[125002440010] |
How to Install the Eternity Screensaver in Ubuntu
[125002440020] |The Eternity Screensaver plays animations of ray-traced scenes which took days or even weeks to generate.
[125002440030] |The reasoning is that these clips should look more impressive than anything which can be generated on-the-fly.
[125002440040] |Eternity consists of a main package called eternity-screensaver and a number of plugins which add more animations.
[125002440050] |Install Eternity Screensaver
[125002440060] |Install the key using the following commands
[125002440070] |gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 9B1DB022
[125002440080] |gpg --export --armor 9B1DB022 | sudo apt-key add -
[125002440090] |Edit your APT sources file
[125002440100] |sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
[125002440110] |Add the following lines
[125002440120] |# Eternity Screensaver deb http://parker1.co.uk/apt feisty main deb-src http://parker1.co.uk/apt feisty main
[125002440130] |Save and Exit the file
[125002440140] |To install the screensavers use the following command
[125002440150] |sudo apt-get update
[125002440160] |sudo apt-get install eternal-ubuntu
[125002440170] |For Ubuntu Satanic Edition Users
[125002440180] |If you are using Ubuntu Satanic Edition use the following command to install screen savers
[125002440190] |sudo apt-get install eternal-damnation
[125002440200] |Run the Screensaver selection tool
[125002440210] |For GNOME Users
[125002440220] |* go to: System->Preferences->Screensaver
[125002440230] |For KDE Users
[125002440240] |* Right-click the desktop and select “Configure Desktop…”
[125002440250] |The screensavers are called Eternity, Eternal Ubuntu, Eternal Damnation.
[125002440260] |If you want to check the video for this check here
[125002440270] |Sample Screen Savers
[125002450010] |Howto Check you external IP Address from the command line
[125002450020] |You know about the possibility to find out your IP Address by using visiting the site whatismyip.com .
[125002450030] |For this, you need the packages wget, grep and sed so make sure you have them by checking for them in Synaptic or running the following in a terminal
[125002450040] |sudo apt-get install wget grep sed
[125002450050] |Then, as long as whatismyip.com prints out the IP-Address in the HTML page title, you can use this.
[125002450060] |Create shell script
[125002450070] |cd ~
[125002450080] |mkdir bin
[125002450090] |vi bin/whatismyip.sh
[125002450100] |Insert the following lines into the file
[125002450110] |#!/bin/bash
[125002450120] |echo Your external IP Address is: wget http://Www.whatismyip.com -O - -o /dev/null | grep '' | sed -r 's/WhatIsMyIP\.com \- //g' | sed -r 's/<\/TITLE>//g'
[125002450130] |exit 0
[125002450140] |Save and exit the file
[125002450150] |Now you need to change the permissions using the following command
[125002450160] |chmod u+x bin/whatismyip.sh
[125002450170] |Now you can check your external IP Address by running
[125002450180] |~/bin/whatismyip.sh
[125002460010] |Howto Setup a Remote Calendar using WebDAV with Mozilla Sunbird
[125002460020] |Mozilla Sunbird® is a cross-platform calendar application, built upon Mozilla Toolkit.
[125002460030] |Our goal is to bring Mozilla-style ease-of-use to your calendar, without tying you to a particular storage solution.
[125002460040] |Installing the Apache Server
[125002460050] |To install the Apache Server, open up a Terminal (Applications >Accessories >Terminal)
[125002460060] |sudo apt-get install apache2
[125002460070] |Now, you have the option of changing the port your Apache Server runs on.
[125002460080] |By default it runs on port 80, which is fine if there is only one computer.
[125002460090] |But if you setup a router to forward all traffic for port 80 to one computer on your network the internet on your other computers will not work.
[125002460100] |To change the port
[125002460110] |sudo vi /etc/apache2/ports.conf
[125002460120] |In the file add the following line, where “port” is whatever port you would like to use (e.g. Listen 9999) save and exit
[125002460130] |Listen port
[125002460140] |NOTE: Make sure to forward traffic on this port to your server if you have a router
[125002460150] |Enabling the WebDAV modules
[125002460160] |To enable the WebDAV modules, open up a Terminal (Applications >Accessories >Terminal)
[125002460170] |sudo a2enmod
[125002460180] |dav
[125002460190] |(press enter)
[125002460200] |sudo a2enmod
[125002460210] |dav_fs
[125002460220] |(press enter)
[125002460230] |Setting up the WebDAV folder and the user
[125002460240] |This will make a WebDAV folder at: /var/www/davhome
[125002460250] |To create the folder, open up a Terminal (Applications >Accessories >Terminal)
[125002460260] |mkdir /var/www/davhome
[125002460270] |chgrp www-data /var/www/davhome
[125002460280] |chmod 775 /var/www/davhome
[125002460290] |Next to create the user, input the following command changing the last “username” part of the command to the username you would like to use (obviously make a note of the username and password you create)
[125002460300] |htpasswd -c /var/www/davhome/.DAVlogin username
[125002460310] |Tell Apache where the folder is and to use it
[125002460320] |To tell Apache to use WebDAV, open up a Terminal (Applications >Accessories >Terminal)
[125002460330] |sudo vi /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_fs.conf
[125002460340] |Paste the following into the file.Change “username” (two instances) to the username you created above.
[125002460350] |Also, the DAVMinTimeout is optional it just sets the how long Apache should lock the file after it is accessed.I don’t use it and haven’t had a problem, but then again I only have one computer accessing the calendar at any time.
[125002460360] |DAVLockDB /tmp/DAVLock #DAVMinTimeout 600
[125002460370] |
Dav On AuthType Basic AuthName username AuthUserFile /var/www/davhome/.DAVlogin
Require user username
[125002460380] |Hopefully you didn’t exit and save yet because you have some more options.
[125002460390] |With the way the file is setup above you will be prompted for a username/password everytime you read or save a file using WebDAV.
[125002460400] |If you don’t want to be asked a password when you read a file change the first LimitExcept line to
[125002460410] |
[125002460420] |If you don’t want to be asked a password when you save a file (write) change the first LimitExcept line to
[125002460430] |
[125002460440] |If you don’t want to be asked a password when reading or writing (not recommended unless you want to make the calendar completely public) change the first LimitExcept line to
[125002460450] |
[125002460460] |Okay, now you can save and exit.
[125002460470] |Restart Apache
[125002460480] |This step is very important so that Apache recognizes the changes you made!
[125002460490] |Open up a Terminal (Applications >Accessories >Terminal)
[125002460500] |sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
[125002460510] |Testing Your server
[125002460520] |Now you can either create a new calendar in Sunbird and tell it to put it on your server or publish an existing local calendar to the WebDAV folder.
[125002460530] |Just go to the calendar tab in Sunbird and right-click in the list of calendars or right-click on an existing calendar in the list.
[125002460540] |The address format you would enter for the remote calendar is as follows
[125002460550] |http://server_ip_or_hostname:port_if_not_80/davhome/filename_for_calendar.ics
[125002460560] |Other Items to Note
[125002460570] |If you place an exisiting calendar file directly in /var/www/davhome, you should change the group and the rights on this file as follows
[125002460580] |sudo chgrp www-data /var/www/davhome/filename_for_calendar.ics
[125002460590] |sudo chmod 644 /var/www/davhome/filename_for_calendar.ics
[125002460600] |If Sunbird does NOT create a new .ics file, do the following and point Sunbird to that file as if it is an existing calendar:
[125002460610] |sudo touch /var/www/davhome/filename_for_calendar.ics
[125002460620] |sudo chgrp www-data /var/www/davhome/filename_for_calendar.ics
[125002460630] |sudo chmod 644 /var/www/davhome/filename_for_calendar.ics
[125002470010] |How to Install Source Files in Ubuntu
[125002470020] |For all those who are beginners in any linux(ubuntu) find hard to find the package files of their distro and end up in finding an source package(which is either in tar.gz or .gz).. so now people think how to install these source files…..
[125002470030] |lets now see how would you be installing source files in ubuntu…..
[125002470040] |source files contain the programs and hence before the installation you need to compile them… so you need to install the build-essentials from the synaptic package manager…. else this build-essentials is already present in the cd.. and so you can install it…..else you can install it typing it in the terminal by
[125002470050] |sudo aptitude install build-essential
[125002470060] |suppose you have a source file name src.tar.gz, what you do initially is that you need to extract the source files and then in the terminal….
[125002470070] |navigate to the folder where the source file is extracted using the cd commands….. and then
[125002470080] |type the following… ./configure
[125002470090] |make
[125002470100] |sudo make install
[125002470110] |clean install
[125002470120] |lets see what each one of them does…
[125002470130] |./configure….. checks whether the required dependencies are available on your system or not….. if not an error is reported….
[125002470140] |make compiles the source code and make install is used to install the program in to the location
[125002470150] |if it asks for an installation location it is recommended to install all the source to /usr/src
[125002470160] |clean install removes any temporary files created in the installation process of the source
[125002470170] |and thats it your source file in installed in your system.
[125002480010] |How to get feisty running in a chroot for PiTiVi development on ubuntu 6.10
[125002480020] |PiTiVi is an open source video editor, written in Python and based on GStreamer and GTK+.
[125002480030] |After trying to compile gstreamer by hand proved to be too complicated.
[125002480040] |A chroot is a good way to use programs from an unstable release, because it allows you to install just the programs you want, and it lets you stick with stable versions of critical software.
[125002480050] |Ubuntu’s feisty fawn unstable branch has the lastest release of gstreamer.This guide assumes you’re running ubuntu or debian.
[125002480060] |When you see $ it means the following should be entered at the shell prompt. # indicates the commands need to be run as root. (chroot) indicates that you are working in the chroot.
[125002480070] |First we need to create our chroot environment.
[125002480080] |Debootstrap is a program that installs a minimal debian system from a network repository.
[125002480090] |Do the following in a terminal emulator:
[125002480100] |$ sudo -s # apt-get install debootstrap dchroot # mkdir /chroot # echo “feisty /chroot” >/etc/dchroot.conf # file did not exist # debootstrap -arch i386 feisty /chroot/ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
[125002480110] |Now we need to add some sources to configure apt, so that we can install the rest of the sytstem
[125002480120] |edit /chroot/apt/sources.list, and add the following lines
[125002480130] |deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty main restricted universe multiverse deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty main restricted universe multiverse
[125002480140] |# chroot /chroot (chroot) # apt-get update (chroot) # apt-get upgrade #note: this step did nothing (chroot) # exit
[125002480150] |Now we need to copy some important files into the chroot
[125002480160] |# cp /etc/passwd /chroot/etc/ # cp /etc/shadow /chroot/etc/ # cp /etc/group /chroot/etc/ # cp /etc/sudoers /chroot/etc/ # cp /etc/hosts /chroot/etc/
[125002480170] |Now add the following lines to /etc/fstab (this is so that these mount points will be added inside the chroot as well)
[125002480180] |home /chroot/home none bind 0 0 /tmp /chroot/tmp none bind 0 0 /dev /chroot/dev none bind 0 0 /proc /chroot/proc proc defaults 0 0
[125002480190] |I skipped adding these two lines, since i wasn’t sure if they were the right thing to do.
[125002480200] |/media/cdrom0 /chroot/media/cdrom0 none bind 0 0
[125002480210] |/usr/share/fonts /chroot/usr/share/fonts none bind 0 0
[125002480220] |Now do the following to activate those new mount points.
[125002480230] |(This will happen automatically the next time you reboot).
[125002480240] |# mount -a
[125002480250] |Turns out locales are not created automatically in ubuntu .
[125002480260] |The next group of commands sets up locales in your chroot (required for using pitivi)
[125002480270] |# dchroot -d (chroot)# echo “en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8″ >/var/lib/locales/supported.d/local (chroot)# locale-gen (chroot)# dpkg-reconfigure locales
[125002480280] |Now we want to install the pitivi’s dependencies.
[125002480290] |The easiest way to do that is install pitivi itself (you can remove it later if you don’t want it).
[125002480300] |(chroot)# apt-get install pitivi (chroot)# apt-get build-dep pitivi (chroot)# exit # exit
[125002480310] |Now you should have a working chroot with the feisty version of pivitivi and everything required to build it.
[125002480320] |To run pivitivi in the chroot, you can do
[125002480330] |$ dchroot -d $ pivitivi
[125002480340] |Source from here
[125002490010] |Fix for Limewire blank beryl problem
[125002490020] |If you are working limewire with beryl you might see blank beryl problem here is the solution for this.
[125002490030] |Open terminal type
[125002490040] |sudo gedit /usr/lib/LimeWire/runLime.sh
[125002490050] |we are assuming this is where you have runLime.sh if not correct so also, you can use other editors.ok so next erase everything inside runLime.sh and paste the following lines
[125002490060] |#!/bin/bash java -jar LimeWire.jar
[125002490070] |Save and exit the file
[125002490080] |Now you need goto, Aplications->Network->LimeWire
[125002490090] |Now it works with beryl runnning of course
[125002500010] |Fix for Master password expose for Pidgin
[125002500020] |Pidgin is an instant messaging program for Windows, Linux, BSD, and other Unixes.
[125002500030] |You can talk to your friends using AIM, ICQ, Jabber/XMPP, MSN Messenger, Yahoo!, Bonjour, Gadu-Gadu, IRC, Novell GroupWise Messenger, QQ, Lotus Sametime, SILC, SIMPLE, and Zephyr.
[125002500040] |Pidgin stores you passwords in plain text in ~/.purple/accounts.xml.Someone can easily boot into recovery mode while you are away and find your passwords in plain text.
[125002500050] |Download the patch from here into the same directory and do the following
[125002500060] |tar xf master-password.patch.tar
[125002500070] |patch -p 1 < master-password.patch
[125002500080] |You should be ready to configure, make, and install as normal.
[125002500090] |./configure
[125002500100] |make
[125002500110] |sudo make install
[125002500120] |When you launch pidgin, you will see a new tab in the preferences called "security".
[125002500130] |You can set a master password there.
[125002500140] |The link above has screenshots.
[125002500150] |After configuring, you should notice that the accounts.xml file now has gibberish where there once were passwords.
[125002500160] |To remove pidgin, run the following from the directory in which you built pidgin
[125002500170] |make uninstall
[125002500180] |This will work for pidgin 2.1.0,2.1.1 versions.
[125002510010] |IPBlock - Graphical IP Blocker
[125002510020] |iplist allows users with no or basic knowledge of iptables to filter (e.g. to block) network traffic based on (automatically updated) lists.
[125002510030] |These lists have various formats and are sorted by different categories (e.g. countries, adware, corporations).
[125002510040] |IPBlock Features
[125002510050] |to protect your privacy while sharing with others
[125002510060] |to ban unwanted clients from servers
[125002510070] |to block whole countries or networks
[125002510080] |to block spam- and ad-servers
[125002510090] |ipblock is part of the iplist package which can be downloaded from here
[125002510100] |Download ipblock using the following command
[125002510110] |wget http://puzzle.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/iplist/iplist_0.14-0feisty1_i386.deb
[125002510120] |Prerequisites
[125002510130] |iplist requires a 2.6.14 kernel or later with the option CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_NFQUEUE enabled (module or build-in). On a standard Debian installation (Etch) the additional packages libnetfilter-queue1 and libnfnetlink1 are needed.
[125002510140] |sudo aptitude install libnetfilter-queue1 libnfnetlink1 sun-java6-jre
[125002510150] |If you are installing gusty install this package libnfnetlink0 (gutsy) instead of libnfnetlink1
[125002510160] |Now we have .deb package we need to install this using the following comamnd
[125002510170] |sudo dpkg -i iplist_0.14-0feisty1_i386.deb
[125002510180] |This will install all the required packages for ipblock.
[125002510190] |After the installation if you want to open ipblock go to Applications -> Internet -> ipblock.Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen
[125002510200] |Lists Tab
[125002510210] |The default choice for lists is similar to peerguardian.
[125002510220] |level1.gz - Anti-P2P organizations and known government addresses
[125002510230] |ads-trackers-and-bad-pr0n.gz - Advertising and data tracker servers
[125002510240] |spyware.gz - Malicious spyware and adware servers
[125002510250] |edu.gz - Educational institutions and universities
[125002510260] |bogon.gz - Spoofed IP-addresses
[125002510270] |Custom p2p or dat lists can easily be added.
[125002510280] |Note that lists can optionally be compressed with gzip.These lists are maintained here
[125002510290] |Settings Tab
[125002510300] |All options can be configured in this tab.
[125002510310] |Auto-updating lists is important and the default choice of 2 days is reasonable.
[125002510320] |Using out-of-date lists is not recommended.
[125002510330] |To ignore specific network traffic like HTTP or EMAIL (pop3) use the ignored ports section.
[125002520010] |Howto Add entries in GNOME Menu
[125002520020] |If you want to Add entries in your GNOME Menu follow this simple steps
[125002520030] |First off, right click your applications menu and hit “Edit Menus”
[125002520040] |The Menu editor will appear .
[125002520050] |In the left panel select the category like accessibility, Debian, accessories etc.
[125002520060] |The right panel will update with the entries in that category.
[125002520070] |After you have selected the category, click on the New Item Button
[125002520080] |Another dialog will appear, thats where you will make the actual entry.In this case I will add a Firefox entry.
[125002520090] |First of all select what type of application it is.
[125002520100] |You can select application or application in terminal, both are quite self explanatory, you can also select a file.
[125002520110] |Fill name with the application name or whatever you want.
[125002520120] |Fill command with the applications command, in this case its firefox.
[125002520130] |If you selected file in the first box instead of application, you can browse for the file or just add the path to it.
[125002520140] |Comment is rather self explanatory.Now, select an icon by clicking the button to the left, in this case since i haven’t selected one yet It sais no Icon
[125002520150] |Hit the ok Button that’s it.
[125002530010] |Saving Power on Intel Hardware Using Powertop
[125002530020] |PowerTOP is a Linux tool that finds the software component(s) that make your laptop use more power than necessary while it is idle.
[125002530030] |As of Linux kernel version 2.6.21, the kernel no longer has a fixed 1000Hz timer tick.
[125002530040] |This will (in theory) give a huge power savings because the CPU stays in low power mode for longer periods of time during system idle.
[125002530050] |However… there are many things that can ruin the party, both inside the kernel and in userspace.
[125002530060] |PowerTOP combines various sources of information from the kernel into one convenient screen so that you can see how well your system is doing, and which components are the biggest problem.
[125002530070] |Requirements
[125002530080] |For PowerTOP to work best, use a Linux kernel with the tickless idle (NO_HZ) feature enabled (version 2.6.21 or later).
[125002530090] |Currently, only 32-bit kernels have support for tickless idle; 64-bit kernels are expected to gain this feature in version 2.6.23.
[125002530100] |This only applies to Feisty.
[125002530110] |Also note that you need kernel 2.6.21 or above.
[125002530120] |Install the following prerequisites
[125002530130] |sudo apt-get install build-essential libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev
[125002530140] |Download the latest powertop source from here
[125002530150] |Put the source in /usr/src and unpack using
[125002530160] |sudo tar -xvf powertop-1.9.tar.gz
[125002530170] |Compile using the following command
[125002530180] |cd powertop-1.9
[125002530190] |sudo make
[125002530200] |sudo make install
[125002530210] |You can also use “checkinstall” instead of “make install” to create a simple .deb for easier removal.
[125002530220] |If you are using Gutsy you can use the following command to install
[125002530230] |sudo aptitude install powertop
[125002530240] |Run powertop using the following command
[125002530250] |sudo powertop
[125002530260] |Powertop Output shown as follows
[125002540010] |Midori - a lightweight web browser
[125002540020] |Midori is a lightweight web browser.
[125002540030] |Midori Features
[125002540040] |* Full integration with GTK+2.
[125002540050] |* Fast rendering with WebKit.
[125002540060] |* Tabs, windows and session management.
[125002540070] |* Bookmarks are stored with XBEL.
[125002540080] |* Searchbox based on OpenSearch.
[125002540090] |* Custom context menu actions.
[125002540100] |* User scripts and user styles support.
[125002540110] |* Extensible via Lua scripts.
[125002540120] |Requirements: GTK+ 2.6, libsexy, WebkitGtk , libXML2
[125002540130] |Install Midori Web Browser in ubuntu
[125002540140] |Open your apt sources.list file for editing with the following terminal command:
[125002540150] |gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
[125002540160] |Add the following two lines to the bottom of the file
[125002540170] |deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/stemp/ubuntu gutsy main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/stemp/ubuntu gutsy main
[125002540180] |Save and exit the file
[125002540190] |issue the following terminal command to update apt:
[125002540200] |sudo aptitude update
[125002540210] |Still in the terminal, enter the following command to install the package:
[125002540220] |sudo aptitude install midori
[125002540230] |For Ubuntu Jaunty Usersuse the following command to install
[125002540240] |sudo apt-get install midori
[125002540250] |This will complete the midori web browser installation.
[125002540260] |Using Midori
[125002540270] |If you want to open Midori go to Aplications--->Internet--->Midori Web Browser
[125002540280] |Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen
[125002540290] |Midori Web Browser Version Details
[125002550010] |Howto Install qBittorrent in Ubuntu Gutsy/Hardy
[125002550020] |A Bittorrent client using C++ / libtorrent and a Qt4 Graphical User Interface.
[125002550030] |It aims to be a good alternative to other bittorrent clients.
[125002550040] |It has more and more features such as an integrated search engine, UPnP, encryption, PeX, a torrent creation tool .
[125002550050] |qBittorrent features
[125002550060] |qBittorrent can now be considered as a good alternative to other bittorrent clients.
[125002550070] |It provides a lot of features such as:
[125002550080] |A polished Graphical User Interface written with Qt4 toolkit
[125002550090] |UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding support
[125002550100] |Encryption support (compatible with Azureus)
[125002550110] |Multiple simultaneous downloads / uploads
[125002550120] |Download from RSS streams
[125002550130] |An integrated search engine
[125002550140] |DHT (trackerless) support
[125002550150] |uTorrent Peer eXchange support (PeX)
[125002550160] |Directory scanning with automated download of torrents inside
[125002550170] |Good internationalization (~25 languages supported)
[125002550180] |Selective download of files in a torrent
[125002550190] |Media File previewing while downloading
[125002550200] |Torrent trackers edition and prioritizing
[125002550210] |Seeders / Leechers displayed in download list
[125002550220] |Styles support
[125002550230] |Files prioritizing in a torrent
[125002550240] |Torrent download in correct order
[125002550250] |System tray integration
[125002550260] |Tracker authentication support
[125002550270] |Unicode support
[125002550280] |Torrent downloading directly from their url
[125002550290] |Connection though a proxy
[125002550300] |IP Filtering similar to the one in eMule
[125002550310] |Note:-If you want to install qBittorrent in Ubuntu 9.10(Karmic),Ubuntu 9.04(Jaunty) check this guide
[125002550320] |Install qBittorrent in Ubuntu Gutsy
[125002550330] |We need to edit sources.list
[125002550340] |sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
[125002550350] |Add these to lines in the bottom of this file.
[125002550360] |For Hardy Users
[125002550370] |deb http://hydr0g3n.free.fr/qbittorrent/hardy/ ./ deb-src http://hydr0g3n.free.fr/qbittorrent/hardy/ ./
[125002550380] |For Gutsy Users
[125002550390] |deb http://hydr0g3n.free.fr/qbittorrent/gutsy/ ./ deb-src http://hydr0g3n.free.fr/qbittorrent/gutsy/ ./
[125002550400] |Now save and close sources.list
[125002550410] |Packages are signed, please enter the following command to get public key
[125002550420] |gpg --
keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --
recv-keys A08A9A43
[125002550430] |Update your sources list
[125002550440] |sudo apt-get update
[125002550450] |Install the qBittorrent in Ubuntu
[125002550460] |sudo apt-get install qbittorrent
[125002550470] |Using qBittorrent
[125002550480] |If you want to open qBittorrent go to Applications--->Internet---> qBittorrent
[125002550490] |Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen
[125002550500] |qBittorrent Version Details
[125002560010] |How to Disable Multicast on ppp&kppp in Feisty + Gutsy
[125002560020] |How To Disable Multicast All multicast On Ppp0 And Poss Other Devices SOME WERE USED ON FEISTY AND THEN I UPGRADED TO GUTSY JUST BEFORE THE BETA CAME OUT - A MONTH OR SO, ETC..
[125002560030] |WELL it TOOK ME A BIT to figure out but finally got it after a BIG HUGE help from THIS page
[125002560050] |I actually went into system tools - root terminal to do this so try gksudo or sudo if you do not go thru that type of terminal in front/beginning of the command
[125002560060] |To Temporary disable Multicast do the following: (May Permanently disable Multicast for other devices such as Ethernet devices for highspeed cable, etc..
[125002560070] |I don’t know I only use dialup)::::
[125002560080] |1. DO THIS FIRST OTHERWISE YOU’LL GET AN ERROR SIMILAR TO THIS: Warning: Interface ppp0 still in ALLMULTI mode.
[125002560090] |open up a terminal and type or copy and paste the following:
[125002560100] |ifconfig ppp0 -multicast
[125002560110] |(for others replace ppp0 with your device such as Ethernet eth0 i believe that’s what it is..)
[125002560120] |2. then type or copy and paste to turn off ALLMULTI mode with this direction is or step it is optional I believe…
[125002560130] |ifconfig ppp0 -allmulti
[125002560140] |(Again replace ppp0 with the device you connect to the internet again an example would be eth0 for Ethernet)
[125002560150] |………………..
[125002560160] |TO RE-ENABLE I believe you do the step AGAIN and the SAME way WITH the SAME commands Above..
[125002560170] |………………..
[125002560180] |To permanently disable Multicast on every dialup session do the following: (if using GnomePPP.
[125002560190] |1. open up a terminal 2. gksudo nautilus 3. input password 4. navigate to file system - /etc/ppp/ip-up.d 5. right click a file named 0000usepeerdns 6. select open with text editor 7. right after # restart nscd because resolv.conf has changed if [ -e /var/run/nscd.pid ]; then /etc/init.d/nscd restart || true fi 8. press enter after fi 9. copy and paste or type the following ifconfig ppp0 -multicast 10. press Enter once more time and there should be 1 space after fi and 1 space before exit 0 11.
[125002560200] |Save the file by pressing save at the top 12.
[125002560210] |Exit out of the text editor 13. after that exit the dialup session and re-dial in for it to take effect.
[125002560220] |Next options are OPTIONAL:
[125002560230] |To see if it took effect
[125002560240] |1. Start menu - system - administration - Network Tools 2. by Network Device loopback interface (lo) should be shown, click that 3. scroll down to modem interface (ppp0) and select it.
[125002560250] |4. At the bottom under Interface Information on the left side under Hardware address there should be something called Multicast: and it should say Disabled next to it.
[125002560260] |If so exit out of the network tools and your now def. finished.
[125002560270] |How to disable Multicast with KPPP
[125002560290] |1. Create a new Document file anywhere - I put mine is /etc/ppp and name it anything but input .sh at the end to make it a script file.
[125002560300] |2. open it up and type or copy and paste the following
[125002560310] |#!/bin/sh sudo ifconfig ppp0 -multicast
[125002560320] |3. Save and if you have it in a root location that’s locked by root such as in the filesystem directory and not your home folder then right click and change the owner to your username from withing the drop down list under owner.
[125002560330] |Now check mark the box at the bottom next to run as executable.
[125002560340] |After that click apply settings or close if no apply is available.
[125002560350] |4. open up a terminal and type
[125002560360] |export EDITOR=gedit sudo visudo
[125002560370] |5. now input at the bottom and change USERNAME to your username
[125002560380] |USERNAME ALL=NOPASSWD:/sbin/ifconfig
[125002560390] |6. save the file.
[125002560400] |7. log out and back in.
[125002560410] |8. open up Kppp 9. configure - Accounts - select the internet account u use - edit - Execute
[125002560420] |10. After that type the location to your script we discussed earlier in the box next to Upon Connect:, and don’t forget the .sh extension part as such it is needed.
[125002560430] |11. okay and then okay
[125002560440] |12 then connect and now it should be disabled.
[125002560450] |U can verify this in the Network tools.
[125002570010] |Howto Tweak Ubuntu
[125002570020] |This tool is for ubuntu which makes it easy to change hidden system and desktop settings.Ubuntu Tweak is only for GNOME desktop environment.This is still under heavy development and very good utility for ubuntu users.
[125002570030] |Ubuntu Tweak Features
[125002570040] |GNOME Session Control
[125002570050] |Show/Hide and Change Splash screen
[125002570060] |Show/Hide desktop icons or Mounted Volumes.
[125002570070] |Show/Hide/Rename Computer, Home, Trash icon or Network icon
[125002570080] |Use Home Directory as Desktop
[125002570090] |Compiz Fusion settings, Screen Edge Settings, Window Effects Settings.
[125002570100] |GNOME Panel Settings.
[125002570110] |Nautilus Settings.
[125002570120] |Advanced Power Management Settings.
[125002570130] |System Security Settings.
[125002570140] |Install Ubuntu Tweak
[125002570150] |First you need to download ubuntu tweak from the following options
[125002570160] |for i386 users download from here
[125002570170] |For AMD64 users download from here
[125002570180] |Download ubuntu tweak using the following command
[125002570190] |wget http://ubuntu-tweak.googlecode.com/files/ubuntu-tweak_0.2.6-1~ppa1_all.deb
[125002570200] |Now you have .deb package install this package using the following command
[125002570210] |sudo dpkg -i ubuntu-tweak_0.2.6-1~ppa1_all.deb
[125002570220] |Install from repository for Gutsy
[125002570230] |No matter which Ubuntu do you use, open your terminal, type the command to run gedit(or other editor in your opinion) to modify the sources.list
[125002570240] |sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
[125002570250] |And put the two line into it
[125002570260] |deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tualatrix/ubuntu gutsy main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/tualatrix/ubuntu gutsy main
[125002570270] |Then update the source and install or upgrade Ubuntu Tweak
[125002570280] |sudo apt-get update
[125002570290] |sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak
[125002570300] |This will complete the installation
[125002570310] |Using Ubuntu Tweak
[125002570320] |If you want to open Ubuntu Tweak go to Applications--->System Tools--->Ubuntu Tweak
[125002570330] |Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen
[125002570340] |Now we will see one by one option
[125002570350] |Startup Configuration
[125002570360] |Here you can set session settings,change the splash screen
[125002570370] |Desktop Configuration
[125002570380] |Here you can change the desktop icons and other options relationg to the desktop
[125002570390] |Desktop Icons
[125002570400] |Compiz Fusion
[125002570410] |GNOME
[125002570420] |Nautilus
[125002570430] |System Configuration
[125002570440] |Here you can configure power management and other hardware settings
[125002570450] |Security Configuration
[125002570460] |Here you can configure the system security options
[125002570470] |Applications configuration
[125002570480] |Here you can configure commonly used applications
[125002570490] |Ubuntu Tweak Version Details
[125002570500] |Project home page check here
[125002580010] |Howto Install Sofa Media Center in Ubuntu
[125002580020] |Sofa is a media center aimed at easy usage, minimal configuration and total integration with the Gnome desktop environment and existing multimedia applications.
[125002580030] |First you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list file and add the corresponding line for your ubuntu version
[125002580040] |sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
[125002580050] |deb http://debian.o-hand.com edgy/
[125002580060] |deb http://debian.o-hand.com feisty/
[125002580070] |deb http://debian.o-hand.com gutsy/
[125002580080] |deb http://debian.o-hand.com hardy/
[125002580090] |Save and exit the file.
[125002580100] |Once the sources added, run this command to get the new packages names
[125002580110] |sudo apt-get update
[125002580120] |Once the update is done, run this command to install all required Clutter dependencies sudo apt-get install libclutter-0.2-0 libclutter-0.2-dev libclutter-cairo-0.1-0 libclutter-cairo-0.1-dev libclutter-gst-0.1-0 libclutter-gst-0.1-dev
[125002580130] |To build Sofa, you will need these packages installed, which you might already have installed if you often build software on your machine
[125002580140] |sudo apt-get install build-essential libgconf2-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libsigc++-2.0-dev libtool intltool libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev
[125002580150] |You will first need to download the latest release from here.
[125002580160] |In this guide, we’ll use sofa-0.2.4.tar.gz.
[125002580170] |Place it in your favourite place to work, we’ll assume it is your home directory.
[125002580180] |Use this command to decompress it.
[125002580190] |tar xzvf sofa-0.2.4.tar.gz
[125002580200] |You should now have a sofa-0.2.4 directory containing all the files to build Sofa.
[125002580210] |Run these three commands to build and install Sofa on your system.
[125002580220] |./configure --prefix=/usr
[125002580230] |make
[125002580240] |sudo make install
[125002580250] |Only the demo module is turned on by default.
[125002580260] |To activate other modules, you have to run sofa-config.
[125002580270] |You have to place a check in all the modules you want in the column Active.
[125002580280] |Uninstall Soft Media Center
[125002580290] |From the sofa-0.2.4 folder you extracted at step 5 use the following command
[125002580300] |make uninstall
[125002580310] |Sofa Media center Screen shots
[125002590010] |Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) Release Dates
[125002590020] |In addition to Ubuntu 6-months stable releases and the next version of ubuntu is 8.04 with Code Name “Hardy Heron” but this release will proudly wear the badge of Long Term Support (LTS) and be supported with security updates for five years on the server and three years on the desktop.
[125002590030] |Hardy Heron was announced on Wednesday(29th August 2007) on the blog of Jono Bacon, the Ubuntu community manager for Canonical, the operating system’s commercial sponsor.
[125002590040] |Jono Bacon about Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron)
[125002590050] |Each new release gives us all an opportunity to shine, irrespective of which bricks in the project we are laying, and this is at the heart of our belief — working together to produce an operating system that will empower its users and shape the IT industry, putting free software at the cornerstone of our direction,” wrote Bacon.
[125002590060] |“Thousands of us get out of bed every day, united behind Ubuntu, ready to make a difference, working together to make our vision happen.
[125002590070] |Importantly, our ethos of collaboration and freedom extends to the development process as well as the end product.”
[125002590080] |Important Dates
[125002590090] |October 2007
[125002590100] |November 2007
[125002590110] |December 2007
[125002590120] |January 2008
[125002590130] |Feburary 2008
[125002590140] |March 2008
[125002590150] |April 2008
[125002590160] |April 24th - FinalRelease
[125002590170] |Details about Each Release
[125002590180] |Feature Freeze
[125002590190] |The point at which we cease creating and modifying internal features and packages.
[125002590200] |This means we’re pretty much locked down for bugfixes only.
[125002590210] |Exceptions requiring confirmation
[125002590220] |Packages in or relating to high-priority ReleasenameFeatureGoals
[125002590230] |Major/minor fixes, within reason
[125002590240] |Exceptional circumstances
[125002590250] |Upstream Version Freeze
[125002590260] |The point at which we cease accepting new upstream versions of packages, whether they are sourced from Debian or not.
[125002590270] |Selected Debian releases of the same upstream versions may still be pulled in for bug-fixes, but this would be a manual process.
[125002590280] |Exceptions requiring confirmation
[125002590290] |Packages in or relating to FeatureGoals
[125002590300] |Minor fixes, if the upstream change is a micro-increment (or equivalent)
[125002590310] |Major fixes, particularly blockers, if the upstream change is a minor-increment (or equivalent)
[125002590320] |Exceptional circumstances
[125002590330] |String Freeze
[125002590340] |A string freeze is initiated in the project when all the human readable portions of code are no longer allowed to change.
[125002590350] |This gives the translation teams a chance to complete their translations without having to redo changed text.
[125002590360] |It also allows documentation to mention the actual UI names and messages.
[125002590370] |Beta Freeze
[125002590380] |Anal-retentive, high-caution period until the Beta Release goes out.
[125002590390] |Release and relevant section team confirmed fixes only!
[125002590400] |Once the BetaRelease is shipped, we roll back to FeatureFreeze status.
[125002590410] |Exceptions requiring confirmation
[125002590420] |ReleaseCriticalBug
[125002590430] |SecurityCriticalBug
[125002590440] |Exceptional circumstances
[125002590450] |Beta Release
[125002590460] |The BetaRelease is a testing oriented pre-release, usually one month before the Final Release.
[125002590470] |Non Language Pack Translation Deadline
[125002590480] |Some translation data cannot currently be updated via the language pack mechanism.
[125002590490] |Because these items require more disruptive integration work, they are subject to an earlier deadline.
[125002590500] |Translations which fall into this category are:
[125002590510] |The Ubuntu installer
[125002590520] |Translations which don’t use gettext, including:
[125002590530] |Firefox
[125002590540] |debconf templates
[125002590550] |desktop notifications via notification-daemon
[125002590560] |Strings visible in the default desktop (live CDs don’t get language pack updates)
[125002590570] |Default menu items
[125002590580] |Panel strings
[125002590590] |All menu entries in KDE applications, which does not support translation via language packs
[125002590600] |Kernel Freeze
[125002590610] |The kernel freeze is a deadline for kernel updates, since they require several lockstep actions which must be folded into the CD building process.
[125002590620] |As with other freeze dates, exceptional circumstances may justify exemptions to the freeze, at the exception of the release managers.
[125002590630] |Release Candidate (RC)
[125002590640] |The release candidate is a production-quality pre-release one week before the final release.
[125002590650] |Language Pack Translation Deadline
[125002590660] |Translation data using the Language Pack mechanism is due at this deadline.
[125002590670] |See NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline for non Language Pack data.
[125002590680] |Final Release
[125002590690] |The final release is the finished product which is distributed with an official Ubuntu release number.
[125002600010] |Tomcat 6 installation on Ubuntu Feisty
[125002600020] |Apache Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official Reference Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies.
[125002600030] |The Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages specifications are developed by Sun under the Java Community Process.
[125002600040] |Apache Tomcat is developed in an open and participatory environment and released under the Apache Software License.
[125002600050] |Apache Tomcat is intended to be a collaboration of the best-of-breed developers from around the world.
[125002600060] |We invite you to participate in this open development project.
[125002600070] |To learn more about getting involved, click here.
[125002600080] |Apache Tomcat powers numerous large-scale, mission-critical web applications across a diverse range of industries and organizations.
[125002600090] |Download the latest Tomcat to your desktop: http://tomcat.apache.org/, then run
[125002600100] |sudo tar zxvf apache-tomcat-6.0.10.tar.gz
[125002600110] |sudo cp -R apache-tomcat-6.0.10 /usr/share/tomcat6
[125002600120] |Setting JAVA environment
[125002600130] |Download the latest J2SE SDK, and run
[125002600140] |sudo chmod +x *.bin
[125002600150] |sudo sh ./jdk*.bin
[125002600160] |Executing the .bin file creates a folder on your desktop named jdk1.6.0_01.
[125002600170] |Rename that folder to Java6u1.
[125002600180] |Now move that folder to /usr/lib
[125002600190] |sudo mv Java6u1 /usr/lib
[125002600200] |sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/Java6u1/bin/java 300
[125002600210] |sudo update-alternatives --config java
[125002600220] |1 /usr/lib/Java6u1/bin/java 2 /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.1 3 /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java
[125002600230] |Select 1
[125002600240] |Setting the following environment
[125002600250] |Edit /etc/environment
[125002600260] |gedit /etc/environment, then insert and save two lines
[125002600270] |CLASSPATH=.:/usr/lib/Java6u1/bin JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/Java6u1
[125002600280] |Tomcat needs to set JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME to execute.
[125002600290] |Open the follow document and edit the lines
[125002600300] |sudo gedit ~/.bashrc
[125002600310] |then place the following lines in
[125002600320] |export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/Java6u1 export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
[125002600330] |Start and stop tomcat
[125002600340] |Now start your tomcat: sudo /usr/share/tomcat6/bin/./startup.sh
[125002600350] |Type http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
[125002600360] |If you see the tomcat welcome page, your tomcat is running smoothly.
[125002600370] |If you are installing below 5.5 version, please try 8180.
[125002600380] |Stopping tomcat: sudo /usr/share/tomcat6/bin/./shutdown.sh
[125002600390] |Tomcat administrator setting
[125002600400] |Edit this document:
[125002600410] |sudo gedit /usr/share/tomcat6/conf/tomcat-users.xml
[125002600420] |before
insert this line
[125002600430] |
[125002600440] |Save and restart your tomcat.
[125002600450] |You can login to your tomcat admin by using your new set id and password now.
[125002610010] |How to Install and setup Eclipse with Sun’s Java
[125002610020] |Eclipse is an open source community whose projects are focused on building an open development platform comprised of extensible frameworks, tools and runtimes for building, deploying and managing software across the lifecycle.
[125002610030] |A large and vibrant ecosystem of major technology vendors, innovative start-ups, universities, research institutions and individuals extend, complement and support the Eclipse platform.
[125002610040] |Installing Eclipse,Sun Java in Ubuntu
[125002610050] |sudo apt-get install eclipse sun-java6-jdk
[125002610060] |This will install the required packages, however, Eclipse will run very slowly since it will be using GNU’s java, not Sun’s.
[125002610070] |We now need to make Sun’s java the default.
[125002610080] |sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun
[125002610090] |Next, edit the JVM configuration file
[125002610100] |sudo -b gedit /etc/jvm
[125002610110] |and add the following to the top of the file
[125002610120] |/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun
[125002610130] |There is a bug right now were Eclipse ignores Ubuntu’s java-common settings and uses its own (bug 45347).
[125002610140] |To work around the bug, you need to edit Eclipse’s java_home file
[125002610150] |sudo -b gedit /etc/eclipse/java_home
[125002610160] |and add
[125002610170] |/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun
[125002610180] |to the top of the file.
[125002610190] |Lastly, if you have lots of memory you may want to increase the heap size (warning: If you make the heap size too large then parts of eclipse will continuously swap in and out.).The settings can be altered by editing the eclipse.ini file.
[125002610200] |For feisty users:
[125002610210] |sudo -b gedit /usr/lib/eclipse/eclipse.ini
[125002610220] |The argument Xms refers to the minimum heap size and Xmx refers to the maximum heap size.
[125002620010] |Backup Ubuntu using rdiff-backup
[125002620020] |rdiff-backup backs up one directory to another, possibly over a network.
[125002620030] |The target directory ends up a copy of the source directory, but extra reverse diffs are stored in a special subdirectory of that target directory, so you can still recover files lost some time ago.
[125002620040] |The idea is to combine the best features of a mirror and an incremental backup. rdiff-backup also preserves subdirectories, hard links, dev files, permissions, uid/gid ownership, modification times, extended attributes, acls, and resource forks.
[125002620050] |Also, rdiff-backup can operate in a bandwidth efficient manner over a pipe, like rsync.
[125002620060] |Thus you can use rdiff-backup and ssh to securely back a hard drive up to a remote location, and only the differences will be transmitted.
[125002620070] |Finally, rdiff-backup is easy to use and settings have sensical defaults.
[125002620080] |Install rdiff-backup in ubuntu
[125002620090] |If you want to install rdiff-backup in ubuntu use the following command
[125002620100] |sudo apt-get install rdiff-backup
[125002620110] |Because rdiff-backup is using SSH, which asks for a password upon logging in, it will require human interaction during the actual back-up process.
[125002620120] |And because we are trying to setup an automated process, this is not what we want.
[125002620130] |Fortunately, this problem can be easily skipped by using SSH public keys.
[125002620140] |So, we’ll need to create a pair of keys on the home computer, one of which will be saved on the work computer.
[125002620150] |Basically, these keys will tell the work machine that the home machine is allowed to login through SSH.first you need to make sure both machines installed with openssh.
[125002620160] |Install openssh using the following command
[125002620170] |sudo apt-get install openssh
[125002620180] |Now you need to Generate a DSA key pair on the USA computer
[125002620190] |ssh-keygen -t dsa
[125002620200] |Hit enter when you are asked for the target directory and for the passphrase.
[125002620210] |Send the public key to the UK computer:
[125002620220] |(The UK computer has to have used the ssh client, otherwise, the .ssh directory won’t exist)
[125002620230] |cd $HOME
[125002620240] |scp .ssh/id_dsa.pub UK-user@UK.computer.IP:~/.ssh
[125002620250] |Log in to UK PC and add the key to the list of authorized keys:
[125002620260] |ssh work-user@UK.computer.IP
[125002620270] |cd .ssh
[125002620280] |cat id_dsa.pub >>authorized_keys2
[125002620290] |rm -rf id_dsa.pub
[125002620300] |Test if everything is ok: Log out and log back in, this time, you shouldn’t be asked for a password.
[125002620310] |Back-up process
[125002620320] |we want to do here is back-up the scripts/ directory on the UK PC to the USA PC.
[125002620330] |To do this, type the following command on the USA machine
[125002620340] |rdiff-backup -v4 --print-statistics UK-user@UK.computer.IP:://home/UK-user/scripts/ scripts/
[125002620350] |Automate Backup process with crontab
[125002620360] |On the USA machine, type the following command to open the crontab editor
[125002620370] |crontab -e
[125002620380] |It will open vi.Once it started, Now, add the following line
[125002620390] |15 1 * * * /usr/bin/rdiff-backup UK-user@UK.computer.IP:://home/UK-user/scripts/ scripts/
[125002620400] |save and exit the file
[125002620410] |As of now, every night at 1:15, the scripts directory from the UK PC will be saved to /home/USA-user/scripts directory and will be updated if any scripts are added to the work directory.
[125002620420] |70-291 and 70-649 professionals are used to creating backups regularly.
[125002620430] |It is the 70-270 and the 646-204 that have an issue.
[125002620440] |This is why 642-901 Pros always advice to go for the certifications in a proper order.
[125002630010] |Howto Install Avant Window Navigator in ubuntu gutsy gibbon
[125002630020] |Avant Window Navgator (Awn) is a dock-like bar which sits at the bottom of the screen (in all its composited-goodness) tracking open windows.
[125002630030] |Preparing your system
[125002630040] |First you need to make sure you have installed the following packages
[125002630050] |sudo apt-get install build-essential automake1.9 autotools-dev bzr libxdamage-dev libxcomposite-dev libgnome2-common libgnome2-dev libgnome-desktop-dev libgnome-vfs-dev libgtk2.0-dev libwnck-dev libgconf2-dev libglib2.0-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libgnomevfs2-0 libgnome-desktop-2 libgnome2-0 libwnck-common python-gtk2 python-gconf gnome-common python-dev python-gtk2-dev python-cairo-dev python-gnome2-dev
[125002630060] |Download the Avant Window Navgator using the following command
[125002630070] |bzr co http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~awn-core/awn/trunk avant-window-navigator
[125002630080] |Now you have avant-window-navigator directory
[125002630090] |cd avant-window-navigator
[125002630100] |./autogen.sh
[125002630110] |make
[125002630120] |sudo make install
[125002630130] |This will complete the installation.
[125002630140] |Install Avant Window Navigator Applets
[125002630150] |Preparing Your system
[125002630160] |sudo apt-get install libgnome-menu-dev librsvg2-dev libgtop2-dev
[125002630170] |Download the source using the following command
[125002630180] |bzr co http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~awn-extras/awn-extras/trunk awn-extras
[125002630190] |Install Avant Window Navigator Applets
[125002630200] |cd awn-extras/awn-applets/awn-extras-applets/
[125002630210] |./autogen.sh
[125002630220] |make
[125002630230] |sudo make install
[125002630240] |This will complete the Avant Window Navigator Applets installation.
[125002630250] |Run Avant Window Navigator
[125002630260] |Goto Applications ?
[125002630270] |Accessories ?
[125002630280] |Avant Window Navigator
[125002630290] |If you want to configure Avant Window Navigator, goto System ?
[125002630300] |Preferences ?
[125002630310] |Awn manager
[125002640010] |Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) LAMP Server Setup
[125002640020] |In around 15 minutes, the time it takes to install Ubuntu Server Edition, you can have a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) server up and ready to go.
[125002640030] |This feature, exclusive to Ubuntu Server Edition, is available at the time of installation.
[125002640040] |The LAMP option means you don’t have to install and integrate each of the four separate LAMP components, a process which can take hours and requires someone who is skilled in the installation and configuration of the individual applications.
[125002640050] |Instead, you get increased security, reduced time-to-install, and reduced risk of misconfiguration, all of which results in a lower cost of ownership.New pre-configured installation options have been added to the Ubuntu Server.
[125002640060] |Mail Server, File Server, Print Server, and Database Server options join existing LAMP and DNS options for pre-configured installations, easing the deployment of common server configurations.
[125002640070] |Ubuntu LAMP server Install the following Versions
[125002640080] |Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 Apache 2.2.4 Mysql 5.0.45 PHP 5.2.3
[125002640090] |First you need to download server version of Ubuntu version from here after that you create a CD and start booting with the CD Once it starts booting you should see the following screen in this you need to select second option “Install to the Hard disk Option” and press enter
[125002640100] |
Choose you language and press enter you can see we have selected english in the follwoing screen
[125002640110] |Choose your location and press enter you can see we have have selected United Kingdom in the follwoing screen
[125002640120] |If you want to try to have your keyboard layout detected by pressing a series of keys you need to select yes option and if you don’t want that and you want to choose from a list click no in this example we have selected no and press enter
[125002640130] |Select Origin of keyboard and press enter
[125002640140] |Select keyboard layout and press enter
[125002640150] |Detecting hardware to find CD-ROM Drivers in progress
[125002640160] |Scanning CD-ROM in Progress
[125002640170] |Loading additional components progress bar
[125002640180] |
Configures the network with DHCP if there is a DHCP server in the network
[125002640190] |Enter the Hostname of the system so in this example i enter here as ubuntulamp
[125002640200] |
Detecting Disks and Hardware in progress
[125002640210] |Startingup the partitioner in progress
[125002640220] |you have to partition your hard disk in this example i have selected use entire disk option if you want to edit manually you can choose manual and press enter
[125002640230] |
Warning message about data lost on your hard disk
[125002640240] |
Creating partitions in your harddisk
[125002640250] |Write the changes to disk option here you need to select yes and press enter
Creating ext3 filesystem in progress
[125002640260] |Configuring the clock option here if you want to leave UTC Select yes otherwise no and press enter
[125002640270] |You need enter the Full name of the user you want to create for your server in this example i have created administrator user select continue and press enter
[125002640280] |
username for your account in this i have entered test select continue and press enter
[125002640290] |
Entered the password for test user select continue and press enter
[125002640300] |Confirm the password for test user select continue and press enter
[125002640310] |Installing the base system in progress
[125002640320] |Configuring package mirror this will be related to your country option
[125002640330] |Now it will start Installing software and here you need to select the server options here i have selected as LAMP for our LAMP server installation
[125002640340] |
Software Installation in Progress
[125002640350] |At the time of software installation it will prompt for mysql server root password enter root password of your choice and select continue
[125002640360] |Installing GRUB Boot loader in progress
[125002640370] |Installation complete message here you need to remove your CD select continue and press enter it will reboot your server
[125002640380] |After rebooting you can see the following screen prompt for username
[125002640390] |
This will complete the Ubuntu LAMP Server Installation and your server is ready for installing applications which supports apache,mysql and php.
[125002640400] |Configuring Static ip address in Ubuntu serverUbuntu installer has configured our system to get its network settings via DHCP, Now we will change that to a static IP address for this you need to edit Edit /etc/network/interfaces and enter your ip address details (in this example setup I will use the IP address
[125002640410] |sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
[125002640420] |and enter the following save the file and exit
[125002640430] |# The primary network interface
[125002640440] |auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway
[125002640450] |Now you need to restart your network services using the following command
[125002640460] |sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
[125002640470] |You need to setup manually DNS servers in resolv.conf file when you are not using DHCP.
[125002640480] |sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf
[125002640490] |You need to add look something like this
[125002640500] |search domain.com
[125002640510] |nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
[125002640520] |Install SSH Server
[125002640530] |If you want to access your server remotely through SSH you need to install SSH server for this you need to run the following command
[125002640540] |sudo apt-get install ssh openssh-server
[125002640550] |You will be prompted to insert the installation CD again and this will complete SSH server in your edgy lamp server.This is really simple and easy server installation for new users and who wants a quick server.
[125002640560] |GUI Installation for Ubuntu LAMP Server
[125002640570] |Option1
[125002640580] |If you are a new user and not familiar with command prompt you can install GUI for your ubuntu LAMP server for this you need to make sure you have enabled Universe and multiverse repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list file once you have enable you need to use the following command to install GUI
[125002640590] |sudo apt-get update
[125002640600] |sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
[125002640610] |The above command will install GNOME desktop if you want to install KDE desktop use the following command
[125002640620] |sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
[125002640630] |Option2
[125002640640] |Installing Webmin in Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon
[125002640650] |Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix.
[125002640660] |Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and much more.
[125002640670] |Webmin removes the need to manually edit Unix configuration files like /etc/passwd, and lets you manage a system from the console or remotely.
[125002640680] |You can install webmin for your server web interface to configure apache,mysql servers.Now we will see how to install webmin in Ubuntu 7.10
[125002640690] |Preparing your system
[125002640700] |First you need to install the following packages
[125002640710] |sudo apt-get install perl libnet-ssleay-perl openssl libauthen-pam-perl libpam-runtime libio-pty-perl libmd5-perl
[125002640720] |Now download the latest webmin using the following command
[125002640730] |wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin_1.370_all.deb
[125002640740] |Now we have webmin_1.370_all.deb package install this package using the following command
[125002640750] |sudo dpkg -i webmin_1.370_all.deb
[125002640760] |This will complete the installation.
[125002640770] |Ubuntu in particular don’t allow logins by the root user by default.
[125002640780] |However, the user created at system installation time can use sudo to switch to root.
[125002640790] |Webmin will allow any user who has this sudo capability to login with full root privileges.
[125002640800] |Now you need to open your web browser and enter the following
[125002640810] |https://your-server-ip:10000/
[125002640820] |Now you should see similar to the following Screen
[125002640830] |Once you enter into the webmin you should see similar to the following screen
[125002640840] |If you want to configure Apache,Mysql server you need to click on Servers on your lefthand side you should many servers are ready to configure
[125002640850] |This is very Easy to configure most of the servers and Enjoy your new Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon LAMP Server
[125002650010] |How to Enable Drag and Drop capabilities to aMSN
[125002650020] |aMSN is an MSN Messenger clone licensed under the GPL.
[125002650030] |Its main objective is to assist users who are new to the GNU/Linux operating system keep in contact with those who use the Microsoft program which is available only on Windows and Macintosh.
[125002650040] |To achieve this objective, aMSN attempts to emulate the look and feel of MSN Messenger, and supports many of its features.
[125002650050] |aMSN has features not present in MSN Messenger.
[125002650060] |Users can set alarms, are able to see others who have removed them from their contact list, and are able to open many profiles at once.
[125002650070] |It is also very customizable, with extensions and themes available at the main site. aMSN also allows functions not available in the Macintosh version of MSN Messenger, such as webcam support, and the “nudge” feature.
[125002650080] |aMSN is available for any system that supports Tcl/Tk 8.4 or higher.
[125002650090] |This includes Microsoft Windows, Macintosh and any UNIX variant including Linux.
[125002650100] |You need the tkdnd binaries, you get them from TkDND developers cvs server with the following commands
[125002650110] |$cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@tkdnd.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tkdnd login
[125002650120] |(Hit enter, no password needed)
[125002650130] |$cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@tkdnd.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tkdnd co -P tkdnd/libThen
[125002650140] |you need to make a tkdnd in the amsn directory using this command
[125002650150] |$mkdir $AMSNDIR/utils/tkdnd
[125002650160] |(mine was in /usr/share/amsn)
[125002650170] |Finally you need to copy over the files from the cvsserver to the directory you just made using this command
[125002650180] |$cp tkdnd/lib/*tcl $AMSNDIR/utils/tkdnd/
[125002650190] |and
[125002650200] |$cp tkdnd/lib/Linux/libtkdnd1.0.so $AMSNDIR/utils/tkdnd/
[125002650210] |Restart aMSN and you can enjoy dragging files to the conversation windows to send them.
[125002660010] |Hotwire - graphical terminal for Ubuntu
[125002660020] |Hotwire is a graphical shell intended to replace the interactive command execution portion of a typical Unix shell.
[125002660030] |It includes much of the functionality found in the combination of a terminal emulator, a shell, and core utilities like ls and grep.
[125002660040] |Download Hotwire .deb package from here
[125002660050] |Now you should be having hotwire_0.599-1~getdeb1_all.deb package
[125002660060] |Install this package using the following command
[125002660070] |sudo dpkg -i hotwire_0.599-1~getdeb1_all.deb
[125002660080] |This will complete the installation.
[125002660090] |If you want to open hotwire Go to Applications--->System Tools--->Hotwire Shell
[125002660100] |Once it opens you should see the following screen
[125002660110] |Hotwire Examples
[125002660120] |1)When you type ls command it give the available commands list
[125002660130] |2)ls -al output shows in the window
[125002660140] |Hotwire Version Details
[125002670010] |Nagios Network Monitoring System Setup in Ubuntu
[125002670020] |Nagios is a host and service monitor designed to inform you of network problems before your clients, end-users or managers do.
[125002670030] |It has been designed to run under the Linux operating system, but works fine under most *NIX variants as well.
[125002670040] |The monitoring daemon runs intermittent checks on hosts and services you specify using external “plugins” which return status information to Nagios.
[125002670050] |When problems are encountered, the daemon can send notifications out to administrative contacts in a variety of different ways (email, instant message, SMS, etc.).
[125002670060] |Current status information, historical logs, and reports can all be accessed via a web browser.
[125002670070] |WARNING: “this tutorial is meant for users that have a good knowledge of development tools and manual installation process and will be hardly supported by the Ubuntu community.
[125002670080] |Standard supported procedure are to install packages from the official repositories, not to compile them by hand”.
[125002670090] |Install Nagios in Ubuntu
[125002670100] |This Tutorial is intended to provide you with simple instructions on how to install Nagios from source (code) on Ubuntu and have it monitoring your local machine inside of 20 minutes.
[125002670110] |If you follow these instructions, here’s what you’ll end up with:
[125002670120] |Nagios and the plugins will be installed underneath /usr/local/nagios
[125002670130] |Nagios will be configured to monitor a few aspects of your local system (CPU load, disk usage, etc.)
[125002670140] |The Nagios web interface will be accessible at http://localhost/nagios/
[125002670150] |Required Packages
[125002670160] |Make sure you’ve installed the following packages on your Ubuntu installation before continuing.
[125002670170] |Apache 2 GCC compiler and development libraries GD development libraries
[125002670180] |Preparing Your System
[125002670190] |First you need to install the following packages
[125002670200] |sudo apt-get install apache2
[125002670210] |sudo apt-get install build-essential
[125002670220] |sudo apt-get install libgd2-xpm-dev
[125002670230] |1) Create Account Information
[125002670240] |Become the root user.
[125002670250] |sudo -s
[125002670260] |Create a new nagios user account and give it a password.
[125002670270] |#/usr/sbin/useradd nagios
[125002670280] |#passwd nagios
[125002670290] |On Ubuntu server edition , you will need to also add a nagios group (it’s not created by default).
[125002670300] |You should be able to skip this step on desktop editions of Ubuntu.
[125002670310] |#/usr/sbin/groupadd nagios
[125002670320] |#/usr/sbin/usermod -G nagios nagios
[125002670330] |Create a new nagcmd group for allowing external commands to be submitted through the web interface.
[125002670340] |Add both the nagios user and the apache user to the group.
[125002670350] |#/usr/sbin/groupadd nagcmd
[125002670360] |#/usr/sbin/usermod -G nagcmd nagios
[125002670370] |#/usr/sbin/usermod -G nagcmd www-data
[125002670380] |2) Download Nagios and the Plugins
[125002670390] |Create a directory for storing the downloads.
[125002670400] |#mkdir ~/downloads
[125002670410] |#cd ~/downloads
[125002670420] |Download the source code tarballs of both Nagios and the Nagios plugins (visit http://www.nagios.org/download/ for links to the latest versions).
[125002670430] |At the time of writing, the latest versions of Nagios and the Nagios plugins were 2.10 and 1.4.10, respectively.
[125002670440] |#wget http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/nagios/nagios-2.10.tar.gz
[125002670450] |#wget http://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/nagiosplug/nagios-plugins-1.4.10.tar.gz
[125002670460] |3) Compile and Install Nagios
[125002670470] |Extract the Nagios source code tarball.
[125002670480] |#cd ~/downloads
[125002670490] |#tar xzf nagios-2.10.tar.gz
[125002670500] |#cd nagios-2.10
[125002670510] |Run the Nagios configure script, passing the name of the group you created earlier like so:
[125002670520] |#./configure --with-command-group=nagcmd
[125002670530] |Compile the Nagios source code.
[125002670540] |#make all
[125002670550] |Install binaries, init script, sample config files and set permissions on the external command directory.
[125002670560] |#make install
[125002670570] |#make install-init
[125002670580] |#make install-config
[125002670590] |#make install-commandmode
[125002670600] |Don’t start Nagios yet - there’s still more that needs to be done…
[125002670610] |4) Customize Configuration
[125002670620] |Sample configuration files have now been installed in the /usr/local/nagios/etc directory.
[125002670630] |These sample files should work fine for getting started with Nagios.
[125002670640] |You’ll need to make just one change before you proceed…
[125002670650] |Edit the /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/contacts.cfg config file with your favorite editor and change the email address associated with the nagiosadmin contact definition to the address you’d like to use for receiving alerts.
[125002670660] |#vi /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/contacts.cfg
[125002670670] |5) Configure the Web Interface
[125002670680] |Install the Nagios web config file in the Apache conf.d directory.
[125002670690] |#make install-webconf
[125002670700] |Create a nagiosadmin account for logging into the Nagios web interface.
[125002670710] |Remember the password you assign to this account - you’ll need it later.
[125002670720] |#htpasswd -c /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin
[125002670730] |Restart Apache to make the new settings take effect.
[125002670740] |#/etc/init.d/apache2 reload
[125002670750] |6) Compile and Install the Nagios Plugins
[125002670760] |Extract the Nagios plugins source code tarball.
[125002670770] |#cd ~/downloads
[125002670780] |#tar xzf nagios-plugins-1.4.10.tar.gz
[125002670790] |#cd nagios-plugins-1.4.10
[125002670800] |Compile and install the plugins.
[125002670810] |#./configure --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-group=nagios
[125002670820] |#make
[125002670830] |#make install
[125002670840] |7) Start Nagios
[125002670850] |Configure Nagios to automatically start when the system boots.
[125002670860] |#ln -s /etc/init.d/nagios /etc/rcS.d/S99nagios
[125002670870] |Verify the sample Nagios configuration files.
[125002670880] |#/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
[125002670890] |If there are no errors, start Nagios.
[125002670900] |#/etc/init.d/nagios start
Login to the Web Interface
[125002670910] |You should now be able to access the Nagios web interface at the URL below.
[125002670920] |You’ll be prompted for the username (nagiosadmin) and password you specified earlier.
[125002670930] |http://localhost/nagios/
[125002670940] |Click on the “Service Detail” navbar link to see details of what’s being monitored on your local machine.
[125002670950] |It will take a few minutes for Nagios to check all the services associated with your machine, as the checks are spread out over time.
[125002670960] |9) Other Modifications
[125002670970] |If you want to receive email notifications for Nagios alerts, you need to install the mailx (Postfix) package.
[125002670980] |#apt-get install mailx
[125002670990] |You’ll have to edit the Nagios email notification commands found in /usr/local/nagios/etc/commands.cfg and change any ‘/bin/mail’ references to ‘/usr/bin/mail’.
[125002671000] |Once you do that you’ll need to restart Nagios to make the configuration changes live.
[125002671010] |#/etc/init.d/nagios restart
[125002680010] |apturl - protocol handler in Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon
[125002680020] |The AptURL Protocol Handler is a program that handles special URLs for installing packages.
[125002680030] |This means that special links in web pages can install software.
[125002680040] |Ubuntu 7.10 has AptURL installed by default.
[125002680050] |Installing applications does not get any easier than this.
[125002680060] |apturl lets you install packages using a apt:pkgname like synatx
[125002680070] |Example
[125002680080] |If you want to install nagios2 from web browser just type the following command and press enter
[125002680090] |apt:nagios2
[125002680100] |This will prompt you with the following message
[125002680110] |AptURL should be compatible with most browsers on Ubuntu
[125002680120] |If you Want to make your own AptURLs The format is simple: apt:packagename
[125002690010] |Install Mplayer and Multimedia Codecs (libdvdcss2,w32codecs) in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon)
[125002690020] |MPlayer is a movie and animation player that supports a wide range of codecs and file formats, including MPEG 1/2/4,DivX 3/4/5, Windows Media 7/8/9, RealAudio/Video up to 9, Quicktime 5/6, and Vivo 1/2.
[125002690030] |It has many MX/SSE (2)/3Dnow(Ex) optimized native audio and video codecs, but allows using XAnim’s and RealPlayer’s binary codec plugins, and Win32 codec DLLs.
[125002690040] |It has basic VCD/DVD playback functionality, including DVD subtitles, but supports many text- based subtitle formats too.
[125002690050] |For video output, nearly every existing interface is supported.
[125002690060] |It’s also able to convert any supported files to raw/divx/mpeg4 AVI (pcm/mp3 audio), and even video grabbing from V4L devices.
[125002690070] |Install Mplayer in Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon Feisty Fawn
[125002690080] |You need to add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list file or you need to make sure you have enabled Universe and multiverse repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list file
[125002690090] |gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
[125002690100] |enter these two lines and save your file
[125002690110] |deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy universe multiverse deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy universe multiverse
[125002690120] |Now you need to run the following command to update the source list
[125002690130] |sudo apt-get update
[125002690140] |Install mplayer using the following command
[125002690150] |sudo apt-get install mplayer
[125002690160] |if you want to open mplayer just type
[125002690170] |gmplayer
[125002690180] |or
[125002690190] |You can Open from Applications—>Sound Video—> Mplayer Movie Player
[125002690200] |Once it opens you should see the following screen
[125002690210] |Installing libdvdcss2 and w32 video codecs in Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon
[125002690220] |Support for WMV, RealMedia and other formats has been bundled into the w32codecs package.
[125002690230] |This package is not available from the Ubuntu repositories due to licensing and legal restrictions.
[125002690240] |For Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon Users run the following command
[125002690250] |sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
[125002690260] |Now you need to copy the key using the following command
[125002690270] |wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -
[125002690280] |Update the source list using the following command
[125002690290] |sudo apt-get update
[125002690300] |Install Codecs using the following command
[125002690310] |sudo apt-get install w32codecs libdvdcss2
[125002690320] |Using above download locations you can install most of the mutimedia codecs for ubuntu.
[125002690330] |sudo apt-get update
[125002690340] |Mplayer Plugin for Firefox
[125002690350] |If you want to install Mplayer with plug-in for Mozilla Firefox run the following command
[125002690360] |sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer
[125002700010] |How to install Adobe PDF Reader 8.1.1 with Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox in Gutsy Gibbon
[125002700020] |Adobe Acrobat was the first software to support Adobe Systems’ Portable Document Format (PDF).
[125002700030] |It is a family of software, some commercial and some free of charge.
[125002700040] |The Adobe Acrobat Reader program (now just called Adobe Reader) is available as a no-charge download from Adobe’s web site, and allows the viewing and printing of PDF files.
[125002700050] |It is a major component of the Adobe Engagement Platform, and is widely used as a way to present information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication.
[125002700060] |Several other PDF-editing programs allow some minimal editing and adding of features to documents, and come with other modules including a printer driver to create PDF files.
[125002700070] |In Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon Acrobat Reder is not in Main Repositories because of licensing issues so you need to install using one of the following methods
[125002700080] |Using medibuntu Repository
[125002700090] |Medibuntu (Multimedia, Entertainment Distractions In Ubuntu) is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons (copyright, license, patent, etc).
[125002700100] |Add gpg key using the following command
[125002700110] |wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -
[125002700120] |Edit sources.list with new repo data
[125002700130] |sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
[125002700140] |Update the source list using the following command
[125002700150] |sudo apt-get update
[125002700160] |Install acrobat reader 8.1.1 with firefox plugin in Ubuntu
[125002700170] |sudo apt-get install acroread mozilla-acroread acroread-plugins
[125002700180] |This will complete the installation of acrobat reader version 8.1.1 If you want to open acrobat reader go to Applications -> Office -> Adobe Reader
[125002700190] |Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen here you need to click on accept the license
[125002700200] |Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen
[125002700210] |Acrobat reader Version Details
[125002710010] |How to Install Vmware Server in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon)
[125002710020] |VMware Server is a free virtualization product for Windows and Linux servers with enterprise-class support and VirtualCenter management.
[125002710030] |VMware Server is a robust yet easy to use server virtualization product and is based on proven virtualization technology, which has been used by thousands of customers for more than six years
[125002710040] |Vmware server features
[125002710050] |Runs on any standard x86 hardware
[125002710060] |Supports 64-bit guest operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and SolarisCan be managed by VMware VirtualCenter to efficiently provision, monitor and manage infrastructure from a central management console
[125002710070] |Supports two-processor Virtual SMP, enabling a single virtual machine to span multiple physical processors
[125002710080] |Runs on a wider variety of Linux and Windows host and guest operating systems than any server virtualization product on the market Captures entire state of a virtual machine and rolls back at any time with the click of a single button
[125002710090] |Installs like an application, with quick and easy, wizard-driven installation
[125002710100] |Quick and easy, wizard-driven virtual machine creation
[125002710110] |Opens VMware or Microsoft virtual machine format and Symantec LiveState Recovery images with VM Importer
[125002710120] |Supports Intel Virtualization Technology
[125002710130] |Protects investment with an easy upgrade path to VMware Infrastructure
[125002710140] |WARNING: “this tutorial is meant for users that have a good knowledge of development tools and manual installation process and will be hardly supported by the Ubuntu community.
[125002710150] |Standard supported procedure are to install packages from the official repositories, not to compile them by hand”.
[125002710160] |Install Vmware Server in Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon
[125002710170] |Preparing your system
[125002710180] |First you need to install the following packages
[125002710190] |sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`
[125002710200] |In my case i have used the following command
[125002710210] |sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic
[125002710220] |sudo apt-get install xinetd
[125002710230] |Download Vmware server
[125002710240] |First you need to register from here to downlaod and to get registration number
[125002710250] |Create a directory
[125002710260] |mkdir vmware
[125002710270] |cd vmware
[125002710280] |Download vmware sorce code using the following comamnd in to
[125002710290] |wget http://download3.vmware.com/software/vmserver/VMware-server-1.0.4-56528.tar.gz
[125002710300] |Extract the file using the following command
[125002710310] |tar -vxzf VMware-server-1.0.4-56528.tar.gz
[125002710320] |Now you have vmware-server-distrib directory
[125002710330] |cd vmware-server-distrib
[125002710340] |Start the installation using the following comamnd
[125002710350] |sudo ./vmware-install.pl
[125002710360] |This will start the installation you can see the steps in the following screens you can accept all defaults
[125002710370] |This will complete the instalaltion
[125002710380] |Using Vmware Server in Ubuntu
[125002710390] |If you want to open Vmware Server Console go to Applications—>System Tools—>Vmware Server Console
[125002710400] |Once it Opens you should see similar to the following selct localhost option and click on connect
[125002710410] |Now you should see similar to the following screen if you want to create new virtual machine click on “Create a new virtual machine”
[125002710420] |Once it open you should see the following screen and click on Next
[125002710430] |Virtual machine configuration options select Typical click on Next
[125002710440] |Select Guest operating system click on Next
[125002710450] |You want to change the guest operating system name and location of this GuestOS you can do here click on Next
[125002710460] |Select Network connection Option and Click on Next
[125002710470] |Select your disk size and click on Finish
[125002710480] |Vmware Disk Creation in Progress
[125002710490] |Once it craeted new disk your machine is ready to install vmware GuestOS
[125002710500] |Vmware-Server Version Details
[125002710510] |Uninstall Vmware server
[125002710520] |Run the following command from your terminal
[125002710530] |sudo vmware-uninstall.pl