[6001a] +Turguide [6001b] Hike guide [6001c] +Touring guide [6001d] +Tour Guide [6002a] +Preikestolen [6002b] Preikestolen [6002c] +Preikestolen [6002d] +Pulpit Rock [6003a]




[6004a] +Forord [6004b] Foreword [6004c] +Foreword [6004d] +Foreword [6005a]




[6006a] Gaz de France og Stavanger Turistforening er svært glade for at vi sammen kan tilby denne guiden for turen til Preikestolen. [6006b] Gaz de France and Stavanger Turistforening are pleased that together we can offer this Guide for tours to Preikestolen. [6006c] Gaz de France and Stavanger Tourist Association are very happy to be able to provide this guide for the trip to Preikestolen. [6006d] It is with great pleasure that Gaz de France and the Stavanger Tourist Association offer you this guide for the hike to the top of Pulpit Rock (Preikestolen). [6007a] Som et utenlandsk selskap i Norge er Gaz de France spesielt fornøyd med at det har lykkes å gi ut guiden på flere språk, blant annet fransk. [6007b] As a foreign company in Norway, Gaz de France is particularly pleased that the Guide has been published in several languages, including French. [6007c] As a foreign company in Norway, Gaz de France is especially pleased that they have succeeded in publishing this guide in several languages, including French. [6007d] As a foreign company in Norway, Gaz de France is particularly pleased that it has been possible to publish this guide in several languages, including French. [6008a]




[6009a] Utgivelsen representerer det første synlige resultatet av samarbeidet som i oktober 2003 ble etablert mellom Den Norske Turistforening (DNT), Gaz de France's samfunnsnyttige stiftelse og den franske vandrerorganisasjonen FFRP. [6009b] The publication represents the first visible result of the cooperation that in October 2003 was established between Den Norske Turistforening (DNT), the Gaz de France Foundation, and the French Hiking Federation (FFRP). [6009c] The publication is the first tangible result of the collaboration that was established in October 2003 between The Norwegian Mountain Touring Association (DNT), Gaz de France's foundation serving the public and the French touring organization FFRP. [6009d] This publication is the first tangible result of the collaboration established in October 2003 between the Norwegian Mountain Touring Association (DNT), the Gaz de France Foundation and the French touring association, FFRP (La Federation Francaise de la Randonnée Pédestre). [6010a]




[6011a] Vi håper og tror at denne turguiden vil gjøre den storslåtte turen til Preikestolen enda mer innholdsrik. [6011b] We hope and believe that this Guide will make the splendid tour to Preikestolen even more interesting. [6011c] We hope and believe that this tour guide will make the magnificent trip to Preikestolen even more meaningful. [6011d] We hope and believe that this tour guide will make the scenic hike to Pulpit Rock even more enjoyable. [6012a]




[6013a] +Bonne randonnee! [6013b] +Bonne randonnée! [6013c] +Bonne randonnée! [6013d] +Bonne randonnée! [6014a] +God tur! [6014b] Happy hiking! [6014c] +Enjoy your excursion! [6014d] +Pleasant hiking! [6015a]




[6016a] +Velkommen til Norges mest fargerike turmål! [6016b] Welcome to Norway's most colorful hike destination! [6016c] +Welcome to Norway's most colorful hiking destination! [6016d] +Welcome to Norway's best-known tourist attraction! [6017a] Hvert år besøker omtrent 100.000 mennesker Preikestolen. [6017b] Each year, about 100,000 people visit Preikestolen. [6017c] Each year, about 100,000 people visit Preikestolen. [6017d] Every year about 100,000 people visit Pulpit Rock. [6018a] Verdenskartet som henger på Preikestolhytta viser at folk fra alle deler av kloden kommer for å oppleve denne spektakulære fjellformasjonen. [6018b] The map of the world hanging at Preikestolhytta shows that people from all parts of the globe come to experience this spectacular mountain formation. [6018c] The map of the world that hangs on the wall at Preikstolhytta shows that people from all parts of the globe come to experience this spectacular mountain formation. [6018d] The map of the world that hangs in the Pulpit Rock Cabin shows that people from all over the world come here to experience this spectacular rock formation. [6019a] Mange av gjestene plasserer en knappenål på sitt hjemsted. [6019b] Many guests place pins at their home towns. [6019c] Many of the guests place a pin on the spot where they come from. [6019d] Many of the guests put a pin on their hometown. [6020a] Hvert år er Europa dekket av knappenålshoder, men ellers viser kartet et fargerikt fellesskap. [6020b] Every year, Europe is covered by pinheads, but otherwise, the map shows a colorful community. [6020c] Each year, Europe is covered with pinheads, but in addition, the map reveals a colorful community of fellow hikers. [6020d] Every year, Europe is covered with pins, but the map shows visitors also come from much further afield. [6021a] Australia, Sør-Afrika, Uruguay, Kina, New Zealand, Mongolia, Kenya, Nepal, Canada, Saudi-Arabia og en lang rekke andre land har vært representerte. [6021b] Australia, South Africa, Uruguay, China, New Zealand, Mongolia, Kenya, Nepal, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and a long list of other countries have been represented. [6021c] Australia, South Africa, Uruguay, China, New Zealand, Mongolia, Kenya, Nepal, Canada, Saudi Arabia and a large number of other countries have been represented. [6021d] Australia, South Africa, Uruguay, China, New Zealand, Mongolia, Kenya, Nepal, Canada, Saudi Arabia and a long list of other countries have been represented in this way. [6022a] Og i hytteboka forteller mange at de bokstavlig talt opplever turen til Preikestolen som høydepunktet på sitt norgesbesøk. [6022b] And in the lodge register, many say that they literally experience the tour to Preikestolen as the high point of their visit to Norway. [6022c] And in the cabin's guestbook, many write that they experience the trip to Preikestolen literally as the high point of their visit to Norway. [6022d] In the cabin guest book, many people write that they found the hike to Pulpit Rock to be the high point of their visit to Norway in more ways than one. [6023a]




[6024a] +Turen starter ved Preikestolhytta [6024b] The hike starts at Preikestolhytta [6024c] +The trip begins at the Preikestol lodge. [6024d] +The hike begins at the Pulpit Rock Cabin [6025a] Turløypen til selve Preikestolen starter ved Preikestolhytta. [6025b] The hiking trail to Preikestolen itself starts at Preikestolhytta. [6025c] The trail to Preikestolen itself begins at the Preikestol cabin. [6025d] The trail to Pulpit Rock begins at the Pulpit Rock Cabin (Preikestolhytta), which is well prepared to welcome the many visitors of all ages who want to hike to the summit of this mighty rock formation. [6026a] Her er tilrettelagt for å ta imot de mange små og store fjellvandrerne som ønsker å ta turen ut til den mektige fjellformasjonen. [6026b] Here arrangements have been made to receive the many small and adult hikers who want to take the trip out to the mighty mountain formation. [6026c] Everything is organized to be able to accommodate the many hikers, young and old, who want to take the trip out to this majestic mountain formation. [6026d] The trail to Pulpit Rock begins at the Pulpit Rock Cabin (Preikestolhytta), which is well prepared to welcome the many visitors of all ages who want to hike to the summit of this mighty rock formation. [6027a]




[6028a] +400 parkeringsplasser. [6028b] 400 parking places. [6028c] +400 parking spots. [6028d] Parking lot with 400 spaces. [6029a] +Avgift [6029b] Fees [6029c] +Fee [6029d] Parking fee. [6030a]




[6031a] +I sommersesongen buss til og fra Tau og Jørpeland flere ganger om dagen. [6031b] In the summer season, there are busses to and from Tau and Jørpeland several times a day. [6031c] +During the summer season, buses run to and from Tau and Jørpeland several times per day. [6031d] During the summer season, a bus runs to and from Tau and Jørpeland several times daily. [6032a] +Ruteopplysninger: Østerhus bilruter, telefon 51 74 02 40 [6032b] Schedule information: Østerhus bilruter, Tel: 51 74 02 40 [6032c] +Route information: Østerhus bilruter, telephone 51 74 02 40 [6032d] Information on bus schedules can be obtained from Østerhus bilruter, tel.: +47 51 74 02 40. [6033a]




[6034a] +Jørpeland taxi, telefon 51 74 71 86 [6034b] Jørpeland taxi, Tel: 51 74 71 86 [6034c] +Jørpeland taxi, telephone 51 74 71 86 [6034d] +Jørpeland taxi, tel.: +47 51 74 71 86 [6035a]




[6036a] +Preikestolhytta [6036b] Preikestolen [6036c] +The Preikestol Cabin [6036d] +The Pulpit Rock Cabin [6037a]




[6038a] +Åpent i sommersesongen [6038b] Open in the summer season [6038c] +Open during the summer season. [6038d] +Open during the summer season [6039a]




[6040a] +Åpen i sommersesongen [6040b] Open in the summer season [6040c] +Open during the summer season [6040d] +Open during the summer season [6041a] +Salg av mineralvann, is, film, joggesko, souvenirer, post kort, Preikestoldiplom, kart, håndbøker [6041b] Sale of soft drinks, ice cream, film, jogging shoes, souvenirs, postcards, Preikestol diplomas, maps, guides [6041c] +Soft drinks, ice cream, films, sneakers, souvenirs, postcards, Preikestol certificates, maps, handbooks for sale. [6041d] +Sale of soft drinks, ice cream, film, running shoes, souvenirs, post cards, the Pulpit Rock diploma, maps, handbooks, [6042a]




[6043a] +Preikestolhytta: www.preikestolhytta.no [6043b] Preikestolhytta: www.preikestolhytta.no [6043c] +Preikestolhytta: www.preikestolhytta.no [6043d] +The Pulpit Rock Cabin: www.preikestolhytta.no [6044a] +Preikestolhytta@enter.vg [6044b] Preikestolhytta@enter.vg [6044c] +Preikestolhytta@enter.vg [6044d] +Preikestolhytta@enter.vg [6045a] +Telefon 97165551 [6045b] Tel: 97165551 [6045c] +Telephone 97165551 [6045d] +Tel.: 971 65 551 [6046a] +Overnatting [6046b] Lodgings [6046c] +Overnight accommodations [6046d] +Overnight accommodations: Open from mid-May to mid-September. [6047a] +Åpen medio mai - medio september [6047b] Open mid May - mid September [6047c] +Open mid-May - mid-September [6047d] +Overnight accommodations: Open from mid-May to mid-September. [6048a] +Rabatt for medlemmer av turistforening eller Vandrerhjem [6048b] Discount for members of Turistforening or Vandrerhjem [6048c] +Discounts for members of the tourist association or Youth hostels. [6048d] +Discount for members of Tourist Associations or Youth Hostels [6049a]




[6050a] +Frokost kl. 0800 - 1000 [6050b] Breakfast from 08:00 - 10:00 a.m. [6050c] +Breakfast 0800 - 1000 [6050d] +Breakfast: 0800 - 1000 [6051a] +Lunsjretter/Småretter: kl. 12 - 16 og kl. 20 - 21 [6051b] Lunch dishes/Snacks: from 12:00 - 16:00 and from 20:00 - 21:00 [6051c] +Luncheon dishes/light meals: 12:00 - 16:00 and 20:00 - 21:00 [6051d] +Lunch/snacks: 1200 - 1600 and 2000 - 2100 [6052a] +Middagsretter: kl. 16 - 20 [6052b] Dinner service: from 16:00 - 20:00 [6052c] +Dinner: 16:00 - 20:00 [6052d] +Dinner: 1600-2000 [6053a] +Øl og vinrett [6053b] beer and wine licensed [6053c] +Licensed for beer and wine. [6053d] +Licensed for beer and wine [6054a]




[6055a] +Utleie [6055b] Rentals [6055c] +Rentals [6055d] +Rentals [6056a]




[6057a] +Utleie av fiskeutstyr [6057b] fishing gear rentals [6057c] +Rental of fishing equipment [6057d] +Rental of fishing tackle [6058a] +Aure i Refsvatn [6058b] Trout in Refsvatn [6058c] +Brown trout in Refsvatn [6058d] +Trout in Lake Refsvatnet [6059a] +Fritt stangfiske i nordre del av vannet [6059b] Open rod fishing in the northern end of the lake [6059c] +Free rod-fishing in the northern portion of the lake [6059d] +Free angling in the northern end of the lake [6060a]




[6061a] +Familievennlig sandstrand like nedenfor Preikestolhytta [6061b] Family-friendly sandy beach just below Preikestolhytta [6061c] +Sandy beach suitable for families just below Prekestol Lodge [6061d] +Family-friendly sand beach just below the Pulpit Rock Cabin [6062a]




[6063a] +Preikestolhytta ble bygget på fjellgarden Vatne [6063b] Preikestolhytta was built at the Vatne mountain farm [6063c] +Preikestolhytta was built on the Vatne mountain farm [6063d] +The Pulpit Rock Cabin was built at the Vatne mountain farm [6064a] Rundt 1900 fant de første turistene veien opp til Preikestolen. [6064b] Around 1900, the first tourists made their way up to Preikestolen. [6064c] Around 1900, the first tourists found their way up to Preikestolen. [6064d] Around 1900, the first tourists found their way up to Pulpit Rock. [6065a] De fleste måtte ha en overnatting for å kunne gjennomføre turen og i 1920 fikk Stavanger Turistforening (STF) innredet 3 rom for turister på den vegløse fjellgarden Vatne. [6065b] Most needed lodgings to complete the tour, and in 1920 Stavanger Turistforening (STF) had 3 rooms fitted out for tourists at the roadless Vatne mountain farm. [6065c] Most of them needed to spend the night in order to be able to complete the trip, and in 1920 Stavanger Touring Association (STF) furnished three rooms for tourists at the roadless Vatne mountain farm. [6065d] Most of them had to spend a night there in order to complete the trip and in 1920 the Stavanger Tourist Association (STF) furnished 3 rooms for tourists at the roadless Vatne mountain farm. [6066a] I 1925 ble det opprettet turiststasjon også på garden Torsnes her inne ved Refsvatnet. [6066b] In 1925, a tourist station also was set up at the Torsnes farm at Refsvatnet. [6066c] In 1925, a tourist facility was also established here at the Torsnes farm by Refsvatn. [6066d] In 1925, a tourist centre was also established at the Torsnes farm beside Lake Refsvatnet. [6067a]




[6068a] Strømmen av turister økte gradvis og særlig om våren kunne Vatne og Torsnes være overfylt av folk som skulle til Preikestolen. [6068b] The stream of tourists gradually increased, and especially in springtime, Vatne and Torsnes could be overcrowded with people on their way to Preikestolen. [6068c] The flow of tourists increased steadily and particularly in the springtime Vatne and Torsnes were overcrowded with people on their way to Preikestolen. [6068d] The stream of tourists gradually increased and, especially in the springtime, Vatne and Torsnes could be jam-packed with hikers making for the top of Pulpit Rock. [6069a] Allerede i 1920-årene rapporteres det om over 100 overnattinger på Torsnes. [6069b] As early as the 1920s, more than 100 guest nights were reported at Torsnes. [6069c] Already in the 1920's more than 100 overnight stops were reported. [6069d] As early as the 1920s, over 100 overnight stays were reported at Torsnes. [6070a] I 1949 bygde STF Preikestolhytta like ved gardshuset på Vatne. [6070b] In 1949, STF built Preikestolhytta close by the farmhouse at Vatne. [6070c] In 1949, STF built the Preikestol Cabin near the farmhouse at Vatne. [6070d] In 1949, STF built the Pulpit Rock Cabin just beside the Vatne farmhouse. [6071a] Byggingen av en så stor hytte langt inne i fjellet ble et stort løft for turistforeningen. [6071b] Building so large a lodge deep in the mountains was a considerable accomplishment for Turistforeningen. [6071c] The construction of such a large cabin far inside the mountains was a great boost for the touring association. [6071d] The construction of such a big cabin deep in the mountains gave a big boost to the tourist association. [6072a] All transport ble foretatt fra Lysefjorden. [6072b] All transportation was undertaken from Lysefjorden. [6072c] All transportation was done from Lysefjord. [6072d] All transport went by way of the Lysefjord. [6073a] Det ble bygget kai på Refså ved Lysefjorden og motordrevet taubane fra fjorden og opp den bratte fjellsiden til Refsvatnet. [6073b] A dock at Refså on Lysefjorden and a powered aerial cableway from the fjord up the steep hillside to Refsvatnet were built. [6073c] A pier was built at Refså on Lysefjord, as well as a motor-driven cable car from the fjord and up the steep mountainside to Refsvatn. [6073d] A dock was built at Refså on the Lysefjord, and a motor-driven aerial cableway was constructed from the fjord up the steep mountainside to Lake Refsvatnet. [6074a] Motorbåt fraktet folk og varer over vatnet. [6074b] A motorboat carried people and goods across the lake. [6074c] Motorized boats carried people and supplies across the lake. [6074d] From there, a motorboat ferried people and goods across the lake. [6075a] Tømmeret til hytta ble hogget fra egen skog og en sag ble oppført nede ved vatnet. [6075b] Lumber for the lodge was cut in private woods and a sawmill was built down at the lake. [6075c] The lumber for the cabin was cut from the local forest and a saw was installed down by the lake. [6075d] The timber for the cabin was cut from the farm's own forest, and a saw was installed down by the lake. [6076a] I 1961 kom bilvei fram til hytta. [6076b] In 1961, a road was built up to the lodge. [6076c] In 1961, the automobile road was built up to the cabin. [6076d] In 1961, a road was built in to the cabin. [6077a] Dermed kunne Preikestolen nås på en dagstur. [6077b] Then Preikestolen could be reached on a day hike. [6077c] As a result, Prekestolen could be reached on a one-day trip. [6077d] After that, the summit of Pulpit Rock could be reached on a day trip. [6078a] Tilstrømningen av folk økte år for år. [6078b] The influx of people went up, year by year. [6078c] The flow of visitors increased year by year. [6078d] The influx of visitors increased year after year. [6079a] En ny tidsepoke begynte. [6079b] A new epoch began. [6079c] A new era had begun. [6079d] The area was taking on a new life. [6080a]




[6081a] +Vatnegarden ble ryddet på 1800-tallet [6081b] [6081c] The Vatne farm was cleared in the 1800's. [6081d] +The farm at Vatne was cleared in the 1800s [6082a] Fremdeles er det mange spor etter den gamle fjellgarden på Vatne. [6082b] Still there are many traces of the old mountain farm at Vatne. [6082c] There are still many traces left from the old mountain farm at Vatne. [6082d] There are still many traces of the old mountain farm at Vatne. [6083a] Gardshuset står fortsatt og brukes i dag til overnatting for de som ønsker å stelle seg selv. [6083b] The farmhouse still stands and now is used as lodgings for those who wish to shift for themselves. [6083c] The farmhouse is still standing and is used today as an overnight accommodation for those who want to make their own arrangements. [6083d] The farmhouse is still standing and is currently used for overnight accommodation for those who prefer self-service. [6084a] I beiteområdet omkring forteller hustufter, steingjerder og rydningsrøyser om arbeid og slit gjennom generasjoner. [6084b] In surrounding pastures, house sites, stone walls and cleared stone heaps tell of work and toil through generations. [6084c] In the surrounding pasture area, the sites of former dwellings, stone fences and piles of cleared stone tell the tale of hard work throughout generations. [6084d] In the pasture area surrounding the farm, sites of former buildings, stone walls and piles of cleared stones tell a tale of generations of hard work and toil. [6085a]




[6086a] Vatne ligger flott plassert i den tørre solbakken nord for Refsvatnet. [6086b] Vatne lies beautifully placed on the dry sunlit slope north of Refsvatnet. [6086c] Vatne is nicely located on the dry, sunny hillside north of Refsvatn. [6086d] Vatne is splendidly located on the dry, sunny slope north of Lake Refsvatnet. [6087a] Her var markene større og jorda dypere enn på den andre fjellgarden her inne, Torsnes. [6087b] Here the fields were larger and the soil deeper than at the other mountain farms in here, Torsnes. [6087c] Here, the fields were larger and the topsoil deeper than at Torsnes, the other mountain farm here. [6087d] The fields here were larger and the soil deeper than they were at Torsnes, the other mountain farm up here. [6088a] Den første som brukte dette området skal ha vært en fredløs mann, men først tidlig på 1800-tallet forteller skriftlige kilder om brukere på Vatne. [6088b] The first to frequent the area is said to have been an outlaw, but not till the early 19th century do written sources record farmers at Vatne. [6088c] The first one to have used this area is said to have been an outlaw, but it wasn't until the 1800's that written sources recorded settlers here at Vatne. [6088d] The first person to make use of this area is said to have been an outlaw, but according to written sources there were no farmers at Vatne until the early 1800s. [6089a] Tollag Ellingson fra Kalleli ved Lysefjorden flyttet hit inn i 1810. [6089b] Tollag Ellingson from Kalleli on Lysefjorden moved here in 1810. [6089c] Tollag Ellingson from Kalleli at Lysefjord moved here in 1810. [6089d] Tollag Ellingson from Kalleli on the Lysefjord moved here in 1810. [6090a] Han hadde 6 barn, men to eller tre av barna døde før de vokste opp. [6090b] He had 6 children, but two or three of the children died before adulthood. [6090c] He had six children, but two or three of the children didn't survive past childhood. [6090d] He had six children, but two or perhaps three of them died young. [6091a] I 1875 ble det holdt en folketelling på Vatne. [6091b] In 1875 there was a census of Vatne. [6091c] In 1875, a census was taken at Vatne. [6091d] In 1875, a census was taken at Vatne. [6092a] Følgende personer var da til stede: Elling Tollefsen, husfar. [6092b] The following persons then were there: Elling Tollefsen, head of a family. [6092c] the following persons were reported as present: Elling Tollefsen, head of the household. [6092d] The following persons were present: Elling Tollefsen, head of family, along with his wife, maidservant and an 80-year-old woman. [6093a] I tillegg hans kone, tjenestepike og en legdekone på 80 år. [6093b] In addition his wife, servant girl, and a pauper woman 80 years old. [6093c] In addition, his wife, servant girl and an 80-year-old indigent woman. [6093d] The following persons were present: Elling Tollefsen, head of family, along with his wife, maidservant and an 80-year-old woman. [6094a] Jonas Aslaksen, husfar. [6094b] Jonas Aslaksen, head of a family. [6094c] Jonas Aslaksen, head of the household. [6094d] Jonas Aslaksen, head of family, along with his wife, son and/or farm hand, Guttorm, and his foster daughter Inger. [6095a] I tillegg hans kone, sønn/tjenestegutt Guttorm og fosterdatter Inger. [6095b] In addition his wife, son/hired hand Guttorm, and foster daughter Inger. [6095c] In addition, his wife, son/errand boy Guttorm and foster daughter Inger. [6095d] Jonas Aslaksen, head of family, along with his wife, son and/or farm hand, Guttorm, and his foster daughter Inger. [6096a] Følgende dyr ble tatt med i tellingen: 8 kyr, 128 sauer, 35 geiter, 1 gris. [6096b] The following animals were included in the census: 8 cows, 128 sheep, 35 goats, 1 pig. [6096c] The following livestock were included in the census: 8 cows, 128 sheep, 35 goats, 1 pig. [6096d] The following animals were counted in the census: 8 cows, 128 sheep, 35 goats and 1 pig. [6097a]




[6098a] +Turen til Preikestolen krever godt fottøy! [6098b] the hike to Preikestolen requires good footwear! [6098c] +The trip to Preikestolen requires good footwear! [6098d] +Don't set off to Pulpit Rock without sturdy footwear! [6099a]




[6100a] Løypen til Preikestolen ble merket første gang i 1921. [6100b] The trail to Preikestolen was marked for the first time in 1921. [6100c] The trail to Preikestolen was marked for the first time in 1921. [6100d] The trail to Pulpit Rock was marked for the first time in 1921. [6101a] Det var en helt enkel sti, uten noen særlig tilrettelegging. [6101b] It was a simple path, without any special modifications. [6101c] It was a simple path, without any particular improvements. [6101d] At that time it was just a simple footpath with no added improvements, but with the coming of the road to the Pulpit Rock Cabin in 1961 the tourist traffic up to Pulpit Rock increased considerably. [6102a] Men da bilvegen kom til Preikestolhytta i 1961, økte trafikken ut til Preikestolen sterkt. [6102b] But when the road was built to Preikestolhytta in 1961, traffic out to Preikestolen swelled. [6102c] But when the automobile road was built to the Preikestol lodge in 1961, there was a marked increase in traffic out to Preikestolen. [6102d] At that time it was just a simple footpath with no added improvements, but with the coming of the road to the Pulpit Rock Cabin in 1961 the tourist traffic up to Pulpit Rock increased considerably. [6103a] De mange turistene satte sine spor. [6103b] The numerous tourists left their mark. [6103c] The numerous tourists left scars behind them. [6103d] The many tourists soon began to leave their mark. [6104a] Slitasjen på myrene og de våte partiene ble så sterk at det ble nødvendig å lage en helt ny løype. [6104b] Wear on the marshes and the wet stretches was so severe that it was necessary to build a completely new trail. [6104c] Wear and tear on the moors and marshes was so great that it became necessary to blaze a completely new trail. [6104d] The destruction of the marshes and wet areas was so great that a completely new trail had to be built. [6105a] I 90-årene ble det ved hjelp av offentlige midler satt i gang et stort stiprosjekt. [6105b] In the 1990s, with public funding, a major trail project was initiated. [6105c] In the 1990's, public grants helped to start construction of a large trail project. [6105d] In the 1990s, a major trail-building project was initiated with the aid of public funding. [6106a] Resultatet ble en turløype som tåler tråkk - og som samtidig er nydelig tilpasset den sårbare naturen. [6106b] The result was a trail that withstands tramping - and that also is attractively adapted to the vulnerable surroundings. [6106c] The result was a route that could withstand heavy pedestrian traffic - and that was at the same time well adapted to the fragile natural surroundings. [6106d] The result was a trail that can withstand the heavy tourist traffic and which is also beautifully adapted to the vulnerable natural environment. [6107a]




[6108a] Fotturen fra parkeringsplassen og ut til selve Preikestol-platået er bare 3,8 km, men tar likevel nesten 2 timer hver vei. [6108b] The hike from the parking places and out to the Preikestol plateau itself is just 3.8 km, but nonetheless takes almost 2 hours each way. [6108c] The hike from the parking lot and out to the Prekestol plateau itself is only 3.8 km long, but still takes almost 2 hours each way. [6108d] The hike from the parking lot up to the actual Pulpit Rock plateau is only 3.8 km long, but it still takes about two hours each way. [6109a] Turen har en høydeforskjell på 350 meter og selve turløypen veksler mellom grus, stein og blankskurt berg. [6109b] The tour has an elevation difference of 350 meters, and the trail itself alters between gravel, stones and smoothly scoured bedrock. [6109c] The trip entails an altitude difference of 350 meters, and the trail itself varies between gravel, stone and scoured mountain rock. [6109d] The trail rises 350 metres and the surface varies between gravel, stone and polished rocks. [6110a] Steinene kan være sleipe å gå på i regnvær - så det er best å trø forsiktig. [6110b] The trails can be slippery walking in rainy weather - so it's best to tread carefully. [6110c] The stony surface can be slippery in rainy weather - so it is best to walk cautiously. [6110d] The rocks can be very slippery in rainy weather, so it is best to watch your step. [6111a]




[6112a] Fra Tjødnane kan du velge om du vil følge den tradisjonelle løypen langs svimlende stup høyt over Lysefjorden, eller følge nylaget sti fram til platået ovenfor selve Preikestolen. [6112b] From Tjødnane you can choose if you will follow the traditional trail along dizzying cliffs high over Lysefjorden or follow the newly-built trail up to the plateau above Preikestolen itself. [6112c] From Tjødnane, you can choose whether you want to follow the traditional trail along the dizzying precipice high above Lysefjord, or follow the newly blazed trail up to the plateau above Preikestolen itself. [6112d] From the Tjødnane lakes, you can choose to follow the traditional route along a sheer clifftop high above the Lysefjord or the newly built trail up to the plateau above Pulpit Rock. [6113a] Disse to alternativene kan tas som en rundtur. [6113b] These two alternatives can be taken in a round trip. [6113c] These two alternatives can be done as round trips. [6113d] These alternative routes can be combined to make a round trip. [6114a]




[6115a] Været kan skifte fort så husk regntøy, varme klær, mat og drikke i sekken. [6115b] The weather can change rapidly, so remember rainwear, warm clothing, food and drink in your pack. [6115c] The weather may change abruptly, so remember to bring rainwear, warm clothing, food and beverages in your rucksack. [6115d] The weather can change rapidly here, so remember to bring along rainwear, warm clothing, food and drink in your backpack. [6116a] Det er ikke mulig å kjøpe mat og drikke underveis - så det må du ta med deg fra startstedet. [6116b] It's not possible to buy food and drink on the way - so that you must bring from the starting point. [6116c] It is not possible to buy food and beverages along the way, so these items must be brought with you from your starting point. [6116d] There is no sale of refreshments along the trail, so you have to carry whatever you need. [6117a]




[6118a] +Nyt utsikten over Vatnegarden og Preikestolhytta [6118b] Enjoy the view of Vatnegarden and Preikestolhytta [6118c] +Enjoy the view out over Vatnegarden and Prekestolhytta. [6118d] +Enjoy the view of the Vatne farm and the Pulpit Rock Cabin [6119a]




[6120a] Ta en pause når du har kommet opp den første bratte bakken fra parkeringsplassen. [6120b] Take a rest when you have come up the first steep hill from the parking places. [6120c] Take a rest break when you have climbed to the top of the first steep incline from the parking lot. [6120d] Take a break when you reach the top of the first steep climb from the parking lot. [6121a] Fra platået (350 moh) er det flott utsikt over Preikestolhytta og den tidligere Vatnegarden. [6121b] From the plateau (350 m above sea level), there's a fine view of Preikestolhytta and the former Vatnegarden. [6121c] From the plateau (350 meters above sea level), there is a wonderful panorama out over Preikestolhytta and the former Vatne farm. [6121d] From the plateau (350 metres above sea level), there is an excellent view of the Pulpit Rock Cabin and the former Vatne farm. [6122a] Tidligere var dette området så trefattig at bonden på Vatne skar torv i myrene ovenfor garden for å ha til brensel. [6122b] In the past, the area was so threadbare that the farmers at Vatne cut sod from the marches above the farm to use as fuel. [6122c] Previously, this area was so sparsely wooded that the farmer at Vatne cut peat from the moors above the farm to use for heating. [6122d] There used to be so few trees in this area that the farmer at Vatne cut peat in the marshes above the farm to use as fuel. [6123a] I dag er ikke det nødvendig. [6123b] Today that's not necessary. [6123c] Today this is not necessary. [6123d] Today, that is no longer necessary. [6124a] Det gamle jordbrukslandskapet er i ferd med å gro til og det begynner å bli vanskelig å finne mange av de gamle murene og slåttemarkene. [6124b] The old farmlands are becoming overgrown and it's beginning to be difficult to find many of the old walls and hayfields. [6124c] The old farm landscape is beginning to become overgrown, and it is becoming harder to find many of the old moors and hayfields. [6124d] The old agricultural landscape is gradually becoming overgrown, and many of the old walls and hayfields are already hard to find. [6125a] Tilgroingen skyldes i første rekke at det er færre beitedyr og lite vedhogst. [6125b] The overgrowing is due principally to there being fewer grazing animals and little logging. [6125c] Overgrowth is primarily due to the fact that there are fewer grazing livestock and little woodcutting. [6125d] This growth of vegetation is primarily due to the decline in both the number of grazing animals and the intensity of timber cutting. [6126a] I tillegg fører nedbøren med seg en rekke kjemiske stoffer som gjødsler naturen. [6126b] Moreover, precipitation carries a range of chemical compounds that fertilize the landscape. [6126c] In addition, precipitation brings with it a number of chemicals that act as natural fertilizers. [6126d] Precipitation also brings with it a number of nutrients that fertilize the soil and promote growth. [6127a] Stavanger Turistforening eier totalt 8000 da av dette vakre området og håper at riktig mange vil bruke det til friluftsliv. [6127b] Stavanger Turistforening owns in all 8000 decares of this beautiful area and hopes that really many will use it for outdoor recreation. [6127c] Stavanger Tourist Association owns a total of 32,000 acres of this beautiful area and hopes that many visitors will make use of this outdoor treasure. [6127d] The Stavanger Tourist Association owns a total of 8,000 decares of this beautiful area and hopes that many people will make use of it for outdoor recreation. [6128a] Her kan du gjøre spennende ting i dagevis: Bade, fiske, ro, plukke bær og sopp - og ikke minst gå de andre merkede turene i området. [6128b] Here you can find challenging things to do for days: Swim, fish, row, pick berries and mushrooms - and not least, hike the other marked tours in the area. [6128c] Here you can do exciting things for days on end: Swimming, fishing, rowing, berry and mushroom gathering - not to mention hiking the other marked trails in the area. [6128d] Here you can find exciting things to do for days on end: bathing, fishing, rowing, picking wild berries and mushrooms - and last but not least hiking on the other marked trails in the area. [6129a] Prøv selv. [6129b] Try yourself. [6129c] Try it yourself! [6129d] Try it yourself. [6130a]




[6131a] +Landskapet er formet av isbreer [6131b] The landscape was shaped by glaciers. [6131c] +The landscape is shaped by glaciers. [6131d] +The landscape was shaped by glaciers [6132a] Veien fra Jøssang til Preikestolhytta skjærer på sitt høyeste punkt gjennom Vatnerinda. [6132b] The road from Jøssang to Preikestolhytta cuts at its highest point through Vatnerinda. [6132c] The road from Jøssang to Preikestolhytta, at its highest point, cuts through Vatnerinda. [6132d] At its highest point, the road from Jøssang to the Pulpit Rock Cabin crosses the Vatnerinda ridge. [6133a] Tidligere trodde folk at det var troll som hadde lagt opp de enorme steinryggene langs Vatnerinda og videre langs høydedraget rundt Refsvatnet. [6133b] In the past, people believed that Trolls had laid up the enormous stone ridges along Vatnerinda and further along the range around Refsvatnet. [6133c] Earlier, people thought that trolls had deposited the enormous stone ridges along Vatnerinda and further along the range of hills surrounding Refsvatn. [6133d] In the old days, people believed that the enormous stone ridges along the Vatnerinda ridge and on along the high ground around Lake Refsvatnet had been erected by trolls. [6134a] I dag vet vi at ryggene ble skjøvet opp som randmorener av Lysefjordbreen for ca 10.500 år siden. [6134b] Today we know that the ridges were deposited as lateral moraine by the Lysefjordbreen some 10,500 years ago. [6134c] Today we know that the ridges were pushed up as lateral moraines of the Lysefjord glacier about 10,500 years ago. [6134d] Today we know that the ridges were thrust up as terminal moraines by the Lysefjord Glacier about 10,500 years ago. [6135a] Hele Lysefjorden var da fylt med is, og en istunge lå innover der Refsvatnet og Preikestolhytta ligger i dag. [6135b] The entire Lysefjorden then was filled with ice, and a glacial tongue lay inwards where Refsvatnet and Preikestolhytta lie today. [6135c] Lysefjord was completely filled with ice at the time, and an ice tongue covered the area where Refsvatnet and Preikestol are located today. [6135d] At that time, the whole Lysefjord was filled with ice, and a tongue of ice reached in to where Lake Refsvatnet and the Pulpit Rock Cabin are situated today. [6136a]




[6137a] +Lysefjordbreen [6137b] Lysefjordbreen [6137c] +The Lysefjord Glacier [6137d] +The Lysefjord Glacier [6138a] Kartet viser hvordan kanten av Lysefjordbreen lå i dette området for ca 10.500 år siden. [6138b] The map shows where the edge of Lysefjordbreen lay in this area some 10,500 years ago. [6138c] The map shows where the edge of Lysefjord Glacier was located in this area about 10,500 years ago. [6138d] The map shows where the rim of the Lysefjord Glacier was located in this area about 10,500 years ago. [6139a] Dette utsiktspunktet var midt i brekanten. [6139b] This vantage point was midway on the edge of the glacier. [6139c] This vantage point was in the middle of the glacial apron. [6139d] This viewpoint would have been right in the middle of the glacier rim. [6140a] Preikestolhytta hadde så vidt vært dekket av isbreen, mens bilveien opp fra Jøssang ville ha ligget like utenfor iskanten. [6140b] Preikestolhytta will have barely been covered by the glacier, while the road up from Jøssang will have been beyond the edge of the glacier. [6140c] Preikestolhytta would have been barely covered by the glacier, while the automobile road up from Jøssang would have been located just outside the edge of the ice. [6140d] The Pulpit Rock Cabin would have just barely been covered by the glacier, while the road up from Jøssang would have been just beyond the edge of the ice. [6141a] Langs veien på utsiden av randmorenen har smeltevann fra breen spylt landskapet rent for løsmasser, mens området på innsiden stort sett er rikt på løsmasser og jord. [6141b] Along the road, outside the lateral moraine, melt water from the glacier has flushed the landscape clean of sediment, while inside, on the whole there is abundant sediment and soil. [6141c] Along the road on the outer side of the lateral moraine, melted ice from the glacier has rinsed the landscape clean of loose deposits, while the area on the inner side is generally rich in loose deposits and soil. [6141d] Along the road on the outside of the terminal moraine, melt water from the glacier flushed loose earth and gravel away from the landscape, whereas there is usually an abundance of loose material on the inside of the moraine. [6142a] Da disse randmorenene ble bygget opp, ble det avsatt andre morener lange hele norskekysten fra Finnmark i nord til Østfold i sør. [6142b] When these lateral moraines were built up, other moraines were deposited along the entire Norwegian coast, from finnmark in the north to Østfold in the south. [6142c] When these lateral moraines were built up, other moraines were formed along the entire Norwegian coastline from Finnmark in the north to Østfold in the south. [6142d] At the same time as these terminal moraines were built up, other moraines were deposited along the whole Norwegian coast from Finnmark County in the North to Østfold County in the southeast. [6143a] Morener fra denne perioden kalles ofte for Raet. [6143b] Moraine from this period often is called terminal moraine. [6143c] Moraines from this period are often called gravel ridges. [6143d] Moraines from this period are often called Raet (end moraines). [6144a]




[6145a] +Moreneryggene består av kjempesteiner [6145b] The moraine ridges consist of huge boulders [6145c] +The moraine ridges consist of giant boulders [6145d] +The moraine ridges consist of gigantic boulders [6146a] Ismassene i en isbre beveger seg plastisk, og breen kan flytte på grus og stein. [6146b] The mass of ice in a glacier moves plastically, and the glacier can float on gravel and stones. [6146c] The ice masses in a glacier flow plastically, and a glacier can move gravel and stones. [6146d] The blocks of ice in a glacier move fluidly, and the glacier can transport gravel and stone. [6147a] Langs kanten av en bre i bevegelse vil det bygges opp randmorener. [6147b] Along the edge of a glacier in motion, lateral moraines build up. [6147c] Along the edge of a glacier in motion, lateral moraines will be built up. [6147d] Along the rim of a glacier in movement, terminal moraines will be deposited. [6148a] I området langs Lysefjorden består randmorenene av mange kjempestore steinblokker og lite finmateriale. [6148b] In the region around Lysefjorden, the lateral moraine consists of gigantic boulders and little finer material. [6148c] In the area along Lysefjord, the lateral moraines are composed of many huge blocks of stone and little fine matter. [6148d] In the area along the Lysefjord, the terminal moraines consist of many enormous boulders and not much fine gravel. [6149a] Nærkontakt med denne blokkrike morenen vil du få senere på fotturen, men du kan også studere den nærmere ved å ta en liten avstikker herfra, hundre meter langs stien mot Moslifjell. [6149b] Close contact with this boulder-rich moraine will come later on the hike, but you also can study it closer by taking a small side trip from here, a hundred meters along the trail to Moslifjell. [6149c] You will come into closer contact with this type of stone block moraine later on your trek, but you can also take a closer look at it by taking a short detour from here, a hundred meters along the path toward Moslifjell. [6149d] You will get a good look at this boulder moraine later in this hike, but you can also study it more closely by taking a small side trip here and walking 100 metres up the trail to Mt. Moslifjell. [6150a] (Men kom tilbake til dette utgangspunktet dersom du skal videre på stien til Preikestolen.) [6150b] (But come back to this starting point if you wish to continue on the trail to Preikestolen.) [6150c] (But be sure to come back to this starting point if you plan to continue on the path to Preikestolen.) [6150d] (But remember to return to this spot if you want to continue on the trail to Pulpit Rock.) [6151a]




[6152a] +Krokete furutrær [6152b] Gnarled pine trees [6152c] +Crooked pine trees [6152d] +Crooked pine trees [6153a]




[6154a] Turløypen flater ut og fortsetter bortover platået. [6154b] The trail flattens out and continues over the plateau. [6154c] The hiking trail levels out and continues across the plateau. [6154d] The trail levels off and continues along the plateau. [6155a] Her vokser kortvokste og kompakte furutrær som minner om japanske bonsai-vekster. [6155b] Here grow short, compact pine trees reminiscent of Japanese bonsai. [6155c] Here, short and stocky pine trees grow, resembling Japanese bonsai plants. [6155d] In this area grow a number of short, compact pine trees, which may remind you of Japanese bonsai trees. [6156a] Furu var ett av de treslagene som først kom til Norge etter istiden. [6156b] Pine was one of the first tree species that came to Norway after the ice age. [6156c] Pine was one of the types of trees that first appeared in Norway after the Ice Age. [6156d] Pine was one of the first tree species to arrive in Norway after the Ice Age. [6157a] Furu trives på grusjord og tåler uttørring rimelig bra. [6157b] Pine thrives in gravelly soil and withstands dehydration relatively well. [6157c] Pines do well in gravelly soil and can survive arid conditions reasonably well. [6157d] Pine thrives in gravelly soil and is relatively drought-tolerant. [6158a] Furu vokser seg vanligvis høyreist og flott der den får næring nok. [6158b] Pine usually grows towering and fine wherever it has enough nutrients. [6158c] Pines normally grow tall and luxuriant, provided there is sufficient nourishment in the soil. [6158d] When they get enough nutrients, pines grow to be tall and majestic. [6159a] Bonsai-varianten tyder nok på hardere vekstvilkår. [6159b] The bonsai variety certainly indicates harsher growing conditions. [6159c] The bonsai variety is an indication of poorer growth conditions. [6159d] The Bonsai variety almost certainly indicates harsher growing conditions. [6160a]




[6161a] Lenger borte reiser strake og høye furutrær seg mot himmelen. [6161b] Further away, erect, high pine trees reach heavenward. [6161c] Further along, tall and erect pine trees rise toward the sky. [6161d] Farther along the trail, the pines get a lot taller. [6162a] Her er tydeligvis jordsmonnet bedre. [6162b] Here the soil obviously is better. [6162c] The soil is evidently better here. [6162d] Here the soil is clearly better. [6163a] Mellom trærne kan du skimte neset i Refsvatn hvor den nedlagte fjellgarden Torsnes ligger. [6163b] Between the trees you can glimpse the headland in Refsvatn, where the abandoned Torsnes mountain farm lies. [6163c] Between the trees you can glimpse the promontory at Refsvatn, where the abandoned mountain farm of Torsnes is located. [6163d] Through the trees, you can catch a glimpse of the point on Lake Refsvatnet where the abandoned Torsnes mountain farm is located. [6164a]




[6165a] +God smak fra skog og fjell [6165b] Good taste from forest and mountains [6165c] +Tasty treats from the forest and mountains [6165d] +Tasty forest and mountain treats [6166a]




[6167a] Utpå sommeren og høsten kan du langs turløypen finne modne bær. [6167b] In late summer and the autumn you can find ripe berries along trails. [6167c] During late summer and fall, you can find ripe berries along the hiking trail. [6167d] As summer stretches into autumn, you may find ripe berries along the trail. [6168a] Tidligere var folk flinke til å plukke bær til saft og syltetøy - nå går alt for mange forbi. [6168b] In the past, people were good at picking berries for juicing and preserving - now too many walk past. [6168c] Earlier, people were eager to gather berries for making juice or jam - now too many people simply pass them by. [6168d] In the old days, people were very good at gathering berries for juice and jam - nowadays, far too many people just pass them by. [6169a] Men ta en liten avstikker og se hva du kan finne. [6169b] But take a small side trip and see what you can find. [6169c] But do take a little detour and see what you can find. [6169d] Take a little stroll off the beaten path and see what you can find. [6170a] Her er mange gode smaker, både til dessert - og til spennende middagsretter. [6170b] Here there are many taste treats, both for desserts and for tantalizing dinner dishes. [6170c] There are many fine flavors here, for both desserts and interesting main dishes. [6170d] There are many tasty treats that can be used in both desserts and exciting dinner dishes. [6171a]




[6172a] +Blåbær [6172b] Blueberries [6172c] +Blueberries [6172d] +Bilberries (Wild blueberries) [6173a] Blåbær er vanlig i hele området. [6173b] Blueberries are commonplace throughout the area. [6173c] Blueberries are common throughout the area. [6173d] Bilberries are quite common throughout the whole area. [6174a] De smaker godt - og er kjent som mageregulerende middel. [6174b] They are tasty - and are known to be antacid. [6174c] they are tasty - and are known as a good stomach regulator. [6174d] They taste good and are known to have an anti-diarrhoeic effect. [6175a]




[6176a] +Blokkebær, skinntryte, mikkelsbær [6176b] Whortleberries [6176c] +Bog bilberries, bog blueberries, bog cranberries [6176d] +Northern bilberries (Bog whortleberries) [6177a] Blokkebæra er også blå utvendig, men til forskjell fra blåbæra er de svakt grønnlige inni. [6177b] Whortleberries are also blue outside, but as opposed to blueberries, are light greenish inside. [6177c] Bog bilberries are also blue on the outside, but they differ from blueberries in that they are faintly greenish inside. [6177d] Northern bilberries are also blue on the outside, but unlike bilberries they are pale green on the inside. [6178a] Blokkebær står ofte igjen etter at blåbærplukkerne har dratt hjem. [6178b] Whortleberries often are left after blueberry pickers have gone home. [6178c] Bilberries are often left behind when blueberry pickers have gone home. [6178d] Northern bilberries are often left behind after the bilberry pickers have gone home. [6179a] Det er synd. [6179b] That's a shame. [6179c] This is unfortunate. [6179d] That's a shame because the berry tastes good and contains over three times as much vitamin C as a bilberry. [6180a] For bæra smaker godt - og inneholder over tre ganger så mye C-vitamin som blåbær. [6180b] Because the berries taste good - and contain more than three times as much Vitamin C as blueberries. [6180c] Because the berries are tasty - and they contain more than three times as much vitamin C as blueberries. [6180d] That's a shame because the berry tastes good and contains over three times as much vitamin C as a bilberry. [6181a] Lag suppe av blokkebær. [6181b] Make soup from whortleberries. [6181c] Make a fruit soup from bilberries. [6181d] A tasty soup can be made of northern bilberries. [6182a] Den har en mild fin smak som minner om stikkelsbær. [6182b] It has a mild, delicate taste reminiscent of gooseberries. [6182c] They have a mild, pleasant taste that resembles gooseberries. [6182d] They have a pleasant, mild taste that is reminiscent of gooseberries. [6183a]




[6184a] +Utsikt mot Stavanger og Boknafjorden [6184b] View towards Stavanger and Boknafjorden [6184c] +View toward Stavanger and Boknafjorden [6184d] +View toward Stavanger and the Boknafjord [6185a]




[6186a] Etter en stigning gjennom skog og ur dukker neste utsiktspunkt opp, 420 moh. [6186b] After a climb through woods and talus, the next vantage point emerges at 420 meters above sea level. [6186c] After an uphill incline through wooded and stony terrain, the next lookout point is reached, 420 meters above sea level. [6186d] After a climb through the forest and over scree, you reach the next viewpoint, 420 metres above sea level. [6187a] Herfra kan vi i klart vær se store deler av Boknafjorden med Stavanger by lengst til venstre - 2,5 mil unna. [6187b] From here, we can clearly see greater parts of Boknafjorden with Stavanger city farthest to the left - 25 km away. [6187c] From here, on a clear day, we can see large portions of Boknafjord and the city of Stavanger farthest to the left - 25 kilometers away. [6187d] In clear weather, you can see most of the Boknafjord from here with the city of Stavanger on the far left - 25 km in the distance. [6188a] Midt i fjorden ligger øyene Bru, Åmøy, Mosterøy og Rennesøy. [6188b] Midway in the fjord lie the islands of Bru, Åmøy, Mosterøy, and Rennesøy. [6188c] In the middle of the fjord are the islands of Bru, Mosterøy and Rennesøy. [6188d] In the middle of the fjord lie the islands Bru, Åmøy, Mosterøy and Rennesøy. [6189a] På fastlandet til høyre ser vi litt av byen Jørpeland. [6189b] On the mainland to the right we see a bit of the town of Jørpeland. [6189c] On the mainland to the right, we see a little of the city of Jørpeland. [6189d] On the mainland to the right, we get a glimpse of the town of Jørpeland. [6190a] Dersom du ønsker å se enda litt mer, skal du gå opp på Husafjellet like sør for der du står. [6190b] If you wish to see a little more, you should go up to Husafjellet just south of where you stand. [6190c] If you want to see even more, you should go to the summit of Husfjell just to the south of where you are standing. [6190d] For an even better view, take a side trip to the top of Husafjellet, which rises directly to the south of where you are standing. [6191a]




[6192a] Skogen har her begynt å tynnes ut - og fjellbjørka har begynt å overta. [6192b] The woods here have begun to thin - and the mountain birch has begun taking over. [6192c] The forest has begun to thin out - and the mountain birch has begun to take over. [6192d] The forest here has begun to thin out, and the mountain birches are beginning to get the upper hand. [6193a] Tregrensen i denne delen av Norge ligger rundt 600 meter. [6193b] Timberline in this part of Norway is around 600 meters. [6193c] The tree line in this part of Norway runs at about 600 meters. [6193d] The tree line in this part of Norway is about 600 metres above sea level. [6194a] Lenger innover i landet ligger tregrensen høyere, på Østlandet kan den gå helt opp i 1200 meter. [6194b] Further inland timberland is higher; in Østlandet it can be as high as 1200 meters. [6194c] Farther inland, the tree line is higher; in Eastern Norway it can extend as far up as 1200 meters. [6194d] Farther into the interior of the country, the tree line is higher; in Eastern Norway, it can be as high as 1,200 metres above sea level. [6195a] I Norge er det bjørka som vokser høyest opp i fjellet. [6195b] In Norway, it's birch that grow highest up in the mountains. [6195c] In Norway it is birch that grows highest up in the mountains. [6195d] In Norway, the birch is the tree that grows highest up in the mountains. [6196a] De siste årene ser det ut til at tregrensen kryper oppover, trolig på grunn av mildere klima. [6196b] In recent years, it seems that timberline is creeping upwards, perhaps due to a milder climate. [6196c] During recent years, it appears that the tree line is slowly ascending, probably because of the milder climate. [6196d] In recent years, the tree line seems to be slowly creeping upward, probably as a result of a milder climate. [6197a] Mindre husdyrbeiting og mindre uttak av skog til vedfyring bidrar også til at landskapet gror igjen. [6197b] Less grazing and less culling of forests for firewood also contributes to the landscape overgrowing. [6197c] Less livestock grazing and reduced lumbering also contributes to the landscape growing over. [6197d] Less grazing of farm animals and reduced removal of timber for wood heating are other reasons why the landscape is becoming more overgrown. [6198a] I løpet av de siste årene har vi sett store forandringer. [6198b] In the course of the last few years, we have seen major changes. [6198c] During the course of recent years, we have seen great changes. [6198d] During the last few years, major changes have been noted. [6199a]




[6200a] +Stidele Moslifjell [6200b] Stidele Moslifjell [6200c] +Moslifjell Crossroads [6200d] +The Mt. Moslifjell trail junction [6201a] Herfra går det en flott rundtur opp til toppen av Moslifjell (718 moh). [6201b] From here, there's a fine round trip to the summit of Moslifjell (718 meters above sea level). [6201c] From here, there is a nice round-trip up to the summit of Moslifjell (718 meters above sea level). [6201d] From here, you can take an exciting circular trail up to the summit of Mt. Moslifjell (718 metres above sea level). [6202a] Dette er et godt alternativ for dere som ikke har lyst til å gå samme vei tilbake fra Preikestolen - og som har krefter igjen. [6202b] It's an attractive alternative for those of you who wish not to return by the same route from Preikestolen - and who have strength left. [6202c] This is a good alternative for those of you who don't want to return by the same route from Preikestolen - and who still have the remaining energy. [6202d] This is a good alternative for those of you who still have plenty of energy and do not want to take the same route back from Pulpit Rock. [6203a] Turen går først gjennom skog, før du kommer opp i praktfullt, åpent høyfjellsterreng med utsikt til alle kanter. [6203b] The hike goes first through woods, before you get up to the open high mountain terrain with a view in all directions. [6203c] The trip goes through woods first, until you come up into gorgeous, open alpine terrain with a view in all directions. [6203d] The trail begins in the forest and then climbs up into magnificent, open high mountain terrain with views in all directions. [6204a] Mosliløypen kommer inn på Preikestolløypen igjen ved det første utsiktspunktet. [6204b] The Mosli trail joins the Preikestol trail again at the first vantage point. [6204c] The Mosli trail merges with the Preikestol trail again at the first vantage point. [6204d] The Mt. Moslifjell trail joins the Pulpit Rock trail again at the first viewpoint. [6205a] Turen har en høydeforskjell på 300 meter - og tar ca 2 timer ekstra. [6205b] The hike has an elevation difference of 300 meters - and takes an extra 2 hours. [6205c] The trip has a difference in altitude of 300 meters - and takes approx. 2 extra hours. [6205d] The hike involves a climb of 300 metres and takes another two hours. [6206a]




[6207a] +Elg, hjort og rådyr holder til her [6207b] Moose, deer, and roe deer linger here. [6207c] +Moose, red deer and roe deer are found here. [6207d] +Norwegian moose, hart and roe deer can be seen in this area [6208a] I området her inne kan du være heldig og treffe på de tre hjortedyrene som lever her; elg, hjort og rådyr. [6208b] In this area you can be lucky and come across the three species of deer that live here: moose, deer and doe deer. [6208c] Inside this area, you may be lucky enough to encounter the three types of deer species that live here: moose, red deer and roe deer. [6208d] In this area, you may get lucky and catch a glimpse of one of the three species of deer that inhabit this area: Norwegian moose, hart and roe deer. [6209a] Langs Preikestolstien er det som regel så mye folk at dyra holder seg borte. [6209b] Along the Preikestol trail there usually are so many people that the animals stay away. [6209c] Along the Preikestol path, there are so many people, as a rule, that the deer shy away. [6209d] Along the Pulpit Rock trail, there are usually so many people that these animals keep a safe distance away, but on the hike to Mt. Moslifjell, or if you take a side trip somewhere else on your own initiative, you quickly get into wilder country and may catch a glimpse of the local fauna. [6210a] Men på turen til Moslifjell, eller dersom du tar en avstikker på egen hånd, kan du komme nærmere inn på naturen og dyrelivet. [6210b] But on the hike to Moslifjell, or if you take a side trip on your own, you can get closer to the outdoors and animal life. [6210c] But on the trip to Moslifjell, if you take a little detour on your own, you can get closer to the natural surroundings and fauna. [6210d] Along the Pulpit Rock trail, there are usually so many people that these animals keep a safe distance away, but on the hike to Mt. Moslifjell, or if you take a side trip somewhere else on your own initiative, you quickly get into wilder country and may catch a glimpse of the local fauna. [6211a] Selv om du ikke skulle treffe på levende dyr, så er det ofte spor å finne. [6211b] Even though you may not come across a living animal, there often are tracks to be seen. [6211c] Even if you don't find live animals, there are often traces of them to be seen. [6211d] Even if you do not get to see any living animals, you will often finds traces of them along this trail. [6212a]




[6213a] +Krogebekkmyra [6213b] Krogebekkmyra [6213c] +The Krogebekk Moor [6213d] +Krogebekkmyra [6214a]




[6215a] Store deler av Norge har vært dekket av myr. [6215b] Greater parts of Norway have been covered by marshes. [6215c] Large portions of Norway have been covered with moorland. [6215d] Large parts of Norway have been covered by marshes. [6216a] Myrer finner vi i forsenkninger i områder med rikelig nedbør. [6216b] Marshes are found in depressions in regions with abundant precipitation. [6216c] We find moors in hollows with abundant precipitation. [6216d] We find marshes, or bogs, in depressions in areas with a lot of precipitation. [6217a] Døde planter brytes ikke ned fordi marken hele tiden er vannmettet og oksygenet ikke får bidra til en normal nedbrytning. [6217b] Dead plants are not broken down because the ground is always saturated with water and oxygen cannot contribute to normal decomposition. [6217c] Dead vegetation is not fully broken down because the soil is continually waterlogged and oxygen is unable to contribute to normal decomposition. [6217d] Dead plants do not decompose because the ground is always water-saturated, so that oxygen cannot contribute to normal decomposition. [6218a] Den ufullstendige forråtnelsen danner en gass som lukter litt surt. [6218b] The incomplete decomposition forms a gas that smells a bit acidic. [6218c] The incomplete decay produces a gas that has a slightly sour odor. [6218d] The incomplete decomposition forms a gas that smells a little dank. [6219a] Dette gir den karakteristiske - og ganske gode - myrlukten. [6219b] This results in the characteristic - and quite good - marsh odor. [6219c] This results in the characteristic - and quite pleasant - odor of peat. [6219d] This produces the characteristic - and quite pleasant - smell of a marsh. [6220a] Like under det øverste plantedekket ligger en svart sorpe, dette er de ikke-nedbrutte planterestene. [6220b] Just under the uppermost vegetation cover lies a black mire; this is incompletely decomposed plant remains. [6220c] Just beneath the upper ground cover, there is a black layer of peat slush composed of the non-decomposed plant debris. [6220d] Just beneath the upper plant coverage lies a black mire, which is the undecomposed plant remains. [6221a] Sorpen er helt organisk - uten sand og stein som vi ellers finner i annen jord under plantene. [6221b] The mire is completely organic - without sand and stones that otherwise are found in soils under plants. [6221c] The peat slush is completely organic - free of sand and stone that would normally be found in other types of soil beneath plants. [6221d] The mire is completely organic with none of the sand or mineral content generally found in other types of soil beneath plants. [6222a] På myrer finner vi ulike plantetyper som har spesialisert seg på et liv i et vannmettet miljø. [6222b] In marshes we find various species of plants that have specialized in life in a water-saturated environment. [6222c] On moors, we find the various types of plants that have adapted to life in a waterlogged environment. [6222d] In marshes, we find various types of plants that have specialized in life in a water-saturated environment. [6223a] Tråkk over myrer har en tendens til å utvide seg, folk flest liker ikke å tråkke i sorpe. [6223b] Tracks over marshes tend to expand, as most people don't like tramping in mire. [6223c] Footpaths across moors have a tendency to widen; most people do not like to walk in marshy peat. [6223d] The passage of hikers across a marsh tends to enlarge the path. Most people don't like to walk through mire. [6224a] Vi går ved siden av sorpen og snart blir stien mange meter bred. [6224b] We walk to the side of the mire, and soon the trail is many meters wide. [6224c] We walk beside the slush, and soon the path becomes several meters wide. [6224d] We try to bypass the boggy patch, and pretty soon the trail is many metres wide. [6225a] Over Krogebekkmyra er det derfor laget gangbane for å forhindre slitasje og for å lette ferdselen for de vandrende. [6225b] Over Krogebekkmyra therefore, a walkway has been laid to prevent wear and ease traversing for wanderers. [6225c] Across the Krogebekk Moor, therefore, a walkway has been built in order to prevent wear and tear and to make the crossing easier for hikers. [6225d] A wooden walkway has therefore been laid across Krogebekkmyra to prevent unnecessary destruction of the marsh and make it easier for hikers to cross it. [6226a] Slike "kavlebroer" bygger på en mange hundre år gammel tradisjon. [6226b] Such corduroy bridges are built in the tradition of centuries. [6226c] "Corduroy bridges" like this one are built on traditions that are many centuries old. [6226d] These wooden causeways are constructed according to a tradition that is many hundred years old. [6227a]




[6228a] +Dvergbjørk [6228b] Dwarf birch [6228c] +Dwarf Birch [6228d] +Dwarf birch [6229a] Dvergbjørka er en liten og lavtkrypende busk, den trives der det er tørt. [6229b] The dwarf birch is a small, low-lying shrub; it thrives where it's dry. [6229c] Dwarf birch is a small, low-lying shrub that thrives in arid soil. [6229d] The dwarf birch is a small ground-hugging shrub that thrives in dry places. [6230a] Den har små runde blader som får en intens og vakker gulrød farge om høsten. [6230b] It has small, round leaves that take on an intense and beautiful yellow-red color in autumn. [6230c] It has small rounded leaves that become an intense and beautiful yellowish-red during the fall season. [6230d] It has small, round leaves that turn a beautiful, intense orangey-red in the autumn. [6231a]




[6232a] +Frosk [6232b] Frogs [6232c] +Frogs [6232d] +Frog [6233a] Frosk holder til på myra. [6233b] Frogs live in swamps. [6233c] Frogs live in moors. [6233d] There are frogs in the marsh. [6234a] I paringstiden vil du høre hannene lokke på hunnene med kvekkende lyder. [6234b] At mating time, you can hear males luring females by croaking. [6234c] During mating season, you will hear the males attracting the females with croaking noises. [6234d] During the mating season, you can hear the males calling to the females with croaking sounds. [6235a] Hunnen legger flere hundre egg på grunt vann. [6235b] Females lay several hundred eggs in shallow water. [6235c] The females lay several hundred eggs in shallow water. [6235d] The females lay hundreds of eggs in shallow water. [6236a] Eggene utvikles til rumpetroll som senere forvandles til frosk. [6236b] The eggs develop to tadpoles that subsequently change into frogs. [6236c] The eggs hatch tadpoles, which later develop into frogs. [6236d] The eggs develop into tadpoles, which are later transformed into frogs. [6237a] Den viktigste næringen er insekter og snegler. [6237b] The principal foods are insects and snails. [6237c] The most important source of food is insects and snails. [6237d] Their most important sources of nutrition are insects and snails. [6238a]




[6239a] +Øyenstikker [6239b] Dragonflies [6239c] +Dragonflies [6239d] +Dragonfly [6240a] Øyenstikkerne er blant de fargerike insektene som folk lett legger merke til. [6240b] Dragonflies are among the colorful insects that people easily notice. [6240c] Dragonflies are among the most colorful insects and are easily noticed. [6240d] Dragonflies are among the most colourful insects that catch our eye. [6241a] De er bygget for kunstflyging. [6241b] They're built for stunt flying. [6241c] They are built for stunt flying. [6241d] They are built for aerobatics. [6242a] Vingene er festet på et bryst som er pakket med muskler, og de store, fargerike fasettøynene gir dem et flott overblikk over omgivelsene. [6242b] Their wings are attached to a muscular chest, and the large compound eyes give them a broad view of their surroundings. [6242c] The wings are attached at to a breast that is chockful of muscles, and their large, colorfully faceted eyes provide them with a perfect overview of their surroundings. [6242d] Their wings are fastened to a muscular thorax, and their large, colourful compound eyes give them an excellent overview of their surroundings. [6243a] De er jegere som lever av bl.a. fluer og små sommerfugler. [6243b] They are hunters that live, among other things, on flies and small butterflies. [6243c] They are hunters that feed on flies and small butterflies. [6243d] They are hunters that live off flies, small butterflies and other insects. [6244a]


[6244c] [6244d]

[6245a] +Rome [6245b] Bog Asphodel [6245c] +Bog Asphodel [6245d] +Bog Asphodel [6246a] Rome er en liten lilje som setter farge på myrene. [6246b] The bog asphodel is a small lily that adds color to the marshes. [6246c] The bog Asphodel is a small lily that adds color to the moors. [6246d] The bog asphodel is a small lily that adds a touch of colour to the marshes. [6247a] Under blomstringen gjør den myra gylden, men etter hvert som frukten modnes går den over i rødgrønt. [6247b] In bloom, it makes the marsh golden, but gradually, as the fruit ripens, it turns reddish green. [6247c] When it blooms, it turns the moors golden, but as the fruit ripens, it turns reddish green. [6247d] When it flowers, it turns the marsh golden, but as the fruit begins to ripen it takes on a reddish green colour. [6248a] Stengler og blad gråner etter hvert, og om våren er det et trolsk gråaktig preg over romemyrene. [6248b] Stems and leaves gradually grey, and in spring there's an enchanting grayish tint in bog asphodel marshes. [6248c] the stems and leaves turn gray gradually, and in the winter, there is a grayish troll-like ambience on the asphodel-covered moors. [6248d] The stems and leaves gradually turn grey, giving a bewitching greyish tint to bog asphodel marshes in the springtime. [6249a] Planten inneholder et giftstoff som gir sau en hudsykdom, alvelda. [6249b] The plant contains a poison that gives sheep a skin disease, photosensitization. [6249c] The plant contains a toxin that causes alveld, a skin disease in sheep. [6249d] The plant contains a toxin that gives sheep a skin disease, alveld (literally elf fire). [6250a]




[6251a] +Soldogg [6251b] Sundew [6251c] +Sundew [6251d] +Sundew [6252a] Denne vakre myrplanten er egentlig en kjøtteter. [6252b] this beautiful marsh plant actually is carnivorous. [6252c] This beautiful moor plant is actually a meat-eater. [6252d] This beautiful marsh plant is actually insectivorous. [6253a] Soldoggens vakre, ildrøde og glinsende farge virker tiltrekkende på mange insekter. [6253b] the sundew's beautiful, bright and shining color attracts many insects. [6253c] The sundew's beautiful, deep red and shiny color appears to attract many insects. [6253d] The sundew's beautiful, bright red, shiny colour attracts many insects. [6254a] Dråpene ytterst på bladrosettene ligner vann, men insekter som setter seg på planten, blir hengende fast og langsomt kvalt. [6254b] The drops outermost on the leaf rosettes resemble dew, but insects that sit on the plant are trapped and slowly suffocated. [6254c] The dew droplets in the recesses of the leaves look like water, but insects that land on the plant adhere to the surface and are slowly suffocated. [6254d] The drops on the outermost edge of the rosette of leaves look like water, but insects that land on the plant get stuck fast and slowly suffocate. [6255a] Soldoggen suger i seg næringsstoffene i insektet for å skaffe seg det nitrogenet den trenger. [6255b] The sundew assimilates the nutrients in insects to get the nitrogen it needs. [6255c] Sundews absorb the nutrients in insects in order to obtain the nitrogen they need. [6255d] The sundew absorbs the nutrients from the dead insects in order to obtain the nitrogen it needs to survive. [6256a]




[6257a] +Duskull [6257b] Tall Cotton Grass [6257c] +Cotton Grass [6257d] +Common cotton grass [6258a] Myrull finnes ofte i stort antall på myrer. [6258b] White cotton grass usually is found in profusion in marshes. [6258c] Bog cotton grass is often abundant on moors. [6258d] Cotton grass is often abundant in Norwegian marshes. [6259a] Den hvite "ullen" er ikke blomster, men børster som virker som flyvehjelp for frøene for at de skal spres langt bort fra morplanten. [6259b] The white "cotton" isn't flowers, but tufts that act to aid seeds so they spread far from the mother plant. [6259c] The white "wool" is not a flower, but rather bristles that serve as a flying aid for the seeds, so that they will be spread far away from the mother plant. [6259d] The white "cotton" is not a flower, but a brushlike attachment to the fruit, which gives the airborne seeds mobility so that they can be dispersed a great distance from the mother plant. [6260a] "Ullen" har vært brukt som putefyll. [6260b] "The cotton" has been used as pillow filling. [6260c] "The wool" has been used to stuff pillows. [6260d] The "cotton" has been used as pillow stuffing. [6261a] Det er 8 forskjellige myrullarter i Norge. [6261b] There are 8 different species of cotton grass in Norway. [6261c] There are 8 different species of cotton grass in Norway. [6261d] There are eight different cotton grass species in Norway. [6262a] Duskull finner vi i store mengder på sure myrer. [6262b] Tall cotton grass is found in profusion in acidic marshes. [6262c] Cotton grass is found in great quantities on moors with acid peat. [6262d] Common cotton grass is extremely abundant in acidic marshes. [6263a]




[6264a] +Ura opp til Neverdalsskaret [6264b] Talus up to Neverdalsskaret [6264c] +The rocky hillside up Neverdal Gorge [6264d] +The scree up to Neverdals Pass [6265a]




[6266a] +Ura er laget av Lysefjordbreen [6266b] The talus was deposited by Lysefjordbreen [6266c] +The rocky mountainside was formed by the Lysefjord glacier. [6266d] +The scree was deposited by the Lysefjord Glacier [6267a] Denne svære steinura er en del av den store randmorenen som ble dannet av isbreene for ca 10.500 år siden. [6267b] This huge scree slope is part of the large lateral moraine that was formed by glaciers some 10,500 years ago. [6267c] This expansive talus is part of the large lateral moraine that was formed by glaciers about 10,500 years ago. [6267d] This massive field of scree is part of the big terminal moraine that was formed by glaciers about 10,500 years ago. [6268a] Mange andre steder i fjellene i Rogaland - og ellers i Norge - ligger det også svære steinurer, men mange av disse er dannet etter istidene ved at berg er blitt frostsprengt ut av de bratte fjellsidene. [6268b] At many other places in the mountains of Rogaland - and elsewhere in Norway - there also are huge scree slopes, but many of these were formed after the ice age as rock fragments were split out of the steep mountainsides by congelifraction. [6268c] At many other places in the mountains of Rogaland - as elsewhere in Norway - there are also large talus deposits, but many of these were created after the Ice Ages, when mountain rock became frozen and fragmented out of the steep mountainsides. [6268d] At many other places in the mountains of Rogaland - and elsewhere in Norway - there are large patches of scree, but many of these were formed after the Ice Ages when rocks were cracked and weathered by frost until they dislodged from the steep mountainsides. [6269a] Da vil en kunne se merker i fjellsiden der steinene i ura stammer fra. [6269b] So we can see traces in the mountainside where the congelifracts of the talus came from. [6269c] One is able to see traces of this on the mountainside where the talus stones came from. [6269d] In these cases, we should be able to see marks in the mountainside where the rocks in the scree originated. [6270a] Slik urdannelse skjer også i dag. [6270b] Such talus formation goes on today. [6270c] Such talus formations also occur today. [6270d] This type of scree formation continues to this day. [6271a] +Skorpelav [6271b] Crustaceous Lichen [6271c] +Skorpelav [6271d] +Crusty lichens [6272a] Bart fjell og stein er ikke så nakent som en først kunne tro. [6272b] Bare rock and stones are not as nude as you might first believe. [6272c] Naked mountain rocks and boulders are not as barren as one might first believe. [6272d] Bare rock and stone are not quite as bare as you might first think. [6273a] Ved nærmere ettersyn vil en se at fjellvegger og steiner har sitt spesielle planteliv. [6273b] Upon closer examination, you can see that rock walls and stones have their special plant life. [6273c] Upon closer inspection, one will see that mountain walls and stones have a special plant life of their own. [6273d] A closer look will reveal that rock walls and stones have their own special plant life as well. [6274a] Skorpelavene vokser som et tynt lag på steinene. [6274b] Crustaceous lichen grows as a thin layer on stones. [6274c] Skorpelav grows in a thin layer on rock surfaces. [6274d] The crusty lichens grow in a thin layer on the stones. [6275a] De fleste skorpelavene er så å si en del av fjellet under. [6275b] Most crustaceous lichen are so to speak a part of the underlying rock. [6275c] Most of these are a part, so to speak, of the mountain they are attached to. [6275d] Most of the crusty lichens become more or less a part of the rock beneath them. [6276a] Ved hjelp av kjemiske stoffer er overflaten av berget oppløst slik at planten har kunnet klore seg fast. [6276b] Using chemicals, it breaks down the surface of the rock to attach itself to it. [6276c] With the help of chemical agents, the surface of the stone is slightly dissolved so that the plant can set root. [6276d] By means of chemical substances, the surface of the rock is dissolved so that the plant can get a foothold. [6277a] Det finnes hundrevis av arter. [6277b] There are hundreds of species. [6277c] There are hundreds of species. [6277d] There are hundreds of lichen species. [6278a] Mange av dem er like grå som steinen den vokser på, andre er lettere å oppdage. [6278b] Many of them are as grey as the stones on which they grow, while others are more easily seen. [6278c] Many of them are just as gray as the stone they grow on; others are easy to see. [6278d] Many of them are as grey as the stone on which they grow; others are easier to see. [6279a] Vann er mangelvare, det renner vekk fra de glatte steinene straks etter at regnet har stoppet. [6279b] Water is in short supply; it runs away from the smooth stones as soon as rain stops. [6279c] Water is scarce; it runs off the smooth stony surfaces as soon as the rain stops. [6279d] Water is usually in short supply for lichens; it runs off the slippery stones as soon as the rain has ceased. [6280a] Skorpelav vokser derfor ekstremt langsomt, ofte ikke mer enn 0,1 mm i året. [6280b] Crustaceous lichen therefore grow very slowly, often no more than 0.1 mm a year. [6280c] Skorpelav therefore grows slowly, often no more than 0.1 mm per year. [6280d] Because of this, crusty lichens grow extremely slowly, often no more than 0.1 mm in a year. [6281a] Så finner du en stor skorpelav så kan den være flere hundre, kanskje tusen år gammel. [6281b] So you can find large crustaceous lichen that can be hundreds or perhaps thousands of years old. [6281c] So if you find a large skorpelav, it may be several hundred or maybe even a thousand years old. [6281d] If you find a large crusty lichen, it may well be many hundred or even a thousand years old. [6282a]




[6283a] +Nedlagte fjellgarder [6283b] Abandoned mountain farms [6283c] +Abandoned mountain farms [6283d] +Abandoned mountain farms [6284a]




[6285a] Her i Neverdalskaret (540 moh) får du det første gløttet av Lysefjorden og Lyseheiene. [6285b] Here in Neverdalskaret (540 meters above sea level) you get the first glimpse of Lysefjorden and Lyseheiene. [6285c] Here in the Neverdal Gorge (540 meters above sea level), you will catch your first glimpse of Lysefjord and the Lyse uplands. [6285d] At Neverdalsskaret (540 metres above sea level), you get your first glimpse of the Lysefjord and the Lyseheiene mountains. [6286a] Her er stidele for stien som fortsetter på nordsiden av Lysefjorden til Bratteli og videre helt til Lysebotn. [6286b] Here there's a fork to the trail that continues on the north side of Lysefjorden to Bratteli and onward all the way to Lysebotn. [6286c] The fork for the path along the northern side of Lysefjord to Bratteli and further on all the way to Lysebotn is here. [6286d] Here you arrive at a junction with the trail that continues along the north side of the Lysefjord to Bratteli and on from there all the way in to Lysebotn at the head of the fjord. [6287a]




[6288a] Løypen til Preikestolen bukter seg på god grusvei gjennom ura. [6288b] The trail to Preikestolen meanders on a dirt road through talus. [6288c] The trail to Preikestolen meanders on a good gravel surface through the talus. [6288d] The trail to Pulpit Rock winds along a good gravel road through the scree. [6289a] De mange store steinene la Lysefjordbreen på plass for 10.500 år siden. [6289b] The many large stones were put in place by Lysefjordbreen 10,500 years ago. [6289c] The many large boulders were deposited here by the Lysefjord glacier about 10,500 years ago. [6289d] The numerous big boulders were deposited by the Lysefjord Glacier 10,500 years ago. [6290a] Om høsten er de tørre rabbene rundt her farget røde av rypebær- og blåbærlyng. [6290b] In autumn, the dry ridges here are colored red by black bearberries - and blueberry bushes. [6290c] During the fall, the dry hillsides around here are turned red by the bearberry and bilberry shrubs. [6290d] In the autumn, the colour on the dry stony ridges turns to red as the black bearberry and bilberry leaves change to their autumn hues. [6291a]




[6292a] +Gardsdrift på fjellhyller [6292b] Farming at mountain lodges [6292c] +Farming on mountain ledges [6292d] +Farming on mountain ledges [6293a] Lysefjorden byr på karrige vilkår for gardsdrift. [6293b] Lysefjorden offers scanty conditions for farming. [6293c] Lysefjord provides meager opportunities for farming. [6293d] The conditions for farming along the Lysefjord are meager. [6294a] Folk har likevel klort seg fast på grønne flekker langs fjellsidene og greid å overleve på små gardsbruk. [6294b] Nonetheless, people have clung to green specks along the mountainsides and have managed to survive on small farms. [6294c] Still, people have managed to carve out an existence on the green patches on the mountainsides and have succeeded in surviving on small farms. [6294d] Nevertheless, people have somehow managed to settle and eke out a living on little green patches of land on the mountainsides, which they have worked into small farms. [6295a] Fjellet ga viktige tilleggsressurser gjennom jakt og fangst. [6295b] The mountains provided essential supplementary resources through hunting and fishing. [6295c] The mountain also provided supplementary resources through hunting and fishing. [6295d] The mountains provided important additional resources through hunting and fishing. [6296a] I Neverdalen lå det tidligere en slik liten plass. [6296b] In Neverdalen in times gone by, there lay such a little place. [6296c] In Neverdal there was once such a place. [6296d] In bygone days, one of these small places was situated in the Neverdalen valley. [6297a] Fremdeles kan en finne tuftene av hus som sto her inne, men plassen ble avfolket allerede før 1900. [6297b] You still can find the sites of houses that stood here, but the place was abandoned as early as before 1900. [6297c] Even today, one can find the remains of buildings that stood here, but the place was depopulated already before 1900. [6297d] We can still find the sites of houses that once stood in here, but this area had already been abandoned before 1900. [6298a] Navnet kommer nok av bjørkenever som ble brukt til taktekking. [6298b] The name most likely comes from the birch bark used for roofing. [6298c] The name comes from sheaves of birch branches that were used to thatch roofs. [6298d] The name probably comes from bjørkenever (birch bark), which was used in those days for roofing. [6299a] Dersom du følger stien videre langs Lysefjorden vil du finne nedlagte fjellgarder både på Hengjane og i Bratteli. [6299b] If you follow the trail further along Lysefjorden, you will find abandoned mountain farms at Hengjane and in Bratteli. [6299c] If you follow the path on along Lysefjord, you will find abandoned mountain farms at both Hengjane and Bratteli. [6299d] If you continue on the trail along the Lysefjord, you will find abandoned mountain farms at both Hengjane and Bratteli. [6300a] Hengjanegarden ligger like bak Hengjanenibbå som stuper bratt ned i Lysefjorden. [6300b] Hengjane farm lies right behind Hengjanenibbå which plunges straight down into Lysefjorden. [6300c] The Hengjane farm is located just behind Hengjanenibbå, which plunges steeply down into Lysefjord. [6300d] The farm at Hengjane lies just behind the Hengjanenibbå peak, which rises straight up from the Lysefjord. [6301a] Hengjane var på 1600-tallet støl under garden Bratteli. [6301b] In the 17th century, Hengjane was a summer dairy farm under the Bratteli farm. [6301c] In the 1600's, Hengjane was a mountain pasture holding of the Bratteli farm. [6301d] In the 1600s, there was a summer farm at Hengjane that belonged to the farm at Bratteli. [6302a]




[6303a] +I fjellskogen [6303b] In mountain forests [6303c] +In the mountain forest [6303d] +In the mountain forest [6304a]




[6305a] Fjellskogen er siste skanse mot fjellet. [6305b] A mountain forest is the last bastion against the mountains. [6305c] The mountain forest is the last bastion of shelter against the open mountains. [6305d] The mountain forest is the last bulwark against the elements before you reach the high mountains. [6306a] Her vokser i første rekke fjellbjørk og enkelte rognetrær. [6306b] Here grow principally mountain birch and some mountain ash. [6306c] It is primarily mountain birch and a few rowan trees that grow here. [6306d] Here the mountain birch is the dominant form of vegetation interspersed with a few rowan trees. [6307a] Fjellbjørka blir ofte mishandlet av snøen og er kroket og skjev. [6307b] The mountain birch often are disfigured by snow and are gnarled and crooked. [6307c] Mountain birch is often misformed by heavy snows, making it gnarled and crooked. [6307d] The mountain birch is often damaged by the snow, leaving it crooked and distorted in appearance, but it is hardy and puts up a good fight even when its back is bowed. [6308a] Men den lar seg ikke knekke, og stritter i mot til den blir rund i ryggen. [6308b] But it won't give up and resists until its back is rounded. [6308c] But it remains unbroken and resists until it becomes arched. [6308d] The mountain birch is often damaged by the snow, leaving it crooked and distorted in appearance, but it is hardy and puts up a good fight even when its back is bowed. [6309a] De vridde fjellbjørkene har gitt inspirasjon til mang en lokal kunstner. [6309b] But the twisted mountain birch has inspired many a local artist. [6309c] The twisted mountain birch trees have provided inspiration for many a local artist. [6309d] The gnarled mountain birches have inspired many a local artist. [6310a] Rundt om på hytter finnes mange rare figurer laget av fjellbjørk. [6310b] Around in cabins, there are many odd figures made of mountain birch. [6310c] At cabins around the area, many strange figures have been made from mountain birch. [6310d] Here and there in the various cabins, you will find many strange figures made of mountain birch wood. [6311a] Rirkuler var tidligere populære til å lage skåler og boller av. [6311b] Gnarls formerly were popular for making saucers and bowls. [6311c] Burls were once popular for making dishes and bowls. [6311d] It used to be popular to make cups and bowls from knots of flame-grained wood. [6312a] Studerer du stammen på fjellbjørk litt nærmere, vil du se at det vokser mange forskjellige arter lav på greinene. [6312b] If you look closely at the trunk of a mountain birch, you will see that many species of lichens grow on the branches. [6312c] If you study the trunk of a mountain birch tree more closely, you will see that many different species grow low on the branches. [6312d] If you study the trunk of a mountain birch a little more closely, you will find that many different species of lichen are growing on its branches. [6313a] Barken på den nederste delen av stammen er ofte bar, noe som forteller hvor høyt snøen ligger om vinteren. [6313b] The bark on the lower trunk often is bare, which indicates how high snow lies in winter. [6313c] The bark on the lower portion of the trunk is often bare, an indication of how high the snow reached during the winter. [6313d] The bark on the lower part of the trunk is often bare, which indicates how high the snow usually accumulates in the winter. [6314a]




[6315a] +Ta et bad i Tjødnane [6315b] Bathe in Tjødnane [6315c] +Have a swim in Tjøndane [6315d] +Take a swim in the Tjødnane lakes [6316a]




[6317a] Norge er rikt på vatn. [6317b] Norway is rich in water. [6317c] Norway is rich in lakes [6317d] Norway has an abundance of lakes. [6318a] Her finnes hundretusener av store, halvstore og små sjøer, vatn, og tjørn. [6318b] Here there are hundreds of thousands of large, medium and small lakes, ponds and tarns. [6318c] Here there are hundreds of thousands of large, medium-sized and small waters, lakes and ponds. [6318d] The country boasts hundreds of thousands of large, medium-sized and small lakes, ponds and tarns, the result of the glaciers' rough-handed excavation and grinding down of the bedrock over hundreds of thousands of years. [6319a] Dette skyldes isbreenes hardhendte utgravning og nedslipning av berget gjennom hundretusener av år. [6319b] This is due to the glaciers' rough excavation and scouring of bed rock through hundreds of thousands of years. [6319c] They are due to the glaciers' hard handed dredging and erosion of the mountain rock over hundreds of thousands of years. [6319d] The country boasts hundreds of thousands of large, medium-sized and small lakes, ponds and tarns, the result of the glaciers' rough-handed excavation and grinding down of the bedrock over hundreds of thousands of years. [6320a] Slike ujevne og knudrete bergoverflater finnes bare i land som har gjennomlevd istider. [6320b] Such uneven, rugged rock faces are found only in countries that have gone through ice ages. [6320c] Such uneven and rugged stony surfaces are found only in countries that have experienced the ice ages. [6320d] Rugged, uneven rock surfaces of this kind are only found in countries that have been subject to ice ages. [6321a] Vestlandets rikelig nedbør hele året gjennom, gjør at vannene aldri blir tomme. [6321b] Vestlandet's abundant precipitation throughout the year ensures that the lakes never are dry. [6321c] Western Norway's abundant rainfall all year long ensures that the lakes never run dry. [6321d] The considerable amount of precipitation that falls on western Norway throughout the year ensures that these lakes are never empty. [6322a]




[6323a] Om sommeren kan temperaturen i slike grunne vatn raskt få badetemperatur, solen varmer opp både vann og berget omkring. [6323b] In summer, the temperature in such shallow water can rise to bathing temperature, as the sun warms both water and the surrounding rock. [6323c] During the summertime, the temperature in shallow lakes like these quickly rises to bathing temperature; the sun warms both the water and the terrain around it. [6323d] In the summer, warmed by the heat of the sun on both the water and the surrounding rocks, the water in these shallow lakes can rapidly reach bathing temperatures. [6324a] Det er liten sjanse for at du forstyrrer fisk i disse vatnene, de mangler gytebekker og dessuten har vannet lav pH grunnet sur berggrunn og sur nedbør. [6324b] There's little chance for disturbing fish in these lakes, as they lack spawning streams and moreover the water has a low pH due to acidic bedrock and acid rain. [6324c] There is little chance that you will disturb the fish in these lakes; they lack spawning streams, and besides this, the water has a low pH factor due to acidic rocky soil and acid rain. [6324d] There is little chance that you will disturb any fish in these waters; they don't have any spawning brooks here, and in addition, the pH of the water is too low due to the acidic bedrock and acid rain. [6325a]




[6326a] Det meste av vannet i norsk natur er drikkbart, så lenge det er bevegelse i vannet og det ser klart og rent ut. [6326b] Most water in the Norwegian outdoors is drinkable, as long as it's flowing and it appears to be clear and clean. [6326c] Most water in natural water courses in Norway is potable, provided there is a moving stream in the water and it appears clear and clean. [6326d] Most of the water in the uninhabited Norwegian countryside is potable, as long as the water is flowing and appears to be clear and pure. [6327a]




[6328a] +Berggrunnen [6328b] Bedrock [6328c] +Bedrock [6328d] +The bedrock [6329a] Det berget du trår på underveis til Preikestolen, hører til det norske grunnfjellet. [6329b] The rock you walk upon on the way to Preikestolen belongs to the Norwegian basement complex. [6329c] The mountain terrain you walk on during your hike to Preikestolen is part of the Norwegian mountain bedrock. [6329d] The rocks on which you tread on your way to Pulpit Rock belong to the Norwegian bedrock, which consists of acidic granites and gneisses that were formed many kilometres beneath the surface of the earth more than a billion years ago. [6330a] Det består av sure granitter og gneiser som ble dannet flere kilometer nede i jordskorpen for mer enn en milliard år siden. [6330b] It comprises acidic granite and gneiss formed several kilometers down in the earth's crust more than a billion years ago. [6330c] It consists of acidic granite and gneiss that was formed several kilometers under the crust of the earth about a billion years ago. [6330d] The rocks on which you tread on your way to Pulpit Rock belong to the Norwegian bedrock, which consists of acidic granites and gneisses that were formed many kilometres beneath the surface of the earth more than a billion years ago. [6331a] Gjennom millioner av år har berget som lå over dagens overflate, blitt slitt ned og fjernet av eroderende krefter, dvs vann, vind, kjemisk oppløsning og ikke minst isbreer. [6331b] Through millions of years, the rock that lay over today's surface was worn down and removed by eroding forces, that is, water, wind, chemical action, and not least, glaciers. [6331c] Over millions of years, the ground that lay over today's surface was worn down and removed by eroding forces, such as water, wind, chemical breakup and, of course, glaciers. [6331d] Over millions of years, the rock that covered the current surface was worn down and removed by erosive forces, i.e. water, wind, chemical decomposition and last but not least glaciers. [6332a]




[6333a] +Stidele [6333b] Trail fork [6333c] +Crossroads [6333d] +Trail junction [6334a] +2 løyper videre til Preikestolen [6334b] 2 trails onward to Preikestolen [6334c] +2 trails leading to Preikestolen [6334d] +Two trails lead on to Pulpit Rock [6335a] Stien deler seg her i to. [6335b] Here the trail divides in two. [6335c] The trail branches off in two directions. [6335d] The trail forks here. [6336a] Du kan enten følge venstre sti og nærme deg Preikestolen langs en fjellhylle. [6336b] You can either follow the left trail and approach Preikestolen along a mountain ledge. [6336c] You may either follow the path to the left and approach Preikestolen along the mountain ledge. [6336d] You can take the trail to the left and approach Pulpit Rock along a rock ledge, where some parts of the trail are safeguarded with wooden bridges. [6337a] Her er deler av stien sikret med trebroer. [6337b] Here parts of the trail are safeguarded by wooden bridges. [6337c] Here portions of the trail are secured by wooden bridges. [6337d] You can take the trail to the left and approach Pulpit Rock along a rock ledge, where some parts of the trail are safeguarded with wooden bridges. [6338a] Du kan også svinge av til høyre på en nylaget sti og nærme deg Preikestolen over Neverdalsfjellet. [6338b] You also can turn right on to the new trail and approach Preikestolen over Neverdalsfjellet. [6338c] You can also bear to the right at a newly constructed path and approach Preikestolen over the Neverdal mountain. [6338d] Conversely, you can take the right-hand fork on a newly cleared trail and approach Pulpit Rock by passing over the summit of Mt. Neverdalsfjell. [6339a] Du kommer da opp i 645 meters høyde. [6339b] You'll get up to 645 meters elevation. [6339c] You will then ascend to 645 meters in altitude. [6339d] This trail takes you up to 645 metres above sea level. [6340a] Dersom du ønsker det, kan du ta den andre stien tilbake slik at det blir en rundtur. [6340b] If you wish, you can take the other trail back, so it will be a round tour. [6340c] If you wish, you can take the other trail back, so that it will be a round trip. [6340d] If you want, you can make a round trip and return by the other trail. [6341a] Her har vi beskrevet den tradisjonelle, venstre turen. [6341b] Here we have described the traditional left tour. [6341c] We have described the traditional, left-side trip here. [6341d] In this booklet, we describe the traditional route on the left-hand fork. [6342a]




[6343a] +Ved broene [6343b] At the bridges [6343c] +At the bridges [6343d] +At the bridges [6344a]




[6345a] Ved sikringsbroene går fjellet stupbratt ned i den frodige Neverdalen. [6345b] At the safety bridges, the mountain is sheer down to the lush Neverdalen. [6345c] At the safety bridges, the mountain plunges steeply down into fertile Neverdal. [6345d] At the safety bridges, the drop to the verdant Neverdalen valley is precipitous. [6346a]




[6347a] +Furuskog og sagbruk [6347b] Pine forests and sawmills [6347c] +Pine forests and sawmills [6347d] +Pine forests and sawmills [6348a] Det var trolig furuskogen som var det økonomiske grunnlaget for de fleste gardene langs Lysefjorden, i alle fall fra 1500-tallet og utover. [6348b] It was probably the pine forests that were the economic basis for most farms along Lysefjorden, at least from the 16th century onwards. [6348c] It was probably the stands of pine that were the economic basis for most of the farms along Lysefjord, at least from the 1500's onward. [6348d] It was probably the pine forests that provided the economic basis for most of the farms along the Lysefjord, at any rate from the 1500s onward. [6349a] Skogen hadde fått vokse seg stor gjennom århundrene etter Svartedauden. [6349b] The forests had grown large through centuries after the Black Death. [6349c] The forest had grown tall throughout the centuries following the Black Plague. [6349d] The forest had a chance to grow large in the centuries following the Black Death. [6350a] Sager ble bygget langs vannfallene. [6350b] Sawmills were built at waterfalls. [6350c] Sawmills were built along the waterfalls. [6350d] Saws were constructed by the waterfalls. [6351a] Fra 1600-tallet ble furu-tømmer fra Lysefjorden også en viktig eksportvare til land i Europa der en økende skipsbygging krevde gode råvarer. [6351b] From the 17th century on, pine logs from Lysefjorden too were a vital export to countries in Europe where ship building required good raw materials. [6351c] From the 1600's on, the pine lumber from Lysefjord also became an important export product to countries in Europe, where increased shipbuilding demanded good raw materials. [6351d] Starting in the 1600s, pine timber from the Lysefjord also became an important export product to other countries in Europe where the growing shipbuilding industry required a source of good raw materials. [6352a] Det ble også satt opp flere skipsbeddinger i Lysebotn, Håheller og Viga. [6352b] Moreover, there were several slipways set up at Lysebotn, Håhelle, and Viga. [6352c] Several slipways were also constructed at Lysebotn, Håheller and Viga. [6352d] A number of shipbuilding slips were also established at Lysebotn, Håheller and Viga. [6353a] Lysefjord-furua var høyreist med god og tett adel, dette egnet seg blant annet godt til skipsmaster. [6353b] Lysefjord pines were tall, with good, dense crowns that suited them well, among other things, for ship masts. [6353c] The Lysefjord pine was tall and had high-grade and dense fiber tissue, making it well suited for ship masts. [6353d] Lysefjord pine was straight and tall with good, dense heartwood, which, among other things, was well suited for ship masts. [6354a]




[6355a] +Fjellhylla langs fjorden [6355b] Mountain ledges along the fjord [6355c] +The mountain ledge along the fjord [6355d] +The rock ledge along the fjord [6356a]




[6357a] Plutselig har du Lysefjorden like under deg. [6357b] Suddenly you have Lysefjorden right underneath you. [6357c] Suddenly you have Lysefjord just below you. [6357d] Suddenly, the Lysefjord is directly beneath you. [6358a] Den siste delen av turen går på en smal fjellhylle 600 meter over fjorden. [6358b] The last part of the hike goes over a narrow mountain ledge, 600 meters above the fjord. [6358c] The last portion of the trip goes across a narrow mountain ledge 600 meters above the fjord. [6358d] The last part of the hike passes along a narrow rock ledge 600 metres above the fjord. [6359a] Vær forsiktig. [6359b] Be careful. [6359c] Be careful. [6359d] Be careful. [6360a] Preikestolen sitt platå er ca 25 meter x 25 meter og det henger 604 meter over Lysefjorden. [6360b] Preikestolen's plateau is 25 meters x 25 meters, and it hangs 604 meters above Lysefjorden. [6360c] Preikestolen's plateau is approx. 25 meters x 25 meters, and it hangs 604 meters above Lysefjord. [6360d] The Pulpit Rock plateau is about 25 metres x 25 metres and juts out 604 metres above the Lysefjord. [6361a] Navnet sitt fikk den da folk fra Stavanger oppdaget denne særpregete fjellformasjonen for snart 100 år siden. [6361b] It was named when people from Stavanger discovered this distinctive rock formation nearly 100 years ago. [6361c] It got its name when people from Stavanger discovered this distinctive mountain formation almost 100 years ago. [6361d] Pulpit Rock was given its name when people from Stavanger discovered this distinctive rock formation almost 100 years ago. [6362a] Lokalt har den hatt det beskrivende navnet "Hyvlatonna" - for den minnet om formen på ståltannen i en høvel. [6362b] Locally it has had the descriptive name "Hyvlatonna" - as it resembled the shape of the blade in a plane. [6362c] Locally, it has been known by the descriptive name "Hyvlatonna" - because it resembled the form of the steel blade in a wood planer. [6362d] Locally, it had been given the descriptive name "Hyvlatonna" (the planing blade) because its shape resembled the blade of a plane. [6363a]




[6364a] +Preikestolen [6364b] Preikestolen [6364c] +Preikestolen [6364d] +Pulpit Rock [6365a]




[6366a] Mange har sett Preikestolen som en personlig utfordring. [6366b] Many have regarded Preikestolen as a personal challenge. [6366c] many have regarded Preikestolen as a personal challenge. [6366d] Many people have regarded Pulpit Rock as a personal challenge. [6367a] Medlemmer av Stavanger turnforening har foretatt spenstige håndstående øvelser på kanten. [6367b] Members of Stavanger Turnforening have performed supple handstands at its edge. [6367c] Members of the Stavanger Gymnastics Association have done daring handstands on the edge. [6367d] Members of Stavanger turnforening (the Stavanger Gymnastics Association) have performed supple handstand exercises on the edge. [6368a] En verdenskjent fransk artist satt for noen år siden på en stol som vippet oppå flere vannglass ytterst på kanten. [6368b] A world-renowned French acrobat sat a few years ago on a chair that was balanced on four water glasses outermost at the edge. [6368c] Several years ago, a world famous French artist balanced on a chair that rocked back and forth atop several water tumblers placed at the outer edge of the cliff. [6368d] A few years ago, a world-famous French artist sat on a chair that was balanced atop a number of water glasses out at the very edge. [6369a] Symfoniorkesteret i Stavanger har holdt konserter her, Preikestolrock er et kjent begrep og vielser med prest og brudeslør er gjennomført. [6369b] The Stavanger Symphonic Orchestra has held concerts here; Preikestol rock is a known concept, and weddings with a minister and a bridal veil have been conducted. [6369c] The Stavanger Symphony has given concerts here; The Preikestol rock is a landmark, and weddings with clergymen and bridal veils have been performed. [6369d] The Stavanger Symphony Orchestra has held concerts here. "Pulpit Rock rock" is a well-known event, and weddings complete with vicar and bridal veil have been performed here. [6370a] Årlig arrangeres det gudstjeneste på Preikestolen. [6370b] Each year, divine services are held on Preikestolen. [6370c] A church service is held at Preikestolen each year. [6370d] Every year a religious service is held on Pulpit Rock. [6371a] Men brattveggen egner seg verken for fjellklatring eller basehopping, dette grunnet løst berg og lunefull oppdrift. [6371b] But the steep wall is unsuitable for rock climbing or base jumping, because of loose rock and unpredictable updrafts. [6371c] But the steep wall is unsuitable for either mountain climbing or base jumping due to loose rock and capricious air buoyancy. [6371d] However, its steep walls are not well suited to rock climbing or BASE jumping because of the loose rock and the unpredictable updrafts. [6372a] Da må en heller prøve seg på Kjerag lenger inne i fjorden. [6372b] So you should preferably try Kjerag further up the fjord. [6372c] For these activities, one should instead try one's luck at Kjerag farther into the fjord. [6372d] Enthusiasts of these two sports should have a go at Kjerag farther in toward the end of the fjord. [6373a]




[6374a] +Rundløype [6374b] Trail round [6374c] +Round-trip trail [6374d] +Circular trail [6375a] En merket løype viser veien til platået ovenfor selve Preikestolen. [6375b] A marked trail shows the way to the plateau above Preikestolen itself. [6375c] A marked trail leads to the plateau above Preikestolen itself. [6375d] A marked trail shows the way to the plateau above the actual Pulpit Rock. [6376a] Mange går opp hit for å fotografere. [6376b] Many go up here to take photographs. [6376c] Many have come up here to take photographs. [6376d] Many people go up here to take photos. [6377a] Løypen fortsetter over Neverdalsfjellet og ned på den andre Preikestolstien like ved Tjødnane. [6377b] The trail continues over Neverdalsfjellet and down on the other side of the Preikestol trail close by Tjødnane. [6377c] The trail continues across Neverdal Mountain and down along the other Preikestol trail next to Tjødane. [6377d] This trail continues over Mt. Neverdalsfjell and down from there to the other Pulpit Rock trail near the Tjødnane lakes. [6378a]




[6379a] +Hva er en fjord? [6379b] What is a fjord? [6379c] +What is a fjord? [6379d] +What is a fjord? [6380a]




[6381a] +Peneplanet og Lysefjorden [6381b] Peneplanet and Lysefjorden [6381c] +The Peneplain and Lysefjord [6381d] +The peneplain and the Lysefjord [6382a] Foran oss ser vi flere landskap av ulik alder. [6382b] Before us we see several landscapes of differing ages. [6382c] In front of us, we see several landscapes of different ages. [6382d] Before us, we see many landscapes of different ages. [6383a] Fjellene på begge sider av Lysefjorden er rester etter et gammelt landskap - et peneplan (= nesten slette). [6383b] The mountains on both sides of Lysefjorden are the remains of an old landscape - a peneplain (= almost a flat). [6383c] The mountains on both sides of Lysefjord are remains from an older landscape - a peneplain (= a semi-plain). [6383d] The mountains on both sides of the Lysefjord are remains of an old landscape - a peneplain (= almost a flat). [6384a] Dette flate landskapet ble dannet for 600 millioner år siden og lå da ved havnivå. [6384b] This flat landscape was formed 600 million years ago and lay at sea level. [6384c] This flat landscape was formed 600 million years ago and lay at that time at sea level. [6384d] This flat landscape was formed 600 million years ago at which time it was at sea level. [6385a] Yngre bergarter kan ha blitt skjøvet over dette flate landskapet under den kaledonske fjellkjedefoldningen for 350 millioner år siden. [6385b] Younger rock types can have been shoved over this flat landscape during the Caledonian Orogeny 350 million years ago. [6385c] Younger rock types may have been pushed across this flat landscape during the Caledonian mountain chain fold 350 million years ago. [6385d] Younger types of rock may have been pushed up over this flat landscape during the Caledonian folding 350 million years ago. [6386a] Disse fjellene er siden erodert bort og slettelandskapet ble fornyet for 60 millioner år siden. [6386b] Thereafter, these mountains eroded away and the flat landscape was renewed 60 million years ago. [6386c] These mountains have since been eroded away, and the plateau landscape was renewed some 60 million years ago. [6386d] These mountains were later eroded away and the landscape became flat again about 60 million years ago. [6387a] Siden har jordskorpebevegelser hevet dette flate landskapet opp til dagens nivå, 7-900 moh. [6387b] Since then, movements in the Earth's crust have thrust this flat landscape up to the level of today, 7-900 meters above sea level. [6387c] Since that time, movements of the earth's crust have raised this flat landscape up to its level today, 7-900 meters above sea level. [6387d] In the time since then, the movements of the earth's crust have raised this flat landscape up to its current height, 7-900 metres above sea level. [6388a]




[6389a] Kontrasten er stor til de dypt nedskårne dalene og fjordene. [6389b] The contrast is great to the deeply cut valleys and fjords. [6389c] The contrast to the deeply recessed valleys and fjords. [6389d] The contrast with the deeply cut valleys and fjords is striking. [6390a] Lysefjorden som landskapsform ble påbegynt som en elvedal etter at det gamle slettelandskapet ble hevet. [6390b] Lysefjorden as a terrain feature began as a river valley after the old flat landscape was thrust up. [6390c] Lysefjord as a landscape form was begun as a river valley after the plateau landscape rose. [6390d] The Lysefjord first came into existence in the form of a river valley after the old flat landscape began to rise. [6391a] Regnvann, bekker og elver begynte så sitt nedbrytende arbeid. [6391b] Rainwater, streams, and rivers began their abrasive action. [6391c] Rainwater, streams and rivers began to do their subversive work. [6391d] Rainwater, mountain streams and rivers then commenced their erosive activities. [6392a] +Isbreenes arbeid [6392b] Glacial action [6392c] +The work of the glaciers [6392d] +The effect of the glaciers [6393a] Gjennom istidene - de siste 1-2 millioner år - ble elvedalen utvidet til dagens U-formede dal. [6393b] Through the ice ages - the last 1-2 million years - the river valley was broadened to today's U-shaped valley. [6393c] Throughout the ice ages - the past 1-2 million years - the river valley was widened into today's u-shaped valley. [6393d] During the ice ages - which occurred from time to time during the last 1-2 million years - the river valley was broadened into today's U-shaped valley. [6394a] Isbreer har evnen til å grave utover til sidene samt å grave kraftig i dybden. [6394b] Glaciers can scour at their sides as well as carve deeply underneath. [6394c] Glaciers have the ability to push outward to the sides as well as dig down deeply. [6394d] Glaciers will scrape away the sides and likewise dig deeper. [6395a] De sprenger løs steinblokker langs sidene og under bunnen av breen, de sliper berget flatt og de frakter det meste av det løse materialet vekk fra stedet. [6395b] They break off blocks of stone along their sides and in their bases, they scour rock flat and transport most of the unconsolidated material away. [6395c] They force loose blocks of stone along the sides and under the bottom of the glacier; they scour the bedrock flat and carry most of the loose material away from its original site. [6395d] They pry blocks of stone away from the sides and from beneath the bottom of the glacier; they polish the rock flat, and they transport most of the loose material away from its place of origin. [6396a] Isbreer er den mest effektive landskapsomformer som finnes. [6396b] Glaciers are the most efficient shapers of landscape known. [6396c] Glaciers are the most effective creator of landscape forms that exists. [6396d] Glaciers are the world's most effective landscape transformers. [6397a] De river ned, de driver transport og de bygger opp nye landskap langs kanten av breen. [6397b] They tear down, they transport, and they build new landscape along the sides of the glacier. [6397c] They demolish, transport and build up new landscapes along the glacier edges. [6397d] They tear down, they transport materials, and they build up new landscapes along the rim of the glacier. [6398a]




[6399a] Lysefjorden er en ekte fjord, dvs at den er overfordypet og har en terskel ytterst i fjorden og den er fylt med salt havvann. [6399b] Lysefjorden is a real fjord; that is, it is overly deep, has a threshold at its entrance, and is filled with salty seawater. [6399c] Lysefjord is a true fjord, i.e. it is overly deep and has a threshold outermost in the fjord, and it is filled with ocean saltwater. [6399d] The Lysefjord is a genuine fjord; i.e. it is overly deep and has a sill at the mouth of the fjord, and it is filled with salt water from the sea. [6400a] Fjorden er dypest - 457 meter - ved Songesand, der fjorden skifter retning. [6400b] The fjord is deepest - 457 meters - at Songesand, where it changes direction. [6400c] The fjord is deepest - 457 meters - at Songesand, where the fjord changes direction. [6400d] The fjord is deepest - 457 metres - at Songesand, where the fjord changes direction.