffic in 1938, another new building was put up, and in 1974 the main building of today took form. [4115c] In conjunction with the Sognefjell road being opened in 1938 for automobile traffic, yet another new building was raised, and in 1974 the present day's main building took shape. [4115d] In connection with the opening of the Sognefjell Road, in 1938, another structure was added, and in 1974 the main hut got its current shape. [4116a] Selv om hytta først ble reist med tanke på de veifarende, oppdaget en raskt at den også åpnet nye muligheter for fotturistene. [4116b] Even though the lodge was first intended for wayfarers, it was soon found to offer new options for hikers. [4116c] Even though the lodge was first erected with wayfarers in mind, it was rapidly discovered that it offered new opportunities for hiking tourists. [4116d] Even if the hut was originally built for through traffic, its attraction to hikers soon became obvious. [4117a] Smørstabbreen ble snart et populært mål, og mange leide seg fører for å gå fra Krossbu, opp Leirbreen eller Bøverbreen, forbi Kalven, Storebjørn og Surtningstind til Leirvassbu. [4117b] Smørstabbreen soon became a popular goal, and many hired a guide to go from Krossbu, up Leirbreen or Bøverbreen, past Kalven, Storebjørn and Surtningstind to Leirvassbu. [4117c] Smørstabb glacier quickly became a popular destination, and many hired a guide to take them from Krossbu, up Leirbreen or Bøverbreen, past Kalven, Storebjørn and Surtningstind to Leirvassbu. [4117d] Smørstabbreen became an early attraction, many people hiring a guide to go from Krossbu, up Leirbreen or Bøverbreen, past Kalven, Storebjørn, and Surtningstind to Leirvassbu. [4118a] Breføring er fremdeles svært populært. [4118b] Glacier guiding remains extremely popular. [4118c] Guided glacier excursions are still very popular. [4118d] Guided crossings are still very popular. [4119a] På gode dager kan det gå følger på 30-40 personer ut fra hytta for å følge føreren til Leirvassbu. [4119b] On good days, a party of 30-40 persons start from the lodge to follow a guide to Leirvassbu. [4119c] On good days, groups of 30-40 people set out from the lodge to follow their guide to Leirvassbu. [4119d] On good days thirty or forty people may leave the hut to follow the guide to Leirvassbu. [4120a] I sesongen går det gjerne fører begge veier, hver dag. [4120b] In season, guides usually go both ways, every day. [4120c] In season, there are guided excursions both ways daily. [4120d] During the season there are often guided trips in both directions every day. [4121a] Mange vil imidlertid lære mer om å gå på breen uten fører, og DNTs brekurs på Krossbu er svært populære. [4121b] However, many want to learn more about hiking on glaciers without guides, so DNT's glacier courses at Krossbu are in demand. [4121c] Many, however, want to learn more about glacier walking without a guide, and DNT's glacier course at Krossbu is very popular. [4121d] Many people prefer to learn about glaciers in other ways, however, and DNT's glacier courses at Krossbu are very popular. [4122a] Her lærer deltagerne blant annet hvordan de skal bruke tau og sikringsmidler for å kunne bevege seg trygt i blåis og på snøfelter. [4122b] In the courses, the participants learn, for one, how to handle rope and safety gear in moving safely on blue ice and on snow fields. [4122c] Here the participants learn, among other things, how to use rope and safety equipment in order to move safely on blue ice and snowy surfaces. [4122d] Participants learn how to use ropes and other equipment required to navigate safely on ice and snow. [4123a] På avslutningsturen på disse kursene hører det gjerne med en tur over breen til en eller annen topp. [4123b] The final hike of a course usually is a hike over a glacier to one of the summits. [4123c] On the closing excursion for these courses, a trip across the glacier to one of the mountaintops is the usual agenda. [4123d] The final lesson often includes a traverse of the glacier or a summit climb. [4124a] Innenfor rekkevidde av en dagstur fra Krossbu ligger det 23 topper som er høyere enn 2000 meter, så her er det nok å velge i. [4124b] Within range of a day hike from Krossbu lie 23 peaks that are higher than 2000 meters, so here there are abundant choices. [4124c] Within reach on a one-day outing from Krossbu, there are 23 summits that are higher than 2000 meters, so there is enough from which to choose. [4124d] Within a day hike from Krossbu there are twenty-three peaks above 6500 feet, so there is plenty to choose from. [4125a] *+
[4125b] *+
[4125c] *+
[4125d] *+
[4126a] +Adkomst [4126b] +Access [4126c] +Access [4126d] +Access [4127a] Sognefjellsveien går forbi hytta, der er det bussruter. [4127b] Sognefjellsveien goes by the lodge, and there is bus service. [4127c] Sognefjell road goes past the lodge, with scheduled bus stops. [4127d] The Sognefjell Road runs past the hut; bus service. [4128a] Det er merkede fotturruter til Nørdstedalseter, Bøvertun, Leirvassbu (m/breføring), Skogadalsbøen og Fannaråken (m/breføring). [4128b] There are marked hiking routes to Nørdstedalseter, Bøvertun, Leirvassbu (with glacier guiding), Skogadalsbøen and Fannaråken (with glacier guiding). [4128c] There are marked hiking trails to Nørstedalseter, Bøvertun, Leirvassbu (w/glacier guiding), Skogadalsbøen and Fannaråken (w/glacier guiding). [4128d] +Marked trails to Nørdstedalseter, Bøvertun, Leirvassbu (glacier guide), Skogadalsbøen, and Fannaråken (glacier guide). [4129a] *+
[4129b] *+
[4129c] *+
[4129d] *+
[4130a] +Fakta [4130b] +Facts [4130c] +Facts [4130d] +Facts [4131a] Krossbu turiststasjon startet opp i 1902. [4131b] Krossbu tourist station started operation in 1902. [4131c] Krossbu Tourist Facility began operating in 1902. [4131d] Krossbu Turiststasjon opened in 1902. [4132a] +Eiere: Torill og Kåre Vole. [4132b] +Owners: Torill and Kåre Vole. [4132c] +Owners: Torill and Kåre Vole. [4132d] +Owners: Torill and Kåre Vole. [4133a] Krossbu turiststasjon ligger i Lom kommune i Oppland, 1260 m o.h., og har 85 senger. [4133b] Krossbu tourist station is located in Lom Township in Oppland, 1260 meters above sea level, and has 85 beds. [4133c] Krossbu Tourist Facility is located in Lom municipality in Oppland, 1260 meters above sea level and has 85 beds. [4133d] +Located in Lom, Oppland, at 4100 feet, 85 beds. [4134a] *+Tlf: 61 21 29 22. [4134b] *+Tel: 61 21 29 22. [4134c] *+Tel. : 61 21 29 22. [4134d] *+Tel: 61 21 29 22. [4135a] *+
[4135b] *+
[4135c] *+
[4135d] *+
[4136a] +Stølsdalen [4136b] +Stølsdalen [4136c] +Stølsdalen [4136d] +Stølsdalen [4137a] +Flott innfallsport [4137b] +Fine gateway [4137c] +Grand Gateway [4137d] +An Attractive Gateway [4138a] *+
[4138b] *+
[4138c] *+
[4138d] *+
[4139a] Står du borte ved veien ned til Skålevatn, ser du glimtet fra vindusrutene på Stølsdalen like borti lia, men begynner du å gå, vil du til fulle få bekreftet sannheten om at den rette linje sjelden er den korteste vei i fjellet. [4139b] If you stand over by the road down to Skålevatn, you see twinkling from the windowpanes at Stølsdalen over on the hillside, but if you start to walk there, you will soon confirm the observation that a straight line seldom is the shortest route in the mountains. [4139c] If you stand on the road down to Skålevatn, you will see the reflected light from the windows at Stølsdalen on the hillside nearby, but if you start walking, you will find the truth fully confirmed that a straight line is seldom the shortest way in the mountains. [4139d] Standing by the road down to Skålavatnet, you will see light reflected in the windows at Stølsdalen just over on the hill; but once you start walking, you will fully experience the visual fallacy it is in the mountains to think of the straight course as the quickest. [4140a] Både vannet og en serie med små stup stopper effektivt alle forsøk på rett kurs, isteden blir det opp og ned, til venstre og høyre - og ned igjen. [4140b] Both lakes and a series of small cliffs effectively block all attempts at a straight course; instead, it's up and down, to the left and to the right - and down again. [4140c] Both the lake and a series of low cliffs effectively stop all attempts at a straight course; instead, you will go up and down, left and right - and downwards again. [4140d] A lake and a series of drop-offs bar any attempt at going straight, forcing you up and down, left and right. [4141a] Et par timer senere har du tilbakelagt knappe fire kilometer i luftlinje og kan puste ut i steinveggen på Stølsdalen. [4141b] A couple of hours later, you've covered hardly four kilometers in a direct line, and can relax at the stone wall of Stølsdalen. [4141c] A couple of hours later, you will have put behind you just under four kilometers as the crow flies and you will be able to take a breather against the stone wall at Stølsdalen. [4141d] A couple of hours later you will have put behind a mere 2.5 miles in aerial distance and will be ready to rest up against the stone wall of Stølsdalen. [4142a] Fram til 1991 hvilte seterbua her inne i solbakt ro etter at gården Ormelid nede i Fortundalen hadde sluttet med stølingen. [4142b] Up to 1991, the herder's hut here rested in sun baked stillness after the Ormelid farm down in Fortundalen had stopped summer dairying. [4142c] Up until 1991, the summer mountain barn here basked in sunny tranquility after the Ormelid farm down in Fortundalen had stopped sending livestock to summer pasture. [4142d] Up until 1991 this summer farm rested in sunny silence ever since the valley farm Ormelid stopped their summering up here. [4143a] Turistforeningen hadde imidlertid lenge lett etter en overnattingsmulighet i dette området for å dele opp den lange ruta mellom Turtagrø og Nørdstedalseter. [4143b] The Tourist Association, however, had long sought lodgings in this area to divide the long route between Turtagrø and Nørdstedalseter. [4143c] The tourist association, however, had been looking for possible overnight accommodations in this area in order to divide up the long route between Turtagrø and Nørdstedalseter. [4143d] The hiking club had then long been on the lookout for a shelter in these parts, to split the long leg between Turtagrø and Nørdstedalseter. [4144a] Istedenfor å bygge nytt, virket det som en god løsning å restaurere noe som allerede lå på dalens flotteste tomt. [4144b] Instead of building new, it seemed a sensible solution to restore that which already stood on the valley's finest site. [4144c] Rather than build new accommodations, it seemed a good solution to restore something that already stood on the finest site in the valley. [4144d] Instead of new construction it made sense to restore an already existing structure on the finest site in the valley. [4145a] Så sauen flyttet ut og turistene flyttet inn, bokstavelig talt. [4145b] So the sheep moved out, and the hikers moved in, literally. [4145c] So the sheep moved out and the tourists moved in, literally. [4145d] So the sheep moved out and the hikers moved in, quite literally. [4146a] Restaureringsarbeidet ble en omfattende sak som startet med å skuffe ut sauemøkk fra steinbua og ta ned mesteparten av de gamle murene. [4146b] The restoration was extensive and started by shoveling out sheep manure from the stone hut and dismantling most of the old stone walls. [4146c] The restoration was a comprehensive task that began with shoveling out the sheep droppings from the stone barn and removing the majority of the old walls. [4146d] The renovation was a big job, starting with the shoveling of sheep dung from the stone shelter and removing most of the old stone walls. [4147a] At byggmesteren siden klarte å bygge nytt igjen i gammel stil, kan alle som tar turen konstatere ved selvsyn. [4147b] The building contractor subsequently managed to build anew in the old style, as all who go there can see for themselves. [4147c] The fact that the building contractor was able to build a new building in the old style can be easily seen by everyone who takes the trip here. [4147d] The builder's success in recreating the old style is evident to anyone who sees the hut: it is a very attractive place to stay, a fine gateway to Breheimen. [4148a] Resultatet er i alle fall blitt et usedvanlig trivelig losji, en flott inngangsport til Breheimen. [4148b] The result in any case is an unusually cozy lodging, a fine gateway to the Breheimen. [4148c] The result, at any rate, is an unusually pleasant lodge, a grand gateway to Breheimen. [4148d] The builder's success in recreating the old style is evident to anyone who sees the hut: it is a very attractive place to stay, a fine gateway to Breheimen. [4149a] Stien videre over Liabrekulen til Nørdstedalseter passerer 1800-metersmerket med god margin, og fra toppen er det et fantastisk rundskue mot både Jotunheimen og Breheimen. [4149b] The trail over Liabrekulen to Nødstedalseter passes the 1800 meter contour line with good margin, and from the summit there's a fantastic panorama towards both Jotunheimen and Breheimen. [4149c] The path onward across Liabrekulen to Nørdstedalseter passes the 1800-meter mark by a wide margin, and from the summit there is a fantastic panorama toward both Jotunheimen and Breheimen. [4149d] The trail continuing over Liabrekulen to Nørdstedalseter easily clears 5900 feet, and the top offers a terrific panorama of Jotunheimen and Breheimen alike. [4150a] Stølsdalen kan imidlertid nås fra flere hold enn fra Skålevatn, langt de fleste kommer nok langs den merkede ruta fra tradisjonsrike Turtagrø hotell på Sognefjellsveien. [4150b] Stølsdalen can, however, be reached from aspects other than from Skålevatn; by far most come along the marked route from the long-established Turtagrø Hotel on Sognefjellsveien. [4150c] Stølsdalen may be reached, however, from several directions other than from Skålevatn; by far most people come along the marked route from the long-established Turtagrø Hotel on the Sognefjell road. [4150d] Stølsdalen can be reached in various ways from Skålavatnet, although most of them start on the marked trail from Turtagrø Hotell on the Sognefjell Road. [4151a] For dem som ikke er redd for motbakke, vil jeg imidlertid anbefale turen nede fra Fortundalen - den går fra en dalbunn som er så frodig og varm at de dyrket tobakk der under siste krig - opp lia gjennom flere klimasoner til karrig høyfjell, og så litt ned igjen til fredfulle Stølsdalen. [4151b] For those not fearing uphill stretches, I would, however, recommend the hike down from Fortundalen - it goes from a valley floor that is so lush and warm that tobacco was raised there during the last war - and up the hillside through several hardiness zones to barren high mountains, and then down again to peaceful Stølsdalen. [4151c] For those who are not afraid of uphill climbs, I can recommend the trip down from Fortundalen - it goes from a valley bottom so lush and warm that tobacco was grown here during the last war - up the hillside through several climatic zones to barren alpine heights, and then slightly downward again to peaceful Stølsdalen. [4151d] But for those who are not averse to a climb I suggest starting from Fortundalen - leaving behind a valley so warm and fertile that tobacco was grown here during the war - it will take you through various ecosystems to the alpine barrens, and then down a bit to the peaceful Stølsdalen. [4152a] *+
[4152b] *+
[4152c] *+
[4152d] *+
[4153a] +Adkomst [4153b] +Access [4153c] +Access [4153d] +Access [4154a] Det er merkede fotturruter til Turtagrø, Fortundalen, Nørdstedalseter og Herva ved Skålavatnet. [4154b] There are marked hiking routes to Turtagrø, Fortundalen, Nørdstedalseter and Herva at Skålavatnet. [4154c] There are marked hiking trails to Turtagrø, Fortundalen, Nørdstedalseter and Herva at Skålavatnet. [4154d] +Marked trails to Turtagrø, Fortundalen, Nørdstedalseter, and Herva by Skålavatnet. [4155a] *+
[4155b] *+
[4155c] *+
[4155d] *+
[4156a] +Fakta
[4156b] +Facts
[4156c] +Facts:
[4156d] +Facts
[4157a] Stølsdalen ble bygget i 1991 og drives som selvbetjeningshytte.
[4157b] Stølsdalen was built in 1991 and is operated as a self-service cabin.
[4157c] Stølsdalen was built in 1991 and is run as a self-service lodge.
[4157d] Stølsdalen was built in 1991 and is run as a self-service hut.
[4158a] +Eier: DNT OA.
[4158b] +Owner: DNT OA.
[4158c] +Owners: DNT OA.
[4158d] +Owner: DNT OA.
[4159a] +Ligger i Luster kommune i Sogn og Fjordane, 1040 m o.h., og har 8 senger.
[4159b] +Located in Luster Township in Sogn and Fjordane, 1040 meters above sea level, and has 8 beds.
[4159c] +Located in Luster municipality in Sogn and Fjordane, 1040 meters above sea level and has 8 beds.
[4159d] +Located in Luster, Sogn and Fjordane, at 3400 feet, 8 beds.
[4160a] *+Tlf: Nei.
[4160b] *+Tel: None.
[4160c] *+Tel.: None.
[4160d] *+No telephone.
[4161a] *+Web: www.dntoa.no «hytter»
[4161b] *+Web:
[4162b] *+
[4162c] *+
[4162d] *+
[4163a] +Nørdstedalseter
[4163b] +Nørdstedalseter
[4163c] +Nørdstedalseter
[4163d] +Nørdstedalseter
[4164a] +Sentralt i Breheimen
[4164b] +Central in Breheimen
[4164c] +Centrally located in Breheimen
[4164d] +The Heart of Breheimen
[4165a] *+
[4165b] *+
[4165c] *+
[4165d] *+
[4166a] Norges lengste fjord heter Sognefjorden.
[4166b] Norway's longest fjord is named Sognefjorden.
[4166c] Norway's longest fjord is Sognefjorden.
[4166d] Norway's longest fjord is Sognefjorden.
[4167a] Aller innerst i den finner du Skjolden og Fortun, og høyt oppe i Fortundalen ligger den betjente hytta Nørdstedalseter.
[4167b] Innermost in it are Skjolden and Fortun, and high up in Fortundalen there's the Nørdstedalseter staffed lodge.
[4167c] Innermost in it, you will find Skjolden and Fortun, and high above in Fortundalen lies the staffed lodge of Nørdstedalseter.
[4167d] At the end of it you find Skjolden and Fortun, and far up in Fortundalen is the staffed Nørdstedalseter hut.
[4168a] For dem som vandrer fra Jotunheimen til Breheimen, er denne hytta bortimot et obligatorisk sted å besøke.
[4168b] For those who walk from Jotunheimen to Breheimen, this lodge is almost an obligatory place to stay.
[4168c] For those who hike from Jotunheimen to Breheimen, this lodge is practically a mandatory place to visit.
[4168d] For those hiking from Jotunheimen to Breheimen this is an almost obligatory stop, as it has been since the first hut, with four beds, was built here, with DNT support, in 1889.
[4169a] Det har den vært helt siden den første hytta med fire senger ble bygget med bidrag fra DNT i 1889.
[4169b] That's the way it's been since the first cabin with four bunks was built with DNT support in 1889.
[4169c] It has been so ever since the first cabin with four beds was built with contributions from DNT in 1889.
[4169d] For those hiking from Jotunheimen to Breheimen this is an almost obligatory stop, as it has been since the first hut, with four beds, was built here, with DNT support, in 1889.
[4170a] Lenge var den i privat eie, men i 1928 ble den overtatt av turistforeningen.
[4170b] It was long in private ownership, but in 1928, it was taken over by the Touring Association.
[4170c] It was privately owned for a long time, but in 1928 it was taken over by the tourist association.
[4170d] For a long time the hut was privately owned, but in 1928 the hiking club took over.
[4171a] Det gikk ikke mange årene før hytta måtte utvides, og senere er DNTs første betjente hytte i Breheimen modernisert flere ganger.
[4171b] Not many years passed before the cabin had to be expanded, and since DNT's first staffed lodge in Breheimen has been modernized several times.
[4171c] Not many years went by before the cabin had to be expanded, and later, DNT's first staffed lodge at Breheimen was modernized many times.
[4171d] Since its first addition a few years later, it has had to be expanded several times.
[4172a] Mye har også skjedd i traktene rundt Nørdstedalseter.
[4172b] Moreover, much has happened in the region around Nørdstedalseter.
[4172c] Much has occurred in the areas surrounding Nørdstedalseter.
[4172d] The area around Nørdstedalseter has also seen many changes.
[4173a] For pionerene var kryssingen av Fortundalselva like nedenfor hytta lenge en halsløs gjerning.
[4173b] For pioneers, the crossing of Fortundalselva just below the lodge long was a risky undertaking.
[4173c] For pioneers, the crossing of the Fortundal river just below the lodge was a risky business.
[4173d] Crossing the river just below the hut used to be a risky undertaking for early travelers, prompting many of them to do the extra day hike down the steep valley to Skjolden to spend the night there before hiking back up along Mørkrisdalen instead of heading straight west from Nørdstedalseter.
[4174a] Mange valgte isteden den drøye dagsmarsjen det var å gå ned den stupbratte dalen, og ut til Skjolden, overnatte der, og deretter klatre til fjells igjen opp Mørkrisdalen, framfor å gå rett vestover fra Nørdstedalseter.
[4174b] Many chose instead the tough day's march that it was to go down the sheer valley, and out to Skjolden, stay there, and afterwards climb up to the mountains again up Mørkrisdalen, instead of heading directly westwards from Nørdstedalseter.
[4174c] Many chose instead the slightly more than one-day trek required to descend the steep valley hillside and out to Skjolden, spending the night there, and then climbing up into the mountains again via Mørkrisdalen, rather than going directly westward from Nørdstedalseter.
[4174d] Crossing the river just below the hut used to be a risky undertaking for early travelers, prompting many of them to do the extra day hike down the steep valley to Skjolden to spend the night there before hiking back up along Mørkrisdalen instead of heading straight west from Nørdstedalseter.
[4175a] I dag er det bro over elva og kjørevei fram til turisthytta, og fotturen vestover til Arentzbu langs vardet rute anslås til knappe syv timer.
[4175b] Today, there's a bridge over the river and a road to the lodge, and the hike westwards to Arentzbu along a cairn-marked route is estimated to take hardly seven hours.
[4175c] Today there is a bridge across the river and a drivable road to the tourist lodge, and the hike westward to Arentzbu along the stone-marked route is estimated at just less than seven hours.
[4175d] Today there is a bridge across the river and a road to the hut, and following the cairns west to Arentzbu is estimated to take barely seven hours.
[4176a] Veien opp Fortundalen kom i forbindelse med kraftutbyggingen på begynnelsen av 1960-tallet.
[4176b] The road up Fortundalen came about in connection with the hydroelectric power developments of the early 1960s.
[4176c] The road up the Fortundalen was built in conjunction with the expansion of power facilities at the beginning of the 1960's.
[4176d] The road up Fortundalen was built at the time of the hydro power development in the early 1960s, since it necessitated building a road to the power station at Fivlemyrane.
[4177a] Da var det nemlig nødvendig å bygge en anleggsvei inn til kraftstasjonen ved Fivlemyrane.
[4177b] It was, in fact, necessary to build a haul road in to the power station at Fivlemyrane.
[4177c] At the time, it was necessary to build an access road into the power station at Fivlemyrane.
[4177d] The road up Fortundalen was built at the time of the hydro power development in the early 1960s, since it necessitated building a road to the power station at Fivlemyrane.
[4178a] Å kjøre denne veien til fjells i dag er i seg selv en opplevelse.
[4178b] Driving that road to the mountains today is itself an experience.
[4178c] To drive this road into the mountains today is an adventure in itself.
[4178d] Just driving this road up into the mountains is an experience.
[4179a] Om ikke det er Norges bratteste bilvei til en turisthytte, kan det ikke være langt unna, og veien går gjennom et fantastisk fosselandskap.
[4179b] If not Norway's steepest road to a tourist lodge, it's not far from it, and the road runs through a fantastic waterfall landscape.
[4179c] If it is not Norway's steepest automobile road to a tourist facility, it cannot be far off the mark, and the road runs through a fantastic landscape of waterfalls.
[4179d] It may be Norway's steepest drive to a hikers' hut, and the road runs through some superb waterfall scenery.
[4180a] Sammenlignet med gamle dagers setersti opp dalen gjennom blant annet det stupbratte Kleppeskaret, er allikevel dagens vei en ren fornøyelse, om aldri så smal og svinget.
[4180b] Compared to the old fashioned cattle track up the valley through, among others, the sheer Kleppeskaret, today's road is nonetheless a pure joy, even though narrow and winding.
[4180c] Compared with the mountain paths up through the valley in old times, including the steep Kleppe gorge, today's route is pure pleasure, despite its being somewhat narrow and winding.
[4180d] Compared to the old herd path through the precipitous Kleppeskaret, however, the road is pure pleasure, no matter how narrow and winding.
[4181a] På tross av veien kommer nok de fleste overnattingsgjestene på sine ben til Nørdstedalseter, av lista nedenfor ser du at det er mange ruter å velge mellom.
[4181b] In spite of the road, most overnight guests come to Nørdstedalseter on foot, and from the list below, you'll see that there are many routes to choose among.
[4181c] In spite of the road, the majority of guests seeking overnight accommodations arrive on foot at Nørdstedalseter; from the list below, you will see that there are many routes from which to choose.
[4181d] Despite the road most people who stay at the hut arrive on foot at Nørdstedalseter, and the list below shows that the options are many.
[4182a] Turmulighetene rundt Nørdstedalseter er også mangfoldige.
[4182b] There also are many hike choices around Nørdstedalseter.
[4182c] Hiking opportunities around Nørdstedalseter are ample.
[4182d] Hiking possibilities in the vicinity are also plentiful.
[4183a] Både Liabrekulen, Vetledalen med vakre Grønevatn, Holåtindane, Harbardsbreen og Sveidalsbreen er realistiske dagsturmål.
[4183b] Liabrekulen, Vetledalen with beautiful Grønevatn, Holåtindane, Harbardsbreen and Sveidalsbreen are realistic day hike destinations.
[4183c] Liabrekulen, Vetledalen and the beautiful Grøne Lake, Holåtindane, Harbard and Sveidal glaciers are realistic day trips.
[4183d] Liabrekulen, Vetledalen with its pretty Grønevatn, Holåtindane, Harbardsbreen, and Sveidalsbreen are all realistic day hikes.
[4184a] *+
[4184b] *+
[4184c] *+
[4184d] *+
[4185a] +Adkomst
[4185b] +Access
[4185c] +Access:
[4185d] +Access
[4186a] Det er bilvei til hytta og merkede fotturruter til Arentzbu, Sota Sæter, Trulsbu, Bøvertun, Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta og Stølsdalen.
[4186b] There's a road to the lodge and marked hiking routes to Arentzbu, Sota Sæter, Trulsbu, Bøvertun, Krossbu, Sognefjellshytta, and Stølsdalen.
[4186c] There is an automobile road to the lodge and marked hiking trails to Arentzbu, Sota Sæter, Trulsbu, Bøvertun, Krossby, Sognefjellhytta and Stølsdalen.
[4186d] +Road to the hut, marked trails to Arentzbu, Sota Sæter, Trulsbu, Bøvertun, Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, and Stølsdalen.
[4187a] *+
[4187b] *+
[4187c] *+
[4187d] *+
[4188a] +Fakta
[4188b] +Facts
[4188c] +Facts:
[4188d] +Facts
[4189a] Nørdstedalseter ble bygget i 1889.
[4189b] Nørdstedalseter was built in 1889.
[4189c] Nørdstedalseter was built in 1889.
[4189d] Nørdstedalseter was built in 1889.
[4190a] +Eier: DNT OA.
[4190b] +Owner: DNT OA.
[4190c] +Owner: DNT OA.
[4190d] +Owner: DNT OA.
[4191a] +Bestyrer: Torill Bruaas.
[4191b] +Warden: Torill Bruaas.
[4191c] +Manager: Torill Bruaas.
[4191d] +Manager: Torill Bruaas.
[4192a] Hytta ligger i Luster kommune i Sogn og Fjordane, 935 m o.h., og har 40 senger samt 4 senger i selvbetjent del som kan brukes når resten av hytta er stengt.
[4192b] The lodge is located in Luster Township in Sogn and Fjordane, 935 meters above sea level, and has 40 beds, including 4 in a self-service part that can be used when the rest of the lodge is closed.
[4192c] The lodge is located in Luster municipality in Sogn and Fjordane, 935 m. above sea level, and has 40 beds, as well as 4 beds in the self-service section, which can be used whenever the rest of the lodge is closed.
[4192d] +Located in Luster, Sogn and Fjordane, at 3070 feet, 40 beds, plus 4 for use in the self-service part when the hut is closed.
[4193a] *+Tlf: 95 07 63 82.
[4193b] *+Tel: 95 07 63 82.
[4193c] *+Tel.: 95 07 63 82.
[4193d] *+Tel: 95 07 63 82.
[4194a] *+Web: www.dntoa.no «hytter»
[4194b] *+Web:
[4195b] *+
[4195c] *+
[4195d] *+
[4196a] +Trulsbu
[4196b] +Trulsbu
[4196c] +Trulsbu
[4196d] +Trulsbu
[4197a] +Binder sammen
[4197b] +Ties together
[4197c] +The Link
[4197d] +The Link
[4198a] *+
[4198b] *+
[4198c] *+
[4198d] *+
[4199a] Medalsbu øverst i Middalen ble aldri noen suksess for DNT.
[4199b] Medalsbu uppermost in Middalen never was a success for DNT.
[4199c] Medalsbu uppermost in Middalen was never a success for DNT.
[4199d] Medalsbu at the top of Middalen was no success for DNT, being opened in 1938 and closed in 1957.
[4200a] Den ble bygget i 1938 og nedlagt i 1957.
[4200b] It was built in 1938 and shut down in 1957.
[4200c] It was built in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.
[4200d] Medalsbu at the top of Middalen was no success for DNT, being opened in 1938 and closed in 1957.
[4201a] Opphold 1346 m o.h. på disse kanter av Breheimen fristet tydeligvis ikke mange, og i dag er det bare en ruin igjen av hytta.
[4201b] Staying at 1346 meters above sea level in these parts of Breheimen apparently didn't appeal to many, and today only ruins remain of the lodge.
[4201c] A stay at 1346 meters above sea level in this area of Breheimen clearly did not interest many people, and today only the ruins of the cabin remain.
[4201d] Staying at 4400 feet in this part of Breheimen clearly did not tempt many people, so today there is only a ruin left.
[4202a] Tanken bak hytta var imidlertid god.
[4202b] The concept of the lodge was, however, good.
[4202c] The concept behind the cabin, however, was sound.
[4202d] The idea of the hut was sound, however.
[4203a] Ved siden av å ligge midt i et flott turområde, var den tenkt å dele opp den lange turen fra Skjåk gjennom Lundadalen til Nørdstedalseter, i to håndterlige dagsmarsjer.
[4203b] Aside from being located in the middle of a magnificent hiking area, it was intended to divide the long hike from Skjåk through Lundadalen to Nørdstedalseter, in two manageable day marches.
[4203c] Besides its location in the midst of an excellent hiking area, it was conceived as a means of breaking up the long trip from Skjåk, via Lundadalen, to Nørdstedalseter, into two manageable day-long treks.
[4203d] In addition to its location in a fine hiking area, it was meant to cut the long trip from Skjåk through Lundadalen to Nørdstedalseter in half.
[4204a] Dette er en gammel ferdselsvei mellom Vestland og Østland som flere burde oppleve.
[4204b] This is an old thoroughfare between Vestland and Østland that more should experience.
[4204c] This is an old road between Vestland and Østland that should be experienced by more people.
[4204d] This is an old trail from eastern to western Norway that ought to be enjoyed by more people.
[4205a] Men Medalsbu lå nok for nær Nørdstedalseter og for langt unna Skjåk til å egne seg som overnattingssted for denne turen.
[4205b] But Medalsbu was too close to Nørdstedalseter and too far from Skjåk to be a suitable overnight lodging for the hike.
[4205c] But Medalsbu was probably too near Nørdstedalseter and too far away from Skjåk to serve as an appropriate overnight spot for the trip.
[4205d] But Medalsbu was too close to Nørdstedalseter and too far from Skjåk to meet the need.
[4206a] Da DNT på ny pusset støv av disse planene på 1980-tallet, var det derfor naturlig å se på en tomt litt nærmere Skjåk, nede i Lundadalen.
[4206b] When DNT again brushed the dust off these plans in the 1980s, it consequently was natural to seek a site closer to Sjåk, down in Lundadalen.
[4206c] When DNT again revived these plans in the 1980's, it was therefore natural to seek a site a bit closer to Skjåk, down in Lundadalen.
[4206d] It was thus understandable that when DNT resurrected the plans in the 1980s, they looked for a spot closer to Skjåk, down in Lundadalen.
[4207a] Der var det imidlertid håpløst å finne en rassikker plass å bygge på, så valget falt isteden på Vesledalen, litt nærmere Lundadalsbandet.
[4207b] However, it was hopeless to find an avalanche-safe site to build upon, so the choice then was of Vesledalen, slightly closer to Lundadalsbandet.
[4207c] It was impossible, however, to find a building site that was safe from avalanches, so that Vesledalen, a little closer to Lundadalsbandet, was chosen instead.
[4207d] It was, however, not possible to find an avalanche-proof site there, so Vesledalen was chosen instead, a bit closer to Lundadalsbandet.
[4208a] I 1988 lå en selvbetjeningshytte klar, trygt plassert ved foten av staselige Vesledalstinden.
[4208b] In 1988, the self-service cabin was finished, safely located at the foot of the stately Vesledalstinden.
[4208c] In 1988, a self-service lodging was completed, safely situated at the foot of stately Vesledalstinden.
[4208d] In 1988 a self-service hut was safely in place at the foot of the handsome Vesledalstinden.
[4209a] Navnet Trulsbu fikk hytta etter Truls Kierulf, som arbeidet aktivt for å knytte turistforeningsnorge nærmere sammen, og en hytte som binder Skjåk og Luster sammen, er derfor et flott minne om ham.
[4209b] The name Trusbu was given to the cabin, after Truls Kierulf, who actively worked to unite tourist associations of Norway, and a cabin that ties Skjåk and Luster together is therefore a fitting commemoration of him.
[4209c] The name Trulsbu, given to the lodge in honor of Truls Kierulf, who worked actively to create a closer association between the tourist facilities in Norway and to link Skjåk and Luster together with a cabin facility, is therefore a fine tribute to him.
[4209d] It was named Trulsbu after Truls Kierulf, who worked actively to link Norwegian hiking clubs more closely together, so a hut that links east and west is thus a fitting memorial to him.
[4210a] Trulsbu har raskt blitt adskillig mer populær enn sin forgjenger.
[4210b] Trullsbu has rapidly become considerably more popular than its predecessor.
[4210c] Trulsbu has rapidly become considerably more popular than its predecessor.
[4210d] Trulsbu quickly became more popular than its predecessor.
[4211a] Spesielt utpå vårparten er det mange som besøker hytta etter å ha gjennomført den klassiske turen over Lomseggen og Hestbrepiggane.
[4211b] Particularly in the spring of the year, there are many who stay at the cabin after having done the classic tour over Lomseggen and Hestbrepiggane.
[4211c] Especially during late spring, there are many who visit the lodge after completing the classic trek over Lomseggen and Hestbrepiggane.
[4211d] Especially in late spring many visitors stay at the hut after having completed the classic ridge hike over Lomseggen and Hestbrepiggane.
[4212a] I godt vær og føre er det her mulig å passere over minst åtte forskjellige topper på over 2000 meter i løpet av en lang dag fra Lom til Trulsbu.
[4212b] In good weather and snow conditions, you can go over at least eight different summits over 2000 meters in the course of a long day from Lom to Trulsbu.
[4212c] In good weather and with proper ground conditions, it is possible to cover at least eight different summits of more than 2000 meters in altitude during the course of a long day's trek from Lom to Trulsbu.
[4212d] Under good conditions it is possible to traverse eight 6500-footers in one long day from Lom to Trulsbu.
[4213a] Holåtindane på sørsiden lokker også mange turister både om våren og sommeren.
[4213b] Holåtindane on the south side also attract many hikers, in both spring and summer.
[4213c] The Holåtindane peaks on the southern side also attract many tourists in both spring and summer.
[4213d] Holåtindane to the south attract many hikers in spring and summer.
[4214a] Særlig Tussetind er flott.
[4214b] Particularly Tussetind is splendid.
[4214c] Tussetind is especially impressive.
[4214d] Tussetind, named after the early mountaineer Therese Berteau, is especially striking, but another couple of these peaks may also appeal to today's hikers, and a detour north to the 6840-foot Hestdalshøgdi lies within a day hike from Trulsbu.
[4215a] Den er oppkalt etter fjellklatrepioneren Therese Berteau.
[4215b] It's named after mountaineering pioneer Therese Berteau.
[4215c] It was named for the mountain-climbing pioneer Therese Berteau.
[4215d] Tussetind, named after the early mountaineer Therese Berteau, is especially striking, but another couple of these peaks may also appeal to today's hikers, and a detour north to the 6840-foot Hestdalshøgdi lies within a day hike from Trulsbu.
[4216a] Det er dessuten to andre Holåtinder som også burde friste dagens turfolk, og en avstikker nordover til den 2085 meter høye Hestdalshøgdi er innen rekkevidde for en dagstur fra Trulsbu.
[4216b] Moreover, two other Holåtinder also may tempt today's hikers, and a side trip northwards to the 2085 meter high Hestdalgshøgdi is within range for a day hike from Trulsbu.
[4216c] Besides this, there are two other peaks in the Holåtindane range that should tempt hikers of today, and a detour northward to the 2085-meter tall Hestdalshøgdi is reachable on a day trip from Trulsbu.
[4216d] Tussetind, named after the early mountaineer Therese Berteau, is especially striking, but another couple of these peaks may also appeal to today's hikers, and a detour north to the 6840-foot Hestdalshøgdi lies within a day hike from Trulsbu.
[4217a] *+
[4217b] *+
[4217c] *+
[4217d] *+
[4218a] +Adkomst
[4218b] +Access
[4218c] +Access:
[4218d] +Access
[4219a] Det er merkede fotturruter til Sota Sæter, Skjåk og Nørdstedalseter.
[4219b] There are marked hiking routes to Sota Sæter, Skjåk, and Nørdstedalseter.
[4219c] There are marked hiking trails to Sota Sæter, Skjåk and Nørdstedalseter.
[4219d] +Marked trails to Sota Sæter, Skjåk, and Nørdstedalseter.
[4220a] *+
[4220b] *+
[4220c] *+
[4220d] *+
[4221a] +Fakta
[4221b] +Facts
[4221c] +Facts:
[4221d] +Facts
[4222a] Trulsbu ble bygget i 1988 og drives som selvbetjeningshytte.
[4222b] Trulsbu was built in 1988 and is operated as a self-service cabin.
[4222c] Trulsbu was built in 1988 and is run as a self-service cabin.
[4222d] Trulsbu was built in 1988 and is operated as a self-service hut.
[4223a] +Eier: DNT OA.
[4223b] +Owner: DNT OA.
[4223c] +Owner: DNT OA.
[4223d] +Owner: DNT OA.
[4224a] Hytta ligger i Skjåk kommune i Oppland 1290 m o.h., og har 12 senger.
[4224b] The cabin is located in Skjåk Township in Oppland, 1290 meters above sea level, and has 12 beds.
[4224c] The cabin is located in Skjåk municipality in Oppland 1290 m. above sea level and has 12 beds.
[4224d] +Located in Skjåk, Oppland, at 4200 feet, 12 beds.
[4225a] *+Tlf: Nei.
[4225b] *+Tel: None.
[4225c] *+Tel.: None.
[4225d] *+No telephone.
[4226a] *+Web: www.dntoa.no «hytter»
[4226b] *+Web:
[4227b] *+
[4227c] *+
[4227d] *+
[4228a] +Jotunheimen fjellstue
[4228b] +Jotunheimen fjellstue
[4228c] +Jotunheimen fjellstue
[4228d] +Jotunheimen Fjellstue
[4229a] +Adkomst
[4229b] +Access
[4229c] +Access
[4229d] +Access
[4230a] Sognefjellsveien passerer hytta, og der går det bussruter.
[4230b] Sognefjellsveien goes by the lodge, and there is bus service.
[4230c] The Sognefjell road passes the lodge, and there are regularly scheduled bus stops.
[4230d] The Sognefjell Road passes the hut, bus service.
[4231a] *+
[4231b] *+
[4231c] *+
[4231d] *+
[4232a] +Fakta
[4232b] +Facts
[4232c] +Facts
[4232d] +Facts
[4233a] Hytta ble åpnet i 1946.
[4233b] The lodge was opened in 1946.
[4233c] The lodge was opened in 1946.
[4233d] The hut opened in 1946.
[4234a] +Eiere: Åse Wiker, Gøril Wiker, Arne Magnus og Petter Gudmundahl.
[4234b] +Owners: Åse Wiker, Gøril Wiker, Arne Magnus and Petter Gudmundahl.
[4234c] +Owners: Åse Wiker, Gøril Wiker, Arne Magnus and Petter Gudmundahl.
[4234d] +Owners: Åse Wiker, Gøril Wiker, Arne Magnus, and Petter Gudmundahl.
[4235a] Fjellstuen ligger i Lom kommune i Oppland, 1000 m o.h., og har 50 senger.
[4235b] The lodge is located in Lom Township in Oppland, 1000 meters above sea level, and has 50 beds.
[4235c] The mountain lodge is located in Lom municipality in Oppland, 1000 meters above sea level, and has 50 beds.
[4235d] +Located in Lom, Oppland, at 2380 feet, 50 beds.
[4236a] *+Tlf.: 61 21 29 18.
[4236b] *+Tel: 61 21 29 18.
[4236c] *+Tel.: 61 21 29 18.
[4236d] *+Tel: 61 21 29 18.
[4237a] *+E-post: info@jotunheimen-fjellstue.no
[4237b] *+E-Mail: info@jotunheimen-fjellstue.no
[4237c] *+E-mail: info@jotunheimen-fjellstue.no
[4237d] *+E-mail: info@jotunheimen-fjellstue.no
[4238a] *+Web: www.jotunheimen-fjellstue.no
[4238b] *+Web: www.jotunheimen-fjellstue.no
[4238c] *+Web: www.jotunheimen-fjellstue.no
[4238d] *+URL: www.jotunheimen-fjellstue.no
[4239a] *+
[4239b] *+
[4239c] *+
[4239d] *+
[4240a] +Røisheim
[4240b] +Røisheim
[4240c] +Røisheim
[4240d] +Røisheim
[4241a] +Adkomst
[4241b] +Access
[4241c] +Access
[4241d] +Access
[4242a] Sognefjellsveien passerer hytta, og der går det bussruter.
[4242b] Sognefjellsveien goes by the lodge, and there is bus service.
[4242c] The Sognfjell road passes the lodge, and there are regularly scheduled bus stops.
[4242d] The Sognefjell Road passes the hut, bus service.
[4243a] Fra Røisheim er det en gammel fotturrute til Juvasshytta.
[4243b] From Røisheim, there is an old hiking route to Juvasshytta.
[4243c] From Røisheim there is an old hiking trail to Juvasshytta.
[4243d] An old herd path to Juvasshytta.
[4244a] *+
[4244b] *+
[4244c] *+
[4244d] *+
[4245a] +Fakta
[4245b] +Facts
[4245c] +Facts
[4245d] +Facts
[4246a] Stedet begynte å ta imot turister i 1858.
[4246b] The lodge began receiving guests in 1858.
[4246c] The facility began to host tourists in 1858.
[4246d] Røisheim began housing tourists in 1858.
[4247a] +Eier: Røisheim Eiendom AS.
[4247b] +Owner: Røisheim Eiendom AS.
[4247c] +Owner: Røisheim Eiendom AS.
[4247d] +Owner: Røisheim Eiendom AS.
[4248a] +Vertskap: Ingrid og Haavard Lunde.
[4248b] +Hosts: Ingrid and Haavard Lunde.
[4248c] +Hosts: Ingrid and Haavard Lunde.
[4248d] +Managers: Ingrid and Haavard Lunde.
[4249a] Gården ligger i Lom kommune i Oppland, 540 m o.h., og har 48 senger.
[4249b] The lodge is located in Lom township in Oppland, 540 meters above sea level, and has 48 beds.
[4249c] The estate is located in Lom municipality in Oppland, 540 meters above sea level, and has 48 beds.
[4249d] +Located in Lom, Oppland, at 1770 feet, 48 beds.
[4250a] *+Tlf.: 61 21 20 31.
[4250b] *+Tel: 61 21 20 31.
[4250c] *+Tel.: 61 21 20 31.
[4250d] *+Tel: 61 21 20 31.
[4251a] *+E-post:r-drif-a@online.no
[4251b] *+E-Mail:r-drif-a@online.no
[4251c] *+Web: www.roisheim.no
[4251d] *+E-mail: r-drif-a@online.no
[4252a] *+Web: www.roisheim.no
[4252b] *+Web: www.roisheim.no
[4252c] *+E-mail:r-drif-a@online.no
[4252d] *+URL: www.roisheim.no
[4253a] *+
[4253b] *+
[4253c] *+
[4253d] *+
[4254a] +Leirvassbu: Se omtale i hefte 3
[4254b] +Leirvassbu: See description in brochure 3
[4254c] +Leirvassbu: See description in pamphlet 3
[4254d] +Leirvassbu: See also Booklet 3
[4255a] +Adkomst
[4255b] +Access
[4255c] +Access
[4255d] +Access
[4256a] Det er bilvei til hytta.
[4256b] There's a road to the lodge.
[4256c] There is an automobile road to the lodge.
[4256d] +Road to the hut.
[4257a] *+
[4257b] *+
[4257c] *+
[4257d] *+
[4258a] +Fakta
[4258b] +Facts
[4258c] +Facts
[4258d] +Facts
[4259a] Leirvassbu ble bygget som steinbu i 1875 av DNT.
[4259b] Leirvassbu was built as a stone hut in 1875 by DNT.
[4259c] Leirvassbu was built as a stone cabin in 1875 by DNT.
[4259d] Leirvassbu was built by DNT in 1875 as a stone shelter.
[4260a] Første turisthytte kom i 1906.
[4260b] The first tourist lodge was finished in 1906.
[4260c] The first tourist lodge was completed in 1906.
[4260d] The first hikers' hut came in 1906.
[4261a] +Eier: Åmund Elveseter.
[4261b] +Owner: Åmund Elveseter.
[4261c] +Owner: Åmund Elveseter.
[4261d] +Owner: Åmund Elveseter.
[4262a] +Bestyrere: Magny Hilde og Bjørn Bjørgen.
[4262b] +Wardens: Magny Hilde and Bjørn Bjørgen.
[4262c] +Managers: Magny Hilde and Bjørn Bjørgen.
[4262d] +Managers: Magny Hilde and Bjørn Bjørgen.
[4263a] Hytta ligger i Lom kommune i Oppland, 1405 m.o.h., og har 190 senger.
[4263b] The lodge is located in Lom township in Oppland, 1405 meters above sea level, and has 190 beds.
[4263c] The lodge is located in Lom municipality in Oppland, 1405 meters above sea level, and has 190 beds.
[4263d] +Located in Lom, Oppland, at 4600 feet, 190 beds.
[4264a] *+Tlf: 61 21 29 32.
[4264b] *+Tel: 61 21 29 32.
[4264c] *+Tel.: 61 21 29 32.
[4264d] *+Tel: 61 21 29 32.
[4265a] *+E-post: lvassbu@online
[4265b] *+E-Mail: lvassbu@online.no
[4265c] *+Email: lvassbu@online
[4265d] *+E-mail: lvassbu@online.no
[4266a] *+
[4266b] *+
[4266c] *+
[4266d] *+
[4267a] +Bøvertun fjellstugu
[4267b] +Bøvertun fjellstugu
[4267c] +Bøvertun fjellstugu
[4267d] +Bøvertun fjellstugu
[4268a] +Adkomst
[4268b] +Access
[4268c] +Access
[4268d] +Access
[4269a] Sognefjellsveien passerer hytta, og der finnes det bussruter.
[4269b] Sognefjellsveien goes by the lodge, and there is bus service.
[4269c] The Sognefjell road passes the lodge, and there are regularly scheduled bus stops.
[4269d] On the Sognefjell Road, bus service.
[4270a] Det er merkede fotturruter fra Nørdstedalseter, Sognefjellhytta og Krossbu.
[4270b] There are marked hiking trails from Nørdstedalseter, Sognefjellhytta, and Krossbu.
[4270c] There are marked hiking trails to Nørdstedalseter, Sognefjellhytta and Krossbu.
[4270d] +Marked trails from Nørdstedalseter, Sognefjellhytta, and Krossbu.
[4271a] *+
[4271b] *+
[4271c] *+
[4271d] *+
[4272a] +Fakta
[4272b] +Facts
[4272c] +Facts
[4272d] +Facts
[4273a] Hytta ble åpnet i 1864.
[4273b] The lodge was opened in 1864.
[4273c] The lodge was opened in 1864.
[4273d] The hut opened in 1864.
[4274a] +Eiere: Kjellfrid og Johan Engen.
[4274b] +Owners: Kjellfrid and Johan Engen.
[4274c] +Owners: Kjellfrid and Johan Engen.
[4274d] +Owners: Kjellfrid and Johan Engen.
[4275a] Hytta ligger i Lom kommune i Oppland, 950 m o.h., og har 76 senger.
[4275b] The lodge is located in Lom Township in Oppland, 950 meters above sea level, and has 76 beds.
[4275c] The lodge is located in Lom municipality in Oppland, 950 meters above sea level, and has 76 beds.
[4275d] +Located in Lom, Oppland, at 3100 feet, 76 beds.
[4276a] *+Tlf.: 61 21 29 24.
[4276b] *+Tel: 61 21 29 24.
[4276c] *+Tel.: 61 21 29 24.
[4276d] *+Tel: 61 21 29 24.
[4277a] *+Web: http//home.sol.no/~bovertun
[4277b] *+Web: http//home.sol.no/~bovertun
[4277c] *+Web: http//home.sol.no/~bovertun
[4277d] *+URL: http//home.sol.no/~bovertun
[4278a] *+
[4278b] *+
[4278c] *+
[4278d] *+
[4279a] +Raubergstulen turisthytte
[4279b] +Raubergstulen turisthytte
[4279c] +Raubergstulen turisthytte
[4279d] +Raubergstulen turisthytte
[4280a] +Adkomst
[4280b] +Access
[4280c] +Access
[4280d] +Access
[4281a] Det går bilvei og bussruter forbi hytta og gamle fotturruter til hytta fra Røisheim og Juvasshytta.
[4281b] A road with bus service goes by the lodge, and there's an old hiking route to the lodge from Røisheim and Juvasshytta.
[4281c] There is an automobile road and regular bus service to the lodge and old hiking trails to the lodge from Røisheim and Juvasshytta.
[4281d] +Road, bus service. Old herd paths from Røisheim and Juvasshytta.
[4282a] *+
[4282b] *+
[4282c] *+
[4282d] *+
[4283a] +Fakta
[4283b] +Facts
[4283c] +Facts
[4283d] +Facts
[4284a] Stedet begynte å ta imot turister rundt 1950.
[4284b] The lodge began receiving guests around 1950.
[4284c] The facility began to host tourists about 1950.
[4284d] The hut has received visitors since about 1950.
[4285a] +Eier: Borgny og Magnar Mundhjeld.
[4285b] +Owner: Borgny and Magnar Mundhjeld.
[4285c] +Owner: Borgny and Magnar Mundhjeld.
[4285d] +Owners: Borgny and Magnar Mundhjeld.
[4286a] Den ligger i Lom kommune i Oppland, 1000 m o.h., og har 185 senger.
[4286b] The lodge is located in Lom Township in Oppland, 1000 meters above sea level, and has 185 beds.
[4286c] It is located in Lom municipality in Oppland, 1000 meters above sea level, and has 185 beds.
[4286d] +Located in Lom, Oppland at 3280 feet, 185 beds.
[4287a] *+Tlf.: 61 21 12 93.
[4287b] *+Tel: 61 21 12 93.
[4287c] *+Tel.: 61 21 12 93.
[4287d] *+Tel: 61 21 12 93.
[4288a] *+E-post: rauberg@online.no
[4288b] *+E-Mail: rauberg@online.no
[4288c] *+E-mail: rauberg@online.no
[4288d] *+E-mail: rauberg@online.no
[4289a] *+
[4289b] *+
[4289c] *+
[4289d] *+
[4290a] +Fannaråken: Se omtale i hefte 3
[4290b] +Fannaråken: See description in brochure 3
[4290c] +Fannaråken: See description in pamphlet 3
[4290d] +Fannaråken: See also Booklet 3.
[4291a] +Adkomst
[4291b] +Access
[4291c] +Access
[4291d] +Access
[4292a] Det er merkede fotturruter til Turtagrø, Sognefjellet og Skogadalsbøen.
[4292b] There are marked hiking routes to Turtagrø, Sognefjellet and Skogadalsbøen.
[4292c] There are marked hiking trails to Turtagrø, Sognefjellet and Skogadalsbøen.
[4292d] +Marked trails to Turtagrø, Sognefjell, and Skogadalsbøen.
[4293a] *+
[4293b] *+
[4293c] *+
[4293d] *+
[4294a] +Fakta
[4294b] +Facts
[4294c] +Facts
[4294d] +Facts
[4295a] Fannaråkhytta har tatt imot turister siden 1926.
[4295b] Fannaråkhytta has received tourists since 1926.
[4295c] Fannaråkhytta has been host to tourists since 1926.
[4295d] Fannaråkhytta has had visitors since 1926.
[4296a] +Eier: DNT OA.
[4296b] +Owner: DNT OA.
[4296c] +Owner: DNT OA.
[4296d] +Owner: DNT OA.
[4297a] Hytta ligger i Luster kommune i Sogn og Fjordane, 2068 m o.h., og har 36 senger.
[4297b] The cabin is located in Luster Township in Sogn and Fjordane, 2068 meters above sea level, and has 36 beds.
[4297c] The lodge is located in Luster municipality in Sogn and Fjordane, 2068 meters above sea level, and has 36 beds.
[4297d] +Located in Luster, Sogn and Fjordane, at 6783 feet, 36 beds.
[4298a] *+Tlf: 941 35 993.
[4298b] *+Tel: 941 35 993.
[4298c] *+Tel.: 941 35 993.
[4298d] *+Tel: 941 35 993.
[4299a] *+Web: www.dntoa.no «hytter»
[4299b] *+Web:
[4300b] *+
[4300c] *+
[4300d] *+
[4301a] +Elveseter hotell
[4301b] +Elveseter hotell
[4301c] +Elveseter hotell
[4301d] +Elveseter Hotell
[4302a] +Adkomst
[4302b] +Access
[4302c] +Access
[4302d] +Access
[4303a] Sognefjellsveien passerer hytta, og der går det bussruter.
[4303b] Sognefjellsveien goes by the lodge, and there is bus service.
[4303c] The Sognfjell road passes by the lodge, and there are regularly scheduled bus stops.
[4303d] On the Sognefjell Road, bus service.
[4304a] Det er merket fotturrute fra Juvasshytta.
[4304b] There's a marked hiking route from Juvasshytta.
[4304c] There are marked hiking trails from Juvasshytta.
[4304d] +Marked trail from Juvasshytta.
[4305a] *+
[4305b] *+
[4305c] *+
[4305d] *+
[4306a] +Fakta
[4306b] +Facts
[4306c] +Facts
[4306d] +Facts
[4307a] Stedet har tatt imot gjester fra ca. 1880.
[4307b] The hotel has received guests since about 1880.
[4307c] The facility has hosted tourists since about 1880.
[4307d] The hotel has welcomed guests since about 1880.
[4308a] +Eier: Familien Elveseter.
[4308b] +Owner: Elvesetter family.
[4308c] +Owner: The Elveseter family.
[4308d] +Owners: The Elveseter Family.
[4309a] +Bestyrer: Rogne Elveseter.
[4309b] +Warden: Rogne Elveseter.
[4309c] +Manager: Rogne Elveseter.
[4309d] +Manager: Rogne Elveseter.
[4310a] Det ligger i Lom kommune i Oppland, 670 m o.h. og har 240 senger
[4310b] The lodge is located in Lom Township in Oppland, 670 meters above sea level, and has 240 beds.
[4310c] It is located in Lom municipality in Oppland, 670 meters above sea level, and has 240 beds.
[4310d] +Located in Lom, Oppland, at 2200 feet, 240 beds.
[4311a] *+Tlf.: 61 21 20 00.
[4311b] *+Tel: 61 21 20 00.
[4311c] *+Tel.: 61 21 20 00.
[4311d] *+Tel: 61 21 2000.
[4312a] *+Web: www.elveseterhotell.no
[4312b] *+Web:
[4313b] *+
[4313c] *+
[4313d] *+
[4314a] +Turtagrø Klatrernes hotell
[4314b] +Turtagrø, the climbers' hotel
[4314c] +Turtagrø Klatrernes hotell
[4314d] +Turtagrø - the Climbers' Hotel
[4315a] +Adkomst
[4315b] +Access
[4315c] +Access
[4315d] +Access
[4316a] Sognefjellsveien går forbi hotellet.
[4316b] Sognefjellsveien goes by the hotel.
[4316c] The Sognefjell road goes past the hotel.
[4316d] The Sognefjell Road passes the hotel.
[4317a] Det er merkede fotturruter til Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu og Stølsdalen.
[4317b] There are marked hiking routes to Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu, and Stølsdalen.
[4317c] There are marked hiking trails to Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu and Stølsdalen.
[4317d] +Marked trails to Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu, and Stølsdalen.
[4318a] Veien over Sognefjellet er stengt om vinteren, men det brøytes vanligvis opp til Turtagrø.
[4318b] The road over Sognefjellet is closed in winter, but usually plowed up to Turtagrø.
[4318c] The road over Sognefjellet is closed during the winter, but it is normally snow-plowed up to Turtagrø.
[4318d] The road is closed in the winter but is normally cleared to Turtagrø.
[4319a] *+
[4319b] *+
[4319c] *+
[4319d] *+
[4320a] +Fakta
[4320b] +Facts
[4320c] +Facts
[4320d] +Facts
[4321a] Turtagrø ble bygget i 1888.
[4321b] Turtagrø was built in 1888.
[4321c] Turtagrø was built in 1888.
[4321d] Turtagrø was built in 1888.
[4322a] Hotellet eies og drives av Ole Berge Drægni.
[4322b] The hotel is owned and operated by Ole Berge Drægni.
[4322c] The hotel is owned and operated by Ole Berge Drægni.
[4322d] +Owned and run by Ole Berge Drægni.
[4323a] Hotellet ligger i Luster kommune i Sogn og Fjordane, 884 m.o.h. og har 80 senger.
[4323b] The hotel is located in Luster Township in Sogn and Fjordane, 884 meters above sea level, and has 80 beds.
[4323c] The hotel is located in Luster municipality in Sogn and Fjordane, 884 meters above sea level, and has 80 beds.
[4323d] +Located in Luster, Sogn and Fjordane, at 2900 feet, 80 beds.
[4324a] *+Tlf: 57 68 61 16.
[4324b] *+Tel: 57 68 61 16.
[4324c] *+Tel.: 57 68 61 16.
[4324d] *+Tel: 57 68 61 16.
[4325a] *+E-post: turtagro@online.no
[4325b] *+E-Mail: turtagro@online.no
[4325c] *+E-mail: turtagro@online.no
[4325d] *+E-mail: turtagro@online.no
[4326a] *+Web: www.skjolden.com/bylus/turtagro.html
[4326b] *+Web: www.skjolden.com/bylus/turtagro.html
[4326c] *+Web: www.skjolden.com/bylus/turtagro.html
[4326d] *+URL: www.skjolden.com/bylus/turtagro.html
[4327a] *+
[4327b] *+
[4327c] *+
[4327d] *+
[4328a] Velg tur etter mavemål
[4328b] Pick hikes prudently
[4328c] Choose Your Trip According to Appetite
[4328d] Pick a Trip to Suit You
[4329a] Det å legge opp en passende fottur er på mange måter som å komponere en vellykket middag.
[4329b] Planning a suitable hike is in many ways like putting together a successful dinner.
[4329c] Setting up an appropriate hiking trip is in many ways like composing a successful dinner menu.
[4329d] Planning a suitable hike can be compared to composing a successful meal.
[4330a] Det er lurt å starte med en liten forrett for å forberede kroppen på hovedmåltidet, og det gjør seg alltid med en dessert, som en slags premie for å ha klart å gjennomføre.
[4330b] It's best to start with a small appetizer to prepare the body for the main dish, and a dessert always has a good effect, as a sort of reward for having stayed the course.
[4330c] It is wise to begin with a little appetizer to prepare the body for the main course, and it is always good to have a dessert, as a kind of reward for having completed the task.
[4330d] It makes sense with a starter to prepare the body for the main course, and some dessert is normally nice at the end, as a reward for having finished.
[4331a] Når jeg har valgt turforslag til disse heftene, har jeg prøvd å huske på nettopp det.
[4331b] When I have chosen suggested hikes in these brochures, I have tried to remember just that.
[4331c] In choosing the trip proposals in these pamphlets, I have tried to keep this in mind.
[4331d] When coming up with suggested trips for these booklets, I tried to keep this in mind.
[4332a] Turene skal være varierte og ha noen høydepunkter i mer enn bokstavelig forstand underveis.
[4332b] Hikes should be varied and under way have high points in more than the literal sense.
[4332c] The trips need to be varied and have some peak moments in more than the literal sense along the way.
[4332d] The hikes are meant to provide variety and some peak experiences, also in a figurative sense.
[4333a] Forhåpentligvis har jeg lykkes.
[4333b] Hopefully, I have succeeded.
[4333c] Hopefully, I have succeeded.
[4333d] I hope I have succeeded, for there is plenty to choose from - whether you are into multiple starters, enormous main courses, or tasty desserts.
[4334a] Det er i hvert fall nok å velge blant, enten man er tilhenger av flere forretter, kjempestore hovedretter eller spenstige desserter.
[4334b] In any event, there are enough choices whether you prefer several appetizers, large main courses or tantalizing desserts.
[4334c] In any event, there is enough from which to choose, whether one prefers several appetizers, copious main courses or tempting desserts.
[4334d] I hope I have succeeded, for there is plenty to choose from - whether you are into multiple starters, enormous main courses, or tasty desserts.
[4335a] De forskjellige turmenyene er skrevet slik at du også kan gå dem i motsatt retning, eller sette sammen deler av flere menyer til din egen variant.
[4335b] The various hike menus are detailed so you can also walk them in the opposite direction or combine parts of several menus to your own variant.
[4335c] The various trip menus are designed so that you can do them in the opposite direction, or combine parts of different menus to make your own version.
[4335d] The various menus are written to allow for reversing the direction or for making your own combination from different menus.
[4336a] Når det gjelder detaljene i turmenyen, er lengden på de foreslåtte etappene angitt i timer.
[4336b] Concerning the details of the hike menus, distances of the suggested legs are stated in hours.
[4336c] In terms of the details in the trip menus, the length of the suggested legs is given in hours.
[4336d] When it comes to specifics, length is indicated in hours.
[4337a] For den som er nybegynner i fjellet, kan det virke litt rart.
[4337b] For a newcomer in the mountains, that may seem strange.
[4337c] For novices in the mountains, this may seem a little strange.
[4337d] For a newcomer to the mountains this may seem odd, but in Norwegian mountains it makes sense.
[4338a] Men slik er det altså i norske fjell.
[4338b] But that's the way it is in Norwegian mountains.
[4338c] But that is how things are in the Norwegian mountains, as well.
[4338d] For a newcomer to the mountains this may seem odd, but in Norwegian mountains it makes sense.
[4339a] Terrenget er så mangfoldig at meter og kilometer blir misvisende.
[4339b] The terrain is so varied that meters and kilometers mislead.
[4339c] The terrain is so diverse that meters and kilometers become misleading.
[4339d] The terrain is so varied that mileages are often misleading.
[4340a] Det er meningsløst å sammenligne tusen meter bratt ur i Jotunheimen med en kilometer spasertur i Frognerparken.
[4340b] It's meaningless to compare a thousand meters in steep talus with a kilometer's stroll in Frogner Park.
[4340c] It makes no sense to compare a thousand meters of steep, rocky hillside in Jotunheimen with a one-kilometer stroll through Frogner Park.
[4340d] It makes no sense to equate five thousand feet of steep slide-crossing in Jotunheimen with a mile-long walk in an Oslo park.
[4341a] Tiden som gjennomsnittsvandreren må regne med å bruke, er mye mer interessant for de fleste av oss.
[4341b] The time that the average hiker must reckon on using is much more relevant for most of us.
[4341c] The time that an average hiker can expect to spend is much more informative for the majority of us.
[4341d] The time spent by the average hiker is thus much more relevant for most of us.
[4342a] Timetallet og oversikten over merkede ruter står også oppgitt på kartet bakerst i heftet.
[4342b] Hour figures and overviews of the marked routes are also given on the map in back of the brochure.
[4342c] The number of hours and an overview of the marked trails are also indicated on the map in the back of the pamphlet.
[4342d] The routes and estimated times of the different trips are given on the map in the back.
[4343a] Når du leser de forskjellige turforslagene, bør du ha en finger på kartet.
[4343b] When you read about the various suggested hikes, you should follow them on the map.
[4343c] As you read the various trip proposals, you should have one finger on the map.
[4343d] If you keep one finger on the map as you read the trail description, it is likely to make a lot more sense.
[4344a] Rutebeskrivelsene blir mye mer interessante på den måten.
[4344b] Route descriptions are much more interesting in that way.
[4344c] The description of the route will be much more informative if you do so.
[4344d] If you keep one finger on the map as you read the trail description, it is likely to make a lot more sense.
[4345a] Vil du vite enda mer om området du vil vandre, bør du bli medlem i DNT og få Til fots i Norge.
[4345b] If you wish to know even more about the area where you will walk, you should be a member of DNT and buy "Til fots I Norge."
[4345c] If you want to learn more about an area you want to explore, you should become a member of DNT and get hold of On Foot in Norway.
[4345d] If you want to learn more about the area in which you want to hike, join DNT and get a copy of their Norwegian Mountains on Foot.
[4346a] Der er alle de merkede rutene beskrevet, og boka inneholder også mange andre opplysninger om Jotunheimen og andre fjellområder.
[4346b] In it all the marked routes are described, and the book also includes many other details on Jotunheimen and other mountain areas.
[4346c] All of the marked routes are described here, and the book also contains much information about Jotunheimen and other mountain areas.
[4346d] All the marked trails are included in it, and it also has a lot of additional information on Jotunheimen and other Norwegian mountains.
[4347a] Før du tar fatt på menyvalget, er det bare en liten ting til: Husk at det er fint å bli passe mett, men ubehagelig å forspise seg.
[4347b] Before you grab the menu, just one more thing: Remember that it's fine to be full, but uncomfortable to overeat.
[4347c] Before you get started choosing your tour menu, there's just one more thing: Remember that it is fine to eat your fill, but uncomfortable when you overeat.
[4347d] Before deciding on your menu, just one more reminder: getting your fill is satisfying, but gorging yourself can be most uncomfortable.
[4348a] *+
[4348b] *+
[4348c] *+
[4348d] *+
[4349a] +Turenes vanskelighetsgrad
[4349b] +Hike degree of difficulty
[4349c] +Degree of difficulty of the trips
[4349d] +Difficulty Rating
[4350a] *+g = LETT
[4350b] *+g = EASY
[4350c] *+g = EASY
[4350d] *+g = Easy
[4351a] *+g = MIDDELS
[4351b] *+gg = MEDIUM
[4351c] *+gg = AVERAGE
[4351d] *+gg = Moderate
[4352a] *+g = TUNG
[4352b] *+ggg = DIFFICULT
[4352c] *+ggg = STRENUOUS
[4352d] *+ggg = Difficult MIDDLES
[4353a] *+
[4353b] *+
[4353c] *+
[4353d] *+
[4354a] +Til topps på Galdhøpiggen fra Spiterstulen
[4354b] +To the summit of Galdhøpiggen from Spiterstulen
[4354c] +To the Summit of Galdhøpiggen from Spiterstulen
[4354d] +Climbing Galdhøpiggen from Spiterstulen
[4355a] *+Tur 4a - 1 dag - gg - Fører tilgjengelig
[4355b] *+Hike 4a - 1 day - gg - guide available
[4355c] *+Trip 4a - 1 day - gg - Guide available
[4355d] *+Trip 4a - 1 day - gg - Guide available
[4356a] *+
[4356b] *+
[4356c] *+
[4356d] *+
[4357a] I 1844 lå professor B.M. Keilhau, «Jotunheimens oppdager», og noen studenter på Spiterstulen.
[4357b] In 1844, professor B.M. Keilhau, "Jotunheimen's discoverer," and some of his students stayed at Spiterstulen.
[4357c] In 1884, Professor B.M. Keilhau, «The discoverer of Jotunheimen», and some students were based at Spiterstulen.
[4357d] In 1844 Professor B. M. Keilhau and some students stayed at Spiterstulen.
[4358a] De gjorde et forsøk på å bestige Galdhøpiggen, men måtte snu på fortoppen, som siden har fått navnet Keilhaus topp.
[4358b] They tried to climb Galdhøpiggen, but turned back at the promontory, which since has been named Kielhaus peak.
[4358c] They made an attempt at climbing Galdhøpiggen, but had to turn back short of the top, later called Keilhaus' Summit.
[4358d] They tried to climb Galdhøpiggen but had to turn at its subsidiary, later dubbed Keilhaus Topp.
[4359a] Førstebestigningen skjedde i 1850, og det var tre bøverdøler som sto for prestasjonen.
[4359b] The first ascent was in 1850, and it was three Bøverdalers who performed the feat.
[4359c] The first ascent occurred in 1850, and it was three men from Bøverdalen who achieved the feat.
[4359d] The first ascent was in 1850, and the feat was achieved by three men from Bøverdalen.
[4360a] Det var bestyreren på Spiterstulen, Steinar Sulheim, og to lærere fra Bøverdalen, J. Arnesen og J. Flåten.
[4360b] They were the warden of Spiterstulen, Steinar Sulheim, and two teachers from Bøverdalen, J. Arnesen and J. Flåten.
[4360c] These were the manager of Spiterstulen, Steinar Sulheim, and two teachers from Bøverdalen, J. Arnesen and J. Flåten.
[4360d] It was the manager of Spiterstulen, Steinar Sulheim, and two teachers from the valley, J. Arnesen and J. Flåten.
[4361a] Allerede i 1855 tok den første turisten, Axel Arbo, seg til topps, og flere andre ville gjerne prøve seg.
[4361b] As early as 1855, the first tourist, Axel Arbo, got to the summit, and several others wanted to have a go at it.
[4361c] Already in 1855, the first tourist, Axel Arbo, reached the summit, and many others wanted to try their skill.
[4361d] Then in 1855 the first tourist, Axel Arbo, made it to the top, inspiring many others to want to do so.
[4362a] I mange år gikk det fører på «Piggen» fra Spiterstulen, men i dag er det ikke vanlig å bruke fører på denne strekningen.
[4362b] For many years, guides went on "Piggen" from Spiterstulen, but today it's not usual to use a guide on this stretch.
[4362c] For many years there were guides to «Piggen» out of Spiterstulen, but today it is not usual to have a guide along this stretch.
[4362d] For years there were guided trips from Spiterstulen to "The Peak." These days a summit guide is rarely used, but Spiterstulen offers daily guiding on Svellnosbreen (see Trip 4c).
[4363a] Derimot har Spiterstulen daglig breføring på Svellnosbreen, se Tur 4c.
[4363b] On the other hand, Spiterstulen has daily glacier guiding on Svellnosbreen; see Hike 4c.
[4363c] On the other hand, Spiterstulen has guided glacier trips on the Svellnosbreen glacier; see Trip 4c.
[4363d] For years there were guided trips from Spiterstulen to "The Peak." These days a summit guide is rarely used, but Spiterstulen offers daily guiding on Svellnosbreen (see Trip 4c).
[4364a] En av rutene førerne bruker, er å vandre opp hele brefallet og så fortsette opp i skaret mellom Keilhaus topp og Galdhøpiggen.
[4364b] One of the routes that the guides use is to walk up the entire icefall, and then continue up in the saddle between Kielhaus peak and Galdhøpiggen.
[4364c] One of the routes used by the guides is to hike up the entire surface of the glacier and then continue up into the gorge between Keilhaus' Summit and Galdhøpiggen.
[4364d] One of the routes used is to climb the entire icefall and continue up into the col between Keilhaus Topp and Galdhøpiggen.
[4365a] Derfra er det bare en kort tur til topps på «Piggen».
[4365b] From there, it's a short trip to the summit of "Piggen."
[4365c] From there, it is only a short trip to the summit of «Piggen».
[4365d] From here it is a short climb to "The Peak."
[4366a] Returen er så ned den vanlige ruta til Spiterstulen.
[4366b] The return then is down the customary route to Spiterstulen.
[4366c] The return trip is down via the usual route to Spiterstulen.
[4366d] The return trip runs down the normal route to Spiterstulen.
[4367a] *+
[4367b] *+
[4367c] *+
[4367d] *+
[4368a] +1. Spiterstulen til Galdhøpiggen
[4368b] +1. Spiterstulen to Galdhøpiggen
[4368c] +1. Spiterstulen to Galdhøpiggen
[4368d] +1. Spiterstulen - Galdhøpiggen
[4369a] Normalveien til Galdhøpiggen fra Spiterstulen går rett opp dalsiden.
[4369b] The normal way to Galdhøpiggen from Spiterstulen goes right up the hillside.
[4369c] The normal route to Galdhøpiggen from Spiterstulen runs right up the valley flank.
[4369d] The normal route up Galdhøpiggen from Spiterstulen runs straight up the side of the valley.
[4370a] Etter å ha krysset Visa på bro, begynner du ganske snart på stigningen til topps.
[4370b] After crossing Visa on a bridge, you soon start the climb to the summit.
[4370c] After crossing Visa by bridge, you very quickly begin the ascent to the summit.
[4370d] After crossing Visa on a bridge, you soon start the summit climb, first along Piggrovi, reaching the junction for Juvasshytta after a good half mile.
[4371a] Først går ruta opp langs Piggrovi, og etter en knapp kilometer er det veiskille for ruta til Juvasshytta.
[4371b] First, the route goes up along Piggrovi, and then after a short kilometer, there's a fork to the route to Juvasshytta.
[4371c] The route goes first up along Piggrovi, and after a little less than a kilometer, there is a fork for the trail to Juvasshytta.
[4371d] After crossing Visa on a bridge, you soon start the summit climb, first along Piggrovi, reaching the junction for Juvasshytta after a good half mile.
[4372a] Fra Svellnoså går ruta delvis i ur og på fonner opp til toppen av Keilhaus topp.
[4372b] From Svellnoså, the route goes partly in talus and snowfields to the top of Kielhaus peak.
[4372c] From Svellnoså, the route is partially through rocky terrain and glacial snow cover up to the top of Keilhaus' Summit.
[4372d] From Svellnoså the trail runs partly on snowpacks to Keilhaus Topp.
[4373a] Sprekker kan forekomme, så følg merkingen nøye.
[4373b] There may be crevasses, so follow the marking carefully.
[4373c] Crevices may be encountered, so follow the markings carefully.
[4373d] Crevasses may occur, so follow the marking carefully.
[4374a] Fra fortoppen er det litt utfor før du må ta fatt på den siste bakken opp mot Norges høyeste topp.
[4374b] From the promontory, it's slightly downhill before you tackle the last uphill up to Norway's highest peak.
[4374c] From the plateau there is a slight descent before you begin climbing the last incline up toward Norway's tallest peak.
[4374d] From the subsidiary summit there is a short descent before the final climb up Norway's highest mountain.
[4375a] *+
[4375b] *+
[4375c] *+
[4375d] *+
[4376a] +Hyttene på Galdhøpiggen
[4376b] +Lodges on Galdhøpiggen
[4376c] +The Lodges on Galdhøpiggen
[4376d] +The Galdhøpiggen Huts
[4377a] Bortsett fra i femårsperioden 1970 til 1975 har det stått hus på Galdhøpiggen helt siden 1888.
[4377b] Save for a five-year period from 1970 to 1975, there's been a house on Galdhøpiggen since 1888.
[4377c] Except for a period of five years from 1970 to 1975, there have been buildings on Galdhøpiggen ever since 1888.
[4377d] Apart from the years 1970-75 Galdhøpiggen has had shelter on top ever since 1888, when Knud O. Vole at Juvasshytta built the first one.
[4378a] Knud O. Vole på Juvasshytta bygget det første.
[4378b] Knud O. Vole at Juvasshytta built the first one.
[4378c] Knud O. Vole built the first at Juvasshytta.
[4378d] Apart from the years 1970-75 Galdhøpiggen has had shelter on top ever since 1888, when Knud O. Vole at Juvasshytta built the first one.
[4379a] I 1925 satte så Lars Sulheim på Spiterstulen opp et laftet bygg, Steinarstugu, på toppen.
[4379b] In 1925, Lars Sulheim at Spiterstulen put up a log cabin, Steinarstugu, on the summit.
[4379c] In 1925, Lars Sulheim of Spiterstulen then put up a log cabin, Steinarstugu, on the summit.
[4379d] In 1925 Lars Sulheim at Spiterstulen put a log cabin, Steinarstugu, on the summit.
[4380a] Knut K. Vole satte så opp en ny hytte i 1926.
[4380b] Knut K. Vole put up a new lodge in 1926.
[4380c] Knut K. Vole later built a new cabin in 1926.
[4380d] In 1926 Knut K. Vole built a new hut.
[4381a] I en periode på 1950-tallet hadde Steinarstugu sitt eget vertskap, og fikk også status som «Posthus» med eget stempel.
[4381b] In a period in the 1950s, Steinarstugu had its own hosts and also had the status of a "Post office" with its own postmark.
[4381c] For a time during the 1950's, Steinarstugu was staffed and was also awarded status as a «Postal house», with its own postmark.
[4381d] For a while in the 1950s Steinarstugu was staffed and rated as a "post office," with its own postmark.
[4382a] I 1960 begynte til og med folkene som drev Volehytta å servere mat til turistene.
[4382b] In 1960, even the people who operated Volehytte began serving food to tourists.
[4382c] In 1960, even the people who operated Volehytta began serving meals to tourists.
[4382d] In 1960 the staff at Volehytta began offering meals to travelers.
[4383a] Undergangen kom imidlertid brått for begge: Palmesøndag 1961 blåste Steinarstugu vekk, restene fant de så langt unna som i Smiugjelet øst for Visdalen!
[4383b] However, the end came quickly for both: On Palm Sunday 1961, Steinarstugu was blown away; the remains were found as far away as Smiugjelet east of Visdalen.
[4383c] Failure came abruptly for both, however: Palm Sunday 1961, Steinarstugu was blown away by gales; debris was found as far away as Smiugjelet east of Visdalen!
[4383d] Both huts suffered a sudden demise, however: on Palm Sunday 1961 Steinarstugu blew away, with remains found as far away as Smiugjelet east of Visdalen, and in 1970 the wind also took Volehytta.
[4384a] Vinteren 1970 tok vinden Volehytta.
[4384b] In the winter of 1970, wind destroyed Volehytta.
[4384c] In 1970, winter gales took Volehytta.
[4384d] Both huts suffered a sudden demise, however: on Palm Sunday 1961 Steinarstugu blew away, with remains found as far away as Smiugjelet east of Visdalen, and in 1970 the wind also took Volehytta.
[4385a] I 1975 sto en ny hytte i glass og stein klar, tegnet av Torbjørn Fjeldstad.
[4385b] In 1975, a new lodge of glass and stone was finished, designed by Torbjørn Fjeldstad.
[4385c] In 1975, a new cabin of glass and stone was completed, designed by Torbjørn Fjeldstad.
[4385d] In 1975 a new stone-and-glass hut was ready, designed by Torbjørn Fjeldstad.
[4386a] Byggherrer denne gang var Ragnhild og Tora Vole.
[4386b] The proprietors then were Ragnhhild and Tora Vole.
[4386c] The builders at that time were Ragnhild and Tora Vole.
[4386d] The builders were now Ragnhild and Tora Vole.
[4387a] *+
[4387b] *+
[4387c] *+
[4388a] +Fakta
[4388b] +Facts
[4388c] +Facts
[4389a] +Lengde
[4389b] +Lengths
[4389c] +Length
[4389d] +Distances
[4390a] *+Spiterstulen - Galdhøpiggen, 4 t. opp, 2 t. ned.
[4390b] *+Spiterstulen - Galdhøpiggen, 4 hours up, 2 hours down.
[4390c] *+Spiterstulen - Galdhøpiggen, 4 hrs. up, 2 hrs. down.
[4390d] *+Spiterstulen - Galdhøpiggen, 4 h. up, 2 h. down.
[4391a] *+
[4391b] *+
[4391c] *+
[4391d] *+
[4392a] +Overnattingssteder
[4392b] +Lodgings
[4392c] +Overnight Accommodations
[4392d] +Lodging
[4393a] +Spiterstulen
[4393b] +Spiterstulen
[4393c] +Spiterstulen
[4393d] +Spiterstulen.
[4394a] *+
[4394b] *+
[4394c] *+
[4394d] *+
[4395a] +Kommunikasjoner
[4395b] +Public transportation
[4395c] +Communications
[4395d] +Transportation
[4396a] Det er bilvei og bussrute til Spiterstulen.
[4396b] There's a road and bus service to the lodge.
[4396c] There is an automobile road and bus route to Spiterstulen.
[4396d] +Road, bus service to Spiterstulen.
[4397a] *+
[4397b] *+
[4397c] *+
[4397d] *+
[4398a] +Til topps på Galdhøpiggen fra Juvasshytta
[4398b] +To the summit of Galdhøpiggen from Juvasshytta
[4398c] +To the Summit of Galdhøpiggen from Juvasshytta
[4398d] +Climbing Galdhøpiggen from Juvasshytta
[4399a] *+
[4399b] *+
[4399c] *+
[4400a] *+Tur 4b - 1 dag - g - Fører tilgjengelig
[4400b] *+Hike 4b - 1 day - gg - guide available
[4400c] *+Trip 4b - 1 day - g - Guide available
[4400d] *+Trip 4b - 1 day - g - Guide available.
[4401a] *+
[4401b] *+
[4401c] *+
[4401d] *+
[4402a] +1. Juvasshytta til Galdhøpiggen
[4402b] +1. Juvasshytta to Galdhøpiggen
[4402c] +1. Juvasshytta to Galdhøpiggen
[4402d] +1. Juvasshytta - Galdhøpiggen
[4403a] Førstebestigningen av Galdhøpiggen skjedde fra Spiterstulen, men verten på Røisheim, Ole Røisheim, fant snart en direkte rute til topps nede fra sitt sted, og mange leide ham for å bli ført til topps.
[4403b] The first ascent of Galdhøpiggen was from Spiterstulen, but the host at Røisheim, Ole Røisheim, soon found a direct route to the summit from his place, and many hired him to be guided to the summit.
[4403c] The first ascent of Galdhøpiggen started from Spiterstulen, but the guide from Røisheim, Ole Røisheim, quickly found a direct route to the summit from down at his location, and many hired him to guide them to the top.
[4403d] The first ascent of Galdhøpiggen was done from Spiterstulen, but the owner of Røisheim, Ole Røisheim, soon found a direct route from his hut and became a popular summit guide.
[4404a] Ruta fra Røisheim er fremdeles merket, men er lite gått etter at det kom vei til Juvasshytta.
[4404b] The route from Røisheim still is marked, but it has been little used after the road came to Juvasshytta.
[4404c] The route from Røisheim is marked still today, but it has been used very little after a trail to Juvasshytta was established.
[4404d] That route is still marked, but the road to Juvasshytta has reduced its popularity.
[4405a] Ruta går opp lia fra Røisheim, forbi Raubergstulen og Juvasshytta til Galdhøpiggen, og tar ca. 8 t.
[4405b] The route goes up the hillside from Røisheim, past Raubergstulen and Juvasshytta to Galdhøpiggen, and takes about 8 hours.
[4405c] The route goes up the hillside from Røisheim, past Raubergstulen and Juvasshytta to Galdhøpiggen, taking about 8 hrs.
[4405d] It climbs from Røisheim, past Raubergstulen and Juvasshytta to Galdhøpiggen, and takes 8 hours.
[4406a] Det er absolutt en idé å prøve seg på pionerenes tur, husk på at før Juvasshytta kom i 1884, måtte turistene gå opp og ned på én dag!
[4406b] It's absolutely worth trying the pioneer's hike; remember that before Juvasshytta was opened in 1884, hikers had to go up and down in one day!
[4406c] It is absolutely advisable to try the pioneer's route; remember that before Juvasshytta was built in 1884, tourists had to climb both up and down again in only one day!
[4406d] It is well worth giving this pioneer route a try, and keep in mind that before the building of Juvasshytta, in 1884, they had to return on the same day!
[4407a] Etter at Juvasshytta ble åpnet og etter hvert også fikk vei, ble det stadig flere som valgte å starte turen til Galdhøpiggen fra denne kanten.
[4407b] After Juvasshytta opened and with time got a road, increasingly more have chosen to start the hike to Galdhøpiggen from this side.
[4407c] After Juvasshytta was opened and a road was eventually built, increasingly more climbers began their trips to Galdhøpiggen from that side.
[4407d] After the opening of Juvasshytta, and subsequently of the road, more people chose to start their Galdhøpiggen climb here.
[4408a] Siden Juvasshytta ligger over 700 meter høyere enn Spiterstulen, er ikke det så rart.
[4408b] As Juvasshytta is located more than 700 meters higher than Spiterstulen, that's not so odd.
[4408c] Since Juvasshytta was located more than 700 meters higher than Spiterstulen, the choice was understandable.
[4408d] This is understandable, since the elevation of this hut is 2300 feet higher than Spiterstulen.
[4409a] De fleste av dem som skal på Galdhøpiggen i dag, velger å følge føreren til topps fra Juvasshytta.
[4409b] Most who want to go to Galdhøpiggen today choose to follow a guide to the summit from Juvasshytta.
[4409c] Most people going to Galdhøpiggen today choose to follow a guide from Juvasshytta to the summit.
[4409d] Most visitors to Galdhøpiggen these days are guided to the top from Juvasshytta.
[4410a] I sommersesongen går det fører hver dag kl. 10.00 og kl. 11.30, og det arrangeres også enkelte ekstraturer.
[4410b] In the summer season, guides leave every day at 10.00 and 11.30, and extra trips are also arranged.
[4410c] During the summer season, guided trips run daily at 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., and occasional extra trips are also arranged.
[4410d] In the summer guides leave daily at 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., with occasional extra trips.
[4411a] Påmelding via Juvasshytta.
[4411b] Booking via Juvasshytta.
[4411c] Register at Juvasshytta.
[4411d] You sign up at Juvasshytta.
[4412a] Ruta til Norges høyeste fjell går over Juvflya og inn på Styggebreen.
[4412b] The route to Norway's highest peak goes over Juvflya and in on Styggebreen.
[4412c] The route to Norway's tallest mountain goes across Juvflya and inward on the Stygge glacier.
[4412d] From here the trip to Norway's highest mountain crosses Juvflya onto Styggebreen, which is full of crevasses, often hidden by snow bridges.
[4413a] Her er det mange sprekker, og de er ofte skjult av snø.
[4413b] Here there are many crevasses, and they are often hidden by snow.
[4413c] There are many crevices here, and they are often hidden by snow cover.
[4413d] From here the trip to Norway's highest mountain crosses Juvflya onto Styggebreen, which is full of crevasses, often hidden by snow bridges.
[4414a] Hvis du ikke følger føreren, må du derfor beherske brevandring og ha nødvendig sikringsutstyr.
[4414b] If you don't follow a guide, you therefore must be proficient in glacier hiking and have the relevant safety equipment.
[4414c] If you do not have a guide with you, it is important that you are an experienced glacier hiker and that you have the necessary safety equipment.
[4414d] So if you go on your own, you need glacier skills and equipment.
[4415a] Ruta fortsetter opp mot Galdhøpiggens nordre utløper og bratt opp ryggen til toppen.
[4415b] The route continues up Galdhøpiggen's northern spur and steeply up the ridge to the summit.
[4415c] The route continues up toward Galdhøpiggen's northern branch and the steep ascent up the crest to the top.
[4415d] The trip continues up to the northern spur of Galdhøpiggen, following the ridge steeply to the summit, where you will find a small cafeteria.
[4416a] På toppen er det en liten kafeteria.
[4416b] On the summit there's a small cafeteria.
[4416c] At the summit, there is a little cafeteria.
[4416d] The trip continues up to the northern spur of Galdhøpiggen, following the ridge steeply to the summit, where you will find a small cafeteria.
[4417a] De fleste som bruker fører til topps, returnerer samme vei, men det er mulig å fortsette turen fra toppen ned til Spiterstulen langs den merkede ruta over Keilhaus topp, se Tur 4a.
[4417b] Most who follow a guide to the summit return the same way, but it's also possible to continue the hike from the top down to Spiterstulen along the marked route over Kielhaus Peak; see Hike 4a.
[4417c] Most climbers who follow a guide to the top make the return trip via the same route, but it is possible to make the descent from the top down to Spiterstulen along the marked route across Keilhaus' Summit; see Trip 4a.
[4417d] If guided, most people retrace their steps, but it is possible to continue over the top to Spiterstulen along the marked trail over Keilhaus Topp; see Trip 4a.
[4418a] *+
[4418b] *+
[4418c] *+
[4419a] +Et høydepunkt
[4419b] +A high point
[4419c] +A Highlight
[4419d] +A High Point
[4420a] Knud Vole var både grunnlegger av Juvasshytta og en legendarisk fører på Galdhøpiggen.
[4420b] Knud Vole was both the founder of Juvasshytta and a legendary guide on Galdhøpiggen.
[4420c] Knud Vole was both the founder of Juvashytta and a legendary mountain guide at Galdhøpiggen.
[4420d] Knud Vole was the founder of Juvasshytta and a legendary Galdhøpiggen guide.
[4421a] I hans dager ble det ansett som litt av en bragd å komme på toppen, og feiring hørte med, både oppe på selve Piggen og vel tilbake på Juvasshytta om kvelden.
[4421b] In his day, ascending the summit was regarded to be quite a feat, and a celebration was part of it, both on Piggen itself and safely down at Juvasshytta in the evening.
[4421c] In his day, it was considered quite a feat to reach the top and it was duly celebrated, both on the top of Piggen itself and upon one's safe return to Juvasshytta in the evening.
[4421d] Back then it was quite a feat to reach the summit, so it called for celebration both on "The Peak" and back at Juvasshytta in the evening.
[4422a] Hør bare hva et større følge beretter fra toppen 21. juli 1898:
[4422b] Just see what a large party relates from the summit on 21 July 1898:
[4422c] The following is an interesting account from a large climbing party 21 July 1898:
[4422d] A large party at the summit on 21 July 1898 reported:
[4423a] «... riktig uveir fikk vi; men trods alt kom stemningen op, særlig ved hjelp av 2 1/2 flaske champagne, 2 flasker portvin og 1 flaske sherry og enkelte av selskabets underholdningstalent.»
[4423b] "... we had really bad weather, but in spite of everything were in high spirits, particularly with the aid of 2 1/2 bottles of Champagne, 2 bottles of port wine and 1 bottle of sherry as well as some of the party's entertaining talents."
[4423c] «... we had frightful weather, but our mood improved nonetheless, especially with the help of 2 ½ bottles of champagne, 2 bottles of port wine and 1 bottle of sherry, as well as the performing talents of certain members of the group. »
[4423d] "... we ran into very bad weather, but our spirits were lifted, especially by two and a half bottles of champagne, two of port, and one of sherry, as well as the entertainment skills of some of our party."
[4424a] Det er kanskje lurt å vente med mesteparten av feiringen til man er tilbake på Juvasshytta?
[4424b] Might it be wise to postpone most of the celebration until you're back at Juvasshytta?
[4424c] Perhaps it is wise to save most of the celebrating until after one is back at Juvasshytta...
[4424d] It may be an idea to save most of the celebration for the return to Juvasshytta.
[4425a] *+
[4425b] *+
[4425c] *+
[4425d] *+
[4426a] +Fakta
[4426b] +Facts
[4426c] +Facts
[4426d] +Distances
[4427a] +Lengder
[4427b] +Lengths
[4427c] +Length
[4428a] *+Juvasshytta - Galdhøpiggen, 3 t. opp, 2 t. ned.
[4428b] *+Juvasshytta - Galdhøpiggen, 3 hours up, 2 hours down.
[4428c] *+Juvasshytta - Galdhøpiggen, 3 hrs. up, 2 hrs. down.
[4428d] *+Juvasshytta - Galdhøpiggen, 3 h. up, 2h. down.
[4429a] *+
[4429b] *+
[4429c] *+
[4429d] *+
[4430a] +Overnattingssteder
[4430b] +Lodgings
[4430c] +Overnight Accommodations
[4430d] +Lodging
[4431a] +Juvasshytta og Raubergstulen.
[4431b] +Juvasshytta and Raubergstulen.
[4431c] +Juvasshytta and Raubergstulen.
[4431d] +Juvasshytta and Raubergstulen.
[4432a] *+
[4432b] *+
[4432c] *+
[4432d] *+
[4433a] +Kommunikasjoner
[4433b] +Public transportation
[4433c] +Communications
[4433d] +Transportation
[4434a] +Bilvei og bussrute til Juvasshytta.
[4434b] +Road and bus service to Juvasshytta.
[4434c] +Automobile and bus route to Juvasshytta.
[4434d] +Road, bus service to Juvasshytta.
[4435a] *+
[4435b] *+
[4435c] *+
[4435d] *+
[4436a] +Bretur på tvers
[4436b] +Transverse glacier tour
[4436c] +Trip Across the Glacier
[4436d] +Glacier Traverse
[4437a] *+Tur 4c - 4-5 dager - gg - Fører tilgjengelig
[4437b] *+Hike 4c - 4-5 days - gg - guide available
[4437c] *+Trip 4c - 4-5 days - gg - Guide available
[4437d] Trip 4c - 4-5 days - gg - Guide available.
[4438a] *+
[4438b] *+
[4438c] *+
[4438d] *+
[4439a] Du kan gå mye på bre i Jotunheimen uten å ha gått brekurs.
[4439b] You can go quite a bit on glaciers in Jotunheimen without having taken a glacier course.
[4439c] You can do a lot of glacier hiking in Jotunheimen without having to complete a glacier hiking course.
[4439d] You can enjoy a lot of the glaciers in Jotunheimen without glacier experience.
[4440a] Det går fører på flere av breene, og en tur hvor du benytter deg av flere av disse, er en skikkelig perle.
[4440b] Guides go on most of the glaciers, and a hike where you follow several of them is a real gem.
[4440c] There are guides to several of the glaciers, and a combination of several of them is a true string of pearls.
[4440d] Several glaciers have guides, and a trip that includes several of them is a real treat.
[4441a] *+
[4441b] *+
[4441c] *+
[4441d] *+
[4442a] +1. Spiterstulen til Leirvassbu
[4442b] +1. Spiterstulen to Leirvassbu
[4442c] +1. Spiterstulen to Leirvassbu
[4442d] +1. Spiterstulen - Leirvassbu
[4443a] Aller helst bør du begynne denne turen, som skal bringe deg over flere breer, med litt brevandring.
[4443b] Preferably you should start this hike, which will take you over several glaciers, with a little glacier hike.
[4443c] You really should have a little experience with glacier hiking before making this trip, which will take you across several glaciers.
[4443d] It may be a good idea to start this trip, which will take you across several glaciers, with a bit of practice, such as setting aside a day for accompanying a Spiterstulen guide in the popular activity of walking in the icefall of Svellnosbreen (see box).
[4444a] Det er svært populært å vandre i blåisen i Svellnosbreen, og det er en god idé å sette av en dag til å være med Spiterstulens førere på en slik tur (se ramme).
[4444b] It's extremely popular to walk on the glacier ice of Svellnosbreen, and it's a good idea to set aside a day to join Spiterstulen's guide on such a tour (see box).
[4444c] It is very popular to hike on the blue ice of Svellnosbreen, and it is a good idea to set aside a day to go with Spiterstulen's mountain guides for such a trip (see box).
[4444d] It may be a good idea to start this trip, which will take you across several glaciers, with a bit of practice, such as setting aside a day for accompanying a Spiterstulen guide in the popular activity of walking in the icefall of Svellnosbreen (see box).
[4445a] Fotturen til Leirvassbu er også en flott opplevelse.
[4445b] The hike to Leirvassbu also is a splendid experience.
[4445c] The hike to Leirvassbu is also a fine experience.
[4445d] The hike to Leirvassbu is a pleasure.
[4446a] Mange kaller vandringen gjennom Visdalen for Jotunheimens sjarmøretappe, og det er med god grunn.
[4446b] The walk through Visdalen is said by many to be Jotunheimen's "glory lap", and with good reason.
[4446c] Many people call the walk through Visdalen Jotunheimen's "charm zone", and with good reason.
[4446d] The stretch through Visdalen is often, figuratively but justifiably, referred to as Jotunheimen's primrose path.
[4447a] Dalen er bred og flott, stien er god, og på begge sider rager stortoppene.
[4447b] The valley is broad and splendid, the trail is good, and peaks rise on both sides.
[4447c] The valley is wide and beautiful, the path is good, and there are soaring peaks on both sides.
[4447d] The trail is good; the valley is wide and grand, with lofty peaks flanking it on both sides.
[4448a] Etter en kilometers vei kan du se restene av den første Spiterstulen under Styggehø, på den andre siden av elva.
[4448b] After a couple of kilometers, you can see the remains of the first Spiterstulen, under Styggehø on the other side of the river.
[4448c] After going a kilometer, you will see the remains of the first Spiterstulen, beneath Styggehø, on the other side of the river.
[4448d] After about a mile you will see the remains of the original Spiterstulen below Styggehø on the other side of the river.
[4449a] Over Hellstuguåa er det bro, og etter et par kilometer skiller stien fra Leirvassbu lag med den mot Gjendebu.
[4449b] There's a bridge over Hellstuguåa, and after a couple of kilometers, the trail from Leirvassbu splits off from the one towards Gjendebu.
[4449c] Across Hellstuguåa there is a bridge, and after a couple of kilometers, the trail from Leivassbu divides off from the one to Gjendebu.
[4449d] A bridge takes you across Hellstuguåa, and a good mile onward the trails to Leirvassbu and Gjendebu diverge.
[4450a] Du må holde til høyre.
[4450b] You should hold to the right.
[4450c] You must keep to the right.
[4450d] You hold right.
[4451a] Videre innover dalen passerer du etter hvert elva fra Semelhol-tjønnet, og du må krysse den øvre delen av Visa, begge elvene er vanligvis lette å steingå.
[4451b] Further into the valley, you pass the river from Smelholtjønnet, and you must cross the upper part of Visa; both rivers usually are easily crossed on stones.
[4451c] Further inside the valley, you eventually pass the river from Semelholtjønnet, and you have to cross the upper portion of Visa; both of these are easy to cross by stepping from stone to stone.
[4451d] A while later you cross the stream from Semelholstjørna and the upper part of Visa, both normally easily forded.
[4452a] Oppe i Kyrkjeglupen er det en del grov ur, men det er ikke vanskelig å følge merkingen som går på nordsiden av Kyrkjetjørna og fire andre små vann.
[4452b] Up in Kyrkjeglupen, there's some rough talus, but it's not hard to follow the marking that runs on the north side of Kyrkjetjørna and four other smaller lakes.
[4452c] Up on Kyrkjeglupen, there is some difficult rocky terrain, but it is not hard to follow the marking that goes along the northern side of Kyrkjetjørna and four other small lakes.
[4452d] In the Kyrkjeglupen gap there is a lot of coarse scree, but it is easy to follow the markers to the north of Kyrkjetjørna and four other tarns.
[4453a] Etter hvert kommer Leirvassbu fram på den andre siden av Leirvatnet, og du er snart framme.
[4453b] After a while, you'll see Leirvassbu on the other side of Liervatnet, and soon you'll be there.
[4453c] Eventually Leirvassbu comes into view on the other side of Leirvatnet, and you are soon there.
[4453d] Eventually Leirvassbu appears on the far side of Leirvatnet, and you are almost there.
[4454a] *+
[4454b] *+
[4454c] *+
[4454d] *+
[4455a] +2. Leirvassbu til Krossbu eller Sognefjellhytta
[4455b] +2. Leirvassbu to Krossbu or Sognefjellhytta
[4455c] +2. Leirvassbu to Krossbu or Sognefjellhytta
[4455d] +2. Leirvassbu - Krossbu/Sognefjellhytta
[4456a] Hver morgen ca. kl. 09.30, i sommersesongen fra primo juli til medio august, starter en fører fra Leirvassbu som tar med seg turister vestover Smørstabbreen.
[4456b] Every morning at about 09.30 in the summer season from early July to mid august, a guide starts from Leirvassbu to take hikers westwards over Smørstabbreen.
[4456c] Every morning at about 9:30 a.m. during the summer season from the beginning of July until mid-August, a guide sets out from Leirvassbu taking tourists west across Smørstabbreen.
[4456d] At about 9:30 a.m. every morning from early July to mid-August a glacier guide leaves Leirvassbu with tourists going west across Smørstabbreen.
[4457a] Samtidig starter en fører fra Krossbu eller Sognefjellhytta som tar med turister østover breen.
[4457b] At the same time, a guide starts from Krossbu or Sognefjellhytta to take hikers eastwards over the glacier.
[4457c] At the same time, a guide starts out from Krossbu or Sognefjellhytta taking tourists east across the glacier.
[4457d] At the same time a guide leaves Krossbu or Sognefjellhytta with hikers going east on the glacier.
[4458a] Du melder deg på turen på alle de tre hyttene kvelden før.
[4458b] You can book the hike at all three lodges the previous evening.
[4458c] You may register for the trip at all three lodges the evening before.
[4458d] At all three huts you sign up the night before.
[4459a] Å følge en fører over breen er et flott alternativ for flere enn dem som mangler breerfaring, ikke er det særlig dyrt heller.
[4459b] Following a guide across the glacier is a splendid alternative for more than those who lack glacier skills; neither is it particularly expensive.
[4459c] Following a guide across the glacier is a good alternative for hikers other than those lacking glacier hiking experience, and it is not very expensive, either.
[4459d] Joining a group is a nice option even if not strictly needed, and it is quite reasonable.
[4460a] Føreren har med tau, brodder og nødvendig sikringsutstyr.
[4460b] The guide carries rope, crampons, and the relevant safety equipment.
[4460c] The guide has rope, crampons and necessary safety equipment.
[4460d] The guide brings ropes, crampons, and other equipment.
[4461a] Ruta går opp i 1800 m o.h. og er krevende i dårlig vær, så vær ekstra nøye med å ha med skikkelig vindtøy, regntøy og varme plagg.
[4461b] The route goes up to 1800 meters above sea level and is demanding in poor weather, so be extra careful to take along proper windproof clothing, rainwear and warm garments.
[4461c] The route goes up to 1800 meters above sea level and is challenging in poor weather, so be extra particular about bringing proper wind clothing, rain wear and warm garments.
[4461d] The route reaches 5900 feet and is tough in bad weather. Be extra careful to bring clothing sure to keep wind and rain out and warmth in.
[4462a] De første kilometerne fra Leirvassbu til opp i skaret kan du enten gå på den gamle anleggsveien i dalen eller langs en sti som går mer eller mindre parallelt med veien.
[4462b] The first few kilometers from Leirvassbu to up in the gap, you can either walk the old haul road in the valley, or walk along a trail that runs more or less parallel with the road.
[4462c] For the first kilometers from Leirvassbu to the gorge, you can either hike the old service road in the valley or along a path that runs more or less parallel with the road.
[4462d] The first few miles from Leirvassbu to the gap you can either follow the valley's old service road or a trail running roughly parallel to it.
[4463a] Deretter dreier du oppover dalsiden mot skaret mellom Stetind og Surtningstind.
[4463b] Thereafter, you veer up the hillside toward the saddle between Stetind and Surtningstind.
[4463c] After that, you climb uphill toward the gorge between Stetind and Surtningstind.
[4463d] You then turn uphill toward the saddle between Surtningstind and Stetind, crossing first the steep Surtningsbreen, which may be slick and tricky if the snow is hard.
[4464a] Ruta krysser først den bratte Surtningsbreen, som kan være glatt og vanskelig når snøen er hard.
[4464b] First, the route crosses the steep Surtningsbreen, which can be slippery and difficult when the snow is hard.
[4464c] The route first crosses the steep Surtningsbreen, which may be slippery and difficult when the snow is hard.
[4464d] You then turn uphill toward the saddle between Surtningstind and Stetind, crossing first the steep Surtningsbreen, which may be slick and tricky if the snow is hard.
[4465a] Deretter skal du ned på Sandelvbrean og så oppover breen innunder Storebjørn, pass på, her er det vanligvis en del sprekker.
[4465b] Thereafter, you'll go down on Sandelvbrean and then up the glacier under Storebjørn; be careful here, as there usually are some crevasses.
[4465c] After that, you head down over Sandelvbrean and then upward over the glacier beneath Storebjørn; be careful, there are usually a number of crevices here.
[4465d] Next you get onto Sandelvbreen, following it up below Storebjørn. Watch out for crevasses here.
[4466a] Ruta går så nordvestover breen noe vest for Kalven før det begynner å gå nedover igjen.
[4466b] The route then goes northwestwards over the glacier slightly west of Kalven before it begins to go downward again.
[4466c] The route then continues northwest across the glacier situated a little to the west of Kalven, before it begins to go downward again.
[4466d] The route now turns northwest on the glacier a bit west of Kalven before descending, normally to the north of Bøverbreen.
[4467a] Nedgangen på vestsiden er vanligvis på nordsiden av Bøverbreen.
[4467b] The descent on the west side usually is on the north side of Bøverbreen.
[4467c] The descent on the western side is usually done on the northern side of Bøverbreen glacier.
[4467d] The route now turns northwest on the glacier a bit west of Kalven before descending, normally to the north of Bøverbreen.
[4468a] Vel nede av breen, må du velge om du vil bo på Krossbu eller Sognefjellhytta.
[4468b] Well down on the glacier, you must decide whether you will stay at Krossbu or at Sognefjellhytta.
[4468c] Once you have come down off the glacier, you will have to choose whether you will spend the night at Krossbu or at Sognefjellhytta.
[4468d] Once off the glacier you have to decide whether to stay at Krossbu or Sognefjellhytta, the latter being slightly farther away if walking the glacier in that direction.
[4469a] Det er litt lengre vei til sistnevnte når du vandrer over breen i denne retningen.
[4469b] It's a bit farther to the latter when you walk over the glacier in this direction.
[4469c] The distance is a little longer to the latter, if you hike over the glacier in this direction.
[4469d] Once off the glacier you have to decide whether to stay at Krossbu or Sognefjellhytta, the latter being slightly farther away if walking the glacier in that direction.
[4470a] *+
[4470b] *+
[4470c] *+
[4470d] *+
[4471a] +3. Sognefjellhytta eller Krossbu til Fannaråkhytta
[4471b] +3. Sognefjellhytta or Krossbu to Fannaråkhytta
[4471c] +3. Sognefjellhytta or Krossbu to Fannaråkhytta
[4471d] +3. Sognefjellhytta/Krossbu - Fannaråkhytta
[4472a] Det er merket rute fra begge turisthyttene til kanten av Fannaråkbreen.
[4472b] There's a marked route from both tourist lodges to the edge of Fannaråkbreen.
[4472c] There is a marked route from both tourist lodges to the edge of Fannaråk glacier.
[4472d] Trails lead from both huts to the edge of Fannaråkbreen, merging before Prestesteinsvatnet and approaching the glacier together.
[4473a] Rutene møtes før Prestesteinsvatnet og går sammen til breen.
[4473b] The routes meet before Prestesteinsvatnet and run together to the glacier.
[4473c] The routes converge before Prestesteinsvatnet and run together to the glacier.
[4473d] Trails lead from both huts to the edge of Fannaråkbreen, merging before Prestesteinsvatnet and approaching the glacier together.
[4474a] Hvis du skal over breen, må du enten ha breerfaring og nødvendig utstyr eller bruke fører.
[4474b] If you wish to cross the glacier, you either should have glacier skills and the requisite equipment or follow a guide.
[4474c] If you plan to cross the glacier, you will have to have experience hiking on glaciers and the necessary equipment, or go with a guide.
[4474d] For crossing you need either your own skills and equipment or the assistance of a guide.
[4475a] Det er daglig breføring fra primo juli til ultimo august.
[4475b] There's daily guiding from early July to late August.
[4475c] There are daily guided glacier hikes from the beginning of July to the end of August.
[4475d] From early July till late August there is daily guiding.
[4476a] Føreren bor på Fannaråken og henter turister ved nedre brekant kl. 13.00.
[4476b] The guide lives at Fannaråken and picks up hikers at the lower glacier edge at 13.00.
[4476c] The guide stays at Fannaråken and meets tourists at the lower edge of the glacier at 1 p.m.
[4476d] The guide stays at Fannaråken and meets the hikers by the lower edge at 1 p.m.
[4477a] Du må gi beskjed om at du vil ha føring til Krossbu eller Sognefjellhytta kvelden før.
[4477b] You should give notice the previous evening if you wish to have guiding to Krossbu or Sognefjellhytta.
[4477c] You will have to provide information as to whether you want guiding to Krossbu or to Sognefjellhytta the evening before.
[4477d] You need to sign up for a guide to Krossbu or Sognefjellhytta the night before.
[4478a] Ruta over breen er bratt i begynnelsen, men blir slakere etter hvert.
[4478b] The route over the glacier is steep in the beginning but then gentler.
[4478c] The route across the glacier is steep in the beginning, but gradually slackens off.
[4478d] The route over the glacier is steep at first, but levels off.
[4479a] Det er både sprekker og vasshull som kan være dekket av snø, så vær oppmerksom.
[4479b] There are both crevasses and water pools that can be covered by snow, so be watchful.
[4479c] There are both crevices and water holes that may be covered with snow, so beware.
[4479d] There are both crevasses and moulins that may be snow-covered, so take care.
[4480a] Ruta går mot den bratte østskråningen av Fannaråken, og det er noe skrått og bratt på slutten, før du kommer inn på fjellryggen og møter ruta fra Skogadalsbøen.
[4480b] The route goes towards the steep east flank of Fannaråken, and it is somewhat slanted and steep toward the end before you get to the ridge and meet the route from Skogadalsbøen.
[4480c] The route goes toward the steep eastern incline of Fannaråken, and it is somewhat sloping and steep toward the end, before you get to the mountain ridge and merge onto the route from Skogadalsbøen.
[4480d] The trail goes to the precipitous east slope of Fannaråken, quite slanted and steep at the end, before getting onto the ridge to join the Skogadalsbøen trail.
[4481a] Fra Fannaråknosi og fram til hytta går det sti på et platå med flott utsikt.
[4481b] From Fannaråknosi up to the lodge there is a trail on a plateau with a splendid view.
[4481c] From Fannaråknosi and as far as the lodge, there is a path on a plateau offering a fine panorama.
[4481d] From Fannaråknosi to the hut the trail traverses a plateau with a great view.
[4482a] *+
[4482b] *+
[4482c] *+
[4482d] *+
[4483a] +4. Fannaråkhytta til Turtagrø
[4483b] +4. Fannaråkhytta to Turtagrø
[4483c] +4. Fannaråkhytta to Turtagrø
[4483d] +4. Fannaråkhytta - Turtagrø
[4484a] Er sikten god fra Fannaråken, kan det både bli sen kveld og ditto avmarsj på en slik plass, her er det mye flott fjellnatur å se på hele horisonten rundt.
[4484b] If the visibility is good at Fannaråken, it can be a late evening and the same for the departure from such a place, as here there's much grand mountain scenery to admire around the horizon.
[4484c] If the view is good from Fannaråken, a late evening may be spent and an outing at such a place may be enjoyable; the area abounds in natural mountain nature to be enjoyed on the entire surrounding horizon.
[4484d] In clear weather Fannaråken is a place for late nights and late departures, for there is an abundance of alpine scenery to enjoy all around.
[4485a] Det gjør imidlertid ikke mye, turen til Turtagrø er usedvanlig lett.
[4485b] But that doesn't matter much, as the hike to Turtagrø is unusually easy.
[4485c] Not much effort is required; the trip to Turtagrø is unusually easy.
[4485d] No need to worry, however, for the hike to Turtagrø is a very easy one.
[4486a] Først går det jevnt og pent nedover ryggen på vestsiden av Fannaråken, det er mye stein, men stien er god.
[4486b] First, it runs gradually and nicely down the ridge on the west side of Fannaråken; there are a lot of stones, but the trail is solid.
[4486c] It runs gracefully down the ridge on the western side of Fannaråken; there is a lot of rocky terrain, but the path is good.
[4486d] You start going down the ridge to the west of Fannaråken, which is rocky but with a good trail.
[4487a] Etter å ha passert Ekrehytta fortsetter den ned i Helgedalen.
[4487b] After passing Ekrehytta, it continues down into Helgedalen.
[4487c] After passing Ekrehytta, it continues down into Helgedalen.
[4487d] Past Ekrehytta it continues down into Helgedalen.
[4488a] Der er det ganske nylig bygget en jordbruksvei som er grei å følge helt ut til hyttene et stykke ute i dalen.
[4488b] There's a fairly newly built farm road which is easy to follow all the way to the lodges a ways out in the valley.
[4488c] Here, a relatively newly built farm road has been built, and it is easy to follow all the way out to the cabins some distance out in the valley.
[4488d] There is a recently made farm road that is easy to walk to the cabins further down the valley.
[4489a] Der forlater du veien og følger stien nok en kilometer rundt svingen og til Turtagrø.
[4489b] There you leave the road and follow the trail another kilometer around the bend and to Turtagrø.
[4489c] From there, you leave the road and follow the path for another kilometer around the curve and to Turtagrø.
[4489d] Here you leave the road and follow the trail another short mile around the bend to Turtagrø.
[4490a] Dessverre brant Turtagrø hotell i januar 2001.
[4490b] Regrettably, Turtagrø hotel burned down in January 2001.
[4490c] Unfortunately, Turtagrø Hotel burned in January 2001.
[4490d] Unfortunately Turtagrø Hotell was destroyed by fire in January 2001, so there will be only temporary accommodations here during the reconstruction period.
[4491a] Det vil derfor bli litt provisorisk overnatting der en stund framover, mens det bygges nytt.
[4491b] So there'll be temporary lodgings for a while, while building goes on.
[4491c] Therefore, spending the night there will be a little makeshift in the immediate future, while a new building is being built.
[4491d] Unfortunately Turtagrø Hotell was destroyed by fire in January 2001, so there will be only temporary accommodations here during the reconstruction period.
[4492a] Sjekk forholdene på forhånd med DNT eller direkte med hotellet.
[4492b] Check the situation in advance with DNT or directly with the hotel.
[4492c] Inquire about the conditions in advance by contacting DNT or the hotel directly.
[4492d] Contact DNT or the hotel for status reports.
[4493a] *+
[4493b] *+
[4493c] *+
[4493d] *+
[4494a] +Svellnosbreen og andre herligheter
[4494b] +Svellnosbreen and other splendors.
[4494c] +Svellnosbreen Glacier and Other Splendors
[4494d] +Svellnosbreen and Other Attractions
[4495a] Det er et vell av dagsturmuligheter rundt Spiterstulen, blant de mest populære er utvilsomt Svellnosbreen.
[4495b] There's an abundance of day hike options around Spiterstulen; Svellnosbreen undoubtedly is among the most popular.
[4495c] There are a host of day trip opportunities around Spiterstulen; among the most popular is without a doubt Svellnosbreen glacier.
[4495d] There are plenty of options for day trips at Spiterstulen, a popular one being Svellnosbreen.
[4496a] Mange fjellvandrere har fått sin første breerfaring på denne breen, som ligger under sørveggen av Galdhøpiggen.
[4496b] Many mountain hikers have gained their first glacier skills on this glacier, that lies under the south wall of Galdhøpiggen.
[4496c] Many mountain hikers gained their first glacier-hiking experience on this glacier, which is located under the southern wall of Galdhøpiggen.
[4496d] Many hikers have had their first glacier experience here, on the south wall of Galdhøpiggen.
[4497a] Fra 1949 har førerne på Spiterstulen ledsaget tusenvis av turister i det oppsprukne brefallet.
[4497b] From 1949 on, guides from Spiterstulen have taken thousands of hikers onto the jumbled icefall.
[4497c] Since 1949, guides at Spiterstulen have led thousands of tourists on this craggy glacial surface.
[4497d] From 1949 on guides have taken thousands of tourists through the icefall.
[4498a] Gjennom labyrinter av dype sprekker, skarpe rygger og smale snøbroer går turistene med brodder og bundet i tau med breførere langt inn i sprekkområdet.
[4498b] Through labyrinths of deep crevasses, sharp ridges and narrow snow bridges, hikers walk with crampons, roped together with a guide, far into the crevasse area.
[4498c] Tourists bound together by guide ropes and equipped with crampons have followed guides deep into the crevices.
[4498d] Wearing crampons and ropes, the walkers navigate labyrinthine crevasses, sharp crests, and narrow snow bridges as they are guided far into the icefall.
[4499a] Brevandringen veksler mellom dype, mørke grotter under breen med meterhøye, veldige istapper og tårn og spir oppe i dagslyset.
[4499b] Glacier hiking alternates between deep, green grottos under the glacier, with meter-high, mighty icicles and towers and spires up in daylight.
[4499c] Glacier hiking alternates with excursions into deep, dark caves beneath the glacier, with meter-long, thick icicles, icy columns and spires jutting up into the daylight.
[4499d] The glacier includes deep, dark cavities under the glacier, huge icicles, and icy pinnacles and spires out in the open.
[4500a] Isformasjonene har fått navn som Kjellargluggen, Soria Moria Slott, Halli, Labyrinten, Det Glade Hjørnet, Perleporten, osv.
[4500b] The ice formations have been given names such as Kjellargluggen, Soria Moria Slott, Halli, Labyrinten, Det Glade Hjørnet, Perleporten, etc.
[4500c] The ice formations have been dubbed Kjellargluggen, Soria Moria Castle, Halli, The Labyrinth, The Cheerful Corner, the Pearly Gates, etc.
[4500d] The ice formations have gotten picturesque names, alluding to cellars, fairy castles, great halls, mazes, happy corners, and pearly gates.
[4501a] Utvilsomt har turene til «Eventyrisen» vært med på å skape den sterkt økende interessen for bresport i Norge.
[4501b] Undoubtedly the hike to the "Ice wonderland" has helped trigger the upswing in interest in glacier sports in Norway.
[4501c] Trips to this "Icy Adventure land" have undoubtedly been responsible for the upsurge in interest for glacier sports in Norway.
[4501d] It is quite clear that these trips to the "magic glacier" have nurtured a rapidly growing interest in Norwegian glaciers.
[4502a] *+
[4502b] *+
[4502c] *+
[4502d] *+
[4503a] +Lengder
[4503b] +Lengths
[4503c] +Length
[4503d] +Distances
[4504a] *+Spiterstulen - Leirvassbu, 5 t.
[4504b] *+Olavsbu - Leirvassbu, 5 hours
[4504c] *+Spiterstulen - Leirvassbu, 5 hrs.
[4504d] *+Spiterstulen - Leirvassbu, 5 h.
[4505a] *+Leirvassbu - Krossbu eller Sognefjellhytta, 6 t.
[4505b] *+Leirvassbu - Krossbu or Sognefjellhytta, 6 hours
[4505c] *+Leirvassbu - Krossbu or Sognefjellhytta, 6 hrs.
[4505d] *+Leirvassbu - Krossbu/Sognefjellhytta, 6 h.
[4506a] *+Sognefjellhytta eller Krossbu - Fannaråkhytta, 5 t.
[4506b] *+Sognefjellhytta or Krossbu - Fannaråkhytta, 5 hours
[4506c] *+Sognefjellhytta or Krossbu - Fannaråkhytta, 5 hrs.
[4506d] *+Krossbu/Sognefjellhytta - Fannaråkhytta, 5 h.
[4507a] *+Fannaråkhytta - Turtagrø, 3 t. ned, 4 t. opp.
[4507b] *+Fannaråkhytta - Turtagrø, 3 hours down, 4 hours up.
[4507c] *+Fannaråkhytta - Turtagrø, 3 hrs. down, 4 hrs. up.
[4507d] *+Fannaråkhytta - Turtagrø, 3 h. down, 4 h. up.
[4508a] *+
[4508b] *+
[4508c] *+
[4508d] *+
[4509a] +Overnattingssteder
[4509b] +Lodgings
[4509c] +Overnight Accommodations
[4509d] +Lodging
[4510a] +Spiterstulen, Leirvassbu, Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, Fannaråkhytta og Turtagrø.
[4510b] +Spiterstulen, Leirvassbu, Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, Fannaråkhytta, and Turtagrø.
[4510c] +Spiterstulen, Leirvassbu, Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, Fannaråkhytta and Turtagrø.
[4510d] +Spiterstulen, Leirvassbu, Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, Fannaråkhytta, and Turtagrø.
[4511a] Det siste er noe usikkert pr. mars 2001.
[4511b] The last one is somewhat uncertain as of March 2001.
[4511c] The latter is unconfirmed as of March 2001.
[4511d] The latter is still uncertain in March 2001.
[4512a] *+
[4512b] *+
[4512c] *+
[4512d] *+
[4513a] +Kommunikasjoner
[4513b] +Public transportation
[4513c] +Communications
[4513d] +Transportation
[4514a] Det er bilvei og bussruter til alle hyttene unntatt Fannaråkhytta.
[4514b] There's a road and bus service to all lodges save Fannaråkhytta.
[4514c] There is an automobile road and bus routes to all of the lodges except Fannaråkhytta.
[4514d] +Road and bus service to all the huts except Fannaråken.
[4515a] *+
[4515b] *+
[4515c] *+
[4515d] *+
[4516a] +En smak av Breheimen
[4516b] +A taste of Breheimen
[4516c] +A Taste of Breheimen
[4516d] +A Taste of Breheimen
[4517a] *+Tur 4d - 2-3 dager - gg-ggg
[4517b] *+Hike 4d - 2-3 days - gg - ggg
[4517c] *+Trip 4d - 2-3 days - gg-ggg
[4517d] *+Trip 4d - 2-3 days - gg-ggg
[4518a] Området nordvest for Jotunheimen bærer navnet Breheimen.
[4518b] The area northwest of Jotunheimen bears the name Breheimen.
[4518c] The area northwest of Jotunheimen bears the name Breheimen.
[4518d] The region to the northwest of Jotunheimen is called Breheimen.
[4519a] Terrenget skiller seg ikke så mye fra hverandre i de to fjellstrøkene, begge steder er det breer og fjell som dominerer, men samtidig kan de by på dype, frodige daler og store kontraster.
[4519b] The terrain differs not so much between the two mountain ranges, as in both there are glaciers and mountains that dominate, while there also are deep, lush valleys and considerable contrasts.
[4519c] The terrain is not much different in either of the mountain regions: glaciers and mountains dominate in both places, but they also offer deep, lush valleys and great contrasts.
[4519d] The landscape is much the same in the two areas, both being dominated by mountains and glaciers and including deep, green valleys and sharp contrasts.
[4520a] Jeg har lagt opp et par turer nord for Sognefjellveien som burde gi et brukbart inntrykk av naturen i Breheimen, og begynner med en rundtur mellom tre betjente hytter.
[4520b] I have laid out a couple of hikes to the north of Sognefjellvein that should give a decent impression of the scenery of Breheimen, and start with a round tour of three staffed lodges.
[4520c] I have designed a couple of trips north of the Sognefjell road that should provide a suitable impression of the natural surroundings in Breheimen, and that begin with a round trip between the three staffed lodges.
[4520d] My recommendation is two trips north of the Sognefjell Road that will give you a good idea of Breheimen, starting with a loop that takes in three staffed huts.
[4521a] *+
[4521b] *+
[4521c] *+
[4521d] *+
[4522a] +1. Krossbu/Sognefjellhytta til Nørdstedalseter
[4522b] +1. Krossbu/Sognefjellhytta to Nørdstedalseter
[4522c] +1. Krossbu/Sognefjellhytta to Nørdstedalseter
[4522d] +1. Krossbu/Sognefjellhytta - Nørdstedalseter
[4523a] Dette er den lengste etappen på rundturen, og mange synes nok 8 timer gangtid er i meste laget.
[4523b] This is the longest leg of the round tour, and many surely think that 8 hours of walking is a bit strenuous.
[4523c] This is the longest leg of the round trip, and many people undoubtedly think that 8 hours' walking time is overdoing things.
[4523d] This is the longest leg of the loop, and eight hours of walking may be considered a bit too much.
[4524a] Det er imidlertid mulig å gjøre etappen en del kortere.
[4524b] However, it's possible to make the leg a bit shorter.
[4524c] It is possible, however, to make the leg somewhat shorter.
[4524d] It is, however, possible to shorten it.
[4525a] Omtrent tre kilometer vest for Sognefjellhytta går det nemlig en gammel anleggsvei inn til Storevatnet.
[4525b] About three kilometers west of Sognefjellhytte, there's actually an old haul road in to Storevatnet.
[4525c] About three kilometers west of Sognefjellhytta, there is in fact an old service road in to Storevatnet.
[4525d] About two miles west of Sognefjellhytta there is an old service road to Storevatnet.
[4526a] Den er fullt kjørbar og ikke stengt.
[4526b] It's fully drivable and not closed.
[4526c] It is perfectly drivable and open.
[4526d] It is open, and you can drive to the end of it, park, and return here once you have completed the loop via Bøvertun.
[4527a] Du kan kjøre til enden av veien, parkere og komme tilbake til dette punktet etter at du har gått rundturen via Bøvertun.
[4527b] You can drive to the end of the road, park and return to that point after having done the round tour via Bøvertun.
[4527c] You may drive to the end of the road, park your car and return to this point after you have completed your round trip via Bøvertun.
[4527d] It is open, and you can drive to the end of it, park, and return here once you have completed the loop via Bøvertun.
[4528a] På denne måten sparer du et par timers vandring til Nørdstedalseter.
[4528b] In that way you save a couple of hours walking to Nørdstedalseter.
[4528c] In this way, you save yourself a couple hours' hiking to Nørdstedalseter.
[4528d] This way you save a couple of hours on the hike to Nørdstedalseter.
[4529a] De som ikke har bil, kan be om skyss fra vertskapene på Krossbu eller Sognefjellhytta.
[4529b] Those who have no car can ask for a ride from the hosts at Krossbu or Sognefjellhytta.
[4529c] Those who do not have a car can ask the hosts at Krossbu or Sognefjellhytta to drive them up.
[4529d] If you do not have a car, ask the staff at either Krossbu or Sognefjellhytta for a lift.
[4530a] De vanlige rutene fra Krossbu og Sognefjellhytta møtes for øvrig vest for Krosshø.
[4530b] The usual routes from Krossbu and Sognefjellhytta meet, by the way, west of Krosshø.
[4530c] The usual routes from Krossbu and Sognefjellhytta, incidentally, converge west of Krosshø.
[4530d] The most common routes from Krossbu and Sognefjellhytta merge to the west of Krosshø.
[4531a] Etter en knapp kilometer er det et nytt veiskille for ruta til Bøvertun.
[4531b] After a short kilometer, there's a fork with the route to Bøvertun.
[4531c] After about one kilometer, there is a new fork in the road for the route to Bøvertun.
[4531d] Another good half mile along there is another junction, this one to Bøvertun.
[4532a] Ruta går litt i kriker og kroker her, men det er nødvendig, så mange ufser og tverrdaler det er i dette området.
[4532b] The route goes in nooks and crannies here, but that's necessary, as there are many cliffs and side valleys in the area.
[4532c] The trail runs through some nooks and crannies here and there, but this is unavoidable, because there are so many escarpments and cross-valleys in this area.
[4532d] The trail twists and turns, but this is necessary in an area of so many precipices and intersecting valleys.
[4533a] Stien går ned til demningen i sørenden av Storevatnet og over denne, og så er det noen flere kroker og kriker for å komme rundt Kjerringhetta.
[4533b] The trail goes to a dam at the southern end of Storevatnet and over it, and then there are more nooks and crannies to get around Kjerringhetta.
[4533c] The path descends to the dam at the south end of Storevatnet and crosses it, and then there are several nooks and crannies to pass in order to get around Kjerringhetta.
[4533d] The trail descends to the dam at the south end of Storevatnet, crosses it, and snakes along again to skirt Kjerringhetta.
[4534a] Etter det legges kursen mot nord, forholdsvis bratt oppover en fjellrygg, vanligvis over noen snøfelter og så slakt nedover til stiskille mot Bøvertun.
[4534b] Thereafter, it heads north, relatively steeply uphill over a ridge, usually over some snowfields and then slightly downhill to a fork toward Bøvertun.
[4534c] After that, the course bears to the north and upward over a relatively steep ridge, usually across some snowy surfaces and then slackening off down to the fork on the trail toward Bøvertun.
[4534d] Then it takes a northerly course, fairly steep up a ridge that normally has some snowy patches, dropping gently to a junction for Bøvertun.
[4535a] Du dreier vestover og ned mot Liabrevatnet, som passeres på nordsiden i oset.
[4535b] You turn westward and down towards Liabrevatnet, which you pass on its north side at the outlet.
[4535c] You bear west and go down toward Liabrevatnet, which you pass on the north side at the outlet.
[4535d] You turn west, down to Liabrevatnet, which is skirted to the north by the outlet.
[4536a] Bekken fra vannet må ofte vades.
[4536b] You often must wade the stream from the lake.
[4536c] The stream from the lake must often be waded across.
[4536d] The stream often has to be waded.
[4537a] Så går ruta oppover igjen og over nok en rygg.
[4537b] Then the route goes up again and over another ridge.
[4537c] The route goes uphill again and over yet another ridge.
[4537d] The trail ascends once more, crossing another ridge, fortunately giving you a nice view of Liabreen and Liabrevatnet.
[4538a] Heldigvis kan du glede deg over flott utsyn mot Liabreen og Liabrevatnet.
[4538b] Fortunately you can appreciate the fine view towards Liabreen and Liabrevatnet.
[4538c] Fortunately, you can look forward to a gorgeous view out over Liabreen and Liabrevatnet.
[4538d] The trail ascends once more, crossing another ridge, fortunately giving you a nice view of Liabreen and Liabrevatnet.
[4539a] Men så går det utfor resten av turen, først forbi øvre Grønevatnet på vestsiden og så nedre Grønevatnet på nordsiden.
[4539b] But it's downhill for the rest of the hike, first past Øvre Grønevatnet on the west side, and then Nedre Grønevatnet on the north side.
[4539c] But then it is downhill for the rest of the trip, first past upper Grønevatnet on the western side and then lower Grønevatnet on the northern side.
[4539d] The rest is downhill, first on the west side of Øvre Grønevatnet and then on the north side of Nedre Grønevatnet.
[4540a] Derfra fortsetter ruta videre utover på lettgått sti gjennom Vetledalen til Nørdstedalseter.
[4540b] From there, the route continues onward on an easy trail through Vetledalen to Nørdstedalseter.
[4540c] From then on, the route continues along an easy path through Vetledalen to Nørdstedalseter.
[4540d] From here the going is easy through Vetledalen to Nørdstedalseter.
[4541a] *+
[4541b] *+
[4541c] *+
[4542a] +2. Nørdstedalseter til Bøvertun
[4542b] +2. Nørdstedalseter to Bøvertun
[4542c] +2. Nørdstedalseter to Bøvertun
[4542d] +2. Nørdstedalseter - Bøvertun
[4543a] Alle meterne du gikk ned på slutten av turen da du kom fra Sognefjellet, må du opp igjen for å komme til Bøvertun.
[4543b] The meters you went down toward the end of the hike when you came from Sognefjellet, must now be regained to get to Bøvertun.
[4543c] Each downhill meter that you put behind you at the end of the trip from Sognefjellet will have to be done uphill again before you get to Bøvertun.
[4543d] Every foot descended at the end of your trip from Sognefjellet will have to be ascended to get to Bøvertun.
[4544a] Oppe på Tverrbyttfjellet deler ruta seg, og du som skal til Bøvertun holder til venstre.
[4544b] Up on Tverrbyttfjellet, the route divides, and you, who are going to Bøvertun, should hold to the left.
[4544c] At the summit of Tverrbyttfjellet, the trail forks, and for Bøvertun, you bear to the left.
[4544d] On Tverrbyttfjellet the trail forks, and you hold left for Bøvertun.
[4545a] Stien går ganske snart bratt utfor og ned forbi nordenden av Storevatn.
[4545b] The trail soon goes steeply downhill and past the northern end of Storevatn.
[4545c] The path soon begins a steep descent past the northern end of Storevatn.
[4545d] Soon there is a fairly steep drop down and past the north end of Storevatnet.
[4546a] Deretter er det litt småkupert et par kilometer før det igjen går bratt utfor og ned til Bøvertun, som ligger grønt og frodig til i sørenden av en vakker innsjø.
[4546b] Thereafter it's a bit hilly for a couple of kilometers before it again goes steeply downhill and down to Bøvertun, which is located in a green and lush place at the southern end of a beautiful lake.
[4546c] After that, the terrain is a little hilly before once again plunging steeply down to Bøvertun, located in the lush greenery on the southern end of a lovely lake.
[4546d] It is then up and down for a couple of miles before descending to Bøvertun, resting nicely in its green setting at the southern end of a pretty lake.
[4547a] *+
[4547b] *+
[4547c] *+
[4547d] *+
[4548a] +3. Bøvertun til Krossbu/Sognefjellhytta
[4548b] +3. Bøvertun to Krossbu/Sognefjellhytta
[4548c] +3. Bøvertun to Krossbu/ Sognefjellhytta
[4548d] +3. Bøvertun - Krossbu/Sognefjellhytta
[4549a] Bøvertun ligger ved Sognefjellveien, og det er selvfølgelig mulig å avslutte turen her, men jeg anbefaler at du bruker føttene tilbake til utgangspunktet, da får du blant annet oppleve den vakre Dummdalen med sine spesielle grotter (se ramme).
[4549b] Bøvertun is located on Sognefjellveien, so it is, of course, possible to finish the hike here, but I recommend that you go on foot back to the starting point, as you then will, for one, experience the beautiful Dumnmdalen with its remarkable grottos (see box).
[4549c] Bøvertun is located on the Sognefjell road, and of course it is possible to end the trip here, but I recommend that you go on foot back to your point of departure, since you will be able to visit beautiful Dummdalen and its special grottos (see box).
[4549d] Bøvertun is on the Sognefjell Road, so it is, of course, possible to terminate your hike here, but I suggest you let your feet take you back to the start, allowing you to experience the beautiful Dummdalen, with its special caves (see box).
[4550a] Turen starter fra riksveien ca. 500 m sør for hytta.
[4550b] The hike starts from the State highway about 500 m south of the lodge.
[4550c] The trip starts from the main road about 500 meters south of the lodge.
[4550d] The trailhead is on the road 0.3 miles south of the hut.
[4551a] Du følger Dummdalen til Svarttjørna.
[4551b] You follow Dummdalen to Svarttjørna.
[4551c] You follow Dummdalen to Svarttjørna.
[4551d] You go along Dummdalen to Svarttjørna, then southward in hilly terrain to a fork of trails to Sognefjellet and Nørdstedalseter.
[4552a] Videre sørover går ruta i litt småkupert terreng fram til stidele for ruta mellom Sognefjellet og Nørdstedalseter.
[4552b] Further south, the route runs in hilly terrain up to a fork with the route between Sognefjellet and Nørdstedalseter.
[4552c] Farther south, the route runs through hilly terrain as far as the fork in the road for Sognefjellet and Nørdstedalseter.
[4552d] You go along Dummdalen to Svarttjørna, then southward in hilly terrain to a fork of trails to Sognefjellet and Nørdstedalseter.
[4553a] Hvis du har parkert bilen ved Storevatnet, tar du ruta til høyre, hvis du skal til hyttene ved Sognefjellveien, velger du ruta til venstre.
[4553b] If you parked your car at Storevatnet, take the route to the right; if you aim for the lodges on Sognefjellveien, choose the route to the left.
[4553c] If you parked your car at Storevatnet, you should take the path to the right; if you are headed to the lodges on Sognefjell road, you choose the route to the left.
[4553d] If you parked at Storevatnet, go right; if you are going to the huts along the main road, go left.
[4554a] Etter en knapp kilometer deler ruta seg på ny, Krossbu til venstre, Sognefjellhytta til høyre.
[4554b] After a short kilometer, the route again divides; Krossbu to the left, Sognefjellhytta to the right.
[4554c] After a little less than a kilometer, the route divides again, Krossbu to the left, Sognefjellhytta to the right.
[4554d] About half a mile up there is a new junction: Krossbu to the left, Sognefjellhytta to the right.
[4555a] *+
[4555b] *+
[4555c] *+
[4555d] *+
[4556a] +Dummdalsgrottene
[4556b] +Dummdalsgrottene
[4556c] +The Dummdalen Grottos
[4556d] +The Dummdalen Caves
[4557a] I nederste del av Dummdalen ligger Sør-Norges største system av grotter.
[4557b] In the lower part of Dummdalen lie southern Norway's largest system of grottos.
[4557c] At the deepest point in Dummdalen is Southern Norway's largest system of grottos.
[4557d] The lower part of Dummdalen has Norway's most extensive network of caves.
[4558a] De er dannet av elva som har gravd og boret seg ned i den kalkholdige grunnen i tusenvis av år.
[4558b] They were formed by a river that has dug and pierced into the calcareous ground for thousands of years.
[4558c] They were formed by the river eroding and drilling into the limy ground for thousands of years.
[4558d] They were made by the river, which burrowed its way through the limestone for thousands of years.
[4559a] Til nå er det satt merker ved seks av grottene, og den største er over 250 meter lang.
[4559b] To date, there are markers in six of the grottos, and the largest is more than 250 meters long.
[4559c] So far, six of the grottos have been marked, and the largest is more than 250 meters long.
[4559d] So far six of the caves have been marked, the largest measuring 250 yards.
[4560a] Den første ligger like ved Sognefjellsveien.
[4560b] The first is located right by Sognefjellsveien.
[4560c] The first one is located just next to the Sognefjell road.
[4560d] The first one is near the Sognefjell Road.
[4561a] Inngangene er stort sett svært trange, og det kan falle stein fra taket inne i grottene, så vær forsiktig!
[4561b] The entryways are mostly narrow, and rocks can fall from the ceiling in a grotto, so be cautious!
[4561c] The entrances are generally very narrow, and there is also the risk of falling rocks from the roof, so be careful!
[4561d] The entrances are generally very narrow, and stones may loosen from the cave roof, so take care!
[4562a] Det arrangeres guidede turer til grottene.
[4562b] Guided tours are available to the grottos.
[4562c] Guided trips to the grottos are offered.
[4562d] There are guided tours.
[4563a] Informasjon gis av Jotunheimen Reiseliv i Lom.
[4563b] Information is available at Jotunheimen Reiseliv in Lom.
[4563c] Information is provided by the Jotunheimen Tourist Association in Lom.
[4563d] Jotunheimen Reiseliv in Lom has information.
[4564a] *+
[4564b] *+
[4564c] *+
[4564d] *+
[4565a] +Lengder
[4565b] +Lengths
[4565c] +Length
[4565d] +Distances
[4566a] *+Krossbu og Sognefjellhytta - Nørdstedalseter, 8 t.
[4566b] *+Krossbu and Sognefjellhytta - Nørdstedalseter, 8 hours
[4566c] *+Krossbu and Sognefjellhytta - Nørdstedalseter, 8 hrs.
[4566d] *+Krossbu/Sognefjellhytta - Nørdstedalseter, 8 h.
[4567a] *+Bøvertun - Nørdstedalseter, 6 t.
[4567b] *+Bøvertun - Nørdstedalseter, 6 hours
[4567c] *+Bøvertun - Nørdstedalseter, 6 hrs.
[4567d] *+Nørdstedalseter - Bøvertun, 6 h.
[4568a] *+Bøvertun - Krossbu og Sognefjellhytta, 5 t.
[4568b] *+Bøvertun - Krossbu and Sognefjellhytta, 5 hours
[4568c] *+Bøvertun - Krossbu and Sognefjellhytta, 5 hrs.
[4568d] *+Bøvertun - Krossbu/Sognefjellhytta, 5 h.
[4569a] *+
[4569b] *+
[4569c] *+
[4569d] *+
[4570a] +Overnattingssteder
[4570b] +Lodgings
[4570c] +Overnight Accommodations
[4570d] +Lodging
[4571a] +Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, Nørdstedalseter og Bøvertun.
[4571b] +Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, Nørdstedalseter, and Bøvertun.
[4571c] +Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, Nørdstedalseter and Bøvertun.
[4571d] +Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, Nørdstedalseter, and Bøvertun.
[4572a] *+
[4572b] *+
[4572c] *+
[4572d] *+
[4573a] +Kommunikasjoner
[4573b] +Public transportation
[4573c] +Communications
[4573d] +Transportation
[4574a] +Bilvei og bussruter langs Sognefjellsveien.
[4574b] +Road and bus service along Sognefjellet.
[4574c] +Automobile road and regularly scheduled bus stops along Sognefjell road.
[4574d] +Road and bus service on the Sognefjell Road.
[4575a] +Bilvei til Nørdstedalseter.
[4575b] +Road to Nørdstedalseter.
[4575c] +Automobile road to Nørdstedalseter.
[4575d] +Road to Nørdstedalseter.
[4576a] *+
[4576b] *+
[4576c] *+
[4576d] *+
[4577a] +Hovedveien til Breheimen
[4577b] +Main route to Breheimen
[4577c] +The Main Road to Breheimen
[4577d] +Main Entrance to Breheimen
[4578a] *+Tur 4e - 3-4 dager - gg-ggg
[4578b] *+Hike 4e - 3-4 days - gg - ggg
[4578c] *+Trip 4e - 3-4 days - gg-ggg
[4578d] *+Trip 4e - 3-4 days - gg-ggg
[4579a] *+
[4579b] *+
[4579c] *+
[4579d] *+
[4580a] Uten forkleinelse for noen av de andre rutene mellom Jotunheimen og Breheimen, vil jeg nå hevde at den flotteste innfallsporten går fra Turtagrø og over Liabrekulen til Nørdstedalseter.
[4580b] Without belittlement of any of the other routes between Jotunheimen and Breheimen, I maintain that the finest gateway is from Turtagrø over Liabrekulen to Nørdstedalseter.
[4580c] Not to detract from any of the other routes through Jotunheimen and Breheimen, I would maintain that the finest gateway goes from Turtagrø and across Liabrekulen to Nørdstedalseter.
[4580d] Without disparaging any of the other routes between Jotunheimen and Breheimen, I want to state my preference for the one from Turtagrø over Liabrekulen to Nørdstedalseter.
[4581a] Turen over den 1800 meter høye breen er storslagen.
[4581b] The route over the 1800 meter high glacier is splendid.
[4581c] The trip across the 1800-meter high glacier is magnificent.
[4581d] The traverse of the glacier at 5900 feet is magnificent.
[4582a] Etter at selvbetjeningshytta Stølsdalen kom på plass, er heller ikke avstanden mellom hyttene så stor.
[4582b] After the self-service cabin Stølsdalen was opened, the distance between lodges is not so great.
[4582c] Once the Stølsdalen self-service lodge was in place, the distance between the lodges is not so great, either.
[4582d] Since the self-service hut at Stølsdalen appeared, the distance is also manageable.
[4583a] Dette kartet rekker bare til Nørdstedalseter og Trulsbu, men turen i Breheimen trenger slett ikke slutte der.
[4583b] This map covers only to Nørdstedalseter and Trulsbu, but the hike in Breheimen need not finish there.
[4583c] This map covers only as far as Nørdstedalseter and Trulsbu, but the trip in the Breheimen mountains definitely doesn't need to end there.
[4583d] The map included here goes only as far as Nørdstedalseter and Trulsbu, but your visit to Breheimen may continue.
[4584a] Både vestover og nordover i Breheimen er det merkede ruter og hytter, så skaff deg flere kart og bli mer kjent i dette flotte området også.
[4584b] Both westward and northward in Breheimen there are marked routes and lodges, so get more maps and come also to know this fine area.
[4584c] Both to the west and to the north in Breheimen, there are marked trails and lodges, so get additional maps and become acquainted with this spectacular area, too.
[4584d] There are marked trails and huts for going both west and north in Breheimen, so get yourself a map and explore these magnificent mountains, too.
[4585a] *+
[4585b] *+
[4585c] *+
[4585d] *+
[4586a] +1.Turtagrø til Stølsdalen
[4586b] +1.Turtagrø to Stølsdalen
[4586c] +1.Turtagrø to Stølsdalen
[4586d] +1. Turtagrø - Stølsdalen
[4587a] Turtagrø brant i januar 2001, så hvis du planlegger å overnatte der, bør du sjekke forholdene på forhånd.
[4587b] Turtagrø burned down in January 2001, so if you plan to spend the night there, you should check the situation in advance.
[4587c] Turtagrø burned in January 2001, so that if you plan to spend the night there, you should check the situation in advance.
[4587d] Turtagrø burnt down in January 2001, so you need to check if you want to stay there.
[4588a] Nå er heldigvis ikke første etappe lengre enn at du kommer fram selv om du starter forholdsvis sent.
[4588b] Fortunately, the first leg isn't longer than you'll manage even though you start relatively late.
[4588c] Fortunately, the first leg of the trip is short enough to be covered even if you begin relatively late in the day.
[4588d] This leg is fortunately short enough to manage even with a late start.
[4589a] Ruta starter bratt opp en skråning like nedenfor Turtagrø og opp til en steintipp før du fortsetter inn i Gjesingedalen.
[4589b] The route starts steeply up a slope just below Turtagrø and up to a stone dump before you continue into Gjesingedalen.
[4589c] The route starts up a steep slope just below Turtagrø and goes up to a waste rock dump before you continue on to Gjesingedalen.
[4589d] The trail first heads up a steep pitch just below Turtagrø till it reaches a rock dump before turning into Gjesingedalen.
[4590a] Elva gjennom dalen er det vanligvis ikke noe problem å steingå.
[4590b] The river through the valley usually is not difficult to cross on stones.
[4590c] The river through the valley is not usually a problem to cross by stepping from stone to stone.
[4590d] Fording the river is normally no problem.
[4591a] Etter Skålabotnskaret kommer du ned til den nedlagte Skålabotn seter.
[4591b] After Skålabotnskaret, you come to the abandoned Skålbotn summer dairy.
[4591c] After Skålabotnskaret, you come down to the abandoned Skålabotn pasture.
[4591d] Past Skålabotnskaret you reach the abandoned Skålabotn summer farm.
[4592a] Herfra er terrenget ganske kronglete og bratt, så du må følge nøye med på merkingen.
[4592b] From here, the terrain is quite rugged and steep, so you must carefully follow the marking.
[4592c] From here, the terrain is quite difficult and steep, so you should carefully follow the markings.
[4592d] Hence the terrain is rather steep and tricky, so you need to pay attention to the markers.
[4593a] Elva i dalbunnen kan vanligvis også steingås.
[4593b] The river in the floor of the valley can usually be crossed on stones.
[4593c] The river on the valley floor can also be crossed by stepping from stone to stone.
[4593d] Crossing the river in this valley is also usually no problem, before you ascend on the old herd path to the hut.
[4594a] Også er det oppover igjen etter den gamle seterstien til hytta.
[4594b] Then it's upwards again after the old cattle track to the lodge.
[4594c] Then the course runs uphill again along the old cow path to the lodge.
[4594d] Crossing the river in this valley is also usually no problem, before you ascend on the old herd path to the hut.
[4595a] Vær klar over at dersom kraftselskapet slipper vann i elva, kommer du ikke over, men må følge den gamle stien opp forbi Nedre Skålavatnet til stien fra Sognefjellet til Stølsdalen.
[4595b] Be aware that if the power company discharges water in the river, you cannot cross, but must follow the old path up past Nedre Skålavatnet to the trail from Sognefjellet to Stølsdalen.
[4595c] Be aware of the fact that you will be unable to cross the river if the power company has opened the dam, and that you will then need to follow the old path up past Nedre Skålavatnet to the trail from Sognefjellet to Stølsdalen.
[4595d] If, however, the power company releases the water into the river, it cannot be forded, and you have to take the old trail up past Nedre Skålavatnet to the trail from Sognefjellet to Stølsdalen, but this rarely happens in the summer.
[4596a] Heldigvis skjer dette svært sjelden i sommersesongen
[4596b] Fortunately, that happens seldom in summer.
[4596c] Fortunately, this seldom occurs during the summer season.
[4596d] If, however, the power company releases the water into the river, it cannot be forded, and you have to take the old trail up past Nedre Skålavatnet to the trail from Sognefjellet to Stølsdalen, but this rarely happens in the summer.
[4597a] *+
[4597b] *+
[4597c] *+
[4597d] *+
[4598a] +1. Alternativ: Fortundalen til Stølsdalen
[4598b] +1. Alternative Fortundalen to Stølsdalen
[4598c] +1. Alternative: Fortundalen to Stølsdalen
[4598d] +1. Alternative: Fortundalen - Stølsdalen
[4599a] Istedenfor å starte fra Turtagrø går det an å følge merket rute til Stølsdalen nede fra Svensøy i Fortundalen.
[4599b] Instead of starting from Turtagrø, you can follow the marked route to Stølsdalen down from Svensøy in Fortundalen.
[4599c] Instead of starting from Turtagrø, it is possible to follow the marked route to Stølsdalen down from Svensøy in Fortundalen.
[4599d] Instead of starting from Turtagrø, you may take a marked trail to Stølsdalen from Svensøy in Fortundalen.
[4600a] Turen tar omtrent like lang tid å gå, den er kortere, men byr på adskillig større høydeforskjell!
[4600b] The hike takes just as much time to walk; it is shorter, but entails a considerably greater elevation difference.
[4600c] The trip takes about as long to walk; it is shorter, but it entails significantly greater differences in height!
[4600d] The walking time is about the same on this shorter route with considerably greater variation in elevation.
[4601a] Den kan også være et alternativ om du vil bryte av turen i Stølsdalen.
[4601b] It may also be an alternative if you will end the hike at Stølsdalen.
[4601c] This is also an alternative if you want to end your trip in Stølsdalen.
[4601d] It is also an option if you want to quit in Stølsdalen.
[4602a] Ruta går først på bilvei og forbi bro over Granfasta.
[4602b] The route goes first on a road and past a bridge over Granfasta.
[4602c] The route first follows the automobile road past the bridge over Granfasta.
[4602d] It starts along the road, crossing the bridge over Granfasta and following an old herd path past Nedstestølen and Øvstestølen, before taking the old Bjørnstigen path over the ridge to the hut.
[4603a] Deretter følger den en gammel stølssti forbi Nedstestølen, Øvstestølen og følger den såkalte Bjørnstigen over fjellryggen til hytta.
[4603b] Thereafter it follows the old cattle track past Nedstestølen and Øvstestølen, and follows the so-called Bjørnstigen over the ridge to the lodge.
[4603c] After that, it follows the old mountain farm path past Nedstestølen, Øvstestølen and then follows the so-called Bjørnstigen across the ridge to the lodge.
[4603d] It starts along the road, crossing the bridge over Granfasta and following an old herd path past Nedstestølen and Øvstestølen, before taking the old Bjørnstigen path over the ridge to the hut.
[4604a] +2. Stølsdalen til Nørdstedalseter
[4604b] +2. Stølsdalen to Nørdstedalseter
[4604c] +2. Stølsdalen to Nørdstedalseter
[4604d] +2. Stølsdalen - Nørdstedalseter
[4605a] Dette er høydepunktet på turen, bokstavelig talt.
[4605b] This is the high point of the hike, literally.
[4605c] This is the zenith of your trip, in a literal sense.
[4605d] This is the high point of the trip, literally speaking.
[4606a] Fra hytta går ruta stort sett i jevn stigning, først forbi et stiskille for merkingen tilbake til Skålavatnet, og så videre helt opp til toppen av Liabreen.
[4606b] From the lodge, the route goes mostly in a steady incline, first past a fork for the marking back to Skålvatnet, and then onwards up to the headwall of Liabreen.
[4606c] From the lodge, the route ascends fairly steadily, first past a fork in the trail to the marker for the return to Skålavatnet, and then onward all the way to the summit of Liabreen.
[4606d] The trail climbs steadily from the hut, first past a signpost for the return to Skålavatnet, and then all the way to the top of Liabreen.
[4607a] Ved høyden Liaflua passerer ruta over en liten bretarm, så vær nøye med å følge merkingen!
[4607b] At the height of Liaflua, the route goes over a small glacier, so follow the marking carefully!
[4607c] At the Liaflua heights, the route runs across a small glacier arm, so be careful to follow the markings!
[4607d] At the height of land, Liaflua, the trail crosses a small glacial arm, so pay attention to the markers - it is not solely to ensure fantastic views along your way that you are advised against making this trip in poor visibility!
[4608a] Det er altså ikke bare på grunn av den fantastiske utsikten du kan oppleve underveis at dette er en rute som ikke bør gås i usiktbart vær.
[4608b] Accordingly, it's not just because of the fantastic view that you experience on the way that this is a route that you shouldn't do in poor visibility weather.
[4608c] This is a route that should not be hiked when visibility is poor, but not only because of the fantastic view you can experience along the way.
[4608d] At the height of land, Liaflua, the trail crosses a small glacial arm, so pay attention to the markers - it is not solely to ensure fantastic views along your way that you are advised against making this trip in poor visibility!
[4609a] Merkingen passerer en knapp kilometer vest for toppen av Liabreen.
[4609b] The marking passes a short kilometer west of the headwall of Liabreen.
[4609c] The marked trail runs a little less than one kilometer west of the Liabreen summit.
[4609d] The marked trail runs a good half mile west of the top of Liabreen, then drops sharply between the glacier and Tverrdalsnosi, but stays clear of the glacier itself.
[4610a] Derfra går ruta bratt utover mellom breen og Tverrdalsnosi, men du kommer ikke inn på selve breen.
[4610b] From there, the route goes steeply onward between the glacier and Tverrdalsnosi, but you don't get to the glacier itself.
[4610c] From there, the route continues steeply out between the glacier and Tverrdalsnosi, but you will not go onto the glacier itself.
[4610d] The marked trail runs a good half mile west of the top of Liabreen, then drops sharply between the glacier and Tverrdalsnosi, but stays clear of the glacier itself.
[4611a] Merkingen fortsetter bratt ned mot Vetledalen, hvor det er et vadested over elva.
[4611b] The marking continues steeply down towards Vetledalen, where there's a place to wade the river.
[4611c] The marked trail continues steeply downhill toward Vetledalen, where there is a spot for wading across the river.
[4611d] The markers continue at a steep grade into Vetledalen, where there is a ford.
[4612a] I løpet av noen få kilometer kan du oppleve hele spekteret, fra full vinter oppe på toppen til full sommer nede i Vetledalen.
[4612b] In the stretch of a few kilometers you can experience the entire spectrum, from full winter up on top to full summer down in Vetledalen.
[4612c] In the course of just a few kilometers, you can experience the gamut of full winter at the summit to full summer down in Vetledalen.
[4612d] In a few miles you experience the entire range from frigid winter up above to full summer down in the valley.
[4613a] Etter å ha krysset Vetledøla kommer du inn på ruta fra Sognefjellet (se Tur 4d) og fortsetter langs denne nedover dalen fram til Nørdstedalseter.
[4613b] After crossing Vetledøla, you come in on the route from Sognefjellet (see Hike 4d) and continue along it down the valley to Nordstedalseter.
[4613c] After crossing Vetledøla, you will merge with the route from Sognefjellet (see Trip 4d) and can follow it down to Nørdstedalseter.
[4613d] Having crossed Vetledøla, you join the trail from Sognefjellet (see Trip 4d) and follow this down the valley to Nørdstedalseter.
[4614a] *+
[4614b] *+
[4614c] *+
[4614d] *+
[4615a] +3. Nørdstedalseter til Trulsbu
[4615b] +3. Nørdstedalseter to Trulsbu
[4615c] +3. Nørdstedalseter to Trulsbu
[4615d] +3. Nørdstedalseter - Trulsbu
[4616a] Selv om det blir bortimot en mil på anleggsvei på første del av denne turen, skal du ikke la deg skremme.
[4616b] Even though it's almost ten kilometers on a haul road for the first part of this hike, don't let it frighten you.
[4616c] Although it is about 10 kilometers on the service road during the first part of this trip, don't let this frighten you.
[4616d] Do not let it stop you that the first part of this trip involves walking about six miles along a service road.