[125010500010] |
TSP Flaming - Quickly finds a solution of the Travelling Salesman Problem
[125010500020] |TSP Flaming quickly finds a good solution of the Travelling Salesman Problem using the method of Simulated Annealing.
[125010500030] |Problem Statement
[125010500040] |Given a map with cities locations, what is the least-cost round-trip route that visits each city exactly once and then returns to the starting city?
[125010500050] |Observation
[125010500060] |Size of solution space is n!, where n is number of cities.
[125010500070] |The most direct solution rapidly becomes impractical.
[125010500080] |Simulated Annealing
[125010500090] |Instead of using exhaustive enumeration a generic probabilistic meta-algorithm is used.
[125010500100] |In fixed amount of time it finds a good approximation to the global optimum in a large search space.
[125010500110] |Install TSP Flaming in Ubuntu
[125010500120] |Download .deb package from here .Install this .deb package by double clicking on it or run the following command from your terminal
[125010500130] |sudo dpkg -i tspflaming_1.2-0~ppa1_i386.deb
[125010500140] |Screenshot
[125010510010] |Two more new applications for creating Ubuntu .deb packages
[125010510020] |We have already discussed about Ubucompilator and Debianpackagemaker .This tutorial will show you 2 more new applications for creating Ubuntu .deb packages.
[125010510030] |Giftwrap
[125010510040] |GiftWrap is a hassle-free way to create Ubuntu packages.
[125010510050] |It is designed for anyone who deals with distributing software - be it theme artists, software developers, or anyone else.
[125010510060] |In the future, it will support updating of existing packages, uploading to PPA’s split packages and more.
[125010510070] |Install Giftwrap in Ubuntu
[125010510080] |For ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) users
[125010510090] |Open the terminal and run the following commands
[125010510100] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:giftwrap/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install giftwrap
[125010510110] |For Other ubuntu users follow this procedure
[125010510120] |Edit /etc/apt/sources.list file
[125010510130] |gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
[125010510140] |For ubuntu Jaunty users add the following lines
[125010510150] |deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/giftwrap/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/giftwrap/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main
[125010510160] |For ubuntu Intrepid users add the following lines
[125010510170] |deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/giftwrap/ppa/ubuntu intrepid main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/giftwrap/ppa/ubuntu intrepid main
[125010510180] |Save and exit the file
[125010510190] |Now add GPG key
[125010510200] |sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 207CAD03
[125010510210] |Update source list
[125010510220] |sudo apt-get update
[125010510230] |Install giftwrap using the following command
[125010510240] |sudo apt-get install giftwrap
[125010510250] |Screenshot
[125010510260] |Debreate
[125010510270] |Debreate is graphical utility to help in the creation of Debian packages.
[125010510280] |New programmers often would like to package their applications, but have no experience doing so.
[125010510290] |Instructions are available on the web, but are not always easily understood.
[125010510300] |It may take some time to figure out how to build packages from the console.
[125010510310] |Debreate was designed with new programmers in mind, but is not limited to anyone.
[125010510320] |An easy to use tabbed interface is an excellent feature available for the new programmer.
[125010510330] |All necessary forms are neatly organized, which will help anyone who is unsure of how to make the control file.
[125010510340] |Once all necessary sections are filled out and the directories containing the applications files are selected, Debreate creates a generic directory tree and places all files in their proper folders.
[125010510350] |From there it uses “dpkg -b” to build the .deb package to the destination folder.
[125010510360] |Experienced programmers can use it for quicker packaging, or if they just don’t feel like creating a generic directory tree and writing out the control file manually.
[125010510370] |There is also the option to load a pre-made control file.
[125010510380] |Debreate is not meant to “unteach” console commands.
[125010510390] |Future versions will include detailed documentation on how to manually create Debian packages, including how to create the directory tree and control file.
[125010510400] |Also in considerations is support for RPM packaging.
[125010510410] |Hopefully Debreate will be a useful utility for any type of user, and aid in the developer community.
[125010510420] |Install debreate in Ubuntu
[125010510430] |Download .deb package from here .Now install this .deb package by double clicking on it or run the following command from your terminal
[125010510440] |sudo dpkg -i debreate_0.6.2-3_all.deb
[125010510450] |Screenshot
[125010520010] |glChess now supports themes in SVG Drawings
[125010520020] |This patch which allows switching between different sets of pieces in 2D mode.
[125010520030] |The pieces themselves are stored as SVG drawings.There are two sets currently available: “simple” (essentially the same ChessSophia font, but with contours slightly cleaned up) and “fancy” (this is my original work based on chess diagrams from old books).
[125010520040] |Note:- this patch might break your system (Only for advanced users)
[125010520050] |Download this patch from here
[125010520060] |To install the patch, do the following:
[125010520070] |1. Apply the attached patch, placing it into your gnome-games directory.
[125010520080] |2. Unpack the pieces.zip archive into gnome-games/glchess/ .
[125010520090] |This will create a subdir called pieces/ .
[125010520100] |3. In glchess/src/lib/scene/cairo delete the files pieces.py and COPYING.2D (no longer needed).
[125010520110] |The patch probably needs some polishing (in particular error handling may be improved), but at least it works and I hope the board with new ‘fancy’ pieces looks much better than the current design.
[125010520120] |Note that the new drawings have a white background, so it is now possible to use darker colors for black cells.
[125010530010] |New Ubuntu 10.10 code name announced today: Maverick Meerkat
[125010530020] |Today Mark Shuttleworth announced next ubuntu version 10.10 code name as Maverick Meerkat
[125010530030] |Introducing the Maverick Meerkat
[125010530040] |Our mascot for 10.10 is the Maverick Meerkat.
[125010530050] |This is a time of change, and we’re not afraid to surprise people with a bold move if the opportunity for dramatic improvement presents itself.
[125010530060] |We want to put Ubuntu and free software on every single consumer PC that ships from a major manufacturer, the ultimate maverick move.
[125010530070] |We will deliver on time, but we have huge scope for innovation in what we deliver this cycle.
[125010530080] |Once we have released the LTS we have plenty of room to shake things up a little.
[125010530090] |Let’s hear the best ideas, gather the best talent, and be a little radical in how we approach the next two year major cycle.
[125010530100] |Meerkats are, of course, light, fast and social – everything we want in a Perfect 10.
[125010530110] |We’re booting really fast these days, but the final push remains.
[125010530120] |Changes in the toolchain may make us even faster for every application.
[125010530130] |We’re Social from the Start, but we could get even more tightly connected, and we could bring social features into even more applications.
[125010530140] |Meerkats are family-oriented, and we aspire to having Ubuntu being the safe and efficient solution for all the family netbooks.
[125010530150] |They are also clever – meerkats teach one another new skills.
[125010530160] |And that’s what makes this such a great community.
[125010540010] |MultiVNC - Multicast-enabled VNC viewer
[125010540020] |MultiVNC is a cross-platform, Multicast-enabled VNC viewer.
[125010540030] |Features include support for most encodings, ZeroConf service discovery, a seamless edge control mode á la x2vnc, and most prominently, experimental support for VNC via multicast.
[125010540040] |Install Multivnc in ubuntu
[125010540050] |Download .deb package from here .Now you need to install .deb package by double clicking or using the following command from your terminal
[125010540060] |sudo dpkg -i multivnc_0.2-1_i386.deb
[125010540070] |Screenshot
[125010550010] |Songbird halts major support for linux
[125010550020] |As many of you know we’re hard at work on NOFX and the release is looking really good – lots of cool improvements, including video playback.
[125010550030] |Some of you have noticed that the Linux version has fallen behind, leading to some heated, but healthy debate internally about how to prioritize the development hopper.
[125010550040] |After careful consideration, we’ve come to the painful conclusion that we should discontinue support for the Linux version of Songbird.
[125010550050] |Some of you may wonder how a company with deep roots in Open Source could drop Linux and we want you to know it isn’t without heartache.?
[125010550060] |We have a small engineering team here at Songbird, and, more than ever, must stay very focused on a narrow set of priorities.
[125010550070] |Trying to deliver a raft of new features around all media types, and across a growing list of devices, we had to make some tough choices.
[125010550080] |While our Linux users are some of the most passionate, do some killer development, and always provide tremendous input as to whether we’re on the right path or not, we simply can’t continue to support a Linux version as we have in the past.
[125010550090] |And, like you, we can’t stand to see our Linux product be anything less than outstanding.
[125010550100] |Unfortunately, we can’t make that happen right now.
[125010550110] |Trade-offs are hard, and this is one of the most painful decisions in the history of the company.
[125010550120] |We remain loyal to Linux and the ideology it represents, so we will maintain a version of the software for use by our Songbird engineers who develop on the Linux platform.
[125010550130] |We’ll make that version available to the community.
[125010550140] |We will keep Linux build bots and host the Linux builds on the developer wiki.
[125010550150] |That said, those builds will not be tested and may not pick up new features developed by Songbird’s team.
[125010550160] |When we roll out NOFX for Windows and Mac at the end of the month, you’ll see video support – import, library management and full screen playback.
[125010550170] |We are also working on full compatibility with Windows 7 as well as support for a range of new handsets.
[125010550180] |Full Story
[125010560010] |get-flash-videos - A command line program to download flash videos
[125010560020] |Download videos from various Flash-based video hosting sites, without having to use the Flash player.
[125010560030] |Handy for saving videos for watching offline, and means you don’t have to keep upgrading Flash for sites that insist on a newer version of the player.
[125010560040] |Includes support for the following sites/players (and more!):
[125010560050] |* YouTube, eHow, Brightcove (used by many sites like Channel 4, Daily Telegraph …), BBC (news, etc), Metacafe, 5min, Google, fliqz, nicovideo, vimeo, Blip, Break, Collegehumor, Muzu, Sevenload, Megavideo, Wat.tv.
[125010560060] |* Also includes a ‘generic’ method which works on many other sites.
[125010560070] |You can check project home page
[125010560080] |Install get-flash-videos in Ubuntu
[125010560090] |Open the terminal and run the following commands , this installs it system-wide or download .deb package from here
[125010560100] |sudo apt-get install libwww-mechanize-perl libxml-simple-perl
[125010560110] |wget http://get-flash-videos.googlecode.com/files/get-flash-videos_1.21-1_all.deb
[125010560120] |sudo dpkg -i get-flash-videos_1.21-1_all.deb
[125010560130] |get-flash-videos Syntax
[125010560140] |get_flash_videos url..
[125010560150] |Usage Examples
[125010560160] |Play a video (may prompt for filename still, override with -y):
[125010560170] |get_flash_videos -p http://some.site/video
[125010560180] |Download a video (note quotes are required for URLs with special characters like ‘&’in):
[125010560190] |get_flash_videos “http://some.site/video?f=1&v=1234″
[125010560200] |Play the URL on the clipboard (UNIX):
[125010560210] |xclip -o | xargs get_flash_videos -y -p
[125010560220] |Play the first video matching “Open Source”:
[125010560230] |get_flash_videos -y -p Open Source
[125010560240] |Install a plugin:
[125010560250] |get_flash_videos --add-plugin http://website.com/PluginName.pm
[125010560260] |Screenshot
[125010570010] |GNOME 3 System Status Area Mockups
[125010570020] |In GNOME 3, the System Status Area is a place where System Status Indicators represent the status of the system to the user.
[125010570030] |This is not an area that is variously called the Notification Area or System Tray and should not be used by applications (foreground or background) to indicate their status.
[125010570040] |This distinction is necessary to ensure the entire top of the screen is designed properly, system owned and coherent, able to be modified or extended, scale well to smaller form-factors, and not become a dumping ground or high-profile branding opportunity.
[125010570050] |Status indicators should use a style that is consistent with the text and menus present on the top panel.
[125010570060] |In general, these indicators should use colors in a considered and measured way.
[125010570070] |Icons and indicators must not change rapidly or abruptly (not more than once a second).
[125010570080] |Icon changes should transition smoothly.
[125010570090] |Symbolic Icons
[125010570100] |Status Indicators should not be considered primary interaction points.
[125010570110] |Any action that is available through a status icon should also be accessible from elsewhere in the design.
[125010570120] |For example, network access must also be able to be configured through the system preferences / control-center.
[125010570130] |So, status indicators must not assume that the user can interact with them.
[125010570140] |They should only expect that they will be used to indicate status.
[125010570150] |There are a few reasons for this:
[125010570160] |* On smaller form factor devices it may be difficult to interact with small icons
[125010570170] |* When a high resolution pointer is not available it may be difficult to interact with small icons
[125010570180] |* When the user has a disability the icons may be unusable for interaction
[125010570190] |* Functionality must be able to be found by and be accessible to someone using desktop or control center search tools
[125010570200] |Like all Top Menubar items, the icons should behave as if they are part of a menu-bar.
[125010570210] |The icons can be clicked with any mouse button but should always perform the same action no matter what button is used.
[125010570220] |The order of system status indicators should be (from left to right):
[125010570230] |Universal access
[125010570240] |Input language
[125010570250] |Audio volume
[125010570260] |Bluetooth
[125010570270] |Network
[125010570280] |Battery and power
[125010570290] |In general, if you are not one of these you should probably not be using the System Status Area.
[125010570300] |Often the Message Tray is a better fit.
[125010570310] |Specifically, things that should not be in the system status area:
[125010570320] |* Chat or communication clients
[125010570330] |* Software update notifications and reminders
[125010570340] |* Music players
[125010570350] |* New mail notifications
[125010570360] |* CD/DVD burning progress
[125010570370] |* Bug reporting system notifications
[125010570380] |General Guidelines
[125010570390] |* Should offer limited, and common functionality
[125010570400] |* Each should map to a tool in the System Settings
[125010570410] |* Each should offer somewhat menu-like functionality on (left, right, middle, …) click.
[125010570420] |* The dropdown should animate from one to the next
[125010570430] |Source from here
[125010580010] |Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) Release schedule
[125010580020] |Ubuntu team is already planning for 10.10, which will see the light of day in October 2010
[125010580030] |Ubuntu 10.10 (codename Maverick Meerkat) will be released this year on 28th October 2010.
[125010580040] |If you want detailed release schedule from here
[125010590010] |VBoxManage Lite - A wrapper script around VirtualBox’s ‘VBoxManage’ command
[125010590020] |VBoxManage Lite - A wrapper script around VirtualBox’s ‘VBoxManage’ command VBoxManage Lite is a wrapper script around VirtualBox’s ‘VBoxManage’ command, providing a more compact syntax for commonly used commands.
[125010590030] |Supports these commands:
[125010590040] |- list
[125010590050] |- start, stop, halt, reset
[125010590060] |- status
[125010590070] |To install, just download the script and place it in your ~/bin folder.
[125010590080] |Make sure ~/bin is in your $PATH.
[125010590090] |Requires Python, and of course VirtualBox!
[125010590100] |Download VboxManage Lite script from here
[125010590110] |Once you downloded the script you need to give execute permissions
[125010590120] |sudo chmod +x vbox
[125010590130] |Run the script using the following command
[125010590140] |./vbox
[125010600010] |Alexandria - A GNOME application for managing book collections
[125010600020] |Alexandria is a program for organising collections of books.
[125010600030] |It
[125010600040] |* retrieves and displays book information (including cover pictures) from several online libraries, such as Amazon, Proxis and Barnes and Noble
[125010600050] |* allows books to be added and updated by hand
[125010600060] |* enables searches either by EAN/ISBN, title, authors or keyword
[125010600070] |* can import and export data into ONIX, Tellico and ISBN-list formats
[125010600080] |* features a HIG-compliant user interface
[125010600090] |* handles book rating and notes
[125010600100] |* supports CueCat barcode readers
[125010600110] |Install Alexandria in Ubuntu
[125010600120] |sudo apt-get install alexandria
[125010600130] |Screenshot
[125010610010] |DamnVid - A GUI Video downloader/converter
[125010610020] |DamnVid is a cross-platform application to download and convert videos from your hard drive or from dozens of video sharing websites like YouTube, Dailymotion, Veoh, Metacafe, etc.
[125010610030] |Basically, it’s a video downloader and converter that sucks less.
[125010610040] |What is DamnVid?
[125010610050] |* A video converter, first and foremost.
[125010610060] |It makes use of the wonderful FFmpeg library, used in other software like VLC Media Player or Google Chrome.
[125010610070] |* A video downloader.
[125010610080] |While DamnVid can convert local video files just fine, it can also download video streams from most video sharing websites.
[125010610090] |But what gives it the edge over other video downloaders and converters is that not only it does both the downloading and the converting, but it does them at the same time: it converts as it downloads, making the whole process much faster.
[125010610100] |* A cross-platform software that sucks less.
[125010610110] |What isn’t DamnVid?
[125010610120] |* A video editor.
[125010610130] |While it can do basic things like change the resolution, aspect ratio, or volume of the video, DamnVid is by no means a video editor.
[125010610140] |* A video player.
[125010610150] |DamnVid never plays anything.
[125010610160] |* A media library.
[125010610170] |DamnVid organizes its videos into customizable folders, but it stops there.
[125010610180] |* A DVD ripper.
[125010610190] |* A stable program.
[125010610200] |Seriously.
[125010610210] |It just sucks less.
[125010610220] |Everything is relative.
[125010610230] |Install Damnvid in Ubuntu
[125010610240] |First you need to download latest version of .deb from here now you need to install this .deb package by double clicking or using the following command from your terminal
[125010610250] |sudo dpkg -i damnvid_1.5-1_i386.deb
[125010610260] |Screenshot
[125010620010] |GetDeb/PlayDeb: Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) Repository Available Now
[125010620020] |Getdeb is an Ubuntu software portal with ready-to-install applications in Ubuntu’s default .deb package format. getdeb.net was created to make it easy for Ubuntu users to install the latest versions of Free/Open Source applications quickly and easily How to add getdeb repository in to ubuntu 10.04
[125010620030] |Go to System-Administration-Software Sources, Third-Party Software tab, Add:
[125010620040] |deb http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu lucid-getdeb apps
[125010620050] |Add the repository GPG key, open a terminal window and type:
[125010620060] |wget -q -O- http://archive.getdeb.net/getdeb-archive.key | sudo apt-key add -
[125010620070] |Click the “Install this now” button below the screenshot of the desired application.
[125010620080] |Playdeb, the repository of games for Ubuntu has been launched in 1st september 2008.who package recent games and applications for Ubuntu.
[125010620090] |With Playdeb, games are easy to install and will be updated when new versions are available.Playdeb includes an APT software repository, and a games list that can be used to install games simply by clicking an install link.
[125010620100] |How to add playdeb repository in to ubuntu 10.04
[125010620110] |Go to System-Administration-Software Sources, Third-Party Software tab, Add:
[125010620120] |deb http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu lucid-getdeb games
[125010620130] |Add the repository GPG key, open a terminal window and type:
[125010620140] |wget -q -O- http://archive.getdeb.net/getdeb-archive.key | sudo apt-key add -
[125010620150] |Click the “Install this now” button below the screenshot of the desired application.
[125010630010] |Watch videos directly into your Pidgin conversation
[125010630020] |Pidgin Embedded Video is a GTK plugin for the popular instant messaging client Pidgin.
[125010630030] |The purpose of this plugin is to provide a faster way to watch videos while chatting with your friends.
[125010630040] |No more additional browser windows!
[125010630050] |It transforms a simple conversation into a much more attractive and interesting experience.
[125010630060] |Sharing links to videos and watching them was never such a pleasant activity in Pidgin.
[125010630070] |Features
[125010630080] |* The plugin automatically inserts the video pointed to into the conversation when an appropriate link is sent or received.
[125010630090] |* Every video has a toggle button which allows you to show or hide the video.
[125010630100] |* The default behaviour for a new video link is customizable from the “Configure Plugin” menu.
[125010630110] |You can choose whether to show the video instantly or to hide it by default.
[125010630120] |* Supported video sites are CollegeHumor, Dailymotion, Google Video, Metacafe, MySpace Video, Trilulilu (all the stuff: audio, images and video), Vimeo, Yahoo! Video and Youtube.
[125010630130] |* It works with the Ubuntu version of Pidgin.
[125010630140] |It should work on every Linux distribution as far as the requirements are met.
[125010630150] |Note:- First of all, be sure that you have downloaded and installed Pidgin and Adobe Flash Player
[125010630160] |Install Pidgin Embedded Video plugin in ubuntu
[125010630170] |First you need to download .deb package from here or use the following command from your terminal
[125010630180] |wget http://pidgin-embeddedvideo.googlecode.com/files/pidgin-embeddedvideo_1.1-2_i386.deb
[125010630190] |Install this .deb package by double clicking or use the following command from your terminal
[125010630200] |sudo dpkg -i pidgin-embeddedvideo_1.1-2_i386.deb
[125010630210] |If you want to uninstall the plugin, run the following command from your terminal
[125010630220] |sudo apt-get remove pidgin-embeddedvideo
[125010630230] |Screenshots
[125010640010] |How to install Monitorix in Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) Server
[125010640020] |Monitorix is a free, open source, lightweight system monitoring tool designed to monitorize as many services as possible.
[125010640030] |At this time it monitors from the CPU load and temperatures to the users using the system.
[125010640040] |Network devices activity, network services demand and even the devices’ interrupt activity are also monitored, and more.
[125010640050] |The current status of any corporate server with Monitorix installed can be accessed via a web browser.
[125010640060] |It has been designed to be used under production UNIX/Linux servers, but due its simplicity and small size you may also use it to monitor embedded devices.
[125010640070] |All its development was initially created for monitoring Red Hat, Fedora and CentOS Linux systems, so this project was made keeping in mind these distributions.
[125010640080] |Today it runs on different Linux distributions and even in other UNIX systems like FreeBSD.
[125010640090] |Monitorix Features
[125010640100] |* The monitorization includes:
[125010640110] |o System core (CPU load and temperatures, active processes and memory allocation).
[125010640120] |o Global or per-processor/core kernel usage (user, nice, system, idle and i/o wait).
[125010640130] |o Temperatures (HP ProLiant IML Agent and LM-Sensors with HDDtemp support).
[125010640140] |o Mounted filesystems and disk i/o.
[125010640150] |o Activity of up to 5 network devices.
[125010640160] |o Use of SMTP, SSH, FTP, Telnet, Samba, NetAtalk, VirusMail, FAX, POP3 and HTTP services.
[125010640170] |o Complete MTA statistics including anti-spam, anti-virus and greylisting.
[125010640180] |o Activity of up to 12 predefined network ports.
[125010640190] |o Devices interrupt activity (APIC support with up to 256 different interrupts).
[125010640200] |o and more.
[125010640210] |* Support for HP Insight Management Agents for ProLiant servers.
[125010640220] |* Support for Samba v2 and v3, Sendmail, Postfix, NetAtalk, Qpopper and Hylafax status logs.
[125010640230] |* Support for the Nginx web server statistics.
[125010640240] |* Support for remote servers monitorization (Multihost feature).
[125010640250] |* Silent mode to be able to retrieve the graphs from scripts or other programs.
[125010640260] |* Traffic statistics are stored on disk into RRD format fixed-size databases.
[125010640270] |* Possibility to view statistics per day, week, month or year.
[125010640280] |* Possibility to view statistics with rendered graphs or in plain text.
[125010640290] |* Each picture can be zoomed in to see the graph in more detail.
[125010640300] |* Monthly traffic activity report via email can be sent to LAN users.
[125010640310] |* It warns if some selected network port is not listening.
[125010640320] |* Alert capability if CPU load average reaches or exceeds a threshold value for an specified amount of time.
[125010640330] |* Web interface offers minimal learning, ubiquitous access.
[125010640340] |* Configuration with only one text-plain file.
[125010640350] |* Perl and Shell Script based (lightweight tool).
[125010640360] |* Requires the RRDtool package and a CGI capable web server.
[125010640370] |Install Monitorix in Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) Server
[125010640380] |We have already discussed how to install LAMP server in ubuntu 9.10 once you install ubuntu 9.10 LAMP server follow these steps
[125010640390] |Preparing your system
[125010640400] |Install the following packages
[125010640410] |sudo apt-get install rrdtool librrds-perl libwww-perl
[125010640420] |Now you need to download Monitorix source package from here or use the following command
[125010640430] |$ wget http://www.monitorix.org/monitorix-1.5.0.tar.gz
[125010640440] |$ tar -zxvf monitorix-1.5.0.tar.gz
[125010640450] |Go to the Monitorix directory and execute the install script.
[125010640460] |$ cd monitorix-1.5.0
[125010640470] |$ sudo ./install.sh
[125010640480] |Welcome to Monitorix v1.5.0 installation process.
[125010640490] |The install script has detected that this is a Linux operating system.
[125010640500] |Currently Monitorix supports only the following Linux distributions: 1 - RedHat/Fedora/CentOS 2 - Generic 3 - Debian (Ubuntu) 4 - Gentoo 5 - Slackware
[125010640510] |Please select your option:
[125010640520] |Choose the option number 3 (Debian).
[125010640530] |The following is a list of the default paths where the Monitorix components will be installed:
[125010640540] |1 - /usr/bin 2 - /etc 3 - /etc/init.d 4 - /var/lib 5 - /usr/share/doc 6 - /var/www 7 - /usr/lib/cgi-bin 8 - /usr/share/man/man5
[125010640550] |Last chance to stop the installation.
[125010640560] |Are you sure to install Monitorix on the paths shown? [y/n]:
[125010640570] |The list of paths should be correct.
[125010640580] |Press y.
[125010640590] |Finally start Monitorix.
[125010640600] |sudo service monitorix start
[125010640610] |Now wait for a while and then go to http://localhost/monitorix/
[125010640620] |For more information check Monitorix documentation
[125010650010] |RetroShare: Secure communications with friends
[125010650020] |RetroShare is a Open Source cross-platform, private and secure decentralised communication platform.It lets you to securely chat and share files with your friends and family, using a web-of-trust to authenticate peers and OpenSSL to encrypt all communication.
[125010650030] |RetroShare provides filesharing, chat, messages, forums and channels
[125010650040] |Features
[125010650050] |* Serverless, encrypted Chat &Filetransfer
[125010650060] |* Multiple simultaneous downloads / uploads
[125010650070] |* Search Friends
[125010650080] |* Messages
[125010650090] |* Forums
[125010650100] |* UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding support
[125010650110] |* GnuPG Authentication
[125010650120] |* OpenSSL Encryption
[125010650130] |* DHT support
[125010650140] |* Plugins support
[125010650150] |* Graphical User Interface written with Qt4 toolkit
[125010650160] |* System tray integration
[125010650170] |Install Retroshare in Ubuntu
[125010650180] |First you need to download.deb package from here now you need to install .deb package by clicking on it or use the following command from your terminal
[125010650190] |sudo dpkg -i RetroShare_0.5.2679_lucid_i386.deb
[125010650200] |Download and install retroshare plugins from here
[125010650210] |Screenshot
[125010660010] |Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) LTS Beta 2 released and Download links included
[125010660020] |The Ubuntu developers are moving quickly to bring you the latest and greatest software the Open Source community has to offer.
[125010660030] |This is the second Ubuntu 10.04 beta release, which brings a host of exciting new features.
[125010660040] |Note: This is a beta release.
[125010660050] |Do not install it on production machines.
[125010660060] |The final stable version will be released on April 29, 2010.
[125010660070] |Upgrading from Ubuntu 9.10 or Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
[125010660080] |To upgrade from Ubuntu 9.10 on a desktop system, press Alt+F2 and type in “update-manager -d” (without the quotes) into the command box.
[125010660090] |Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release ’10.04′ is available.
[125010660100] |Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions.
[125010660110] |To upgrade from Ubuntu 9.10 on a server system: install the update-manager-core package if it is not already installed; edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=normal; launch the upgrade tool with the command sudo do-release-upgrade -d; and follow the on-screen instructions.
[125010660120] |To upgrade from Ubuntu 8.04 LTS: follow the same instructions as for the appropriate Ubuntu 9.10 upgrade, but set Prompt=lts instead of Prompt=normal.
[125010660130] |Download
[125010660140] |Get it while it’s hot.
[125010660150] |ISOs and torrents are available at:
[125010660160] |http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/ (Ubuntu Desktop and Server) http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/beta-2/ (Ubuntu Server for UEC and EC2) http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/10.04/ (Kubuntu Desktop and Netbook Remix) http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/lucid/beta-2/ (Xubuntu) http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/lucid/beta-2/ (Edubuntu) http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/mythbuntu/releases/lucid/beta-2/ (Mythbuntu) http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/lucid/beta-2/ (Ubuntu Studio)
[125010660170] |For more details check here
[125010670010] |GNOME Terminator 0.92 released and Ubuntu installation instructions included
[125010670020] |Terminator is an application that provides lots of terminals in a single window, saving valuable screen space otherwise wasted on window decorations and not quite being able to fill the screen with terminals.
[125010670030] |Features:
[125010670040] |* Arrange terminals in a grid
[125010670050] |* Tabs
[125010670060] |* Drag and drop re-ordering of terminals
[125010670070] |* Lots of keyboard shortcuts
[125010670080] |* Save multiple layouts and profiles via GUI preferences editor
[125010670090] |* Simultaneous typing to arbitrary groups of terminals
[125010670100] |Changes to 0.92 version:- Bugs were fixed.
[125010670110] |The Palette section of the Profile preferences was finished.
[125010670120] |Install latest version of gnome terminator in Ubuntu lucid and karmic
[125010670130] |Open the terminal and run the following commands
[125010670140] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome-terminator sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install terminator
[125010670150] |Screenshot
[125010680010] |Monocaffe Connections Manager - set of tools to ease the management of SSH/VNC/RDP/FTP/Telnet/SSH Tunnels servers
[125010680020] |Monocaffe Connections Manager is a set of tools to ease the management of several servers.
[125010680030] |It’s aimed at network or system administrators who need to connect every day to different servers by different means.
[125010680040] |It can be used via an ncurses interface without requiring an X server, and it can be used via a GNOME-based GUI.
[125010680050] |Supported Connections:
[125010680060] |* SSH
[125010680070] |* VNC
[125010680080] |* RDP (Windows Remote Desktop)
[125010680090] |* FTP
[125010680100] |* Telnet
[125010680110] |* SSH Tunnels (Using SSH options)
[125010680120] |Features:
[125010680130] |* GTK GUI
[125010680140] |* Use different options for each connection
[125010680150] |* Export to HTML
[125010680160] |* Import from CSV’s generated by OpenOffice.org Calc
[125010680170] |* Export to ODF and HTML the list of connections
[125010680180] |* Clustered Commands (works, but needs some work)
[125010680190] |* Modify the console colors, transparency, etc.
[125010680200] |* Copy/Paste from/to the console.
[125010680210] |* Search google using selected text on the console.
[125010680220] |* Set the terminal title to the selected text.
[125010680230] |* Easy installation on Ubuntu.
[125010680240] |* Fast and easy to use reference for different tasks and programs:
[125010680250] |o Linux in general
[125010680260] |o Bash
[125010680270] |o Screen
[125010680280] |o Vim
[125010680290] |o EMacs
[125010680300] |o More…
[125010680310] |Install Monocaffe Connections Manager in Ubuntu
[125010680320] |You can download .deb package from here or run the following commnd from your terminal
[125010680330] |wget http://launchpad.net/mcm/trunk/0.9.2/+download/mcm-0.9.2_all.deb
[125010680340] |Install this .deb package by double clicking on it or run the following command from your terminal
[125010680350] |sudo dpkg -i mcm-0.9.2_all.deb
[125010680360] |Screenshot
[125010680370] |The Connections Tree separated in groups.
[125010680380] |From here you select a connection previously created and its information will appear on (2).
[125010680390] |By double clicking the connection will proceed.
[125010680400] |Information about the connection selected on (1).
[125010680410] |A connect button to open a connection to the selected server.
[125010680420] |The F2 key will hide (1) and (2)
[125010680430] |Tabbed windows with the different connections established.
[125010680440] |To open a connection on the local machine, you can press the small “Home” button beside the tabs.
[125010680450] |Tabs for the different established connections.
[125010680460] |You can navigate the tabs using the Alt+# combination.
[125010680470] |When any of the checkboxes in the tabs are activated, clustered commands (5) are enabled on the selected tabs.
[125010680480] |Clustered commands entry.
[125010680490] |Everything typed here will be sent to the selected terminals in (4).
[125010690010] |Gammu - Cellular manager for various mobile phones/modems
[125010690020] |Gammu (formerly known as MyGnokii2) is a cellular manager for various mobile phones/modems.
[125010690030] |It supports a wide variety of Nokia, Symbian, and AT devices (Siemens, Alcatel, Falcom, WaveCom, IPAQ, Samsung, SE, and others) over cables, infrared, or BlueTooth.
[125010690040] |It contains libraries with functions for ringtones, phonebook, SMS, logos, WAP, date/time, alarm, calls, and more (used by external applications like Wammu).
[125010690050] |It also includes a command line utility that can make many things (including backups) and an SMS gateway with full MySQL and PostgreSQL support from the PHP interface.
[125010690060] |Generally following features are supported:
[125010690070] |* Call listing, initiating and handling
[125010690080] |* SMS retrieval, backup and sending
[125010690090] |* MMS retrieval
[125010690100] |* Phonebook listing, export and import (also from standard formats such as vCard)
[125010690110] |* Calendar and tasks listing, export and import (also from standard formats such as vCalendar or iCalendar)
[125010690120] |* Retrieval of phone and network information
[125010690130] |* Access to phone file system (note that some phones work also as USB storage devices and those are not accessible through Gammu)
[125010690140] |Install Gammu in Ubuntu
[125010690150] |For Ubuntu Lucid and Karmic users open the terminal and run the following commands
[125010690160] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nijel/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gammu
[125010690170] |Screenshot
[125010700010] |Diffuse - Graphical tool for comparing and merging text files
[125010700020] |Diffuse is a graphical tool for comparing and merging text files.
[125010700030] |It can work with many revision control systems as a diff viewer or merge tool.
[125010700040] |Diffuse is able to compare an arbitrary number of files side-by-side (n-way merge), and gives the user the ability to manually correct line matching and directly edit the files.
[125010700050] |Install Diffuse in Ubuntu
[125010700060] |If you want to install latest version if diffuse use this procedure
[125010700070] |Download .deb package from here now install this .deb package by double clicking on it or run the following command from your terminal
[125010700080] |sudo dpkg -i diffuse_0.4.2-1_all.deb
[125010700090] |Command line examples
[125010700100] |Compare a Set of Files
[125010700110] |$ diffuse file1 file2 file3
[125010700120] |Review Local Changes or Fix Merge Conflicts
[125010700130] |$ diffuse -m
[125010700140] |Compare Specific Revisions
[125010700150] |$ diffuse -r rev1 -r rev2 file
[125010700160] |Inspect a Revision
[125010700170] |$ diffuse -c rev file
[125010700180] |Screenshot
[125010710010] |Access Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo and Zoho Webmail from your Ubuntu Desktop
[125010710020] |Webmail for Linux Desktops provides a generic mailto: handler and webmail config dialog that lets the user choose his preferred webmail provider on first run and through the desktops Preferences->Webmail facility.
[125010710030] |When clicking on mailto: links on your desktop or in your browser desktop-webmail will take care that the user gets redirected to his webmail of choice’s compose webpage with the proper fields pre-filled in.
[125010710040] |Currently default webmail providers are: Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo and Zoho.
[125010710050] |Currently this is available for ubuntu lucid
[125010710060] |Install this application using the following command from your terminal
[125010710070] |sudo aptitude install desktop-webmail
[125010710080] |Screenshots
[125010710090] |Credit goes here
[125010720010] |Bombono DVD - Easy to use program for making DVD video discs
[125010720020] |Bombono DVD is easy to use program for making DVD video discs.
[125010720030] |This program allows you to get video on optical discs without knowing many technical details.
[125010720040] |It provides the full authoring sequence: making chapters while browsing videos, custom menu creation, authoring, and optionally burning on DVD.
[125010720050] |Also, it features the interesting feature of re-authoring, which allows one to get video back from DVDs.
[125010720060] |The main features of Bombono DVD are:
[125010720070] |* Excellent MPEG viewer: Timeline and Monitor
[125010720080] |* Real WYSIWYG Menu Editor with live thumbnails
[125010720090] |* Comfortable Drag-n-Drop support
[125010720100] |* You can author to folder, make ISO-image or burn directly to DVD
[125010720110] |* Reauthoring: you can import video from DVD discs.
[125010720120] |Bombono DVD is Open Source software and freely distributed under GPL license.
[125010720130] |Install Bombono DVD in Ubuntu
[125010720140] |For Ubuntu Lucid and Karmic users open the terminal and run the following commands
[125010720150] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:muravjov-il/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install bombono-dvd
[125010720160] |For other ubuntu version users check here
[125010720170] |Screenshot
[125010730010] |Turpial - Twitter client written in Python
[125010730020] |Turpial is twitter client written in Python.
[125010730030] |Light, fast, fully functional and integrated to the user desktop
[125010730040] |Install Turpial in ubuntu lucid
[125010730050] |Run the following commands from your terminal
[125010730060] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:effie-jayx/turpial
[125010730070] |sudo apt-get update
[125010730080] |sudo apt-get install turpial
[125010740010] |Ninja - Privilege escalation detection system for GNU/Linux
[125010740020] |Ninja is a privilege escalation detection and prevention system for GNU/Linux hosts.
[125010740030] |While running, it will monitor process activity on the local host, and keep track of all processes running as root.
[125010740040] |If a process is spawned with UID or GID zero (root), ninja will log necessary informa-tion about this process, and optionally kill the process if it was spawned by an unauthorized user.
[125010740050] |A “magic” group can be specified, allowing members of this group to run any setuid/setgid root executable.
[125010740060] |Individual executables can be whitelisted.
[125010740070] |Ninja uses a fine grained whitelist that lets you whitelist executables on a group and/or user basis.
[125010740080] |This can be used to allow specific groups or individual users access to setuid/set-gid root programs, such as su and passwd.
[125010740090] |Install Ninja in Ubuntu
[125010740100] |sudo aptitude install ninja
[125010740110] |Configuring ninja
[125010740120] |1. Add a “magic” group (only members of the magic group are allowed root access).
[125010740130] |In this example we will call the group “ninja” , you may change the name if you wish.
[125010740140] |Take note of the group id (gid or number).
[125010740150] |sudo addgroup ninja Adding group `ninja’ (GID 1002) … Done.
[125010740160] |Add root, messagebus, and your administrative user(s) to the magic group.
[125010740170] |sudo usermod -a -G ninja root sudo usermod -a -G ninja messagebus sudo usermod -a -G ninja bodhi
[125010740180] |2. Make a log file, restrict access to both /etc/ninja and the log file to root.
[125010740190] |sudo touch /var/log/ninja.log sudo chmod o-rwx -R /etc/ninja/ sudo chmod o-rwx /var/log/ninja.log
[125010740200] |3. Using any editor, open /etc/ninja/ninja.conf
[125010740210] |sudo -e /etc/ninja/ninja.conf
[125010740220] |Make the following changes match the number with the magic group id:
[125010740230] |group = 1002
[125010740240] |Test ninja:
[125010740250] |sudo ninja start
[125010740260] |bodhi@lucid:~$ sudo -i
[125010740270] |root@lucid:~# sudo -u nobody /bin/bash
[125010740280] |bash: /root/.bashrc: Permission denied
[125010740290] |nobody@lucid:~$ whoami
[125010740300] |nobody
[125010740310] |nobody@lucid:~$ sudo -i
[125010740320] |[sudo] password for nobody: Sorry, try again.
[125010740330] |Exit the shell and/or close the terminal.
[125010740340] |At this time ninja is configured only to log events.
[125010740350] |Examining the log will show the event:
[125010740360] |lucid:~$ sudo cat /var/log/ninja.log
[125010740370] |NEW ROOT PROCESS: bash[2319] ppid=2015 uid=0 gid=0
[125010740380] |- ppid uid=1000(bodhi) gid=1000 ppid=2013 + bodhi is in magic group, all OK!
[125010740390] |NEW ROOT PROCESS: sudo[2338] ppid=2335 uid=0 gid=0
[125010740400] |- ppid uid=65534(nobody) gid=65534 ppid=2319 + UNAUTHORIZED PROCESS DETECTED: sudo[2338] (parent: bash[2335])
[125010740410] |- nokill option set, no signals sent
[125010740420] |Notice three things :
[125010740430] |1. bodhi was allowed to run sudo.
[125010740440] |2. ninja detected nobody was not authorized to run sudo.
[125010740450] |3. Last, ninja is configured with the “no kill” option, so did not take action.
[125010740460] |Reboot
[125010740470] |Before we complete our configuration of ninja, we need to test it.
[125010740480] |If ninja is misconfigured you may loose all root access !!!
[125010740490] |Clear the log
[125010740500] |sudo bash -c “> /var/log/ninja.log”
[125010740510] |Reboot, test root (sudo) access and run your system for a few hours or days (your choice).
[125010740520] |Watch the ninja log.
[125010740530] |If there are events you will need to determine if you need to configure ninja further, either via adding users to the ninja group or white listing processes.
[125010740540] |Add a user to the magic group
[125010740550] |Use the graphical tool or command line to add users to the ninja group
[125010740560] |sudo usermod -a -G ninja user_to_add
[125010740570] |Whitelisting a process
[125010740580] |Edit /etc/ninja/whitelist
[125010740590] |If you examine the file you will find there are already a few processes listed.
[125010740600] |If you need to add a process the syntax is
[125010740610] |/path_to/program:group:user
[125010740620] |where group/user is a group/user allowed to run the process
[125010740630] |Enable ninja
[125010740640] |Assuming you have configured ninja and you are not getting alerts in the ninja log, it is time to activate ninja.
[125010740650] |Using any editor, open /etc/ninja/ninja.conf
[125010740660] |sudo -e /etc/ninja/ninja.conf
[125010740670] |Change these lines
[125010740680] |no_kill = no no_kill_ppid = no
[125010740690] |restart ninja
[125010740700] |sudo service ninja restart
[125010740710] |Test ninja
[125010740720] |bodhi@lucid:/usr/share/doc/ninja$ sudo -i root@lucid:~# sudo -u nobody /bin/bash bash: /root/.bashrc: Permission denied nobody@lucid:~$ sudo -i
[125010740730] |Full Story
[125010750010] |aTunes - Full-featured audio player and manager
[125010750020] |aTunes is a full-featured audio player and manager, developed in Java programming language, so it can be executed on different platforms: Windows, Linux and Unix-like systems, …
[125010750030] |Currently plays mp3, ogg, wma, wav, flac, mp4 and radio streaming, allowing users to easily edit tags, organize music and rip Audio CDs.
[125010750040] |aTunes Features
[125010750050] |Player
[125010750060] |Supported formats: mp3, ogg, wma, wav, flac, mp4, m4a, ra, rm, cue
[125010750070] |Online radio supported
[125010750080] |Player engine: mplayer for all environments, xine for Linux systems
[125010750090] |Volume control, mute function
[125010750100] |Karaoke function
[125010750110] |Equalizer
[125010750120] |Normalization
[125010750130] |Shuffle and repeat options
[125010750140] |OSD (On-screen display)
[125010750150] |Hotkeys
[125010750160] |Tags
[125010750170] |Reads mp3, ogg, flac, wma, mp4, ra, rm tags
[125010750180] |Writes mp3, ogg, flac, wma, mp4 tags
[125010750190] |Reads and shows pictures included in ID3v2 tags
[125010750200] |Tag editor window
[125010750210] |Auto tag edition tools: set track number, genre, lyrics and so on automatically
[125010750220] |Some auto tag tools for all repository
[125010750230] |Extended search function
[125010750240] |Navigator
[125010750250] |Allows users to view music categorized by artist, album or genre in a hierarchy tree, or by folders
[125010750260] |Fast access to songs and albums
[125010750270] |Filter option to find easily artists, albums or genres
[125010750280] |Cover Navigator
[125010750290] |Playlist
[125010750300] |Support for huge playlist, with thousand of songs
[125010750310] |Support for multiple playlists at the same time
[125010750320] |Shows multiple columns: title, artist, album, genre, length, track number…
[125010750330] |Can be sorted by any of the columns
[125010750340] |Columns can be hidden for simplicity
[125010750350] |Support for open or save m3u playlists
[125010750360] |Full Drag-and-Drop support.
[125010750370] |Songs can be dragged from the navigator or from the OS file system
[125010750380] |Can be filtered
[125010750390] |Device view
[125010750400] |Connect your portable player or anything that could be mounted as a file system, and view in aTunes, copy to repository, synchronize, etc.
[125010750410] |Favorites
[125010750420] |Songs, albums or artists can be selected as favorites
[125010750430] |Favorite elements are shown in the “Favorites” tab in Navigator
[125010750440] |Internet
[125010750450] |Artist search tool in different web pages: YouTube, Google Video , Wikipedia, etc.
[125010750460] |Last.fm information: when a song is being played, album information, artist albums and similar artists are shown
[125010750470] |Last.fm profile update: songs played are submitted to your Last.fm profile
[125010750480] |Lyrics information: when a song is being played, automatically aTunes shows lyrics
[125010750490] |Related videos at YouTube
[125010750500] |Podcasts
[125010750510] |Subscribe your favorite podcast feeds and listen them in aTunes
[125010750520] |Download podcast feed entries to your hard disk
[125010750530] |Audio CD
[125010750540] |aTunes includes a cd ripper tool, using cdda2wav, lame, flac and oggenc.
[125010750550] |Just put an audio cd into your computer, and select “Import CD” in the “Tools” menu.
[125010750560] |You can select which tracks to rip, and get track names automatically from Amazon.
[125010750570] |Support for optional Nero AAC encoder.
[125010750580] |Support for optional FAAC encoder (except Windows OS)
[125010750590] |Support for CDParanoia on Mac OS X and Linux (limited functionality)
[125010750600] |Statistics
[125010750610] |Songs played, songs never played
[125010750620] |Songs most played
[125010750630] |Album most played
[125010750640] |Artist most played
[125010750650] |Last date of play
[125010750660] |GUI
[125010750670] |Standard view with all controls and features
[125010750680] |Multi window view.
[125010750690] |Every window element (navigator, playlist, context information) is shown as a separate window.
[125010750700] |Every window can be located and / or arranged as you want.
[125010750710] |System tray icon to control player
[125010750720] |Themes support: you can change aTunes colors by changing theme
[125010750730] |Full Screen Mode
[125010750740] |You can check aTunes features from here
[125010750750] |Install aTunes in Ubuntu
[125010750760] |You need to download .deb package from here
[125010750770] |Now you need to install .deb package using the foloowing command or by double clicking on it
[125010750780] |sudo dpkg -i atunes_2.0.0.deb
[125010750790] |Screenshot
[125010760010] |Asunder - Graphical audio CD ripper and encoder
[125010760020] |Asunder is a graphical Audio CD ripper and encoder for Linux.
[125010760030] |You can use it to save tracks from an Audio CD as any of WAV, MP3, OGG, FLAC, WavPack, Musepack, AAC, and Monkey’s Audio files.
[125010760040] |Features
[125010760050] |* Can save audio tracks as WAV, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, Wavpack, Musepack, AAC, and Monkey’s audio files
[125010760060] |* Uses CDDB to name and tag each track
[125010760070] |* Creates M3U playlists
[125010760080] |* Can encode to multiple formats in one session
[125010760090] |* Simultaneous rip and encode
[125010760100] |* Allows for each track to be by a different artist
[125010760110] |* Does not require a specific desktop environment
[125010760120] |Install Asunder in Ubuntu
[125010760130] |sudo apt-get install asunder
[125010760140] |Screenshot
[125010770010] |grub-choose-default - Control Grub Default through a GUI
[125010770020] |Do you have a dual boot system?
[125010770030] |Isn’t it annoying when you want to reboot from Linux into Windows or vice-versa, and you have to wait for the machine to shut down, the BIOS to initialize just so that you can now select the OS that you want to boot into? grub-choose-default gives you a GUI that you can use to easily select the next default for grub and you can go and grab a snack while your computer reboots without having to wait for anything.
[125010770040] |It’s a very simple program that just reads your grub menu entries and then lets you click on the one you want to be the next default.
[125010770050] |How It Works
[125010770060] |Since grub2 reached version 1.98, setting the default boot entry through the “grub environment” is supported.
[125010770070] |From Linux, the grub-set-default command is available again, just as before with grub-legacy.
[125010770080] |Under Windows grub’s code is used to edit the environment directly.
[125010770090] |Cross Platform
[125010770100] |grub-choose-default is available both for Linux and Windows.
[125010770110] |It should also work on other Unices, but has not been tested (user reports are welcome).
[125010770120] |Under Linux it reads /boot/grub/grub.cfg and sets your choice using grub-set-default.
[125010770130] |Under Windows you need to get access to your Linux /boot.
[125010770140] |If you are running ext2/3, then you can use Ext2IFS, which gives you access to your ext2/3 partitions as regular drives under Windows. grub-set-default currently needs this and thus does not work with /boot on reiserfs or other filesystems (unless someone can point me to a similar FS driver as Ext2IFS).
[125010770150] |Then grub-choose-default searches all your drives for boot/grub/grub.cfg or a grub/grub.cfg.
[125010770160] |The grub directory can be specified in the configuration file, which is located in the Profile folder’s “Application Data” subdirectory grub-choose-default.
[125010770170] |Add the line grub_dir=D:\\grub” to the end of the file, and remember to escape backslashes.
[125010770180] |Ending the Session
[125010770190] |Most of the time you will want to reboot after setting the new grub entry.
[125010770200] |How to end a session is specific to the desktop environment in Linux, and in the reboot/ directory are example scripts of how to end a session.
[125010770210] |The user can install the script of his choice in $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/grub-choose-default/reboot.
[125010770220] |Install grub-choose-default in ubuntu
[125010770230] |sudo aptitude install grub-choose-default
[125010770240] |Screenshot
[125010780010] |gPodder 2.5 released and Installation instruction included for Ubuntu
[125010780020] |gPodder is a Podcast receiver/catcher written in Python and pyGTK.
[125010780030] |It manages podcast feeds for you, and automatically downloads all podcasts from as many feeds as you like.
[125010780040] |If you are interested in Podcast feeds, simply put the feed URLs into gPodder and it will download all episodes for you automatically.
[125010780050] |If there is a new episode, it will get it for you.
[125010780060] |It supports download resume, if the server supports it.
[125010780070] |Changes in 2.5 : Changes: YouTube video downloads have been fixed, and most translations were updated.
[125010780080] |Some strings have also been changed to make the UI more usable.
[125010780090] |Features
[125010780100] |*iPod, MP3 player and mobile phone support *RSS, Atom, YouTube and Soundcloud feeds *Focus on Usability *Integrated with the my.gpodder.org Web Service *User interfaces: GTK+, Maemo 4, Maemo 5 and CLI *Open Source and Free Software (GPL v3 or later)
[125010780110] |Install Gpodder 2.5 in Ubuntu lucid and Karmic
[125010780120] |Open the terminal and run the following commands
[125010780130] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thp/gpodder
[125010780140] |sudo apt-get update
[125010780150] |sudo apt-get install gpodder
[125010780160] |Screenshot
[125010790010] |How to Create a separate /home partition in Ubuntu
[125010790020] |This tutorial will explain How to Create a separate /home partition in Ubuntu.
[125010790030] |Advantage
[125010790040] |If Ubuntu for some reason crashes and becomes unbootable and unfixable reinstalling will not delete all of your important data and settings.
[125010790050] |You simply specify the /home partition to be mounted at /home when reinstalling.
[125010790060] |Disadvantages
[125010790070] |Partitioning can end very badly if you dont know what your doing.
[125010790080] |To help make this easier, everything we do will be done with a GUI.
[125010790090] |All of these steps can also be accomplished with the Terminal though.
[125010790100] |Procedure to follow
[125010790110] |Step 1: Boot into the live CD
[125010790120] |Reboot your computer with your Ubuntu (or any live linux cd) in the cd drive and boot into the live system.
[125010790130] |Step 2: Partitioning the hard drive
[125010790140] |A. Start GParted from System->Administration->GParted
[125010790150] |On most systems, /dev/sda is the main partition so we will work with that.
[125010790160] |B. You should see all of the partitions on your hard drive.
[125010790170] |If you only have Ubuntu you will see 2: one is / and the other is swap.
[125010790180] |Right click on the / partition and select “Resize/Move” Shrink it to however big you wish you /home partition to be.
[125010790190] |C.
[125010790200] |Now right click the free space (it will say unallocated and have a grey square) and select “New” Make it whatever file system you wish, label it something if you want to keep better track of it, and click “Add”.
[125010790210] |We recomend you double check what you have done up to this point, there is no going back after step D
[125010790220] |D.
[125010790230] |To commit all these changes, click the check mark at the top of the program (it says “Apply all operations” if you hold your mouse over it) This will repartition your hard drive.
[125010790240] |Step 3: Reboot and add fstab entry
[125010790250] |A. Reboot your computer without the live cd in the drive.
[125010790260] |Log in as usual.
[125010790270] |If you have anything important in your /home folder, i recommend copying it to an external of the root drive so you will be able to add it back once you are done setting up the /home partition.
[125010790280] |B. Install Storage Device Manager by going here http://packages.ubuntu.com/pysdm and clicking the version that is for your version of Ubuntu.
[125010790290] |This will allow you to edit you fstab file and allow the new partition to be mounted as /home.
[125010790300] |C. Start Storage Device Manager by going to System->Administration->Storage Device Manager
[125010790310] |D. Click the dropdown arrow next to /dev/sda (or whichever hard disk your partitions are located on) and select the newly created partition.
[125010790320] |If it asks if you would like to configure it click yes.
[125010790330] |E. Next to Mountpoint, click the folder icon and goto File System (your root drive), click the home folder and then click open.
[125010790340] |This will assign the new partition a mount point at /home.
[125010790350] |F. Next to options, click the set defaults button.
[125010790360] |This will mount the partition at boot.
[125010790370] |Step 4: Reboot your system
[125010790380] |A. Reboot your computer and log into your account.
[125010790390] |You will have to set ownership of the /home folder with sudo chown YOURUSERNAME /home/YOURUSERNAME before you can copy your files and folders onto it.
[125010790400] |B. Done!
[125010790410] |Full Credit goes here
[125010800010] |Basenji - Media indexing tool designed for easy and fast indexing of media collections
[125010800020] |Basenji is a media indexing tool designed for easy and fast indexing of media collections.
[125010800030] |It currently supports indexing of removable media such as CDs and USB sticks and stores them as volume objects in a database.
[125010800040] |After being stored in this database, volumes can be browsed and searched through for specific files very quickly.
[125010800050] |Basenji has been developed with platform independence in mind right from the start, and presently consists of a GTK+ GUI frontend and a reusable library backend (VolumeDB) that implements the actual indexing, searching, and database logic.
[125010800060] |Basenji Key Features:
[125010800070] |Clean, Straightforward GUI Basenji’s GUI is easy to use and only exposes functionality that really matters.
[125010800080] |Powerful XESAM End User Search Language (superset) Search files using queries like e.g.: “holiday and type=image and filesize >1MB”
[125010800090] |Audio CD Support Besides indexing of filesystem volumes, Basenji also supports indexing of audio cds.
[125010800100] |Metadata Extraction Metadata like image dimensions or MP3 tags are extracted from files automatically.
[125010800110] |Thumbnail Creation Miniature pictures of media and document files (e.g. video, images, PDF) are created if desired.
[125010800120] |Modular, Extensible Software Architecture Basenji’s code base is split up in several modules (GUI, database API, platform specific code) and makes extensive use of modern OO concepts, resulting in increased maintainability/extensibility and reusable code.
[125010800130] |Crossplatform Basenji can be compiled on many platforms.
[125010800140] |Linux and Windows builds are available already.
[125010800150] |Install Basenji in Ubuntu Lucid and Karmic
[125010800160] |Open the terminal and run the following commands
[125010800170] |sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pulb/ppa
[125010800180] |sudo apt-get update
[125010800190] |sudo apt-get install basenji
[125010800200] |Screenshot
[125010810010] |Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Release Candidate available for download
[125010810020] |The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the Release Candidate for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Long-Term Support) Desktop and Server Editions and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server for Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC) and Amazon’s EC2, as well as Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Edition.
[125010810030] |Codenamed “Lucid Lynx”, 10.04 LTS continues Ubuntu’s proud tradition of integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution.We consider this release candidate to be complete, stable, and suitable for testing by any user.
[125010810040] |Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Desktop Edition and Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Edition continue the trend of ever-faster boot speeds, with improved startup times and a streamlined, smoother boot experience.Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server Edition provides even better integration of the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud, with its install-time cloud setup.
[125010810050] |Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server for UEC and EC2 brings the power and stability of the Ubuntu Server Edition to cloud computing, whether you’re using Amazon EC2 or your own Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud.The Ubuntu 10.04 family of variants, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, and Mythbuntu, also reach beta status today.
[125010810060] |The final release of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is scheduled for 29 April 2010 and will be supported for three years on desktops and five years on servers.
[125010810070] |Upgrading from Ubuntu 9.10 or Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
[125010810080] |To upgrade from Ubuntu 9.10 on a desktop system, press Alt+F2 and type in “update-manager -d” (without the quotes) into the command box.
[125010810090] |Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release ’10.04′ is available.
[125010810100] |Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions.
[125010810110] |To upgrade from Ubuntu 9.10 on a server system: install the update-manager-core package if it is not already installed; edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=normal; launch the upgrade tool with the command sudo do-release-upgrade -d; and follow the on-screen instructions.
[125010810120] |To upgrade from Ubuntu 8.04 LTS: follow the same instructions as for the appropriate Ubuntu 9.10 upgrade, but set Prompt=lts instead of Prompt=normal.
[125010810130] |Full release notes
[125010810140] |Download
[125010810150] |Get it while it’s hot.
[125010810160] |ISOs and torrents are available at:
[125010810170] |http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/ (Ubuntu Desktop, Netbook and Server) http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/rc/ (Ubuntu Server for UEC and EC2) http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/10.04/ (Kubuntu Desktop and Netbook Remix) http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/lucid/rc/ (Xubuntu) http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/lucid/rc/ (Edubuntu) http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/mythbuntu/releases/lucid/rc/ (Mythbuntu) http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/lucid/rc/ (Ubuntu Studio)
[125010820010] |How to mount ftp folder to local directory in Ubuntu
[125010820020] |This tutorial will explain how to mount ftp folder to local directory in Ubuntu.We have to use Curlftpfs for this purpose.CurlFtpFS is a filesystem for accessing FTP hosts based on FUSE and libcurl.
[125010820030] |Features
[125010820040] |CurlFtpFS differentiates itself from other FTP filesystems because it features:
[125010820050] |* SSLv3 and TLSv1 support
[125010820060] |* connecting through tunneling HTTP proxies
[125010820070] |* automatically reconnection if the server times out
[125010820080] |* transform absolute symlinks to point back into the ftp file system
[125010820090] |Install CurlFtpFS in Ubuntu
[125010820100] |sudo aptitude install curlftpfs
[125010820110] |Now you need to edit fstab file and configure the following command
[125010820120] |gksudo gedit /etc/fstab
[125010820130] |Add the following line
[125010820140] |curlftpfs#ftpUsername:ftpPassword@ftp://ftpUrl /localDirectory fuse rw,uid=1000,umask=0777,user,suid,allow_other,exec,auto,utf8 0 1
[125010820150] |Save and exit
[125010820160] |Now you need to run the following command from your terminal
[125010820170] |mount -a
[125010820180] |You also need to edit /etc/rc.local file this is because every time you boot you need to make sure your ftp folder is mounted properly
[125010820190] |gksudo gedit /etc/rc.local
[125010820200] |Add this just before the “exit 0″ line
[125010820210] |sudo curlftpfs -o umask=0777,uid=1000,gid=1000,allow_other ftp://username:password@your.ftpserver.here /localdirectory
[125010820220] |Save and exit
[125010820230] |Now you need to run the following command from your terminal
[125010820240] |mount -a
[125010830010] |Make Linux easier to use: Ailurus 10.04.2 is released
[125010830020] |Ailurus is an application designed for making Linux easier to use.
[125010830030] |You can use it to install software and change system settings.
[125010830040] |Ailurus 10.04.2 is released today.
[125010830050] |The major improvement is that you can launch specific function alone.
[125010830060] |Except “install software” function, other functions can be started within one second.
[125010830070] |The shortcuts are in “Applications” menu -> “System Tools” item -> “Ailurus - Quick Start” item.
[125010830080] |Other improvements are: In “system information” function:
[125010830090] |display OpenGL version
[125010830100] |In “system setting” function:
[125010830110] |explain how to one-click change font size
[125010830120] |change icon of login window
[125010830130] |do not cause error when cancel cleaning up operation
[125010830140] |In “install software” function:
[125010830150] |optimize software installation process
[125010830160] |display software license
[125010830170] |add “hardware”, “language support”, “embedded system”, “Nautilus context menu” categories
[125010830180] |add Acire, a Python code snippets management tool
[125010830190] |add Eclipse VEditor, a Verilog editor
[125010830200] |add PiTiVi, a video editor
[125010830210] |add “World of padman”, a 3D shoot game
[125010830220] |add Firefox Stylish extension
[125010830230] |add ImageMagicK, an image editor
[125010830240] |add OSD-Lyrics, a lyric displayer
[125010830250] |improve “quick install popular software” function
[125010830260] |In “clean up” function:
[125010830270] |clean up recent documents list
[125010830280] |clean up APT/YUM cache
[125010830290] |clean up Linux kernel
[125010830300] |clean up Ailurus cache
[125010830310] |In “search fastest repository” function:
[125010830320] |display remaining search time
[125010830330] |Other improvements:
[125010830340] |fix bug in previous version
[125010830350] |do not exit if failed to load icon
[125010830360] |improve new version checking code
[125010830370] |Currently Ailurus supports Ubuntu 8.04~10.04.
[125010830380] |Install sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ailurus sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ailurus
[125010830390] |Screenshot
[125010840010] |How do you change login and plymouth image in ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)
[125010840020] |This tutorial will explain How to change the boot splash screen (Plymouth’s boot image, or color, behind the “Ubuntu….” logo from purple to whatever you would like) image for 10.04
[125010840030] |Open the terminal and run the following commands
[125010840040] |sudo cp /usr/share/applications/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow
[125010840050] |Then logout, and you’ll see an Appearance window pop up.
[125010840060] |Change it to how you prefer it, then close it and login as usual.
[125010840070] |When you have logged in after finishing the customizing, run this command to prevent the Appearance window from opening at the GDM screen every time.
[125010840080] |sudo unlink /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop
[125010840090] |or
[125010840100] |If you want to install plymouth themes run the following command from your terminal
[125010840110] |sudo aptitude install plymouth-theme-*
[125010840120] |Now you can run the following commands to change login and plymouth screens
[125010840130] |sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
[125010840140] |gksu -u gdm dbus-launch gnome-appearance-properties
[125010850010] |X.org server memory leake bug fix released for ubuntu 10.04 [Call for testing]
[125010850020] |We are looking for people to help test this update.
[125010850030] |If you want to test the updated packages be sure to your put your results on the wiki page listed below.
[125010850040] |On April 15, a major memory leak was introduced into the X.org server which causes the computer to get slower and slower over some hours, and finally becoming totally sluggish.
[125010850050] |This is tracked in https://launchpad.net/bugs/565981 .
[125010850060] |Thanks to the tireless investigations of Robert Hooker and Tormod Volden, this was tracked down to a recently added patch which fixed some crashes intoduced by the GLX 1.4 enablement patches.
[125010850070] |A first attempt to fixing the memory problem wasn’t successful unfortunately, and isn’t easy.
[125010850080] |The safest solution right now is to roll back all three patches.
[125010850090] |This will fix both the memory leak and thus the performance problem, as well as avoid the X crashes which were introduced by the GLX 1.4 enabling.
[125010850100] |While we had this combination before, we haven’t tested it with the current lucid userspace, and thus we need some extensive tests on various hardware to get more data about it.
[125010850110] |We set up a wiki page to explain how to install the proposed packages and for adding feedback:
[125010850120] |https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Testing/GEMLeak
[125010850130] |On Friday we will check how much and which kind of feedback we got, and depending on that will decide about the risk of putting it into Lucid final, or doing an early SRU.
[125010850140] |(We need testing feedback in either case, of course).
[125010850150] |Thank you in advance for helping with testing!
[125010850160] |Check here for more updates
[125010850170] |Bug reported here
[125010860010] |A global menu for Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Edition
[125010860020] |In the netbook edition for 10.10, we’re going to have a single menu bar for all applications, in the panel.
[125010860030] |Our focus on netbooks has driven much of the desktop design work at Canonical.
[125010860040] |There are a number of constraints and challenges that are particular to netbooks, and often constraints can be a source of insight and inspiration.
[125010860050] |In this case, wanting to make the most of vertical space has driven the decision to embrace the single menu approach.
[125010860060] |It’s all about vertical pixels
[125010860070] |Netbooks are conventionally small-and-wide-screen devices.
[125010860080] |A common screen format is 1024×600.
[125010860090] |There’s plenty of horizontal space, but not a lot of vertical space.
[125010860100] |So we’ve been lead to explore options that really make the most of the vertical space.
[125010860110] |This is important because the main thing people do with a netbook is surf the web.
[125010860120] |And most pages will fit horizontally in a netbook screen, but they require quite a lot of vertical scrolling.
[125010860130] |The more we can optimise the use of vertical space, the more enjoyable it will be to spend time on the web, with your netbook.
[125010860140] |In the first few iterations of Ubuntu’s netbook-oriented UI, we concentrated on collapsing the window title into the top panel.
[125010860150] |In 10.10, we’re going to put the menu there.
[125010860160] |Only on the Netbook Edition UI
[125010860170] |We’re going to put the menu in the panel on the netbook edition of Ubuntu, and not on the desktop edition, because that’s where the screen real-estate is most precious.
[125010860180] |There are outstanding questions about the usability of a panel-hosted menu on much larger screens, where the window and the menu could be very far apart.
[125010860190] |Those questions are greatly diminished in the netbook environment, by definition.
[125010860200] |Also, the netbook edition has a reduced application load.
[125010860210] |That will reduce the number of applications we need to get this working on.
[125010860220] |However, it will be straightforward to use this on your desktop too, if you want, and we’d encourage people to try with that configuration.
[125010860230] |The more testing we have early on, the better we’ll understand how it works with different applications.
[125010860240] |It will be easy to add to the standard desktop panel for people who want to try it out, or prefer to work that way.
[125010860250] |Innovation: combining title and menu in a single panel
[125010860260] |It’s not confirmed yet, but we will aim to go beyond what Apple and others have done with panel menus, to consolidate both the window title (and window controls) into the panel along with the menu.
[125010860270] |By default, we’d display the contents of the title bar.
[125010860280] |When you mouse up to the panel, or when you press the Alt key, the contents would switch to the menu.
[125010860290] |That way, you’re looking at the document title most of the time, unless you move towards it to click on the menu.
[125010860300] |In mockups and prototype testing, the result was a leaner, cleaner feeling netbook interface.
[125010860310] |Less clutter, less wasted space, and improved clarity of purpose.
[125010860320] |We’ll have to get running code in front of users to evaluate the usability of it and tweak transitions and presentation.
[125010860330] |Generally, people use netbooks with a small set of applications running, all maximised.
[125010860340] |In that case, putting the menu in the panel will save 24 pixels, about 4% of the vertical space.
[125010860350] |Combined with other work on the netbook interface, we’re confident there is no better OS for surfing the net on your ultra-mobile netbook.
[125010860360] |Under the hood: d-bus menu transport
[125010860370] |The technical approach we are taking in this work is to build on the d-bus menu work that Cody Russel and Ted Gould have pioneered for our work on indicators.
[125010860380] |Essentially, this lets us map a menu into d-bus space, where a different application can take responsibility for rendering it.
[125010860390] |The technology works across both Gtk and Qt applications, so we are confident that it will work for the common cases of GNOME and KDE apps running on the Ubuntu netbook edition.
[125010860400] |Of course, there is a lot of work to be done to support applications that use different toolkits, notably the Mozilla suite of Firefox and Thunderbird, and OpenOffice.
[125010860410] |And there will be many applications which need some thought as to how best to map the experience from the current world of “one menu per window” to a single, panel-displayed menu.
[125010860420] |We’ve started working on this with the existing Global Menu project.
[125010860430] |While there are differences in the technical approach we want to take, that team has already identified many of the common issues, and there are great opportunities for us to collaborate.
[125010860440] |I’m looking forward to seeing the result in action in 10.10!
[125010860450] |Source from here
[125010870010] |Recover Data Like a Forensics Expert Using an Ubuntu Live CD
[125010870020] |Plenty of utilities can recover deleted files, but what if you can’t boot your computer, or the whole drive has been formatted?
[125010870030] |Here’s how to dig deep and recover the most elusive deleted files, or even whole partitions.
[125010870040] |Note: These tools cannot recover data that has been overwritten on a hard disk.
[125010870050] |Whether a deleted file has been overwritten depends on many factors – the quicker you realize that you want to recover a file, the more likely you will be able to do so.
[125010870060] |Our setup
[125010870070] |To show these tools, we’ve set up a small 1 GB hard drive, with half of the space partitioned as ext2, a file system used in Linux, and half the space partitioned as FAT32, a file system used in older Windows systems.
[125010870080] |We stored ten random pictures on each hard drive.
[125010870090] |We then wiped the partition table from the hard drive by deleting the partitions in GParted.
[125010870100] |Is our data lost forever?
[125010870110] |Installing the tools
[125010870120] |All of the tools we’re going to use are in Ubuntu’s universe repository.
[125010870130] |To enable the repository, open Synaptic Package Manager by clicking on System in the top-left, then Administration >Synaptic Package Manager.
[125010870140] |Click on Settings >Repositories and add a check in the box labelled “Community-maintained Open Source software (universe)”.
[125010870150] |Click Close, and then in the main Synaptic Package Manager window, click the Reload button.
[125010870160] |Once the package list has reloaded, and the search index rebuilt, search for and mark for installation one or all of the following packages: testdisk, foremost, and scalpel.
[125010870170] |Testdisk includes TestDisk, which can recover lost partitions and repair boot sectors, and PhotoRec, which can recover many different types of files from tons of different file systems.
[125010870180] |Foremost, originally developed by the US Air Force Office of Special Investigations, recovers files based on their headers and other internal structures.
[125010870190] |Foremost operates on hard drives or drive image files generated by various tools.
[125010870200] |Finally, scalpel performs the same functions as foremost, but is focused on enhanced performance and lower memory usage.
[125010870210] |Scalpel may run better if you have an older machine with less RAM.
[125010870220] |Recover hard drive partitions
[125010870230] |If you can’t mount your hard drive, then its partition table might be corrupted.
[125010870240] |Before you start trying to recover your important files, it may be possible to recover one or more partitions on your drive, recovering all of your files with one step.
[125010870250] |Testdisk is the tool for the job.
[125010870260] |Start it by opening a terminal (Applications >Accessories >Terminal) and typing in:
[125010870270] |sudo testdisk
[125010870280] |If you’d like, you can create a log file, though it won’t affect how much data you recover.
[125010870290] |Once you make your choice, you’re greeted with a list of the storage media on your machine.
[125010870300] |You should be able to identify the hard drive you want to recover partitions from by its size and label.
[125010870310] |Full Story
[125010880010] |Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid):How to disable Recent Documents in Places
[125010880020] |This tutorial will explain how to disable Recent Documents in Places in Ubuntu 10.04
[125010880030] |Open the terminal and run the following commands
[125010880040] |Create .gtkrc-2.0 file in your home directory
[125010880050] |$touch ~/.gtkrc-2.0
[125010880060] |Edit .gtkrc-2.0 file
[125010880070] |$gedit ~/.gtkrc-2.0
[125010880080] |Add the following line
[125010880090] |gtk-recent-files-max-age=0
[125010880100] |Save and exit the file
[125010880110] |You can also use ubuntu tweak for this
[125010890010] |Ubuntu floats 12,000 clouds (and counting)
[125010890020] |Canonical - the commercial entity behind the Ubuntu distribution of Linux - is taking to the clouds.
[125010890030] |But will cloud builders take to the new Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and its Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud variant?
[125010890040] |It sure looks like it, if the early results with UEC are any indication.
[125010890050] |Companies like the utility computing ideas embodied in Amazon’s EC2 compute cloud and S3 storage service.
[125010890060] |But any company that has been managing its own data processing for decades is not going to trust its key applications and workloads on EC2, no matter how cheap and easy it is, no matter how secure Amazon says it is.
[125010890070] |Established IT shops want their own internal EC2 and then the ability to burst selected workloads out onto cloud utilities they keep in reserve.
[125010890080] |The wonder is why Amazon has not already created on-premise EC2 appliances to peddle to security-crazed companies.
[125010890090] |The lack of such an EC2 appliance has left an opening for commercial Linux distributor Canonical, and it looks like it is a pretty big one.
[125010890100] |One you can’t just drive a truck (pardon me, lorry) through, but a whole convoy.
[125010890110] |According to Matt Asay, who joined the British software company back in February as chief operating officer, the company has more than 12,000 deployments of UEC, and it’s seeing about 200 downloads per day at this point.
[125010890120] |UEC made its commercial debut last summer atop Ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition and was refined in the fall with Ubuntu 9.10 Server Edition.
[125010890130] |Eucalyptus Systems, which had commercialized an open source tool for managing server images on clouds based on VMware’s ESX Server hypervisor and x64 iron and adhering to Amazon’s EC2 and S3 APIs, worked with Canonical to create a version of the Eucalyptus management framework that would integrate tightly with Ubuntu Server and make use of the KVM hypervisor that Canonical prefers over Xen (a tweaked version of which Amazon uses for the actual EC2 service).
[125010890140] |Asay says that some of those 12,000 UEC engagements have been ones where Canonical has been paid to help build and support clouds, and others are just people playing around with the code.
[125010890150] |The reason why Canonical has any number to speak of is that installing the UEC product requires the installer to hit the image store, where UEC images themselves are (as the name suggests) stored.
[125010890160] |Canonical does not put phone-home code into Ubuntu, as it violates the company’s sense of user privacy, so it doesn’t have any idea how many Ubuntu Server images are out there in the world - nor does it have any clue how many server nodes are being supported by those 12,000 UEC images.
[125010890170] |All the company can say is that 12,000 customers are actively using UEC, and based on the engagements where it has been involved, there are anywhere from two or three to hundreds of server nodes in these initial clouds.
[125010890180] |Full Story