[125005370010] |
Howto Fix window titlebar drawing problems with NVIDIA gfx using 180.08 beta driver in Intrepid
[125005370020] |The latest NVIDIA drivers are 177 in the repos.
[125005370030] |This causes a bug with the new Intrepid Kernel causing the window title bars on some systems to draw incorrectly.
[125005370040] |It tends to be an intermittent problem.
[125005370050] |This is a temporary fix using the NVIDIA 180.08 beta drivers.
[125005370060] |First you need to download 180.08 (BETA) for Linux x86/x86-64 from here
[125005370070] |Download the file you need for your architecture.
[125005370080] |It’s NVIDIA-Linux-x86-180.08-pkg1.run for x86.
[125005370090] |Close all applications and save everything.
[125005370100] |Press CTRL+ALT+F1.
[125005370110] |Log in.
[125005370120] |Then run “sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop” to kill you XWindows session.
[125005370130] |Go into the directory where you put the driver and run
[125005370140] |“sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-180.08-pkg1.run” or the relevant command if you downloaded the 64-bit version.
[125005370150] |It will try to download a module, then ultimately recompile a new one.
[125005370160] |To get XWindows running again you log back into XWindows using the following command
[125005370170] |sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start
[125005370180] |When you log back into XWindows, the new driver should be active and the window drawing problem gone.
[125005370190] |Hopefully NVIDIA will release a finished driver that will find its way into the repos soon.
[125005370200] |If you want to go back to you old driver, you can do it using System / Administration / Hardware Drivers.
[125005370210] |It will still display the old one active in there, just swap to a different one, activate it, then swap back.
[125005370220] |Credit Goes here
[125005380010] |How to Create new virtual machine in Virtualbox
[125005380020] |We have already discussed about how to install virtualbox 2.0.2 in ubuntu hardy .Now we will see how to create a new virtual machine in virtualbox.
[125005380030] |After open the virtualbox you need to click on New to create new virtual machine.
[125005380040] |Now you should see similar to the following screen click next
[125005380050] |Select VMname and OS Type and click next
[125005380060] |Select the memory for your VM
[125005380070] |Here you need to create the Virtual hard disk details click on new
[125005380080] |New virtual disk screen click on next
[125005380090] |Here you can select how do you want to craete your hard disk and click next
[125005380100] |Enter virtual disk location and size click next
[125005380110] |Virtualdisk summary details click Finish
[125005380120] |After selecting Virtualdisk click on next
[125005380130] |Virtual machine Summary details click on finish
[125005380140] |After creating virtual machine you should see similar to the following screen
[125005380150] |Virtual machine settings screen as follows
[125005380160] |Virtualbox Version details
[125005390010] |How to set up host interface networking for VirtualBox on Ubuntu
[125005390020] |We have already discussed how to install virtualbox and create virtual machines in ubuntu.This tutorial will explain How to set up host interface networking for VirtualBox on Ubuntu.
[125005390030] |To start, NAT is by far the easiest way to get your guests connected to the interweb, but you may want to use the guests as servers.
[125005390040] |For this you need Host Networking.
[125005390050] |To configure Host Networking you need to configure network bridging, you basically go through four steps on the host machine
[125005390060] |Install necessary packages
[125005390070] |Declare bridge and real network interface you add to it
[125005390080] |Declare virtual interfaces
[125005390090] |Set permissions on /dev/net/tun
[125005390100] |Preparing Your system
[125005390110] |You need to install the following packages
[125005390120] |sudo apt-get install uml-utilities bridge-utils
[125005390130] |Now you need to take the backup of your networking file using the following command
[125005390140] |sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.backup
[125005390150] |You have to edit /etc/network/interfaces on the host machine to declare the bridge, this procedure is slightly different if your host use static or dynamic IP.
[125005390160] |sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces
[125005390170] |If you have Dynamic IP, on the host machine:
[125005390180] |auto eth0 iface eth0 inet manual
[125005390190] |auto br0 iface br0 inet dhcp bridge_ports eth0 vbox0
[125005390200] |# The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback
[125005390210] |“eth0″ is the name of your interface, it can be different depending on your machine.
[125005390220] |“br0″ is an arbitrary name for the bridge.
[125005390230] |“vbox0″ is an arbitrary name for the device VirtualBox will use, if you want more devices, you just add then like:
[125005390240] |bridge_ports eth0 vbox0 vbox1 vbox2 vbox3 vbox4 and so on.
[125005390250] |If you are using Static IP addresses modify the interfaces like this:
[125005390260] |auto eth0 iface eth0 inet manual
[125005390270] |auto br0 iface br0 inet static address netmask gateway bridge_ports eth0 vbox0 vbox1
[125005390280] |# The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback
[125005390290] |Replace with your IP, with your netmask and with your gateway.
[125005390300] |If you are using static IP addresses for eth0, eth1, etc; you will need to configure the br0 interface using the same settings!
[125005390310] |Otherwise your system will request an IP address via DHCP.
[125005390320] |You may add as many vbox# interfaces as you wish as long as they are also declared in /etc/vbox/interfaces; keep reading for details.
[125005390330] |Save and exit the file.
[125005390340] |You need to restart networking for the changes to take effect using the following command
[125005390350] |sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
[125005390360] |Declare virtual interfaces in VirtualBox network file
[125005390370] |To declare the virtual interfaces used by VirtualBox you need to edit /etc/vbox/interfaces on the host machine
[125005390380] |sudo gedit /etc/vbox/interfaces
[125005390390] |# Each line should be of the format : # []
br0 vbox1
[125005390400] |Where “vbox#” is an arbitrary name.
[125005390410] |You may declare here as many virtual interfaces as you wish, as long as they have been properly declared in /etc/network/interfaces.
[125005390420] |In this specific article, we declared two vbox interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces, then finished setting them up in /etc/vbox/interfaces.
[125005390430] |To take the modifications into account, restart the VirtualBox host networking script.
[125005390440] |If you installed VirtualBox OSE
[125005390450] |sudo /etc/init.d/virtualbox-ose restart
[125005390460] |If you installed the pre-compiled proprietary version
[125005390470] |sudo /etc/init.d/vboxnet restart
[125005390480] |The virtual interfaces are now created and added to the bridge.
[125005390490] |That’s it!
[125005390500] |Now the different scripts will take care of cleanly create/configure/remove bridges and virtual interfaces when you boot and shut your system down.
[125005390510] |Set permissions on /dev/net/tun
[125005390520] |You need to have read/write permissions on the file /dev/net/tun to be able to use the bridge, to set permissions
[125005390530] |sudo chown root:vboxusers /dev/net/tun
[125005390540] |sudo chmod g+rw /dev/net/tun
[125005390550] |This file is created with the default permissions every time the system restarts, to make the new permissions permanent you have to edit the file /etc/udev/rules.d/20-names.rules and change
[125005390560] |KERNEL==”tun”, NAME=”net/%k”
[125005390570] |to
[125005390580] |KERNEL==”tun”, NAME=”net/%k”, GROUP=”vboxusers”, MODE=”0660″
[125005390590] |Configure networking in VirtualBox
[125005390600] |Once you have everything ready, you can start the VirtualBox management interface on the host machine, configure the network of your virtual machine, and by selecting “host networking”, enter the name of one of the virtual adapter you have configured.
[125005390610] |Start your virtual machine, it gets a network card presented, that you can set up as you wish (static IP address, DHCP) using the network configuration tools inside the virtual machine.
[125005400010] |Download,Extract Audio From YouTube Videos using UTube Ripper in Ubuntu
[125005400020] |Utube Ripper is an application written in Gambas that works exclusively on Linux.
[125005400030] |It’s useful to download and convert Youtube videos in a simple and efficient way.Using Utube Ripper you can download and Extract Audio From YouTube Videos.
[125005400040] |Install UTube Ripper in Ubuntu Hardy
[125005400050] |First you need to download .deb package from here
[125005400060] |After downloading Double click the file to start installation.
[125005400070] |This will fetch and install all its dependencies.
[125005400080] |This will complete the installation.
[125005400090] |Using UTube Ripper
[125005400100] |Go to Applications--->Internet--->Utube-ripper
[125005400110] |Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen
[125005400120] |Now you can copy your favourite youtube URL click on download
[125005400130] |Download is in progress
[125005400140] |Youtube download completed.The downloaded file will be saved as video.flv under the /home/yourusername/.utube folder.To extract mp3, check ‘Rip audio only‘ under the ‘Convert FLV’ section.
[125005400150] |Click ‘Browse’, navigate to the /.utube folder and select the file video.flv
[125005400160] |Click ‘Convert’ to start the conversion.
[125005400170] |The mp3 file will be saved as audio.mp3.mp3 ripping in progress
[125005400180] |mp3 ripping completed
[125005400190] |Conversion settings screen as follows
[125005410010] |How to Set a Static IP address in Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex)
[125005410020] |There seems to be a known bug with the Gnome Network Manager included with the Ubuntu 8.10 release that resets any static ip address settings that are set manually when the system is rebooted reverting back to a DHCP setup.
[125005410030] |These steps will remove the Gnome Network Manager and help you manually setup the required files for your static network configuration.
[125005410040] |Solution 1
[125005410050] |Step 1 – Remove the Gnome Network Manager: You need to complete this step first because if left installed this application will overwrite any changes you make to your configuration when the system is rebooted.
[125005410060] |This is apparently where the bug is located.
[125005410070] |To remove the Gnome Network Manager issue the following command in the terminal:
[125005410080] |sudo update-rc.d -f NetworkManager remove
[125005410090] |This will disable and remove the Gnome Network Manager application.
[125005410100] |Now you will have to edit your configuration manually.
[125005410110] |Restart your System
[125005410120] |Step 2 – Manual configuration of your network interface: In this step you will manually configure your network interface by editing the following two files using your preferred text editor(nano gedit vi).
[125005410130] |For the purpose of this example I am using the nano editor.
[125005410140] |Step 2.1 – Manually configure your network interface file: You can edit the appropriate file by entering the following command into the terminal:
[125005410150] |sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
[125005410160] |Once your prefered editor opens the file you want to enter the following information (changing your addresses where necessary):
[125005410170] |auto lo eth0 iface lo inet loopback iface eth0 inet static address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx(enter your ip here) netmask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx gateway xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx(enter gateway ip here)
[125005410180] |Be sure to save your changes.
[125005410190] |Step 2.2 – Manually configure your dns configuration file: You can edit the appropriate file by entering the following command into the terminal:
[125005410200] |sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf
[125005410210] |Once your preferred editor opens the file you want to enter the following information (changing your addresses where necessary):
[125005410220] |# Generated by NetworkManager nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx(enter your dns server ip) nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx(enter your alt dns server ip)
[125005410230] |Be sure to save your changes.
[125005410240] |Step 2.3 – Manually restart your network interface with the new settings: Enter the following command in the terminal:
[125005410250] |sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
[125005410260] |This should return a result that looks like the following:
[125005410270] |*Reconfiguring network interfaces… [OK]
[125005410280] |At this point in your terminal you should be able to run the ifconfig command and the results should reflect your new settings.
[125005410290] |If the addressing is correct you should have full network access, even after a system restart.
[125005410300] |Haven’t tried reinstalling the Network Manger after doing these steps to see if it still works.
[125005410310] |Solution 2
[125005410320] |Install Wicd if you need both wired and wireless connection
[125005410330] |Solution 3
[125005410340] |Also, it is said that adding a new config in networkmanager (instead of editing the system default ‘Auto eth0′ stuff) and assign the right MAC address (and the static ip) will fix it, every thing’s fine even after reboot, and you can still use that gnome-networkmanager.
[125005410350] |Check this simple guide
[125005410360] |Credit Goes here
[125005420010] |GUI Installer for RT73 (RaLink) Devices [Beta]
[125005420020] |RT73 Driver GUI Installer is simple install script to install wireless devices from the RT73 RaLink chipset.
[125005420030] |Note:- This tool is still in Beta Version
[125005420040] |Download This installer from here
[125005420050] |Screenshots
[125005430010] |Fix for video problem on the Dell Latitude C600/C500
[125005430020] |If you have problem with Dell Latitude C600/C500 video follow this procedure.This is a ATI Rage 128 Mobility graphics card.
[125005430030] |The problem is not with the drivers, bit with X configuration.
[125005430040] |1) Start with the clean install of ubuntu.
[125005430050] |This will give you 800×600 screen resolution.
[125005430060] |2) Download the xorgconf.txt to you desktop.
[125005430070] |This is at the bottom of the message under Attached Files
[125005430080] |3) Start Terminal (Applications/Accessories/Terminal)
[125005430090] |4) Enter the command cd /etc/X11/ (This is case sensitive as in capital X and has a space between the cd and /etc/X11 To paste in the Terminal use Shift+Ctrl+V)
[125005430100] |cd /etc/X11/
[125005430110] |5) Enter command sudo gedit xorg.conf
[125005430120] |sudo gedit xorg.conf
[125005430130] |6) Enter your root/Admin password.
[125005430140] |(The text editor will open the problem file.)
[125005430150] |7) Click the Open button.
[125005430160] |Open the xorgconf.txt file that was saved to the desktop.
[125005430170] |9) Delete all the contents of xorg.conf (Problem file)
[125005430180] |10) Copy all contents from xorgconf.txt (Working file)
[125005430190] |11) Paste all contents to xorg.conf (New Working file)
[125005430200] |12) Save xorg.conf
[125005430210] |14) Reboot the laptop.
[125005430220] |When the laptop restarts, it will be in the 1024×768 screen resolution.
[125005430230] |Credit goes here
[125005440010] |New To ubuntu But need lots of help
[125005440020] |I was asked to help out in a small christian school with computers.
[125005440030] |As it stands they are a mess.
[125005440040] |I want to install ubuntu on them all.
[125005440050] |I have a group of 9 that are all the same.
[125005440060] |I have another group of 16 that are the same, and a 3 group of 18 that are all the same.
[125005440070] |The groups should have different will all have different fixed user names (student, teacher,admin).
[125005440080] |For the simpicity of it all I was going to use pcdiskclone to make the groups the same.
[125005440090] |My problem how to make it where I can see each computer differently on the network. not sure what to do at this point.
[125005440100] |Each group should have the same software.
[125005440110] |All the machines are on the network.
[125005440120] |Looking for ideas of how to setup and install.
[125005440130] |In windows it was easy.
[125005440140] |In Ubuntu it is new and tougher.
[125005450010] |Ubuntu Hardy/Intrepid Intel3945 Wireless
[125005450020] |Hi,
[125005450030] |I have a laptop with an Intel3945 wireless.
[125005450040] |From what I can tell in both hardy and Intrepid I can see my Linksys 802.11b WAP and connect.
[125005450050] |The log on the wap shows a connection by the MAC address of the wireless.
[125005450060] |But the laptop doesn’t see anything on the network that the wap is part of.
[125005450070] |I defined the static IP, DNS and gateway on the laptop.
[125005450080] |I have a windows machine working fine wit the the same wap.
[125005450090] |Any ideas what bit I’m missing?
[125005450100] |Thanks,
[125005450110] |Mac
[125005460010] |Howto Reformat My External Hard disk to install Ubuntu
[125005460020] |I am trying to use my ext.
[125005460030] |HD but it is formatted for windows and I can’t figure out how to re-format so i can use it for ubuntu.
[125005460040] |Also, at one point i had alot of the desktop effects working now wobbly windows won’t work, but is checked in Compiz, and cube is checked but doesn’t seem to work?
[125005460050] |I am using 32 bit version, would 64 make a difference regarding this or is it just a lack of memory?
[125005460060] |I only have a 10G int.
[125005460070] |Hd, that’s why I am trying to use the other but can’t get it to work right.
[125005470010] |How to Install and Configure DHCP Server in Ubuntu Server
[125005470020] |A DHCP Server assigns IP addresses to client computers.
[125005470030] |This is very often used in enterprise networks to reduce configuration efforts.
[125005470040] |All IP addresses of all computers are stored in a database that resides on a server machine.
[125005470050] |A DHCP server can provide configuration settings using two methods
[125005470060] |Address Pool
[125005470070] |This method entails defining a pool (sometimes also called a range or scope) of IP addresses from which DHCP clients are supplied their configuration properties dynamically and on a fist come first serve basis.
[125005470080] |When a DHCP client is no longer on the network for a specified period, the configuration is expired and released back to the address pool for use by other DHCP Clients.
[125005470090] |MAC Address
[125005470100] |This method entails using DHCP to identify the unique hardware address of each network card connected to the network and then continually supplying a constant configuration each time the DHCP client makes a request to the DHCP server using that network device.
[125005470110] |Install DHCP server in ubuntu
[125005470120] |sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server
[125005470130] |This will complete the installation.
[125005470140] |Configuring DHCP server
[125005470150] |If you have two network cards in your ubuntu server you need to select which interface you want to use for DHCP server listening.By default it listens to eth0.
[125005470160] |You can change this by editing /etc/default/dhcp3-server file
[125005470170] |sudo vi /etc/default/dhcp3-server
[125005470180] |Find this line
[125005470190] |INTERFACES=”eth0″
[125005470200] |Replace with the following line
[125005470210] |INTERFACES=”eth1″
[125005470220] |Save and exit.This is optional.
[125005470230] |Next you need to make a backup copy of /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf file
[125005470240] |cp /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf.back
[125005470250] |Edit /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf file using the following command
[125005470260] |sudo vi /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf
[125005470270] |Using address pool method
[125005470280] |You need to change the following sections in /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf file
[125005470290] |default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200;
[125005470300] |option subnet-mask; option broadcast-address; option routers; option domain-name-servers,; option domain-name “yourdomainname.com”;
[125005470310] |subnet netmask { range; }
[125005470320] |save and exit the file
[125005470330] |This will result in the DHCP server giving a client an IP address from the range .
[125005470340] |It will lease an IP address for 600 seconds if the client doesn’t ask for a specific time frame.
[125005470350] |Otherwise the maximum (allowed) lease will be 7200 seconds.
[125005470360] |The server will also “advise” the client that it should use as its subnet mask, as its broadcast address, as the router/gateway and and as its DNS servers.
[125005470370] |Using MAC address method
[125005470380] |This method is you can reserver some of the machines or all the machines with fixed ip address.In the following example i am using fixed ip address for server1,server2,printer1 and printer2
[125005470390] |default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200;
[125005470400] |option subnet-mask; option broadcast-address; option routers; option domain-name-servers,; option domain-name “yourdomainname.com”;
[125005470410] |subnet netmask { range; }
[125005470420] |host server1 { hardware ethernet 00:1b:63:ef:db:54; fixed-address; }
[125005470430] |host server2 { hardware ethernet 00:0a:95:b4:d4:b0; fixed-address; }
[125005470440] |host printer1 { hardware ethernet 00:16:cb:aa:2a:cd; fixed-address; }
[125005470450] |host printer2 { hardware ethernet 00:0a:95:f5:8f:b3; fixed-address; }
[125005470460] |Now you need to restart dhcp server using the following command
[125005470470] |sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart
[125005470480] |Configure Ubuntu DHCP Client
[125005470490] |If you want to configure your ubuntu desktop as DHCP client following this procedure
[125005470500] |You need to open /etc/network/interfaces file
[125005470510] |sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
[125005470520] |make sure you have the following lines (eth0 is an example)
[125005470530] |auto lo eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp iface lo inet loopback
[125005470540] |Save and exit the file
[125005470550] |You need to restart networking services using the following command
[125005470560] |sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
[125005470570] |How to find DHCP server IP address
[125005470580] |You need to use the following commands
[125005470590] |sudo dhclient
[125005470600] |or
[125005470610] |tail -n 15 /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.*.leases
[125005480010] |Canon iR 2016 printer not working in Ubuntu
[125005480020] |I am a new ubuntu user.I installed Ubuntu interpid.
[125005480030] |But my printer Canon iR 2016 is not printing test page.pl.help the following is the debug report
[125005480040] |Page 1 (Scheduler not running?): {‘cups_connection_failure’: False} Page 2 (Choose printer): {‘cups_dest’: , ‘cups_instance’: None, ‘cups_queue’: ‘iR2016′, ‘cups_queue_listed’: True} Page 3 (Check printer sanity): {‘cups_device_uri_scheme’: u’usb’, ‘cups_printer_dict’: {‘device-uri’: u’usb://Canon/iR2016′, ‘printer-info’: u”, ‘printer-is-shared’: True, ‘printer-location’: u’murale-desktop’, ‘printer-make-and-model’: u’Canon iR2016-2020 PXL’, ‘printer-state’: 3, ‘printer-state-message’: u”, ‘printer-state-reasons’: [u'none'], ‘printer-type’: 143380, ‘printer-uri-supported’: u’ipp://localhost/printers/iR2016′}, ‘cups_printer_remote’: False, ‘is_cups_class’: False} Page 4 (Check PPD sanity): {‘cups_printer_ppd_defaults’: {u’CanonDeviceSpec’: {u’UserID’: u’None’, u’UserPassword’: u’None’}, u’Features’: {u’CNCollate’: u’False’, u’CNEconomode’: u’False’, u’CNImageRefinement’: u’True’, u’CNOutput’: u’Auto’, u’Duplex’: u’None’, u’InputSlot’: u’Tray1′, u’MediaType’: u’AUTO’, u’Staple’: u’None’, u’WideMedia’: u’Default’}, u’General’: {u’PageRegion’: u’A4′, u’PageSize’: u’A4′}, u’InstallableOptions’: {u’Option1′: u’None’, u’Option2′: u’None’}}, ‘cups_printer_ppd_valid’: True, ‘missing_pkgs_and_exes’: ([], [])} Page 5 (Local or remote?): {‘printer_is_remote’: False} Page 6 (Choose device): {‘cups_device_dict’: {‘device-class’: u’direct’, ‘device-id’: u’MFG:Canon;MDL:iR2016;CMD:LIPSLX,CPCA;CLS:PRINTER;DES:Canon iR2016;’, ‘device-info’: u’Canon iR2016 USB #1′, ‘device-make-and-model’: u’Canon iR2016′}} Page 7 (Error log checkpoint): {‘cups_server_settings’: {‘DefaultAuthType’: ‘Basic’, ‘MaxLogSize’: ’0′, ‘SystemGroup’: ‘lpadmin’, ‘_debug_logging’: ’1′, ‘_remote_admin’: ’0′, ‘_remote_any’: ’0′, ‘_remote_printers’: ’0′, ‘_share_printers’: ’0′, ‘_user_cancel_any’: ’0′}, ‘error_log_checkpoint’: 3189662L} Page 8 (Print test page): {‘test_page_attempted’: True, ‘test_page_completions’: [(27, u'Job completed.')], ‘test_page_job_id’: [27], ‘test_page_job_status’: [(True, 27, 'iR2016', 'Test Page', 'Completed', {'attributes-charset': u'utf-8', 'attributes-natural-language': u'en-in', 'document-format': u'application/postscript', 'job-hold-until': u'no-hold', 'job-id': 27, 'job-k-octets': 17, 'job-media-sheets-completed': 1, 'job-more-info': u'ipp://localhost/jobs/27', 'job-name': u'Test Page', 'job-originating-host-name': u'localhost', 'job-originating-user-name': u'murale', 'job-preserved': False, 'job-printer-state-message': u'Printer is now on-line.', 'job-printer-state-reasons': [u'none'], ‘job-printer-up-time’: 1228949911, ‘job-printer-uri’: u’ipp://murale-desktop:0/printers/iR2016′, ‘job-priority’: 50, ‘job-sheets’: [u'none', u'none'], ‘job-state’: 9, ‘job-state-reasons’: u’job-completed-successfully’, ‘job-uri’: u’ipp://localhost/jobs/27′, ‘job-uuid’: u’urn:uuid:61cd2126-c122-3790-440c-78cba54054bd’, ‘printer-uri’: u’ipp://localhost/printers/iR2016′, ‘time-at-completed’: 1228949906, ‘time-at-creation’: 1228949903, ‘time-at-processing’: 1228949903})], ‘test_page_successful’: False} Page 9 (Error log fetch): {‘error_log’: ['D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 12′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 11 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/jobs/’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 11′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 11 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] Create-Printer-Subscription /’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] cupsdCreateSubscription(con=0xb9cbd7b0(11), uri=”/”)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] pullmethod=”ippget”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] notify-lease-duration=86400′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] notify-time-interval=0′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] cupsdAddSubscription(mask=17800, dest=(nil)(), job=(nil)(0), uri=”(null)”)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] Added subscription 35 for server’, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] Saving subscriptions.conf…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:18 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 11′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:19 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 11 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:19 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:19 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:19 +0530] Get-Notifications /’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:19 +0530] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name=”murale”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:19 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:19 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 11′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 11 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST /printers/iR2016 HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] Print-Job ipp://localhost/printers/iR2016′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] add_job: requesting-user-name=”murale”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] Adding default job-sheets values “none,none”…’, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Adding start banner page “none”.’, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] Saving subscriptions.conf…’, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Adding end banner page “none”.’, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] File of type application/postscript queued by “murale”.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] hold_until=0′, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Queued on “iR2016″ by “murale”.’, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] Saving subscriptions.conf…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] job-sheets=none,none’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] banner_page = 0′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] argv[0]=”iR2016″‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] argv[1]=”27″‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] argv[2]=”murale”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] argv[3]=”Test Page”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] argv[4]=”1″‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] argv[5]=”job-uuid=urn:uuid:61cd2126-c122-3790-440c-78cba54054bd”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] argv[6]=”/var/spool/cups/d00027-001″‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[0]=”CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[1]=”CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[2]=”CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc-root”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[3]=”CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[4]=”CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[5]=”CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[6]=”CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[7]=”CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[8]=”PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[9]=”SERVER_ADMIN=root@murale-desktop”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[10]=”SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.3.9″‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[11]=”TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[12]=”USER=root”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[13]=”CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[14]=”CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[15]=”CHARSET=utf-8″‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[16]=”LANG=en_IN.UTF8″‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[17]=”PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/iR2016.ppd”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[18]=”RIP_MAX_CACHE=8m”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[19]=”CONTENT_TYPE=application/postscript”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[20]=”DEVICE_URI=usb://Canon/iR2016″‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[21]=”PRINTER=iR2016″‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] envp[22]=”FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/iR2016″‘, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf (PID 6719)’, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf (PID 6720)’, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/cpdftocps (PID 6721)’, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 6722)’, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb (PID 6725)’, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] Saving subscriptions.conf…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] pstopdf argv[6] = 27 murale Test Page 1 job-uuid=urn:uuid:61cd2126-c122-3790-440c-78cba54054bd /var/spool/cups/d00027-001′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] PPD: /etc/cups/ppd/iR2016.ppd’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Getting input from file’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] foomatic-rip version running…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Parsing PPD file …’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option Option1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option Option2′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option Duplex’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option InputSlot’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option CNCollate’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option CNEconomode’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option CNImageRefinement’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option CNImageRefine’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option Staple’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option CNOutput’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option OutputBin’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option MediaType’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option WideMedia’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option UserID’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option UserPassword’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option HalftoneType’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option ScreenProc’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option Resolution’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option Transfer’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option GuaranteedMaxSeparations’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option LeadingEdge’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option PageSize’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option ImageableArea’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Added option PaperDimension’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27]‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Parameter Summary’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] -----------------’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27]‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Spooler: cups’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Printer: iR2016′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Shell: /bin/bash’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] PPD file: /etc/cups/ppd/iR2016.ppd’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] ATTR file:’, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] Saving subscriptions.conf…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Printer model: Canon iR2016-2020 PXL’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Job title: Test Page’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] File(s) to be printed:’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] ’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27]‘,
[125005480050] |“D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] GhostScript extra search path (‘GS_LIB’): /usr/share/cups/fonts”, “D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Pondering option ‘job-uuid=urn:uuid:61cd2126-c122-3790-440c-78cba54054bd’”, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Unknown option job-uuid=urn:uuid:61cd2126-c122-3790-440c-78cba54054bd.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27]‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] ================================================’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27]‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] File: ’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27]‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] ================================================’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27]‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Printer using device file “/dev/usblp0″…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] backendRunLoop(print_fd=0, device_fd=5, use_bc=0, side_cb=0xb7f3da80)’, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] Saving subscriptions.conf…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 11′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] pdftops - copying to temp print file “/tmp/4940498fe6852″‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Resolution: 600′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Page size: A4′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Width: 595, height: 842, absolute margins: , , ,’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Relative margins: 11.3379, 11.9379, 11.142, 12.142′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] PPD options: -r600 -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] PostScript to be injected:’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:23 +0530] [Job 27] Running cat | /usr/bin/ps2pdf13 -dAutoRotatePages=/None -dAutoFilterColorImages=false -dNOPLATFONTS -dPARANOIDSAFER -sstdout=%stderr -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -r600 -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842 - -’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] GPL Ghostscript 8.63: Set UseCIEColor for UseDeviceIndependentColor to work properly.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 11 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/jobs/’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 11′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 11 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] Get-Notifications /’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name=”murale”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 12 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] Get-Notifications /’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name=”murale”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as root using Local’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] CUPS-Get-Printers’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as root using Local’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] CUPS-Get-Classes’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as root using Local’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] CUPS-Get-Default’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/27′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as root using Local’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] CUPS-Get-Printers’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as root using Local’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] CUPS-Get-Classes’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as root using Local’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] CUPS-Get-Default’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 11′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as root using Local’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] CUPS-Get-Printers’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as root using Local’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] CUPS-Get-Classes’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as root using Local’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] CUPS-Get-Default’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 12′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 11 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] Get-Notifications /’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name=”murale”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 11′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] PID 6719 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf) exited with no errors.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] PID 6720 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf) exited with no errors.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Page = 595×842; 11,12 to 584,830′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] %!PS-Adobe-3.0′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] %%LanguageLevel: 3′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] %%DocumentSuppliedResources: (atend)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] %%DocumentMedia: plain 595 842 0 () ()’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] %%BoundingBox: 0 0 595 842′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] %%Pages: 1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] %%EndComments’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginDefaults’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Filetype: PostScript’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Reading PostScript input …’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] --> This document is DSC-conforming!’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found %RBINumCopies: 1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Job claims to be DSC-conforming, but “%%BeginProlog” was missing before first line with another”%%BeginProlog” comment (is this a TeX/LaTeX/dvips-generated PostScript file?).
[125005480060] |Assuming start of “Prolog” here.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27]‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] -----------’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%BeginProlog’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Before copy_setup - %%BeginSetup’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%EndProlog’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27]‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] -----------’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%BeginSetup’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Option1 None’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: Option1=None’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] --> Option will be set by PostScript interpreter’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Option2 None’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: Option2=None’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] --> Option will be set by PostScript interpreter’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%BeginFeature: *UserID None’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: UserID=None’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%BeginFeature: *UserPassword None’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: UserPassword=None’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%BeginFeature: *PageRegion A4′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: PageRegion=A4′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: PageRegion=A4′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: PageRegion=A4′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%BeginFeature: *MediaType AUTO’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: MediaType=AUTO’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: MediaType=AUTO’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: MediaType=AUTO’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%BeginFeature: *InputSlot Tray1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: InputSlot=Tray1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: InputSlot=Tray1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: InputSlot=Tray1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%BeginFeature: *CNCollate False’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: CNCollate=False’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: CNCollate=False’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: CNCollate=False’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Duplex None’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: Duplex=None’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: Duplex=None’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: Duplex=None’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%BeginFeature: *CNImageRefinement True’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: CNImageRefinement=True’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] --> Option will be set by PostScript interpreter’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: CNImageRefine=True’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: CNImageRefine=True’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Staple None’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: Staple=None’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: Staple=None’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: Staple=None’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%BeginFeature: *CNOutput Auto’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: CNOutput=Auto’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] --> Option will be set by PostScript interpreter’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: OutputBin=Auto’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: OutputBin=Auto’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%BeginFeature: *WideMedia Default’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: WideMedia=Default’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%BeginFeature: *CNEconomode False’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: CNEconomode=False’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: CNEconomode=False’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Option: CNEconomode=False’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Setting option’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Before page loop - %%Page: 1 1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Copying page 1…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] pagew = 572.5, pagel = 817.9′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 595, bboxl = 842′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] PageLeft = 11.3, PageRight = 583.9′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] PageTop = 829.9, PageBottom = 11.9′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%EndSetup’, “D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Inserting PostScript code for CUPS’ page accounting”, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27]‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] -----------’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] New page: %%Page: 1 1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Inserting option code into “PageSetup” section.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27]‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Found: %%BeginPageSetup’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 1 pages…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] PID 6721 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/cpdftocps) exited with no errors.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Flushing FIFO.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27]‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Starting renderer with command: “gs -sstdout=%stderr -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dPDFFitPage -sDEVICE=pxlmono -dNOPAUSE -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -sOutputFile=%stdout -_ | sicgsfilter -MPXL -NP -t1 -s0 -q0 -d0 -I1 -T0 -umurale -V”Test Page” -n1 “‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Starting process “kid3″ (generation 1)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Starting process “kid4″ (generation 2)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] JCL: ’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27]‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Starting process “renderer” (generation 2)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] GPL Ghostscript 8.63 (2008-08-01)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Copyright (C) 2008 Artifex Software, Inc.
[125005480070] |All rights reserved.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Read 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27]‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:24 +0530] [Job 27] Closing renderer’, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] Saving subscriptions.conf…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Read 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] Saving subscriptions.conf…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] renderer exited with status 0′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Read 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Read 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Read 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Read 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Read 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 11 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 12 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/jobs/’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] Get-Notifications /’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name=”murale”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as root using Local’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] CUPS-Get-Printers’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as root using Local’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] CUPS-Get-Classes’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as root using Local’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] CUPS-Get-Default’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 11′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 11 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Read 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] Get-Notifications /’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name=”murale”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 11′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 12′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 11 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] Get-Notifications /’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name=”murale”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 11′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Read 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Read 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Read 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] kid4 exited with status 0′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] kid3 finished’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] kid3 exited with status 0′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27]‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Closing foomatic-rip.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] PID 6722 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip) exited with no errors.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Read 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Read 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Read 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Read 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:25 +0530] [Job 27] Read 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] [Job 27] Read 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] [Job 27] Read 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] [Job 27] Read 524 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] [Job 27] Wrote 524 bytes of print data…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] PID 6725 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/usb) exited with no errors.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] [Job 27] File 0 is complete.’, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] [Job 27] Completed successfully.’, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] Saving subscriptions.conf…’, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] Saving subscriptions.conf…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 11 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/jobs/’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 11′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 11 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] Get-Notifications /’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name=”murale”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 11′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 11 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] Get-Notifications /’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name=”murale”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as root using Local’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] CUPS-Get-Printers’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as root using Local’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] CUPS-Get-Classes’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as root using Local’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] CUPS-Get-Default’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 11′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 11 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] Get-Notifications /’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name=”murale”‘, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:26 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 11′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:27 +0530] [Job 27] Unloading…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 11 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/27′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] [Job 27] Loading attributes…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 11′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 11 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] Cancel-Subscription /’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name=”murale”‘, ‘I [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] Saving subscriptions.conf…’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0 (successful-ok)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 11′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] cupsdAcceptClient: 11 from localhost (Domain)’, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] cupsdCloseClient: 8′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] cupsdReadClient: 11 GET /admin/log/error_log HTTP/1.1′, ‘D [11/Dec/2008:04:28:31 +0530] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.’]}
[125005490010] |MySQLTuner - High-performance MySQL tuning script
[125005490020] |MySQLTuner is a script written in Perl that will assist you with your MySQL configuration and make recommendations for increased performance and stability.
[125005490030] |Within seconds, it will display statistics about your MySQL installation and the areas where it can be improved.
[125005490040] |It’s key to remember that MySQLTuner is a script which can assist you with your server, but it is not the solution to a badly performing MySQL server.
[125005490050] |The best performance gains come from a thorough review of the queries sent to the server, and an evaluation of the MySQL server itself.
[125005490060] |A qualified developer in your application’s programming or scripting language should be able to work with a MySQL database administrator to find improvements for your server.
[125005490070] |Once the server and application are optimized well, you may need to consider hardware upgrades to the physical server itself.
[125005490080] |This is a really useful tool for helping to optimize MySQL performance.Understanding the various my.cnf variables and how they affect performance can seem really complicated but this tool takes some of the pain away and makes it easier to understand the effects of each variable.It is especially useful to be able to see the global memory usage, memory usage per thread and the maximum possible memory usage - that is really valuable information that is otherwise complex to calculate.
[125005490090] |MySQLTuner Features
[125005490100] |* Memory Usage: Calculates MySQL memory usage at max load and makes recommendations for increasing or decreasing the MySQL memory footprint.
[125005490110] |Per-thread and server-wide buffer data is calculated separately for an accurate snapshot of the server?s configuration.
[125005490120] |* Slow Queries: Reviews the amount of slow queries relative to the total queries.
[125005490130] |Slow query time limits are also analyzed and recommendations are made.
[125005490140] |* Connections: Current and historical connection counts are reviewed.
[125005490150] |* Key Buffer: Takes configuration data and compares it to the actual indexes found in MyISAM tables.
[125005490160] |Key cache hit rates are calculated and variable adjustments are suggested.
[125005490170] |* Query Cache: Query cache hit rates and usage percentages are used to make recommendations for the query cache configuration variables.
[125005490180] |* Sorting &Joins: Per-thread buffers that affect sorts and joins are reviewed along with the statistics from the queries run against the server.
[125005490190] |* Temporary Tables: Variable recommendations are made to reduce temporary tables that are written to the disk.
[125005490200] |* Table Cache: Compares total tables opened to the currently open tables.
[125005490210] |Calculates the table cache hit rate in order to make suggestions.
[125005490220] |* Open Files: Determines if the server will approach or run into the open file limit set by the operating system or the MySQL server itself.
[125005490230] |* Table Locks: Finds table locking that forces queries to wait and makes suggestions for reducing locks that require a wait.
[125005490240] |* Thread Cache: Calculates how many times MySQL must create a new thread to respond to a query.
[125005490250] |* Aborted Connections: Finds applications that are not closing connections to MySQL properly.
[125005490260] |* Read/Write Ratios: Calculates the percentage of read and write operations on your MySQL installation.
[125005490270] |Install Mysqltuner in Ubuntu Intrepid
[125005490280] |sudo aptitude install mysqltuner
[125005490290] |Or using the following method
[125005490300] |Run MySQLTuner in Ubuntu
[125005490310] |Download MySQLTuner using the following command
[125005490320] |wget http://mysqltuner.com/mysqltuner.pl
[125005490330] |To run the script, simply make it executable and run it:
[125005490340] |chmod +x mysqltuner.pl
[125005490350] |sudo ./mysqltuner.pl
[125005490360] |Enter your administrative username and password
[125005490370] |Output you can see as follows
[125005490380] |You need to check mainly recommendations section at the end.
[125005490390] |It shows which variables you should adjust in the section of your my.cnf (on Ubuntu file located at /etc/mysql/my.cnf).
[125005500010] |QuickStart - Back-up, Restore, and Set-up Ubuntu Quickly and Easily
[125005500020] |QuickStart is like a Swiss army knife, it allows you to do various things on your Ubuntu desktop: creating and restoring backups, running scheduled backups, backing up configuration files, installing some common applications, installing DVD codecs, deleting unnecessary files, etc.Complete list as follows.
[125005500030] |1. Install the proper DVD &Codecs files so you can play a DVD in your drive using Totem, etc. (works with 7.10 / 7.04 / 8.04/8.10 and 32-bit / 64-bit).
[125005500040] |2. Back-up Your /home folders using TAR compression
[125005500050] |3. Back-up Your / folders using TAR compression
[125005500060] |4. Back-up Your Configuration files separately (fstab, device.map, mtab, menu.lst, and xorg.conf) using TAR compression
[125005500070] |5. Image your Ubuntu Operating System, Master Boot Record (MBR), and Partition Table.
[125005500080] |6. Create a Custom Scheduled (Recurring) Back-up (daily, weekly, or monthly).
[125005500090] |You decide the exact date and time
[125005500100] |7. Create a Scheduled 1:1 Synchronized Back-Up of Selected Folders to Another Drive/Partition.
[125005500110] |8. Restore Your System /home folders
[125005500120] |9. Restore Your / folders
[125005500130] |10. Restore Your configuration files
[125005500140] |11. Install some common applications (aMSN, aMSN fix, Firestarter, AllTray, and a few others).
[125005500150] |Nice when you’re starting from scratch (clean install)
[125005500160] |12. House Cleaning (delete unnecessary files throughout your computer).
[125005500170] |13. View or Edit Your Key Files (fstab, menu.lst, and xorg.conf).
[125005500180] |14. Back-up Your Master Boot Record (MBR).
[125005500190] |15. Back-up Your Windows Partition (dual booters) While in Ubuntu.
[125005500200] |16. Format Windows Partition in NTFS with gParted.
[125005500210] |17. Restore Your Master Boot Record (MBR).
[125005500220] |18. Restore Your Windows Back-Up While in Ubuntu.
[125005500230] |19. Download Updates/Upgrades with a click of the mouse.
[125005500240] |Install Quickstart in Ubuntu
[125005500250] |First you need to download Install_QuickStart.sh file from here you should see similar to the following screen here click on save this will save on your desktop
[125005500260] |For 64-bit users install the following packages so your system can run 32-bit applications
[125005500270] |sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0
[125005500280] |Now you need to right-click on the downloaded file and select Properties.In the Properties window,click on Permissions tab and check Allow executing file as program click on Close
[125005500290] |Next double-click on the Install_QuickStart.sh and select Run in Terminal
[125005500300] |Enter your password and quickstart installation will be completed.
[125005500310] |Using Quickstart
[125005500320] |If you want to open go to Applications >Accessories >QuickStart.If quickstart found new version you might see A new version available message when you start QuickStart.
[125005500330] |Click on OK to continue Once quickstart opens you should see similar to the following screen
[125005500340] |Now we will install one application from Install common Applications for this you need to select option 10 click ok
[125005500350] |You should see available applications here select your application and click ok to install.
[125005500360] |One more example select Baclup/Restore Ubuntu option click ok
[125005500370] |Select your choice to Backup/restore click ok
[125005500380] |One more example select Housecleaning option click ok
[125005500390] |Select your option and click ok
[125005510010] |Howto install Google Gadgets in ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex)
[125005510020] |Google Gadgets for Linux provides a platform for running desktop gadgets under Linux, catering to the unique needs of Linux users.
[125005510030] |We are compatible with the gadgets written for Google Desktop for Windows as well as the Universal Gadgets on iGoogle.
[125005510040] |Following Linux norms, this project will be open-sourced, under the Apache License.
[125005510050] |The Windows and Mac versions of Google Desktop has provided gadget hosting functionality on Windows and Mac for a while now and the Linux version of Google Gadgets will extend this platform to Linux users.
[125005510060] |By enabling cross-platform gadgets, a large library of existing gadgets are immediately available to Linux users.
[125005510070] |In addition, gadget developers will benefit from a much larger potential user base without having to learn a new API.
[125005510080] |There’s two main components to the application: one is a common gadget library responsible for running and presenting a gadget, and the other is a host program that allows the user to choose gadgets and run them on the desktop.
[125005510090] |Currently we have hosts written for GTK+ and QT, with the GTK+ host offering a sidebar similiar to that of Google Desktop for Windows.
[125005510100] |Install Google Gadgets in ubuntu 8.10
[125005510110] |First you need to download .deb package from here
[125005510120] |Install .deb package using the following command
[125005510130] |sudo dpkg -i google-gadgets_0.10.3-0~getdeb1_i386.deb
[125005510140] |This will complete the installation.
[125005510150] |Now press Alt+F2, and type “ggl-gtk” to start them.
[125005510160] |You should see a small icon show up in your system tray, and a sidebar.
[125005510170] |Right click on any of them and select ‘Add Gadgets’ to show a menu.
[125005510180] |Optional
[125005510190] |Autostart
[125005510200] |If you’d like to have Google Gadgets start automatically, go to System - Preferences - Session, click ‘Add’, paste ‘Google Gadgets’ for the name and ‘ggl-gtk’ for the command.
[125005510210] |Click OK and Close, and you’re good to go.
[125005510220] |Add Google Gadgets in Sidebar
[125005510230] |If you want to add Google Gadgets in your side bar follow this procedure
[125005510240] |Press Alt+F2, and type ggl-gtk -s -bg click on Run to start Google Gadgets
[125005510250] |No Sidebar
[125005510260] |If you don’t like the sidebar, then you can start Google Gadgets without it by doing “ggl-gtk -ns”.
[125005520010] |How to install Virtualbox 2.1.0 in Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex)/8.04 (Hardy Heron)
[125005520020] |VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware.
[125005520030] |Targeted at server, desktop and embedded use, it is now the only professional-quality virtualization solution that is also Open Source Software.
[125005520040] |Install Virtualbox 2.1.0 in Ubuntu 8.10/8.04
[125005520050] |If you want to know what are the changes in virtualbox 2.1.0 check here
[125005520060] |First you need to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file
[125005520070] |sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
[125005520080] |or
[125005520090] |Open System->Administration->Software Sources and select the Third Party Software tab.
[125005520100] |add the following line
[125005520110] |For Intrepid Users
[125005520120] |deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian intrepid non-free
[125005520130] |For hardy Users
[125005520140] |deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian hardy non-free
[125005520150] |Save and exit the file
[125005520160] |Now add the public key using the following command
[125005520170] |wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/sun_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -
[125005520180] |Update the sourcelist using the following command
[125005520190] |sudo apt-get update
[125005520200] |First you need to install dkms using the following command
[125005520210] |sudo apt-get install dkms
[125005520220] |Install virualbox2.1 using the following command
[125005520230] |sudo apt-get install virtualbox-2.1
[125005520240] |Note:- Users might want to install the dkms(Dynamic Kernel Module Support) package to ensure that the VirtualBox host kernel module (vboxdrv) is properly updated if the linux kernel version changes during the next apt-get upgrade.
[125005520250] |To start VirtualBox, go to Applications—>System Tools—>Sun xVM VirtualBox.If you don’t see this just logout and login back.
[125005530010] |How to use SSH Via HTTP Proxy using Corkscrew in Ubuntu
[125005530020] |If you want to ssh your vps server or your home computer from your work place (assuming you are using http proxy).You need to use Corkscrew.
[125005530030] |corkscrew is a simple tool to tunnel TCP connections through an HTTP proxy supporting the CONNECT method.
[125005530040] |It reads stdin and writes to stdout during the connection, just like netcat.
[125005530050] |It can be used for instance to connect to an SSH server running on a remote 443 port through a strict HTTPS proxy.
[125005530060] |Install corkscrew in ubuntu using the following command
[125005530070] |sudo aptitude install corkscrew
[125005530080] |This will complete the installation.
[125005530090] |Configue corkscrew
[125005530100] |If your HTTP proxy uses authentication, then you’ll need to tell it about the username and password to use This is where the concept of ‘auth-file’ comes into play.
[125005530110] |All you have to do is put your username &password, separated by a colon, into a textfile.
[125005530120] |Once you’ve done this, you just have to tell corkscrew where to find the auth-file.
[125005530130] |Create a file called .corkscrew-auth in your home directory
[125005530140] |$touch .corkscrew-auth
[125005530150] |$gedit .corkscrew-auth
[125005530160] |and place your username and password in the following format
[125005530170] |username:password
[125005530180] |Save and exit the file.
[125005530190] |Configure ssh For Tunneling
[125005530200] |Now we’ll tell ssh what to do when connecting to all or specific hosts.
[125005530210] |Open up ~/.ssh/config (that’s /home/yourusername/.ssh/config) in your favourite text editor (gedit,nano,vim etc)
[125005530220] |$gedit /home/yourusername/.ssh/config
[125005530230] |and add the following lines
[125005530240] |Host *
[125005530250] |ProxyCommand corkscrew proxyhostname proxyport %h %p /home/username/.corkscrew-auth
[125005530260] |Save and exit the file
[125005530270] |Note: replace proxyhostname and proxyport with the equivalents for your network.
[125005530280] |Note: you won’t need to add the last section, ‘/home/username/.corkscrew-auth’, if your HTTP proxy doesn’t use authentication.
[125005530290] |What we’ve just told ssh to do is for all hostnames (’Host *’), use the following proxy command to route the connection.If you want more secure connections you can also list of hosts.
[125005530300] |Corkscrew Syntax
[125005530310] |corkscrew proxy proxyport targethost targetport [ authfile ]
[125005530320] |proxy - This is the name of the host running the HTTP proxy.
[125005530330] |proxyport - This is the port on which to connect on the proxy.
[125005530340] |target - This is the host to reach through the proxy.
[125005530350] |targetport - This is the port to connect to on the target host.
[125005530360] |Test your SSH connection
[125005530370] |ssh serverip
[125005540010] |New Notification System for GNOME and KDE
[125005540020] |Canonical the makers of Ubuntu about to introduce a new desktop notification system proposal.
[125005540030] |New changes should improve the usability of the Linux desktop including desktop notification system for both GNOME and KDE.
[125005540040] |From the Mark Shuttleworth blog.
[125005540050] |The key proposals we are making are that:
[125005540060] |There should be no actions on notifications.
[125005540070] |Notifications should not be displayed synchronously, but may be queued.
[125005540080] |Our implementation of the notification display daemon will display only one notification at a time, others may do it differently.
[125005540090] |That’s pretty much it.
[125005540100] |There are some subtleties and variations, but these are the key changes we are proposing, and which we will explore in a netbook device with a partner, as well as in the general Ubuntu 9.04 release, schedule gods being willing.
[125005540110] |You can read more about proposal including mockup video that shows new notification system here.
[125005550010] |Ubuntu-sponsored FOSScamp builds community
[125005550020] |The week-long Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) meets every six months at changing locations to discuss what will be in the next release of Ubuntu.
[125005550030] |The mostly unpublicized FOSScamp always meets the weekend before.
[125005550040] |The FOSScamp un-conference has no program, no invited speakers, and costs nothing.
[125005550050] |Like some sort of geek Woodstock but smaller, the Ubuntu hip just show up.
[125005550060] |On Friday morning, December 5, participants started arriving at the ost recent FOSScamp, held at the Google campus in Mountain View.
[125005550070] |The large whiteboard in the lobby advertising conference sessions was completely blank.
[125005550080] |Anyone can pick up a marker and schedule a presentation in one of the five conference rooms.
[125005550090] |The speakers are self-selected and self-proclaimed.
[125005550100] |As a hundred scruffy hacker guys with backpacks mixed with jeans-wearing corporate types in the lobby, the whiteboard began to fill in with sessions such as Linux Audio, Easy LDAP Mgmt, Bug Triage in KDE, OpenID, Bootable USB Keys, Bzr/Loggerhead, Handheld Use Cases, encryptfs, Visualizing Digital Media Collections, OSS Writing, and many more.
[125005550110] |An un-conference like FOSScamp includes surprising open source topics you may not find at a chaired conference.
[125005550120] |And not every available slot gets filled with a topic.
[125005550130] |A hot topic may not have much scheduled against it, as speakers are also attendees and don’t want to miss it.
[125005550140] |Read Full Story from here
[125005570010] |New Release : Pidgin 2.5.3
[125005570020] |Well, we finally kicked Pidgin 2.5.3 out of the nest, two days late.
[125005570030] |It’s spreading its wings and flying.
[125005570040] |Noteworthy in this release are that 58 bullet points are in the ChangeLog (not counting the headers for libpurple, Pidgin, Finch, and the protocols) and 85 tickets were closed, 40 of which were marked in trac as patches.
[125005570050] |Also of note is the insane amount of work Mark Doliner put into our MSN and MySpace plugins, which should resolve a number of crashes and the MySpace “doesn’t sign off” issue.
[125005570060] |A few big items to summarize:
[125005570070] |Mark did massive code cleanup in MSN
[125005570080] |Mark fixed a number of shortcomings in the MySpace IM protocol as well as doing code cleanup.
[125005570090] |We accepted a ton of patches.
[125005570100] |ICQ typing notifications should work for some third-party clients now.
[125005570110] |XMPP resources now default to the empty string, causing modern servers to assign us a resource via a bind.
[125005570120] |In the event of an ancient server, such as the one DreamHost runs, we will detect the lack of this capability and enforce the default “Home” resource if a user hasn’t set a resource.
[125005570130] |XMPP resources can now include __HOSTNAME__ as a special token that will be replaced with the hostname of the machine being used.
[125005570140] |For example, if I run Pidgin on my MacBook and configure the resource on an XMPP account to be __HOSTNAME__, the resource sent to the server will be “macbook”, since this is the hostname of my MacBook.
[125005570150] |Some long-outstanding patches have been applied for Gadu-Gadu, implementing IM images.
[125005570160] |Apply some patches for Zephyr, enabling autoreply when away to emulate zaway and some bugs with the ‘use tzc’ option.
[125005570170] |We no longer get certificate errors for rsi.hotmail.com when logging into MSN and retrieving offline messages.
[125005570180] |Many, many other things best read about in the ChangeLog.
[125005570190] |Enjoy this release, which I’ll call the “Thank-a-patch-writer” release!
[125005570200] |Download Pidgin 2.5.3 .deb package from here
[125005580010] |Ubuntu has the strongest chance to take Linux mainstream
[125005580020] |Jeremy Allison’s contributions to the free software world are legion, and yet the project he’s best known for continues to be Samba, the open implementation of some of Microsoft’s most important networking protocols.
[125005580030] |Linux Format magazine asked him about KDE, NAS, LSB, DCs and other acronyms, and now his answers are here for your TLA titillation…
[125005580040] |Interesting interview with Samba’s Jeremy Allison - Samba project founder.
[125005580050] |Read Full Interview from here
[125005590010] |How to Install KDE 4.2 beta in Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex)
[125005590020] |The KDE project aims to change all that.
[125005590030] |KDE now provides an easy to use contemporary desktop environment available for UNIX and compatible systems.
[125005590040] |Together with a free implementation of UNIX such as GNU/Linux, UNIX/KDE constitutes a completely free and open computing platform available to anyone free of charge.
[125005590050] |Source code is available for anyone to look at, learn from, modify and improve.
[125005590060] |Whilst there is always room for improvement, KDE today delivers a viable feature packed alternative to the more commonly found commercial operating systems/desktops combinations available.
[125005590070] |It is our hope and continued ambition that KDE will bring open, reliable, stable and monopoly-free computing enjoyed by scientists and computing professionals world-wide to the everyday user.
[125005590080] |If you want to know what is new in KDE 4.2 check here
[125005590090] |Important Note:- KDE 4.2 is still in beta and can be buggy.
[125005590100] |It’s advised to only use it for testing purposes.
[125005590110] |The final release is expected in January 2009.
[125005590120] |Install KDE 4.2 beta in Ubuntu 8.10
[125005590130] |Go to System->Administration->Software Sources now click on Third-Party Software tab and click Add.
[125005590140] |Add the following line when it ask for software updates click yes
[125005590150] |deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/project-neon/ubuntu intrepid main
[125005590160] |Now you need to open the terminal windows enter the following command
[125005590170] |sudo aptitude install kde-nightly
[125005590180] |or
[125005590190] |You need to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file
[125005590200] |sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
[125005590210] |add the following line save and exit
[125005590220] |deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/project-neon/ubuntu intrepid main
[125005590230] |Update the source list file using the following command
[125005590240] |sudo aptitude update
[125005590250] |Install KDE 4.2 using the following command
[125005590260] |sudo aptitude install kde-nightly
[125005590270] |This will complete the installation now you need to logout and select KDE session once you logged in you should see similar to the following screen
[125005590280] |KDE 4.2 Desktop
[125005600010] |New Release : Linux Kernel 2.6.28
[125005600020] |Lead kernel developer Linus Torvalds announced the official release of Linux 2.6.28 on Wednesday.
[125005600030] |The new version introduces some noteworthy changes that will put the kernel in a strong position for growth and advancement in the coming year.
[125005600040] |This latest release follows a few months after version 2.6.27, which was released in October.
[125005600050] |“It doesn’t really matter what day it is, or what holiday (if any) you’re celebrating, because even if you sit at home, alone in your dank basement, without any holidays or friends, I bring you a tiding of great cheer: you can now download Linux-2.6.28, and compile it to your hearts content,” wrote kernel chieftain Torvalds in a message to the kernel mailing list.
[125005600060] |“In fact, even _if_ you have friends or family, leave them to their endless toil over that Christmas ham or turkey, and during the night, when they’re asleep, you can give them that magical present of a newly updated computer.
[125005600070] |When they wake up tomorrow morning, tell them how you saw Santa crawl down the chimney with his USB stick in hand, updating the OS of all good boys and girls.”
[125005600080] |Graphics Execution Manager (GEM)
[125005600090] |One of the most significant additions in 2.6.28 is the Graphics Execution Manager (GEM), a new GPU memory manager that was developed primarily by Keith Packard and Eric Anholt of Intel.
[125005600100] |In some early benchmarks that Intel conducted back in May, GEM was said to boost framerates by between 50 and 60 percent for Intel 915 graphics hardware.
[125005600110] |GEM represents a significant and much-needed step towards modernization for the Linux graphics stack.
[125005600120] |The need for a GPU memory manager was originally going to be fulfilled by the translation table maps module (TTM), which was created by Tungsten graphics.
[125005600130] |TTM has several deficiencies, however, and its API is regarded as needlessly complex.
[125005600140] |Plans to merge TTM in version 2.6.24 of the kernel were scrapped and the kernel development community selected GEM as its successor.
[125005600150] |At the present time, the Intel drivers are the only ones that can take advantage of GEM, but work is already underway to add support for other devices.
[125005600160] |Ext4 filesystem
[125005600170] |Another significant milestone in version 2.6.28 is that the ext4 filesystem has been declared stable and no longer designated as “experimental”.
[125005600180] |As the successor to ext3, the most widely-used Linux filesystem, ext4 boosts performance and reliability and provides a clean migration path for existing ext3 users so that it can be adopted without necessitating a reformat.
[125005600190] |In ext4, the theoretical maximum filesystem size has been increased to 1 exabyte and the 32,000 limit on the number of subdirectories that can be contained in any given directory has been eliminated.
[125005600200] |The filesystem check (fsck) process is also significantly faster in ext4 thanks to the new uninitialized block group feature.
[125005600210] |Instead of scanning every inode table on the filesystem, fsck will now only check inodes that are in use.
[125005600220] |This optimization will make fsck between two and 20 times faster depending on how much of the filesystem is consumed.
[125005600230] |There are a number of other significant features in ext4, including delayed allocation, support for extents, and journal checksumming.
[125005600240] |These features will reduce fragmentation and increase the robustness of the filesystem.
[125005600250] |TAINTed_CRAP in the mainline kernel
[125005600260] |Prominent Linux developer Greg Kroah-Hartman has left a particularly special present for kernel hackers under the source tree in 2.6.28.
[125005600270] |The -staging branch, which contains incomplete or unstable drivers, has been merged into the mainline kernel and placed in a new “staging” directory.
[125005600280] |It is hoped that this move will increase the visibility of work-in-progress drivers and encourage other developers to help contribute to the effort of readying them for full adoption.
[125005600290] |The modules in staging will all be marked with Kroah-Hartman’s new TAINT_CRAP flag, which signifies their unsuitability for regular usage.
[125005600300] |Although the staging move was highly controversial, it could have a very positive impact on driver development and accelerate the rate at which new drivers evolve.
[125005600310] |Other features - Stable USB drivers, KVM, bug fixes and other stuff
[125005600320] |Download Linux kernel 2.6.28 here
[125005600330] |Read Full Story
[125005610010] |Ted Ts’o: Debian Can Learn from Ubuntu
[125005610020] |Newly appointed CTO of the Linux Foundation and kernel developer Ted Ts’o is appealing to the Debian project to adopt a more pragmatic attitude about its Linux distro.
[125005610030] |The provocation for his advice is the current controversy over Debian’s next 5.0 “Lenny” release.
[125005610040] |The debate over the free and proprietary aspects of the Debian GNU/Linux has been whirling up for a while and with each new update to the OS.
[125005610050] |It peaked recently with the call for votes to determine the course of the Lenny release and Debian’s social contract, which ended in the resignation of the project’s secretary, Manoj Srivastava.
[125005610060] |The prominent Linux developer and CTO of the Linux Foundation, Ted Ts’o, responded to the debate in a recent blog, using a quote from Gordon Dickson’s Tactics of Mistakes.
[125005610070] |The book treats of philosophers and how their militant followers pursue their ideas uncompromisingly.
[125005610080] |Ts’o writes, “The conflict between idealism and pragmatism is a very old one in the Free and Open Source Software Movement.”
[125005610090] |He gives Richard Stallman as an example of someone “who has never compromised on issues regarding his vision of Software Freedom.”
[125005610100] |Read Full Story
[125005620010] |How to control virtual machines (Virtualbox) using VBoxManage
[125005620020] |VBoxManage, a command-line utility that allows you to control all of VirtualBox’s powerful features.In essence, VBoxManage supports everything that our graphical user interface allows you to do with the click of a button.
[125005620030] |VBoxManage supports a lot more than that,however.
[125005620040] |It exposes really all the features of the virtualization engine, even those that cannot (yet) be accessed from the GUI.
[125005620050] |There are two main things to keep in mind when using VBoxManage
[125005620060] |First,VBoxManage must always be used with a specific “subcommand”, such as “list vms” or “createvm” or “startvm”.
[125005620070] |Second, most of these subcommands require that you specify a particular virtual machine after the subcommand.
[125005620080] |There are two ways you can do this:
[125005620090] |You can specify the VM name, as it is shown in the VirtualBox GUI.
[125005620100] |Note that if that name contains spaces, then you must enclose the entire name in double quotes (as it is always required with command line arguments that contain spaces).
[125005620110] |Example
[125005620120] |VBoxManage startvm “Windows XP”
[125005620130] |You can specify the UUID, which is the internal unique identifier that VirtualBox uses to refer to the virtual machine.
[125005620140] |Assuming that the aforementioned VM called “Windows XP” has the UUID shown below, the following command has the same effect as the previous:
[125005620150] |VBoxManage startvm 670e746d-abea-4ba6-ad02-2a3b043810a5
[125005620160] |You can type VBoxManage list vms to have all currently registered VMs listed with all their settings, including their respective names and UUIDs.
[125005620170] |Create a new virtual machine using VBoxManage
[125005620180] |To create a new virtual machine from the command line and immediately register it with VirtualBox, use VBoxManage createvm with the -register option.
[125005620190] |Example
[125005620200] |VBoxManage createvm -name “SUSE 10.2″ -register
[125005620210] |VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 2.1.0 (C) 2005-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
[125005620220] |All rights reserved.
[125005620230] |Virtual machine ’SUSE 10.2’ is created.
[125005620240] |UUID: c89fc351-8ec6-4f02-a048-57f4d25288e5 Settings file: ’/home/username/.VirtualBox/Machines/SUSE 10.2/SUSE 10.2.xml’
[125005620250] |As can be seen from the above output, a new virtual machine has been created with a new UUID and a new XML settings file.
[125005620260] |Show configuration of a particular VM
[125005620270] |The showvminfo command shows information about a particular virtual machine.This is the same information as VBoxManage list vms would show for all virtual machines.
[125005620280] |VBoxManage showvminfo “Windows XP”
[125005620290] |You will get information similar to the following:
[125005620300] |VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 2.1.0 (C) 2005-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
[125005620310] |All rights reserved.
[125005620320] |Name: Windows XP Guest OS: Other/Unknown UUID: 1bf3464d-57c6-4d49-92a9-a5cc3816b7e7 Config file: /home/username/.VirtualBox/Machines/Windows XP/Windows XP.xml Memory size: 128MB VRAM size: 8MB Boot menu mode: message and menu ACPI: on IOAPIC: off Hardw. virt.ext: off State: powered off Floppy: empty DVD: empty NIC 1: disabled NIC 2: disabled NIC 3: disabled NIC 4: disabled Audio: disabled (Driver: Unknown) VRDP: disabled USB: disabled USB Device Filters:
[125005620330] |How to Change Virtual Machine Settings
[125005620340] |VBoxManage modifyvm this command changes the properties of a registered virtual machine.
[125005620350] |Most of the properties that this command makes available correspond to the VM settings that VirtualBox graphical user interface displays in each VM’s “Settings” dialog.
[125005620360] |Changing memory settings using the folowing command
[125005620370] |VBoxManage modifyvm “Windows XP” -memory “512MB”
[125005620380] |One more example to set memory, operating system type, pae settings, monitor quantity, hardware inventory as well as snapshot configuration.
[125005620390] |Here is a sample command that sets a memory amount, makes the CD-ROM disk the first boot device and disables USB support
[125005620400] |vboxmanage modifyvm XP-TestSystem -memory 512 -boot1 dvd -usb off
[125005620410] |The modifyvm parameter also has extended options such as BIOS display time, network interface driver type, host network interface assigned to the VM and enabling or disabling of the clipboard.
[125005620420] |Overall, modifyvm has over 50 parameters for an individual VM.
[125005620430] |If you want more options check virtualbox usermanual
[125005620440] |How to start virtual machine from command line
[125005620450] |VBoxManage startvm This command starts a virtual machine that is currently in the “Powered off” or “Saved” states.
[125005620460] |This is provided for backwards compatibility only.The optional -type specifier determines whether the machine will be started in a window (GUI mode, which is the default) or whether the output should go through VBoxHeadless, the VRDP-only server.
[125005620470] |This is a very quick sample of what is capable with the VBoxManage command.
[125005630010] |Ubuntu Privacy Remix - Modified Live-CD based on Ubuntu Linux
[125005630020] |Ubuntu Privacy Remix is a modified Live-CD based on Ubuntu Linux.
[125005630030] |UPR is not intended for permanent installation on hard disk.
[125005630040] |The goal of Ubuntu Privacy Remix is to provide an isolated, working environment where private data can be dealt with safely.
[125005630050] |The system installed on the computer running UPR remains untouched.
[125005630060] |The risk of theft of such private data arises not only from “conventional” criminals, trojans. rootkits, keyloggers etc.
[125005630070] |In many countries, measures are taken or being prepared aiming at spying and monitoring its citizens.
[125005630080] |Ubuntu Privacy Remix is a tool to protect your data against unsolicited access.
[125005630090] |Functions and features of Ubuntu Privacy Remix
[125005630100] |Check here for Functions and features of Ubuntu Privacy Remix Security is a system These few examples show that security means the security of the whole working environment, and that security can never be provided by one program alone.
[125005630110] |Editing, de- and encryption of sensitive data should therefore be done with a system that
[125005630120] |never has or had contact to untrustworthy networks like the internet
[125005630130] |cannot leave data unencrypted on the hard drive, not even unnoticed or by accident
[125005630140] |offers no opportunity to spyware to permanently install onto the system
[125005630150] |Ubuntu Privacy Remix - based on Ubuntu 8.04 - tries to create such a working environment on any PC with the following measures:
[125005630160] |the system resides on a read-only CD, i.e. it is in the original state after every reboot and cannot be modified afterwards.
[125005630170] |Spyware and other mailicious software cannot be installed permanently.
[125005630180] |The system completely ignores any potentially compromised local (S-)ATA hard disks.
[125005630190] |Neither can they be used by malicious software to save ‘stolen’ data from UPR, nor could malicious software be loaded from hard disk into UPR
[125005630200] |The system kernel is modified so that it cannot activate any network hardware.
[125005630210] |UPR therefore is an isolated system where it is impossible to exchange data via LAN/WLAN/Bleutooth/Infrared etc.
[125005630220] |The system is based on free software which can be verified in source code.
[125005630230] |To ease working with a non-modifiable system, UPR introduces “extended TrueCrypt-Volumes“, which can store program configuration like GnuPG settings, OpenOffice dictionaries etc. permanently and securely within an encrypted volume.
[125005630240] |These settings are automatically made available after opening such an “extended TrueCrypt-Volume”.
[125005630250] |This method is only an optional alternative to using standard TrueCrypt volumes.
[125005630260] |Ubuntu Privacy Remix therefore has two levels of security:
[125005630270] |By being non-modifiable, it is impossible to permanently install malicious software, neither by network nor by local hard disks.
[125005630280] |Even if it were possible for malicious software to load into memory (e.g. carried in and executed from removable media), there is no possibility to save or send captured data anywhere outside.
[125005630290] |Download Ubuntu Privacy Remix
[125005630300] |If you want to download Ubuntu Privacy Remix from here
[125005640010] |VBoxSDL - The simplified VM displayer for Virtualbox
[125005640020] |VBoxSDL is a simple graphical user interface (GUI) that lacks the nice point-and-click support which VirtualBox, our main GUI, provides.
[125005640030] |VBoxSDL is currently primarily used internally for debugging VirtualBox and therefore not officially supported.
[125005640040] |Still,you may find it useful for environments where the virtual machines are not necessarily controlled by the same person that uses the virtual machine.
[125005640050] |VBoxSDL does indeed only provide a simple window that contains only the “pure” virtual machine, without menus or other controls to click upon and no additional indicators of virtual machine activity
[125005640060] |To start a virtual machine with VBoxSDL instead of the VirtualBox GUI, enter the following on a command line
[125005640070] |VBoxSDL -vm
[125005640080] |where is, as usual with VirtualBox command line parameters, the name or UUID of an existing virtual machine.
[125005640090] |VBoxSDL current valid key bindings are as follows + f Switch to full screen / restore to previous view h Press ACPI power button n Take a snapshot and continue execution p Pause / resume execution q Power off r VM reset s Save state and power off Send ... Send
[125005650010] |Tools to delete files securely in ubuntu Linux
[125005650020] |Deleting a file or reformatting a disk does not destroy your sensitive data.
[125005650030] |The data can easily be undeleted.
[125005650040] |That’s a good thing if you accidentally throw something away, but what if your trying to destroy financial data, bank account passwords, or classified company information.
[125005650050] |In this article you will learn number of tools to delete files securely in ubuntu Linux
[125005650060] |1) Shred
[125005650070] |Although it has some important limitations, the shred command can be useful for destroying files so that their contents are very difficult or impossible to recover. shred accomplishes its destruction by repeatedly overwriting files with data patterns designed to do maximum damage so that it becomes difficult to recover data even using high-sensitivity data recovery equipment1.
[125005650080] |Deleting a file with the rm command does not actually destroy the data; it merely destroys an index listing the location of the file and makes the file’s data blocks available for reuse.
[125005650090] |Thus, a file deleted with rm can be easily recovered using special utilities or commands if its freed data blocks have not yet been reused.
[125005650100] |However, on an active system with a nearly full hard disk drive (HDD), freed space can be reused in a matter of minutes or even seconds.
[125005650110] |Shred Syntax
[125005650120] |shred [option(s)] file(s)_or_devices(s)
[125005650130] |Available Options
[125005650140] |-f, --force - change permissions to allow writing if necessary
[125005650150] |-n, --iterations=N - Overwrite N times instead of the default (25)
[125005650160] |-s, --size=N - shred this many bytes (suffixes like K, M, G accepted)
[125005650170] |-u, --remove - truncate and remove file after overwriting
[125005650180] |-v, --verbose - show progress
[125005650190] |-x, --exact - do not round file sizes up to the next full block
[125005650200] |-z, --zero - add a final overwrite with zeros to hide shredding -shred standard output
[125005650210] |--help - display this help and exit
[125005650220] |--version - output version information and exit
[125005650230] |Shred Examples
[125005650240] |1) The following command could be used securely destroy the three files named file1, file2 and file3
[125005650250] |shred file1 file2 file3
[125005650260] |2) The following would destroy data on the seventh partition on the first HDD
[125005650270] |shred /dev/hda7
[125005650280] |3) You might use the following command to erase all trace of the filesystem you’d created on the floppy disk in your first drive.
[125005650290] |That command takes about
[125005650300] |20 minutes to erase a “1.44MB” (actually 1440 KiB) floppy.
[125005650310] |shred --verbose /dev/fd0
[125005650320] |4) Erase all data on a selected partition of your hard disk, you could give a command like this
[125005650330] |shred --verbose /dev/sda5
[125005650340] |Adding shred to Nautilus menu in Ubuntu
[125005650350] |First Install nautilus-actions package using the following command in the terminal
[125005650360] |sudo aptitude install nautilus-actions
[125005650370] |Now Open up Nautilus Actions Configuration from System->Preference->Nautilus Actions Configuration
[125005650380] |Once opens you should see similar to the following screen here Click Add
[125005650390] |Now Enter the following details
[125005650400] |Label: Shred Tooltip: shred utility to securely erase files Icon: gtk-dialog-warning Path: shred Parameters: -f -u -v -z %M
[125005650410] |Click on the Conditions tab Under the “Appears if selection contains“, check “Only files” (If you want files and folders select Both).Check the box “Appears if selection has multiple files or folders“.
[125005650420] |Click OK
[125005650430] |After adding you should see similar to the following screen click close
[125005650440] |Open up a terminal, run the following commands to update the nautiuls
[125005650450] |nautilus -q
[125005650460] |nautilus
[125005650470] |Now this will open nautilus window Now right click on any files, you should be able to see the shred command in the menu.
[125005650480] |wipe
[125005650490] |wipe is a little command for securely erasing files from magnetic media.
[125005650500] |It compiles under various unix platforms, including Linux 2.*, (Open+Net+Free)BSD, aix 4.1, SunOS 5.5.1, Solaris 2.6.
[125005650510] |Recovery of supposedly erased data from magnetic media is easier than what many people would like to believe.
[125005650520] |A technique called Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) allows any moderately funded opponent to recover the last two or three layers of data written to disk.
[125005650530] |Wipe repeatedly writes special patterns to the files to be destroyed, using the fsync() call and/or the O_SYNC bit to force disk access.
[125005650540] |Install wipe in Ubuntu
[125005650550] |sudo aptitude install wipe
[125005650560] |wipe Syntax
[125005650570] |wipe [options] path1 path2 …pathn
[125005650580] |Wipe Examples
[125005650590] |Wipe every file and every directory (option -r) listed under /home/berke/plaintext/, including /home/berke/plaintext/.Regular files will be wiped with 34 passes and their sizes will then be halved a random number of times.
[125005650600] |Special files (character and block devices, FIFOs…) will not.
[125005650610] |All directory entries (files, special files and directories) will be renamed 10 times and then unlinked.
[125005650620] |Things with inappropriate permissions will be chmod()’ed (option -c).
[125005650630] |All of this will happen without user confirmation (option -f).
[125005650640] |wipe -rcf /home/berke/plaintext/
[125005650650] |Assuming /dev/hda3 is the block device corresponding to the third partition of the master drive on the primary IDE interface, it will be wiped in quick mode (option -q) i.e. with four random passes.
[125005650660] |The inode won’t be renamed or unlinked (option -k).
[125005650670] |Before starting, it will ask you to type “yes”.
[125005650680] |wipe -kq /dev/hda3
[125005650690] |Since wipe never follows symlinks unless explicitly told to do so, if you want to wipe /dev/floppy which happens to be a symlink to /dev/fd0u1440 you will have to specify the -D option.
[125005650700] |Before starting, it will ask you to type “yes”.
[125005650710] |wipe -kqD /dev/floppy
[125005650720] |Here, wipe will recursively (option -r) destroy everything under /var/log, excepting /var/log.
[125005650730] |It will not attempt to chmod() things.
[125005650740] |It will however be verbose (option -i).
[125005650750] |It won’t ask you to type “yes” because of the -f option.
[125005650760] |wipe -rfi >wipe.log /var/log/*
[125005650770] |Due to various idiosyncracies of the operating system, it’s not always easy to obtain the number of bytes a given device might contain (in fact, that quantity can be variable).
[125005650780] |This is why you sometimes need to tell wipe the amount of bytes to destroy.
[125005650790] |That’s what the -l option is for.
[125005650800] |Plus, you can use b,K,M and G as multipliers, respectively for 2^9 (512), 2^10 (1024 or a Kilo), 2^20 (a Mega) and 2^30 (a Giga) bytes.
[125005650810] |You can even combine more than one multiplier !!
[125005650820] |So that 1M416K = 1474560 bytes.
[125005650830] |wipe -Kq -l 1440k /dev/fd0
[125005650840] |Adding Wipe to Nautilus menu in Ubuntu
[125005650850] |First Install nautilus-actions package using the following command in the terminal
[125005650860] |sudo aptitude install nautilus-actions
[125005650870] |Now Open up Nautilus Actions Configuration from System->Preference->Nautilus Actions Configuration Click Add
[125005650880] |Enter the following details
[125005650890] |Label: Wipe Tooltip: Wipe utility to securely erase files Icon: gtk-dialog-warning Path: wipe Parameters: -rf %M
[125005650900] |Click on the Conditions tab Under the “Appears if selection contains“, check “both”
[125005650910] |Check the box “Appears if selection has multiple files or folders“.
[125005650920] |Click OK
[125005650930] |Open up a terminal, run the following commands to update the nautiuls
[125005650940] |nautilus -q
[125005650950] |nautilus
[125005650960] |From Now right click on any files, you should be able to see the wipe command in the menu.You can check above procedure for screenshots.
[125005650970] |Secure-Delete tools
[125005650980] |Tools to wipe files, free disk space, swap and memoryEven if you overwrite a file 10+ times, it can still be recovered.
[125005650990] |This package contains tools to securely wipe data from files, free disk space, swap and memory.
[125005651000] |The Secure-Delete tools are a particularly useful set of programs that use advanced techniques to permanently delete files.
[125005651010] |To install the Secure-Delete tools in Ubuntu, run the following command
[125005651020] |sudo aptitude install secure-delete
[125005651030] |The Secure-Delete package comes with the following commands
[125005651040] |srm(Secure remove) - used for deleting files or directories currently on your hard disk.
[125005651050] |smem(Secure memory wiper) - used to wipe traces of data from your computer’s memory (RAM).
[125005651060] |sfill(Secure free space wiper) - used to wipe all traces of data from the free space on your disk.
[125005651070] |sswap(Secure swap wiper) - used to wipe all traces of data from your swap partition.
[125005651080] |srm - Secure remove
[125005651090] |srm removes each specified file by overwriting, renaming, and truncat-ing it before unlinking.
[125005651100] |This prevents other people from undeleting or recovering any information about the file from the command line.
[125005651110] |srm, like every program that uses the getopt function to parse its arguments, lets you use the -- option to indicate that all arguments are non-options.
[125005651120] |To remove a file called ‘-f’ in the current directory, you could type either “srm -- -f” or “srm ./-f”.
[125005651130] |srm Syntax
[125005651140] |srm [OPTION]… FILE…
[125005651150] |Available Options
[125005651160] |-d, --directory - ignored (for compatibility with rm)
[125005651170] |-f, --force - ignore nonexistent files, never prompt
[125005651180] |-i, --interactive - prompt before any removal
[125005651190] |-r, -R, --recursive - remove the contents of directories recursively
[125005651200] |-s, --simple - only overwrite with a single pass of random data
[125005651210] |-m, --medium - overwrite the file with 7 US DoD compliant passes (0xF6,0×00,0xFF,random,0×00,0xFF,random)
[125005651220] |-z, --zero - after overwriting, zero blocks used by file
[125005651230] |-n, --nounlink - overwrite file, but do not rename or unlink it
[125005651240] |-v, --verbose - explain what is being done
[125005651250] |--help display this help and exit
[125005651260] |--version - output version information and exit
[125005651270] |srm Examples
[125005651280] |Delete a file using srm
[125005651290] |srm myfile.txt
[125005651300] |Delete a directory using srm
[125005651310] |srm -r myfiles
[125005651320] |smem - Secure memory wiper
[125005651330] |smem is designed to delete data which may lie still in your memory (RAM) in a secure manner which can not be recovered by thiefs, law enforcement or other threats.
[125005651340] |Note that with the new SDRAMs, data will not wither away but will be kept static - it is easy to extract the necessary information!
[125005651350] |The wipe algorythm is based on the paper “Secure Deletion of Data from Magnetic and Solid-State Memory” presented at the 6th Usenix Security Symposium by Peter Gutmann, one of the leading civilian cryptographers.
[125005651360] |smem Syntax
[125005651370] |smem [-f] [-l] [-l] [-v]
[125005651380] |Available Options
[125005651390] |-f - fast (and insecure mode): no /dev/urandom.
[125005651400] |-l - lessens the security.
[125005651410] |Only two passes are written: the first with 0×00 and a final random one.
[125005651420] |-l -l for a second time lessons the security even more: only one pass with 0×00 is written.
[125005651430] |-v - verbose mode
[125005651440] |sfill - secure free space wipe
[125005651450] |sfill is designed to delete data which lies on available diskspace on mediums in a secure manner which can not be recovered by thiefs, law enforcement or other threats.
[125005651460] |The wipe algorythm is based on the paper “Secure Deletion of Data from Magnetic and Solid-State Memory” presented at the 6th Usenix Security Symposium by Peter Gutmann, one of the leading civilian cryptographers.
[125005651470] |sfill Syntax
[125005651480] |sfill [-f] [-i] [-I] [-l] [-l] [-v] [-z] directory/mountpoint
[125005651490] |Available Option
[125005651500] |-f - fast (and insecure mode): no /dev/urandom, no synchronize mode.
[125005651510] |-i - wipe only free inode space, not free disk space
[125005651520] |-I -wipe only free disk space, not free inode space
[125005651530] |-l -lessens the security.
[125005651540] |Only two passes are written: one mode with 0xff and a final mode with random values.
[125005651550] |-l -l for a second time lessons the security even more: only one random pass is written.
[125005651560] |-v - verbose mode
[125005651570] |-z - wipes the last write with zeros instead of random data
[125005651580] |directory/mountpoint this is the location of the file created in your filesystem.
[125005651590] |It should lie on the partition you want to write.
[125005651600] |sswap - Secure swap wiper
[125005651610] |sswap is designed to delete data which may lie still on your swapspace in a secure manner which can not be recovered by thiefs, law enforce?ment or other threats.The wipe algorythm is based on the paper “Secure Deletion of Data from Magnetic and Solid-State Memory” pre?sented at the 6th Usenix Security Symposium by Peter Gutmann, one of the leading civilian cryptographers.
[125005651620] |sswap Syntax
[125005651630] |sswap [-f] [-l] [-l] [-v] [-z] swapdevice
[125005651640] |Available Option
[125005651650] |-f - fast (and insecure mode): no /dev/urandom, no synchronize mode.
[125005651660] |-l - lessens the security.
[125005651670] |Only two passes are written: one mode with 0xff and a final mode with random values.
[125005651680] |-l -l for a second time lessons the security even more: only one pass with random values is written.
[125005651690] |-v - verbose mode
[125005651700] |-z - wipes the last write with zeros instead of random data
[125005651710] |sswap Examples
[125005651720] |Before you start using sswap you must disable your swap partition.You can determine your mounted swap devices using the following command
[125005651730] |cat /proc/swaps
[125005651740] |Disable swap using the following command
[125005651750] |sudo swapoff /dev/sda3
[125005651760] |/dev/sda3 - This is my swap device
[125005651770] |Once your swap device is disabled, you can wipe it with sswipe using the following command
[125005651780] |sudo sswap /dev/sda3
[125005651790] |After completing the above command you need to re-enable swap using the following command
[125005651800] |sudo swapon /dev/sda3
[125005651810] |Other Tool
[125005651820] |DBAN
[125005651830] |Darik’s Boot and Nuke (“DBAN”) is a self-contained boot disk that securely wipes the hard disks of most computers.
[125005651840] |DBAN will automatically and completely delete the contents of any hard disk that it can detect, which makes it an appropriate utility for bulk or emergency data destruction.
[125005651850] |You can download from here
[125005660010] |VRDP - VirtualBox Remote Desktop Protocol
[125005660020] |VirtualBox, the graphical user interface, has a built-in server for the VirtualBox Remote Desktop Protocol (VRDP).
[125005660030] |This allows you to see the output of a virtual machine’s window remotely on any other computer and control the virtual machine from there,as if it was running on the remote machine.
[125005660040] |VRDP is a backwards-compatible extension to Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).
[125005660050] |Typically graphics updates and audio are sent from the remote machine to the client, while keyboard and mouse events are sent back.
[125005660060] |You can use any standard RDP viewer, such as the one that comes with Microsoft Windows (typically found under “Accessories” -> “Communication” -> “Remote Desktop Connection”) or, on Linux system, the standard open-source rdesktop program to connect to the virtual machine remotely.
[125005660070] |You should use the IP address of your host system as the server address.
[125005660080] |The VRDP server uses the standard RDP TCP port 3389 by default.
[125005660090] |The port can be changed either in the GUI VM settings or with VBoxManage modifyvm command -vrdpport option.
[125005660100] |Note that only one machine can use a given port at a time.
[125005660110] |Also on Windows hosts the default RDP port (3389) could be already used by the Windows RDP server,in this case you should choose another port for your VM(s).
[125005660120] |With VirtualBox, the graphical user interface, the VRDP server is disabled by default, but can easily be enabled on a per-VM basis either with the VirtualBox GUI or with VBoxManage
[125005660130] |VBoxManage modifyvm -vrdp on
[125005670010] |Ubuntu Eee undergoes Easy Peasy rebrand
[125005670020] |An Ubuntu Linux-based distro landed this week for netbook users with the annoying sounding name of Easy Peasy 1.0.
[125005670030] |Easy Peasy, previously known as Ubuntu Eee, has dropped the Eee tag to signal that they’re gunning for more than just the Asus netbook market.
[125005670040] |The new moniker, logo and website should also help the outfit distinguish itself from Ubuntu’s sponsor Canonical or netbook vendor Asustek.
[125005670050] |“The Easy Peasy (formerly Ubuntu Eee) project is not affiliated with Canonical/Ubuntu, nor is it affiliated with Asus/Eee PC.
[125005670060] |Easy Peasy is a stand-alone project and is under re-branding to avoid these trademarks,” it said.
[125005670070] |Ready Full Story Here
[125005680010] |How to Create a Private Encrypted Folder On Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid)
[125005680020] |eCryptfs is a POSIX-compliant enterprise-class stacked cryptographic filesystem for Linux.It provides advanced key management and policy features. eCryptfs stores cryptographic metadata in the header of each file written, so that encrypted files can be copied between hosts; the file will be decryptable with the proper key, and there is no need to keep track of any additional information aside from what is already in the encrypted file itself.
[125005680030] |Think of eCryptfs as a sort of “gnupgfs”.eCryptfs is a native Linux filesystem.
[125005680040] |The kernel module component of eCryptfs is part of the Linux kernel since 2.6.19.
[125005680050] |Install eCryptfs in Ubuntu Intrepid
[125005680060] |sudo aptitude install ecryptfs-utils
[125005680070] |This will install all the required packages in ubuntu intrepid.
[125005680080] |First you need to Create a new directory to encrypt.
[125005680090] |mkdir ~/Personal
[125005680100] |Now you need to make sure no one will access this folder using the following command
[125005680110] |chmod 700 ~/Personal
[125005680120] |Mount the ecryptfs to the Personal folder using the following command
[125005680130] |sudo mount -t ecryptfs ~/Personal ~/Personal
[125005680140] |It will then prompt you to answer a few questions.
[125005680150] |Selecting your key type for newly created files
[125005680160] |Press “1″ to select passphrase
[125005680170] |You will be asked to enter and verify your passphrase.
[125005680180] |Selecting your encryption cipher
[125005680190] |The default option is shown in the [16 ].
[125005680200] |If you are not sure of what to select, simply press Enter to select the default.
[125005680210] |Select key byte and Enable plaintext passthrough
[125005680220] |If you want to use unecrypted file inside your secret folder, then select ‘Y’.
[125005680230] |If not, type ‘N’.
[125005680240] |Now go to Places->Home Folder.
[125005680250] |You should see a Personal drive mounted in the file system.
[125005680260] |Testing your secret folder encryption
[125005680270] |Now you need to Add some files to the secret folder.
[125005680280] |Unmount using the following command
[125005680290] |sudo umount ~/Personal
[125005680300] |Now you can open Personal folder and check your files.
[125005680310] |Creating a launcher for your Private Directory
[125005680320] |If you create a launcher on your desktop allows you to mount the Personal folder easily.On your desktop, right click the mouse and select “Create Launcher“.
[125005680330] |Enter the following Details
[125005680340] |Type: Application in Terminal Name: PrivateFolder (or your choice) Command: sudo mount -t ecryptfs /home/ruchi/Personal /home/ruchi/Personal key=passphrase,ecryptfs_cipher=aes,ecryptfs_key_bytes=16,ecryptfs_passthrough=n (Replace ruchi with your own username)
[125005680350] |Next time if you want to mount your Personal folder, just click on this launcher.
[125005680360] |It will pop up a terminal and ask you for your passphrase.
[125005680370] |Once that is verified, the Personal folder will be mounted in the Home folder.
[125005690010] |Super Ubuntu 2008.11 - Ubuntu Based Linux including Your Favourite applications
[125005690020] |Super Ubuntu is just Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex), but it also includes:
[125005690030] |System and application updates: all updates released for Ubuntu + GIMP 2.6.3 + OpenOffice.org 3 + Firefox 3.0.4
[125005690040] |Better Multimedia Support: MPlayer and VLC, DVD-playback, MP3 support and other multimedia codecs
[125005690050] |Better Internet experience: aMSN, aMule, Adobe Flash player and Opera
[125005690060] |Support for portable applications/other installation methods: Autopackage, SFS Technology, Smart Package Manager, Wine and Zero Install
[125005690070] |Support for more technologies: Java RE, Microsoft Office 2007 file formats, others…
[125005690080] |Graphical interfaces/managers: compizconfig-settings-manager (Compiz), Gufw (Uncomplicated firewall), ndisgtk (NDISwrapper) and padevchooser (PulseAudio)
[125005690090] |Utilities: Adobe Reader, EnvyNG, Furius ISO Mount, GParted, NDISwrapper, Ubuntu Tweak and StartUp-Manager
[125005690100] |Extra repositories
[125005690110] |Applications Included
[125005690120] |Adobe Reader 8.1.3 aMule 2.2.2 aMSN 0.97.2 Autopackage 1.2.5 Brasero 0.8.4 compizconfig-settings-manager (to configure the settings of Compiz and the desktop effects) EnvyNG (command line version) Firefox 3.0.4 Furius ISO Mount GParted 0.3.8 GIMP 2.6.3 gufw (GUI for uncomplicated firewall) 0.20.6 MPlayer (media player) NDISwrapper and ndisgtk OpenOffice.org 3 Opera 9.63 padevchooser (the graphical interface for PulseAudio) RealPlayer 11 SFS Technology Smart Package Manager 1.1.1 Skype StartUp-Manager 1.9.11 Mozilla Thunderbird ubuntu-restricted-extras (Java runtime environment, codecs, MP3 support, support for DVD-video, flash player…) Ubuntu Tweak 0.4.4 VLC Media Player 0.9.4 Wine 1.1.10 Wine-Doors 0.1.2 Zero Install 0.3.7
[125005690130] |Download Super Ubuntu from here
[125005700010] |Install GLPI (IT and asset Managemet Software) from Ubuntu Repositories
[125005700020] |GLPI stands for “Gestionnaire libre de parc informatique”, GLPI is the Information Resource Manager with an additional Administration- Interface.
[125005700030] |You can use it to build up a database with an inventory for your company (computer, software, printers…).
[125005700040] |It has enhanced functions to make the daily life for the administrators easier, like a job tracking system with mail-notification and methods to build a database with basic information about your network-topology.
[125005700050] |GLPI Requirements
[125005700060] |Linux or Windows Operating system
[125005700070] |Apache webserver with php support
[125005700080] |Mysql Database with php support
[125005700090] |Install GLPI From Ubuntu Repositories
[125005700100] |sudo aptitude install glpi
[125005700110] |This will start the installation and prompt for following questions
[125005700120] |Configure database for glpi select yes and click enter
[125005700130] |Enter your database administrative password select ok and click enter
[125005700140] |Enter Mysql password for glpi select ok and click enter
[125005700150] |Confirm password select ok and click enter
[125005700160] |Glpi Configuration URL details select ok and click enter
[125005700170] |This will complete the installation
[125005700180] |Configuring GLPI
[125005700190] |Now you need to point you web browser http://serverip/glpi
[125005700200] |During the first connection, a step by step installation starts and you should see the following screen in this you need to select your language and click ok.
[125005700210] |Now you have to accept the licence and click on continue.
[125005700220] |Next screen you need to select install or update.I have selected install in this option.
[125005700230] |Once you click on install you should see the screen “checking the compatibility of your environment” if something is missing it will give the error and you need to fix.If everything is fine you should see the following screen and click on continue.
[125005700240] |Now we need to setup database connection here enter your mysql server, mysql user and mysql user password and click on continue.
[125005700250] |Here we need to select create new database,enter glpi (any of your choice) and click on continue.
[125005700260] |This time the database is initialized with the default values.
[125005700270] |Some informations are given to you on these values.
[125005700280] |Read this information attentively and click on continue.
[125005700290] |Now it will display the information about the installation of GLPI is now finished, a summary is displayed.
[125005700300] |Read these informations attentively and click on use GLPI.
[125005700310] |Once you click on use GLPI you should see the following screen asking for username and password.
[125005700320] |By defauly glpi is having the following username and passwords to login
[125005700330] |glpi/glpi for the administrator account tech/tech for the technician account normal for the normal account post-only/post-only for the postonly account
[125005700340] |Select glpi username and password to login in to the glpi with administrator permissions
[125005700350] |Once you logged in you should see similar to the following screen
[125005700360] |Enable OCS-NG Module
[125005700370] |Ocsng is Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation is an application designed to help a network or system administrator keep track of the computers configuration and software that are installed on the network.
[125005700380] |Information about Hardware and Operating System are collected.
[125005700390] |OCS Inventory is also able to detect all active devices on your network, such as switch, router, network printer and unattended devices.
[125005700400] |It also allows deploying softwares, commands or files on client computers.
[125005700410] |Go to Setup--->General--->Restrictions
[125005700420] |Activate ocsng Mode to Yes click on post
[125005700430] |I will write about ocsng soon and i personally like glpi this is very nice tool.
[125005710010] |BleachBit - Cleans unnecessary files to free disk space and maintain privacy
[125005710020] |BleachBit deletes unnecessary files to free valuable disk space, maintain privacy, and remove junk.
[125005710030] |Rid your system of old clutter including cache, temporary files, cookies, and broken shortcuts.
[125005710040] |Designed for Linux systems, it wipes clean Bash, Beagle, Epiphany, Firefox, Flash, Java, KDE, OpenOffice.org, Opera, RealPlayer, rpmbuild, VIM, XChat, and more.
[125005710050] |Install BleachBit in Ubuntu
[125005710060] |Download the .deb package from here or use the following command
[125005710070] |wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/bleachbit/bleachbit_0.2.0-1_all_ubuntu810.deb
[125005710080] |Now you have bleachbit_0.2.0-1_all_ubuntu810.deb package.Install this .deb package using the following command
[125005710090] |sudo dpkg -i bleachbit_0.2.0-1_all_ubuntu810.deb
[125005710100] |This will complete the installation.
[125005710110] |or
[125005710120] |You download this .deb file in your desktop and double click to install.
[125005710130] |Using BleachBit
[125005710140] |If you want to open go to Applications--->Accessories--->BleachBit
[125005710150] |Once you open first time you should see similar to the following screen click yes
[125005710160] |Now you can see BleachBit screen as follows
[125005710170] |Now you need to select which files you want to clean from left hand menu
[125005710180] |Confirm your delection
[125005710190] |Your selected files deleted
[125005720010] |How to tweak Nautilus to display size of files under their name
[125005720020] |This tutorial will explain howto tweak Nautilus to display size of files under their name
[125005720030] |Method 1
[125005720040] |Go to places one option from this list (This example i am selecting Home Folder)
[125005720050] |Now you need to go to Edit->Preferences
[125005720060] |Select display tab and then set the first icon capture to size or whatever you’d like displayed at 100% zoom click ok
[125005720070] |That’s it now you can see size of files under their name
[125005720080] |Method 2
[125005720090] |Press Alt+F2 enter gconf-editor click on Run
[125005720100] |Once it opens you should expand the directories apps and nautilus and select icon_view from left pane.Now Double-click on captions in right pane
[125005720110] |Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen
[125005720120] |Here in the values list move size before none
[125005720130] |After moving you should see similar to the following screen click on
[125005720140] |Now you should be able to see size of files under their name